{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}

-- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.

-- |
-- Module      : Amazonka.Route53.Types.ResourceRecordSet
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay
-- License     : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay+amazonka@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
module Amazonka.Route53.Types.ResourceRecordSet where

import qualified Amazonka.Core as Core
import qualified Amazonka.Lens as Lens
import qualified Amazonka.Prelude as Prelude
import Amazonka.Route53.Internal
import Amazonka.Route53.Types.AliasTarget
import Amazonka.Route53.Types.GeoLocation
import Amazonka.Route53.Types.RRType
import Amazonka.Route53.Types.ResourceRecord
import Amazonka.Route53.Types.ResourceRecordSetFailover

-- | Information about the resource record set to create or delete.
-- /See:/ 'newResourceRecordSet' smart constructor.
data ResourceRecordSet = ResourceRecordSet'
  { -- | The resource record cache time to live (TTL), in seconds. Note the
    -- following:
    -- -   If you\'re creating or updating an alias resource record set, omit
    --     @TTL@. Amazon Route 53 uses the value of @TTL@ for the alias target.
    -- -   If you\'re associating this resource record set with a health check
    --     (if you\'re adding a @HealthCheckId@ element), we recommend that you
    --     specify a @TTL@ of 60 seconds or less so clients respond quickly to
    --     changes in health status.
    -- -   All of the resource record sets in a group of weighted resource
    --     record sets must have the same value for @TTL@.
    -- -   If a group of weighted resource record sets includes one or more
    --     weighted alias resource record sets for which the alias target is an
    --     ELB load balancer, we recommend that you specify a @TTL@ of 60
    --     seconds for all of the non-alias weighted resource record sets that
    --     have the same name and type. Values other than 60 seconds (the TTL
    --     for load balancers) will change the effect of the values that you
    --     specify for @Weight@.
    ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Natural
ttl :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural,
    -- | Information about the resource records to act upon.
    -- If you\'re creating an alias resource record set, omit
    -- @ResourceRecords@.
    ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
resourceRecords :: Prelude.Maybe (Prelude.NonEmpty ResourceRecord),
    -- | /Alias resource record sets only:/ Information about the Amazon Web
    -- Services resource, such as a CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3
    -- bucket, that you want to route traffic to.
    -- If you\'re creating resource records sets for a private hosted zone,
    -- note the following:
    -- -   You can\'t create an alias resource record set in a private hosted
    --     zone to route traffic to a CloudFront distribution.
    -- -   Creating geolocation alias resource record sets or latency alias
    --     resource record sets in a private hosted zone is unsupported.
    -- -   For information about creating failover resource record sets in a
    --     private hosted zone, see
    --     <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-private-hosted-zones.html Configuring Failover in a Private Hosted Zone>
    --     in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
    ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe AliasTarget
aliasTarget :: Prelude.Maybe AliasTarget,
    -- | /Weighted resource record sets only:/ Among resource record sets that
    -- have the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that determines
    -- the proportion of DNS queries that Amazon Route 53 responds to using the
    -- current resource record set. Route 53 calculates the sum of the weights
    -- for the resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name
    -- and type. Route 53 then responds to queries based on the ratio of a
    -- resource\'s weight to the total. Note the following:
    -- -   You must specify a value for the @Weight@ element for every weighted
    --     resource record set.
    -- -   You can only specify one @ResourceRecord@ per weighted resource
    --     record set.
    -- -   You can\'t create latency, failover, or geolocation resource record
    --     sets that have the same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements as
    --     weighted resource record sets.
    -- -   You can create a maximum of 100 weighted resource record sets that
    --     have the same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements.
    -- -   For weighted (but not weighted alias) resource record sets, if you
    --     set @Weight@ to @0@ for a resource record set, Route 53 never
    --     responds to queries with the applicable value for that resource
    --     record set. However, if you set @Weight@ to @0@ for all resource
    --     record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type,
    --     traffic is routed to all resources with equal probability.
    --     The effect of setting @Weight@ to @0@ is different when you
    --     associate health checks with weighted resource record sets. For more
    --     information, see
    --     <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-configuring-options.html Options for Configuring Route 53 Active-Active and Active-Passive Failover>
    --     in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
    ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Natural
weight :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural,
    -- | When you create a traffic policy instance, Amazon Route 53 automatically
    -- creates a resource record set. @TrafficPolicyInstanceId@ is the ID of
    -- the traffic policy instance that Route 53 created this resource record
    -- set for.
    -- To delete the resource record set that is associated with a traffic
    -- policy instance, use @DeleteTrafficPolicyInstance@. Route 53 will delete
    -- the resource record set automatically. If you delete the resource record
    -- set by using @ChangeResourceRecordSets@, Route 53 doesn\'t automatically
    -- delete the traffic policy instance, and you\'ll continue to be charged
    -- for it even though it\'s no longer in use.
    ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text
trafficPolicyInstanceId :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text,
    -- | /Resource record sets that have a routing policy other than simple:/ An
    -- identifier that differentiates among multiple resource record sets that
    -- have the same combination of name and type, such as multiple weighted
    -- resource record sets named acme.example.com that have a type of A. In a
    -- group of resource record sets that have the same name and type, the
    -- value of @SetIdentifier@ must be unique for each resource record set.
    -- For information about routing policies, see
    -- <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/routing-policy.html Choosing a Routing Policy>
    -- in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
    ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text
setIdentifier :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text,
    -- | /Failover resource record sets only:/ To configure failover, you add the
    -- @Failover@ element to two resource record sets. For one resource record
    -- set, you specify @PRIMARY@ as the value for @Failover@; for the other
    -- resource record set, you specify @SECONDARY@. In addition, you include
    -- the @HealthCheckId@ element and specify the health check that you want
    -- Amazon Route 53 to perform for each resource record set.
    -- Except where noted, the following failover behaviors assume that you
    -- have included the @HealthCheckId@ element in both resource record sets:
    -- -   When the primary resource record set is healthy, Route 53 responds
    --     to DNS queries with the applicable value from the primary resource
    --     record set regardless of the health of the secondary resource record
    --     set.
    -- -   When the primary resource record set is unhealthy and the secondary
    --     resource record set is healthy, Route 53 responds to DNS queries
    --     with the applicable value from the secondary resource record set.
    -- -   When the secondary resource record set is unhealthy, Route 53
    --     responds to DNS queries with the applicable value from the primary
    --     resource record set regardless of the health of the primary resource
    --     record set.
    -- -   If you omit the @HealthCheckId@ element for the secondary resource
    --     record set, and if the primary resource record set is unhealthy,
    --     Route 53 always responds to DNS queries with the applicable value
    --     from the secondary resource record set. This is true regardless of
    --     the health of the associated endpoint.
    -- You can\'t create non-failover resource record sets that have the same
    -- values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements as failover resource record
    -- sets.
    -- For failover alias resource record sets, you must also include the
    -- @EvaluateTargetHealth@ element and set the value to true.
    -- For more information about configuring failover for Route 53, see the
    -- following topics in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/:
    -- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover.html Route 53 Health Checks and DNS Failover>
    -- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-private-hosted-zones.html Configuring Failover in a Private Hosted Zone>
    ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
failover :: Prelude.Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover,
    -- | If you want Amazon Route 53 to return this resource record set in
    -- response to a DNS query only when the status of a health check is
    -- healthy, include the @HealthCheckId@ element and specify the ID of the
    -- applicable health check.
    -- Route 53 determines whether a resource record set is healthy based on
    -- one of the following:
    -- -   By periodically sending a request to the endpoint that is specified
    --     in the health check
    -- -   By aggregating the status of a specified group of health checks
    --     (calculated health checks)
    -- -   By determining the current state of a CloudWatch alarm (CloudWatch
    --     metric health checks)
    -- Route 53 doesn\'t check the health of the endpoint that is specified in
    -- the resource record set, for example, the endpoint specified by the IP
    -- address in the @Value@ element. When you add a @HealthCheckId@ element
    -- to a resource record set, Route 53 checks the health of the endpoint
    -- that you specified in the health check.
    -- For more information, see the following topics in the /Amazon Route 53
    -- Developer Guide/:
    -- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-determining-health-of-endpoints.html How Amazon Route 53 Determines Whether an Endpoint Is Healthy>
    -- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover.html Route 53 Health Checks and DNS Failover>
    -- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-private-hosted-zones.html Configuring Failover in a Private Hosted Zone>
    -- __When to Specify HealthCheckId__
    -- Specifying a value for @HealthCheckId@ is useful only when Route 53 is
    -- choosing between two or more resource record sets to respond to a DNS
    -- query, and you want Route 53 to base the choice in part on the status of
    -- a health check. Configuring health checks makes sense only in the
    -- following configurations:
    -- -   __Non-alias resource record sets__: You\'re checking the health of a
    --     group of non-alias resource record sets that have the same routing
    --     policy, name, and type (such as multiple weighted records named
    --     www.example.com with a type of A) and you specify health check IDs
    --     for all the resource record sets.
    --     If the health check status for a resource record set is healthy,
    --     Route 53 includes the record among the records that it responds to
    --     DNS queries with.
    --     If the health check status for a resource record set is unhealthy,
    --     Route 53 stops responding to DNS queries using the value for that
    --     resource record set.
    --     If the health check status for all resource record sets in the group
    --     is unhealthy, Route 53 considers all resource record sets in the
    --     group healthy and responds to DNS queries accordingly.
    -- -   __Alias resource record sets__: You specify the following settings:
    --     -   You set @EvaluateTargetHealth@ to true for an alias resource
    --         record set in a group of resource record sets that have the same
    --         routing policy, name, and type (such as multiple weighted
    --         records named www.example.com with a type of A).
    --     -   You configure the alias resource record set to route traffic to
    --         a non-alias resource record set in the same hosted zone.
    --     -   You specify a health check ID for the non-alias resource record
    --         set.
    --     If the health check status is healthy, Route 53 considers the alias
    --     resource record set to be healthy and includes the alias record
    --     among the records that it responds to DNS queries with.
    --     If the health check status is unhealthy, Route 53 stops responding
    --     to DNS queries using the alias resource record set.
    --     The alias resource record set can also route traffic to a /group/ of
    --     non-alias resource record sets that have the same routing policy,
    --     name, and type. In that configuration, associate health checks with
    --     all of the resource record sets in the group of non-alias resource
    --     record sets.
    -- __Geolocation Routing__
    -- For geolocation resource record sets, if an endpoint is unhealthy, Route
    -- 53 looks for a resource record set for the larger, associated geographic
    -- region. For example, suppose you have resource record sets for a state
