{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}

-- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.

-- |
-- Module      : Amazonka.KinesisVideoArchivedMedia.GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay
-- License     : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay+amazonka@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- Retrieves an HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) URL for the stream. You can then
-- open the URL in a browser or media player to view the stream contents.
-- Both the @StreamName@ and the @StreamARN@ parameters are optional, but
-- you must specify either the @StreamName@ or the @StreamARN@ when
-- invoking this API operation.
-- An Amazon Kinesis video stream has the following requirements for
-- providing data through HLS:
-- -   The media must contain h.264 or h.265 encoded video and, optionally,
--     AAC encoded audio. Specifically, the codec ID of track 1 should be
--     @V_MPEG\/ISO\/AVC@ (for h.264) or @V_MPEG\/ISO\/HEVC@ (for h.265).
--     Optionally, the codec ID of track 2 should be @A_AAC@.
-- -   Data retention must be greater than 0.
-- -   The video track of each fragment must contain codec private data in
--     the Advanced Video Coding (AVC) for H.264 format or HEVC for H.265
--     format
--     (<https://www.iso.org/standard/55980.html MPEG-4 specification ISO\/IEC 14496-15>).
--     For information about adapting stream data to a given format, see
--     <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisvideostreams/latest/dg/producer-reference-nal.html NAL Adaptation Flags>.
-- -   The audio track (if present) of each fragment must contain codec
--     private data in the AAC format
--     (<https://www.iso.org/standard/43345.html AAC specification ISO\/IEC 13818-7>).
-- Kinesis Video Streams HLS sessions contain fragments in the fragmented
-- MPEG-4 form (also called fMP4 or CMAF) or the MPEG-2 form (also called
-- TS chunks, which the HLS specification also supports). For more
-- information about HLS fragment types, see the
-- <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-23 HLS specification>.
-- The following procedure shows how to use HLS with Kinesis Video Streams:
-- 1.  Get an endpoint using
--     <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisvideostreams/latest/dg/API_GetDataEndpoint.html GetDataEndpoint>,
--     specifying @GET_HLS_STREAMING_SESSION_URL@ for the @APIName@
--     parameter.
-- 2.  Retrieve the HLS URL using @GetHLSStreamingSessionURL@. Kinesis
--     Video Streams creates an HLS streaming session to be used for
--     accessing content in a stream using the HLS protocol.
--     @GetHLSStreamingSessionURL@ returns an authenticated URL (that
--     includes an encrypted session token) for the session\'s HLS /master
--     playlist/ (the root resource needed for streaming with HLS).
--     Don\'t share or store this token where an unauthorized entity could
--     access it. The token provides access to the content of the stream.
--     Safeguard the token with the same measures that you would use with
--     your AWS credentials.
--     The media that is made available through the playlist consists only
--     of the requested stream, time range, and format. No other media data
--     (such as frames outside the requested window or alternate bitrates)
--     is made available.
-- 3.  Provide the URL (containing the encrypted session token) for the HLS
--     master playlist to a media player that supports the HLS protocol.
--     Kinesis Video Streams makes the HLS media playlist, initialization
--     fragment, and media fragments available through the master playlist
--     URL. The initialization fragment contains the codec private data for
--     the stream, and other data needed to set up the video or audio
--     decoder and renderer. The media fragments contain H.264-encoded
--     video frames or AAC-encoded audio samples.
-- 4.  The media player receives the authenticated URL and requests stream
--     metadata and media data normally. When the media player requests
--     data, it calls the following actions:
--     -   __GetHLSMasterPlaylist:__ Retrieves an HLS master playlist,
--         which contains a URL for the @GetHLSMediaPlaylist@ action for
--         each track, and additional metadata for the media player,
--         including estimated bitrate and resolution.
--     -   __GetHLSMediaPlaylist:__ Retrieves an HLS media playlist, which
--         contains a URL to access the MP4 initialization fragment with
--         the @GetMP4InitFragment@ action, and URLs to access the MP4
--         media fragments with the @GetMP4MediaFragment@ actions. The HLS
--         media playlist also contains metadata about the stream that the
--         player needs to play it, such as whether the @PlaybackMode@ is
--         @LIVE@ or @ON_DEMAND@. The HLS media playlist is typically
--         static for sessions with a @PlaybackType@ of @ON_DEMAND@. The
--         HLS media playlist is continually updated with new fragments for
--         sessions with a @PlaybackType@ of @LIVE@. There is a distinct
--         HLS media playlist for the video track and the audio track (if
--         applicable) that contains MP4 media URLs for the specific track.
--     -   __GetMP4InitFragment:__ Retrieves the MP4 initialization
--         fragment. The media player typically loads the initialization
--         fragment before loading any media fragments. This fragment
--         contains the \"@fytp@\" and \"@moov@\" MP4 atoms, and the child
--         atoms that are needed to initialize the media player decoder.
--         The initialization fragment does not correspond to a fragment in
--         a Kinesis video stream. It contains only the codec private data
--         for the stream and respective track, which the media player
--         needs to decode the media frames.
--     -   __GetMP4MediaFragment:__ Retrieves MP4 media fragments. These
--         fragments contain the \"@moof@\" and \"@mdat@\" MP4 atoms and
--         their child atoms, containing the encoded fragment\'s media
--         frames and their timestamps.
--         After the first media fragment is made available in a streaming
--         session, any fragments that don\'t contain the same codec
--         private data cause an error to be returned when those different
--         media fragments are loaded. Therefore, the codec private data
--         should not change between fragments in a session. This also
--         means that the session fails if the fragments in a stream change
--         from having only video to having both audio and video.
--         Data retrieved with this action is billable. See
--         <https://aws.amazon.com/kinesis/video-streams/pricing/ Pricing>
--         for details.
--     -   __GetTSFragment:__ Retrieves MPEG TS fragments containing both
--         initialization and media data for all tracks in the stream.
--         If the @ContainerFormat@ is @MPEG_TS@, this API is used instead
--         of @GetMP4InitFragment@ and @GetMP4MediaFragment@ to retrieve
--         stream media.
--         Data retrieved with this action is billable. For more
--         information, see
--         <https://aws.amazon.com/kinesis/video-streams/pricing/ Kinesis Video Streams pricing>.
-- A streaming session URL must not be shared between players. The service
-- might throttle a session if multiple media players are sharing it. For
-- connection limits, see
-- <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisvideostreams/latest/dg/limits.html Kinesis Video Streams Limits>.
-- You can monitor the amount of data that the media player consumes by
-- monitoring the @GetMP4MediaFragment.OutgoingBytes@ Amazon CloudWatch
-- metric. For information about using CloudWatch to monitor Kinesis Video
-- Streams, see
-- <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisvideostreams/latest/dg/monitoring.html Monitoring Kinesis Video Streams>.
-- For pricing information, see
-- <https://aws.amazon.com/kinesis/video-streams/pricing/ Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Pricing>
-- and <https://aws.amazon.com/pricing/ AWS Pricing>. Charges for both HLS
-- sessions and outgoing AWS data apply.
-- For more information about HLS, see
-- <https://developer.apple.com/streaming/ HTTP Live Streaming> on the
-- <https://developer.apple.com Apple Developer site>.
-- If an error is thrown after invoking a Kinesis Video Streams archived
-- media API, in addition to the HTTP status code and the response body, it
-- includes the following pieces of information:
-- -   @x-amz-ErrorType@ HTTP header – contains a more specific error type
--     in addition to what the HTTP status code provides.
-- -   @x-amz-RequestId@ HTTP header – if you want to report an issue to
--     AWS, the support team can better diagnose the problem if given the
--     Request Id.
-- Both the HTTP status code and the ErrorType header can be utilized to
-- make programmatic decisions about whether errors are retry-able and
-- under what conditions, as well as provide information on what actions
-- the client programmer might need to take in order to successfully try
-- again.
-- For more information, see the __Errors__ section at the bottom of this
-- topic, as well as
-- <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisvideostreams/latest/dg/CommonErrors.html Common Errors>.
module Amazonka.KinesisVideoArchivedMedia.GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
  ( -- * Creating a Request
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURL (..),

