Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- data VideoSelector = VideoSelector' {}
- newVideoSelector :: VideoSelector
- videoSelector_programNumber :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe Int)
- videoSelector_alphaBehavior :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe AlphaBehavior)
- videoSelector_colorSpaceUsage :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe ColorSpaceUsage)
- videoSelector_hdr10Metadata :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe Hdr10Metadata)
- videoSelector_pid :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe Natural)
- videoSelector_rotate :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe InputRotate)
- videoSelector_colorSpace :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe ColorSpace)
- videoSelector_sampleRange :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe InputSampleRange)
data VideoSelector Source #
Input video selectors contain the video settings for the input. Each of your inputs can have up to one video selector.
See: newVideoSelector
smart constructor.
VideoSelector' | |
newVideoSelector :: VideoSelector Source #
Create a value of VideoSelector
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, videoSelector_programNumber
- Selects a specific program from within a multi-program transport stream.
Note that Quad 4K is not currently supported.
, videoSelector_alphaBehavior
- Ignore this setting unless this input is a QuickTime animation with an
alpha channel. Use this setting to create separate Key and Fill outputs.
In each output, specify which part of the input MediaConvert uses. Leave
this setting at the default value DISCARD to delete the alpha channel
and preserve the video. Set it to REMAP_TO_LUMA to delete the video and
map the alpha channel to the luma channel of your outputs.
, videoSelector_colorSpaceUsage
- There are two sources for color metadata, the input file and the job
input settings Color space (ColorSpace) and HDR master display
information settings(Hdr10Metadata). The Color space usage setting
determines which takes precedence. Choose Force (FORCE) to use color
metadata from the input job settings. If you don't specify values for
those settings, the service defaults to using metadata from your input.
FALLBACK - Choose Fallback (FALLBACK) to use color metadata from the
source when it is present. If there's no color metadata in your input
file, the service defaults to using values you specify in the input
, videoSelector_hdr10Metadata
- Use these settings to provide HDR 10 metadata that is missing or
inaccurate in your input video. Appropriate values vary depending on the
input video and must be provided by a color grader. The color grader
generates these values during the HDR 10 mastering process. The valid
range for each of these settings is 0 to 50,000. Each increment
represents 0.00002 in CIE1931 color coordinate. Related settings - When
you specify these values, you must also set Color space (ColorSpace) to
HDR 10 (HDR10). To specify whether the the values you specify here take
precedence over the values in the metadata of your input file, set Color
space usage (ColorSpaceUsage). To specify whether color metadata is
included in an output, set Color metadata (ColorMetadata). For more
information about MediaConvert HDR jobs, see
, videoSelector_pid
- Use PID (Pid) to select specific video data from an input file. Specify
this value as an integer; the system automatically converts it to the
hexidecimal value. For example, 257 selects PID 0x101. A PID, or packet
identifier, is an identifier for a set of data in an MPEG-2 transport
stream container.
, videoSelector_rotate
- Use Rotate (InputRotate) to specify how the service rotates your video.
You can choose automatic rotation or specify a rotation. You can specify
a clockwise rotation of 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. If your input video
container is .mov or .mp4 and your input has rotation metadata, you can
choose Automatic to have the service rotate your video according to the
rotation specified in the metadata. The rotation must be within one
degree of 90, 180, or 270 degrees. If the rotation metadata specifies
any other rotation, the service will default to no rotation. By default,
the service does no rotation, even if your input video has rotation
metadata. The service doesn't pass through rotation metadata.
, videoSelector_colorSpace
- If your input video has accurate color space metadata, or if you don't
know about color space, leave this set to the default value Follow
(FOLLOW). The service will automatically detect your input color space.
If your input video has metadata indicating the wrong color space,
specify the accurate color space here. If your input video is HDR 10 and
the SMPTE ST 2086 Mastering Display Color Volume static metadata isn't
present in your video stream, or if that metadata is present but not
accurate, choose Force HDR 10 (FORCE_HDR10) here and specify correct
values in the input HDR 10 metadata (Hdr10Metadata) settings. For more
information about MediaConvert HDR jobs, see
, videoSelector_sampleRange
- If the sample range metadata in your input video is accurate, or if you
don't know about sample range, keep the default value, Follow (FOLLOW),
for this setting. When you do, the service automatically detects your
input sample range. If your input video has metadata indicating the
wrong sample range, specify the accurate sample range here. When you do,
MediaConvert ignores any sample range information in the input metadata.
