Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- Waiters
- Operations
- DeleteReplicationSet
- UpdateReplicationSet
- ListReplicationSets (Paginated)
- UpdateIncidentRecord
- DeleteIncidentRecord
- CreateReplicationSet
- ListTagsForResource
- GetResourcePolicies (Paginated)
- GetIncidentRecord
- GetReplicationSet
- ListRelatedItems (Paginated)
- UpdateDeletionProtection
- GetResponsePlan
- CreateResponsePlan
- ListIncidentRecords (Paginated)
- UpdateRelatedItems
- TagResource
- PutResourcePolicy
- DeleteResourcePolicy
- UntagResource
- CreateTimelineEvent
- ListTimelineEvents (Paginated)
- StartIncident
- DeleteTimelineEvent
- UpdateTimelineEvent
- ListResponsePlans (Paginated)
- GetTimelineEvent
- UpdateResponsePlan
- DeleteResponsePlan
- Types
- IncidentRecordStatus
- ItemType
- RegionStatus
- ReplicationSetStatus
- SortOrder
- SsmTargetAccount
- TimelineEventSort
- Action
- AddRegionAction
- AttributeValueList
- AutomationExecution
- ChatChannel
- Condition
- DeleteRegionAction
- EmptyChatChannel
- EventSummary
- Filter
- IncidentRecord
- IncidentRecordSource
- IncidentRecordSummary
- IncidentTemplate
- ItemIdentifier
- ItemValue
- NotificationTargetItem
- RegionInfo
- RegionMapInputValue
- RelatedItem
- RelatedItemsUpdate
- ReplicationSet
- ResourcePolicy
- ResponsePlanSummary
- SsmAutomation
- TimelineEvent
- TriggerDetails
- UpdateReplicationSetAction
Derived from API version 2018-05-10
of the AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.
AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager is an incident management console designed to help users mitigate and recover from incidents affecting their AWS-hosted applications. An incident is any unplanned interruption or reduction in quality of services.
Incident Manager increases incident resolution by notifying responders of impact, highlighting relevant troubleshooting data, and providing collaboration tools to get services back up and running. To achieve the primary goal of reducing the time-to-resolution of critical incidents, Incident Manager automates response plans and enables responder team escalation.
- defaultService :: Service
- _ValidationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _AccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InternalServerException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- newWaitForReplicationSetActive :: Wait GetReplicationSet
- newWaitForReplicationSetDeleted :: Wait GetReplicationSet
- data DeleteReplicationSet = DeleteReplicationSet' Text
- newDeleteReplicationSet :: Text -> DeleteReplicationSet
- data DeleteReplicationSetResponse = DeleteReplicationSetResponse' Int
- newDeleteReplicationSetResponse :: Int -> DeleteReplicationSetResponse
- data UpdateReplicationSet = UpdateReplicationSet' (Maybe Text) (NonEmpty UpdateReplicationSetAction) Text
- newUpdateReplicationSet :: NonEmpty UpdateReplicationSetAction -> Text -> UpdateReplicationSet
- data UpdateReplicationSetResponse = UpdateReplicationSetResponse' Int
- newUpdateReplicationSetResponse :: Int -> UpdateReplicationSetResponse
- data ListReplicationSets = ListReplicationSets' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural)
- newListReplicationSets :: ListReplicationSets
- data ListReplicationSetsResponse = ListReplicationSetsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [Text]
- newListReplicationSetsResponse :: Int -> ListReplicationSetsResponse
- data UpdateIncidentRecord = UpdateIncidentRecord' (Maybe Text) (Maybe IncidentRecordStatus) (Maybe [NotificationTargetItem]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe ChatChannel) (Maybe Text) Text
- newUpdateIncidentRecord :: Text -> UpdateIncidentRecord
- data UpdateIncidentRecordResponse = UpdateIncidentRecordResponse' Int
- newUpdateIncidentRecordResponse :: Int -> UpdateIncidentRecordResponse
- data DeleteIncidentRecord = DeleteIncidentRecord' Text
- newDeleteIncidentRecord :: Text -> DeleteIncidentRecord
- data DeleteIncidentRecordResponse = DeleteIncidentRecordResponse' Int
- newDeleteIncidentRecordResponse :: Int -> DeleteIncidentRecordResponse
- data CreateReplicationSet = CreateReplicationSet' (Maybe Text) (HashMap Text RegionMapInputValue)
- newCreateReplicationSet :: CreateReplicationSet
- data CreateReplicationSetResponse = CreateReplicationSetResponse' Int Text
- newCreateReplicationSetResponse :: Int -> Text -> CreateReplicationSetResponse
- data ListTagsForResource = ListTagsForResource' Text
- newListTagsForResource :: Text -> ListTagsForResource
- data ListTagsForResourceResponse = ListTagsForResourceResponse' Int (HashMap Text Text)
- newListTagsForResourceResponse :: Int -> ListTagsForResourceResponse
- data GetResourcePolicies = GetResourcePolicies' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) Text
- newGetResourcePolicies :: Text -> GetResourcePolicies
- data GetResourcePoliciesResponse = GetResourcePoliciesResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [ResourcePolicy]
- newGetResourcePoliciesResponse :: Int -> GetResourcePoliciesResponse
- data GetIncidentRecord = GetIncidentRecord' Text
- newGetIncidentRecord :: Text -> GetIncidentRecord
- data GetIncidentRecordResponse = GetIncidentRecordResponse' Int IncidentRecord
- newGetIncidentRecordResponse :: Int -> IncidentRecord -> GetIncidentRecordResponse
- data GetReplicationSet = GetReplicationSet' Text
- newGetReplicationSet :: Text -> GetReplicationSet
- data GetReplicationSetResponse = GetReplicationSetResponse' Int ReplicationSet
- newGetReplicationSetResponse :: Int -> ReplicationSet -> GetReplicationSetResponse
- data ListRelatedItems = ListRelatedItems' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) Text
- newListRelatedItems :: Text -> ListRelatedItems
- data ListRelatedItemsResponse = ListRelatedItemsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [RelatedItem]
- newListRelatedItemsResponse :: Int -> ListRelatedItemsResponse
- data UpdateDeletionProtection = UpdateDeletionProtection' (Maybe Text) Text Bool
- newUpdateDeletionProtection :: Text -> Bool -> UpdateDeletionProtection
- data UpdateDeletionProtectionResponse = UpdateDeletionProtectionResponse' Int
- newUpdateDeletionProtectionResponse :: Int -> UpdateDeletionProtectionResponse
- data GetResponsePlan = GetResponsePlan' Text
- newGetResponsePlan :: Text -> GetResponsePlan
- data GetResponsePlanResponse = GetResponsePlanResponse' (Maybe [Action]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ChatChannel) (Maybe [Text]) Int Text IncidentTemplate Text
- newGetResponsePlanResponse :: Int -> Text -> IncidentTemplate -> Text -> GetResponsePlanResponse
- data CreateResponsePlan = CreateResponsePlan' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Action]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ChatChannel) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) IncidentTemplate Text
- newCreateResponsePlan :: IncidentTemplate -> Text -> CreateResponsePlan
- data CreateResponsePlanResponse = CreateResponsePlanResponse' Int Text
- newCreateResponsePlanResponse :: Int -> Text -> CreateResponsePlanResponse
- data ListIncidentRecords = ListIncidentRecords' (Maybe [Filter]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural)
- newListIncidentRecords :: ListIncidentRecords
- data ListIncidentRecordsResponse = ListIncidentRecordsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [IncidentRecordSummary]
- newListIncidentRecordsResponse :: Int -> ListIncidentRecordsResponse
- data UpdateRelatedItems = UpdateRelatedItems' (Maybe Text) Text RelatedItemsUpdate
- newUpdateRelatedItems :: Text -> RelatedItemsUpdate -> UpdateRelatedItems
- data UpdateRelatedItemsResponse = UpdateRelatedItemsResponse' Int
- newUpdateRelatedItemsResponse :: Int -> UpdateRelatedItemsResponse
- data TagResource = TagResource' Text (HashMap Text Text)
- newTagResource :: Text -> TagResource
- data TagResourceResponse = TagResourceResponse' Int
- newTagResourceResponse :: Int -> TagResourceResponse
- data PutResourcePolicy = PutResourcePolicy' Text Text
- newPutResourcePolicy :: Text -> Text -> PutResourcePolicy
- data PutResourcePolicyResponse = PutResourcePolicyResponse' Int Text
- newPutResourcePolicyResponse :: Int -> Text -> PutResourcePolicyResponse
