Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- ActiveDirectoryStatus
- AvailabilityMonitorTestStatus
- CaseSensitivity
- FileShareType
- GatewayCapacity
- HostEnvironment
- ObjectACL
- PoolStatus
- RetentionLockType
- SMBSecurityStrategy
- TapeStorageClass
- AutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo
- AutomaticTapeCreationRule
- BandwidthRateLimitInterval
- CacheAttributes
- CachediSCSIVolume
- ChapInfo
- DeviceiSCSIAttributes
- Disk
- EndpointNetworkConfiguration
- FileShareInfo
- FileSystemAssociationInfo
- FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail
- FileSystemAssociationSummary
- GatewayInfo
- NFSFileShareDefaults
- NFSFileShareInfo
- NetworkInterface
- PoolInfo
- SMBFileShareInfo
- SMBLocalGroups
- StorediSCSIVolume
- Tag
- Tape
- TapeArchive
- TapeInfo
- TapeRecoveryPointInfo
- VTLDevice
- VolumeInfo
- VolumeRecoveryPointInfo
- VolumeiSCSIAttributes
- defaultService :: Service
- _InvalidGatewayRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ServiceUnavailableError :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InternalServerError :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- newtype ActiveDirectoryStatus where
- ActiveDirectoryStatus' { }
- pattern ActiveDirectoryStatus_ACCESS_DENIED :: ActiveDirectoryStatus
- pattern ActiveDirectoryStatus_DETACHED :: ActiveDirectoryStatus
- pattern ActiveDirectoryStatus_JOINED :: ActiveDirectoryStatus
- pattern ActiveDirectoryStatus_JOINING :: ActiveDirectoryStatus
- pattern ActiveDirectoryStatus_NETWORK_ERROR :: ActiveDirectoryStatus
- pattern ActiveDirectoryStatus_TIMEOUT :: ActiveDirectoryStatus
- pattern ActiveDirectoryStatus_UNKNOWN_ERROR :: ActiveDirectoryStatus
- newtype AvailabilityMonitorTestStatus where
- newtype CaseSensitivity where
- CaseSensitivity' { }
- pattern CaseSensitivity_CaseSensitive :: CaseSensitivity
- pattern CaseSensitivity_ClientSpecified :: CaseSensitivity
- newtype FileShareType where
- FileShareType' { }
- pattern FileShareType_NFS :: FileShareType
- pattern FileShareType_SMB :: FileShareType
- newtype GatewayCapacity where
- GatewayCapacity' { }
- pattern GatewayCapacity_Large :: GatewayCapacity
- pattern GatewayCapacity_Medium :: GatewayCapacity
- pattern GatewayCapacity_Small :: GatewayCapacity
- newtype HostEnvironment where
- HostEnvironment' { }
- pattern HostEnvironment_EC2 :: HostEnvironment
- pattern HostEnvironment_HYPER_V :: HostEnvironment
- pattern HostEnvironment_KVM :: HostEnvironment
- pattern HostEnvironment_OTHER :: HostEnvironment
- pattern HostEnvironment_VMWARE :: HostEnvironment
- newtype ObjectACL where
- ObjectACL' { }
- pattern ObjectACL_Authenticated_read :: ObjectACL
- pattern ObjectACL_Aws_exec_read :: ObjectACL
- pattern ObjectACL_Bucket_owner_full_control :: ObjectACL
- pattern ObjectACL_Bucket_owner_read :: ObjectACL
- pattern ObjectACL_Private :: ObjectACL
- pattern ObjectACL_Public_read :: ObjectACL
- pattern ObjectACL_Public_read_write :: ObjectACL
- newtype PoolStatus where
- PoolStatus' { }
- pattern PoolStatus_ACTIVE :: PoolStatus
- pattern PoolStatus_DELETED :: PoolStatus
- newtype RetentionLockType where
- RetentionLockType' { }
- pattern RetentionLockType_COMPLIANCE :: RetentionLockType
- pattern RetentionLockType_GOVERNANCE :: RetentionLockType
- pattern RetentionLockType_NONE :: RetentionLockType
- newtype SMBSecurityStrategy where
- newtype TapeStorageClass where
- TapeStorageClass' { }
- pattern TapeStorageClass_DEEP_ARCHIVE :: TapeStorageClass
- pattern TapeStorageClass_GLACIER :: TapeStorageClass
- data AutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo = AutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo' {}
- newAutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo :: AutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo
- automaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo (Maybe Text)
- automaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo_automaticTapeCreationRules :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo (Maybe (NonEmpty AutomaticTapeCreationRule))
- data AutomaticTapeCreationRule = AutomaticTapeCreationRule' {}
- newAutomaticTapeCreationRule :: Text -> Text -> Integer -> Natural -> AutomaticTapeCreationRule
- automaticTapeCreationRule_worm :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationRule (Maybe Bool)
- automaticTapeCreationRule_tapeBarcodePrefix :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationRule Text
- automaticTapeCreationRule_poolId :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationRule Text
- automaticTapeCreationRule_tapeSizeInBytes :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationRule Integer
- automaticTapeCreationRule_minimumNumTapes :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationRule Natural
- data BandwidthRateLimitInterval = BandwidthRateLimitInterval' {}
- newBandwidthRateLimitInterval :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural -> Natural -> NonEmpty Natural -> BandwidthRateLimitInterval
- bandwidthRateLimitInterval_averageUploadRateLimitInBitsPerSec :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval (Maybe Natural)
- bandwidthRateLimitInterval_averageDownloadRateLimitInBitsPerSec :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval (Maybe Natural)
- bandwidthRateLimitInterval_startHourOfDay :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval Natural
- bandwidthRateLimitInterval_startMinuteOfHour :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval Natural
- bandwidthRateLimitInterval_endHourOfDay :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval Natural
- bandwidthRateLimitInterval_endMinuteOfHour :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval Natural
- bandwidthRateLimitInterval_daysOfWeek :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval (NonEmpty Natural)
- data CacheAttributes = CacheAttributes' {}
- newCacheAttributes :: CacheAttributes
- cacheAttributes_cacheStaleTimeoutInSeconds :: Lens' CacheAttributes (Maybe Int)
- data CachediSCSIVolume = CachediSCSIVolume' {
- volumeiSCSIAttributes :: Maybe VolumeiSCSIAttributes
- volumeStatus :: Maybe Text
- sourceSnapshotId :: Maybe Text
- kmsKey :: Maybe Text
- volumeAttachmentStatus :: Maybe Text
- volumeARN :: Maybe Text
- volumeProgress :: Maybe Double
- volumeSizeInBytes :: Maybe Integer
- volumeUsedInBytes :: Maybe Integer
- createdDate :: Maybe POSIX
- volumeId :: Maybe Text
- volumeType :: Maybe Text
- targetName :: Maybe Text
- newCachediSCSIVolume :: CachediSCSIVolume
- cachediSCSIVolume_volumeiSCSIAttributes :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe VolumeiSCSIAttributes)
- cachediSCSIVolume_volumeStatus :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- cachediSCSIVolume_sourceSnapshotId :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- cachediSCSIVolume_kmsKey :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- cachediSCSIVolume_volumeAttachmentStatus :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- cachediSCSIVolume_volumeARN :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- cachediSCSIVolume_volumeProgress :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Double)
- cachediSCSIVolume_volumeSizeInBytes :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Integer)
- cachediSCSIVolume_volumeUsedInBytes :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Integer)
- cachediSCSIVolume_createdDate :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe UTCTime)
- cachediSCSIVolume_volumeId :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- cachediSCSIVolume_volumeType :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- cachediSCSIVolume_targetName :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- data ChapInfo = ChapInfo' {}
- newChapInfo :: ChapInfo
- chapInfo_targetARN :: Lens' ChapInfo (Maybe Text)
- chapInfo_secretToAuthenticateInitiator :: Lens' ChapInfo (Maybe Text)
- chapInfo_initiatorName :: Lens' ChapInfo (Maybe Text)
- chapInfo_secretToAuthenticateTarget :: Lens' ChapInfo (Maybe Text)
- data DeviceiSCSIAttributes = DeviceiSCSIAttributes' {}
- newDeviceiSCSIAttributes :: DeviceiSCSIAttributes
- deviceiSCSIAttributes_targetARN :: Lens' DeviceiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Text)
- deviceiSCSIAttributes_chapEnabled :: Lens' DeviceiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Bool)
- deviceiSCSIAttributes_networkInterfaceId :: Lens' DeviceiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Text)
- deviceiSCSIAttributes_networkInterfacePort :: Lens' DeviceiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Int)
- data Disk = Disk' {}
- newDisk :: Disk
- disk_diskAllocationResource :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text)
- disk_diskAllocationType :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text)
- disk_diskNode :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text)
- disk_diskPath :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text)
- disk_diskSizeInBytes :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Integer)
- disk_diskStatus :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text)
- disk_diskId :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text)
- disk_diskAttributeList :: Lens' Disk (Maybe [Text])
- data EndpointNetworkConfiguration = EndpointNetworkConfiguration' {
- ipAddresses :: Maybe [Text]
- newEndpointNetworkConfiguration :: EndpointNetworkConfiguration
- endpointNetworkConfiguration_ipAddresses :: Lens' EndpointNetworkConfiguration (Maybe [Text])
- data FileShareInfo = FileShareInfo' {}
- newFileShareInfo :: FileShareInfo
- fileShareInfo_fileShareStatus :: Lens' FileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- fileShareInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' FileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- fileShareInfo_fileShareId :: Lens' FileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- fileShareInfo_fileShareARN :: Lens' FileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- fileShareInfo_fileShareType :: Lens' FileShareInfo (Maybe FileShareType)
- data FileSystemAssociationInfo = FileSystemAssociationInfo' {
- auditDestinationARN :: Maybe Text
- fileSystemAssociationARN :: Maybe Text
- gatewayARN :: Maybe Text
- cacheAttributes :: Maybe CacheAttributes
- fileSystemAssociationStatusDetails :: Maybe [FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail]
- endpointNetworkConfiguration :: Maybe EndpointNetworkConfiguration
- locationARN :: Maybe Text
- fileSystemAssociationStatus :: Maybe Text
- tags :: Maybe [Tag]
- newFileSystemAssociationInfo :: FileSystemAssociationInfo
- fileSystemAssociationInfo_auditDestinationARN :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe Text)
- fileSystemAssociationInfo_fileSystemAssociationARN :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe Text)
- fileSystemAssociationInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe Text)
- fileSystemAssociationInfo_cacheAttributes :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe CacheAttributes)
- fileSystemAssociationInfo_fileSystemAssociationStatusDetails :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe [FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail])
- fileSystemAssociationInfo_endpointNetworkConfiguration :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe EndpointNetworkConfiguration)
- fileSystemAssociationInfo_locationARN :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe Text)
- fileSystemAssociationInfo_fileSystemAssociationStatus :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe Text)
- fileSystemAssociationInfo_tags :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe [Tag])
- data FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail = FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail' {}
- newFileSystemAssociationStatusDetail :: FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail
- fileSystemAssociationStatusDetail_errorCode :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail (Maybe Text)
- data FileSystemAssociationSummary = FileSystemAssociationSummary' {}
- newFileSystemAssociationSummary :: FileSystemAssociationSummary
- fileSystemAssociationSummary_fileSystemAssociationARN :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationSummary (Maybe Text)
- fileSystemAssociationSummary_gatewayARN :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationSummary (Maybe Text)
- fileSystemAssociationSummary_fileSystemAssociationId :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationSummary (Maybe Text)
- fileSystemAssociationSummary_fileSystemAssociationStatus :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationSummary (Maybe Text)
- data GatewayInfo = GatewayInfo' {}
- newGatewayInfo :: GatewayInfo
- gatewayInfo_ec2InstanceRegion :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text)
- gatewayInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text)
- gatewayInfo_ec2InstanceId :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text)
- gatewayInfo_gatewayOperationalState :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text)
- gatewayInfo_gatewayName :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text)
- gatewayInfo_gatewayId :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text)
- gatewayInfo_gatewayType :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text)
- data NFSFileShareDefaults = NFSFileShareDefaults' {}
- newNFSFileShareDefaults :: NFSFileShareDefaults
- nFSFileShareDefaults_fileMode :: Lens' NFSFileShareDefaults (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareDefaults_ownerId :: Lens' NFSFileShareDefaults (Maybe Natural)
- nFSFileShareDefaults_directoryMode :: Lens' NFSFileShareDefaults (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareDefaults_groupId :: Lens' NFSFileShareDefaults (Maybe Natural)
- data NFSFileShareInfo = NFSFileShareInfo' {
- auditDestinationARN :: Maybe Text
- fileShareStatus :: Maybe Text
- kmsKey :: Maybe Text
- gatewayARN :: Maybe Text
- path :: Maybe Text
- vPCEndpointDNSName :: Maybe Text
- cacheAttributes :: Maybe CacheAttributes
- objectACL :: Maybe ObjectACL
- kmsEncrypted :: Maybe Bool
- fileShareId :: Maybe Text
- fileShareARN :: Maybe Text
- defaultStorageClass :: Maybe Text
- fileShareName :: Maybe Text
- role' :: Maybe Text
- notificationPolicy :: Maybe Text
- squash :: Maybe Text
- requesterPays :: Maybe Bool
- nFSFileShareDefaults :: Maybe NFSFileShareDefaults
- locationARN :: Maybe Text
- clientList :: Maybe (NonEmpty Text)
- guessMIMETypeEnabled :: Maybe Bool
- readOnly :: Maybe Bool
- bucketRegion :: Maybe Text
- tags :: Maybe [Tag]
- newNFSFileShareInfo :: NFSFileShareInfo
