{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}

-- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.

-- |
-- Module      : Amazonka.Route53Domains.Types.ExtraParam
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay
-- License     : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay+amazonka@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
module Amazonka.Route53Domains.Types.ExtraParam where

import qualified Amazonka.Core as Core
import qualified Amazonka.Lens as Lens
import qualified Amazonka.Prelude as Prelude
import Amazonka.Route53Domains.Types.ExtraParamName

-- | ExtraParam includes the following elements.
-- /See:/ 'newExtraParam' smart constructor.
data ExtraParam = ExtraParam'
  { -- | The name of an additional parameter that is required by a top-level
    -- domain. Here are the top-level domains that require additional
    -- parameters and the names of the parameters that they require:
    -- [.com.au and .net.au]
    --     -   @AU_ID_NUMBER@
    --     -   @AU_ID_TYPE@
    --         Valid values include the following:
    --         -   @ABN@ (Australian business number)
    --         -   @ACN@ (Australian company number)
    --         -   @TM@ (Trademark number)
    -- [.ca]
    --     -   @BRAND_NUMBER@
    --     -   @CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE@
    --         Valid values include the following:
    --         -   @BANK@ (Bank)
    --         -   @COMMERCIAL_COMPANY@ (Commercial company)
    --         -   @COMPANY@ (Company)
    --         -   @COOPERATION@ (Cooperation)
    --         -   @COOPERATIVE@ (Cooperative)
    --         -   @COOPRIX@ (Cooprix)
    --         -   @CORP@ (Corporation)
    --         -   @CREDIT_UNION@ (Credit union)
    --         -   @FOMIA@ (Federation of mutual insurance associations)
    --         -   @INC@ (Incorporated)
    --         -   @LTD@ (Limited)
    --         -   @LTEE@ (Limitée)
    --         -   @LLC@ (Limited liability corporation)
    --         -   @LLP@ (Limited liability partnership)
    --         -   @LTE@ (Lte.)
    --         -   @MBA@ (Mutual benefit association)
    --         -   @MIC@ (Mutual insurance company)
    --         -   @NFP@ (Not-for-profit corporation)
    --         -   @SA@ (S.A.)
    --         -   @SAVINGS_COMPANY@ (Savings company)
    --         -   @SAVINGS_UNION@ (Savings union)
    --         -   @SARL@ (Société à responsabilité limitée)
    --         -   @TRUST@ (Trust)
    --         -   @ULC@ (Unlimited liability corporation)
    --     -   @CA_LEGAL_TYPE@
    --         When @ContactType@ is @PERSON@, valid values include the
    --         following:
    --         -   @ABO@ (Aboriginal Peoples indigenous to Canada)
    --         -   @CCT@ (Canadian citizen)
    --         -   @LGR@ (Legal Representative of a Canadian Citizen or
    --             Permanent Resident)
    --         -   @RES@ (Permanent resident of Canada)
    --         When @ContactType@ is a value other than @PERSON@, valid values
    --         include the following:
    --         -   @ASS@ (Canadian unincorporated association)
    --         -   @CCO@ (Canadian corporation)
    --         -   @EDU@ (Canadian educational institution)
    --         -   @GOV@ (Government or government entity in Canada)
    --         -   @HOP@ (Canadian Hospital)
    --         -   @INB@ (Indian Band recognized by the Indian Act of Canada)
    --         -   @LAM@ (Canadian Library, Archive, or Museum)
    --         -   @MAJ@ (Her\/His Majesty the Queen\/King)
    --         -   @OMK@ (Official mark registered in Canada)
    --         -   @PLT@ (Canadian Political Party)
    --         -   @PRT@ (Partnership Registered in Canada)
    --         -   @TDM@ (Trademark registered in Canada)
    --         -   @TRD@ (Canadian Trade Union)
    --         -   @TRS@ (Trust established in Canada)
    -- [.es]
    --     -   @ES_IDENTIFICATION@
    --         Specify the applicable value:
    --         -   __For contacts inside Spain:__ Enter your passport ID.
    --         -   __For contacts outside of Spain:__ Enter the VAT
    --             identification number for the company.
    --             For .es domains, the value of @ContactType@ must be
    --             @PERSON@.
