Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- data AudioDescription = AudioDescription' {
- audioSourceName :: Maybe Text
- customLanguageCode :: Maybe Text
- languageCode :: Maybe LanguageCode
- audioChannelTaggingSettings :: Maybe AudioChannelTaggingSettings
- audioType :: Maybe Natural
- audioNormalizationSettings :: Maybe AudioNormalizationSettings
- languageCodeControl :: Maybe AudioLanguageCodeControl
- codecSettings :: Maybe AudioCodecSettings
- streamName :: Maybe Text
- remixSettings :: Maybe RemixSettings
- audioTypeControl :: Maybe AudioTypeControl
- newAudioDescription :: AudioDescription
- audioDescription_audioSourceName :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe Text)
- audioDescription_customLanguageCode :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe Text)
- audioDescription_languageCode :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe LanguageCode)
- audioDescription_audioChannelTaggingSettings :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe AudioChannelTaggingSettings)
- audioDescription_audioType :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe Natural)
- audioDescription_audioNormalizationSettings :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe AudioNormalizationSettings)
- audioDescription_languageCodeControl :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe AudioLanguageCodeControl)
- audioDescription_codecSettings :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe AudioCodecSettings)
- audioDescription_streamName :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe Text)
- audioDescription_remixSettings :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe RemixSettings)
- audioDescription_audioTypeControl :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe AudioTypeControl)
data AudioDescription Source #
Settings related to one audio tab on the MediaConvert console. In your job JSON, an instance of AudioDescription is equivalent to one audio tab in the console. Usually, one audio tab corresponds to one output audio track. Depending on how you set up your input audio selectors and whether you use audio selector groups, one audio tab can correspond to a group of output audio tracks.
See: newAudioDescription
smart constructor.
AudioDescription' | |
newAudioDescription :: AudioDescription Source #
Create a value of AudioDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, audioDescription_audioSourceName
- Specifies which audio data to use from each input. In the simplest case,
specify an "Audio Selector":#inputs-audio_selector by name based on
its order within each input. For example if you specify "Audio Selector
3", then the third audio selector will be used from each input. If an
input does not have an "Audio Selector 3", then the audio selector
marked as "default" in that input will be used. If there is no audio
selector marked as "default", silence will be inserted for the
duration of that input. Alternatively, an "Audio Selector
Group":#inputs-audio_selector_group name may be specified, with similar
default/silence behavior. If no audio_source_name is specified, then
"Audio Selector 1" will be chosen automatically.
, audioDescription_customLanguageCode
- Specify the language for this audio output track. The service puts this
language code into your output audio track when you set Language code
control (AudioLanguageCodeControl) to Use configured (USE_CONFIGURED).
The service also uses your specified custom language code when you set
Language code control (AudioLanguageCodeControl) to Follow input
(FOLLOW_INPUT), but your input file doesn't specify a language code.
For all outputs, you can use an ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 code. For
streaming outputs, you can also use any other code in the full RFC-5646
specification. Streaming outputs are those that are in one of the
following output groups: CMAF, DASH ISO, Apple HLS, or Microsoft Smooth
, audioDescription_languageCode
- Indicates the language of the audio output track. The ISO 639 language
specified in the 'Language Code' drop down will be used when 'Follow
Input Language Code' is not selected or when 'Follow Input Language
Code' is selected but there is no ISO 639 language code specified by
the input.
, audioDescription_audioChannelTaggingSettings
- When you mimic a multi-channel audio layout with multiple mono-channel
tracks, you can tag each channel layout manually. For example, you would
tag the tracks that contain your left, right, and center audio with Left
(L), Right (R), and Center (C), respectively. When you don't specify a
value, MediaConvert labels your track as Center (C) by default. To use
audio layout tagging, your output must be in a QuickTime (.mov)
container; your audio codec must be AAC, WAV, or AIFF; and you must set
up your audio track to have only one channel.
, audioDescription_audioType
- Applies only if Follow Input Audio Type is unchecked (false). A number
between 0 and 255. The following are defined in ISO-IEC 13818-1: 0 =
Undefined, 1 = Clean Effects, 2 = Hearing Impaired, 3 = Visually
Impaired Commentary, 4-255 = Reserved.
, audioDescription_audioNormalizationSettings
- Advanced audio normalization settings. Ignore these settings unless you
need to comply with a loudness standard.
, audioDescription_languageCodeControl
- Specify which source for language code takes precedence for this audio
track. When you choose Follow input (FOLLOW_INPUT), the service uses the
language code from the input track if it's present. If there's no
languge code on the input track, the service uses the code that you
specify in the setting Language code (languageCode or
customLanguageCode). When you choose Use configured (USE_CONFIGURED),
the service uses the language code that you specify.
