Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- Waiters
- Operations
- CreateConfiguration
- CreateBroker
- DeleteBroker
- UpdateBroker
- RebootBroker
- ListConfigurationRevisions
- CreateTags
- ListUsers
- DeleteTags
- ListConfigurations
- DescribeUser
- DescribeBrokerInstanceOptions
- ListBrokers (Paginated)
- CreateUser
- DescribeConfiguration
- UpdateUser
- DeleteUser
- ListTags
- DescribeBrokerEngineTypes
- DescribeConfigurationRevision
- DescribeBroker
- UpdateConfiguration
- Types
- AuthenticationStrategy
- BrokerState
- BrokerStorageType
- ChangeType
- DayOfWeek
- DeploymentMode
- EngineType
- SanitizationWarningReason
- AvailabilityZone
- BrokerEngineType
- BrokerInstance
- BrokerInstanceOption
- BrokerSummary
- Configuration
- ConfigurationId
- ConfigurationRevision
- Configurations
- EncryptionOptions
- EngineVersion
- LdapServerMetadataInput
- LdapServerMetadataOutput
- Logs
- LogsSummary
- PendingLogs
- SanitizationWarning
- User
- UserPendingChanges
- UserSummary
- WeeklyStartTime
Derived from API version 2017-11-27
of the AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.
Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ that makes it easy to set up and operate message brokers in the cloud. A message broker allows software applications and components to communicate using various programming languages, operating systems, and formal messaging protocols.
- defaultService :: Service
- _ConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ForbiddenException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _NotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InternalServerErrorException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _UnauthorizedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _BadRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- data CreateConfiguration = CreateConfiguration' (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Text EngineType Text
- newCreateConfiguration :: Text -> EngineType -> Text -> CreateConfiguration
- data CreateConfigurationResponse = CreateConfigurationResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConfigurationRevision) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int
- newCreateConfigurationResponse :: Int -> CreateConfigurationResponse
- data CreateBroker = CreateBroker' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe LdapServerMetadataInput) (Maybe WeeklyStartTime) (Maybe Logs) (Maybe EncryptionOptions) (Maybe ConfigurationId) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe BrokerStorageType) Text Text Bool [User] Text DeploymentMode EngineType Bool
- newCreateBroker :: Text -> Text -> Bool -> Text -> DeploymentMode -> EngineType -> Bool -> CreateBroker
- data CreateBrokerResponse = CreateBrokerResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int
- newCreateBrokerResponse :: Int -> CreateBrokerResponse
- data DeleteBroker = DeleteBroker' Text
- newDeleteBroker :: Text -> DeleteBroker
- data DeleteBrokerResponse = DeleteBrokerResponse' (Maybe Text) Int
- newDeleteBrokerResponse :: Int -> DeleteBrokerResponse
- data UpdateBroker = UpdateBroker' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe LdapServerMetadataInput) (Maybe WeeklyStartTime) (Maybe Logs) (Maybe ConfigurationId) (Maybe Text) Text
- newUpdateBroker :: Text -> UpdateBroker
- data UpdateBrokerResponse = UpdateBrokerResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe LdapServerMetadataOutput) (Maybe WeeklyStartTime) (Maybe Logs) (Maybe ConfigurationId) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int
- newUpdateBrokerResponse :: Int -> UpdateBrokerResponse
- data RebootBroker = RebootBroker' Text
- newRebootBroker :: Text -> RebootBroker
- data RebootBrokerResponse = RebootBrokerResponse' Int
- newRebootBrokerResponse :: Int -> RebootBrokerResponse
- data ListConfigurationRevisions = ListConfigurationRevisions' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) Text
- newListConfigurationRevisions :: Text -> ListConfigurationRevisions
- data ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse = ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [ConfigurationRevision]) (Maybe Int) Int
- newListConfigurationRevisionsResponse :: Int -> ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse
- data CreateTags = CreateTags' (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Text
- newCreateTags :: Text -> CreateTags
- data CreateTagsResponse = CreateTagsResponse' {
- newCreateTagsResponse :: CreateTagsResponse
- data ListUsers = ListUsers' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) Text
- newListUsers :: Text -> ListUsers
- data ListUsersResponse = ListUsersResponse' (Maybe [UserSummary]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) Int
- newListUsersResponse :: Int -> ListUsersResponse
- data DeleteTags = DeleteTags' [Text] Text
- newDeleteTags :: Text -> DeleteTags
- data DeleteTagsResponse = DeleteTagsResponse' {
- newDeleteTagsResponse :: DeleteTagsResponse
- data ListConfigurations = ListConfigurations' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural)
- newListConfigurations :: ListConfigurations
- data ListConfigurationsResponse = ListConfigurationsResponse' (Maybe [Configuration]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Int) Int
- newListConfigurationsResponse :: Int -> ListConfigurationsResponse
- data DescribeUser = DescribeUser' Text Text
- newDescribeUser :: Text -> Text -> DescribeUser
- data DescribeUserResponse = DescribeUserResponse' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe UserPendingChanges) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int
- newDescribeUserResponse :: Int -> DescribeUserResponse
- data DescribeBrokerInstanceOptions = DescribeBrokerInstanceOptions' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newDescribeBrokerInstanceOptions :: DescribeBrokerInstanceOptions
- data DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse = DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [BrokerInstanceOption]) (Maybe Natural) Int
- newDescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse :: Int -> DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse
- data ListBrokers = ListBrokers' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural)
- newListBrokers :: ListBrokers
- data ListBrokersResponse = ListBrokersResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [BrokerSummary]) Int
- newListBrokersResponse :: Int -> ListBrokersResponse
- data CreateUser = CreateUser' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe Bool) Text Text Text
- newCreateUser :: Text -> Text -> Text -> CreateUser
- data CreateUserResponse = CreateUserResponse' Int
- newCreateUserResponse :: Int -> CreateUserResponse
- data DescribeConfiguration = DescribeConfiguration' Text
- newDescribeConfiguration :: Text -> DescribeConfiguration
- data DescribeConfigurationResponse = DescribeConfigurationResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConfigurationRevision) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EngineType) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int
- newDescribeConfigurationResponse :: Int -> DescribeConfigurationResponse
- data UpdateUser = UpdateUser' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) Text Text
- newUpdateUser :: Text -> Text -> UpdateUser
- data UpdateUserResponse = UpdateUserResponse' Int
- newUpdateUserResponse :: Int -> UpdateUserResponse
- data DeleteUser = DeleteUser' Text Text
- newDeleteUser :: Text -> Text -> DeleteUser
- data DeleteUserResponse = DeleteUserResponse' Int
- newDeleteUserResponse :: Int -> DeleteUserResponse
- data ListTags = ListTags' Text
- newListTags :: Text -> ListTags
- data ListTagsResponse = ListTagsResponse' (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int
- newListTagsResponse :: Int -> ListTagsResponse
- data DescribeBrokerEngineTypes = DescribeBrokerEngineTypes' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural)
- newDescribeBrokerEngineTypes :: DescribeBrokerEngineTypes
- data DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse = DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse' (Maybe [BrokerEngineType]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) Int
- newDescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse :: Int -> DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse
- data DescribeConfigurationRevision = DescribeConfigurationRevision' Text Text
- newDescribeConfigurationRevision :: Text -> Text -> DescribeConfigurationRevision
- data DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse = DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) Int
- newDescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse :: Int -> DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse
- data DescribeBroker = DescribeBroker' Text
- newDescribeBroker :: Text -> DescribeBroker