- data DeleteResourcePolicy = DeleteResourcePolicy' Text Text
- newDeleteResourcePolicy :: Text -> Text -> DeleteResourcePolicy
- data DeleteResourcePolicyResponse = DeleteResourcePolicyResponse' Int
- newDeleteResourcePolicyResponse :: Int -> DeleteResourcePolicyResponse
- data UntagResource = UntagResource' Text (NonEmpty Text)
- newUntagResource :: Text -> NonEmpty Text -> UntagResource
- data UntagResourceResponse = UntagResourceResponse' Int
- newUntagResourceResponse :: Int -> UntagResourceResponse
- data CreateTimelineEvent = CreateTimelineEvent' (Maybe Text) Text POSIX Text Text
- newCreateTimelineEvent :: Text -> UTCTime -> Text -> Text -> CreateTimelineEvent
- data CreateTimelineEventResponse = CreateTimelineEventResponse' Int Text Text
- newCreateTimelineEventResponse :: Int -> Text -> Text -> CreateTimelineEventResponse
- data ListTimelineEvents = ListTimelineEvents' (Maybe [Filter]) (Maybe SortOrder) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe TimelineEventSort) Text
- newListTimelineEvents :: Text -> ListTimelineEvents
- data ListTimelineEventsResponse = ListTimelineEventsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [EventSummary]
- newListTimelineEventsResponse :: Int -> ListTimelineEventsResponse
- data StartIncident = StartIncident' (Maybe Text) (Maybe TriggerDetails) (Maybe [RelatedItem]) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) Text
- newStartIncident :: Text -> StartIncident
- data StartIncidentResponse = StartIncidentResponse' Int Text
- newStartIncidentResponse :: Int -> Text -> StartIncidentResponse
- data DeleteTimelineEvent = DeleteTimelineEvent' Text Text
- newDeleteTimelineEvent :: Text -> Text -> DeleteTimelineEvent
- data DeleteTimelineEventResponse = DeleteTimelineEventResponse' Int
- newDeleteTimelineEventResponse :: Int -> DeleteTimelineEventResponse
- data UpdateTimelineEvent = UpdateTimelineEvent' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) Text Text
- newUpdateTimelineEvent :: Text -> Text -> UpdateTimelineEvent
- data UpdateTimelineEventResponse = UpdateTimelineEventResponse' Int
- newUpdateTimelineEventResponse :: Int -> UpdateTimelineEventResponse
- data ListResponsePlans = ListResponsePlans' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural)
- newListResponsePlans :: ListResponsePlans
- data ListResponsePlansResponse = ListResponsePlansResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [ResponsePlanSummary]
- newListResponsePlansResponse :: Int -> ListResponsePlansResponse
- data GetTimelineEvent = GetTimelineEvent' Text Text
- newGetTimelineEvent :: Text -> Text -> GetTimelineEvent
- data GetTimelineEventResponse = GetTimelineEventResponse' Int TimelineEvent
- newGetTimelineEventResponse :: Int -> TimelineEvent -> GetTimelineEventResponse
- data UpdateResponsePlan = UpdateResponsePlan' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Action]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ChatChannel) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [NotificationTargetItem]) Text
- newUpdateResponsePlan :: Text -> UpdateResponsePlan
- data UpdateResponsePlanResponse = UpdateResponsePlanResponse' Int
- newUpdateResponsePlanResponse :: Int -> UpdateResponsePlanResponse
- data DeleteResponsePlan = DeleteResponsePlan' Text
- newDeleteResponsePlan :: Text -> DeleteResponsePlan
- data DeleteResponsePlanResponse = DeleteResponsePlanResponse' Int
- newDeleteResponsePlanResponse :: Int -> DeleteResponsePlanResponse
- newtype IncidentRecordStatus where
- newtype ItemType where
- ItemType' {
- fromItemType :: Text
- pattern ItemType_ANALYSIS :: ItemType
- pattern ItemType_ATTACHMENT :: ItemType
- pattern ItemType_INCIDENT :: ItemType
- pattern ItemType_METRIC :: ItemType
- pattern ItemType_OTHER :: ItemType
- pattern ItemType_PARENT :: ItemType
- ItemType' {
- newtype RegionStatus where
- RegionStatus' { }
- pattern RegionStatus_ACTIVE :: RegionStatus
- pattern RegionStatus_CREATING :: RegionStatus
- pattern RegionStatus_DELETING :: RegionStatus
- pattern RegionStatus_FAILED :: RegionStatus
- newtype ReplicationSetStatus where
- ReplicationSetStatus' { }
- pattern ReplicationSetStatus_ACTIVE :: ReplicationSetStatus
- pattern ReplicationSetStatus_CREATING :: ReplicationSetStatus
- pattern ReplicationSetStatus_DELETING :: ReplicationSetStatus
- pattern ReplicationSetStatus_FAILED :: ReplicationSetStatus
- pattern ReplicationSetStatus_UPDATING :: ReplicationSetStatus
- newtype SortOrder where
- SortOrder' { }
- pattern SortOrder_ASCENDING :: SortOrder
- pattern SortOrder_DESCENDING :: SortOrder
- newtype SsmTargetAccount where
- newtype TimelineEventSort where
- data Action = Action' (Maybe SsmAutomation)
- newAction :: Action
- data AddRegionAction = AddRegionAction' (Maybe Text) Text
- newAddRegionAction :: Text -> AddRegionAction
- data AttributeValueList = AttributeValueList' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [Int])
- newAttributeValueList :: AttributeValueList
- data AutomationExecution = AutomationExecution' (Maybe Text)
- newAutomationExecution :: AutomationExecution
- data ChatChannel = ChatChannel' (Maybe EmptyChatChannel) (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- newChatChannel :: ChatChannel
- data Condition = Condition' (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe AttributeValueList) (Maybe POSIX)
- newCondition :: Condition
- data DeleteRegionAction = DeleteRegionAction' Text
- newDeleteRegionAction :: Text -> DeleteRegionAction
- data EmptyChatChannel = EmptyChatChannel' {
- newEmptyChatChannel :: EmptyChatChannel
- data EventSummary = EventSummary' Text POSIX Text POSIX Text
- newEventSummary :: Text -> UTCTime -> Text -> UTCTime -> Text -> EventSummary
- data Filter = Filter' Condition Text
- newFilter :: Condition -> Text -> Filter
- data IncidentRecord = IncidentRecord' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [NotificationTargetItem]) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe ChatChannel) (Maybe [AutomationExecution]) Text POSIX Text Natural IncidentRecordSource Text POSIX IncidentRecordStatus Text
- newIncidentRecord :: Text -> UTCTime -> Text -> Natural -> IncidentRecordSource -> Text -> UTCTime -> IncidentRecordStatus -> Text -> IncidentRecord
- data IncidentRecordSource = IncidentRecordSource' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text Text
- newIncidentRecordSource :: Text -> Text -> IncidentRecordSource
- data IncidentRecordSummary = IncidentRecordSummary' (Maybe POSIX) Text POSIX Natural IncidentRecordSource IncidentRecordStatus Text
- newIncidentRecordSummary :: Text -> UTCTime -> Natural -> IncidentRecordSource -> IncidentRecordStatus -> Text -> IncidentRecordSummary
- data IncidentTemplate = IncidentTemplate' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [NotificationTargetItem]) (Maybe Text) Natural Text
- newIncidentTemplate :: Natural -> Text -> IncidentTemplate
- data ItemIdentifier = ItemIdentifier' ItemType ItemValue
- newItemIdentifier :: ItemType -> ItemValue -> ItemIdentifier
- data ItemValue = ItemValue' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newItemValue :: ItemValue
- data NotificationTargetItem = NotificationTargetItem' (Maybe Text)
- newNotificationTargetItem :: NotificationTargetItem
- data RegionInfo = RegionInfo' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) RegionStatus POSIX
- newRegionInfo :: RegionStatus -> UTCTime -> RegionInfo
- data RegionMapInputValue = RegionMapInputValue' (Maybe Text)
- newRegionMapInputValue :: RegionMapInputValue
- data RelatedItem = RelatedItem' (Maybe Text) ItemIdentifier
- newRelatedItem :: ItemIdentifier -> RelatedItem
- data RelatedItemsUpdate = RelatedItemsUpdate' (Maybe ItemIdentifier) (Maybe RelatedItem)
- newRelatedItemsUpdate :: RelatedItemsUpdate
- data ReplicationSet = ReplicationSet' (Maybe Text) Text POSIX Bool Text POSIX (HashMap Text RegionInfo) ReplicationSetStatus
- newReplicationSet :: Text -> UTCTime -> Bool -> Text -> UTCTime -> ReplicationSetStatus -> ReplicationSet
- data ResourcePolicy = ResourcePolicy' Text Text Text
- newResourcePolicy :: Text -> Text -> Text -> ResourcePolicy
- data ResponsePlanSummary = ResponsePlanSummary' (Maybe Text) Text Text
- newResponsePlanSummary :: Text -> Text -> ResponsePlanSummary
