Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- DetectProtectiveEquipment
- DeleteProject
- StartCelebrityRecognition
- GetPersonTracking
- GetTextDetection
- StartSegmentDetection
- ListCollections
- StartProjectVersion
- DeleteCollection
- CreateCollection
- StopStreamProcessor
- DetectLabels
- ListTagsForResource
- StartContentModeration
- SearchFacesByImage
- ListStreamProcessors
- DescribeCollection
- DeleteProjectVersion
- DescribeProjectVersions
- RecognizeCelebrities
- DetectCustomLabels
- GetFaceSearch
- StartLabelDetection
- SearchFaces
- IndexFaces
- GetLabelDetection
- StopProjectVersion
- DescribeStreamProcessor
- StartFaceSearch
- StartTextDetection
- StartPersonTracking
- GetCelebrityRecognition
- StartStreamProcessor
- DetectText
- GetSegmentDetection
- CompareFaces
- DetectFaces
- GetFaceDetection
- TagResource
- ListFaces
- CreateProjectVersion
- DescribeProjects
- GetContentModeration
- DeleteFaces
- GetCelebrityInfo
- DeleteStreamProcessor
- UntagResource
- DetectModerationLabels
- CreateStreamProcessor
- StartFaceDetection
- CreateProject
- Types
- AgeRange
- Asset
- AudioMetadata
- Beard
- BlackFrame
- BoundingBox
- Celebrity
- CelebrityDetail
- CelebrityRecognition
- CompareFacesMatch
- ComparedFace
- ComparedSourceImageFace
- ContentModerationDetection
- CoversBodyPart
- CustomLabel
- DetectTextFilters
- DetectionFilter
- Emotion
- EquipmentDetection
- EvaluationResult
- EyeOpen
- Eyeglasses
- Face
- FaceDetail
- FaceDetection
- FaceMatch
- FaceRecord
- FaceSearchSettings
- Gender
- Geometry
- GroundTruthManifest
- HumanLoopActivationOutput
- HumanLoopConfig
- HumanLoopDataAttributes
- Image
- ImageQuality
- Instance
- KinesisDataStream
- KinesisVideoStream
- KnownGender
- Label
- LabelDetection
- Landmark
- ModerationLabel
- MouthOpen
- Mustache
- NotificationChannel
- OutputConfig
- Parent
- PersonDetail
- PersonDetection
- PersonMatch
- Point
- Pose
- ProjectDescription
- ProjectVersionDescription
- ProtectiveEquipmentBodyPart
- ProtectiveEquipmentPerson
- ProtectiveEquipmentSummarizationAttributes
- ProtectiveEquipmentSummary
- RegionOfInterest
- S3Object
- SegmentDetection
- SegmentTypeInfo
- ShotSegment
- Smile
- StartSegmentDetectionFilters
- StartShotDetectionFilter
- StartTechnicalCueDetectionFilter
- StartTextDetectionFilters
- StreamProcessor
- StreamProcessorInput
- StreamProcessorOutput
- StreamProcessorSettings
- Summary
- Sunglasses
- TechnicalCueSegment
- TestingData
- TestingDataResult
- TextDetection
- TextDetectionResult
- TrainingData
- TrainingDataResult
- UnindexedFace
- ValidationData
- Video
- VideoMetadata
- detectProtectiveEquipment_summarizationAttributes :: Lens' DetectProtectiveEquipment (Maybe ProtectiveEquipmentSummarizationAttributes)
- detectProtectiveEquipment_image :: Lens' DetectProtectiveEquipment Image
- detectProtectiveEquipmentResponse_summary :: Lens' DetectProtectiveEquipmentResponse (Maybe ProtectiveEquipmentSummary)
- detectProtectiveEquipmentResponse_protectiveEquipmentModelVersion :: Lens' DetectProtectiveEquipmentResponse (Maybe Text)
- detectProtectiveEquipmentResponse_persons :: Lens' DetectProtectiveEquipmentResponse (Maybe [ProtectiveEquipmentPerson])
- detectProtectiveEquipmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetectProtectiveEquipmentResponse Int
- deleteProject_projectArn :: Lens' DeleteProject Text
- deleteProjectResponse_status :: Lens' DeleteProjectResponse (Maybe ProjectStatus)
- deleteProjectResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteProjectResponse Int
- startCelebrityRecognition_jobTag :: Lens' StartCelebrityRecognition (Maybe Text)
- startCelebrityRecognition_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartCelebrityRecognition (Maybe NotificationChannel)
- startCelebrityRecognition_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartCelebrityRecognition (Maybe Text)
- startCelebrityRecognition_video :: Lens' StartCelebrityRecognition Video
- startCelebrityRecognitionResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartCelebrityRecognitionResponse (Maybe Text)
- startCelebrityRecognitionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartCelebrityRecognitionResponse Int
- getPersonTracking_nextToken :: Lens' GetPersonTracking (Maybe Text)
- getPersonTracking_maxResults :: Lens' GetPersonTracking (Maybe Natural)
- getPersonTracking_sortBy :: Lens' GetPersonTracking (Maybe PersonTrackingSortBy)
- getPersonTracking_jobId :: Lens' GetPersonTracking Text
- getPersonTrackingResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetPersonTrackingResponse (Maybe Text)
- getPersonTrackingResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetPersonTrackingResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata)
- getPersonTrackingResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetPersonTrackingResponse (Maybe Text)
- getPersonTrackingResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetPersonTrackingResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus)
- getPersonTrackingResponse_persons :: Lens' GetPersonTrackingResponse (Maybe [PersonDetection])
- getPersonTrackingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetPersonTrackingResponse Int
- getTextDetection_nextToken :: Lens' GetTextDetection (Maybe Text)
- getTextDetection_maxResults :: Lens' GetTextDetection (Maybe Natural)
- getTextDetection_jobId :: Lens' GetTextDetection Text
- getTextDetectionResponse_textDetections :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse (Maybe [TextDetectionResult])
- getTextDetectionResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getTextDetectionResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata)
- getTextDetectionResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getTextDetectionResponse_textModelVersion :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getTextDetectionResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus)
- getTextDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse Int
- startSegmentDetection_jobTag :: Lens' StartSegmentDetection (Maybe Text)
- startSegmentDetection_filters :: Lens' StartSegmentDetection (Maybe StartSegmentDetectionFilters)
- startSegmentDetection_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartSegmentDetection (Maybe NotificationChannel)
- startSegmentDetection_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartSegmentDetection (Maybe Text)
- startSegmentDetection_video :: Lens' StartSegmentDetection Video
- startSegmentDetection_segmentTypes :: Lens' StartSegmentDetection (NonEmpty SegmentType)
- startSegmentDetectionResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- startSegmentDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartSegmentDetectionResponse Int
- listCollections_nextToken :: Lens' ListCollections (Maybe Text)
- listCollections_maxResults :: Lens' ListCollections (Maybe Natural)
- listCollectionsResponse_collectionIds :: Lens' ListCollectionsResponse (Maybe [Text])
- listCollectionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListCollectionsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listCollectionsResponse_faceModelVersions :: Lens' ListCollectionsResponse (Maybe [Text])
- listCollectionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListCollectionsResponse Int
- startProjectVersion_projectVersionArn :: Lens' StartProjectVersion Text
- startProjectVersion_minInferenceUnits :: Lens' StartProjectVersion Natural
- startProjectVersionResponse_status :: Lens' StartProjectVersionResponse (Maybe ProjectVersionStatus)
- startProjectVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartProjectVersionResponse Int
- deleteCollection_collectionId :: Lens' DeleteCollection Text
- deleteCollectionResponse_statusCode :: Lens' DeleteCollectionResponse (Maybe Natural)
- deleteCollectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteCollectionResponse Int
- createCollection_tags :: Lens' CreateCollection (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createCollection_collectionId :: Lens' CreateCollection Text
- createCollectionResponse_faceModelVersion :: Lens' CreateCollectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- createCollectionResponse_collectionArn :: Lens' CreateCollectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- createCollectionResponse_statusCode :: Lens' CreateCollectionResponse (Maybe Natural)
- createCollectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateCollectionResponse Int
- stopStreamProcessor_name :: Lens' StopStreamProcessor Text
- stopStreamProcessorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopStreamProcessorResponse Int
- detectLabels_minConfidence :: Lens' DetectLabels (Maybe Double)
- detectLabels_maxLabels :: Lens' DetectLabels (Maybe Natural)
- detectLabels_image :: Lens' DetectLabels Image
- detectLabelsResponse_labels :: Lens' DetectLabelsResponse (Maybe [Label])
- detectLabelsResponse_orientationCorrection :: Lens' DetectLabelsResponse (Maybe OrientationCorrection)
- detectLabelsResponse_labelModelVersion :: Lens' DetectLabelsResponse (Maybe Text)
- detectLabelsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetectLabelsResponse Int
- listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- startContentModeration_jobTag :: Lens' StartContentModeration (Maybe Text)
- startContentModeration_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartContentModeration (Maybe NotificationChannel)
- startContentModeration_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartContentModeration (Maybe Text)
- startContentModeration_minConfidence :: Lens' StartContentModeration (Maybe Double)
- startContentModeration_video :: Lens' StartContentModeration Video
- startContentModerationResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartContentModerationResponse (Maybe Text)
- startContentModerationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartContentModerationResponse Int
- searchFacesByImage_qualityFilter :: Lens' SearchFacesByImage (Maybe QualityFilter)
- searchFacesByImage_faceMatchThreshold :: Lens' SearchFacesByImage (Maybe Double)
- searchFacesByImage_maxFaces :: Lens' SearchFacesByImage (Maybe Natural)
- searchFacesByImage_collectionId :: Lens' SearchFacesByImage Text
- searchFacesByImage_image :: Lens' SearchFacesByImage Image
- searchFacesByImageResponse_faceMatches :: Lens' SearchFacesByImageResponse (Maybe [FaceMatch])
- searchFacesByImageResponse_faceModelVersion :: Lens' SearchFacesByImageResponse (Maybe Text)
- searchFacesByImageResponse_searchedFaceBoundingBox :: Lens' SearchFacesByImageResponse (Maybe BoundingBox)
- searchFacesByImageResponse_searchedFaceConfidence :: Lens' SearchFacesByImageResponse (Maybe Double)
- searchFacesByImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SearchFacesByImageResponse Int
- listStreamProcessors_nextToken :: Lens' ListStreamProcessors (Maybe Text)
- listStreamProcessors_maxResults :: Lens' ListStreamProcessors (Maybe Natural)
- listStreamProcessorsResponse_streamProcessors :: Lens' ListStreamProcessorsResponse (Maybe [StreamProcessor])
- listStreamProcessorsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListStreamProcessorsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listStreamProcessorsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStreamProcessorsResponse Int
- describeCollection_collectionId :: Lens' DescribeCollection Text
- describeCollectionResponse_faceModelVersion :: Lens' DescribeCollectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeCollectionResponse_faceCount :: Lens' DescribeCollectionResponse (Maybe Natural)
- describeCollectionResponse_creationTimestamp :: Lens' DescribeCollectionResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeCollectionResponse_collectionARN :: Lens' DescribeCollectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeCollectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeCollectionResponse Int
- deleteProjectVersion_projectVersionArn :: Lens' DeleteProjectVersion Text
- deleteProjectVersionResponse_status :: Lens' DeleteProjectVersionResponse (Maybe ProjectVersionStatus)
- deleteProjectVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteProjectVersionResponse Int
- describeProjectVersions_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersions (Maybe Text)
- describeProjectVersions_versionNames :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersions (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- describeProjectVersions_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersions (Maybe Natural)
- describeProjectVersions_projectArn :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersions Text
- describeProjectVersionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersionsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeProjectVersionsResponse_projectVersionDescriptions :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersionsResponse (Maybe [ProjectVersionDescription])
- describeProjectVersionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersionsResponse Int
- recognizeCelebrities_image :: Lens' RecognizeCelebrities Image
- recognizeCelebritiesResponse_celebrityFaces :: Lens' RecognizeCelebritiesResponse (Maybe [Celebrity])
- recognizeCelebritiesResponse_orientationCorrection :: Lens' RecognizeCelebritiesResponse (Maybe OrientationCorrection)
- recognizeCelebritiesResponse_unrecognizedFaces :: Lens' RecognizeCelebritiesResponse (Maybe [ComparedFace])
- recognizeCelebritiesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RecognizeCelebritiesResponse Int
- detectCustomLabels_minConfidence :: Lens' DetectCustomLabels (Maybe Double)
- detectCustomLabels_maxResults :: Lens' DetectCustomLabels (Maybe Natural)
- detectCustomLabels_projectVersionArn :: Lens' DetectCustomLabels Text
- detectCustomLabels_image :: Lens' DetectCustomLabels Image
- detectCustomLabelsResponse_customLabels :: Lens' DetectCustomLabelsResponse (Maybe [CustomLabel])
- detectCustomLabelsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetectCustomLabelsResponse Int
- getFaceSearch_nextToken :: Lens' GetFaceSearch (Maybe Text)
- getFaceSearch_maxResults :: Lens' GetFaceSearch (Maybe Natural)
- getFaceSearch_sortBy :: Lens' GetFaceSearch (Maybe FaceSearchSortBy)
- getFaceSearch_jobId :: Lens' GetFaceSearch Text
- getFaceSearchResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetFaceSearchResponse (Maybe Text)
- getFaceSearchResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetFaceSearchResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata)
- getFaceSearchResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetFaceSearchResponse (Maybe Text)
- getFaceSearchResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetFaceSearchResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus)
- getFaceSearchResponse_persons :: Lens' GetFaceSearchResponse (Maybe [PersonMatch])
- getFaceSearchResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetFaceSearchResponse Int
- startLabelDetection_jobTag :: Lens' StartLabelDetection (Maybe Text)
- startLabelDetection_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartLabelDetection (Maybe NotificationChannel)
- startLabelDetection_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartLabelDetection (Maybe Text)
- startLabelDetection_minConfidence :: Lens' StartLabelDetection (Maybe Double)
- startLabelDetection_video :: Lens' StartLabelDetection Video
- startLabelDetectionResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- startLabelDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartLabelDetectionResponse Int
- searchFaces_faceMatchThreshold :: Lens' SearchFaces (Maybe Double)
- searchFaces_maxFaces :: Lens' SearchFaces (Maybe Natural)
- searchFaces_collectionId :: Lens' SearchFaces Text
- searchFaces_faceId :: Lens' SearchFaces Text
- searchFacesResponse_faceMatches :: Lens' SearchFacesResponse (Maybe [FaceMatch])
- searchFacesResponse_faceModelVersion :: Lens' SearchFacesResponse (Maybe Text)
- searchFacesResponse_searchedFaceId :: Lens' SearchFacesResponse (Maybe Text)
- searchFacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SearchFacesResponse Int
- indexFaces_externalImageId :: Lens' IndexFaces (Maybe Text)
- indexFaces_qualityFilter :: Lens' IndexFaces (Maybe QualityFilter)
- indexFaces_maxFaces :: Lens' IndexFaces (Maybe Natural)
- indexFaces_detectionAttributes :: Lens' IndexFaces (Maybe [Attribute])
- indexFaces_collectionId :: Lens' IndexFaces Text
- indexFaces_image :: Lens' IndexFaces Image
- indexFacesResponse_faceModelVersion :: Lens' IndexFacesResponse (Maybe Text)
- indexFacesResponse_faceRecords :: Lens' IndexFacesResponse (Maybe [FaceRecord])
- indexFacesResponse_orientationCorrection :: Lens' IndexFacesResponse (Maybe OrientationCorrection)
- indexFacesResponse_unindexedFaces :: Lens' IndexFacesResponse (Maybe [UnindexedFace])
- indexFacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' IndexFacesResponse Int
- getLabelDetection_nextToken :: Lens' GetLabelDetection (Maybe Text)
- getLabelDetection_maxResults :: Lens' GetLabelDetection (Maybe Natural)
- getLabelDetection_sortBy :: Lens' GetLabelDetection (Maybe LabelDetectionSortBy)
- getLabelDetection_jobId :: Lens' GetLabelDetection Text
- getLabelDetectionResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLabelDetectionResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata)
- getLabelDetectionResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLabelDetectionResponse_labels :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe [LabelDetection])
- getLabelDetectionResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus)
- getLabelDetectionResponse_labelModelVersion :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLabelDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse Int
- stopProjectVersion_projectVersionArn :: Lens' StopProjectVersion Text
- stopProjectVersionResponse_status :: Lens' StopProjectVersionResponse (Maybe ProjectVersionStatus)
- stopProjectVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopProjectVersionResponse Int
- describeStreamProcessor_name :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessor Text
- describeStreamProcessorResponse_status :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe StreamProcessorStatus)
- describeStreamProcessorResponse_settings :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe StreamProcessorSettings)
- describeStreamProcessorResponse_input :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe StreamProcessorInput)
- describeStreamProcessorResponse_output :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe StreamProcessorOutput)
- describeStreamProcessorResponse_streamProcessorArn :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeStreamProcessorResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeStreamProcessorResponse_name :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeStreamProcessorResponse_creationTimestamp :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeStreamProcessorResponse_lastUpdateTimestamp :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeStreamProcessorResponse_roleArn :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeStreamProcessorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse Int
- startFaceSearch_faceMatchThreshold :: Lens' StartFaceSearch (Maybe Double)
- startFaceSearch_jobTag :: Lens' StartFaceSearch (Maybe Text)
- startFaceSearch_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartFaceSearch (Maybe NotificationChannel)
- startFaceSearch_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartFaceSearch (Maybe Text)