, audioDescription_codecSettings
- Settings related to audio encoding. The settings in this group vary
depending on the value that you choose for your audio codec.
, audioDescription_streamName
- Specify a label for this output audio stream. For example, "English",
"Director commentary", or "track_2". For streaming outputs,
MediaConvert passes this information into destination manifests for
display on the end-viewer's player device. For outputs in other output
groups, the service ignores this setting.
, audioDescription_remixSettings
- Advanced audio remixing settings.
, audioDescription_audioTypeControl
- When set to FOLLOW_INPUT, if the input contains an ISO 639 audio_type,
then that value is passed through to the output. If the input contains
no ISO 639 audio_type, the value in Audio Type is included in the
output. Otherwise the value in Audio Type is included in the output.
Note that this field and audioType are both ignored if
audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix is set to BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD.
audioDescription_audioSourceName :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies which audio data to use from each input. In the simplest case, specify an "Audio Selector":#inputs-audio_selector by name based on its order within each input. For example if you specify "Audio Selector 3", then the third audio selector will be used from each input. If an input does not have an "Audio Selector 3", then the audio selector marked as "default" in that input will be used. If there is no audio selector marked as "default", silence will be inserted for the duration of that input. Alternatively, an "Audio Selector Group":#inputs-audio_selector_group name may be specified, with similar default/silence behavior. If no audio_source_name is specified, then "Audio Selector 1" will be chosen automatically.
audioDescription_customLanguageCode :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Specify the language for this audio output track. The service puts this language code into your output audio track when you set Language code control (AudioLanguageCodeControl) to Use configured (USE_CONFIGURED). The service also uses your specified custom language code when you set Language code control (AudioLanguageCodeControl) to Follow input (FOLLOW_INPUT), but your input file doesn't specify a language code. For all outputs, you can use an ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 code. For streaming outputs, you can also use any other code in the full RFC-5646 specification. Streaming outputs are those that are in one of the following output groups: CMAF, DASH ISO, Apple HLS, or Microsoft Smooth Streaming.
audioDescription_languageCode :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe LanguageCode) Source #
Indicates the language of the audio output track. The ISO 639 language specified in the 'Language Code' drop down will be used when 'Follow Input Language Code' is not selected or when 'Follow Input Language Code' is selected but there is no ISO 639 language code specified by the input.
audioDescription_audioChannelTaggingSettings :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe AudioChannelTaggingSettings) Source #
When you mimic a multi-channel audio layout with multiple mono-channel tracks, you can tag each channel layout manually. For example, you would tag the tracks that contain your left, right, and center audio with Left (L), Right (R), and Center (C), respectively. When you don't specify a value, MediaConvert labels your track as Center (C) by default. To use audio layout tagging, your output must be in a QuickTime (.mov) container; your audio codec must be AAC, WAV, or AIFF; and you must set up your audio track to have only one channel.
audioDescription_audioType :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
Applies only if Follow Input Audio Type is unchecked (false). A number between 0 and 255. The following are defined in ISO-IEC 13818-1: 0 = Undefined, 1 = Clean Effects, 2 = Hearing Impaired, 3 = Visually Impaired Commentary, 4-255 = Reserved.
audioDescription_audioNormalizationSettings :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe AudioNormalizationSettings) Source #
Advanced audio normalization settings. Ignore these settings unless you need to comply with a loudness standard.
audioDescription_languageCodeControl :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe AudioLanguageCodeControl) Source #
Specify which source for language code takes precedence for this audio track. When you choose Follow input (FOLLOW_INPUT), the service uses the language code from the input track if it's present. If there's no languge code on the input track, the service uses the code that you specify in the setting Language code (languageCode or customLanguageCode). When you choose Use configured (USE_CONFIGURED), the service uses the language code that you specify.
audioDescription_codecSettings :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe AudioCodecSettings) Source #
Settings related to audio encoding. The settings in this group vary depending on the value that you choose for your audio codec.
audioDescription_streamName :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Specify a label for this output audio stream. For example, "English", "Director commentary", or "track_2". For streaming outputs, MediaConvert passes this information into destination manifests for display on the end-viewer's player device. For outputs in other output groups, the service ignores this setting.
audioDescription_remixSettings :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe RemixSettings) Source #
Advanced audio remixing settings.
audioDescription_audioTypeControl :: Lens' AudioDescription (Maybe AudioTypeControl) Source #
When set to FOLLOW_INPUT, if the input contains an ISO 639 audio_type, then that value is passed through to the output. If the input contains no ISO 639 audio_type, the value in Audio Type is included in the output. Otherwise the value in Audio Type is included in the output. Note that this field and audioType are both ignored if audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix is set to BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD.