Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- Architecture
- CodeSigningPolicy
- EndPointType
- EventSourcePosition
- FunctionResponseType
- FunctionVersion
- InvocationType
- LastUpdateStatus
- LastUpdateStatusReasonCode
- LogType
- PackageType
- ProvisionedConcurrencyStatusEnum
- Runtime
- SourceAccessType
- State
- StateReasonCode
- TracingMode
- AccountLimit
- AccountUsage
- AliasConfiguration
- AliasRoutingConfiguration
- AllowedPublishers
- CodeSigningConfig
- CodeSigningPolicies
- Concurrency
- DeadLetterConfig
- DestinationConfig
- Environment
- EnvironmentError
- EnvironmentResponse
- EventSourceMappingConfiguration
- FileSystemConfig
- FunctionCode
- FunctionCodeLocation
- FunctionConfiguration
- FunctionEventInvokeConfig
- GetLayerVersionResponse
- ImageConfig
- ImageConfigError
- ImageConfigResponse
- Layer
- LayerVersionContentInput
- LayerVersionContentOutput
- LayerVersionsListItem
- LayersListItem
- OnFailure
- OnSuccess
- ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem
- SelfManagedEventSource
- SourceAccessConfiguration
- TracingConfig
- TracingConfigResponse
- VpcConfig
- VpcConfigResponse
- defaultService :: Service
- _KMSInvalidStateException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _EC2ThrottledException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _EFSMountConnectivityException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidRuntimeException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _EFSMountFailureException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _PolicyLengthExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _PreconditionFailedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _EC2AccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidSubnetIDException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _CodeVerificationFailedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _UnsupportedMediaTypeException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidRequestContentException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _KMSNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ENILimitReachedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidParameterValueException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _RequestTooLargeException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidCodeSignatureException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _TooManyRequestsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidSecurityGroupIDException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _KMSDisabledException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _SubnetIPAddressLimitReachedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ServiceException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _CodeStorageExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _CodeSigningConfigNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidZipFileException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotReadyException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _EC2UnexpectedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _EFSIOException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _EFSMountTimeoutException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _KMSAccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceInUseException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- newtype Architecture where
- Architecture' { }
- pattern Architecture_Arm64 :: Architecture
- pattern Architecture_X86_64 :: Architecture
- newtype CodeSigningPolicy where
- CodeSigningPolicy' { }
- pattern CodeSigningPolicy_Enforce :: CodeSigningPolicy
- pattern CodeSigningPolicy_Warn :: CodeSigningPolicy
- newtype EndPointType where
- EndPointType' { }
- pattern EndPointType_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS :: EndPointType
- newtype EventSourcePosition where
- newtype FunctionResponseType where
- newtype FunctionVersion where
- FunctionVersion' { }
- pattern FunctionVersion_ALL :: FunctionVersion
- newtype InvocationType where
- InvocationType' { }
- pattern InvocationType_DryRun :: InvocationType
- pattern InvocationType_Event :: InvocationType
- pattern InvocationType_RequestResponse :: InvocationType
- newtype LastUpdateStatus where
- LastUpdateStatus' { }
- pattern LastUpdateStatus_Failed :: LastUpdateStatus
- pattern LastUpdateStatus_InProgress :: LastUpdateStatus
- pattern LastUpdateStatus_Successful :: LastUpdateStatus
- newtype LastUpdateStatusReasonCode where
- LastUpdateStatusReasonCode' { }
- pattern LastUpdateStatusReasonCode_EniLimitExceeded :: LastUpdateStatusReasonCode
- pattern LastUpdateStatusReasonCode_ImageAccessDenied :: LastUpdateStatusReasonCode
- pattern LastUpdateStatusReasonCode_ImageDeleted :: LastUpdateStatusReasonCode
- pattern LastUpdateStatusReasonCode_InsufficientRolePermissions :: LastUpdateStatusReasonCode
- pattern LastUpdateStatusReasonCode_InternalError :: LastUpdateStatusReasonCode
- pattern LastUpdateStatusReasonCode_InvalidConfiguration :: LastUpdateStatusReasonCode
- pattern LastUpdateStatusReasonCode_InvalidImage :: LastUpdateStatusReasonCode
- pattern LastUpdateStatusReasonCode_InvalidSecurityGroup :: LastUpdateStatusReasonCode
- pattern LastUpdateStatusReasonCode_InvalidSubnet :: LastUpdateStatusReasonCode
- pattern LastUpdateStatusReasonCode_SubnetOutOfIPAddresses :: LastUpdateStatusReasonCode
- newtype LogType where
- LogType' {
- fromLogType :: Text
- pattern LogType_None :: LogType
- pattern LogType_Tail :: LogType
- LogType' {
- newtype PackageType where
- PackageType' { }
- pattern PackageType_Image :: PackageType
- pattern PackageType_Zip :: PackageType
- newtype ProvisionedConcurrencyStatusEnum where
- newtype Runtime where
- Runtime' {
- fromRuntime :: Text