- data DescribeBrokerResponse = DescribeBrokerResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe BrokerState) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [UserSummary]) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Configurations) (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe Text) (Maybe LdapServerMetadataOutput) (Maybe WeeklyStartTime) (Maybe LogsSummary) (Maybe EncryptionOptions) (Maybe DeploymentMode) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe LdapServerMetadataOutput) (Maybe EngineType) (Maybe Text) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe [BrokerInstance]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe BrokerStorageType) Int
- newDescribeBrokerResponse :: Int -> DescribeBrokerResponse
- data UpdateConfiguration = UpdateConfiguration' (Maybe Text) Text Text
- newUpdateConfiguration :: Text -> Text -> UpdateConfiguration
- data UpdateConfigurationResponse = UpdateConfigurationResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConfigurationRevision) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe [SanitizationWarning]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int
- newUpdateConfigurationResponse :: Int -> UpdateConfigurationResponse
- newtype AuthenticationStrategy where
- newtype BrokerState where
- BrokerState' { }
- pattern BrokerState_CREATION_FAILED :: BrokerState
- pattern BrokerState_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS :: BrokerState
- pattern BrokerState_DELETION_IN_PROGRESS :: BrokerState
- pattern BrokerState_REBOOT_IN_PROGRESS :: BrokerState
- pattern BrokerState_RUNNING :: BrokerState
- newtype BrokerStorageType where
- BrokerStorageType' { }
- pattern BrokerStorageType_EBS :: BrokerStorageType
- pattern BrokerStorageType_EFS :: BrokerStorageType
- newtype ChangeType where
- ChangeType' { }
- pattern ChangeType_CREATE :: ChangeType
- pattern ChangeType_DELETE :: ChangeType
- pattern ChangeType_UPDATE :: ChangeType
- newtype DayOfWeek where
- DayOfWeek' { }
- pattern DayOfWeek_FRIDAY :: DayOfWeek
- pattern DayOfWeek_MONDAY :: DayOfWeek
- pattern DayOfWeek_SATURDAY :: DayOfWeek
- pattern DayOfWeek_SUNDAY :: DayOfWeek
- pattern DayOfWeek_THURSDAY :: DayOfWeek
- pattern DayOfWeek_TUESDAY :: DayOfWeek
- pattern DayOfWeek_WEDNESDAY :: DayOfWeek
- newtype DeploymentMode where
- DeploymentMode' { }
- pattern DeploymentMode_ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ :: DeploymentMode
- pattern DeploymentMode_CLUSTER_MULTI_AZ :: DeploymentMode
- pattern DeploymentMode_SINGLE_INSTANCE :: DeploymentMode
- newtype EngineType where
- EngineType' { }
- pattern EngineType_ACTIVEMQ :: EngineType
- pattern EngineType_RABBITMQ :: EngineType
- newtype SanitizationWarningReason where
- SanitizationWarningReason' { }
- pattern SanitizationWarningReason_DISALLOWED_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVED :: SanitizationWarningReason
- pattern SanitizationWarningReason_DISALLOWED_ELEMENT_REMOVED :: SanitizationWarningReason
- pattern SanitizationWarningReason_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_REMOVED :: SanitizationWarningReason
- data AvailabilityZone = AvailabilityZone' (Maybe Text)
- newAvailabilityZone :: AvailabilityZone
- data BrokerEngineType = BrokerEngineType' (Maybe [EngineVersion]) (Maybe EngineType)
- newBrokerEngineType :: BrokerEngineType
- data BrokerInstance = BrokerInstance' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text])
- newBrokerInstance :: BrokerInstance
- data BrokerInstanceOption = BrokerInstanceOption' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [AvailabilityZone]) (Maybe [DeploymentMode]) (Maybe EngineType) (Maybe Text) (Maybe BrokerStorageType)
- newBrokerInstanceOption :: BrokerInstanceOption
- data BrokerSummary = BrokerSummary' (Maybe Text) (Maybe BrokerState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) DeploymentMode EngineType
- newBrokerSummary :: DeploymentMode -> EngineType -> BrokerSummary
- data Configuration = Configuration' (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Text Text ConfigurationRevision AuthenticationStrategy EngineType Text Text Text POSIX
- newConfiguration :: Text -> Text -> ConfigurationRevision -> AuthenticationStrategy -> EngineType -> Text -> Text -> Text -> UTCTime -> Configuration
- data ConfigurationId = ConfigurationId' (Maybe Int) Text
- newConfigurationId :: Text -> ConfigurationId
- data ConfigurationRevision = ConfigurationRevision' (Maybe Text) Int POSIX
- newConfigurationRevision :: Int -> UTCTime -> ConfigurationRevision
- data Configurations = Configurations' (Maybe ConfigurationId) (Maybe [ConfigurationId]) (Maybe ConfigurationId)
- newConfigurations :: Configurations
- data EncryptionOptions = EncryptionOptions' (Maybe Text) Bool
- newEncryptionOptions :: Bool -> EncryptionOptions
- data EngineVersion = EngineVersion' (Maybe Text)
- newEngineVersion :: EngineVersion
- data LdapServerMetadataInput = LdapServerMetadataInput' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) [Text] Text Text Text Text Text Text
- newLdapServerMetadataInput :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> LdapServerMetadataInput
- data LdapServerMetadataOutput = LdapServerMetadataOutput' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) [Text] Text Text Text Text Text
- newLdapServerMetadataOutput :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> LdapServerMetadataOutput
- data Logs = Logs' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool)
- newLogs :: Logs
- data LogsSummary = LogsSummary' (Maybe PendingLogs) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) Text Bool
- newLogsSummary :: Text -> Bool -> LogsSummary
- data PendingLogs = PendingLogs' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool)
- newPendingLogs :: PendingLogs
- data SanitizationWarning = SanitizationWarning' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) SanitizationWarningReason
- newSanitizationWarning :: SanitizationWarningReason -> SanitizationWarning
- data User = User' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe Bool) Text Text
- newUser :: Text -> Text -> User
- data UserPendingChanges = UserPendingChanges' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe Bool) ChangeType
- newUserPendingChanges :: ChangeType -> UserPendingChanges
- data UserSummary = UserSummary' (Maybe ChangeType) Text
- newUserSummary :: Text -> UserSummary
- data WeeklyStartTime = WeeklyStartTime' (Maybe Text) Text DayOfWeek
- newWeeklyStartTime :: Text -> DayOfWeek -> WeeklyStartTime
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2017-11-27
of the Amazon MQ SDK configuration.
Error matchers are designed for use with the functions provided by
This allows catching (and rethrowing) service specific errors returned
by MQ
_ConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Returns information about an error.
_ForbiddenException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Returns information about an error.
_NotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Returns information about an error.
_InternalServerErrorException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Returns information about an error.
_UnauthorizedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Returns information about an error.
_BadRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Returns information about an error.
Waiters poll by repeatedly sending a request until some remote success condition
configured by the Wait
specification is fulfilled. The Wait
determines how many attempts should be made, in addition to delay and retry strategies.
Some AWS operations return results that are incomplete and require subsequent
requests in order to obtain the entire result set. The process of sending
subsequent requests to continue where a previous request left off is called
pagination. For example, the ListObjects
operation of Amazon S3 returns up to
1000 objects at a time, and you must send subsequent requests with the
appropriate Marker in order to retrieve the next page of results.
Operations that have an AWSPager
instance can transparently perform subsequent
requests, correctly setting Markers and other request facets to iterate through
the entire result set of a truncated API operation. Operations which support
this have an additional note in the documentation.
Many operations have the ability to filter results on the server side. See the individual operation parameters for details.
data CreateConfiguration Source #
Creates a new configuration for the specified configuration name. Amazon MQ uses the default configuration (the engine type and version).
See: newCreateConfiguration
smart constructor.
CreateConfiguration' (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Text EngineType Text |
newCreateConfiguration Source #
:: Text | |
-> EngineType | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateConfiguration |
Create a value of CreateConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createConfiguration_authenticationStrategy
- Optional. The authentication strategy associated with the configuration.
