Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- AppLaunchConfigurationStatus
- AppLaunchStatus
- AppReplicationConfigurationStatus
- AppReplicationStatus
- AppStatus
- AppValidationStrategy
- ConnectorCapability
- ConnectorStatus
- LicenseType
- OutputFormat
- ReplicationJobState
- ReplicationRunState
- ReplicationRunType
- ScriptType
- ServerCatalogStatus
- ServerType
- ServerValidationStrategy
- ValidationStatus
- VmManagerType
- AppSummary
- AppValidationConfiguration
- AppValidationOutput
- Connector
- LaunchDetails
- NotificationContext
- ReplicationJob
- ReplicationRun
- ReplicationRunStageDetails
- S3Location
- SSMOutput
- SSMValidationParameters
- Server
- ServerGroup
- ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration
- ServerGroupReplicationConfiguration
- ServerGroupValidationConfiguration
- ServerLaunchConfiguration
- ServerReplicationConfiguration
- ServerReplicationParameters
- ServerValidationConfiguration
- ServerValidationOutput
- Source
- Tag
- UserData
- UserDataValidationParameters
- ValidationOutput
- VmServer
- VmServerAddress
- defaultService :: Service
- _ReplicationRunLimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidParameterException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _NoConnectorsAvailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ReplicationJobNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ServerCannotBeReplicatedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _DryRunOperationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InternalError :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ReplicationJobAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _OperationNotPermittedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _TemporarilyUnavailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _MissingRequiredParameterException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _UnauthorizedOperationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- newtype AppLaunchConfigurationStatus where
- newtype AppLaunchStatus where
- AppLaunchStatus' { }
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_CONFIGURATION_INVALID :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_CONFIGURATION_IN_PROGRESS :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_DELTA_LAUNCH_FAILED :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_DELTA_LAUNCH_IN_PROGRESS :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_LAUNCHED :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_LAUNCH_FAILED :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_LAUNCH_IN_PROGRESS :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_LAUNCH_PENDING :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_PARTIALLY_LAUNCHED :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_READY_FOR_CONFIGURATION :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_READY_FOR_LAUNCH :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_TERMINATED :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_TERMINATE_FAILED :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_TERMINATE_IN_PROGRESS :: AppLaunchStatus
- pattern AppLaunchStatus_VALIDATION_IN_PROGRESS :: AppLaunchStatus
- newtype AppReplicationConfigurationStatus where
- newtype AppReplicationStatus where
- AppReplicationStatus' { }
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_CONFIGURATION_INVALID :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_CONFIGURATION_IN_PROGRESS :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_DELTA_REPLICATED :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_DELTA_REPLICATION_FAILED :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_DELTA_REPLICATION_IN_PROGRESS :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_PARTIALLY_REPLICATED :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_READY_FOR_CONFIGURATION :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_READY_FOR_REPLICATION :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_REPLICATED :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_REPLICATION_FAILED :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_REPLICATION_IN_PROGRESS :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_REPLICATION_PENDING :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_REPLICATION_STOPPED :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_REPLICATION_STOPPING :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_REPLICATION_STOP_FAILED :: AppReplicationStatus
- pattern AppReplicationStatus_VALIDATION_IN_PROGRESS :: AppReplicationStatus
- newtype AppStatus where
- AppStatus' { }
- pattern AppStatus_ACTIVE :: AppStatus
- pattern AppStatus_CREATING :: AppStatus
- pattern AppStatus_DELETED :: AppStatus
- pattern AppStatus_DELETE_FAILED :: AppStatus
- pattern AppStatus_DELETING :: AppStatus
- pattern AppStatus_UPDATING :: AppStatus
- newtype AppValidationStrategy where
- newtype ConnectorCapability where
- ConnectorCapability' { }
- pattern ConnectorCapability_HYPERV_MANAGER :: ConnectorCapability
- pattern ConnectorCapability_SCVMM :: ConnectorCapability
- pattern ConnectorCapability_SMS_OPTIMIZED :: ConnectorCapability
- pattern ConnectorCapability_SNAPSHOT_BATCHING :: ConnectorCapability
- pattern ConnectorCapability_VSPHERE :: ConnectorCapability
- newtype ConnectorStatus where
- ConnectorStatus' { }
- pattern ConnectorStatus_HEALTHY :: ConnectorStatus
- pattern ConnectorStatus_UNHEALTHY :: ConnectorStatus
- newtype LicenseType where
- LicenseType' { }
- pattern LicenseType_AWS :: LicenseType
- pattern LicenseType_BYOL :: LicenseType
- newtype OutputFormat where
- OutputFormat' { }
- pattern OutputFormat_JSON :: OutputFormat
- pattern OutputFormat_YAML :: OutputFormat
- newtype ReplicationJobState where
- ReplicationJobState' { }
- pattern ReplicationJobState_ACTIVE :: ReplicationJobState
- pattern ReplicationJobState_COMPLETED :: ReplicationJobState
- pattern ReplicationJobState_DELETED :: ReplicationJobState
- pattern ReplicationJobState_DELETING :: ReplicationJobState
- pattern ReplicationJobState_FAILED :: ReplicationJobState
- pattern ReplicationJobState_FAILING :: ReplicationJobState
- pattern ReplicationJobState_PAUSED_ON_FAILURE :: ReplicationJobState
- pattern ReplicationJobState_PENDING :: ReplicationJobState
- newtype ReplicationRunState where
- ReplicationRunState' { }
- pattern ReplicationRunState_ACTIVE :: ReplicationRunState
- pattern ReplicationRunState_COMPLETED :: ReplicationRunState
- pattern ReplicationRunState_DELETED :: ReplicationRunState
- pattern ReplicationRunState_DELETING :: ReplicationRunState
- pattern ReplicationRunState_FAILED :: ReplicationRunState
- pattern ReplicationRunState_MISSED :: ReplicationRunState
- pattern ReplicationRunState_PENDING :: ReplicationRunState
- newtype ReplicationRunType where
- newtype ScriptType where
- ScriptType' { }
- pattern ScriptType_POWERSHELL_SCRIPT :: ScriptType
- pattern ScriptType_SHELL_SCRIPT :: ScriptType
- newtype ServerCatalogStatus where
- ServerCatalogStatus' { }
- pattern ServerCatalogStatus_AVAILABLE :: ServerCatalogStatus
- pattern ServerCatalogStatus_DELETED :: ServerCatalogStatus
- pattern ServerCatalogStatus_EXPIRED :: ServerCatalogStatus
- pattern ServerCatalogStatus_IMPORTING :: ServerCatalogStatus
- pattern ServerCatalogStatus_NOT_IMPORTED :: ServerCatalogStatus
- newtype ServerType where
- ServerType' { }
- pattern ServerType_VIRTUAL_MACHINE :: ServerType
- newtype ServerValidationStrategy where
- newtype ValidationStatus where
- ValidationStatus' { }
- pattern ValidationStatus_FAILED :: ValidationStatus
- pattern ValidationStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: ValidationStatus
- pattern ValidationStatus_PENDING :: ValidationStatus
- pattern ValidationStatus_READY_FOR_VALIDATION :: ValidationStatus
- pattern ValidationStatus_SUCCEEDED :: ValidationStatus
- newtype VmManagerType where
- VmManagerType' { }
- pattern VmManagerType_HYPERV_MANAGER :: VmManagerType
- pattern VmManagerType_SCVMM :: VmManagerType
- pattern VmManagerType_VSPHERE :: VmManagerType
- data AppSummary = AppSummary' {
- creationTime :: Maybe POSIX
- totalServers :: Maybe Int
- status :: Maybe AppStatus
- launchDetails :: Maybe LaunchDetails
- launchStatusMessage :: Maybe Text
- replicationConfigurationStatus :: Maybe AppReplicationConfigurationStatus
- replicationStatusMessage :: Maybe Text
- totalServerGroups :: Maybe Int
- roleName :: Maybe Text
- launchConfigurationStatus :: Maybe AppLaunchConfigurationStatus
- launchStatus :: Maybe AppLaunchStatus
- appId :: Maybe Text
- name :: Maybe Text
- statusMessage :: Maybe Text
- latestReplicationTime :: Maybe POSIX
- importedAppId :: Maybe Text
- replicationStatus :: Maybe AppReplicationStatus