- nFSFileShareInfo_auditDestinationARN :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_fileShareStatus :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_kmsKey :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_path :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_vPCEndpointDNSName :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_cacheAttributes :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe CacheAttributes)
- nFSFileShareInfo_objectACL :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe ObjectACL)
- nFSFileShareInfo_kmsEncrypted :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool)
- nFSFileShareInfo_fileShareId :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_fileShareARN :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_defaultStorageClass :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_fileShareName :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_role :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_notificationPolicy :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_squash :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_requesterPays :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool)
- nFSFileShareInfo_nFSFileShareDefaults :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe NFSFileShareDefaults)
- nFSFileShareInfo_locationARN :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_clientList :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- nFSFileShareInfo_guessMIMETypeEnabled :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool)
- nFSFileShareInfo_readOnly :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool)
- nFSFileShareInfo_bucketRegion :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- nFSFileShareInfo_tags :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe [Tag])
- data NetworkInterface = NetworkInterface' {
- ipv6Address :: Maybe Text
- macAddress :: Maybe Text
- ipv4Address :: Maybe Text
- newNetworkInterface :: NetworkInterface
- networkInterface_ipv6Address :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Text)
- networkInterface_macAddress :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Text)
- networkInterface_ipv4Address :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Text)
- data PoolInfo = PoolInfo' {}
- newPoolInfo :: PoolInfo
- poolInfo_retentionLockType :: Lens' PoolInfo (Maybe RetentionLockType)
- poolInfo_retentionLockTimeInDays :: Lens' PoolInfo (Maybe Natural)
- poolInfo_poolName :: Lens' PoolInfo (Maybe Text)
- poolInfo_storageClass :: Lens' PoolInfo (Maybe TapeStorageClass)
- poolInfo_poolStatus :: Lens' PoolInfo (Maybe PoolStatus)
- poolInfo_poolARN :: Lens' PoolInfo (Maybe Text)
- data SMBFileShareInfo = SMBFileShareInfo' {
- accessBasedEnumeration :: Maybe Bool
- adminUserList :: Maybe [Text]
- auditDestinationARN :: Maybe Text
- fileShareStatus :: Maybe Text
- invalidUserList :: Maybe [Text]
- kmsKey :: Maybe Text
- validUserList :: Maybe [Text]
- gatewayARN :: Maybe Text
- path :: Maybe Text
- vPCEndpointDNSName :: Maybe Text
- authentication :: Maybe Text
- cacheAttributes :: Maybe CacheAttributes
- objectACL :: Maybe ObjectACL
- kmsEncrypted :: Maybe Bool
- fileShareId :: Maybe Text
- fileShareARN :: Maybe Text
- defaultStorageClass :: Maybe Text
- fileShareName :: Maybe Text
- role' :: Maybe Text
- sMBACLEnabled :: Maybe Bool
- oplocksEnabled :: Maybe Bool
- notificationPolicy :: Maybe Text
- requesterPays :: Maybe Bool
- locationARN :: Maybe Text
- guessMIMETypeEnabled :: Maybe Bool
- readOnly :: Maybe Bool
- bucketRegion :: Maybe Text
- caseSensitivity :: Maybe CaseSensitivity
- tags :: Maybe [Tag]
- newSMBFileShareInfo :: SMBFileShareInfo
- sMBFileShareInfo_accessBasedEnumeration :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool)
- sMBFileShareInfo_adminUserList :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe [Text])
- sMBFileShareInfo_auditDestinationARN :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_fileShareStatus :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_invalidUserList :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe [Text])
- sMBFileShareInfo_kmsKey :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_validUserList :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe [Text])
- sMBFileShareInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_path :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_vPCEndpointDNSName :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_authentication :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_cacheAttributes :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe CacheAttributes)
- sMBFileShareInfo_objectACL :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe ObjectACL)
- sMBFileShareInfo_kmsEncrypted :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool)
- sMBFileShareInfo_fileShareId :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_fileShareARN :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_defaultStorageClass :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_fileShareName :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_role :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_sMBACLEnabled :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool)
- sMBFileShareInfo_oplocksEnabled :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool)
- sMBFileShareInfo_notificationPolicy :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_requesterPays :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool)
- sMBFileShareInfo_locationARN :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_guessMIMETypeEnabled :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool)
- sMBFileShareInfo_readOnly :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool)
- sMBFileShareInfo_bucketRegion :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text)
- sMBFileShareInfo_caseSensitivity :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe CaseSensitivity)
- sMBFileShareInfo_tags :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe [Tag])
- data SMBLocalGroups = SMBLocalGroups' {
- gatewayAdmins :: Maybe [Text]
- newSMBLocalGroups :: SMBLocalGroups
- sMBLocalGroups_gatewayAdmins :: Lens' SMBLocalGroups (Maybe [Text])
- data StorediSCSIVolume = StorediSCSIVolume' {
- volumeiSCSIAttributes :: Maybe VolumeiSCSIAttributes
- volumeStatus :: Maybe Text
- sourceSnapshotId :: Maybe Text
- preservedExistingData :: Maybe Bool
- kmsKey :: Maybe Text
- volumeAttachmentStatus :: Maybe Text
- volumeARN :: Maybe Text
- volumeProgress :: Maybe Double
- volumeSizeInBytes :: Maybe Integer
- volumeUsedInBytes :: Maybe Integer
- createdDate :: Maybe POSIX
- volumeId :: Maybe Text
- volumeDiskId :: Maybe Text
- volumeType :: Maybe Text
- targetName :: Maybe Text
- newStorediSCSIVolume :: StorediSCSIVolume
- storediSCSIVolume_volumeiSCSIAttributes :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe VolumeiSCSIAttributes)
- storediSCSIVolume_volumeStatus :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- storediSCSIVolume_sourceSnapshotId :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- storediSCSIVolume_preservedExistingData :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Bool)
- storediSCSIVolume_kmsKey :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- storediSCSIVolume_volumeAttachmentStatus :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- storediSCSIVolume_volumeARN :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- storediSCSIVolume_volumeProgress :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Double)
- storediSCSIVolume_volumeSizeInBytes :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Integer)
- storediSCSIVolume_volumeUsedInBytes :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Integer)
- storediSCSIVolume_createdDate :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe UTCTime)
- storediSCSIVolume_volumeId :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- storediSCSIVolume_volumeDiskId :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- storediSCSIVolume_volumeType :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- storediSCSIVolume_targetName :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text)
- data Tag = Tag' {}
- newTag :: Text -> Text -> Tag
- tag_key :: Lens' Tag Text
- tag_value :: Lens' Tag Text
- data Tape = Tape' {
- tapeBarcode :: Maybe Text
- tapeStatus :: Maybe Text
- kmsKey :: Maybe Text
- tapeARN :: Maybe Text
- progress :: Maybe Double
- tapeSizeInBytes :: Maybe Integer
- vTLDevice :: Maybe Text
- poolId :: Maybe Text
- tapeUsedInBytes :: Maybe Integer
- tapeCreatedDate :: Maybe POSIX
- poolEntryDate :: Maybe POSIX
- worm :: Maybe Bool
- retentionStartDate :: Maybe POSIX
- newTape :: Tape
- tape_tapeBarcode :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Text)
- tape_tapeStatus :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Text)
- tape_kmsKey :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Text)
- tape_tapeARN :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Text)
- tape_progress :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Double)
- tape_tapeSizeInBytes :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Integer)
- tape_vTLDevice :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Text)
- tape_poolId :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Text)
- tape_tapeUsedInBytes :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Integer)
- tape_tapeCreatedDate :: Lens' Tape (Maybe UTCTime)
- tape_poolEntryDate :: Lens' Tape (Maybe UTCTime)
- tape_worm :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Bool)
- tape_retentionStartDate :: Lens' Tape (Maybe UTCTime)
- data TapeArchive = TapeArchive' {
- tapeBarcode :: Maybe Text
- tapeStatus :: Maybe Text
- kmsKey :: Maybe Text
- tapeARN :: Maybe Text
- tapeSizeInBytes :: Maybe Integer
- completionTime :: Maybe POSIX
- poolId :: Maybe Text
- tapeUsedInBytes :: Maybe Integer
- tapeCreatedDate :: Maybe POSIX
- poolEntryDate :: Maybe POSIX
- worm :: Maybe Bool
- retentionStartDate :: Maybe POSIX
- retrievedTo :: Maybe Text
- newTapeArchive :: TapeArchive
- tapeArchive_tapeBarcode :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Text)
- tapeArchive_tapeStatus :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Text)
- tapeArchive_kmsKey :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Text)
- tapeArchive_tapeARN :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Text)
- tapeArchive_tapeSizeInBytes :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Integer)
- tapeArchive_completionTime :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe UTCTime)
- tapeArchive_poolId :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Text)
- tapeArchive_tapeUsedInBytes :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Integer)
- tapeArchive_tapeCreatedDate :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe UTCTime)
- tapeArchive_poolEntryDate :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe UTCTime)
- tapeArchive_worm :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Bool)
- tapeArchive_retentionStartDate :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe UTCTime)
- tapeArchive_retrievedTo :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Text)
- data TapeInfo = TapeInfo' {}
- newTapeInfo :: TapeInfo
- tapeInfo_tapeBarcode :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe Text)
- tapeInfo_tapeStatus :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe Text)
- tapeInfo_tapeARN :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe Text)
- tapeInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe Text)
- tapeInfo_tapeSizeInBytes :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe Integer)
- tapeInfo_poolId :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe Text)
- tapeInfo_poolEntryDate :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe UTCTime)
- tapeInfo_retentionStartDate :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe UTCTime)
- data TapeRecoveryPointInfo = TapeRecoveryPointInfo' {}
- newTapeRecoveryPointInfo :: TapeRecoveryPointInfo
- tapeRecoveryPointInfo_tapeStatus :: Lens' TapeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Text)
- tapeRecoveryPointInfo_tapeRecoveryPointTime :: Lens' TapeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe UTCTime)
- tapeRecoveryPointInfo_tapeARN :: Lens' TapeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Text)
- tapeRecoveryPointInfo_tapeSizeInBytes :: Lens' TapeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Integer)
- data VTLDevice = VTLDevice' {}
- newVTLDevice :: VTLDevice
- vTLDevice_deviceiSCSIAttributes :: Lens' VTLDevice (Maybe DeviceiSCSIAttributes)
- vTLDevice_vTLDeviceVendor :: Lens' VTLDevice (Maybe Text)
- vTLDevice_vTLDeviceARN :: Lens' VTLDevice (Maybe Text)
- vTLDevice_vTLDeviceType :: Lens' VTLDevice (Maybe Text)
- vTLDevice_vTLDeviceProductIdentifier :: Lens' VTLDevice (Maybe Text)
- data VolumeInfo = VolumeInfo' {}
- newVolumeInfo :: VolumeInfo
- volumeInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Text)
- volumeInfo_volumeAttachmentStatus :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Text)
- volumeInfo_volumeARN :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Text)
- volumeInfo_volumeSizeInBytes :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Integer)
- volumeInfo_volumeId :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Text)
- volumeInfo_gatewayId :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Text)
- volumeInfo_volumeType :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Text)
- data VolumeRecoveryPointInfo = VolumeRecoveryPointInfo' {}
- newVolumeRecoveryPointInfo :: VolumeRecoveryPointInfo
- volumeRecoveryPointInfo_volumeRecoveryPointTime :: Lens' VolumeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Text)
- volumeRecoveryPointInfo_volumeARN :: Lens' VolumeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Text)
- volumeRecoveryPointInfo_volumeSizeInBytes :: Lens' VolumeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Integer)
- volumeRecoveryPointInfo_volumeUsageInBytes :: Lens' VolumeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Integer)
- data VolumeiSCSIAttributes = VolumeiSCSIAttributes' {}
- newVolumeiSCSIAttributes :: VolumeiSCSIAttributes
- volumeiSCSIAttributes_lunNumber :: Lens' VolumeiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Natural)
- volumeiSCSIAttributes_targetARN :: Lens' VolumeiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Text)
- volumeiSCSIAttributes_chapEnabled :: Lens' VolumeiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Bool)
- volumeiSCSIAttributes_networkInterfaceId :: Lens' VolumeiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Text)
- volumeiSCSIAttributes_networkInterfacePort :: Lens' VolumeiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Int)
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2013-06-30
of the Amazon Storage Gateway SDK configuration.
_InvalidGatewayRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An exception occurred because an invalid gateway request was issued to the service. For more information, see the error and message fields.
_ServiceUnavailableError :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An internal server error has occurred because the service is unavailable. For more information, see the error and message fields.
_InternalServerError :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An internal server error has occurred during the request. For more information, see the error and message fields.
newtype ActiveDirectoryStatus Source #
ActiveDirectoryStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype AvailabilityMonitorTestStatus Source #
AvailabilityMonitorTestStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype CaseSensitivity Source #
CaseSensitivity' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern CaseSensitivity_CaseSensitive :: CaseSensitivity | |
pattern CaseSensitivity_ClientSpecified :: CaseSensitivity |
newtype FileShareType Source #
The type of the file share.
FileShareType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern FileShareType_NFS :: FileShareType | |
pattern FileShareType_SMB :: FileShareType |
newtype GatewayCapacity Source #
GatewayCapacity' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern GatewayCapacity_Large :: GatewayCapacity | |
pattern GatewayCapacity_Medium :: GatewayCapacity | |
pattern GatewayCapacity_Small :: GatewayCapacity |
newtype HostEnvironment Source #
HostEnvironment' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern HostEnvironment_EC2 :: HostEnvironment | |
pattern HostEnvironment_HYPER_V :: HostEnvironment | |
pattern HostEnvironment_KVM :: HostEnvironment | |
pattern HostEnvironment_OTHER :: HostEnvironment | |
pattern HostEnvironment_VMWARE :: HostEnvironment |
A value that sets the access control list (ACL) permission for objects
in the S3 bucket that an S3 File Gateway puts objects into. The default
value is private
ObjectACL' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ObjectACL_Authenticated_read :: ObjectACL | |
pattern ObjectACL_Aws_exec_read :: ObjectACL | |
pattern ObjectACL_Bucket_owner_full_control :: ObjectACL | |
pattern ObjectACL_Bucket_owner_read :: ObjectACL | |
pattern ObjectACL_Private :: ObjectACL | |
pattern ObjectACL_Public_read :: ObjectACL | |
pattern ObjectACL_Public_read_write :: ObjectACL |
newtype PoolStatus Source #
PoolStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern PoolStatus_ACTIVE :: PoolStatus | |
pattern PoolStatus_DELETED :: PoolStatus |
newtype RetentionLockType Source #
RetentionLockType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern RetentionLockType_COMPLIANCE :: RetentionLockType | |
pattern RetentionLockType_GOVERNANCE :: RetentionLockType | |
pattern RetentionLockType_NONE :: RetentionLockType |
newtype SMBSecurityStrategy Source #
SMBSecurityStrategy' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype TapeStorageClass Source #
TapeStorageClass' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern TapeStorageClass_DEEP_ARCHIVE :: TapeStorageClass | |
pattern TapeStorageClass_GLACIER :: TapeStorageClass |
data AutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo Source #
Information about the gateway's automatic tape creation policies, including the automatic tape creation rules and the gateway that is using the policies.
See: newAutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo
smart constructor.
AutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo' | |
newAutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo :: AutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo Source #
Create a value of AutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, automaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo_gatewayARN
- Undocumented member.
, automaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo_automaticTapeCreationRules
- An automatic tape creation policy consists of a list of automatic tape
creation rules. This returns the rules that determine when and how to
automatically create new tapes.
automaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
automaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo_automaticTapeCreationRules :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationPolicyInfo (Maybe (NonEmpty AutomaticTapeCreationRule)) Source #
An automatic tape creation policy consists of a list of automatic tape creation rules. This returns the rules that determine when and how to automatically create new tapes.
data AutomaticTapeCreationRule Source #
An automatic tape creation policy consists of automatic tape creation rules where each rule defines when and how to create new tapes. For more information about automatic tape creation, see Creating Tapes Automatically.
See: newAutomaticTapeCreationRule
smart constructor.
AutomaticTapeCreationRule' | |
newAutomaticTapeCreationRule Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Integer | |
-> Natural | |
-> AutomaticTapeCreationRule |
Create a value of AutomaticTapeCreationRule
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, automaticTapeCreationRule_worm
- Set to true
to indicate that tapes are to be archived as
write-once-read-many (WORM). Set to false
when WORM is not enabled for
, automaticTapeCreationRule_tapeBarcodePrefix
- A prefix that you append to the barcode of the virtual tape that you are
creating. This prefix makes the barcode unique.
The prefix must be 1-4 characters in length and must be one of the uppercase letters from A to Z.
, automaticTapeCreationRule_poolId
- The ID of the pool that you want to add your tape to for archiving. The
tape in this pool is archived in the Amazon S3 storage class that is
associated with the pool. When you use your backup application to eject
the tape, the tape is archived directly into the storage class (S3
Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive) that corresponds to the pool.
Valid Values: GLACIER
, automaticTapeCreationRule_tapeSizeInBytes
- The size, in bytes, of the virtual tape capacity.
, automaticTapeCreationRule_minimumNumTapes
- The minimum number of available virtual tapes that the gateway maintains
at all times. If the number of tapes on the gateway goes below this
value, the gateway creates as many new tapes as are needed to have
on the gateway. For more information about automatic
tape creation, see
Creating Tapes Automatically.
automaticTapeCreationRule_worm :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationRule (Maybe Bool) Source #
Set to true
to indicate that tapes are to be archived as
write-once-read-many (WORM). Set to false
when WORM is not enabled for
automaticTapeCreationRule_tapeBarcodePrefix :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationRule Text Source #
A prefix that you append to the barcode of the virtual tape that you are creating. This prefix makes the barcode unique.
The prefix must be 1-4 characters in length and must be one of the uppercase letters from A to Z.
automaticTapeCreationRule_poolId :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationRule Text Source #
The ID of the pool that you want to add your tape to for archiving. The tape in this pool is archived in the Amazon S3 storage class that is associated with the pool. When you use your backup application to eject the tape, the tape is archived directly into the storage class (S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive) that corresponds to the pool.
Valid Values: GLACIER
automaticTapeCreationRule_tapeSizeInBytes :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationRule Integer Source #
The size, in bytes, of the virtual tape capacity.
automaticTapeCreationRule_minimumNumTapes :: Lens' AutomaticTapeCreationRule Natural Source #
The minimum number of available virtual tapes that the gateway maintains
at all times. If the number of tapes on the gateway goes below this
value, the gateway creates as many new tapes as are needed to have
on the gateway. For more information about automatic
tape creation, see
Creating Tapes Automatically.
data BandwidthRateLimitInterval Source #
Describes a bandwidth rate limit interval for a gateway. A bandwidth rate limit schedule consists of one or more bandwidth rate limit intervals. A bandwidth rate limit interval defines a period of time on one or more days of the week, during which bandwidth rate limits are specified for uploading, downloading, or both.
See: newBandwidthRateLimitInterval
smart constructor.
BandwidthRateLimitInterval' | |
newBandwidthRateLimitInterval Source #
Create a value of BandwidthRateLimitInterval
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, bandwidthRateLimitInterval_averageUploadRateLimitInBitsPerSec
- The average upload rate limit component of the bandwidth rate limit
interval, in bits per second. This field does not appear in the response
if the upload rate limit is not set.
, bandwidthRateLimitInterval_averageDownloadRateLimitInBitsPerSec
- The average download rate limit component of the bandwidth rate limit
interval, in bits per second. This field does not appear in the response
if the download rate limit is not set.
, bandwidthRateLimitInterval_startHourOfDay
- The hour of the day to start the bandwidth rate limit interval.
, bandwidthRateLimitInterval_startMinuteOfHour
- The minute of the hour to start the bandwidth rate limit interval. The
interval begins at the start of that minute. To begin an interval
exactly at the start of the hour, use the value 0
, bandwidthRateLimitInterval_endHourOfDay
- The hour of the day to end the bandwidth rate limit interval.
, bandwidthRateLimitInterval_endMinuteOfHour
- The minute of the hour to end the bandwidth rate limit interval.
The bandwidth rate limit interval ends at the end of the minute. To end
an interval at the end of an hour, use the value 59
, bandwidthRateLimitInterval_daysOfWeek
- The days of the week component of the bandwidth rate limit interval,
represented as ordinal numbers from 0 to 6, where 0 represents Sunday
and 6 represents Saturday.
bandwidthRateLimitInterval_averageUploadRateLimitInBitsPerSec :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval (Maybe Natural) Source #
The average upload rate limit component of the bandwidth rate limit interval, in bits per second. This field does not appear in the response if the upload rate limit is not set.
bandwidthRateLimitInterval_averageDownloadRateLimitInBitsPerSec :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval (Maybe Natural) Source #
The average download rate limit component of the bandwidth rate limit interval, in bits per second. This field does not appear in the response if the download rate limit is not set.
bandwidthRateLimitInterval_startHourOfDay :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval Natural Source #
The hour of the day to start the bandwidth rate limit interval.
bandwidthRateLimitInterval_startMinuteOfHour :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval Natural Source #
The minute of the hour to start the bandwidth rate limit interval. The
interval begins at the start of that minute. To begin an interval
exactly at the start of the hour, use the value 0
bandwidthRateLimitInterval_endHourOfDay :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval Natural Source #
The hour of the day to end the bandwidth rate limit interval.
bandwidthRateLimitInterval_endMinuteOfHour :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval Natural Source #
The minute of the hour to end the bandwidth rate limit interval.
The bandwidth rate limit interval ends at the end of the minute. To end
an interval at the end of an hour, use the value 59
bandwidthRateLimitInterval_daysOfWeek :: Lens' BandwidthRateLimitInterval (NonEmpty Natural) Source #
The days of the week component of the bandwidth rate limit interval, represented as ordinal numbers from 0 to 6, where 0 represents Sunday and 6 represents Saturday.
data CacheAttributes Source #
The refresh cache information for the file share or FSx file systems.
See: newCacheAttributes
smart constructor.
CacheAttributes' | |
newCacheAttributes :: CacheAttributes Source #
Create a value of CacheAttributes
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, cacheAttributes_cacheStaleTimeoutInSeconds
- Refreshes a file share's cache by using Time To Live (TTL). TTL is the
length of time since the last refresh after which access to the
directory would cause the file gateway to first refresh that
directory's contents from the Amazon S3 bucket or Amazon FSx file
system. The TTL duration is in seconds.
Valid Values:0, 300 to 2,592,000 seconds (5 minutes to 30 days)
cacheAttributes_cacheStaleTimeoutInSeconds :: Lens' CacheAttributes (Maybe Int) Source #
Refreshes a file share's cache by using Time To Live (TTL). TTL is the length of time since the last refresh after which access to the directory would cause the file gateway to first refresh that directory's contents from the Amazon S3 bucket or Amazon FSx file system. The TTL duration is in seconds.
