Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- AgentStatusState
- AgentStatusType
- Channel
- Comparison
- ContactFlowType
- CurrentMetricName
- DirectoryType
- EncryptionType
- Grouping
- HistoricalMetricName
- HoursOfOperationDays
- InstanceAttributeType
- InstanceStatus
- InstanceStorageResourceType
- IntegrationType
- LexVersion
- PhoneNumberCountryCode
- PhoneNumberType
- PhoneType
- QueueStatus
- QueueType
- QuickConnectType
- ReferenceType
- SourceType
- Statistic
- StorageType
- TrafficType
- Unit
- UseCaseType
- VoiceRecordingTrack
- AgentStatus
- AgentStatusSummary
- AnswerMachineDetectionConfig
- Attribute
- ChatMessage
- ContactFlow
- ContactFlowSummary
- Credentials
- CurrentMetric
- CurrentMetricData
- CurrentMetricResult
- Dimensions
- EncryptionConfig
- Filters
- HierarchyGroup
- HierarchyGroupSummary
- HierarchyLevel
- HierarchyLevelUpdate
- HierarchyPath
- HierarchyStructure
- HierarchyStructureUpdate
- HistoricalMetric
- HistoricalMetricData
- HistoricalMetricResult
- HoursOfOperation
- HoursOfOperationConfig
- HoursOfOperationSummary
- HoursOfOperationTimeSlice
- Instance
- InstanceStatusReason
- InstanceStorageConfig
- InstanceSummary
- IntegrationAssociationSummary
- KinesisFirehoseConfig
- KinesisStreamConfig
- KinesisVideoStreamConfig
- LexBot
- LexBotConfig
- LexV2Bot
- MediaConcurrency
- OutboundCallerConfig
- ParticipantDetails
- PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig
- PhoneNumberSummary
- PromptSummary
- Queue
- QueueQuickConnectConfig
- QueueReference
- QueueSummary
- QuickConnect
- QuickConnectConfig
- QuickConnectSummary
- Reference
- RoutingProfile
- RoutingProfileQueueConfig
- RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary
- RoutingProfileQueueReference
- RoutingProfileSummary
- S3Config
- SecurityKey
- SecurityProfileSummary
- Threshold
- UseCase
- User
- UserIdentityInfo
- UserPhoneConfig
- UserQuickConnectConfig
- UserSummary
- VoiceRecordingConfiguration
- defaultService :: Service
- _InvalidContactFlowException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _OutboundContactNotPermittedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidParameterException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _DuplicateResourceException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _UserNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ContactFlowNotPublishedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _DestinationNotAllowedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ContactNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InternalServiceException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _LimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceInUseException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- newtype AgentStatusState where
- AgentStatusState' { }
- pattern AgentStatusState_DISABLED :: AgentStatusState
- pattern AgentStatusState_ENABLED :: AgentStatusState
- newtype AgentStatusType where
- AgentStatusType' { }
- pattern AgentStatusType_CUSTOM :: AgentStatusType
- pattern AgentStatusType_OFFLINE :: AgentStatusType
- pattern AgentStatusType_ROUTABLE :: AgentStatusType
- newtype Channel where
- Channel' {
- fromChannel :: Text
- pattern Channel_CHAT :: Channel
- pattern Channel_TASK :: Channel
- pattern Channel_VOICE :: Channel
- Channel' {
- newtype Comparison where
- Comparison' { }
- pattern Comparison_LT :: Comparison
- newtype ContactFlowType where
- ContactFlowType' { }
- pattern ContactFlowType_AGENT_HOLD :: ContactFlowType
- pattern ContactFlowType_AGENT_TRANSFER :: ContactFlowType
- pattern ContactFlowType_AGENT_WHISPER :: ContactFlowType
- pattern ContactFlowType_CONTACT_FLOW :: ContactFlowType
- pattern ContactFlowType_CUSTOMER_HOLD :: ContactFlowType
- pattern ContactFlowType_CUSTOMER_QUEUE :: ContactFlowType
- pattern ContactFlowType_CUSTOMER_WHISPER :: ContactFlowType
- pattern ContactFlowType_OUTBOUND_WHISPER :: ContactFlowType
- pattern ContactFlowType_QUEUE_TRANSFER :: ContactFlowType
- newtype CurrentMetricName where
- CurrentMetricName' { }
- pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_AFTER_CONTACT_WORK :: CurrentMetricName
- pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_AVAILABLE :: CurrentMetricName
- pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_ERROR :: CurrentMetricName
- pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_NON_PRODUCTIVE :: CurrentMetricName
- pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_ONLINE :: CurrentMetricName
- pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_ON_CALL :: CurrentMetricName
- pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_ON_CONTACT :: CurrentMetricName
- pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_STAFFED :: CurrentMetricName
- pattern CurrentMetricName_CONTACTS_IN_QUEUE :: CurrentMetricName
- pattern CurrentMetricName_CONTACTS_SCHEDULED :: CurrentMetricName
- pattern CurrentMetricName_OLDEST_CONTACT_AGE :: CurrentMetricName
- pattern CurrentMetricName_SLOTS_ACTIVE :: CurrentMetricName
- pattern CurrentMetricName_SLOTS_AVAILABLE :: CurrentMetricName
- newtype DirectoryType where
- DirectoryType' { }
- pattern DirectoryType_CONNECT_MANAGED :: DirectoryType
- pattern DirectoryType_EXISTING_DIRECTORY :: DirectoryType
- pattern DirectoryType_SAML :: DirectoryType
- newtype EncryptionType where
- EncryptionType' { }
- pattern EncryptionType_KMS :: EncryptionType
- newtype Grouping where
- Grouping' {
- fromGrouping :: Text
- pattern Grouping_CHANNEL :: Grouping
- pattern Grouping_QUEUE :: Grouping
- Grouping' {
- newtype HistoricalMetricName where
- HistoricalMetricName' { }
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_ABANDON_TIME :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_AFTER_CONTACT_WORK_TIME :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_API_CONTACTS_HANDLED :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CALLBACK_CONTACTS_HANDLED :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_ABANDONED :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_AGENT_HUNG_UP_FIRST :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_CONSULTED :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_HANDLED :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_HANDLED_INCOMING :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_HANDLED_OUTBOUND :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_HOLD_ABANDONS :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_MISSED :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_QUEUED :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_IN :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_IN_FROM_QUEUE :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_OUT :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_OUT_FROM_QUEUE :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_HANDLE_TIME :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_HOLD_TIME :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_INTERACTION_AND_HOLD_TIME :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_INTERACTION_TIME :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_OCCUPANCY :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_QUEUED_TIME :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_QUEUE_ANSWER_TIME :: HistoricalMetricName
- pattern HistoricalMetricName_SERVICE_LEVEL :: HistoricalMetricName
- newtype HoursOfOperationDays where
- HoursOfOperationDays' { }
- pattern HoursOfOperationDays_FRIDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays
- pattern HoursOfOperationDays_MONDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays
- pattern HoursOfOperationDays_SATURDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays
- pattern HoursOfOperationDays_SUNDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays
- pattern HoursOfOperationDays_THURSDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays
- pattern HoursOfOperationDays_TUESDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays
- pattern HoursOfOperationDays_WEDNESDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays
- newtype InstanceAttributeType where
- InstanceAttributeType' { }
- pattern InstanceAttributeType_AUTO_RESOLVE_BEST_VOICES :: InstanceAttributeType
- pattern InstanceAttributeType_CONTACTFLOW_LOGS :: InstanceAttributeType
- pattern InstanceAttributeType_CONTACT_LENS :: InstanceAttributeType
- pattern InstanceAttributeType_EARLY_MEDIA :: InstanceAttributeType
- pattern InstanceAttributeType_INBOUND_CALLS :: InstanceAttributeType
- pattern InstanceAttributeType_OUTBOUND_CALLS :: InstanceAttributeType
- pattern InstanceAttributeType_USE_CUSTOM_TTS_VOICES :: InstanceAttributeType
- newtype InstanceStatus where
- InstanceStatus' { }
- pattern InstanceStatus_ACTIVE :: InstanceStatus
- pattern InstanceStatus_CREATION_FAILED :: InstanceStatus
- pattern InstanceStatus_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS :: InstanceStatus
- newtype InstanceStorageResourceType where
- InstanceStorageResourceType' { }
- pattern InstanceStorageResourceType_AGENT_EVENTS :: InstanceStorageResourceType
- pattern InstanceStorageResourceType_CALL_RECORDINGS :: InstanceStorageResourceType
- pattern InstanceStorageResourceType_CHAT_TRANSCRIPTS :: InstanceStorageResourceType
- pattern InstanceStorageResourceType_CONTACT_TRACE_RECORDS :: InstanceStorageResourceType
- pattern InstanceStorageResourceType_MEDIA_STREAMS :: InstanceStorageResourceType
- pattern InstanceStorageResourceType_SCHEDULED_REPORTS :: InstanceStorageResourceType
- newtype IntegrationType where
- IntegrationType' { }
- pattern IntegrationType_EVENT :: IntegrationType
- pattern IntegrationType_PINPOINT_APP :: IntegrationType
- pattern IntegrationType_VOICE_ID :: IntegrationType
- pattern IntegrationType_WISDOM_ASSISTANT :: IntegrationType
- pattern IntegrationType_WISDOM_KNOWLEDGE_BASE :: IntegrationType
- newtype LexVersion where
- LexVersion' { }
- pattern LexVersion_V1 :: LexVersion
- pattern LexVersion_V2 :: LexVersion
- newtype PhoneNumberCountryCode where
- PhoneNumberCountryCode' { }
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AD :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AF :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AI :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AL :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AN :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AO :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AQ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AS :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AT :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AU :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AW :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_AZ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BA :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BB :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BD :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BF :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BH :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BI :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BJ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BL :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BN :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BO :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BS :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BT :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BW :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BY :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_BZ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CA :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CC :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CD :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CF :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CH :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CI :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CK :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CL :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CN :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CO :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CU :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CV :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CW :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CX :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CY :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_CZ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_DE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_DJ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_DK :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_DM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_DO :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_DZ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_EC :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_EE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_EG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_EH :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_ER :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_ES :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_ET :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_FI :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_FJ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_FK :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_FM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_FO :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_FR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GA :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GB :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GD :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GH :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GI :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GL :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GN :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GQ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GT :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GU :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GW :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_GY :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_HK :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_HN :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_HR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_HT :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_HU :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_ID :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_IE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_IL :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_IM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_IN :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_IO :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_IQ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_IR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_IS :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_IT :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_JE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_JM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_JO :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_JP :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_KE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_KG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_KH :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_KI :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_KM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_KN :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_KP :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_KR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_KW :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_KY :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_KZ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_LA :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_LB :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_LC :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_LI :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_LK :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_LR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_LS :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_LT :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_LU :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_LV :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_LY :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MA :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MC :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MD :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_ME :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MF :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MH :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MK :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_ML :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MN :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MO :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MP :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MS :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MT :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MU :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MV :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MW :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MX :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MY :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_MZ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_NA :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_NC :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_NE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_NG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_NI :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_NL :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_NO :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_NP :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_NR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_NU :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_NZ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_OM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PA :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PF :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PH :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PK :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PL :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PN :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PT :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PW :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_PY :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_QA :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_RE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_RO :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_RS :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_RU :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_RW :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SA :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SB :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SC :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SD :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SH :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SI :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SJ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SK :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SL :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SN :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SO :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_ST :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SV :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SX :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SY :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_SZ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TC :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TD :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TH :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TJ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TK :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TL :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TN :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TO :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TR :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TT :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TV :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TW :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_TZ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_UA :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_UG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_US :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_UY :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_UZ :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_VA :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_VC :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_VE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_VG :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_VI :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_VN :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_VU :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_WF :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_WS :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_YE :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_YT :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_ZA :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_ZM :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- pattern PhoneNumberCountryCode_ZW :: PhoneNumberCountryCode
- newtype PhoneNumberType where
- PhoneNumberType' { }
- pattern PhoneNumberType_DID :: PhoneNumberType
- pattern PhoneNumberType_TOLL_FREE :: PhoneNumberType
- newtype PhoneType where
- PhoneType' { }
- pattern PhoneType_DESK_PHONE :: PhoneType
- pattern PhoneType_SOFT_PHONE :: PhoneType
- newtype QueueStatus where
- QueueStatus' { }
- pattern QueueStatus_DISABLED :: QueueStatus
- pattern QueueStatus_ENABLED :: QueueStatus
- newtype QueueType where
- QueueType' { }
- pattern QueueType_AGENT :: QueueType
- pattern QueueType_STANDARD :: QueueType
- newtype QuickConnectType where
- QuickConnectType' { }
- pattern QuickConnectType_PHONE_NUMBER :: QuickConnectType
- pattern QuickConnectType_QUEUE :: QuickConnectType
- pattern QuickConnectType_USER :: QuickConnectType
- newtype ReferenceType where
- ReferenceType' { }
- pattern ReferenceType_URL :: ReferenceType
- newtype SourceType where
- SourceType' { }
- pattern SourceType_SALESFORCE :: SourceType
- pattern SourceType_ZENDESK :: SourceType
- newtype Statistic where
- Statistic' { }
- pattern Statistic_AVG :: Statistic
- pattern Statistic_MAX :: Statistic
- pattern Statistic_SUM :: Statistic
- newtype StorageType where
- StorageType' { }
- pattern StorageType_KINESIS_FIREHOSE :: StorageType
- pattern StorageType_KINESIS_STREAM :: StorageType
- pattern StorageType_KINESIS_VIDEO_STREAM :: StorageType
- pattern StorageType_S3 :: StorageType
- newtype TrafficType where
- TrafficType' { }
- pattern TrafficType_CAMPAIGN :: TrafficType
- pattern TrafficType_GENERAL :: TrafficType
- newtype Unit where
- Unit' { }
- pattern Unit_COUNT :: Unit
- pattern Unit_PERCENT :: Unit
- pattern Unit_SECONDS :: Unit
- newtype UseCaseType where
- UseCaseType' { }
- pattern UseCaseType_CONNECT_CAMPAIGNS :: UseCaseType
- pattern UseCaseType_RULES_EVALUATION :: UseCaseType
- newtype VoiceRecordingTrack where
- data AgentStatus = AgentStatus' {}
- newAgentStatus :: AgentStatus
- agentStatus_displayOrder :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe Natural)
- agentStatus_state :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe AgentStatusState)
- agentStatus_name :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe Text)
- agentStatus_agentStatusId :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe Text)
- agentStatus_type :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe AgentStatusType)
- agentStatus_agentStatusARN :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe Text)
- agentStatus_description :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe Text)
- agentStatus_tags :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- data AgentStatusSummary = AgentStatusSummary' {}
- newAgentStatusSummary :: AgentStatusSummary
- agentStatusSummary_arn :: Lens' AgentStatusSummary (Maybe Text)
- agentStatusSummary_name :: Lens' AgentStatusSummary (Maybe Text)
- agentStatusSummary_id :: Lens' AgentStatusSummary (Maybe Text)
- agentStatusSummary_type :: Lens' AgentStatusSummary (Maybe AgentStatusType)
- data AnswerMachineDetectionConfig = AnswerMachineDetectionConfig' {}
- newAnswerMachineDetectionConfig :: AnswerMachineDetectionConfig
- answerMachineDetectionConfig_enableAnswerMachineDetection :: Lens' AnswerMachineDetectionConfig (Maybe Bool)
- answerMachineDetectionConfig_awaitAnswerMachinePrompt :: Lens' AnswerMachineDetectionConfig (Maybe Bool)
- data Attribute = Attribute' {}
- newAttribute :: Attribute
- attribute_value :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Text)
- attribute_attributeType :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe InstanceAttributeType)
- data ChatMessage = ChatMessage' {
- contentType :: Text
- content :: Text
- newChatMessage :: Text -> Text -> ChatMessage
- chatMessage_contentType :: Lens' ChatMessage Text
- chatMessage_content :: Lens' ChatMessage Text
- data ContactFlow = ContactFlow' {}
- newContactFlow :: ContactFlow
- contactFlow_arn :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe Text)
- contactFlow_content :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe Text)
- contactFlow_name :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe Text)
- contactFlow_id :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe Text)
- contactFlow_type :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe ContactFlowType)
- contactFlow_description :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe Text)
- contactFlow_tags :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- data ContactFlowSummary = ContactFlowSummary' {}
- newContactFlowSummary :: ContactFlowSummary
- contactFlowSummary_arn :: Lens' ContactFlowSummary (Maybe Text)
- contactFlowSummary_name :: Lens' ContactFlowSummary (Maybe Text)
- contactFlowSummary_contactFlowType :: Lens' ContactFlowSummary (Maybe ContactFlowType)
- contactFlowSummary_id :: Lens' ContactFlowSummary (Maybe Text)
- data Credentials = Credentials' {}
- newCredentials :: Credentials
- credentials_accessTokenExpiration :: Lens' Credentials (Maybe UTCTime)
- credentials_accessToken :: Lens' Credentials (Maybe Text)
- credentials_refreshToken :: Lens' Credentials (Maybe Text)
- credentials_refreshTokenExpiration :: Lens' Credentials (Maybe UTCTime)
- data CurrentMetric = CurrentMetric' {}
- newCurrentMetric :: CurrentMetric
- currentMetric_name :: Lens' CurrentMetric (Maybe CurrentMetricName)
- currentMetric_unit :: Lens' CurrentMetric (Maybe Unit)
- data CurrentMetricData = CurrentMetricData' {}
- newCurrentMetricData :: CurrentMetricData
- currentMetricData_value :: Lens' CurrentMetricData (Maybe Double)
- currentMetricData_metric :: Lens' CurrentMetricData (Maybe CurrentMetric)
- data CurrentMetricResult = CurrentMetricResult' {}
- newCurrentMetricResult :: CurrentMetricResult
- currentMetricResult_collections :: Lens' CurrentMetricResult (Maybe [CurrentMetricData])
- currentMetricResult_dimensions :: Lens' CurrentMetricResult (Maybe Dimensions)
- data Dimensions = Dimensions' {}
- newDimensions :: Dimensions
- dimensions_channel :: Lens' Dimensions (Maybe Channel)
- dimensions_queue :: Lens' Dimensions (Maybe QueueReference)
- data EncryptionConfig = EncryptionConfig' {}
- newEncryptionConfig :: EncryptionType -> Text -> EncryptionConfig
- encryptionConfig_encryptionType :: Lens' EncryptionConfig EncryptionType
- encryptionConfig_keyId :: Lens' EncryptionConfig Text
- data Filters = Filters' {}
- newFilters :: Filters
- filters_queues :: Lens' Filters (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- filters_channels :: Lens' Filters (Maybe [Channel])
- data HierarchyGroup = HierarchyGroup' {}
- newHierarchyGroup :: HierarchyGroup
- hierarchyGroup_arn :: Lens' HierarchyGroup (Maybe Text)
- hierarchyGroup_name :: Lens' HierarchyGroup (Maybe Text)
- hierarchyGroup_hierarchyPath :: Lens' HierarchyGroup (Maybe HierarchyPath)
- hierarchyGroup_id :: Lens' HierarchyGroup (Maybe Text)
- hierarchyGroup_levelId :: Lens' HierarchyGroup (Maybe Text)
- data HierarchyGroupSummary = HierarchyGroupSummary' {}
- newHierarchyGroupSummary :: HierarchyGroupSummary
- hierarchyGroupSummary_arn :: Lens' HierarchyGroupSummary (Maybe Text)
- hierarchyGroupSummary_name :: Lens' HierarchyGroupSummary (Maybe Text)
- hierarchyGroupSummary_id :: Lens' HierarchyGroupSummary (Maybe Text)
- data HierarchyLevel = HierarchyLevel' {}
- newHierarchyLevel :: HierarchyLevel
- hierarchyLevel_arn :: Lens' HierarchyLevel (Maybe Text)
- hierarchyLevel_name :: Lens' HierarchyLevel (Maybe Text)
- hierarchyLevel_id :: Lens' HierarchyLevel (Maybe Text)
- data HierarchyLevelUpdate = HierarchyLevelUpdate' {}
- newHierarchyLevelUpdate :: Text -> HierarchyLevelUpdate
- hierarchyLevelUpdate_name :: Lens' HierarchyLevelUpdate Text
- data HierarchyPath = HierarchyPath' {}
- newHierarchyPath :: HierarchyPath
- hierarchyPath_levelFive :: Lens' HierarchyPath (Maybe HierarchyGroupSummary)
- hierarchyPath_levelThree :: Lens' HierarchyPath (Maybe HierarchyGroupSummary)
- hierarchyPath_levelFour :: Lens' HierarchyPath (Maybe HierarchyGroupSummary)
- hierarchyPath_levelTwo :: Lens' HierarchyPath (Maybe HierarchyGroupSummary)
- hierarchyPath_levelOne :: Lens' HierarchyPath (Maybe HierarchyGroupSummary)
- data HierarchyStructure = HierarchyStructure' {}
- newHierarchyStructure :: HierarchyStructure
- hierarchyStructure_levelFive :: Lens' HierarchyStructure (Maybe HierarchyLevel)
- hierarchyStructure_levelThree :: Lens' HierarchyStructure (Maybe HierarchyLevel)
- hierarchyStructure_levelFour :: Lens' HierarchyStructure (Maybe HierarchyLevel)
- hierarchyStructure_levelTwo :: Lens' HierarchyStructure (Maybe HierarchyLevel)
- hierarchyStructure_levelOne :: Lens' HierarchyStructure (Maybe HierarchyLevel)
- data HierarchyStructureUpdate = HierarchyStructureUpdate' {}
- newHierarchyStructureUpdate :: HierarchyStructureUpdate
- hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelFive :: Lens' HierarchyStructureUpdate (Maybe HierarchyLevelUpdate)
- hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelThree :: Lens' HierarchyStructureUpdate (Maybe HierarchyLevelUpdate)
- hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelFour :: Lens' HierarchyStructureUpdate (Maybe HierarchyLevelUpdate)
- hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelTwo :: Lens' HierarchyStructureUpdate (Maybe HierarchyLevelUpdate)
- hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelOne :: Lens' HierarchyStructureUpdate (Maybe HierarchyLevelUpdate)
- data HistoricalMetric = HistoricalMetric' {}
- newHistoricalMetric :: HistoricalMetric
- historicalMetric_name :: Lens' HistoricalMetric (Maybe HistoricalMetricName)
- historicalMetric_threshold :: Lens' HistoricalMetric (Maybe Threshold)
- historicalMetric_unit :: Lens' HistoricalMetric (Maybe Unit)
- historicalMetric_statistic :: Lens' HistoricalMetric (Maybe Statistic)
- data HistoricalMetricData = HistoricalMetricData' {}
- newHistoricalMetricData :: HistoricalMetricData
- historicalMetricData_value :: Lens' HistoricalMetricData (Maybe Double)
- historicalMetricData_metric :: Lens' HistoricalMetricData (Maybe HistoricalMetric)
- data HistoricalMetricResult = HistoricalMetricResult' {}
- newHistoricalMetricResult :: HistoricalMetricResult
- historicalMetricResult_collections :: Lens' HistoricalMetricResult (Maybe [HistoricalMetricData])
- historicalMetricResult_dimensions :: Lens' HistoricalMetricResult (Maybe Dimensions)
- data HoursOfOperation = HoursOfOperation' {}
- newHoursOfOperation :: HoursOfOperation
- hoursOfOperation_config :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe [HoursOfOperationConfig])
- hoursOfOperation_name :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe Text)
- hoursOfOperation_hoursOfOperationArn :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe Text)
- hoursOfOperation_hoursOfOperationId :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe Text)
- hoursOfOperation_timeZone :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe Text)
- hoursOfOperation_description :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe Text)
- hoursOfOperation_tags :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- data HoursOfOperationConfig = HoursOfOperationConfig' {}
- newHoursOfOperationConfig :: HoursOfOperationDays -> HoursOfOperationTimeSlice -> HoursOfOperationTimeSlice -> HoursOfOperationConfig
- hoursOfOperationConfig_day :: Lens' HoursOfOperationConfig HoursOfOperationDays
- hoursOfOperationConfig_startTime :: Lens' HoursOfOperationConfig HoursOfOperationTimeSlice
- hoursOfOperationConfig_endTime :: Lens' HoursOfOperationConfig HoursOfOperationTimeSlice
- data HoursOfOperationSummary = HoursOfOperationSummary' {}
- newHoursOfOperationSummary :: HoursOfOperationSummary
- hoursOfOperationSummary_arn :: Lens' HoursOfOperationSummary (Maybe Text)
- hoursOfOperationSummary_name :: Lens' HoursOfOperationSummary (Maybe Text)
- hoursOfOperationSummary_id :: Lens' HoursOfOperationSummary (Maybe Text)
- data HoursOfOperationTimeSlice = HoursOfOperationTimeSlice' {}
