Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- BatchItemErrorCode
- DimensionUnit
- DistanceUnit
- IntendedUse
- PositionFiltering
- PricingPlan
- TravelMode
- VehicleWeightUnit
- BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError
- BatchDeleteGeofenceError
- BatchEvaluateGeofencesError
- BatchGetDevicePositionError
- BatchItemError
- BatchPutGeofenceError
- BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry
- BatchPutGeofenceSuccess
- BatchUpdateDevicePositionError
- CalculateRouteCarModeOptions
- CalculateRouteSummary
- CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions
- DataSourceConfiguration
- DevicePosition
- DevicePositionUpdate
- GeofenceGeometry
- Leg
- LegGeometry
- ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry
- ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry
- ListGeofenceResponseEntry
- ListMapsResponseEntry
- ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry
- ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry
- ListTrackersResponseEntry
- MapConfiguration
- Place
- PlaceGeometry
- SearchForPositionResult
- SearchForTextResult
- SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary
- SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary
- Step
- TruckDimensions
- TruckWeight
- defaultService :: Service
- _ValidationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _AccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InternalServerException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- newtype BatchItemErrorCode where
- BatchItemErrorCode' { }
- pattern BatchItemErrorCode_AccessDeniedError :: BatchItemErrorCode
- pattern BatchItemErrorCode_ConflictError :: BatchItemErrorCode
- pattern BatchItemErrorCode_InternalServerError :: BatchItemErrorCode
- pattern BatchItemErrorCode_ResourceNotFoundError :: BatchItemErrorCode
- pattern BatchItemErrorCode_ThrottlingError :: BatchItemErrorCode
- pattern BatchItemErrorCode_ValidationError :: BatchItemErrorCode
- newtype DimensionUnit where
- DimensionUnit' { }
- pattern DimensionUnit_Feet :: DimensionUnit
- pattern DimensionUnit_Meters :: DimensionUnit
- newtype DistanceUnit where
- DistanceUnit' { }
- pattern DistanceUnit_Kilometers :: DistanceUnit
- pattern DistanceUnit_Miles :: DistanceUnit
- newtype IntendedUse where
- IntendedUse' { }
- pattern IntendedUse_SingleUse :: IntendedUse
- pattern IntendedUse_Storage :: IntendedUse
- newtype PositionFiltering where
- newtype PricingPlan where
- PricingPlan' { }
- pattern PricingPlan_MobileAssetManagement :: PricingPlan
- pattern PricingPlan_MobileAssetTracking :: PricingPlan
- pattern PricingPlan_RequestBasedUsage :: PricingPlan
- newtype TravelMode where
- TravelMode' { }
- pattern TravelMode_Car :: TravelMode
- pattern TravelMode_Truck :: TravelMode
- pattern TravelMode_Walking :: TravelMode
- newtype VehicleWeightUnit where
- VehicleWeightUnit' { }
- pattern VehicleWeightUnit_Kilograms :: VehicleWeightUnit
- pattern VehicleWeightUnit_Pounds :: VehicleWeightUnit
- data BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError = BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError' {
- deviceId :: Text
- error :: BatchItemError
- newBatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError :: Text -> BatchItemError -> BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError
- batchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError_deviceId :: Lens' BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError Text
- batchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError_error :: Lens' BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError BatchItemError
- data BatchDeleteGeofenceError = BatchDeleteGeofenceError' {}
- newBatchDeleteGeofenceError :: BatchItemError -> Text -> BatchDeleteGeofenceError
- batchDeleteGeofenceError_error :: Lens' BatchDeleteGeofenceError BatchItemError
- batchDeleteGeofenceError_geofenceId :: Lens' BatchDeleteGeofenceError Text
- data BatchEvaluateGeofencesError = BatchEvaluateGeofencesError' {
- deviceId :: Text
- error :: BatchItemError
- sampleTime :: POSIX
- newBatchEvaluateGeofencesError :: Text -> BatchItemError -> UTCTime -> BatchEvaluateGeofencesError
- batchEvaluateGeofencesError_deviceId :: Lens' BatchEvaluateGeofencesError Text
- batchEvaluateGeofencesError_error :: Lens' BatchEvaluateGeofencesError BatchItemError
- batchEvaluateGeofencesError_sampleTime :: Lens' BatchEvaluateGeofencesError UTCTime
- data BatchGetDevicePositionError = BatchGetDevicePositionError' {
- deviceId :: Text
- error :: BatchItemError
- newBatchGetDevicePositionError :: Text -> BatchItemError -> BatchGetDevicePositionError
- batchGetDevicePositionError_deviceId :: Lens' BatchGetDevicePositionError Text
- batchGetDevicePositionError_error :: Lens' BatchGetDevicePositionError BatchItemError
- data BatchItemError = BatchItemError' {}
- newBatchItemError :: BatchItemError
- batchItemError_code :: Lens' BatchItemError (Maybe BatchItemErrorCode)
- batchItemError_message :: Lens' BatchItemError (Maybe Text)
- data BatchPutGeofenceError = BatchPutGeofenceError' {}
- newBatchPutGeofenceError :: BatchItemError -> Text -> BatchPutGeofenceError
- batchPutGeofenceError_error :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceError BatchItemError
- batchPutGeofenceError_geofenceId :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceError Text
- data BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry = BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry' {}
- newBatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry :: Text -> GeofenceGeometry -> BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry
- batchPutGeofenceRequestEntry_geofenceId :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry Text
- batchPutGeofenceRequestEntry_geometry :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry GeofenceGeometry
- data BatchPutGeofenceSuccess = BatchPutGeofenceSuccess' {
- createTime :: POSIX
- geofenceId :: Text
- updateTime :: POSIX
- newBatchPutGeofenceSuccess :: UTCTime -> Text -> UTCTime -> BatchPutGeofenceSuccess
- batchPutGeofenceSuccess_createTime :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceSuccess UTCTime
- batchPutGeofenceSuccess_geofenceId :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceSuccess Text
- batchPutGeofenceSuccess_updateTime :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceSuccess UTCTime
- data BatchUpdateDevicePositionError = BatchUpdateDevicePositionError' {
- deviceId :: Text
- error :: BatchItemError
- sampleTime :: POSIX
- newBatchUpdateDevicePositionError :: Text -> BatchItemError -> UTCTime -> BatchUpdateDevicePositionError
- batchUpdateDevicePositionError_deviceId :: Lens' BatchUpdateDevicePositionError Text
- batchUpdateDevicePositionError_error :: Lens' BatchUpdateDevicePositionError BatchItemError
- batchUpdateDevicePositionError_sampleTime :: Lens' BatchUpdateDevicePositionError UTCTime
- data CalculateRouteCarModeOptions = CalculateRouteCarModeOptions' {
- avoidTolls :: Maybe Bool
- avoidFerries :: Maybe Bool
- newCalculateRouteCarModeOptions :: CalculateRouteCarModeOptions
- calculateRouteCarModeOptions_avoidTolls :: Lens' CalculateRouteCarModeOptions (Maybe Bool)
- calculateRouteCarModeOptions_avoidFerries :: Lens' CalculateRouteCarModeOptions (Maybe Bool)
- data CalculateRouteSummary = CalculateRouteSummary' {}
- newCalculateRouteSummary :: Text -> Double -> DistanceUnit -> Double -> NonEmpty Double -> CalculateRouteSummary
- calculateRouteSummary_dataSource :: Lens' CalculateRouteSummary Text
- calculateRouteSummary_distance :: Lens' CalculateRouteSummary Double
- calculateRouteSummary_distanceUnit :: Lens' CalculateRouteSummary DistanceUnit
- calculateRouteSummary_durationSeconds :: Lens' CalculateRouteSummary Double
- calculateRouteSummary_routeBBox :: Lens' CalculateRouteSummary (NonEmpty Double)
- data CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions = CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions' {}
- newCalculateRouteTruckModeOptions :: CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions
- calculateRouteTruckModeOptions_weight :: Lens' CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions (Maybe TruckWeight)
- calculateRouteTruckModeOptions_avoidTolls :: Lens' CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions (Maybe Bool)
- calculateRouteTruckModeOptions_dimensions :: Lens' CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions (Maybe TruckDimensions)
- calculateRouteTruckModeOptions_avoidFerries :: Lens' CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions (Maybe Bool)
- data DataSourceConfiguration = DataSourceConfiguration' {}
- newDataSourceConfiguration :: DataSourceConfiguration
- dataSourceConfiguration_intendedUse :: Lens' DataSourceConfiguration (Maybe IntendedUse)
- data DevicePosition = DevicePosition' {}
- newDevicePosition :: NonEmpty Double -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> DevicePosition
- devicePosition_deviceId :: Lens' DevicePosition (Maybe Text)
- devicePosition_position :: Lens' DevicePosition (NonEmpty Double)
- devicePosition_receivedTime :: Lens' DevicePosition UTCTime
- devicePosition_sampleTime :: Lens' DevicePosition UTCTime
- data DevicePositionUpdate = DevicePositionUpdate' {}
- newDevicePositionUpdate :: Text -> NonEmpty Double -> UTCTime -> DevicePositionUpdate
- devicePositionUpdate_deviceId :: Lens' DevicePositionUpdate Text