Regardless of whether MediaConvert uses the input sample range or the
sample range that you specify, MediaConvert uses the sample range for
transcoding and also writes it to the output metadata.
videoSelector_programNumber :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe Int) Source #
Selects a specific program from within a multi-program transport stream. Note that Quad 4K is not currently supported.
videoSelector_alphaBehavior :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe AlphaBehavior) Source #
Ignore this setting unless this input is a QuickTime animation with an alpha channel. Use this setting to create separate Key and Fill outputs. In each output, specify which part of the input MediaConvert uses. Leave this setting at the default value DISCARD to delete the alpha channel and preserve the video. Set it to REMAP_TO_LUMA to delete the video and map the alpha channel to the luma channel of your outputs.
videoSelector_colorSpaceUsage :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe ColorSpaceUsage) Source #
There are two sources for color metadata, the input file and the job input settings Color space (ColorSpace) and HDR master display information settings(Hdr10Metadata). The Color space usage setting determines which takes precedence. Choose Force (FORCE) to use color metadata from the input job settings. If you don't specify values for those settings, the service defaults to using metadata from your input. FALLBACK - Choose Fallback (FALLBACK) to use color metadata from the source when it is present. If there's no color metadata in your input file, the service defaults to using values you specify in the input settings.
videoSelector_hdr10Metadata :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe Hdr10Metadata) Source #
Use these settings to provide HDR 10 metadata that is missing or inaccurate in your input video. Appropriate values vary depending on the input video and must be provided by a color grader. The color grader generates these values during the HDR 10 mastering process. The valid range for each of these settings is 0 to 50,000. Each increment represents 0.00002 in CIE1931 color coordinate. Related settings - When you specify these values, you must also set Color space (ColorSpace) to HDR 10 (HDR10). To specify whether the the values you specify here take precedence over the values in the metadata of your input file, set Color space usage (ColorSpaceUsage). To specify whether color metadata is included in an output, set Color metadata (ColorMetadata). For more information about MediaConvert HDR jobs, see
videoSelector_pid :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe Natural) Source #
Use PID (Pid) to select specific video data from an input file. Specify this value as an integer; the system automatically converts it to the hexidecimal value. For example, 257 selects PID 0x101. A PID, or packet identifier, is an identifier for a set of data in an MPEG-2 transport stream container.
videoSelector_rotate :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe InputRotate) Source #
Use Rotate (InputRotate) to specify how the service rotates your video. You can choose automatic rotation or specify a rotation. You can specify a clockwise rotation of 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. If your input video container is .mov or .mp4 and your input has rotation metadata, you can choose Automatic to have the service rotate your video according to the rotation specified in the metadata. The rotation must be within one degree of 90, 180, or 270 degrees. If the rotation metadata specifies any other rotation, the service will default to no rotation. By default, the service does no rotation, even if your input video has rotation metadata. The service doesn't pass through rotation metadata.
videoSelector_colorSpace :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe ColorSpace) Source #
If your input video has accurate color space metadata, or if you don't know about color space, leave this set to the default value Follow (FOLLOW). The service will automatically detect your input color space. If your input video has metadata indicating the wrong color space, specify the accurate color space here. If your input video is HDR 10 and the SMPTE ST 2086 Mastering Display Color Volume static metadata isn't present in your video stream, or if that metadata is present but not accurate, choose Force HDR 10 (FORCE_HDR10) here and specify correct values in the input HDR 10 metadata (Hdr10Metadata) settings. For more information about MediaConvert HDR jobs, see
videoSelector_sampleRange :: Lens' VideoSelector (Maybe InputSampleRange) Source #
If the sample range metadata in your input video is accurate, or if you don't know about sample range, keep the default value, Follow (FOLLOW), for this setting. When you do, the service automatically detects your input sample range. If your input video has metadata indicating the wrong sample range, specify the accurate sample range here. When you do, MediaConvert ignores any sample range information in the input metadata. Regardless of whether MediaConvert uses the input sample range or the sample range that you specify, MediaConvert uses the sample range for transcoding and also writes it to the output metadata.