    --         Valid values include the following:
    --         -   @DNI_AND_NIF@ (For Spanish contacts)
    --         -   @NIE@ (For foreigners with legal residence)
    --         -   @OTHER@ (For contacts outside of Spain)
    --     -   @ES_LEGAL_FORM@
    --         Valid values include the following:
    --         -   @ASSOCIATION@
    --         -   @CENTRAL_GOVERNMENT_BODY@
    --         -   @CIVIL_SOCIETY@
    --         -   @COMMUNITY_OF_OWNERS@
    --         -   @COMMUNITY_PROPERTY@
    --         -   @CONSULATE@
    --         -   @COOPERATIVE@
    --         -   @ECONOMIC_INTEREST_GROUP@
    --         -   @EMBASSY@
    --         -   @FARM_PARTNERSHIP@
    --         -   @FOUNDATION@
    --         -   @GENERAL_PARTNERSHIP@
    --         -   @INDIVIDUAL@
    --         -   @LIMITED_COMPANY@
    --         -   @LOCAL_AUTHORITY@
    --         -   @LOCAL_PUBLIC_ENTITY@
    --         -   @MUTUAL_INSURANCE_COMPANY@
    --         -   @NATIONAL_PUBLIC_ENTITY@
    --         -   @OTHERS (Only for contacts outside of Spain)@
    --         -   @POLITICAL_PARTY@
    --         -   @PUBLIC_LAW_ASSOCIATION@
    --         -   @PUBLIC_LIMITED_COMPANY@
    --         -   @REGIONAL_GOVERNMENT_BODY@
    --         -   @REGIONAL_PUBLIC_ENTITY@
    --         -   @SAVINGS_BANK@
    --         -   @SPANISH_OFFICE@
    --         -   @SPORTS_ASSOCIATION@
    --         -   @SPORTS_FEDERATION@
    --         -   @SPORTS_LIMITED_COMPANY@
    --         -   @TRADE_UNION@
    --         -   @WORKER_OWNED_COMPANY@
    -- [.fi]
    --     -   @BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD@
    --     -   @FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER@
    --     -   @FI_ID_NUMBER@
    --     -   @FI_NATIONALITY@
    --         Valid values include the following:
    --         -   @FINNISH@
    --         -   @NOT_FINNISH@
    --     -   @FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE@
    --         Valid values include the following:
    --         -   @COMPANY@
    --         -   @CORPORATION@
    --         -   @GOVERNMENT@
    --         -   @INSTITUTION@
    --         -   @POLITICAL_PARTY@
    --         -   @PUBLIC_COMMUNITY@
    --         -   @TOWNSHIP@
    -- [.fr]
    --     -   @BIRTH_CITY@
    --     -   @BIRTH_COUNTRY@
    --     -   @BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD@
    --     -   @BIRTH_DEPARTMENT@: Specify the INSEE code that corresponds with
    --         the department where the contact was born. If the contact was
    --         born somewhere other than France or its overseas departments,
    --         specify @99@. For more information, including a list of
    --         departments and the corresponding INSEE numbers, see the
    --         Wikipedia entry
    --         <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Departments_of_France Departments of France>.
    --     -   @BRAND_NUMBER@
    -- [.it]
    --     -   @IT_NATIONALITY@
    --     -   @IT_PIN@
    --         Valid values include the following:
    --         -   @FOREIGNERS@
    --         -   @FREELANCE_WORKERS@ (Freelance workers and professionals)
    --         -   @ITALIAN_COMPANIES@ (Italian companies and one-person
    --             companies)
    --         -   @NON_PROFIT_ORGANIZATIONS@
    --         -   @OTHER_SUBJECTS@
    --         -   @PUBLIC_ORGANIZATIONS@
    -- [.ru]
    --     -   @BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD@
    --     -   @RU_PASSPORT_DATA@
    -- [.se]
    --     -   @BIRTH_COUNTRY@
    --     -   @SE_ID_NUMBER@
    -- [.sg]
    --     -   @SG_ID_NUMBER@
    -- [.co.uk, .me.uk, and .org.uk]
    --     -   @UK_CONTACT_TYPE@
    --         Valid values include the following:
    --         -   @CRC@ (UK Corporation by Royal Charter)
    --         -   @FCORP@ (Non-UK Corporation)
    --         -   @FIND@ (Non-UK Individual, representing self)
    --         -   @FOTHER@ (Non-UK Entity that does not fit into any other
    --             category)
    --         -   @GOV@ (UK Government Body)
    --         -   @IND@ (UK Individual (representing self))
    --         -   @IP@ (UK Industrial\/Provident Registered Company)
    --         -   @LLP@ (UK Limited Liability Partnership)
    --         -   @LTD@ (UK Limited Company)
    --         -   @OTHER@ (UK Entity that does not fit into any other
    --             category)
    --         -   @PLC@ (UK Public Limited Company)
    --         -   @PTNR@ (UK Partnership)
    --         -   @RCHAR@ (UK Registered Charity)
    --         -   @SCH@ (UK School)
    --         -   @STAT@ (UK Statutory Body)
    --         -   @STRA@ (UK Sole Trader)
    --     -   @UK_COMPANY_NUMBER@
    -- In addition, many TLDs require a @VAT_NUMBER@.