- pattern Runtime_Dotnetcore1_0 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Dotnetcore2_0 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Dotnetcore2_1 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Dotnetcore3_1 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Go1_x :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Java11 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Java8 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Java8_al2 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Nodejs :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Nodejs10_x :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Nodejs12_x :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Nodejs14_x :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Nodejs4_3 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Nodejs4_3_edge :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Nodejs6_10 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Nodejs8_10 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Provided :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Provided_al2 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Python2_7 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Python3_6 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Python3_7 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Python3_8 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Python3_9 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Ruby2_5 :: Runtime
- pattern Runtime_Ruby2_7 :: Runtime
- Runtime' {
- newtype SourceAccessType where
- SourceAccessType' { }
- pattern SourceAccessType_BASIC_AUTH :: SourceAccessType
- pattern SourceAccessType_SASL_SCRAM_256_AUTH :: SourceAccessType
- pattern SourceAccessType_SASL_SCRAM_512_AUTH :: SourceAccessType
- pattern SourceAccessType_VIRTUAL_HOST :: SourceAccessType
- pattern SourceAccessType_VPC_SECURITY_GROUP :: SourceAccessType
- pattern SourceAccessType_VPC_SUBNET :: SourceAccessType
- newtype State where
- State' { }
- pattern State_Active :: State
- pattern State_Failed :: State
- pattern State_Inactive :: State
- pattern State_Pending :: State
- newtype StateReasonCode where
- StateReasonCode' { }
- pattern StateReasonCode_Creating :: StateReasonCode
- pattern StateReasonCode_EniLimitExceeded :: StateReasonCode
- pattern StateReasonCode_Idle :: StateReasonCode
- pattern StateReasonCode_ImageAccessDenied :: StateReasonCode
- pattern StateReasonCode_ImageDeleted :: StateReasonCode
- pattern StateReasonCode_InsufficientRolePermissions :: StateReasonCode
- pattern StateReasonCode_InternalError :: StateReasonCode
- pattern StateReasonCode_InvalidConfiguration :: StateReasonCode
- pattern StateReasonCode_InvalidImage :: StateReasonCode
- pattern StateReasonCode_InvalidSecurityGroup :: StateReasonCode
- pattern StateReasonCode_InvalidSubnet :: StateReasonCode
- pattern StateReasonCode_Restoring :: StateReasonCode
- pattern StateReasonCode_SubnetOutOfIPAddresses :: StateReasonCode
- newtype TracingMode where
- TracingMode' { }
- pattern TracingMode_Active :: TracingMode
- pattern TracingMode_PassThrough :: TracingMode
- data AccountLimit = AccountLimit' {}
- newAccountLimit :: AccountLimit
- accountLimit_concurrentExecutions :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Int)
- accountLimit_totalCodeSize :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Integer)
- accountLimit_unreservedConcurrentExecutions :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Natural)
- accountLimit_codeSizeUnzipped :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Integer)
- accountLimit_codeSizeZipped :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Integer)
- data AccountUsage = AccountUsage' {}
- newAccountUsage :: AccountUsage
- accountUsage_totalCodeSize :: Lens' AccountUsage (Maybe Integer)
- accountUsage_functionCount :: Lens' AccountUsage (Maybe Integer)
- data AliasConfiguration = AliasConfiguration' {}
- newAliasConfiguration :: AliasConfiguration
- aliasConfiguration_routingConfig :: Lens' AliasConfiguration (Maybe AliasRoutingConfiguration)
- aliasConfiguration_name :: Lens' AliasConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- aliasConfiguration_functionVersion :: Lens' AliasConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- aliasConfiguration_aliasArn :: Lens' AliasConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- aliasConfiguration_description :: Lens' AliasConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- aliasConfiguration_revisionId :: Lens' AliasConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- data AliasRoutingConfiguration = AliasRoutingConfiguration' {}
- newAliasRoutingConfiguration :: AliasRoutingConfiguration
- aliasRoutingConfiguration_additionalVersionWeights :: Lens' AliasRoutingConfiguration (Maybe (HashMap Text Double))
- data AllowedPublishers = AllowedPublishers' {}
- newAllowedPublishers :: NonEmpty Text -> AllowedPublishers
- allowedPublishers_signingProfileVersionArns :: Lens' AllowedPublishers (NonEmpty Text)
- data CodeSigningConfig = CodeSigningConfig' {}
- newCodeSigningConfig :: Text -> Text -> AllowedPublishers -> CodeSigningPolicies -> Text -> CodeSigningConfig
- codeSigningConfig_description :: Lens' CodeSigningConfig (Maybe Text)
- codeSigningConfig_codeSigningConfigId :: Lens' CodeSigningConfig Text
- codeSigningConfig_codeSigningConfigArn :: Lens' CodeSigningConfig Text
- codeSigningConfig_allowedPublishers :: Lens' CodeSigningConfig AllowedPublishers
- codeSigningConfig_codeSigningPolicies :: Lens' CodeSigningConfig CodeSigningPolicies
- codeSigningConfig_lastModified :: Lens' CodeSigningConfig Text
- data CodeSigningPolicies = CodeSigningPolicies' {}
- newCodeSigningPolicies :: CodeSigningPolicies
- codeSigningPolicies_untrustedArtifactOnDeployment :: Lens' CodeSigningPolicies (Maybe CodeSigningPolicy)
- data Concurrency = Concurrency' {}
- newConcurrency :: Concurrency
- concurrency_reservedConcurrentExecutions :: Lens' Concurrency (Maybe Natural)