    -- in the United States, for the entire United States, for North America,
    -- and a resource record set that has @*@ for @CountryCode@ is @*@, which
    -- applies to all locations. If the endpoint for the state resource record
    -- set is unhealthy, Route 53 checks for healthy resource record sets in
    -- the following order until it finds a resource record set for which the
    -- endpoint is healthy:
    -- -   The United States
    -- -   North America
    -- -   The default resource record set
    -- __Specifying the Health Check Endpoint by Domain Name__
    -- If your health checks specify the endpoint only by domain name, we
    -- recommend that you create a separate health check for each endpoint. For
    -- example, create a health check for each @HTTP@ server that is serving
    -- content for @www.example.com@. For the value of
    -- @FullyQualifiedDomainName@, specify the domain name of the server (such
    -- as @us-east-2-www.example.com@), not the name of the resource record
    -- sets (@www.example.com@).
    -- Health check results will be unpredictable if you do the following:
    -- -   Create a health check that has the same value for
    --     @FullyQualifiedDomainName@ as the name of a resource record set.
    -- -   Associate that health check with the resource record set.
    ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text
healthCheckId :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text,
    -- | /Latency-based resource record sets only:/ The Amazon EC2 Region where
    -- you created the resource that this resource record set refers to. The
    -- resource typically is an Amazon Web Services resource, such as an EC2
    -- instance or an ELB load balancer, and is referred to by an IP address or
    -- a DNS domain name, depending on the record type.
    -- Although creating latency and latency alias resource record sets in a
    -- private hosted zone is allowed, it\'s not supported.
    -- When Amazon Route 53 receives a DNS query for a domain name and type for
    -- which you have created latency resource record sets, Route 53 selects
    -- the latency resource record set that has the lowest latency between the
    -- end user and the associated Amazon EC2 Region. Route 53 then returns the
    -- value that is associated with the selected resource record set.
    -- Note the following:
    -- -   You can only specify one @ResourceRecord@ per latency resource
    --     record set.
    -- -   You can only create one latency resource record set for each Amazon
    --     EC2 Region.
    -- -   You aren\'t required to create latency resource record sets for all
    --     Amazon EC2 Regions. Route 53 will choose the region with the best
    --     latency from among the regions that you create latency resource
    --     record sets for.
    -- -   You can\'t create non-latency resource record sets that have the
    --     same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements as latency resource
    --     record sets.
    ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Region
region :: Prelude.Maybe Core.Region,
    -- | /Geolocation resource record sets only:/ A complex type that lets you
    -- control how Amazon Route 53 responds to DNS queries based on the
    -- geographic origin of the query. For example, if you want all queries
    -- from Africa to be routed to a web server with an IP address of
    -- @, create a resource record set with a @Type@ of @A@ and a
    -- @ContinentCode@ of @AF@.
    -- Although creating geolocation and geolocation alias resource record sets
    -- in a private hosted zone is allowed, it\'s not supported.
    -- If you create separate resource record sets for overlapping geographic
    -- regions (for example, one resource record set for a continent and one
    -- for a country on the same continent), priority goes to the smallest
    -- geographic region. This allows you to route most queries for a continent
    -- to one resource and to route queries for a country on that continent to
    -- a different resource.
    -- You can\'t create two geolocation resource record sets that specify the
    -- same geographic location.
    -- The value @*@ in the @CountryCode@ element matches all geographic
    -- locations that aren\'t specified in other geolocation resource record
    -- sets that have the same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements.
    -- Geolocation works by mapping IP addresses to locations. However, some IP
    -- addresses aren\'t mapped to geographic locations, so even if you create
    -- geolocation resource record sets that cover all seven continents, Route
    -- 53 will receive some DNS queries from locations that it can\'t identify.
    -- We recommend that you create a resource record set for which the value
    -- of @CountryCode@ is @*@. Two groups of queries are routed to the
    -- resource that you specify in this record: queries that come from
    -- locations for which you haven\'t created geolocation resource record
    -- sets and queries from IP addresses that aren\'t mapped to a location. If
    -- you don\'t create a @*@ resource record set, Route 53 returns a \"no
    -- answer\" response for queries from those locations.
    -- You can\'t create non-geolocation resource record sets that have the
    -- same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements as geolocation resource
    -- record sets.
    ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe GeoLocation
geoLocation :: Prelude.Maybe GeoLocation,
    -- | /Multivalue answer resource record sets only/: To route traffic
    -- approximately randomly to multiple resources, such as web servers,
    -- create one multivalue answer record for each resource and specify @true@
    -- for @MultiValueAnswer@. Note the following:
    -- -   If you associate a health check with a multivalue answer resource
    --     record set, Amazon Route 53 responds to DNS queries with the
    --     corresponding IP address only when the health check is healthy.
    -- -   If you don\'t associate a health check with a multivalue answer
    --     record, Route 53 always considers the record to be healthy.
    -- -   Route 53 responds to DNS queries with up to eight healthy records;
    --     if you have eight or fewer healthy records, Route 53 responds to all
    --     DNS queries with all the healthy records.
    -- -   If you have more than eight healthy records, Route 53 responds to
    --     different DNS resolvers with different combinations of healthy
    --     records.
    -- -   When all records are unhealthy, Route 53 responds to DNS queries
    --     with up to eight unhealthy records.
    -- -   If a resource becomes unavailable after a resolver caches a
    --     response, client software typically tries another of the IP
    --     addresses in the response.
    -- You can\'t create multivalue answer alias records.
    ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Bool
multiValueAnswer :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Bool,
    -- | For @ChangeResourceRecordSets@ requests, the name of the record that you
    -- want to create, update, or delete. For @ListResourceRecordSets@
    -- responses, the name of a record in the specified hosted zone.
    -- __ChangeResourceRecordSets Only__
    -- Enter a fully qualified domain name, for example, @www.example.com@. You
    -- can optionally include a trailing dot. If you omit the trailing dot,
    -- Amazon Route 53 assumes that the domain name that you specify is fully
    -- qualified. This means that Route 53 treats @www.example.com@ (without a
    -- trailing dot) and @www.example.com.@ (with a trailing dot) as identical.
    -- For information about how to specify characters other than @a-z@, @0-9@,
    -- and @-@ (hyphen) and how to specify internationalized domain names, see
    -- <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/DomainNameFormat.html DNS Domain Name Format>
    -- in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
    -- You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard to replace the leftmost label in a
    -- domain name, for example, @*.example.com@. Note the following:
    -- -   The * must replace the entire label. For example, you can\'t specify
    --     @*prod.example.com@ or @prod*.example.com@.
    -- -   The * can\'t replace any of the middle labels, for example,
    --     marketing.*.example.com.
    -- -   If you include * in any position other than the leftmost label in a
    --     domain name, DNS treats it as an * character (ASCII 42), not as a
    --     wildcard.
    --     You can\'t use the * wildcard for resource records sets that have a
    --     type of NS.
    -- You can use the * wildcard as the leftmost label in a domain name, for
    -- example, @*.example.com@. You can\'t use an * for one of the middle
    -- labels, for example, @marketing.*.example.com@. In addition, the * must
    -- replace the entire label; for example, you can\'t specify
    -- @prod*.example.com@.
    ResourceRecordSet -> Text
name :: Prelude.Text,
    -- | The DNS record type. For information about different record types and
    -- how data is encoded for them, see
    -- <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/ResourceRecordTypes.html Supported DNS Resource Record Types>
    -- in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
    -- Valid values for basic resource record sets: @A@ | @AAAA@ | @CAA@ |
    -- @CNAME@ | @DS@ |@MX@ | @NAPTR@ | @NS@ | @PTR@ | @SOA@ | @SPF@ | @SRV@ |
    -- @TXT@
    -- Values for weighted, latency, geolocation, and failover resource record
    -- sets: @A@ | @AAAA@ | @CAA@ | @CNAME@ | @MX@ | @NAPTR@ | @PTR@ | @SPF@ |
    -- @SRV@ | @TXT@. When creating a group of weighted, latency, geolocation,
    -- or failover resource record sets, specify the same value for all of the
    -- resource record sets in the group.
    -- Valid values for multivalue answer resource record sets: @A@ | @AAAA@ |
    -- @MX@ | @NAPTR@ | @PTR@ | @SPF@ | @SRV@ | @TXT@
    -- SPF records were formerly used to verify the identity of the sender of
    -- email messages. However, we no longer recommend that you create resource
    -- record sets for which the value of @Type@ is @SPF@. RFC 7208, /Sender
    -- Policy Framework (SPF) for Authorizing Use of Domains in Email, Version
    -- 1/, has been updated to say, \"...[I]ts existence and mechanism defined
    -- in [RFC4408] have led to some interoperability issues. Accordingly, its
    -- use is no longer appropriate for SPF version 1; implementations are not
    -- to use it.\" In RFC 7208, see section 14.1,
    -- <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7208#section-14.1 The SPF DNS Record Type>.
    -- Values for alias resource record sets:
    -- -   __Amazon API Gateway custom regional APIs and edge-optimized APIs:__
    --     @A@
    -- -   __CloudFront distributions:__ @A@
    --     If IPv6 is enabled for the distribution, create two resource record
    --     sets to route traffic to your distribution, one with a value of @A@
    --     and one with a value of @AAAA@.
    -- -   __Amazon API Gateway environment that has a regionalized
    --     subdomain__: @A@
    -- -   __ELB load balancers:__ @A@ | @AAAA@
    -- -   __Amazon S3 buckets:__ @A@
    -- -   __Amazon Virtual Private Cloud interface VPC endpoints__ @A@
    -- -   __Another resource record set in this hosted zone:__ Specify the
    --     type of the resource record set that you\'re creating the alias for.
    --     All values are supported except @NS@ and @SOA@.
    --     If you\'re creating an alias record that has the same name as the
    --     hosted zone (known as the zone apex), you can\'t route traffic to a
    --     record for which the value of @Type@ is @CNAME@. This is because the
    --     alias record must have the same type as the record you\'re routing
    --     traffic to, and creating a CNAME record for the zone apex isn\'t
    --     supported even for an alias record.
    ResourceRecordSet -> RRType
type' :: RRType
  deriving (ResourceRecordSet -> ResourceRecordSet -> Bool
(ResourceRecordSet -> ResourceRecordSet -> Bool)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> ResourceRecordSet -> Bool)
-> Eq ResourceRecordSet
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: ResourceRecordSet -> ResourceRecordSet -> Bool
$c/= :: ResourceRecordSet -> ResourceRecordSet -> Bool
== :: ResourceRecordSet -> ResourceRecordSet -> Bool
$c== :: ResourceRecordSet -> ResourceRecordSet -> Bool
Prelude.Eq, ReadPrec [ResourceRecordSet]
ReadPrec ResourceRecordSet
Int -> ReadS ResourceRecordSet
ReadS [ResourceRecordSet]
(Int -> ReadS ResourceRecordSet)
-> ReadS [ResourceRecordSet]
-> ReadPrec ResourceRecordSet
-> ReadPrec [ResourceRecordSet]
-> Read ResourceRecordSet
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [ResourceRecordSet]
$creadListPrec :: ReadPrec [ResourceRecordSet]
readPrec :: ReadPrec ResourceRecordSet
$creadPrec :: ReadPrec ResourceRecordSet
readList :: ReadS [ResourceRecordSet]
$creadList :: ReadS [ResourceRecordSet]
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ResourceRecordSet
$creadsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ResourceRecordSet
Prelude.Read, Int -> ResourceRecordSet -> ShowS
[ResourceRecordSet] -> ShowS
ResourceRecordSet -> String
(Int -> ResourceRecordSet -> ShowS)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> String)
-> ([ResourceRecordSet] -> ShowS)
-> Show ResourceRecordSet
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [ResourceRecordSet] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [ResourceRecordSet] -> ShowS
show :: ResourceRecordSet -> String
$cshow :: ResourceRecordSet -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> ResourceRecordSet -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> ResourceRecordSet -> ShowS
Prelude.Show, (forall x. ResourceRecordSet -> Rep ResourceRecordSet x)
-> (forall x. Rep ResourceRecordSet x -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Generic ResourceRecordSet
forall x. Rep ResourceRecordSet x -> ResourceRecordSet
forall x. ResourceRecordSet -> Rep ResourceRecordSet x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep ResourceRecordSet x -> ResourceRecordSet
$cfrom :: forall x. ResourceRecordSet -> Rep ResourceRecordSet x

