Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- CloseInstancePublicPorts
- GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData
- DeleteBucketAccessKey
- AllocateStaticIp
- DeleteKeyPair
- DeleteInstanceSnapshot
- GetInstances
- GetLoadBalancer
- DisableAddOn
- GetDistributions
- CreateContainerServiceDeployment
- GetInstance
- DeleteBucket
- UpdateBucket
- GetRelationalDatabaseEvents
- AttachCertificateToDistribution
- GetContainerServices
- UpdateDistributionBundle
- GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshots
- GetBucketBundles
- CreateBucket
- AttachStaticIp
- GetRelationalDatabaseParameters
- DetachDisk
- GetContactMethods
- DownloadDefaultKeyPair
- DeleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate
- TestAlarm
- GetDomains
- GetContainerImages
- UpdateRelationalDatabaseParameters
- CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificate
- CreateDomainEntry
- GetContainerServicePowers
- ImportKeyPair
- GetInstanceSnapshots
- ExportSnapshot
- CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot
- CreateCloudFormationStack
- GetExportSnapshotRecords
- ReleaseStaticIp
- DeleteInstance
- CreateContainerServiceRegistryLogin
- GetCertificates
- GetContainerServiceMetricData
- GetDistributionMetricData
- RebootInstance
- DeleteLoadBalancer
- CreateDiskFromSnapshot
- GetRelationalDatabases
- GetInstanceSnapshot
- GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents
- CreateContactMethod
- GetRelationalDatabaseLogStreams
- GetDomain
- GetAutoSnapshots
- GetActiveNames
- DeleteContactMethod
- CreateDistribution
- StopRelationalDatabase
- CreateRelationalDatabaseSnapshot
- DetachCertificateFromDistribution
- CreateContainerService
- GetInstanceAccessDetails
- EnableAddOn
- StopInstance
- DetachInstancesFromLoadBalancer
- RegisterContainerImage
- CreateCertificate
- CreateInstanceSnapshot
- CopySnapshot
- GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshot
- IsVpcPeered
- GetStaticIps
- UnpeerVpc
- DeleteDisk
- CreateInstancesFromSnapshot
- GetCloudFormationStackRecords
- CreateDomain
- GetRelationalDatabaseBlueprints
- DeleteCertificate
- GetDiskSnapshots
- GetContainerAPIMetadata
- GetBucketMetricData
- PeerVpc
- GetRelationalDatabaseBundles
- GetLoadBalancers
- RebootRelationalDatabase
- AttachLoadBalancerTlsCertificate
- UpdateLoadBalancerAttribute
- DeleteRelationalDatabase
- GetDiskSnapshot
- UpdateRelationalDatabase
- GetStaticIp
- GetRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPassword
- GetBlueprints
- PutAlarm
- DeleteAlarm
- GetInstancePortStates
- DeleteAutoSnapshot
- CreateRelationalDatabase
- SendContactMethodVerification
- GetContainerLog
- CreateDiskSnapshot
- DeleteDomainEntry
- UpdateDomainEntry
- GetRegions
- SetIpAddressType
- DeleteDiskSnapshot
- GetLoadBalancerMetricData
- GetInstanceState
- GetKeyPairs
- GetOperations
- GetBucketAccessKeys
- GetDisks
- GetRelationalDatabase
- AttachInstancesToLoadBalancer
- TagResource
- GetOperation
- ResetDistributionCache
- UpdateBucketBundle
- UpdateDistribution
- GetBuckets
- DeleteDistribution
- UpdateContainerService
- DeleteRelationalDatabaseSnapshot
- DeleteContainerService
- GetInstanceMetricData
- GetKeyPair
- UntagResource
- PutInstancePublicPorts
- GetDistributionBundles
- GetDisk
- GetDistributionLatestCacheReset
- CreateLoadBalancer
- GetContainerServiceDeployments
- DeleteKnownHostKeys
- AttachDisk
- DetachStaticIp
- CreateInstances
- GetAlarms
- OpenInstancePublicPorts
- StartRelationalDatabase
- DeleteContainerImage
- GetBundles
- DeleteDomain
- GetLoadBalancerTlsCertificates
- SetResourceAccessForBucket
- CreateDisk
- CreateBucketAccessKey
- GetOperationsForResource
- CreateKeyPair
- StartInstance
- Types
- AccessKey
- AccessKeyLastUsed
- AccessRules
- AddOn
- AddOnRequest
- Alarm
- AttachedDisk
- AutoSnapshotAddOnRequest
- AutoSnapshotDetails
- AvailabilityZone
- Blueprint
- Bucket
- BucketBundle
- BucketState
- Bundle
- CacheBehavior
- CacheBehaviorPerPath
- CacheSettings
- Certificate
- CertificateSummary
- CloudFormationStackRecord
- CloudFormationStackRecordSourceInfo
- ContactMethod
- Container
- ContainerImage
- ContainerService
- ContainerServiceDeployment
- ContainerServiceDeploymentRequest
- ContainerServiceEndpoint
- ContainerServiceHealthCheckConfig
- ContainerServiceLogEvent
- ContainerServicePower
- ContainerServiceRegistryLogin
- ContainerServiceStateDetail
- CookieObject
- DestinationInfo
- Disk
- DiskInfo
- DiskMap
- DiskSnapshot
- DiskSnapshotInfo
- DistributionBundle
- Domain
- DomainEntry
- DomainValidationRecord
- EndpointRequest
- ExportSnapshotRecord
- ExportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo
- HeaderObject
- HostKeyAttributes
- InputOrigin
- Instance
- InstanceAccessDetails
- InstanceEntry
- InstanceHardware
- InstanceHealthSummary
- InstanceNetworking
- InstancePortInfo
- InstancePortState
- InstanceSnapshot
- InstanceSnapshotInfo
- InstanceState
- KeyPair
- LightsailDistribution
- LoadBalancer
- LoadBalancerTlsCertificate
- LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationOption
- LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationRecord
- LoadBalancerTlsCertificateRenewalSummary
- LoadBalancerTlsCertificateSummary
- LogEvent
- MetricDatapoint
- MonitoredResourceInfo
- MonthlyTransfer
- Operation
- Origin
- PasswordData
- PendingMaintenanceAction
- PendingModifiedRelationalDatabaseValues
- PortInfo
- QueryStringObject
- RegionInfo
- RelationalDatabase
- RelationalDatabaseBlueprint
- RelationalDatabaseBundle
- RelationalDatabaseEndpoint
- RelationalDatabaseEvent
- RelationalDatabaseHardware
- RelationalDatabaseParameter
- RelationalDatabaseSnapshot
- RenewalSummary
- ResourceLocation
- ResourceReceivingAccess
- ResourceRecord
- StaticIp
- Tag
- closeInstancePublicPorts_portInfo :: Lens' CloseInstancePublicPorts PortInfo
- closeInstancePublicPorts_instanceName :: Lens' CloseInstancePublicPorts Text
- closeInstancePublicPortsResponse_operation :: Lens' CloseInstancePublicPortsResponse (Maybe Operation)
- closeInstancePublicPortsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CloseInstancePublicPortsResponse Int
- getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData Text
- getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_metricName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData RelationalDatabaseMetricName
- getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_period :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData Natural
- getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_startTime :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData UTCTime
- getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_endTime :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData UTCTime
- getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_unit :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData MetricUnit
- getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_statistics :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData [MetricStatistic]
- getRelationalDatabaseMetricDataResponse_metricName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricDataResponse (Maybe RelationalDatabaseMetricName)
- getRelationalDatabaseMetricDataResponse_metricData :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MetricDatapoint])
- getRelationalDatabaseMetricDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricDataResponse Int
- deleteBucketAccessKey_bucketName :: Lens' DeleteBucketAccessKey Text
- deleteBucketAccessKey_accessKeyId :: Lens' DeleteBucketAccessKey Text
- deleteBucketAccessKeyResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteBucketAccessKeyResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteBucketAccessKeyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteBucketAccessKeyResponse Int
- allocateStaticIp_staticIpName :: Lens' AllocateStaticIp Text
- allocateStaticIpResponse_operations :: Lens' AllocateStaticIpResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- allocateStaticIpResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AllocateStaticIpResponse Int
- deleteKeyPair_keyPairName :: Lens' DeleteKeyPair Text
- deleteKeyPairResponse_operation :: Lens' DeleteKeyPairResponse (Maybe Operation)
- deleteKeyPairResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteKeyPairResponse Int
- deleteInstanceSnapshot_instanceSnapshotName :: Lens' DeleteInstanceSnapshot Text
- deleteInstanceSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteInstanceSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteInstanceSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteInstanceSnapshotResponse Int
- getInstances_pageToken :: Lens' GetInstances (Maybe Text)
- getInstancesResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetInstancesResponse (Maybe Text)
- getInstancesResponse_instances :: Lens' GetInstancesResponse (Maybe [Instance])
- getInstancesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstancesResponse Int
- getLoadBalancer_loadBalancerName :: Lens' GetLoadBalancer Text
- getLoadBalancerResponse_loadBalancer :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerResponse (Maybe LoadBalancer)
- getLoadBalancerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerResponse Int
- disableAddOn_addOnType :: Lens' DisableAddOn AddOnType
- disableAddOn_resourceName :: Lens' DisableAddOn Text
- disableAddOnResponse_operations :: Lens' DisableAddOnResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- disableAddOnResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableAddOnResponse Int
- getDistributions_distributionName :: Lens' GetDistributions (Maybe Text)
- getDistributions_pageToken :: Lens' GetDistributions (Maybe Text)
- getDistributionsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetDistributionsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getDistributionsResponse_distributions :: Lens' GetDistributionsResponse (Maybe [LightsailDistribution])
- getDistributionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDistributionsResponse Int
- createContainerServiceDeployment_publicEndpoint :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceDeployment (Maybe EndpointRequest)
- createContainerServiceDeployment_containers :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceDeployment (Maybe (HashMap Text Container))
- createContainerServiceDeployment_serviceName :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceDeployment Text
- createContainerServiceDeploymentResponse_containerService :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceDeploymentResponse (Maybe ContainerService)
- createContainerServiceDeploymentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceDeploymentResponse Int
- getInstance_instanceName :: Lens' GetInstance Text
- getInstanceResponse_instance :: Lens' GetInstanceResponse (Maybe Instance)
- getInstanceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstanceResponse Int
- deleteBucket_forceDelete :: Lens' DeleteBucket (Maybe Bool)
- deleteBucket_bucketName :: Lens' DeleteBucket Text
- deleteBucketResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteBucketResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteBucketResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteBucketResponse Int
- updateBucket_readonlyAccessAccounts :: Lens' UpdateBucket (Maybe [Text])
- updateBucket_accessRules :: Lens' UpdateBucket (Maybe AccessRules)
- updateBucket_versioning :: Lens' UpdateBucket (Maybe Text)
- updateBucket_bucketName :: Lens' UpdateBucket Text
- updateBucketResponse_bucket :: Lens' UpdateBucketResponse (Maybe Bucket)
- updateBucketResponse_operations :: Lens' UpdateBucketResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- updateBucketResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateBucketResponse Int
- getRelationalDatabaseEvents_durationInMinutes :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseEvents (Maybe Int)
- getRelationalDatabaseEvents_pageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseEvents (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseEvents_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseEvents Text
- getRelationalDatabaseEventsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseEventsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseEventsResponse_relationalDatabaseEvents :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseEventsResponse (Maybe [RelationalDatabaseEvent])
- getRelationalDatabaseEventsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseEventsResponse Int
- attachCertificateToDistribution_distributionName :: Lens' AttachCertificateToDistribution Text
- attachCertificateToDistribution_certificateName :: Lens' AttachCertificateToDistribution Text
- attachCertificateToDistributionResponse_operation :: Lens' AttachCertificateToDistributionResponse (Maybe Operation)
- attachCertificateToDistributionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AttachCertificateToDistributionResponse Int
- getContainerServices_serviceName :: Lens' GetContainerServices (Maybe Text)
- getContainerServicesResponse_containerServices :: Lens' GetContainerServicesResponse (Maybe [ContainerService])
- getContainerServicesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContainerServicesResponse Int
- updateDistributionBundle_bundleId :: Lens' UpdateDistributionBundle (Maybe Text)
- updateDistributionBundle_distributionName :: Lens' UpdateDistributionBundle (Maybe Text)
- updateDistributionBundleResponse_operation :: Lens' UpdateDistributionBundleResponse (Maybe Operation)
- updateDistributionBundleResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDistributionBundleResponse Int
- getRelationalDatabaseSnapshots_pageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshots (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseSnapshotsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshotsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseSnapshotsResponse_relationalDatabaseSnapshots :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshotsResponse (Maybe [RelationalDatabaseSnapshot])
- getRelationalDatabaseSnapshotsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshotsResponse Int
- getBucketBundles_includeInactive :: Lens' GetBucketBundles (Maybe Bool)
- getBucketBundlesResponse_bundles :: Lens' GetBucketBundlesResponse (Maybe [BucketBundle])
- getBucketBundlesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBucketBundlesResponse Int
- createBucket_enableObjectVersioning :: Lens' CreateBucket (Maybe Bool)
- createBucket_tags :: Lens' CreateBucket (Maybe [Tag])
- createBucket_bucketName :: Lens' CreateBucket Text
- createBucket_bundleId :: Lens' CreateBucket Text
- createBucketResponse_bucket :: Lens' CreateBucketResponse (Maybe Bucket)
- createBucketResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateBucketResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createBucketResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateBucketResponse Int
- attachStaticIp_staticIpName :: Lens' AttachStaticIp Text
- attachStaticIp_instanceName :: Lens' AttachStaticIp Text
- attachStaticIpResponse_operations :: Lens' AttachStaticIpResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- attachStaticIpResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AttachStaticIpResponse Int
- getRelationalDatabaseParameters_pageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseParameters (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseParameters_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseParameters Text
- getRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse_parameters :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse (Maybe [RelationalDatabaseParameter])
- getRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse Int
- detachDisk_diskName :: Lens' DetachDisk Text
- detachDiskResponse_operations :: Lens' DetachDiskResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- detachDiskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetachDiskResponse Int
- getContactMethods_protocols :: Lens' GetContactMethods (Maybe [ContactProtocol])
- getContactMethodsResponse_contactMethods :: Lens' GetContactMethodsResponse (Maybe [ContactMethod])
- getContactMethodsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContactMethodsResponse Int
- downloadDefaultKeyPairResponse_publicKeyBase64 :: Lens' DownloadDefaultKeyPairResponse (Maybe Text)
- downloadDefaultKeyPairResponse_privateKeyBase64 :: Lens' DownloadDefaultKeyPairResponse (Maybe Text)
- downloadDefaultKeyPairResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DownloadDefaultKeyPairResponse Int
- deleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_force :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Bool)
- deleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_loadBalancerName :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Text
- deleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_certificateName :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Text
- deleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse Int
- testAlarm_alarmName :: Lens' TestAlarm Text
- testAlarm_state :: Lens' TestAlarm AlarmState
- testAlarmResponse_operations :: Lens' TestAlarmResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- testAlarmResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TestAlarmResponse Int
- getDomains_pageToken :: Lens' GetDomains (Maybe Text)
- getDomainsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetDomainsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getDomainsResponse_domains :: Lens' GetDomainsResponse (Maybe [Domain])
- getDomainsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDomainsResponse Int
- getContainerImages_serviceName :: Lens' GetContainerImages Text
- getContainerImagesResponse_containerImages :: Lens' GetContainerImagesResponse (Maybe [ContainerImage])
- getContainerImagesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContainerImagesResponse Int
- updateRelationalDatabaseParameters_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabaseParameters Text
- updateRelationalDatabaseParameters_parameters :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabaseParameters [RelationalDatabaseParameter]
- updateRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse_operations :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- updateRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse Int
- createLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_certificateAlternativeNames :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe [Text])
- createLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_tags :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe [Tag])
- createLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_loadBalancerName :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Text
- createLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_certificateName :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Text
- createLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_certificateDomainName :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Text
- createLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse Int
- createDomainEntry_domainName :: Lens' CreateDomainEntry Text
- createDomainEntry_domainEntry :: Lens' CreateDomainEntry DomainEntry
- createDomainEntryResponse_operation :: Lens' CreateDomainEntryResponse (Maybe Operation)
- createDomainEntryResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDomainEntryResponse Int
- getContainerServicePowersResponse_powers :: Lens' GetContainerServicePowersResponse (Maybe [ContainerServicePower])
- getContainerServicePowersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContainerServicePowersResponse Int
- importKeyPair_keyPairName :: Lens' ImportKeyPair Text
- importKeyPair_publicKeyBase64 :: Lens' ImportKeyPair Text
- importKeyPairResponse_operation :: Lens' ImportKeyPairResponse (Maybe Operation)
- importKeyPairResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ImportKeyPairResponse Int
- getInstanceSnapshots_pageToken :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshots (Maybe Text)
- getInstanceSnapshotsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshotsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getInstanceSnapshotsResponse_instanceSnapshots :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshotsResponse (Maybe [InstanceSnapshot])
- getInstanceSnapshotsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshotsResponse Int
- exportSnapshot_sourceSnapshotName :: Lens' ExportSnapshot Text
- exportSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' ExportSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- exportSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ExportSnapshotResponse Int
- createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_sourceRelationalDatabaseName :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_relationalDatabaseBundleId :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_publiclyAccessible :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe Bool)
- createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_useLatestRestorableTime :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe Bool)
- createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_restoreTime :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe UTCTime)
- createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_availabilityZone :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_relationalDatabaseSnapshotName :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_tags :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe [Tag])
- createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot Text
- createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshotResponse Int
- createCloudFormationStack_instances :: Lens' CreateCloudFormationStack [InstanceEntry]
- createCloudFormationStackResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateCloudFormationStackResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createCloudFormationStackResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateCloudFormationStackResponse Int
- getExportSnapshotRecords_pageToken :: Lens' GetExportSnapshotRecords (Maybe Text)
- getExportSnapshotRecordsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetExportSnapshotRecordsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getExportSnapshotRecordsResponse_exportSnapshotRecords :: Lens' GetExportSnapshotRecordsResponse (Maybe [ExportSnapshotRecord])
- getExportSnapshotRecordsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetExportSnapshotRecordsResponse Int
- releaseStaticIp_staticIpName :: Lens' ReleaseStaticIp Text
- releaseStaticIpResponse_operations :: Lens' ReleaseStaticIpResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- releaseStaticIpResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ReleaseStaticIpResponse Int
- deleteInstance_forceDeleteAddOns :: Lens' DeleteInstance (Maybe Bool)
- deleteInstance_instanceName :: Lens' DeleteInstance Text
- deleteInstanceResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteInstanceResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteInstanceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteInstanceResponse Int
- createContainerServiceRegistryLoginResponse_registryLogin :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceRegistryLoginResponse (Maybe ContainerServiceRegistryLogin)
- createContainerServiceRegistryLoginResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceRegistryLoginResponse Int
- getCertificates_certificateStatuses :: Lens' GetCertificates (Maybe [CertificateStatus])
- getCertificates_certificateName :: Lens' GetCertificates (Maybe Text)
- getCertificates_includeCertificateDetails :: Lens' GetCertificates (Maybe Bool)
- getCertificatesResponse_certificates :: Lens' GetCertificatesResponse (Maybe [CertificateSummary])
- getCertificatesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetCertificatesResponse Int
- getContainerServiceMetricData_serviceName :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricData Text
- getContainerServiceMetricData_metricName :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricData ContainerServiceMetricName
- getContainerServiceMetricData_startTime :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricData UTCTime
- getContainerServiceMetricData_endTime :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricData UTCTime
- getContainerServiceMetricData_period :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricData Natural
- getContainerServiceMetricData_statistics :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricData [MetricStatistic]
- getContainerServiceMetricDataResponse_metricName :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricDataResponse (Maybe ContainerServiceMetricName)
- getContainerServiceMetricDataResponse_metricData :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MetricDatapoint])
- getContainerServiceMetricDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricDataResponse Int
- getDistributionMetricData_distributionName :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData Text