- data SsmAutomation = SsmAutomation' (Maybe SsmTargetAccount) (Maybe (HashMap Text [Text])) (Maybe Text) Text Text
- newSsmAutomation :: Text -> Text -> SsmAutomation
- data TimelineEvent = TimelineEvent' Text Text POSIX Text POSIX Text
- newTimelineEvent :: Text -> Text -> UTCTime -> Text -> UTCTime -> Text -> TimelineEvent
- data TriggerDetails = TriggerDetails' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text POSIX
- newTriggerDetails :: Text -> UTCTime -> TriggerDetails
- data UpdateReplicationSetAction = UpdateReplicationSetAction' (Maybe AddRegionAction) (Maybe DeleteRegionAction)
- newUpdateReplicationSetAction :: UpdateReplicationSetAction
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2018-05-10
of the Amazon Systems Manager Incident Manager SDK configuration.
Error matchers are designed for use with the functions provided by
This allows catching (and rethrowing) service specific errors returned
by SSMIncidents
_ValidationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by an AWS service.
_AccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
You don't have sufficient access to perform this action.
_ConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Updating or deleting a resource causes an inconsistent state.
_ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Request would cause a service quota to be exceeded.
_ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request was denied due to request throttling.
_InternalServerException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Request references a resource which does not exist.
Waiters poll by repeatedly sending a request until some remote success condition
configured by the Wait
specification is fulfilled. The Wait
determines how many attempts should be made, in addition to delay and retry strategies.
newWaitForReplicationSetActive :: Wait GetReplicationSet Source #
Polls GetReplicationSet
every 30 seconds until a successful state is reached. An error is returned after 5 failed checks.
newWaitForReplicationSetDeleted :: Wait GetReplicationSet Source #
Polls GetReplicationSet
every 30 seconds until a successful state is reached. An error is returned after 5 failed checks.
Some AWS operations return results that are incomplete and require subsequent
requests in order to obtain the entire result set. The process of sending
subsequent requests to continue where a previous request left off is called
pagination. For example, the ListObjects
operation of Amazon S3 returns up to
1000 objects at a time, and you must send subsequent requests with the
appropriate Marker in order to retrieve the next page of results.
Operations that have an AWSPager
instance can transparently perform subsequent
requests, correctly setting Markers and other request facets to iterate through
the entire result set of a truncated API operation. Operations which support
this have an additional note in the documentation.
Many operations have the ability to filter results on the server side. See the individual operation parameters for details.
data DeleteReplicationSet Source #
See: newDeleteReplicationSet
smart constructor.
DeleteReplicationSet' Text |
newDeleteReplicationSet Source #
:: Text | |
-> DeleteReplicationSet |
Create a value of DeleteReplicationSet
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteReplicationSet_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication set you're deleting.
data DeleteReplicationSetResponse Source #
See: newDeleteReplicationSetResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteReplicationSetResponse' Int |
newDeleteReplicationSetResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteReplicationSetResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteReplicationSetResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UpdateReplicationSet Source #
See: newUpdateReplicationSet
smart constructor.
UpdateReplicationSet' (Maybe Text) (NonEmpty UpdateReplicationSetAction) Text |
newUpdateReplicationSet Source #
:: NonEmpty UpdateReplicationSetAction | |
-> Text | |
-> UpdateReplicationSet |
Create a value of UpdateReplicationSet
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateReplicationSet_clientToken
- A token ensuring that the action is called only once with the specified
, updateReplicationSet_actions
- An action to add or delete a Region.
, updateReplicationSet_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication set you're updating.
data UpdateReplicationSetResponse Source #
See: newUpdateReplicationSetResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateReplicationSetResponse' Int |
newUpdateReplicationSetResponse Source #
Create a value of UpdateReplicationSetResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateReplicationSetResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
ListReplicationSets (Paginated)
data ListReplicationSets Source #
See: newListReplicationSets
smart constructor.
ListReplicationSets' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) |
newListReplicationSets :: ListReplicationSets Source #
Create a value of ListReplicationSets
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listReplicationSets_nextToken
- The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
, listReplicationSets_maxResults
- The maximum number of results per page.
data ListReplicationSetsResponse Source #
See: newListReplicationSetsResponse
smart constructor.
ListReplicationSetsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [Text] |
newListReplicationSetsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListReplicationSetsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listReplicationSetsResponse_nextToken
- The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
, listReplicationSetsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listReplicationSetsResponse_replicationSetArns
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the list replication set.
data UpdateIncidentRecord Source #
See: newUpdateIncidentRecord
smart constructor.
UpdateIncidentRecord' (Maybe Text) (Maybe IncidentRecordStatus) (Maybe [NotificationTargetItem]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe ChatChannel) (Maybe Text) Text |
newUpdateIncidentRecord Source #
:: Text | |
-> UpdateIncidentRecord |
Create a value of UpdateIncidentRecord
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateIncidentRecord_summary
- The summary describes what has happened during the incident.
, updateIncidentRecord_status
- The status of the incident. An incident can be Open
or Resolved
, updateIncidentRecord_notificationTargets
- The SNS targets that are notified when updates are made to an incident.
Using multiple SNS topics creates redundancy in the case that a Region is down during the incident.
, updateIncidentRecord_clientToken
- A token ensuring that the action is called only once with the specified
, updateIncidentRecord_impact
- Defines the impact to customers and applications. Providing an impact
overwrites the impact provided by the response plan.
Possible impacts:
- Critical impact, this typically relates to full application failure that impacts many to all customers.2
- High impact, partial application failure with impact to many customers.3
- Medium impact, the application is providing reduced service to customers.4
- Low impact, customer might aren't impacted by the problem yet.5
- No impact, customers aren't currently impacted but urgent action is needed to avoid impact.
, updateIncidentRecord_chatChannel
- The AWS Chatbot chat channel for responders to collaborate in.
, updateIncidentRecord_title
- The title of the incident is a brief and easily recognizable.
, updateIncidentRecord_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident record you are updating.
data UpdateIncidentRecordResponse Source #
See: newUpdateIncidentRecordResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateIncidentRecordResponse' Int |
newUpdateIncidentRecordResponse Source #
Create a value of UpdateIncidentRecordResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateIncidentRecordResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteIncidentRecord Source #
See: newDeleteIncidentRecord
smart constructor.