-- |
-- Create a value of 'ResourceRecordSet' with all optional fields omitted.
-- Use <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-lens generic-lens> or <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optics optics> to modify other optional fields.
-- The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided
-- for backwards compatibility:
-- 'ttl', 'resourceRecordSet_ttl' - The resource record cache time to live (TTL), in seconds. Note the
-- following:
-- -   If you\'re creating or updating an alias resource record set, omit
--     @TTL@. Amazon Route 53 uses the value of @TTL@ for the alias target.
-- -   If you\'re associating this resource record set with a health check
--     (if you\'re adding a @HealthCheckId@ element), we recommend that you
--     specify a @TTL@ of 60 seconds or less so clients respond quickly to
--     changes in health status.
-- -   All of the resource record sets in a group of weighted resource
--     record sets must have the same value for @TTL@.
-- -   If a group of weighted resource record sets includes one or more
--     weighted alias resource record sets for which the alias target is an
--     ELB load balancer, we recommend that you specify a @TTL@ of 60
--     seconds for all of the non-alias weighted resource record sets that
--     have the same name and type. Values other than 60 seconds (the TTL
--     for load balancers) will change the effect of the values that you
--     specify for @Weight@.
-- 'resourceRecords', 'resourceRecordSet_resourceRecords' - Information about the resource records to act upon.
-- If you\'re creating an alias resource record set, omit
-- @ResourceRecords@.
-- 'aliasTarget', 'resourceRecordSet_aliasTarget' - /Alias resource record sets only:/ Information about the Amazon Web
-- Services resource, such as a CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3
-- bucket, that you want to route traffic to.
-- If you\'re creating resource records sets for a private hosted zone,
-- note the following:
-- -   You can\'t create an alias resource record set in a private hosted
--     zone to route traffic to a CloudFront distribution.
-- -   Creating geolocation alias resource record sets or latency alias
--     resource record sets in a private hosted zone is unsupported.
-- -   For information about creating failover resource record sets in a
--     private hosted zone, see
--     <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-private-hosted-zones.html Configuring Failover in a Private Hosted Zone>
--     in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
-- 'weight', 'resourceRecordSet_weight' - /Weighted resource record sets only:/ Among resource record sets that
-- have the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that determines
-- the proportion of DNS queries that Amazon Route 53 responds to using the
-- current resource record set. Route 53 calculates the sum of the weights
-- for the resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name
-- and type. Route 53 then responds to queries based on the ratio of a
-- resource\'s weight to the total. Note the following:
-- -   You must specify a value for the @Weight@ element for every weighted
--     resource record set.
-- -   You can only specify one @ResourceRecord@ per weighted resource
--     record set.
-- -   You can\'t create latency, failover, or geolocation resource record
--     sets that have the same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements as
--     weighted resource record sets.
-- -   You can create a maximum of 100 weighted resource record sets that
--     have the same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements.
-- -   For weighted (but not weighted alias) resource record sets, if you
--     set @Weight@ to @0@ for a resource record set, Route 53 never
--     responds to queries with the applicable value for that resource
--     record set. However, if you set @Weight@ to @0@ for all resource
--     record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type,
--     traffic is routed to all resources with equal probability.
--     The effect of setting @Weight@ to @0@ is different when you
--     associate health checks with weighted resource record sets. For more
--     information, see
--     <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-configuring-options.html Options for Configuring Route 53 Active-Active and Active-Passive Failover>
--     in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
-- 'trafficPolicyInstanceId', 'resourceRecordSet_trafficPolicyInstanceId' - When you create a traffic policy instance, Amazon Route 53 automatically
-- creates a resource record set. @TrafficPolicyInstanceId@ is the ID of
-- the traffic policy instance that Route 53 created this resource record
-- set for.
-- To delete the resource record set that is associated with a traffic
-- policy instance, use @DeleteTrafficPolicyInstance@. Route 53 will delete
-- the resource record set automatically. If you delete the resource record
-- set by using @ChangeResourceRecordSets@, Route 53 doesn\'t automatically
-- delete the traffic policy instance, and you\'ll continue to be charged
-- for it even though it\'s no longer in use.
-- 'setIdentifier', 'resourceRecordSet_setIdentifier' - /Resource record sets that have a routing policy other than simple:/ An
-- identifier that differentiates among multiple resource record sets that
-- have the same combination of name and type, such as multiple weighted
-- resource record sets named acme.example.com that have a type of A. In a
-- group of resource record sets that have the same name and type, the
-- value of @SetIdentifier@ must be unique for each resource record set.
-- For information about routing policies, see
-- <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/routing-policy.html Choosing a Routing Policy>
-- in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
-- 'failover', 'resourceRecordSet_failover' - /Failover resource record sets only:/ To configure failover, you add the
-- @Failover@ element to two resource record sets. For one resource record
-- set, you specify @PRIMARY@ as the value for @Failover@; for the other
-- resource record set, you specify @SECONDARY@. In addition, you include
-- the @HealthCheckId@ element and specify the health check that you want
-- Amazon Route 53 to perform for each resource record set.
-- Except where noted, the following failover behaviors assume that you
-- have included the @HealthCheckId@ element in both resource record sets:
-- -   When the primary resource record set is healthy, Route 53 responds
--     to DNS queries with the applicable value from the primary resource
--     record set regardless of the health of the secondary resource record
--     set.
-- -   When the primary resource record set is unhealthy and the secondary
--     resource record set is healthy, Route 53 responds to DNS queries
--     with the applicable value from the secondary resource record set.
-- -   When the secondary resource record set is unhealthy, Route 53
--     responds to DNS queries with the applicable value from the primary
--     resource record set regardless of the health of the primary resource
--     record set.
-- -   If you omit the @HealthCheckId@ element for the secondary resource
--     record set, and if the primary resource record set is unhealthy,
--     Route 53 always responds to DNS queries with the applicable value
--     from the secondary resource record set. This is true regardless of
--     the health of the associated endpoint.
-- You can\'t create non-failover resource record sets that have the same
-- values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements as failover resource record
-- sets.
-- For failover alias resource record sets, you must also include the
-- @EvaluateTargetHealth@ element and set the value to true.
-- For more information about configuring failover for Route 53, see the
-- following topics in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/:
-- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover.html Route 53 Health Checks and DNS Failover>
-- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-private-hosted-zones.html Configuring Failover in a Private Hosted Zone>
-- 'healthCheckId', 'resourceRecordSet_healthCheckId' - If you want Amazon Route 53 to return this resource record set in
-- response to a DNS query only when the status of a health check is
-- healthy, include the @HealthCheckId@ element and specify the ID of the
-- applicable health check.
-- Route 53 determines whether a resource record set is healthy based on
-- one of the following:
-- -   By periodically sending a request to the endpoint that is specified
--     in the health check
-- -   By aggregating the status of a specified group of health checks
--     (calculated health checks)
-- -   By determining the current state of a CloudWatch alarm (CloudWatch
--     metric health checks)
-- Route 53 doesn\'t check the health of the endpoint that is specified in
-- the resource record set, for example, the endpoint specified by the IP
-- address in the @Value@ element. When you add a @HealthCheckId@ element
-- to a resource record set, Route 53 checks the health of the endpoint
-- that you specified in the health check.
-- For more information, see the following topics in the /Amazon Route 53
-- Developer Guide/:
-- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-determining-health-of-endpoints.html How Amazon Route 53 Determines Whether an Endpoint Is Healthy>
-- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover.html Route 53 Health Checks and DNS Failover>
-- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-private-hosted-zones.html Configuring Failover in a Private Hosted Zone>
-- __When to Specify HealthCheckId__
-- Specifying a value for @HealthCheckId@ is useful only when Route 53 is
-- choosing between two or more resource record sets to respond to a DNS
-- query, and you want Route 53 to base the choice in part on the status of
-- a health check. Configuring health checks makes sense only in the
-- following configurations:
-- -   __Non-alias resource record sets__: You\'re checking the health of a
--     group of non-alias resource record sets that have the same routing
--     policy, name, and type (such as multiple weighted records named
--     www.example.com with a type of A) and you specify health check IDs
--     for all the resource record sets.
--     If the health check status for a resource record set is healthy,
--     Route 53 includes the record among the records that it responds to
--     DNS queries with.
--     If the health check status for a resource record set is unhealthy,
--     Route 53 stops responding to DNS queries using the value for that
--     resource record set.
--     If the health check status for all resource record sets in the group
--     is unhealthy, Route 53 considers all resource record sets in the
--     group healthy and responds to DNS queries accordingly.
-- -   __Alias resource record sets__: You specify the following settings:
--     -   You set @EvaluateTargetHealth@ to true for an alias resource
--         record set in a group of resource record sets that have the same
--         routing policy, name, and type (such as multiple weighted
--         records named www.example.com with a type of A).
--     -   You configure the alias resource record set to route traffic to
--         a non-alias resource record set in the same hosted zone.
--     -   You specify a health check ID for the non-alias resource record
--         set.
--     If the health check status is healthy, Route 53 considers the alias
--     resource record set to be healthy and includes the alias record
--     among the records that it responds to DNS queries with.
--     If the health check status is unhealthy, Route 53 stops responding
--     to DNS queries using the alias resource record set.
--     The alias resource record set can also route traffic to a /group/ of
--     non-alias resource record sets that have the same routing policy,
--     name, and type. In that configuration, associate health checks with
--     all of the resource record sets in the group of non-alias resource
--     record sets.
-- __Geolocation Routing__
-- For geolocation resource record sets, if an endpoint is unhealthy, Route
-- 53 looks for a resource record set for the larger, associated geographic
-- region. For example, suppose you have resource record sets for a state
-- in the United States, for the entire United States, for North America,
-- and a resource record set that has @*@ for @CountryCode@ is @*@, which
-- applies to all locations. If the endpoint for the state resource record
-- set is unhealthy, Route 53 checks for healthy resource record sets in
-- the following order until it finds a resource record set for which the
-- endpoint is healthy:
-- -   The United States
-- -   North America
-- -   The default resource record set
-- __Specifying the Health Check Endpoint by Domain Name__
-- If your health checks specify the endpoint only by domain name, we
-- recommend that you create a separate health check for each endpoint. For
-- example, create a health check for each @HTTP@ server that is serving
-- content for @www.example.com@. For the value of
-- @FullyQualifiedDomainName@, specify the domain name of the server (such
-- as @us-east-2-www.example.com@), not the name of the resource record
-- sets (@www.example.com@).
-- Health check results will be unpredictable if you do the following:
-- -   Create a health check that has the same value for
--     @FullyQualifiedDomainName@ as the name of a resource record set.
-- -   Associate that health check with the resource record set.
-- 'region', 'resourceRecordSet_region' - /Latency-based resource record sets only:/ The Amazon EC2 Region where
-- you created the resource that this resource record set refers to. The
-- resource typically is an Amazon Web Services resource, such as an EC2
-- instance or an ELB load balancer, and is referred to by an IP address or
-- a DNS domain name, depending on the record type.
-- Although creating latency and latency alias resource record sets in a
-- private hosted zone is allowed, it\'s not supported.
-- When Amazon Route 53 receives a DNS query for a domain name and type for
-- which you have created latency resource record sets, Route 53 selects
-- the latency resource record set that has the lowest latency between the
-- end user and the associated Amazon EC2 Region. Route 53 then returns the
-- value that is associated with the selected resource record set.
-- Note the following:
-- -   You can only specify one @ResourceRecord@ per latency resource
--     record set.
-- -   You can only create one latency resource record set for each Amazon
--     EC2 Region.
-- -   You aren\'t required to create latency resource record sets for all
--     Amazon EC2 Regions. Route 53 will choose the region with the best
--     latency from among the regions that you create latency resource
--     record sets for.
-- -   You can\'t create non-latency resource record sets that have the
--     same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements as latency resource
--     record sets.
-- 'geoLocation', 'resourceRecordSet_geoLocation' - /Geolocation resource record sets only:/ A complex type that lets you
-- control how Amazon Route 53 responds to DNS queries based on the
-- geographic origin of the query. For example, if you want all queries
-- from Africa to be routed to a web server with an IP address of
-- @, create a resource record set with a @Type@ of @A@ and a
-- @ContinentCode@ of @AF@.
-- Although creating geolocation and geolocation alias resource record sets
-- in a private hosted zone is allowed, it\'s not supported.
-- If you create separate resource record sets for overlapping geographic
-- regions (for example, one resource record set for a continent and one
-- for a country on the same continent), priority goes to the smallest
-- geographic region. This allows you to route most queries for a continent
-- to one resource and to route queries for a country on that continent to
-- a different resource.
-- You can\'t create two geolocation resource record sets that specify the
-- same geographic location.
-- The value @*@ in the @CountryCode@ element matches all geographic
-- locations that aren\'t specified in other geolocation resource record
-- sets that have the same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements.
-- Geolocation works by mapping IP addresses to locations. However, some IP
-- addresses aren\'t mapped to geographic locations, so even if you create
-- geolocation resource record sets that cover all seven continents, Route
-- 53 will receive some DNS queries from locations that it can\'t identify.
-- We recommend that you create a resource record set for which the value
-- of @CountryCode@ is @*@. Two groups of queries are routed to the
-- resource that you specify in this record: queries that come from
-- locations for which you haven\'t created geolocation resource record
-- sets and queries from IP addresses that aren\'t mapped to a location. If
-- you don\'t create a @*@ resource record set, Route 53 returns a \"no
-- answer\" response for queries from those locations.
-- You can\'t create non-geolocation resource record sets that have the
-- same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements as geolocation resource
-- record sets.
-- 'multiValueAnswer', 'resourceRecordSet_multiValueAnswer' - /Multivalue answer resource record sets only/: To route traffic
-- approximately randomly to multiple resources, such as web servers,
-- create one multivalue answer record for each resource and specify @true@
-- for @MultiValueAnswer@. Note the following:
-- -   If you associate a health check with a multivalue answer resource
--     record set, Amazon Route 53 responds to DNS queries with the
--     corresponding IP address only when the health check is healthy.
-- -   If you don\'t associate a health check with a multivalue answer
--     record, Route 53 always considers the record to be healthy.
-- -   Route 53 responds to DNS queries with up to eight healthy records;
--     if you have eight or fewer healthy records, Route 53 responds to all
--     DNS queries with all the healthy records.
-- -   If you have more than eight healthy records, Route 53 responds to
--     different DNS resolvers with different combinations of healthy
--     records.
-- -   When all records are unhealthy, Route 53 responds to DNS queries
--     with up to eight unhealthy records.
-- -   If a resource becomes unavailable after a resolver caches a
--     response, client software typically tries another of the IP
--     addresses in the response.
-- You can\'t create multivalue answer alias records.
-- 'name', 'resourceRecordSet_name' - For @ChangeResourceRecordSets@ requests, the name of the record that you
-- want to create, update, or delete. For @ListResourceRecordSets@
-- responses, the name of a record in the specified hosted zone.
-- __ChangeResourceRecordSets Only__
-- Enter a fully qualified domain name, for example, @www.example.com@. You
-- can optionally include a trailing dot. If you omit the trailing dot,
-- Amazon Route 53 assumes that the domain name that you specify is fully
-- qualified. This means that Route 53 treats @www.example.com@ (without a
-- trailing dot) and @www.example.com.@ (with a trailing dot) as identical.
-- For information about how to specify characters other than @a-z@, @0-9@,
-- and @-@ (hyphen) and how to specify internationalized domain names, see
-- <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/DomainNameFormat.html DNS Domain Name Format>
-- in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
-- You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard to replace the leftmost label in a
-- domain name, for example, @*.example.com@. Note the following:
-- -   The * must replace the entire label. For example, you can\'t specify
--     @*prod.example.com@ or @prod*.example.com@.
-- -   The * can\'t replace any of the middle labels, for example,
--     marketing.*.example.com.
-- -   If you include * in any position other than the leftmost label in a
--     domain name, DNS treats it as an * character (ASCII 42), not as a
--     wildcard.
--     You can\'t use the * wildcard for resource records sets that have a
--     type of NS.
-- You can use the * wildcard as the leftmost label in a domain name, for
-- example, @*.example.com@. You can\'t use an * for one of the middle
-- labels, for example, @marketing.*.example.com@. In addition, the * must
-- replace the entire label; for example, you can\'t specify
-- @prod*.example.com@.
-- 'type'', 'resourceRecordSet_type' - The DNS record type. For information about different record types and
-- how data is encoded for them, see
-- <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/ResourceRecordTypes.html Supported DNS Resource Record Types>
-- in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
-- Valid values for basic resource record sets: @A@ | @AAAA@ | @CAA@ |
-- @CNAME@ | @DS@ |@MX@ | @NAPTR@ | @NS@ | @PTR@ | @SOA@ | @SPF@ | @SRV@ |
-- @TXT@
-- Values for weighted, latency, geolocation, and failover resource record
-- sets: @A@ | @AAAA@ | @CAA@ | @CNAME@ | @MX@ | @NAPTR@ | @PTR@ | @SPF@ |
-- @SRV@ | @TXT@. When creating a group of weighted, latency, geolocation,
-- or failover resource record sets, specify the same value for all of the
-- resource record sets in the group.
-- Valid values for multivalue answer resource record sets: @A@ | @AAAA@ |
-- @MX@ | @NAPTR@ | @PTR@ | @SPF@ | @SRV@ | @TXT@
-- SPF records were formerly used to verify the identity of the sender of
-- email messages. However, we no longer recommend that you create resource
-- record sets for which the value of @Type@ is @SPF@. RFC 7208, /Sender
-- Policy Framework (SPF) for Authorizing Use of Domains in Email, Version
-- 1/, has been updated to say, \"...[I]ts existence and mechanism defined
-- in [RFC4408] have led to some interoperability issues. Accordingly, its
-- use is no longer appropriate for SPF version 1; implementations are not
-- to use it.\" In RFC 7208, see section 14.1,
-- <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7208#section-14.1 The SPF DNS Record Type>.
-- Values for alias resource record sets:
-- -   __Amazon API Gateway custom regional APIs and edge-optimized APIs:__
--     @A@
-- -   __CloudFront distributions:__ @A@
--     If IPv6 is enabled for the distribution, create two resource record
--     sets to route traffic to your distribution, one with a value of @A@
--     and one with a value of @AAAA@.
-- -   __Amazon API Gateway environment that has a regionalized
--     subdomain__: @A@
-- -   __ELB load balancers:__ @A@ | @AAAA@
-- -   __Amazon S3 buckets:__ @A@
-- -   __Amazon Virtual Private Cloud interface VPC endpoints__ @A@
-- -   __Another resource record set in this hosted zone:__ Specify the
--     type of the resource record set that you\'re creating the alias for.
--     All values are supported except @NS@ and @SOA@.
--     If you\'re creating an alias record that has the same name as the
--     hosted zone (known as the zone apex), you can\'t route traffic to a
--     record for which the value of @Type@ is @CNAME@. This is because the
--     alias record must have the same type as the record you\'re routing
--     traffic to, and creating a CNAME record for the zone apex isn\'t
--     supported even for an alias record.
newResourceRecordSet ::
  -- | 'name'
  Prelude.Text ->
  -- | 'type''
  RRType ->
newResourceRecordSet :: Text -> RRType -> ResourceRecordSet
newResourceRecordSet Text
pName_ RRType
pType_ =
  ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Natural
-> Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
-> Maybe AliasTarget
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe Text
-> Maybe Text
-> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
-> Maybe Text
-> Maybe Region
-> Maybe GeoLocation
-> Maybe Bool
-> Text
-> RRType
-> ResourceRecordSet
    { $sel:ttl:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Natural
ttl = Maybe Natural
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:resourceRecords:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
resourceRecords = Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:aliasTarget:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe AliasTarget
aliasTarget = Maybe AliasTarget
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:weight:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Natural
weight = Maybe Natural
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:trafficPolicyInstanceId:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Text
trafficPolicyInstanceId = Maybe Text
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:setIdentifier:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Text
setIdentifier = Maybe Text
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:failover:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
failover = Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:healthCheckId:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Text
healthCheckId = Maybe Text
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:region:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Region
region = Maybe Region
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:geoLocation:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe GeoLocation
geoLocation = Maybe GeoLocation
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:multiValueAnswer:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Bool
multiValueAnswer = Maybe Bool
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:name:ResourceRecordSet' :: Text
name = Text
      $sel:type':ResourceRecordSet' :: RRType
type' = RRType