    -- * Request Lenses

    -- * Destructuring the Response
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse (..),

    -- * Response Lenses

import qualified Amazonka.Core as Core
import Amazonka.KinesisVideoArchivedMedia.Types
import qualified Amazonka.Lens as Lens
import qualified Amazonka.Prelude as Prelude
import qualified Amazonka.Request as Request
import qualified Amazonka.Response as Response

-- | /See:/ 'newGetHLSStreamingSessionURL' smart constructor.
data GetHLSStreamingSessionURL = GetHLSStreamingSessionURL'
  { -- | Specifies when the fragment start timestamps should be included in the
    -- HLS media playlist. Typically, media players report the playhead
    -- position as a time relative to the start of the first fragment in the
    -- playback session. However, when the start timestamps are included in the
    -- HLS media playlist, some media players might report the current playhead
    -- as an absolute time based on the fragment timestamps. This can be useful
    -- for creating a playback experience that shows viewers the wall-clock
    -- time of the media.
    -- The default is @NEVER@. When HLSFragmentSelector is @SERVER_TIMESTAMP@,
    -- the timestamps will be the server start timestamps. Similarly, when
    -- HLSFragmentSelector is @PRODUCER_TIMESTAMP@, the timestamps will be the
    -- producer start timestamps.
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
displayFragmentTimestamp :: Prelude.Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp,
    -- | The time range of the requested fragment and the source of the
    -- timestamps.
    -- This parameter is required if @PlaybackMode@ is @ON_DEMAND@ or
    -- @LIVE_REPLAY@. This parameter is optional if PlaybackMode is@@ @LIVE@.
    -- If @PlaybackMode@ is @LIVE@, the @FragmentSelectorType@ can be set, but
    -- the @TimestampRange@ should not be set. If @PlaybackMode@ is @ON_DEMAND@
    -- or @LIVE_REPLAY@, both @FragmentSelectorType@ and @TimestampRange@ must
    -- be set.
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
hLSFragmentSelector :: Prelude.Maybe HLSFragmentSelector,
    -- | The time in seconds until the requested session expires. This value can
    -- be between 300 (5 minutes) and 43200 (12 hours).
    -- When a session expires, no new calls to @GetHLSMasterPlaylist@,
    -- @GetHLSMediaPlaylist@, @GetMP4InitFragment@, @GetMP4MediaFragment@, or
    -- @GetTSFragment@ can be made for that session.
    -- The default is 300 (5 minutes).
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Natural
expires :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural,
    -- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stream for which to retrieve the
    -- HLS master playlist URL.
    -- You must specify either the @StreamName@ or the @StreamARN@.
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Text
streamARN :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text,
    -- | Whether to retrieve live, live replay, or archived, on-demand data.
    -- Features of the three types of sessions include the following:
    -- -   __@LIVE@__ : For sessions of this type, the HLS media playlist is
    --     continually updated with the latest fragments as they become
    --     available. We recommend that the media player retrieve a new
    --     playlist on a one-second interval. When this type of session is
    --     played in a media player, the user interface typically displays a
    --     \"live\" notification, with no scrubber control for choosing the
    --     position in the playback window to display.
    --     In @LIVE@ mode, the newest available fragments are included in an
    --     HLS media playlist, even if there is a gap between fragments (that
    --     is, if a fragment is missing). A gap like this might cause a media
    --     player to halt or cause a jump in playback. In this mode, fragments
    --     are not added to the HLS media playlist if they are older than the
    --     newest fragment in the playlist. If the missing fragment becomes
    --     available after a subsequent fragment is added to the playlist, the
    --     older fragment is not added, and the gap is not filled.
    -- -   __@LIVE_REPLAY@__ : For sessions of this type, the HLS media
    --     playlist is updated similarly to how it is updated for @LIVE@ mode
    --     except that it starts by including fragments from a given start
    --     time. Instead of fragments being added as they are ingested,
    --     fragments are added as the duration of the next fragment elapses.
    --     For example, if the fragments in the session are two seconds long,
    --     then a new fragment is added to the media playlist every two
    --     seconds. This mode is useful to be able to start playback from when
    --     an event is detected and continue live streaming media that has not
    --     yet been ingested as of the time of the session creation. This mode
    --     is also useful to stream previously archived media without being
    --     limited by the 1,000 fragment limit in the @ON_DEMAND@ mode.
    -- -   __@ON_DEMAND@__ : For sessions of this type, the HLS media playlist
    --     contains all the fragments for the session, up to the number that is
    --     specified in @MaxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults@. The playlist must be
    --     retrieved only once for each session. When this type of session is
    --     played in a media player, the user interface typically displays a
    --     scrubber control for choosing the position in the playback window to
    --     display.
    -- In all playback modes, if @FragmentSelectorType@ is
    -- @PRODUCER_TIMESTAMP@, and if there are multiple fragments with the same
    -- start timestamp, the fragment that has the largest fragment number (that
    -- is, the newest fragment) is included in the HLS media playlist. The
    -- other fragments are not included. Fragments that have different
    -- timestamps but have overlapping durations are still included in the HLS
    -- media playlist. This can lead to unexpected behavior in the media
    -- player.
    -- The default is @LIVE@.
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
playbackMode :: Prelude.Maybe HLSPlaybackMode,
    -- | Specifies which format should be used for packaging the media.
    -- Specifying the @FRAGMENTED_MP4@ container format packages the media into
    -- MP4 fragments (fMP4 or CMAF). This is the recommended packaging because
    -- there is minimal packaging overhead. The other container format option
    -- is @MPEG_TS@. HLS has supported MPEG TS chunks since it was released and