- startFaceSearch_video :: Lens' StartFaceSearch Video
- startFaceSearch_collectionId :: Lens' StartFaceSearch Text
- startFaceSearchResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartFaceSearchResponse (Maybe Text)
- startFaceSearchResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartFaceSearchResponse Int
- startTextDetection_jobTag :: Lens' StartTextDetection (Maybe Text)
- startTextDetection_filters :: Lens' StartTextDetection (Maybe StartTextDetectionFilters)
- startTextDetection_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartTextDetection (Maybe NotificationChannel)
- startTextDetection_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartTextDetection (Maybe Text)
- startTextDetection_video :: Lens' StartTextDetection Video
- startTextDetectionResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartTextDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- startTextDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartTextDetectionResponse Int
- startPersonTracking_jobTag :: Lens' StartPersonTracking (Maybe Text)
- startPersonTracking_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartPersonTracking (Maybe NotificationChannel)
- startPersonTracking_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartPersonTracking (Maybe Text)
- startPersonTracking_video :: Lens' StartPersonTracking Video
- startPersonTrackingResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartPersonTrackingResponse (Maybe Text)
- startPersonTrackingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartPersonTrackingResponse Int
- getCelebrityRecognition_nextToken :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognition (Maybe Text)
- getCelebrityRecognition_maxResults :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognition (Maybe Natural)
- getCelebrityRecognition_sortBy :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognition (Maybe CelebrityRecognitionSortBy)
- getCelebrityRecognition_jobId :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognition Text
- getCelebrityRecognitionResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognitionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getCelebrityRecognitionResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognitionResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata)
- getCelebrityRecognitionResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognitionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getCelebrityRecognitionResponse_celebrities :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognitionResponse (Maybe [CelebrityRecognition])
- getCelebrityRecognitionResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognitionResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus)
- getCelebrityRecognitionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognitionResponse Int
- startStreamProcessor_name :: Lens' StartStreamProcessor Text
- startStreamProcessorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartStreamProcessorResponse Int
- detectText_filters :: Lens' DetectText (Maybe DetectTextFilters)
- detectText_image :: Lens' DetectText Image
- detectTextResponse_textDetections :: Lens' DetectTextResponse (Maybe [TextDetection])
- detectTextResponse_textModelVersion :: Lens' DetectTextResponse (Maybe Text)
- detectTextResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetectTextResponse Int
- getSegmentDetection_nextToken :: Lens' GetSegmentDetection (Maybe Text)
- getSegmentDetection_maxResults :: Lens' GetSegmentDetection (Maybe Natural)
- getSegmentDetection_jobId :: Lens' GetSegmentDetection Text
- getSegmentDetectionResponse_selectedSegmentTypes :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe [SegmentTypeInfo])
- getSegmentDetectionResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getSegmentDetectionResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe [VideoMetadata])
- getSegmentDetectionResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getSegmentDetectionResponse_segments :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe [SegmentDetection])
- getSegmentDetectionResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus)
- getSegmentDetectionResponse_audioMetadata :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe [AudioMetadata])
- getSegmentDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse Int
- compareFaces_qualityFilter :: Lens' CompareFaces (Maybe QualityFilter)
- compareFaces_similarityThreshold :: Lens' CompareFaces (Maybe Double)
- compareFaces_sourceImage :: Lens' CompareFaces Image
- compareFaces_targetImage :: Lens' CompareFaces Image
- compareFacesResponse_faceMatches :: Lens' CompareFacesResponse (Maybe [CompareFacesMatch])
- compareFacesResponse_unmatchedFaces :: Lens' CompareFacesResponse (Maybe [ComparedFace])
- compareFacesResponse_targetImageOrientationCorrection :: Lens' CompareFacesResponse (Maybe OrientationCorrection)
- compareFacesResponse_sourceImageOrientationCorrection :: Lens' CompareFacesResponse (Maybe OrientationCorrection)
- compareFacesResponse_sourceImageFace :: Lens' CompareFacesResponse (Maybe ComparedSourceImageFace)
- compareFacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CompareFacesResponse Int
- detectFaces_attributes :: Lens' DetectFaces (Maybe [Attribute])
- detectFaces_image :: Lens' DetectFaces Image
- detectFacesResponse_orientationCorrection :: Lens' DetectFacesResponse (Maybe OrientationCorrection)
- detectFacesResponse_faceDetails :: Lens' DetectFacesResponse (Maybe [FaceDetail])
- detectFacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetectFacesResponse Int
- getFaceDetection_nextToken :: Lens' GetFaceDetection (Maybe Text)
- getFaceDetection_maxResults :: Lens' GetFaceDetection (Maybe Natural)
- getFaceDetection_jobId :: Lens' GetFaceDetection Text
- getFaceDetectionResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetFaceDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getFaceDetectionResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetFaceDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata)
- getFaceDetectionResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetFaceDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getFaceDetectionResponse_faces :: Lens' GetFaceDetectionResponse (Maybe [FaceDetection])
- getFaceDetectionResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetFaceDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus)
- getFaceDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetFaceDetectionResponse Int
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text)
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- listFaces_nextToken :: Lens' ListFaces (Maybe Text)
- listFaces_maxResults :: Lens' ListFaces (Maybe Natural)
- listFaces_collectionId :: Lens' ListFaces Text
- listFacesResponse_faceModelVersion :: Lens' ListFacesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listFacesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFacesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listFacesResponse_faces :: Lens' ListFacesResponse (Maybe [Face])
- listFacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFacesResponse Int
- createProjectVersion_kmsKeyId :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion (Maybe Text)
- createProjectVersion_tags :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createProjectVersion_projectArn :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion Text
- createProjectVersion_versionName :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion Text
- createProjectVersion_outputConfig :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion OutputConfig
- createProjectVersion_trainingData :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion TrainingData
- createProjectVersion_testingData :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion TestingData
- createProjectVersionResponse_projectVersionArn :: Lens' CreateProjectVersionResponse (Maybe Text)
- createProjectVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateProjectVersionResponse Int
- describeProjects_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeProjects (Maybe Text)
- describeProjects_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeProjects (Maybe Natural)
- describeProjectsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeProjectsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeProjectsResponse_projectDescriptions :: Lens' DescribeProjectsResponse (Maybe [ProjectDescription])
- describeProjectsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeProjectsResponse Int
- getContentModeration_nextToken :: Lens' GetContentModeration (Maybe Text)
- getContentModeration_maxResults :: Lens' GetContentModeration (Maybe Natural)
- getContentModeration_sortBy :: Lens' GetContentModeration (Maybe ContentModerationSortBy)
- getContentModeration_jobId :: Lens' GetContentModeration Text
- getContentModerationResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse (Maybe Text)
- getContentModerationResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata)
- getContentModerationResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse (Maybe Text)
- getContentModerationResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus)
- getContentModerationResponse_moderationModelVersion :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse (Maybe Text)
- getContentModerationResponse_moderationLabels :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse (Maybe [ContentModerationDetection])
- getContentModerationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse Int
- deleteFaces_collectionId :: Lens' DeleteFaces Text
- deleteFaces_faceIds :: Lens' DeleteFaces (NonEmpty Text)
- deleteFacesResponse_deletedFaces :: Lens' DeleteFacesResponse (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- deleteFacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteFacesResponse Int
- getCelebrityInfo_id :: Lens' GetCelebrityInfo Text
- getCelebrityInfoResponse_urls :: Lens' GetCelebrityInfoResponse (Maybe [Text])
- getCelebrityInfoResponse_knownGender :: Lens' GetCelebrityInfoResponse (Maybe KnownGender)
- getCelebrityInfoResponse_name :: Lens' GetCelebrityInfoResponse (Maybe Text)
- getCelebrityInfoResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetCelebrityInfoResponse Int
- deleteStreamProcessor_name :: Lens' DeleteStreamProcessor Text
- deleteStreamProcessorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteStreamProcessorResponse Int
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text]
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- detectModerationLabels_humanLoopConfig :: Lens' DetectModerationLabels (Maybe HumanLoopConfig)
- detectModerationLabels_minConfidence :: Lens' DetectModerationLabels (Maybe Double)
- detectModerationLabels_image :: Lens' DetectModerationLabels Image
- detectModerationLabelsResponse_humanLoopActivationOutput :: Lens' DetectModerationLabelsResponse (Maybe HumanLoopActivationOutput)
- detectModerationLabelsResponse_moderationModelVersion :: Lens' DetectModerationLabelsResponse (Maybe Text)
- detectModerationLabelsResponse_moderationLabels :: Lens' DetectModerationLabelsResponse (Maybe [ModerationLabel])
- detectModerationLabelsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetectModerationLabelsResponse Int
- createStreamProcessor_tags :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessor (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createStreamProcessor_input :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessor StreamProcessorInput
- createStreamProcessor_output :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessor StreamProcessorOutput
- createStreamProcessor_name :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessor Text
- createStreamProcessor_settings :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessor StreamProcessorSettings
- createStreamProcessor_roleArn :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessor Text
- createStreamProcessorResponse_streamProcessorArn :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe Text)
- createStreamProcessorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessorResponse Int
- startFaceDetection_jobTag :: Lens' StartFaceDetection (Maybe Text)
- startFaceDetection_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartFaceDetection (Maybe NotificationChannel)
- startFaceDetection_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartFaceDetection (Maybe Text)
- startFaceDetection_faceAttributes :: Lens' StartFaceDetection (Maybe FaceAttributes)
- startFaceDetection_video :: Lens' StartFaceDetection Video
- startFaceDetectionResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartFaceDetectionResponse (Maybe Text)
- startFaceDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartFaceDetectionResponse Int
- createProject_projectName :: Lens' CreateProject Text
- createProjectResponse_projectArn :: Lens' CreateProjectResponse (Maybe Text)
- createProjectResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateProjectResponse Int
- ageRange_low :: Lens' AgeRange (Maybe Natural)
- ageRange_high :: Lens' AgeRange (Maybe Natural)
- asset_groundTruthManifest :: Lens' Asset (Maybe GroundTruthManifest)
- audioMetadata_codec :: Lens' AudioMetadata (Maybe Text)
- audioMetadata_sampleRate :: Lens' AudioMetadata (Maybe Natural)
- audioMetadata_numberOfChannels :: Lens' AudioMetadata (Maybe Natural)
- audioMetadata_durationMillis :: Lens' AudioMetadata (Maybe Natural)
- beard_value :: Lens' Beard (Maybe Bool)
- beard_confidence :: Lens' Beard (Maybe Double)
- blackFrame_maxPixelThreshold :: Lens' BlackFrame (Maybe Double)
- blackFrame_minCoveragePercentage :: Lens' BlackFrame (Maybe Double)
- boundingBox_height :: Lens' BoundingBox (Maybe Double)
- boundingBox_left :: Lens' BoundingBox (Maybe Double)
- boundingBox_width :: Lens' BoundingBox (Maybe Double)
- boundingBox_top :: Lens' BoundingBox (Maybe Double)
- celebrity_matchConfidence :: Lens' Celebrity (Maybe Double)
- celebrity_urls :: Lens' Celebrity (Maybe [Text])
- celebrity_knownGender :: Lens' Celebrity (Maybe KnownGender)
- celebrity_name :: Lens' Celebrity (Maybe Text)
- celebrity_id :: Lens' Celebrity (Maybe Text)
- celebrity_face :: Lens' Celebrity (Maybe ComparedFace)
- celebrityDetail_boundingBox :: Lens' CelebrityDetail (Maybe BoundingBox)
- celebrityDetail_urls :: Lens' CelebrityDetail (Maybe [Text])
- celebrityDetail_confidence :: Lens' CelebrityDetail (Maybe Double)
- celebrityDetail_name :: Lens' CelebrityDetail (Maybe Text)
- celebrityDetail_id :: Lens' CelebrityDetail (Maybe Text)
- celebrityDetail_face :: Lens' CelebrityDetail (Maybe FaceDetail)
- celebrityRecognition_celebrity :: Lens' CelebrityRecognition (Maybe CelebrityDetail)
- celebrityRecognition_timestamp :: Lens' CelebrityRecognition (Maybe Integer)
- compareFacesMatch_similarity :: Lens' CompareFacesMatch (Maybe Double)
- compareFacesMatch_face :: Lens' CompareFacesMatch (Maybe ComparedFace)
- comparedFace_boundingBox :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe BoundingBox)
- comparedFace_emotions :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe [Emotion])
- comparedFace_pose :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe Pose)
- comparedFace_confidence :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe Double)
- comparedFace_quality :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe ImageQuality)
- comparedFace_smile :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe Smile)
- comparedFace_landmarks :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe [Landmark])
- comparedSourceImageFace_boundingBox :: Lens' ComparedSourceImageFace (Maybe BoundingBox)
- comparedSourceImageFace_confidence :: Lens' ComparedSourceImageFace (Maybe Double)
- contentModerationDetection_moderationLabel :: Lens' ContentModerationDetection (Maybe ModerationLabel)
- contentModerationDetection_timestamp :: Lens' ContentModerationDetection (Maybe Integer)
- coversBodyPart_value :: Lens' CoversBodyPart (Maybe Bool)
- coversBodyPart_confidence :: Lens' CoversBodyPart (Maybe Double)
- customLabel_confidence :: Lens' CustomLabel (Maybe Double)
- customLabel_name :: Lens' CustomLabel (Maybe Text)
- customLabel_geometry :: Lens' CustomLabel (Maybe Geometry)
- detectTextFilters_regionsOfInterest :: Lens' DetectTextFilters (Maybe [RegionOfInterest])
- detectTextFilters_wordFilter :: Lens' DetectTextFilters (Maybe DetectionFilter)
- detectionFilter_minBoundingBoxHeight :: Lens' DetectionFilter (Maybe Double)
- detectionFilter_minBoundingBoxWidth :: Lens' DetectionFilter (Maybe Double)
- detectionFilter_minConfidence :: Lens' DetectionFilter (Maybe Double)
- emotion_confidence :: Lens' Emotion (Maybe Double)
- emotion_type :: Lens' Emotion (Maybe EmotionName)
- equipmentDetection_boundingBox :: Lens' EquipmentDetection (Maybe BoundingBox)
- equipmentDetection_coversBodyPart :: Lens' EquipmentDetection (Maybe CoversBodyPart)
- equipmentDetection_confidence :: Lens' EquipmentDetection (Maybe Double)
- equipmentDetection_type :: Lens' EquipmentDetection (Maybe ProtectiveEquipmentType)
- evaluationResult_summary :: Lens' EvaluationResult (Maybe Summary)
- evaluationResult_f1Score :: Lens' EvaluationResult (Maybe Double)
- eyeOpen_value :: Lens' EyeOpen (Maybe Bool)
- eyeOpen_confidence :: Lens' EyeOpen (Maybe Double)
- eyeglasses_value :: Lens' Eyeglasses (Maybe Bool)
- eyeglasses_confidence :: Lens' Eyeglasses (Maybe Double)
- face_faceId :: Lens' Face (Maybe Text)
- face_boundingBox :: Lens' Face (Maybe BoundingBox)
- face_externalImageId :: Lens' Face (Maybe Text)
- face_confidence :: Lens' Face (Maybe Double)
- face_imageId :: Lens' Face (Maybe Text)
- faceDetail_ageRange :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe AgeRange)
- faceDetail_sunglasses :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Sunglasses)
- faceDetail_mouthOpen :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe MouthOpen)
- faceDetail_boundingBox :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe BoundingBox)
- faceDetail_emotions :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe [Emotion])
- faceDetail_eyesOpen :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe EyeOpen)
- faceDetail_pose :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Pose)
- faceDetail_confidence :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Double)
- faceDetail_gender :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Gender)
- faceDetail_quality :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe ImageQuality)
- faceDetail_eyeglasses :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Eyeglasses)
- faceDetail_beard :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Beard)
- faceDetail_mustache :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Mustache)
- faceDetail_smile :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Smile)
- faceDetail_landmarks :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe [Landmark])
- faceDetection_timestamp :: Lens' FaceDetection (Maybe Integer)
- faceDetection_face :: Lens' FaceDetection (Maybe FaceDetail)
- faceMatch_similarity :: Lens' FaceMatch (Maybe Double)
- faceMatch_face :: Lens' FaceMatch (Maybe Face)
- faceRecord_faceDetail :: Lens' FaceRecord (Maybe FaceDetail)
- faceRecord_face :: Lens' FaceRecord (Maybe Face)
- faceSearchSettings_faceMatchThreshold :: Lens' FaceSearchSettings (Maybe Double)
- faceSearchSettings_collectionId :: Lens' FaceSearchSettings (Maybe Text)
- gender_value :: Lens' Gender (Maybe GenderType)