- devicePositionUpdate_position :: Lens' DevicePositionUpdate (NonEmpty Double)
- devicePositionUpdate_sampleTime :: Lens' DevicePositionUpdate UTCTime
- data GeofenceGeometry = GeofenceGeometry' {}
- newGeofenceGeometry :: GeofenceGeometry
- geofenceGeometry_polygon :: Lens' GeofenceGeometry (Maybe (NonEmpty (NonEmpty (NonEmpty Double))))
- data Leg = Leg' {
- geometry :: Maybe LegGeometry
- distance :: Double
- durationSeconds :: Double
- endPosition :: Sensitive (NonEmpty Double)
- startPosition :: Sensitive (NonEmpty Double)
- steps :: [Step]
- newLeg :: Double -> Double -> NonEmpty Double -> NonEmpty Double -> Leg
- leg_geometry :: Lens' Leg (Maybe LegGeometry)
- leg_distance :: Lens' Leg Double
- leg_durationSeconds :: Lens' Leg Double
- leg_endPosition :: Lens' Leg (NonEmpty Double)
- leg_startPosition :: Lens' Leg (NonEmpty Double)
- leg_steps :: Lens' Leg [Step]
- data LegGeometry = LegGeometry' {}
- newLegGeometry :: LegGeometry
- legGeometry_lineString :: Lens' LegGeometry (Maybe (NonEmpty (NonEmpty Double)))
- data ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry = ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry' {}
- newListDevicePositionsResponseEntry :: Text -> NonEmpty Double -> UTCTime -> ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry
- listDevicePositionsResponseEntry_deviceId :: Lens' ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry Text
- listDevicePositionsResponseEntry_position :: Lens' ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry (NonEmpty Double)
- listDevicePositionsResponseEntry_sampleTime :: Lens' ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry UTCTime
- data ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry = ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry' {}
- newListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry :: Text -> UTCTime -> Text -> PricingPlan -> UTCTime -> ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry
- listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_pricingPlanDataSource :: Lens' ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry (Maybe Text)
- listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_collectionName :: Lens' ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry Text
- listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_createTime :: Lens' ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry UTCTime
- listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_description :: Lens' ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry Text
- listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_pricingPlan :: Lens' ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry PricingPlan
- listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_updateTime :: Lens' ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry UTCTime
- data ListGeofenceResponseEntry = ListGeofenceResponseEntry' {
- createTime :: POSIX
- geofenceId :: Text
- geometry :: GeofenceGeometry
- status :: Text
- updateTime :: POSIX
- newListGeofenceResponseEntry :: UTCTime -> Text -> GeofenceGeometry -> Text -> UTCTime -> ListGeofenceResponseEntry
- listGeofenceResponseEntry_createTime :: Lens' ListGeofenceResponseEntry UTCTime
- listGeofenceResponseEntry_geofenceId :: Lens' ListGeofenceResponseEntry Text
- listGeofenceResponseEntry_geometry :: Lens' ListGeofenceResponseEntry GeofenceGeometry
- listGeofenceResponseEntry_status :: Lens' ListGeofenceResponseEntry Text
- listGeofenceResponseEntry_updateTime :: Lens' ListGeofenceResponseEntry UTCTime
- data ListMapsResponseEntry = ListMapsResponseEntry' {
- createTime :: POSIX
- dataSource :: Text
- description :: Text
- mapName :: Text
- pricingPlan :: PricingPlan
- updateTime :: POSIX
- newListMapsResponseEntry :: UTCTime -> Text -> Text -> Text -> PricingPlan -> UTCTime -> ListMapsResponseEntry
- listMapsResponseEntry_createTime :: Lens' ListMapsResponseEntry UTCTime
- listMapsResponseEntry_dataSource :: Lens' ListMapsResponseEntry Text
- listMapsResponseEntry_description :: Lens' ListMapsResponseEntry Text
- listMapsResponseEntry_mapName :: Lens' ListMapsResponseEntry Text
- listMapsResponseEntry_pricingPlan :: Lens' ListMapsResponseEntry PricingPlan
- listMapsResponseEntry_updateTime :: Lens' ListMapsResponseEntry UTCTime
- data ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry = ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry' {
- createTime :: POSIX
- dataSource :: Text
- description :: Text
- indexName :: Text
- pricingPlan :: PricingPlan
- updateTime :: POSIX
- newListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry :: UTCTime -> Text -> Text -> Text -> PricingPlan -> UTCTime -> ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry
- listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_createTime :: Lens' ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry UTCTime
- listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_dataSource :: Lens' ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry Text
- listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_description :: Lens' ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry Text
- listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_indexName :: Lens' ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry Text
- listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_pricingPlan :: Lens' ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry PricingPlan
- listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_updateTime :: Lens' ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry UTCTime
- data ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry = ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry' {}
- newListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry :: Text -> UTCTime -> Text -> Text -> PricingPlan -> UTCTime -> ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry
- listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_calculatorName :: Lens' ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry Text
- listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_createTime :: Lens' ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry UTCTime
- listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_dataSource :: Lens' ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry Text
- listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_description :: Lens' ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry Text
- listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_pricingPlan :: Lens' ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry PricingPlan
- listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_updateTime :: Lens' ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry UTCTime
- data ListTrackersResponseEntry = ListTrackersResponseEntry' {}
- newListTrackersResponseEntry :: UTCTime -> Text -> PricingPlan -> Text -> UTCTime -> ListTrackersResponseEntry
- listTrackersResponseEntry_pricingPlanDataSource :: Lens' ListTrackersResponseEntry (Maybe Text)
- listTrackersResponseEntry_createTime :: Lens' ListTrackersResponseEntry UTCTime
- listTrackersResponseEntry_description :: Lens' ListTrackersResponseEntry Text
- listTrackersResponseEntry_pricingPlan :: Lens' ListTrackersResponseEntry PricingPlan
- listTrackersResponseEntry_trackerName :: Lens' ListTrackersResponseEntry Text
- listTrackersResponseEntry_updateTime :: Lens' ListTrackersResponseEntry UTCTime
- data MapConfiguration = MapConfiguration' {}
- newMapConfiguration :: Text -> MapConfiguration
- mapConfiguration_style :: Lens' MapConfiguration Text
- data Place = Place' {}
- newPlace :: PlaceGeometry -> Place
- place_municipality :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text)
- place_addressNumber :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text)
- place_postalCode :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text)
- place_country :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text)
- place_street :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text)
- place_subRegion :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text)
- place_region :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text)
- place_label :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text)
- place_neighborhood :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text)
- place_geometry :: Lens' Place PlaceGeometry
- data PlaceGeometry = PlaceGeometry' {}
- newPlaceGeometry :: PlaceGeometry
- placeGeometry_point :: Lens' PlaceGeometry (Maybe (NonEmpty Double))
- data SearchForPositionResult = SearchForPositionResult' {}
- newSearchForPositionResult :: Place -> SearchForPositionResult
- searchForPositionResult_place :: Lens' SearchForPositionResult Place
- data SearchForTextResult = SearchForTextResult' {}
- newSearchForTextResult :: Place -> SearchForTextResult
- searchForTextResult_place :: Lens' SearchForTextResult Place
- data SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary = SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary' {
- maxResults :: Maybe Natural
- dataSource :: Text
- position :: Sensitive (NonEmpty Double)
- newSearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary :: Text -> NonEmpty Double -> SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary
- searchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary_maxResults :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary (Maybe Natural)
- searchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary_dataSource :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary Text
- searchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary_position :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary (NonEmpty Double)
- data SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary = SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary' {
- filterBBox :: Maybe (Sensitive (NonEmpty Double))
- resultBBox :: Maybe (Sensitive (NonEmpty Double))
- biasPosition :: Maybe (Sensitive (NonEmpty Double))
- filterCountries :: Maybe (NonEmpty Text)
- maxResults :: Maybe Natural
- dataSource :: Text
- text :: Sensitive Text
- newSearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary :: Text -> Text -> SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary
- searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_filterBBox :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary (Maybe (NonEmpty Double))
- searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_resultBBox :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary (Maybe (NonEmpty Double))
- searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_biasPosition :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary (Maybe (NonEmpty Double))
- searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_filterCountries :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_maxResults :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary (Maybe Natural)
- searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_dataSource :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary Text
- searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_text :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary Text
- data Step = Step' {}
- newStep :: Double -> Double -> NonEmpty Double -> NonEmpty Double -> Step
- step_geometryOffset :: Lens' Step (Maybe Natural)
- step_distance :: Lens' Step Double
- step_durationSeconds :: Lens' Step Double
- step_endPosition :: Lens' Step (NonEmpty Double)
- step_startPosition :: Lens' Step (NonEmpty Double)
- data TruckDimensions = TruckDimensions' {}
- newTruckDimensions :: TruckDimensions
- truckDimensions_length :: Lens' TruckDimensions (Maybe Double)
- truckDimensions_height :: Lens' TruckDimensions (Maybe Double)
- truckDimensions_width :: Lens' TruckDimensions (Maybe Double)
- truckDimensions_unit :: Lens' TruckDimensions (Maybe DimensionUnit)
- data TruckWeight = TruckWeight' {}
- newTruckWeight :: TruckWeight
- truckWeight_total :: Lens' TruckWeight (Maybe Double)
- truckWeight_unit :: Lens' TruckWeight (Maybe VehicleWeightUnit)
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2020-11-19
of the Amazon Location Service SDK configuration.
_ValidationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The input failed to meet the constraints specified by the AWS service.
_AccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request was denied because of insufficient access or permissions. Check with an administrator to verify your permissions.
_ConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request was unsuccessful because of a conflict.
_ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The operation was denied because the request would exceed the maximum quota set for Amazon Location Service.
_ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request was denied because of request throttling.
_InternalServerException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request has failed to process because of an unknown server error, exception, or failure.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The resource that you've entered was not found in your AWS account.
newtype BatchItemErrorCode Source #
newtype DimensionUnit Source #
pattern DimensionUnit_Feet :: DimensionUnit | |
pattern DimensionUnit_Meters :: DimensionUnit |
newtype DistanceUnit Source #
pattern DistanceUnit_Kilometers :: DistanceUnit | |
pattern DistanceUnit_Miles :: DistanceUnit |
newtype IntendedUse Source #
pattern IntendedUse_SingleUse :: IntendedUse | |
pattern IntendedUse_Storage :: IntendedUse |
newtype PositionFiltering Source #
pattern PositionFiltering_DistanceBased :: PositionFiltering | |
pattern PositionFiltering_TimeBased :: PositionFiltering |
newtype PricingPlan Source #
pattern PricingPlan_MobileAssetManagement :: PricingPlan | |
pattern PricingPlan_MobileAssetTracking :: PricingPlan | |
pattern PricingPlan_RequestBasedUsage :: PricingPlan |
newtype TravelMode Source #
pattern TravelMode_Car :: TravelMode | |
pattern TravelMode_Truck :: TravelMode | |
pattern TravelMode_Walking :: TravelMode |
newtype VehicleWeightUnit Source #
pattern VehicleWeightUnit_Kilograms :: VehicleWeightUnit | |
pattern VehicleWeightUnit_Pounds :: VehicleWeightUnit |
data BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError Source #
Contains the tracker resource details.
See: newBatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError
smart constructor.
BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError' | |
newBatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError Source #
Create a value of BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError_deviceId
- The ID of the device for this position.
, batchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError_error
- Undocumented member.
batchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError_deviceId :: Lens' BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError Text Source #
The ID of the device for this position.
batchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError_error :: Lens' BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError BatchItemError Source #
Undocumented member.
data BatchDeleteGeofenceError Source #
Contains error details for each geofence that failed to delete from the geofence collection.
See: newBatchDeleteGeofenceError
smart constructor.
BatchDeleteGeofenceError' | |
newBatchDeleteGeofenceError Source #
Create a value of BatchDeleteGeofenceError
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchDeleteGeofenceError_error
- Contains details associated to the batch error.
, batchDeleteGeofenceError_geofenceId
- The geofence associated with the error message.
batchDeleteGeofenceError_error :: Lens' BatchDeleteGeofenceError BatchItemError Source #
Contains details associated to the batch error.
batchDeleteGeofenceError_geofenceId :: Lens' BatchDeleteGeofenceError Text Source #
The geofence associated with the error message.
data BatchEvaluateGeofencesError Source #
Contains error details for each device that failed to evaluate its position against the geofences in a given geofence collection.
See: newBatchEvaluateGeofencesError
smart constructor.
BatchEvaluateGeofencesError' | |
newBatchEvaluateGeofencesError Source #
Create a value of BatchEvaluateGeofencesError
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchEvaluateGeofencesError_deviceId
- The device associated with the position evaluation error.
, batchEvaluateGeofencesError_error
- Contains details associated to the batch error.
, batchEvaluateGeofencesError_sampleTime
- Specifies a timestamp for when the error occurred in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
batchEvaluateGeofencesError_deviceId :: Lens' BatchEvaluateGeofencesError Text Source #
The device associated with the position evaluation error.
batchEvaluateGeofencesError_error :: Lens' BatchEvaluateGeofencesError BatchItemError Source #
Contains details associated to the batch error.
batchEvaluateGeofencesError_sampleTime :: Lens' BatchEvaluateGeofencesError UTCTime Source #
Specifies a timestamp for when the error occurred in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
data BatchGetDevicePositionError Source #
Contains error details for each device that didn't return a position.
See: newBatchGetDevicePositionError
smart constructor.
BatchGetDevicePositionError' | |
newBatchGetDevicePositionError Source #
Create a value of BatchGetDevicePositionError
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchGetDevicePositionError_deviceId
- The ID of the device that didn't return a position.
, batchGetDevicePositionError_error
- Contains details related to the error code.
batchGetDevicePositionError_deviceId :: Lens' BatchGetDevicePositionError Text Source #
The ID of the device that didn't return a position.
batchGetDevicePositionError_error :: Lens' BatchGetDevicePositionError BatchItemError Source #
Contains details related to the error code.
data BatchItemError Source #
Contains the batch request error details associated with the request.
See: newBatchItemError
smart constructor.
newBatchItemError :: BatchItemError Source #
Create a value of BatchItemError
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchItemError_code
- The error code associated with the batch request error.
, batchItemError_message
- A message with the reason for the batch request error.
batchItemError_code :: Lens' BatchItemError (Maybe BatchItemErrorCode) Source #
The error code associated with the batch request error.
batchItemError_message :: Lens' BatchItemError (Maybe Text) Source #
A message with the reason for the batch request error.
data BatchPutGeofenceError Source #
Contains error details for each geofence that failed to be stored in a given geofence collection.