    -- is sometimes the only supported packaging on older HLS players. MPEG TS
    -- typically has a 5-25 percent packaging overhead. This means MPEG TS
    -- typically requires 5-25 percent more bandwidth and cost than fMP4.
    -- The default is @FRAGMENTED_MP4@.
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe ContainerFormat
containerFormat :: Prelude.Maybe ContainerFormat,
    -- | The maximum number of fragments that are returned in the HLS media
    -- playlists.
    -- When the @PlaybackMode@ is @LIVE@, the most recent fragments are
    -- returned up to this value. When the @PlaybackMode@ is @ON_DEMAND@, the
    -- oldest fragments are returned, up to this maximum number.
    -- When there are a higher number of fragments available in a live HLS
    -- media playlist, video players often buffer content before starting
    -- playback. Increasing the buffer size increases the playback latency, but
    -- it decreases the likelihood that rebuffering will occur during playback.
    -- We recommend that a live HLS media playlist have a minimum of 3
    -- fragments and a maximum of 10 fragments.
    -- The default is 5 fragments if @PlaybackMode@ is @LIVE@ or @LIVE_REPLAY@,
    -- and 1,000 if @PlaybackMode@ is @ON_DEMAND@.
    -- The maximum value of 5,000 fragments corresponds to more than 80 minutes
    -- of video on streams with 1-second fragments, and more than 13 hours of
    -- video on streams with 10-second fragments.
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Natural
maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural,
    -- | Specifies when flags marking discontinuities between fragments are added
    -- to the media playlists.
    -- Media players typically build a timeline of media content to play, based
    -- on the timestamps of each fragment. This means that if there is any
    -- overlap or gap between fragments (as is typical if HLSFragmentSelector
    -- is set to @SERVER_TIMESTAMP@), the media player timeline will also have
    -- small gaps between fragments in some places, and will overwrite frames
    -- in other places. Gaps in the media player timeline can cause playback to
    -- stall and overlaps can cause playback to be jittery. When there are
    -- discontinuity flags between fragments, the media player is expected to
    -- reset the timeline, resulting in the next fragment being played
    -- immediately after the previous fragment.
    -- The following modes are supported:
    -- -   @ALWAYS@: a discontinuity marker is placed between every fragment in
    --     the HLS media playlist. It is recommended to use a value of @ALWAYS@
    --     if the fragment timestamps are not accurate.
    -- -   @NEVER@: no discontinuity markers are placed anywhere. It is
    --     recommended to use a value of @NEVER@ to ensure the media player
    --     timeline most accurately maps to the producer timestamps.
    -- -   @ON_DISCONTINUITY@: a discontinuity marker is placed between
    --     fragments that have a gap or overlap of more than 50 milliseconds.
    --     For most playback scenarios, it is recommended to use a value of
    --     @ON_DISCONTINUITY@ so that the media player timeline is only reset
    --     when there is a significant issue with the media timeline (e.g. a
    --     missing fragment).
    -- The default is @ALWAYS@ when HLSFragmentSelector is set to
    -- @SERVER_TIMESTAMP@, and @NEVER@ when it is set to @PRODUCER_TIMESTAMP@.
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
discontinuityMode :: Prelude.Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode,
    -- | The name of the stream for which to retrieve the HLS master playlist
    -- URL.
    -- You must specify either the @StreamName@ or the @StreamARN@.
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Text
streamName :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text
  deriving (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Bool
(GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Bool)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Bool)
-> Eq GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Bool
$c/= :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Bool
== :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Bool
$c== :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Bool
Prelude.Eq, ReadPrec [GetHLSStreamingSessionURL]
ReadPrec GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
Int -> ReadS GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
ReadS [GetHLSStreamingSessionURL]
(Int -> ReadS GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)
-> ReadS [GetHLSStreamingSessionURL]
-> ReadPrec GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
-> ReadPrec [GetHLSStreamingSessionURL]
-> Read GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [GetHLSStreamingSessionURL]
$creadListPrec :: ReadPrec [GetHLSStreamingSessionURL]
readPrec :: ReadPrec GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
$creadPrec :: ReadPrec GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
readList :: ReadS [GetHLSStreamingSessionURL]
$creadList :: ReadS [GetHLSStreamingSessionURL]
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
$creadsPrec :: Int -> ReadS GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
Prelude.Read, Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> ShowS
[GetHLSStreamingSessionURL] -> ShowS
GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> String
(Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> ShowS)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> String)
-> ([GetHLSStreamingSessionURL] -> ShowS)
-> Show GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [GetHLSStreamingSessionURL] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [GetHLSStreamingSessionURL] -> ShowS
show :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> String
$cshow :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> ShowS
Prelude.Show, (forall x.
 GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Rep GetHLSStreamingSessionURL x)
-> (forall x.
    Rep GetHLSStreamingSessionURL x -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)
-> Generic GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
forall x.
Rep GetHLSStreamingSessionURL x -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
forall x.
GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Rep GetHLSStreamingSessionURL x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x.
Rep GetHLSStreamingSessionURL x -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
$cfrom :: forall x.
GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Rep GetHLSStreamingSessionURL x

-- |
-- Create a value of 'GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' with all optional fields omitted.
-- Use <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-lens generic-lens> or <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optics optics> to modify other optional fields.
-- The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided
-- for backwards compatibility:
-- 'displayFragmentTimestamp', 'getHLSStreamingSessionURL_displayFragmentTimestamp' - Specifies when the fragment start timestamps should be included in the
-- HLS media playlist. Typically, media players report the playhead
-- position as a time relative to the start of the first fragment in the
-- playback session. However, when the start timestamps are included in the
-- HLS media playlist, some media players might report the current playhead
-- as an absolute time based on the fragment timestamps. This can be useful
-- for creating a playback experience that shows viewers the wall-clock
-- time of the media.
-- The default is @NEVER@. When HLSFragmentSelector is @SERVER_TIMESTAMP@,
-- the timestamps will be the server start timestamps. Similarly, when
-- HLSFragmentSelector is @PRODUCER_TIMESTAMP@, the timestamps will be the
-- producer start timestamps.
-- 'hLSFragmentSelector', 'getHLSStreamingSessionURL_hLSFragmentSelector' - The time range of the requested fragment and the source of the
-- timestamps.
-- This parameter is required if @PlaybackMode@ is @ON_DEMAND@ or
-- @LIVE_REPLAY@. This parameter is optional if PlaybackMode is@@ @LIVE@.
-- If @PlaybackMode@ is @LIVE@, the @FragmentSelectorType@ can be set, but
-- the @TimestampRange@ should not be set. If @PlaybackMode@ is @ON_DEMAND@
-- or @LIVE_REPLAY@, both @FragmentSelectorType@ and @TimestampRange@ must
-- be set.
-- 'expires', 'getHLSStreamingSessionURL_expires' - The time in seconds until the requested session expires. This value can
-- be between 300 (5 minutes) and 43200 (12 hours).
-- When a session expires, no new calls to @GetHLSMasterPlaylist@,
-- @GetHLSMediaPlaylist@, @GetMP4InitFragment@, @GetMP4MediaFragment@, or
-- @GetTSFragment@ can be made for that session.
-- The default is 300 (5 minutes).
-- 'streamARN', 'getHLSStreamingSessionURL_streamARN' - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stream for which to retrieve the
-- HLS master playlist URL.
-- You must specify either the @StreamName@ or the @StreamARN@.
-- 'playbackMode', 'getHLSStreamingSessionURL_playbackMode' - Whether to retrieve live, live replay, or archived, on-demand data.
-- Features of the three types of sessions include the following:
-- -   __@LIVE@__ : For sessions of this type, the HLS media playlist is
--     continually updated with the latest fragments as they become
--     available. We recommend that the media player retrieve a new
--     playlist on a one-second interval. When this type of session is
--     played in a media player, the user interface typically displays a
--     \"live\" notification, with no scrubber control for choosing the
--     position in the playback window to display.
--     In @LIVE@ mode, the newest available fragments are included in an
--     HLS media playlist, even if there is a gap between fragments (that
--     is, if a fragment is missing). A gap like this might cause a media
--     player to halt or cause a jump in playback. In this mode, fragments
--     are not added to the HLS media playlist if they are older than the
--     newest fragment in the playlist. If the missing fragment becomes
--     available after a subsequent fragment is added to the playlist, the
--     older fragment is not added, and the gap is not filled.
-- -   __@LIVE_REPLAY@__ : For sessions of this type, the HLS media
--     playlist is updated similarly to how it is updated for @LIVE@ mode
--     except that it starts by including fragments from a given start
--     time. Instead of fragments being added as they are ingested,
--     fragments are added as the duration of the next fragment elapses.
--     For example, if the fragments in the session are two seconds long,
--     then a new fragment is added to the media playlist every two
--     seconds. This mode is useful to be able to start playback from when
--     an event is detected and continue live streaming media that has not
--     yet been ingested as of the time of the session creation. This mode
--     is also useful to stream previously archived media without being
--     limited by the 1,000 fragment limit in the @ON_DEMAND@ mode.
-- -   __@ON_DEMAND@__ : For sessions of this type, the HLS media playlist
--     contains all the fragments for the session, up to the number that is
--     specified in @MaxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults@. The playlist must be
--     retrieved only once for each session. When this type of session is
--     played in a media player, the user interface typically displays a
--     scrubber control for choosing the position in the playback window to
--     display.
-- In all playback modes, if @FragmentSelectorType@ is
-- @PRODUCER_TIMESTAMP@, and if there are multiple fragments with the same
-- start timestamp, the fragment that has the largest fragment number (that
-- is, the newest fragment) is included in the HLS media playlist. The
-- other fragments are not included. Fragments that have different
-- timestamps but have overlapping durations are still included in the HLS
-- media playlist. This can lead to unexpected behavior in the media
-- player.
-- The default is @LIVE@.
-- 'containerFormat', 'getHLSStreamingSessionURL_containerFormat' - Specifies which format should be used for packaging the media.
-- Specifying the @FRAGMENTED_MP4@ container format packages the media into
-- MP4 fragments (fMP4 or CMAF). This is the recommended packaging because
-- there is minimal packaging overhead. The other container format option
-- is @MPEG_TS@. HLS has supported MPEG TS chunks since it was released and
-- is sometimes the only supported packaging on older HLS players. MPEG TS
-- typically has a 5-25 percent packaging overhead. This means MPEG TS
-- typically requires 5-25 percent more bandwidth and cost than fMP4.
-- The default is @FRAGMENTED_MP4@.
-- 'maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults', 'getHLSStreamingSessionURL_maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults' - The maximum number of fragments that are returned in the HLS media
-- playlists.
-- When the @PlaybackMode@ is @LIVE@, the most recent fragments are
-- returned up to this value. When the @PlaybackMode@ is @ON_DEMAND@, the
-- oldest fragments are returned, up to this maximum number.
-- When there are a higher number of fragments available in a live HLS
-- media playlist, video players often buffer content before starting
-- playback. Increasing the buffer size increases the playback latency, but
-- it decreases the likelihood that rebuffering will occur during playback.
-- We recommend that a live HLS media playlist have a minimum of 3
-- fragments and a maximum of 10 fragments.
-- The default is 5 fragments if @PlaybackMode@ is @LIVE@ or @LIVE_REPLAY@,
-- and 1,000 if @PlaybackMode@ is @ON_DEMAND@.
-- The maximum value of 5,000 fragments corresponds to more than 80 minutes
-- of video on streams with 1-second fragments, and more than 13 hours of
-- video on streams with 10-second fragments.
-- 'discontinuityMode', 'getHLSStreamingSessionURL_discontinuityMode' - Specifies when flags marking discontinuities between fragments are added
-- to the media playlists.
-- Media players typically build a timeline of media content to play, based
-- on the timestamps of each fragment. This means that if there is any
-- overlap or gap between fragments (as is typical if HLSFragmentSelector
-- is set to @SERVER_TIMESTAMP@), the media player timeline will also have
-- small gaps between fragments in some places, and will overwrite frames
-- in other places. Gaps in the media player timeline can cause playback to
-- stall and overlaps can cause playback to be jittery. When there are
-- discontinuity flags between fragments, the media player is expected to
-- reset the timeline, resulting in the next fragment being played
-- immediately after the previous fragment.
-- The following modes are supported:
-- -   @ALWAYS@: a discontinuity marker is placed between every fragment in
--     the HLS media playlist. It is recommended to use a value of @ALWAYS@
--     if the fragment timestamps are not accurate.
-- -   @NEVER@: no discontinuity markers are placed anywhere. It is
--     recommended to use a value of @NEVER@ to ensure the media player
--     timeline most accurately maps to the producer timestamps.
-- -   @ON_DISCONTINUITY@: a discontinuity marker is placed between
--     fragments that have a gap or overlap of more than 50 milliseconds.
--     For most playback scenarios, it is recommended to use a value of
--     @ON_DISCONTINUITY@ so that the media player timeline is only reset
--     when there is a significant issue with the media timeline (e.g. a
--     missing fragment).
-- The default is @ALWAYS@ when HLSFragmentSelector is set to
-- @SERVER_TIMESTAMP@, and @NEVER@ when it is set to @PRODUCER_TIMESTAMP@.
-- 'streamName', 'getHLSStreamingSessionURL_streamName' - The name of the stream for which to retrieve the HLS master playlist
-- URL.
-- You must specify either the @StreamName@ or the @StreamARN@.
newGetHLSStreamingSessionURL ::
newGetHLSStreamingSessionURL :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
newGetHLSStreamingSessionURL =
  GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
-> Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe Text
-> Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
-> Maybe ContainerFormat
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
-> Maybe Text
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
    { $sel:displayFragmentTimestamp:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
displayFragmentTimestamp =
        Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:hLSFragmentSelector:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
hLSFragmentSelector = Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:expires:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe Natural
expires = Maybe Natural
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:streamARN:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe Text
streamARN = Maybe Text
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:playbackMode:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
playbackMode = Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:containerFormat:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe ContainerFormat
containerFormat = Maybe ContainerFormat
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe Natural
maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults =
        Maybe Natural
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:discontinuityMode:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
discontinuityMode = Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:streamName:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe Text
streamName = Maybe Text
forall a. Maybe a