- data DeadLetterConfig = DeadLetterConfig' {}
- newDeadLetterConfig :: DeadLetterConfig
- deadLetterConfig_targetArn :: Lens' DeadLetterConfig (Maybe Text)
- data DestinationConfig = DestinationConfig' {}
- newDestinationConfig :: DestinationConfig
- destinationConfig_onSuccess :: Lens' DestinationConfig (Maybe OnSuccess)
- destinationConfig_onFailure :: Lens' DestinationConfig (Maybe OnFailure)
- data Environment = Environment' {}
- newEnvironment :: Environment
- environment_variables :: Lens' Environment (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- data EnvironmentError = EnvironmentError' {}
- newEnvironmentError :: EnvironmentError
- environmentError_errorCode :: Lens' EnvironmentError (Maybe Text)
- environmentError_message :: Lens' EnvironmentError (Maybe Text)
- data EnvironmentResponse = EnvironmentResponse' {}
- newEnvironmentResponse :: EnvironmentResponse
- environmentResponse_variables :: Lens' EnvironmentResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- environmentResponse_error :: Lens' EnvironmentResponse (Maybe EnvironmentError)
- data EventSourceMappingConfiguration = EventSourceMappingConfiguration' {
- eventSourceArn :: Maybe Text
- state :: Maybe Text
- startingPositionTimestamp :: Maybe POSIX
- functionArn :: Maybe Text
- topics :: Maybe (NonEmpty Text)
- queues :: Maybe (NonEmpty Text)
- bisectBatchOnFunctionError :: Maybe Bool
- uuid :: Maybe Text
- parallelizationFactor :: Maybe Natural
- lastProcessingResult :: Maybe Text
- maximumRetryAttempts :: Maybe Int
- batchSize :: Maybe Natural
- stateTransitionReason :: Maybe Text
- maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds :: Maybe Natural
- sourceAccessConfigurations :: Maybe [SourceAccessConfiguration]
- maximumRecordAgeInSeconds :: Maybe Int
- functionResponseTypes :: Maybe [FunctionResponseType]
- tumblingWindowInSeconds :: Maybe Natural
- selfManagedEventSource :: Maybe SelfManagedEventSource
- lastModified :: Maybe POSIX
- destinationConfig :: Maybe DestinationConfig
- startingPosition :: Maybe EventSourcePosition
- newEventSourceMappingConfiguration :: EventSourceMappingConfiguration
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_eventSourceArn :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_state :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_startingPositionTimestamp :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe UTCTime)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_functionArn :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_topics :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_queues :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_bisectBatchOnFunctionError :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_uuid :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_parallelizationFactor :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Natural)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_lastProcessingResult :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_maximumRetryAttempts :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Int)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_batchSize :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Natural)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_stateTransitionReason :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Natural)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_sourceAccessConfigurations :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe [SourceAccessConfiguration])
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_maximumRecordAgeInSeconds :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Int)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_functionResponseTypes :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe [FunctionResponseType])
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_tumblingWindowInSeconds :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe Natural)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_selfManagedEventSource :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe SelfManagedEventSource)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_lastModified :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe UTCTime)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_destinationConfig :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe DestinationConfig)
- eventSourceMappingConfiguration_startingPosition :: Lens' EventSourceMappingConfiguration (Maybe EventSourcePosition)
- data FileSystemConfig = FileSystemConfig' {
- arn :: Text
- localMountPath :: Text
- newFileSystemConfig :: Text -> Text -> FileSystemConfig
- fileSystemConfig_arn :: Lens' FileSystemConfig Text
- fileSystemConfig_localMountPath :: Lens' FileSystemConfig Text
- data FunctionCode = FunctionCode' {}
- newFunctionCode :: FunctionCode
- functionCode_s3ObjectVersion :: Lens' FunctionCode (Maybe Text)
- functionCode_s3Key :: Lens' FunctionCode (Maybe Text)
- functionCode_zipFile :: Lens' FunctionCode (Maybe ByteString)
- functionCode_imageUri :: Lens' FunctionCode (Maybe Text)
- functionCode_s3Bucket :: Lens' FunctionCode (Maybe Text)
- data FunctionCodeLocation = FunctionCodeLocation' {}
- newFunctionCodeLocation :: FunctionCodeLocation
- functionCodeLocation_location :: Lens' FunctionCodeLocation (Maybe Text)
- functionCodeLocation_resolvedImageUri :: Lens' FunctionCodeLocation (Maybe Text)
- functionCodeLocation_imageUri :: Lens' FunctionCodeLocation (Maybe Text)
- functionCodeLocation_repositoryType :: Lens' FunctionCodeLocation (Maybe Text)
- data FunctionConfiguration = FunctionConfiguration' {
- memorySize :: Maybe Natural
- runtime :: Maybe Runtime
- state :: Maybe State
- signingProfileVersionArn :: Maybe Text
- lastUpdateStatus :: Maybe LastUpdateStatus
- functionArn :: Maybe Text
- kmsKeyArn :: Maybe Text
- packageType :: Maybe PackageType
- fileSystemConfigs :: Maybe [FileSystemConfig]