The default is SIMPLE.
, createConfiguration_tags
- Create tags when creating the configuration.
, createConfiguration_engineVersion
- Required. The broker engine's version. For a list of supported engine
versions, see
Supported engines.
, createConfiguration_engineType
- Required. The type of broker engine. Currently, Amazon MQ supports
, createConfiguration_name
- Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only
alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _
~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.
data CreateConfigurationResponse Source #
See: newCreateConfigurationResponse
smart constructor.
CreateConfigurationResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConfigurationRevision) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int |
newCreateConfigurationResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateConfigurationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createConfigurationResponse_arn
- Required. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration.
, createConfigurationResponse_latestRevision
- The latest revision of the configuration.
, createConfigurationResponse_created
- Required. The date and time of the configuration.
, createConfigurationResponse_authenticationStrategy
- Optional. The authentication strategy associated with the configuration.
The default is SIMPLE.
, createConfigurationResponse_name
- Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only
alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _
~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.
, createConfigurationResponse_id
- Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
, createConfigurationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateBroker Source #
Creates a broker using the specified properties.
See: newCreateBroker
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Bool | |
-> Text | |
-> DeploymentMode | |
-> EngineType | |
-> Bool | |
-> CreateBroker |
Create a value of CreateBroker
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createBroker_securityGroups
- The list of rules (1 minimum, 125 maximum) that authorize connections to
, createBroker_subnetIds
- The list of groups that define which subnets and IP ranges the broker
can use from different Availability Zones. If you specify more than one
subnet, the subnets must be in different Availability Zones. Amazon MQ
will not be able to create VPC endpoints for your broker with multiple
subnets in the same Availability Zone. A SINGLE_INSTANCE deployment
requires one subnet (for example, the default subnet). An
ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ deployment requires two
subnets. A CLUSTER_MULTI_AZ Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ deployment has no
subnet requirements when deployed with public accessibility. Deployment
without public accessibility requires at least one subnet.
If you specify subnets in a shared VPC for a RabbitMQ broker, the associated VPC to which the specified subnets belong must be owned by your AWS account. Amazon MQ will not be able to create VPC endpoints in VPCs that are not owned by your AWS account.
, createBroker_creatorRequestId
- The unique ID that the requester receives for the created broker. Amazon
MQ passes your ID with the API action. Note: We recommend using a
Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for the creatorRequestId. You may
omit the creatorRequestId if your application doesn't require
, createBroker_authenticationStrategy
- Optional. The authentication strategy used to secure the broker. The
default is SIMPLE.
, createBroker_ldapServerMetadata
- Optional. The metadata of the LDAP server used to authenticate and
authorize connections to the broker. Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
, createBroker_maintenanceWindowStartTime
- The parameters that determine the WeeklyStartTime.
, createBroker_logs
- Enables Amazon CloudWatch logging for brokers.
, createBroker_encryptionOptions
- Encryption options for the broker. Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
, createBroker_configuration
- A list of information about the configuration.
, createBroker_tags
- Create tags when creating the broker.
, createBroker_storageType
- The broker's storage type.
, createBroker_engineVersion
- Required. The broker engine's version. For a list of supported engine
versions, see
Supported engines.
, createBroker_hostInstanceType
- Required. The broker's instance type.
, createBroker_autoMinorVersionUpgrade
- Enables automatic upgrades to new minor versions for brokers, as new
versions are released and supported by Amazon MQ. Automatic upgrades
occur during the scheduled maintenance window of the broker or after a
manual broker reboot. Set to true by default, if no value is specified.
, createBroker_users
- Required. The list of broker users (persons or applications) who can
access queues and topics. This value can contain only alphanumeric
characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This
value must be 2-100 characters long.
Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ
When you create an Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ broker, one and only one administrative user is accepted and created when a broker is first provisioned. All subsequent broker users are created by making RabbitMQ API calls directly to brokers or via the RabbitMQ web console.
, createBroker_brokerName
- Required. The broker's name. This value must be unique in your AWS
account, 1-50 characters long, must contain only letters, numbers,
dashes, and underscores, and must not contain white spaces, brackets,
wildcard characters, or special characters.
, createBroker_deploymentMode
- Required. The broker's deployment mode.
, createBroker_engineType
- Required. The type of broker engine. Currently, Amazon MQ supports
, createBroker_publiclyAccessible
- Enables connections from applications outside of the VPC that hosts the
broker's subnets. Set to false by default, if no value is provided.
data CreateBrokerResponse Source #
See: newCreateBrokerResponse
smart constructor.
newCreateBrokerResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> CreateBrokerResponse |
Create a value of CreateBrokerResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createBrokerResponse_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
, createBrokerResponse_brokerArn
- The broker's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
, createBrokerResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteBroker Source #
See: newDeleteBroker
smart constructor.
DeleteBroker' Text |
:: Text | |
-> DeleteBroker |
Create a value of DeleteBroker
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteBroker_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
data DeleteBrokerResponse Source #
See: newDeleteBrokerResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteBrokerResponse' (Maybe Text) Int |
newDeleteBrokerResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> DeleteBrokerResponse |
Create a value of DeleteBrokerResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteBrokerResponse_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
, deleteBrokerResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UpdateBroker Source #
Updates the broker using the specified properties.
See: newUpdateBroker
smart constructor.
UpdateBroker' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe LdapServerMetadataInput) (Maybe WeeklyStartTime) (Maybe Logs) (Maybe ConfigurationId) (Maybe Text) Text |
:: Text | |
-> UpdateBroker |
Create a value of UpdateBroker
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateBroker_engineVersion
- The broker engine version. For a list of supported engine versions, see
Supported engines.
, updateBroker_autoMinorVersionUpgrade
- Enables automatic upgrades to new minor versions for brokers, as new
versions are released and supported by Amazon MQ. Automatic upgrades
occur during the scheduled maintenance window of the broker or after a
manual broker reboot.
, updateBroker_securityGroups
- The list of security groups (1 minimum, 5 maximum) that authorizes
connections to brokers.
, updateBroker_authenticationStrategy
- Optional. The authentication strategy used to secure the broker. The
default is SIMPLE.
, updateBroker_ldapServerMetadata
- Optional. The metadata of the LDAP server used to authenticate and
authorize connections to the broker. Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
, updateBroker_maintenanceWindowStartTime
- The parameters that determine the WeeklyStartTime.
, updateBroker_logs
- Enables Amazon CloudWatch logging for brokers.
, updateBroker_configuration
- A list of information about the configuration.
, updateBroker_hostInstanceType
- The broker's host instance type to upgrade to. For a list of supported
instance types, see
Broker instance types.
, updateBroker_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
data UpdateBrokerResponse Source #
See: newUpdateBrokerResponse
smart constructor.
newUpdateBrokerResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> UpdateBrokerResponse |
Create a value of UpdateBrokerResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateBrokerResponse_engineVersion
- The broker engine version to upgrade to. For a list of supported engine
versions, see
Supported engines.
, updateBrokerResponse_autoMinorVersionUpgrade
- The new boolean value that specifies whether broker engines
automatically upgrade to new minor versions as new versions are released
and supported by Amazon MQ.
, updateBrokerResponse_securityGroups
- The list of security groups (1 minimum, 5 maximum) that authorizes
connections to brokers.
, updateBrokerResponse_authenticationStrategy
- Optional. The authentication strategy used to secure the broker. The
default is SIMPLE.
, updateBrokerResponse_ldapServerMetadata
- Optional. The metadata of the LDAP server used to authenticate and
authorize connections to the broker. Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
, updateBrokerResponse_maintenanceWindowStartTime
- The parameters that determine the WeeklyStartTime.