- getDistributionMetricData_metricName :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData DistributionMetricName
- getDistributionMetricData_startTime :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData UTCTime
- getDistributionMetricData_endTime :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData UTCTime
- getDistributionMetricData_period :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData Natural
- getDistributionMetricData_unit :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData MetricUnit
- getDistributionMetricData_statistics :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData [MetricStatistic]
- getDistributionMetricDataResponse_metricName :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricDataResponse (Maybe DistributionMetricName)
- getDistributionMetricDataResponse_metricData :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MetricDatapoint])
- getDistributionMetricDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricDataResponse Int
- rebootInstance_instanceName :: Lens' RebootInstance Text
- rebootInstanceResponse_operations :: Lens' RebootInstanceResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- rebootInstanceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RebootInstanceResponse Int
- deleteLoadBalancer_loadBalancerName :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancer Text
- deleteLoadBalancerResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteLoadBalancerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerResponse Int
- createDiskFromSnapshot_useLatestRestorableAutoSnapshot :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot (Maybe Bool)
- createDiskFromSnapshot_sourceDiskName :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createDiskFromSnapshot_addOns :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot (Maybe [AddOnRequest])
- createDiskFromSnapshot_diskSnapshotName :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createDiskFromSnapshot_restoreDate :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createDiskFromSnapshot_tags :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot (Maybe [Tag])
- createDiskFromSnapshot_diskName :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot Text
- createDiskFromSnapshot_availabilityZone :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot Text
- createDiskFromSnapshot_sizeInGb :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot Int
- createDiskFromSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createDiskFromSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshotResponse Int
- getRelationalDatabases_pageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabases (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabasesResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabasesResponse (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabasesResponse_relationalDatabases :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabasesResponse (Maybe [RelationalDatabase])
- getRelationalDatabasesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabasesResponse Int
- getInstanceSnapshot_instanceSnapshotName :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshot Text
- getInstanceSnapshotResponse_instanceSnapshot :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshotResponse (Maybe InstanceSnapshot)
- getInstanceSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshotResponse Int
- getRelationalDatabaseLogEvents_startTime :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents (Maybe UTCTime)
- getRelationalDatabaseLogEvents_startFromHead :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents (Maybe Bool)
- getRelationalDatabaseLogEvents_endTime :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents (Maybe UTCTime)
- getRelationalDatabaseLogEvents_pageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseLogEvents_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents Text
- getRelationalDatabaseLogEvents_logStreamName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents Text
- getRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse_nextBackwardToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse_resourceLogEvents :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse (Maybe [LogEvent])
- getRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse_nextForwardToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse Int
- createContactMethod_protocol :: Lens' CreateContactMethod ContactProtocol
- createContactMethod_contactEndpoint :: Lens' CreateContactMethod Text
- createContactMethodResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateContactMethodResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createContactMethodResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateContactMethodResponse Int
- getRelationalDatabaseLogStreams_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogStreams Text
- getRelationalDatabaseLogStreamsResponse_logStreams :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogStreamsResponse (Maybe [Text])
- getRelationalDatabaseLogStreamsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogStreamsResponse Int
- getDomain_domainName :: Lens' GetDomain Text
- getDomainResponse_domain :: Lens' GetDomainResponse (Maybe Domain)
- getDomainResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDomainResponse Int
- getAutoSnapshots_resourceName :: Lens' GetAutoSnapshots Text
- getAutoSnapshotsResponse_resourceType :: Lens' GetAutoSnapshotsResponse (Maybe ResourceType)
- getAutoSnapshotsResponse_resourceName :: Lens' GetAutoSnapshotsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getAutoSnapshotsResponse_autoSnapshots :: Lens' GetAutoSnapshotsResponse (Maybe [AutoSnapshotDetails])
- getAutoSnapshotsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAutoSnapshotsResponse Int
- getActiveNames_pageToken :: Lens' GetActiveNames (Maybe Text)
- getActiveNamesResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetActiveNamesResponse (Maybe Text)
- getActiveNamesResponse_activeNames :: Lens' GetActiveNamesResponse (Maybe [Text])
- getActiveNamesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetActiveNamesResponse Int
- deleteContactMethod_protocol :: Lens' DeleteContactMethod ContactProtocol
- deleteContactMethodResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteContactMethodResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteContactMethodResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteContactMethodResponse Int
- createDistribution_cacheBehaviorSettings :: Lens' CreateDistribution (Maybe CacheSettings)
- createDistribution_ipAddressType :: Lens' CreateDistribution (Maybe IpAddressType)
- createDistribution_cacheBehaviors :: Lens' CreateDistribution (Maybe [CacheBehaviorPerPath])
- createDistribution_tags :: Lens' CreateDistribution (Maybe [Tag])
- createDistribution_distributionName :: Lens' CreateDistribution Text
- createDistribution_origin :: Lens' CreateDistribution InputOrigin
- createDistribution_defaultCacheBehavior :: Lens' CreateDistribution CacheBehavior
- createDistribution_bundleId :: Lens' CreateDistribution Text
- createDistributionResponse_distribution :: Lens' CreateDistributionResponse (Maybe LightsailDistribution)
- createDistributionResponse_operation :: Lens' CreateDistributionResponse (Maybe Operation)
- createDistributionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDistributionResponse Int
- stopRelationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseSnapshotName :: Lens' StopRelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- stopRelationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' StopRelationalDatabase Text
- stopRelationalDatabaseResponse_operations :: Lens' StopRelationalDatabaseResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- stopRelationalDatabaseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopRelationalDatabaseResponse Int
- createRelationalDatabaseSnapshot_tags :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe [Tag])
- createRelationalDatabaseSnapshot_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseSnapshot Text
- createRelationalDatabaseSnapshot_relationalDatabaseSnapshotName :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseSnapshot Text
- createRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse Int
- detachCertificateFromDistribution_distributionName :: Lens' DetachCertificateFromDistribution Text
- detachCertificateFromDistributionResponse_operation :: Lens' DetachCertificateFromDistributionResponse (Maybe Operation)
- detachCertificateFromDistributionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetachCertificateFromDistributionResponse Int
- createContainerService_publicDomainNames :: Lens' CreateContainerService (Maybe (HashMap Text [Text]))
- createContainerService_tags :: Lens' CreateContainerService (Maybe [Tag])
- createContainerService_deployment :: Lens' CreateContainerService (Maybe ContainerServiceDeploymentRequest)
- createContainerService_serviceName :: Lens' CreateContainerService Text
- createContainerService_power :: Lens' CreateContainerService ContainerServicePowerName
- createContainerService_scale :: Lens' CreateContainerService Natural
- createContainerServiceResponse_containerService :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceResponse (Maybe ContainerService)
- createContainerServiceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceResponse Int
- getInstanceAccessDetails_protocol :: Lens' GetInstanceAccessDetails (Maybe InstanceAccessProtocol)
- getInstanceAccessDetails_instanceName :: Lens' GetInstanceAccessDetails Text
- getInstanceAccessDetailsResponse_accessDetails :: Lens' GetInstanceAccessDetailsResponse (Maybe InstanceAccessDetails)
- getInstanceAccessDetailsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstanceAccessDetailsResponse Int
- enableAddOn_resourceName :: Lens' EnableAddOn Text
- enableAddOn_addOnRequest :: Lens' EnableAddOn AddOnRequest
- enableAddOnResponse_operations :: Lens' EnableAddOnResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- enableAddOnResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableAddOnResponse Int
- stopInstance_force :: Lens' StopInstance (Maybe Bool)
- stopInstance_instanceName :: Lens' StopInstance Text
- stopInstanceResponse_operations :: Lens' StopInstanceResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- stopInstanceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopInstanceResponse Int
- detachInstancesFromLoadBalancer_loadBalancerName :: Lens' DetachInstancesFromLoadBalancer Text
- detachInstancesFromLoadBalancer_instanceNames :: Lens' DetachInstancesFromLoadBalancer [Text]
- detachInstancesFromLoadBalancerResponse_operations :: Lens' DetachInstancesFromLoadBalancerResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- detachInstancesFromLoadBalancerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetachInstancesFromLoadBalancerResponse Int
- registerContainerImage_serviceName :: Lens' RegisterContainerImage Text
- registerContainerImage_label :: Lens' RegisterContainerImage Text
- registerContainerImage_digest :: Lens' RegisterContainerImage Text
- registerContainerImageResponse_containerImage :: Lens' RegisterContainerImageResponse (Maybe ContainerImage)
- registerContainerImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RegisterContainerImageResponse Int
- createCertificate_subjectAlternativeNames :: Lens' CreateCertificate (Maybe [Text])
- createCertificate_tags :: Lens' CreateCertificate (Maybe [Tag])
- createCertificate_certificateName :: Lens' CreateCertificate Text
- createCertificate_domainName :: Lens' CreateCertificate Text
- createCertificateResponse_certificate :: Lens' CreateCertificateResponse (Maybe CertificateSummary)
- createCertificateResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateCertificateResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createCertificateResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateCertificateResponse Int
- createInstanceSnapshot_tags :: Lens' CreateInstanceSnapshot (Maybe [Tag])
- createInstanceSnapshot_instanceSnapshotName :: Lens' CreateInstanceSnapshot Text
- createInstanceSnapshot_instanceName :: Lens' CreateInstanceSnapshot Text
- createInstanceSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateInstanceSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createInstanceSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateInstanceSnapshotResponse Int
- copySnapshot_useLatestRestorableAutoSnapshot :: Lens' CopySnapshot (Maybe Bool)
- copySnapshot_restoreDate :: Lens' CopySnapshot (Maybe Text)
- copySnapshot_sourceResourceName :: Lens' CopySnapshot (Maybe Text)
- copySnapshot_sourceSnapshotName :: Lens' CopySnapshot (Maybe Text)
- copySnapshot_targetSnapshotName :: Lens' CopySnapshot Text
- copySnapshot_sourceRegion :: Lens' CopySnapshot RegionName
- copySnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' CopySnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- copySnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CopySnapshotResponse Int
- getRelationalDatabaseSnapshot_relationalDatabaseSnapshotName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshot Text
- getRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse_relationalDatabaseSnapshot :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse (Maybe RelationalDatabaseSnapshot)
- getRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse Int
- isVpcPeeredResponse_isPeered :: Lens' IsVpcPeeredResponse (Maybe Bool)
- isVpcPeeredResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' IsVpcPeeredResponse Int
- getStaticIps_pageToken :: Lens' GetStaticIps (Maybe Text)
- getStaticIpsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetStaticIpsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getStaticIpsResponse_staticIps :: Lens' GetStaticIpsResponse (Maybe [StaticIp])
- getStaticIpsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStaticIpsResponse Int
- unpeerVpcResponse_operation :: Lens' UnpeerVpcResponse (Maybe Operation)
- unpeerVpcResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UnpeerVpcResponse Int
- deleteDisk_forceDeleteAddOns :: Lens' DeleteDisk (Maybe Bool)
- deleteDisk_diskName :: Lens' DeleteDisk Text
- deleteDiskResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteDiskResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteDiskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDiskResponse Int
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_useLatestRestorableAutoSnapshot :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe Bool)
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_instanceSnapshotName :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_addOns :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe [AddOnRequest])
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_userData :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_restoreDate :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_ipAddressType :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe IpAddressType)
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_keyPairName :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_sourceInstanceName :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_attachedDiskMapping :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe (HashMap Text [DiskMap]))
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_tags :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe [Tag])
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_instanceNames :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot [Text]
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_availabilityZone :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot Text
- createInstancesFromSnapshot_bundleId :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot Text
- createInstancesFromSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createInstancesFromSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshotResponse Int
- getCloudFormationStackRecords_pageToken :: Lens' GetCloudFormationStackRecords (Maybe Text)
- getCloudFormationStackRecordsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetCloudFormationStackRecordsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getCloudFormationStackRecordsResponse_cloudFormationStackRecords :: Lens' GetCloudFormationStackRecordsResponse (Maybe [CloudFormationStackRecord])
- getCloudFormationStackRecordsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetCloudFormationStackRecordsResponse Int
- createDomain_tags :: Lens' CreateDomain (Maybe [Tag])
- createDomain_domainName :: Lens' CreateDomain Text
- createDomainResponse_operation :: Lens' CreateDomainResponse (Maybe Operation)
- createDomainResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDomainResponse Int
- getRelationalDatabaseBlueprints_pageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseBlueprints (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseBlueprintsResponse_blueprints :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseBlueprintsResponse (Maybe [RelationalDatabaseBlueprint])
- getRelationalDatabaseBlueprintsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseBlueprintsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseBlueprintsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseBlueprintsResponse Int
- deleteCertificate_certificateName :: Lens' DeleteCertificate Text
- deleteCertificateResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteCertificateResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteCertificateResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteCertificateResponse Int
- getDiskSnapshots_pageToken :: Lens' GetDiskSnapshots (Maybe Text)
- getDiskSnapshotsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetDiskSnapshotsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getDiskSnapshotsResponse_diskSnapshots :: Lens' GetDiskSnapshotsResponse (Maybe [DiskSnapshot])
- getDiskSnapshotsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDiskSnapshotsResponse Int
- getContainerAPIMetadataResponse_metadata :: Lens' GetContainerAPIMetadataResponse (Maybe [HashMap Text Text])
- getContainerAPIMetadataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContainerAPIMetadataResponse Int
- getBucketMetricData_bucketName :: Lens' GetBucketMetricData Text
- getBucketMetricData_metricName :: Lens' GetBucketMetricData BucketMetricName
- getBucketMetricData_startTime :: Lens' GetBucketMetricData UTCTime
- getBucketMetricData_endTime :: Lens' GetBucketMetricData UTCTime
- getBucketMetricData_period :: Lens' GetBucketMetricData Natural
- getBucketMetricData_statistics :: Lens' GetBucketMetricData [MetricStatistic]
- getBucketMetricData_unit :: Lens' GetBucketMetricData MetricUnit
- getBucketMetricDataResponse_metricName :: Lens' GetBucketMetricDataResponse (Maybe BucketMetricName)
- getBucketMetricDataResponse_metricData :: Lens' GetBucketMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MetricDatapoint])
- getBucketMetricDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBucketMetricDataResponse Int
- peerVpcResponse_operation :: Lens' PeerVpcResponse (Maybe Operation)
- peerVpcResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PeerVpcResponse Int
- getRelationalDatabaseBundles_pageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseBundles (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseBundlesResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseBundlesResponse (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseBundlesResponse_bundles :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseBundlesResponse (Maybe [RelationalDatabaseBundle])
- getRelationalDatabaseBundlesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseBundlesResponse Int
- getLoadBalancers_pageToken :: Lens' GetLoadBalancers (Maybe Text)
- getLoadBalancersResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetLoadBalancersResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLoadBalancersResponse_loadBalancers :: Lens' GetLoadBalancersResponse (Maybe [LoadBalancer])
- getLoadBalancersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLoadBalancersResponse Int
- rebootRelationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' RebootRelationalDatabase Text
- rebootRelationalDatabaseResponse_operations :: Lens' RebootRelationalDatabaseResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- rebootRelationalDatabaseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RebootRelationalDatabaseResponse Int
- attachLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_loadBalancerName :: Lens' AttachLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Text
- attachLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_certificateName :: Lens' AttachLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Text
- attachLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse_operations :: Lens' AttachLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- attachLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AttachLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse Int
- updateLoadBalancerAttribute_loadBalancerName :: Lens' UpdateLoadBalancerAttribute Text
- updateLoadBalancerAttribute_attributeName :: Lens' UpdateLoadBalancerAttribute LoadBalancerAttributeName
- updateLoadBalancerAttribute_attributeValue :: Lens' UpdateLoadBalancerAttribute Text
- updateLoadBalancerAttributeResponse_operations :: Lens' UpdateLoadBalancerAttributeResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- updateLoadBalancerAttributeResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLoadBalancerAttributeResponse Int
- deleteRelationalDatabase_skipFinalSnapshot :: Lens' DeleteRelationalDatabase (Maybe Bool)
- deleteRelationalDatabase_finalRelationalDatabaseSnapshotName :: Lens' DeleteRelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- deleteRelationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' DeleteRelationalDatabase Text
- deleteRelationalDatabaseResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteRelationalDatabaseResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteRelationalDatabaseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteRelationalDatabaseResponse Int
- getDiskSnapshot_diskSnapshotName :: Lens' GetDiskSnapshot Text
- getDiskSnapshotResponse_diskSnapshot :: Lens' GetDiskSnapshotResponse (Maybe DiskSnapshot)
- getDiskSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDiskSnapshotResponse Int
- updateRelationalDatabase_masterUserPassword :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- updateRelationalDatabase_publiclyAccessible :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Bool)
- updateRelationalDatabase_enableBackupRetention :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Bool)
- updateRelationalDatabase_preferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- updateRelationalDatabase_caCertificateIdentifier :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- updateRelationalDatabase_preferredBackupWindow :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- updateRelationalDatabase_applyImmediately :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Bool)
- updateRelationalDatabase_rotateMasterUserPassword :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Bool)
- updateRelationalDatabase_disableBackupRetention :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Bool)
- updateRelationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabase Text
- updateRelationalDatabaseResponse_operations :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabaseResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- updateRelationalDatabaseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabaseResponse Int
- getStaticIp_staticIpName :: Lens' GetStaticIp Text
- getStaticIpResponse_staticIp :: Lens' GetStaticIpResponse (Maybe StaticIp)
- getStaticIpResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStaticIpResponse Int
- getRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPassword_passwordVersion :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPassword (Maybe RelationalDatabasePasswordVersion)
- getRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPassword_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPassword Text
- getRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPasswordResponse_masterUserPassword :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPasswordResponse (Maybe Text)
- getRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPasswordResponse_createdAt :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPasswordResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- getRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPasswordResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPasswordResponse Int
- getBlueprints_includeInactive :: Lens' GetBlueprints (Maybe Bool)
- getBlueprints_pageToken :: Lens' GetBlueprints (Maybe Text)
- getBlueprintsResponse_blueprints :: Lens' GetBlueprintsResponse (Maybe [Blueprint])
- getBlueprintsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetBlueprintsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getBlueprintsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBlueprintsResponse Int
- putAlarm_treatMissingData :: Lens' PutAlarm (Maybe TreatMissingData)