-- | The resource record cache time to live (TTL), in seconds. Note the
-- following:
-- -   If you\'re creating or updating an alias resource record set, omit
--     @TTL@. Amazon Route 53 uses the value of @TTL@ for the alias target.
-- -   If you\'re associating this resource record set with a health check
--     (if you\'re adding a @HealthCheckId@ element), we recommend that you
--     specify a @TTL@ of 60 seconds or less so clients respond quickly to
--     changes in health status.
-- -   All of the resource record sets in a group of weighted resource
--     record sets must have the same value for @TTL@.
-- -   If a group of weighted resource record sets includes one or more
--     weighted alias resource record sets for which the alias target is an
--     ELB load balancer, we recommend that you specify a @TTL@ of 60
--     seconds for all of the non-alias weighted resource record sets that
--     have the same name and type. Values other than 60 seconds (the TTL
--     for load balancers) will change the effect of the values that you
--     specify for @Weight@.
resourceRecordSet_ttl :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural)
resourceRecordSet_ttl :: (Maybe Natural -> f (Maybe Natural))
-> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_ttl = (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Natural)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Natural -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens
     ResourceRecordSet ResourceRecordSet (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Natural)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {Maybe Natural
ttl :: Maybe Natural
$sel:ttl:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Natural
ttl} -> Maybe Natural
ttl) (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} Maybe Natural
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:ttl:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Natural
ttl = Maybe Natural
a} :: ResourceRecordSet)