- lastModified :: Maybe POSIX
- description :: Maybe Text
- newAppSummary :: AppSummary
- appSummary_creationTime :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- appSummary_totalServers :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Int)
- appSummary_status :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe AppStatus)
- appSummary_launchDetails :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe LaunchDetails)
- appSummary_launchStatusMessage :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text)
- appSummary_replicationConfigurationStatus :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe AppReplicationConfigurationStatus)
- appSummary_replicationStatusMessage :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text)
- appSummary_totalServerGroups :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Int)
- appSummary_roleName :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text)
- appSummary_launchConfigurationStatus :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe AppLaunchConfigurationStatus)
- appSummary_launchStatus :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe AppLaunchStatus)
- appSummary_appId :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text)
- appSummary_name :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text)
- appSummary_statusMessage :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text)
- appSummary_latestReplicationTime :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- appSummary_importedAppId :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text)
- appSummary_replicationStatus :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe AppReplicationStatus)
- appSummary_lastModified :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- appSummary_description :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text)
- data AppValidationConfiguration = AppValidationConfiguration' {}
- newAppValidationConfiguration :: AppValidationConfiguration
- appValidationConfiguration_ssmValidationParameters :: Lens' AppValidationConfiguration (Maybe SSMValidationParameters)
- appValidationConfiguration_name :: Lens' AppValidationConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- appValidationConfiguration_validationId :: Lens' AppValidationConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- appValidationConfiguration_appValidationStrategy :: Lens' AppValidationConfiguration (Maybe AppValidationStrategy)
- data AppValidationOutput = AppValidationOutput' {}
- newAppValidationOutput :: AppValidationOutput
- appValidationOutput_ssmOutput :: Lens' AppValidationOutput (Maybe SSMOutput)
- data Connector = Connector' {}
- newConnector :: Connector
- connector_status :: Lens' Connector (Maybe ConnectorStatus)
- connector_vmManagerName :: Lens' Connector (Maybe Text)
- connector_ipAddress :: Lens' Connector (Maybe Text)
- connector_vmManagerId :: Lens' Connector (Maybe Text)
- connector_vmManagerType :: Lens' Connector (Maybe VmManagerType)
- connector_connectorId :: Lens' Connector (Maybe Text)
- connector_associatedOn :: Lens' Connector (Maybe UTCTime)
- connector_macAddress :: Lens' Connector (Maybe Text)
- connector_version :: Lens' Connector (Maybe Text)
- connector_capabilityList :: Lens' Connector (Maybe [ConnectorCapability])
- data LaunchDetails = LaunchDetails' {}
- newLaunchDetails :: LaunchDetails
- launchDetails_stackId :: Lens' LaunchDetails (Maybe Text)
- launchDetails_latestLaunchTime :: Lens' LaunchDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- launchDetails_stackName :: Lens' LaunchDetails (Maybe Text)
- data NotificationContext = NotificationContext' {}
- newNotificationContext :: NotificationContext
- notificationContext_status :: Lens' NotificationContext (Maybe ValidationStatus)
- notificationContext_statusMessage :: Lens' NotificationContext (Maybe Text)
- notificationContext_validationId :: Lens' NotificationContext (Maybe Text)
- data ReplicationJob = ReplicationJob' {
- frequency :: Maybe Int
- numberOfRecentAmisToKeep :: Maybe Int
- state :: Maybe ReplicationJobState
- serverType :: Maybe ServerType
- serverId :: Maybe Text
- licenseType :: Maybe LicenseType
- roleName :: Maybe Text
- vmServer :: Maybe VmServer
- encrypted :: Maybe Bool
- replicationJobId :: Maybe Text
- replicationRunList :: Maybe [ReplicationRun]
- nextReplicationRunStartTime :: Maybe POSIX
- statusMessage :: Maybe Text
- kmsKeyId :: Maybe Text
- latestAmiId :: Maybe Text
- seedReplicationTime :: Maybe POSIX
- runOnce :: Maybe Bool
- description :: Maybe Text
- newReplicationJob :: ReplicationJob
- replicationJob_frequency :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Int)
- replicationJob_numberOfRecentAmisToKeep :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Int)
- replicationJob_state :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe ReplicationJobState)
- replicationJob_serverType :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe ServerType)
- replicationJob_serverId :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text)
- replicationJob_licenseType :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe LicenseType)
- replicationJob_roleName :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text)
- replicationJob_vmServer :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe VmServer)
- replicationJob_encrypted :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Bool)
- replicationJob_replicationJobId :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text)
- replicationJob_replicationRunList :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe [ReplicationRun])
- replicationJob_nextReplicationRunStartTime :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe UTCTime)
- replicationJob_statusMessage :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text)
- replicationJob_kmsKeyId :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text)
- replicationJob_latestAmiId :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text)
- replicationJob_seedReplicationTime :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe UTCTime)
- replicationJob_runOnce :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Bool)
- replicationJob_description :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text)
- data ReplicationRun = ReplicationRun' {
- state :: Maybe ReplicationRunState
- replicationRunId :: Maybe Text
- encrypted :: Maybe Bool
- stageDetails :: Maybe ReplicationRunStageDetails
- scheduledStartTime :: Maybe POSIX
- statusMessage :: Maybe Text
- kmsKeyId :: Maybe Text
- completedTime :: Maybe POSIX
- amiId :: Maybe Text
- type' :: Maybe ReplicationRunType
- description :: Maybe Text
- newReplicationRun :: ReplicationRun
- replicationRun_state :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe ReplicationRunState)
- replicationRun_replicationRunId :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe Text)
- replicationRun_encrypted :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe Bool)
- replicationRun_stageDetails :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe ReplicationRunStageDetails)
- replicationRun_scheduledStartTime :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe UTCTime)
- replicationRun_statusMessage :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe Text)
- replicationRun_kmsKeyId :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe Text)
- replicationRun_completedTime :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe UTCTime)
- replicationRun_amiId :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe Text)
- replicationRun_type :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe ReplicationRunType)
- replicationRun_description :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe Text)
- data ReplicationRunStageDetails = ReplicationRunStageDetails' {}
- newReplicationRunStageDetails :: ReplicationRunStageDetails
- replicationRunStageDetails_stage :: Lens' ReplicationRunStageDetails (Maybe Text)
- replicationRunStageDetails_stageProgress :: Lens' ReplicationRunStageDetails (Maybe Text)
- data S3Location = S3Location' {}
- newS3Location :: S3Location
- s3Location_bucket :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Text)
- s3Location_key :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Text)
- data SSMOutput = SSMOutput' {}
- newSSMOutput :: SSMOutput
- sSMOutput_s3Location :: Lens' SSMOutput (Maybe S3Location)
- data SSMValidationParameters = SSMValidationParameters' {}
- newSSMValidationParameters :: SSMValidationParameters
- sSMValidationParameters_instanceId :: Lens' SSMValidationParameters (Maybe Text)
- sSMValidationParameters_command :: Lens' SSMValidationParameters (Maybe Text)
- sSMValidationParameters_executionTimeoutSeconds :: Lens' SSMValidationParameters (Maybe Natural)