See: newBatchPutGeofenceError
smart constructor.
BatchPutGeofenceError' | |
newBatchPutGeofenceError Source #
Create a value of BatchPutGeofenceError
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchPutGeofenceError_error
- Contains details associated to the batch error.
, batchPutGeofenceError_geofenceId
- The geofence associated with the error message.
batchPutGeofenceError_error :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceError BatchItemError Source #
Contains details associated to the batch error.
batchPutGeofenceError_geofenceId :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceError Text Source #
The geofence associated with the error message.
data BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry Source #
Contains geofence geometry details.
See: newBatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry
smart constructor.
BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry' | |
newBatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry Source #
Create a value of BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchPutGeofenceRequestEntry_geofenceId
- The identifier for the geofence to be stored in a given geofence
, batchPutGeofenceRequestEntry_geometry
- Contains the polygon details to specify the position of the geofence.
Each geofence polygon can have a maximum of 1,000 vertices.
batchPutGeofenceRequestEntry_geofenceId :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry Text Source #
The identifier for the geofence to be stored in a given geofence collection.
batchPutGeofenceRequestEntry_geometry :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry GeofenceGeometry Source #
Contains the polygon details to specify the position of the geofence.
Each geofence polygon can have a maximum of 1,000 vertices.
data BatchPutGeofenceSuccess Source #
Contains a summary of each geofence that was successfully stored in a given geofence collection.
See: newBatchPutGeofenceSuccess
smart constructor.
BatchPutGeofenceSuccess' | |
newBatchPutGeofenceSuccess Source #
:: UTCTime | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> BatchPutGeofenceSuccess |
Create a value of BatchPutGeofenceSuccess
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchPutGeofenceSuccess_createTime
- The timestamp for when the geofence was stored in a geofence collection
in ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
, batchPutGeofenceSuccess_geofenceId
- The geofence successfully stored in a geofence collection.
, batchPutGeofenceSuccess_updateTime
- The timestamp for when the geofence was last updated in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
batchPutGeofenceSuccess_createTime :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceSuccess UTCTime Source #
The timestamp for when the geofence was stored in a geofence collection
in ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
batchPutGeofenceSuccess_geofenceId :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceSuccess Text Source #
The geofence successfully stored in a geofence collection.
batchPutGeofenceSuccess_updateTime :: Lens' BatchPutGeofenceSuccess UTCTime Source #
The timestamp for when the geofence was last updated in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
data BatchUpdateDevicePositionError Source #
Contains error details for each device that failed to update its position.
See: newBatchUpdateDevicePositionError
smart constructor.
BatchUpdateDevicePositionError' | |
newBatchUpdateDevicePositionError Source #
Create a value of BatchUpdateDevicePositionError
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchUpdateDevicePositionError_deviceId
- The device associated with the failed location update.
, batchUpdateDevicePositionError_error
- Contains details related to the error code such as the error code and
error message.
, batchUpdateDevicePositionError_sampleTime
- The timestamp at which the device position was determined. Uses
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
batchUpdateDevicePositionError_deviceId :: Lens' BatchUpdateDevicePositionError Text Source #
The device associated with the failed location update.
batchUpdateDevicePositionError_error :: Lens' BatchUpdateDevicePositionError BatchItemError Source #
Contains details related to the error code such as the error code and error message.
batchUpdateDevicePositionError_sampleTime :: Lens' BatchUpdateDevicePositionError UTCTime Source #
The timestamp at which the device position was determined. Uses
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
data CalculateRouteCarModeOptions Source #
Contains details about additional route preferences for requests that
specify TravelMode
as Car
See: newCalculateRouteCarModeOptions
smart constructor.
CalculateRouteCarModeOptions' | |
newCalculateRouteCarModeOptions :: CalculateRouteCarModeOptions Source #
Create a value of CalculateRouteCarModeOptions
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, calculateRouteCarModeOptions_avoidTolls
- Avoids tolls when calculating routes.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: false
| true
, calculateRouteCarModeOptions_avoidFerries
- Avoids ferries when calculating routes.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: false
| true
calculateRouteCarModeOptions_avoidTolls :: Lens' CalculateRouteCarModeOptions (Maybe Bool) Source #
Avoids tolls when calculating routes.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: false
| true
calculateRouteCarModeOptions_avoidFerries :: Lens' CalculateRouteCarModeOptions (Maybe Bool) Source #
Avoids ferries when calculating routes.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: false
| true
data CalculateRouteSummary Source #
A summary of the calculated route.
See: newCalculateRouteSummary
smart constructor.
CalculateRouteSummary' | |
newCalculateRouteSummary Source #
:: Text | |
-> Double | |
-> DistanceUnit | |
-> Double | |
-> NonEmpty Double | |
-> CalculateRouteSummary |
Create a value of CalculateRouteSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, calculateRouteSummary_dataSource
- The data provider of traffic and road network data used to calculate the
route. Indicates one of the available providers:
For more information about data providers, see Amazon Location Service data providers.
, calculateRouteSummary_distance
- The total distance covered by the route. The sum of the distance
travelled between every stop on the route.
If Esri is the data source for the route calculator, the route distance
can’t be greater than 400 km. If the route exceeds 400 km, the response
is a 400 RoutesValidationException
, calculateRouteSummary_distanceUnit
- The unit of measurement for the distance.
, calculateRouteSummary_durationSeconds
- The total travel time for the route measured in seconds. The sum of the
travel time between every stop on the route.
, calculateRouteSummary_routeBBox
- Specifies a geographical box surrounding a route. Used to zoom into a
route when displaying it in a map. For example,
[min x, min y, max x, max y]
The first 2 bbox
parameters describe the lower southwest corner:
- The first
position is the X coordinate or longitude of the lower southwest corner. - The second
position is the Y coordinate or latitude of the lower southwest corner.
The next 2 bbox
parameters describe the upper northeast corner:
- The third
position is the X coordinate, or longitude of the upper northeast corner. - The fourth
position is the Y coordinate, or latitude of the upper northeast corner.
calculateRouteSummary_dataSource :: Lens' CalculateRouteSummary Text Source #
The data provider of traffic and road network data used to calculate the route. Indicates one of the available providers:
For more information about data providers, see Amazon Location Service data providers.
calculateRouteSummary_distance :: Lens' CalculateRouteSummary Double Source #
The total distance covered by the route. The sum of the distance travelled between every stop on the route.
If Esri is the data source for the route calculator, the route distance
can’t be greater than 400 km. If the route exceeds 400 km, the response
is a 400 RoutesValidationException
calculateRouteSummary_distanceUnit :: Lens' CalculateRouteSummary DistanceUnit Source #
The unit of measurement for the distance.
calculateRouteSummary_durationSeconds :: Lens' CalculateRouteSummary Double Source #
The total travel time for the route measured in seconds. The sum of the travel time between every stop on the route.
calculateRouteSummary_routeBBox :: Lens' CalculateRouteSummary (NonEmpty Double) Source #
Specifies a geographical box surrounding a route. Used to zoom into a
route when displaying it in a map. For example,
[min x, min y, max x, max y]
The first 2 bbox
parameters describe the lower southwest corner:
- The first
position is the X coordinate or longitude of the lower southwest corner. - The second
position is the Y coordinate or latitude of the lower southwest corner.
The next 2 bbox
parameters describe the upper northeast corner:
- The third
position is the X coordinate, or longitude of the upper northeast corner. - The fourth
position is the Y coordinate, or latitude of the upper northeast corner.
data CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions Source #
Contains details about additional route preferences for requests that
specify TravelMode
as Truck
See: newCalculateRouteTruckModeOptions
smart constructor.
CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions' | |
newCalculateRouteTruckModeOptions :: CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions Source #
Create a value of CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, calculateRouteTruckModeOptions_weight
- Specifies the truck's weight specifications including total weight and
unit of measurement. Used to avoid roads that can't support the
truck's weight.
, calculateRouteTruckModeOptions_avoidTolls
- Avoids ferries when calculating routes.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: false
| true
, calculateRouteTruckModeOptions_dimensions
- Specifies the truck's dimension specifications including length,
height, width, and unit of measurement. Used to avoid roads that can't
support the truck's dimensions.
, calculateRouteTruckModeOptions_avoidFerries
- Avoids ferries when calculating routes.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: false
| true
calculateRouteTruckModeOptions_weight :: Lens' CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions (Maybe TruckWeight) Source #
Specifies the truck's weight specifications including total weight and unit of measurement. Used to avoid roads that can't support the truck's weight.
calculateRouteTruckModeOptions_avoidTolls :: Lens' CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions (Maybe Bool) Source #
Avoids ferries when calculating routes.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: false
| true
calculateRouteTruckModeOptions_dimensions :: Lens' CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions (Maybe TruckDimensions) Source #
Specifies the truck's dimension specifications including length, height, width, and unit of measurement. Used to avoid roads that can't support the truck's dimensions.
calculateRouteTruckModeOptions_avoidFerries :: Lens' CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions (Maybe Bool) Source #
Avoids ferries when calculating routes.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: false
| true
data DataSourceConfiguration Source #
Specifies the data storage option chosen for requesting Places.
When using Amazon Location Places:
- If using HERE Technologies as a data provider, you can't store
results for locations in Japan by setting
. parameter. - Under the
pricing plan, you can't store results from your place index resources by settingIntendedUse
. This returns a validation exception error.
For more information, see the AWS Service Terms for Amazon Location Service.
See: newDataSourceConfiguration
smart constructor.
DataSourceConfiguration' | |
newDataSourceConfiguration :: DataSourceConfiguration Source #
Create a value of DataSourceConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dataSourceConfiguration_intendedUse
- Specifies how the results of an operation will be stored by the caller.
Valid values include:
specifies that the results won't be stored.Storage
specifies that the result can be cached or stored in a database.
Default value: SingleUse
dataSourceConfiguration_intendedUse :: Lens' DataSourceConfiguration (Maybe IntendedUse) Source #
Specifies how the results of an operation will be stored by the caller.
Valid values include:
specifies that the results won't be stored.Storage
specifies that the result can be cached or stored in a database.
Default value: SingleUse
data DevicePosition Source #
Contains the device position details.
See: newDevicePosition
smart constructor.
DevicePosition' | |
:: NonEmpty Double | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> DevicePosition |
Create a value of DevicePosition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, devicePosition_deviceId
- The device whose position you retrieved.
, devicePosition_position
- The last known device position.
, devicePosition_receivedTime
- The timestamp for when the tracker resource received the device position
in ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
, devicePosition_sampleTime
- The timestamp at which the device's position was determined. Uses
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
devicePosition_deviceId :: Lens' DevicePosition (Maybe Text) Source #
The device whose position you retrieved.
devicePosition_position :: Lens' DevicePosition (NonEmpty Double) Source #
The last known device position.
devicePosition_receivedTime :: Lens' DevicePosition UTCTime Source #
The timestamp for when the tracker resource received the device position
in ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
devicePosition_sampleTime :: Lens' DevicePosition UTCTime Source #
The timestamp at which the device's position was determined. Uses
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
data DevicePositionUpdate Source #
Contains the position update details for a device.
See: newDevicePositionUpdate
smart constructor.
DevicePositionUpdate' | |
newDevicePositionUpdate Source #
:: Text | |
-> NonEmpty Double | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> DevicePositionUpdate |
Create a value of DevicePositionUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, devicePositionUpdate_deviceId
- The device associated to the position update.
, devicePositionUpdate_position
- The latest device position defined in
WGS 84 format:
[X or longitude, Y or latitude]
, devicePositionUpdate_sampleTime
- The timestamp at which the device's position was determined. Uses
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
devicePositionUpdate_deviceId :: Lens' DevicePositionUpdate Text Source #
The device associated to the position update.
devicePositionUpdate_position :: Lens' DevicePositionUpdate (NonEmpty Double) Source #
The latest device position defined in
WGS 84 format:
[X or longitude, Y or latitude]
devicePositionUpdate_sampleTime :: Lens' DevicePositionUpdate UTCTime Source #
The timestamp at which the device's position was determined. Uses
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
data GeofenceGeometry Source #
Contains the geofence geometry details.
Amazon Location doesn't currently support polygons with holes, multipolygons, polygons that are wound clockwise, or that cross the antimeridian.
See: newGeofenceGeometry
smart constructor.
GeofenceGeometry' | |
newGeofenceGeometry :: GeofenceGeometry Source #
Create a value of GeofenceGeometry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, geofenceGeometry_polygon
- An array of 1 or more linear rings. A linear ring is an array of 4 or
more vertices, where the first and last vertex are the same to form a
closed boundary. Each vertex is a 2-dimensional point of the form:
[longitude, latitude]
The first linear ring is an outer ring, describing the polygon's boundary. Subsequent linear rings may be inner or outer rings to describe holes and islands. Outer rings must list their vertices in counter-clockwise order around the ring's center, where the left side is the polygon's exterior. Inner rings must list their vertices in clockwise order, where the left side is the polygon's interior.
geofenceGeometry_polygon :: Lens' GeofenceGeometry (Maybe (NonEmpty (NonEmpty (NonEmpty Double)))) Source #
An array of 1 or more linear rings. A linear ring is an array of 4 or
more vertices, where the first and last vertex are the same to form a
closed boundary. Each vertex is a 2-dimensional point of the form:
[longitude, latitude]
The first linear ring is an outer ring, describing the polygon's boundary. Subsequent linear rings may be inner or outer rings to describe holes and islands. Outer rings must list their vertices in counter-clockwise order around the ring's center, where the left side is the polygon's exterior. Inner rings must list their vertices in clockwise order, where the left side is the polygon's interior.
Contains the calculated route's details for each path between a pair of positions. The number of legs returned corresponds to one fewer than the total number of positions in the request.
For example, a route with a departure position and destination position returns one leg with the positions snapped to a nearby road:
- The
is the departure position. - The
is the destination position.
A route with a waypoint between the departure and destination position returns two legs with the positions snapped to a nearby road:
- Leg 1: The
is the departure position . TheEndPosition
is the waypoint positon. - Leg 2: The
is the waypoint position. TheEndPosition
is the destination position.
See: newLeg
smart constructor.
Leg' | |
Create a value of Leg
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, leg_geometry
- Contains the calculated route's path as a linestring geometry.
, leg_distance
- The distance between the leg's StartPosition
and EndPosition
a calculated route.
- The default measurement is
unless the request specifies aDistanceUnit
, leg_durationSeconds
- The estimated travel time between the leg's StartPosition
. The travel mode and departure time that you specify in
the request determines the calculated time.
, leg_endPosition
- The terminating position of the leg. Follows the format
If the EndPosition
isn't located on a road, it's
snapped to a nearby road.
, leg_startPosition
- The starting position of the leg. Follows the format
If the StartPosition
isn't located on a road, it's
snapped to a nearby road.
, leg_steps
- Contains a list of steps, which represent subsections of a leg. Each
step provides instructions for how to move to the next step in the leg
such as the step's start position, end position, travel distance,
travel duration, and geometry offset.
leg_geometry :: Lens' Leg (Maybe LegGeometry) Source #
Contains the calculated route's path as a linestring geometry.
leg_distance :: Lens' Leg Double Source #
The distance between the leg's StartPosition
and EndPosition
a calculated route.
