Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- AlarmStateName
- ComparisonOperator
- CustomerActionName
- ErrorCode
- EventType
- TriggerType
- AcknowledgeActionConfiguration
- AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest
- Alarm
- AlarmState
- AlarmSummary
- BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry
- BatchPutMessageErrorEntry
- BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry
- CustomerAction
- Detector
- DetectorState
- DetectorStateDefinition
- DetectorStateSummary
- DetectorSummary
- DisableActionConfiguration
- DisableAlarmActionRequest
- EnableActionConfiguration
- EnableAlarmActionRequest
- Message
- ResetActionConfiguration
- ResetAlarmActionRequest
- RuleEvaluation
- SimpleRuleEvaluation
- SnoozeActionConfiguration
- SnoozeAlarmActionRequest
- StateChangeConfiguration
- SystemEvent
- Timer
- TimerDefinition
- TimestampValue
- UpdateDetectorRequest
- Variable
- VariableDefinition
- defaultService :: Service
- _InvalidRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InternalFailureException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ServiceUnavailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- newtype AlarmStateName where
- AlarmStateName' { }
- pattern AlarmStateName_ACKNOWLEDGED :: AlarmStateName
- pattern AlarmStateName_ACTIVE :: AlarmStateName
- pattern AlarmStateName_DISABLED :: AlarmStateName
- pattern AlarmStateName_LATCHED :: AlarmStateName
- pattern AlarmStateName_NORMAL :: AlarmStateName
- pattern AlarmStateName_SNOOZE_DISABLED :: AlarmStateName
- newtype ComparisonOperator where
- ComparisonOperator' { }
- pattern ComparisonOperator_EQUAL :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_GREATER :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_GREATER_OR_EQUAL :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_LESS :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_LESS_OR_EQUAL :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_NOT_EQUAL :: ComparisonOperator
- newtype CustomerActionName where
- CustomerActionName' { }
- pattern CustomerActionName_ACKNOWLEDGE :: CustomerActionName
- pattern CustomerActionName_DISABLE :: CustomerActionName
- pattern CustomerActionName_ENABLE :: CustomerActionName
- pattern CustomerActionName_RESET :: CustomerActionName
- pattern CustomerActionName_SNOOZE :: CustomerActionName
- newtype ErrorCode where
- ErrorCode' { }
- pattern ErrorCode_InternalFailureException :: ErrorCode
- pattern ErrorCode_InvalidRequestException :: ErrorCode
- pattern ErrorCode_ResourceNotFoundException :: ErrorCode
- pattern ErrorCode_ServiceUnavailableException :: ErrorCode
- pattern ErrorCode_ThrottlingException :: ErrorCode
- newtype EventType where
- EventType' { }
- pattern EventType_STATE_CHANGE :: EventType
- newtype TriggerType where
- TriggerType' { }
- pattern TriggerType_SNOOZE_TIMEOUT :: TriggerType
- data AcknowledgeActionConfiguration = AcknowledgeActionConfiguration' {}
- newAcknowledgeActionConfiguration :: AcknowledgeActionConfiguration
- acknowledgeActionConfiguration_note :: Lens' AcknowledgeActionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- data AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest = AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest' {}
- newAcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest :: Text -> Text -> AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest
- acknowledgeAlarmActionRequest_keyValue :: Lens' AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text)
- acknowledgeAlarmActionRequest_note :: Lens' AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text)
- acknowledgeAlarmActionRequest_requestId :: Lens' AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest Text
- acknowledgeAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName :: Lens' AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest Text
- data Alarm = Alarm' {}
- newAlarm :: Alarm
- alarm_keyValue :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Text)
- alarm_creationTime :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe UTCTime)
- alarm_alarmState :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe AlarmState)
- alarm_alarmModelName :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Text)
- alarm_severity :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Natural)
- alarm_lastUpdateTime :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe UTCTime)
- alarm_alarmModelVersion :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Text)
- data AlarmState = AlarmState' {}
- newAlarmState :: AlarmState
- alarmState_customerAction :: Lens' AlarmState (Maybe CustomerAction)
- alarmState_stateName :: Lens' AlarmState (Maybe AlarmStateName)
- alarmState_ruleEvaluation :: Lens' AlarmState (Maybe RuleEvaluation)
- alarmState_systemEvent :: Lens' AlarmState (Maybe SystemEvent)
- data AlarmSummary = AlarmSummary' {}
- newAlarmSummary :: AlarmSummary
- alarmSummary_keyValue :: Lens' AlarmSummary (Maybe Text)
- alarmSummary_creationTime :: Lens' AlarmSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- alarmSummary_alarmModelName :: Lens' AlarmSummary (Maybe Text)
- alarmSummary_stateName :: Lens' AlarmSummary (Maybe AlarmStateName)
- alarmSummary_lastUpdateTime :: Lens' AlarmSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- alarmSummary_alarmModelVersion :: Lens' AlarmSummary (Maybe Text)
- data BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry = BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry' {}
- newBatchAlarmActionErrorEntry :: BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry
- batchAlarmActionErrorEntry_requestId :: Lens' BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry (Maybe Text)
- batchAlarmActionErrorEntry_errorCode :: Lens' BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry (Maybe ErrorCode)
- batchAlarmActionErrorEntry_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry (Maybe Text)
- data BatchPutMessageErrorEntry = BatchPutMessageErrorEntry' {}
- newBatchPutMessageErrorEntry :: BatchPutMessageErrorEntry
- batchPutMessageErrorEntry_errorCode :: Lens' BatchPutMessageErrorEntry (Maybe ErrorCode)
- batchPutMessageErrorEntry_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchPutMessageErrorEntry (Maybe Text)
- batchPutMessageErrorEntry_messageId :: Lens' BatchPutMessageErrorEntry (Maybe Text)
- data BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry = BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry' {}
- newBatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry :: BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry
- batchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry_errorCode :: Lens' BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry (Maybe ErrorCode)
- batchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry (Maybe Text)
- batchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry_messageId :: Lens' BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry (Maybe Text)
- data CustomerAction = CustomerAction' {
- resetActionConfiguration :: Maybe ResetActionConfiguration
- actionName :: Maybe CustomerActionName
- snoozeActionConfiguration :: Maybe SnoozeActionConfiguration
- enableActionConfiguration :: Maybe EnableActionConfiguration
- disableActionConfiguration :: Maybe DisableActionConfiguration
- acknowledgeActionConfiguration :: Maybe AcknowledgeActionConfiguration
- newCustomerAction :: CustomerAction
- customerAction_resetActionConfiguration :: Lens' CustomerAction (Maybe ResetActionConfiguration)
- customerAction_actionName :: Lens' CustomerAction (Maybe CustomerActionName)
- customerAction_snoozeActionConfiguration :: Lens' CustomerAction (Maybe SnoozeActionConfiguration)
- customerAction_enableActionConfiguration :: Lens' CustomerAction (Maybe EnableActionConfiguration)
- customerAction_disableActionConfiguration :: Lens' CustomerAction (Maybe DisableActionConfiguration)
- customerAction_acknowledgeActionConfiguration :: Lens' CustomerAction (Maybe AcknowledgeActionConfiguration)
- data Detector = Detector' {}
- newDetector :: Detector
- detector_keyValue :: Lens' Detector (Maybe Text)
- detector_creationTime :: Lens' Detector (Maybe UTCTime)
- detector_state :: Lens' Detector (Maybe DetectorState)
- detector_detectorModelName :: Lens' Detector (Maybe Text)
- detector_detectorModelVersion :: Lens' Detector (Maybe Text)
- detector_lastUpdateTime :: Lens' Detector (Maybe UTCTime)
- data DetectorState = DetectorState' {}
- newDetectorState :: Text -> DetectorState
- detectorState_stateName :: Lens' DetectorState Text
- detectorState_variables :: Lens' DetectorState [Variable]
- detectorState_timers :: Lens' DetectorState [Timer]
- data DetectorStateDefinition = DetectorStateDefinition' {
- stateName :: Text
- variables :: [VariableDefinition]
- timers :: [TimerDefinition]
- newDetectorStateDefinition :: Text -> DetectorStateDefinition
- detectorStateDefinition_stateName :: Lens' DetectorStateDefinition Text
- detectorStateDefinition_variables :: Lens' DetectorStateDefinition [VariableDefinition]
- detectorStateDefinition_timers :: Lens' DetectorStateDefinition [TimerDefinition]
- data DetectorStateSummary = DetectorStateSummary' {}
- newDetectorStateSummary :: DetectorStateSummary
- detectorStateSummary_stateName :: Lens' DetectorStateSummary (Maybe Text)
- data DetectorSummary = DetectorSummary' {}
- newDetectorSummary :: DetectorSummary
- detectorSummary_keyValue :: Lens' DetectorSummary (Maybe Text)
- detectorSummary_creationTime :: Lens' DetectorSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- detectorSummary_state :: Lens' DetectorSummary (Maybe DetectorStateSummary)
- detectorSummary_detectorModelName :: Lens' DetectorSummary (Maybe Text)
- detectorSummary_detectorModelVersion :: Lens' DetectorSummary (Maybe Text)
- detectorSummary_lastUpdateTime :: Lens' DetectorSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- data DisableActionConfiguration = DisableActionConfiguration' {}
- newDisableActionConfiguration :: DisableActionConfiguration
- disableActionConfiguration_note :: Lens' DisableActionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- data DisableAlarmActionRequest = DisableAlarmActionRequest' {}
- newDisableAlarmActionRequest :: Text -> Text -> DisableAlarmActionRequest
- disableAlarmActionRequest_keyValue :: Lens' DisableAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text)
- disableAlarmActionRequest_note :: Lens' DisableAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text)
- disableAlarmActionRequest_requestId :: Lens' DisableAlarmActionRequest Text
- disableAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName :: Lens' DisableAlarmActionRequest Text
- data EnableActionConfiguration = EnableActionConfiguration' {}
- newEnableActionConfiguration :: EnableActionConfiguration
- enableActionConfiguration_note :: Lens' EnableActionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- data EnableAlarmActionRequest = EnableAlarmActionRequest' {}
- newEnableAlarmActionRequest :: Text -> Text -> EnableAlarmActionRequest
- enableAlarmActionRequest_keyValue :: Lens' EnableAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text)
- enableAlarmActionRequest_note :: Lens' EnableAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text)
- enableAlarmActionRequest_requestId :: Lens' EnableAlarmActionRequest Text
- enableAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName :: Lens' EnableAlarmActionRequest Text
- data Message = Message' {}
- newMessage :: Text -> Text -> ByteString -> Message
- message_timestamp :: Lens' Message (Maybe TimestampValue)
- message_messageId :: Lens' Message Text
- message_inputName :: Lens' Message Text
- message_payload :: Lens' Message ByteString
- data ResetActionConfiguration = ResetActionConfiguration' {}
- newResetActionConfiguration :: ResetActionConfiguration
- resetActionConfiguration_note :: Lens' ResetActionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- data ResetAlarmActionRequest = ResetAlarmActionRequest' {}
- newResetAlarmActionRequest :: Text -> Text -> ResetAlarmActionRequest
- resetAlarmActionRequest_keyValue :: Lens' ResetAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text)
- resetAlarmActionRequest_note :: Lens' ResetAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text)
- resetAlarmActionRequest_requestId :: Lens' ResetAlarmActionRequest Text
- resetAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName :: Lens' ResetAlarmActionRequest Text
- data RuleEvaluation = RuleEvaluation' {}
- newRuleEvaluation :: RuleEvaluation
- ruleEvaluation_simpleRuleEvaluation :: Lens' RuleEvaluation (Maybe SimpleRuleEvaluation)
- data SimpleRuleEvaluation = SimpleRuleEvaluation' {}
- newSimpleRuleEvaluation :: SimpleRuleEvaluation
- simpleRuleEvaluation_thresholdValue :: Lens' SimpleRuleEvaluation (Maybe Text)
- simpleRuleEvaluation_inputPropertyValue :: Lens' SimpleRuleEvaluation (Maybe Text)
- simpleRuleEvaluation_operator :: Lens' SimpleRuleEvaluation (Maybe ComparisonOperator)
- data SnoozeActionConfiguration = SnoozeActionConfiguration' {}