- putAlarm_contactProtocols :: Lens' PutAlarm (Maybe [ContactProtocol])
- putAlarm_datapointsToAlarm :: Lens' PutAlarm (Maybe Int)
- putAlarm_notificationEnabled :: Lens' PutAlarm (Maybe Bool)
- putAlarm_notificationTriggers :: Lens' PutAlarm (Maybe [AlarmState])
- putAlarm_alarmName :: Lens' PutAlarm Text
- putAlarm_metricName :: Lens' PutAlarm MetricName
- putAlarm_monitoredResourceName :: Lens' PutAlarm Text
- putAlarm_comparisonOperator :: Lens' PutAlarm ComparisonOperator
- putAlarm_threshold :: Lens' PutAlarm Double
- putAlarm_evaluationPeriods :: Lens' PutAlarm Int
- putAlarmResponse_operations :: Lens' PutAlarmResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- putAlarmResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutAlarmResponse Int
- deleteAlarm_alarmName :: Lens' DeleteAlarm Text
- deleteAlarmResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteAlarmResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteAlarmResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAlarmResponse Int
- getInstancePortStates_instanceName :: Lens' GetInstancePortStates Text
- getInstancePortStatesResponse_portStates :: Lens' GetInstancePortStatesResponse (Maybe [InstancePortState])
- getInstancePortStatesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstancePortStatesResponse Int
- deleteAutoSnapshot_resourceName :: Lens' DeleteAutoSnapshot Text
- deleteAutoSnapshot_date :: Lens' DeleteAutoSnapshot Text
- deleteAutoSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteAutoSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteAutoSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAutoSnapshotResponse Int
- createRelationalDatabase_masterUserPassword :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- createRelationalDatabase_publiclyAccessible :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Bool)
- createRelationalDatabase_preferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- createRelationalDatabase_preferredBackupWindow :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- createRelationalDatabase_availabilityZone :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- createRelationalDatabase_tags :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabase (Maybe [Tag])
- createRelationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabase Text
- createRelationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseBlueprintId :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabase Text
- createRelationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseBundleId :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabase Text
- createRelationalDatabase_masterDatabaseName :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabase Text
- createRelationalDatabase_masterUsername :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabase Text
- createRelationalDatabaseResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createRelationalDatabaseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseResponse Int
- sendContactMethodVerification_protocol :: Lens' SendContactMethodVerification ContactMethodVerificationProtocol
- sendContactMethodVerificationResponse_operations :: Lens' SendContactMethodVerificationResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- sendContactMethodVerificationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SendContactMethodVerificationResponse Int
- getContainerLog_startTime :: Lens' GetContainerLog (Maybe UTCTime)
- getContainerLog_endTime :: Lens' GetContainerLog (Maybe UTCTime)
- getContainerLog_pageToken :: Lens' GetContainerLog (Maybe Text)
- getContainerLog_filterPattern :: Lens' GetContainerLog (Maybe Text)
- getContainerLog_serviceName :: Lens' GetContainerLog Text
- getContainerLog_containerName :: Lens' GetContainerLog Text
- getContainerLogResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetContainerLogResponse (Maybe Text)
- getContainerLogResponse_logEvents :: Lens' GetContainerLogResponse (Maybe [ContainerServiceLogEvent])
- getContainerLogResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContainerLogResponse Int
- createDiskSnapshot_diskName :: Lens' CreateDiskSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createDiskSnapshot_instanceName :: Lens' CreateDiskSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- createDiskSnapshot_tags :: Lens' CreateDiskSnapshot (Maybe [Tag])
- createDiskSnapshot_diskSnapshotName :: Lens' CreateDiskSnapshot Text
- createDiskSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateDiskSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createDiskSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDiskSnapshotResponse Int
- deleteDomainEntry_domainName :: Lens' DeleteDomainEntry Text
- deleteDomainEntry_domainEntry :: Lens' DeleteDomainEntry DomainEntry
- deleteDomainEntryResponse_operation :: Lens' DeleteDomainEntryResponse (Maybe Operation)
- deleteDomainEntryResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDomainEntryResponse Int
- updateDomainEntry_domainName :: Lens' UpdateDomainEntry Text
- updateDomainEntry_domainEntry :: Lens' UpdateDomainEntry DomainEntry
- updateDomainEntryResponse_operations :: Lens' UpdateDomainEntryResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- updateDomainEntryResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDomainEntryResponse Int
- getRegions_includeRelationalDatabaseAvailabilityZones :: Lens' GetRegions (Maybe Bool)
- getRegions_includeAvailabilityZones :: Lens' GetRegions (Maybe Bool)
- getRegionsResponse_regions :: Lens' GetRegionsResponse (Maybe [RegionInfo])
- getRegionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRegionsResponse Int
- setIpAddressType_resourceType :: Lens' SetIpAddressType ResourceType
- setIpAddressType_resourceName :: Lens' SetIpAddressType Text
- setIpAddressType_ipAddressType :: Lens' SetIpAddressType IpAddressType
- setIpAddressTypeResponse_operations :: Lens' SetIpAddressTypeResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- setIpAddressTypeResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SetIpAddressTypeResponse Int
- deleteDiskSnapshot_diskSnapshotName :: Lens' DeleteDiskSnapshot Text
- deleteDiskSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteDiskSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteDiskSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDiskSnapshotResponse Int
- getLoadBalancerMetricData_loadBalancerName :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerMetricData Text
- getLoadBalancerMetricData_metricName :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerMetricData LoadBalancerMetricName
- getLoadBalancerMetricData_period :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerMetricData Natural
- getLoadBalancerMetricData_startTime :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerMetricData UTCTime
- getLoadBalancerMetricData_endTime :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerMetricData UTCTime
- getLoadBalancerMetricData_unit :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerMetricData MetricUnit
- getLoadBalancerMetricData_statistics :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerMetricData [MetricStatistic]
- getLoadBalancerMetricDataResponse_metricName :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerMetricDataResponse (Maybe LoadBalancerMetricName)
- getLoadBalancerMetricDataResponse_metricData :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MetricDatapoint])
- getLoadBalancerMetricDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerMetricDataResponse Int
- getInstanceState_instanceName :: Lens' GetInstanceState Text
- getInstanceStateResponse_state :: Lens' GetInstanceStateResponse (Maybe InstanceState)
- getInstanceStateResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstanceStateResponse Int
- getKeyPairs_pageToken :: Lens' GetKeyPairs (Maybe Text)
- getKeyPairsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetKeyPairsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getKeyPairsResponse_keyPairs :: Lens' GetKeyPairsResponse (Maybe [KeyPair])
- getKeyPairsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetKeyPairsResponse Int
- getOperations_pageToken :: Lens' GetOperations (Maybe Text)
- getOperationsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetOperationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getOperationsResponse_operations :: Lens' GetOperationsResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- getOperationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetOperationsResponse Int
- getBucketAccessKeys_bucketName :: Lens' GetBucketAccessKeys Text
- getBucketAccessKeysResponse_accessKeys :: Lens' GetBucketAccessKeysResponse (Maybe [AccessKey])
- getBucketAccessKeysResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBucketAccessKeysResponse Int
- getDisks_pageToken :: Lens' GetDisks (Maybe Text)
- getDisksResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetDisksResponse (Maybe Text)
- getDisksResponse_disks :: Lens' GetDisksResponse (Maybe [Disk])
- getDisksResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDisksResponse Int
- getRelationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabase Text
- getRelationalDatabaseResponse_relationalDatabase :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseResponse (Maybe RelationalDatabase)
- getRelationalDatabaseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseResponse Int
- attachInstancesToLoadBalancer_loadBalancerName :: Lens' AttachInstancesToLoadBalancer Text
- attachInstancesToLoadBalancer_instanceNames :: Lens' AttachInstancesToLoadBalancer [Text]
- attachInstancesToLoadBalancerResponse_operations :: Lens' AttachInstancesToLoadBalancerResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- attachInstancesToLoadBalancerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AttachInstancesToLoadBalancerResponse Int
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource (Maybe Text)
- tagResource_resourceName :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource [Tag]
- tagResourceResponse_operations :: Lens' TagResourceResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- getOperation_operationId :: Lens' GetOperation Text
- getOperationResponse_operation :: Lens' GetOperationResponse (Maybe Operation)
- getOperationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetOperationResponse Int
- resetDistributionCache_distributionName :: Lens' ResetDistributionCache (Maybe Text)
- resetDistributionCacheResponse_status :: Lens' ResetDistributionCacheResponse (Maybe Text)
- resetDistributionCacheResponse_operation :: Lens' ResetDistributionCacheResponse (Maybe Operation)
- resetDistributionCacheResponse_createTime :: Lens' ResetDistributionCacheResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- resetDistributionCacheResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ResetDistributionCacheResponse Int
- updateBucketBundle_bucketName :: Lens' UpdateBucketBundle Text
- updateBucketBundle_bundleId :: Lens' UpdateBucketBundle Text
- updateBucketBundleResponse_operations :: Lens' UpdateBucketBundleResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- updateBucketBundleResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateBucketBundleResponse Int
- updateDistribution_origin :: Lens' UpdateDistribution (Maybe InputOrigin)
- updateDistribution_cacheBehaviorSettings :: Lens' UpdateDistribution (Maybe CacheSettings)
- updateDistribution_isEnabled :: Lens' UpdateDistribution (Maybe Bool)
- updateDistribution_defaultCacheBehavior :: Lens' UpdateDistribution (Maybe CacheBehavior)
- updateDistribution_cacheBehaviors :: Lens' UpdateDistribution (Maybe [CacheBehaviorPerPath])
- updateDistribution_distributionName :: Lens' UpdateDistribution Text
- updateDistributionResponse_operation :: Lens' UpdateDistributionResponse (Maybe Operation)
- updateDistributionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDistributionResponse Int
- getBuckets_bucketName :: Lens' GetBuckets (Maybe Text)
- getBuckets_includeConnectedResources :: Lens' GetBuckets (Maybe Bool)
- getBuckets_pageToken :: Lens' GetBuckets (Maybe Text)
- getBucketsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetBucketsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getBucketsResponse_buckets :: Lens' GetBucketsResponse (Maybe [Bucket])
- getBucketsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBucketsResponse Int
- deleteDistribution_distributionName :: Lens' DeleteDistribution (Maybe Text)
- deleteDistributionResponse_operation :: Lens' DeleteDistributionResponse (Maybe Operation)
- deleteDistributionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDistributionResponse Int
- updateContainerService_scale :: Lens' UpdateContainerService (Maybe Natural)
- updateContainerService_power :: Lens' UpdateContainerService (Maybe ContainerServicePowerName)
- updateContainerService_isDisabled :: Lens' UpdateContainerService (Maybe Bool)
- updateContainerService_publicDomainNames :: Lens' UpdateContainerService (Maybe (HashMap Text [Text]))
- updateContainerService_serviceName :: Lens' UpdateContainerService Text
- updateContainerServiceResponse_containerService :: Lens' UpdateContainerServiceResponse (Maybe ContainerService)
- updateContainerServiceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateContainerServiceResponse Int
- deleteRelationalDatabaseSnapshot_relationalDatabaseSnapshotName :: Lens' DeleteRelationalDatabaseSnapshot Text
- deleteRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse Int
- deleteContainerService_serviceName :: Lens' DeleteContainerService Text
- deleteContainerServiceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteContainerServiceResponse Int
- getInstanceMetricData_instanceName :: Lens' GetInstanceMetricData Text
- getInstanceMetricData_metricName :: Lens' GetInstanceMetricData InstanceMetricName
- getInstanceMetricData_period :: Lens' GetInstanceMetricData Natural
- getInstanceMetricData_startTime :: Lens' GetInstanceMetricData UTCTime
- getInstanceMetricData_endTime :: Lens' GetInstanceMetricData UTCTime
- getInstanceMetricData_unit :: Lens' GetInstanceMetricData MetricUnit
- getInstanceMetricData_statistics :: Lens' GetInstanceMetricData [MetricStatistic]
- getInstanceMetricDataResponse_metricName :: Lens' GetInstanceMetricDataResponse (Maybe InstanceMetricName)
- getInstanceMetricDataResponse_metricData :: Lens' GetInstanceMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MetricDatapoint])
- getInstanceMetricDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstanceMetricDataResponse Int
- getKeyPair_keyPairName :: Lens' GetKeyPair Text
- getKeyPairResponse_keyPair :: Lens' GetKeyPairResponse (Maybe KeyPair)
- getKeyPairResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetKeyPairResponse Int
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource (Maybe Text)
- untagResource_resourceName :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text]
- untagResourceResponse_operations :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- putInstancePublicPorts_portInfos :: Lens' PutInstancePublicPorts [PortInfo]
- putInstancePublicPorts_instanceName :: Lens' PutInstancePublicPorts Text
- putInstancePublicPortsResponse_operation :: Lens' PutInstancePublicPortsResponse (Maybe Operation)
- putInstancePublicPortsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutInstancePublicPortsResponse Int
- getDistributionBundlesResponse_bundles :: Lens' GetDistributionBundlesResponse (Maybe [DistributionBundle])
- getDistributionBundlesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDistributionBundlesResponse Int
- getDisk_diskName :: Lens' GetDisk Text
- getDiskResponse_disk :: Lens' GetDiskResponse (Maybe Disk)
- getDiskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDiskResponse Int
- getDistributionLatestCacheReset_distributionName :: Lens' GetDistributionLatestCacheReset (Maybe Text)
- getDistributionLatestCacheResetResponse_status :: Lens' GetDistributionLatestCacheResetResponse (Maybe Text)
- getDistributionLatestCacheResetResponse_createTime :: Lens' GetDistributionLatestCacheResetResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- getDistributionLatestCacheResetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDistributionLatestCacheResetResponse Int
- createLoadBalancer_healthCheckPath :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancer (Maybe Text)
- createLoadBalancer_certificateName :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancer (Maybe Text)
- createLoadBalancer_certificateDomainName :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancer (Maybe Text)
- createLoadBalancer_certificateAlternativeNames :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancer (Maybe [Text])
- createLoadBalancer_ipAddressType :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancer (Maybe IpAddressType)
- createLoadBalancer_tags :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancer (Maybe [Tag])
- createLoadBalancer_loadBalancerName :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancer Text
- createLoadBalancer_instancePort :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancer Int
- createLoadBalancerResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createLoadBalancerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerResponse Int
- getContainerServiceDeployments_serviceName :: Lens' GetContainerServiceDeployments Text
- getContainerServiceDeploymentsResponse_deployments :: Lens' GetContainerServiceDeploymentsResponse (Maybe [ContainerServiceDeployment])
- getContainerServiceDeploymentsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContainerServiceDeploymentsResponse Int
- deleteKnownHostKeys_instanceName :: Lens' DeleteKnownHostKeys Text
- deleteKnownHostKeysResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteKnownHostKeysResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- deleteKnownHostKeysResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteKnownHostKeysResponse Int
- attachDisk_diskName :: Lens' AttachDisk Text
- attachDisk_instanceName :: Lens' AttachDisk Text
- attachDisk_diskPath :: Lens' AttachDisk Text
- attachDiskResponse_operations :: Lens' AttachDiskResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- attachDiskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AttachDiskResponse Int
- detachStaticIp_staticIpName :: Lens' DetachStaticIp Text
- detachStaticIpResponse_operations :: Lens' DetachStaticIpResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- detachStaticIpResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetachStaticIpResponse Int
- createInstances_customImageName :: Lens' CreateInstances (Maybe Text)
- createInstances_addOns :: Lens' CreateInstances (Maybe [AddOnRequest])
- createInstances_userData :: Lens' CreateInstances (Maybe Text)
- createInstances_ipAddressType :: Lens' CreateInstances (Maybe IpAddressType)
- createInstances_keyPairName :: Lens' CreateInstances (Maybe Text)
- createInstances_tags :: Lens' CreateInstances (Maybe [Tag])
- createInstances_instanceNames :: Lens' CreateInstances [Text]
- createInstances_availabilityZone :: Lens' CreateInstances Text
- createInstances_blueprintId :: Lens' CreateInstances Text
- createInstances_bundleId :: Lens' CreateInstances Text
- createInstancesResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateInstancesResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createInstancesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateInstancesResponse Int
- getAlarms_alarmName :: Lens' GetAlarms (Maybe Text)
- getAlarms_monitoredResourceName :: Lens' GetAlarms (Maybe Text)
- getAlarms_pageToken :: Lens' GetAlarms (Maybe Text)
- getAlarmsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetAlarmsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getAlarmsResponse_alarms :: Lens' GetAlarmsResponse (Maybe [Alarm])
- getAlarmsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAlarmsResponse Int
- openInstancePublicPorts_portInfo :: Lens' OpenInstancePublicPorts PortInfo
- openInstancePublicPorts_instanceName :: Lens' OpenInstancePublicPorts Text
- openInstancePublicPortsResponse_operation :: Lens' OpenInstancePublicPortsResponse (Maybe Operation)
- openInstancePublicPortsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' OpenInstancePublicPortsResponse Int
- startRelationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' StartRelationalDatabase Text
- startRelationalDatabaseResponse_operations :: Lens' StartRelationalDatabaseResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- startRelationalDatabaseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartRelationalDatabaseResponse Int
- deleteContainerImage_serviceName :: Lens' DeleteContainerImage Text
- deleteContainerImage_image :: Lens' DeleteContainerImage Text
- deleteContainerImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteContainerImageResponse Int
- getBundles_includeInactive :: Lens' GetBundles (Maybe Bool)
- getBundles_pageToken :: Lens' GetBundles (Maybe Text)
- getBundlesResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetBundlesResponse (Maybe Text)
- getBundlesResponse_bundles :: Lens' GetBundlesResponse (Maybe [Bundle])
- getBundlesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBundlesResponse Int
- deleteDomain_domainName :: Lens' DeleteDomain Text
- deleteDomainResponse_operation :: Lens' DeleteDomainResponse (Maybe Operation)
- deleteDomainResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDomainResponse Int
- getLoadBalancerTlsCertificates_loadBalancerName :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerTlsCertificates Text
- getLoadBalancerTlsCertificatesResponse_tlsCertificates :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerTlsCertificatesResponse (Maybe [LoadBalancerTlsCertificate])
- getLoadBalancerTlsCertificatesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerTlsCertificatesResponse Int
- setResourceAccessForBucket_resourceName :: Lens' SetResourceAccessForBucket Text
- setResourceAccessForBucket_bucketName :: Lens' SetResourceAccessForBucket Text
- setResourceAccessForBucket_access :: Lens' SetResourceAccessForBucket ResourceBucketAccess
- setResourceAccessForBucketResponse_operations :: Lens' SetResourceAccessForBucketResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- setResourceAccessForBucketResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SetResourceAccessForBucketResponse Int
- createDisk_addOns :: Lens' CreateDisk (Maybe [AddOnRequest])
- createDisk_tags :: Lens' CreateDisk (Maybe [Tag])
- createDisk_diskName :: Lens' CreateDisk Text
- createDisk_availabilityZone :: Lens' CreateDisk Text
- createDisk_sizeInGb :: Lens' CreateDisk Int
- createDiskResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateDiskResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createDiskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDiskResponse Int
- createBucketAccessKey_bucketName :: Lens' CreateBucketAccessKey Text
- createBucketAccessKeyResponse_accessKey :: Lens' CreateBucketAccessKeyResponse (Maybe AccessKey)
- createBucketAccessKeyResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateBucketAccessKeyResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- createBucketAccessKeyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateBucketAccessKeyResponse Int
- getOperationsForResource_pageToken :: Lens' GetOperationsForResource (Maybe Text)
- getOperationsForResource_resourceName :: Lens' GetOperationsForResource Text
- getOperationsForResourceResponse_nextPageCount :: Lens' GetOperationsForResourceResponse (Maybe Text)
- getOperationsForResourceResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetOperationsForResourceResponse (Maybe Text)
- getOperationsForResourceResponse_operations :: Lens' GetOperationsForResourceResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- getOperationsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetOperationsForResourceResponse Int
- createKeyPair_tags :: Lens' CreateKeyPair (Maybe [Tag])
- createKeyPair_keyPairName :: Lens' CreateKeyPair Text
- createKeyPairResponse_keyPair :: Lens' CreateKeyPairResponse (Maybe KeyPair)
- createKeyPairResponse_operation :: Lens' CreateKeyPairResponse (Maybe Operation)
- createKeyPairResponse_publicKeyBase64 :: Lens' CreateKeyPairResponse (Maybe Text)
- createKeyPairResponse_privateKeyBase64 :: Lens' CreateKeyPairResponse (Maybe Text)
- createKeyPairResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateKeyPairResponse Int
- startInstance_instanceName :: Lens' StartInstance Text
- startInstanceResponse_operations :: Lens' StartInstanceResponse (Maybe [Operation])
- startInstanceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartInstanceResponse Int
- accessKey_status :: Lens' AccessKey (Maybe StatusType)
- accessKey_createdAt :: Lens' AccessKey (Maybe UTCTime)
- accessKey_secretAccessKey :: Lens' AccessKey (Maybe Text)
- accessKey_lastUsed :: Lens' AccessKey (Maybe AccessKeyLastUsed)
- accessKey_accessKeyId :: Lens' AccessKey (Maybe Text)
- accessKeyLastUsed_lastUsedDate :: Lens' AccessKeyLastUsed (Maybe UTCTime)
- accessKeyLastUsed_serviceName :: Lens' AccessKeyLastUsed (Maybe Text)
- accessKeyLastUsed_region :: Lens' AccessKeyLastUsed (Maybe Text)
- accessRules_getObject :: Lens' AccessRules (Maybe AccessType)
- accessRules_allowPublicOverrides :: Lens' AccessRules (Maybe Bool)
- addOn_status :: Lens' AddOn (Maybe Text)
- addOn_nextSnapshotTimeOfDay :: Lens' AddOn (Maybe Text)
- addOn_snapshotTimeOfDay :: Lens' AddOn (Maybe Text)
- addOn_name :: Lens' AddOn (Maybe Text)
- addOnRequest_autoSnapshotAddOnRequest :: Lens' AddOnRequest (Maybe AutoSnapshotAddOnRequest)
- addOnRequest_addOnType :: Lens' AddOnRequest AddOnType
- alarm_state :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe AlarmState)
- alarm_treatMissingData :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe TreatMissingData)
- alarm_resourceType :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe ResourceType)
- alarm_arn :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Text)
- alarm_createdAt :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe UTCTime)
- alarm_location :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- alarm_contactProtocols :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe [ContactProtocol])
- alarm_period :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Natural)
- alarm_evaluationPeriods :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Int)
- alarm_metricName :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe MetricName)
- alarm_comparisonOperator :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe ComparisonOperator)
- alarm_name :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Text)
- alarm_threshold :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Double)
- alarm_datapointsToAlarm :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Int)
- alarm_supportCode :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Text)
- alarm_notificationEnabled :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Bool)
- alarm_notificationTriggers :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe [AlarmState])
- alarm_statistic :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe MetricStatistic)
- alarm_unit :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe MetricUnit)
- alarm_monitoredResourceInfo :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe MonitoredResourceInfo)
- attachedDisk_path :: Lens' AttachedDisk (Maybe Text)
- attachedDisk_sizeInGb :: Lens' AttachedDisk (Maybe Int)
- autoSnapshotAddOnRequest_snapshotTimeOfDay :: Lens' AutoSnapshotAddOnRequest (Maybe Text)
- autoSnapshotDetails_status :: Lens' AutoSnapshotDetails (Maybe AutoSnapshotStatus)
- autoSnapshotDetails_fromAttachedDisks :: Lens' AutoSnapshotDetails (Maybe [AttachedDisk])
- autoSnapshotDetails_createdAt :: Lens' AutoSnapshotDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- autoSnapshotDetails_date :: Lens' AutoSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- availabilityZone_state :: Lens' AvailabilityZone (Maybe Text)
- availabilityZone_zoneName :: Lens' AvailabilityZone (Maybe Text)
- blueprint_versionCode :: Lens' Blueprint (Maybe Text)
- blueprint_platform :: Lens' Blueprint (Maybe InstancePlatform)
- blueprint_group :: Lens' Blueprint (Maybe Text)
- blueprint_minPower :: Lens' Blueprint (Maybe Int)
- blueprint_productUrl :: Lens' Blueprint (Maybe Text)
- blueprint_licenseUrl :: Lens' Blueprint (Maybe Text)
- blueprint_name :: Lens' Blueprint (Maybe Text)
- blueprint_version :: Lens' Blueprint (Maybe Text)
- blueprint_blueprintId :: Lens' Blueprint (Maybe Text)
- blueprint_type :: Lens' Blueprint (Maybe BlueprintType)
- blueprint_isActive :: Lens' Blueprint (Maybe Bool)
- blueprint_description :: Lens' Blueprint (Maybe Text)
- bucket_state :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe BucketState)
- bucket_objectVersioning :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe Text)
- bucket_resourceType :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe Text)
- bucket_arn :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe Text)
- bucket_createdAt :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe UTCTime)
- bucket_location :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- bucket_readonlyAccessAccounts :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe [Text])
- bucket_url :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe Text)
- bucket_resourcesReceivingAccess :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe [ResourceReceivingAccess])
- bucket_bundleId :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe Text)
- bucket_accessRules :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe AccessRules)
- bucket_ableToUpdateBundle :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe Bool)
- bucket_name :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe Text)
- bucket_supportCode :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe Text)
- bucket_tags :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe [Tag])
- bucketBundle_storagePerMonthInGb :: Lens' BucketBundle (Maybe Int)
- bucketBundle_transferPerMonthInGb :: Lens' BucketBundle (Maybe Int)
- bucketBundle_bundleId :: Lens' BucketBundle (Maybe Text)
- bucketBundle_name :: Lens' BucketBundle (Maybe Text)
- bucketBundle_price :: Lens' BucketBundle (Maybe Double)
- bucketBundle_isActive :: Lens' BucketBundle (Maybe Bool)
- bucketState_code :: Lens' BucketState (Maybe Text)
- bucketState_message :: Lens' BucketState (Maybe Text)
- bundle_cpuCount :: Lens' Bundle (Maybe Int)
- bundle_transferPerMonthInGb :: Lens' Bundle (Maybe Int)
- bundle_bundleId :: Lens' Bundle (Maybe Text)
- bundle_instanceType :: Lens' Bundle (Maybe Text)
- bundle_name :: Lens' Bundle (Maybe Text)
- bundle_power :: Lens' Bundle (Maybe Int)
- bundle_diskSizeInGb :: Lens' Bundle (Maybe Int)
- bundle_supportedPlatforms :: Lens' Bundle (Maybe [InstancePlatform])
- bundle_price :: Lens' Bundle (Maybe Double)
- bundle_isActive :: Lens' Bundle (Maybe Bool)
- bundle_ramSizeInGb :: Lens' Bundle (Maybe Double)
- cacheBehavior_behavior :: Lens' CacheBehavior (Maybe BehaviorEnum)
- cacheBehaviorPerPath_path :: Lens' CacheBehaviorPerPath (Maybe Text)
- cacheBehaviorPerPath_behavior :: Lens' CacheBehaviorPerPath (Maybe BehaviorEnum)
- cacheSettings_maximumTTL :: Lens' CacheSettings (Maybe Integer)
- cacheSettings_cachedHTTPMethods :: Lens' CacheSettings (Maybe Text)
- cacheSettings_forwardedCookies :: Lens' CacheSettings (Maybe CookieObject)
- cacheSettings_allowedHTTPMethods :: Lens' CacheSettings (Maybe Text)
- cacheSettings_defaultTTL :: Lens' CacheSettings (Maybe Integer)
- cacheSettings_minimumTTL :: Lens' CacheSettings (Maybe Integer)
- cacheSettings_forwardedHeaders :: Lens' CacheSettings (Maybe HeaderObject)
- cacheSettings_forwardedQueryStrings :: Lens' CacheSettings (Maybe QueryStringObject)
- certificate_status :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe CertificateStatus)
- certificate_subjectAlternativeNames :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe [Text])
- certificate_arn :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe Text)
- certificate_createdAt :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe UTCTime)
- certificate_eligibleToRenew :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe Text)
- certificate_requestFailureReason :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe Text)
- certificate_revokedAt :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe UTCTime)
- certificate_notBefore :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe UTCTime)
- certificate_revocationReason :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe Text)
- certificate_domainName :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe Text)
- certificate_name :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe Text)
- certificate_renewalSummary :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe RenewalSummary)
- certificate_supportCode :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe Text)
- certificate_domainValidationRecords :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe [DomainValidationRecord])
- certificate_inUseResourceCount :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe Int)
- certificate_issuedAt :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe UTCTime)
- certificate_keyAlgorithm :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe Text)
- certificate_serialNumber :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe Text)
- certificate_issuerCA :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe Text)
- certificate_tags :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe [Tag])
- certificate_notAfter :: Lens' Certificate (Maybe UTCTime)
- certificateSummary_certificateDetail :: Lens' CertificateSummary (Maybe Certificate)
- certificateSummary_certificateName :: Lens' CertificateSummary (Maybe Text)
- certificateSummary_certificateArn :: Lens' CertificateSummary (Maybe Text)
- certificateSummary_domainName :: Lens' CertificateSummary (Maybe Text)
- certificateSummary_tags :: Lens' CertificateSummary (Maybe [Tag])
- cloudFormationStackRecord_state :: Lens' CloudFormationStackRecord (Maybe RecordState)
- cloudFormationStackRecord_destinationInfo :: Lens' CloudFormationStackRecord (Maybe DestinationInfo)
- cloudFormationStackRecord_resourceType :: Lens' CloudFormationStackRecord (Maybe ResourceType)
- cloudFormationStackRecord_arn :: Lens' CloudFormationStackRecord (Maybe Text)
- cloudFormationStackRecord_createdAt :: Lens' CloudFormationStackRecord (Maybe UTCTime)
- cloudFormationStackRecord_location :: Lens' CloudFormationStackRecord (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- cloudFormationStackRecord_name :: Lens' CloudFormationStackRecord (Maybe Text)
- cloudFormationStackRecord_sourceInfo :: Lens' CloudFormationStackRecord (Maybe [CloudFormationStackRecordSourceInfo])
- cloudFormationStackRecordSourceInfo_resourceType :: Lens' CloudFormationStackRecordSourceInfo (Maybe CloudFormationStackRecordSourceType)
- cloudFormationStackRecordSourceInfo_arn :: Lens' CloudFormationStackRecordSourceInfo (Maybe Text)
- cloudFormationStackRecordSourceInfo_name :: Lens' CloudFormationStackRecordSourceInfo (Maybe Text)
- contactMethod_status :: Lens' ContactMethod (Maybe ContactMethodStatus)
- contactMethod_resourceType :: Lens' ContactMethod (Maybe ResourceType)
- contactMethod_arn :: Lens' ContactMethod (Maybe Text)
- contactMethod_createdAt :: Lens' ContactMethod (Maybe UTCTime)
- contactMethod_location :: Lens' ContactMethod (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- contactMethod_protocol :: Lens' ContactMethod (Maybe ContactProtocol)
- contactMethod_name :: Lens' ContactMethod (Maybe Text)
- contactMethod_supportCode :: Lens' ContactMethod (Maybe Text)
- contactMethod_contactEndpoint :: Lens' ContactMethod (Maybe Text)
- container_image :: Lens' Container (Maybe Text)
- container_command :: Lens' Container (Maybe [Text])
- container_environment :: Lens' Container (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- container_ports :: Lens' Container (Maybe (HashMap Text ContainerServiceProtocol))
- containerImage_image :: Lens' ContainerImage (Maybe Text)
- containerImage_createdAt :: Lens' ContainerImage (Maybe UTCTime)
- containerImage_digest :: Lens' ContainerImage (Maybe Text)
- containerService_state :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe ContainerServiceState)
- containerService_powerId :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe Text)
- containerService_resourceType :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe ResourceType)
- containerService_arn :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe Text)
- containerService_createdAt :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe UTCTime)
- containerService_location :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- containerService_scale :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe Natural)
- containerService_url :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe Text)
- containerService_stateDetail :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe ContainerServiceStateDetail)
- containerService_nextDeployment :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe ContainerServiceDeployment)
- containerService_principalArn :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe Text)
- containerService_power :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe ContainerServicePowerName)
- containerService_privateDomainName :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe Text)
- containerService_isDisabled :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe Bool)
- containerService_publicDomainNames :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe (HashMap Text [Text]))
- containerService_containerServiceName :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe Text)
- containerService_currentDeployment :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe ContainerServiceDeployment)
- containerService_tags :: Lens' ContainerService (Maybe [Tag])
- containerServiceDeployment_state :: Lens' ContainerServiceDeployment (Maybe ContainerServiceDeploymentState)
- containerServiceDeployment_publicEndpoint :: Lens' ContainerServiceDeployment (Maybe ContainerServiceEndpoint)
- containerServiceDeployment_createdAt :: Lens' ContainerServiceDeployment (Maybe UTCTime)
- containerServiceDeployment_containers :: Lens' ContainerServiceDeployment (Maybe (HashMap Text Container))
- containerServiceDeployment_version :: Lens' ContainerServiceDeployment (Maybe Int)
- containerServiceDeploymentRequest_publicEndpoint :: Lens' ContainerServiceDeploymentRequest (Maybe EndpointRequest)
- containerServiceDeploymentRequest_containers :: Lens' ContainerServiceDeploymentRequest (Maybe (HashMap Text Container))
- containerServiceEndpoint_healthCheck :: Lens' ContainerServiceEndpoint (Maybe ContainerServiceHealthCheckConfig)
- containerServiceEndpoint_containerName :: Lens' ContainerServiceEndpoint (Maybe Text)
- containerServiceEndpoint_containerPort :: Lens' ContainerServiceEndpoint (Maybe Int)
- containerServiceHealthCheckConfig_healthyThreshold :: Lens' ContainerServiceHealthCheckConfig (Maybe Int)
- containerServiceHealthCheckConfig_path :: Lens' ContainerServiceHealthCheckConfig (Maybe Text)
- containerServiceHealthCheckConfig_successCodes :: Lens' ContainerServiceHealthCheckConfig (Maybe Text)
- containerServiceHealthCheckConfig_intervalSeconds :: Lens' ContainerServiceHealthCheckConfig (Maybe Int)
- containerServiceHealthCheckConfig_timeoutSeconds :: Lens' ContainerServiceHealthCheckConfig (Maybe Int)
- containerServiceHealthCheckConfig_unhealthyThreshold :: Lens' ContainerServiceHealthCheckConfig (Maybe Int)
- containerServiceLogEvent_createdAt :: Lens' ContainerServiceLogEvent (Maybe UTCTime)
- containerServiceLogEvent_message :: Lens' ContainerServiceLogEvent (Maybe Text)
- containerServicePower_powerId :: Lens' ContainerServicePower (Maybe Text)
- containerServicePower_cpuCount :: Lens' ContainerServicePower (Maybe Double)
- containerServicePower_name :: Lens' ContainerServicePower (Maybe Text)
- containerServicePower_price :: Lens' ContainerServicePower (Maybe Double)
- containerServicePower_isActive :: Lens' ContainerServicePower (Maybe Bool)
- containerServicePower_ramSizeInGb :: Lens' ContainerServicePower (Maybe Double)
- containerServiceRegistryLogin_expiresAt :: Lens' ContainerServiceRegistryLogin (Maybe UTCTime)
- containerServiceRegistryLogin_username :: Lens' ContainerServiceRegistryLogin (Maybe Text)
- containerServiceRegistryLogin_password :: Lens' ContainerServiceRegistryLogin (Maybe Text)
- containerServiceRegistryLogin_registry :: Lens' ContainerServiceRegistryLogin (Maybe Text)
- containerServiceStateDetail_code :: Lens' ContainerServiceStateDetail (Maybe ContainerServiceStateDetailCode)
- containerServiceStateDetail_message :: Lens' ContainerServiceStateDetail (Maybe Text)
- cookieObject_cookiesAllowList :: Lens' CookieObject (Maybe [Text])
- cookieObject_option :: Lens' CookieObject (Maybe ForwardValues)
- destinationInfo_service :: Lens' DestinationInfo (Maybe Text)
- destinationInfo_id :: Lens' DestinationInfo (Maybe Text)
- disk_state :: Lens' Disk (Maybe DiskState)
- disk_resourceType :: Lens' Disk (Maybe ResourceType)
- disk_arn :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text)
- disk_path :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text)
- disk_createdAt :: Lens' Disk (Maybe UTCTime)
- disk_location :: Lens' Disk (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- disk_iops :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Int)
- disk_isAttached :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Bool)
- disk_addOns :: Lens' Disk (Maybe [AddOn])
- disk_attachmentState :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text)
- disk_name :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text)
- disk_sizeInGb :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Int)
- disk_supportCode :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text)
- disk_isSystemDisk :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Bool)
- disk_attachedTo :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Text)
- disk_gbInUse :: Lens' Disk (Maybe Int)
- disk_tags :: Lens' Disk (Maybe [Tag])
- diskInfo_path :: Lens' DiskInfo (Maybe Text)
- diskInfo_name :: Lens' DiskInfo (Maybe Text)
- diskInfo_sizeInGb :: Lens' DiskInfo (Maybe Int)
- diskInfo_isSystemDisk :: Lens' DiskInfo (Maybe Bool)
- diskMap_newDiskName :: Lens' DiskMap (Maybe Text)
- diskMap_originalDiskPath :: Lens' DiskMap (Maybe Text)
- diskSnapshot_fromDiskName :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- diskSnapshot_isFromAutoSnapshot :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe Bool)
- diskSnapshot_state :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe DiskSnapshotState)
- diskSnapshot_resourceType :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe ResourceType)
- diskSnapshot_arn :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- diskSnapshot_createdAt :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe UTCTime)
- diskSnapshot_location :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- diskSnapshot_progress :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- diskSnapshot_name :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- diskSnapshot_sizeInGb :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe Int)
- diskSnapshot_supportCode :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- diskSnapshot_fromInstanceArn :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- diskSnapshot_fromInstanceName :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- diskSnapshot_fromDiskArn :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- diskSnapshot_tags :: Lens' DiskSnapshot (Maybe [Tag])
- diskSnapshotInfo_sizeInGb :: Lens' DiskSnapshotInfo (Maybe Int)
- distributionBundle_transferPerMonthInGb :: Lens' DistributionBundle (Maybe Int)
- distributionBundle_bundleId :: Lens' DistributionBundle (Maybe Text)
- distributionBundle_name :: Lens' DistributionBundle (Maybe Text)
- distributionBundle_price :: Lens' DistributionBundle (Maybe Double)
- distributionBundle_isActive :: Lens' DistributionBundle (Maybe Bool)
- domain_resourceType :: Lens' Domain (Maybe ResourceType)
- domain_domainEntries :: Lens' Domain (Maybe [DomainEntry])
- domain_arn :: Lens' Domain (Maybe Text)
- domain_createdAt :: Lens' Domain (Maybe UTCTime)
- domain_location :: Lens' Domain (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- domain_name :: Lens' Domain (Maybe Text)
- domain_supportCode :: Lens' Domain (Maybe Text)
- domain_tags :: Lens' Domain (Maybe [Tag])
- domainEntry_isAlias :: Lens' DomainEntry (Maybe Bool)
- domainEntry_name :: Lens' DomainEntry (Maybe Text)
- domainEntry_id :: Lens' DomainEntry (Maybe Text)
- domainEntry_options :: Lens' DomainEntry (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- domainEntry_type :: Lens' DomainEntry (Maybe Text)
- domainEntry_target :: Lens' DomainEntry (Maybe Text)
- domainValidationRecord_resourceRecord :: Lens' DomainValidationRecord (Maybe ResourceRecord)
- domainValidationRecord_domainName :: Lens' DomainValidationRecord (Maybe Text)
- endpointRequest_healthCheck :: Lens' EndpointRequest (Maybe ContainerServiceHealthCheckConfig)
- endpointRequest_containerName :: Lens' EndpointRequest Text
- endpointRequest_containerPort :: Lens' EndpointRequest Int
- exportSnapshotRecord_state :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecord (Maybe RecordState)
- exportSnapshotRecord_destinationInfo :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecord (Maybe DestinationInfo)
- exportSnapshotRecord_resourceType :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecord (Maybe ResourceType)
- exportSnapshotRecord_arn :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecord (Maybe Text)
- exportSnapshotRecord_createdAt :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecord (Maybe UTCTime)
- exportSnapshotRecord_location :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecord (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- exportSnapshotRecord_name :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecord (Maybe Text)
- exportSnapshotRecord_sourceInfo :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecord (Maybe ExportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo)
- exportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo_diskSnapshotInfo :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo (Maybe DiskSnapshotInfo)
- exportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo_resourceType :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo (Maybe ExportSnapshotRecordSourceType)
- exportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo_arn :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo (Maybe Text)
- exportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo_createdAt :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo (Maybe UTCTime)
- exportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo_fromResourceArn :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo (Maybe Text)
- exportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo_name :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo (Maybe Text)
- exportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo_instanceSnapshotInfo :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo (Maybe InstanceSnapshotInfo)
- exportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo_fromResourceName :: Lens' ExportSnapshotRecordSourceInfo (Maybe Text)
- headerObject_headersAllowList :: Lens' HeaderObject (Maybe [HeaderEnum])
- headerObject_option :: Lens' HeaderObject (Maybe ForwardValues)
- hostKeyAttributes_notValidAfter :: Lens' HostKeyAttributes (Maybe UTCTime)
- hostKeyAttributes_notValidBefore :: Lens' HostKeyAttributes (Maybe UTCTime)
- hostKeyAttributes_fingerprintSHA1 :: Lens' HostKeyAttributes (Maybe Text)
- hostKeyAttributes_publicKey :: Lens' HostKeyAttributes (Maybe Text)
- hostKeyAttributes_algorithm :: Lens' HostKeyAttributes (Maybe Text)
- hostKeyAttributes_witnessedAt :: Lens' HostKeyAttributes (Maybe UTCTime)
- hostKeyAttributes_fingerprintSHA256 :: Lens' HostKeyAttributes (Maybe Text)
- inputOrigin_regionName :: Lens' InputOrigin (Maybe RegionName)
- inputOrigin_name :: Lens' InputOrigin (Maybe Text)
- inputOrigin_protocolPolicy :: Lens' InputOrigin (Maybe OriginProtocolPolicyEnum)
- instance_state :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceState)
- instance_resourceType :: Lens' Instance (Maybe ResourceType)
- instance_arn :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_createdAt :: Lens' Instance (Maybe UTCTime)
- instance_location :: Lens' Instance (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- instance_sshKeyName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_addOns :: Lens' Instance (Maybe [AddOn])
- instance_username :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_networking :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceNetworking)
- instance_bundleId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_name :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_ipAddressType :: Lens' Instance (Maybe IpAddressType)
- instance_supportCode :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_blueprintId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_privateIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_blueprintName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_isStaticIp :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Bool)
- instance_publicIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_hardware :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceHardware)
- instance_ipv6Addresses :: Lens' Instance (Maybe [Text])
- instance_tags :: Lens' Instance (Maybe [Tag])
- instanceAccessDetails_hostKeys :: Lens' InstanceAccessDetails (Maybe [HostKeyAttributes])
- instanceAccessDetails_certKey :: Lens' InstanceAccessDetails (Maybe Text)
- instanceAccessDetails_ipAddress :: Lens' InstanceAccessDetails (Maybe Text)
- instanceAccessDetails_privateKey :: Lens' InstanceAccessDetails (Maybe Text)
- instanceAccessDetails_expiresAt :: Lens' InstanceAccessDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceAccessDetails_username :: Lens' InstanceAccessDetails (Maybe Text)
- instanceAccessDetails_protocol :: Lens' InstanceAccessDetails (Maybe InstanceAccessProtocol)
- instanceAccessDetails_passwordData :: Lens' InstanceAccessDetails (Maybe PasswordData)
- instanceAccessDetails_password :: Lens' InstanceAccessDetails (Maybe Text)
- instanceAccessDetails_instanceName :: Lens' InstanceAccessDetails (Maybe Text)
- instanceEntry_userData :: Lens' InstanceEntry (Maybe Text)
- instanceEntry_sourceName :: Lens' InstanceEntry Text
- instanceEntry_instanceType :: Lens' InstanceEntry Text
- instanceEntry_portInfoSource :: Lens' InstanceEntry PortInfoSourceType
- instanceEntry_availabilityZone :: Lens' InstanceEntry Text
- instanceHardware_cpuCount :: Lens' InstanceHardware (Maybe Int)
- instanceHardware_disks :: Lens' InstanceHardware (Maybe [Disk])
- instanceHardware_ramSizeInGb :: Lens' InstanceHardware (Maybe Double)
- instanceHealthSummary_instanceHealth :: Lens' InstanceHealthSummary (Maybe InstanceHealthState)
- instanceHealthSummary_instanceName :: Lens' InstanceHealthSummary (Maybe Text)
- instanceHealthSummary_instanceHealthReason :: Lens' InstanceHealthSummary (Maybe InstanceHealthReason)
- instanceNetworking_monthlyTransfer :: Lens' InstanceNetworking (Maybe MonthlyTransfer)
- instanceNetworking_ports :: Lens' InstanceNetworking (Maybe [InstancePortInfo])
- instancePortInfo_fromPort :: Lens' InstancePortInfo (Maybe Int)
- instancePortInfo_cidrs :: Lens' InstancePortInfo (Maybe [Text])
- instancePortInfo_commonName :: Lens' InstancePortInfo (Maybe Text)
- instancePortInfo_protocol :: Lens' InstancePortInfo (Maybe NetworkProtocol)
- instancePortInfo_cidrListAliases :: Lens' InstancePortInfo (Maybe [Text])
- instancePortInfo_ipv6Cidrs :: Lens' InstancePortInfo (Maybe [Text])
- instancePortInfo_accessDirection :: Lens' InstancePortInfo (Maybe AccessDirection)
- instancePortInfo_accessType :: Lens' InstancePortInfo (Maybe PortAccessType)
- instancePortInfo_toPort :: Lens' InstancePortInfo (Maybe Int)
- instancePortInfo_accessFrom :: Lens' InstancePortInfo (Maybe Text)
- instancePortState_fromPort :: Lens' InstancePortState (Maybe Int)
- instancePortState_cidrs :: Lens' InstancePortState (Maybe [Text])
- instancePortState_state :: Lens' InstancePortState (Maybe PortState)
- instancePortState_protocol :: Lens' InstancePortState (Maybe NetworkProtocol)
- instancePortState_cidrListAliases :: Lens' InstancePortState (Maybe [Text])
- instancePortState_ipv6Cidrs :: Lens' InstancePortState (Maybe [Text])
- instancePortState_toPort :: Lens' InstancePortState (Maybe Int)
- instanceSnapshot_fromBlueprintId :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- instanceSnapshot_isFromAutoSnapshot :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe Bool)
- instanceSnapshot_state :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe InstanceSnapshotState)
- instanceSnapshot_resourceType :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe ResourceType)
- instanceSnapshot_fromAttachedDisks :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe [Disk])
- instanceSnapshot_arn :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- instanceSnapshot_createdAt :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceSnapshot_location :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- instanceSnapshot_progress :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- instanceSnapshot_name :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- instanceSnapshot_fromBundleId :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- instanceSnapshot_sizeInGb :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe Int)
- instanceSnapshot_supportCode :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- instanceSnapshot_fromInstanceArn :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- instanceSnapshot_fromInstanceName :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- instanceSnapshot_tags :: Lens' InstanceSnapshot (Maybe [Tag])
- instanceSnapshotInfo_fromBlueprintId :: Lens' InstanceSnapshotInfo (Maybe Text)
- instanceSnapshotInfo_fromBundleId :: Lens' InstanceSnapshotInfo (Maybe Text)
- instanceSnapshotInfo_fromDiskInfo :: Lens' InstanceSnapshotInfo (Maybe [DiskInfo])
- instanceState_name :: Lens' InstanceState (Maybe Text)
- instanceState_code :: Lens' InstanceState (Maybe Int)
- keyPair_resourceType :: Lens' KeyPair (Maybe ResourceType)
- keyPair_arn :: Lens' KeyPair (Maybe Text)
- keyPair_createdAt :: Lens' KeyPair (Maybe UTCTime)
- keyPair_location :: Lens' KeyPair (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- keyPair_fingerprint :: Lens' KeyPair (Maybe Text)
- keyPair_name :: Lens' KeyPair (Maybe Text)
- keyPair_supportCode :: Lens' KeyPair (Maybe Text)
- keyPair_tags :: Lens' KeyPair (Maybe [Tag])
- lightsailDistribution_status :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe Text)
- lightsailDistribution_origin :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe Origin)
- lightsailDistribution_certificateName :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe Text)
- lightsailDistribution_resourceType :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe ResourceType)
- lightsailDistribution_arn :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe Text)
- lightsailDistribution_createdAt :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe UTCTime)
- lightsailDistribution_location :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- lightsailDistribution_cacheBehaviorSettings :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe CacheSettings)
- lightsailDistribution_alternativeDomainNames :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe [Text])
- lightsailDistribution_bundleId :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe Text)
- lightsailDistribution_ableToUpdateBundle :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe Bool)
- lightsailDistribution_originPublicDNS :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe Text)
- lightsailDistribution_domainName :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe Text)
- lightsailDistribution_name :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe Text)
- lightsailDistribution_ipAddressType :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe IpAddressType)
- lightsailDistribution_isEnabled :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe Bool)
- lightsailDistribution_supportCode :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe Text)
- lightsailDistribution_defaultCacheBehavior :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe CacheBehavior)
- lightsailDistribution_cacheBehaviors :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe [CacheBehaviorPerPath])
- lightsailDistribution_tags :: Lens' LightsailDistribution (Maybe [Tag])
- loadBalancer_healthCheckPath :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancer_state :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe LoadBalancerState)
- loadBalancer_resourceType :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe ResourceType)
- loadBalancer_arn :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancer_createdAt :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe UTCTime)
- loadBalancer_location :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- loadBalancer_instancePort :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe Int)
- loadBalancer_configurationOptions :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe (HashMap LoadBalancerAttributeName Text))
- loadBalancer_protocol :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe LoadBalancerProtocol)
- loadBalancer_tlsCertificateSummaries :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe [LoadBalancerTlsCertificateSummary])
- loadBalancer_name :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancer_ipAddressType :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe IpAddressType)
- loadBalancer_supportCode :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancer_publicPorts :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe [Int])
- loadBalancer_dnsName :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancer_instanceHealthSummary :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe [InstanceHealthSummary])
- loadBalancer_tags :: Lens' LoadBalancer (Maybe [Tag])
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_failureReason :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe LoadBalancerTlsCertificateFailureReason)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_subject :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_status :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe LoadBalancerTlsCertificateStatus)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_subjectAlternativeNames :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe [Text])
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_resourceType :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe ResourceType)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_arn :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_createdAt :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe UTCTime)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_location :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_loadBalancerName :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_serial :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_isAttached :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Bool)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_revokedAt :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe UTCTime)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_notBefore :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe UTCTime)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_revocationReason :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe LoadBalancerTlsCertificateRevocationReason)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_domainName :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_name :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_renewalSummary :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe LoadBalancerTlsCertificateRenewalSummary)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_supportCode :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_domainValidationRecords :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe [LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationRecord])
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_issuedAt :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe UTCTime)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_keyAlgorithm :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_signatureAlgorithm :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_issuer :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_tags :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe [Tag])
- loadBalancerTlsCertificate_notAfter :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe UTCTime)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationOption_domainName :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationOption_validationStatus :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainStatus)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationRecord_value :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationRecord (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationRecord_domainName :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationRecord (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationRecord_name :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationRecord (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationRecord_validationStatus :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationRecord (Maybe LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainStatus)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationRecord_type :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationRecord (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificateRenewalSummary_renewalStatus :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificateRenewalSummary (Maybe LoadBalancerTlsCertificateRenewalStatus)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificateRenewalSummary_domainValidationOptions :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificateRenewalSummary (Maybe [LoadBalancerTlsCertificateDomainValidationOption])
- loadBalancerTlsCertificateSummary_isAttached :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificateSummary (Maybe Bool)
- loadBalancerTlsCertificateSummary_name :: Lens' LoadBalancerTlsCertificateSummary (Maybe Text)
- logEvent_createdAt :: Lens' LogEvent (Maybe UTCTime)
- logEvent_message :: Lens' LogEvent (Maybe Text)
- metricDatapoint_sampleCount :: Lens' MetricDatapoint (Maybe Double)
- metricDatapoint_maximum :: Lens' MetricDatapoint (Maybe Double)
- metricDatapoint_average :: Lens' MetricDatapoint (Maybe Double)
- metricDatapoint_minimum :: Lens' MetricDatapoint (Maybe Double)
- metricDatapoint_sum :: Lens' MetricDatapoint (Maybe Double)
- metricDatapoint_timestamp :: Lens' MetricDatapoint (Maybe UTCTime)
- metricDatapoint_unit :: Lens' MetricDatapoint (Maybe MetricUnit)
- monitoredResourceInfo_resourceType :: Lens' MonitoredResourceInfo (Maybe ResourceType)
- monitoredResourceInfo_arn :: Lens' MonitoredResourceInfo (Maybe Text)
- monitoredResourceInfo_name :: Lens' MonitoredResourceInfo (Maybe Text)
- monthlyTransfer_gbPerMonthAllocated :: Lens' MonthlyTransfer (Maybe Int)
- operation_status :: Lens' Operation (Maybe OperationStatus)
- operation_operationDetails :: Lens' Operation (Maybe Text)
- operation_resourceType :: Lens' Operation (Maybe ResourceType)
- operation_createdAt :: Lens' Operation (Maybe UTCTime)
- operation_resourceName :: Lens' Operation (Maybe Text)
- operation_location :: Lens' Operation (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- operation_statusChangedAt :: Lens' Operation (Maybe UTCTime)
- operation_errorDetails :: Lens' Operation (Maybe Text)
- operation_errorCode :: Lens' Operation (Maybe Text)
- operation_id :: Lens' Operation (Maybe Text)
- operation_operationType :: Lens' Operation (Maybe OperationType)
- operation_isTerminal :: Lens' Operation (Maybe Bool)
- origin_regionName :: Lens' Origin (Maybe RegionName)
- origin_resourceType :: Lens' Origin (Maybe ResourceType)
- origin_name :: Lens' Origin (Maybe Text)
- origin_protocolPolicy :: Lens' Origin (Maybe OriginProtocolPolicyEnum)
- passwordData_keyPairName :: Lens' PasswordData (Maybe Text)
- passwordData_ciphertext :: Lens' PasswordData (Maybe Text)
- pendingMaintenanceAction_action :: Lens' PendingMaintenanceAction (Maybe Text)
- pendingMaintenanceAction_description :: Lens' PendingMaintenanceAction (Maybe Text)
- pendingMaintenanceAction_currentApplyDate :: Lens' PendingMaintenanceAction (Maybe UTCTime)
- pendingModifiedRelationalDatabaseValues_engineVersion :: Lens' PendingModifiedRelationalDatabaseValues (Maybe Text)
- pendingModifiedRelationalDatabaseValues_masterUserPassword :: Lens' PendingModifiedRelationalDatabaseValues (Maybe Text)
- pendingModifiedRelationalDatabaseValues_backupRetentionEnabled :: Lens' PendingModifiedRelationalDatabaseValues (Maybe Bool)
- portInfo_fromPort :: Lens' PortInfo (Maybe Int)
- portInfo_cidrs :: Lens' PortInfo (Maybe [Text])
- portInfo_protocol :: Lens' PortInfo (Maybe NetworkProtocol)
- portInfo_cidrListAliases :: Lens' PortInfo (Maybe [Text])
- portInfo_ipv6Cidrs :: Lens' PortInfo (Maybe [Text])
- portInfo_toPort :: Lens' PortInfo (Maybe Int)
- queryStringObject_queryStringsAllowList :: Lens' QueryStringObject (Maybe [Text])
- queryStringObject_option :: Lens' QueryStringObject (Maybe Bool)
- regionInfo_availabilityZones :: Lens' RegionInfo (Maybe [AvailabilityZone])
- regionInfo_name :: Lens' RegionInfo (Maybe RegionName)
- regionInfo_relationalDatabaseAvailabilityZones :: Lens' RegionInfo (Maybe [AvailabilityZone])
- regionInfo_displayName :: Lens' RegionInfo (Maybe Text)
- regionInfo_continentCode :: Lens' RegionInfo (Maybe Text)
- regionInfo_description :: Lens' RegionInfo (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_engineVersion :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseBundleId :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_masterEndpoint :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe RelationalDatabaseEndpoint)
- relationalDatabase_state :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_resourceType :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe ResourceType)
- relationalDatabase_publiclyAccessible :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Bool)
- relationalDatabase_masterUsername :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_arn :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_createdAt :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe UTCTime)
- relationalDatabase_location :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- relationalDatabase_engine :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_latestRestorableTime :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe UTCTime)
- relationalDatabase_preferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseBlueprintId :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_caCertificateIdentifier :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_name :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_backupRetentionEnabled :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Bool)
- relationalDatabase_preferredBackupWindow :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_pendingMaintenanceActions :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe [PendingMaintenanceAction])
- relationalDatabase_supportCode :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_secondaryAvailabilityZone :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_pendingModifiedValues :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe PendingModifiedRelationalDatabaseValues)
- relationalDatabase_masterDatabaseName :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_hardware :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe RelationalDatabaseHardware)
- relationalDatabase_parameterApplyStatus :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabase_tags :: Lens' RelationalDatabase (Maybe [Tag])
- relationalDatabaseBlueprint_engineVersion :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBlueprint (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseBlueprint_isEngineDefault :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBlueprint (Maybe Bool)
- relationalDatabaseBlueprint_engineVersionDescription :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBlueprint (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseBlueprint_engine :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBlueprint (Maybe RelationalDatabaseEngine)
- relationalDatabaseBlueprint_blueprintId :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBlueprint (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseBlueprint_engineDescription :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBlueprint (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseBundle_isEncrypted :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBundle (Maybe Bool)
- relationalDatabaseBundle_cpuCount :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBundle (Maybe Int)
- relationalDatabaseBundle_transferPerMonthInGb :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBundle (Maybe Int)
- relationalDatabaseBundle_bundleId :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBundle (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseBundle_name :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBundle (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseBundle_diskSizeInGb :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBundle (Maybe Int)
- relationalDatabaseBundle_price :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBundle (Maybe Double)
- relationalDatabaseBundle_isActive :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBundle (Maybe Bool)
- relationalDatabaseBundle_ramSizeInGb :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseBundle (Maybe Double)
- relationalDatabaseEndpoint_address :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseEndpoint (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseEndpoint_port :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseEndpoint (Maybe Int)
- relationalDatabaseEvent_createdAt :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseEvent (Maybe UTCTime)
- relationalDatabaseEvent_eventCategories :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseEvent (Maybe [Text])
- relationalDatabaseEvent_resource :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseEvent (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseEvent_message :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseEvent (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseHardware_cpuCount :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseHardware (Maybe Int)
- relationalDatabaseHardware_diskSizeInGb :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseHardware (Maybe Int)
- relationalDatabaseHardware_ramSizeInGb :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseHardware (Maybe Double)
- relationalDatabaseParameter_applyType :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseParameter (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseParameter_parameterValue :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseParameter (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseParameter_applyMethod :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseParameter (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseParameter_dataType :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseParameter (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseParameter_isModifiable :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseParameter (Maybe Bool)
- relationalDatabaseParameter_allowedValues :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseParameter (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseParameter_parameterName :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseParameter (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseParameter_description :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseParameter (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_engineVersion :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_state :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_fromRelationalDatabaseName :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_resourceType :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe ResourceType)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_fromRelationalDatabaseBlueprintId :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_arn :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_createdAt :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe UTCTime)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_location :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_engine :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_name :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_sizeInGb :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe Int)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_supportCode :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_fromRelationalDatabaseArn :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_fromRelationalDatabaseBundleId :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe Text)
- relationalDatabaseSnapshot_tags :: Lens' RelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe [Tag])
- renewalSummary_renewalStatus :: Lens' RenewalSummary (Maybe RenewalStatus)
- renewalSummary_domainValidationRecords :: Lens' RenewalSummary (Maybe [DomainValidationRecord])
- renewalSummary_updatedAt :: Lens' RenewalSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- renewalSummary_renewalStatusReason :: Lens' RenewalSummary (Maybe Text)
- resourceLocation_regionName :: Lens' ResourceLocation (Maybe RegionName)
- resourceLocation_availabilityZone :: Lens' ResourceLocation (Maybe Text)
- resourceReceivingAccess_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceReceivingAccess (Maybe Text)
- resourceReceivingAccess_name :: Lens' ResourceReceivingAccess (Maybe Text)
- resourceRecord_value :: Lens' ResourceRecord (Maybe Text)
- resourceRecord_name :: Lens' ResourceRecord (Maybe Text)
- resourceRecord_type :: Lens' ResourceRecord (Maybe Text)
- staticIp_ipAddress :: Lens' StaticIp (Maybe Text)
- staticIp_resourceType :: Lens' StaticIp (Maybe ResourceType)
- staticIp_arn :: Lens' StaticIp (Maybe Text)
- staticIp_createdAt :: Lens' StaticIp (Maybe UTCTime)
- staticIp_location :: Lens' StaticIp (Maybe ResourceLocation)
- staticIp_isAttached :: Lens' StaticIp (Maybe Bool)
- staticIp_name :: Lens' StaticIp (Maybe Text)
- staticIp_supportCode :: Lens' StaticIp (Maybe Text)
- staticIp_attachedTo :: Lens' StaticIp (Maybe Text)
- tag_value :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text)
- tag_key :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text)
closeInstancePublicPorts_portInfo :: Lens' CloseInstancePublicPorts PortInfo Source #
An object to describe the ports to close for the specified instance.