- newHoursOfOperationTimeSlice :: Natural -> Natural -> HoursOfOperationTimeSlice
- hoursOfOperationTimeSlice_hours :: Lens' HoursOfOperationTimeSlice Natural
- hoursOfOperationTimeSlice_minutes :: Lens' HoursOfOperationTimeSlice Natural
- data Instance = Instance' {
- arn :: Maybe Text
- createdTime :: Maybe POSIX
- outboundCallsEnabled :: Maybe Bool
- inboundCallsEnabled :: Maybe Bool
- instanceAlias :: Maybe (Sensitive Text)
- id :: Maybe Text
- instanceStatus :: Maybe InstanceStatus
- identityManagementType :: Maybe DirectoryType
- statusReason :: Maybe InstanceStatusReason
- serviceRole :: Maybe Text
- newInstance :: Instance
- instance_arn :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_createdTime :: Lens' Instance (Maybe UTCTime)
- instance_outboundCallsEnabled :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Bool)
- instance_inboundCallsEnabled :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Bool)
- instance_instanceAlias :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_id :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_instanceStatus :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceStatus)
- instance_identityManagementType :: Lens' Instance (Maybe DirectoryType)
- instance_statusReason :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceStatusReason)
- instance_serviceRole :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- data InstanceStatusReason = InstanceStatusReason' {}
- newInstanceStatusReason :: InstanceStatusReason
- instanceStatusReason_message :: Lens' InstanceStatusReason (Maybe Text)
- data InstanceStorageConfig = InstanceStorageConfig' {}
- newInstanceStorageConfig :: StorageType -> InstanceStorageConfig
- instanceStorageConfig_associationId :: Lens' InstanceStorageConfig (Maybe Text)
- instanceStorageConfig_kinesisStreamConfig :: Lens' InstanceStorageConfig (Maybe KinesisStreamConfig)
- instanceStorageConfig_kinesisVideoStreamConfig :: Lens' InstanceStorageConfig (Maybe KinesisVideoStreamConfig)
- instanceStorageConfig_s3Config :: Lens' InstanceStorageConfig (Maybe S3Config)
- instanceStorageConfig_kinesisFirehoseConfig :: Lens' InstanceStorageConfig (Maybe KinesisFirehoseConfig)
- instanceStorageConfig_storageType :: Lens' InstanceStorageConfig StorageType
- data InstanceSummary = InstanceSummary' {}
- newInstanceSummary :: InstanceSummary
- instanceSummary_arn :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Text)
- instanceSummary_createdTime :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceSummary_outboundCallsEnabled :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Bool)
- instanceSummary_inboundCallsEnabled :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Bool)
- instanceSummary_instanceAlias :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Text)
- instanceSummary_id :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Text)
- instanceSummary_instanceStatus :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe InstanceStatus)
- instanceSummary_identityManagementType :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe DirectoryType)
- instanceSummary_serviceRole :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Text)
- data IntegrationAssociationSummary = IntegrationAssociationSummary' {}
- newIntegrationAssociationSummary :: IntegrationAssociationSummary
- integrationAssociationSummary_instanceId :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe Text)
- integrationAssociationSummary_sourceType :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe SourceType)
- integrationAssociationSummary_sourceApplicationUrl :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe Text)
- integrationAssociationSummary_integrationAssociationId :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe Text)
- integrationAssociationSummary_integrationAssociationArn :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe Text)
- integrationAssociationSummary_sourceApplicationName :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe Text)
- integrationAssociationSummary_integrationArn :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe Text)
- integrationAssociationSummary_integrationType :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe IntegrationType)
- data KinesisFirehoseConfig = KinesisFirehoseConfig' {
- firehoseArn :: Text
- newKinesisFirehoseConfig :: Text -> KinesisFirehoseConfig
- kinesisFirehoseConfig_firehoseArn :: Lens' KinesisFirehoseConfig Text
- data KinesisStreamConfig = KinesisStreamConfig' {}
- newKinesisStreamConfig :: Text -> KinesisStreamConfig
- kinesisStreamConfig_streamArn :: Lens' KinesisStreamConfig Text
- data KinesisVideoStreamConfig = KinesisVideoStreamConfig' {}
- newKinesisVideoStreamConfig :: Text -> Natural -> EncryptionConfig -> KinesisVideoStreamConfig
- kinesisVideoStreamConfig_prefix :: Lens' KinesisVideoStreamConfig Text
- kinesisVideoStreamConfig_retentionPeriodHours :: Lens' KinesisVideoStreamConfig Natural
- kinesisVideoStreamConfig_encryptionConfig :: Lens' KinesisVideoStreamConfig EncryptionConfig
- data LexBot = LexBot' {}
- newLexBot :: LexBot
- lexBot_lexRegion :: Lens' LexBot (Maybe Text)
- lexBot_name :: Lens' LexBot (Maybe Text)
- data LexBotConfig = LexBotConfig' {}
- newLexBotConfig :: LexBotConfig
- lexBotConfig_lexBot :: Lens' LexBotConfig (Maybe LexBot)
- lexBotConfig_lexV2Bot :: Lens' LexBotConfig (Maybe LexV2Bot)
- data LexV2Bot = LexV2Bot' {}
- newLexV2Bot :: LexV2Bot
- lexV2Bot_aliasArn :: Lens' LexV2Bot (Maybe Text)
- data MediaConcurrency = MediaConcurrency' {
- channel :: Channel
- concurrency :: Natural
- newMediaConcurrency :: Channel -> Natural -> MediaConcurrency
- mediaConcurrency_channel :: Lens' MediaConcurrency Channel
- mediaConcurrency_concurrency :: Lens' MediaConcurrency Natural
- data OutboundCallerConfig = OutboundCallerConfig' {}
- newOutboundCallerConfig :: OutboundCallerConfig
- outboundCallerConfig_outboundCallerIdNumberId :: Lens' OutboundCallerConfig (Maybe Text)
- outboundCallerConfig_outboundCallerIdName :: Lens' OutboundCallerConfig (Maybe Text)
- outboundCallerConfig_outboundFlowId :: Lens' OutboundCallerConfig (Maybe Text)
- data ParticipantDetails = ParticipantDetails' {
- displayName :: Text
- newParticipantDetails :: Text -> ParticipantDetails
- participantDetails_displayName :: Lens' ParticipantDetails Text
- data PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig = PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig' {
- phoneNumber :: Text
- newPhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig :: Text -> PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig
- phoneNumberQuickConnectConfig_phoneNumber :: Lens' PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig Text
- data PhoneNumberSummary = PhoneNumberSummary' {}
- newPhoneNumberSummary :: PhoneNumberSummary
- phoneNumberSummary_phoneNumberType :: Lens' PhoneNumberSummary (Maybe PhoneNumberType)
- phoneNumberSummary_arn :: Lens' PhoneNumberSummary (Maybe Text)
- phoneNumberSummary_phoneNumber :: Lens' PhoneNumberSummary (Maybe Text)
- phoneNumberSummary_phoneNumberCountryCode :: Lens' PhoneNumberSummary (Maybe PhoneNumberCountryCode)
- phoneNumberSummary_id :: Lens' PhoneNumberSummary (Maybe Text)
- data PromptSummary = PromptSummary' {}
- newPromptSummary :: PromptSummary
- promptSummary_arn :: Lens' PromptSummary (Maybe Text)
- promptSummary_name :: Lens' PromptSummary (Maybe Text)
- promptSummary_id :: Lens' PromptSummary (Maybe Text)
- data Queue = Queue' {}
- newQueue :: Queue
- queue_status :: Lens' Queue (Maybe QueueStatus)
- queue_queueArn :: Lens' Queue (Maybe Text)
- queue_queueId :: Lens' Queue (Maybe Text)
- queue_maxContacts :: Lens' Queue (Maybe Natural)
- queue_name :: Lens' Queue (Maybe Text)
- queue_hoursOfOperationId :: Lens' Queue (Maybe Text)
- queue_outboundCallerConfig :: Lens' Queue (Maybe OutboundCallerConfig)
- queue_description :: Lens' Queue (Maybe Text)
- queue_tags :: Lens' Queue (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- data QueueQuickConnectConfig = QueueQuickConnectConfig' {
- queueId :: Text
- contactFlowId :: Text
- newQueueQuickConnectConfig :: Text -> Text -> QueueQuickConnectConfig
- queueQuickConnectConfig_queueId :: Lens' QueueQuickConnectConfig Text
- queueQuickConnectConfig_contactFlowId :: Lens' QueueQuickConnectConfig Text
- data QueueReference = QueueReference' {}
- newQueueReference :: QueueReference
- queueReference_arn :: Lens' QueueReference (Maybe Text)
- queueReference_id :: Lens' QueueReference (Maybe Text)
- data QueueSummary = QueueSummary' {}
- newQueueSummary :: QueueSummary
- queueSummary_arn :: Lens' QueueSummary (Maybe Text)
- queueSummary_name :: Lens' QueueSummary (Maybe Text)
- queueSummary_id :: Lens' QueueSummary (Maybe Text)
- queueSummary_queueType :: Lens' QueueSummary (Maybe QueueType)
- data QuickConnect = QuickConnect' {}
- newQuickConnect :: QuickConnect
- quickConnect_name :: Lens' QuickConnect (Maybe Text)
- quickConnect_quickConnectId :: Lens' QuickConnect (Maybe Text)
- quickConnect_description :: Lens' QuickConnect (Maybe Text)
- quickConnect_quickConnectARN :: Lens' QuickConnect (Maybe Text)
- quickConnect_tags :: Lens' QuickConnect (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- quickConnect_quickConnectConfig :: Lens' QuickConnect (Maybe QuickConnectConfig)
- data QuickConnectConfig = QuickConnectConfig' {}
- newQuickConnectConfig :: QuickConnectType -> QuickConnectConfig
- quickConnectConfig_queueConfig :: Lens' QuickConnectConfig (Maybe QueueQuickConnectConfig)
- quickConnectConfig_userConfig :: Lens' QuickConnectConfig (Maybe UserQuickConnectConfig)
- quickConnectConfig_phoneConfig :: Lens' QuickConnectConfig (Maybe PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig)
- quickConnectConfig_quickConnectType :: Lens' QuickConnectConfig QuickConnectType
- data QuickConnectSummary = QuickConnectSummary' {}
- newQuickConnectSummary :: QuickConnectSummary
- quickConnectSummary_arn :: Lens' QuickConnectSummary (Maybe Text)
- quickConnectSummary_quickConnectType :: Lens' QuickConnectSummary (Maybe QuickConnectType)
- quickConnectSummary_name :: Lens' QuickConnectSummary (Maybe Text)
- quickConnectSummary_id :: Lens' QuickConnectSummary (Maybe Text)
- data Reference = Reference' {
- value :: Text
- type' :: ReferenceType
- newReference :: Text -> ReferenceType -> Reference
- reference_value :: Lens' Reference Text
- reference_type :: Lens' Reference ReferenceType
- data RoutingProfile = RoutingProfile' {}
- newRoutingProfile :: RoutingProfile
- routingProfile_instanceId :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe Text)
- routingProfile_routingProfileArn :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe Text)
- routingProfile_routingProfileId :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe Text)
- routingProfile_defaultOutboundQueueId :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe Text)
- routingProfile_name :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe Text)
- routingProfile_mediaConcurrencies :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe [MediaConcurrency])
- routingProfile_description :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe Text)
- routingProfile_tags :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- data RoutingProfileQueueConfig = RoutingProfileQueueConfig' {}
- newRoutingProfileQueueConfig :: RoutingProfileQueueReference -> Natural -> Natural -> RoutingProfileQueueConfig
- routingProfileQueueConfig_queueReference :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfig RoutingProfileQueueReference
- routingProfileQueueConfig_priority :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfig Natural
- routingProfileQueueConfig_delay :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfig Natural
- data RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary = RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary' {}
- newRoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Natural -> Natural -> Channel -> RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary
- routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_queueId :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Text
- routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_queueArn :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Text
- routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_queueName :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Text
- routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_priority :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Natural
- routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_delay :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Natural
- routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_channel :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Channel
- data RoutingProfileQueueReference = RoutingProfileQueueReference' {}
- newRoutingProfileQueueReference :: Text -> Channel -> RoutingProfileQueueReference
- routingProfileQueueReference_queueId :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueReference Text
- routingProfileQueueReference_channel :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueReference Channel
- data RoutingProfileSummary = RoutingProfileSummary' {}
- newRoutingProfileSummary :: RoutingProfileSummary
- routingProfileSummary_arn :: Lens' RoutingProfileSummary (Maybe Text)
- routingProfileSummary_name :: Lens' RoutingProfileSummary (Maybe Text)
- routingProfileSummary_id :: Lens' RoutingProfileSummary (Maybe Text)
- data S3Config = S3Config' {}
- newS3Config :: Text -> Text -> S3Config
- s3Config_encryptionConfig :: Lens' S3Config (Maybe EncryptionConfig)
- s3Config_bucketName :: Lens' S3Config Text
- s3Config_bucketPrefix :: Lens' S3Config Text
- data SecurityKey = SecurityKey' {
- creationTime :: Maybe POSIX
- associationId :: Maybe Text
- key :: Maybe Text
- newSecurityKey :: SecurityKey
- securityKey_creationTime :: Lens' SecurityKey (Maybe UTCTime)
- securityKey_associationId :: Lens' SecurityKey (Maybe Text)
- securityKey_key :: Lens' SecurityKey (Maybe Text)
- data SecurityProfileSummary = SecurityProfileSummary' {}
- newSecurityProfileSummary :: SecurityProfileSummary
- securityProfileSummary_arn :: Lens' SecurityProfileSummary (Maybe Text)
- securityProfileSummary_name :: Lens' SecurityProfileSummary (Maybe Text)
- securityProfileSummary_id :: Lens' SecurityProfileSummary (Maybe Text)
- data Threshold = Threshold' {}
- newThreshold :: Threshold
- threshold_thresholdValue :: Lens' Threshold (Maybe Double)
- threshold_comparison :: Lens' Threshold (Maybe Comparison)
- data UseCase = UseCase' {}
- newUseCase :: UseCase
- useCase_useCaseType :: Lens' UseCase (Maybe UseCaseType)
- useCase_useCaseArn :: Lens' UseCase (Maybe Text)
- useCase_useCaseId :: Lens' UseCase (Maybe Text)
- data User = User' {}
- newUser :: User
- user_routingProfileId :: Lens' User (Maybe Text)
- user_directoryUserId :: Lens' User (Maybe Text)
- user_arn :: Lens' User (Maybe Text)
- user_identityInfo :: Lens' User (Maybe UserIdentityInfo)
- user_securityProfileIds :: Lens' User (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- user_username :: Lens' User (Maybe Text)
- user_id :: Lens' User (Maybe Text)
- user_hierarchyGroupId :: Lens' User (Maybe Text)
- user_phoneConfig :: Lens' User (Maybe UserPhoneConfig)
- user_tags :: Lens' User (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- data UserIdentityInfo = UserIdentityInfo' {}
- newUserIdentityInfo :: UserIdentityInfo
- userIdentityInfo_email :: Lens' UserIdentityInfo (Maybe Text)
- userIdentityInfo_lastName :: Lens' UserIdentityInfo (Maybe Text)
- userIdentityInfo_firstName :: Lens' UserIdentityInfo (Maybe Text)
- data UserPhoneConfig = UserPhoneConfig' {}
- newUserPhoneConfig :: PhoneType -> UserPhoneConfig
- userPhoneConfig_autoAccept :: Lens' UserPhoneConfig (Maybe Bool)
- userPhoneConfig_afterContactWorkTimeLimit :: Lens' UserPhoneConfig (Maybe Natural)
- userPhoneConfig_deskPhoneNumber :: Lens' UserPhoneConfig (Maybe Text)
- userPhoneConfig_phoneType :: Lens' UserPhoneConfig PhoneType
- data UserQuickConnectConfig = UserQuickConnectConfig' {
- userId :: Text
- contactFlowId :: Text
- newUserQuickConnectConfig :: Text -> Text -> UserQuickConnectConfig
- userQuickConnectConfig_userId :: Lens' UserQuickConnectConfig Text
- userQuickConnectConfig_contactFlowId :: Lens' UserQuickConnectConfig Text
- data UserSummary = UserSummary' {}
- newUserSummary :: UserSummary
- userSummary_arn :: Lens' UserSummary (Maybe Text)
- userSummary_username :: Lens' UserSummary (Maybe Text)
- userSummary_id :: Lens' UserSummary (Maybe Text)
- data VoiceRecordingConfiguration = VoiceRecordingConfiguration' {}
- newVoiceRecordingConfiguration :: VoiceRecordingConfiguration
- voiceRecordingConfiguration_voiceRecordingTrack :: Lens' VoiceRecordingConfiguration (Maybe VoiceRecordingTrack)
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2017-08-08
of the Amazon Connect Service SDK configuration.