- newSnoozeActionConfiguration :: SnoozeActionConfiguration
- snoozeActionConfiguration_note :: Lens' SnoozeActionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- snoozeActionConfiguration_snoozeDuration :: Lens' SnoozeActionConfiguration (Maybe Int)
- data SnoozeAlarmActionRequest = SnoozeAlarmActionRequest' {}
- newSnoozeAlarmActionRequest :: Text -> Text -> Int -> SnoozeAlarmActionRequest
- snoozeAlarmActionRequest_keyValue :: Lens' SnoozeAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text)
- snoozeAlarmActionRequest_note :: Lens' SnoozeAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text)
- snoozeAlarmActionRequest_requestId :: Lens' SnoozeAlarmActionRequest Text
- snoozeAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName :: Lens' SnoozeAlarmActionRequest Text
- snoozeAlarmActionRequest_snoozeDuration :: Lens' SnoozeAlarmActionRequest Int
- data StateChangeConfiguration = StateChangeConfiguration' {}
- newStateChangeConfiguration :: StateChangeConfiguration
- stateChangeConfiguration_triggerType :: Lens' StateChangeConfiguration (Maybe TriggerType)
- data SystemEvent = SystemEvent' {}
- newSystemEvent :: SystemEvent
- systemEvent_eventType :: Lens' SystemEvent (Maybe EventType)
- systemEvent_stateChangeConfiguration :: Lens' SystemEvent (Maybe StateChangeConfiguration)
- data Timer = Timer' {}
- newTimer :: Text -> UTCTime -> Timer
- timer_name :: Lens' Timer Text
- timer_timestamp :: Lens' Timer UTCTime
- data TimerDefinition = TimerDefinition' {}
- newTimerDefinition :: Text -> Int -> TimerDefinition
- timerDefinition_name :: Lens' TimerDefinition Text
- timerDefinition_seconds :: Lens' TimerDefinition Int
- data TimestampValue = TimestampValue' {}
- newTimestampValue :: TimestampValue
- timestampValue_timeInMillis :: Lens' TimestampValue (Maybe Natural)
- data UpdateDetectorRequest = UpdateDetectorRequest' {}
- newUpdateDetectorRequest :: Text -> Text -> DetectorStateDefinition -> UpdateDetectorRequest
- updateDetectorRequest_keyValue :: Lens' UpdateDetectorRequest (Maybe Text)
- updateDetectorRequest_messageId :: Lens' UpdateDetectorRequest Text
- updateDetectorRequest_detectorModelName :: Lens' UpdateDetectorRequest Text
- updateDetectorRequest_state :: Lens' UpdateDetectorRequest DetectorStateDefinition
- data Variable = Variable' {}
- newVariable :: Text -> Text -> Variable
- variable_name :: Lens' Variable Text
- variable_value :: Lens' Variable Text
- data VariableDefinition = VariableDefinition' {}
- newVariableDefinition :: Text -> Text -> VariableDefinition
- variableDefinition_name :: Lens' VariableDefinition Text
- variableDefinition_value :: Lens' VariableDefinition Text
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2018-10-23
of the Amazon IoT Events Data SDK configuration.
_InvalidRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request was invalid.
_ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request could not be completed due to throttling.
_InternalFailureException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An internal failure occurred.
_ServiceUnavailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The service is currently unavailable.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The resource was not found.
newtype AlarmStateName Source #
AlarmStateName' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AlarmStateName_ACKNOWLEDGED :: AlarmStateName | |
pattern AlarmStateName_ACTIVE :: AlarmStateName | |
pattern AlarmStateName_DISABLED :: AlarmStateName | |
pattern AlarmStateName_LATCHED :: AlarmStateName | |
pattern AlarmStateName_NORMAL :: AlarmStateName | |
pattern AlarmStateName_SNOOZE_DISABLED :: AlarmStateName |
newtype ComparisonOperator Source #
ComparisonOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ComparisonOperator_EQUAL :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_GREATER :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_GREATER_OR_EQUAL :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_LESS :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_LESS_OR_EQUAL :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_NOT_EQUAL :: ComparisonOperator |
newtype CustomerActionName Source #
CustomerActionName' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern CustomerActionName_ACKNOWLEDGE :: CustomerActionName | |
pattern CustomerActionName_DISABLE :: CustomerActionName | |
pattern CustomerActionName_ENABLE :: CustomerActionName | |
pattern CustomerActionName_RESET :: CustomerActionName | |
pattern CustomerActionName_SNOOZE :: CustomerActionName |
ErrorCode' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ErrorCode_InternalFailureException :: ErrorCode | |
pattern ErrorCode_InvalidRequestException :: ErrorCode | |
pattern ErrorCode_ResourceNotFoundException :: ErrorCode | |
pattern ErrorCode_ServiceUnavailableException :: ErrorCode | |
pattern ErrorCode_ThrottlingException :: ErrorCode |
EventType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern EventType_STATE_CHANGE :: EventType |
newtype TriggerType Source #
TriggerType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern TriggerType_SNOOZE_TIMEOUT :: TriggerType |
data AcknowledgeActionConfiguration Source #
Contains the configuration information of an acknowledge action.
See: newAcknowledgeActionConfiguration
smart constructor.
AcknowledgeActionConfiguration' | |
newAcknowledgeActionConfiguration :: AcknowledgeActionConfiguration Source #
Create a value of AcknowledgeActionConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, acknowledgeActionConfiguration_note
- The note that you can leave when you acknowledge the alarm.
acknowledgeActionConfiguration_note :: Lens' AcknowledgeActionConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The note that you can leave when you acknowledge the alarm.
data AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest Source #
Information needed to acknowledge the alarm.
See: newAcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest
smart constructor.
AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest' | |
newAcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest |
Create a value of AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, acknowledgeAlarmActionRequest_keyValue
- The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms
associated with the
, acknowledgeAlarmActionRequest_note
- The note that you can leave when you acknowledge the alarm.
, acknowledgeAlarmActionRequest_requestId
- The request ID. Each ID must be unique within each batch.
, acknowledgeAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName
- The name of the alarm model.
acknowledgeAlarmActionRequest_keyValue :: Lens' AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms associated with the key.
acknowledgeAlarmActionRequest_note :: Lens' AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The note that you can leave when you acknowledge the alarm.
acknowledgeAlarmActionRequest_requestId :: Lens' AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest Text Source #
The request ID. Each ID must be unique within each batch.
acknowledgeAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName :: Lens' AcknowledgeAlarmActionRequest Text Source #
The name of the alarm model.
Contains information about an alarm.
See: newAlarm
smart constructor.
Alarm' | |
Create a value of Alarm
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, alarm_keyValue
- The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms
associated with the
, alarm_creationTime
- The time the alarm was created, in the Unix epoch format.
, alarm_alarmState
- Contains information about the current state of the alarm.
, alarm_alarmModelName
- The name of the alarm model.
, alarm_severity
- A non-negative integer that reflects the severity level of the alarm.
, alarm_lastUpdateTime
- The time the alarm was last updated, in the Unix epoch format.
, alarm_alarmModelVersion
- The version of the alarm model.
alarm_keyValue :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms associated with the key.
alarm_creationTime :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the alarm was created, in the Unix epoch format.
alarm_alarmState :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe AlarmState) Source #
Contains information about the current state of the alarm.
alarm_severity :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe Natural) Source #
A non-negative integer that reflects the severity level of the alarm.
alarm_lastUpdateTime :: Lens' Alarm (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the alarm was last updated, in the Unix epoch format.
data AlarmState Source #
Contains information about the current state of the alarm.
See: newAlarmState
smart constructor.
AlarmState' | |
newAlarmState :: AlarmState Source #
Create a value of AlarmState
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, alarmState_customerAction
- Contains information about the action that you can take to respond to
the alarm.
, alarmState_stateName
- The name of the alarm state. The state name can be one of the following
- When the alarm is in theDISABLED
state, it isn't ready to evaluate data. To enable the alarm, you must change the alarm to theNORMAL
- When the alarm is in theNORMAL
state, it's ready to evaluate data.ACTIVE
- If the alarm is in theACTIVE
state, the alarm is invoked.ACKNOWLEDGED
- When the alarm is in theACKNOWLEDGED
state, the alarm was invoked and you acknowledged the alarm.SNOOZE_DISABLED
- When the alarm is in theSNOOZE_DISABLED
state, the alarm is disabled for a specified period of time. After the snooze time, the alarm automatically changes to theNORMAL
- When the alarm is in theLATCHED
state, the alarm was invoked. However, the data that the alarm is currently evaluating is within the specified range. To change the alarm to theNORMAL
state, you must acknowledge the alarm.
, alarmState_ruleEvaluation
- Information needed to evaluate data.
, alarmState_systemEvent
- Contains information about alarm state changes.
alarmState_customerAction :: Lens' AlarmState (Maybe CustomerAction) Source #
Contains information about the action that you can take to respond to the alarm.
alarmState_stateName :: Lens' AlarmState (Maybe AlarmStateName) Source #
The name of the alarm state. The state name can be one of the following values:
- When the alarm is in theDISABLED
state, it isn't ready to evaluate data. To enable the alarm, you must change the alarm to theNORMAL
- When the alarm is in theNORMAL
state, it's ready to evaluate data.ACTIVE
- If the alarm is in theACTIVE
state, the alarm is invoked.ACKNOWLEDGED
- When the alarm is in theACKNOWLEDGED
state, the alarm was invoked and you acknowledged the alarm.SNOOZE_DISABLED
- When the alarm is in theSNOOZE_DISABLED
state, the alarm is disabled for a specified period of time. After the snooze time, the alarm automatically changes to theNORMAL
- When the alarm is in theLATCHED
state, the alarm was invoked. However, the data that the alarm is currently evaluating is within the specified range. To change the alarm to theNORMAL
state, you must acknowledge the alarm.
alarmState_ruleEvaluation :: Lens' AlarmState (Maybe RuleEvaluation) Source #
Information needed to evaluate data.
alarmState_systemEvent :: Lens' AlarmState (Maybe SystemEvent) Source #
Contains information about alarm state changes.
data AlarmSummary Source #
Contains a summary of an alarm.
See: newAlarmSummary
smart constructor.
AlarmSummary' | |
newAlarmSummary :: AlarmSummary Source #
Create a value of AlarmSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, alarmSummary_keyValue
- The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms
associated with the
, alarmSummary_creationTime
- The time the alarm was created, in the Unix epoch format.
, alarmSummary_alarmModelName
- The name of the alarm model.
, alarmSummary_stateName
- The name of the alarm state. The state name can be one of the following
- When the alarm is in theDISABLED
state, it isn't ready to evaluate data. To enable the alarm, you must change the alarm to theNORMAL
- When the alarm is in theNORMAL
state, it's ready to evaluate data.ACTIVE
- If the alarm is in theACTIVE
state, the alarm is invoked.ACKNOWLEDGED
- When the alarm is in theACKNOWLEDGED
state, the alarm was invoked and you acknowledged the alarm.SNOOZE_DISABLED
- When the alarm is in theSNOOZE_DISABLED
state, the alarm is disabled for a specified period of time. After the snooze time, the alarm automatically changes to theNORMAL
- When the alarm is in theLATCHED
state, the alarm was invoked. However, the data that the alarm is currently evaluating is within the specified range. To change the alarm to theNORMAL
state, you must acknowledge the alarm.
, alarmSummary_lastUpdateTime
- The time the alarm was last updated, in the Unix epoch format.
, alarmSummary_alarmModelVersion
- The version of the alarm model.
alarmSummary_keyValue :: Lens' AlarmSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms associated with the key.
alarmSummary_creationTime :: Lens' AlarmSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the alarm was created, in the Unix epoch format.
alarmSummary_alarmModelName :: Lens' AlarmSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the alarm model.
alarmSummary_stateName :: Lens' AlarmSummary (Maybe AlarmStateName) Source #
The name of the alarm state. The state name can be one of the following values:
- When the alarm is in theDISABLED
state, it isn't ready to evaluate data. To enable the alarm, you must change the alarm to theNORMAL
- When the alarm is in theNORMAL
state, it's ready to evaluate data.ACTIVE
- If the alarm is in theACTIVE
state, the alarm is invoked.ACKNOWLEDGED
- When the alarm is in theACKNOWLEDGED
state, the alarm was invoked and you acknowledged the alarm.SNOOZE_DISABLED
- When the alarm is in theSNOOZE_DISABLED
state, the alarm is disabled for a specified period of time. After the snooze time, the alarm automatically changes to theNORMAL
- When the alarm is in theLATCHED
state, the alarm was invoked. However, the data that the alarm is currently evaluating is within the specified range. To change the alarm to theNORMAL
state, you must acknowledge the alarm.
alarmSummary_lastUpdateTime :: Lens' AlarmSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the alarm was last updated, in the Unix epoch format.
alarmSummary_alarmModelVersion :: Lens' AlarmSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the alarm model.
data BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry Source #
Contains error messages associated with one of the following requests:
See: newBatchAlarmActionErrorEntry
smart constructor.
BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry' | |
newBatchAlarmActionErrorEntry :: BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry Source #
Create a value of BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchAlarmActionErrorEntry_requestId
- The request ID. Each ID must be unique within each batch.
, batchAlarmActionErrorEntry_errorCode
- The error code.
, batchAlarmActionErrorEntry_errorMessage
- A message that describes the error.
batchAlarmActionErrorEntry_requestId :: Lens' BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The request ID. Each ID must be unique within each batch.
batchAlarmActionErrorEntry_errorCode :: Lens' BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry (Maybe ErrorCode) Source #
The error code.
batchAlarmActionErrorEntry_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchAlarmActionErrorEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
A message that describes the error.
data BatchPutMessageErrorEntry Source #
Contains information about the errors encountered.
See: newBatchPutMessageErrorEntry
smart constructor.
BatchPutMessageErrorEntry' | |
newBatchPutMessageErrorEntry :: BatchPutMessageErrorEntry Source #
Create a value of BatchPutMessageErrorEntry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchPutMessageErrorEntry_errorCode
- The error code.
, batchPutMessageErrorEntry_errorMessage
- A message that describes the error.
, batchPutMessageErrorEntry_messageId
- The ID of the message that caused the error. (See the value
corresponding to the "messageId"
key in the "message"
batchPutMessageErrorEntry_errorCode :: Lens' BatchPutMessageErrorEntry (Maybe ErrorCode) Source #
The error code.
batchPutMessageErrorEntry_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchPutMessageErrorEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
A message that describes the error.
batchPutMessageErrorEntry_messageId :: Lens' BatchPutMessageErrorEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the message that caused the error. (See the value
corresponding to the "messageId"
key in the "message"
data BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry Source #
Information about the error that occurred when attempting to update a detector.
See: newBatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry
smart constructor.
BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry' | |
newBatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry :: BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry Source #
Create a value of BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry_errorCode
- The error code.
, batchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry_errorMessage
- A message that describes the error.
, batchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry_messageId
- The "messageId"
of the update request that caused the error. (The
value of the "messageId"
in the update request "Detector"
batchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry_errorCode :: Lens' BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry (Maybe ErrorCode) Source #
The error code.
batchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
A message that describes the error.
batchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry_messageId :: Lens' BatchUpdateDetectorErrorEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The "messageId"
of the update request that caused the error. (The
value of the "messageId"
in the update request "Detector"
data CustomerAction Source #
Contains information about the action that you can take to respond to the alarm.
See: newCustomerAction
smart constructor.
CustomerAction' | |
newCustomerAction :: CustomerAction Source #
Create a value of CustomerAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, customerAction_resetActionConfiguration
- Contains the configuration information of a reset action.
, customerAction_actionName
- The name of the action. The action name can be one of the following
- When you snooze the alarm, the alarm state changes toSNOOZE_DISABLED
- When you enable the alarm, the alarm state changes toNORMAL
- When you disable the alarm, the alarm state changes toDISABLED
- When you acknowledge the alarm, the alarm state changes toACKNOWLEDGED
- When you reset the alarm, the alarm state changes toNORMAL
For more information, see the AlarmState API.
, customerAction_snoozeActionConfiguration
- Contains the configuration information of a snooze action.
, customerAction_enableActionConfiguration
- Contains the configuration information of an enable action.
, customerAction_disableActionConfiguration
- Contains the configuration information of a disable action.
, customerAction_acknowledgeActionConfiguration
- Contains the configuration information of an acknowledge action.
customerAction_resetActionConfiguration :: Lens' CustomerAction (Maybe ResetActionConfiguration) Source #
Contains the configuration information of a reset action.
customerAction_actionName :: Lens' CustomerAction (Maybe CustomerActionName) Source #
The name of the action. The action name can be one of the following values:
- When you snooze the alarm, the alarm state changes toSNOOZE_DISABLED
- When you enable the alarm, the alarm state changes toNORMAL
- When you disable the alarm, the alarm state changes toDISABLED
- When you acknowledge the alarm, the alarm state changes toACKNOWLEDGED
- When you reset the alarm, the alarm state changes toNORMAL
For more information, see the AlarmState API.
customerAction_snoozeActionConfiguration :: Lens' CustomerAction (Maybe SnoozeActionConfiguration) Source #
Contains the configuration information of a snooze action.
customerAction_enableActionConfiguration :: Lens' CustomerAction (Maybe EnableActionConfiguration) Source #
Contains the configuration information of an enable action.
customerAction_disableActionConfiguration :: Lens' CustomerAction (Maybe DisableActionConfiguration) Source #
Contains the configuration information of a disable action.
customerAction_acknowledgeActionConfiguration :: Lens' CustomerAction (Maybe AcknowledgeActionConfiguration) Source #
Contains the configuration information of an acknowledge action.
Information about the detector (instance).
See: newDetector
smart constructor.
Detector' | |
newDetector :: Detector Source #
Create a value of Detector
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, detector_keyValue
- The value of the key (identifying the device or system) that caused the
creation of this detector (instance).
, detector_creationTime
- The time the detector (instance) was created.
, detector_state
- The current state of the detector (instance).
, detector_detectorModelName
- The name of the detector model that created this detector (instance).
, detector_detectorModelVersion
- The version of the detector model that created this detector (instance).