- gender_confidence :: Lens' Gender (Maybe Double)
- geometry_boundingBox :: Lens' Geometry (Maybe BoundingBox)
- geometry_polygon :: Lens' Geometry (Maybe [Point])
- groundTruthManifest_s3Object :: Lens' GroundTruthManifest (Maybe S3Object)
- humanLoopActivationOutput_humanLoopActivationReasons :: Lens' HumanLoopActivationOutput (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- humanLoopActivationOutput_humanLoopArn :: Lens' HumanLoopActivationOutput (Maybe Text)
- humanLoopActivationOutput_humanLoopActivationConditionsEvaluationResults :: Lens' HumanLoopActivationOutput (Maybe Text)
- humanLoopConfig_dataAttributes :: Lens' HumanLoopConfig (Maybe HumanLoopDataAttributes)
- humanLoopConfig_humanLoopName :: Lens' HumanLoopConfig Text
- humanLoopConfig_flowDefinitionArn :: Lens' HumanLoopConfig Text
- humanLoopDataAttributes_contentClassifiers :: Lens' HumanLoopDataAttributes (Maybe [ContentClassifier])
- image_s3Object :: Lens' Image (Maybe S3Object)
- image_bytes :: Lens' Image (Maybe ByteString)
- imageQuality_sharpness :: Lens' ImageQuality (Maybe Double)
- imageQuality_brightness :: Lens' ImageQuality (Maybe Double)
- instance_boundingBox :: Lens' Instance (Maybe BoundingBox)
- instance_confidence :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Double)
- kinesisDataStream_arn :: Lens' KinesisDataStream (Maybe Text)
- kinesisVideoStream_arn :: Lens' KinesisVideoStream (Maybe Text)
- knownGender_type :: Lens' KnownGender (Maybe KnownGenderType)
- label_confidence :: Lens' Label (Maybe Double)
- label_parents :: Lens' Label (Maybe [Parent])
- label_name :: Lens' Label (Maybe Text)
- label_instances :: Lens' Label (Maybe [Instance])
- labelDetection_label :: Lens' LabelDetection (Maybe Label)
- labelDetection_timestamp :: Lens' LabelDetection (Maybe Integer)
- landmark_type :: Lens' Landmark (Maybe LandmarkType)
- landmark_x :: Lens' Landmark (Maybe Double)
- landmark_y :: Lens' Landmark (Maybe Double)
- moderationLabel_confidence :: Lens' ModerationLabel (Maybe Double)
- moderationLabel_name :: Lens' ModerationLabel (Maybe Text)
- moderationLabel_parentName :: Lens' ModerationLabel (Maybe Text)
- mouthOpen_value :: Lens' MouthOpen (Maybe Bool)
- mouthOpen_confidence :: Lens' MouthOpen (Maybe Double)
- mustache_value :: Lens' Mustache (Maybe Bool)
- mustache_confidence :: Lens' Mustache (Maybe Double)
- notificationChannel_sNSTopicArn :: Lens' NotificationChannel Text
- notificationChannel_roleArn :: Lens' NotificationChannel Text
- outputConfig_s3KeyPrefix :: Lens' OutputConfig (Maybe Text)
- outputConfig_s3Bucket :: Lens' OutputConfig (Maybe Text)
- parent_name :: Lens' Parent (Maybe Text)
- personDetail_boundingBox :: Lens' PersonDetail (Maybe BoundingBox)
- personDetail_index :: Lens' PersonDetail (Maybe Integer)
- personDetail_face :: Lens' PersonDetail (Maybe FaceDetail)
- personDetection_person :: Lens' PersonDetection (Maybe PersonDetail)
- personDetection_timestamp :: Lens' PersonDetection (Maybe Integer)
- personMatch_faceMatches :: Lens' PersonMatch (Maybe [FaceMatch])
- personMatch_person :: Lens' PersonMatch (Maybe PersonDetail)
- personMatch_timestamp :: Lens' PersonMatch (Maybe Integer)
- point_x :: Lens' Point (Maybe Double)
- point_y :: Lens' Point (Maybe Double)
- pose_yaw :: Lens' Pose (Maybe Double)
- pose_roll :: Lens' Pose (Maybe Double)
- pose_pitch :: Lens' Pose (Maybe Double)
- projectDescription_status :: Lens' ProjectDescription (Maybe ProjectStatus)
- projectDescription_creationTimestamp :: Lens' ProjectDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- projectDescription_projectArn :: Lens' ProjectDescription (Maybe Text)
- projectVersionDescription_minInferenceUnits :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe Natural)
- projectVersionDescription_status :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe ProjectVersionStatus)
- projectVersionDescription_evaluationResult :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe EvaluationResult)
- projectVersionDescription_manifestSummary :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe GroundTruthManifest)
- projectVersionDescription_kmsKeyId :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe Text)
- projectVersionDescription_testingDataResult :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe TestingDataResult)
- projectVersionDescription_statusMessage :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe Text)
- projectVersionDescription_creationTimestamp :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- projectVersionDescription_projectVersionArn :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe Text)
- projectVersionDescription_outputConfig :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe OutputConfig)
- projectVersionDescription_billableTrainingTimeInSeconds :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe Natural)
- projectVersionDescription_trainingEndTimestamp :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- projectVersionDescription_trainingDataResult :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe TrainingDataResult)
- protectiveEquipmentBodyPart_equipmentDetections :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentBodyPart (Maybe [EquipmentDetection])
- protectiveEquipmentBodyPart_confidence :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentBodyPart (Maybe Double)
- protectiveEquipmentBodyPart_name :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentBodyPart (Maybe BodyPart)
- protectiveEquipmentPerson_bodyParts :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentPerson (Maybe [ProtectiveEquipmentBodyPart])
- protectiveEquipmentPerson_boundingBox :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentPerson (Maybe BoundingBox)
- protectiveEquipmentPerson_confidence :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentPerson (Maybe Double)
- protectiveEquipmentPerson_id :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentPerson (Maybe Natural)
- protectiveEquipmentSummarizationAttributes_minConfidence :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentSummarizationAttributes Double
- protectiveEquipmentSummarizationAttributes_requiredEquipmentTypes :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentSummarizationAttributes [ProtectiveEquipmentType]
- protectiveEquipmentSummary_personsWithRequiredEquipment :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentSummary (Maybe [Natural])
- protectiveEquipmentSummary_personsWithoutRequiredEquipment :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentSummary (Maybe [Natural])
- protectiveEquipmentSummary_personsIndeterminate :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentSummary (Maybe [Natural])
- regionOfInterest_boundingBox :: Lens' RegionOfInterest (Maybe BoundingBox)
- s3Object_bucket :: Lens' S3Object (Maybe Text)
- s3Object_name :: Lens' S3Object (Maybe Text)
- s3Object_version :: Lens' S3Object (Maybe Text)
- segmentDetection_technicalCueSegment :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe TechnicalCueSegment)
- segmentDetection_endFrameNumber :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Natural)
- segmentDetection_durationSMPTE :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Text)
- segmentDetection_endTimestampMillis :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Integer)
- segmentDetection_startTimecodeSMPTE :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Text)
- segmentDetection_endTimecodeSMPTE :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Text)
- segmentDetection_durationMillis :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Natural)
- segmentDetection_durationFrames :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Natural)
- segmentDetection_startTimestampMillis :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Integer)
- segmentDetection_type :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe SegmentType)
- segmentDetection_shotSegment :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe ShotSegment)
- segmentDetection_startFrameNumber :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Natural)
- segmentTypeInfo_modelVersion :: Lens' SegmentTypeInfo (Maybe Text)
- segmentTypeInfo_type :: Lens' SegmentTypeInfo (Maybe SegmentType)
- shotSegment_confidence :: Lens' ShotSegment (Maybe Double)
- shotSegment_index :: Lens' ShotSegment (Maybe Natural)
- smile_value :: Lens' Smile (Maybe Bool)
- smile_confidence :: Lens' Smile (Maybe Double)
- startSegmentDetectionFilters_technicalCueFilter :: Lens' StartSegmentDetectionFilters (Maybe StartTechnicalCueDetectionFilter)
- startSegmentDetectionFilters_shotFilter :: Lens' StartSegmentDetectionFilters (Maybe StartShotDetectionFilter)
- startShotDetectionFilter_minSegmentConfidence :: Lens' StartShotDetectionFilter (Maybe Double)
- startTechnicalCueDetectionFilter_blackFrame :: Lens' StartTechnicalCueDetectionFilter (Maybe BlackFrame)
- startTechnicalCueDetectionFilter_minSegmentConfidence :: Lens' StartTechnicalCueDetectionFilter (Maybe Double)
- startTextDetectionFilters_regionsOfInterest :: Lens' StartTextDetectionFilters (Maybe [RegionOfInterest])
- startTextDetectionFilters_wordFilter :: Lens' StartTextDetectionFilters (Maybe DetectionFilter)
- streamProcessor_status :: Lens' StreamProcessor (Maybe StreamProcessorStatus)
- streamProcessor_name :: Lens' StreamProcessor (Maybe Text)
- streamProcessorInput_kinesisVideoStream :: Lens' StreamProcessorInput (Maybe KinesisVideoStream)
- streamProcessorOutput_kinesisDataStream :: Lens' StreamProcessorOutput (Maybe KinesisDataStream)
- streamProcessorSettings_faceSearch :: Lens' StreamProcessorSettings (Maybe FaceSearchSettings)
- summary_s3Object :: Lens' Summary (Maybe S3Object)
- sunglasses_value :: Lens' Sunglasses (Maybe Bool)
- sunglasses_confidence :: Lens' Sunglasses (Maybe Double)
- technicalCueSegment_confidence :: Lens' TechnicalCueSegment (Maybe Double)
- technicalCueSegment_type :: Lens' TechnicalCueSegment (Maybe TechnicalCueType)
- testingData_assets :: Lens' TestingData (Maybe [Asset])
- testingData_autoCreate :: Lens' TestingData (Maybe Bool)
- testingDataResult_input :: Lens' TestingDataResult (Maybe TestingData)
- testingDataResult_output :: Lens' TestingDataResult (Maybe TestingData)
- testingDataResult_validation :: Lens' TestingDataResult (Maybe ValidationData)
- textDetection_detectedText :: Lens' TextDetection (Maybe Text)
- textDetection_confidence :: Lens' TextDetection (Maybe Double)
- textDetection_geometry :: Lens' TextDetection (Maybe Geometry)
- textDetection_id :: Lens' TextDetection (Maybe Natural)
- textDetection_type :: Lens' TextDetection (Maybe TextTypes)
- textDetection_parentId :: Lens' TextDetection (Maybe Natural)
- textDetectionResult_textDetection :: Lens' TextDetectionResult (Maybe TextDetection)
- textDetectionResult_timestamp :: Lens' TextDetectionResult (Maybe Integer)
- trainingData_assets :: Lens' TrainingData (Maybe [Asset])
- trainingDataResult_input :: Lens' TrainingDataResult (Maybe TrainingData)
- trainingDataResult_output :: Lens' TrainingDataResult (Maybe TrainingData)
- trainingDataResult_validation :: Lens' TrainingDataResult (Maybe ValidationData)
- unindexedFace_reasons :: Lens' UnindexedFace (Maybe [Reason])
- unindexedFace_faceDetail :: Lens' UnindexedFace (Maybe FaceDetail)
- validationData_assets :: Lens' ValidationData (Maybe [Asset])
- video_s3Object :: Lens' Video (Maybe S3Object)
- videoMetadata_frameRate :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe Double)
- videoMetadata_colorRange :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe VideoColorRange)
- videoMetadata_format :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe Text)
- videoMetadata_codec :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe Text)
- videoMetadata_frameHeight :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe Natural)
- videoMetadata_durationMillis :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe Natural)
- videoMetadata_frameWidth :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe Natural)
detectProtectiveEquipment_summarizationAttributes :: Lens' DetectProtectiveEquipment (Maybe ProtectiveEquipmentSummarizationAttributes) Source #
An array of PPE types that you want to summarize.
detectProtectiveEquipment_image :: Lens' DetectProtectiveEquipment Image Source #
The image in which you want to detect PPE on detected persons. The image can be passed as image bytes or you can reference an image stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
detectProtectiveEquipmentResponse_summary :: Lens' DetectProtectiveEquipmentResponse (Maybe ProtectiveEquipmentSummary) Source #
Summary information for the types of PPE specified in the
input parameter.
detectProtectiveEquipmentResponse_protectiveEquipmentModelVersion :: Lens' DetectProtectiveEquipmentResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The version number of the PPE detection model used to detect PPE in the image.
detectProtectiveEquipmentResponse_persons :: Lens' DetectProtectiveEquipmentResponse (Maybe [ProtectiveEquipmentPerson]) Source #
An array of persons detected in the image (including persons not wearing PPE).
detectProtectiveEquipmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetectProtectiveEquipmentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteProject_projectArn :: Lens' DeleteProject Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project that you want to delete.
deleteProjectResponse_status :: Lens' DeleteProjectResponse (Maybe ProjectStatus) Source #
The current status of the delete project operation.
deleteProjectResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteProjectResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startCelebrityRecognition_jobTag :: Lens' StartCelebrityRecognition (Maybe Text) Source #
An identifier you specify that's returned in the completion
notification that's published to your Amazon Simple Notification
Service topic. For example, you can use JobTag
to group related jobs
and identify them in the completion notification.
startCelebrityRecognition_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartCelebrityRecognition (Maybe NotificationChannel) Source #
The Amazon SNS topic ARN that you want Amazon Rekognition Video to publish the completion status of the celebrity recognition analysis to. The Amazon SNS topic must have a topic name that begins with AmazonRekognition if you are using the AmazonRekognitionServiceRole permissions policy.
startCelebrityRecognition_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartCelebrityRecognition (Maybe Text) Source #
Idempotent token used to identify the start request. If you use the same
token with multiple StartCelebrityRecognition
requests, the same
is returned. Use ClientRequestToken
to prevent the same job
from being accidently started more than once.
startCelebrityRecognition_video :: Lens' StartCelebrityRecognition Video Source #
The video in which you want to recognize celebrities. The video must be stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
startCelebrityRecognitionResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartCelebrityRecognitionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the celebrity recognition analysis job. Use JobId
to identify the job in a subsequent call to GetCelebrityRecognition
startCelebrityRecognitionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartCelebrityRecognitionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getPersonTracking_nextToken :: Lens' GetPersonTracking (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there are more persons to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Video returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of persons.
getPersonTracking_maxResults :: Lens' GetPersonTracking (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 1000. If you specify a value greater than 1000, a maximum of 1000 results is returned. The default value is 1000.
getPersonTracking_sortBy :: Lens' GetPersonTracking (Maybe PersonTrackingSortBy) Source #
Sort to use for elements in the Persons
array. Use TIMESTAMP
to sort
array elements by the time persons are detected. Use INDEX
to sort by
the tracked persons. If you sort by INDEX
, the array elements for each
person are sorted by detection confidence. The default sort is by
getPersonTracking_jobId :: Lens' GetPersonTracking Text Source #
The identifier for a job that tracks persons in a video. You get the
from a call to StartPersonTracking
getPersonTrackingResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetPersonTrackingResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, Amazon Rekognition Video returns this token that you can use in the subsequent request to retrieve the next set of persons.
getPersonTrackingResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetPersonTrackingResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata) Source #
Information about a video that Amazon Rekognition Video analyzed.
is returned in every page of paginated responses from a
Amazon Rekognition Video operation.
getPersonTrackingResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetPersonTrackingResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the job fails, StatusMessage
provides a descriptive error message.
getPersonTrackingResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetPersonTrackingResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus) Source #
The current status of the person tracking job.
getPersonTrackingResponse_persons :: Lens' GetPersonTrackingResponse (Maybe [PersonDetection]) Source #
An array of the persons detected in the video and the time(s) their path was tracked throughout the video. An array element will exist for each time a person's path is tracked.
getPersonTrackingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetPersonTrackingResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getTextDetection_nextToken :: Lens' GetTextDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there are more labels to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Video returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of text.
getTextDetection_maxResults :: Lens' GetTextDetection (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 1000.
getTextDetection_jobId :: Lens' GetTextDetection Text Source #
Job identifier for the text detection operation for which you want
results returned. You get the job identifer from an initial call to
getTextDetectionResponse_textDetections :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse (Maybe [TextDetectionResult]) Source #
An array of text detected in the video. Each element contains the detected text, the time in milliseconds from the start of the video that the text was detected, and where it was detected on the screen.
getTextDetectionResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, Amazon Rekognition Video returns this token that you can use in the subsequent request to retrieve the next set of text.
getTextDetectionResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata) Source #
Undocumented member.
getTextDetectionResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the job fails, StatusMessage
provides a descriptive error message.
getTextDetectionResponse_textModelVersion :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Version number of the text detection model that was used to detect text.
getTextDetectionResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus) Source #
Current status of the text detection job.
getTextDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetTextDetectionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startSegmentDetection_jobTag :: Lens' StartSegmentDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
An identifier you specify that's returned in the completion
notification that's published to your Amazon Simple Notification
Service topic. For example, you can use JobTag
to group related jobs
and identify them in the completion notification.
startSegmentDetection_filters :: Lens' StartSegmentDetection (Maybe StartSegmentDetectionFilters) Source #
Filters for technical cue or shot detection.
startSegmentDetection_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartSegmentDetection (Maybe NotificationChannel) Source #
The ARN of the Amazon SNS topic to which you want Amazon Rekognition Video to publish the completion status of the segment detection operation. Note that the Amazon SNS topic must have a topic name that begins with AmazonRekognition if you are using the AmazonRekognitionServiceRole permissions policy to access the topic.
startSegmentDetection_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartSegmentDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
Idempotent token used to identify the start request. If you use the same
token with multiple StartSegmentDetection
requests, the same JobId
is returned. Use ClientRequestToken
to prevent the same job from being
accidently started more than once.
startSegmentDetection_video :: Lens' StartSegmentDetection Video Source #
Undocumented member.
startSegmentDetection_segmentTypes :: Lens' StartSegmentDetection (NonEmpty SegmentType) Source #
An array of segment types to detect in the video. Valid values are TECHNICAL_CUE and SHOT.
startSegmentDetectionResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Unique identifier for the segment detection job. The JobId
is returned
from StartSegmentDetection
startSegmentDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartSegmentDetectionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listCollections_nextToken :: Lens' ListCollections (Maybe Text) Source #
Pagination token from the previous response.
listCollections_maxResults :: Lens' ListCollections (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of collection IDs to return.
listCollectionsResponse_collectionIds :: Lens' ListCollectionsResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
An array of collection IDs.
listCollectionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListCollectionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the result is truncated, the response provides a NextToken
that you
can use in the subsequent request to fetch the next set of collection
listCollectionsResponse_faceModelVersions :: Lens' ListCollectionsResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Version numbers of the face detection models associated with the
collections in the array CollectionIds
. For example, the value of
is the version number for the face detection
model used by the collection in CollectionId[2]
listCollectionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListCollectionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startProjectVersion_projectVersionArn :: Lens' StartProjectVersion Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name(ARN) of the model version that you want to start.
startProjectVersion_minInferenceUnits :: Lens' StartProjectVersion Natural Source #
The minimum number of inference units to use. A single inference unit represents 1 hour of processing and can support up to 5 Transaction Pers Second (TPS). Use a higher number to increase the TPS throughput of your model. You are charged for the number of inference units that you use.
startProjectVersionResponse_status :: Lens' StartProjectVersionResponse (Maybe ProjectVersionStatus) Source #
The current running status of the model.
startProjectVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartProjectVersionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteCollection_collectionId :: Lens' DeleteCollection Text Source #
ID of the collection to delete.
deleteCollectionResponse_statusCode :: Lens' DeleteCollectionResponse (Maybe Natural) Source #
HTTP status code that indicates the result of the operation.
deleteCollectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteCollectionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createCollection_tags :: Lens' CreateCollection (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A set of tags (key-value pairs) that you want to attach to the collection.
createCollection_collectionId :: Lens' CreateCollection Text Source #
ID for the collection that you are creating.
createCollectionResponse_faceModelVersion :: Lens' CreateCollectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Version number of the face detection model associated with the collection you are creating.
createCollectionResponse_collectionArn :: Lens' CreateCollectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collection. You can use this to manage permissions on your resources.
createCollectionResponse_statusCode :: Lens' CreateCollectionResponse (Maybe Natural) Source #
HTTP status code indicating the result of the operation.
createCollectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateCollectionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
stopStreamProcessor_name :: Lens' StopStreamProcessor Text Source #
The name of a stream processor created by CreateStreamProcessor.
stopStreamProcessorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopStreamProcessorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
detectLabels_minConfidence :: Lens' DetectLabels (Maybe Double) Source #
Specifies the minimum confidence level for the labels to return. Amazon Rekognition doesn't return any labels with confidence lower than this specified value.
If MinConfidence
is not specified, the operation returns labels with a
confidence values greater than or equal to 55 percent.
detectLabels_maxLabels :: Lens' DetectLabels (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of labels you want the service to return in the response. The service returns the specified number of highest confidence labels.
detectLabels_image :: Lens' DetectLabels Image Source #
The input image as base64-encoded bytes or an S3 object. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, passing image bytes is not supported. Images stored in an S3 Bucket do not need to be base64-encoded.
If you are using an AWS SDK to call Amazon Rekognition, you might not
need to base64-encode image bytes passed using the Bytes
field. For
more information, see Images in the Amazon Rekognition developer guide.
detectLabelsResponse_labels :: Lens' DetectLabelsResponse (Maybe [Label]) Source #
An array of labels for the real-world objects detected.
detectLabelsResponse_orientationCorrection :: Lens' DetectLabelsResponse (Maybe OrientationCorrection) Source #
The value of OrientationCorrection
is always null.
If the input image is in .jpeg format, it might contain exchangeable image file format (Exif) metadata that includes the image's orientation. Amazon Rekognition uses this orientation information to perform image correction. The bounding box coordinates are translated to represent object locations after the orientation information in the Exif metadata is used to correct the image orientation. Images in .png format don't contain Exif metadata.
Amazon Rekognition doesn’t perform image correction for images in .png format and .jpeg images without orientation information in the image Exif metadata. The bounding box coordinates aren't translated and represent the object locations before the image is rotated.
detectLabelsResponse_labelModelVersion :: Lens' DetectLabelsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Version number of the label detection model that was used to detect labels.
detectLabelsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetectLabelsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the model, collection, or stream processor that contains the tags that you want a list of.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A list of key-value tags assigned to the resource.
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startContentModeration_jobTag :: Lens' StartContentModeration (Maybe Text) Source #
An identifier you specify that's returned in the completion
notification that's published to your Amazon Simple Notification
Service topic. For example, you can use JobTag
to group related jobs
and identify them in the completion notification.
startContentModeration_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartContentModeration (Maybe NotificationChannel) Source #
The Amazon SNS topic ARN that you want Amazon Rekognition Video to publish the completion status of the content analysis to. The Amazon SNS topic must have a topic name that begins with AmazonRekognition if you are using the AmazonRekognitionServiceRole permissions policy to access the topic.
startContentModeration_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartContentModeration (Maybe Text) Source #
Idempotent token used to identify the start request. If you use the same
token with multiple StartContentModeration
requests, the same JobId
is returned. Use ClientRequestToken
to prevent the same job from being
accidently started more than once.
startContentModeration_minConfidence :: Lens' StartContentModeration (Maybe Double) Source #
Specifies the minimum confidence that Amazon Rekognition must have in
order to return a moderated content label. Confidence represents how
certain Amazon Rekognition is that the moderated content is correctly
identified. 0 is the lowest confidence. 100 is the highest confidence.
Amazon Rekognition doesn't return any moderated content labels with a
confidence level lower than this specified value. If you don't specify
, GetContentModeration
returns labels with confidence
values greater than or equal to 50 percent.
startContentModeration_video :: Lens' StartContentModeration Video Source #
The video in which you want to detect inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content. The video must be stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
startContentModerationResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartContentModerationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the content analysis job. Use JobId
to identify the
job in a subsequent call to GetContentModeration
startContentModerationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartContentModerationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
searchFacesByImage_qualityFilter :: Lens' SearchFacesByImage (Maybe QualityFilter) Source #
A filter that specifies a quality bar for how much filtering is done to
identify faces. Filtered faces aren't searched for in the collection.
If you specify AUTO
, Amazon Rekognition chooses the quality bar. If
you specify LOW
, or HIGH
, filtering removes all faces that
don’t meet the chosen quality bar. The quality bar is based on a variety
of common use cases. Low-quality detections can occur for a number of
reasons. Some examples are an object that's misidentified as a face, a
face that's too blurry, or a face with a pose that's too extreme to
use. If you specify NONE
, no filtering is performed. The default value
To use quality filtering, the collection you are using must be associated with version 3 of the face model or higher.
searchFacesByImage_faceMatchThreshold :: Lens' SearchFacesByImage (Maybe Double) Source #
(Optional) Specifies the minimum confidence in the face match to return. For example, don't return any matches where confidence in matches is less than 70%. The default value is 80%.
searchFacesByImage_maxFaces :: Lens' SearchFacesByImage (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of faces to return. The operation returns the maximum number of faces with the highest confidence in the match.
searchFacesByImage_collectionId :: Lens' SearchFacesByImage Text Source #
ID of the collection to search.
searchFacesByImage_image :: Lens' SearchFacesByImage Image Source #
The input image as base64-encoded bytes or an S3 object. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, passing base64-encoded image bytes is not supported.
If you are using an AWS SDK to call Amazon Rekognition, you might not
need to base64-encode image bytes passed using the Bytes
field. For
more information, see Images in the Amazon Rekognition developer guide.
searchFacesByImageResponse_faceMatches :: Lens' SearchFacesByImageResponse (Maybe [FaceMatch]) Source #
An array of faces that match the input face, along with the confidence in the match.
searchFacesByImageResponse_faceModelVersion :: Lens' SearchFacesByImageResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Version number of the face detection model associated with the input
collection (CollectionId
searchFacesByImageResponse_searchedFaceBoundingBox :: Lens' SearchFacesByImageResponse (Maybe BoundingBox) Source #
The bounding box around the face in the input image that Amazon Rekognition used for the search.
searchFacesByImageResponse_searchedFaceConfidence :: Lens' SearchFacesByImageResponse (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that the searchedFaceBoundingBox
, contains a
searchFacesByImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SearchFacesByImageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listStreamProcessors_nextToken :: Lens' ListStreamProcessors (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there are more stream processors to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Video returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of stream processors.
listStreamProcessors_maxResults :: Lens' ListStreamProcessors (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of stream processors you want Amazon Rekognition Video to return in the response. The default is 1000.
listStreamProcessorsResponse_streamProcessors :: Lens' ListStreamProcessorsResponse (Maybe [StreamProcessor]) Source #
List of stream processors that you have created.
listStreamProcessorsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListStreamProcessorsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, Amazon Rekognition Video returns this token that you can use in the subsequent request to retrieve the next set of stream processors.
listStreamProcessorsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStreamProcessorsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeCollection_collectionId :: Lens' DescribeCollection Text Source #
The ID of the collection to describe.
describeCollectionResponse_faceModelVersion :: Lens' DescribeCollectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the face model that's used by the collection for face detection.
For more information, see Model Versioning in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide.
describeCollectionResponse_faceCount :: Lens' DescribeCollectionResponse (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of faces that are indexed into the collection. To index faces into a collection, use IndexFaces.
describeCollectionResponse_creationTimestamp :: Lens' DescribeCollectionResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch time until the creation of the collection. The Unix epoch time is 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970.
describeCollectionResponse_collectionARN :: Lens' DescribeCollectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collection.
describeCollectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeCollectionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteProjectVersion_projectVersionArn :: Lens' DeleteProjectVersion Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the model version that you want to delete.
deleteProjectVersionResponse_status :: Lens' DeleteProjectVersionResponse (Maybe ProjectVersionStatus) Source #
The status of the deletion operation.
deleteProjectVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteProjectVersionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeProjectVersions_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersions (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more results to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of results.
describeProjectVersions_versionNames :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersions (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of model version names that you want to describe. You can add up
to 10 model version names to the list. If you don't specify a value,
all model descriptions are returned. A version name is part of a model
(ProjectVersion) ARN. For example, my-model.2020-01-21T09.10.15
is the
version name in the following ARN.
describeProjectVersions_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersions (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 100. If you specify a value greater than 100, a ValidationException error occurs. The default value is 100.
describeProjectVersions_projectArn :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersions Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project that contains the models you want to describe.
describeProjectVersionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more results to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of results.
describeProjectVersionsResponse_projectVersionDescriptions :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersionsResponse (Maybe [ProjectVersionDescription]) Source #
A list of model descriptions. The list is sorted by the creation date and time of the model versions, latest to earliest.
describeProjectVersionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeProjectVersionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
recognizeCelebrities_image :: Lens' RecognizeCelebrities Image Source #
The input image as base64-encoded bytes or an S3 object. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, passing base64-encoded image bytes is not supported.
If you are using an AWS SDK to call Amazon Rekognition, you might not
need to base64-encode image bytes passed using the Bytes
field. For
more information, see Images in the Amazon Rekognition developer guide.
recognizeCelebritiesResponse_celebrityFaces :: Lens' RecognizeCelebritiesResponse (Maybe [Celebrity]) Source #
Details about each celebrity found in the image. Amazon Rekognition can
detect a maximum of 64 celebrities in an image. Each celebrity object
includes the following attributes: Face
, Confidence
, Emotions
, Pose
, Quality
, Smile
, Id
, KnownGender
, Name
, Urls
recognizeCelebritiesResponse_orientationCorrection :: Lens' RecognizeCelebritiesResponse (Maybe OrientationCorrection) Source #
Support for estimating image orientation using the the OrientationCorrection field has ceased as of August 2021. Any returned values for this field included in an API response will always be NULL.
The orientation of the input image (counterclockwise direction). If your
application displays the image, you can use this value to correct the
orientation. The bounding box coordinates returned in CelebrityFaces
and UnrecognizedFaces
represent face locations before the image
orientation is corrected.
If the input image is in .jpeg format, it might contain exchangeable
image (Exif) metadata that includes the image's orientation. If so, and
the Exif metadata for the input image populates the orientation field,
the value of OrientationCorrection
is null. The CelebrityFaces
bounding box coordinates represent face locations
after Exif metadata is used to correct the image orientation. Images in
.png format don't contain Exif metadata.
recognizeCelebritiesResponse_unrecognizedFaces :: Lens' RecognizeCelebritiesResponse (Maybe [ComparedFace]) Source #
Details about each unrecognized face in the image.
recognizeCelebritiesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RecognizeCelebritiesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
detectCustomLabels_minConfidence :: Lens' DetectCustomLabels (Maybe Double) Source #
Specifies the minimum confidence level for the labels to return.
doesn't return any labels with a confidence value
that's lower than this specified value. If you specify a value of 0,
returns all labels, regardless of the assumed
threshold applied to each label. If you don't specify a value for
, DetectCustomLabels
returns labels based on the
assumed threshold of each label.
detectCustomLabels_maxResults :: Lens' DetectCustomLabels (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results you want the service to return in the response. The service returns the specified number of highest confidence labels ranked from highest confidence to lowest.
detectCustomLabels_projectVersionArn :: Lens' DetectCustomLabels Text Source #
The ARN of the model version that you want to use.
detectCustomLabels_image :: Lens' DetectCustomLabels Image Source #
Undocumented member.
detectCustomLabelsResponse_customLabels :: Lens' DetectCustomLabelsResponse (Maybe [CustomLabel]) Source #
An array of custom labels detected in the input image.
detectCustomLabelsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetectCustomLabelsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getFaceSearch_nextToken :: Lens' GetFaceSearch (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more search results to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Video returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of search results.
getFaceSearch_maxResults :: Lens' GetFaceSearch (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 1000. If you specify a value greater than 1000, a maximum of 1000 results is returned. The default value is 1000.
getFaceSearch_sortBy :: Lens' GetFaceSearch (Maybe FaceSearchSortBy) Source #
Sort to use for grouping faces in the response. Use TIMESTAMP
to group
faces by the time that they are recognized. Use INDEX
to sort by
recognized faces.
getFaceSearch_jobId :: Lens' GetFaceSearch Text Source #
The job identifer for the search request. You get the job identifier
from an initial call to StartFaceSearch
getFaceSearchResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetFaceSearchResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, Amazon Rekognition Video returns this token that you can use in the subsequent request to retrieve the next set of search results.
getFaceSearchResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetFaceSearchResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata) Source #
Information about a video that Amazon Rekognition analyzed.
is returned in every page of paginated responses from a
Amazon Rekognition Video operation.
getFaceSearchResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetFaceSearchResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the job fails, StatusMessage
provides a descriptive error message.
getFaceSearchResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetFaceSearchResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus) Source #
The current status of the face search job.
getFaceSearchResponse_persons :: Lens' GetFaceSearchResponse (Maybe [PersonMatch]) Source #
An array of persons, PersonMatch, in the video whose face(s) match the
face(s) in an Amazon Rekognition collection. It also includes time
information for when persons are matched in the video. You specify the
input collection in an initial call to StartFaceSearch
. Each Persons
element includes a time the person was matched, face match details
) for matching faces in the collection, and person
information (Person
) for the matched person.
getFaceSearchResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetFaceSearchResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startLabelDetection_jobTag :: Lens' StartLabelDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
An identifier you specify that's returned in the completion
notification that's published to your Amazon Simple Notification
Service topic. For example, you can use JobTag
to group related jobs
and identify them in the completion notification.
startLabelDetection_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartLabelDetection (Maybe NotificationChannel) Source #
The Amazon SNS topic ARN you want Amazon Rekognition Video to publish the completion status of the label detection operation to. The Amazon SNS topic must have a topic name that begins with AmazonRekognition if you are using the AmazonRekognitionServiceRole permissions policy.
startLabelDetection_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartLabelDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
Idempotent token used to identify the start request. If you use the same
token with multiple StartLabelDetection
requests, the same JobId
returned. Use ClientRequestToken
to prevent the same job from being
accidently started more than once.
startLabelDetection_minConfidence :: Lens' StartLabelDetection (Maybe Double) Source #
Specifies the minimum confidence that Amazon Rekognition Video must have in order to return a detected label. Confidence represents how certain Amazon Rekognition is that a label is correctly identified.0 is the lowest confidence. 100 is the highest confidence. Amazon Rekognition Video doesn't return any labels with a confidence level lower than this specified value.
If you don't specify MinConfidence
, the operation returns labels with
confidence values greater than or equal to 50 percent.
startLabelDetection_video :: Lens' StartLabelDetection Video Source #
The video in which you want to detect labels. The video must be stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
startLabelDetectionResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the label detection job. Use JobId
to identify the
job in a subsequent call to GetLabelDetection
startLabelDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartLabelDetectionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
searchFaces_faceMatchThreshold :: Lens' SearchFaces (Maybe Double) Source #
Optional value specifying the minimum confidence in the face match to return. For example, don't return any matches where confidence in matches is less than 70%. The default value is 80%.
searchFaces_maxFaces :: Lens' SearchFaces (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of faces to return. The operation returns the maximum number of faces with the highest confidence in the match.
searchFaces_collectionId :: Lens' SearchFaces Text Source #
ID of the collection the face belongs to.
searchFaces_faceId :: Lens' SearchFaces Text Source #
ID of a face to find matches for in the collection.
searchFacesResponse_faceMatches :: Lens' SearchFacesResponse (Maybe [FaceMatch]) Source #
An array of faces that matched the input face, along with the confidence in the match.
searchFacesResponse_faceModelVersion :: Lens' SearchFacesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Version number of the face detection model associated with the input
collection (CollectionId
searchFacesResponse_searchedFaceId :: Lens' SearchFacesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
ID of the face that was searched for matches in a collection.
searchFacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SearchFacesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
indexFaces_externalImageId :: Lens' IndexFaces (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID you want to assign to all the faces detected in the image.
indexFaces_qualityFilter :: Lens' IndexFaces (Maybe QualityFilter) Source #
A filter that specifies a quality bar for how much filtering is done to
identify faces. Filtered faces aren't indexed. If you specify AUTO
Amazon Rekognition chooses the quality bar. If you specify LOW
, or HIGH
, filtering removes all faces that don’t meet the
chosen quality bar. The default value is AUTO
. The quality bar is
based on a variety of common use cases. Low-quality detections can occur
for a number of reasons. Some examples are an object that's
misidentified as a face, a face that's too blurry, or a face with a
pose that's too extreme to use. If you specify NONE
, no filtering is
To use quality filtering, the collection you are using must be associated with version 3 of the face model or higher.
indexFaces_maxFaces :: Lens' IndexFaces (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of faces to index. The value of MaxFaces
must be
greater than or equal to 1. IndexFaces
returns no more than 100
detected faces in an image, even if you specify a larger value for
If IndexFaces
detects more faces than the value of MaxFaces
, the
faces with the lowest quality are filtered out first. If there are still
more faces than the value of MaxFaces
, the faces with the smallest
bounding boxes are filtered out (up to the number that's needed to
satisfy the value of MaxFaces
). Information about the unindexed faces
is available in the UnindexedFaces
The faces that are returned by IndexFaces
are sorted by the largest
face bounding box size to the smallest size, in descending order.
can be used with a collection associated with any version of
the face model.
indexFaces_detectionAttributes :: Lens' IndexFaces (Maybe [Attribute]) Source #
An array of facial attributes that you want to be returned. This can be
the default list of attributes or all attributes. If you don't specify
a value for Attributes
or if you specify ["DEFAULT"]
, the API
returns the following subset of facial attributes: BoundingBox
, Pose
, Quality
, and Landmarks
. If you provide
, all facial attributes are returned, but the operation takes
longer to complete.
If you provide both, ["ALL", "DEFAULT"]
, the service uses a
logical AND operator to determine which attributes to return (in this
case, all attributes).
indexFaces_collectionId :: Lens' IndexFaces Text Source #
The ID of an existing collection to which you want to add the faces that are detected in the input images.
indexFaces_image :: Lens' IndexFaces Image Source #
The input image as base64-encoded bytes or an S3 object. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, passing base64-encoded image bytes isn't supported.
If you are using an AWS SDK to call Amazon Rekognition, you might not
need to base64-encode image bytes passed using the Bytes
field. For
more information, see Images in the Amazon Rekognition developer guide.
indexFacesResponse_faceModelVersion :: Lens' IndexFacesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The version number of the face detection model that's associated with
the input collection (CollectionId
indexFacesResponse_faceRecords :: Lens' IndexFacesResponse (Maybe [FaceRecord]) Source #
An array of faces detected and added to the collection. For more information, see Searching Faces in a Collection in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide.
indexFacesResponse_orientationCorrection :: Lens' IndexFacesResponse (Maybe OrientationCorrection) Source #
If your collection is associated with a face detection model that's
later than version 3.0, the value of OrientationCorrection
is always
null and no orientation information is returned.
If your collection is associated with a face detection model that's version 3.0 or earlier, the following applies:
- If the input image is in .jpeg format, it might contain exchangeable
image file format (Exif) metadata that includes the image's
orientation. Amazon Rekognition uses this orientation information to
perform image correction - the bounding box coordinates are
translated to represent object locations after the orientation
information in the Exif metadata is used to correct the image
orientation. Images in .png format don't contain Exif metadata. The
value of
is null. - If the image doesn't contain orientation information in its Exif metadata, Amazon Rekognition returns an estimated orientation (ROTATE_0, ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270). Amazon Rekognition doesn’t perform image correction for images. The bounding box coordinates aren't translated and represent the object locations before the image is rotated.
Bounding box information is returned in the FaceRecords
array. You can
get the version of the face detection model by calling
indexFacesResponse_unindexedFaces :: Lens' IndexFacesResponse (Maybe [UnindexedFace]) Source #
An array of faces that were detected in the image but weren't indexed.
They weren't indexed because the quality filter identified them as low
quality, or the MaxFaces
request parameter filtered them out. To use
the quality filter, you specify the QualityFilter
request parameter.
indexFacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' IndexFacesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getLabelDetection_nextToken :: Lens' GetLabelDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there are more labels to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Video returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of labels.
getLabelDetection_maxResults :: Lens' GetLabelDetection (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 1000. If you specify a value greater than 1000, a maximum of 1000 results is returned. The default value is 1000.
getLabelDetection_sortBy :: Lens' GetLabelDetection (Maybe LabelDetectionSortBy) Source #
Sort to use for elements in the Labels
array. Use TIMESTAMP
to sort
array elements by the time labels are detected. Use NAME
alphabetically group elements for a label together. Within each label
group, the array element are sorted by detection confidence. The default
sort is by TIMESTAMP
getLabelDetection_jobId :: Lens' GetLabelDetection Text Source #
Job identifier for the label detection operation for which you want
results returned. You get the job identifer from an initial call to
getLabelDetectionResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, Amazon Rekognition Video returns this token that you can use in the subsequent request to retrieve the next set of labels.
getLabelDetectionResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata) Source #
Information about a video that Amazon Rekognition Video analyzed.
is returned in every page of paginated responses from a
Amazon Rekognition video operation.
getLabelDetectionResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the job fails, StatusMessage
provides a descriptive error message.
getLabelDetectionResponse_labels :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe [LabelDetection]) Source #
An array of labels detected in the video. Each element contains the detected label and the time, in milliseconds from the start of the video, that the label was detected.
getLabelDetectionResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus) Source #
The current status of the label detection job.
getLabelDetectionResponse_labelModelVersion :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Version number of the label detection model that was used to detect labels.
getLabelDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLabelDetectionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
stopProjectVersion_projectVersionArn :: Lens' StopProjectVersion Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the model version that you want to delete.
This operation requires permissions to perform the
stopProjectVersionResponse_status :: Lens' StopProjectVersionResponse (Maybe ProjectVersionStatus) Source #
The current status of the stop operation.
stopProjectVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopProjectVersionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeStreamProcessor_name :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessor Text Source #
Name of the stream processor for which you want information.
describeStreamProcessorResponse_status :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe StreamProcessorStatus) Source #
Current status of the stream processor.
describeStreamProcessorResponse_settings :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe StreamProcessorSettings) Source #
Face recognition input parameters that are being used by the stream processor. Includes the collection to use for face recognition and the face attributes to detect.
describeStreamProcessorResponse_input :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe StreamProcessorInput) Source #
Kinesis video stream that provides the source streaming video.
describeStreamProcessorResponse_output :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe StreamProcessorOutput) Source #
Kinesis data stream to which Amazon Rekognition Video puts the analysis results.
describeStreamProcessorResponse_streamProcessorArn :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
ARN of the stream processor.
describeStreamProcessorResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Detailed status message about the stream processor.
describeStreamProcessorResponse_name :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of the stream processor.
describeStreamProcessorResponse_creationTimestamp :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Date and time the stream processor was created
describeStreamProcessorResponse_lastUpdateTimestamp :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time, in Unix format, the stream processor was last updated. For example, when the stream processor moves from a running state to a failed state, or when the user starts or stops the stream processor.
describeStreamProcessorResponse_roleArn :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
ARN of the IAM role that allows access to the stream processor.
describeStreamProcessorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeStreamProcessorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startFaceSearch_faceMatchThreshold :: Lens' StartFaceSearch (Maybe Double) Source #
The minimum confidence in the person match to return. For example, don't return any matches where confidence in matches is less than 70%. The default value is 80%.
startFaceSearch_jobTag :: Lens' StartFaceSearch (Maybe Text) Source #
An identifier you specify that's returned in the completion
notification that's published to your Amazon Simple Notification
Service topic. For example, you can use JobTag
to group related jobs
and identify them in the completion notification.
startFaceSearch_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartFaceSearch (Maybe NotificationChannel) Source #
The ARN of the Amazon SNS topic to which you want Amazon Rekognition Video to publish the completion status of the search. The Amazon SNS topic must have a topic name that begins with AmazonRekognition if you are using the AmazonRekognitionServiceRole permissions policy to access the topic.
startFaceSearch_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartFaceSearch (Maybe Text) Source #
Idempotent token used to identify the start request. If you use the same
token with multiple StartFaceSearch
requests, the same JobId
returned. Use ClientRequestToken
to prevent the same job from being
accidently started more than once.
startFaceSearch_video :: Lens' StartFaceSearch Video Source #
The video you want to search. The video must be stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
startFaceSearch_collectionId :: Lens' StartFaceSearch Text Source #
ID of the collection that contains the faces you want to search for.
startFaceSearchResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartFaceSearchResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the search job. Use JobId
to identify the job in a
subsequent call to GetFaceSearch
startFaceSearchResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartFaceSearchResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startTextDetection_jobTag :: Lens' StartTextDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
An identifier returned in the completion status published by your Amazon
Simple Notification Service topic. For example, you can use JobTag
group related jobs and identify them in the completion notification.
startTextDetection_filters :: Lens' StartTextDetection (Maybe StartTextDetectionFilters) Source #
Optional parameters that let you set criteria the text must meet to be included in your response.
startTextDetection_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartTextDetection (Maybe NotificationChannel) Source #
Undocumented member.
startTextDetection_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartTextDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
Idempotent token used to identify the start request. If you use the same
token with multiple StartTextDetection
requests, the same JobId
returned. Use ClientRequestToken
to prevent the same job from being
accidentaly started more than once.
startTextDetection_video :: Lens' StartTextDetection Video Source #
Undocumented member.
startTextDetectionResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartTextDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Identifier for the text detection job. Use JobId
to identify the job
in a subsequent call to GetTextDetection
startTextDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartTextDetectionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startPersonTracking_jobTag :: Lens' StartPersonTracking (Maybe Text) Source #
An identifier you specify that's returned in the completion
notification that's published to your Amazon Simple Notification
Service topic. For example, you can use JobTag
to group related jobs
and identify them in the completion notification.
startPersonTracking_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartPersonTracking (Maybe NotificationChannel) Source #
The Amazon SNS topic ARN you want Amazon Rekognition Video to publish the completion status of the people detection operation to. The Amazon SNS topic must have a topic name that begins with AmazonRekognition if you are using the AmazonRekognitionServiceRole permissions policy.
startPersonTracking_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartPersonTracking (Maybe Text) Source #
Idempotent token used to identify the start request. If you use the same
token with multiple StartPersonTracking
requests, the same JobId
returned. Use ClientRequestToken
to prevent the same job from being
accidently started more than once.
startPersonTracking_video :: Lens' StartPersonTracking Video Source #
The video in which you want to detect people. The video must be stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
startPersonTrackingResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartPersonTrackingResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the person detection job. Use JobId
to identify the
job in a subsequent call to GetPersonTracking
startPersonTrackingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartPersonTrackingResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getCelebrityRecognition_nextToken :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognition (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more recognized celebrities to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Video returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of celebrities.
getCelebrityRecognition_maxResults :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognition (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 1000. If you specify a value greater than 1000, a maximum of 1000 results is returned. The default value is 1000.
getCelebrityRecognition_sortBy :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognition (Maybe CelebrityRecognitionSortBy) Source #
Sort to use for celebrities returned in Celebrities
field. Specify
to sort by the celebrity identifier, specify TIMESTAMP
to sort by
the time the celebrity was recognized.
getCelebrityRecognition_jobId :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognition Text Source #
Job identifier for the required celebrity recognition analysis. You can
get the job identifer from a call to StartCelebrityRecognition
getCelebrityRecognitionResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognitionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, Amazon Rekognition Video returns this token that you can use in the subsequent request to retrieve the next set of celebrities.
getCelebrityRecognitionResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognitionResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata) Source #
Information about a video that Amazon Rekognition Video analyzed.
is returned in every page of paginated responses from a
Amazon Rekognition Video operation.
getCelebrityRecognitionResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognitionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the job fails, StatusMessage
provides a descriptive error message.
getCelebrityRecognitionResponse_celebrities :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognitionResponse (Maybe [CelebrityRecognition]) Source #
Array of celebrities recognized in the video.
getCelebrityRecognitionResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognitionResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus) Source #
The current status of the celebrity recognition job.
getCelebrityRecognitionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetCelebrityRecognitionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startStreamProcessor_name :: Lens' StartStreamProcessor Text Source #
The name of the stream processor to start processing.
startStreamProcessorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartStreamProcessorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
detectText_filters :: Lens' DetectText (Maybe DetectTextFilters) Source #
Optional parameters that let you set the criteria that the text must meet to be included in your response.
detectText_image :: Lens' DetectText Image Source #
The input image as base64-encoded bytes or an Amazon S3 object. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, you can't pass image bytes.
If you are using an AWS SDK to call Amazon Rekognition, you might not
need to base64-encode image bytes passed using the Bytes
field. For
more information, see Images in the Amazon Rekognition developer guide.
detectTextResponse_textDetections :: Lens' DetectTextResponse (Maybe [TextDetection]) Source #
An array of text that was detected in the input image.
detectTextResponse_textModelVersion :: Lens' DetectTextResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The model version used to detect text.
detectTextResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetectTextResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getSegmentDetection_nextToken :: Lens' GetSegmentDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, Amazon Rekognition Video returns this token that you can use in the subsequent request to retrieve the next set of text.
getSegmentDetection_maxResults :: Lens' GetSegmentDetection (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 1000.
getSegmentDetection_jobId :: Lens' GetSegmentDetection Text Source #
Job identifier for the text detection operation for which you want
results returned. You get the job identifer from an initial call to
getSegmentDetectionResponse_selectedSegmentTypes :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe [SegmentTypeInfo]) Source #
An array containing the segment types requested in the call to
getSegmentDetectionResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there are more labels to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Video returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of text.
getSegmentDetectionResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe [VideoMetadata]) Source #
Currently, Amazon Rekognition Video returns a single object in the
array. The object contains information about the video
stream in the input file that Amazon Rekognition Video chose to analyze.
The VideoMetadata
object includes the video codec, video format and
other information. Video metadata is returned in each page of
information returned by GetSegmentDetection
getSegmentDetectionResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the job fails, StatusMessage
provides a descriptive error message.
getSegmentDetectionResponse_segments :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe [SegmentDetection]) Source #
An array of segments detected in a video. The array is sorted by the
segment types (TECHNICAL_CUE or SHOT) specified in the SegmentTypes
input parameter of StartSegmentDetection
. Within each segment type the
array is sorted by timestamp values.
getSegmentDetectionResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus) Source #
Current status of the segment detection job.
getSegmentDetectionResponse_audioMetadata :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse (Maybe [AudioMetadata]) Source #
An array of objects. There can be multiple audio streams. Each
object contains metadata for a single audio stream.
Audio information in an AudioMetadata
objects includes the audio
codec, the number of audio channels, the duration of the audio stream,
and the sample rate. Audio metadata is returned in each page of
information returned by GetSegmentDetection
getSegmentDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetSegmentDetectionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
compareFaces_qualityFilter :: Lens' CompareFaces (Maybe QualityFilter) Source #
A filter that specifies a quality bar for how much filtering is done to
identify faces. Filtered faces aren't compared. If you specify AUTO
Amazon Rekognition chooses the quality bar. If you specify LOW
, or HIGH
, filtering removes all faces that don’t meet the
chosen quality bar. The quality bar is based on a variety of common use
cases. Low-quality detections can occur for a number of reasons. Some
examples are an object that's misidentified as a face, a face that's
too blurry, or a face with a pose that's too extreme to use. If you
specify NONE
, no filtering is performed. The default value is NONE
To use quality filtering, the collection you are using must be associated with version 3 of the face model or higher.
compareFaces_similarityThreshold :: Lens' CompareFaces (Maybe Double) Source #
The minimum level of confidence in the face matches that a match must
meet to be included in the FaceMatches
compareFaces_sourceImage :: Lens' CompareFaces Image Source #
The input image as base64-encoded bytes or an S3 object. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, passing base64-encoded image bytes is not supported.
If you are using an AWS SDK to call Amazon Rekognition, you might not
need to base64-encode image bytes passed using the Bytes
field. For
more information, see Images in the Amazon Rekognition developer guide.
compareFaces_targetImage :: Lens' CompareFaces Image Source #
The target image as base64-encoded bytes or an S3 object. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, passing base64-encoded image bytes is not supported.
If you are using an AWS SDK to call Amazon Rekognition, you might not
need to base64-encode image bytes passed using the Bytes
field. For
more information, see Images in the Amazon Rekognition developer guide.
compareFacesResponse_faceMatches :: Lens' CompareFacesResponse (Maybe [CompareFacesMatch]) Source #
An array of faces in the target image that match the source image face.
Each CompareFacesMatch
object provides the bounding box, the
confidence level that the bounding box contains a face, and the
similarity score for the face in the bounding box and the face in the
source image.
compareFacesResponse_unmatchedFaces :: Lens' CompareFacesResponse (Maybe [ComparedFace]) Source #
An array of faces in the target image that did not match the source image face.
compareFacesResponse_targetImageOrientationCorrection :: Lens' CompareFacesResponse (Maybe OrientationCorrection) Source #
The value of TargetImageOrientationCorrection
is always null.
If the input image is in .jpeg format, it might contain exchangeable image file format (Exif) metadata that includes the image's orientation. Amazon Rekognition uses this orientation information to perform image correction. The bounding box coordinates are translated to represent object locations after the orientation information in the Exif metadata is used to correct the image orientation. Images in .png format don't contain Exif metadata.
Amazon Rekognition doesn’t perform image correction for images in .png format and .jpeg images without orientation information in the image Exif metadata. The bounding box coordinates aren't translated and represent the object locations before the image is rotated.
compareFacesResponse_sourceImageOrientationCorrection :: Lens' CompareFacesResponse (Maybe OrientationCorrection) Source #
The value of SourceImageOrientationCorrection
is always null.
If the input image is in .jpeg format, it might contain exchangeable image file format (Exif) metadata that includes the image's orientation. Amazon Rekognition uses this orientation information to perform image correction. The bounding box coordinates are translated to represent object locations after the orientation information in the Exif metadata is used to correct the image orientation. Images in .png format don't contain Exif metadata.
Amazon Rekognition doesn’t perform image correction for images in .png format and .jpeg images without orientation information in the image Exif metadata. The bounding box coordinates aren't translated and represent the object locations before the image is rotated.
compareFacesResponse_sourceImageFace :: Lens' CompareFacesResponse (Maybe ComparedSourceImageFace) Source #
The face in the source image that was used for comparison.
compareFacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CompareFacesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
detectFaces_attributes :: Lens' DetectFaces (Maybe [Attribute]) Source #
An array of facial attributes you want to be returned. This can be the
default list of attributes or all attributes. If you don't specify a
value for Attributes
or if you specify ["DEFAULT"]
, the API
returns the following subset of facial attributes: BoundingBox
, Pose
, Quality
, and Landmarks
. If you provide
, all facial attributes are returned, but the operation takes
longer to complete.
If you provide both, ["ALL", "DEFAULT"]
, the service uses a
logical AND operator to determine which attributes to return (in this
case, all attributes).
detectFaces_image :: Lens' DetectFaces Image Source #
The input image as base64-encoded bytes or an S3 object. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, passing base64-encoded image bytes is not supported.
If you are using an AWS SDK to call Amazon Rekognition, you might not
need to base64-encode image bytes passed using the Bytes
field. For
more information, see Images in the Amazon Rekognition developer guide.
detectFacesResponse_orientationCorrection :: Lens' DetectFacesResponse (Maybe OrientationCorrection) Source #
The value of OrientationCorrection
is always null.
If the input image is in .jpeg format, it might contain exchangeable image file format (Exif) metadata that includes the image's orientation. Amazon Rekognition uses this orientation information to perform image correction. The bounding box coordinates are translated to represent object locations after the orientation information in the Exif metadata is used to correct the image orientation. Images in .png format don't contain Exif metadata.
Amazon Rekognition doesn’t perform image correction for images in .png format and .jpeg images without orientation information in the image Exif metadata. The bounding box coordinates aren't translated and represent the object locations before the image is rotated.
detectFacesResponse_faceDetails :: Lens' DetectFacesResponse (Maybe [FaceDetail]) Source #
Details of each face found in the image.
detectFacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetectFacesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getFaceDetection_nextToken :: Lens' GetFaceDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there are more faces to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Video returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of faces.
getFaceDetection_maxResults :: Lens' GetFaceDetection (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 1000. If you specify a value greater than 1000, a maximum of 1000 results is returned. The default value is 1000.
getFaceDetection_jobId :: Lens' GetFaceDetection Text Source #
Unique identifier for the face detection job. The JobId
is returned
from StartFaceDetection
getFaceDetectionResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetFaceDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, Amazon Rekognition returns this token that you can use in the subsequent request to retrieve the next set of faces.
getFaceDetectionResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetFaceDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata) Source #
Information about a video that Amazon Rekognition Video analyzed.
is returned in every page of paginated responses from a
Amazon Rekognition video operation.
getFaceDetectionResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetFaceDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the job fails, StatusMessage
provides a descriptive error message.
getFaceDetectionResponse_faces :: Lens' GetFaceDetectionResponse (Maybe [FaceDetection]) Source #
An array of faces detected in the video. Each element contains a detected face's details and the time, in milliseconds from the start of the video, the face was detected.
getFaceDetectionResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetFaceDetectionResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus) Source #
The current status of the face detection job.
getFaceDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetFaceDetectionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the model, collection, or stream processor that you want to assign the tags to.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text) Source #
The key-value tags to assign to the resource.
tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listFaces_nextToken :: Lens' ListFaces (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more data to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of faces.
listFaces_collectionId :: Lens' ListFaces Text Source #
ID of the collection from which to list the faces.
listFacesResponse_faceModelVersion :: Lens' ListFacesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Version number of the face detection model associated with the input
collection (CollectionId
listFacesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFacesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, Amazon Rekognition returns this token that you can use in the subsequent request to retrieve the next set of faces.
listFacesResponse_faces :: Lens' ListFacesResponse (Maybe [Face]) Source #
An array of Face
listFacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFacesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createProjectVersion_kmsKeyId :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for your AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer
master key (CMK). You can supply the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your
CMK, the ID of your CMK, an alias for your CMK, or an alias ARN. The key
is used to encrypt training and test images copied into the service for
model training. Your source images are unaffected. The key is also used
to encrypt training results and manifest files written to the output
Amazon S3 bucket (OutputConfig
If you choose to use your own CMK, you need the following permissions on the CMK.
- kms:CreateGrant
- kms:DescribeKey
- kms:GenerateDataKey
- kms:Decrypt
If you don't specify a value for KmsKeyId
, images copied into the
service are encrypted using a key that AWS owns and manages.
createProjectVersion_tags :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A set of tags (key-value pairs) that you want to attach to the model.
createProjectVersion_projectArn :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion Text Source #
The ARN of the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels project that manages the model that you want to train.
createProjectVersion_versionName :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion Text Source #
A name for the version of the model. This value must be unique.
createProjectVersion_outputConfig :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion OutputConfig Source #
The Amazon S3 bucket location to store the results of training. The S3
bucket can be in any AWS account as long as the caller has
permissions on the S3 bucket.
createProjectVersion_trainingData :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion TrainingData Source #
The dataset to use for training.
createProjectVersion_testingData :: Lens' CreateProjectVersion TestingData Source #
The dataset to use for testing.
createProjectVersionResponse_projectVersionArn :: Lens' CreateProjectVersionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the model version that was created. Use
to get the current status of the training
createProjectVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateProjectVersionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeProjects_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeProjects (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more results to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of results.
describeProjects_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeProjects (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 100. If you specify a value greater than 100, a ValidationException error occurs. The default value is 100.
describeProjectsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeProjectsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more results to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of results.
describeProjectsResponse_projectDescriptions :: Lens' DescribeProjectsResponse (Maybe [ProjectDescription]) Source #
A list of project descriptions. The list is sorted by the date and time the projects are created.
describeProjectsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeProjectsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getContentModeration_nextToken :: Lens' GetContentModeration (Maybe Text) Source #
If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more data to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of content moderation labels.
getContentModeration_maxResults :: Lens' GetContentModeration (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 1000. If you specify a value greater than 1000, a maximum of 1000 results is returned. The default value is 1000.
getContentModeration_sortBy :: Lens' GetContentModeration (Maybe ContentModerationSortBy) Source #
Sort to use for elements in the ModerationLabelDetections
array. Use
to sort array elements by the time labels are detected. Use
to alphabetically group elements for a label together. Within
each label group, the array element are sorted by detection confidence.
The default sort is by TIMESTAMP
getContentModeration_jobId :: Lens' GetContentModeration Text Source #
The identifier for the inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content
moderation job. Use JobId
to identify the job in a subsequent call to
getContentModerationResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, Amazon Rekognition Video returns this token that you can use in the subsequent request to retrieve the next set of content moderation labels.
getContentModerationResponse_videoMetadata :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse (Maybe VideoMetadata) Source #
Information about a video that Amazon Rekognition analyzed.
is returned in every page of paginated responses from
getContentModerationResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the job fails, StatusMessage
provides a descriptive error message.
getContentModerationResponse_jobStatus :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse (Maybe VideoJobStatus) Source #
The current status of the content moderation analysis job.
getContentModerationResponse_moderationModelVersion :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Version number of the moderation detection model that was used to detect inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content.
getContentModerationResponse_moderationLabels :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse (Maybe [ContentModerationDetection]) Source #
The detected inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content moderation labels and the time(s) they were detected.
getContentModerationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContentModerationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteFaces_collectionId :: Lens' DeleteFaces Text Source #
Collection from which to remove the specific faces.
deleteFaces_faceIds :: Lens' DeleteFaces (NonEmpty Text) Source #
An array of face IDs to delete.
deleteFacesResponse_deletedFaces :: Lens' DeleteFacesResponse (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
An array of strings (face IDs) of the faces that were deleted.
deleteFacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteFacesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getCelebrityInfo_id :: Lens' GetCelebrityInfo Text Source #
The ID for the celebrity. You get the celebrity ID from a call to the RecognizeCelebrities operation, which recognizes celebrities in an image.
getCelebrityInfoResponse_urls :: Lens' GetCelebrityInfoResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
An array of URLs pointing to additional celebrity information.
getCelebrityInfoResponse_knownGender :: Lens' GetCelebrityInfoResponse (Maybe KnownGender) Source #
Retrieves the known gender for the celebrity.
getCelebrityInfoResponse_name :: Lens' GetCelebrityInfoResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the celebrity.
getCelebrityInfoResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetCelebrityInfoResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteStreamProcessor_name :: Lens' DeleteStreamProcessor Text Source #
The name of the stream processor you want to delete.
deleteStreamProcessorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteStreamProcessorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the model, collection, or stream processor that you want to remove the tags from.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text] Source #
A list of the tags that you want to remove.
untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
detectModerationLabels_humanLoopConfig :: Lens' DetectModerationLabels (Maybe HumanLoopConfig) Source #
Sets up the configuration for human evaluation, including the FlowDefinition the image will be sent to.
detectModerationLabels_minConfidence :: Lens' DetectModerationLabels (Maybe Double) Source #
Specifies the minimum confidence level for the labels to return. Amazon Rekognition doesn't return any labels with a confidence level lower than this specified value.
If you don't specify MinConfidence
, the operation returns labels with
confidence values greater than or equal to 50 percent.
detectModerationLabels_image :: Lens' DetectModerationLabels Image Source #
The input image as base64-encoded bytes or an S3 object. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, passing base64-encoded image bytes is not supported.
If you are using an AWS SDK to call Amazon Rekognition, you might not
need to base64-encode image bytes passed using the Bytes
field. For
more information, see Images in the Amazon Rekognition developer guide.
detectModerationLabelsResponse_humanLoopActivationOutput :: Lens' DetectModerationLabelsResponse (Maybe HumanLoopActivationOutput) Source #
Shows the results of the human in the loop evaluation.
detectModerationLabelsResponse_moderationModelVersion :: Lens' DetectModerationLabelsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Version number of the moderation detection model that was used to detect unsafe content.
detectModerationLabelsResponse_moderationLabels :: Lens' DetectModerationLabelsResponse (Maybe [ModerationLabel]) Source #
Array of detected Moderation labels and the time, in milliseconds from the start of the video, they were detected.
detectModerationLabelsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetectModerationLabelsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createStreamProcessor_tags :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessor (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A set of tags (key-value pairs) that you want to attach to the stream processor.
createStreamProcessor_input :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessor StreamProcessorInput Source #
Kinesis video stream stream that provides the source streaming video. If
you are using the AWS CLI, the parameter name is StreamProcessorInput
createStreamProcessor_output :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessor StreamProcessorOutput Source #
Kinesis data stream stream to which Amazon Rekognition Video puts the
analysis results. If you are using the AWS CLI, the parameter name is
createStreamProcessor_name :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessor Text Source #
An identifier you assign to the stream processor. You can use Name
manage the stream processor. For example, you can get the current status
of the stream processor by calling DescribeStreamProcessor. Name
createStreamProcessor_settings :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessor StreamProcessorSettings Source #
Face recognition input parameters to be used by the stream processor. Includes the collection to use for face recognition and the face attributes to detect.
createStreamProcessor_roleArn :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessor Text Source #
ARN of the IAM role that allows access to the stream processor.
createStreamProcessorResponse_streamProcessorArn :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
ARN for the newly create stream processor.
createStreamProcessorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStreamProcessorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startFaceDetection_jobTag :: Lens' StartFaceDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
An identifier you specify that's returned in the completion
notification that's published to your Amazon Simple Notification
Service topic. For example, you can use JobTag
to group related jobs
and identify them in the completion notification.
startFaceDetection_notificationChannel :: Lens' StartFaceDetection (Maybe NotificationChannel) Source #
The ARN of the Amazon SNS topic to which you want Amazon Rekognition Video to publish the completion status of the face detection operation. The Amazon SNS topic must have a topic name that begins with AmazonRekognition if you are using the AmazonRekognitionServiceRole permissions policy.
startFaceDetection_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StartFaceDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
Idempotent token used to identify the start request. If you use the same
token with multiple StartFaceDetection
requests, the same JobId
returned. Use ClientRequestToken
to prevent the same job from being
accidently started more than once.
startFaceDetection_faceAttributes :: Lens' StartFaceDetection (Maybe FaceAttributes) Source #
The face attributes you want returned.
- The following subset of facial attributes are returned:
BoundingBox, Confidence, Pose, Quality and Landmarks.
- All facial attributes are returned.
startFaceDetection_video :: Lens' StartFaceDetection Video Source #
The video in which you want to detect faces. The video must be stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
startFaceDetectionResponse_jobId :: Lens' StartFaceDetectionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the face detection job. Use JobId
to identify the
job in a subsequent call to GetFaceDetection
startFaceDetectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartFaceDetectionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createProject_projectName :: Lens' CreateProject Text Source #
The name of the project to create.
createProjectResponse_projectArn :: Lens' CreateProjectResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the new project. You can use the ARN to configure IAM access to the project.
createProjectResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateProjectResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
asset_groundTruthManifest :: Lens' Asset (Maybe GroundTruthManifest) Source #
Undocumented member.
audioMetadata_codec :: Lens' AudioMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The audio codec used to encode or decode the audio stream.
audioMetadata_sampleRate :: Lens' AudioMetadata (Maybe Natural) Source #
The sample rate for the audio stream.
audioMetadata_numberOfChannels :: Lens' AudioMetadata (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of audio channels in the segment.
audioMetadata_durationMillis :: Lens' AudioMetadata (Maybe Natural) Source #
The duration of the audio stream in milliseconds.
beard_value :: Lens' Beard (Maybe Bool) Source #
Boolean value that indicates whether the face has beard or not.
blackFrame_maxPixelThreshold :: Lens' BlackFrame (Maybe Double) Source #
A threshold used to determine the maximum luminance value for a pixel to be considered black. In a full color range video, luminance values range from 0-255. A pixel value of 0 is pure black, and the most strict filter. The maximum black pixel value is computed as follows: max_black_pixel_value = minimum_luminance + MaxPixelThreshold *luminance_range.
