Copyright(c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone



Downloads the object at the specified path. If the object’s upload availability is set to streaming, AWS Elemental MediaStore downloads the object even if it’s still uploading the object.


Creating a Request

data GetObject Source #

See: newGetObject smart constructor.




  • range :: Maybe Text

    The range bytes of an object to retrieve. For more information about the Range header, see AWS Elemental MediaStore ignores this header for partially uploaded objects that have streaming upload availability.

  • path :: Text

    The path (including the file name) where the object is stored in the container. Format: <folder name>/<folder name>/<file name>

    For example, to upload the file mlaw.avi to the folder path premium\canada in the container movies, enter the path premium/canada/mlaw.avi.

    Do not include the container name in this path.

    If the path includes any folders that don't exist yet, the service creates them. For example, suppose you have an existing premium/usa subfolder. If you specify premium/canada, the service creates a canada subfolder in the premium folder. You then have two subfolders, usa and canada, in the premium folder.

    There is no correlation between the path to the source and the path (folders) in the container in AWS Elemental MediaStore.

    For more information about folders and how they exist in a container, see the AWS Elemental MediaStore User Guide.

    The file name is the name that is assigned to the file that you upload. The file can have the same name inside and outside of AWS Elemental MediaStore, or it can have the same name. The file name can include or omit an extension.


Instances details
Eq GetObject Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

Read GetObject Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

Show GetObject Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

Generic GetObject Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

Associated Types

type Rep GetObject :: Type -> Type #

NFData GetObject Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject


rnf :: GetObject -> () #

Hashable GetObject Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

AWSRequest GetObject Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

Associated Types

type AWSResponse GetObject #

ToHeaders GetObject Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject


toHeaders :: GetObject -> [Header] #

ToPath GetObject Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

ToQuery GetObject Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

type Rep GetObject Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

type Rep GetObject = D1 ('MetaData "GetObject" "Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-mediastore-dataplaneZSamazonka-mediastore-dataplane" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "GetObject'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "range") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "path") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text)))
type AWSResponse GetObject Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

newGetObject Source #

Create a value of GetObject with all optional fields omitted.

Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.

The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:

$sel:range:GetObject', getObject_range - The range bytes of an object to retrieve. For more information about the Range header, see AWS Elemental MediaStore ignores this header for partially uploaded objects that have streaming upload availability.

$sel:path:GetObject', getObject_path - The path (including the file name) where the object is stored in the container. Format: <folder name>/<folder name>/<file name>

For example, to upload the file mlaw.avi to the folder path premium\canada in the container movies, enter the path premium/canada/mlaw.avi.

Do not include the container name in this path.

If the path includes any folders that don't exist yet, the service creates them. For example, suppose you have an existing premium/usa subfolder. If you specify premium/canada, the service creates a canada subfolder in the premium folder. You then have two subfolders, usa and canada, in the premium folder.

There is no correlation between the path to the source and the path (folders) in the container in AWS Elemental MediaStore.

For more information about folders and how they exist in a container, see the AWS Elemental MediaStore User Guide.

The file name is the name that is assigned to the file that you upload. The file can have the same name inside and outside of AWS Elemental MediaStore, or it can have the same name. The file name can include or omit an extension.

Request Lenses

getObject_range :: Lens' GetObject (Maybe Text) Source #

The range bytes of an object to retrieve. For more information about the Range header, see AWS Elemental MediaStore ignores this header for partially uploaded objects that have streaming upload availability.

getObject_path :: Lens' GetObject Text Source #

The path (including the file name) where the object is stored in the container. Format: <folder name>/<folder name>/<file name>

For example, to upload the file mlaw.avi to the folder path premium\canada in the container movies, enter the path premium/canada/mlaw.avi.

Do not include the container name in this path.

If the path includes any folders that don't exist yet, the service creates them. For example, suppose you have an existing premium/usa subfolder. If you specify premium/canada, the service creates a canada subfolder in the premium folder. You then have two subfolders, usa and canada, in the premium folder.

There is no correlation between the path to the source and the path (folders) in the container in AWS Elemental MediaStore.

For more information about folders and how they exist in a container, see the AWS Elemental MediaStore User Guide.

The file name is the name that is assigned to the file that you upload. The file can have the same name inside and outside of AWS Elemental MediaStore, or it can have the same name. The file name can include or omit an extension.

Destructuring the Response

data GetObjectResponse Source #

See: newGetObjectResponse smart constructor.





Instances details
Show GetObjectResponse Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

Generic GetObjectResponse Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

Associated Types

type Rep GetObjectResponse :: Type -> Type #

type Rep GetObjectResponse Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject

type Rep GetObjectResponse = D1 ('MetaData "GetObjectResponse" "Amazonka.MediaStoreData.GetObject" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-mediastore-dataplaneZSamazonka-mediastore-dataplane" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "GetObjectResponse'" 'PrefixI 'True) (((S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "eTag") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "contentLength") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Natural))) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "cacheControl") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "lastModified") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe POSIX)))) :*: ((S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "contentRange") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "contentType") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text))) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "statusCode") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Int) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "body") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 ResponseBody)))))

newGetObjectResponse Source #

Create a value of GetObjectResponse with all optional fields omitted.

Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.

The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:

$sel:eTag:GetObjectResponse', getObjectResponse_eTag - The ETag that represents a unique instance of the object.

$sel:contentLength:GetObjectResponse', getObjectResponse_contentLength - The length of the object in bytes.

$sel:cacheControl:GetObjectResponse', getObjectResponse_cacheControl - An optional CacheControl header that allows the caller to control the object's cache behavior. Headers can be passed in as specified in the HTTP spec at

Headers with a custom user-defined value are also accepted.

$sel:lastModified:GetObjectResponse', getObjectResponse_lastModified - The date and time that the object was last modified.

$sel:contentRange:GetObjectResponse', getObjectResponse_contentRange - The range of bytes to retrieve.

$sel:contentType:GetObjectResponse', getObjectResponse_contentType - The content type of the object.

$sel:statusCode:GetObjectResponse', getObjectResponse_statusCode - The HTML status code of the request. Status codes ranging from 200 to 299 indicate success. All other status codes indicate the type of error that occurred.

$sel:body:GetObjectResponse', getObjectResponse_body - The bytes of the object.

Response Lenses

getObjectResponse_eTag :: Lens' GetObjectResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The ETag that represents a unique instance of the object.

getObjectResponse_cacheControl :: Lens' GetObjectResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

An optional CacheControl header that allows the caller to control the object's cache behavior. Headers can be passed in as specified in the HTTP spec at

Headers with a custom user-defined value are also accepted.

getObjectResponse_lastModified :: Lens' GetObjectResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The date and time that the object was last modified.

getObjectResponse_statusCode :: Lens' GetObjectResponse Int Source #

The HTML status code of the request. Status codes ranging from 200 to 299 indicate success. All other status codes indicate the type of error that occurred.