-- | Specifies when the fragment start timestamps should be included in the
-- HLS media playlist. Typically, media players report the playhead
-- position as a time relative to the start of the first fragment in the
-- playback session. However, when the start timestamps are included in the
-- HLS media playlist, some media players might report the current playhead
-- as an absolute time based on the fragment timestamps. This can be useful
-- for creating a playback experience that shows viewers the wall-clock
-- time of the media.
-- The default is @NEVER@. When HLSFragmentSelector is @SERVER_TIMESTAMP@,
-- the timestamps will be the server start timestamps. Similarly, when
-- HLSFragmentSelector is @PRODUCER_TIMESTAMP@, the timestamps will be the
-- producer start timestamps.
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_displayFragmentTimestamp :: Lens.Lens' GetHLSStreamingSessionURL (Prelude.Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp)
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_displayFragmentTimestamp :: (Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
 -> f (Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp))
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> f GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_displayFragmentTimestamp = (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
    -> Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)
-> Lens
     (Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp)
     (Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
displayFragmentTimestamp :: Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
$sel:displayFragmentTimestamp:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
displayFragmentTimestamp} -> Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
displayFragmentTimestamp) (\s :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s@GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {} Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
a -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s {$sel:displayFragmentTimestamp:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
displayFragmentTimestamp = Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
a} :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)

-- | The time range of the requested fragment and the source of the
-- timestamps.
-- This parameter is required if @PlaybackMode@ is @ON_DEMAND@ or
-- @LIVE_REPLAY@. This parameter is optional if PlaybackMode is@@ @LIVE@.
-- If @PlaybackMode@ is @LIVE@, the @FragmentSelectorType@ can be set, but
-- the @TimestampRange@ should not be set. If @PlaybackMode@ is @ON_DEMAND@
-- or @LIVE_REPLAY@, both @FragmentSelectorType@ and @TimestampRange@ must
-- be set.
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_hLSFragmentSelector :: Lens.Lens' GetHLSStreamingSessionURL (Prelude.Maybe HLSFragmentSelector)
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_hLSFragmentSelector :: (Maybe HLSFragmentSelector -> f (Maybe HLSFragmentSelector))
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> f GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_hLSFragmentSelector = (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSFragmentSelector)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
    -> Maybe HLSFragmentSelector -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)
-> Lens
     (Maybe HLSFragmentSelector)
     (Maybe HLSFragmentSelector)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
hLSFragmentSelector :: Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
$sel:hLSFragmentSelector:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
hLSFragmentSelector} -> Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
hLSFragmentSelector) (\s :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s@GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {} Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
a -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s {$sel:hLSFragmentSelector:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
hLSFragmentSelector = Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
a} :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)