, detector_lastUpdateTime
- The time the detector (instance) was last updated.
detector_keyValue :: Lens' Detector (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the key (identifying the device or system) that caused the creation of this detector (instance).
detector_creationTime :: Lens' Detector (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the detector (instance) was created.
detector_state :: Lens' Detector (Maybe DetectorState) Source #
The current state of the detector (instance).
detector_detectorModelName :: Lens' Detector (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the detector model that created this detector (instance).
detector_detectorModelVersion :: Lens' Detector (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the detector model that created this detector (instance).
detector_lastUpdateTime :: Lens' Detector (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the detector (instance) was last updated.
data DetectorState Source #
Information about the current state of the detector instance.
See: newDetectorState
smart constructor.
DetectorState' | |
:: Text | |
-> DetectorState |
Create a value of DetectorState
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, detectorState_stateName
- The name of the state.
, detectorState_variables
- The current values of the detector's variables.
, detectorState_timers
- The current state of the detector's timers.
detectorState_stateName :: Lens' DetectorState Text Source #
The name of the state.
detectorState_variables :: Lens' DetectorState [Variable] Source #
The current values of the detector's variables.
detectorState_timers :: Lens' DetectorState [Timer] Source #
The current state of the detector's timers.
data DetectorStateDefinition Source #
The new state, variable values, and timer settings of the detector (instance).
See: newDetectorStateDefinition
smart constructor.
DetectorStateDefinition' | |
newDetectorStateDefinition Source #
Create a value of DetectorStateDefinition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, detectorStateDefinition_stateName
- The name of the new state of the detector (instance).
, detectorStateDefinition_variables
- The new values of the detector's variables. Any variable whose value
isn't specified is cleared.
, detectorStateDefinition_timers
- The new values of the detector's timers. Any timer whose value isn't
specified is cleared, and its timeout event won't occur.
detectorStateDefinition_stateName :: Lens' DetectorStateDefinition Text Source #
The name of the new state of the detector (instance).
detectorStateDefinition_variables :: Lens' DetectorStateDefinition [VariableDefinition] Source #
The new values of the detector's variables. Any variable whose value isn't specified is cleared.
detectorStateDefinition_timers :: Lens' DetectorStateDefinition [TimerDefinition] Source #
The new values of the detector's timers. Any timer whose value isn't specified is cleared, and its timeout event won't occur.
data DetectorStateSummary Source #
Information about the detector state.
See: newDetectorStateSummary
smart constructor.
DetectorStateSummary' | |
newDetectorStateSummary :: DetectorStateSummary Source #
Create a value of DetectorStateSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, detectorStateSummary_stateName
- The name of the state.
detectorStateSummary_stateName :: Lens' DetectorStateSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the state.
data DetectorSummary Source #
Information about the detector (instance).
See: newDetectorSummary
smart constructor.
DetectorSummary' | |
newDetectorSummary :: DetectorSummary Source #
Create a value of DetectorSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, detectorSummary_keyValue
- The value of the key (identifying the device or system) that caused the
creation of this detector (instance).
, detectorSummary_creationTime
- The time the detector (instance) was created.
, detectorSummary_state
- The current state of the detector (instance).
, detectorSummary_detectorModelName
- The name of the detector model that created this detector (instance).
, detectorSummary_detectorModelVersion
- The version of the detector model that created this detector (instance).
, detectorSummary_lastUpdateTime
- The time the detector (instance) was last updated.
detectorSummary_keyValue :: Lens' DetectorSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the key (identifying the device or system) that caused the creation of this detector (instance).
detectorSummary_creationTime :: Lens' DetectorSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the detector (instance) was created.
detectorSummary_state :: Lens' DetectorSummary (Maybe DetectorStateSummary) Source #
The current state of the detector (instance).
detectorSummary_detectorModelName :: Lens' DetectorSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the detector model that created this detector (instance).
detectorSummary_detectorModelVersion :: Lens' DetectorSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the detector model that created this detector (instance).
detectorSummary_lastUpdateTime :: Lens' DetectorSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the detector (instance) was last updated.
data DisableActionConfiguration Source #
Contains the configuration information of a disable action.
See: newDisableActionConfiguration
smart constructor.
DisableActionConfiguration' | |
newDisableActionConfiguration :: DisableActionConfiguration Source #
Create a value of DisableActionConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, disableActionConfiguration_note
- The note that you can leave when you disable the alarm.
disableActionConfiguration_note :: Lens' DisableActionConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The note that you can leave when you disable the alarm.
data DisableAlarmActionRequest Source #
Information used to disable the alarm.
See: newDisableAlarmActionRequest
smart constructor.
DisableAlarmActionRequest' | |
newDisableAlarmActionRequest Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> DisableAlarmActionRequest |
Create a value of DisableAlarmActionRequest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, disableAlarmActionRequest_keyValue
- The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms
associated with the
, disableAlarmActionRequest_note
- The note that you can leave when you disable the alarm.
, disableAlarmActionRequest_requestId
- The request ID. Each ID must be unique within each batch.
, disableAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName
- The name of the alarm model.
disableAlarmActionRequest_keyValue :: Lens' DisableAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms associated with the key.
disableAlarmActionRequest_note :: Lens' DisableAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The note that you can leave when you disable the alarm.
disableAlarmActionRequest_requestId :: Lens' DisableAlarmActionRequest Text Source #
The request ID. Each ID must be unique within each batch.
disableAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName :: Lens' DisableAlarmActionRequest Text Source #
The name of the alarm model.
data EnableActionConfiguration Source #
Contains the configuration information of an enable action.
See: newEnableActionConfiguration
smart constructor.
EnableActionConfiguration' | |
newEnableActionConfiguration :: EnableActionConfiguration Source #
Create a value of EnableActionConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, enableActionConfiguration_note
- The note that you can leave when you enable the alarm.
enableActionConfiguration_note :: Lens' EnableActionConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The note that you can leave when you enable the alarm.
data EnableAlarmActionRequest Source #
Information needed to enable the alarm.
See: newEnableAlarmActionRequest
smart constructor.
EnableAlarmActionRequest' | |
newEnableAlarmActionRequest Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> EnableAlarmActionRequest |
Create a value of EnableAlarmActionRequest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, enableAlarmActionRequest_keyValue
- The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms
associated with the
, enableAlarmActionRequest_note
- The note that you can leave when you enable the alarm.