_InvalidContactFlowException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The contact flow is not valid.
_OutboundContactNotPermittedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The contact is not permitted.
_InvalidParameterException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
One or more of the specified parameters are not valid.
_InvalidRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request is not valid.
_DuplicateResourceException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
A resource with the specified name already exists.
_UserNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
No user with the specified credentials was found in the Amazon Connect instance.
_ContactFlowNotPublishedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The contact flow has not been published.
_DestinationNotAllowedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Outbound calls to the destination number are not allowed.
_ContactNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The contact with the specified ID is not active or does not exist.
_ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The service quota has been exceeded.
_ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The throttling limit has been exceeded.
_InternalServiceException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Request processing failed because of an error or failure with the service.
_ResourceConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
A resource already has that name.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified resource was not found.
_LimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The allowed limit for the resource has been exceeded.
_ResourceInUseException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
That resource is already in use. Please try another.
newtype AgentStatusState Source #
AgentStatusState' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AgentStatusState_DISABLED :: AgentStatusState | |
pattern AgentStatusState_ENABLED :: AgentStatusState |
newtype AgentStatusType Source #
AgentStatusType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AgentStatusType_CUSTOM :: AgentStatusType | |
pattern AgentStatusType_OFFLINE :: AgentStatusType | |
pattern AgentStatusType_ROUTABLE :: AgentStatusType |
Channel' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Channel_CHAT :: Channel | |
pattern Channel_TASK :: Channel | |
pattern Channel_VOICE :: Channel |
newtype Comparison Source #
Comparison' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Comparison_LT :: Comparison |
newtype ContactFlowType Source #
ContactFlowType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ContactFlowType_AGENT_HOLD :: ContactFlowType | |
pattern ContactFlowType_AGENT_TRANSFER :: ContactFlowType | |
pattern ContactFlowType_AGENT_WHISPER :: ContactFlowType | |
pattern ContactFlowType_CONTACT_FLOW :: ContactFlowType | |
pattern ContactFlowType_CUSTOMER_HOLD :: ContactFlowType | |
pattern ContactFlowType_CUSTOMER_QUEUE :: ContactFlowType | |
pattern ContactFlowType_CUSTOMER_WHISPER :: ContactFlowType | |
pattern ContactFlowType_OUTBOUND_WHISPER :: ContactFlowType | |
pattern ContactFlowType_QUEUE_TRANSFER :: ContactFlowType |
newtype CurrentMetricName Source #
The current metric names.
CurrentMetricName' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_AFTER_CONTACT_WORK :: CurrentMetricName | |
pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_AVAILABLE :: CurrentMetricName | |
pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_ERROR :: CurrentMetricName | |
pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_NON_PRODUCTIVE :: CurrentMetricName | |
pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_ONLINE :: CurrentMetricName | |
pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_ON_CALL :: CurrentMetricName | |
pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_ON_CONTACT :: CurrentMetricName | |
pattern CurrentMetricName_AGENTS_STAFFED :: CurrentMetricName | |
pattern CurrentMetricName_CONTACTS_IN_QUEUE :: CurrentMetricName | |
pattern CurrentMetricName_CONTACTS_SCHEDULED :: CurrentMetricName | |
pattern CurrentMetricName_OLDEST_CONTACT_AGE :: CurrentMetricName | |
pattern CurrentMetricName_SLOTS_ACTIVE :: CurrentMetricName | |
pattern CurrentMetricName_SLOTS_AVAILABLE :: CurrentMetricName |
newtype DirectoryType Source #
DirectoryType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern DirectoryType_CONNECT_MANAGED :: DirectoryType | |
pattern DirectoryType_EXISTING_DIRECTORY :: DirectoryType | |
pattern DirectoryType_SAML :: DirectoryType |
newtype EncryptionType Source #
EncryptionType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern EncryptionType_KMS :: EncryptionType |
Grouping' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Grouping_CHANNEL :: Grouping | |
pattern Grouping_QUEUE :: Grouping |
newtype HistoricalMetricName Source #
The historical metric names.
HistoricalMetricName' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype HoursOfOperationDays Source #
HoursOfOperationDays' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern HoursOfOperationDays_FRIDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays | |
pattern HoursOfOperationDays_MONDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays | |
pattern HoursOfOperationDays_SATURDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays | |
pattern HoursOfOperationDays_SUNDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays | |
pattern HoursOfOperationDays_THURSDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays | |
pattern HoursOfOperationDays_TUESDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays | |
pattern HoursOfOperationDays_WEDNESDAY :: HoursOfOperationDays |
newtype InstanceAttributeType Source #
InstanceAttributeType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype InstanceStatus Source #
InstanceStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern InstanceStatus_ACTIVE :: InstanceStatus | |
pattern InstanceStatus_CREATION_FAILED :: InstanceStatus | |
pattern InstanceStatus_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS :: InstanceStatus |
newtype InstanceStorageResourceType Source #
InstanceStorageResourceType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype IntegrationType Source #
IntegrationType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern IntegrationType_EVENT :: IntegrationType | |
pattern IntegrationType_PINPOINT_APP :: IntegrationType | |
pattern IntegrationType_VOICE_ID :: IntegrationType | |
pattern IntegrationType_WISDOM_ASSISTANT :: IntegrationType | |
pattern IntegrationType_WISDOM_KNOWLEDGE_BASE :: IntegrationType |
newtype LexVersion Source #
LexVersion' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern LexVersion_V1 :: LexVersion | |
pattern LexVersion_V2 :: LexVersion |
newtype PhoneNumberCountryCode Source #
PhoneNumberCountryCode' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype PhoneNumberType Source #
PhoneNumberType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern PhoneNumberType_DID :: PhoneNumberType | |
pattern PhoneNumberType_TOLL_FREE :: PhoneNumberType |
PhoneType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern PhoneType_DESK_PHONE :: PhoneType | |
pattern PhoneType_SOFT_PHONE :: PhoneType |
newtype QueueStatus Source #
QueueStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern QueueStatus_DISABLED :: QueueStatus | |
pattern QueueStatus_ENABLED :: QueueStatus |
QueueType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern QueueType_AGENT :: QueueType | |
pattern QueueType_STANDARD :: QueueType |
newtype QuickConnectType Source #
QuickConnectType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern QuickConnectType_PHONE_NUMBER :: QuickConnectType | |
pattern QuickConnectType_QUEUE :: QuickConnectType | |
pattern QuickConnectType_USER :: QuickConnectType |
newtype ReferenceType Source #
ReferenceType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ReferenceType_URL :: ReferenceType |
newtype SourceType Source #
SourceType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern SourceType_SALESFORCE :: SourceType | |
pattern SourceType_ZENDESK :: SourceType |
Statistic' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Statistic_AVG :: Statistic | |
pattern Statistic_MAX :: Statistic | |
pattern Statistic_SUM :: Statistic |
newtype StorageType Source #
StorageType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern StorageType_KINESIS_FIREHOSE :: StorageType | |
pattern StorageType_KINESIS_STREAM :: StorageType | |
pattern StorageType_KINESIS_VIDEO_STREAM :: StorageType | |
pattern StorageType_S3 :: StorageType |
newtype TrafficType Source #
TrafficType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern TrafficType_CAMPAIGN :: TrafficType | |
pattern TrafficType_GENERAL :: TrafficType |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Unit_COUNT :: Unit | |
pattern Unit_PERCENT :: Unit | |
pattern Unit_SECONDS :: Unit |
newtype UseCaseType Source #
UseCaseType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern UseCaseType_CONNECT_CAMPAIGNS :: UseCaseType | |
pattern UseCaseType_RULES_EVALUATION :: UseCaseType |
newtype VoiceRecordingTrack Source #
VoiceRecordingTrack' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern VoiceRecordingTrack_ALL :: VoiceRecordingTrack | |
pattern VoiceRecordingTrack_FROM_AGENT :: VoiceRecordingTrack | |
pattern VoiceRecordingTrack_TO_AGENT :: VoiceRecordingTrack |
data AgentStatus Source #
Contains information about an agent status.
See: newAgentStatus
smart constructor.
AgentStatus' | |
newAgentStatus :: AgentStatus Source #
Create a value of AgentStatus
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, agentStatus_displayOrder
- The display order of the agent status.
, agentStatus_state
- The state of the agent status.
, agentStatus_name
- The name of the agent status.
, agentStatus_agentStatusId
- The identifier of the agent status.
, agentStatus_type
- The type of agent status.
, agentStatus_agentStatusARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the agent status.
, agentStatus_description
- The description of the agent status.
, agentStatus_tags
- One or more tags.
agentStatus_displayOrder :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe Natural) Source #
The display order of the agent status.
agentStatus_state :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe AgentStatusState) Source #
The state of the agent status.
agentStatus_name :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the agent status.
agentStatus_agentStatusId :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the agent status.
agentStatus_type :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe AgentStatusType) Source #
The type of agent status.
agentStatus_agentStatusARN :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the agent status.
agentStatus_description :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the agent status.
agentStatus_tags :: Lens' AgentStatus (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
One or more tags.
data AgentStatusSummary Source #
Summary information for an agent status.
See: newAgentStatusSummary
smart constructor.
AgentStatusSummary' | |
newAgentStatusSummary :: AgentStatusSummary Source #
Create a value of AgentStatusSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, agentStatusSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the agent status.
, agentStatusSummary_name
- The name of the agent status.
, agentStatusSummary_id
- The identifier for an agent status.
, agentStatusSummary_type
- The type of the agent status.
agentStatusSummary_arn :: Lens' AgentStatusSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the agent status.
agentStatusSummary_name :: Lens' AgentStatusSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the agent status.
agentStatusSummary_id :: Lens' AgentStatusSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for an agent status.
agentStatusSummary_type :: Lens' AgentStatusSummary (Maybe AgentStatusType) Source #
The type of the agent status.
data AnswerMachineDetectionConfig Source #
Configuration of the answering machine detection.
See: newAnswerMachineDetectionConfig
smart constructor.
AnswerMachineDetectionConfig' | |
newAnswerMachineDetectionConfig :: AnswerMachineDetectionConfig Source #
Create a value of AnswerMachineDetectionConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, answerMachineDetectionConfig_enableAnswerMachineDetection
- The flag to indicate if answer machine detection analysis needs to be
performed for a voice call. If set to true
, TrafficType
must be set
, answerMachineDetectionConfig_awaitAnswerMachinePrompt
- Wait for the answering machine prompt.
answerMachineDetectionConfig_enableAnswerMachineDetection :: Lens' AnswerMachineDetectionConfig (Maybe Bool) Source #
The flag to indicate if answer machine detection analysis needs to be
performed for a voice call. If set to true
, TrafficType
must be set
answerMachineDetectionConfig_awaitAnswerMachinePrompt :: Lens' AnswerMachineDetectionConfig (Maybe Bool) Source #
Wait for the answering machine prompt.
A toggle for an individual feature at the instance level.
See: newAttribute
smart constructor.
Attribute' | |
Eq Attribute Source # | |
Read Attribute Source # | |
Show Attribute Source # | |
Generic Attribute Source # | |
NFData Attribute Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Attribute | |
Hashable Attribute Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Attribute | |
FromJSON Attribute Source # | |
type Rep Attribute Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Attribute type Rep Attribute = D1 ('MetaData "Attribute" "Amazonka.Connect.Types.Attribute" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-connectZSamazonka-connect" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Attribute'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "value") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "attributeType") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe InstanceAttributeType)))) |
newAttribute :: Attribute Source #
Create a value of Attribute
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, attribute_value
- The value of the attribute.
, attribute_attributeType
- The type of attribute.
attribute_attributeType :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe InstanceAttributeType) Source #
The type of attribute.
data ChatMessage Source #
A chat message.
See: newChatMessage
smart constructor.
ChatMessage' | |
Create a value of ChatMessage
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, chatMessage_contentType
- The type of the content. Supported types are text and plain.
, chatMessage_content
- The content of the chat message.
chatMessage_contentType :: Lens' ChatMessage Text Source #
The type of the content. Supported types are text and plain.
chatMessage_content :: Lens' ChatMessage Text Source #
The content of the chat message.
data ContactFlow Source #
Contains information about a contact flow.
See: newContactFlow
smart constructor.
ContactFlow' | |
newContactFlow :: ContactFlow Source #
Create a value of ContactFlow
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, contactFlow_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact flow.
, contactFlow_content
- The content of the contact flow.
, contactFlow_name
- The name of the contact flow.
, contactFlow_id
- The identifier of the contact flow.
, contactFlow_type
- The type of the contact flow. For descriptions of the available types,
Choose a Contact Flow Type
in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
, contactFlow_description
- The description of the contact flow.