, updateBrokerResponse_logs
- The list of information about logs to be enabled for the specified
, updateBrokerResponse_configuration
- The ID of the updated configuration.
, updateBrokerResponse_brokerId
- Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
, updateBrokerResponse_hostInstanceType
- The broker's host instance type to upgrade to. For a list of supported
instance types, see
Broker instance types.
, updateBrokerResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data RebootBroker Source #
See: newRebootBroker
smart constructor.
RebootBroker' Text |
:: Text | |
-> RebootBroker |
Create a value of RebootBroker
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, rebootBroker_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
data RebootBrokerResponse Source #
See: newRebootBrokerResponse
smart constructor.
RebootBrokerResponse' Int |
newRebootBrokerResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> RebootBrokerResponse |
Create a value of RebootBrokerResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, rebootBrokerResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data ListConfigurationRevisions Source #
See: newListConfigurationRevisions
smart constructor.
newListConfigurationRevisions Source #
Create a value of ListConfigurationRevisions
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listConfigurationRevisions_nextToken
- The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should
return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
, listConfigurationRevisions_maxResults
- The maximum number of brokers that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by
default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
, listConfigurationRevisions_configurationId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
data ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse Source #
See: newListConfigurationRevisionsResponse
smart constructor.
ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [ConfigurationRevision]) (Maybe Int) Int |
newListConfigurationRevisionsResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse |
Create a value of ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listConfigurationRevisionsResponse_configurationId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
, listConfigurationRevisionsResponse_nextToken
- The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should
return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
, listConfigurationRevisionsResponse_revisions
- The list of all revisions for the specified configuration.
, listConfigurationRevisionsResponse_maxResults
- The maximum number of configuration revisions that can be returned per
page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
, listConfigurationRevisionsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateTags Source #
A map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag.
See: newCreateTags
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> CreateTags |
Create a value of CreateTags
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createTags_tags
- The key-value pair for the resource tag.
, createTags_resourceArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource tag.
data CreateTagsResponse Source #
See: newCreateTagsResponse
smart constructor.
CreateTagsResponse' | |
Eq CreateTagsResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.CreateTags Methods (==) :: CreateTagsResponse -> CreateTagsResponse -> Bool # (/=) :: CreateTagsResponse -> CreateTagsResponse -> Bool # | |
Read CreateTagsResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.CreateTags Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS CreateTagsResponse # readList :: ReadS [CreateTagsResponse] # | |
Show CreateTagsResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.CreateTags Methods showsPrec :: Int -> CreateTagsResponse -> ShowS # show :: CreateTagsResponse -> String # showList :: [CreateTagsResponse] -> ShowS # | |
Generic CreateTagsResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.CreateTags Associated Types type Rep CreateTagsResponse :: Type -> Type # Methods from :: CreateTagsResponse -> Rep CreateTagsResponse x # to :: Rep CreateTagsResponse x -> CreateTagsResponse # | |
NFData CreateTagsResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.CreateTags Methods rnf :: CreateTagsResponse -> () # | |
type Rep CreateTagsResponse Source # | |
newCreateTagsResponse :: CreateTagsResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateTagsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
See: newListUsers
smart constructor.
Create a value of ListUsers
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listUsers_nextToken
- The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should
return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
, listUsers_maxResults
- The maximum number of brokers that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by
default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
, listUsers_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
data ListUsersResponse Source #
See: newListUsersResponse
smart constructor.
ListUsersResponse' (Maybe [UserSummary]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) Int |
:: Int | |
-> ListUsersResponse |
Create a value of ListUsersResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listUsersResponse_users
- Required. The list of all ActiveMQ usernames for the specified broker.
Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
, listUsersResponse_nextToken
- The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should
return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
, listUsersResponse_brokerId
- Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
, listUsersResponse_maxResults
- Required. The maximum number of ActiveMQ users that can be returned per
page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
, listUsersResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteTags Source #
See: newDeleteTags
smart constructor.
DeleteTags' [Text] Text |
:: Text | |
-> DeleteTags |
Create a value of DeleteTags
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteTags_tagKeys
- An array of tag keys to delete
, deleteTags_resourceArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource tag.
data DeleteTagsResponse Source #
See: newDeleteTagsResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteTagsResponse' | |
Eq DeleteTagsResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.DeleteTags Methods (==) :: DeleteTagsResponse -> DeleteTagsResponse -> Bool # (/=) :: DeleteTagsResponse -> DeleteTagsResponse -> Bool # | |
Read DeleteTagsResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.DeleteTags Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS DeleteTagsResponse # readList :: ReadS [DeleteTagsResponse] # | |
Show DeleteTagsResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.DeleteTags Methods showsPrec :: Int -> DeleteTagsResponse -> ShowS # show :: DeleteTagsResponse -> String # showList :: [DeleteTagsResponse] -> ShowS # | |
Generic DeleteTagsResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.DeleteTags Associated Types type Rep DeleteTagsResponse :: Type -> Type # Methods from :: DeleteTagsResponse -> Rep DeleteTagsResponse x # to :: Rep DeleteTagsResponse x -> DeleteTagsResponse # | |
NFData DeleteTagsResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.DeleteTags Methods rnf :: DeleteTagsResponse -> () # | |
type Rep DeleteTagsResponse Source # | |
newDeleteTagsResponse :: DeleteTagsResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteTagsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data ListConfigurations Source #
See: newListConfigurations
smart constructor.
ListConfigurations' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) |
newListConfigurations :: ListConfigurations Source #
Create a value of ListConfigurations
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listConfigurations_nextToken
- The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should
return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
, listConfigurations_maxResults
- The maximum number of brokers that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by
default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
data ListConfigurationsResponse Source #
See: newListConfigurationsResponse
smart constructor.
ListConfigurationsResponse' (Maybe [Configuration]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Int) Int |
newListConfigurationsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListConfigurationsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listConfigurationsResponse_configurations
- The list of all revisions for the specified configuration.
, listConfigurationsResponse_nextToken
- The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should
return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
, listConfigurationsResponse_maxResults
- The maximum number of configurations that Amazon MQ can return per page
(20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
, listConfigurationsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DescribeUser Source #
See: newDescribeUser
smart constructor.
DescribeUser' Text Text |
Create a value of DescribeUser
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeUser_username
- The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only
alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _
~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
, describeUser_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
data DescribeUserResponse Source #
See: newDescribeUserResponse
smart constructor.
DescribeUserResponse' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe UserPendingChanges) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int |
newDescribeUserResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> DescribeUserResponse |
Create a value of DescribeUserResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeUserResponse_groups
- The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This
value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods,
underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters
, describeUserResponse_pending
- The status of the changes pending for the ActiveMQ user.
, describeUserResponse_consoleAccess
- Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.
, describeUserResponse_username
- Required. The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only
alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _
~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
, describeUserResponse_brokerId
- Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
, describeUserResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DescribeBrokerInstanceOptions Source #
See: newDescribeBrokerInstanceOptions
smart constructor.
DescribeBrokerInstanceOptions' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) |
newDescribeBrokerInstanceOptions :: DescribeBrokerInstanceOptions Source #
Create a value of DescribeBrokerInstanceOptions
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeBrokerInstanceOptions_nextToken
- The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should
return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
, describeBrokerInstanceOptions_engineType
- Filter response by engine type.
, describeBrokerInstanceOptions_maxResults
- The maximum number of brokers that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by
default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
, describeBrokerInstanceOptions_hostInstanceType
- Filter response by host instance type.
, describeBrokerInstanceOptions_storageType
- Filter response by storage type.
data DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse Source #
See: newDescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse
smart constructor.
DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [BrokerInstanceOption]) (Maybe Natural) Int |
newDescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse |
Create a value of DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse_nextToken
- The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should
return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
, describeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse_brokerInstanceOptions
- List of available broker instance options.
, describeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse_maxResults
- Required. The maximum number of instance options that can be returned
per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
, describeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
ListBrokers (Paginated)
data ListBrokers Source #
See: newListBrokers
smart constructor.
ListBrokers' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) |
newListBrokers :: ListBrokers Source #
Create a value of ListBrokers
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listBrokers_nextToken
- The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should
return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
, listBrokers_maxResults
- The maximum number of brokers that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by
default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
data ListBrokersResponse Source #
See: newListBrokersResponse
smart constructor.
ListBrokersResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [BrokerSummary]) Int |
newListBrokersResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> ListBrokersResponse |
Create a value of ListBrokersResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listBrokersResponse_nextToken
- The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should
return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
, listBrokersResponse_brokerSummaries
- A list of information about all brokers.
, listBrokersResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateUser Source #
Creates a new ActiveMQ user.
See: newCreateUser
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateUser |
Create a value of CreateUser
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createUser_groups
- The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This
value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods,
underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters
, createUser_consoleAccess
- Enables access to the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.
, createUser_username
- The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only
alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _
~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
, createUser_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
, createUser_password
- Required. The password of the user. This value must be at least 12
characters long, must contain at least 4 unique characters, and must not
contain commas, colons, or equal signs (,:=).
data CreateUserResponse Source #
See: newCreateUserResponse
smart constructor.
CreateUserResponse' Int |
newCreateUserResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> CreateUserResponse |
Create a value of CreateUserResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createUserResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DescribeConfiguration Source #
See: newDescribeConfiguration
smart constructor.
DescribeConfiguration' Text |
newDescribeConfiguration Source #
Create a value of DescribeConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeConfiguration_configurationId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
data DescribeConfigurationResponse Source #
See: newDescribeConfigurationResponse
smart constructor.
DescribeConfigurationResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConfigurationRevision) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EngineType) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int |
newDescribeConfigurationResponse Source #
Create a value of DescribeConfigurationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeConfigurationResponse_engineVersion
- Required. The broker engine's version. For a list of supported engine
versions, see,
Supported engines.
, describeConfigurationResponse_arn
- Required. The ARN of the configuration.
, describeConfigurationResponse_latestRevision
- Required. The latest revision of the configuration.
, describeConfigurationResponse_created
- Required. The date and time of the configuration revision.
, describeConfigurationResponse_authenticationStrategy
- Optional. The authentication strategy associated with the configuration.
The default is SIMPLE.
, describeConfigurationResponse_name
- Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only
alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _
~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.
, describeConfigurationResponse_id
- Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
, describeConfigurationResponse_description
- Required. The description of the configuration.
, describeConfigurationResponse_engineType
- Required. The type of broker engine. Currently, Amazon MQ supports
, describeConfigurationResponse_tags
- The list of all tags associated with this configuration.
, describeConfigurationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UpdateUser Source #
Updates the information for an ActiveMQ user.
See: newUpdateUser
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UpdateUser |
Create a value of UpdateUser
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateUser_groups
- The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This
value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods,
underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters
, updateUser_consoleAccess
- Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.
, updateUser_password
- The password of the user. This value must be at least 12 characters
long, must contain at least 4 unique characters, and must not contain
commas, colons, or equal signs (,:=).
, updateUser_username
- The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only
alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _
~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
, updateUser_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
data UpdateUserResponse Source #
See: newUpdateUserResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateUserResponse' Int |
newUpdateUserResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> UpdateUserResponse |
Create a value of UpdateUserResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateUserResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteUser Source #
See: newDeleteUser
smart constructor.
DeleteUser' Text Text |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> DeleteUser |
Create a value of DeleteUser
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteUser_username
- The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only
alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _
~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
, deleteUser_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
data DeleteUserResponse Source #
See: newDeleteUserResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteUserResponse' Int |
newDeleteUserResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> DeleteUserResponse |
Create a value of DeleteUserResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteUserResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
See: newListTags
smart constructor.
Eq ListTags Source # | |
Read ListTags Source # | |
Show ListTags Source # | |
Generic ListTags Source # | |
NFData ListTags Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.ListTags | |
Hashable ListTags Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.ListTags | |
AWSRequest ListTags Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.ListTags Associated Types type AWSResponse ListTags # Methods request :: ListTags -> Request ListTags # response :: MonadResource m => Logger -> Service -> Proxy ListTags -> ClientResponse ClientBody -> m (Either Error (ClientResponse (AWSResponse ListTags))) # | |
ToHeaders ListTags Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.ListTags | |
ToPath ListTags Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.ListTags Methods toPath :: ListTags -> ByteString # | |
ToQuery ListTags Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.ListTags Methods toQuery :: ListTags -> QueryString # | |
type Rep ListTags Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.ListTags | |
type AWSResponse ListTags Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.ListTags |
Create a value of ListTags
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listTags_resourceArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource tag.
data ListTagsResponse Source #
See: newListTagsResponse
smart constructor.
:: Int | |
-> ListTagsResponse |
Create a value of ListTagsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listTagsResponse_tags
- The key-value pair for the resource tag.
, listTagsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DescribeBrokerEngineTypes Source #
See: newDescribeBrokerEngineTypes
smart constructor.
newDescribeBrokerEngineTypes :: DescribeBrokerEngineTypes Source #
Create a value of DescribeBrokerEngineTypes
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeBrokerEngineTypes_nextToken
- The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should
return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
, describeBrokerEngineTypes_engineType
- Filter response by engine type.
, describeBrokerEngineTypes_maxResults
- The maximum number of brokers that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by
default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
data DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse Source #
See: newDescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse
smart constructor.
DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse' (Maybe [BrokerEngineType]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) Int |
newDescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse |
Create a value of DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeBrokerEngineTypesResponse_brokerEngineTypes
- List of available engine types and versions.
, describeBrokerEngineTypesResponse_nextToken
- The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should
return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
, describeBrokerEngineTypesResponse_maxResults
- Required. The maximum number of engine types that can be returned per
page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
, describeBrokerEngineTypesResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DescribeConfigurationRevision Source #
See: newDescribeConfigurationRevision
smart constructor.
DescribeConfigurationRevision' Text Text |
newDescribeConfigurationRevision Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> DescribeConfigurationRevision |
Create a value of DescribeConfigurationRevision
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeConfigurationRevision_configurationRevision
- The revision of the configuration.
, describeConfigurationRevision_configurationId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
data DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse Source #
See: newDescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse
smart constructor.
DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) Int |
newDescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse |
Create a value of DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_configurationId
- Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
, describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_data
- Required. The base64-encoded XML configuration.
, describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_created
- Required. The date and time of the configuration.
, describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_description
- The description of the configuration.
, describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DescribeBroker Source #
See: newDescribeBroker
smart constructor.
DescribeBroker' Text |
:: Text | |
-> DescribeBroker |
Create a value of DescribeBroker
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeBroker_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
data DescribeBrokerResponse Source #
See: newDescribeBrokerResponse
smart constructor.
DescribeBrokerResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe BrokerState) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [UserSummary]) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Configurations) (Maybe AuthenticationStrategy) (Maybe Text) (Maybe LdapServerMetadataOutput) (Maybe WeeklyStartTime) (Maybe LogsSummary) (Maybe EncryptionOptions) (Maybe DeploymentMode) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe LdapServerMetadataOutput) (Maybe EngineType) (Maybe Text) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe [BrokerInstance]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe BrokerStorageType) Int |
newDescribeBrokerResponse Source #
Create a value of DescribeBrokerResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeBrokerResponse_brokerName
- The broker's name. This value must be unique in your AWS account, 1-50
characters long, must contain only letters, numbers, dashes, and
underscores, and must not contain white spaces, brackets, wildcard
characters, or special characters.