, enableAlarmActionRequest_requestId
- The request ID. Each ID must be unique within each batch.
, enableAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName
- The name of the alarm model.
enableAlarmActionRequest_keyValue :: Lens' EnableAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms associated with the key.
enableAlarmActionRequest_note :: Lens' EnableAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The note that you can leave when you enable the alarm.
enableAlarmActionRequest_requestId :: Lens' EnableAlarmActionRequest Text Source #
The request ID. Each ID must be unique within each batch.
enableAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName :: Lens' EnableAlarmActionRequest Text Source #
The name of the alarm model.
Information about a message.
See: newMessage
smart constructor.
Message' | |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> ByteString | |
-> Message |
Create a value of Message
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, message_timestamp
- The timestamp associated with the message.
, message_messageId
- The ID to assign to the message. Within each batch sent, each
must be unique.
, message_inputName
- The name of the input into which the message payload is transformed.
, message_payload
- The payload of the message. This can be a JSON string or a
Base-64-encoded string representing binary data (in which case you must
decode it).--
-- Note: This Lens
automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This Lens
accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
message_timestamp :: Lens' Message (Maybe TimestampValue) Source #
The timestamp associated with the message.
message_messageId :: Lens' Message Text Source #
The ID to assign to the message. Within each batch sent, each
must be unique.
message_inputName :: Lens' Message Text Source #
The name of the input into which the message payload is transformed.
message_payload :: Lens' Message ByteString Source #
The payload of the message. This can be a JSON string or a
Base-64-encoded string representing binary data (in which case you must
decode it).--
-- Note: This Lens
automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This Lens
accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
data ResetActionConfiguration Source #
Contains the configuration information of a reset action.
See: newResetActionConfiguration
smart constructor.
ResetActionConfiguration' | |
newResetActionConfiguration :: ResetActionConfiguration Source #
Create a value of ResetActionConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, resetActionConfiguration_note
- The note that you can leave when you reset the alarm.
resetActionConfiguration_note :: Lens' ResetActionConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The note that you can leave when you reset the alarm.
data ResetAlarmActionRequest Source #
Information needed to reset the alarm.
See: newResetAlarmActionRequest
smart constructor.
ResetAlarmActionRequest' | |
newResetAlarmActionRequest Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> ResetAlarmActionRequest |
Create a value of ResetAlarmActionRequest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, resetAlarmActionRequest_keyValue
- The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms
associated with the
, resetAlarmActionRequest_note
- The note that you can leave when you reset the alarm.
, resetAlarmActionRequest_requestId
- The request ID. Each ID must be unique within each batch.
, resetAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName
- The name of the alarm model.
resetAlarmActionRequest_keyValue :: Lens' ResetAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms associated with the key.
resetAlarmActionRequest_note :: Lens' ResetAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The note that you can leave when you reset the alarm.
resetAlarmActionRequest_requestId :: Lens' ResetAlarmActionRequest Text Source #
The request ID. Each ID must be unique within each batch.
resetAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName :: Lens' ResetAlarmActionRequest Text Source #
The name of the alarm model.
data RuleEvaluation Source #
Information needed to evaluate data.
See: newRuleEvaluation
smart constructor.
RuleEvaluation' | |
newRuleEvaluation :: RuleEvaluation Source #
Create a value of RuleEvaluation
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, ruleEvaluation_simpleRuleEvaluation
- Information needed to compare two values with a comparison operator.
ruleEvaluation_simpleRuleEvaluation :: Lens' RuleEvaluation (Maybe SimpleRuleEvaluation) Source #
Information needed to compare two values with a comparison operator.
data SimpleRuleEvaluation Source #
Information needed to compare two values with a comparison operator.
See: newSimpleRuleEvaluation
smart constructor.
SimpleRuleEvaluation' | |
newSimpleRuleEvaluation :: SimpleRuleEvaluation Source #
Create a value of SimpleRuleEvaluation
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, simpleRuleEvaluation_thresholdValue
- The threshold value, on the right side of the comparison operator.
, simpleRuleEvaluation_inputPropertyValue
- The value of the input property, on the left side of the comparison
, simpleRuleEvaluation_operator
- The comparison operator.
simpleRuleEvaluation_thresholdValue :: Lens' SimpleRuleEvaluation (Maybe Text) Source #
The threshold value, on the right side of the comparison operator.
simpleRuleEvaluation_inputPropertyValue :: Lens' SimpleRuleEvaluation (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the input property, on the left side of the comparison operator.
simpleRuleEvaluation_operator :: Lens' SimpleRuleEvaluation (Maybe ComparisonOperator) Source #
The comparison operator.
data SnoozeActionConfiguration Source #
Contains the configuration information of a snooze action.
See: newSnoozeActionConfiguration
smart constructor.
SnoozeActionConfiguration' | |
newSnoozeActionConfiguration :: SnoozeActionConfiguration Source #
Create a value of SnoozeActionConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, snoozeActionConfiguration_note
- The note that you can leave when you snooze the alarm.
, snoozeActionConfiguration_snoozeDuration
- The snooze time in seconds. The alarm automatically changes to the
state after this duration.
snoozeActionConfiguration_note :: Lens' SnoozeActionConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The note that you can leave when you snooze the alarm.
snoozeActionConfiguration_snoozeDuration :: Lens' SnoozeActionConfiguration (Maybe Int) Source #
The snooze time in seconds. The alarm automatically changes to the
state after this duration.
data SnoozeAlarmActionRequest Source #
Information needed to snooze the alarm.
See: newSnoozeAlarmActionRequest
smart constructor.
SnoozeAlarmActionRequest' | |
newSnoozeAlarmActionRequest Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Int | |
-> SnoozeAlarmActionRequest |
Create a value of SnoozeAlarmActionRequest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, snoozeAlarmActionRequest_keyValue
- The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms
associated with the
, snoozeAlarmActionRequest_note
- The note that you can leave when you snooze the alarm.
, snoozeAlarmActionRequest_requestId
- The request ID. Each ID must be unique within each batch.
, snoozeAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName
- The name of the alarm model.