, contactFlow_tags
- One or more tags.
contactFlow_arn :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact flow.
contactFlow_content :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
The content of the contact flow.
contactFlow_name :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the contact flow.
contactFlow_id :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the contact flow.
contactFlow_type :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe ContactFlowType) Source #
The type of the contact flow. For descriptions of the available types, see Choose a Contact Flow Type in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
contactFlow_description :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the contact flow.
contactFlow_tags :: Lens' ContactFlow (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
One or more tags.
data ContactFlowSummary Source #
Contains summary information about a contact flow.
You can also create and update contact flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.
See: newContactFlowSummary
smart constructor.
ContactFlowSummary' | |
newContactFlowSummary :: ContactFlowSummary Source #
Create a value of ContactFlowSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, contactFlowSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact flow.
, contactFlowSummary_name
- The name of the contact flow.
, contactFlowSummary_contactFlowType
- The type of contact flow.
, contactFlowSummary_id
- The identifier of the contact flow.
contactFlowSummary_arn :: Lens' ContactFlowSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact flow.
contactFlowSummary_name :: Lens' ContactFlowSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the contact flow.
contactFlowSummary_contactFlowType :: Lens' ContactFlowSummary (Maybe ContactFlowType) Source #
The type of contact flow.
contactFlowSummary_id :: Lens' ContactFlowSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the contact flow.
data Credentials Source #
Contains credentials to use for federation.
See: newCredentials
smart constructor.
Credentials' | |
newCredentials :: Credentials Source #
Create a value of Credentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, credentials_accessTokenExpiration
- A token generated with an expiration time for the session a user is
logged in to Amazon Connect.
, credentials_accessToken
- An access token generated for a federated user to access Amazon Connect.
, credentials_refreshToken
- Renews a token generated for a user to access the Amazon Connect
, credentials_refreshTokenExpiration
- Renews the expiration timer for a generated token.
credentials_accessTokenExpiration :: Lens' Credentials (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
A token generated with an expiration time for the session a user is logged in to Amazon Connect.
credentials_accessToken :: Lens' Credentials (Maybe Text) Source #
An access token generated for a federated user to access Amazon Connect.
credentials_refreshToken :: Lens' Credentials (Maybe Text) Source #
Renews a token generated for a user to access the Amazon Connect instance.
credentials_refreshTokenExpiration :: Lens' Credentials (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Renews the expiration timer for a generated token.
data CurrentMetric Source #
Contains information about a real-time metric. For a description of each metric, see Real-time Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
See: newCurrentMetric
smart constructor.
CurrentMetric' | |
newCurrentMetric :: CurrentMetric Source #
Create a value of CurrentMetric
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, currentMetric_name
- The name of the metric.
, currentMetric_unit
- The unit for the metric.
currentMetric_name :: Lens' CurrentMetric (Maybe CurrentMetricName) Source #
The name of the metric.
currentMetric_unit :: Lens' CurrentMetric (Maybe Unit) Source #
The unit for the metric.
data CurrentMetricData Source #
Contains the data for a real-time metric.
See: newCurrentMetricData
smart constructor.
CurrentMetricData' | |
newCurrentMetricData :: CurrentMetricData Source #
Create a value of CurrentMetricData
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, currentMetricData_value
- The value of the metric.
, currentMetricData_metric
- Information about the metric.
currentMetricData_value :: Lens' CurrentMetricData (Maybe Double) Source #
The value of the metric.
currentMetricData_metric :: Lens' CurrentMetricData (Maybe CurrentMetric) Source #
Information about the metric.
data CurrentMetricResult Source #
Contains information about a set of real-time metrics.
See: newCurrentMetricResult
smart constructor.
CurrentMetricResult' | |
newCurrentMetricResult :: CurrentMetricResult Source #
Create a value of CurrentMetricResult
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, currentMetricResult_collections
- The set of metrics.
, currentMetricResult_dimensions
- The dimensions for the metrics.
currentMetricResult_collections :: Lens' CurrentMetricResult (Maybe [CurrentMetricData]) Source #
The set of metrics.
currentMetricResult_dimensions :: Lens' CurrentMetricResult (Maybe Dimensions) Source #
The dimensions for the metrics.
data Dimensions Source #
Contains information about the dimensions for a set of metrics.
See: newDimensions
smart constructor.
Dimensions' | |
newDimensions :: Dimensions Source #
Create a value of Dimensions
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dimensions_channel
- The channel used for grouping and filters.
, dimensions_queue
- Information about the queue for which metrics are returned.
dimensions_channel :: Lens' Dimensions (Maybe Channel) Source #
The channel used for grouping and filters.
dimensions_queue :: Lens' Dimensions (Maybe QueueReference) Source #
Information about the queue for which metrics are returned.
data EncryptionConfig Source #
The encryption configuration.
See: newEncryptionConfig
smart constructor.
EncryptionConfig' | |
:: EncryptionType | |
-> Text | |
-> EncryptionConfig |
Create a value of EncryptionConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, encryptionConfig_encryptionType
- The type of encryption.
, encryptionConfig_keyId
- The full ARN of the encryption key.
Be sure to provide the full ARN of the encryption key, not just the ID.
encryptionConfig_encryptionType :: Lens' EncryptionConfig EncryptionType Source #
The type of encryption.
encryptionConfig_keyId :: Lens' EncryptionConfig Text Source #
The full ARN of the encryption key.
Be sure to provide the full ARN of the encryption key, not just the ID.
Contains the filter to apply when retrieving metrics.
See: newFilters
smart constructor.
Filters' | |
Eq Filters Source # | |
Read Filters Source # | |
Show Filters Source # | |
Generic Filters Source # | |
NFData Filters Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Filters | |
Hashable Filters Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Filters | |
ToJSON Filters Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Filters | |
type Rep Filters Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Filters type Rep Filters = D1 ('MetaData "Filters" "Amazonka.Connect.Types.Filters" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-connectZSamazonka-connect" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Filters'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "queues") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "channels") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe [Channel])))) |
newFilters :: Filters Source #
Create a value of Filters
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, filters_queues
- The queues to use to filter the metrics. You can specify up to 100
queues per request.
, filters_channels
- The channel to use to filter the metrics.
filters_queues :: Lens' Filters (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The queues to use to filter the metrics. You can specify up to 100 queues per request.
filters_channels :: Lens' Filters (Maybe [Channel]) Source #
The channel to use to filter the metrics.
data HierarchyGroup Source #
Contains information about a hierarchy group.
See: newHierarchyGroup
smart constructor.
HierarchyGroup' | |
newHierarchyGroup :: HierarchyGroup Source #
Create a value of HierarchyGroup
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hierarchyGroup_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hierarchy group.
, hierarchyGroup_name
- The name of the hierarchy group.
, hierarchyGroup_hierarchyPath
- Information about the levels in the hierarchy group.
, hierarchyGroup_id
- The identifier of the hierarchy group.
, hierarchyGroup_levelId
- The identifier of the level in the hierarchy group.
hierarchyGroup_arn :: Lens' HierarchyGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hierarchy group.
hierarchyGroup_name :: Lens' HierarchyGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the hierarchy group.
hierarchyGroup_hierarchyPath :: Lens' HierarchyGroup (Maybe HierarchyPath) Source #
Information about the levels in the hierarchy group.
hierarchyGroup_id :: Lens' HierarchyGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the hierarchy group.
hierarchyGroup_levelId :: Lens' HierarchyGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the level in the hierarchy group.
data HierarchyGroupSummary Source #
Contains summary information about a hierarchy group.
See: newHierarchyGroupSummary
smart constructor.
HierarchyGroupSummary' | |
newHierarchyGroupSummary :: HierarchyGroupSummary Source #
Create a value of HierarchyGroupSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hierarchyGroupSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hierarchy group.
, hierarchyGroupSummary_name
- The name of the hierarchy group.
, hierarchyGroupSummary_id
- The identifier of the hierarchy group.
hierarchyGroupSummary_arn :: Lens' HierarchyGroupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hierarchy group.
hierarchyGroupSummary_name :: Lens' HierarchyGroupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the hierarchy group.
hierarchyGroupSummary_id :: Lens' HierarchyGroupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the hierarchy group.
data HierarchyLevel Source #
Contains information about a hierarchy level.
See: newHierarchyLevel
smart constructor.
HierarchyLevel' | |
newHierarchyLevel :: HierarchyLevel Source #
Create a value of HierarchyLevel
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hierarchyLevel_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hierarchy level.
, hierarchyLevel_name
- The name of the hierarchy level.
, hierarchyLevel_id
- The identifier of the hierarchy level.
hierarchyLevel_arn :: Lens' HierarchyLevel (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hierarchy level.
hierarchyLevel_name :: Lens' HierarchyLevel (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the hierarchy level.
hierarchyLevel_id :: Lens' HierarchyLevel (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the hierarchy level.
data HierarchyLevelUpdate Source #
Contains information about the hierarchy level to update.
See: newHierarchyLevelUpdate
smart constructor.
HierarchyLevelUpdate' | |
newHierarchyLevelUpdate Source #
:: Text | |
-> HierarchyLevelUpdate |
Create a value of HierarchyLevelUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hierarchyLevelUpdate_name
- The name of the user hierarchy level. Must not be more than 50
hierarchyLevelUpdate_name :: Lens' HierarchyLevelUpdate Text Source #
The name of the user hierarchy level. Must not be more than 50 characters.
data HierarchyPath Source #
Contains information about the levels of a hierarchy group.
See: newHierarchyPath
smart constructor.
HierarchyPath' | |
newHierarchyPath :: HierarchyPath Source #
Create a value of HierarchyPath
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hierarchyPath_levelFive
- Information about level five.
, hierarchyPath_levelThree
- Information about level three.
, hierarchyPath_levelFour
- Information about level four.
, hierarchyPath_levelTwo
- Information about level two.
, hierarchyPath_levelOne
- Information about level one.
hierarchyPath_levelFive :: Lens' HierarchyPath (Maybe HierarchyGroupSummary) Source #
Information about level five.
hierarchyPath_levelThree :: Lens' HierarchyPath (Maybe HierarchyGroupSummary) Source #
Information about level three.
hierarchyPath_levelFour :: Lens' HierarchyPath (Maybe HierarchyGroupSummary) Source #
Information about level four.
hierarchyPath_levelTwo :: Lens' HierarchyPath (Maybe HierarchyGroupSummary) Source #
Information about level two.
hierarchyPath_levelOne :: Lens' HierarchyPath (Maybe HierarchyGroupSummary) Source #
Information about level one.
data HierarchyStructure Source #
Contains information about a hierarchy structure.
See: newHierarchyStructure
smart constructor.
HierarchyStructure' | |
newHierarchyStructure :: HierarchyStructure Source #
Create a value of HierarchyStructure
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hierarchyStructure_levelFive
- Information about level five.
, hierarchyStructure_levelThree
- Information about level three.
, hierarchyStructure_levelFour
- Information about level four.
, hierarchyStructure_levelTwo
- Information about level two.
, hierarchyStructure_levelOne
- Information about level one.
hierarchyStructure_levelFive :: Lens' HierarchyStructure (Maybe HierarchyLevel) Source #
Information about level five.
hierarchyStructure_levelThree :: Lens' HierarchyStructure (Maybe HierarchyLevel) Source #
Information about level three.
hierarchyStructure_levelFour :: Lens' HierarchyStructure (Maybe HierarchyLevel) Source #
Information about level four.
hierarchyStructure_levelTwo :: Lens' HierarchyStructure (Maybe HierarchyLevel) Source #
Information about level two.
hierarchyStructure_levelOne :: Lens' HierarchyStructure (Maybe HierarchyLevel) Source #
Information about level one.
data HierarchyStructureUpdate Source #
Contains information about the level hierarchy to update.
See: newHierarchyStructureUpdate
smart constructor.
HierarchyStructureUpdate' | |
newHierarchyStructureUpdate :: HierarchyStructureUpdate Source #
Create a value of HierarchyStructureUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelFive
- The update for level five.
, hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelThree
- The update for level three.
, hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelFour
- The update for level four.
, hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelTwo
- The update for level two.
, hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelOne
- The update for level one.
hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelFive :: Lens' HierarchyStructureUpdate (Maybe HierarchyLevelUpdate) Source #
The update for level five.
hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelThree :: Lens' HierarchyStructureUpdate (Maybe HierarchyLevelUpdate) Source #
The update for level three.
hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelFour :: Lens' HierarchyStructureUpdate (Maybe HierarchyLevelUpdate) Source #
The update for level four.
hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelTwo :: Lens' HierarchyStructureUpdate (Maybe HierarchyLevelUpdate) Source #
The update for level two.
hierarchyStructureUpdate_levelOne :: Lens' HierarchyStructureUpdate (Maybe HierarchyLevelUpdate) Source #
The update for level one.
data HistoricalMetric Source #
Contains information about a historical metric. For a description of each metric, see Historical Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
See: newHistoricalMetric
smart constructor.
HistoricalMetric' | |
newHistoricalMetric :: HistoricalMetric Source #
Create a value of HistoricalMetric
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, historicalMetric_name
- The name of the metric.
, historicalMetric_threshold
- The threshold for the metric, used with service level metrics.
, historicalMetric_unit
- The unit for the metric.
, historicalMetric_statistic
- The statistic for the metric.
historicalMetric_name :: Lens' HistoricalMetric (Maybe HistoricalMetricName) Source #
The name of the metric.
historicalMetric_threshold :: Lens' HistoricalMetric (Maybe Threshold) Source #
The threshold for the metric, used with service level metrics.
historicalMetric_unit :: Lens' HistoricalMetric (Maybe Unit) Source #
The unit for the metric.
historicalMetric_statistic :: Lens' HistoricalMetric (Maybe Statistic) Source #
The statistic for the metric.
data HistoricalMetricData Source #
Contains the data for a historical metric.
See: newHistoricalMetricData
smart constructor.
HistoricalMetricData' | |
newHistoricalMetricData :: HistoricalMetricData Source #
Create a value of HistoricalMetricData
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, historicalMetricData_value
- The value of the metric.
, historicalMetricData_metric
- Information about the metric.
historicalMetricData_value :: Lens' HistoricalMetricData (Maybe Double) Source #
The value of the metric.
historicalMetricData_metric :: Lens' HistoricalMetricData (Maybe HistoricalMetric) Source #
Information about the metric.
data HistoricalMetricResult Source #
Contains information about the historical metrics retrieved.
See: newHistoricalMetricResult
smart constructor.
HistoricalMetricResult' | |
newHistoricalMetricResult :: HistoricalMetricResult Source #
Create a value of HistoricalMetricResult
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, historicalMetricResult_collections
- The set of metrics.
, historicalMetricResult_dimensions
- The dimension for the metrics.
historicalMetricResult_collections :: Lens' HistoricalMetricResult (Maybe [HistoricalMetricData]) Source #
The set of metrics.
historicalMetricResult_dimensions :: Lens' HistoricalMetricResult (Maybe Dimensions) Source #
The dimension for the metrics.
data HoursOfOperation Source #
Information about of the hours of operation.
See: newHoursOfOperation
smart constructor.
HoursOfOperation' | |
newHoursOfOperation :: HoursOfOperation Source #
Create a value of HoursOfOperation
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hoursOfOperation_config
- Configuration information for the hours of operation.
, hoursOfOperation_name
- The name for the hours of operation.
, hoursOfOperation_hoursOfOperationArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the hours of operation.
, hoursOfOperation_hoursOfOperationId
- The identifier for the hours of operation.
, hoursOfOperation_timeZone
- The time zone for the hours of operation.
, hoursOfOperation_description
- The description for the hours of operation.
, hoursOfOperation_tags
- One or more tags.
hoursOfOperation_config :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe [HoursOfOperationConfig]) Source #
Configuration information for the hours of operation.
hoursOfOperation_name :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the hours of operation.
hoursOfOperation_hoursOfOperationArn :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the hours of operation.
hoursOfOperation_hoursOfOperationId :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the hours of operation.
hoursOfOperation_timeZone :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe Text) Source #
The time zone for the hours of operation.
hoursOfOperation_description :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe Text) Source #
The description for the hours of operation.
hoursOfOperation_tags :: Lens' HoursOfOperation (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
One or more tags.
data HoursOfOperationConfig Source #
Contains information about the hours of operation.
See: newHoursOfOperationConfig
smart constructor.
HoursOfOperationConfig' | |
newHoursOfOperationConfig Source #
:: HoursOfOperationDays | |
-> HoursOfOperationTimeSlice | |
-> HoursOfOperationTimeSlice | |
-> HoursOfOperationConfig |
Create a value of HoursOfOperationConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hoursOfOperationConfig_day
- The day that the hours of operation applies to.
, hoursOfOperationConfig_startTime
- The start time that your contact center opens.
, hoursOfOperationConfig_endTime
- The end time that your contact center closes.
hoursOfOperationConfig_day :: Lens' HoursOfOperationConfig HoursOfOperationDays Source #
The day that the hours of operation applies to.
hoursOfOperationConfig_startTime :: Lens' HoursOfOperationConfig HoursOfOperationTimeSlice Source #
The start time that your contact center opens.
hoursOfOperationConfig_endTime :: Lens' HoursOfOperationConfig HoursOfOperationTimeSlice Source #
The end time that your contact center closes.
data HoursOfOperationSummary Source #
Contains summary information about hours of operation for a contact center.
See: newHoursOfOperationSummary
smart constructor.
HoursOfOperationSummary' | |
newHoursOfOperationSummary :: HoursOfOperationSummary Source #
Create a value of HoursOfOperationSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hoursOfOperationSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hours of operation.
, hoursOfOperationSummary_name
- The name of the hours of operation.
, hoursOfOperationSummary_id
- The identifier of the hours of operation.
hoursOfOperationSummary_arn :: Lens' HoursOfOperationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hours of operation.
hoursOfOperationSummary_name :: Lens' HoursOfOperationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the hours of operation.
hoursOfOperationSummary_id :: Lens' HoursOfOperationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the hours of operation.
data HoursOfOperationTimeSlice Source #
The start time or end time for an hours of operation.
See: newHoursOfOperationTimeSlice
smart constructor.
HoursOfOperationTimeSlice' | |
newHoursOfOperationTimeSlice Source #
:: Natural | |
-> Natural | |
-> HoursOfOperationTimeSlice |
Create a value of HoursOfOperationTimeSlice
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hoursOfOperationTimeSlice_hours
- The hours.
, hoursOfOperationTimeSlice_minutes
- The minutes.
hoursOfOperationTimeSlice_minutes :: Lens' HoursOfOperationTimeSlice Natural Source #
The minutes.
The Amazon Connect instance.
See: newInstance
smart constructor.
Instance' | |
newInstance :: Instance Source #
Create a value of Instance
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, instance_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.
, instance_createdTime
- When the instance was created.
, instance_outboundCallsEnabled
- Whether outbound calls are enabled.
, instance_inboundCallsEnabled
- Whether inbound calls are enabled.
, instance_instanceAlias
- The alias of instance.
, instance_id
- The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the
instanceId in the ARN of the instance.
, instance_instanceStatus
- The state of the instance.
, instance_identityManagementType
- The identity management type.
, instance_statusReason
- Relevant details why the instance was not successfully created.
, instance_serviceRole
- The service role of the instance.
instance_outboundCallsEnabled :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether outbound calls are enabled.
instance_inboundCallsEnabled :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether inbound calls are enabled.
instance_id :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.
instance_instanceStatus :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceStatus) Source #
The state of the instance.
instance_identityManagementType :: Lens' Instance (Maybe DirectoryType) Source #
The identity management type.
instance_statusReason :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceStatusReason) Source #
Relevant details why the instance was not successfully created.
data InstanceStatusReason Source #
Relevant details why the instance was not successfully created.
See: newInstanceStatusReason
smart constructor.
InstanceStatusReason' | |
newInstanceStatusReason :: InstanceStatusReason Source #
Create a value of InstanceStatusReason
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, instanceStatusReason_message
- The message.
instanceStatusReason_message :: Lens' InstanceStatusReason (Maybe Text) Source #
The message.
data InstanceStorageConfig Source #
The storage configuration for the instance.
See: newInstanceStorageConfig
smart constructor.
InstanceStorageConfig' | |
newInstanceStorageConfig Source #
Create a value of InstanceStorageConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, instanceStorageConfig_associationId
- The existing association identifier that uniquely identifies the
resource type and storage config for the given instance ID.
, instanceStorageConfig_kinesisStreamConfig
- The configuration of the Kinesis data stream.
, instanceStorageConfig_kinesisVideoStreamConfig
- The configuration of the Kinesis video stream.
, instanceStorageConfig_s3Config
- The S3 bucket configuration.
, instanceStorageConfig_kinesisFirehoseConfig
- The configuration of the Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.
, instanceStorageConfig_storageType
- A valid storage type.
instanceStorageConfig_associationId :: Lens' InstanceStorageConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The existing association identifier that uniquely identifies the resource type and storage config for the given instance ID.
instanceStorageConfig_kinesisStreamConfig :: Lens' InstanceStorageConfig (Maybe KinesisStreamConfig) Source #
The configuration of the Kinesis data stream.
instanceStorageConfig_kinesisVideoStreamConfig :: Lens' InstanceStorageConfig (Maybe KinesisVideoStreamConfig) Source #
The configuration of the Kinesis video stream.
instanceStorageConfig_s3Config :: Lens' InstanceStorageConfig (Maybe S3Config) Source #
The S3 bucket configuration.
instanceStorageConfig_kinesisFirehoseConfig :: Lens' InstanceStorageConfig (Maybe KinesisFirehoseConfig) Source #
The configuration of the Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.
instanceStorageConfig_storageType :: Lens' InstanceStorageConfig StorageType Source #
A valid storage type.
data InstanceSummary Source #
Information about the instance.
See: newInstanceSummary
smart constructor.
InstanceSummary' | |
newInstanceSummary :: InstanceSummary Source #
Create a value of InstanceSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, instanceSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.
, instanceSummary_createdTime
- When the instance was created.
, instanceSummary_outboundCallsEnabled
- Whether outbound calls are enabled.
, instanceSummary_inboundCallsEnabled
- Whether inbound calls are enabled.
, instanceSummary_instanceAlias
- The alias of the instance.
, instanceSummary_id
- The identifier of the instance.
, instanceSummary_instanceStatus
- The state of the instance.
, instanceSummary_identityManagementType
- The identity management type of the instance.
, instanceSummary_serviceRole
- The service role of the instance.
instanceSummary_arn :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.
instanceSummary_createdTime :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the instance was created.
instanceSummary_outboundCallsEnabled :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether outbound calls are enabled.
instanceSummary_inboundCallsEnabled :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether inbound calls are enabled.
instanceSummary_instanceAlias :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The alias of the instance.
instanceSummary_id :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the instance.
instanceSummary_instanceStatus :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe InstanceStatus) Source #
The state of the instance.
instanceSummary_identityManagementType :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe DirectoryType) Source #
The identity management type of the instance.
instanceSummary_serviceRole :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The service role of the instance.
data IntegrationAssociationSummary Source #
Contains summary information about the associated AppIntegrations.
See: newIntegrationAssociationSummary
smart constructor.
IntegrationAssociationSummary' | |
newIntegrationAssociationSummary :: IntegrationAssociationSummary Source #
Create a value of IntegrationAssociationSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, integrationAssociationSummary_instanceId
- The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the
instanceId in the ARN of the instance.
, integrationAssociationSummary_sourceType
- The name of the source.
, integrationAssociationSummary_sourceApplicationUrl
- The URL for the external application.
, integrationAssociationSummary_integrationAssociationId
- The identifier for the AppIntegration association.
, integrationAssociationSummary_integrationAssociationArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the AppIntegration association.
, integrationAssociationSummary_sourceApplicationName
- The user-provided, friendly name for the external application.
, integrationAssociationSummary_integrationArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the AppIntegration.
, integrationAssociationSummary_integrationType
- The integration type.
integrationAssociationSummary_instanceId :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.
integrationAssociationSummary_sourceType :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe SourceType) Source #
The name of the source.
integrationAssociationSummary_sourceApplicationUrl :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL for the external application.
integrationAssociationSummary_integrationAssociationId :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the AppIntegration association.
integrationAssociationSummary_integrationAssociationArn :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the AppIntegration association.
integrationAssociationSummary_sourceApplicationName :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The user-provided, friendly name for the external application.
integrationAssociationSummary_integrationArn :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the AppIntegration.
integrationAssociationSummary_integrationType :: Lens' IntegrationAssociationSummary (Maybe IntegrationType) Source #
The integration type.
data KinesisFirehoseConfig Source #
Configuration information of a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
See: newKinesisFirehoseConfig
smart constructor.
KinesisFirehoseConfig' | |
newKinesisFirehoseConfig Source #
Create a value of KinesisFirehoseConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, kinesisFirehoseConfig_firehoseArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the delivery stream.
kinesisFirehoseConfig_firehoseArn :: Lens' KinesisFirehoseConfig Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the delivery stream.
data KinesisStreamConfig Source #
Configuration information of a Kinesis data stream.
See: newKinesisStreamConfig
smart constructor.
KinesisStreamConfig' | |
newKinesisStreamConfig Source #
:: Text | |
-> KinesisStreamConfig |
Create a value of KinesisStreamConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, kinesisStreamConfig_streamArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data stream.
kinesisStreamConfig_streamArn :: Lens' KinesisStreamConfig Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data stream.
data KinesisVideoStreamConfig Source #
Configuration information of a Kinesis video stream.
See: newKinesisVideoStreamConfig
smart constructor.
KinesisVideoStreamConfig' | |
newKinesisVideoStreamConfig Source #
:: Text | |
-> Natural | |
-> EncryptionConfig | |
-> KinesisVideoStreamConfig |
Create a value of KinesisVideoStreamConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, kinesisVideoStreamConfig_prefix
- The prefix of the video stream.
, kinesisVideoStreamConfig_retentionPeriodHours
- The number of hours data is retained in the stream. Kinesis Video
Streams retains the data in a data store that is associated with the
The default value is 0, indicating that the stream does not persist data.
, kinesisVideoStreamConfig_encryptionConfig
- The encryption configuration.
kinesisVideoStreamConfig_prefix :: Lens' KinesisVideoStreamConfig Text Source #
The prefix of the video stream.
kinesisVideoStreamConfig_retentionPeriodHours :: Lens' KinesisVideoStreamConfig Natural Source #
The number of hours data is retained in the stream. Kinesis Video Streams retains the data in a data store that is associated with the stream.
The default value is 0, indicating that the stream does not persist data.
kinesisVideoStreamConfig_encryptionConfig :: Lens' KinesisVideoStreamConfig EncryptionConfig Source #
The encryption configuration.
Configuration information of an Amazon Lex bot.
See: newLexBot
smart constructor.
LexBot' | |
Eq LexBot Source # | |
Read LexBot Source # | |
Show LexBot Source # | |
Generic LexBot Source # | |
NFData LexBot Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.LexBot | |
Hashable LexBot Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.LexBot | |
ToJSON LexBot Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.LexBot | |
FromJSON LexBot Source # | |
type Rep LexBot Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.LexBot type Rep LexBot = D1 ('MetaData "LexBot" "Amazonka.Connect.Types.LexBot" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-connectZSamazonka-connect" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "LexBot'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "lexRegion") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "name") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)))) |
Create a value of LexBot
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, lexBot_lexRegion
- The Region that the Amazon Lex bot was created in.