, describeBrokerResponse_engineVersion
- The broker engine's version. For a list of supported engine versions,
Supported engines.
, describeBrokerResponse_pendingAuthenticationStrategy
- The authentication strategy that will be applied when the broker is
rebooted. The default is SIMPLE.
, describeBrokerResponse_brokerState
- The broker's status.
, describeBrokerResponse_publiclyAccessible
- Enables connections from applications outside of the VPC that hosts the
broker's subnets.
, describeBrokerResponse_autoMinorVersionUpgrade
- Enables automatic upgrades to new minor versions for brokers, as new
versions are released and supported by Amazon MQ. Automatic upgrades
occur during the scheduled maintenance window of the broker or after a
manual broker reboot.
, describeBrokerResponse_securityGroups
- The list of rules (1 minimum, 125 maximum) that authorize connections to
, describeBrokerResponse_users
- The list of all broker usernames for the specified broker.
, describeBrokerResponse_pendingSecurityGroups
- The list of pending security groups to authorize connections to brokers.
, describeBrokerResponse_subnetIds
- The list of groups that define which subnets and IP ranges the broker
can use from different Availability Zones.
, describeBrokerResponse_created
- The time when the broker was created.
, describeBrokerResponse_configurations
- The list of all revisions for the specified configuration.
, describeBrokerResponse_authenticationStrategy
- The authentication strategy used to secure the broker. The default is
, describeBrokerResponse_pendingHostInstanceType
- The broker's host instance type to upgrade to. For a list of supported
instance types, see
Broker instance types.
, describeBrokerResponse_ldapServerMetadata
- The metadata of the LDAP server used to authenticate and authorize
connections to the broker.
, describeBrokerResponse_maintenanceWindowStartTime
- The parameters that determine the WeeklyStartTime.
, describeBrokerResponse_logs
- The list of information about logs currently enabled and pending to be
deployed for the specified broker.
, describeBrokerResponse_encryptionOptions
- Encryption options for the broker. Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
, describeBrokerResponse_deploymentMode
- The broker's deployment mode.
, describeBrokerResponse_pendingEngineVersion
- The broker engine version to upgrade to. For a list of supported engine
versions, see
Supported engines.
, describeBrokerResponse_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
, describeBrokerResponse_pendingLdapServerMetadata
- The metadata of the LDAP server that will be used to authenticate and
authorize connections to the broker after it is rebooted.
, describeBrokerResponse_engineType
- The type of broker engine. Currently, Amazon MQ supports ACTIVEMQ and
, describeBrokerResponse_brokerArn
- The broker's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
, describeBrokerResponse_tags
- The list of all tags associated with this broker.
, describeBrokerResponse_brokerInstances
- A list of information about allocated brokers.
, describeBrokerResponse_hostInstanceType
- The broker's instance type.
, describeBrokerResponse_storageType
- The broker's storage type.
, describeBrokerResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UpdateConfiguration Source #
Updates the specified configuration.
See: newUpdateConfiguration
smart constructor.
UpdateConfiguration' (Maybe Text) Text Text |
newUpdateConfiguration Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UpdateConfiguration |
Create a value of UpdateConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateConfiguration_description
- The description of the configuration.
, updateConfiguration_configurationId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
, updateConfiguration_data
- Required. The base64-encoded XML configuration.
data UpdateConfigurationResponse Source #
See: newUpdateConfigurationResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateConfigurationResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConfigurationRevision) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe [SanitizationWarning]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int |
newUpdateConfigurationResponse Source #
Create a value of UpdateConfigurationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateConfigurationResponse_arn
- Required. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration.
, updateConfigurationResponse_latestRevision
- The latest revision of the configuration.
, updateConfigurationResponse_created
- Required. The date and time of the configuration.
, updateConfigurationResponse_warnings
- The list of the first 20 warnings about the configuration XML elements
or attributes that were sanitized.
, updateConfigurationResponse_name
- Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only
alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _
~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.
, updateConfigurationResponse_id
- Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
, updateConfigurationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
newtype AuthenticationStrategy Source #
Optional. The authentication strategy used to secure the broker. The default is SIMPLE.
AuthenticationStrategy' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AuthenticationStrategy_LDAP :: AuthenticationStrategy | |
pattern AuthenticationStrategy_SIMPLE :: AuthenticationStrategy |
newtype BrokerState Source #
The broker's status.
BrokerState' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern BrokerState_CREATION_FAILED :: BrokerState | |
pattern BrokerState_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS :: BrokerState | |
pattern BrokerState_DELETION_IN_PROGRESS :: BrokerState | |
pattern BrokerState_REBOOT_IN_PROGRESS :: BrokerState | |
pattern BrokerState_RUNNING :: BrokerState |
newtype BrokerStorageType Source #
The broker's storage type.
EFS is not supported for RabbitMQ engine type.
BrokerStorageType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern BrokerStorageType_EBS :: BrokerStorageType | |
pattern BrokerStorageType_EFS :: BrokerStorageType |
newtype ChangeType Source #
The type of change pending for the ActiveMQ user.
ChangeType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ChangeType_CREATE :: ChangeType | |
pattern ChangeType_DELETE :: ChangeType | |
pattern ChangeType_UPDATE :: ChangeType |
DayOfWeek' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern DayOfWeek_FRIDAY :: DayOfWeek | |
pattern DayOfWeek_MONDAY :: DayOfWeek | |
pattern DayOfWeek_SATURDAY :: DayOfWeek | |
pattern DayOfWeek_SUNDAY :: DayOfWeek | |
pattern DayOfWeek_THURSDAY :: DayOfWeek | |
pattern DayOfWeek_TUESDAY :: DayOfWeek | |
pattern DayOfWeek_WEDNESDAY :: DayOfWeek |
newtype DeploymentMode Source #
The broker's deployment mode.
DeploymentMode' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern DeploymentMode_ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ :: DeploymentMode | |
pattern DeploymentMode_CLUSTER_MULTI_AZ :: DeploymentMode | |
pattern DeploymentMode_SINGLE_INSTANCE :: DeploymentMode |
newtype EngineType Source #
The type of broker engine. Amazon MQ supports ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ.
EngineType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern EngineType_ACTIVEMQ :: EngineType | |
pattern EngineType_RABBITMQ :: EngineType |
newtype SanitizationWarningReason Source #
The reason for which the XML elements or attributes were sanitized.
SanitizationWarningReason' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
data AvailabilityZone Source #
Name of the availability zone.
See: newAvailabilityZone
smart constructor.
AvailabilityZone' (Maybe Text) |
newAvailabilityZone :: AvailabilityZone Source #
Create a value of AvailabilityZone
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, availabilityZone_name
- Id for the availability zone.
data BrokerEngineType Source #
Types of broker engines.
See: newBrokerEngineType
smart constructor.
BrokerEngineType' (Maybe [EngineVersion]) (Maybe EngineType) |
newBrokerEngineType :: BrokerEngineType Source #
Create a value of BrokerEngineType
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, brokerEngineType_engineVersions
- The list of engine versions.
, brokerEngineType_engineType
- The broker's engine type.
data BrokerInstance Source #
Returns information about all brokers.
See: newBrokerInstance
smart constructor.
newBrokerInstance :: BrokerInstance Source #
Create a value of BrokerInstance
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, brokerInstance_ipAddress
- The IP address of the Elastic Network Interface (ENI) attached to the
broker. Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
, brokerInstance_consoleURL
- The brokers web console URL.
, brokerInstance_endpoints
- The broker's wire-level protocol endpoints.
data BrokerInstanceOption Source #
Option for host instance type.
See: newBrokerInstanceOption
smart constructor.