closeInstancePublicPorts_instanceName :: Lens' CloseInstancePublicPorts Text Source #
The name of the instance for which to close ports.
closeInstancePublicPortsResponse_operation :: Lens' CloseInstancePublicPortsResponse (Maybe Operation) Source #
An object that describes the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
closeInstancePublicPortsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CloseInstancePublicPortsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData Text Source #
The name of your database from which to get metric data.
getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_metricName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData RelationalDatabaseMetricName Source #
The metric for which you want to return information.
Valid relational database metric names are listed below, along with the
most useful statistics
to include in your request, and the published
value. All relational database metric data is available in
1-minute (60 seconds) granularity.
- The percentage of CPU utilization currently in use on the database.Statistics
: The most useful statistics areMaximum
: The published unit isPercent
- The number of database connections in use.Statistics
: The most useful statistics areMaximum
: The published unit isCount
- The number of outstanding IOs (read/write requests) that are waiting to access the disk.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isSum
: The published unit isCount
- The amount of available storage space.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isSum
: The published unit isBytes
- The incoming (Receive) network traffic on the database, including both customer database traffic and AWS traffic used for monitoring and replication.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isAverage
: The published unit isBytes/Second
- The outgoing (Transmit) network traffic on the database, including both customer database traffic and AWS traffic used for monitoring and replication.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isAverage
: The published unit isBytes/Second
getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_period :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData Natural Source #
The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
All relational database metric data is available in 1-minute (60 seconds) granularity.
getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_startTime :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData UTCTime Source #
The start of the time interval from which to get metric data.
- Specified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Specified in the Unix time format.
For example, if you wish to use a start time of October 1, 2018, at 8 PM UTC, then you input
as the start time.
getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_endTime :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData UTCTime Source #
The end of the time interval from which to get metric data.
- Specified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Specified in the Unix time format.
For example, if you wish to use an end time of October 1, 2018, at 8 PM UTC, then you input
as the end time.
getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_unit :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData MetricUnit Source #
The unit for the metric data request. Valid units depend on the metric
data being requested. For the valid units with each available metric,
see the metricName
getRelationalDatabaseMetricData_statistics :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData [MetricStatistic] Source #
The statistic for the metric.
The following statistics are available:
- The lowest value observed during the specified period. Use this value to determine low volumes of activity for your application.Maximum
- The highest value observed during the specified period. Use this value to determine high volumes of activity for your application.Sum
- All values submitted for the matching metric added together. You can use this statistic to determine the total volume of a metric.Average
- The value of Sum / SampleCount during the specified period. By comparing this statistic with the Minimum and Maximum values, you can determine the full scope of a metric and how close the average use is to the Minimum and Maximum values. This comparison helps you to know when to increase or decrease your resources.SampleCount
- The count, or number, of data points used for the statistical calculation.
getRelationalDatabaseMetricDataResponse_metricName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricDataResponse (Maybe RelationalDatabaseMetricName) Source #
The name of the metric returned.
getRelationalDatabaseMetricDataResponse_metricData :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MetricDatapoint]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the metric data returned.
getRelationalDatabaseMetricDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseMetricDataResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteBucketAccessKey_bucketName :: Lens' DeleteBucketAccessKey Text Source #
The name of the bucket that the access key belongs to.
deleteBucketAccessKey_accessKeyId :: Lens' DeleteBucketAccessKey Text Source #
The ID of the access key to delete.
Use the GetBucketAccessKeys action to get a list of access key IDs that you can specify.
deleteBucketAccessKeyResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteBucketAccessKeyResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
deleteBucketAccessKeyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteBucketAccessKeyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
allocateStaticIp_staticIpName :: Lens' AllocateStaticIp Text Source #
The name of the static IP address.
allocateStaticIpResponse_operations :: Lens' AllocateStaticIpResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
allocateStaticIpResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AllocateStaticIpResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteKeyPair_keyPairName :: Lens' DeleteKeyPair Text Source #
The name of the key pair to delete.
deleteKeyPairResponse_operation :: Lens' DeleteKeyPairResponse (Maybe Operation) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
deleteKeyPairResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteKeyPairResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteInstanceSnapshot_instanceSnapshotName :: Lens' DeleteInstanceSnapshot Text Source #
The name of the snapshot to delete.
deleteInstanceSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteInstanceSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
deleteInstanceSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteInstanceSnapshotResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getInstances_pageToken :: Lens' GetInstances (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
To get a page token, perform an initial GetInstances
request. If your
results are paginated, the response will return a next page token that
you can specify as the page token in a subsequent request.
getInstancesResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetInstancesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
A next page token is not returned if there are no more results to display.
To get the next page of results, perform another GetInstances
and specify the next page token using the pageToken
getInstancesResponse_instances :: Lens' GetInstancesResponse (Maybe [Instance]) Source #
An array of key-value pairs containing information about your instances.
getInstancesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstancesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getLoadBalancer_loadBalancerName :: Lens' GetLoadBalancer Text Source #
The name of the load balancer.
getLoadBalancerResponse_loadBalancer :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerResponse (Maybe LoadBalancer) Source #
An object containing information about your load balancer.
getLoadBalancerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLoadBalancerResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disableAddOn_addOnType :: Lens' DisableAddOn AddOnType Source #
The add-on type to disable.
disableAddOn_resourceName :: Lens' DisableAddOn Text Source #
The name of the source resource for which to disable the add-on.
disableAddOnResponse_operations :: Lens' DisableAddOnResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
disableAddOnResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableAddOnResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getDistributions_distributionName :: Lens' GetDistributions (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the distribution for which to return information.
When omitted, the response includes all of your distributions in the AWS Region where the request is made.
getDistributions_pageToken :: Lens' GetDistributions (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
To get a page token, perform an initial GetDistributions
request. If
your results are paginated, the response will return a next page token
that you can specify as the page token in a subsequent request.
getDistributionsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetDistributionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
A next page token is not returned if there are no more results to display.
To get the next page of results, perform another GetDistributions
request and specify the next page token using the pageToken
getDistributionsResponse_distributions :: Lens' GetDistributionsResponse (Maybe [LightsailDistribution]) Source #
An array of objects that describe your distributions.
getDistributionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDistributionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createContainerServiceDeployment_publicEndpoint :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceDeployment (Maybe EndpointRequest) Source #
An object that describes the settings of the public endpoint for the container service.
createContainerServiceDeployment_containers :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceDeployment (Maybe (HashMap Text Container)) Source #
An object that describes the settings of the containers that will be launched on the container service.
createContainerServiceDeployment_serviceName :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceDeployment Text Source #
The name of the container service for which to create the deployment.
createContainerServiceDeploymentResponse_containerService :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceDeploymentResponse (Maybe ContainerService) Source #
An object that describes a container service.
createContainerServiceDeploymentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceDeploymentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getInstance_instanceName :: Lens' GetInstance Text Source #
The name of the instance.
getInstanceResponse_instance :: Lens' GetInstanceResponse (Maybe Instance) Source #
An array of key-value pairs containing information about the specified instance.
getInstanceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstanceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteBucket_forceDelete :: Lens' DeleteBucket (Maybe Bool) Source #
A Boolean value that indicates whether to force delete the bucket.
You must force delete the bucket if it has one of the following conditions:
- The bucket is the origin of a distribution.
- The bucket has instances that were granted access to it using the SetResourceAccessForBucket action.
- The bucket has objects.
- The bucket has access keys.
Force deleting a bucket might impact other resources that rely on the bucket, such as instances, distributions, or software that use the issued access keys.
deleteBucket_bucketName :: Lens' DeleteBucket Text Source #
The name of the bucket to delete.
Use the GetBuckets action to get a list of bucket names that you can specify.
deleteBucketResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteBucketResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
deleteBucketResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteBucketResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateBucket_readonlyAccessAccounts :: Lens' UpdateBucket (Maybe [Text]) Source #
An array of strings to specify the AWS account IDs that can access the bucket.
You can give a maximum of 10 AWS accounts access to a bucket.
updateBucket_accessRules :: Lens' UpdateBucket (Maybe AccessRules) Source #
An object that sets the public accessibility of objects in the specified bucket.
updateBucket_versioning :: Lens' UpdateBucket (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies whether to enable or suspend versioning of objects in the bucket.
The following options can be specified:
- Enables versioning of objects in the specified bucket.Suspended
- Suspends versioning of objects in the specified bucket. Existing object versions are retained.
updateBucket_bucketName :: Lens' UpdateBucket Text Source #
The name of the bucket to update.
updateBucketResponse_bucket :: Lens' UpdateBucketResponse (Maybe Bucket) Source #
An object that describes the bucket that is updated.
updateBucketResponse_operations :: Lens' UpdateBucketResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
updateBucketResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateBucketResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getRelationalDatabaseEvents_durationInMinutes :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseEvents (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of minutes in the past from which to retrieve events. For example, to get all events from the past 2 hours, enter 120.
Default: 60
The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 14 days (20160 minutes).
getRelationalDatabaseEvents_pageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseEvents (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
To get a page token, perform an initial GetRelationalDatabaseEvents
request. If your results are paginated, the response will return a next
page token that you can specify as the page token in a subsequent
getRelationalDatabaseEvents_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseEvents Text Source #
The name of the database from which to get events.
getRelationalDatabaseEventsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseEventsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
A next page token is not returned if there are no more results to display.
To get the next page of results, perform another
request and specify the next page token
using the pageToken
getRelationalDatabaseEventsResponse_relationalDatabaseEvents :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseEventsResponse (Maybe [RelationalDatabaseEvent]) Source #
An object describing the result of your get relational database events request.
getRelationalDatabaseEventsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseEventsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
attachCertificateToDistribution_distributionName :: Lens' AttachCertificateToDistribution Text Source #
The name of the distribution that the certificate will be attached to.
Use the GetDistributions
action to get a list of distribution names
that you can specify.
attachCertificateToDistribution_certificateName :: Lens' AttachCertificateToDistribution Text Source #
The name of the certificate to attach to a distribution.
Only certificates with a status of ISSUED
can be attached to a
Use the GetCertificates
action to get a list of certificate names that
you can specify.
This is the name of the certificate resource type and is used only to
reference the certificate in other API actions. It can be different than
the domain name of the certificate. For example, your certificate name
might be WordPress-Blog-Certificate
and the domain name of the
certificate might be
attachCertificateToDistributionResponse_operation :: Lens' AttachCertificateToDistributionResponse (Maybe Operation) Source #
An object that describes the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
attachCertificateToDistributionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AttachCertificateToDistributionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getContainerServices_serviceName :: Lens' GetContainerServices (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the container service for which to return information.
When omitted, the response includes all of your container services in the AWS Region where the request is made.
getContainerServicesResponse_containerServices :: Lens' GetContainerServicesResponse (Maybe [ContainerService]) Source #
An array of objects that describe one or more container services.
getContainerServicesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContainerServicesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateDistributionBundle_bundleId :: Lens' UpdateDistributionBundle (Maybe Text) Source #
The bundle ID of the new bundle to apply to your distribution.
Use the GetDistributionBundles
action to get a list of distribution
bundle IDs that you can specify.
updateDistributionBundle_distributionName :: Lens' UpdateDistributionBundle (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the distribution for which to update the bundle.
Use the GetDistributions
action to get a list of distribution names
that you can specify.
updateDistributionBundleResponse_operation :: Lens' UpdateDistributionBundleResponse (Maybe Operation) Source #
Undocumented member.
updateDistributionBundleResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDistributionBundleResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getRelationalDatabaseSnapshots_pageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshots (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
To get a page token, perform an initial GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshots
request. If your results are paginated, the response will return a next
page token that you can specify as the page token in a subsequent
getRelationalDatabaseSnapshotsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshotsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
A next page token is not returned if there are no more results to display.
To get the next page of results, perform another
request and specify the next page token
using the pageToken
getRelationalDatabaseSnapshotsResponse_relationalDatabaseSnapshots :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshotsResponse (Maybe [RelationalDatabaseSnapshot]) Source #
An object describing the result of your get relational database snapshots request.
getRelationalDatabaseSnapshotsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshotsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getBucketBundles_includeInactive :: Lens' GetBucketBundles (Maybe Bool) Source #
A Boolean value that indicates whether to include inactive (unavailable) bundles in the response.
getBucketBundlesResponse_bundles :: Lens' GetBucketBundlesResponse (Maybe [BucketBundle]) Source #
An object that describes bucket bundles.
getBucketBundlesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBucketBundlesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createBucket_enableObjectVersioning :: Lens' CreateBucket (Maybe Bool) Source #
A Boolean value that indicates whether to enable versioning of objects in the bucket.
For more information about versioning, see Enabling and suspending object versioning in a bucket in Amazon Lightsail in the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.
createBucket_tags :: Lens' CreateBucket (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
The tag keys and optional values to add to the bucket during creation.
Use the TagResource action to tag the bucket after it's created.
createBucket_bucketName :: Lens' CreateBucket Text Source #
The name for the bucket.
For more information about bucket names, see Bucket naming rules in Amazon Lightsail in the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.
createBucket_bundleId :: Lens' CreateBucket Text Source #
The ID of the bundle to use for the bucket.
A bucket bundle specifies the monthly cost, storage space, and data transfer quota for a bucket.
Use the GetBucketBundles action to get a list of bundle IDs that you can specify.
Use the UpdateBucketBundle action to change the bundle after the bucket is created.
createBucketResponse_bucket :: Lens' CreateBucketResponse (Maybe Bucket) Source #
An object that describes the bucket that is created.
createBucketResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateBucketResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
createBucketResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateBucketResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
attachStaticIp_staticIpName :: Lens' AttachStaticIp Text Source #
The name of the static IP.
attachStaticIp_instanceName :: Lens' AttachStaticIp Text Source #
The instance name to which you want to attach the static IP address.
attachStaticIpResponse_operations :: Lens' AttachStaticIpResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
attachStaticIpResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AttachStaticIpResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getRelationalDatabaseParameters_pageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
To get a page token, perform an initial
request. If your results are
paginated, the response will return a next page token that you can
specify as the page token in a subsequent request.
getRelationalDatabaseParameters_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseParameters Text Source #
The name of your database for which to get parameters.
getRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
A next page token is not returned if there are no more results to display.
To get the next page of results, perform another
request and specify the next page
token using the pageToken
getRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse_parameters :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse (Maybe [RelationalDatabaseParameter]) Source #
An object describing the result of your get relational database parameters request.
getRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
detachDisk_diskName :: Lens' DetachDisk Text Source #
The unique name of the disk you want to detach from your instance (e.g.,
detachDiskResponse_operations :: Lens' DetachDiskResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
detachDiskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetachDiskResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getContactMethods_protocols :: Lens' GetContactMethods (Maybe [ContactProtocol]) Source #
The protocols used to send notifications, such as Email
, or SMS
(text messaging).