-- | The time in seconds until the requested session expires. This value can
-- be between 300 (5 minutes) and 43200 (12 hours).
-- When a session expires, no new calls to @GetHLSMasterPlaylist@,
-- @GetHLSMediaPlaylist@, @GetMP4InitFragment@, @GetMP4MediaFragment@, or
-- @GetTSFragment@ can be made for that session.
-- The default is 300 (5 minutes).
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_expires :: Lens.Lens' GetHLSStreamingSessionURL (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural)
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_expires :: (Maybe Natural -> f (Maybe Natural))
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> f GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_expires = (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Natural)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
    -> Maybe Natural -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)
-> Lens
     (Maybe Natural)
     (Maybe Natural)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {Maybe Natural
expires :: Maybe Natural
$sel:expires:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Natural
expires} -> Maybe Natural
expires) (\s :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s@GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {} Maybe Natural
a -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s {$sel:expires:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe Natural
expires = Maybe Natural
a} :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)

-- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stream for which to retrieve the
-- HLS master playlist URL.
-- You must specify either the @StreamName@ or the @StreamARN@.
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_streamARN :: Lens.Lens' GetHLSStreamingSessionURL (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text)
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_streamARN :: (Maybe Text -> f (Maybe Text))
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> f GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_streamARN = (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Text)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
    -> Maybe Text -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)
-> Lens
     (Maybe Text)
     (Maybe Text)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {Maybe Text
streamARN :: Maybe Text
$sel:streamARN:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Text
streamARN} -> Maybe Text
streamARN) (\s :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s@GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {} Maybe Text
a -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s {$sel:streamARN:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe Text
streamARN = Maybe Text
a} :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)

-- | Whether to retrieve live, live replay, or archived, on-demand data.
-- Features of the three types of sessions include the following:
-- -   __@LIVE@__ : For sessions of this type, the HLS media playlist is
--     continually updated with the latest fragments as they become
--     available. We recommend that the media player retrieve a new
--     playlist on a one-second interval. When this type of session is
--     played in a media player, the user interface typically displays a
--     \"live\" notification, with no scrubber control for choosing the
--     position in the playback window to display.
--     In @LIVE@ mode, the newest available fragments are included in an
--     HLS media playlist, even if there is a gap between fragments (that
--     is, if a fragment is missing). A gap like this might cause a media
--     player to halt or cause a jump in playback. In this mode, fragments
--     are not added to the HLS media playlist if they are older than the
--     newest fragment in the playlist. If the missing fragment becomes
--     available after a subsequent fragment is added to the playlist, the
--     older fragment is not added, and the gap is not filled.
-- -   __@LIVE_REPLAY@__ : For sessions of this type, the HLS media
--     playlist is updated similarly to how it is updated for @LIVE@ mode
--     except that it starts by including fragments from a given start
--     time. Instead of fragments being added as they are ingested,
--     fragments are added as the duration of the next fragment elapses.
--     For example, if the fragments in the session are two seconds long,
--     then a new fragment is added to the media playlist every two
--     seconds. This mode is useful to be able to start playback from when
--     an event is detected and continue live streaming media that has not
--     yet been ingested as of the time of the session creation. This mode
--     is also useful to stream previously archived media without being
--     limited by the 1,000 fragment limit in the @ON_DEMAND@ mode.
-- -   __@ON_DEMAND@__ : For sessions of this type, the HLS media playlist
--     contains all the fragments for the session, up to the number that is
--     specified in @MaxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults@. The playlist must be
--     retrieved only once for each session. When this type of session is
--     played in a media player, the user interface typically displays a
--     scrubber control for choosing the position in the playback window to
--     display.
-- In all playback modes, if @FragmentSelectorType@ is
-- @PRODUCER_TIMESTAMP@, and if there are multiple fragments with the same
-- start timestamp, the fragment that has the largest fragment number (that
-- is, the newest fragment) is included in the HLS media playlist. The
-- other fragments are not included. Fragments that have different
-- timestamps but have overlapping durations are still included in the HLS
-- media playlist. This can lead to unexpected behavior in the media
-- player.
-- The default is @LIVE@.
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_playbackMode :: Lens.Lens' GetHLSStreamingSessionURL (Prelude.Maybe HLSPlaybackMode)
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_playbackMode :: (Maybe HLSPlaybackMode -> f (Maybe HLSPlaybackMode))
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> f GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_playbackMode = (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSPlaybackMode)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
    -> Maybe HLSPlaybackMode -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)
-> Lens
     (Maybe HLSPlaybackMode)
     (Maybe HLSPlaybackMode)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
playbackMode :: Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
$sel:playbackMode:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
playbackMode} -> Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
playbackMode) (\s :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s@GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {} Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
a -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s {$sel:playbackMode:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
playbackMode = Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
a} :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)

-- | Specifies which format should be used for packaging the media.
-- Specifying the @FRAGMENTED_MP4@ container format packages the media into
-- MP4 fragments (fMP4 or CMAF). This is the recommended packaging because
-- there is minimal packaging overhead. The other container format option
-- is @MPEG_TS@. HLS has supported MPEG TS chunks since it was released and
-- is sometimes the only supported packaging on older HLS players. MPEG TS
-- typically has a 5-25 percent packaging overhead. This means MPEG TS
-- typically requires 5-25 percent more bandwidth and cost than fMP4.
-- The default is @FRAGMENTED_MP4@.
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_containerFormat :: Lens.Lens' GetHLSStreamingSessionURL (Prelude.Maybe ContainerFormat)
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_containerFormat :: (Maybe ContainerFormat -> f (Maybe ContainerFormat))
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> f GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_containerFormat = (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe ContainerFormat)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
    -> Maybe ContainerFormat -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)
-> Lens
     (Maybe ContainerFormat)
     (Maybe ContainerFormat)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {Maybe ContainerFormat
containerFormat :: Maybe ContainerFormat
$sel:containerFormat:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe ContainerFormat
containerFormat} -> Maybe ContainerFormat
containerFormat) (\s :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s@GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {} Maybe ContainerFormat
a -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s {$sel:containerFormat:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe ContainerFormat
containerFormat = Maybe ContainerFormat
a} :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)