-- | Information about the resource records to act upon.
-- If you\'re creating an alias resource record set, omit
-- @ResourceRecords@.
resourceRecordSet_resourceRecords :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet (Prelude.Maybe (Prelude.NonEmpty ResourceRecord))
resourceRecordSet_resourceRecords :: (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
 -> f (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)))
-> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_resourceRecords = (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord))
-> (ResourceRecordSet
    -> Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord) -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens
     (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord))
     (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord))
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
resourceRecords :: Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
$sel:resourceRecords:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
resourceRecords} -> Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
resourceRecords) (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:resourceRecords:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
resourceRecords = Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
a} :: ResourceRecordSet) ((Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
  -> f (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)))
 -> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet)
-> ((Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
     -> f (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)))
    -> Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
    -> f (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)))
-> (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
    -> f (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)))
-> ResourceRecordSet
-> f ResourceRecordSet
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
Prelude.. AnIso
  (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
  (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
  (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
  (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
-> Iso
     (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord))
     (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord))
     (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord))
     (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord))
forall (f :: * -> *) (g :: * -> *) s t a b.
(Functor f, Functor g) =>
AnIso s t a b -> Iso (f s) (g t) (f a) (g b)
Lens.mapping AnIso
  (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
  (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
  (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
  (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
forall s t a b. (Coercible s a, Coercible t b) => Iso s t a b

-- | /Alias resource record sets only:/ Information about the Amazon Web
-- Services resource, such as a CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3
-- bucket, that you want to route traffic to.
-- If you\'re creating resource records sets for a private hosted zone,
-- note the following:
-- -   You can\'t create an alias resource record set in a private hosted
--     zone to route traffic to a CloudFront distribution.
-- -   Creating geolocation alias resource record sets or latency alias
--     resource record sets in a private hosted zone is unsupported.
-- -   For information about creating failover resource record sets in a
--     private hosted zone, see
--     <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-private-hosted-zones.html Configuring Failover in a Private Hosted Zone>
--     in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
resourceRecordSet_aliasTarget :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet (Prelude.Maybe AliasTarget)
resourceRecordSet_aliasTarget :: (Maybe AliasTarget -> f (Maybe AliasTarget))
-> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_aliasTarget = (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe AliasTarget)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe AliasTarget -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens
     (Maybe AliasTarget)
     (Maybe AliasTarget)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {Maybe AliasTarget
aliasTarget :: Maybe AliasTarget
$sel:aliasTarget:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe AliasTarget
aliasTarget} -> Maybe AliasTarget
aliasTarget) (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} Maybe AliasTarget
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:aliasTarget:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe AliasTarget
aliasTarget = Maybe AliasTarget
a} :: ResourceRecordSet)

-- | /Weighted resource record sets only:/ Among resource record sets that
-- have the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that determines
-- the proportion of DNS queries that Amazon Route 53 responds to using the
-- current resource record set. Route 53 calculates the sum of the weights
-- for the resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name
-- and type. Route 53 then responds to queries based on the ratio of a
-- resource\'s weight to the total. Note the following:
-- -   You must specify a value for the @Weight@ element for every weighted
--     resource record set.
-- -   You can only specify one @ResourceRecord@ per weighted resource
--     record set.
-- -   You can\'t create latency, failover, or geolocation resource record
--     sets that have the same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements as
--     weighted resource record sets.
-- -   You can create a maximum of 100 weighted resource record sets that
--     have the same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements.
-- -   For weighted (but not weighted alias) resource record sets, if you
--     set @Weight@ to @0@ for a resource record set, Route 53 never
--     responds to queries with the applicable value for that resource
--     record set. However, if you set @Weight@ to @0@ for all resource
--     record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type,
--     traffic is routed to all resources with equal probability.
--     The effect of setting @Weight@ to @0@ is different when you
--     associate health checks with weighted resource record sets. For more
--     information, see
--     <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-configuring-options.html Options for Configuring Route 53 Active-Active and Active-Passive Failover>
--     in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
resourceRecordSet_weight :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural)
resourceRecordSet_weight :: (Maybe Natural -> f (Maybe Natural))
-> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_weight = (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Natural)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Natural -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens
     ResourceRecordSet ResourceRecordSet (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Natural)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {Maybe Natural
weight :: Maybe Natural
$sel:weight:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Natural
weight} -> Maybe Natural
weight) (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} Maybe Natural
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:weight:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Natural
weight = Maybe Natural
a} :: ResourceRecordSet)