Specify a protocol in your request to return information about a specific contact method protocol.
getContactMethodsResponse_contactMethods :: Lens' GetContactMethodsResponse (Maybe [ContactMethod]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the contact methods.
getContactMethodsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContactMethodsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
downloadDefaultKeyPairResponse_publicKeyBase64 :: Lens' DownloadDefaultKeyPairResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A base64-encoded public key of the ssh-rsa
downloadDefaultKeyPairResponse_privateKeyBase64 :: Lens' DownloadDefaultKeyPairResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A base64-encoded RSA private key.
downloadDefaultKeyPairResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DownloadDefaultKeyPairResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_force :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe Bool) Source #
When true
, forces the deletion of an SSL/TLS certificate.
There can be two certificates associated with a Lightsail load balancer:
the primary and the backup. The force
parameter is required when the
primary SSL/TLS certificate is in use by an instance attached to the
load balancer.
deleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_loadBalancerName :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Text Source #
The load balancer name.
deleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_certificateName :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Text Source #
The SSL/TLS certificate name.
deleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
deleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
testAlarm_state :: Lens' TestAlarm AlarmState Source #
The alarm state to test.
An alarm has the following possible states that can be tested:
- The metric is outside of the defined threshold.INSUFFICIENT_DATA
- The alarm has just started, the metric is not available, or not enough data is available for the metric to determine the alarm state.OK
- The metric is within the defined threshold.
testAlarmResponse_operations :: Lens' TestAlarmResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
testAlarmResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TestAlarmResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getDomains_pageToken :: Lens' GetDomains (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
To get a page token, perform an initial GetDomains
request. If your
results are paginated, the response will return a next page token that
you can specify as the page token in a subsequent request.
getDomainsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetDomainsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
A next page token is not returned if there are no more results to display.
To get the next page of results, perform another GetDomains
and specify the next page token using the pageToken
getDomainsResponse_domains :: Lens' GetDomainsResponse (Maybe [Domain]) Source #
An array of key-value pairs containing information about each of the domain entries in the user's account.
getDomainsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDomainsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getContainerImages_serviceName :: Lens' GetContainerImages Text Source #
The name of the container service for which to return registered container images.
getContainerImagesResponse_containerImages :: Lens' GetContainerImagesResponse (Maybe [ContainerImage]) Source #
An array of objects that describe container images that are registered to the container service.
getContainerImagesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContainerImagesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateRelationalDatabaseParameters_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabaseParameters Text Source #
The name of your database for which to update parameters.
updateRelationalDatabaseParameters_parameters :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabaseParameters [RelationalDatabaseParameter] Source #
The database parameters to update.
updateRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse_operations :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
updateRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateRelationalDatabaseParametersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_certificateAlternativeNames :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe [Text]) Source #
An array of strings listing alternative domains and subdomains for your
SSL/TLS certificate. Lightsail will de-dupe the names for you. You can
have a maximum of 9 alternative names (in addition to the 1 primary
domain). We do not support wildcards (e.g., *
createLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_tags :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificate (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
The tag keys and optional values to add to the resource during create.
Use the TagResource
action to tag a resource after it's created.
createLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_loadBalancerName :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Text Source #
The load balancer name where you want to create the SSL/TLS certificate.
createLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_certificateName :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Text Source #
The SSL/TLS certificate name.
You can have up to 10 certificates in your account at one time. Each Lightsail load balancer can have up to 2 certificates associated with it at one time. There is also an overall limit to the number of certificates that can be issue in a 365-day period. For more information, see Limits.
createLoadBalancerTlsCertificate_certificateDomainName :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Text Source #
The domain name (e.g.,
) for your SSL/TLS certificate.
createLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
createLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificateResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createDomainEntry_domainName :: Lens' CreateDomainEntry Text Source #
The domain name (e.g.,
) for which you want to create the
domain entry.
createDomainEntry_domainEntry :: Lens' CreateDomainEntry DomainEntry Source #
An array of key-value pairs containing information about the domain entry request.
createDomainEntryResponse_operation :: Lens' CreateDomainEntryResponse (Maybe Operation) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
createDomainEntryResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDomainEntryResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getContainerServicePowersResponse_powers :: Lens' GetContainerServicePowersResponse (Maybe [ContainerServicePower]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the powers that can be specified for a container service.
getContainerServicePowersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContainerServicePowersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
importKeyPair_keyPairName :: Lens' ImportKeyPair Text Source #
The name of the key pair for which you want to import the public key.
importKeyPair_publicKeyBase64 :: Lens' ImportKeyPair Text Source #
A base64-encoded public key of the ssh-rsa
importKeyPairResponse_operation :: Lens' ImportKeyPairResponse (Maybe Operation) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
importKeyPairResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ImportKeyPairResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getInstanceSnapshots_pageToken :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshots (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
To get a page token, perform an initial GetInstanceSnapshots
If your results are paginated, the response will return a next page
token that you can specify as the page token in a subsequent request.
getInstanceSnapshotsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshotsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
A next page token is not returned if there are no more results to display.
To get the next page of results, perform another GetInstanceSnapshots
request and specify the next page token using the pageToken
getInstanceSnapshotsResponse_instanceSnapshots :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshotsResponse (Maybe [InstanceSnapshot]) Source #
An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your get instance snapshots request.
getInstanceSnapshotsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshotsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
exportSnapshot_sourceSnapshotName :: Lens' ExportSnapshot Text Source #
The name of the instance or disk snapshot to be exported to Amazon EC2.
exportSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' ExportSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
exportSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ExportSnapshotResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_sourceRelationalDatabaseName :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the source database.
createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_relationalDatabaseBundleId :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
The bundle ID for your new database. A bundle describes the performance specifications for your database.
You can get a list of database bundle IDs by using the
get relational database bundles
When creating a new database from a snapshot, you cannot choose a bundle that is smaller than the bundle of the source database.
createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_publiclyAccessible :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies the accessibility options for your new database. A value of
specifies a database that is available to resources outside of
your Lightsail account. A value of false
specifies a database that is
available only to your Lightsail resources in the same region as your
createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_useLatestRestorableTime :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether your database is restored from the latest backup time.
A value of true
restores from the latest backup time.
Default: false
Constraints: Cannot be specified if the restore time
parameter is
createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_restoreTime :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time to restore your database from.
- Must be before the latest restorable time for the database.
- Cannot be specified if the
use latest restorable time
parameter istrue
. - Specified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Specified in the Unix time format.
For example, if you wish to use a restore time of October 1, 2018, at 8 PM UTC, then you input
as the restore time.
createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_availabilityZone :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
The Availability Zone in which to create your new database. Use the
case-sensitive format.
You can get a list of Availability Zones by using the get regions
operation. Be sure to add the
include relational database Availability Zones
parameter to your
createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_relationalDatabaseSnapshotName :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the database snapshot from which to create your new database.
createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_tags :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
The tag keys and optional values to add to the resource during create.
Use the TagResource
action to tag a resource after it's created.
createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot Text Source #
The name to use for your new Lightsail database resource.
- Must contain from 2 to 255 alphanumeric characters, or hyphens.
- The first and last character must be a letter or number.
createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
createRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshotResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createCloudFormationStack_instances :: Lens' CreateCloudFormationStack [InstanceEntry] Source #
An array of parameters that will be used to create the new Amazon EC2 instance. You can only pass one instance entry at a time in this array. You will get an invalid parameter error if you pass more than one instance entry in this array.
createCloudFormationStackResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateCloudFormationStackResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
createCloudFormationStackResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateCloudFormationStackResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getExportSnapshotRecords_pageToken :: Lens' GetExportSnapshotRecords (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
To get a page token, perform an initial GetExportSnapshotRecords
request. If your results are paginated, the response will return a next
page token that you can specify as the page token in a subsequent
getExportSnapshotRecordsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetExportSnapshotRecordsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
A next page token is not returned if there are no more results to display.
To get the next page of results, perform another
request and specify the next page token using
the pageToken
getExportSnapshotRecordsResponse_exportSnapshotRecords :: Lens' GetExportSnapshotRecordsResponse (Maybe [ExportSnapshotRecord]) Source #
A list of objects describing the export snapshot records.
getExportSnapshotRecordsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetExportSnapshotRecordsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
releaseStaticIp_staticIpName :: Lens' ReleaseStaticIp Text Source #
The name of the static IP to delete.
releaseStaticIpResponse_operations :: Lens' ReleaseStaticIpResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
releaseStaticIpResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ReleaseStaticIpResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteInstance_forceDeleteAddOns :: Lens' DeleteInstance (Maybe Bool) Source #
A Boolean value to indicate whether to delete the enabled add-ons for the disk.
deleteInstance_instanceName :: Lens' DeleteInstance Text Source #
The name of the instance to delete.
deleteInstanceResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteInstanceResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
deleteInstanceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteInstanceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createContainerServiceRegistryLoginResponse_registryLogin :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceRegistryLoginResponse (Maybe ContainerServiceRegistryLogin) Source #
An object that describes the log in information for the container service registry of your Lightsail account.
createContainerServiceRegistryLoginResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceRegistryLoginResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getCertificates_certificateStatuses :: Lens' GetCertificates (Maybe [CertificateStatus]) Source #
The status of the certificates for which to return information.
For example, specify ISSUED
to return only certificates with an
When omitted, the response includes all of your certificates in the AWS Region where the request is made, regardless of their current status.
getCertificates_certificateName :: Lens' GetCertificates (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the certificate for which to return information.
When omitted, the response includes all of your certificates in the AWS Region where the request is made.
getCertificates_includeCertificateDetails :: Lens' GetCertificates (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether to include detailed information about the certificates in the response.
When omitted, the response includes only the certificate names, Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), domain names, and tags.
getCertificatesResponse_certificates :: Lens' GetCertificatesResponse (Maybe [CertificateSummary]) Source #
An object that describes certificates.
getCertificatesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetCertificatesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getContainerServiceMetricData_serviceName :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricData Text Source #
The name of the container service for which to get metric data.
getContainerServiceMetricData_metricName :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricData ContainerServiceMetricName Source #
The metric for which you want to return information.
Valid container service metric names are listed below, along with the most useful statistics to include in your request, and the published unit value.
- The average percentage of compute units that are currently in use across all nodes of the container service. This metric identifies the processing power required to run containers on each node of the container service.Statistics: The most useful statistics are
.Unit: The published unit is
- The average percentage of available memory that is currently in use across all nodes of the container service. This metric identifies the memory required to run containers on each node of the container service.Statistics: The most useful statistics are
.Unit: The published unit is
getContainerServiceMetricData_startTime :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricData UTCTime Source #
The start time of the time period.
getContainerServiceMetricData_endTime :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricData UTCTime Source #
The end time of the time period.
getContainerServiceMetricData_period :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricData Natural Source #
The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
All container service metric data is available in 5-minute (300 seconds) granularity.
getContainerServiceMetricData_statistics :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricData [MetricStatistic] Source #
The statistic for the metric.
The following statistics are available:
- The lowest value observed during the specified period. Use this value to determine low volumes of activity for your application.Maximum
- The highest value observed during the specified period. Use this value to determine high volumes of activity for your application.Sum
- All values submitted for the matching metric added together. You can use this statistic to determine the total volume of a metric.Average
- The value ofSum
during the specified period. By comparing this statistic with theMinimum
values, you can determine the full scope of a metric and how close the average use is to theMinimum
values. This comparison helps you to know when to increase or decrease your resources.SampleCount
- The count, or number, of data points used for the statistical calculation.
getContainerServiceMetricDataResponse_metricName :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricDataResponse (Maybe ContainerServiceMetricName) Source #
The name of the metric returned.
getContainerServiceMetricDataResponse_metricData :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MetricDatapoint]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the metric data returned.
getContainerServiceMetricDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContainerServiceMetricDataResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getDistributionMetricData_distributionName :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData Text Source #
The name of the distribution for which to get metric data.
Use the GetDistributions
action to get a list of distribution names
that you can specify.
getDistributionMetricData_metricName :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData DistributionMetricName Source #
The metric for which you want to return information.
Valid distribution metric names are listed below, along with the most
useful statistics
to include in your request, and the published unit
- The total number of viewer requests received by your Lightsail distribution, for all HTTP methods, and for both HTTP and HTTPS requests.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isSum
: The published unit isNone
- The number of bytes downloaded by viewers for GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isSum
: The published unit isNone
- The number of bytes uploaded to your origin by your Lightsail distribution, using POST and PUT requests.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isSum
: The published unit isNone
- The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response's HTTP status code was 4xx or 5xx.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isAverage
: The published unit isPercent
- The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response's HTTP status cod was 4xx. In these cases, the client or client viewer may have made an error. For example, a status code of 404 (Not Found) means that the client requested an object that could not be found.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isAverage
: The published unit isPercent
- The percentage of all viewer requests for which the response's HTTP status code was 5xx. In these cases, the origin server did not satisfy the requests. For example, a status code of 503 (Service Unavailable) means that the origin server is currently unavailable.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isAverage
: The published unit isPercent
getDistributionMetricData_startTime :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData UTCTime Source #
The start of the time interval for which to get metric data.
- Specified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Specified in the Unix time format.
For example, if you wish to use a start time of October 1, 2018, at 8 PM UTC, specify
as the start time.
You can convert a human-friendly time to Unix time format using a converter like Epoch converter.
getDistributionMetricData_endTime :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData UTCTime Source #
The end of the time interval for which to get metric data.
- Specified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Specified in the Unix time format.
For example, if you wish to use an end time of October 1, 2018, at 9 PM UTC, specify
as the end time.
You can convert a human-friendly time to Unix time format using a converter like Epoch converter.
getDistributionMetricData_period :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData Natural Source #
The granularity, in seconds, for the metric data points that will be returned.
getDistributionMetricData_unit :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData MetricUnit Source #
The unit for the metric data request.
Valid units depend on the metric data being requested. For the valid
units with each available metric, see the metricName
getDistributionMetricData_statistics :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricData [MetricStatistic] Source #
The statistic for the metric.
The following statistics are available:
- The lowest value observed during the specified period. Use this value to determine low volumes of activity for your application.Maximum
- The highest value observed during the specified period. Use this value to determine high volumes of activity for your application.Sum
- All values submitted for the matching metric added together. You can use this statistic to determine the total volume of a metric.Average
- The value of Sum / SampleCount during the specified period. By comparing this statistic with the Minimum and Maximum values, you can determine the full scope of a metric and how close the average use is to the Minimum and Maximum values. This comparison helps you to know when to increase or decrease your resources.SampleCount
- The count, or number, of data points used for the statistical calculation.
getDistributionMetricDataResponse_metricName :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricDataResponse (Maybe DistributionMetricName) Source #
The name of the metric returned.
getDistributionMetricDataResponse_metricData :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MetricDatapoint]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the metric data returned.
getDistributionMetricDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDistributionMetricDataResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
rebootInstance_instanceName :: Lens' RebootInstance Text Source #
The name of the instance to reboot.
rebootInstanceResponse_operations :: Lens' RebootInstanceResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
rebootInstanceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RebootInstanceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteLoadBalancer_loadBalancerName :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancer Text Source #
The name of the load balancer you want to delete.
deleteLoadBalancerResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
deleteLoadBalancerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLoadBalancerResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createDiskFromSnapshot_useLatestRestorableAutoSnapshot :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot (Maybe Bool) Source #
A Boolean value to indicate whether to use the latest available automatic snapshot.
- This parameter cannot be defined together with the
restore date
parameter. Theuse latest restorable auto snapshot
andrestore date
parameters are mutually exclusive. - Define this parameter only when creating a new disk from an automatic snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.
createDiskFromSnapshot_sourceDiskName :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the source disk from which the source automatic snapshot was created.
- This parameter cannot be defined together with the
disk snapshot name
parameter. Thesource disk name
anddisk snapshot name
parameters are mutually exclusive. - Define this parameter only when creating a new disk from an automatic snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.
createDiskFromSnapshot_addOns :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot (Maybe [AddOnRequest]) Source #
An array of objects that represent the add-ons to enable for the new disk.
createDiskFromSnapshot_diskSnapshotName :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the disk snapshot (e.g., my-snapshot
) from which to create
the new storage disk.
- This parameter cannot be defined together with the
source disk name
parameter. Thedisk snapshot name
andsource disk name
parameters are mutually exclusive.
createDiskFromSnapshot_restoreDate :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
The date of the automatic snapshot to use for the new disk. Use the
get auto snapshots
operation to identify the dates of the available
automatic snapshots.
- Must be specified in
format. - This parameter cannot be defined together with the
use latest restorable auto snapshot
parameter. Therestore date
anduse latest restorable auto snapshot
parameters are mutually exclusive. - Define this parameter only when creating a new disk from an automatic snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.
createDiskFromSnapshot_tags :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
The tag keys and optional values to add to the resource during create.
Use the TagResource
action to tag a resource after it's created.
createDiskFromSnapshot_diskName :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot Text Source #
The unique Lightsail disk name (e.g., my-disk
createDiskFromSnapshot_availabilityZone :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot Text Source #
The Availability Zone where you want to create the disk (e.g.,
). Choose the same Availability Zone as the Lightsail
instance where you want to create the disk.
Use the GetRegions operation to list the Availability Zones where Lightsail is currently available.
createDiskFromSnapshot_sizeInGb :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshot Int Source #
The size of the disk in GB (e.g., 32
createDiskFromSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
createDiskFromSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDiskFromSnapshotResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getRelationalDatabases_pageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabases (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
To get a page token, perform an initial GetRelationalDatabases
request. If your results are paginated, the response will return a next
page token that you can specify as the page token in a subsequent
getRelationalDatabasesResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabasesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
A next page token is not returned if there are no more results to display.
To get the next page of results, perform another
request and specify the next page token using
the pageToken
getRelationalDatabasesResponse_relationalDatabases :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabasesResponse (Maybe [RelationalDatabase]) Source #
An object describing the result of your get relational databases request.
getRelationalDatabasesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabasesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getInstanceSnapshot_instanceSnapshotName :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshot Text Source #
The name of the snapshot for which you are requesting information.
getInstanceSnapshotResponse_instanceSnapshot :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshotResponse (Maybe InstanceSnapshot) Source #
An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your get instance snapshot request.
getInstanceSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstanceSnapshotResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getRelationalDatabaseLogEvents_startTime :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The start of the time interval from which to get log events.
- Specified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Specified in the Unix time format.
For example, if you wish to use a start time of October 1, 2018, at 8 PM UTC, then you input
as the start time.
getRelationalDatabaseLogEvents_startFromHead :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents (Maybe Bool) Source #
Parameter to specify if the log should start from head or tail. If
is specified, the log event starts from the head of the log. If
is specified, the log event starts from the tail of the log.
For PostgreSQL, the default value of false
is the only option
getRelationalDatabaseLogEvents_endTime :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The end of the time interval from which to get log events.
- Specified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Specified in the Unix time format.
For example, if you wish to use an end time of October 1, 2018, at 8 PM UTC, then you input
as the end time.
getRelationalDatabaseLogEvents_pageToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next or previous page of results from your request.