- environment :: Maybe EnvironmentResponse
- deadLetterConfig :: Maybe DeadLetterConfig
- architectures :: Maybe (NonEmpty Architecture)
- signingJobArn :: Maybe Text
- role' :: Maybe Text
- vpcConfig :: Maybe VpcConfigResponse
- version :: Maybe Text
- functionName :: Maybe Text
- layers :: Maybe [Layer]
- codeSize :: Maybe Integer
- handler :: Maybe Text
- timeout :: Maybe Natural
- lastUpdateStatusReason :: Maybe Text
- stateReason :: Maybe Text
- lastModified :: Maybe Text
- codeSha256 :: Maybe Text
- tracingConfig :: Maybe TracingConfigResponse
- stateReasonCode :: Maybe StateReasonCode
- imageConfigResponse :: Maybe ImageConfigResponse
- description :: Maybe Text
- lastUpdateStatusReasonCode :: Maybe LastUpdateStatusReasonCode
- revisionId :: Maybe Text
- masterArn :: Maybe Text
- newFunctionConfiguration :: FunctionConfiguration
- functionConfiguration_memorySize :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Natural)
- functionConfiguration_runtime :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Runtime)
- functionConfiguration_state :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe State)
- functionConfiguration_signingProfileVersionArn :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_lastUpdateStatus :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe LastUpdateStatus)
- functionConfiguration_functionArn :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_kmsKeyArn :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_packageType :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe PackageType)
- functionConfiguration_fileSystemConfigs :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe [FileSystemConfig])
- functionConfiguration_environment :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe EnvironmentResponse)
- functionConfiguration_deadLetterConfig :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe DeadLetterConfig)
- functionConfiguration_architectures :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe (NonEmpty Architecture))
- functionConfiguration_signingJobArn :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_role :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_vpcConfig :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe VpcConfigResponse)
- functionConfiguration_version :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_functionName :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_layers :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe [Layer])
- functionConfiguration_codeSize :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Integer)
- functionConfiguration_handler :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_timeout :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Natural)
- functionConfiguration_lastUpdateStatusReason :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_stateReason :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_lastModified :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_codeSha256 :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_tracingConfig :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe TracingConfigResponse)
- functionConfiguration_stateReasonCode :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe StateReasonCode)
- functionConfiguration_imageConfigResponse :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe ImageConfigResponse)
- functionConfiguration_description :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_lastUpdateStatusReasonCode :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe LastUpdateStatusReasonCode)
- functionConfiguration_revisionId :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- functionConfiguration_masterArn :: Lens' FunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- data FunctionEventInvokeConfig = FunctionEventInvokeConfig' {}
- newFunctionEventInvokeConfig :: FunctionEventInvokeConfig
- functionEventInvokeConfig_functionArn :: Lens' FunctionEventInvokeConfig (Maybe Text)
- functionEventInvokeConfig_maximumEventAgeInSeconds :: Lens' FunctionEventInvokeConfig (Maybe Natural)
- functionEventInvokeConfig_maximumRetryAttempts :: Lens' FunctionEventInvokeConfig (Maybe Natural)
- functionEventInvokeConfig_lastModified :: Lens' FunctionEventInvokeConfig (Maybe UTCTime)
- functionEventInvokeConfig_destinationConfig :: Lens' FunctionEventInvokeConfig (Maybe DestinationConfig)
- data GetLayerVersionResponse = GetLayerVersionResponse' {}
- newGetLayerVersionResponse :: GetLayerVersionResponse
- getLayerVersionResponse_layerVersionArn :: Lens' GetLayerVersionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLayerVersionResponse_content :: Lens' GetLayerVersionResponse (Maybe LayerVersionContentOutput)
- getLayerVersionResponse_createdDate :: Lens' GetLayerVersionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLayerVersionResponse_version :: Lens' GetLayerVersionResponse (Maybe Integer)
- getLayerVersionResponse_licenseInfo :: Lens' GetLayerVersionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLayerVersionResponse_compatibleArchitectures :: Lens' GetLayerVersionResponse (Maybe [Architecture])
- getLayerVersionResponse_layerArn :: Lens' GetLayerVersionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLayerVersionResponse_description :: Lens' GetLayerVersionResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLayerVersionResponse_compatibleRuntimes :: Lens' GetLayerVersionResponse (Maybe [Runtime])
- data ImageConfig = ImageConfig' {
- command :: Maybe [Text]
- entryPoint :: Maybe [Text]
- workingDirectory :: Maybe Text
- newImageConfig :: ImageConfig
- imageConfig_command :: Lens' ImageConfig (Maybe [Text])
- imageConfig_entryPoint :: Lens' ImageConfig (Maybe [Text])
- imageConfig_workingDirectory :: Lens' ImageConfig (Maybe Text)
- data ImageConfigError = ImageConfigError' {}
- newImageConfigError :: ImageConfigError
- imageConfigError_errorCode :: Lens' ImageConfigError (Maybe Text)
- imageConfigError_message :: Lens' ImageConfigError (Maybe Text)
- data ImageConfigResponse = ImageConfigResponse' {}
- newImageConfigResponse :: ImageConfigResponse
- imageConfigResponse_imageConfig :: Lens' ImageConfigResponse (Maybe ImageConfig)
- imageConfigResponse_error :: Lens' ImageConfigResponse (Maybe ImageConfigError)
- data Layer = Layer' {}
- newLayer :: Layer
- layer_signingProfileVersionArn :: Lens' Layer (Maybe Text)
- layer_arn :: Lens' Layer (Maybe Text)
- layer_signingJobArn :: Lens' Layer (Maybe Text)
- layer_codeSize :: Lens' Layer (Maybe Integer)
- data LayerVersionContentInput = LayerVersionContentInput' {}
- newLayerVersionContentInput :: LayerVersionContentInput
- layerVersionContentInput_s3ObjectVersion :: Lens' LayerVersionContentInput (Maybe Text)
- layerVersionContentInput_s3Key :: Lens' LayerVersionContentInput (Maybe Text)
- layerVersionContentInput_zipFile :: Lens' LayerVersionContentInput (Maybe ByteString)
- layerVersionContentInput_s3Bucket :: Lens' LayerVersionContentInput (Maybe Text)
- data LayerVersionContentOutput = LayerVersionContentOutput' {}
- newLayerVersionContentOutput :: LayerVersionContentOutput
- layerVersionContentOutput_signingProfileVersionArn :: Lens' LayerVersionContentOutput (Maybe Text)
- layerVersionContentOutput_location :: Lens' LayerVersionContentOutput (Maybe Text)
- layerVersionContentOutput_signingJobArn :: Lens' LayerVersionContentOutput (Maybe Text)
- layerVersionContentOutput_codeSize :: Lens' LayerVersionContentOutput (Maybe Integer)
- layerVersionContentOutput_codeSha256 :: Lens' LayerVersionContentOutput (Maybe Text)
- data LayerVersionsListItem = LayerVersionsListItem' {}
- newLayerVersionsListItem :: LayerVersionsListItem
- layerVersionsListItem_layerVersionArn :: Lens' LayerVersionsListItem (Maybe Text)
- layerVersionsListItem_createdDate :: Lens' LayerVersionsListItem (Maybe Text)
- layerVersionsListItem_version :: Lens' LayerVersionsListItem (Maybe Integer)
- layerVersionsListItem_licenseInfo :: Lens' LayerVersionsListItem (Maybe Text)
- layerVersionsListItem_compatibleArchitectures :: Lens' LayerVersionsListItem (Maybe [Architecture])
- layerVersionsListItem_description :: Lens' LayerVersionsListItem (Maybe Text)
- layerVersionsListItem_compatibleRuntimes :: Lens' LayerVersionsListItem (Maybe [Runtime])
- data LayersListItem = LayersListItem' {}
- newLayersListItem :: LayersListItem
- layersListItem_layerName :: Lens' LayersListItem (Maybe Text)
- layersListItem_latestMatchingVersion :: Lens' LayersListItem (Maybe LayerVersionsListItem)
- layersListItem_layerArn :: Lens' LayersListItem (Maybe Text)
- data OnFailure = OnFailure' {
- destination :: Maybe Text
- newOnFailure :: OnFailure
- onFailure_destination :: Lens' OnFailure (Maybe Text)
- data OnSuccess = OnSuccess' {
- destination :: Maybe Text
- newOnSuccess :: OnSuccess
- onSuccess_destination :: Lens' OnSuccess (Maybe Text)
- data ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem = ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem' {}
- newProvisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem :: ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem
- provisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem_status :: Lens' ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem (Maybe ProvisionedConcurrencyStatusEnum)
- provisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem_functionArn :: Lens' ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem (Maybe Text)
- provisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem_requestedProvisionedConcurrentExecutions :: Lens' ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem (Maybe Natural)
- provisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem_availableProvisionedConcurrentExecutions :: Lens' ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem (Maybe Natural)
- provisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem_statusReason :: Lens' ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem (Maybe Text)
- provisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem_allocatedProvisionedConcurrentExecutions :: Lens' ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem (Maybe Natural)
- provisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem_lastModified :: Lens' ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigListItem (Maybe Text)
- data SelfManagedEventSource = SelfManagedEventSource' {}
- newSelfManagedEventSource :: SelfManagedEventSource
- selfManagedEventSource_endpoints :: Lens' SelfManagedEventSource (Maybe (HashMap EndPointType (NonEmpty Text)))
- data SourceAccessConfiguration = SourceAccessConfiguration' {}
- newSourceAccessConfiguration :: SourceAccessConfiguration
- sourceAccessConfiguration_uri :: Lens' SourceAccessConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- sourceAccessConfiguration_type :: Lens' SourceAccessConfiguration (Maybe SourceAccessType)
- data TracingConfig = TracingConfig' {
- mode :: Maybe TracingMode
- newTracingConfig :: TracingConfig
- tracingConfig_mode :: Lens' TracingConfig (Maybe TracingMode)
- data TracingConfigResponse = TracingConfigResponse' {
- mode :: Maybe TracingMode
- newTracingConfigResponse :: TracingConfigResponse
- tracingConfigResponse_mode :: Lens' TracingConfigResponse (Maybe TracingMode)
- data VpcConfig = VpcConfig' {}
- newVpcConfig :: VpcConfig
- vpcConfig_securityGroupIds :: Lens' VpcConfig (Maybe [Text])
- vpcConfig_subnetIds :: Lens' VpcConfig (Maybe [Text])
- data VpcConfigResponse = VpcConfigResponse' {}
- newVpcConfigResponse :: VpcConfigResponse
- vpcConfigResponse_securityGroupIds :: Lens' VpcConfigResponse (Maybe [Text])
- vpcConfigResponse_subnetIds :: Lens' VpcConfigResponse (Maybe [Text])
- vpcConfigResponse_vpcId :: Lens' VpcConfigResponse (Maybe Text)
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2015-03-31
of the Amazon Lambda SDK configuration.
_KMSInvalidStateException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Lambda was unable to decrypt the environment variables because the KMS key used is in an invalid state for Decrypt. Check the function's KMS key settings.
_EC2ThrottledException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Lambda was throttled by Amazon EC2 during Lambda function initialization using the execution role provided for the Lambda function.
_EFSMountConnectivityException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The function couldn't make a network connection to the configured file system.
_InvalidRuntimeException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The runtime or runtime version specified is not supported.
_EFSMountFailureException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The function couldn't mount the configured file system due to a permission or configuration issue.
_PolicyLengthExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The permissions policy for the resource is too large. Learn more
_PreconditionFailedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The RevisionId provided does not match the latest RevisionId for the
Lambda function or alias. Call the GetFunction
or the GetAlias
to retrieve the latest RevisionId for your resource.
_EC2AccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Need additional permissions to configure VPC settings.
_InvalidSubnetIDException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The Subnet ID provided in the Lambda function VPC configuration is invalid.
_CodeVerificationFailedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The code signature failed one or more of the validation checks for signature mismatch or expiry, and the code signing policy is set to ENFORCE. Lambda blocks the deployment.
_UnsupportedMediaTypeException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The content type of the Invoke
request body is not JSON.
_InvalidRequestContentException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request body could not be parsed as JSON.
_KMSNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Lambda was unable to decrypt the environment variables because the KMS key was not found. Check the function's KMS key settings.
_ENILimitReachedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Lambda was not able to create an elastic network interface in the VPC, specified as part of Lambda function configuration, because the limit for network interfaces has been reached.
_InvalidParameterValueException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
One of the parameters in the request is invalid.
_RequestTooLargeException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request payload exceeded the Invoke
request body JSON input limit.
For more information, see
_InvalidCodeSignatureException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The code signature failed the integrity check. Lambda always blocks deployment if the integrity check fails, even if code signing policy is set to WARN.
_TooManyRequestsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request throughput limit was exceeded.
_InvalidSecurityGroupIDException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The Security Group ID provided in the Lambda function VPC configuration is invalid.
_KMSDisabledException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Lambda was unable to decrypt the environment variables because the KMS key used is disabled. Check the Lambda function's KMS key settings.
_SubnetIPAddressLimitReachedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Lambda was not able to set up VPC access for the Lambda function because one or more configured subnets has no available IP addresses.
_ServiceException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The Lambda service encountered an internal error.
_CodeStorageExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
You have exceeded your maximum total code size per account. Learn more
_CodeSigningConfigNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified code signing configuration does not exist.
_InvalidZipFileException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Lambda could not unzip the deployment package.
_ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified configuration does not exist.
_ResourceConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The resource already exists, or another operation is in progress.
_ResourceNotReadyException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The function is inactive and its VPC connection is no longer available. Wait for the VPC connection to reestablish and try again.
_EC2UnexpectedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Lambda received an unexpected EC2 client exception while setting up for the Lambda function.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The resource specified in the request does not exist.
_EFSIOException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An error occurred when reading from or writing to a connected file system.
_EFSMountTimeoutException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The function was able to make a network connection to the configured file system, but the mount operation timed out.
_KMSAccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Lambda was unable to decrypt the environment variables because KMS access was denied. Check the Lambda function's KMS permissions.
_ResourceInUseException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The operation conflicts with the resource's availability. For example, you attempted to update an EventSource Mapping in CREATING, or tried to delete a EventSource mapping currently in the UPDATING state.
newtype Architecture Source #
pattern Architecture_Arm64 :: Architecture | |
pattern Architecture_X86_64 :: Architecture |
newtype CodeSigningPolicy Source #
pattern CodeSigningPolicy_Enforce :: CodeSigningPolicy | |
pattern CodeSigningPolicy_Warn :: CodeSigningPolicy |
newtype EndPointType Source #
pattern EndPointType_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS :: EndPointType |
newtype EventSourcePosition Source #
pattern EventSourcePosition_AT_TIMESTAMP :: EventSourcePosition | |
pattern EventSourcePosition_LATEST :: EventSourcePosition | |
pattern EventSourcePosition_TRIM_HORIZON :: EventSourcePosition |
newtype FunctionResponseType Source #
newtype FunctionVersion Source #
pattern FunctionVersion_ALL :: FunctionVersion |
newtype InvocationType Source #
pattern InvocationType_DryRun :: InvocationType | |
pattern InvocationType_Event :: InvocationType | |
pattern InvocationType_RequestResponse :: InvocationType |
newtype LastUpdateStatus Source #
pattern LastUpdateStatus_Failed :: LastUpdateStatus | |
pattern LastUpdateStatus_InProgress :: LastUpdateStatus | |
pattern LastUpdateStatus_Successful :: LastUpdateStatus |
newtype LastUpdateStatusReasonCode Source #
pattern LogType_None :: LogType | |
pattern LogType_Tail :: LogType |
newtype PackageType Source #
pattern PackageType_Image :: PackageType | |
pattern PackageType_Zip :: PackageType |
newtype ProvisionedConcurrencyStatusEnum Source #