- The default measurement is
unless the request specifies aDistanceUnit
leg_durationSeconds :: Lens' Leg Double Source #
The estimated travel time between the leg's StartPosition
. The travel mode and departure time that you specify in
the request determines the calculated time.
leg_endPosition :: Lens' Leg (NonEmpty Double) Source #
The terminating position of the leg. Follows the format
If the EndPosition
isn't located on a road, it's
snapped to a nearby road.
leg_startPosition :: Lens' Leg (NonEmpty Double) Source #
The starting position of the leg. Follows the format
If the StartPosition
isn't located on a road, it's
snapped to a nearby road.
leg_steps :: Lens' Leg [Step] Source #
Contains a list of steps, which represent subsections of a leg. Each step provides instructions for how to move to the next step in the leg such as the step's start position, end position, travel distance, travel duration, and geometry offset.
data LegGeometry Source #
Contains the geometry details for each path between a pair of positions. Used in plotting a route leg on a map.
See: newLegGeometry
smart constructor.
LegGeometry' | |
newLegGeometry :: LegGeometry Source #
Create a value of LegGeometry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, legGeometry_lineString
- An ordered list of positions used to plot a route on a map.
The first position is closest to the start position for the leg, and the last position is the closest to the end position for the leg.
- For example,
[[-123.117, 49.284],[-123.115, 49.285],[-123.115, 49.285]]
legGeometry_lineString :: Lens' LegGeometry (Maybe (NonEmpty (NonEmpty Double))) Source #
An ordered list of positions used to plot a route on a map.
The first position is closest to the start position for the leg, and the last position is the closest to the end position for the leg.
- For example,
[[-123.117, 49.284],[-123.115, 49.285],[-123.115, 49.285]]
data ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry Source #
Contains the tracker resource details.
See: newListDevicePositionsResponseEntry
smart constructor.
newListDevicePositionsResponseEntry Source #
Create a value of ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listDevicePositionsResponseEntry_deviceId
- The ID of the device for this position.
, listDevicePositionsResponseEntry_position
- The last known device position. Empty if no positions currently stored.
, listDevicePositionsResponseEntry_sampleTime
- The timestamp at which the device position was determined. Uses
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
listDevicePositionsResponseEntry_deviceId :: Lens' ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry Text Source #
The ID of the device for this position.
listDevicePositionsResponseEntry_position :: Lens' ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry (NonEmpty Double) Source #
The last known device position. Empty if no positions currently stored.
listDevicePositionsResponseEntry_sampleTime :: Lens' ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
The timestamp at which the device position was determined. Uses
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
data ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry Source #
Contains the geofence collection details.
See: newListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry
smart constructor.
ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry' | |
newListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry Source #
:: Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> Text | |
-> PricingPlan | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry |
Create a value of ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_pricingPlanDataSource
- The specified data provider for the geofence collection.
, listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_collectionName
- The name of the geofence collection.
, listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_createTime
- The timestamp for when the geofence collection was created in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
, listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_description
- The description for the geofence collection
, listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_pricingPlan
- The pricing plan for the specified geofence collection.
For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option, see the Amazon Location Service pricing page.
, listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_updateTime
- Specifies a timestamp for when the resource was last updated in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_pricingPlanDataSource :: Lens' ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The specified data provider for the geofence collection.
listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_collectionName :: Lens' ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry Text Source #
The name of the geofence collection.
listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_createTime :: Lens' ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
The timestamp for when the geofence collection was created in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_description :: Lens' ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry Text Source #
The description for the geofence collection
listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_pricingPlan :: Lens' ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry PricingPlan Source #
The pricing plan for the specified geofence collection.
For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option, see the Amazon Location Service pricing page.
listGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry_updateTime :: Lens' ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
Specifies a timestamp for when the resource was last updated in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
data ListGeofenceResponseEntry Source #
Contains a list of geofences stored in a given geofence collection.
See: newListGeofenceResponseEntry
smart constructor.
ListGeofenceResponseEntry' | |
newListGeofenceResponseEntry Source #
:: UTCTime | |
-> Text | |
-> GeofenceGeometry | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ListGeofenceResponseEntry |
Create a value of ListGeofenceResponseEntry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listGeofenceResponseEntry_createTime
- The timestamp for when the geofence was stored in a geofence collection
in ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
, listGeofenceResponseEntry_geofenceId
- The geofence identifier.
, listGeofenceResponseEntry_geometry
- Contains the geofence geometry details describing a polygon.
, listGeofenceResponseEntry_status
- Identifies the state of the geofence. A geofence will hold one of the
following states:
— The geofence has been indexed by the system.PENDING
— The geofence is being processed by the system.FAILED
— The geofence failed to be indexed by the system.DELETED
— The geofence has been deleted from the system index.DELETING
— The geofence is being deleted from the system index.
, listGeofenceResponseEntry_updateTime
- The timestamp for when the geofence was last updated in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
listGeofenceResponseEntry_createTime :: Lens' ListGeofenceResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
The timestamp for when the geofence was stored in a geofence collection
in ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
listGeofenceResponseEntry_geofenceId :: Lens' ListGeofenceResponseEntry Text Source #
The geofence identifier.
listGeofenceResponseEntry_geometry :: Lens' ListGeofenceResponseEntry GeofenceGeometry Source #
Contains the geofence geometry details describing a polygon.
listGeofenceResponseEntry_status :: Lens' ListGeofenceResponseEntry Text Source #
Identifies the state of the geofence. A geofence will hold one of the following states:
— The geofence has been indexed by the system.PENDING
— The geofence is being processed by the system.FAILED
— The geofence failed to be indexed by the system.DELETED
— The geofence has been deleted from the system index.DELETING
— The geofence is being deleted from the system index.
listGeofenceResponseEntry_updateTime :: Lens' ListGeofenceResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
The timestamp for when the geofence was last updated in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
data ListMapsResponseEntry Source #
Contains details of an existing map resource in your AWS account.
See: newListMapsResponseEntry
smart constructor.
ListMapsResponseEntry' | |
newListMapsResponseEntry Source #
:: UTCTime | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> PricingPlan | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ListMapsResponseEntry |
Create a value of ListMapsResponseEntry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listMapsResponseEntry_createTime
- The timestamp for when the map resource was created in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
, listMapsResponseEntry_dataSource
- Specifies the data provider for the associated map tiles.
, listMapsResponseEntry_description
- The description for the map resource.
, listMapsResponseEntry_mapName
- The name of the associated map resource.
, listMapsResponseEntry_pricingPlan
- The pricing plan for the specified map resource.
For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option, see Amazon Location Service pricing.
, listMapsResponseEntry_updateTime
- The timestamp for when the map resource was last updated in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
listMapsResponseEntry_createTime :: Lens' ListMapsResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
The timestamp for when the map resource was created in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
listMapsResponseEntry_dataSource :: Lens' ListMapsResponseEntry Text Source #
Specifies the data provider for the associated map tiles.
listMapsResponseEntry_description :: Lens' ListMapsResponseEntry Text Source #
The description for the map resource.
listMapsResponseEntry_mapName :: Lens' ListMapsResponseEntry Text Source #
The name of the associated map resource.
listMapsResponseEntry_pricingPlan :: Lens' ListMapsResponseEntry PricingPlan Source #
The pricing plan for the specified map resource.
For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option, see Amazon Location Service pricing.
listMapsResponseEntry_updateTime :: Lens' ListMapsResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
The timestamp for when the map resource was last updated in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
data ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry Source #
A place index resource listed in your AWS account.
See: newListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry
smart constructor.
ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry' | |
newListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry Source #
:: UTCTime | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> PricingPlan | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry |
Create a value of ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_createTime
- The timestamp for when the place index resource was created in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
, listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_dataSource
- The data provider of geospatial data. Indicates one of the available
For additional details on data providers, see Amazon Location Service data providers.
, listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_description
- The optional description for the place index resource.
, listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_indexName
- The name of the place index resource.
, listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_pricingPlan
- The pricing plan for the specified place index resource.
For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option, see Amazon Location Service pricing.
, listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_updateTime
- The timestamp for when the place index resource was last updated in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_createTime :: Lens' ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
The timestamp for when the place index resource was created in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_dataSource :: Lens' ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry Text Source #
The data provider of geospatial data. Indicates one of the available providers:
For additional details on data providers, see Amazon Location Service data providers.
listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_description :: Lens' ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry Text Source #
The optional description for the place index resource.
listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_indexName :: Lens' ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry Text Source #
The name of the place index resource.
listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_pricingPlan :: Lens' ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry PricingPlan Source #
The pricing plan for the specified place index resource.