    ExtraParam -> ExtraParamName
name :: ExtraParamName,
    -- | The value that corresponds with the name of an extra parameter.
    ExtraParam -> Text
value :: Prelude.Text
  deriving (ExtraParam -> ExtraParam -> Bool
(ExtraParam -> ExtraParam -> Bool)
-> (ExtraParam -> ExtraParam -> Bool) -> Eq ExtraParam
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: ExtraParam -> ExtraParam -> Bool
$c/= :: ExtraParam -> ExtraParam -> Bool
== :: ExtraParam -> ExtraParam -> Bool
$c== :: ExtraParam -> ExtraParam -> Bool
Prelude.Eq, ReadPrec [ExtraParam]
ReadPrec ExtraParam
Int -> ReadS ExtraParam
ReadS [ExtraParam]
(Int -> ReadS ExtraParam)
-> ReadS [ExtraParam]
-> ReadPrec ExtraParam
-> ReadPrec [ExtraParam]
-> Read ExtraParam
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [ExtraParam]
$creadListPrec :: ReadPrec [ExtraParam]
readPrec :: ReadPrec ExtraParam
$creadPrec :: ReadPrec ExtraParam
readList :: ReadS [ExtraParam]
$creadList :: ReadS [ExtraParam]
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ExtraParam
$creadsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ExtraParam
Prelude.Read, Int -> ExtraParam -> ShowS
[ExtraParam] -> ShowS
ExtraParam -> String
(Int -> ExtraParam -> ShowS)
-> (ExtraParam -> String)
-> ([ExtraParam] -> ShowS)
-> Show ExtraParam
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [ExtraParam] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [ExtraParam] -> ShowS
show :: ExtraParam -> String
$cshow :: ExtraParam -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> ExtraParam -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> ExtraParam -> ShowS
Prelude.Show, (forall x. ExtraParam -> Rep ExtraParam x)
-> (forall x. Rep ExtraParam x -> ExtraParam) -> Generic ExtraParam
forall x. Rep ExtraParam x -> ExtraParam
forall x. ExtraParam -> Rep ExtraParam x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep ExtraParam x -> ExtraParam
$cfrom :: forall x. ExtraParam -> Rep ExtraParam x

-- |
-- Create a value of 'ExtraParam' with all optional fields omitted.
-- Use <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-lens generic-lens> or <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optics optics> to modify other optional fields.
-- The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided
-- for backwards compatibility:
-- 'name', 'extraParam_name' - The name of an additional parameter that is required by a top-level
-- domain. Here are the top-level domains that require additional
-- parameters and the names of the parameters that they require:
-- [.com.au and .net.au]
--     -   @AU_ID_NUMBER@
--     -   @AU_ID_TYPE@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @ABN@ (Australian business number)
--         -   @ACN@ (Australian company number)
--         -   @TM@ (Trademark number)
-- [.ca]
--     -   @BRAND_NUMBER@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @BANK@ (Bank)
--         -   @COMMERCIAL_COMPANY@ (Commercial company)
--         -   @COMPANY@ (Company)
--         -   @COOPERATION@ (Cooperation)
--         -   @COOPERATIVE@ (Cooperative)
--         -   @COOPRIX@ (Cooprix)
--         -   @CORP@ (Corporation)
--         -   @CREDIT_UNION@ (Credit union)
--         -   @FOMIA@ (Federation of mutual insurance associations)
--         -   @INC@ (Incorporated)
--         -   @LTD@ (Limited)
--         -   @LTEE@ (Limitée)
--         -   @LLC@ (Limited liability corporation)
--         -   @LLP@ (Limited liability partnership)
--         -   @LTE@ (Lte.)