-- | When you create a traffic policy instance, Amazon Route 53 automatically
-- creates a resource record set. @TrafficPolicyInstanceId@ is the ID of
-- the traffic policy instance that Route 53 created this resource record
-- set for.
-- To delete the resource record set that is associated with a traffic
-- policy instance, use @DeleteTrafficPolicyInstance@. Route 53 will delete
-- the resource record set automatically. If you delete the resource record
-- set by using @ChangeResourceRecordSets@, Route 53 doesn\'t automatically
-- delete the traffic policy instance, and you\'ll continue to be charged
-- for it even though it\'s no longer in use.
resourceRecordSet_trafficPolicyInstanceId :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text)
resourceRecordSet_trafficPolicyInstanceId :: (Maybe Text -> f (Maybe Text))
-> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_trafficPolicyInstanceId = (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens
     ResourceRecordSet ResourceRecordSet (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {Maybe Text
trafficPolicyInstanceId :: Maybe Text
$sel:trafficPolicyInstanceId:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text
trafficPolicyInstanceId} -> Maybe Text
trafficPolicyInstanceId) (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} Maybe Text
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:trafficPolicyInstanceId:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Text
trafficPolicyInstanceId = Maybe Text
a} :: ResourceRecordSet)

-- | /Resource record sets that have a routing policy other than simple:/ An
-- identifier that differentiates among multiple resource record sets that
-- have the same combination of name and type, such as multiple weighted
-- resource record sets named acme.example.com that have a type of A. In a
-- group of resource record sets that have the same name and type, the
-- value of @SetIdentifier@ must be unique for each resource record set.
-- For information about routing policies, see
-- <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/routing-policy.html Choosing a Routing Policy>
-- in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
resourceRecordSet_setIdentifier :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text)
resourceRecordSet_setIdentifier :: (Maybe Text -> f (Maybe Text))
-> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_setIdentifier = (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens
     ResourceRecordSet ResourceRecordSet (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {Maybe Text
setIdentifier :: Maybe Text
$sel:setIdentifier:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text
setIdentifier} -> Maybe Text
setIdentifier) (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} Maybe Text
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:setIdentifier:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Text
setIdentifier = Maybe Text
a} :: ResourceRecordSet)

-- | /Failover resource record sets only:/ To configure failover, you add the
-- @Failover@ element to two resource record sets. For one resource record
-- set, you specify @PRIMARY@ as the value for @Failover@; for the other
-- resource record set, you specify @SECONDARY@. In addition, you include
-- the @HealthCheckId@ element and specify the health check that you want
-- Amazon Route 53 to perform for each resource record set.
-- Except where noted, the following failover behaviors assume that you
-- have included the @HealthCheckId@ element in both resource record sets:
-- -   When the primary resource record set is healthy, Route 53 responds
--     to DNS queries with the applicable value from the primary resource
--     record set regardless of the health of the secondary resource record
--     set.
-- -   When the primary resource record set is unhealthy and the secondary
--     resource record set is healthy, Route 53 responds to DNS queries
--     with the applicable value from the secondary resource record set.
-- -   When the secondary resource record set is unhealthy, Route 53
--     responds to DNS queries with the applicable value from the primary
--     resource record set regardless of the health of the primary resource
--     record set.
-- -   If you omit the @HealthCheckId@ element for the secondary resource
--     record set, and if the primary resource record set is unhealthy,
--     Route 53 always responds to DNS queries with the applicable value
--     from the secondary resource record set. This is true regardless of
--     the health of the associated endpoint.
-- You can\'t create non-failover resource record sets that have the same
-- values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements as failover resource record
-- sets.
-- For failover alias resource record sets, you must also include the
-- @EvaluateTargetHealth@ element and set the value to true.
-- For more information about configuring failover for Route 53, see the
-- following topics in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/:
-- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover.html Route 53 Health Checks and DNS Failover>
-- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-private-hosted-zones.html Configuring Failover in a Private Hosted Zone>
resourceRecordSet_failover :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet (Prelude.Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover)
resourceRecordSet_failover :: (Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
 -> f (Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover))
-> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_failover = (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover)
-> (ResourceRecordSet
    -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens
     (Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover)
     (Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
failover :: Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
$sel:failover:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
failover} -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
failover) (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:failover:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
failover = Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
a} :: ResourceRecordSet)

-- | If you want Amazon Route 53 to return this resource record set in
-- response to a DNS query only when the status of a health check is
-- healthy, include the @HealthCheckId@ element and specify the ID of the
-- applicable health check.
-- Route 53 determines whether a resource record set is healthy based on
-- one of the following:
-- -   By periodically sending a request to the endpoint that is specified
--     in the health check
-- -   By aggregating the status of a specified group of health checks
--     (calculated health checks)
-- -   By determining the current state of a CloudWatch alarm (CloudWatch
--     metric health checks)
-- Route 53 doesn\'t check the health of the endpoint that is specified in
-- the resource record set, for example, the endpoint specified by the IP
-- address in the @Value@ element. When you add a @HealthCheckId@ element
-- to a resource record set, Route 53 checks the health of the endpoint
-- that you specified in the health check.
-- For more information, see the following topics in the /Amazon Route 53
-- Developer Guide/:
-- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-determining-health-of-endpoints.html How Amazon Route 53 Determines Whether an Endpoint Is Healthy>
-- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover.html Route 53 Health Checks and DNS Failover>
-- -   <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover-private-hosted-zones.html Configuring Failover in a Private Hosted Zone>
-- __When to Specify HealthCheckId__
-- Specifying a value for @HealthCheckId@ is useful only when Route 53 is
-- choosing between two or more resource record sets to respond to a DNS
-- query, and you want Route 53 to base the choice in part on the status of
-- a health check. Configuring health checks makes sense only in the
-- following configurations:
-- -   __Non-alias resource record sets__: You\'re checking the health of a
--     group of non-alias resource record sets that have the same routing
--     policy, name, and type (such as multiple weighted records named
--     www.example.com with a type of A) and you specify health check IDs
--     for all the resource record sets.
--     If the health check status for a resource record set is healthy,
--     Route 53 includes the record among the records that it responds to
--     DNS queries with.
--     If the health check status for a resource record set is unhealthy,
--     Route 53 stops responding to DNS queries using the value for that
--     resource record set.
--     If the health check status for all resource record sets in the group
--     is unhealthy, Route 53 considers all resource record sets in the
--     group healthy and responds to DNS queries accordingly.
-- -   __Alias resource record sets__: You specify the following settings:
--     -   You set @EvaluateTargetHealth@ to true for an alias resource
--         record set in a group of resource record sets that have the same
--         routing policy, name, and type (such as multiple weighted
--         records named www.example.com with a type of A).
--     -   You configure the alias resource record set to route traffic to
--         a non-alias resource record set in the same hosted zone.
--     -   You specify a health check ID for the non-alias resource record
--         set.
--     If the health check status is healthy, Route 53 considers the alias
--     resource record set to be healthy and includes the alias record
--     among the records that it responds to DNS queries with.
--     If the health check status is unhealthy, Route 53 stops responding
--     to DNS queries using the alias resource record set.
--     The alias resource record set can also route traffic to a /group/ of
--     non-alias resource record sets that have the same routing policy,
--     name, and type. In that configuration, associate health checks with
--     all of the resource record sets in the group of non-alias resource
--     record sets.
-- __Geolocation Routing__
-- For geolocation resource record sets, if an endpoint is unhealthy, Route
-- 53 looks for a resource record set for the larger, associated geographic
-- region. For example, suppose you have resource record sets for a state
-- in the United States, for the entire United States, for North America,
-- and a resource record set that has @*@ for @CountryCode@ is @*@, which
-- applies to all locations. If the endpoint for the state resource record
-- set is unhealthy, Route 53 checks for healthy resource record sets in
-- the following order until it finds a resource record set for which the
-- endpoint is healthy:
-- -   The United States
-- -   North America
-- -   The default resource record set
-- __Specifying the Health Check Endpoint by Domain Name__
-- If your health checks specify the endpoint only by domain name, we
-- recommend that you create a separate health check for each endpoint. For
-- example, create a health check for each @HTTP@ server that is serving
-- content for @www.example.com@. For the value of
-- @FullyQualifiedDomainName@, specify the domain name of the server (such
-- as @us-east-2-www.example.com@), not the name of the resource record
-- sets (@www.example.com@).
-- Health check results will be unpredictable if you do the following:
-- -   Create a health check that has the same value for
--     @FullyQualifiedDomainName@ as the name of a resource record set.
-- -   Associate that health check with the resource record set.
resourceRecordSet_healthCheckId :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text)
resourceRecordSet_healthCheckId :: (Maybe Text -> f (Maybe Text))
-> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_healthCheckId = (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens
     ResourceRecordSet ResourceRecordSet (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {Maybe Text
healthCheckId :: Maybe Text
$sel:healthCheckId:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text
healthCheckId} -> Maybe Text
healthCheckId) (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} Maybe Text
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:healthCheckId:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Text
healthCheckId = Maybe Text
a} :: ResourceRecordSet)

-- | /Latency-based resource record sets only:/ The Amazon EC2 Region where
-- you created the resource that this resource record set refers to. The
-- resource typically is an Amazon Web Services resource, such as an EC2
-- instance or an ELB load balancer, and is referred to by an IP address or
-- a DNS domain name, depending on the record type.
-- Although creating latency and latency alias resource record sets in a
-- private hosted zone is allowed, it\'s not supported.
-- When Amazon Route 53 receives a DNS query for a domain name and type for
-- which you have created latency resource record sets, Route 53 selects
-- the latency resource record set that has the lowest latency between the
-- end user and the associated Amazon EC2 Region. Route 53 then returns the
-- value that is associated with the selected resource record set.
-- Note the following:
-- -   You can only specify one @ResourceRecord@ per latency resource
--     record set.
-- -   You can only create one latency resource record set for each Amazon
--     EC2 Region.
-- -   You aren\'t required to create latency resource record sets for all
--     Amazon EC2 Regions. Route 53 will choose the region with the best
--     latency from among the regions that you create latency resource
--     record sets for.
-- -   You can\'t create non-latency resource record sets that have the
--     same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements as latency resource
--     record sets.
resourceRecordSet_region :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet (Prelude.Maybe Core.Region)
resourceRecordSet_region :: (Maybe Region -> f (Maybe Region))
-> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_region = (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Region)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Region -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens
     ResourceRecordSet ResourceRecordSet (Maybe Region) (Maybe Region)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {Maybe Region
region :: Maybe Region
$sel:region:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Region
region} -> Maybe Region
region) (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} Maybe Region
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:region:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Region
region = Maybe Region
a} :: ResourceRecordSet)

-- | /Geolocation resource record sets only:/ A complex type that lets you
-- control how Amazon Route 53 responds to DNS queries based on the
-- geographic origin of the query. For example, if you want all queries
-- from Africa to be routed to a web server with an IP address of
-- @, create a resource record set with a @Type@ of @A@ and a
-- @ContinentCode@ of @AF@.
-- Although creating geolocation and geolocation alias resource record sets
-- in a private hosted zone is allowed, it\'s not supported.
-- If you create separate resource record sets for overlapping geographic
-- regions (for example, one resource record set for a continent and one
-- for a country on the same continent), priority goes to the smallest
-- geographic region. This allows you to route most queries for a continent
-- to one resource and to route queries for a country on that continent to
-- a different resource.
-- You can\'t create two geolocation resource record sets that specify the
-- same geographic location.
-- The value @*@ in the @CountryCode@ element matches all geographic
-- locations that aren\'t specified in other geolocation resource record
-- sets that have the same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements.
-- Geolocation works by mapping IP addresses to locations. However, some IP
-- addresses aren\'t mapped to geographic locations, so even if you create
-- geolocation resource record sets that cover all seven continents, Route
-- 53 will receive some DNS queries from locations that it can\'t identify.
-- We recommend that you create a resource record set for which the value
-- of @CountryCode@ is @*@. Two groups of queries are routed to the
-- resource that you specify in this record: queries that come from
-- locations for which you haven\'t created geolocation resource record
-- sets and queries from IP addresses that aren\'t mapped to a location. If
-- you don\'t create a @*@ resource record set, Route 53 returns a \"no
-- answer\" response for queries from those locations.
-- You can\'t create non-geolocation resource record sets that have the
-- same values for the @Name@ and @Type@ elements as geolocation resource
-- record sets.
resourceRecordSet_geoLocation :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet (Prelude.Maybe GeoLocation)
resourceRecordSet_geoLocation :: (Maybe GeoLocation -> f (Maybe GeoLocation))
-> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_geoLocation = (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe GeoLocation)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe GeoLocation -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens
     (Maybe GeoLocation)
     (Maybe GeoLocation)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {Maybe GeoLocation
geoLocation :: Maybe GeoLocation
$sel:geoLocation:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe GeoLocation
geoLocation} -> Maybe GeoLocation
geoLocation) (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} Maybe GeoLocation
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:geoLocation:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe GeoLocation
geoLocation = Maybe GeoLocation
a} :: ResourceRecordSet)

-- | /Multivalue answer resource record sets only/: To route traffic
-- approximately randomly to multiple resources, such as web servers,
-- create one multivalue answer record for each resource and specify @true@
-- for @MultiValueAnswer@. Note the following:
-- -   If you associate a health check with a multivalue answer resource
--     record set, Amazon Route 53 responds to DNS queries with the
--     corresponding IP address only when the health check is healthy.
-- -   If you don\'t associate a health check with a multivalue answer
--     record, Route 53 always considers the record to be healthy.
-- -   Route 53 responds to DNS queries with up to eight healthy records;
--     if you have eight or fewer healthy records, Route 53 responds to all
--     DNS queries with all the healthy records.
-- -   If you have more than eight healthy records, Route 53 responds to
--     different DNS resolvers with different combinations of healthy
--     records.
-- -   When all records are unhealthy, Route 53 responds to DNS queries
--     with up to eight unhealthy records.
-- -   If a resource becomes unavailable after a resolver caches a
--     response, client software typically tries another of the IP
--     addresses in the response.
-- You can\'t create multivalue answer alias records.
resourceRecordSet_multiValueAnswer :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Bool)
resourceRecordSet_multiValueAnswer :: (Maybe Bool -> f (Maybe Bool))
-> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_multiValueAnswer = (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Bool)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Bool -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens
     ResourceRecordSet ResourceRecordSet (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {Maybe Bool
multiValueAnswer :: Maybe Bool
$sel:multiValueAnswer:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Bool
multiValueAnswer} -> Maybe Bool
multiValueAnswer) (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} Maybe Bool
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:multiValueAnswer:ResourceRecordSet' :: Maybe Bool
multiValueAnswer = Maybe Bool
a} :: ResourceRecordSet)

-- | For @ChangeResourceRecordSets@ requests, the name of the record that you
-- want to create, update, or delete. For @ListResourceRecordSets@
-- responses, the name of a record in the specified hosted zone.
-- __ChangeResourceRecordSets Only__
-- Enter a fully qualified domain name, for example, @www.example.com@. You
-- can optionally include a trailing dot. If you omit the trailing dot,
-- Amazon Route 53 assumes that the domain name that you specify is fully
-- qualified. This means that Route 53 treats @www.example.com@ (without a
-- trailing dot) and @www.example.com.@ (with a trailing dot) as identical.
-- For information about how to specify characters other than @a-z@, @0-9@,
-- and @-@ (hyphen) and how to specify internationalized domain names, see
-- <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/DomainNameFormat.html DNS Domain Name Format>
-- in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
-- You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard to replace the leftmost label in a
-- domain name, for example, @*.example.com@. Note the following:
-- -   The * must replace the entire label. For example, you can\'t specify
--     @*prod.example.com@ or @prod*.example.com@.
-- -   The * can\'t replace any of the middle labels, for example,
--     marketing.*.example.com.
-- -   If you include * in any position other than the leftmost label in a
--     domain name, DNS treats it as an * character (ASCII 42), not as a
--     wildcard.
--     You can\'t use the * wildcard for resource records sets that have a
--     type of NS.
-- You can use the * wildcard as the leftmost label in a domain name, for
-- example, @*.example.com@. You can\'t use an * for one of the middle
-- labels, for example, @marketing.*.example.com@. In addition, the * must
-- replace the entire label; for example, you can\'t specify
-- @prod*.example.com@.
resourceRecordSet_name :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet Prelude.Text
resourceRecordSet_name :: (Text -> f Text) -> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_name = (ResourceRecordSet -> Text)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> Text -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens ResourceRecordSet ResourceRecordSet Text Text
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {Text
name :: Text
$sel:name:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Text
name} -> Text
name) (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} Text
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:name:ResourceRecordSet' :: Text
name = Text
a} :: ResourceRecordSet)

-- | The DNS record type. For information about different record types and
-- how data is encoded for them, see
-- <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/ResourceRecordTypes.html Supported DNS Resource Record Types>
-- in the /Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide/.
-- Valid values for basic resource record sets: @A@ | @AAAA@ | @CAA@ |
-- @CNAME@ | @DS@ |@MX@ | @NAPTR@ | @NS@ | @PTR@ | @SOA@ | @SPF@ | @SRV@ |
-- @TXT@
-- Values for weighted, latency, geolocation, and failover resource record
-- sets: @A@ | @AAAA@ | @CAA@ | @CNAME@ | @MX@ | @NAPTR@ | @PTR@ | @SPF@ |
-- @SRV@ | @TXT@. When creating a group of weighted, latency, geolocation,
-- or failover resource record sets, specify the same value for all of the
-- resource record sets in the group.
-- Valid values for multivalue answer resource record sets: @A@ | @AAAA@ |
-- @MX@ | @NAPTR@ | @PTR@ | @SPF@ | @SRV@ | @TXT@
-- SPF records were formerly used to verify the identity of the sender of
-- email messages. However, we no longer recommend that you create resource
-- record sets for which the value of @Type@ is @SPF@. RFC 7208, /Sender
-- Policy Framework (SPF) for Authorizing Use of Domains in Email, Version
-- 1/, has been updated to say, \"...[I]ts existence and mechanism defined
-- in [RFC4408] have led to some interoperability issues. Accordingly, its
-- use is no longer appropriate for SPF version 1; implementations are not
-- to use it.\" In RFC 7208, see section 14.1,
-- <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7208#section-14.1 The SPF DNS Record Type>.
-- Values for alias resource record sets:
-- -   __Amazon API Gateway custom regional APIs and edge-optimized APIs:__
--     @A@
-- -   __CloudFront distributions:__ @A@
--     If IPv6 is enabled for the distribution, create two resource record
--     sets to route traffic to your distribution, one with a value of @A@
--     and one with a value of @AAAA@.
-- -   __Amazon API Gateway environment that has a regionalized
--     subdomain__: @A@
-- -   __ELB load balancers:__ @A@ | @AAAA@
-- -   __Amazon S3 buckets:__ @A@
-- -   __Amazon Virtual Private Cloud interface VPC endpoints__ @A@
-- -   __Another resource record set in this hosted zone:__ Specify the
--     type of the resource record set that you\'re creating the alias for.
--     All values are supported except @NS@ and @SOA@.
--     If you\'re creating an alias record that has the same name as the
--     hosted zone (known as the zone apex), you can\'t route traffic to a
--     record for which the value of @Type@ is @CNAME@. This is because the
--     alias record must have the same type as the record you\'re routing
--     traffic to, and creating a CNAME record for the zone apex isn\'t
--     supported even for an alias record.
resourceRecordSet_type :: Lens.Lens' ResourceRecordSet RRType
resourceRecordSet_type :: (RRType -> f RRType) -> ResourceRecordSet -> f ResourceRecordSet
resourceRecordSet_type = (ResourceRecordSet -> RRType)
-> (ResourceRecordSet -> RRType -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Lens ResourceRecordSet ResourceRecordSet RRType RRType
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ResourceRecordSet' {RRType
type' :: RRType
$sel:type':ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> RRType
type'} -> RRType
type') (\s :: ResourceRecordSet
s@ResourceRecordSet' {} RRType
a -> ResourceRecordSet
s {$sel:type':ResourceRecordSet' :: RRType
type' = RRType
a} :: ResourceRecordSet)