DeleteIncidentRecord' Text |
newDeleteIncidentRecord Source #
:: Text | |
-> DeleteIncidentRecord |
Create a value of DeleteIncidentRecord
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteIncidentRecord_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident record you are deleting.
data DeleteIncidentRecordResponse Source #
See: newDeleteIncidentRecordResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteIncidentRecordResponse' Int |
newDeleteIncidentRecordResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteIncidentRecordResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteIncidentRecordResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateReplicationSet Source #
See: newCreateReplicationSet
smart constructor.
CreateReplicationSet' (Maybe Text) (HashMap Text RegionMapInputValue) |
newCreateReplicationSet :: CreateReplicationSet Source #
Create a value of CreateReplicationSet
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createReplicationSet_clientToken
- A token ensuring that the action is called only once with the specified
, createReplicationSet_regions
- The Regions that Incident Manager replicates your data to. You can have
up to three Regions in your replication set.
data CreateReplicationSetResponse Source #
See: newCreateReplicationSetResponse
smart constructor.
CreateReplicationSetResponse' Int Text |
newCreateReplicationSetResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateReplicationSetResponse |
Create a value of CreateReplicationSetResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createReplicationSetResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, createReplicationSetResponse_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication set.
data ListTagsForResource Source #
See: newListTagsForResource
smart constructor.
ListTagsForResource' Text |
newListTagsForResource Source #
:: Text | |
-> ListTagsForResource |
Create a value of ListTagsForResource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listTagsForResource_resourceArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the response plan.
data ListTagsForResourceResponse Source #
See: newListTagsForResourceResponse
smart constructor.
ListTagsForResourceResponse' Int (HashMap Text Text) |
newListTagsForResourceResponse Source #
Create a value of ListTagsForResourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listTagsForResourceResponse_tags
- A list of tags for the response plan.
GetResourcePolicies (Paginated)
data GetResourcePolicies Source #
See: newGetResourcePolicies
smart constructor.
newGetResourcePolicies Source #
:: Text | |
-> GetResourcePolicies |
Create a value of GetResourcePolicies
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getResourcePolicies_nextToken
- The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
, getResourcePolicies_maxResults
- The maximum number of resource policies to display per page of results.
, getResourcePolicies_resourceArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the response plan with the attached
resource policy.
data GetResourcePoliciesResponse Source #
See: newGetResourcePoliciesResponse
smart constructor.
GetResourcePoliciesResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [ResourcePolicy] |
newGetResourcePoliciesResponse Source #
Create a value of GetResourcePoliciesResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getResourcePoliciesResponse_nextToken
- The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
, getResourcePoliciesResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getResourcePoliciesResponse_resourcePolicies
- Details about the resource policy attached to the response plan.
data GetIncidentRecord Source #
See: newGetIncidentRecord
smart constructor.
GetIncidentRecord' Text |
:: Text | |
-> GetIncidentRecord |
Create a value of GetIncidentRecord
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getIncidentRecord_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident record.
data GetIncidentRecordResponse Source #
See: newGetIncidentRecordResponse
smart constructor.
GetIncidentRecordResponse' Int IncidentRecord |
newGetIncidentRecordResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> IncidentRecord | |
-> GetIncidentRecordResponse |
Create a value of GetIncidentRecordResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getIncidentRecordResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getIncidentRecordResponse_incidentRecord
- Details structure of the incident record.
data GetReplicationSet Source #
See: newGetReplicationSet
smart constructor.
GetReplicationSet' Text |
:: Text | |
-> GetReplicationSet |
Create a value of GetReplicationSet
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getReplicationSet_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication set you want to
data GetReplicationSetResponse Source #
See: newGetReplicationSetResponse
smart constructor.
GetReplicationSetResponse' Int ReplicationSet |
newGetReplicationSetResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> ReplicationSet | |
-> GetReplicationSetResponse |
Create a value of GetReplicationSetResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getReplicationSetResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getReplicationSetResponse_replicationSet
- Details of the replication set.
ListRelatedItems (Paginated)
data ListRelatedItems Source #
See: newListRelatedItems
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> ListRelatedItems |
Create a value of ListRelatedItems
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listRelatedItems_nextToken
- The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
, listRelatedItems_maxResults
- The maximum number of related items per page.
, listRelatedItems_incidentRecordArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident record that you are
listing related items for.
data ListRelatedItemsResponse Source #
See: newListRelatedItemsResponse
smart constructor.
ListRelatedItemsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [RelatedItem] |
newListRelatedItemsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListRelatedItemsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listRelatedItemsResponse_nextToken
- The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
, listRelatedItemsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listRelatedItemsResponse_relatedItems
- Details about each related item.
data UpdateDeletionProtection Source #
See: newUpdateDeletionProtection
smart constructor.
UpdateDeletionProtection' (Maybe Text) Text Bool |
newUpdateDeletionProtection Source #
:: Text | |
-> Bool | |
-> UpdateDeletionProtection |
Create a value of UpdateDeletionProtection
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateDeletionProtection_clientToken
- A token ensuring that the action is called only once with the specified
, updateDeletionProtection_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication set you're updating.
, updateDeletionProtection_deletionProtected
- Details if deletion protection is enabled or disabled in your account.
data UpdateDeletionProtectionResponse Source #
See: newUpdateDeletionProtectionResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateDeletionProtectionResponse' Int |
newUpdateDeletionProtectionResponse Source #
Create a value of UpdateDeletionProtectionResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateDeletionProtectionResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data GetResponsePlan Source #
See: newGetResponsePlan
smart constructor.
GetResponsePlan' Text |
:: Text | |
-> GetResponsePlan |
Create a value of GetResponsePlan
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getResponsePlan_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the response plan.
data GetResponsePlanResponse Source #
See: newGetResponsePlanResponse
smart constructor.
GetResponsePlanResponse' (Maybe [Action]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ChatChannel) (Maybe [Text]) Int Text IncidentTemplate Text |
newGetResponsePlanResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> IncidentTemplate | |
-> Text | |
-> GetResponsePlanResponse |
Create a value of GetResponsePlanResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getResponsePlanResponse_actions
- The actions that this response plan takes at the beginning of the
, getResponsePlanResponse_displayName
- The long format name of the response plan. Can contain spaces.
, getResponsePlanResponse_chatChannel
- The AWS Chatbot chat channel used for collaboration during an incident.
, getResponsePlanResponse_engagements
- The contacts and escalation plans that the response plan engages during
an incident.
, getResponsePlanResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getResponsePlanResponse_arn
- The ARN of the response plan.
, getResponsePlanResponse_incidentTemplate
- Details used to create the incident when using this response plan.
, getResponsePlanResponse_name
- The short format name of the response plan. Can't contain spaces.
data CreateResponsePlan Source #
See: newCreateResponsePlan
smart constructor.
CreateResponsePlan' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Action]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ChatChannel) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) IncidentTemplate Text |
newCreateResponsePlan Source #
:: IncidentTemplate | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateResponsePlan |
Create a value of CreateResponsePlan
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createResponsePlan_clientToken
- A token ensuring that the action is called only once with the specified
, createResponsePlan_actions
- The actions that the response plan starts at the beginning of an
, createResponsePlan_displayName
- The long format of the response plan name. This field can contain
, createResponsePlan_chatChannel
- The AWS Chatbot chat channel used for collaboration during an incident.
, createResponsePlan_engagements
- The contacts and escalation plans that the response plan engages during
an incident.
, createResponsePlan_tags
- A list of tags that you are adding to the response plan.
, createResponsePlan_incidentTemplate
- Details used to create an incident when using this response plan.
, createResponsePlan_name
- The short format name of the response plan. Can't include spaces.
data CreateResponsePlanResponse Source #
See: newCreateResponsePlanResponse
smart constructor.
CreateResponsePlanResponse' Int Text |
newCreateResponsePlanResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateResponsePlanResponse |
Create a value of CreateResponsePlanResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createResponsePlanResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, createResponsePlanResponse_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the response plan.