Valid Values:0, 300 to 2,592,000 seconds (5 minutes to 30 days)
data CachediSCSIVolume Source #
Describes an iSCSI cached volume.
See: newCachediSCSIVolume
smart constructor.
CachediSCSIVolume' | |
newCachediSCSIVolume :: CachediSCSIVolume Source #
Create a value of CachediSCSIVolume
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, cachediSCSIVolume_volumeiSCSIAttributes
- An VolumeiSCSIAttributes object that represents a collection of iSCSI
attributes for one stored volume.
, cachediSCSIVolume_volumeStatus
- One of the VolumeStatus values that indicates the state of the storage
, cachediSCSIVolume_sourceSnapshotId
- If the cached volume was created from a snapshot, this field contains
the snapshot ID used, e.g., snap-78e22663. Otherwise, this field is not
, cachediSCSIVolume_kmsKey
- Undocumented member.
, cachediSCSIVolume_volumeAttachmentStatus
- A value that indicates whether a storage volume is attached to or
detached from a gateway. For more information, see
Moving your volumes to a different gateway.
, cachediSCSIVolume_volumeARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the storage volume.
, cachediSCSIVolume_volumeProgress
- Represents the percentage complete if the volume is restoring or
bootstrapping that represents the percent of data transferred. This
field does not appear in the response if the cached volume is not
restoring or bootstrapping.
, cachediSCSIVolume_volumeSizeInBytes
- The size, in bytes, of the volume capacity.
, cachediSCSIVolume_volumeUsedInBytes
- The size of the data stored on the volume in bytes. This value is
calculated based on the number of blocks that are touched, instead of
the actual amount of data written. This value can be useful for
sequential write patterns but less accurate for random write patterns.
is different from the compressed size of the volume,
which is the value that is used to calculate your bill.
This value is not available for volumes created prior to May 13, 2015, until you store data on the volume.
, cachediSCSIVolume_createdDate
- The date the volume was created. Volumes created prior to March 28, 2017
don’t have this timestamp.
, cachediSCSIVolume_volumeId
- The unique identifier of the volume, e.g., vol-AE4B946D.
, cachediSCSIVolume_volumeType
- One of the VolumeType enumeration values that describes the type of the
, cachediSCSIVolume_targetName
- The name of the iSCSI target used by an initiator to connect to a volume
and used as a suffix for the target ARN. For example, specifying
as myvolume results in the target ARN of
The target name must be unique across all volumes on a gateway.
If you don't specify a value, Storage Gateway uses the value that was previously used for this volume as the new target name.
cachediSCSIVolume_volumeiSCSIAttributes :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe VolumeiSCSIAttributes) Source #
An VolumeiSCSIAttributes object that represents a collection of iSCSI attributes for one stored volume.
cachediSCSIVolume_volumeStatus :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
One of the VolumeStatus values that indicates the state of the storage volume.
cachediSCSIVolume_sourceSnapshotId :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
If the cached volume was created from a snapshot, this field contains the snapshot ID used, e.g., snap-78e22663. Otherwise, this field is not included.
cachediSCSIVolume_kmsKey :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
cachediSCSIVolume_volumeAttachmentStatus :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
A value that indicates whether a storage volume is attached to or detached from a gateway. For more information, see Moving your volumes to a different gateway.
cachediSCSIVolume_volumeARN :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the storage volume.
cachediSCSIVolume_volumeProgress :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Double) Source #
Represents the percentage complete if the volume is restoring or bootstrapping that represents the percent of data transferred. This field does not appear in the response if the cached volume is not restoring or bootstrapping.
cachediSCSIVolume_volumeSizeInBytes :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size, in bytes, of the volume capacity.
cachediSCSIVolume_volumeUsedInBytes :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size of the data stored on the volume in bytes. This value is
calculated based on the number of blocks that are touched, instead of
the actual amount of data written. This value can be useful for
sequential write patterns but less accurate for random write patterns.
is different from the compressed size of the volume,
which is the value that is used to calculate your bill.
This value is not available for volumes created prior to May 13, 2015, until you store data on the volume.
cachediSCSIVolume_createdDate :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date the volume was created. Volumes created prior to March 28, 2017 don’t have this timestamp.
cachediSCSIVolume_volumeId :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the volume, e.g., vol-AE4B946D.
cachediSCSIVolume_volumeType :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
One of the VolumeType enumeration values that describes the type of the volume.
cachediSCSIVolume_targetName :: Lens' CachediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the iSCSI target used by an initiator to connect to a volume
and used as a suffix for the target ARN. For example, specifying
as myvolume results in the target ARN of
The target name must be unique across all volumes on a gateway.
If you don't specify a value, Storage Gateway uses the value that was previously used for this volume as the new target name.
Describes Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) information that supports authentication between your gateway and iSCSI initiators.
See: newChapInfo
smart constructor.
ChapInfo' | |
newChapInfo :: ChapInfo Source #
Create a value of ChapInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, chapInfo_targetARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the volume.
Valid Values: 50 to 500 lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and hyphens (-).
, chapInfo_secretToAuthenticateInitiator
- The secret key that the initiator (for example, the Windows client) must
provide to participate in mutual CHAP with the target.
, chapInfo_initiatorName
- The iSCSI initiator that connects to the target.
, chapInfo_secretToAuthenticateTarget
- The secret key that the target must provide to participate in mutual
CHAP with the initiator (e.g., Windows client).
chapInfo_targetARN :: Lens' ChapInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the volume.
Valid Values: 50 to 500 lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and hyphens (-).
chapInfo_secretToAuthenticateInitiator :: Lens' ChapInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The secret key that the initiator (for example, the Windows client) must provide to participate in mutual CHAP with the target.
chapInfo_initiatorName :: Lens' ChapInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The iSCSI initiator that connects to the target.
chapInfo_secretToAuthenticateTarget :: Lens' ChapInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The secret key that the target must provide to participate in mutual CHAP with the initiator (e.g., Windows client).
data DeviceiSCSIAttributes Source #
Lists iSCSI information about a VTL device.
See: newDeviceiSCSIAttributes
smart constructor.
DeviceiSCSIAttributes' | |
newDeviceiSCSIAttributes :: DeviceiSCSIAttributes Source #
Create a value of DeviceiSCSIAttributes
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deviceiSCSIAttributes_targetARN
- Specifies the unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that encodes the iSCSI
qualified name(iqn) of a tape drive or media changer target.
, deviceiSCSIAttributes_chapEnabled
- Indicates whether mutual CHAP is enabled for the iSCSI target.
, deviceiSCSIAttributes_networkInterfaceId
- The network interface identifier of the VTL device.
, deviceiSCSIAttributes_networkInterfacePort
- The port used to communicate with iSCSI VTL device targets.
deviceiSCSIAttributes_targetARN :: Lens' DeviceiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that encodes the iSCSI qualified name(iqn) of a tape drive or media changer target.
deviceiSCSIAttributes_chapEnabled :: Lens' DeviceiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether mutual CHAP is enabled for the iSCSI target.
deviceiSCSIAttributes_networkInterfaceId :: Lens' DeviceiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The network interface identifier of the VTL device.
deviceiSCSIAttributes_networkInterfacePort :: Lens' DeviceiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Int) Source #
The port used to communicate with iSCSI VTL device targets.
Represents a gateway's local disk.
See: newDisk
smart constructor.
Disk' | |
Create a value of Disk
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, disk_diskAllocationResource
- The iSCSI qualified name (IQN) that is defined for a disk. This field is
not included in the response if the local disk is not defined as an
iSCSI target. The format of this field is
, disk_diskAllocationType
- Undocumented member.
, disk_diskNode
- The device node of a local disk as assigned by the virtualization
, disk_diskPath
- The path of a local disk in the gateway virtual machine (VM).
, disk_diskSizeInBytes
- The local disk size in bytes.
, disk_diskStatus
- A value that represents the status of a local disk.
, disk_diskId
- The unique device ID or other distinguishing data that identifies a
local disk.
, disk_diskAttributeList
- Undocumented member.
disk_diskAllocationResource :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text) Source #
The iSCSI qualified name (IQN) that is defined for a disk. This field is not included in the response if the local disk is not defined as an iSCSI target. The format of this field is targetIqn::LUNNumber::region-volumeId.
disk_diskNode :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text) Source #
The device node of a local disk as assigned by the virtualization environment.
disk_diskPath :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text) Source #
The path of a local disk in the gateway virtual machine (VM).
disk_diskStatus :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text) Source #
A value that represents the status of a local disk.
disk_diskId :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique device ID or other distinguishing data that identifies a local disk.
data EndpointNetworkConfiguration Source #
Specifies network configuration information for the gateway associated with the Amazon FSx file system.
See: newEndpointNetworkConfiguration
smart constructor.
EndpointNetworkConfiguration' | |
newEndpointNetworkConfiguration :: EndpointNetworkConfiguration Source #
Create a value of EndpointNetworkConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, endpointNetworkConfiguration_ipAddresses
- A list of gateway IP addresses on which the associated Amazon FSx file
system is available.
If multiple file systems are associated with this gateway, this field is required.
endpointNetworkConfiguration_ipAddresses :: Lens' EndpointNetworkConfiguration (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of gateway IP addresses on which the associated Amazon FSx file system is available.
If multiple file systems are associated with this gateway, this field is required.
data FileShareInfo Source #
Describes a file share. Only supported S3 File Gateway.
See: newFileShareInfo
smart constructor.
FileShareInfo' | |
newFileShareInfo :: FileShareInfo Source #
Create a value of FileShareInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, fileShareInfo_fileShareStatus
- Undocumented member.
, fileShareInfo_gatewayARN
- Undocumented member.
, fileShareInfo_fileShareId
- Undocumented member.
, fileShareInfo_fileShareARN
- Undocumented member.
, fileShareInfo_fileShareType
- Undocumented member.
fileShareInfo_fileShareStatus :: Lens' FileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
fileShareInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' FileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
fileShareInfo_fileShareId :: Lens' FileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
fileShareInfo_fileShareARN :: Lens' FileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
fileShareInfo_fileShareType :: Lens' FileShareInfo (Maybe FileShareType) Source #
Undocumented member.
data FileSystemAssociationInfo Source #
Describes the object returned by DescribeFileSystemAssociations
describes a created file system association.
See: newFileSystemAssociationInfo
smart constructor.
FileSystemAssociationInfo' | |
newFileSystemAssociationInfo :: FileSystemAssociationInfo Source #
Create a value of FileSystemAssociationInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, fileSystemAssociationInfo_auditDestinationARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the storage used for the audit logs.
, fileSystemAssociationInfo_fileSystemAssociationARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the file system association.
, fileSystemAssociationInfo_gatewayARN
- Undocumented member.
, fileSystemAssociationInfo_cacheAttributes
- Undocumented member.
, fileSystemAssociationInfo_fileSystemAssociationStatusDetails
- An array containing the FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail data type,
which provides detailed information on file system association status.
, fileSystemAssociationInfo_endpointNetworkConfiguration
- Specifies network configuration information for the gateway associated
with the Amazon FSx file system.
If multiple file systems are associated with this gateway, this
parameter's IpAddresses
field is required.
, fileSystemAssociationInfo_locationARN
- The ARN of the backend Amazon FSx file system used for storing file
data. For information, see
in the Amazon FSx API Reference.
, fileSystemAssociationInfo_fileSystemAssociationStatus
- The status of the file system association. Valid Values: AVAILABLE
, fileSystemAssociationInfo_tags
- A list of up to 50 tags assigned to the SMB file share, sorted
alphabetically by key name. Each tag is a key-value pair.
fileSystemAssociationInfo_auditDestinationARN :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the storage used for the audit logs.
fileSystemAssociationInfo_fileSystemAssociationARN :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the file system association.
fileSystemAssociationInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
fileSystemAssociationInfo_cacheAttributes :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe CacheAttributes) Source #
Undocumented member.
fileSystemAssociationInfo_fileSystemAssociationStatusDetails :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe [FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail]) Source #
An array containing the FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail data type, which provides detailed information on file system association status.
fileSystemAssociationInfo_endpointNetworkConfiguration :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe EndpointNetworkConfiguration) Source #
Specifies network configuration information for the gateway associated with the Amazon FSx file system.