BrokerInstanceOption' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [AvailabilityZone]) (Maybe [DeploymentMode]) (Maybe EngineType) (Maybe Text) (Maybe BrokerStorageType) |
newBrokerInstanceOption :: BrokerInstanceOption Source #
Create a value of BrokerInstanceOption
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, brokerInstanceOption_supportedEngineVersions
- The list of supported engine versions.
, brokerInstanceOption_availabilityZones
- The list of available az.
, brokerInstanceOption_supportedDeploymentModes
- The list of supported deployment modes.
, brokerInstanceOption_engineType
- The broker's engine type.
, brokerInstanceOption_hostInstanceType
- The broker's instance type.
, brokerInstanceOption_storageType
- The broker's storage type.
data BrokerSummary Source #
Returns information about all brokers.
See: newBrokerSummary
smart constructor.
BrokerSummary' (Maybe Text) (Maybe BrokerState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) DeploymentMode EngineType |
:: DeploymentMode | |
-> EngineType | |
-> BrokerSummary |
Create a value of BrokerSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, brokerSummary_brokerName
- The broker's name. This value is unique in your AWS account, 1-50
characters long, and containing only letters, numbers, dashes, and
underscores, and must not contain white spaces, brackets, wildcard
characters, or special characters.
, brokerSummary_brokerState
- The broker's status.
, brokerSummary_created
- The time when the broker was created.
, brokerSummary_brokerId
- The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
, brokerSummary_brokerArn
- The broker's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
, brokerSummary_hostInstanceType
- The broker's instance type.
, brokerSummary_deploymentMode
- The broker's deployment mode.
, brokerSummary_engineType
- The type of broker engine.
data Configuration Source #
Returns information about all configurations.
See: newConfiguration
smart constructor.
Configuration' (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Text Text ConfigurationRevision AuthenticationStrategy EngineType Text Text Text POSIX |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> ConfigurationRevision | |
-> AuthenticationStrategy | |
-> EngineType | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> Configuration |
Create a value of Configuration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, configuration_tags
- The list of all tags associated with this configuration.
, configuration_description
- Required. The description of the configuration.
, configuration_engineVersion
- Required. The broker engine's version. For a list of supported engine
versions, see,
Supported engines.
, configuration_latestRevision
- Required. The latest revision of the configuration.
, configuration_authenticationStrategy
- Optional. The authentication strategy associated with the configuration.
The default is SIMPLE.
, configuration_engineType
- Required. The type of broker engine. Currently, Amazon MQ supports
, configuration_id
- Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
, configuration_arn
- Required. The ARN of the configuration.
, configuration_name
- Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only
alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _
~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.
, configuration_created
- Required. The date and time of the configuration revision.
data ConfigurationId Source #
A list of information about the configuration.
Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
See: newConfigurationId
smart constructor.
ConfigurationId' (Maybe Int) Text |
:: Text | |
-> ConfigurationId |
Create a value of ConfigurationId
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, configurationId_revision
- The revision number of the configuration.
, configurationId_id
- Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
data ConfigurationRevision Source #
Returns information about the specified configuration revision.
See: newConfigurationRevision
smart constructor.
ConfigurationRevision' (Maybe Text) Int POSIX |
newConfigurationRevision Source #
:: Int | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ConfigurationRevision |
Create a value of ConfigurationRevision
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, configurationRevision_description
- The description of the configuration revision.
, configurationRevision_revision
- Required. The revision number of the configuration.
, configurationRevision_created
- Required. The date and time of the configuration revision.
data Configurations Source #
Broker configuration information
See: newConfigurations
smart constructor.
Configurations' (Maybe ConfigurationId) (Maybe [ConfigurationId]) (Maybe ConfigurationId) |
newConfigurations :: Configurations Source #
Create a value of Configurations
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, configurations_pending
- The broker's pending configuration.
, configurations_history
- The history of configurations applied to the broker.
, configurations_current
- The broker's current configuration.
data EncryptionOptions Source #
Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
Encryption options for the broker.
See: newEncryptionOptions
smart constructor.
EncryptionOptions' (Maybe Text) Bool |
:: Bool | |
-> EncryptionOptions |
Create a value of EncryptionOptions
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, encryptionOptions_kmsKeyId
- The customer master key (CMK) to use for the AWS Key Management Service
(KMS). This key is used to encrypt your data at rest. If not provided,
Amazon MQ will use a default CMK to encrypt your data.
, encryptionOptions_useAwsOwnedKey
- Enables the use of an AWS owned CMK using AWS Key Management Service
(KMS). Set to true by default, if no value is provided, for example, for
RabbitMQ brokers.
data EngineVersion Source #
Id of the engine version.
See: newEngineVersion
smart constructor.
EngineVersion' (Maybe Text) |
newEngineVersion :: EngineVersion Source #
Create a value of EngineVersion
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, engineVersion_name
- Id for the version.
data LdapServerMetadataInput Source #
Optional. The metadata of the LDAP server used to authenticate and authorize connections to the broker.
Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
See: newLdapServerMetadataInput
smart constructor.
LdapServerMetadataInput' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) [Text] Text Text Text Text Text Text |
newLdapServerMetadataInput Source #
Create a value of LdapServerMetadataInput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, ldapServerMetadataInput_userRoleName
- Specifies the name of the LDAP attribute for the user group membership.
, ldapServerMetadataInput_userSearchSubtree
- The directory search scope for the user. If set to true, scope is to
search the entire subtree.
, ldapServerMetadataInput_roleSearchSubtree
- The directory search scope for the role. If set to true, scope is to
search the entire subtree.
, ldapServerMetadataInput_roleName
- Specifies the LDAP attribute that identifies the group name attribute in
the object returned from the group membership query.
, ldapServerMetadataInput_hosts
- Specifies the location of the LDAP server such as AWS Directory Service
for Microsoft Active Directory . Optional failover server.
, ldapServerMetadataInput_userSearchMatching
- The LDAP search filter used to find users within the userBase. The
client's username is substituted into the {0} placeholder in the search
filter. For example, if this option is set to (uid={0}) and the received
username is janedoe, the search filter becomes (uid=janedoe) after
string substitution. It will result in matching an entry like
uid=janedoe, ou=Users,ou=corp, dc=corp, dc=example, dc=com.
, ldapServerMetadataInput_userBase
- Select a particular subtree of the directory information tree (DIT) to
search for user entries. The subtree is specified by a DN, which
specifies the base node of the subtree. For example, by setting this
option to ou=Users,ou=corp, dc=corp, dc=example, dc=com, the search for
user entries is restricted to the subtree beneath ou=Users, ou=corp,
dc=corp, dc=example, dc=com.
, ldapServerMetadataInput_roleSearchMatching
- The LDAP search filter used to find roles within the roleBase. The
distinguished name of the user matched by userSearchMatching is
substituted into the {0} placeholder in the search filter. The client's
username is substituted into the {1} placeholder. For example, if you
set this option to (member=uid={1})for the user janedoe, the search
filter becomes (member=uid=janedoe) after string substitution. It
matches all role entries that have a member attribute equal to
uid=janedoe under the subtree selected by the roleBase.
, ldapServerMetadataInput_serviceAccountUsername
- Service account username. A service account is an account in your LDAP
server that has access to initiate a connection. For example,
cn=admin,dc=corp, dc=example, dc=com.
, ldapServerMetadataInput_roleBase
- The distinguished name of the node in the directory information tree
(DIT) to search for roles or groups. For example, ou=group, ou=corp,
dc=corp, dc=example, dc=com.
, ldapServerMetadataInput_serviceAccountPassword
- Service account password. A service account is an account in your LDAP
server that has access to initiate a connection. For example,
cn=admin,dc=corp, dc=example, dc=com.
data LdapServerMetadataOutput Source #
Optional. The metadata of the LDAP server used to authenticate and authorize connections to the broker.