ListIncidentRecords (Paginated)
data ListIncidentRecords Source #
See: newListIncidentRecords
smart constructor.
newListIncidentRecords :: ListIncidentRecords Source #
Create a value of ListIncidentRecords
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listIncidentRecords_filters
- Filter the list of incident records you are searching through. You can
filter on the following keys:
, listIncidentRecords_nextToken
- The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
, listIncidentRecords_maxResults
- The maximum number of results per page.
data ListIncidentRecordsResponse Source #
See: newListIncidentRecordsResponse
smart constructor.
ListIncidentRecordsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [IncidentRecordSummary] |
newListIncidentRecordsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListIncidentRecordsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listIncidentRecordsResponse_nextToken
- The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
, listIncidentRecordsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listIncidentRecordsResponse_incidentRecordSummaries
- The details of each listed incident record.
data UpdateRelatedItems Source #
See: newUpdateRelatedItems
smart constructor.
UpdateRelatedItems' (Maybe Text) Text RelatedItemsUpdate |
newUpdateRelatedItems Source #
:: Text | |
-> RelatedItemsUpdate | |
-> UpdateRelatedItems |
Create a value of UpdateRelatedItems
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateRelatedItems_clientToken
- A token ensuring that the action is called only once with the specified
, updateRelatedItems_incidentRecordArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident record you are updating
related items in.
, updateRelatedItems_relatedItemsUpdate
- Details about the item you are adding or deleting.
data UpdateRelatedItemsResponse Source #
See: newUpdateRelatedItemsResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateRelatedItemsResponse' Int |
newUpdateRelatedItemsResponse Source #
Create a value of UpdateRelatedItemsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateRelatedItemsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data TagResource Source #
See: newTagResource
smart constructor.
TagResource' Text (HashMap Text Text) |
:: Text | |
-> TagResource |
Create a value of TagResource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tagResource_resourceArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the response plan you're adding the
tags to.
, tagResource_tags
- A list of tags that you are adding to the response plan.
data TagResourceResponse Source #
See: newTagResourceResponse
smart constructor.
TagResourceResponse' Int |
newTagResourceResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> TagResourceResponse |
Create a value of TagResourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tagResourceResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data PutResourcePolicy Source #
See: newPutResourcePolicy
smart constructor.
PutResourcePolicy' Text Text |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> PutResourcePolicy |
Create a value of PutResourcePolicy
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, putResourcePolicy_policy
- Details of the resource policy.
, putResourcePolicy_resourceArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the response plan you're adding the
resource policy to.
data PutResourcePolicyResponse Source #
See: newPutResourcePolicyResponse
smart constructor.
PutResourcePolicyResponse' Int Text |
newPutResourcePolicyResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> PutResourcePolicyResponse |
Create a value of PutResourcePolicyResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, putResourcePolicyResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, putResourcePolicyResponse_policyId
- The ID of the resource policy.
data DeleteResourcePolicy Source #
See: newDeleteResourcePolicy
smart constructor.
DeleteResourcePolicy' Text Text |
newDeleteResourcePolicy Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> DeleteResourcePolicy |
Create a value of DeleteResourcePolicy
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteResourcePolicy_policyId
- The ID of the resource policy you're deleting.
, deleteResourcePolicy_resourceArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource you're deleting the
policy from.
data DeleteResourcePolicyResponse Source #
See: newDeleteResourcePolicyResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteResourcePolicyResponse' Int |
newDeleteResourcePolicyResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteResourcePolicyResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteResourcePolicyResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UntagResource Source #
See: newUntagResource
smart constructor.
UntagResource' Text (NonEmpty Text) |
:: Text | |
-> NonEmpty Text | |
-> UntagResource |
Create a value of UntagResource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, untagResource_resourceArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the response plan you're removing a
tag from.
, untagResource_tagKeys
- The name of the tag you're removing from the response plan.
data UntagResourceResponse Source #
See: newUntagResourceResponse
smart constructor.
UntagResourceResponse' Int |
newUntagResourceResponse Source #
Create a value of UntagResourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, untagResourceResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateTimelineEvent Source #
See: newCreateTimelineEvent
smart constructor.
newCreateTimelineEvent Source #
:: Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateTimelineEvent |
Create a value of CreateTimelineEvent
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createTimelineEvent_clientToken
- A token ensuring that the action is called only once with the specified
, createTimelineEvent_eventData
- A valid JSON string. There is no other schema imposed. A short
description of the event.
, createTimelineEvent_eventTime
- The time that the event occurred.
, createTimelineEvent_eventType
- The type of the event. You can create timeline events of type
Custom Event
, createTimelineEvent_incidentRecordArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident record you are adding the
event to.
data CreateTimelineEventResponse Source #
See: newCreateTimelineEventResponse
smart constructor.
CreateTimelineEventResponse' Int Text Text |
newCreateTimelineEventResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateTimelineEventResponse |
Create a value of CreateTimelineEventResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createTimelineEventResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, createTimelineEventResponse_eventId
- The ID of the event for easy reference later.
, createTimelineEventResponse_incidentRecordArn
- The ARN of the incident record that you added the event to.
ListTimelineEvents (Paginated)
data ListTimelineEvents Source #
See: newListTimelineEvents
smart constructor.
ListTimelineEvents' (Maybe [Filter]) (Maybe SortOrder) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe TimelineEventSort) Text |
newListTimelineEvents Source #
Create a value of ListTimelineEvents
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listTimelineEvents_filters
- Filters the timeline events based on the provided conditional values.
You can filter timeline events using the following keys:
, listTimelineEvents_sortOrder
- Sorts the order of timeline events by the value specified in the
, listTimelineEvents_nextToken
- The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
, listTimelineEvents_maxResults
- The maximum number of results per page.
, listTimelineEvents_sortBy
- Sort by the specified key value pair.
, listTimelineEvents_incidentRecordArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident that the event is part
data ListTimelineEventsResponse Source #
See: newListTimelineEventsResponse
smart constructor.
ListTimelineEventsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [EventSummary] |
newListTimelineEventsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListTimelineEventsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listTimelineEventsResponse_nextToken
- The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
, listTimelineEventsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listTimelineEventsResponse_eventSummaries
- Details about each event that occurred during the incident.
data StartIncident Source #
See: newStartIncident
smart constructor.
StartIncident' (Maybe Text) (Maybe TriggerDetails) (Maybe [RelatedItem]) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) Text |
:: Text | |
-> StartIncident |
Create a value of StartIncident
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, startIncident_clientToken
- A token ensuring that the action is called only once with the specified
, startIncident_triggerDetails
- Details of what created the incident record in Incident Manager.
, startIncident_relatedItems
- Add related items to the incident for other responders to use. Related
items are AWS resources, external links, or files uploaded to an S3
, startIncident_impact
- Defines the impact to the customers. Providing an impact overwrites the
impact provided by a response plan.
Possible impacts:
- Critical impact, this typically relates to full application failure that impacts many to all customers.2
- High impact, partial application failure with impact to many customers.3
- Medium impact, the application is providing reduced service to customers.4
- Low impact, customer might aren't impacted by the problem yet.5
- No impact, customers aren't currently impacted but urgent action is needed to avoid impact.
, startIncident_title
- Provide a title for the incident. Providing a title overwrites the title
provided by the response plan.
, startIncident_responsePlanArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the response plan that pre-defines
summary, chat channels, SNS topics, runbooks, title, and impact of the
data StartIncidentResponse Source #
See: newStartIncidentResponse
smart constructor.
StartIncidentResponse' Int Text |
newStartIncidentResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> StartIncidentResponse |
Create a value of StartIncidentResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, startIncidentResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, startIncidentResponse_incidentRecordArn
- The ARN of the newly created incident record.
data DeleteTimelineEvent Source #
See: newDeleteTimelineEvent
smart constructor.