If multiple file systems are associated with this gateway, this
parameter's IpAddresses
field is required.
fileSystemAssociationInfo_locationARN :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the backend Amazon FSx file system used for storing file data. For information, see FileSystem in the Amazon FSx API Reference.
fileSystemAssociationInfo_fileSystemAssociationStatus :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the file system association. Valid Values: AVAILABLE
fileSystemAssociationInfo_tags :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationInfo (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of up to 50 tags assigned to the SMB file share, sorted alphabetically by key name. Each tag is a key-value pair.
data FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail Source #
Detailed information on file system association status.
See: newFileSystemAssociationStatusDetail
smart constructor.
FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail' | |
newFileSystemAssociationStatusDetail :: FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail Source #
Create a value of FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, fileSystemAssociationStatusDetail_errorCode
- The error code for a given file system association status.
fileSystemAssociationStatusDetail_errorCode :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationStatusDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The error code for a given file system association status.
data FileSystemAssociationSummary Source #
Gets the summary returned by ListFileSystemAssociation
, which is a
summary of a created file system association.
See: newFileSystemAssociationSummary
smart constructor.
FileSystemAssociationSummary' | |
newFileSystemAssociationSummary :: FileSystemAssociationSummary Source #
Create a value of FileSystemAssociationSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, fileSystemAssociationSummary_fileSystemAssociationARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the file system association.
, fileSystemAssociationSummary_gatewayARN
- Undocumented member.
, fileSystemAssociationSummary_fileSystemAssociationId
- The ID of the file system association.
, fileSystemAssociationSummary_fileSystemAssociationStatus
- The status of the file share. Valid Values: AVAILABLE
fileSystemAssociationSummary_fileSystemAssociationARN :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the file system association.
fileSystemAssociationSummary_gatewayARN :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
fileSystemAssociationSummary_fileSystemAssociationId :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the file system association.
fileSystemAssociationSummary_fileSystemAssociationStatus :: Lens' FileSystemAssociationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the file share. Valid Values: AVAILABLE
data GatewayInfo Source #
Describes a gateway object.
See: newGatewayInfo
smart constructor.
GatewayInfo' | |
newGatewayInfo :: GatewayInfo Source #
Create a value of GatewayInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, gatewayInfo_ec2InstanceRegion
- The Amazon Web Services Region where the Amazon EC2 instance is located.
, gatewayInfo_gatewayARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways
operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web
Services Region.
, gatewayInfo_ec2InstanceId
- The ID of the Amazon EC2 instance that was used to launch the gateway.
, gatewayInfo_gatewayOperationalState
- The state of the gateway.
Valid Values: DISABLED
, gatewayInfo_gatewayName
- The name of the gateway.
, gatewayInfo_gatewayId
- The unique identifier assigned to your gateway during activation. This
ID becomes part of the gateway Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which you use
as input for other operations.
, gatewayInfo_gatewayType
- The type of the gateway.
gatewayInfo_ec2InstanceRegion :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the Amazon EC2 instance is located.
gatewayInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.
gatewayInfo_ec2InstanceId :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon EC2 instance that was used to launch the gateway.
gatewayInfo_gatewayOperationalState :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The state of the gateway.
Valid Values: DISABLED
gatewayInfo_gatewayName :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the gateway.
gatewayInfo_gatewayId :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier assigned to your gateway during activation. This ID becomes part of the gateway Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which you use as input for other operations.
gatewayInfo_gatewayType :: Lens' GatewayInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of the gateway.
data NFSFileShareDefaults Source #
Describes Network File System (NFS) file share default values. Files and folders stored as Amazon S3 objects in S3 buckets don't, by default, have Unix file permissions assigned to them. Upon discovery in an S3 bucket by Storage Gateway, the S3 objects that represent files and folders are assigned these default Unix permissions. This operation is only supported for S3 File Gateways.
See: newNFSFileShareDefaults
smart constructor.
NFSFileShareDefaults' | |
newNFSFileShareDefaults :: NFSFileShareDefaults Source #
Create a value of NFSFileShareDefaults
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, nFSFileShareDefaults_fileMode
- The Unix file mode in the form "nnnn". For example, 0666
the default file mode inside the file share. The default value is
, nFSFileShareDefaults_ownerId
- The default owner ID for files in the file share (unless the files have
another owner ID specified). The default value is nfsnobody
, nFSFileShareDefaults_directoryMode
- The Unix directory mode in the form "nnnn". For example, 0666
represents the default access mode for all directories inside the file
share. The default value is 0777
, nFSFileShareDefaults_groupId
- The default group ID for the file share (unless the files have another
group ID specified). The default value is nfsnobody
nFSFileShareDefaults_fileMode :: Lens' NFSFileShareDefaults (Maybe Text) Source #
The Unix file mode in the form "nnnn". For example, 0666
the default file mode inside the file share. The default value is
nFSFileShareDefaults_ownerId :: Lens' NFSFileShareDefaults (Maybe Natural) Source #
The default owner ID for files in the file share (unless the files have
another owner ID specified). The default value is nfsnobody
nFSFileShareDefaults_directoryMode :: Lens' NFSFileShareDefaults (Maybe Text) Source #
The Unix directory mode in the form "nnnn". For example, 0666
represents the default access mode for all directories inside the file
share. The default value is 0777
nFSFileShareDefaults_groupId :: Lens' NFSFileShareDefaults (Maybe Natural) Source #
The default group ID for the file share (unless the files have another
group ID specified). The default value is nfsnobody
data NFSFileShareInfo Source #
The Unix file permissions and ownership information assigned, by default, to native S3 objects when an S3 File Gateway discovers them in S3 buckets. This operation is only supported in S3 File Gateways.
See: newNFSFileShareInfo
smart constructor.
NFSFileShareInfo' | |
newNFSFileShareInfo :: NFSFileShareInfo Source #
Create a value of NFSFileShareInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, nFSFileShareInfo_auditDestinationARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the storage used for audit logs.
, nFSFileShareInfo_fileShareStatus
- Undocumented member.
, nFSFileShareInfo_kmsKey
- Undocumented member.
, nFSFileShareInfo_gatewayARN
- Undocumented member.
, nFSFileShareInfo_path
- Undocumented member.
, nFSFileShareInfo_vPCEndpointDNSName
- Specifies the DNS name for the VPC endpoint that the NFS file share uses
to connect to Amazon S3.
This parameter is required for NFS file shares that connect to Amazon S3 through a VPC endpoint, a VPC access point, or an access point alias that points to a VPC access point.
, nFSFileShareInfo_cacheAttributes
- Refresh cache information for the file share.
, nFSFileShareInfo_objectACL
- Undocumented member.
, nFSFileShareInfo_kmsEncrypted
- Set to true
to use Amazon S3 server-side encryption with your own KMS
key, or false
to use a key managed by Amazon S3. Optional.
Valid Values: true
| false
, nFSFileShareInfo_fileShareId
- Undocumented member.
, nFSFileShareInfo_fileShareARN
- Undocumented member.
, nFSFileShareInfo_defaultStorageClass
- The default storage class for objects put into an Amazon S3 bucket by
the S3 File Gateway. The default value is S3_INTELLIGENT_TIERING
Valid Values: S3_STANDARD
, nFSFileShareInfo_fileShareName
- The name of the file share. Optional.
must be set if an S3 prefix name is set in
, or if an access point or access point alias is used.
, nFSFileShareInfo_role
- Undocumented member.
, nFSFileShareInfo_notificationPolicy
- The notification policy of the file share. SettlingTimeInSeconds
controls the number of seconds to wait after the last point in time a
client wrote to a file before generating an ObjectUploaded
notification. Because clients can make many small writes to files, it's
best to set this parameter for as long as possible to avoid generating
multiple notifications for the same file in a small time period.
has no effect on the timing of the object
uploading to Amazon S3, only the timing of the notification.
The following example sets NotificationPolicy
on with
set to 60.
{\"Upload\": {\"SettlingTimeInSeconds\": 60}}
The following example sets NotificationPolicy
, nFSFileShareInfo_squash
- Undocumented member.
, nFSFileShareInfo_requesterPays
- A value that sets who pays the cost of the request and the cost
associated with data download from the S3 bucket. If this value is set
to true
, the requester pays the costs; otherwise, the S3 bucket owner
pays. However, the S3 bucket owner always pays the cost of storing data.
is a configuration for the S3 bucket that backs the file
share, so make sure that the configuration on the file share is the same
as the S3 bucket configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
, nFSFileShareInfo_nFSFileShareDefaults
- Undocumented member.
, nFSFileShareInfo_locationARN
- Undocumented member.
, nFSFileShareInfo_clientList
- Undocumented member.
, nFSFileShareInfo_guessMIMETypeEnabled
- A value that enables guessing of the MIME type for uploaded objects
based on file extensions. Set this value to true
to enable MIME type
guessing, otherwise set to false
. The default value is true
Valid Values: true
| false
, nFSFileShareInfo_readOnly
- A value that sets the write status of a file share. Set this value to
to set the write status to read-only, otherwise set to false
Valid Values: true
| false
, nFSFileShareInfo_bucketRegion
- Specifies the Region of the S3 bucket where the NFS file share stores
This parameter is required for NFS file shares that connect to Amazon S3 through a VPC endpoint, a VPC access point, or an access point alias that points to a VPC access point.
, nFSFileShareInfo_tags
- A list of up to 50 tags assigned to the NFS file share, sorted
alphabetically by key name. Each tag is a key-value pair. For a gateway
with more than 10 tags assigned, you can view all tags using the
API operation.
nFSFileShareInfo_auditDestinationARN :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the storage used for audit logs.
nFSFileShareInfo_fileShareStatus :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
nFSFileShareInfo_kmsKey :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
nFSFileShareInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
nFSFileShareInfo_path :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
nFSFileShareInfo_vPCEndpointDNSName :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the DNS name for the VPC endpoint that the NFS file share uses to connect to Amazon S3.
This parameter is required for NFS file shares that connect to Amazon S3 through a VPC endpoint, a VPC access point, or an access point alias that points to a VPC access point.
nFSFileShareInfo_cacheAttributes :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe CacheAttributes) Source #
Refresh cache information for the file share.
nFSFileShareInfo_objectACL :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe ObjectACL) Source #
Undocumented member.
nFSFileShareInfo_kmsEncrypted :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
Set to true
to use Amazon S3 server-side encryption with your own KMS
key, or false
to use a key managed by Amazon S3. Optional.
Valid Values: true
| false
nFSFileShareInfo_fileShareId :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
nFSFileShareInfo_fileShareARN :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
nFSFileShareInfo_defaultStorageClass :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The default storage class for objects put into an Amazon S3 bucket by
the S3 File Gateway. The default value is S3_INTELLIGENT_TIERING
Valid Values: S3_STANDARD
nFSFileShareInfo_fileShareName :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the file share. Optional.
must be set if an S3 prefix name is set in
, or if an access point or access point alias is used.
nFSFileShareInfo_role :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
nFSFileShareInfo_notificationPolicy :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The notification policy of the file share. SettlingTimeInSeconds
controls the number of seconds to wait after the last point in time a
client wrote to a file before generating an ObjectUploaded
notification. Because clients can make many small writes to files, it's
best to set this parameter for as long as possible to avoid generating
multiple notifications for the same file in a small time period.
has no effect on the timing of the object
uploading to Amazon S3, only the timing of the notification.
The following example sets NotificationPolicy
on with
set to 60.
{\"Upload\": {\"SettlingTimeInSeconds\": 60}}
The following example sets NotificationPolicy
nFSFileShareInfo_squash :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
nFSFileShareInfo_requesterPays :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
A value that sets who pays the cost of the request and the cost
associated with data download from the S3 bucket. If this value is set
to true
, the requester pays the costs; otherwise, the S3 bucket owner
pays. However, the S3 bucket owner always pays the cost of storing data.
is a configuration for the S3 bucket that backs the file
share, so make sure that the configuration on the file share is the same
as the S3 bucket configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
nFSFileShareInfo_nFSFileShareDefaults :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe NFSFileShareDefaults) Source #
Undocumented member.
nFSFileShareInfo_locationARN :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
nFSFileShareInfo_clientList :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
Undocumented member.
nFSFileShareInfo_guessMIMETypeEnabled :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
A value that enables guessing of the MIME type for uploaded objects
based on file extensions. Set this value to true
to enable MIME type
guessing, otherwise set to false
. The default value is true
Valid Values: true
| false
nFSFileShareInfo_readOnly :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
A value that sets the write status of a file share. Set this value to
to set the write status to read-only, otherwise set to false
Valid Values: true
| false
nFSFileShareInfo_bucketRegion :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the Region of the S3 bucket where the NFS file share stores files.
This parameter is required for NFS file shares that connect to Amazon S3 through a VPC endpoint, a VPC access point, or an access point alias that points to a VPC access point.
nFSFileShareInfo_tags :: Lens' NFSFileShareInfo (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of up to 50 tags assigned to the NFS file share, sorted
alphabetically by key name. Each tag is a key-value pair. For a gateway
with more than 10 tags assigned, you can view all tags using the
API operation.
data NetworkInterface Source #
Describes a gateway's network interface.
See: newNetworkInterface
smart constructor.
NetworkInterface' | |
newNetworkInterface :: NetworkInterface Source #
Create a value of NetworkInterface
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, networkInterface_ipv6Address
- The Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) address of the interface.
Currently not supported.
, networkInterface_macAddress
- The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the interface.
This is currently unsupported and will not be returned in output.
, networkInterface_ipv4Address
- The Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address of the interface.
networkInterface_ipv6Address :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) address of the interface. Currently not supported.
networkInterface_macAddress :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the interface.
This is currently unsupported and will not be returned in output.
networkInterface_ipv4Address :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address of the interface.
Describes a custom tape pool.
See: newPoolInfo
smart constructor.
PoolInfo' | |
newPoolInfo :: PoolInfo Source #
Create a value of PoolInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, poolInfo_retentionLockType
- Tape retention lock type, which can be configured in two modes. When
configured in governance mode, Amazon Web Services accounts with
specific IAM permissions are authorized to remove the tape retention
lock from archived virtual tapes. When configured in compliance mode,
the tape retention lock cannot be removed by any user, including the
root Amazon Web Services account.
, poolInfo_retentionLockTimeInDays
- Tape retention lock time is set in days. Tape retention lock can be
enabled for up to 100 years (36,500 days).
, poolInfo_poolName
- The name of the custom tape pool. PoolName
can use all ASCII
characters, except '/' and '\'.
, poolInfo_storageClass
- The storage class that is associated with the custom pool. When you use
your backup application to eject the tape, the tape is archived directly
into the storage class (S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive) that
corresponds to the pool.
, poolInfo_poolStatus
- Status of the custom tape pool. Pool can be ACTIVE
, poolInfo_poolARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the custom tape pool. Use the
ListTapePools operation to return a list of custom tape pools for your
account and Amazon Web Services Region.
poolInfo_retentionLockType :: Lens' PoolInfo (Maybe RetentionLockType) Source #
Tape retention lock type, which can be configured in two modes. When configured in governance mode, Amazon Web Services accounts with specific IAM permissions are authorized to remove the tape retention lock from archived virtual tapes. When configured in compliance mode, the tape retention lock cannot be removed by any user, including the root Amazon Web Services account.
poolInfo_retentionLockTimeInDays :: Lens' PoolInfo (Maybe Natural) Source #
Tape retention lock time is set in days. Tape retention lock can be enabled for up to 100 years (36,500 days).
poolInfo_poolName :: Lens' PoolInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the custom tape pool. PoolName
can use all ASCII
characters, except '/' and '\'.
poolInfo_storageClass :: Lens' PoolInfo (Maybe TapeStorageClass) Source #
The storage class that is associated with the custom pool. When you use your backup application to eject the tape, the tape is archived directly into the storage class (S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive) that corresponds to the pool.
poolInfo_poolStatus :: Lens' PoolInfo (Maybe PoolStatus) Source #
Status of the custom tape pool. Pool can be ACTIVE
poolInfo_poolARN :: Lens' PoolInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the custom tape pool. Use the ListTapePools operation to return a list of custom tape pools for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.
data SMBFileShareInfo Source #
The Windows file permissions and ownership information assigned, by default, to native S3 objects when S3 File Gateway discovers them in S3 buckets. This operation is only supported for S3 File Gateways.
See: newSMBFileShareInfo
smart constructor.
SMBFileShareInfo' | |
newSMBFileShareInfo :: SMBFileShareInfo Source #
Create a value of SMBFileShareInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sMBFileShareInfo_accessBasedEnumeration
- Indicates whether AccessBasedEnumeration
is enabled.
, sMBFileShareInfo_adminUserList
- A list of users or groups in the Active Directory that have
administrator rights to the file share. A group must be prefixed with
the @ character. Acceptable formats include: DOMAIN\User1
, user1
, and @DOMAIN\group1
. Can only be set if Authentication is
set to ActiveDirectory
, sMBFileShareInfo_auditDestinationARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the storage used for audit logs.
, sMBFileShareInfo_fileShareStatus
- Undocumented member.
, sMBFileShareInfo_invalidUserList
- A list of users or groups in the Active Directory that are not allowed
to access the file share. A group must be prefixed with the @
character. Acceptable formats include: DOMAIN\User1
, user1
, and @DOMAIN\group1
. Can only be set if Authentication is
set to ActiveDirectory
, sMBFileShareInfo_kmsKey
- Undocumented member.
, sMBFileShareInfo_validUserList
- A list of users or groups in the Active Directory that are allowed to
access the file share. A group must be prefixed with the @ character.
Acceptable formats include: DOMAIN\User1
, user1
, @group1
, and
. Can only be set if Authentication is set to
, sMBFileShareInfo_gatewayARN
- Undocumented member.
, sMBFileShareInfo_path
- The file share path used by the SMB client to identify the mount point.
, sMBFileShareInfo_vPCEndpointDNSName
- Specifies the DNS name for the VPC endpoint that the SMB file share uses
to connect to Amazon S3.
This parameter is required for SMB file shares that connect to Amazon S3 through a VPC endpoint, a VPC access point, or an access point alias that points to a VPC access point.
, sMBFileShareInfo_authentication
- Undocumented member.
, sMBFileShareInfo_cacheAttributes
- Refresh cache information for the file share.
, sMBFileShareInfo_objectACL
- Undocumented member.
, sMBFileShareInfo_kmsEncrypted
- Set to true
to use Amazon S3 server-side encryption with your own KMS
key, or false
to use a key managed by Amazon S3. Optional.
Valid Values: true
| false
, sMBFileShareInfo_fileShareId
- Undocumented member.
, sMBFileShareInfo_fileShareARN
- Undocumented member.
, sMBFileShareInfo_defaultStorageClass
- The default storage class for objects put into an Amazon S3 bucket by
the S3 File Gateway. The default value is S3_INTELLIGENT_TIERING
Valid Values: S3_STANDARD
, sMBFileShareInfo_fileShareName
- The name of the file share. Optional.
must be set if an S3 prefix name is set in
, or if an access point or access point alias is used.
, sMBFileShareInfo_role
- Undocumented member.
, sMBFileShareInfo_sMBACLEnabled
- If this value is set to true
, it indicates that access control list
(ACL) is enabled on the SMB file share. If it is set to false
, it
indicates that file and directory permissions are mapped to the POSIX
For more information, see Using Microsoft Windows ACLs to control access to an SMB file share in the Storage Gateway User Guide.
, sMBFileShareInfo_oplocksEnabled
- Specifies whether opportunistic locking is enabled for the SMB file
Enabling opportunistic locking on case-sensitive shares is not recommended for workloads that involve access to files with the same name in different case.
Valid Values: true
| false
, sMBFileShareInfo_notificationPolicy
- The notification policy of the file share. SettlingTimeInSeconds
controls the number of seconds to wait after the last point in time a
client wrote to a file before generating an ObjectUploaded
notification. Because clients can make many small writes to files, it's
best to set this parameter for as long as possible to avoid generating
multiple notifications for the same file in a small time period.
has no effect on the timing of the object
uploading to Amazon S3, only the timing of the notification.
The following example sets NotificationPolicy
on with
set to 60.
{\"Upload\": {\"SettlingTimeInSeconds\": 60}}
The following example sets NotificationPolicy
, sMBFileShareInfo_requesterPays
- A value that sets who pays the cost of the request and the cost
associated with data download from the S3 bucket. If this value is set
to true
, the requester pays the costs; otherwise, the S3 bucket owner
pays. However, the S3 bucket owner always pays the cost of storing data.
is a configuration for the S3 bucket that backs the file
share, so make sure that the configuration on the file share is the same
as the S3 bucket configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
, sMBFileShareInfo_locationARN
- Undocumented member.
, sMBFileShareInfo_guessMIMETypeEnabled
- A value that enables guessing of the MIME type for uploaded objects
based on file extensions. Set this value to true
to enable MIME type
guessing, otherwise set to false
. The default value is true
Valid Values: true
| false
, sMBFileShareInfo_readOnly
- A value that sets the write status of a file share. Set this value to
to set the write status to read-only, otherwise set to false
Valid Values: true
| false
, sMBFileShareInfo_bucketRegion
- Specifies the Region of the S3 bucket where the SMB file share stores
This parameter is required for SMB file shares that connect to Amazon S3 through a VPC endpoint, a VPC access point, or an access point alias that points to a VPC access point.
, sMBFileShareInfo_caseSensitivity
- The case of an object name in an Amazon S3 bucket. For
, the client determines the case sensitivity. For
, the gateway determines the case sensitivity. The
default value is ClientSpecified
, sMBFileShareInfo_tags
- A list of up to 50 tags assigned to the SMB file share, sorted
alphabetically by key name. Each tag is a key-value pair. For a gateway
with more than 10 tags assigned, you can view all tags using the
API operation.
sMBFileShareInfo_accessBasedEnumeration :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether AccessBasedEnumeration
is enabled.
sMBFileShareInfo_adminUserList :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of users or groups in the Active Directory that have
administrator rights to the file share. A group must be prefixed with
the @ character. Acceptable formats include: DOMAIN\User1
, user1
, and @DOMAIN\group1
. Can only be set if Authentication is
set to ActiveDirectory
sMBFileShareInfo_auditDestinationARN :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the storage used for audit logs.
sMBFileShareInfo_fileShareStatus :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
sMBFileShareInfo_invalidUserList :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of users or groups in the Active Directory that are not allowed
to access the file share. A group must be prefixed with the @
character. Acceptable formats include: DOMAIN\User1
, user1
, and @DOMAIN\group1
. Can only be set if Authentication is
set to ActiveDirectory
sMBFileShareInfo_kmsKey :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
sMBFileShareInfo_validUserList :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of users or groups in the Active Directory that are allowed to
access the file share. A group must be prefixed with the @ character.
Acceptable formats include: DOMAIN\User1
, user1
, @group1
, and
. Can only be set if Authentication is set to
sMBFileShareInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
sMBFileShareInfo_path :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The file share path used by the SMB client to identify the mount point.
sMBFileShareInfo_vPCEndpointDNSName :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the DNS name for the VPC endpoint that the SMB file share uses to connect to Amazon S3.
This parameter is required for SMB file shares that connect to Amazon S3 through a VPC endpoint, a VPC access point, or an access point alias that points to a VPC access point.
sMBFileShareInfo_authentication :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
sMBFileShareInfo_cacheAttributes :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe CacheAttributes) Source #
Refresh cache information for the file share.
sMBFileShareInfo_objectACL :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe ObjectACL) Source #
Undocumented member.
sMBFileShareInfo_kmsEncrypted :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
Set to true
to use Amazon S3 server-side encryption with your own KMS
key, or false
to use a key managed by Amazon S3. Optional.
Valid Values: true
| false
sMBFileShareInfo_fileShareId :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
sMBFileShareInfo_fileShareARN :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
sMBFileShareInfo_defaultStorageClass :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The default storage class for objects put into an Amazon S3 bucket by
the S3 File Gateway. The default value is S3_INTELLIGENT_TIERING
Valid Values: S3_STANDARD
sMBFileShareInfo_fileShareName :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the file share. Optional.
must be set if an S3 prefix name is set in
, or if an access point or access point alias is used.
sMBFileShareInfo_role :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
sMBFileShareInfo_sMBACLEnabled :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
If this value is set to true
, it indicates that access control list
(ACL) is enabled on the SMB file share. If it is set to false
, it
indicates that file and directory permissions are mapped to the POSIX
For more information, see Using Microsoft Windows ACLs to control access to an SMB file share in the Storage Gateway User Guide.
sMBFileShareInfo_oplocksEnabled :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether opportunistic locking is enabled for the SMB file share.
Enabling opportunistic locking on case-sensitive shares is not recommended for workloads that involve access to files with the same name in different case.
Valid Values: true
| false
sMBFileShareInfo_notificationPolicy :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The notification policy of the file share. SettlingTimeInSeconds
controls the number of seconds to wait after the last point in time a
client wrote to a file before generating an ObjectUploaded
notification. Because clients can make many small writes to files, it's
best to set this parameter for as long as possible to avoid generating
multiple notifications for the same file in a small time period.
has no effect on the timing of the object
uploading to Amazon S3, only the timing of the notification.
The following example sets NotificationPolicy
on with
set to 60.
{\"Upload\": {\"SettlingTimeInSeconds\": 60}}
The following example sets NotificationPolicy
sMBFileShareInfo_requesterPays :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
A value that sets who pays the cost of the request and the cost
associated with data download from the S3 bucket. If this value is set
to true
, the requester pays the costs; otherwise, the S3 bucket owner
pays. However, the S3 bucket owner always pays the cost of storing data.
is a configuration for the S3 bucket that backs the file
share, so make sure that the configuration on the file share is the same
as the S3 bucket configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
sMBFileShareInfo_locationARN :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
sMBFileShareInfo_guessMIMETypeEnabled :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
A value that enables guessing of the MIME type for uploaded objects
based on file extensions. Set this value to true
to enable MIME type
guessing, otherwise set to false
. The default value is true
Valid Values: true
| false
sMBFileShareInfo_readOnly :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
A value that sets the write status of a file share. Set this value to
to set the write status to read-only, otherwise set to false
Valid Values: true
| false
sMBFileShareInfo_bucketRegion :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the Region of the S3 bucket where the SMB file share stores files.
This parameter is required for SMB file shares that connect to Amazon S3 through a VPC endpoint, a VPC access point, or an access point alias that points to a VPC access point.
sMBFileShareInfo_caseSensitivity :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe CaseSensitivity) Source #
The case of an object name in an Amazon S3 bucket. For
, the client determines the case sensitivity. For
, the gateway determines the case sensitivity. The
default value is ClientSpecified
sMBFileShareInfo_tags :: Lens' SMBFileShareInfo (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of up to 50 tags assigned to the SMB file share, sorted
alphabetically by key name. Each tag is a key-value pair. For a gateway
with more than 10 tags assigned, you can view all tags using the
API operation.
data SMBLocalGroups Source #
A list of Active Directory users and groups that have special permissions for SMB file shares on the gateway.
See: newSMBLocalGroups
smart constructor.
SMBLocalGroups' | |
newSMBLocalGroups :: SMBLocalGroups Source #
Create a value of SMBLocalGroups
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sMBLocalGroups_gatewayAdmins
- A list of Active Directory users and groups that have local Gateway
Admin permissions. Acceptable formats include: DOMAIN\User1
, user1
, and group1
Gateway Admins can use the Shared Folders Microsoft Management Console snap-in to force-close files that are open and locked.
sMBLocalGroups_gatewayAdmins :: Lens' SMBLocalGroups (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of Active Directory users and groups that have local Gateway
Admin permissions. Acceptable formats include: DOMAIN\User1
, user1
, and group1
Gateway Admins can use the Shared Folders Microsoft Management Console snap-in to force-close files that are open and locked.
data StorediSCSIVolume Source #
Describes an iSCSI stored volume.
See: newStorediSCSIVolume
smart constructor.
StorediSCSIVolume' | |
newStorediSCSIVolume :: StorediSCSIVolume Source #
Create a value of StorediSCSIVolume
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, storediSCSIVolume_volumeiSCSIAttributes
- An VolumeiSCSIAttributes object that represents a collection of iSCSI
attributes for one stored volume.
, storediSCSIVolume_volumeStatus
- One of the VolumeStatus values that indicates the state of the storage
, storediSCSIVolume_sourceSnapshotId
- If the stored volume was created from a snapshot, this field contains
the snapshot ID used, e.g. snap-78e22663. Otherwise, this field is not
, storediSCSIVolume_preservedExistingData
- Indicates if when the stored volume was created, existing data on the
underlying local disk was preserved.
Valid Values: true
| false
, storediSCSIVolume_kmsKey
- Undocumented member.
, storediSCSIVolume_volumeAttachmentStatus
- A value that indicates whether a storage volume is attached to, detached
from, or is in the process of detaching from a gateway. For more
information, see
Moving your volumes to a different gateway.
, storediSCSIVolume_volumeARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the storage volume.
, storediSCSIVolume_volumeProgress
- Represents the percentage complete if the volume is restoring or
bootstrapping that represents the percent of data transferred. This
field does not appear in the response if the stored volume is not
restoring or bootstrapping.
, storediSCSIVolume_volumeSizeInBytes
- The size of the volume in bytes.
, storediSCSIVolume_volumeUsedInBytes
- The size of the data stored on the volume in bytes. This value is
calculated based on the number of blocks that are touched, instead of
the actual amount of data written. This value can be useful for
sequential write patterns but less accurate for random write patterns.
is different from the compressed size of the volume,
which is the value that is used to calculate your bill.
This value is not available for volumes created prior to May 13, 2015, until you store data on the volume.
, storediSCSIVolume_createdDate
- The date the volume was created. Volumes created prior to March 28, 2017
don’t have this timestamp.
, storediSCSIVolume_volumeId
- The unique identifier of the volume, e.g., vol-AE4B946D.
, storediSCSIVolume_volumeDiskId
- The ID of the local disk that was specified in the
CreateStorediSCSIVolume operation.
, storediSCSIVolume_volumeType
- One of the VolumeType enumeration values describing the type of the
, storediSCSIVolume_targetName
- The name of the iSCSI target used by an initiator to connect to a volume
and used as a suffix for the target ARN. For example, specifying
as myvolume results in the target ARN of
The target name must be unique across all volumes on a gateway.
If you don't specify a value, Storage Gateway uses the value that was previously used for this volume as the new target name.
storediSCSIVolume_volumeiSCSIAttributes :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe VolumeiSCSIAttributes) Source #
An VolumeiSCSIAttributes object that represents a collection of iSCSI attributes for one stored volume.
storediSCSIVolume_volumeStatus :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
One of the VolumeStatus values that indicates the state of the storage volume.
storediSCSIVolume_sourceSnapshotId :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
If the stored volume was created from a snapshot, this field contains the snapshot ID used, e.g. snap-78e22663. Otherwise, this field is not included.
storediSCSIVolume_preservedExistingData :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates if when the stored volume was created, existing data on the underlying local disk was preserved.
Valid Values: true
| false
storediSCSIVolume_kmsKey :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
storediSCSIVolume_volumeAttachmentStatus :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
A value that indicates whether a storage volume is attached to, detached from, or is in the process of detaching from a gateway. For more information, see Moving your volumes to a different gateway.
storediSCSIVolume_volumeARN :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the storage volume.
storediSCSIVolume_volumeProgress :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Double) Source #
Represents the percentage complete if the volume is restoring or bootstrapping that represents the percent of data transferred. This field does not appear in the response if the stored volume is not restoring or bootstrapping.
storediSCSIVolume_volumeSizeInBytes :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size of the volume in bytes.
storediSCSIVolume_volumeUsedInBytes :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size of the data stored on the volume in bytes. This value is
calculated based on the number of blocks that are touched, instead of
the actual amount of data written. This value can be useful for
sequential write patterns but less accurate for random write patterns.
is different from the compressed size of the volume,
which is the value that is used to calculate your bill.
This value is not available for volumes created prior to May 13, 2015, until you store data on the volume.
storediSCSIVolume_createdDate :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date the volume was created. Volumes created prior to March 28, 2017 don’t have this timestamp.
storediSCSIVolume_volumeId :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the volume, e.g., vol-AE4B946D.
storediSCSIVolume_volumeDiskId :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the local disk that was specified in the CreateStorediSCSIVolume operation.
storediSCSIVolume_volumeType :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
One of the VolumeType enumeration values describing the type of the volume.
storediSCSIVolume_targetName :: Lens' StorediSCSIVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the iSCSI target used by an initiator to connect to a volume
and used as a suffix for the target ARN. For example, specifying
as myvolume results in the target ARN of
The target name must be unique across all volumes on a gateway.
If you don't specify a value, Storage Gateway uses the value that was previously used for this volume as the new target name.
A key-value pair that helps you manage, filter, and search for your resource. Allowed characters: letters, white space, and numbers, representable in UTF-8, and the following characters: + - = . _ : /.
See: newTag
smart constructor.
Tag' | |
Eq Tag Source # | |
Read Tag Source # | |
Show Tag Source # | |
Generic Tag Source # | |
NFData Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.StorageGateway.Types.Tag | |
Hashable Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.StorageGateway.Types.Tag | |
ToJSON Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.StorageGateway.Types.Tag | |
FromJSON Tag Source # | |
type Rep Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.StorageGateway.Types.Tag type Rep Tag = D1 ('MetaData "Tag" "Amazonka.StorageGateway.Types.Tag" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-storagegatewayZSamazonka-storagegateway" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Tag'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "key") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "value") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text))) |
Create a value of Tag
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tag_key
- Tag key. The key can't start with aws:.
, tag_value
- Value of the tag key.
Describes a virtual tape object.
See: newTape
smart constructor.
Tape' | |
Create a value of Tape
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tape_tapeBarcode
- The barcode that identifies a specific virtual tape.
, tape_tapeStatus
- The current state of the virtual tape.
, tape_kmsKey
- Undocumented member.
, tape_tapeARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the virtual tape.
, tape_progress
- For archiving virtual tapes, indicates how much data remains to be
uploaded before archiving is complete.
Range: 0 (not started) to 100 (complete).
, tape_tapeSizeInBytes
- The size, in bytes, of the virtual tape capacity.
, tape_vTLDevice
- The virtual tape library (VTL) device that the virtual tape is
associated with.
, tape_poolId
- The ID of the pool that contains tapes that will be archived. The tapes
in this pool are archived in the S3 storage class that is associated
with the pool. When you use your backup application to eject the tape,
the tape is archived directly into the storage class (S3 Glacier or S3
Glacier Deep Archive) that corresponds to the pool.
Valid Values: GLACIER
, tape_tapeUsedInBytes
- The size, in bytes, of data stored on the virtual tape.
This value is not available for tapes created prior to May 13, 2015.
, tape_tapeCreatedDate
- The date the virtual tape was created.
, tape_poolEntryDate
- The date that the tape enters a custom tape pool.
, tape_worm
- If the tape is archived as write-once-read-many (WORM), this value is
, tape_retentionStartDate
- The date that the tape is first archived with tape retention lock
tape_tapeBarcode :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Text) Source #
The barcode that identifies a specific virtual tape.
tape_progress :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Double) Source #
For archiving virtual tapes, indicates how much data remains to be uploaded before archiving is complete.
Range: 0 (not started) to 100 (complete).
tape_tapeSizeInBytes :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size, in bytes, of the virtual tape capacity.
tape_vTLDevice :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Text) Source #
The virtual tape library (VTL) device that the virtual tape is associated with.
tape_poolId :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the pool that contains tapes that will be archived. The tapes in this pool are archived in the S3 storage class that is associated with the pool. When you use your backup application to eject the tape, the tape is archived directly into the storage class (S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive) that corresponds to the pool.
Valid Values: GLACIER
tape_tapeUsedInBytes :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size, in bytes, of data stored on the virtual tape.
This value is not available for tapes created prior to May 13, 2015.
tape_poolEntryDate :: Lens' Tape (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date that the tape enters a custom tape pool.
tape_worm :: Lens' Tape (Maybe Bool) Source #
If the tape is archived as write-once-read-many (WORM), this value is
tape_retentionStartDate :: Lens' Tape (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date that the tape is first archived with tape retention lock enabled.
data TapeArchive Source #
Represents a virtual tape that is archived in the virtual tape shelf (VTS).