-- | The maximum number of fragments that are returned in the HLS media
-- playlists.
-- When the @PlaybackMode@ is @LIVE@, the most recent fragments are
-- returned up to this value. When the @PlaybackMode@ is @ON_DEMAND@, the
-- oldest fragments are returned, up to this maximum number.
-- When there are a higher number of fragments available in a live HLS
-- media playlist, video players often buffer content before starting
-- playback. Increasing the buffer size increases the playback latency, but
-- it decreases the likelihood that rebuffering will occur during playback.
-- We recommend that a live HLS media playlist have a minimum of 3
-- fragments and a maximum of 10 fragments.
-- The default is 5 fragments if @PlaybackMode@ is @LIVE@ or @LIVE_REPLAY@,
-- and 1,000 if @PlaybackMode@ is @ON_DEMAND@.
-- The maximum value of 5,000 fragments corresponds to more than 80 minutes
-- of video on streams with 1-second fragments, and more than 13 hours of
-- video on streams with 10-second fragments.
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults :: Lens.Lens' GetHLSStreamingSessionURL (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural)
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults :: (Maybe Natural -> f (Maybe Natural))
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> f GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults = (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Natural)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
    -> Maybe Natural -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)
-> Lens
     (Maybe Natural)
     (Maybe Natural)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {Maybe Natural
maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults :: Maybe Natural
$sel:maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Natural
maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults} -> Maybe Natural
maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults) (\s :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s@GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {} Maybe Natural
a -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s {$sel:maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe Natural
maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults = Maybe Natural
a} :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)

-- | Specifies when flags marking discontinuities between fragments are added
-- to the media playlists.
-- Media players typically build a timeline of media content to play, based
-- on the timestamps of each fragment. This means that if there is any
-- overlap or gap between fragments (as is typical if HLSFragmentSelector
-- is set to @SERVER_TIMESTAMP@), the media player timeline will also have
-- small gaps between fragments in some places, and will overwrite frames
-- in other places. Gaps in the media player timeline can cause playback to
-- stall and overlaps can cause playback to be jittery. When there are
-- discontinuity flags between fragments, the media player is expected to
-- reset the timeline, resulting in the next fragment being played
-- immediately after the previous fragment.
-- The following modes are supported:
-- -   @ALWAYS@: a discontinuity marker is placed between every fragment in
--     the HLS media playlist. It is recommended to use a value of @ALWAYS@
--     if the fragment timestamps are not accurate.
-- -   @NEVER@: no discontinuity markers are placed anywhere. It is
--     recommended to use a value of @NEVER@ to ensure the media player
--     timeline most accurately maps to the producer timestamps.
-- -   @ON_DISCONTINUITY@: a discontinuity marker is placed between
--     fragments that have a gap or overlap of more than 50 milliseconds.
--     For most playback scenarios, it is recommended to use a value of
--     @ON_DISCONTINUITY@ so that the media player timeline is only reset
--     when there is a significant issue with the media timeline (e.g. a
--     missing fragment).
-- The default is @ALWAYS@ when HLSFragmentSelector is set to
-- @SERVER_TIMESTAMP@, and @NEVER@ when it is set to @PRODUCER_TIMESTAMP@.
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_discontinuityMode :: Lens.Lens' GetHLSStreamingSessionURL (Prelude.Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode)
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_discontinuityMode :: (Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode -> f (Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode))
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> f GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_discontinuityMode = (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
    -> Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)
-> Lens
     (Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode)
     (Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
discontinuityMode :: Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
$sel:discontinuityMode:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
discontinuityMode} -> Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
discontinuityMode) (\s :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s@GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {} Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
a -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s {$sel:discontinuityMode:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
discontinuityMode = Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
a} :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)

-- | The name of the stream for which to retrieve the HLS master playlist
-- URL.
-- You must specify either the @StreamName@ or the @StreamARN@.
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_streamName :: Lens.Lens' GetHLSStreamingSessionURL (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text)
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_streamName :: (Maybe Text -> f (Maybe Text))
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> f GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
getHLSStreamingSessionURL_streamName = (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Text)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
    -> Maybe Text -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)
-> Lens
     (Maybe Text)
     (Maybe Text)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {Maybe Text
streamName :: Maybe Text
$sel:streamName:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Text
streamName} -> Maybe Text
streamName) (\s :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s@GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {} Maybe Text
a -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
s {$sel:streamName:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: Maybe Text
streamName = Maybe Text
a} :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)

instance Core.AWSRequest GetHLSStreamingSessionURL where
    AWSResponse GetHLSStreamingSessionURL =
  request :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Request GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
request = Service
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Request GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
forall a. (ToRequest a, ToJSON a) => Service -> a -> Request a
Request.postJSON Service
  response :: Logger
-> Service
-> Proxy GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
-> ClientResponse ClientBody
-> m (Either
        Error (ClientResponse (AWSResponse GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)))
response =
 -> ResponseHeaders
 -> Object
 -> Either String (AWSResponse GetHLSStreamingSessionURL))
-> Logger
-> Service
-> Proxy GetHLSStreamingSessionURL
-> ClientResponse ClientBody
-> m (Either
        Error (ClientResponse (AWSResponse GetHLSStreamingSessionURL)))
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadResource m =>
(Int -> ResponseHeaders -> Object -> Either String (AWSResponse a))
-> Logger
-> Service
-> Proxy a
-> ClientResponse ClientBody
-> m (Either Error (ClientResponse (AWSResponse a)))
      ( \Int
s ResponseHeaders
h Object
x ->
          Maybe Text -> Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
            (Maybe Text -> Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse)
-> Either String (Maybe Text)
-> Either String (Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> (Object
x Object -> Text -> Either String (Maybe Text)
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
Core..?> Text
            Either String (Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse)
-> Either String Int
-> Either String GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Int -> Either String Int
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
Prelude.pure (Int -> Int
forall a. Enum a => a -> Int
Prelude.fromEnum Int

instance Prelude.Hashable GetHLSStreamingSessionURL

instance Prelude.NFData GetHLSStreamingSessionURL

instance Core.ToHeaders GetHLSStreamingSessionURL where
  toHeaders :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> ResponseHeaders
toHeaders = ResponseHeaders -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> ResponseHeaders
forall a b. a -> b -> a
Prelude.const ResponseHeaders
forall a. Monoid a => a