DeleteTimelineEvent' Text Text |
newDeleteTimelineEvent Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> DeleteTimelineEvent |
Create a value of DeleteTimelineEvent
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteTimelineEvent_eventId
- The ID of the event you are updating. You can find this by using
, deleteTimelineEvent_incidentRecordArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident that the event is part
data DeleteTimelineEventResponse Source #
See: newDeleteTimelineEventResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteTimelineEventResponse' Int |
newDeleteTimelineEventResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteTimelineEventResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteTimelineEventResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UpdateTimelineEvent Source #
See: newUpdateTimelineEvent
smart constructor.
newUpdateTimelineEvent Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UpdateTimelineEvent |
Create a value of UpdateTimelineEvent
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateTimelineEvent_eventData
- A short description of the event.
, updateTimelineEvent_clientToken
- A token ensuring that the action is called only once with the specified
, updateTimelineEvent_eventTime
- The time that the event occurred.
, updateTimelineEvent_eventType
- The type of the event. You can update events of type Custom Event
, updateTimelineEvent_eventId
- The ID of the event you are updating. You can find this by using
, updateTimelineEvent_incidentRecordArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident that the timeline event
is part of.
data UpdateTimelineEventResponse Source #
See: newUpdateTimelineEventResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateTimelineEventResponse' Int |
newUpdateTimelineEventResponse Source #
Create a value of UpdateTimelineEventResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateTimelineEventResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
ListResponsePlans (Paginated)
data ListResponsePlans Source #
See: newListResponsePlans
smart constructor.
ListResponsePlans' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) |
newListResponsePlans :: ListResponsePlans Source #
Create a value of ListResponsePlans
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listResponsePlans_nextToken
- The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
, listResponsePlans_maxResults
- The maximum number of response plans per page.
data ListResponsePlansResponse Source #
See: newListResponsePlansResponse
smart constructor.
ListResponsePlansResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [ResponsePlanSummary] |
newListResponsePlansResponse Source #
Create a value of ListResponsePlansResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listResponsePlansResponse_nextToken
- The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
, listResponsePlansResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listResponsePlansResponse_responsePlanSummaries
- Details of each response plan.
data GetTimelineEvent Source #
See: newGetTimelineEvent
smart constructor.
GetTimelineEvent' Text Text |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> GetTimelineEvent |
Create a value of GetTimelineEvent
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getTimelineEvent_eventId
- The ID of the event. You can get an event's ID when you create it or by
using ListTimelineEvents
, getTimelineEvent_incidentRecordArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident that the timeline event
is part of.
data GetTimelineEventResponse Source #
See: newGetTimelineEventResponse
smart constructor.
GetTimelineEventResponse' Int TimelineEvent |
newGetTimelineEventResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> TimelineEvent | |
-> GetTimelineEventResponse |
Create a value of GetTimelineEventResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getTimelineEventResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getTimelineEventResponse_event
- Details about the timeline event.
data UpdateResponsePlan Source #
See: newUpdateResponsePlan
smart constructor.
UpdateResponsePlan' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Action]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ChatChannel) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [NotificationTargetItem]) Text |
newUpdateResponsePlan Source #
:: Text | |
-> UpdateResponsePlan |
Create a value of UpdateResponsePlan
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateResponsePlan_incidentTemplateImpact
- Defines the impact to the customers. Providing an impact overwrites the
impact provided by a response plan.
Possible impacts:
- Severe impact4
- High impact3
- Medium impact2
- Low impact1
- No impact
, updateResponsePlan_clientToken
- A token ensuring that the action is called only once with the specified
, updateResponsePlan_actions
- The actions that this response plan takes at the beginning of an
, updateResponsePlan_incidentTemplateSummary
- A brief summary of the incident. This typically contains what has
happened, what's currently happening, and next steps.
, updateResponsePlan_displayName
- The long format name of the response plan. Can't contain spaces.
, updateResponsePlan_chatChannel
- The AWS Chatbot chat channel used for collaboration during an incident.
Use the empty structure to remove the chat channel from the response plan.
, updateResponsePlan_incidentTemplateDedupeString
- Used to create only one incident record for an incident.
, updateResponsePlan_incidentTemplateTitle
- The short format name of the incident. Can't contain spaces.
, updateResponsePlan_engagements
- The contacts and escalation plans that Incident Manager engages at the
start of the incident.
, updateResponsePlan_incidentTemplateNotificationTargets
- The SNS targets that are notified when updates are made to an incident.
, updateResponsePlan_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the response plan.
data UpdateResponsePlanResponse Source #
See: newUpdateResponsePlanResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateResponsePlanResponse' Int |
newUpdateResponsePlanResponse Source #
Create a value of UpdateResponsePlanResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateResponsePlanResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteResponsePlan Source #
See: newDeleteResponsePlan
smart constructor.
DeleteResponsePlan' Text |
newDeleteResponsePlan Source #
:: Text | |
-> DeleteResponsePlan |
Create a value of DeleteResponsePlan
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteResponsePlan_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the response plan.
data DeleteResponsePlanResponse Source #
See: newDeleteResponsePlanResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteResponsePlanResponse' Int |
newDeleteResponsePlanResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteResponsePlanResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteResponsePlanResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
newtype IncidentRecordStatus Source #
IncidentRecordStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern IncidentRecordStatus_OPEN :: IncidentRecordStatus | |
pattern IncidentRecordStatus_RESOLVED :: IncidentRecordStatus |
ItemType' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ItemType_ANALYSIS :: ItemType | |
pattern ItemType_ATTACHMENT :: ItemType | |
pattern ItemType_INCIDENT :: ItemType | |
pattern ItemType_METRIC :: ItemType | |
pattern ItemType_OTHER :: ItemType | |
pattern ItemType_PARENT :: ItemType |
newtype RegionStatus Source #
RegionStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern RegionStatus_ACTIVE :: RegionStatus | |
pattern RegionStatus_CREATING :: RegionStatus | |
pattern RegionStatus_DELETING :: RegionStatus | |
pattern RegionStatus_FAILED :: RegionStatus |
newtype ReplicationSetStatus Source #
ReplicationSetStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ReplicationSetStatus_ACTIVE :: ReplicationSetStatus | |
pattern ReplicationSetStatus_CREATING :: ReplicationSetStatus | |
pattern ReplicationSetStatus_DELETING :: ReplicationSetStatus | |
pattern ReplicationSetStatus_FAILED :: ReplicationSetStatus | |
pattern ReplicationSetStatus_UPDATING :: ReplicationSetStatus |
SortOrder' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern SortOrder_ASCENDING :: SortOrder | |
pattern SortOrder_DESCENDING :: SortOrder |
newtype SsmTargetAccount Source #
SsmTargetAccount' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern SsmTargetAccount_IMPACTED_ACCOUNT :: SsmTargetAccount | |
pattern SsmTargetAccount_RESPONSE_PLAN_OWNER_ACCOUNT :: SsmTargetAccount |
newtype TimelineEventSort Source #
TimelineEventSort' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern TimelineEventSort_EVENT_TIME :: TimelineEventSort |
The action that starts at the beginning of an incident. The response plan defines the action.
See: newAction
smart constructor.
Action' (Maybe SsmAutomation) |
Eq Action Source # | |
Read Action Source # | |
Show Action Source # | |
Generic Action Source # | |
NFData Action Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Action | |
Hashable Action Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Action | |
ToJSON Action Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Action | |
FromJSON Action Source # | |
type Rep Action Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Action type Rep Action = D1 ('MetaData "Action" "Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Action" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-ssm-incidentsZSamazonka-ssm-incidents" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Action'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "ssmAutomation") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe SsmAutomation)))) |
Create a value of Action
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, action_ssmAutomation
- The Systems Manager automation document to start as the runbook at the
beginning of the incident.
data AddRegionAction Source #
Defines the Region and KMS key to add to the replication set.
See: newAddRegionAction
smart constructor.
AddRegionAction' (Maybe Text) Text |
:: Text | |
-> AddRegionAction |
Create a value of AddRegionAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, addRegionAction_sseKmsKeyId
- The KMS key ID to use to encrypt your replication set.