--         -   @MBA@ (Mutual benefit association)
--         -   @MIC@ (Mutual insurance company)
--         -   @NFP@ (Not-for-profit corporation)
--         -   @SA@ (S.A.)
--         -   @SAVINGS_COMPANY@ (Savings company)
--         -   @SAVINGS_UNION@ (Savings union)
--         -   @SARL@ (Société à responsabilité limitée)
--         -   @TRUST@ (Trust)
--         -   @ULC@ (Unlimited liability corporation)
--     -   @CA_LEGAL_TYPE@
--         When @ContactType@ is @PERSON@, valid values include the
--         following:
--         -   @ABO@ (Aboriginal Peoples indigenous to Canada)
--         -   @CCT@ (Canadian citizen)
--         -   @LGR@ (Legal Representative of a Canadian Citizen or
--             Permanent Resident)
--         -   @RES@ (Permanent resident of Canada)
--         When @ContactType@ is a value other than @PERSON@, valid values
--         include the following:
--         -   @ASS@ (Canadian unincorporated association)
--         -   @CCO@ (Canadian corporation)
--         -   @EDU@ (Canadian educational institution)
--         -   @GOV@ (Government or government entity in Canada)
--         -   @HOP@ (Canadian Hospital)
--         -   @INB@ (Indian Band recognized by the Indian Act of Canada)
--         -   @LAM@ (Canadian Library, Archive, or Museum)
--         -   @MAJ@ (Her\/His Majesty the Queen\/King)
--         -   @OMK@ (Official mark registered in Canada)
--         -   @PLT@ (Canadian Political Party)
--         -   @PRT@ (Partnership Registered in Canada)
--         -   @TDM@ (Trademark registered in Canada)
--         -   @TRD@ (Canadian Trade Union)
--         -   @TRS@ (Trust established in Canada)
-- [.es]
--         Specify the applicable value:
--         -   __For contacts inside Spain:__ Enter your passport ID.
--         -   __For contacts outside of Spain:__ Enter the VAT
--             identification number for the company.
--             For .es domains, the value of @ContactType@ must be
--             @PERSON@.
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @DNI_AND_NIF@ (For Spanish contacts)
--         -   @NIE@ (For foreigners with legal residence)
--         -   @OTHER@ (For contacts outside of Spain)
--     -   @ES_LEGAL_FORM@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @ASSOCIATION@
--         -   @CIVIL_SOCIETY@
--         -   @COMMUNITY_OF_OWNERS@
--         -   @COMMUNITY_PROPERTY@
--         -   @CONSULATE@
--         -   @COOPERATIVE@
--         -   @EMBASSY@
--         -   @FARM_PARTNERSHIP@
--         -   @FOUNDATION@
--         -   @GENERAL_PARTNERSHIP@
--         -   @INDIVIDUAL@
--         -   @LIMITED_COMPANY@
--         -   @LOCAL_AUTHORITY@
--         -   @LOCAL_PUBLIC_ENTITY@
--         -   @OTHERS (Only for contacts outside of Spain)@
--         -   @POLITICAL_PARTY@
--         -   @SAVINGS_BANK@
--         -   @SPANISH_OFFICE@
--         -   @SPORTS_ASSOCIATION@
--         -   @SPORTS_FEDERATION@
--         -   @TRADE_UNION@
--         -   @WORKER_OWNED_COMPANY@
-- [.fi]
--     -   @FI_ID_NUMBER@
--     -   @FI_NATIONALITY@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @FINNISH@
--         -   @NOT_FINNISH@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @COMPANY@
--         -   @CORPORATION@
--         -   @GOVERNMENT@
--         -   @INSTITUTION@
--         -   @POLITICAL_PARTY@
--         -   @PUBLIC_COMMUNITY@
--         -   @TOWNSHIP@
-- [.fr]
--     -   @BIRTH_CITY@
--     -   @BIRTH_COUNTRY@
--     -   @BIRTH_DEPARTMENT@: Specify the INSEE code that corresponds with
--         the department where the contact was born. If the contact was
--         born somewhere other than France or its overseas departments,
--         specify @99@. For more information, including a list of
--         departments and the corresponding INSEE numbers, see the
--         Wikipedia entry
--         <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Departments_of_France Departments of France>.