- sSMValidationParameters_scriptType :: Lens' SSMValidationParameters (Maybe ScriptType)
- sSMValidationParameters_source :: Lens' SSMValidationParameters (Maybe Source)
- sSMValidationParameters_outputS3BucketName :: Lens' SSMValidationParameters (Maybe Text)
- data Server = Server' {}
- newServer :: Server
- server_serverType :: Lens' Server (Maybe ServerType)
- server_serverId :: Lens' Server (Maybe Text)
- server_replicationJobTerminated :: Lens' Server (Maybe Bool)
- server_vmServer :: Lens' Server (Maybe VmServer)
- server_replicationJobId :: Lens' Server (Maybe Text)
- data ServerGroup = ServerGroup' {
- serverList :: Maybe [Server]
- name :: Maybe Text
- serverGroupId :: Maybe Text
- newServerGroup :: ServerGroup
- serverGroup_serverList :: Lens' ServerGroup (Maybe [Server])
- serverGroup_name :: Lens' ServerGroup (Maybe Text)
- serverGroup_serverGroupId :: Lens' ServerGroup (Maybe Text)
- data ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration = ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration' {}
- newServerGroupLaunchConfiguration :: ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration
- serverGroupLaunchConfiguration_serverGroupId :: Lens' ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- serverGroupLaunchConfiguration_launchOrder :: Lens' ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Int)
- serverGroupLaunchConfiguration_serverLaunchConfigurations :: Lens' ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration (Maybe [ServerLaunchConfiguration])
- data ServerGroupReplicationConfiguration = ServerGroupReplicationConfiguration' {}
- newServerGroupReplicationConfiguration :: ServerGroupReplicationConfiguration
- serverGroupReplicationConfiguration_serverGroupId :: Lens' ServerGroupReplicationConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- serverGroupReplicationConfiguration_serverReplicationConfigurations :: Lens' ServerGroupReplicationConfiguration (Maybe [ServerReplicationConfiguration])
- data ServerGroupValidationConfiguration = ServerGroupValidationConfiguration' {}
- newServerGroupValidationConfiguration :: ServerGroupValidationConfiguration
- serverGroupValidationConfiguration_serverValidationConfigurations :: Lens' ServerGroupValidationConfiguration (Maybe [ServerValidationConfiguration])
- serverGroupValidationConfiguration_serverGroupId :: Lens' ServerGroupValidationConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- data ServerLaunchConfiguration = ServerLaunchConfiguration' {
- ec2KeyName :: Maybe Text
- configureScriptType :: Maybe ScriptType
- associatePublicIpAddress :: Maybe Bool
- iamInstanceProfileName :: Maybe Text
- subnet :: Maybe Text
- logicalId :: Maybe Text
- securityGroup :: Maybe Text
- userData :: Maybe UserData
- instanceType :: Maybe Text
- configureScript :: Maybe S3Location
- server :: Maybe Server
- vpc :: Maybe Text
- newServerLaunchConfiguration :: ServerLaunchConfiguration
- serverLaunchConfiguration_ec2KeyName :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- serverLaunchConfiguration_configureScriptType :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe ScriptType)
- serverLaunchConfiguration_associatePublicIpAddress :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- serverLaunchConfiguration_iamInstanceProfileName :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- serverLaunchConfiguration_subnet :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- serverLaunchConfiguration_logicalId :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- serverLaunchConfiguration_securityGroup :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- serverLaunchConfiguration_userData :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe UserData)
- serverLaunchConfiguration_instanceType :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- serverLaunchConfiguration_configureScript :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe S3Location)
- serverLaunchConfiguration_server :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Server)
- serverLaunchConfiguration_vpc :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- data ServerReplicationConfiguration = ServerReplicationConfiguration' {}
- newServerReplicationConfiguration :: ServerReplicationConfiguration
- serverReplicationConfiguration_serverReplicationParameters :: Lens' ServerReplicationConfiguration (Maybe ServerReplicationParameters)
- serverReplicationConfiguration_server :: Lens' ServerReplicationConfiguration (Maybe Server)
- data ServerReplicationParameters = ServerReplicationParameters' {}
- newServerReplicationParameters :: ServerReplicationParameters
- serverReplicationParameters_frequency :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe Int)
- serverReplicationParameters_numberOfRecentAmisToKeep :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe Int)
- serverReplicationParameters_seedTime :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe UTCTime)
- serverReplicationParameters_licenseType :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe LicenseType)
- serverReplicationParameters_encrypted :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe Bool)
- serverReplicationParameters_kmsKeyId :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe Text)
- serverReplicationParameters_runOnce :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe Bool)
- data ServerValidationConfiguration = ServerValidationConfiguration' {}
- newServerValidationConfiguration :: ServerValidationConfiguration
- serverValidationConfiguration_serverValidationStrategy :: Lens' ServerValidationConfiguration (Maybe ServerValidationStrategy)
- serverValidationConfiguration_userDataValidationParameters :: Lens' ServerValidationConfiguration (Maybe UserDataValidationParameters)
- serverValidationConfiguration_name :: Lens' ServerValidationConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- serverValidationConfiguration_server :: Lens' ServerValidationConfiguration (Maybe Server)
- serverValidationConfiguration_validationId :: Lens' ServerValidationConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- data ServerValidationOutput = ServerValidationOutput' {}
- newServerValidationOutput :: ServerValidationOutput
- serverValidationOutput_server :: Lens' ServerValidationOutput (Maybe Server)
- data Source = Source' {}
- newSource :: Source
- source_s3Location :: Lens' Source (Maybe S3Location)
- data Tag = Tag' {}
- newTag :: Tag
- tag_value :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text)
- tag_key :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text)
- data UserData = UserData' {}
- newUserData :: UserData
- userData_s3Location :: Lens' UserData (Maybe S3Location)
- data UserDataValidationParameters = UserDataValidationParameters' {}
- newUserDataValidationParameters :: UserDataValidationParameters
- userDataValidationParameters_scriptType :: Lens' UserDataValidationParameters (Maybe ScriptType)
- userDataValidationParameters_source :: Lens' UserDataValidationParameters (Maybe Source)
- data ValidationOutput = ValidationOutput' {}
- newValidationOutput :: ValidationOutput
- validationOutput_status :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe ValidationStatus)
- validationOutput_appValidationOutput :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe AppValidationOutput)
- validationOutput_latestValidationTime :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe UTCTime)
- validationOutput_name :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe Text)
- validationOutput_statusMessage :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe Text)
- validationOutput_validationId :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe Text)
- validationOutput_serverValidationOutput :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe ServerValidationOutput)
- data VmServer = VmServer' {}
- newVmServer :: VmServer
- vmServer_vmManagerName :: Lens' VmServer (Maybe Text)
- vmServer_vmManagerType :: Lens' VmServer (Maybe VmManagerType)
- vmServer_vmServerAddress :: Lens' VmServer (Maybe VmServerAddress)
- vmServer_vmName :: Lens' VmServer (Maybe Text)
- vmServer_vmPath :: Lens' VmServer (Maybe Text)
- data VmServerAddress = VmServerAddress' {}
- newVmServerAddress :: VmServerAddress
- vmServerAddress_vmManagerId :: Lens' VmServerAddress (Maybe Text)
- vmServerAddress_vmId :: Lens' VmServerAddress (Maybe Text)
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2016-10-24
of the Amazon Server Migration Service SDK configuration.
_ReplicationRunLimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
You have exceeded the number of on-demand replication runs you can request in a 24-hour period.