For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option, see Amazon Location Service pricing.
listPlaceIndexesResponseEntry_updateTime :: Lens' ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
The timestamp for when the place index resource was last updated in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
data ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry Source #
A route calculator resource listed in your AWS account.
See: newListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry
smart constructor.
ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry' | |
newListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry Source #
:: Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> PricingPlan | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry |
Create a value of ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_calculatorName
- The name of the route calculator resource.
, listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_createTime
- The timestamp when the route calculator resource was created in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
- For example,
, listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_dataSource
- The data provider of traffic and road network data. Indicates one of the
available providers:
For more information about data providers, see Amazon Location Service data providers.
, listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_description
- The optional description of the route calculator resource.
, listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_pricingPlan
- The pricing plan for the specified route calculator resource.
For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option, see Amazon Location Service pricing.
, listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_updateTime
- The timestamp when the route calculator resource was last updated in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
- For example,
listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_calculatorName :: Lens' ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry Text Source #
The name of the route calculator resource.
listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_createTime :: Lens' ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
The timestamp when the route calculator resource was created in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
- For example,
listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_dataSource :: Lens' ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry Text Source #
The data provider of traffic and road network data. Indicates one of the available providers:
For more information about data providers, see Amazon Location Service data providers.
listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_description :: Lens' ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry Text Source #
The optional description of the route calculator resource.
listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_pricingPlan :: Lens' ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry PricingPlan Source #
The pricing plan for the specified route calculator resource.
For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option, see Amazon Location Service pricing.
listRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry_updateTime :: Lens' ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
The timestamp when the route calculator resource was last updated in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
- For example,
data ListTrackersResponseEntry Source #
Contains the tracker resource details.
See: newListTrackersResponseEntry
smart constructor.
ListTrackersResponseEntry' | |
newListTrackersResponseEntry Source #
:: UTCTime | |
-> Text | |
-> PricingPlan | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ListTrackersResponseEntry |
Create a value of ListTrackersResponseEntry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listTrackersResponseEntry_pricingPlanDataSource
- The specified data provider for the tracker resource.
, listTrackersResponseEntry_createTime
- The timestamp for when the tracker resource was created in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
, listTrackersResponseEntry_description
- The description for the tracker resource.
, listTrackersResponseEntry_pricingPlan
- The pricing plan for the specified tracker resource.
For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option, see Amazon Location Service pricing.
, listTrackersResponseEntry_trackerName
- The name of the tracker resource.
, listTrackersResponseEntry_updateTime
- The timestamp at which the device's position was determined. Uses
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
listTrackersResponseEntry_pricingPlanDataSource :: Lens' ListTrackersResponseEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The specified data provider for the tracker resource.
listTrackersResponseEntry_createTime :: Lens' ListTrackersResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
The timestamp for when the tracker resource was created in
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
listTrackersResponseEntry_description :: Lens' ListTrackersResponseEntry Text Source #
The description for the tracker resource.
listTrackersResponseEntry_pricingPlan :: Lens' ListTrackersResponseEntry PricingPlan Source #
The pricing plan for the specified tracker resource.
For additional details and restrictions on each pricing plan option, see Amazon Location Service pricing.
listTrackersResponseEntry_trackerName :: Lens' ListTrackersResponseEntry Text Source #
The name of the tracker resource.
listTrackersResponseEntry_updateTime :: Lens' ListTrackersResponseEntry UTCTime Source #
The timestamp at which the device's position was determined. Uses
ISO 8601
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
data MapConfiguration Source #
Specifies the map tile style selected from an available provider.
See: newMapConfiguration
smart constructor.
MapConfiguration' | |
Create a value of MapConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, mapConfiguration_style
- Specifies the map style selected from an available data provider.
Valid Esri map styles:
– The Esri Dark Gray Canvas map style. A vector basemap with a dark gray, neutral background with minimal colors, labels, and features that's designed to draw attention to your thematic content.RasterEsriImagery
– The Esri Imagery map style. A raster basemap that provides one meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide.VectorEsriLightGrayCanvas
– The Esri Light Gray Canvas map style, which provides a detailed vector basemap with a light gray, neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features that's designed to draw attention to your thematic content.VectorEsriTopographic
– The Esri Light map style, which provides a detailed vector basemap with a classic Esri map style.VectorEsriStreets
– The Esri World Streets map style, which provides a detailed vector basemap for the world symbolized with a classic Esri street map style. The vector tile layer is similar in content and style to the World Street Map raster map.VectorEsriNavigation
– The Esri World Navigation map style, which provides a detailed basemap for the world symbolized with a custom navigation map style that's designed for use during the day in mobile devices.
Valid HERE Technologies map styles:
– The HERE Berlin map style is a high contrast detailed base map of the world that blends 3D and 2D rendering.When using HERE as your data provider, and selecting the Style
, you may not use HERE Technologies maps for Asset Management. See the AWS Service Terms for Amazon Location Service.
mapConfiguration_style :: Lens' MapConfiguration Text Source #
Specifies the map style selected from an available data provider.
Valid Esri map styles:
– The Esri Dark Gray Canvas map style. A vector basemap with a dark gray, neutral background with minimal colors, labels, and features that's designed to draw attention to your thematic content.RasterEsriImagery
– The Esri Imagery map style. A raster basemap that provides one meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide.VectorEsriLightGrayCanvas
– The Esri Light Gray Canvas map style, which provides a detailed vector basemap with a light gray, neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features that's designed to draw attention to your thematic content.VectorEsriTopographic
– The Esri Light map style, which provides a detailed vector basemap with a classic Esri map style.VectorEsriStreets
– The Esri World Streets map style, which provides a detailed vector basemap for the world symbolized with a classic Esri street map style. The vector tile layer is similar in content and style to the World Street Map raster map.VectorEsriNavigation
– The Esri World Navigation map style, which provides a detailed basemap for the world symbolized with a custom navigation map style that's designed for use during the day in mobile devices.
Valid HERE Technologies map styles:
– The HERE Berlin map style is a high contrast detailed base map of the world that blends 3D and 2D rendering.When using HERE as your data provider, and selecting the Style
, you may not use HERE Technologies maps for Asset Management. See the AWS Service Terms for Amazon Location Service.
Contains details about addresses or points of interest that match the search criteria.
See: newPlace
smart constructor.
Place' | |
Create a value of Place
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, place_municipality
- A name for a local area, such as a city or town name. For example,
, place_addressNumber
- The numerical portion of an address, such as a building number.
, place_postalCode
- A group of numbers and letters in a country-specific format, which
accompanies the address for the purpose of identifying a location.
, place_country
- A country/region specified using
ISO 3166 3-digit
country/region code. For example, CAN
, place_street
- The name for a street or a road to identify a location. For example,
Main Street
, place_subRegion
- A country, or an area that's part of a larger region . For example,
Metro Vancouver
, place_region
- A name for an area or geographical division, such as a province or state
name. For example, British Columbia
, place_label
- The full name and address of the point of interest such as a city,
region, or country. For example, 123 Any Street, Any Town, USA
, place_neighborhood
- The name of a community district. For example, Downtown
, place_geometry
- Undocumented member.
place_municipality :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text) Source #
A name for a local area, such as a city or town name. For example,
place_addressNumber :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text) Source #
The numerical portion of an address, such as a building number.
place_postalCode :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text) Source #
A group of numbers and letters in a country-specific format, which accompanies the address for the purpose of identifying a location.
place_country :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text) Source #
A country/region specified using
ISO 3166 3-digit
country/region code. For example, CAN
place_street :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for a street or a road to identify a location. For example,
Main Street
place_subRegion :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text) Source #
A country, or an area that's part of a larger region . For example,
Metro Vancouver
place_region :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text) Source #
A name for an area or geographical division, such as a province or state
name. For example, British Columbia
place_label :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text) Source #
The full name and address of the point of interest such as a city,
region, or country. For example, 123 Any Street, Any Town, USA
place_neighborhood :: Lens' Place (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of a community district. For example, Downtown
place_geometry :: Lens' Place PlaceGeometry Source #
Undocumented member.
data PlaceGeometry Source #
Places uses a point geometry to specify a location or a Place.