See: newTapeArchive
smart constructor.
TapeArchive' | |
newTapeArchive :: TapeArchive Source #
Create a value of TapeArchive
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tapeArchive_tapeBarcode
- The barcode that identifies the archived virtual tape.
, tapeArchive_tapeStatus
- The current state of the archived virtual tape.
, tapeArchive_kmsKey
- Undocumented member.
, tapeArchive_tapeARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an archived virtual tape.
, tapeArchive_tapeSizeInBytes
- The size, in bytes, of the archived virtual tape.
, tapeArchive_completionTime
- The time that the archiving of the virtual tape was completed.
The default timestamp format is in the ISO8601 extended YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS'Z' format.
, tapeArchive_poolId
- The ID of the pool that was used to archive the tape. The tapes in this
pool are archived in the S3 storage class that is associated with the
Valid Values: GLACIER
, tapeArchive_tapeUsedInBytes
- The size, in bytes, of data stored on the virtual tape.
This value is not available for tapes created prior to May 13, 2015.
, tapeArchive_tapeCreatedDate
- The date the virtual tape was created.
, tapeArchive_poolEntryDate
- The time that the tape entered the custom tape pool.
The default timestamp format is in the ISO8601 extended YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS'Z' format.
, tapeArchive_worm
- Set to true
if the archived tape is stored as write-once-read-many
, tapeArchive_retentionStartDate
- If the archived tape is subject to tape retention lock, the date that
the archived tape started being retained.
, tapeArchive_retrievedTo
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the tape gateway that the virtual tape
is being retrieved to.
The virtual tape is retrieved from the virtual tape shelf (VTS).
tapeArchive_tapeBarcode :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Text) Source #
The barcode that identifies the archived virtual tape.
tapeArchive_tapeStatus :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Text) Source #
The current state of the archived virtual tape.
tapeArchive_kmsKey :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
tapeArchive_tapeARN :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an archived virtual tape.
tapeArchive_tapeSizeInBytes :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size, in bytes, of the archived virtual tape.
tapeArchive_completionTime :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the archiving of the virtual tape was completed.
The default timestamp format is in the ISO8601 extended YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS'Z' format.
tapeArchive_poolId :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the pool that was used to archive the tape. The tapes in this pool are archived in the S3 storage class that is associated with the pool.
Valid Values: GLACIER
tapeArchive_tapeUsedInBytes :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size, in bytes, of data stored on the virtual tape.
This value is not available for tapes created prior to May 13, 2015.
tapeArchive_tapeCreatedDate :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date the virtual tape was created.
tapeArchive_poolEntryDate :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the tape entered the custom tape pool.
The default timestamp format is in the ISO8601 extended YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS'Z' format.
tapeArchive_worm :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Bool) Source #
Set to true
if the archived tape is stored as write-once-read-many
tapeArchive_retentionStartDate :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
If the archived tape is subject to tape retention lock, the date that the archived tape started being retained.
tapeArchive_retrievedTo :: Lens' TapeArchive (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the tape gateway that the virtual tape is being retrieved to.
The virtual tape is retrieved from the virtual tape shelf (VTS).
Describes a virtual tape.
See: newTapeInfo
smart constructor.
TapeInfo' | |
newTapeInfo :: TapeInfo Source #
Create a value of TapeInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tapeInfo_tapeBarcode
- The barcode that identifies a specific virtual tape.
, tapeInfo_tapeStatus
- The status of the tape.
, tapeInfo_tapeARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a virtual tape.
, tapeInfo_gatewayARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways
operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web
Services Region.
, tapeInfo_tapeSizeInBytes
- The size, in bytes, of a virtual tape.
, tapeInfo_poolId
- The ID of the pool that you want to add your tape to for archiving. The
tape in this pool is archived in the S3 storage class that is associated
with the pool. When you use your backup application to eject the tape,
the tape is archived directly into the storage class (S3 Glacier or S3
Glacier Deep Archive) that corresponds to the pool.
Valid Values: GLACIER
, tapeInfo_poolEntryDate
- The date that the tape entered the custom tape pool with tape retention
lock enabled.
, tapeInfo_retentionStartDate
- The date that the tape became subject to tape retention lock.
tapeInfo_tapeBarcode :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The barcode that identifies a specific virtual tape.
tapeInfo_tapeARN :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a virtual tape.
tapeInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.
tapeInfo_tapeSizeInBytes :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size, in bytes, of a virtual tape.
tapeInfo_poolId :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the pool that you want to add your tape to for archiving. The tape in this pool is archived in the S3 storage class that is associated with the pool. When you use your backup application to eject the tape, the tape is archived directly into the storage class (S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive) that corresponds to the pool.
Valid Values: GLACIER
tapeInfo_poolEntryDate :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date that the tape entered the custom tape pool with tape retention lock enabled.
tapeInfo_retentionStartDate :: Lens' TapeInfo (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date that the tape became subject to tape retention lock.
data TapeRecoveryPointInfo Source #
Describes a recovery point.
See: newTapeRecoveryPointInfo
smart constructor.
TapeRecoveryPointInfo' | |
newTapeRecoveryPointInfo :: TapeRecoveryPointInfo Source #
Create a value of TapeRecoveryPointInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tapeRecoveryPointInfo_tapeStatus
- The status of the virtual tapes.
, tapeRecoveryPointInfo_tapeRecoveryPointTime
- The time when the point-in-time view of the virtual tape was replicated
for later recovery.
The default timestamp format of the tape recovery point time is in the ISO8601 extended YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS'Z' format.
, tapeRecoveryPointInfo_tapeARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the virtual tape.
, tapeRecoveryPointInfo_tapeSizeInBytes
- The size, in bytes, of the virtual tapes to recover.
tapeRecoveryPointInfo_tapeStatus :: Lens' TapeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the virtual tapes.
tapeRecoveryPointInfo_tapeRecoveryPointTime :: Lens' TapeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the point-in-time view of the virtual tape was replicated for later recovery.
The default timestamp format of the tape recovery point time is in the ISO8601 extended YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS'Z' format.
tapeRecoveryPointInfo_tapeARN :: Lens' TapeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the virtual tape.
tapeRecoveryPointInfo_tapeSizeInBytes :: Lens' TapeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size, in bytes, of the virtual tapes to recover.
Represents a device object associated with a tape gateway.
See: newVTLDevice
smart constructor.
VTLDevice' | |
newVTLDevice :: VTLDevice Source #
Create a value of VTLDevice
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, vTLDevice_deviceiSCSIAttributes
- A list of iSCSI information about a VTL device.
, vTLDevice_vTLDeviceVendor
- Specifies the vendor of the device that the VTL device object emulates.
, vTLDevice_vTLDeviceARN
- Specifies the unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device (tape
drive or media changer).
, vTLDevice_vTLDeviceType
- Specifies the type of device that the VTL device emulates.
, vTLDevice_vTLDeviceProductIdentifier
- Specifies the model number of device that the VTL device emulates.
vTLDevice_deviceiSCSIAttributes :: Lens' VTLDevice (Maybe DeviceiSCSIAttributes) Source #
A list of iSCSI information about a VTL device.
vTLDevice_vTLDeviceVendor :: Lens' VTLDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the vendor of the device that the VTL device object emulates.
vTLDevice_vTLDeviceARN :: Lens' VTLDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device (tape drive or media changer).
vTLDevice_vTLDeviceType :: Lens' VTLDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the type of device that the VTL device emulates.
vTLDevice_vTLDeviceProductIdentifier :: Lens' VTLDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the model number of device that the VTL device emulates.
data VolumeInfo Source #
Describes a storage volume object.
See: newVolumeInfo
smart constructor.
VolumeInfo' | |
newVolumeInfo :: VolumeInfo Source #
Create a value of VolumeInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, volumeInfo_gatewayARN
- Undocumented member.
, volumeInfo_volumeAttachmentStatus
- One of the VolumeStatus values that indicates the state of the storage
, volumeInfo_volumeARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the storage volume. For example, the
following is a valid ARN:
Valid Values: 50 to 500 lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and hyphens (-).
, volumeInfo_volumeSizeInBytes
- The size of the volume in bytes.
Valid Values: 50 to 500 lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and hyphens (-).
, volumeInfo_volumeId
- The unique identifier assigned to the volume. This ID becomes part of
the volume Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which you use as input for other
Valid Values: 50 to 500 lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and hyphens (-).
, volumeInfo_gatewayId
- The unique identifier assigned to your gateway during activation. This
ID becomes part of the gateway Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which you use
as input for other operations.
Valid Values: 50 to 500 lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and hyphens (-).
, volumeInfo_volumeType
- One of the VolumeType enumeration values describing the type of the
volumeInfo_gatewayARN :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
volumeInfo_volumeAttachmentStatus :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
One of the VolumeStatus values that indicates the state of the storage volume.
volumeInfo_volumeARN :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the storage volume. For example, the following is a valid ARN:
Valid Values: 50 to 500 lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and hyphens (-).
volumeInfo_volumeSizeInBytes :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size of the volume in bytes.
Valid Values: 50 to 500 lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and hyphens (-).
volumeInfo_volumeId :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier assigned to the volume. This ID becomes part of the volume Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which you use as input for other operations.
Valid Values: 50 to 500 lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and hyphens (-).
volumeInfo_gatewayId :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier assigned to your gateway during activation. This ID becomes part of the gateway Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which you use as input for other operations.
Valid Values: 50 to 500 lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and hyphens (-).
volumeInfo_volumeType :: Lens' VolumeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
One of the VolumeType enumeration values describing the type of the volume.
data VolumeRecoveryPointInfo Source #
Describes a storage volume recovery point object.
See: newVolumeRecoveryPointInfo
smart constructor.
VolumeRecoveryPointInfo' | |
newVolumeRecoveryPointInfo :: VolumeRecoveryPointInfo Source #
Create a value of VolumeRecoveryPointInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, volumeRecoveryPointInfo_volumeRecoveryPointTime
- The time the recovery point was taken.
, volumeRecoveryPointInfo_volumeARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the volume target.
, volumeRecoveryPointInfo_volumeSizeInBytes
- The size of the volume in bytes.
, volumeRecoveryPointInfo_volumeUsageInBytes
- The size of the data stored on the volume in bytes.
This value is not available for volumes created prior to May 13, 2015, until you store data on the volume.
volumeRecoveryPointInfo_volumeRecoveryPointTime :: Lens' VolumeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The time the recovery point was taken.
volumeRecoveryPointInfo_volumeARN :: Lens' VolumeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the volume target.
volumeRecoveryPointInfo_volumeSizeInBytes :: Lens' VolumeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size of the volume in bytes.
volumeRecoveryPointInfo_volumeUsageInBytes :: Lens' VolumeRecoveryPointInfo (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size of the data stored on the volume in bytes.
This value is not available for volumes created prior to May 13, 2015, until you store data on the volume.
data VolumeiSCSIAttributes Source #
Lists iSCSI information about a volume.
See: newVolumeiSCSIAttributes
smart constructor.
VolumeiSCSIAttributes' | |
newVolumeiSCSIAttributes :: VolumeiSCSIAttributes Source #
Create a value of VolumeiSCSIAttributes
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, volumeiSCSIAttributes_lunNumber
- The logical disk number.
, volumeiSCSIAttributes_targetARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the volume target.
, volumeiSCSIAttributes_chapEnabled
- Indicates whether mutual CHAP is enabled for the iSCSI target.
, volumeiSCSIAttributes_networkInterfaceId
- The network interface identifier.
, volumeiSCSIAttributes_networkInterfacePort
- The port used to communicate with iSCSI targets.
volumeiSCSIAttributes_lunNumber :: Lens' VolumeiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Natural) Source #
The logical disk number.
volumeiSCSIAttributes_targetARN :: Lens' VolumeiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the volume target.
volumeiSCSIAttributes_chapEnabled :: Lens' VolumeiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether mutual CHAP is enabled for the iSCSI target.
volumeiSCSIAttributes_networkInterfaceId :: Lens' VolumeiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The network interface identifier.
volumeiSCSIAttributes_networkInterfacePort :: Lens' VolumeiSCSIAttributes (Maybe Int) Source #
The port used to communicate with iSCSI targets.