pattern Runtime_Dotnetcore1_0 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Dotnetcore2_0 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Dotnetcore2_1 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Dotnetcore3_1 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Go1_x :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Java11 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Java8 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Java8_al2 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Nodejs :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Nodejs10_x :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Nodejs12_x :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Nodejs14_x :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Nodejs4_3 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Nodejs4_3_edge :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Nodejs6_10 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Nodejs8_10 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Provided :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Provided_al2 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Python2_7 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Python3_6 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Python3_7 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Python3_8 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Python3_9 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Ruby2_5 :: Runtime | |
pattern Runtime_Ruby2_7 :: Runtime |
newtype SourceAccessType Source #
pattern SourceAccessType_BASIC_AUTH :: SourceAccessType | |
pattern SourceAccessType_SASL_SCRAM_256_AUTH :: SourceAccessType | |
pattern SourceAccessType_SASL_SCRAM_512_AUTH :: SourceAccessType | |
pattern SourceAccessType_VIRTUAL_HOST :: SourceAccessType | |
pattern SourceAccessType_VPC_SECURITY_GROUP :: SourceAccessType | |
pattern SourceAccessType_VPC_SUBNET :: SourceAccessType |
pattern State_Active :: State | |
pattern State_Failed :: State | |
pattern State_Inactive :: State | |
pattern State_Pending :: State |
newtype StateReasonCode Source #
pattern StateReasonCode_Creating :: StateReasonCode | |
pattern StateReasonCode_EniLimitExceeded :: StateReasonCode | |
pattern StateReasonCode_Idle :: StateReasonCode | |
pattern StateReasonCode_ImageAccessDenied :: StateReasonCode | |
pattern StateReasonCode_ImageDeleted :: StateReasonCode | |
pattern StateReasonCode_InsufficientRolePermissions :: StateReasonCode | |
pattern StateReasonCode_InternalError :: StateReasonCode | |
pattern StateReasonCode_InvalidConfiguration :: StateReasonCode | |
pattern StateReasonCode_InvalidImage :: StateReasonCode | |
pattern StateReasonCode_InvalidSecurityGroup :: StateReasonCode | |
pattern StateReasonCode_InvalidSubnet :: StateReasonCode | |
pattern StateReasonCode_Restoring :: StateReasonCode | |
pattern StateReasonCode_SubnetOutOfIPAddresses :: StateReasonCode |
newtype TracingMode Source #
pattern TracingMode_Active :: TracingMode | |
pattern TracingMode_PassThrough :: TracingMode |
data AccountLimit Source #
Limits that are related to concurrency and storage. All file and storage sizes are in bytes.
See: newAccountLimit
smart constructor.
AccountLimit' | |
newAccountLimit :: AccountLimit Source #
Create a value of AccountLimit
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, accountLimit_concurrentExecutions
- The maximum number of simultaneous function executions.
, accountLimit_totalCodeSize
- The amount of storage space that you can use for all deployment packages
and layer archives.
, accountLimit_unreservedConcurrentExecutions
- The maximum number of simultaneous function executions, minus the
capacity that's reserved for individual functions with
, accountLimit_codeSizeUnzipped
- The maximum size of a function's deployment package and layers when
they're extracted.
, accountLimit_codeSizeZipped
- The maximum size of a deployment package when it's uploaded directly to
Lambda. Use Amazon S3 for larger files.
accountLimit_concurrentExecutions :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum number of simultaneous function executions.
accountLimit_totalCodeSize :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Integer) Source #
The amount of storage space that you can use for all deployment packages and layer archives.
accountLimit_unreservedConcurrentExecutions :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of simultaneous function executions, minus the capacity that's reserved for individual functions with PutFunctionConcurrency.
accountLimit_codeSizeUnzipped :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Integer) Source #
The maximum size of a function's deployment package and layers when they're extracted.
accountLimit_codeSizeZipped :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Integer) Source #
The maximum size of a deployment package when it's uploaded directly to Lambda. Use Amazon S3 for larger files.
data AccountUsage Source #
The number of functions and amount of storage in use.
See: newAccountUsage
smart constructor.
AccountUsage' | |
newAccountUsage :: AccountUsage Source #
Create a value of AccountUsage
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, accountUsage_totalCodeSize
- The amount of storage space, in bytes, that's being used by deployment
packages and layer archives.
, accountUsage_functionCount
- The number of Lambda functions.
accountUsage_totalCodeSize :: Lens' AccountUsage (Maybe Integer) Source #
The amount of storage space, in bytes, that's being used by deployment packages and layer archives.
accountUsage_functionCount :: Lens' AccountUsage (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of Lambda functions.
data AliasConfiguration Source #
Provides configuration information about a Lambda function alias.
See: newAliasConfiguration
smart constructor.
AliasConfiguration' | |
newAliasConfiguration :: AliasConfiguration Source #
Create a value of AliasConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, aliasConfiguration_routingConfig
- The
routing configuration
of the alias.
, aliasConfiguration_name
- The name of the alias.
, aliasConfiguration_functionVersion
- The function version that the alias invokes.
, aliasConfiguration_aliasArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the alias.
, aliasConfiguration_description
- A description of the alias.
, aliasConfiguration_revisionId
- A unique identifier that changes when you update the alias.
aliasConfiguration_routingConfig :: Lens' AliasConfiguration (Maybe AliasRoutingConfiguration) Source #
The routing configuration of the alias.
aliasConfiguration_name :: Lens' AliasConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the alias.
aliasConfiguration_functionVersion :: Lens' AliasConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The function version that the alias invokes.
aliasConfiguration_aliasArn :: Lens' AliasConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the alias.
aliasConfiguration_description :: Lens' AliasConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the alias.
aliasConfiguration_revisionId :: Lens' AliasConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
A unique identifier that changes when you update the alias.
data AliasRoutingConfiguration Source #
The traffic-shifting configuration of a Lambda function alias.