_InvalidParameterException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
A specified parameter is not valid.
_NoConnectorsAvailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
There are no connectors available.
_ReplicationJobNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified replication job does not exist.
_ServerCannotBeReplicatedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified server cannot be replicated.
_DryRunOperationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The user has the required permissions, so the request would have succeeded, but a dry run was performed.
_InternalError :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An internal error occurred.
_ReplicationJobAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified replication job already exists.
_OperationNotPermittedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
This operation is not allowed.
_TemporarilyUnavailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The service is temporarily unavailable.
_MissingRequiredParameterException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
A required parameter is missing.
_UnauthorizedOperationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
You lack permissions needed to perform this operation. Check your IAM policies, and ensure that you are using the correct access keys.
newtype AppLaunchConfigurationStatus Source #
AppLaunchConfigurationStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AppLaunchConfigurationStatus_CONFIGURED :: AppLaunchConfigurationStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchConfigurationStatus_NOT_CONFIGURED :: AppLaunchConfigurationStatus |
newtype AppLaunchStatus Source #
AppLaunchStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AppLaunchStatus_CONFIGURATION_INVALID :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_CONFIGURATION_IN_PROGRESS :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_DELTA_LAUNCH_FAILED :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_DELTA_LAUNCH_IN_PROGRESS :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_LAUNCHED :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_LAUNCH_FAILED :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_LAUNCH_IN_PROGRESS :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_LAUNCH_PENDING :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_PARTIALLY_LAUNCHED :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_READY_FOR_CONFIGURATION :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_READY_FOR_LAUNCH :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_TERMINATED :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_TERMINATE_FAILED :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_TERMINATE_IN_PROGRESS :: AppLaunchStatus | |
pattern AppLaunchStatus_VALIDATION_IN_PROGRESS :: AppLaunchStatus |
newtype AppReplicationConfigurationStatus Source #
AppReplicationConfigurationStatus' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AppReplicationConfigurationStatus_CONFIGURED :: AppReplicationConfigurationStatus | |
pattern AppReplicationConfigurationStatus_NOT_CONFIGURED :: AppReplicationConfigurationStatus |
newtype AppReplicationStatus Source #
AppReplicationStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
AppStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AppStatus_ACTIVE :: AppStatus | |
pattern AppStatus_CREATING :: AppStatus | |
pattern AppStatus_DELETED :: AppStatus | |
pattern AppStatus_DELETE_FAILED :: AppStatus | |
pattern AppStatus_DELETING :: AppStatus | |
pattern AppStatus_UPDATING :: AppStatus |
newtype AppValidationStrategy Source #
AppValidationStrategy' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AppValidationStrategy_SSM :: AppValidationStrategy |
newtype ConnectorCapability Source #
ConnectorCapability' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ConnectorCapability_HYPERV_MANAGER :: ConnectorCapability | |
pattern ConnectorCapability_SCVMM :: ConnectorCapability | |
pattern ConnectorCapability_SMS_OPTIMIZED :: ConnectorCapability | |
pattern ConnectorCapability_SNAPSHOT_BATCHING :: ConnectorCapability | |
pattern ConnectorCapability_VSPHERE :: ConnectorCapability |
newtype ConnectorStatus Source #
ConnectorStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ConnectorStatus_HEALTHY :: ConnectorStatus | |
pattern ConnectorStatus_UNHEALTHY :: ConnectorStatus |
newtype LicenseType Source #
LicenseType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern LicenseType_AWS :: LicenseType | |
pattern LicenseType_BYOL :: LicenseType |
newtype OutputFormat Source #
OutputFormat' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern OutputFormat_JSON :: OutputFormat | |
pattern OutputFormat_YAML :: OutputFormat |
newtype ReplicationJobState Source #
ReplicationJobState' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ReplicationJobState_ACTIVE :: ReplicationJobState | |
pattern ReplicationJobState_COMPLETED :: ReplicationJobState | |
pattern ReplicationJobState_DELETED :: ReplicationJobState | |
pattern ReplicationJobState_DELETING :: ReplicationJobState | |
pattern ReplicationJobState_FAILED :: ReplicationJobState | |
pattern ReplicationJobState_FAILING :: ReplicationJobState | |
pattern ReplicationJobState_PAUSED_ON_FAILURE :: ReplicationJobState | |
pattern ReplicationJobState_PENDING :: ReplicationJobState |
newtype ReplicationRunState Source #
ReplicationRunState' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ReplicationRunState_ACTIVE :: ReplicationRunState | |
pattern ReplicationRunState_COMPLETED :: ReplicationRunState | |
pattern ReplicationRunState_DELETED :: ReplicationRunState | |
pattern ReplicationRunState_DELETING :: ReplicationRunState | |
pattern ReplicationRunState_FAILED :: ReplicationRunState | |
pattern ReplicationRunState_MISSED :: ReplicationRunState | |
pattern ReplicationRunState_PENDING :: ReplicationRunState |
newtype ReplicationRunType Source #
ReplicationRunType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ReplicationRunType_AUTOMATIC :: ReplicationRunType | |
pattern ReplicationRunType_ON_DEMAND :: ReplicationRunType |
newtype ScriptType Source #
ScriptType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ScriptType_POWERSHELL_SCRIPT :: ScriptType | |
pattern ScriptType_SHELL_SCRIPT :: ScriptType |
newtype ServerCatalogStatus Source #
ServerCatalogStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ServerCatalogStatus_AVAILABLE :: ServerCatalogStatus | |
pattern ServerCatalogStatus_DELETED :: ServerCatalogStatus | |
pattern ServerCatalogStatus_EXPIRED :: ServerCatalogStatus | |
pattern ServerCatalogStatus_IMPORTING :: ServerCatalogStatus | |
pattern ServerCatalogStatus_NOT_IMPORTED :: ServerCatalogStatus |
newtype ServerType Source #
ServerType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ServerType_VIRTUAL_MACHINE :: ServerType |
newtype ServerValidationStrategy Source #
ServerValidationStrategy' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ServerValidationStrategy_USERDATA :: ServerValidationStrategy |
newtype ValidationStatus Source #
ValidationStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ValidationStatus_FAILED :: ValidationStatus | |
pattern ValidationStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: ValidationStatus | |
pattern ValidationStatus_PENDING :: ValidationStatus | |
pattern ValidationStatus_READY_FOR_VALIDATION :: ValidationStatus | |
pattern ValidationStatus_SUCCEEDED :: ValidationStatus |
newtype VmManagerType Source #
VmManagerType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern VmManagerType_HYPERV_MANAGER :: VmManagerType | |
pattern VmManagerType_SCVMM :: VmManagerType | |
pattern VmManagerType_VSPHERE :: VmManagerType |
data AppSummary Source #
Information about the application.
See: newAppSummary
smart constructor.
AppSummary' | |
newAppSummary :: AppSummary Source #
Create a value of AppSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, appSummary_creationTime
- The creation time of the application.
, appSummary_totalServers
- The number of servers present in the application.
, appSummary_status
- Status of the application.
, appSummary_launchDetails
- Details about the latest launch of the application.
, appSummary_launchStatusMessage
- A message related to the launch status of the application.
, appSummary_replicationConfigurationStatus
- Status of the replication configuration.
, appSummary_replicationStatusMessage
- A message related to the replication status of the application.
, appSummary_totalServerGroups
- The number of server groups present in the application.
, appSummary_roleName
- The name of the service role in the customer's account used by AWS SMS.
, appSummary_launchConfigurationStatus
- Status of the launch configuration.
, appSummary_launchStatus
- The launch status of the application.