, addRegionAction_regionName
- The Region name to add to the replication set.
data AttributeValueList Source #
Use the AttributeValueList to filter by string or integer values.
See: newAttributeValueList
smart constructor.
AttributeValueList' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [Int]) |
newAttributeValueList :: AttributeValueList Source #
Create a value of AttributeValueList
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, attributeValueList_stringValues
- The list of string values that the filter matches.
, attributeValueList_integerValues
- The list of integer values that the filter matches.
data AutomationExecution Source #
The Systems Manager automation document process to start as the runbook at the beginning of the incident.
See: newAutomationExecution
smart constructor.
AutomationExecution' (Maybe Text) |
newAutomationExecution :: AutomationExecution Source #
Create a value of AutomationExecution
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, automationExecution_ssmExecutionArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the automation process.
data ChatChannel Source #
The AWS Chatbot chat channel used for collaboration during an incident.
See: newChatChannel
smart constructor.
ChatChannel' (Maybe EmptyChatChannel) (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) |
newChatChannel :: ChatChannel Source #
Create a value of ChatChannel
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, chatChannel_empty
- Used to remove the chat channel from an incident record or response
, chatChannel_chatbotSns
- The SNS targets that AWS Chatbot uses to notify the chat channel of
updates to an incident. You can also make updates to the incident
through the chat channel by using the SNS topics.
A conditional statement with which to compare a value, after a
timestamp, before a timestamp, or equal to a string or integer. If
multiple conditions are specified, the conditionals become an AND
statement. If multiple values are specified for a conditional, the
values are OR
See: newCondition
smart constructor.
Condition' (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe AttributeValueList) (Maybe POSIX) |
Eq Condition Source # | |
Read Condition Source # | |
Show Condition Source # | |
Generic Condition Source # | |
NFData Condition Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Condition | |
Hashable Condition Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Condition | |
ToJSON Condition Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Condition | |
type Rep Condition Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Condition type Rep Condition = D1 ('MetaData "Condition" "Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Condition" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-ssm-incidentsZSamazonka-ssm-incidents" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Condition'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "after") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe POSIX)) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "equals") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe AttributeValueList)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "before") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe POSIX))))) |
newCondition :: Condition Source #
Create a value of Condition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, condition_after
- After the specified timestamp.
, condition_equals
- The value is equal to the provided string or integer.
, condition_before
- Before the specified timestamp
data DeleteRegionAction Source #
Defines the information about the Region you're deleting from your replication set.
See: newDeleteRegionAction
smart constructor.
DeleteRegionAction' Text |
newDeleteRegionAction Source #
:: Text | |
-> DeleteRegionAction |
Create a value of DeleteRegionAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteRegionAction_regionName
- The name of the Region you're deleting from the replication set.
data EmptyChatChannel Source #
Used to remove the chat channel from an incident record or response plan.
See: newEmptyChatChannel
smart constructor.
EmptyChatChannel' | |
newEmptyChatChannel :: EmptyChatChannel Source #
Create a value of EmptyChatChannel
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data EventSummary Source #
Details about a timeline event during an incident.
See: newEventSummary
smart constructor.
Create a value of EventSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, eventSummary_eventId
- The timeline event ID.
, eventSummary_eventTime
- The time that the event occurred.
, eventSummary_eventType
- The type of event. The timeline event must be Custom Event
, eventSummary_eventUpdatedTime
- The time that the timeline event was last updated.
, eventSummary_incidentRecordArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident that the event happened
Filter the selection by using a condition.
See: newFilter
smart constructor.
Eq Filter Source # | |
Read Filter Source # | |
Show Filter Source # | |
Generic Filter Source # | |
NFData Filter Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Filter | |
Hashable Filter Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Filter | |
ToJSON Filter Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Filter | |
type Rep Filter Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Filter type Rep Filter = D1 ('MetaData "Filter" "Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.Filter" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-ssm-incidentsZSamazonka-ssm-incidents" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Filter'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "condition") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Condition) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "key") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text))) |
Create a value of Filter
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, filter_condition
- The condition accepts before or after a specified time, equal to a
string, or equal to an integer.
, filter_key
- The key that you're filtering on.
data IncidentRecord Source #
The record of the incident that's created when an incident occurs.
See: newIncidentRecord
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> Text | |
-> Natural | |
-> IncidentRecordSource | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> IncidentRecordStatus | |
-> Text | |
-> IncidentRecord |
Create a value of IncidentRecord
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, incidentRecord_summary
- The summary of the incident. The summary is a brief synopsis of what
occurred, what is currently happening, and context.
, incidentRecord_notificationTargets
- The SNS targets that are notified when updates are made to an incident.
, incidentRecord_resolvedTime
- The time at which the incident was resolved. This appears as a timeline
, incidentRecord_chatChannel
- The chat channel used for collaboration during an incident.
, incidentRecord_automationExecutions
- The runbook, or automation document, that's run at the beginning of the
, incidentRecord_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident record.
, incidentRecord_creationTime
- The time that Incident Manager created the incident record.
, incidentRecord_dedupeString
- The string Incident Manager uses to prevent duplicate incidents from
being created by the same incident.
, incidentRecord_impact
- The impact of the incident on customers and applications.
, incidentRecord_incidentRecordSource
- Details about the action that started the incident.
, incidentRecord_lastModifiedBy
- Who modified the incident most recently.
, incidentRecord_lastModifiedTime
- The time at which the incident was most recently modified.
, incidentRecord_status
- The current status of the incident.
, incidentRecord_title
- The title of the incident.
data IncidentRecordSource Source #
Details about how the incident record was created and when.
See: newIncidentRecordSource
smart constructor.
newIncidentRecordSource Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> IncidentRecordSource |
Create a value of IncidentRecordSource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, incidentRecordSource_invokedBy
- The principal the assumed the role specified of the createdBy
, incidentRecordSource_resourceArn
- The resource that caused the incident to be created.
, incidentRecordSource_createdBy
- The principal that started the incident.
, incidentRecordSource_source
- The service that started the incident. This can be manually created from
Incident Manager, automatically created using an AWS CloudWatch alarm,
or Amazon EventBridge event.
data IncidentRecordSummary Source #
Details describing an incident record.
See: newIncidentRecordSummary
smart constructor.
IncidentRecordSummary' (Maybe POSIX) Text POSIX Natural IncidentRecordSource IncidentRecordStatus Text |
newIncidentRecordSummary Source #
:: Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> Natural | |
-> IncidentRecordSource | |
-> IncidentRecordStatus | |
-> Text | |
-> IncidentRecordSummary |
Create a value of IncidentRecordSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, incidentRecordSummary_resolvedTime
- The time the incident was resolved.
, incidentRecordSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident.
, incidentRecordSummary_creationTime
- The time the incident was created.
, incidentRecordSummary_impact
- Defines the impact to customers and applications.
, incidentRecordSummary_incidentRecordSource
- What caused Incident Manager to create the incident.
, incidentRecordSummary_status
- The current status of the incident.
, incidentRecordSummary_title
- The title of the incident. This value is either provided by the response
plan or overwritten on creation.
data IncidentTemplate Source #
Basic details used in creating a response plan. The response plan is then used to create an incident record.
See: newIncidentTemplate
smart constructor.
IncidentTemplate' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [NotificationTargetItem]) (Maybe Text) Natural Text |
:: Natural | |
-> Text | |
-> IncidentTemplate |
Create a value of IncidentTemplate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, incidentTemplate_summary
- The summary of the incident. The summary is a brief synopsis of what
occurred, what's currently happening, and context.
, incidentTemplate_notificationTargets
- The SNS targets that are notified when updates are made to an incident.
, incidentTemplate_dedupeString
- Used to stop Incident Manager from creating multiple incident records
for the same incident.
, incidentTemplate_impact
- The impact of the incident on your customers and applications.
, incidentTemplate_title
- The title of the incident.
data ItemIdentifier Source #
Details and type of a related item.