For example, for a full range video with BlackPixelThreshold = 0.1, max_black_pixel_value is 0 + 0.1 * (255-0) = 25.5.
The default value of MaxPixelThreshold is 0.2, which maps to a max_black_pixel_value of 51 for a full range video. You can lower this threshold to be more strict on black levels.
blackFrame_minCoveragePercentage :: Lens' BlackFrame (Maybe Double) Source #
The minimum percentage of pixels in a frame that need to have a luminance below the max_black_pixel_value for a frame to be considered a black frame. Luminance is calculated using the BT.709 matrix.
The default value is 99, which means at least 99% of all pixels in the
frame are black pixels as per the MaxPixelThreshold
set. You can
reduce this value to allow more noise on the black frame.
boundingBox_height :: Lens' BoundingBox (Maybe Double) Source #
Height of the bounding box as a ratio of the overall image height.
boundingBox_left :: Lens' BoundingBox (Maybe Double) Source #
Left coordinate of the bounding box as a ratio of overall image width.
boundingBox_width :: Lens' BoundingBox (Maybe Double) Source #
Width of the bounding box as a ratio of the overall image width.
boundingBox_top :: Lens' BoundingBox (Maybe Double) Source #
Top coordinate of the bounding box as a ratio of overall image height.
celebrity_matchConfidence :: Lens' Celebrity (Maybe Double) Source #
The confidence, in percentage, that Amazon Rekognition has that the recognized face is the celebrity.
celebrity_urls :: Lens' Celebrity (Maybe [Text]) Source #
An array of URLs pointing to additional information about the celebrity. If there is no additional information about the celebrity, this list is empty.
celebrity_knownGender :: Lens' Celebrity (Maybe KnownGender) Source #
Undocumented member.
celebrity_face :: Lens' Celebrity (Maybe ComparedFace) Source #
Provides information about the celebrity's face, such as its location on the image.
celebrityDetail_boundingBox :: Lens' CelebrityDetail (Maybe BoundingBox) Source #
Bounding box around the body of a celebrity.
celebrityDetail_urls :: Lens' CelebrityDetail (Maybe [Text]) Source #
An array of URLs pointing to additional celebrity information.
celebrityDetail_confidence :: Lens' CelebrityDetail (Maybe Double) Source #
The confidence, in percentage, that Amazon Rekognition has that the recognized face is the celebrity.
celebrityDetail_name :: Lens' CelebrityDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the celebrity.
celebrityDetail_id :: Lens' CelebrityDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the celebrity.
celebrityDetail_face :: Lens' CelebrityDetail (Maybe FaceDetail) Source #
Face details for the recognized celebrity.
celebrityRecognition_celebrity :: Lens' CelebrityRecognition (Maybe CelebrityDetail) Source #
Information about a recognized celebrity.
celebrityRecognition_timestamp :: Lens' CelebrityRecognition (Maybe Integer) Source #
The time, in milliseconds from the start of the video, that the celebrity was recognized.
compareFacesMatch_similarity :: Lens' CompareFacesMatch (Maybe Double) Source #
Level of confidence that the faces match.
compareFacesMatch_face :: Lens' CompareFacesMatch (Maybe ComparedFace) Source #
Provides face metadata (bounding box and confidence that the bounding box actually contains a face).
comparedFace_boundingBox :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe BoundingBox) Source #
Bounding box of the face.
comparedFace_emotions :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe [Emotion]) Source #
The emotions that appear to be expressed on the face, and the confidence level in the determination. Valid values include "Happy", "Sad", "Angry", "Confused", "Disgusted", "Surprised", "Calm", "Unknown", and "Fear".
comparedFace_pose :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe Pose) Source #
Indicates the pose of the face as determined by its pitch, roll, and yaw.
comparedFace_confidence :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe Double) Source #
Level of confidence that what the bounding box contains is a face.
comparedFace_quality :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe ImageQuality) Source #
Identifies face image brightness and sharpness.
comparedFace_smile :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe Smile) Source #
Indicates whether or not the face is smiling, and the confidence level in the determination.
comparedFace_landmarks :: Lens' ComparedFace (Maybe [Landmark]) Source #
An array of facial landmarks.
comparedSourceImageFace_boundingBox :: Lens' ComparedSourceImageFace (Maybe BoundingBox) Source #
Bounding box of the face.
comparedSourceImageFace_confidence :: Lens' ComparedSourceImageFace (Maybe Double) Source #
Confidence level that the selected bounding box contains a face.
contentModerationDetection_moderationLabel :: Lens' ContentModerationDetection (Maybe ModerationLabel) Source #
The content moderation label detected by in the stored video.
contentModerationDetection_timestamp :: Lens' ContentModerationDetection (Maybe Integer) Source #
Time, in milliseconds from the beginning of the video, that the content moderation label was detected.
coversBodyPart_value :: Lens' CoversBodyPart (Maybe Bool) Source #
True if the PPE covers the corresponding body part, otherwise false.
coversBodyPart_confidence :: Lens' CoversBodyPart (Maybe Double) Source #
The confidence that Amazon Rekognition has in the value of Value
customLabel_confidence :: Lens' CustomLabel (Maybe Double) Source #
The confidence that the model has in the detection of the custom label. The range is 0-100. A higher value indicates a higher confidence.
customLabel_name :: Lens' CustomLabel (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the custom label.
customLabel_geometry :: Lens' CustomLabel (Maybe Geometry) Source #
The location of the detected object on the image that corresponds to the custom label. Includes an axis aligned coarse bounding box surrounding the object and a finer grain polygon for more accurate spatial information.
detectTextFilters_regionsOfInterest :: Lens' DetectTextFilters (Maybe [RegionOfInterest]) Source #
A Filter focusing on a certain area of the image. Uses a BoundingBox
object to set the region of the image.
detectTextFilters_wordFilter :: Lens' DetectTextFilters (Maybe DetectionFilter) Source #
Undocumented member.
detectionFilter_minBoundingBoxHeight :: Lens' DetectionFilter (Maybe Double) Source #
Sets the minimum height of the word bounding box. Words with bounding box heights lesser than this value will be excluded from the result. Value is relative to the video frame height.
detectionFilter_minBoundingBoxWidth :: Lens' DetectionFilter (Maybe Double) Source #
Sets the minimum width of the word bounding box. Words with bounding boxes widths lesser than this value will be excluded from the result. Value is relative to the video frame width.
detectionFilter_minConfidence :: Lens' DetectionFilter (Maybe Double) Source #
Sets the confidence of word detection. Words with detection confidence below this will be excluded from the result. Values should be between 50 and 100 as Text in Video will not return any result below 50.
emotion_confidence :: Lens' Emotion (Maybe Double) Source #
Level of confidence in the determination.
emotion_type :: Lens' Emotion (Maybe EmotionName) Source #
Type of emotion detected.
equipmentDetection_boundingBox :: Lens' EquipmentDetection (Maybe BoundingBox) Source #
A bounding box surrounding the item of detected PPE.
equipmentDetection_coversBodyPart :: Lens' EquipmentDetection (Maybe CoversBodyPart) Source #
Information about the body part covered by the detected PPE.
equipmentDetection_confidence :: Lens' EquipmentDetection (Maybe Double) Source #
The confidence that Amazon Rekognition has that the bounding box
) contains an item of PPE.
equipmentDetection_type :: Lens' EquipmentDetection (Maybe ProtectiveEquipmentType) Source #
The type of detected PPE.
evaluationResult_summary :: Lens' EvaluationResult (Maybe Summary) Source #
The S3 bucket that contains the training summary.
evaluationResult_f1Score :: Lens' EvaluationResult (Maybe Double) Source #
The F1 score for the evaluation of all labels. The F1 score metric evaluates the overall precision and recall performance of the model as a single value. A higher value indicates better precision and recall performance. A lower score indicates that precision, recall, or both are performing poorly.
eyeOpen_value :: Lens' EyeOpen (Maybe Bool) Source #
Boolean value that indicates whether the eyes on the face are open.
eyeOpen_confidence :: Lens' EyeOpen (Maybe Double) Source #
Level of confidence in the determination.
eyeglasses_value :: Lens' Eyeglasses (Maybe Bool) Source #
Boolean value that indicates whether the face is wearing eye glasses or not.
eyeglasses_confidence :: Lens' Eyeglasses (Maybe Double) Source #
Level of confidence in the determination.
face_faceId :: Lens' Face (Maybe Text) Source #
Unique identifier that Amazon Rekognition assigns to the face.
face_boundingBox :: Lens' Face (Maybe BoundingBox) Source #
Bounding box of the face.
face_externalImageId :: Lens' Face (Maybe Text) Source #
Identifier that you assign to all the faces in the input image.
face_confidence :: Lens' Face (Maybe Double) Source #
Confidence level that the bounding box contains a face (and not a different object such as a tree).
face_imageId :: Lens' Face (Maybe Text) Source #
Unique identifier that Amazon Rekognition assigns to the input image.
faceDetail_ageRange :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe AgeRange) Source #
The estimated age range, in years, for the face. Low represents the lowest estimated age and High represents the highest estimated age.
faceDetail_sunglasses :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Sunglasses) Source #
Indicates whether or not the face is wearing sunglasses, and the confidence level in the determination.
faceDetail_mouthOpen :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe MouthOpen) Source #
Indicates whether or not the mouth on the face is open, and the confidence level in the determination.
faceDetail_boundingBox :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe BoundingBox) Source #
Bounding box of the face. Default attribute.
faceDetail_emotions :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe [Emotion]) Source #
The emotions that appear to be expressed on the face, and the confidence level in the determination. The API is only making a determination of the physical appearance of a person's face. It is not a determination of the person’s internal emotional state and should not be used in such a way. For example, a person pretending to have a sad face might not be sad emotionally.
faceDetail_eyesOpen :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe EyeOpen) Source #
Indicates whether or not the eyes on the face are open, and the confidence level in the determination.
faceDetail_pose :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Pose) Source #
Indicates the pose of the face as determined by its pitch, roll, and yaw. Default attribute.
faceDetail_confidence :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Double) Source #
Confidence level that the bounding box contains a face (and not a different object such as a tree). Default attribute.
faceDetail_gender :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Gender) Source #
The predicted gender of a detected face.
faceDetail_quality :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe ImageQuality) Source #
Identifies image brightness and sharpness. Default attribute.
faceDetail_eyeglasses :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Eyeglasses) Source #
Indicates whether or not the face is wearing eye glasses, and the confidence level in the determination.
faceDetail_beard :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Beard) Source #
Indicates whether or not the face has a beard, and the confidence level in the determination.
faceDetail_mustache :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Mustache) Source #
Indicates whether or not the face has a mustache, and the confidence level in the determination.
faceDetail_smile :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe Smile) Source #
Indicates whether or not the face is smiling, and the confidence level in the determination.
faceDetail_landmarks :: Lens' FaceDetail (Maybe [Landmark]) Source #
Indicates the location of landmarks on the face. Default attribute.
faceDetection_timestamp :: Lens' FaceDetection (Maybe Integer) Source #
Time, in milliseconds from the start of the video, that the face was detected.
faceDetection_face :: Lens' FaceDetection (Maybe FaceDetail) Source #
The face properties for the detected face.
faceMatch_similarity :: Lens' FaceMatch (Maybe Double) Source #
Confidence in the match of this face with the input face.
faceMatch_face :: Lens' FaceMatch (Maybe Face) Source #
Describes the face properties such as the bounding box, face ID, image ID of the source image, and external image ID that you assigned.
faceRecord_faceDetail :: Lens' FaceRecord (Maybe FaceDetail) Source #
Structure containing attributes of the face that the algorithm detected.
faceRecord_face :: Lens' FaceRecord (Maybe Face) Source #
Describes the face properties such as the bounding box, face ID, image ID of the input image, and external image ID that you assigned.
faceSearchSettings_faceMatchThreshold :: Lens' FaceSearchSettings (Maybe Double) Source #
Minimum face match confidence score that must be met to return a result for a recognized face. Default is 80. 0 is the lowest confidence. 100 is the highest confidence.
faceSearchSettings_collectionId :: Lens' FaceSearchSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of a collection that contains faces that you want to search for.
gender_value :: Lens' Gender (Maybe GenderType) Source #
The predicted gender of the face.
geometry_boundingBox :: Lens' Geometry (Maybe BoundingBox) Source #
An axis-aligned coarse representation of the detected item's location on the image.
geometry_polygon :: Lens' Geometry (Maybe [Point]) Source #
Within the bounding box, a fine-grained polygon around the detected item.
groundTruthManifest_s3Object :: Lens' GroundTruthManifest (Maybe S3Object) Source #
Undocumented member.
humanLoopActivationOutput_humanLoopActivationReasons :: Lens' HumanLoopActivationOutput (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
Shows if and why human review was needed.
humanLoopActivationOutput_humanLoopArn :: Lens' HumanLoopActivationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the HumanLoop created.
humanLoopActivationOutput_humanLoopActivationConditionsEvaluationResults :: Lens' HumanLoopActivationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
Shows the result of condition evaluations, including those conditions which activated a human review.
humanLoopConfig_dataAttributes :: Lens' HumanLoopConfig (Maybe HumanLoopDataAttributes) Source #
Sets attributes of the input data.
humanLoopConfig_humanLoopName :: Lens' HumanLoopConfig Text Source #
The name of the human review used for this image. This should be kept unique within a region.
humanLoopConfig_flowDefinitionArn :: Lens' HumanLoopConfig Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow definition. You can create a flow definition by using the Amazon Sagemaker CreateFlowDefinition Operation.
humanLoopDataAttributes_contentClassifiers :: Lens' HumanLoopDataAttributes (Maybe [ContentClassifier]) Source #
Sets whether the input image is free of personally identifiable information.
image_bytes :: Lens' Image (Maybe ByteString) Source #
Blob of image bytes up to 5 MBs.--
-- Note: This Lens
automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This Lens
accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
imageQuality_sharpness :: Lens' ImageQuality (Maybe Double) Source #
Value representing sharpness of the face. The service returns a value between 0 and 100 (inclusive). A higher value indicates a sharper face image.
imageQuality_brightness :: Lens' ImageQuality (Maybe Double) Source #
Value representing brightness of the face. The service returns a value between 0 and 100 (inclusive). A higher value indicates a brighter face image.
instance_boundingBox :: Lens' Instance (Maybe BoundingBox) Source #
The position of the label instance on the image.
instance_confidence :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Double) Source #
The confidence that Amazon Rekognition has in the accuracy of the bounding box.
kinesisDataStream_arn :: Lens' KinesisDataStream (Maybe Text) Source #
ARN of the output Amazon Kinesis Data Streams stream.
kinesisVideoStream_arn :: Lens' KinesisVideoStream (Maybe Text) Source #
ARN of the Kinesis video stream stream that streams the source video.
knownGender_type :: Lens' KnownGender (Maybe KnownGenderType) Source #
A string value of the KnownGender info about the Celebrity.
label_parents :: Lens' Label (Maybe [Parent]) Source #
The parent labels for a label. The response includes all ancestor labels.
label_instances :: Lens' Label (Maybe [Instance]) Source #
If Label
represents an object, Instances
contains the bounding boxes
for each instance of the detected object. Bounding boxes are returned
for common object labels such as people, cars, furniture, apparel or
labelDetection_label :: Lens' LabelDetection (Maybe Label) Source #
Details about the detected label.
labelDetection_timestamp :: Lens' LabelDetection (Maybe Integer) Source #
Time, in milliseconds from the start of the video, that the label was detected.
landmark_type :: Lens' Landmark (Maybe LandmarkType) Source #
Type of landmark.
landmark_x :: Lens' Landmark (Maybe Double) Source #
The x-coordinate of the landmark expressed as a ratio of the width of the image. The x-coordinate is measured from the left-side of the image. For example, if the image is 700 pixels wide and the x-coordinate of the landmark is at 350 pixels, this value is 0.5.
landmark_y :: Lens' Landmark (Maybe Double) Source #
The y-coordinate of the landmark expressed as a ratio of the height of the image. The y-coordinate is measured from the top of the image. For example, if the image height is 200 pixels and the y-coordinate of the landmark is at 50 pixels, this value is 0.25.
moderationLabel_confidence :: Lens' ModerationLabel (Maybe Double) Source #
Specifies the confidence that Amazon Rekognition has that the label has been correctly identified.