, appSummary_appId
- The unique ID of the application.
, appSummary_name
- The name of the application.
, appSummary_statusMessage
- A message related to the status of the application
, appSummary_latestReplicationTime
- The timestamp of the application's most recent successful replication.
, appSummary_importedAppId
- The ID of the application.
, appSummary_replicationStatus
- The replication status of the application.
, appSummary_lastModified
- The last modified time of the application.
, appSummary_description
- The description of the application.
appSummary_creationTime :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The creation time of the application.
appSummary_totalServers :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of servers present in the application.
appSummary_status :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe AppStatus) Source #
Status of the application.
appSummary_launchDetails :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe LaunchDetails) Source #
Details about the latest launch of the application.
appSummary_launchStatusMessage :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
A message related to the launch status of the application.
appSummary_replicationConfigurationStatus :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe AppReplicationConfigurationStatus) Source #
Status of the replication configuration.
appSummary_replicationStatusMessage :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
A message related to the replication status of the application.
appSummary_totalServerGroups :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of server groups present in the application.
appSummary_roleName :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service role in the customer's account used by AWS SMS.
appSummary_launchConfigurationStatus :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe AppLaunchConfigurationStatus) Source #
Status of the launch configuration.
appSummary_launchStatus :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe AppLaunchStatus) Source #
The launch status of the application.
appSummary_appId :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique ID of the application.
appSummary_name :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the application.
appSummary_statusMessage :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
A message related to the status of the application
appSummary_latestReplicationTime :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The timestamp of the application's most recent successful replication.
appSummary_importedAppId :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the application.
appSummary_replicationStatus :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe AppReplicationStatus) Source #
The replication status of the application.
appSummary_lastModified :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The last modified time of the application.
appSummary_description :: Lens' AppSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the application.
data AppValidationConfiguration Source #
Configuration for validating an application.
See: newAppValidationConfiguration
smart constructor.
AppValidationConfiguration' | |
newAppValidationConfiguration :: AppValidationConfiguration Source #
Create a value of AppValidationConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, appValidationConfiguration_ssmValidationParameters
- The validation parameters.
, appValidationConfiguration_name
- The name of the configuration.
, appValidationConfiguration_validationId
- The ID of the validation.
, appValidationConfiguration_appValidationStrategy
- The validation strategy.
appValidationConfiguration_ssmValidationParameters :: Lens' AppValidationConfiguration (Maybe SSMValidationParameters) Source #
The validation parameters.
appValidationConfiguration_name :: Lens' AppValidationConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the configuration.
appValidationConfiguration_validationId :: Lens' AppValidationConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the validation.
appValidationConfiguration_appValidationStrategy :: Lens' AppValidationConfiguration (Maybe AppValidationStrategy) Source #
The validation strategy.
data AppValidationOutput Source #
Output from validating an application.
See: newAppValidationOutput
smart constructor.
AppValidationOutput' | |
newAppValidationOutput :: AppValidationOutput Source #
Create a value of AppValidationOutput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, appValidationOutput_ssmOutput
- Output from using SSM to validate the application.
appValidationOutput_ssmOutput :: Lens' AppValidationOutput (Maybe SSMOutput) Source #
Output from using SSM to validate the application.
Represents a connector.
See: newConnector
smart constructor.
Connector' | |
newConnector :: Connector Source #
Create a value of Connector
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, connector_status
- The status of the connector.
, connector_vmManagerName
- The name of the VM manager.
, connector_ipAddress
- The IP address of the connector.
, connector_vmManagerId
- The ID of the VM manager.
, connector_vmManagerType
- The VM management product.
, connector_connectorId
- The ID of the connector.
, connector_associatedOn
- The time the connector was associated.
, connector_macAddress
- The MAC address of the connector.
, connector_version
- The connector version.
, connector_capabilityList
- The capabilities of the connector.
connector_status :: Lens' Connector (Maybe ConnectorStatus) Source #
The status of the connector.
connector_vmManagerType :: Lens' Connector (Maybe VmManagerType) Source #
The VM management product.
connector_associatedOn :: Lens' Connector (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the connector was associated.
connector_capabilityList :: Lens' Connector (Maybe [ConnectorCapability]) Source #
The capabilities of the connector.
data LaunchDetails Source #
Details about the latest launch of an application.
See: newLaunchDetails
smart constructor.
LaunchDetails' | |
newLaunchDetails :: LaunchDetails Source #
Create a value of LaunchDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, launchDetails_stackId
- The ID of the latest stack launched for this application.
, launchDetails_latestLaunchTime
- The latest time that this application was launched successfully.
, launchDetails_stackName
- The name of the latest stack launched for this application.
launchDetails_stackId :: Lens' LaunchDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the latest stack launched for this application.
launchDetails_latestLaunchTime :: Lens' LaunchDetails (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The latest time that this application was launched successfully.
launchDetails_stackName :: Lens' LaunchDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the latest stack launched for this application.
data NotificationContext Source #
Contains the status of validating an application.
See: newNotificationContext
smart constructor.
NotificationContext' | |
newNotificationContext :: NotificationContext Source #
Create a value of NotificationContext
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, notificationContext_status
- The status of the validation.
, notificationContext_statusMessage
- The status message.
, notificationContext_validationId
- The ID of the validation.
notificationContext_status :: Lens' NotificationContext (Maybe ValidationStatus) Source #
The status of the validation.
notificationContext_statusMessage :: Lens' NotificationContext (Maybe Text) Source #
The status message.
notificationContext_validationId :: Lens' NotificationContext (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the validation.
data ReplicationJob Source #
Represents a replication job.
See: newReplicationJob
smart constructor.
ReplicationJob' | |
newReplicationJob :: ReplicationJob Source #
Create a value of ReplicationJob
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicationJob_frequency
- The time between consecutive replication runs, in hours.
, replicationJob_numberOfRecentAmisToKeep
- The number of recent AMIs to keep in the customer's account for a
replication job. By default, the value is set to zero, meaning that all
AMIs are kept.
, replicationJob_state
- The state of the replication job.
, replicationJob_serverType
- The type of server.
, replicationJob_serverId
- The ID of the server.
, replicationJob_licenseType
- The license type to be used for the AMI created by a successful
replication run.
, replicationJob_roleName
- The name of the IAM role to be used by AWS SMS.
, replicationJob_vmServer
- Information about the VM server.
, replicationJob_encrypted
- Indicates whether the replication job should produce encrypted AMIs.
, replicationJob_replicationJobId
- The ID of the replication job.
, replicationJob_replicationRunList
- Information about the replication runs.
, replicationJob_nextReplicationRunStartTime
- The start time of the next replication run.
, replicationJob_statusMessage
- The description of the current status of the replication job.
, replicationJob_kmsKeyId
- The ID of the KMS key for replication jobs that produce encrypted AMIs.
This value can be any of the following:
- KMS key ID
- KMS key alias
- ARN referring to the KMS key ID
- ARN referring to the KMS key alias
If encrypted is enabled but a KMS key ID is not specified, the customer's default KMS key for Amazon EBS is used.
, replicationJob_latestAmiId
- The ID of the latest Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
, replicationJob_seedReplicationTime
- The seed replication time.
, replicationJob_runOnce
- Indicates whether to run the replication job one time.