, lexBot_name
- The name of the Amazon Lex bot.
lexBot_lexRegion :: Lens' LexBot (Maybe Text) Source #
The Region that the Amazon Lex bot was created in.
data LexBotConfig Source #
Configuration information of an Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2 bot.
See: newLexBotConfig
smart constructor.
LexBotConfig' | |
newLexBotConfig :: LexBotConfig Source #
Create a value of LexBotConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, lexBotConfig_lexBot
- Undocumented member.
, lexBotConfig_lexV2Bot
- Configuration information of an Amazon Lex V2 bot.
lexBotConfig_lexBot :: Lens' LexBotConfig (Maybe LexBot) Source #
Undocumented member.
lexBotConfig_lexV2Bot :: Lens' LexBotConfig (Maybe LexV2Bot) Source #
Configuration information of an Amazon Lex V2 bot.
Configuration information of an Amazon Lex V2 bot.
See: newLexV2Bot
smart constructor.
LexV2Bot' | |
Eq LexV2Bot Source # | |
Read LexV2Bot Source # | |
Show LexV2Bot Source # | |
Generic LexV2Bot Source # | |
NFData LexV2Bot Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.LexV2Bot | |
Hashable LexV2Bot Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.LexV2Bot | |
ToJSON LexV2Bot Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.LexV2Bot | |
FromJSON LexV2Bot Source # | |
type Rep LexV2Bot Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.LexV2Bot |
newLexV2Bot :: LexV2Bot Source #
Create a value of LexV2Bot
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, lexV2Bot_aliasArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Lex V2 bot.
lexV2Bot_aliasArn :: Lens' LexV2Bot (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Lex V2 bot.
data MediaConcurrency Source #
Contains information about which channels are supported, and how many contacts an agent can have on a channel simultaneously.
See: newMediaConcurrency
smart constructor.
MediaConcurrency' | |
:: Channel | |
-> Natural | |
-> MediaConcurrency |
Create a value of MediaConcurrency
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, mediaConcurrency_channel
- The channels that agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP).
, mediaConcurrency_concurrency
- The number of contacts an agent can have on a channel simultaneously.
Valid Range for VOICE
: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 1.
Valid Range for CHAT
: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.
Valid Range for TASK
: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.
mediaConcurrency_channel :: Lens' MediaConcurrency Channel Source #
The channels that agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP).
mediaConcurrency_concurrency :: Lens' MediaConcurrency Natural Source #
The number of contacts an agent can have on a channel simultaneously.
Valid Range for VOICE
: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 1.
Valid Range for CHAT
: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.
Valid Range for TASK
: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.
data OutboundCallerConfig Source #
The outbound caller ID name, number, and outbound whisper flow.
See: newOutboundCallerConfig
smart constructor.
OutboundCallerConfig' | |
newOutboundCallerConfig :: OutboundCallerConfig Source #
Create a value of OutboundCallerConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, outboundCallerConfig_outboundCallerIdNumberId
- The caller ID number.
, outboundCallerConfig_outboundCallerIdName
- The caller ID name.
, outboundCallerConfig_outboundFlowId
- The outbound whisper flow to be used during an outbound call.
outboundCallerConfig_outboundCallerIdNumberId :: Lens' OutboundCallerConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The caller ID number.
outboundCallerConfig_outboundCallerIdName :: Lens' OutboundCallerConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The caller ID name.
outboundCallerConfig_outboundFlowId :: Lens' OutboundCallerConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The outbound whisper flow to be used during an outbound call.
data ParticipantDetails Source #
The customer's details.
See: newParticipantDetails
smart constructor.
ParticipantDetails' | |
newParticipantDetails Source #
:: Text | |
-> ParticipantDetails |
Create a value of ParticipantDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, participantDetails_displayName
- Display name of the participant.
participantDetails_displayName :: Lens' ParticipantDetails Text Source #
Display name of the participant.
data PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig Source #
Contains information about a phone number for a quick connect.
See: newPhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig
smart constructor.
PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig' | |
newPhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig Source #
Create a value of PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, phoneNumberQuickConnectConfig_phoneNumber
- The phone number in E.164 format.
phoneNumberQuickConnectConfig_phoneNumber :: Lens' PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig Text Source #
The phone number in E.164 format.
data PhoneNumberSummary Source #
Contains summary information about a phone number for a contact center.
See: newPhoneNumberSummary
smart constructor.
PhoneNumberSummary' | |
newPhoneNumberSummary :: PhoneNumberSummary Source #
Create a value of PhoneNumberSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, phoneNumberSummary_phoneNumberType
- The type of phone number.
, phoneNumberSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the phone number.
, phoneNumberSummary_phoneNumber
- The phone number.
, phoneNumberSummary_phoneNumberCountryCode
- The ISO country code.
, phoneNumberSummary_id
- The identifier of the phone number.
phoneNumberSummary_phoneNumberType :: Lens' PhoneNumberSummary (Maybe PhoneNumberType) Source #
The type of phone number.
phoneNumberSummary_arn :: Lens' PhoneNumberSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the phone number.
phoneNumberSummary_phoneNumber :: Lens' PhoneNumberSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The phone number.
phoneNumberSummary_phoneNumberCountryCode :: Lens' PhoneNumberSummary (Maybe PhoneNumberCountryCode) Source #
The ISO country code.
phoneNumberSummary_id :: Lens' PhoneNumberSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the phone number.
data PromptSummary Source #
Contains information about the prompt.
See: newPromptSummary
smart constructor.
PromptSummary' | |
newPromptSummary :: PromptSummary Source #
Create a value of PromptSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, promptSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the prompt.
, promptSummary_name
- The name of the prompt.
, promptSummary_id
- The identifier of the prompt.
promptSummary_arn :: Lens' PromptSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the prompt.
promptSummary_name :: Lens' PromptSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the prompt.
promptSummary_id :: Lens' PromptSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the prompt.
Contains information about a queue.
See: newQueue
smart constructor.
Queue' | |
Create a value of Queue
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, queue_status
- The status of the queue.
, queue_queueArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the queue.
, queue_queueId
- The identifier for the queue.
, queue_maxContacts
- The maximum number of contacts that can be in the queue before it is
considered full.
, queue_name
- The name of the queue.
, queue_hoursOfOperationId
- The identifier for the hours of operation.
, queue_outboundCallerConfig
- The outbound caller ID name, number, and outbound whisper flow.
, queue_description
- The description of the queue.
, queue_tags
- One or more tags.
queue_status :: Lens' Queue (Maybe QueueStatus) Source #
The status of the queue.
queue_maxContacts :: Lens' Queue (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of contacts that can be in the queue before it is considered full.
queue_hoursOfOperationId :: Lens' Queue (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the hours of operation.
queue_outboundCallerConfig :: Lens' Queue (Maybe OutboundCallerConfig) Source #
The outbound caller ID name, number, and outbound whisper flow.
data QueueQuickConnectConfig Source #
Contains information about a queue for a quick connect. The contact flow must be of type Transfer to Queue.
See: newQueueQuickConnectConfig
smart constructor.
QueueQuickConnectConfig' | |
newQueueQuickConnectConfig Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> QueueQuickConnectConfig |
Create a value of QueueQuickConnectConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, queueQuickConnectConfig_queueId
- The identifier for the queue.
, queueQuickConnectConfig_contactFlowId
- The identifier of the contact flow.
queueQuickConnectConfig_queueId :: Lens' QueueQuickConnectConfig Text Source #
The identifier for the queue.
queueQuickConnectConfig_contactFlowId :: Lens' QueueQuickConnectConfig Text Source #
The identifier of the contact flow.
data QueueReference Source #
Contains information about a queue resource for which metrics are returned.
See: newQueueReference
smart constructor.
QueueReference' | |
newQueueReference :: QueueReference Source #
Create a value of QueueReference
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, queueReference_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue.
, queueReference_id
- The identifier of the queue.
queueReference_arn :: Lens' QueueReference (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue.
queueReference_id :: Lens' QueueReference (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the queue.
data QueueSummary Source #
Contains summary information about a queue.
See: newQueueSummary
smart constructor.
QueueSummary' | |
newQueueSummary :: QueueSummary Source #
Create a value of QueueSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, queueSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue.
, queueSummary_name
- The name of the queue.
, queueSummary_id
- The identifier of the queue.
, queueSummary_queueType
- The type of queue.
queueSummary_arn :: Lens' QueueSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue.
queueSummary_name :: Lens' QueueSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the queue.
queueSummary_id :: Lens' QueueSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the queue.
queueSummary_queueType :: Lens' QueueSummary (Maybe QueueType) Source #
The type of queue.
data QuickConnect Source #
Contains information about a quick connect.
See: newQuickConnect
smart constructor.
QuickConnect' | |
newQuickConnect :: QuickConnect Source #
Create a value of QuickConnect
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, quickConnect_name
- The name of the quick connect.
, quickConnect_quickConnectId
- The identifier for the quick connect.
, quickConnect_description
- The description.
, quickConnect_quickConnectARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the quick connect.
, quickConnect_tags
- One or more tags.
, quickConnect_quickConnectConfig
- Contains information about the quick connect.
quickConnect_name :: Lens' QuickConnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the quick connect.
quickConnect_quickConnectId :: Lens' QuickConnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the quick connect.
quickConnect_description :: Lens' QuickConnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The description.
quickConnect_quickConnectARN :: Lens' QuickConnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the quick connect.
quickConnect_tags :: Lens' QuickConnect (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
One or more tags.
quickConnect_quickConnectConfig :: Lens' QuickConnect (Maybe QuickConnectConfig) Source #
Contains information about the quick connect.
data QuickConnectConfig Source #
Contains configuration settings for a quick connect.
See: newQuickConnectConfig
smart constructor.
QuickConnectConfig' | |
newQuickConnectConfig Source #
Create a value of QuickConnectConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, quickConnectConfig_queueConfig
- The queue configuration. This is required only if QuickConnectType is
, quickConnectConfig_userConfig
- The user configuration. This is required only if QuickConnectType is
, quickConnectConfig_phoneConfig
- The phone configuration. This is required only if QuickConnectType is
, quickConnectConfig_quickConnectType
- The type of quick connect. In the Amazon Connect console, when you
create a quick connect, you are prompted to assign one of the following
types: Agent (USER), External (PHONE_NUMBER), or Queue (QUEUE).
quickConnectConfig_queueConfig :: Lens' QuickConnectConfig (Maybe QueueQuickConnectConfig) Source #
The queue configuration. This is required only if QuickConnectType is QUEUE.
quickConnectConfig_userConfig :: Lens' QuickConnectConfig (Maybe UserQuickConnectConfig) Source #
The user configuration. This is required only if QuickConnectType is USER.
quickConnectConfig_phoneConfig :: Lens' QuickConnectConfig (Maybe PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig) Source #
The phone configuration. This is required only if QuickConnectType is PHONE_NUMBER.
quickConnectConfig_quickConnectType :: Lens' QuickConnectConfig QuickConnectType Source #
The type of quick connect. In the Amazon Connect console, when you create a quick connect, you are prompted to assign one of the following types: Agent (USER), External (PHONE_NUMBER), or Queue (QUEUE).
data QuickConnectSummary Source #
Contains summary information about a quick connect.
See: newQuickConnectSummary
smart constructor.
QuickConnectSummary' | |
newQuickConnectSummary :: QuickConnectSummary Source #
Create a value of QuickConnectSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, quickConnectSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the quick connect.
, quickConnectSummary_quickConnectType
- The type of quick connect. In the Amazon Connect console, when you
create a quick connect, you are prompted to assign one of the following
types: Agent (USER), External (PHONE_NUMBER), or Queue (QUEUE).
, quickConnectSummary_name
- The name of the quick connect.
, quickConnectSummary_id
- The identifier for the quick connect.
quickConnectSummary_arn :: Lens' QuickConnectSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the quick connect.
quickConnectSummary_quickConnectType :: Lens' QuickConnectSummary (Maybe QuickConnectType) Source #
The type of quick connect. In the Amazon Connect console, when you create a quick connect, you are prompted to assign one of the following types: Agent (USER), External (PHONE_NUMBER), or Queue (QUEUE).
quickConnectSummary_name :: Lens' QuickConnectSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the quick connect.
quickConnectSummary_id :: Lens' QuickConnectSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the quick connect.
A link that an agent selects to complete a given task. You can have up to 4,096 UTF-8 bytes across all references for a contact.
See: newReference
smart constructor.
Reference' | |
Eq Reference Source # | |
Read Reference Source # | |
Show Reference Source # | |
Generic Reference Source # | |
NFData Reference Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Reference | |
Hashable Reference Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Reference | |
ToJSON Reference Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Reference | |
type Rep Reference Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Reference type Rep Reference = D1 ('MetaData "Reference" "Amazonka.Connect.Types.Reference" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-connectZSamazonka-connect" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Reference'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "value") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "type'") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 ReferenceType))) |
:: Text | |
-> ReferenceType | |
-> Reference |
Create a value of Reference
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, reference_value
- A formatted URL that displays to an agent in the Contact Control Panel
, reference_type
- A valid URL.
reference_value :: Lens' Reference Text Source #
A formatted URL that displays to an agent in the Contact Control Panel (CCP)
reference_type :: Lens' Reference ReferenceType Source #
A valid URL.
data RoutingProfile Source #
Contains information about a routing profile.
See: newRoutingProfile
smart constructor.
RoutingProfile' | |
newRoutingProfile :: RoutingProfile Source #
Create a value of RoutingProfile
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, routingProfile_instanceId
- The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the
instanceId in the ARN of the instance.
, routingProfile_routingProfileArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the routing profile.
, routingProfile_routingProfileId
- The identifier of the routing profile.
, routingProfile_defaultOutboundQueueId
- The identifier of the default outbound queue for this routing profile.