If you don't specify the MinConfidence
parameter in the call to
, the operation returns labels with a confidence
value greater than or equal to 50 percent.
moderationLabel_name :: Lens' ModerationLabel (Maybe Text) Source #
The label name for the type of unsafe content detected in the image.
moderationLabel_parentName :: Lens' ModerationLabel (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the parent label. Labels at the top level of the hierarchy
have the parent label ""
mouthOpen_value :: Lens' MouthOpen (Maybe Bool) Source #
Boolean value that indicates whether the mouth on the face is open or not.
mouthOpen_confidence :: Lens' MouthOpen (Maybe Double) Source #
Level of confidence in the determination.
mustache_value :: Lens' Mustache (Maybe Bool) Source #
Boolean value that indicates whether the face has mustache or not.
mustache_confidence :: Lens' Mustache (Maybe Double) Source #
Level of confidence in the determination.
notificationChannel_sNSTopicArn :: Lens' NotificationChannel Text Source #
The Amazon SNS topic to which Amazon Rekognition to posts the completion status.
notificationChannel_roleArn :: Lens' NotificationChannel Text Source #
The ARN of an IAM role that gives Amazon Rekognition publishing permissions to the Amazon SNS topic.
outputConfig_s3KeyPrefix :: Lens' OutputConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The prefix applied to the training output files.
outputConfig_s3Bucket :: Lens' OutputConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The S3 bucket where training output is placed.
personDetail_boundingBox :: Lens' PersonDetail (Maybe BoundingBox) Source #
Bounding box around the detected person.
personDetail_index :: Lens' PersonDetail (Maybe Integer) Source #
Identifier for the person detected person within a video. Use to keep track of the person throughout the video. The identifier is not stored by Amazon Rekognition.
personDetail_face :: Lens' PersonDetail (Maybe FaceDetail) Source #
Face details for the detected person.
personDetection_person :: Lens' PersonDetection (Maybe PersonDetail) Source #
Details about a person whose path was tracked in a video.
personDetection_timestamp :: Lens' PersonDetection (Maybe Integer) Source #
The time, in milliseconds from the start of the video, that the person's path was tracked.
personMatch_faceMatches :: Lens' PersonMatch (Maybe [FaceMatch]) Source #
Information about the faces in the input collection that match the face of a person in the video.
personMatch_person :: Lens' PersonMatch (Maybe PersonDetail) Source #
Information about the matched person.
personMatch_timestamp :: Lens' PersonMatch (Maybe Integer) Source #
The time, in milliseconds from the beginning of the video, that the person was matched in the video.
point_x :: Lens' Point (Maybe Double) Source #
The value of the X coordinate for a point on a Polygon
point_y :: Lens' Point (Maybe Double) Source #
The value of the Y coordinate for a point on a Polygon
pose_roll :: Lens' Pose (Maybe Double) Source #
Value representing the face rotation on the roll axis.
pose_pitch :: Lens' Pose (Maybe Double) Source #
Value representing the face rotation on the pitch axis.
projectDescription_status :: Lens' ProjectDescription (Maybe ProjectStatus) Source #
The current status of the project.
projectDescription_creationTimestamp :: Lens' ProjectDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix timestamp for the date and time that the project was created.
projectDescription_projectArn :: Lens' ProjectDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project.
projectVersionDescription_minInferenceUnits :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The minimum number of inference units used by the model. For more information, see StartProjectVersion.
projectVersionDescription_status :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe ProjectVersionStatus) Source #
The current status of the model version.
projectVersionDescription_evaluationResult :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe EvaluationResult) Source #
The training results. EvaluationResult
is only returned if training is
projectVersionDescription_manifestSummary :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe GroundTruthManifest) Source #
The location of the summary manifest. The summary manifest provides aggregate data validation results for the training and test datasets.
projectVersionDescription_kmsKeyId :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifer for the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key that was used to encrypt the model during training.
projectVersionDescription_testingDataResult :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe TestingDataResult) Source #
Contains information about the testing results.
projectVersionDescription_statusMessage :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
A descriptive message for an error or warning that occurred.
projectVersionDescription_creationTimestamp :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix datetime for the date and time that training started.
projectVersionDescription_projectVersionArn :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the model version.
projectVersionDescription_outputConfig :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe OutputConfig) Source #
The location where training results are saved.
projectVersionDescription_billableTrainingTimeInSeconds :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The duration, in seconds, that the model version has been billed for training. This value is only returned if the model version has been successfully trained.
projectVersionDescription_trainingEndTimestamp :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix date and time that training of the model ended.
projectVersionDescription_trainingDataResult :: Lens' ProjectVersionDescription (Maybe TrainingDataResult) Source #
Contains information about the training results.
protectiveEquipmentBodyPart_equipmentDetections :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentBodyPart (Maybe [EquipmentDetection]) Source #
An array of Personal Protective Equipment items detected around a body part.
protectiveEquipmentBodyPart_confidence :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentBodyPart (Maybe Double) Source #
The confidence that Amazon Rekognition has in the detection accuracy of the detected body part.
protectiveEquipmentBodyPart_name :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentBodyPart (Maybe BodyPart) Source #
The detected body part.
protectiveEquipmentPerson_bodyParts :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentPerson (Maybe [ProtectiveEquipmentBodyPart]) Source #
An array of body parts detected on a person's body (including body parts without PPE).
protectiveEquipmentPerson_boundingBox :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentPerson (Maybe BoundingBox) Source #
A bounding box around the detected person.
protectiveEquipmentPerson_confidence :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentPerson (Maybe Double) Source #
The confidence that Amazon Rekognition has that the bounding box contains a person.
protectiveEquipmentPerson_id :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentPerson (Maybe Natural) Source #
The identifier for the detected person. The identifier is only unique
for a single call to DetectProtectiveEquipment
protectiveEquipmentSummarizationAttributes_minConfidence :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentSummarizationAttributes Double Source #
The minimum confidence level for which you want summary information. The confidence level applies to person detection, body part detection, equipment detection, and body part coverage. Amazon Rekognition doesn't return summary information with a confidence than this specified value. There isn't a default value.
Specify a MinConfidence
value that is between 50-100% as
returns predictions only where the detection
confidence is between 50% - 100%. If you specify a value that is less
than 50%, the results are the same specifying a value of 50%.
protectiveEquipmentSummarizationAttributes_requiredEquipmentTypes :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentSummarizationAttributes [ProtectiveEquipmentType] Source #
An array of personal protective equipment types for which you want
summary information. If a person is detected wearing a required
requipment type, the person's ID is added to the
array field returned in
ProtectiveEquipmentSummary by DetectProtectiveEquipment
protectiveEquipmentSummary_personsWithRequiredEquipment :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentSummary (Maybe [Natural]) Source #
An array of IDs for persons who are wearing detected personal protective equipment.
protectiveEquipmentSummary_personsWithoutRequiredEquipment :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentSummary (Maybe [Natural]) Source #
An array of IDs for persons who are not wearing all of the types of PPE
specified in the RequiredEquipmentTypes
field of the detected personal
protective equipment.
protectiveEquipmentSummary_personsIndeterminate :: Lens' ProtectiveEquipmentSummary (Maybe [Natural]) Source #
An array of IDs for persons where it was not possible to determine if they are wearing personal protective equipment.
regionOfInterest_boundingBox :: Lens' RegionOfInterest (Maybe BoundingBox) Source #
The box representing a region of interest on screen.
s3Object_version :: Lens' S3Object (Maybe Text) Source #
If the bucket is versioning enabled, you can specify the object version.
segmentDetection_technicalCueSegment :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe TechnicalCueSegment) Source #
If the segment is a technical cue, contains information about the technical cue.
segmentDetection_endFrameNumber :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Natural) Source #
The frame number at the end of a video segment, using a frame index that starts with 0.
segmentDetection_durationSMPTE :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
The duration of the timecode for the detected segment in SMPTE format.
segmentDetection_endTimestampMillis :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Integer) Source #
The end time of the detected segment, in milliseconds, from the start of the video. This value is rounded down.
segmentDetection_startTimecodeSMPTE :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
The frame-accurate SMPTE timecode, from the start of a video, for the
start of a detected segment. StartTimecode
is in HH:MM:SS:fr format
(and ;fr for drop frame-rates).
segmentDetection_endTimecodeSMPTE :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
The frame-accurate SMPTE timecode, from the start of a video, for the
end of a detected segment. EndTimecode
is in HH:MM:SS:fr format (and
;fr for drop frame-rates).
segmentDetection_durationMillis :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Natural) Source #
The duration of the detected segment in milliseconds.
segmentDetection_durationFrames :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Natural) Source #
The duration of a video segment, expressed in frames.
segmentDetection_startTimestampMillis :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Integer) Source #
The start time of the detected segment in milliseconds from the start of the video. This value is rounded down. For example, if the actual timestamp is 100.6667 milliseconds, Amazon Rekognition Video returns a value of 100 millis.
segmentDetection_type :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe SegmentType) Source #
The type of the segment. Valid values are TECHNICAL_CUE
and SHOT
segmentDetection_shotSegment :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe ShotSegment) Source #
If the segment is a shot detection, contains information about the shot detection.
segmentDetection_startFrameNumber :: Lens' SegmentDetection (Maybe Natural) Source #
The frame number of the start of a video segment, using a frame index that starts with 0.
segmentTypeInfo_modelVersion :: Lens' SegmentTypeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the model used to detect segments.
segmentTypeInfo_type :: Lens' SegmentTypeInfo (Maybe SegmentType) Source #
The type of a segment (technical cue or shot detection).
shotSegment_confidence :: Lens' ShotSegment (Maybe Double) Source #
The confidence that Amazon Rekognition Video has in the accuracy of the detected segment.
shotSegment_index :: Lens' ShotSegment (Maybe Natural) Source #
An Identifier for a shot detection segment detected in a video.
smile_value :: Lens' Smile (Maybe Bool) Source #
Boolean value that indicates whether the face is smiling or not.
startSegmentDetectionFilters_technicalCueFilter :: Lens' StartSegmentDetectionFilters (Maybe StartTechnicalCueDetectionFilter) Source #
Filters that are specific to technical cues.
startSegmentDetectionFilters_shotFilter :: Lens' StartSegmentDetectionFilters (Maybe StartShotDetectionFilter) Source #
Filters that are specific to shot detections.
startShotDetectionFilter_minSegmentConfidence :: Lens' StartShotDetectionFilter (Maybe Double) Source #
Specifies the minimum confidence that Amazon Rekognition Video must have in order to return a detected segment. Confidence represents how certain Amazon Rekognition is that a segment is correctly identified. 0 is the lowest confidence. 100 is the highest confidence. Amazon Rekognition Video doesn't return any segments with a confidence level lower than this specified value.
If you don't specify MinSegmentConfidence
, the GetSegmentDetection
returns segments with confidence values greater than or equal to 50
startTechnicalCueDetectionFilter_blackFrame :: Lens' StartTechnicalCueDetectionFilter (Maybe BlackFrame) Source #
A filter that allows you to control the black frame detection by specifying the black levels and pixel coverage of black pixels in a frame. Videos can come from multiple sources, formats, and time periods, with different standards and varying noise levels for black frames that need to be accounted for.
startTechnicalCueDetectionFilter_minSegmentConfidence :: Lens' StartTechnicalCueDetectionFilter (Maybe Double) Source #
Specifies the minimum confidence that Amazon Rekognition Video must have in order to return a detected segment. Confidence represents how certain Amazon Rekognition is that a segment is correctly identified. 0 is the lowest confidence. 100 is the highest confidence. Amazon Rekognition Video doesn't return any segments with a confidence level lower than this specified value.
If you don't specify MinSegmentConfidence
, GetSegmentDetection
returns segments with confidence values greater than or equal to 50
startTextDetectionFilters_regionsOfInterest :: Lens' StartTextDetectionFilters (Maybe [RegionOfInterest]) Source #
Filter focusing on a certain area of the frame. Uses a BoundingBox
object to set the region of the screen.
startTextDetectionFilters_wordFilter :: Lens' StartTextDetectionFilters (Maybe DetectionFilter) Source #
Filters focusing on qualities of the text, such as confidence or size.
streamProcessor_status :: Lens' StreamProcessor (Maybe StreamProcessorStatus) Source #
Current status of the Amazon Rekognition stream processor.
streamProcessor_name :: Lens' StreamProcessor (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of the Amazon Rekognition stream processor.
streamProcessorInput_kinesisVideoStream :: Lens' StreamProcessorInput (Maybe KinesisVideoStream) Source #
The Kinesis video stream input stream for the source streaming video.
streamProcessorOutput_kinesisDataStream :: Lens' StreamProcessorOutput (Maybe KinesisDataStream) Source #
The Amazon Kinesis Data Streams stream to which the Amazon Rekognition stream processor streams the analysis results.
streamProcessorSettings_faceSearch :: Lens' StreamProcessorSettings (Maybe FaceSearchSettings) Source #
Face search settings to use on a streaming video.
sunglasses_value :: Lens' Sunglasses (Maybe Bool) Source #
Boolean value that indicates whether the face is wearing sunglasses or not.
sunglasses_confidence :: Lens' Sunglasses (Maybe Double) Source #
Level of confidence in the determination.
technicalCueSegment_confidence :: Lens' TechnicalCueSegment (Maybe Double) Source #
The confidence that Amazon Rekognition Video has in the accuracy of the detected segment.
technicalCueSegment_type :: Lens' TechnicalCueSegment (Maybe TechnicalCueType) Source #
The type of the technical cue.
testingData_assets :: Lens' TestingData (Maybe [Asset]) Source #
The assets used for testing.
testingData_autoCreate :: Lens' TestingData (Maybe Bool) Source #
If specified, Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels creates a testing dataset with an 80/20 split of the training dataset.
testingDataResult_input :: Lens' TestingDataResult (Maybe TestingData) Source #
The testing dataset that was supplied for training.
testingDataResult_output :: Lens' TestingDataResult (Maybe TestingData) Source #
The subset of the dataset that was actually tested. Some images (assets) might not be tested due to file formatting and other issues.
testingDataResult_validation :: Lens' TestingDataResult (Maybe ValidationData) Source #
The location of the data validation manifest. The data validation manifest is created for the test dataset during model training.
textDetection_detectedText :: Lens' TextDetection (Maybe Text) Source #
The word or line of text recognized by Amazon Rekognition.
textDetection_confidence :: Lens' TextDetection (Maybe Double) Source #
The confidence that Amazon Rekognition has in the accuracy of the detected text and the accuracy of the geometry points around the detected text.
textDetection_geometry :: Lens' TextDetection (Maybe Geometry) Source #
The location of the detected text on the image. Includes an axis aligned coarse bounding box surrounding the text and a finer grain polygon for more accurate spatial information.
textDetection_id :: Lens' TextDetection (Maybe Natural) Source #
The identifier for the detected text. The identifier is only unique for
a single call to DetectText
textDetection_type :: Lens' TextDetection (Maybe TextTypes) Source #
The type of text that was detected.
textDetection_parentId :: Lens' TextDetection (Maybe Natural) Source #
The Parent identifier for the detected text identified by the value of
. If the type of detected text is LINE
, the value of ParentId
textDetectionResult_textDetection :: Lens' TextDetectionResult (Maybe TextDetection) Source #
Details about text detected in a video.
textDetectionResult_timestamp :: Lens' TextDetectionResult (Maybe Integer) Source #
The time, in milliseconds from the start of the video, that the text was detected.
trainingData_assets :: Lens' TrainingData (Maybe [Asset]) Source #
A Sagemaker GroundTruth manifest file that contains the training images (assets).
trainingDataResult_input :: Lens' TrainingDataResult (Maybe TrainingData) Source #
The training assets that you supplied for training.
trainingDataResult_output :: Lens' TrainingDataResult (Maybe TrainingData) Source #
The images (assets) that were actually trained by Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels.
trainingDataResult_validation :: Lens' TrainingDataResult (Maybe ValidationData) Source #
The location of the data validation manifest. The data validation manifest is created for the training dataset during model training.
unindexedFace_reasons :: Lens' UnindexedFace (Maybe [Reason]) Source #
An array of reasons that specify why a face wasn't indexed.
- EXTREME_POSE - The face is at a pose that can't be detected. For example, the head is turned too far away from the camera.
- EXCEEDS_MAX_FACES - The number of faces detected is already higher
than that specified by the
input parameter forIndexFaces
. - LOW_BRIGHTNESS - The image is too dark.
- LOW_SHARPNESS - The image is too blurry.
- LOW_CONFIDENCE - The face was detected with a low confidence.
- SMALL_BOUNDING_BOX - The bounding box around the face is too small.
unindexedFace_faceDetail :: Lens' UnindexedFace (Maybe FaceDetail) Source #
The structure that contains attributes of a face that
detected, but didn't index.
validationData_assets :: Lens' ValidationData (Maybe [Asset]) Source #
The assets that comprise the validation data.
video_s3Object :: Lens' Video (Maybe S3Object) Source #
The Amazon S3 bucket name and file name for the video.
videoMetadata_frameRate :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe Double) Source #
Number of frames per second in the video.
videoMetadata_colorRange :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe VideoColorRange) Source #
A description of the range of luminance values in a video, either LIMITED (16 to 235) or FULL (0 to 255).
videoMetadata_format :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
Format of the analyzed video. Possible values are MP4, MOV and AVI.
videoMetadata_codec :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
Type of compression used in the analyzed video.
videoMetadata_frameHeight :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe Natural) Source #
Vertical pixel dimension of the video.
videoMetadata_durationMillis :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe Natural) Source #
Length of the video in milliseconds.
videoMetadata_frameWidth :: Lens' VideoMetadata (Maybe Natural) Source #
Horizontal pixel dimension of the video.