To get a page token, perform an initial GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents
request. If your results are paginated, the response will return a next
forward token and/or next backward token that you can specify as the
page token in a subsequent request.
getRelationalDatabaseLogEvents_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents Text Source #
The name of your database for which to get log events.
getRelationalDatabaseLogEvents_logStreamName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents Text Source #
The name of the log stream.
Use the get relational database log streams
operation to get a list of
available log streams.
getRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse_nextBackwardToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A token used for advancing to the previous page of results from your get relational database log events request.
getRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse_resourceLogEvents :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse (Maybe [LogEvent]) Source #
An object describing the result of your get relational database log events request.
getRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse_nextForwardToken :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get relational database log events request.
getRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogEventsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createContactMethod_protocol :: Lens' CreateContactMethod ContactProtocol Source #
The protocol of the contact method, such as Email
or SMS
protocol is supported only in the following AWS Regions.
- US East (N. Virginia) (
) - US West (Oregon) (
) - Europe (Ireland) (
) - Asia Pacific (Tokyo) (
) - Asia Pacific (Singapore) (
) - Asia Pacific (Sydney) (
For a list of countries/regions where SMS text messages can be sent, and the latest AWS Regions where SMS text messaging is supported, see Supported Regions and Countries in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.
For more information about notifications in Amazon Lightsail, see Notifications in Amazon Lightsail.
createContactMethod_contactEndpoint :: Lens' CreateContactMethod Text Source #
The destination of the contact method, such as an email address or a mobile phone number.
Use the E.164 format when specifying a mobile phone number. E.164 is a standard for the phone number structure used for international telecommunication. Phone numbers that follow this format can have a maximum of 15 digits, and they are prefixed with the plus character (+) and the country code. For example, a U.S. phone number in E.164 format would be specified as +1XXX5550100. For more information, see E.164 on Wikipedia.
createContactMethodResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateContactMethodResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
createContactMethodResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateContactMethodResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getRelationalDatabaseLogStreams_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogStreams Text Source #
The name of your database for which to get log streams.
getRelationalDatabaseLogStreamsResponse_logStreams :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogStreamsResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
An object describing the result of your get relational database log streams request.
getRelationalDatabaseLogStreamsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseLogStreamsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getDomain_domainName :: Lens' GetDomain Text Source #
The domain name for which your want to return information about.
getDomainResponse_domain :: Lens' GetDomainResponse (Maybe Domain) Source #
An array of key-value pairs containing information about your get domain request.
getDomainResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDomainResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getAutoSnapshots_resourceName :: Lens' GetAutoSnapshots Text Source #
The name of the source instance or disk from which to get automatic snapshot information.
getAutoSnapshotsResponse_resourceType :: Lens' GetAutoSnapshotsResponse (Maybe ResourceType) Source #
The resource type (e.g., Instance
or Disk
getAutoSnapshotsResponse_resourceName :: Lens' GetAutoSnapshotsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the source instance or disk for the automatic snapshots.
getAutoSnapshotsResponse_autoSnapshots :: Lens' GetAutoSnapshotsResponse (Maybe [AutoSnapshotDetails]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the automatic snapshots that are available for the specified source instance or disk.
getAutoSnapshotsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAutoSnapshotsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getActiveNames_pageToken :: Lens' GetActiveNames (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
To get a page token, perform an initial GetActiveNames
request. If
your results are paginated, the response will return a next page token
that you can specify as the page token in a subsequent request.
getActiveNamesResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetActiveNamesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
A next page token is not returned if there are no more results to display.
To get the next page of results, perform another GetActiveNames
request and specify the next page token using the pageToken
getActiveNamesResponse_activeNames :: Lens' GetActiveNamesResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of active names returned by the get active names request.
getActiveNamesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetActiveNamesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteContactMethod_protocol :: Lens' DeleteContactMethod ContactProtocol Source #
The protocol that will be deleted, such as Email
or SMS
To delete an Email
and an SMS
contact method if you added both, you
must run separate DeleteContactMethod
actions to delete each protocol.
deleteContactMethodResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteContactMethodResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
deleteContactMethodResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteContactMethodResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createDistribution_cacheBehaviorSettings :: Lens' CreateDistribution (Maybe CacheSettings) Source #
An object that describes the cache behavior settings for the distribution.
createDistribution_ipAddressType :: Lens' CreateDistribution (Maybe IpAddressType) Source #
The IP address type for the distribution.
The possible values are ipv4
for IPv4 only, and dualstack
for IPv4
and IPv6.
The default value is dualstack
createDistribution_cacheBehaviors :: Lens' CreateDistribution (Maybe [CacheBehaviorPerPath]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the per-path cache behavior for the distribution.
createDistribution_tags :: Lens' CreateDistribution (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
The tag keys and optional values to add to the distribution during create.
Use the TagResource
action to tag a resource after it's created.
createDistribution_distributionName :: Lens' CreateDistribution Text Source #
The name for the distribution.
createDistribution_origin :: Lens' CreateDistribution InputOrigin Source #
An object that describes the origin resource for the distribution, such as a Lightsail instance or load balancer.
The distribution pulls, caches, and serves content from the origin.
createDistribution_defaultCacheBehavior :: Lens' CreateDistribution CacheBehavior Source #
An object that describes the default cache behavior for the distribution.
createDistribution_bundleId :: Lens' CreateDistribution Text Source #
The bundle ID to use for the distribution.
A distribution bundle describes the specifications of your distribution, such as the monthly cost and monthly network transfer quota.
Use the GetDistributionBundles
action to get a list of distribution
bundle IDs that you can specify.
createDistributionResponse_distribution :: Lens' CreateDistributionResponse (Maybe LightsailDistribution) Source #
An object that describes the distribution created.
createDistributionResponse_operation :: Lens' CreateDistributionResponse (Maybe Operation) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
createDistributionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDistributionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
stopRelationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseSnapshotName :: Lens' StopRelationalDatabase (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of your new database snapshot to be created before stopping your database.
stopRelationalDatabase_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' StopRelationalDatabase Text Source #
The name of your database to stop.
stopRelationalDatabaseResponse_operations :: Lens' StopRelationalDatabaseResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
stopRelationalDatabaseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopRelationalDatabaseResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createRelationalDatabaseSnapshot_tags :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseSnapshot (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
The tag keys and optional values to add to the resource during create.
Use the TagResource
action to tag a resource after it's created.
createRelationalDatabaseSnapshot_relationalDatabaseName :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseSnapshot Text Source #
The name of the database on which to base your new snapshot.
createRelationalDatabaseSnapshot_relationalDatabaseSnapshotName :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseSnapshot Text Source #
The name for your new database snapshot.
- Must contain from 2 to 255 alphanumeric characters, or hyphens.
- The first and last character must be a letter or number.
createRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
createRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
detachCertificateFromDistribution_distributionName :: Lens' DetachCertificateFromDistribution Text Source #
The name of the distribution from which to detach the certificate.
Use the GetDistributions
action to get a list of distribution names
that you can specify.
detachCertificateFromDistributionResponse_operation :: Lens' DetachCertificateFromDistributionResponse (Maybe Operation) Source #
An object that describes the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
detachCertificateFromDistributionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetachCertificateFromDistributionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createContainerService_publicDomainNames :: Lens' CreateContainerService (Maybe (HashMap Text [Text])) Source #
The public domain names to use with the container service, such as
You can specify up to four public domain names for a container service. The domain names that you specify are used when you create a deployment with a container configured as the public endpoint of your container service.
If you don't specify public domain names, then you can use the default domain of the container service.
You must create and validate an SSL/TLS certificate before you can use
public domain names with your container service. Use the
action to create a certificate for the public domain
names you want to use with your container service.
You can specify public domain names using a string to array map as shown in the example later on this page.
createContainerService_tags :: Lens' CreateContainerService (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
The tag keys and optional values to add to the certificate during create.
Use the TagResource
action to tag a resource after it's created.
For more information about tags in Lightsail, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.
createContainerService_deployment :: Lens' CreateContainerService (Maybe ContainerServiceDeploymentRequest) Source #
An object that describes a deployment for the container service.
A deployment specifies the containers that will be launched on the container service and their settings, such as the ports to open, the environment variables to apply, and the launch command to run. It also specifies the container that will serve as the public endpoint of the deployment and its settings, such as the HTTP or HTTPS port to use, and the health check configuration.
createContainerService_serviceName :: Lens' CreateContainerService Text Source #
The name for the container service.
The name that you specify for your container service will make up part
of its default domain. The default domain of a container service is
If the name of your container service is container-service-1
, and
it's located in the US East (Ohio) AWS region (us-east-2
), then the
domain for your container service will be like the following example:
The following are the requirements for container service names:
- Must be unique within each AWS Region in your Lightsail account.
- Must contain 1 to 63 characters.
- Must contain only alphanumeric characters and hyphens.
- A hyphen (-) can separate words but cannot be at the start or end of the name.
createContainerService_power :: Lens' CreateContainerService ContainerServicePowerName Source #
The power specification for the container service.
The power specifies the amount of memory, vCPUs, and base monthly cost
of each node of the container service. The power
and scale
of a
container service makes up its configured capacity. To determine the
monthly price of your container service, multiply the base price of the
with the scale
(the number of nodes) of the service.
Use the GetContainerServicePowers
action to get a list of power
options that you can specify using this parameter, and their base
monthly cost.
createContainerService_scale :: Lens' CreateContainerService Natural Source #
The scale specification for the container service.
The scale specifies the allocated compute nodes of the container
service. The power
and scale
of a container service makes up its
configured capacity. To determine the monthly price of your container
service, multiply the base price of the power
with the scale
number of nodes) of the service.
createContainerServiceResponse_containerService :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceResponse (Maybe ContainerService) Source #
An object that describes a container service.
createContainerServiceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateContainerServiceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getInstanceAccessDetails_protocol :: Lens' GetInstanceAccessDetails (Maybe InstanceAccessProtocol) Source #
The protocol to use to connect to your instance. Defaults to ssh
getInstanceAccessDetails_instanceName :: Lens' GetInstanceAccessDetails Text Source #
The name of the instance to access.
getInstanceAccessDetailsResponse_accessDetails :: Lens' GetInstanceAccessDetailsResponse (Maybe InstanceAccessDetails) Source #
An array of key-value pairs containing information about a get instance access request.
getInstanceAccessDetailsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInstanceAccessDetailsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
enableAddOn_resourceName :: Lens' EnableAddOn Text Source #
The name of the source resource for which to enable or modify the add-on.
enableAddOn_addOnRequest :: Lens' EnableAddOn AddOnRequest Source #
An array of strings representing the add-on to enable or modify.
enableAddOnResponse_operations :: Lens' EnableAddOnResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
enableAddOnResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableAddOnResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
stopInstance_force :: Lens' StopInstance (Maybe Bool) Source #
When set to True
, forces a Lightsail instance that is stuck in a
state to stop.
Only use the force
parameter if your instance is stuck in the
state. In any other state, your instance should stop normally
without adding this parameter to your API request.
stopInstance_instanceName :: Lens' StopInstance Text Source #
The name of the instance (a virtual private server) to stop.
stopInstanceResponse_operations :: Lens' StopInstanceResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
stopInstanceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopInstanceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
detachInstancesFromLoadBalancer_loadBalancerName :: Lens' DetachInstancesFromLoadBalancer Text Source #
The name of the Lightsail load balancer.
detachInstancesFromLoadBalancer_instanceNames :: Lens' DetachInstancesFromLoadBalancer [Text] Source #
An array of strings containing the names of the instances you want to detach from the load balancer.
detachInstancesFromLoadBalancerResponse_operations :: Lens' DetachInstancesFromLoadBalancerResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
detachInstancesFromLoadBalancerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DetachInstancesFromLoadBalancerResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
registerContainerImage_serviceName :: Lens' RegisterContainerImage Text Source #
The name of the container service for which to register a container image.
registerContainerImage_label :: Lens' RegisterContainerImage Text Source #
The label for the container image when it's registered to the container service.
Use a descriptive label that you can use to track the different versions of your registered container images.
Use the GetContainerImages
action to return the container images
registered to a Lightsail container service. The label is the
portion of the following image name example:
If the name of your container service is mycontainerservice
, and the
label that you specify is mystaticwebsite
, then the name of the
registered container image will be
The number at the end of these image name examples represents the
version of the registered container image. If you push and register
another container image to the same Lightsail container service, with
the same label, then the version number for the new registered container
image will be 2
. If you push and register another container image, the
version number will be 3
, and so on.
registerContainerImage_digest :: Lens' RegisterContainerImage Text Source #
The digest of the container image to be registered.
registerContainerImageResponse_containerImage :: Lens' RegisterContainerImageResponse (Maybe ContainerImage) Source #
Undocumented member.
registerContainerImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RegisterContainerImageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createCertificate_subjectAlternativeNames :: Lens' CreateCertificate (Maybe [Text]) Source #
An array of strings that specify the alternate domains (e.g.,
) and subdomains (e.g.,
) for the
You can specify a maximum of nine alternate domains (in addition to the primary domain name).
Wildcard domain entries (e.g., *
) are not supported.
createCertificate_tags :: Lens' CreateCertificate (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
The tag keys and optional values to add to the certificate during create.
Use the TagResource
action to tag a resource after it's created.
createCertificate_certificateName :: Lens' CreateCertificate Text Source #
The name for the certificate.
createCertificate_domainName :: Lens' CreateCertificate Text Source #
The domain name (e.g.,
) for the certificate.
createCertificateResponse_certificate :: Lens' CreateCertificateResponse (Maybe CertificateSummary) Source #
An object that describes the certificate created.
createCertificateResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateCertificateResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
createCertificateResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateCertificateResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createInstanceSnapshot_tags :: Lens' CreateInstanceSnapshot (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
The tag keys and optional values to add to the resource during create.
Use the TagResource
action to tag a resource after it's created.
createInstanceSnapshot_instanceSnapshotName :: Lens' CreateInstanceSnapshot Text Source #
The name for your new snapshot.
createInstanceSnapshot_instanceName :: Lens' CreateInstanceSnapshot Text Source #
The Lightsail instance on which to base your snapshot.
createInstanceSnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' CreateInstanceSnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
createInstanceSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateInstanceSnapshotResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
copySnapshot_useLatestRestorableAutoSnapshot :: Lens' CopySnapshot (Maybe Bool) Source #
A Boolean value to indicate whether to use the latest available automatic snapshot of the specified source instance or disk.
- This parameter cannot be defined together with the
restore date
parameter. Theuse latest restorable auto snapshot
andrestore date
parameters are mutually exclusive. - Define this parameter only when copying an automatic snapshot as a manual snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.
copySnapshot_restoreDate :: Lens' CopySnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
The date of the source automatic snapshot to copy. Use the
get auto snapshots
operation to identify the dates of the available
automatic snapshots.
- Must be specified in
format. - This parameter cannot be defined together with the
use latest restorable auto snapshot
parameter. Therestore date
anduse latest restorable auto snapshot
parameters are mutually exclusive. - Define this parameter only when copying an automatic snapshot as a manual snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.
copySnapshot_sourceResourceName :: Lens' CopySnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the source instance or disk from which the source automatic snapshot was created.
- Define this parameter only when copying an automatic snapshot as a manual snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.
copySnapshot_sourceSnapshotName :: Lens' CopySnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the source manual snapshot to copy.
- Define this parameter only when copying a manual snapshot as another manual snapshot.
copySnapshot_targetSnapshotName :: Lens' CopySnapshot Text Source #
The name of the new manual snapshot to be created as a copy.
copySnapshot_sourceRegion :: Lens' CopySnapshot RegionName Source #
The AWS Region where the source manual or automatic snapshot is located.
copySnapshotResponse_operations :: Lens' CopySnapshotResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
copySnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CopySnapshotResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getRelationalDatabaseSnapshot_relationalDatabaseSnapshotName :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshot Text Source #
The name of the database snapshot for which to get information.
getRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse_relationalDatabaseSnapshot :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse (Maybe RelationalDatabaseSnapshot) Source #
An object describing the specified database snapshot.
getRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshotResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
isVpcPeeredResponse_isPeered :: Lens' IsVpcPeeredResponse (Maybe Bool) Source #
Returns true
if the Lightsail VPC is peered; otherwise, false
isVpcPeeredResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' IsVpcPeeredResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getStaticIps_pageToken :: Lens' GetStaticIps (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
To get a page token, perform an initial GetStaticIps
request. If your
results are paginated, the response will return a next page token that
you can specify as the page token in a subsequent request.
getStaticIpsResponse_nextPageToken :: Lens' GetStaticIpsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.
A next page token is not returned if there are no more results to display.
To get the next page of results, perform another GetStaticIps
and specify the next page token using the pageToken
getStaticIpsResponse_staticIps :: Lens' GetStaticIpsResponse (Maybe [StaticIp]) Source #
An array of key-value pairs containing information about your get static IPs request.
getStaticIpsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStaticIpsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
unpeerVpcResponse_operation :: Lens' UnpeerVpcResponse (Maybe Operation) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
unpeerVpcResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UnpeerVpcResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteDisk_forceDeleteAddOns :: Lens' DeleteDisk (Maybe Bool) Source #
A Boolean value to indicate whether to delete the enabled add-ons for the disk.
deleteDisk_diskName :: Lens' DeleteDisk Text Source #
The unique name of the disk you want to delete (e.g., my-disk
deleteDiskResponse_operations :: Lens' DeleteDiskResponse (Maybe [Operation]) Source #
An array of objects that describe the result of the action, such as the status of the request, the timestamp of the request, and the resources affected by the request.
deleteDiskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDiskResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createInstancesFromSnapshot_useLatestRestorableAutoSnapshot :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe Bool) Source #
A Boolean value to indicate whether to use the latest available automatic snapshot.
- This parameter cannot be defined together with the
restore date
parameter. Theuse latest restorable auto snapshot
andrestore date
parameters are mutually exclusive. - Define this parameter only when creating a new instance from an automatic snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.
createInstancesFromSnapshot_instanceSnapshotName :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the instance snapshot on which you are basing your new instances. Use the get instance snapshots operation to return information about your existing snapshots.
- This parameter cannot be defined together with the
source instance name
parameter. Theinstance snapshot name
andsource instance name
parameters are mutually exclusive.
createInstancesFromSnapshot_addOns :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe [AddOnRequest]) Source #
An array of objects representing the add-ons to enable for the new instance.
createInstancesFromSnapshot_userData :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
You can create a launch script that configures a server with additional
user data. For example, apt-get -y update
Depending on the machine image you choose, the command to get software
on your instance varies. Amazon Linux and CentOS use yum
, Debian and
Ubuntu use apt-get
, and FreeBSD uses pkg
. For a complete list, see
Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.
createInstancesFromSnapshot_restoreDate :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe Text) Source #
The date of the automatic snapshot to use for the new instance. Use the
get auto snapshots
operation to identify the dates of the available
automatic snapshots.
- Must be specified in
format. - This parameter cannot be defined together with the
use latest restorable auto snapshot
parameter. Therestore date
anduse latest restorable auto snapshot
parameters are mutually exclusive. - Define this parameter only when creating a new instance from an automatic snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.
createInstancesFromSnapshot_ipAddressType :: Lens' CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (Maybe IpAddressType) Source #
The IP address type for the instance.
The possible values are ipv4
for IPv4 only, and dualstack
for IPv4
and IPv6.
The default value is dualstack