, replicationJob_description
- The description of the replication job.
replicationJob_frequency :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Int) Source #
The time between consecutive replication runs, in hours.
replicationJob_numberOfRecentAmisToKeep :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of recent AMIs to keep in the customer's account for a replication job. By default, the value is set to zero, meaning that all AMIs are kept.
replicationJob_state :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe ReplicationJobState) Source #
The state of the replication job.
replicationJob_serverType :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe ServerType) Source #
The type of server.
replicationJob_serverId :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the server.
replicationJob_licenseType :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe LicenseType) Source #
The license type to be used for the AMI created by a successful replication run.
replicationJob_roleName :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the IAM role to be used by AWS SMS.
replicationJob_vmServer :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe VmServer) Source #
Information about the VM server.
replicationJob_encrypted :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the replication job should produce encrypted AMIs.
replicationJob_replicationJobId :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the replication job.
replicationJob_replicationRunList :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe [ReplicationRun]) Source #
Information about the replication runs.
replicationJob_nextReplicationRunStartTime :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The start time of the next replication run.
replicationJob_statusMessage :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the current status of the replication job.
replicationJob_kmsKeyId :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the KMS key for replication jobs that produce encrypted AMIs. This value can be any of the following:
- KMS key ID
- KMS key alias
- ARN referring to the KMS key ID
- ARN referring to the KMS key alias
If encrypted is enabled but a KMS key ID is not specified, the customer's default KMS key for Amazon EBS is used.
replicationJob_latestAmiId :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the latest Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
replicationJob_seedReplicationTime :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The seed replication time.
replicationJob_runOnce :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether to run the replication job one time.
replicationJob_description :: Lens' ReplicationJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the replication job.
data ReplicationRun Source #
Represents a replication run.
See: newReplicationRun
smart constructor.
ReplicationRun' | |
newReplicationRun :: ReplicationRun Source #
Create a value of ReplicationRun
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicationRun_state
- The state of the replication run.
, replicationRun_replicationRunId
- The ID of the replication run.
, replicationRun_encrypted
- Indicates whether the replication run should produce an encrypted AMI.
, replicationRun_stageDetails
- Details about the current stage of the replication run.
, replicationRun_scheduledStartTime
- The start time of the next replication run.
, replicationRun_statusMessage
- The description of the current status of the replication job.
, replicationRun_kmsKeyId
- The ID of the KMS key for replication jobs that produce encrypted AMIs.
This value can be any of the following:
- KMS key ID
- KMS key alias
- ARN referring to the KMS key ID
- ARN referring to the KMS key alias
If encrypted is true but a KMS key ID is not specified, the customer's default KMS key for Amazon EBS is used.
, replicationRun_completedTime
- The completion time of the last replication run.
, replicationRun_amiId
- The ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the replication run.
, replicationRun_type
- The type of replication run.
, replicationRun_description
- The description of the replication run.
replicationRun_state :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe ReplicationRunState) Source #
The state of the replication run.
replicationRun_replicationRunId :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the replication run.
replicationRun_encrypted :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the replication run should produce an encrypted AMI.
replicationRun_stageDetails :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe ReplicationRunStageDetails) Source #
Details about the current stage of the replication run.
replicationRun_scheduledStartTime :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The start time of the next replication run.
replicationRun_statusMessage :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the current status of the replication job.
replicationRun_kmsKeyId :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the KMS key for replication jobs that produce encrypted AMIs. This value can be any of the following:
- KMS key ID
- KMS key alias
- ARN referring to the KMS key ID
- ARN referring to the KMS key alias
If encrypted is true but a KMS key ID is not specified, the customer's default KMS key for Amazon EBS is used.
replicationRun_completedTime :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The completion time of the last replication run.
replicationRun_amiId :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the replication run.
replicationRun_type :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe ReplicationRunType) Source #
The type of replication run.
replicationRun_description :: Lens' ReplicationRun (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the replication run.
data ReplicationRunStageDetails Source #
Details of the current stage of a replication run.
See: newReplicationRunStageDetails
smart constructor.
ReplicationRunStageDetails' | |
newReplicationRunStageDetails :: ReplicationRunStageDetails Source #
Create a value of ReplicationRunStageDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicationRunStageDetails_stage
- The current stage of a replication run.
, replicationRunStageDetails_stageProgress
- The progress of the current stage of a replication run.
replicationRunStageDetails_stage :: Lens' ReplicationRunStageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current stage of a replication run.
replicationRunStageDetails_stageProgress :: Lens' ReplicationRunStageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The progress of the current stage of a replication run.
data S3Location Source #
Location of an Amazon S3 object.
See: newS3Location
smart constructor.
S3Location' | |
newS3Location :: S3Location Source #
Create a value of S3Location
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, s3Location_bucket
- The Amazon S3 bucket name.
, s3Location_key
- The Amazon S3 bucket key.
s3Location_bucket :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon S3 bucket name.
s3Location_key :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon S3 bucket key.
Contains the location of validation output.
See: newSSMOutput
smart constructor.
SSMOutput' | |
Fields |
Eq SSMOutput Source # | |
Read SSMOutput Source # | |
Show SSMOutput Source # | |
Generic SSMOutput Source # | |
NFData SSMOutput Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.SSMOutput | |
Hashable SSMOutput Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.SSMOutput | |
FromJSON SSMOutput Source # | |
type Rep SSMOutput Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.SSMOutput type Rep SSMOutput = D1 ('MetaData "SSMOutput" "Amazonka.SMS.Types.SSMOutput" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-smsZSamazonka-sms" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "SSMOutput'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "s3Location") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe S3Location)))) |
newSSMOutput :: SSMOutput Source #
Create a value of SSMOutput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sSMOutput_s3Location
- Undocumented member.
sSMOutput_s3Location :: Lens' SSMOutput (Maybe S3Location) Source #
Undocumented member.
data SSMValidationParameters Source #
Contains validation parameters.
See: newSSMValidationParameters
smart constructor.
SSMValidationParameters' | |
newSSMValidationParameters :: SSMValidationParameters Source #
Create a value of SSMValidationParameters
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sSMValidationParameters_instanceId
- The ID of the instance. The instance must have the following tag:
, sSMValidationParameters_command
- The command to run the validation script
, sSMValidationParameters_executionTimeoutSeconds
- The timeout interval, in seconds.
, sSMValidationParameters_scriptType
- The type of validation script.
, sSMValidationParameters_source
- The location of the validation script.
, sSMValidationParameters_outputS3BucketName
- The name of the S3 bucket for output.
sSMValidationParameters_instanceId :: Lens' SSMValidationParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the instance. The instance must have the following tag: UserForSMSApplicationValidation=true.
sSMValidationParameters_command :: Lens' SSMValidationParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
The command to run the validation script
sSMValidationParameters_executionTimeoutSeconds :: Lens' SSMValidationParameters (Maybe Natural) Source #
The timeout interval, in seconds.
sSMValidationParameters_scriptType :: Lens' SSMValidationParameters (Maybe ScriptType) Source #
The type of validation script.
sSMValidationParameters_source :: Lens' SSMValidationParameters (Maybe Source) Source #
The location of the validation script.
sSMValidationParameters_outputS3BucketName :: Lens' SSMValidationParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the S3 bucket for output.
Represents a server.
See: newServer
smart constructor.
Server' | |
Create a value of Server
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, server_serverType
- The type of server.
, server_serverId
- The ID of the server.
, server_replicationJobTerminated
- Indicates whether the replication job is deleted or failed.
, server_vmServer
- Information about the VM server.
, server_replicationJobId
- The ID of the replication job.
server_serverType :: Lens' Server (Maybe ServerType) Source #
The type of server.
server_replicationJobTerminated :: Lens' Server (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the replication job is deleted or failed.
data ServerGroup Source #
Logical grouping of servers.
See: newServerGroup
smart constructor.
ServerGroup' | |
newServerGroup :: ServerGroup Source #
Create a value of ServerGroup
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, serverGroup_serverList
- The servers that belong to a server group.