instance Core.ToJSON GetHLSStreamingSessionURL where
  toJSON :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Value
toJSON GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' {Maybe Natural
Maybe Text
Maybe ContainerFormat
Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
streamName :: Maybe Text
discontinuityMode :: Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults :: Maybe Natural
containerFormat :: Maybe ContainerFormat
playbackMode :: Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
streamARN :: Maybe Text
expires :: Maybe Natural
hLSFragmentSelector :: Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
displayFragmentTimestamp :: Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
$sel:streamName:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Text
$sel:discontinuityMode:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
$sel:maxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Natural
$sel:containerFormat:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe ContainerFormat
$sel:playbackMode:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
$sel:streamARN:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Text
$sel:expires:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe Natural
$sel:hLSFragmentSelector:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
$sel:displayFragmentTimestamp:GetHLSStreamingSessionURL' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
..} =
    [Pair] -> Value
      ( [Maybe Pair] -> [Pair]
forall a. [Maybe a] -> [a]
          [ (Text
"DisplayFragmentTimestamp" Text -> HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
              (HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp -> Pair)
-> Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp -> Maybe Pair
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe HLSDisplayFragmentTimestamp
"HLSFragmentSelector" Text -> HLSFragmentSelector -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
              (HLSFragmentSelector -> Pair)
-> Maybe HLSFragmentSelector -> Maybe Pair
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe HLSFragmentSelector
"Expires" Text -> Natural -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
Core..=) (Natural -> Pair) -> Maybe Natural -> Maybe Pair
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Natural
"StreamARN" Text -> Text -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
Core..=) (Text -> Pair) -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Pair
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Text
"PlaybackMode" Text -> HLSPlaybackMode -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
Core..=) (HLSPlaybackMode -> Pair) -> Maybe HLSPlaybackMode -> Maybe Pair
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe HLSPlaybackMode
"ContainerFormat" Text -> ContainerFormat -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
              (ContainerFormat -> Pair) -> Maybe ContainerFormat -> Maybe Pair
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe ContainerFormat
"MaxMediaPlaylistFragmentResults" Text -> Natural -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
              (Natural -> Pair) -> Maybe Natural -> Maybe Pair
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Natural
"DiscontinuityMode" Text -> HLSDiscontinuityMode -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
              (HLSDiscontinuityMode -> Pair)
-> Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode -> Maybe Pair
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe HLSDiscontinuityMode
"StreamName" Text -> Text -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
Core..=) (Text -> Pair) -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Pair
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Text

instance Core.ToPath GetHLSStreamingSessionURL where
  toPath :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> ByteString
toPath = ByteString -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> ByteString
forall a b. a -> b -> a
Prelude.const ByteString

instance Core.ToQuery GetHLSStreamingSessionURL where
  toQuery :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> QueryString
toQuery = QueryString -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURL -> QueryString
forall a b. a -> b -> a
Prelude.const QueryString
forall a. Monoid a => a

-- | /See:/ 'newGetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' smart constructor.
data GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse = GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse'
  { -- | The URL (containing the session token) that a media player can use to
    -- retrieve the HLS master playlist.
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Maybe Text
hLSStreamingSessionURL :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text,
    -- | The response's http status code.
    GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Int
httpStatus :: Prelude.Int
  deriving (GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Bool
 -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Bool)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
    -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Bool)
-> Eq GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Bool
$c/= :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Bool
== :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Bool
$c== :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Bool
Prelude.Eq, ReadPrec [GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse]
ReadPrec GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
Int -> ReadS GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
ReadS [GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse]
(Int -> ReadS GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse)
-> ReadS [GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse]
-> ReadPrec GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
-> ReadPrec [GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse]
-> Read GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse]
$creadListPrec :: ReadPrec [GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse]
readPrec :: ReadPrec GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
$creadPrec :: ReadPrec GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
readList :: ReadS [GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse]
$creadList :: ReadS [GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse]
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
$creadsPrec :: Int -> ReadS GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
Prelude.Read, Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> ShowS
[GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse] -> ShowS
GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> String
(Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> ShowS)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> String)
-> ([GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse] -> ShowS)
-> Show GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse] -> ShowS
show :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> String
$cshow :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> ShowS
Prelude.Show, (forall x.
 -> Rep GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse x)
-> (forall x.
    Rep GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse x
    -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse)
-> Generic GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
forall x.
Rep GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse x
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
forall x.
-> Rep GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x.
Rep GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse x
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
$cfrom :: forall x.
-> Rep GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse x

-- |
-- Create a value of 'GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' with all optional fields omitted.
-- Use <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-lens generic-lens> or <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optics optics> to modify other optional fields.
-- The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided
-- for backwards compatibility:
-- 'hLSStreamingSessionURL', 'getHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse_hLSStreamingSessionURL' - The URL (containing the session token) that a media player can use to
-- retrieve the HLS master playlist.
-- 'httpStatus', 'getHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse_httpStatus' - The response's http status code.
newGetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse ::
  -- | 'httpStatus'
  Prelude.Int ->
newGetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse :: Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
newGetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse Int
pHttpStatus_ =
  GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' :: Maybe Text -> Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
    { $sel:hLSStreamingSessionURL:GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' :: Maybe Text
hLSStreamingSessionURL =
        Maybe Text
forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:httpStatus:GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' :: Int
httpStatus = Int

-- | The URL (containing the session token) that a media player can use to
-- retrieve the HLS master playlist.
getHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse_hLSStreamingSessionURL :: Lens.Lens' GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text)
getHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse_hLSStreamingSessionURL :: (Maybe Text -> f (Maybe Text))
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
-> f GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
getHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse_hLSStreamingSessionURL = (GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Maybe Text)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
    -> Maybe Text -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse)
-> Lens
     (Maybe Text)
     (Maybe Text)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' {Maybe Text
hLSStreamingSessionURL :: Maybe Text
$sel:hLSStreamingSessionURL:GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Maybe Text
hLSStreamingSessionURL} -> Maybe Text
hLSStreamingSessionURL) (\s :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
s@GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' {} Maybe Text
a -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
s {$sel:hLSStreamingSessionURL:GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' :: Maybe Text
hLSStreamingSessionURL = Maybe Text
a} :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse)

-- | The response's http status code.
getHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse_httpStatus :: Lens.Lens' GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse Prelude.Int
getHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse_httpStatus :: (Int -> f Int)
-> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
-> f GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
getHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse_httpStatus = (GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Int)
-> (GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
    -> Int -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse)
-> Lens
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' {Int
httpStatus :: Int
$sel:httpStatus:GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse -> Int
httpStatus} -> Int
httpStatus) (\s :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
s@GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' {} Int
a -> GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse
s {$sel:httpStatus:GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse' :: Int
httpStatus = Int
a} :: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResponse)