--     -   @BRAND_NUMBER@
-- [.it]
--     -   @IT_NATIONALITY@
--     -   @IT_PIN@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @FOREIGNERS@
--         -   @FREELANCE_WORKERS@ (Freelance workers and professionals)
--         -   @ITALIAN_COMPANIES@ (Italian companies and one-person
--             companies)
--         -   @OTHER_SUBJECTS@
-- [.ru]
--     -   @RU_PASSPORT_DATA@
-- [.se]
--     -   @BIRTH_COUNTRY@
--     -   @SE_ID_NUMBER@
-- [.sg]
--     -   @SG_ID_NUMBER@
-- [.co.uk, .me.uk, and .org.uk]
--     -   @UK_CONTACT_TYPE@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @CRC@ (UK Corporation by Royal Charter)
--         -   @FCORP@ (Non-UK Corporation)
--         -   @FIND@ (Non-UK Individual, representing self)
--         -   @FOTHER@ (Non-UK Entity that does not fit into any other
--             category)
--         -   @GOV@ (UK Government Body)
--         -   @IND@ (UK Individual (representing self))
--         -   @IP@ (UK Industrial\/Provident Registered Company)
--         -   @LLP@ (UK Limited Liability Partnership)
--         -   @LTD@ (UK Limited Company)
--         -   @OTHER@ (UK Entity that does not fit into any other
--             category)
--         -   @PLC@ (UK Public Limited Company)
--         -   @PTNR@ (UK Partnership)
--         -   @RCHAR@ (UK Registered Charity)
--         -   @SCH@ (UK School)
--         -   @STAT@ (UK Statutory Body)
--         -   @STRA@ (UK Sole Trader)
--     -   @UK_COMPANY_NUMBER@
-- In addition, many TLDs require a @VAT_NUMBER@.
-- 'value', 'extraParam_value' - The value that corresponds with the name of an extra parameter.
newExtraParam ::
  -- | 'name'
  ExtraParamName ->
  -- | 'value'
  Prelude.Text ->
newExtraParam :: ExtraParamName -> Text -> ExtraParam
newExtraParam ExtraParamName
pName_ Text
pValue_ =
  ExtraParam' :: ExtraParamName -> Text -> ExtraParam
ExtraParam' {$sel:name:ExtraParam' :: ExtraParamName
name = ExtraParamName
pName_, $sel:value:ExtraParam' :: Text
value = Text

-- | The name of an additional parameter that is required by a top-level
-- domain. Here are the top-level domains that require additional
-- parameters and the names of the parameters that they require:
-- [.com.au and .net.au]
--     -   @AU_ID_NUMBER@
--     -   @AU_ID_TYPE@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @ABN@ (Australian business number)
--         -   @ACN@ (Australian company number)
--         -   @TM@ (Trademark number)
-- [.ca]
--     -   @BRAND_NUMBER@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @BANK@ (Bank)
--         -   @COMMERCIAL_COMPANY@ (Commercial company)
--         -   @COMPANY@ (Company)
--         -   @COOPERATION@ (Cooperation)
--         -   @COOPERATIVE@ (Cooperative)
--         -   @COOPRIX@ (Cooprix)
--         -   @CORP@ (Corporation)
--         -   @CREDIT_UNION@ (Credit union)
--         -   @FOMIA@ (Federation of mutual insurance associations)
--         -   @INC@ (Incorporated)
--         -   @LTD@ (Limited)
--         -   @LTEE@ (Limitée)
--         -   @LLC@ (Limited liability corporation)
--         -   @LLP@ (Limited liability partnership)
--         -   @LTE@ (Lte.)
--         -   @MBA@ (Mutual benefit association)
--         -   @MIC@ (Mutual insurance company)
--         -   @NFP@ (Not-for-profit corporation)
--         -   @SA@ (S.A.)