, serverGroup_name
- The name of a server group.
, serverGroup_serverGroupId
- The ID of a server group.
serverGroup_serverList :: Lens' ServerGroup (Maybe [Server]) Source #
The servers that belong to a server group.
serverGroup_name :: Lens' ServerGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of a server group.
serverGroup_serverGroupId :: Lens' ServerGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of a server group.
data ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration Source #
Launch configuration for a server group.
See: newServerGroupLaunchConfiguration
smart constructor.
ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration' | |
newServerGroupLaunchConfiguration :: ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration Source #
Create a value of ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, serverGroupLaunchConfiguration_serverGroupId
- The ID of the server group with which the launch configuration is
, serverGroupLaunchConfiguration_launchOrder
- The launch order of servers in the server group.
, serverGroupLaunchConfiguration_serverLaunchConfigurations
- The launch configuration for servers in the server group.
serverGroupLaunchConfiguration_serverGroupId :: Lens' ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the server group with which the launch configuration is associated.
serverGroupLaunchConfiguration_launchOrder :: Lens' ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Int) Source #
The launch order of servers in the server group.
serverGroupLaunchConfiguration_serverLaunchConfigurations :: Lens' ServerGroupLaunchConfiguration (Maybe [ServerLaunchConfiguration]) Source #
The launch configuration for servers in the server group.
data ServerGroupReplicationConfiguration Source #
Replication configuration for a server group.
See: newServerGroupReplicationConfiguration
smart constructor.
ServerGroupReplicationConfiguration' | |
newServerGroupReplicationConfiguration :: ServerGroupReplicationConfiguration Source #
Create a value of ServerGroupReplicationConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, serverGroupReplicationConfiguration_serverGroupId
- The ID of the server group with which this replication configuration is
, serverGroupReplicationConfiguration_serverReplicationConfigurations
- The replication configuration for servers in the server group.
serverGroupReplicationConfiguration_serverGroupId :: Lens' ServerGroupReplicationConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the server group with which this replication configuration is associated.
serverGroupReplicationConfiguration_serverReplicationConfigurations :: Lens' ServerGroupReplicationConfiguration (Maybe [ServerReplicationConfiguration]) Source #
The replication configuration for servers in the server group.
data ServerGroupValidationConfiguration Source #
Configuration for validating an instance.
See: newServerGroupValidationConfiguration
smart constructor.
ServerGroupValidationConfiguration' | |
newServerGroupValidationConfiguration :: ServerGroupValidationConfiguration Source #
Create a value of ServerGroupValidationConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, serverGroupValidationConfiguration_serverValidationConfigurations
- The validation configuration.
, serverGroupValidationConfiguration_serverGroupId
- The ID of the server group.
serverGroupValidationConfiguration_serverValidationConfigurations :: Lens' ServerGroupValidationConfiguration (Maybe [ServerValidationConfiguration]) Source #
The validation configuration.
serverGroupValidationConfiguration_serverGroupId :: Lens' ServerGroupValidationConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the server group.
data ServerLaunchConfiguration Source #
Launch configuration for a server.
See: newServerLaunchConfiguration
smart constructor.
ServerLaunchConfiguration' | |
newServerLaunchConfiguration :: ServerLaunchConfiguration Source #
Create a value of ServerLaunchConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, serverLaunchConfiguration_ec2KeyName
- The name of the Amazon EC2 SSH key to be used for connecting to the
launched server.
, serverLaunchConfiguration_configureScriptType
- The type of configuration script.
, serverLaunchConfiguration_associatePublicIpAddress
- Indicates whether a publicly accessible IP address is created when
launching the server.
, serverLaunchConfiguration_iamInstanceProfileName
- The name of the IAM instance profile.
, serverLaunchConfiguration_subnet
- The ID of the subnet the server should be launched into.
, serverLaunchConfiguration_logicalId
- The logical ID of the server in the AWS CloudFormation template.
, serverLaunchConfiguration_securityGroup
- The ID of the security group that applies to the launched server.
, serverLaunchConfiguration_userData
- Location of the user-data script to be executed when launching the
, serverLaunchConfiguration_instanceType
- The instance type to use when launching the server.
, serverLaunchConfiguration_configureScript
- Undocumented member.
, serverLaunchConfiguration_server
- The ID of the server with which the launch configuration is associated.
, serverLaunchConfiguration_vpc
- The ID of the VPC into which the server should be launched.
serverLaunchConfiguration_ec2KeyName :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon EC2 SSH key to be used for connecting to the launched server.
serverLaunchConfiguration_configureScriptType :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe ScriptType) Source #
The type of configuration script.
serverLaunchConfiguration_associatePublicIpAddress :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether a publicly accessible IP address is created when launching the server.
serverLaunchConfiguration_iamInstanceProfileName :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the IAM instance profile.
serverLaunchConfiguration_subnet :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the subnet the server should be launched into.
serverLaunchConfiguration_logicalId :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The logical ID of the server in the AWS CloudFormation template.
serverLaunchConfiguration_securityGroup :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the security group that applies to the launched server.
serverLaunchConfiguration_userData :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe UserData) Source #
Location of the user-data script to be executed when launching the server.
serverLaunchConfiguration_instanceType :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The instance type to use when launching the server.
serverLaunchConfiguration_configureScript :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe S3Location) Source #
Undocumented member.
serverLaunchConfiguration_server :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Server) Source #
The ID of the server with which the launch configuration is associated.
serverLaunchConfiguration_vpc :: Lens' ServerLaunchConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the VPC into which the server should be launched.
data ServerReplicationConfiguration Source #
Replication configuration of a server.
See: newServerReplicationConfiguration
smart constructor.
ServerReplicationConfiguration' | |
newServerReplicationConfiguration :: ServerReplicationConfiguration Source #
Create a value of ServerReplicationConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, serverReplicationConfiguration_serverReplicationParameters
- The parameters for replicating the server.
, serverReplicationConfiguration_server
- The ID of the server with which this replication configuration is
serverReplicationConfiguration_serverReplicationParameters :: Lens' ServerReplicationConfiguration (Maybe ServerReplicationParameters) Source #
The parameters for replicating the server.
serverReplicationConfiguration_server :: Lens' ServerReplicationConfiguration (Maybe Server) Source #
The ID of the server with which this replication configuration is associated.
data ServerReplicationParameters Source #
The replication parameters for replicating a server.
See: newServerReplicationParameters
smart constructor.
ServerReplicationParameters' | |
newServerReplicationParameters :: ServerReplicationParameters Source #
Create a value of ServerReplicationParameters
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, serverReplicationParameters_frequency
- The frequency of creating replication jobs for the server.
, serverReplicationParameters_numberOfRecentAmisToKeep
- The number of recent AMIs to keep when creating a replication job for
this server.
, serverReplicationParameters_seedTime
- The seed time for creating a replication job for the server.
, serverReplicationParameters_licenseType
- The license type for creating a replication job for the server.
, serverReplicationParameters_encrypted
- Indicates whether the replication job produces encrypted AMIs.
, serverReplicationParameters_kmsKeyId
- The ID of the KMS key for replication jobs that produce encrypted AMIs.
This value can be any of the following:
- KMS key ID
- KMS key alias
- ARN referring to the KMS key ID
- ARN referring to the KMS key alias
If encrypted is enabled but a KMS key ID is not specified, the customer's default KMS key for Amazon EBS is used.
