Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- data ResourceShareAssociation = ResourceShareAssociation' {}
- newResourceShareAssociation :: ResourceShareAssociation
- resourceShareAssociation_creationTime :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe UTCTime)
- resourceShareAssociation_status :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe ResourceShareAssociationStatus)
- resourceShareAssociation_resourceShareArn :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe Text)
- resourceShareAssociation_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe UTCTime)
- resourceShareAssociation_external :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe Bool)
- resourceShareAssociation_resourceShareName :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe Text)
- resourceShareAssociation_associatedEntity :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe Text)
- resourceShareAssociation_associationType :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe ResourceShareAssociationType)
- resourceShareAssociation_statusMessage :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe Text)
data ResourceShareAssociation Source #
Describes an association with a resource share.
See: newResourceShareAssociation
smart constructor.
ResourceShareAssociation' | |
newResourceShareAssociation :: ResourceShareAssociation Source #
Create a value of ResourceShareAssociation
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, resourceShareAssociation_creationTime
- The time when the association was created.
, resourceShareAssociation_status
- The status of the association.
, resourceShareAssociation_resourceShareArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource share.
, resourceShareAssociation_lastUpdatedTime
- The time when the association was last updated.
, resourceShareAssociation_external
- Indicates whether the principal belongs to the same organization in
Organizations as the Amazon Web Services account that owns the resource
, resourceShareAssociation_resourceShareName
- The name of the resource share.
, resourceShareAssociation_associatedEntity
- The associated entity. For resource associations, this is the Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. For principal associations, this is
one of the following:
- An Amazon Web Services account ID
- An ARN of an organization in Organizations
- An ARN of an organizational unit (OU) in Organizations
- An ARN of an IAM role
- An ARN of an IAM user
, resourceShareAssociation_associationType
- The association type.
, resourceShareAssociation_statusMessage
- A message about the status of the association.
resourceShareAssociation_creationTime :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the association was created.
resourceShareAssociation_status :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe ResourceShareAssociationStatus) Source #
The status of the association.
resourceShareAssociation_resourceShareArn :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource share.
resourceShareAssociation_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the association was last updated.
resourceShareAssociation_external :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the principal belongs to the same organization in Organizations as the Amazon Web Services account that owns the resource share.
resourceShareAssociation_resourceShareName :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the resource share.
resourceShareAssociation_associatedEntity :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The associated entity. For resource associations, this is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. For principal associations, this is one of the following:
- An Amazon Web Services account ID
- An ARN of an organization in Organizations
- An ARN of an organizational unit (OU) in Organizations
- An ARN of an IAM role
- An ARN of an IAM user
resourceShareAssociation_associationType :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe ResourceShareAssociationType) Source #
The association type.
resourceShareAssociation_statusMessage :: Lens' ResourceShareAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
A message about the status of the association.