See: newPlaceGeometry
smart constructor.
newPlaceGeometry :: PlaceGeometry Source #
Create a value of PlaceGeometry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, placeGeometry_point
- A single point geometry specifies a location for a Place using
WGS 84
- x — Specifies the x coordinate or longitude.
- y — Specifies the y coordinate or latitude.
placeGeometry_point :: Lens' PlaceGeometry (Maybe (NonEmpty Double)) Source #
A single point geometry specifies a location for a Place using WGS 84 coordinates:
- x — Specifies the x coordinate or longitude.
- y — Specifies the y coordinate or latitude.
data SearchForPositionResult Source #
Specifies a single point of interest, or Place as a result of a search query obtained from a dataset configured in the place index resource.
See: newSearchForPositionResult
smart constructor.
newSearchForPositionResult Source #
Create a value of SearchForPositionResult
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, searchForPositionResult_place
- Contains details about the relevant point of interest.
searchForPositionResult_place :: Lens' SearchForPositionResult Place Source #
Contains details about the relevant point of interest.
data SearchForTextResult Source #
Contains relevant Places returned by calling SearchPlaceIndexForText
See: newSearchForTextResult
smart constructor.
newSearchForTextResult Source #
Create a value of SearchForTextResult
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, searchForTextResult_place
- Contains details about the relevant point of interest.
searchForTextResult_place :: Lens' SearchForTextResult Place Source #
Contains details about the relevant point of interest.
data SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary Source #
A summary of the reverse geocoding request sent using
See: newSearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary
smart constructor.
SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary' | |
newSearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary Source #
Create a value of SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, searchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary_maxResults
- An optional parameter. The maximum number of results returned per
Default value: 50
, searchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary_dataSource
- The data provider of geospatial data. Indicates one of the available
- Esri
For additional details on data providers, see Amazon Location Service data providers.
, searchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary_position
- The position given in the reverse geocoding request.
searchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary_maxResults :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary (Maybe Natural) Source #
An optional parameter. The maximum number of results returned per request.
Default value: 50
searchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary_dataSource :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary Text Source #
The data provider of geospatial data. Indicates one of the available providers:
- Esri
For additional details on data providers, see Amazon Location Service data providers.
searchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary_position :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary (NonEmpty Double) Source #
The position given in the reverse geocoding request.
data SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary Source #
A summary of the geocoding request sent using SearchPlaceIndexForText
See: newSearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary
smart constructor.
SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary' | |
newSearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary Source #
Create a value of SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_filterBBox
- Contains the coordinates for the optional bounding box coordinated
entered in the geocoding request.
, searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_resultBBox
- A bounding box that contains the search results within the specified
area indicated by FilterBBox
. A subset of bounding box specified using
, searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_biasPosition
- Contains the coordinates for the bias position entered in the geocoding
, searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_filterCountries
- Contains the country filter entered in the geocoding request.
, searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_maxResults
- Contains the maximum number of results indicated for the request.
, searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_dataSource
- The data provider of geospatial data. Indicates one of the available
- Esri
For additional details on data providers, see Amazon Location Service data providers.
, searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_text
- The address, name, city or region to be used in the geocoding request.
In free-form text format. For example, Vancouver
searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_filterBBox :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary (Maybe (NonEmpty Double)) Source #
Contains the coordinates for the optional bounding box coordinated entered in the geocoding request.
searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_resultBBox :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary (Maybe (NonEmpty Double)) Source #
A bounding box that contains the search results within the specified
area indicated by FilterBBox
. A subset of bounding box specified using
searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_biasPosition :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary (Maybe (NonEmpty Double)) Source #
Contains the coordinates for the bias position entered in the geocoding request.
searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_filterCountries :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
Contains the country filter entered in the geocoding request.
searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_maxResults :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary (Maybe Natural) Source #
Contains the maximum number of results indicated for the request.
searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_dataSource :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary Text Source #
The data provider of geospatial data. Indicates one of the available providers:
- Esri
For additional details on data providers, see Amazon Location Service data providers.
searchPlaceIndexForTextSummary_text :: Lens' SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary Text Source #
The address, name, city or region to be used in the geocoding request.
In free-form text format. For example, Vancouver
Represents an element of a leg within a route. A step contains instructions for how to move to the next step in the leg.
See: newStep
smart constructor.
Step' | |
Create a value of Step
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, step_geometryOffset
- Represents the start position, or index, in a sequence of steps within
the leg's line string geometry. For example, the index of the first
step in a leg geometry is 0
Included in the response for queries that set IncludeLegGeometry
, step_distance
- The travel distance between the step's StartPosition
, step_durationSeconds
- The estimated travel time, in seconds, from the step's StartPosition
to the EndPosition
. . The travel mode and departure time that you
specify in the request determines the calculated time.
, step_endPosition
- The end position of a step. If the position the last step in the leg,
this position is the same as the end position of the leg.
, step_startPosition
- The starting position of a step. If the position is the first step in
the leg, this position is the same as the start position of the leg.
step_geometryOffset :: Lens' Step (Maybe Natural) Source #
Represents the start position, or index, in a sequence of steps within
the leg's line string geometry. For example, the index of the first
step in a leg geometry is 0
Included in the response for queries that set IncludeLegGeometry
step_distance :: Lens' Step Double Source #
The travel distance between the step's StartPosition
step_durationSeconds :: Lens' Step Double Source #
The estimated travel time, in seconds, from the step's StartPosition
to the EndPosition
. . The travel mode and departure time that you
specify in the request determines the calculated time.
step_endPosition :: Lens' Step (NonEmpty Double) Source #
The end position of a step. If the position the last step in the leg, this position is the same as the end position of the leg.
step_startPosition :: Lens' Step (NonEmpty Double) Source #
The starting position of a step. If the position is the first step in the leg, this position is the same as the start position of the leg.
data TruckDimensions Source #
Contains details about the truck dimensions in the unit of measurement
that you specify. Used to filter out roads that can't support or allow
the specified dimensions for requests that specify TravelMode
See: newTruckDimensions
smart constructor.
newTruckDimensions :: TruckDimensions Source #
Create a value of TruckDimensions
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, truckDimensions_length
- The length of the truck.
- For example,
, truckDimensions_height
- The height of the truck.
- For example,
, truckDimensions_width
- The width of the truck.
- For example,
, truckDimensions_unit
- Specifies the unit of measurement for the truck dimensions.
Default Value: Meters
truckDimensions_length :: Lens' TruckDimensions (Maybe Double) Source #
The length of the truck.
- For example,
truckDimensions_height :: Lens' TruckDimensions (Maybe Double) Source #
The height of the truck.
- For example,
truckDimensions_width :: Lens' TruckDimensions (Maybe Double) Source #
The width of the truck.
- For example,
truckDimensions_unit :: Lens' TruckDimensions (Maybe DimensionUnit) Source #
Specifies the unit of measurement for the truck dimensions.
Default Value: Meters
data TruckWeight Source #
Contains details about the truck's weight specifications. Used to avoid
roads that can't support or allow the total weight for requests that
specify TravelMode
as Truck
See: newTruckWeight
smart constructor.
newTruckWeight :: TruckWeight Source #
Create a value of TruckWeight
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, truckWeight_total
- The total weight of the truck.
- For example,
, truckWeight_unit
- The unit of measurement to use for the truck weight.
Default Value: Kilograms
truckWeight_total :: Lens' TruckWeight (Maybe Double) Source #
The total weight of the truck.
- For example,
truckWeight_unit :: Lens' TruckWeight (Maybe VehicleWeightUnit) Source #
The unit of measurement to use for the truck weight.
Default Value: Kilograms