, serverReplicationParameters_runOnce
- Indicates whether to run the replication job one time.
serverReplicationParameters_frequency :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe Int) Source #
The frequency of creating replication jobs for the server.
serverReplicationParameters_numberOfRecentAmisToKeep :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of recent AMIs to keep when creating a replication job for this server.
serverReplicationParameters_seedTime :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The seed time for creating a replication job for the server.
serverReplicationParameters_licenseType :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe LicenseType) Source #
The license type for creating a replication job for the server.
serverReplicationParameters_encrypted :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the replication job produces encrypted AMIs.
serverReplicationParameters_kmsKeyId :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the KMS key for replication jobs that produce encrypted AMIs. This value can be any of the following:
- KMS key ID
- KMS key alias
- ARN referring to the KMS key ID
- ARN referring to the KMS key alias
If encrypted is enabled but a KMS key ID is not specified, the customer's default KMS key for Amazon EBS is used.
serverReplicationParameters_runOnce :: Lens' ServerReplicationParameters (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether to run the replication job one time.
data ServerValidationConfiguration Source #
Configuration for validating an instance.
See: newServerValidationConfiguration
smart constructor.
ServerValidationConfiguration' | |
newServerValidationConfiguration :: ServerValidationConfiguration Source #
Create a value of ServerValidationConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, serverValidationConfiguration_serverValidationStrategy
- The validation strategy.
, serverValidationConfiguration_userDataValidationParameters
- The validation parameters.
, serverValidationConfiguration_name
- The name of the configuration.
, serverValidationConfiguration_server
- Undocumented member.
, serverValidationConfiguration_validationId
- The ID of the validation.
serverValidationConfiguration_serverValidationStrategy :: Lens' ServerValidationConfiguration (Maybe ServerValidationStrategy) Source #
The validation strategy.
serverValidationConfiguration_userDataValidationParameters :: Lens' ServerValidationConfiguration (Maybe UserDataValidationParameters) Source #
The validation parameters.
serverValidationConfiguration_name :: Lens' ServerValidationConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the configuration.
serverValidationConfiguration_server :: Lens' ServerValidationConfiguration (Maybe Server) Source #
Undocumented member.
serverValidationConfiguration_validationId :: Lens' ServerValidationConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the validation.
data ServerValidationOutput Source #
Contains output from validating an instance.
See: newServerValidationOutput
smart constructor.
ServerValidationOutput' | |
newServerValidationOutput :: ServerValidationOutput Source #
Create a value of ServerValidationOutput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, serverValidationOutput_server
- Undocumented member.
serverValidationOutput_server :: Lens' ServerValidationOutput (Maybe Server) Source #
Undocumented member.
Contains the location of a validation script.
See: newSource
smart constructor.
Source' | |
Fields |
Eq Source Source # | |
Read Source Source # | |
Show Source Source # | |
Generic Source Source # | |
NFData Source Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.Source | |
Hashable Source Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.Source | |
ToJSON Source Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.Source | |
FromJSON Source Source # | |
type Rep Source Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.Source type Rep Source = D1 ('MetaData "Source" "Amazonka.SMS.Types.Source" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-smsZSamazonka-sms" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Source'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "s3Location") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe S3Location)))) |
Create a value of Source
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, source_s3Location
- Undocumented member.
source_s3Location :: Lens' Source (Maybe S3Location) Source #
Undocumented member.
Key/value pair that can be assigned to an application.
See: newTag
smart constructor.
Eq Tag Source # | |
Read Tag Source # | |
Show Tag Source # | |
Generic Tag Source # | |
NFData Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.Tag | |
Hashable Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.Tag | |
ToJSON Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.Tag | |
FromJSON Tag Source # | |
type Rep Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.Tag type Rep Tag = D1 ('MetaData "Tag" "Amazonka.SMS.Types.Tag" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-smsZSamazonka-sms" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Tag'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "value") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "key") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)))) |
Create a value of Tag
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tag_value
- The tag value.
, tag_key
- The tag key.
A script that runs on first launch of an Amazon EC2 instance. Used for configuring the server during launch.
See: newUserData
smart constructor.
UserData' | |
Eq UserData Source # | |
Read UserData Source # | |
Show UserData Source # | |
Generic UserData Source # | |
NFData UserData Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.UserData | |
Hashable UserData Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.UserData | |
ToJSON UserData Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.UserData | |
FromJSON UserData Source # | |
type Rep UserData Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SMS.Types.UserData type Rep UserData = D1 ('MetaData "UserData" "Amazonka.SMS.Types.UserData" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-smsZSamazonka-sms" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "UserData'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "s3Location") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe S3Location)))) |
newUserData :: UserData Source #
Create a value of UserData
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, userData_s3Location
- Amazon S3 location of the user-data script.
userData_s3Location :: Lens' UserData (Maybe S3Location) Source #
Amazon S3 location of the user-data script.
data UserDataValidationParameters Source #
Contains validation parameters.
See: newUserDataValidationParameters
smart constructor.
UserDataValidationParameters' | |
newUserDataValidationParameters :: UserDataValidationParameters Source #
Create a value of UserDataValidationParameters
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, userDataValidationParameters_scriptType
- The type of validation script.
, userDataValidationParameters_source
- The location of the validation script.
userDataValidationParameters_scriptType :: Lens' UserDataValidationParameters (Maybe ScriptType) Source #
The type of validation script.
userDataValidationParameters_source :: Lens' UserDataValidationParameters (Maybe Source) Source #
The location of the validation script.
data ValidationOutput Source #
Contains validation output.
See: newValidationOutput
smart constructor.
ValidationOutput' | |
newValidationOutput :: ValidationOutput Source #
Create a value of ValidationOutput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, validationOutput_status
- The status of the validation.
, validationOutput_appValidationOutput
- The output from validating an application.
, validationOutput_latestValidationTime
- The latest time that the validation was performed.
, validationOutput_name
- The name of the validation.
, validationOutput_statusMessage
- The status message.
, validationOutput_validationId
- The ID of the validation.
, validationOutput_serverValidationOutput
- The output from validation an instance.
validationOutput_status :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe ValidationStatus) Source #
The status of the validation.
validationOutput_appValidationOutput :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe AppValidationOutput) Source #
The output from validating an application.
validationOutput_latestValidationTime :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The latest time that the validation was performed.
validationOutput_name :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the validation.
validationOutput_statusMessage :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The status message.
validationOutput_validationId :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the validation.
validationOutput_serverValidationOutput :: Lens' ValidationOutput (Maybe ServerValidationOutput) Source #
The output from validation an instance.
Represents a VM server.
See: newVmServer
smart constructor.
VmServer' | |
newVmServer :: VmServer Source #
Create a value of VmServer
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, vmServer_vmManagerName
- The name of the VM manager.
, vmServer_vmManagerType
- The type of VM management product.
, vmServer_vmServerAddress
- The VM server location.
, vmServer_vmName
- The name of the VM.
, vmServer_vmPath
- The VM folder path in the vCenter Server virtual machine inventory tree.
vmServer_vmManagerType :: Lens' VmServer (Maybe VmManagerType) Source #
The type of VM management product.
vmServer_vmServerAddress :: Lens' VmServer (Maybe VmServerAddress) Source #
The VM server location.
vmServer_vmPath :: Lens' VmServer (Maybe Text) Source #
The VM folder path in the vCenter Server virtual machine inventory tree.
data VmServerAddress Source #
Represents a VM server location.
See: newVmServerAddress
smart constructor.
VmServerAddress' | |
newVmServerAddress :: VmServerAddress Source #
Create a value of VmServerAddress
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, vmServerAddress_vmManagerId
- The ID of the VM manager.
, vmServerAddress_vmId
- The ID of the VM.
vmServerAddress_vmManagerId :: Lens' VmServerAddress (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the VM manager.
vmServerAddress_vmId :: Lens' VmServerAddress (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the VM.