instance Core.FromXML ResourceRecordSet where
  parseXML :: [Node] -> Either String ResourceRecordSet
parseXML [Node]
x =
    Maybe Natural
-> Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
-> Maybe AliasTarget
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe Text
-> Maybe Text
-> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
-> Maybe Text
-> Maybe Region
-> Maybe GeoLocation
-> Maybe Bool
-> Text
-> RRType
-> ResourceRecordSet
      (Maybe Natural
 -> Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
 -> Maybe AliasTarget
 -> Maybe Natural
 -> Maybe Text
 -> Maybe Text
 -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
 -> Maybe Text
 -> Maybe Region
 -> Maybe GeoLocation
 -> Maybe Bool
 -> Text
 -> RRType
 -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String (Maybe Natural)
-> Either
     (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
      -> Maybe AliasTarget
      -> Maybe Natural
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe Region
      -> Maybe GeoLocation
      -> Maybe Bool
      -> Text
      -> RRType
      -> ResourceRecordSet)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> ([Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe Natural)
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
Core..@? Text
  (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
   -> Maybe AliasTarget
   -> Maybe Natural
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe Region
   -> Maybe GeoLocation
   -> Maybe Bool
   -> Text
   -> RRType
   -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord))
-> Either
     (Maybe AliasTarget
      -> Maybe Natural
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe Region
      -> Maybe GeoLocation
      -> Maybe Bool
      -> Text
      -> RRType
      -> ResourceRecordSet)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> ( [Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe [Node])
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
Core..@? Text
"ResourceRecords" Either String (Maybe [Node]) -> [Node] -> Either String [Node]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f (Maybe a) -> a -> f a
Core..!@ [Node]
forall a. Monoid a => a
                      Either String [Node]
-> ([Node] -> Either String (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)))
-> Either String (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord))
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
Prelude.>>= ([Node] -> Either String (NonEmpty ResourceRecord))
-> [Node] -> Either String (Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
([a] -> f b) -> [a] -> f (Maybe b)
Core.may (Text -> [Node] -> Either String (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
forall a. FromXML a => Text -> [Node] -> Either String (NonEmpty a)
Core.parseXMLList1 Text
  (Maybe AliasTarget
   -> Maybe Natural
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe Region
   -> Maybe GeoLocation
   -> Maybe Bool
   -> Text
   -> RRType
   -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String (Maybe AliasTarget)
-> Either
     (Maybe Natural
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe Region
      -> Maybe GeoLocation
      -> Maybe Bool
      -> Text
      -> RRType
      -> ResourceRecordSet)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> ([Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe AliasTarget)
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
Core..@? Text
  (Maybe Natural
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe Region
   -> Maybe GeoLocation
   -> Maybe Bool
   -> Text
   -> RRType
   -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String (Maybe Natural)
-> Either
     (Maybe Text
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe Region
      -> Maybe GeoLocation
      -> Maybe Bool
      -> Text
      -> RRType
      -> ResourceRecordSet)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> ([Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe Natural)
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
Core..@? Text
  (Maybe Text
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe Region
   -> Maybe GeoLocation
   -> Maybe Bool
   -> Text
   -> RRType
   -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String (Maybe Text)
-> Either
     (Maybe Text
      -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe Region
      -> Maybe GeoLocation
      -> Maybe Bool
      -> Text
      -> RRType
      -> ResourceRecordSet)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> ([Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe Text)
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
Core..@? Text
  (Maybe Text
   -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe Region
   -> Maybe GeoLocation
   -> Maybe Bool
   -> Text
   -> RRType
   -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String (Maybe Text)
-> Either
     (Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
      -> Maybe Text
      -> Maybe Region
      -> Maybe GeoLocation
      -> Maybe Bool
      -> Text
      -> RRType
      -> ResourceRecordSet)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> ([Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe Text)
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
Core..@? Text
  (Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
   -> Maybe Text
   -> Maybe Region
   -> Maybe GeoLocation
   -> Maybe Bool
   -> Text
   -> RRType
   -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String (Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover)
-> Either
     (Maybe Text
      -> Maybe Region
      -> Maybe GeoLocation
      -> Maybe Bool
      -> Text
      -> RRType
      -> ResourceRecordSet)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> ([Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover)
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
Core..@? Text
  (Maybe Text
   -> Maybe Region
   -> Maybe GeoLocation
   -> Maybe Bool
   -> Text
   -> RRType
   -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String (Maybe Text)
-> Either
     (Maybe Region
      -> Maybe GeoLocation
      -> Maybe Bool
      -> Text
      -> RRType
      -> ResourceRecordSet)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> ([Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe Text)
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
Core..@? Text
  (Maybe Region
   -> Maybe GeoLocation
   -> Maybe Bool
   -> Text
   -> RRType
   -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String (Maybe Region)
-> Either
     (Maybe GeoLocation
      -> Maybe Bool -> Text -> RRType -> ResourceRecordSet)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> ([Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe Region)
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
Core..@? Text
  (Maybe GeoLocation
   -> Maybe Bool -> Text -> RRType -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String (Maybe GeoLocation)
-> Either
     String (Maybe Bool -> Text -> RRType -> ResourceRecordSet)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> ([Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe GeoLocation)
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
Core..@? Text
      Either String (Maybe Bool -> Text -> RRType -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String (Maybe Bool)
-> Either String (Text -> RRType -> ResourceRecordSet)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> ([Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe Bool)
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
Core..@? Text
      Either String (Text -> RRType -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String Text
-> Either String (RRType -> ResourceRecordSet)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> ([Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String Text
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String a
Core..@ Text
      Either String (RRType -> ResourceRecordSet)
-> Either String RRType -> Either String ResourceRecordSet
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> ([Node]
x [Node] -> Text -> Either String RRType
forall a. FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String a
Core..@ Text

instance Prelude.Hashable ResourceRecordSet

instance Prelude.NFData ResourceRecordSet

instance Core.ToXML ResourceRecordSet where
  toXML :: ResourceRecordSet -> XML
toXML ResourceRecordSet' {Maybe Bool
Maybe Natural
Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
Maybe Text
Maybe Region
Maybe AliasTarget
Maybe GeoLocation
Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
type' :: RRType
name :: Text
multiValueAnswer :: Maybe Bool
geoLocation :: Maybe GeoLocation
region :: Maybe Region
healthCheckId :: Maybe Text
failover :: Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
setIdentifier :: Maybe Text
trafficPolicyInstanceId :: Maybe Text
weight :: Maybe Natural
aliasTarget :: Maybe AliasTarget
resourceRecords :: Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
ttl :: Maybe Natural
$sel:type':ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> RRType
$sel:name:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Text
$sel:multiValueAnswer:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Bool
$sel:geoLocation:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe GeoLocation
$sel:region:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Region
$sel:healthCheckId:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text
$sel:failover:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
$sel:setIdentifier:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text
$sel:trafficPolicyInstanceId:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Text
$sel:weight:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Natural
$sel:aliasTarget:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe AliasTarget
$sel:resourceRecords:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
$sel:ttl:ResourceRecordSet' :: ResourceRecordSet -> Maybe Natural
..} =
    [XML] -> XML
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
      [ Name
"TTL" Name -> Maybe Natural -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= Maybe Natural
          Name -> XML -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= Maybe XML -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => a -> XML
            ( Name -> NonEmpty ResourceRecord -> XML
forall a. (IsList a, ToXML (Item a)) => Name -> a -> XML
Core.toXMLList Name
                (NonEmpty ResourceRecord -> XML)
-> Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord) -> Maybe XML
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe (NonEmpty ResourceRecord)
"AliasTarget" Name -> Maybe AliasTarget -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= Maybe AliasTarget
"Weight" Name -> Maybe Natural -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= Maybe Natural
          Name -> Maybe Text -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= Maybe Text
"SetIdentifier" Name -> Maybe Text -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= Maybe Text
"Failover" Name -> Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= Maybe ResourceRecordSetFailover
"HealthCheckId" Name -> Maybe Text -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= Maybe Text
"Region" Name -> Maybe Region -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= Maybe Region
"GeoLocation" Name -> Maybe GeoLocation -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= Maybe GeoLocation
"MultiValueAnswer" Name -> Maybe Bool -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= Maybe Bool
"Name" Name -> Text -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= Text
"Type" Name -> RRType -> XML
forall a. ToXML a => Name -> a -> XML
Core.@= RRType