--         -   @SAVINGS_COMPANY@ (Savings company)
--         -   @SAVINGS_UNION@ (Savings union)
--         -   @SARL@ (Société à responsabilité limitée)
--         -   @TRUST@ (Trust)
--         -   @ULC@ (Unlimited liability corporation)
--     -   @CA_LEGAL_TYPE@
--         When @ContactType@ is @PERSON@, valid values include the
--         following:
--         -   @ABO@ (Aboriginal Peoples indigenous to Canada)
--         -   @CCT@ (Canadian citizen)
--         -   @LGR@ (Legal Representative of a Canadian Citizen or
--             Permanent Resident)
--         -   @RES@ (Permanent resident of Canada)
--         When @ContactType@ is a value other than @PERSON@, valid values
--         include the following:
--         -   @ASS@ (Canadian unincorporated association)
--         -   @CCO@ (Canadian corporation)
--         -   @EDU@ (Canadian educational institution)
--         -   @GOV@ (Government or government entity in Canada)
--         -   @HOP@ (Canadian Hospital)
--         -   @INB@ (Indian Band recognized by the Indian Act of Canada)
--         -   @LAM@ (Canadian Library, Archive, or Museum)
--         -   @MAJ@ (Her\/His Majesty the Queen\/King)
--         -   @OMK@ (Official mark registered in Canada)
--         -   @PLT@ (Canadian Political Party)
--         -   @PRT@ (Partnership Registered in Canada)
--         -   @TDM@ (Trademark registered in Canada)
--         -   @TRD@ (Canadian Trade Union)
--         -   @TRS@ (Trust established in Canada)
-- [.es]
--         Specify the applicable value:
--         -   __For contacts inside Spain:__ Enter your passport ID.
--         -   __For contacts outside of Spain:__ Enter the VAT
--             identification number for the company.
--             For .es domains, the value of @ContactType@ must be
--             @PERSON@.
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @DNI_AND_NIF@ (For Spanish contacts)
--         -   @NIE@ (For foreigners with legal residence)
--         -   @OTHER@ (For contacts outside of Spain)
--     -   @ES_LEGAL_FORM@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @ASSOCIATION@
--         -   @CIVIL_SOCIETY@
--         -   @COMMUNITY_OF_OWNERS@
--         -   @COMMUNITY_PROPERTY@
--         -   @CONSULATE@
--         -   @COOPERATIVE@
--         -   @EMBASSY@
--         -   @FARM_PARTNERSHIP@
--         -   @FOUNDATION@
--         -   @GENERAL_PARTNERSHIP@
--         -   @INDIVIDUAL@
--         -   @LIMITED_COMPANY@
--         -   @LOCAL_AUTHORITY@
--         -   @LOCAL_PUBLIC_ENTITY@
--         -   @OTHERS (Only for contacts outside of Spain)@
--         -   @POLITICAL_PARTY@
--         -   @SAVINGS_BANK@
--         -   @SPANISH_OFFICE@
--         -   @SPORTS_ASSOCIATION@
--         -   @SPORTS_FEDERATION@
--         -   @TRADE_UNION@
--         -   @WORKER_OWNED_COMPANY@
-- [.fi]
--     -   @FI_ID_NUMBER@
--     -   @FI_NATIONALITY@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @FINNISH@
--         -   @NOT_FINNISH@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @COMPANY@
--         -   @CORPORATION@
--         -   @GOVERNMENT@
--         -   @INSTITUTION@
--         -   @POLITICAL_PARTY@
--         -   @PUBLIC_COMMUNITY@
--         -   @TOWNSHIP@
-- [.fr]
--     -   @BIRTH_CITY@
--     -   @BIRTH_COUNTRY@
--     -   @BIRTH_DEPARTMENT@: Specify the INSEE code that corresponds with
--         the department where the contact was born. If the contact was
--         born somewhere other than France or its overseas departments,
--         specify @99@. For more information, including a list of
--         departments and the corresponding INSEE numbers, see the
--         Wikipedia entry
--         <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Departments_of_France Departments of France>.