, routingProfile_name
- The name of the routing profile.
, routingProfile_mediaConcurrencies
- The channels agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP) for
this routing profile.
, routingProfile_description
- The description of the routing profile.
, routingProfile_tags
- One or more tags.
routingProfile_instanceId :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.
routingProfile_routingProfileArn :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the routing profile.
routingProfile_routingProfileId :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the routing profile.
routingProfile_defaultOutboundQueueId :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the default outbound queue for this routing profile.
routingProfile_name :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the routing profile.
routingProfile_mediaConcurrencies :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe [MediaConcurrency]) Source #
The channels agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP) for this routing profile.
routingProfile_description :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the routing profile.
routingProfile_tags :: Lens' RoutingProfile (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
One or more tags.
data RoutingProfileQueueConfig Source #
Contains information about the queue and channel for which priority and delay can be set.
See: newRoutingProfileQueueConfig
smart constructor.
RoutingProfileQueueConfig' | |
newRoutingProfileQueueConfig Source #
:: RoutingProfileQueueReference | |
-> Natural | |
-> Natural | |
-> RoutingProfileQueueConfig |
Create a value of RoutingProfileQueueConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, routingProfileQueueConfig_queueReference
- Contains information about a queue resource.
, routingProfileQueueConfig_priority
- The order in which contacts are to be handled for the queue. For more
information, see
Queues: priority and delay.
, routingProfileQueueConfig_delay
- The delay, in seconds, a contact should be in the queue before they are
routed to an available agent. For more information, see
Queues: priority and delay
in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
routingProfileQueueConfig_queueReference :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfig RoutingProfileQueueReference Source #
Contains information about a queue resource.
routingProfileQueueConfig_priority :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfig Natural Source #
The order in which contacts are to be handled for the queue. For more information, see Queues: priority and delay.
routingProfileQueueConfig_delay :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfig Natural Source #
The delay, in seconds, a contact should be in the queue before they are routed to an available agent. For more information, see Queues: priority and delay in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
data RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Source #
Contains summary information about a routing profile queue.
See: newRoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary
smart constructor.
RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary' | |
newRoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Source #
Create a value of RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_queueId
- The identifier for the queue.
, routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_queueArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue.
, routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_queueName
- The name of the queue.
, routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_priority
- The order in which contacts are to be handled for the queue. For more
information, see
Queues: priority and delay.
, routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_delay
- The delay, in seconds, that a contact should be in the queue before they
are routed to an available agent. For more information, see
Queues: priority and delay
in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
, routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_channel
- The channels this queue supports.
routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_queueId :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Text Source #
The identifier for the queue.
routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_queueArn :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue.
routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_queueName :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Text Source #
The name of the queue.
routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_priority :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Natural Source #
The order in which contacts are to be handled for the queue. For more information, see Queues: priority and delay.
routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_delay :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Natural Source #
The delay, in seconds, that a contact should be in the queue before they are routed to an available agent. For more information, see Queues: priority and delay in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
routingProfileQueueConfigSummary_channel :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary Channel Source #
The channels this queue supports.
data RoutingProfileQueueReference Source #
Contains the channel and queue identifier for a routing profile.
See: newRoutingProfileQueueReference
smart constructor.
RoutingProfileQueueReference' | |
newRoutingProfileQueueReference Source #
:: Text | |
-> Channel | |
-> RoutingProfileQueueReference |
Create a value of RoutingProfileQueueReference
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, routingProfileQueueReference_queueId
- The identifier for the queue.
, routingProfileQueueReference_channel
- The channels agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP) for
this routing profile.
routingProfileQueueReference_queueId :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueReference Text Source #
The identifier for the queue.
routingProfileQueueReference_channel :: Lens' RoutingProfileQueueReference Channel Source #
The channels agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP) for this routing profile.
data RoutingProfileSummary Source #
Contains summary information about a routing profile.
See: newRoutingProfileSummary
smart constructor.
RoutingProfileSummary' | |
newRoutingProfileSummary :: RoutingProfileSummary Source #
Create a value of RoutingProfileSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, routingProfileSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the routing profile.
, routingProfileSummary_name
- The name of the routing profile.
, routingProfileSummary_id
- The identifier of the routing profile.
routingProfileSummary_arn :: Lens' RoutingProfileSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the routing profile.
routingProfileSummary_name :: Lens' RoutingProfileSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the routing profile.
routingProfileSummary_id :: Lens' RoutingProfileSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the routing profile.
Information about the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) storage type.
See: newS3Config
smart constructor.
S3Config' | |
Eq S3Config Source # | |
Read S3Config Source # | |
Show S3Config Source # | |
Generic S3Config Source # | |
NFData S3Config Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.S3Config | |
Hashable S3Config Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.S3Config | |
ToJSON S3Config Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.S3Config | |
FromJSON S3Config Source # | |
type Rep S3Config Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.S3Config type Rep S3Config = D1 ('MetaData "S3Config" "Amazonka.Connect.Types.S3Config" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-connectZSamazonka-connect" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "S3Config'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "encryptionConfig") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe EncryptionConfig)) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "bucketName") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "bucketPrefix") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text)))) |
Create a value of S3Config
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, s3Config_encryptionConfig
- The Amazon S3 encryption configuration.
, s3Config_bucketName
- The S3 bucket name.
, s3Config_bucketPrefix
- The S3 bucket prefix.
s3Config_encryptionConfig :: Lens' S3Config (Maybe EncryptionConfig) Source #
The Amazon S3 encryption configuration.
data SecurityKey Source #
Configuration information of the security key.
See: newSecurityKey
smart constructor.
SecurityKey' | |
newSecurityKey :: SecurityKey Source #
Create a value of SecurityKey
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, securityKey_creationTime
- When the security key was created.
, securityKey_associationId
- The existing association identifier that uniquely identifies the
resource type and storage config for the given instance ID.
, securityKey_key
- The key of the security key.
securityKey_creationTime :: Lens' SecurityKey (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the security key was created.
securityKey_associationId :: Lens' SecurityKey (Maybe Text) Source #
The existing association identifier that uniquely identifies the resource type and storage config for the given instance ID.
securityKey_key :: Lens' SecurityKey (Maybe Text) Source #
The key of the security key.
data SecurityProfileSummary Source #
Contains information about a security profile.
See: newSecurityProfileSummary
smart constructor.
SecurityProfileSummary' | |
newSecurityProfileSummary :: SecurityProfileSummary Source #
Create a value of SecurityProfileSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, securityProfileSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the security profile.
, securityProfileSummary_name
- The name of the security profile.
, securityProfileSummary_id
- The identifier of the security profile.
securityProfileSummary_arn :: Lens' SecurityProfileSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the security profile.
securityProfileSummary_name :: Lens' SecurityProfileSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the security profile.
securityProfileSummary_id :: Lens' SecurityProfileSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the security profile.
Contains information about the threshold for service level metrics.
See: newThreshold
smart constructor.
Threshold' | |
Eq Threshold Source # | |
Read Threshold Source # | |
Show Threshold Source # | |
Generic Threshold Source # | |
NFData Threshold Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Threshold | |
Hashable Threshold Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Threshold | |
ToJSON Threshold Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Threshold | |
FromJSON Threshold Source # | |
type Rep Threshold Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.Threshold type Rep Threshold = D1 ('MetaData "Threshold" "Amazonka.Connect.Types.Threshold" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-connectZSamazonka-connect" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Threshold'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "thresholdValue") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Double)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "comparison") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Comparison)))) |
newThreshold :: Threshold Source #
Create a value of Threshold
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, threshold_thresholdValue
- The threshold value to compare.
, threshold_comparison
- The type of comparison. Only "less than" (LT) comparisons are
threshold_comparison :: Lens' Threshold (Maybe Comparison) Source #
The type of comparison. Only "less than" (LT) comparisons are supported.
Contains the use case.
See: newUseCase
smart constructor.
UseCase' | |
Eq UseCase Source # | |
Read UseCase Source # | |
Show UseCase Source # | |
Generic UseCase Source # | |
NFData UseCase Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.UseCase | |
Hashable UseCase Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.UseCase | |
FromJSON UseCase Source # | |
type Rep UseCase Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Connect.Types.UseCase type Rep UseCase = D1 ('MetaData "UseCase" "Amazonka.Connect.Types.UseCase" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-connectZSamazonka-connect" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UseCase'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "useCaseType") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe UseCaseType)) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "useCaseArn") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "useCaseId") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text))))) |
newUseCase :: UseCase Source #
Create a value of UseCase
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, useCase_useCaseType
- The type of use case to associate to the integration association. Each
integration association can have only one of each use case type.
, useCase_useCaseArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the use case.
, useCase_useCaseId
- The identifier for the use case.
useCase_useCaseType :: Lens' UseCase (Maybe UseCaseType) Source #
The type of use case to associate to the integration association. Each integration association can have only one of each use case type.
useCase_useCaseArn :: Lens' UseCase (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the use case.
Contains information about a user account for a Amazon Connect instance.
See: newUser
smart constructor.
User' | |
Create a value of User
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, user_routingProfileId
- The identifier of the routing profile for the user.
, user_directoryUserId
- The identifier of the user account in the directory used for identity
, user_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user account.
, user_identityInfo
- Information about the user identity.
, user_securityProfileIds
- The identifiers of the security profiles for the user.
, user_username
- The user name assigned to the user account.
, user_id
- The identifier of the user account.
, user_hierarchyGroupId
- The identifier of the hierarchy group for the user.
, user_phoneConfig
- Information about the phone configuration for the user.
, user_tags
- The tags.
user_routingProfileId :: Lens' User (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the routing profile for the user.
user_directoryUserId :: Lens' User (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the user account in the directory used for identity management.
user_identityInfo :: Lens' User (Maybe UserIdentityInfo) Source #
Information about the user identity.
user_securityProfileIds :: Lens' User (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The identifiers of the security profiles for the user.
user_hierarchyGroupId :: Lens' User (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the hierarchy group for the user.
user_phoneConfig :: Lens' User (Maybe UserPhoneConfig) Source #
Information about the phone configuration for the user.
data UserIdentityInfo Source #
Contains information about the identity of a user.
See: newUserIdentityInfo
smart constructor.
UserIdentityInfo' | |
newUserIdentityInfo :: UserIdentityInfo Source #
Create a value of UserIdentityInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, userIdentityInfo_email
- The email address. If you are using SAML for identity management and
include this parameter, an error is returned.
, userIdentityInfo_lastName
- The last name. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML
for identity management.
, userIdentityInfo_firstName
- The first name. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML
for identity management.
userIdentityInfo_email :: Lens' UserIdentityInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The email address. If you are using SAML for identity management and include this parameter, an error is returned.
userIdentityInfo_lastName :: Lens' UserIdentityInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The last name. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML for identity management.
userIdentityInfo_firstName :: Lens' UserIdentityInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The first name. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML for identity management.
data UserPhoneConfig Source #
Contains information about the phone configuration settings for a user.
See: newUserPhoneConfig
smart constructor.
UserPhoneConfig' | |
:: PhoneType | |
-> UserPhoneConfig |
Create a value of UserPhoneConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, userPhoneConfig_autoAccept
- The Auto accept setting.
, userPhoneConfig_afterContactWorkTimeLimit
- The After Call Work (ACW) timeout setting, in seconds.
, userPhoneConfig_deskPhoneNumber
- The phone number for the user's desk phone.
, userPhoneConfig_phoneType
- The phone type.
userPhoneConfig_autoAccept :: Lens' UserPhoneConfig (Maybe Bool) Source #
The Auto accept setting.
userPhoneConfig_afterContactWorkTimeLimit :: Lens' UserPhoneConfig (Maybe Natural) Source #
The After Call Work (ACW) timeout setting, in seconds.
userPhoneConfig_deskPhoneNumber :: Lens' UserPhoneConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The phone number for the user's desk phone.
userPhoneConfig_phoneType :: Lens' UserPhoneConfig PhoneType Source #
The phone type.
data UserQuickConnectConfig Source #
Contains information about the quick connect configuration settings for a user. The contact flow must be of type Transfer to Agent.
See: newUserQuickConnectConfig
smart constructor.
UserQuickConnectConfig' | |
newUserQuickConnectConfig Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UserQuickConnectConfig |
Create a value of UserQuickConnectConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, userQuickConnectConfig_userId
- The identifier of the user.
, userQuickConnectConfig_contactFlowId
- The identifier of the contact flow.
userQuickConnectConfig_userId :: Lens' UserQuickConnectConfig Text Source #
The identifier of the user.
userQuickConnectConfig_contactFlowId :: Lens' UserQuickConnectConfig Text Source #
The identifier of the contact flow.
data UserSummary Source #
Contains summary information about a user.
See: newUserSummary
smart constructor.
UserSummary' | |
newUserSummary :: UserSummary Source #
Create a value of UserSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, userSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user account.
, userSummary_username
- The Amazon Connect user name of the user account.
, userSummary_id
- The identifier of the user account.
userSummary_arn :: Lens' UserSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user account.
userSummary_username :: Lens' UserSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Connect user name of the user account.
userSummary_id :: Lens' UserSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the user account.
data VoiceRecordingConfiguration Source #
Contains information about the recording configuration settings.
See: newVoiceRecordingConfiguration
smart constructor.
VoiceRecordingConfiguration' | |
newVoiceRecordingConfiguration :: VoiceRecordingConfiguration Source #
Create a value of VoiceRecordingConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, voiceRecordingConfiguration_voiceRecordingTrack
- Identifies which track is being recorded.
voiceRecordingConfiguration_voiceRecordingTrack :: Lens' VoiceRecordingConfiguration (Maybe VoiceRecordingTrack) Source #
Identifies which track is being recorded.