See: newLdapServerMetadataOutput
smart constructor.
LdapServerMetadataOutput' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) [Text] Text Text Text Text Text |
newLdapServerMetadataOutput Source #
Create a value of LdapServerMetadataOutput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, ldapServerMetadataOutput_userRoleName
- Specifies the name of the LDAP attribute for the user group membership.
, ldapServerMetadataOutput_userSearchSubtree
- The directory search scope for the user. If set to true, scope is to
search the entire subtree.
, ldapServerMetadataOutput_roleSearchSubtree
- The directory search scope for the role. If set to true, scope is to
search the entire subtree.
, ldapServerMetadataOutput_roleName
- Specifies the LDAP attribute that identifies the group name attribute in
the object returned from the group membership query.
, ldapServerMetadataOutput_hosts
- Specifies the location of the LDAP server such as AWS Directory Service
for Microsoft Active Directory . Optional failover server.
, ldapServerMetadataOutput_userSearchMatching
- The LDAP search filter used to find users within the userBase. The
client's username is substituted into the {0} placeholder in the search
filter. For example, if this option is set to (uid={0}) and the received
username is janedoe, the search filter becomes (uid=janedoe) after
string substitution. It will result in matching an entry like
uid=janedoe, ou=Users,ou=corp, dc=corp, dc=example, dc=com.
, ldapServerMetadataOutput_userBase
- Select a particular subtree of the directory information tree (DIT) to
search for user entries. The subtree is specified by a DN, which
specifies the base node of the subtree. For example, by setting this
option to ou=Users,ou=corp, dc=corp, dc=example, dc=com, the search for
user entries is restricted to the subtree beneath ou=Users, ou=corp,
dc=corp, dc=example, dc=com.
, ldapServerMetadataOutput_roleSearchMatching
- The LDAP search filter used to find roles within the roleBase. The
distinguished name of the user matched by userSearchMatching is
substituted into the {0} placeholder in the search filter. The client's
username is substituted into the {1} placeholder. For example, if you
set this option to (member=uid={1})for the user janedoe, the search
filter becomes (member=uid=janedoe) after string substitution. It
matches all role entries that have a member attribute equal to
uid=janedoe under the subtree selected by the roleBase.
, ldapServerMetadataOutput_serviceAccountUsername
- Service account username. A service account is an account in your LDAP
server that has access to initiate a connection. For example,
cn=admin,dc=corp, dc=example, dc=com.
, ldapServerMetadataOutput_roleBase
- The distinguished name of the node in the directory information tree
(DIT) to search for roles or groups. For example, ou=group, ou=corp,
dc=corp, dc=example, dc=com.
The list of information about logs to be enabled for the specified broker.
See: newLogs
smart constructor.
Eq Logs Source # | |
Read Logs Source # | |
Show Logs Source # | |
Generic Logs Source # | |
NFData Logs Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.Types.Logs | |
Hashable Logs Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.Types.Logs | |
ToJSON Logs Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.Types.Logs | |
FromJSON Logs Source # | |
type Rep Logs Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.Types.Logs type Rep Logs = D1 ('MetaData "Logs" "Amazonka.MQ.Types.Logs" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-mqZSamazonka-mq" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Logs'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "audit") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Bool)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "general") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Bool)))) |
Create a value of Logs
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, logs_audit
- Enables audit logging. Every user management action made using JMX or
the ActiveMQ Web Console is logged. Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
, logs_general
- Enables general logging.
data LogsSummary Source #
The list of information about logs currently enabled and pending to be deployed for the specified broker.
See: newLogsSummary
smart constructor.
LogsSummary' (Maybe PendingLogs) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) Text Bool |
Create a value of LogsSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, logsSummary_pending
- The list of information about logs pending to be deployed for the
specified broker.
, logsSummary_audit
- Enables audit logging. Every user management action made using JMX or
the ActiveMQ Web Console is logged.
, logsSummary_auditLogGroup
- The location of the CloudWatch Logs log group where audit logs are sent.
, logsSummary_generalLogGroup
- The location of the CloudWatch Logs log group where general logs are
, logsSummary_general
- Enables general logging.
data PendingLogs Source #
The list of information about logs to be enabled for the specified broker.
See: newPendingLogs
smart constructor.
PendingLogs' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) |
newPendingLogs :: PendingLogs Source #
Create a value of PendingLogs
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, pendingLogs_audit
- Enables audit logging. Every user management action made using JMX or
the ActiveMQ Web Console is logged.
, pendingLogs_general
- Enables general logging.
data SanitizationWarning Source #
Returns information about the XML element or attribute that was sanitized in the configuration.
See: newSanitizationWarning
smart constructor.
SanitizationWarning' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) SanitizationWarningReason |
newSanitizationWarning Source #
Create a value of SanitizationWarning
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sanitizationWarning_attributeName
- The name of the XML attribute that has been sanitized.
, sanitizationWarning_elementName
- The name of the XML element that has been sanitized.
, sanitizationWarning_reason
- Required. The reason for which the XML elements or attributes were
A user associated with the broker. For RabbitMQ brokers, one and only one administrative user is accepted and created when a broker is first provisioned. All subsequent broker users are created by making RabbitMQ API calls directly to brokers or via the RabbitMQ web console.
See: newUser
smart constructor.
Eq User Source # | |
Read User Source # | |
Show User Source # | |
Generic User Source # | |
NFData User Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.Types.User | |
Hashable User Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.Types.User | |
ToJSON User Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.Types.User | |
type Rep User Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MQ.Types.User type Rep User = D1 ('MetaData "User" "Amazonka.MQ.Types.User" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-mqZSamazonka-mq" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "User'" 'PrefixI 'True) ((S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "groups") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe [Text])) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "consoleAccess") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Bool))) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "username") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "password") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text)))) |
Create a value of User
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, user_groups
- The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This
value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods,
underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters
long. Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
, user_consoleAccess
- Enables access to the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user. Does
not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
, user_username
- important>
Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ
For ActiveMQ brokers, this value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ
For RabbitMQ brokers, this value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores (- . _). This value must not contain a tilde (~) character. Amazon MQ prohibts using guest as a valid usename. This value must be 2-100 characters long.
, user_password
- Required. The password of the user. This value must be at least 12
characters long, must contain at least 4 unique characters, and must not
contain commas, colons, or equal signs (,:=).
data UserPendingChanges Source #
Returns information about the status of the changes pending for the ActiveMQ user.
See: newUserPendingChanges
smart constructor.
UserPendingChanges' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe Bool) ChangeType |
newUserPendingChanges Source #
Create a value of UserPendingChanges
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, userPendingChanges_groups
- The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This
value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods,
underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters
, userPendingChanges_consoleAccess
- Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.
, userPendingChanges_pendingChange
- Required. The type of change pending for the ActiveMQ user.
data UserSummary Source #
Returns a list of all broker users. Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers.
See: newUserSummary
smart constructor.
UserSummary' (Maybe ChangeType) Text |
:: Text | |
-> UserSummary |
Create a value of UserSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, userSummary_pendingChange
- The type of change pending for the broker user.
, userSummary_username
- Required. The username of the broker user. This value can contain only
alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _
~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
data WeeklyStartTime Source #
The scheduled time period relative to UTC during which Amazon MQ begins to apply pending updates or patches to the broker.
See: newWeeklyStartTime
smart constructor.
WeeklyStartTime' (Maybe Text) Text DayOfWeek |
:: Text | |
-> DayOfWeek | |
-> WeeklyStartTime |
Create a value of WeeklyStartTime
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, weeklyStartTime_timeZone
- The time zone, UTC by default, in either the Country/City format, or
the UTC offset format.
, weeklyStartTime_timeOfDay
- Required. The time, in 24-hour format.
, weeklyStartTime_dayOfWeek
- Required. The day of the week.