--     -   @BRAND_NUMBER@
-- [.it]
--     -   @IT_NATIONALITY@
--     -   @IT_PIN@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @FOREIGNERS@
--         -   @FREELANCE_WORKERS@ (Freelance workers and professionals)
--         -   @ITALIAN_COMPANIES@ (Italian companies and one-person
--             companies)
--         -   @OTHER_SUBJECTS@
-- [.ru]
--     -   @RU_PASSPORT_DATA@
-- [.se]
--     -   @BIRTH_COUNTRY@
--     -   @SE_ID_NUMBER@
-- [.sg]
--     -   @SG_ID_NUMBER@
-- [.co.uk, .me.uk, and .org.uk]
--     -   @UK_CONTACT_TYPE@
--         Valid values include the following:
--         -   @CRC@ (UK Corporation by Royal Charter)
--         -   @FCORP@ (Non-UK Corporation)
--         -   @FIND@ (Non-UK Individual, representing self)
--         -   @FOTHER@ (Non-UK Entity that does not fit into any other
--             category)
--         -   @GOV@ (UK Government Body)
--         -   @IND@ (UK Individual (representing self))
--         -   @IP@ (UK Industrial\/Provident Registered Company)
--         -   @LLP@ (UK Limited Liability Partnership)
--         -   @LTD@ (UK Limited Company)
--         -   @OTHER@ (UK Entity that does not fit into any other
--             category)
--         -   @PLC@ (UK Public Limited Company)
--         -   @PTNR@ (UK Partnership)
--         -   @RCHAR@ (UK Registered Charity)
--         -   @SCH@ (UK School)
--         -   @STAT@ (UK Statutory Body)
--         -   @STRA@ (UK Sole Trader)
--     -   @UK_COMPANY_NUMBER@
-- In addition, many TLDs require a @VAT_NUMBER@.
extraParam_name :: Lens.Lens' ExtraParam ExtraParamName
extraParam_name :: (ExtraParamName -> f ExtraParamName) -> ExtraParam -> f ExtraParam
extraParam_name = (ExtraParam -> ExtraParamName)
-> (ExtraParam -> ExtraParamName -> ExtraParam)
-> Lens ExtraParam ExtraParam ExtraParamName ExtraParamName
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ExtraParam' {ExtraParamName
name :: ExtraParamName
$sel:name:ExtraParam' :: ExtraParam -> ExtraParamName
name} -> ExtraParamName
name) (\s :: ExtraParam
s@ExtraParam' {} ExtraParamName
a -> ExtraParam
s {$sel:name:ExtraParam' :: ExtraParamName
name = ExtraParamName
a} :: ExtraParam)

-- | The value that corresponds with the name of an extra parameter.
extraParam_value :: Lens.Lens' ExtraParam Prelude.Text
extraParam_value :: (Text -> f Text) -> ExtraParam -> f ExtraParam
extraParam_value = (ExtraParam -> Text)
-> (ExtraParam -> Text -> ExtraParam)
-> Lens ExtraParam ExtraParam Text Text
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\ExtraParam' {Text
value :: Text
$sel:value:ExtraParam' :: ExtraParam -> Text
value} -> Text
value) (\s :: ExtraParam
s@ExtraParam' {} Text
a -> ExtraParam
s {$sel:value:ExtraParam' :: Text
value = Text
a} :: ExtraParam)

instance Core.FromJSON ExtraParam where
  parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ExtraParam
parseJSON =
-> (Object -> Parser ExtraParam) -> Value -> Parser ExtraParam
forall a. String -> (Object -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
      ( \Object
x ->
          ExtraParamName -> Text -> ExtraParam
            (ExtraParamName -> Text -> ExtraParam)
-> Parser ExtraParamName -> Parser (Text -> ExtraParam)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> (Object
x Object -> Text -> Parser ExtraParamName
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser a
Core..: Text
"Name") Parser (Text -> ExtraParam) -> Parser Text -> Parser ExtraParam
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x Object -> Text -> Parser Text
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser a
Core..: Text

instance Prelude.Hashable ExtraParam

instance Prelude.NFData ExtraParam

instance Core.ToJSON ExtraParam where
  toJSON :: ExtraParam -> Value
toJSON ExtraParam' {Text
value :: Text
name :: ExtraParamName
$sel:value:ExtraParam' :: ExtraParam -> Text
$sel:name:ExtraParam' :: ExtraParam -> ExtraParamName
..} =
    [Pair] -> Value
      ( [Maybe Pair] -> [Pair]
forall a. [Maybe a] -> [a]
          [ Pair -> Maybe Pair
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Prelude.Just (Text
"Name" Text -> ExtraParamName -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
Core..= ExtraParamName
            Pair -> Maybe Pair
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Prelude.Just (Text
"Value" Text -> Text -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
Core..= Text