See: newAliasRoutingConfiguration
smart constructor.
AliasRoutingConfiguration' | |
newAliasRoutingConfiguration :: AliasRoutingConfiguration Source #
Create a value of AliasRoutingConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, aliasRoutingConfiguration_additionalVersionWeights
- The second version, and the percentage of traffic that's routed to it.
aliasRoutingConfiguration_additionalVersionWeights :: Lens' AliasRoutingConfiguration (Maybe (HashMap Text Double)) Source #
The second version, and the percentage of traffic that's routed to it.
data AllowedPublishers Source #
List of signing profiles that can sign a code package.
See: newAllowedPublishers
smart constructor.
AllowedPublishers' | |
Create a value of AllowedPublishers
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, allowedPublishers_signingProfileVersionArns
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for each of the signing profiles. A
signing profile defines a trusted user who can sign a code package.
allowedPublishers_signingProfileVersionArns :: Lens' AllowedPublishers (NonEmpty Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for each of the signing profiles. A signing profile defines a trusted user who can sign a code package.
data CodeSigningConfig Source #
Details about a Code signing configuration.
See: newCodeSigningConfig
smart constructor.
CodeSigningConfig' | |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> AllowedPublishers | |
-> CodeSigningPolicies | |
-> Text | |
-> CodeSigningConfig |
Create a value of CodeSigningConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, codeSigningConfig_description
- Code signing configuration description.
, codeSigningConfig_codeSigningConfigId
- Unique identifer for the Code signing configuration.
, codeSigningConfig_codeSigningConfigArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Code signing configuration.
, codeSigningConfig_allowedPublishers
- List of allowed publishers.
, codeSigningConfig_codeSigningPolicies
- The code signing policy controls the validation failure action for
signature mismatch or expiry.
, codeSigningConfig_lastModified
- The date and time that the Code signing configuration was last modified,
in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD).
codeSigningConfig_description :: Lens' CodeSigningConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
Code signing configuration description.
codeSigningConfig_codeSigningConfigId :: Lens' CodeSigningConfig Text Source #
Unique identifer for the Code signing configuration.
codeSigningConfig_codeSigningConfigArn :: Lens' CodeSigningConfig Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Code signing configuration.
codeSigningConfig_allowedPublishers :: Lens' CodeSigningConfig AllowedPublishers Source #
List of allowed publishers.
codeSigningConfig_codeSigningPolicies :: Lens' CodeSigningConfig CodeSigningPolicies Source #
The code signing policy controls the validation failure action for signature mismatch or expiry.
codeSigningConfig_lastModified :: Lens' CodeSigningConfig Text Source #
The date and time that the Code signing configuration was last modified, in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD).
data CodeSigningPolicies Source #
Code signing configuration policies specify the validation failure action for signature mismatch or expiry.
See: newCodeSigningPolicies
smart constructor.
CodeSigningPolicies' | |
newCodeSigningPolicies :: CodeSigningPolicies Source #
Create a value of CodeSigningPolicies
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, codeSigningPolicies_untrustedArtifactOnDeployment
- Code signing configuration policy for deployment validation failure. If
you set the policy to Enforce
, Lambda blocks the deployment request if
signature validation checks fail. If you set the policy to Warn
Lambda allows the deployment and creates a CloudWatch log.
Default value: Warn
codeSigningPolicies_untrustedArtifactOnDeployment :: Lens' CodeSigningPolicies (Maybe CodeSigningPolicy) Source #
Code signing configuration policy for deployment validation failure. If
you set the policy to Enforce
, Lambda blocks the deployment request if
signature validation checks fail. If you set the policy to Warn
Lambda allows the deployment and creates a CloudWatch log.
Default value: Warn
data Concurrency Source #
See: newConcurrency
smart constructor.
Concurrency' | |
newConcurrency :: Concurrency Source #
Create a value of Concurrency
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, concurrency_reservedConcurrentExecutions
- The number of concurrent executions that are reserved for this function.
For more information, see
Managing Concurrency.
concurrency_reservedConcurrentExecutions :: Lens' Concurrency (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of concurrent executions that are reserved for this function. For more information, see Managing Concurrency.
data DeadLetterConfig Source #
The dead-letter queue for failed asynchronous invocations.
See: newDeadLetterConfig
smart constructor.
Eq DeadLetterConfig Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Lambda.Types.DeadLetterConfig (==) :: DeadLetterConfig -> DeadLetterConfig -> Bool # (/=) :: DeadLetterConfig -> DeadLetterConfig -> Bool # | |
Read DeadLetterConfig Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Lambda.Types.DeadLetterConfig | |
Show DeadLetterConfig Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Lambda.Types.DeadLetterConfig showsPrec :: Int -> DeadLetterConfig -> ShowS # show :: DeadLetterConfig -> String # showList :: [DeadLetterConfig] -> ShowS # | |
Generic DeadLetterConfig Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.Lambda.Types.DeadLetterConfig type Rep DeadLetterConfig :: Type -> Type # from :: DeadLetterConfig -> Rep DeadLetterConfig x # |