See: newItemIdentifier
smart constructor.
ItemIdentifier' ItemType ItemValue |
:: ItemType | |
-> ItemValue | |
-> ItemIdentifier |
Create a value of ItemIdentifier
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, itemIdentifier_type
- The type of related item. Incident Manager supports the following types:
, itemIdentifier_value
- Details about the related item.
Describes a related item.
See: newItemValue
smart constructor.
Eq ItemValue Source # | |
Read ItemValue Source # | |
Show ItemValue Source # | |
Generic ItemValue Source # | |
NFData ItemValue Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.ItemValue | |
Hashable ItemValue Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.ItemValue | |
ToJSON ItemValue Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.ItemValue | |
FromJSON ItemValue Source # | |
type Rep ItemValue Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.ItemValue type Rep ItemValue = D1 ('MetaData "ItemValue" "Amazonka.SSMIncidents.Types.ItemValue" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-ssm-incidentsZSamazonka-ssm-incidents" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "ItemValue'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "arn") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "url") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "metricDefinition") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text))))) |
newItemValue :: ItemValue Source #
Create a value of ItemValue
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, itemValue_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the related item, if the related item
is an Amazon resource.
, itemValue_url
- The URL, if the related item is a non-AWS resource.
, itemValue_metricDefinition
- The metric definition, if the related item is a metric in CloudWatch.
data NotificationTargetItem Source #
The SNS targets that are notified when updates are made to an incident.
See: newNotificationTargetItem
smart constructor.
NotificationTargetItem' (Maybe Text) |
newNotificationTargetItem :: NotificationTargetItem Source #
Create a value of NotificationTargetItem
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, notificationTargetItem_snsTopicArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SNS topic.
data RegionInfo Source #
Information about a Region in your replication set.
See: newRegionInfo
smart constructor.
RegionInfo' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) RegionStatus POSIX |
:: RegionStatus | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> RegionInfo |
Create a value of RegionInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, regionInfo_statusMessage
- Information displayed about the status of the Region.
, regionInfo_sseKmsKeyId
- The ID of the KMS key used to encrypt the data in this Region.
, regionInfo_status
- The status of the Region in the replication set.
, regionInfo_statusUpdateDateTime
- The most recent date and time that the Region's status was updated.
data RegionMapInputValue Source #
The mapping between a Region and the key that's used to encrypt the data.
See: newRegionMapInputValue
smart constructor.
RegionMapInputValue' (Maybe Text) |
newRegionMapInputValue :: RegionMapInputValue Source #
Create a value of RegionMapInputValue
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, regionMapInputValue_sseKmsKeyId
- The KMS key used to encrypt the data in your replication set.
data RelatedItem Source #
Resources that responders use to triage and mitigate the incident.
See: newRelatedItem
smart constructor.
RelatedItem' (Maybe Text) ItemIdentifier |
:: ItemIdentifier | |
-> RelatedItem |
Create a value of RelatedItem
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, relatedItem_title
- The title of the related item.
, relatedItem_identifier
- Details about the related item.
data RelatedItemsUpdate Source #
Details about the related item you're adding.
See: newRelatedItemsUpdate
smart constructor.
RelatedItemsUpdate' (Maybe ItemIdentifier) (Maybe RelatedItem) |
newRelatedItemsUpdate :: RelatedItemsUpdate Source #
Create a value of RelatedItemsUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, relatedItemsUpdate_itemToRemove
- Details about the related item you're deleting.
, relatedItemsUpdate_itemToAdd
- Details about the related item you're adding.
data ReplicationSet Source #
The set of Regions that your Incident Manager data will be replicated to and the KMS key used to encrypt the data.
See: newReplicationSet
smart constructor.
ReplicationSet' (Maybe Text) Text POSIX Bool Text POSIX (HashMap Text RegionInfo) ReplicationSetStatus |
:: Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> Bool | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ReplicationSetStatus | |
-> ReplicationSet |
Create a value of ReplicationSet
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicationSet_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication set.
, replicationSet_createdBy
- Details about who created the replication set.
, replicationSet_createdTime
- When the replication set was created.
, replicationSet_deletionProtected
- Determines if the replication set deletion protection is enabled or not.
If deletion protection is enabled, you can't delete the last Region in
the replication set.
, replicationSet_lastModifiedBy
- Who last modified the replication set.
, replicationSet_lastModifiedTime
- When the replication set was last updated.
, replicationSet_regionMap
- The map between each Region in your replication set and the KMS key that
is used to encrypt the data in that Region.
, replicationSet_status
- The status of the replication set. If the replication set is still
pending, you can't use Incident Manager functionality.
data ResourcePolicy Source #
The resource policy that allows Incident Manager to perform actions on resources on your behalf.
See: newResourcePolicy
smart constructor.
ResourcePolicy' Text Text Text |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> ResourcePolicy |
Create a value of ResourcePolicy
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, resourcePolicy_policyDocument
- The JSON blob that describes the policy.
, resourcePolicy_policyId
- The ID of the resource policy.
, resourcePolicy_ramResourceShareRegion
- The Region that policy allows resources to be used in.
data ResponsePlanSummary Source #
Details of the response plan that are used when creating an incident.
See: newResponsePlanSummary
smart constructor.
ResponsePlanSummary' (Maybe Text) Text Text |
newResponsePlanSummary Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> ResponsePlanSummary |
Create a value of ResponsePlanSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, responsePlanSummary_displayName
- The human readable name of the response plan. This can include spaces.
, responsePlanSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the response plan.
, responsePlanSummary_name
- The name of the response plan. This can't include spaces.
data SsmAutomation Source #
Details about the Systems Manager automation document that will be used as a runbook during an incident.
See: newSsmAutomation
smart constructor.
SsmAutomation' (Maybe SsmTargetAccount) (Maybe (HashMap Text [Text])) (Maybe Text) Text Text |
Create a value of SsmAutomation
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, ssmAutomation_targetAccount
- The account that the automation document will be run in. This can be in
either the management account or an application account.
, ssmAutomation_parameters
- The key-value pair parameters to use when running the automation
, ssmAutomation_documentVersion
- The automation document's version to use when running.
, ssmAutomation_documentName
- The automation document's name.
, ssmAutomation_roleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that the automation document
will assume when running commands.
data TimelineEvent Source #
A significant event that happened during the incident.
See: newTimelineEvent
smart constructor.
Create a value of TimelineEvent
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, timelineEvent_eventData
- A short description of the event.
, timelineEvent_eventId
- The ID of the timeline event.
, timelineEvent_eventTime
- The time that the event occurred.
, timelineEvent_eventType
- The type of event that occurred. Currently Incident Manager supports
only the Custom Event
, timelineEvent_eventUpdatedTime
- The time that the timeline event was last updated.
, timelineEvent_incidentRecordArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident that the event occurred
data TriggerDetails Source #
Details about what caused the incident to be created in Incident Manager.
See: newTriggerDetails
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> TriggerDetails |
Create a value of TriggerDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, triggerDetails_rawData
- Raw data passed from either EventBridge, CloudWatch, or Incident Manager
when an incident is created.
, triggerDetails_triggerArn
- The ARN of the source that detected the incident.
, triggerDetails_source
- Identifies the service that sourced the event. All events sourced from
within AWS begin with "aws." Customer-generated events can have any
value here, as long as it doesn't begin with "aws." We recommend the
use of Java package-name style reverse domain-name strings.
, triggerDetails_timestamp
- The time that the incident was detected.
data UpdateReplicationSetAction Source #
Details used when updating the replication set.
See: newUpdateReplicationSetAction
smart constructor.
UpdateReplicationSetAction' (Maybe AddRegionAction) (Maybe DeleteRegionAction) |
newUpdateReplicationSetAction :: UpdateReplicationSetAction Source #
Create a value of UpdateReplicationSetAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateReplicationSetAction_addRegionAction
- Details about the Region that you're adding to the replication set.
, updateReplicationSetAction_deleteRegionAction
- Details about the Region that you're deleting to the replication set.