, snoozeAlarmActionRequest_snoozeDuration
- The snooze time in seconds. The alarm automatically changes to the
state after this duration.
snoozeAlarmActionRequest_keyValue :: Lens' SnoozeAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the key used as a filter to select only the alarms associated with the key.
snoozeAlarmActionRequest_note :: Lens' SnoozeAlarmActionRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The note that you can leave when you snooze the alarm.
snoozeAlarmActionRequest_requestId :: Lens' SnoozeAlarmActionRequest Text Source #
The request ID. Each ID must be unique within each batch.
snoozeAlarmActionRequest_alarmModelName :: Lens' SnoozeAlarmActionRequest Text Source #
The name of the alarm model.
snoozeAlarmActionRequest_snoozeDuration :: Lens' SnoozeAlarmActionRequest Int Source #
The snooze time in seconds. The alarm automatically changes to the
state after this duration.
data StateChangeConfiguration Source #
Contains the configuration information of alarm state changes.
See: newStateChangeConfiguration
smart constructor.
StateChangeConfiguration' | |
newStateChangeConfiguration :: StateChangeConfiguration Source #
Create a value of StateChangeConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stateChangeConfiguration_triggerType
- The trigger type. If the value is SNOOZE_TIMEOUT
, the snooze duration
ends and the alarm automatically changes to the NORMAL
stateChangeConfiguration_triggerType :: Lens' StateChangeConfiguration (Maybe TriggerType) Source #
The trigger type. If the value is SNOOZE_TIMEOUT
, the snooze duration
ends and the alarm automatically changes to the NORMAL
data SystemEvent Source #
Contains information about alarm state changes.
See: newSystemEvent
smart constructor.
SystemEvent' | |
newSystemEvent :: SystemEvent Source #
Create a value of SystemEvent
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, systemEvent_eventType
- The event type. If the value is STATE_CHANGE
, the event contains
information about alarm state changes.
, systemEvent_stateChangeConfiguration
- Contains the configuration information of alarm state changes.
systemEvent_eventType :: Lens' SystemEvent (Maybe EventType) Source #
The event type. If the value is STATE_CHANGE
, the event contains
information about alarm state changes.
systemEvent_stateChangeConfiguration :: Lens' SystemEvent (Maybe StateChangeConfiguration) Source #
Contains the configuration information of alarm state changes.
The current state of a timer.
See: newTimer
smart constructor.
Timer' | |
Eq Timer Source # | |
Read Timer Source # | |
Show Timer Source # | |
Generic Timer Source # | |
NFData Timer Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.IoTEventsData.Types.Timer | |
Hashable Timer Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.IoTEventsData.Types.Timer | |
FromJSON Timer Source # | |
type Rep Timer Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.IoTEventsData.Types.Timer type Rep Timer = D1 ('MetaData "Timer" "Amazonka.IoTEventsData.Types.Timer" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-iotevents-dataZSamazonka-iotevents-data" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Timer'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "name") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "timestamp") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 POSIX))) |
Create a value of Timer
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, timer_name
- The name of the timer.
, timer_timestamp
- The number of seconds which have elapsed on the timer.
timer_timestamp :: Lens' Timer UTCTime Source #
The number of seconds which have elapsed on the timer.
data TimerDefinition Source #
The new setting of a timer.
See: newTimerDefinition
smart constructor.
TimerDefinition' | |
Create a value of TimerDefinition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, timerDefinition_name
- The name of the timer.
, timerDefinition_seconds
- The new setting of the timer (the number of seconds before the timer
timerDefinition_name :: Lens' TimerDefinition Text Source #
The name of the timer.
timerDefinition_seconds :: Lens' TimerDefinition Int Source #
The new setting of the timer (the number of seconds before the timer elapses).
data TimestampValue Source #
Contains information about a timestamp.
See: newTimestampValue
smart constructor.
TimestampValue' | |
newTimestampValue :: TimestampValue Source #
Create a value of TimestampValue
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, timestampValue_timeInMillis
- The value of the timestamp, in the Unix epoch format.
timestampValue_timeInMillis :: Lens' TimestampValue (Maybe Natural) Source #
The value of the timestamp, in the Unix epoch format.
data UpdateDetectorRequest Source #
Information used to update the detector (instance).
See: newUpdateDetectorRequest
smart constructor.
UpdateDetectorRequest' | |
newUpdateDetectorRequest Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> DetectorStateDefinition | |
-> UpdateDetectorRequest |
Create a value of UpdateDetectorRequest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateDetectorRequest_keyValue
- The value of the input key attribute (identifying the device or system)
that caused the creation of this detector (instance).
, updateDetectorRequest_messageId
- The ID to assign to the detector update "message"
. Each
must be unique within each batch sent.
, updateDetectorRequest_detectorModelName
- The name of the detector model that created the detectors (instances).
, updateDetectorRequest_state
- The new state, variable values, and timer settings of the detector
updateDetectorRequest_keyValue :: Lens' UpdateDetectorRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the input key attribute (identifying the device or system) that caused the creation of this detector (instance).
updateDetectorRequest_messageId :: Lens' UpdateDetectorRequest Text Source #
The ID to assign to the detector update "message"
. Each
must be unique within each batch sent.
updateDetectorRequest_detectorModelName :: Lens' UpdateDetectorRequest Text Source #
The name of the detector model that created the detectors (instances).
updateDetectorRequest_state :: Lens' UpdateDetectorRequest DetectorStateDefinition Source #
The new state, variable values, and timer settings of the detector (instance).
The current state of the variable.
See: newVariable
smart constructor.
Variable' | |
Eq Variable Source # | |
Read Variable Source # | |
Show Variable Source # | |
Generic Variable Source # | |
NFData Variable Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.IoTEventsData.Types.Variable | |
Hashable Variable Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.IoTEventsData.Types.Variable | |
FromJSON Variable Source # | |
type Rep Variable Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.IoTEventsData.Types.Variable type Rep Variable = D1 ('MetaData "Variable" "Amazonka.IoTEventsData.Types.Variable" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-iotevents-dataZSamazonka-iotevents-data" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Variable'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "name") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "value") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text))) |
Create a value of Variable
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, variable_name
- The name of the variable.
, variable_value
- The current value of the variable.
data VariableDefinition Source #
The new value of the variable.
See: newVariableDefinition
smart constructor.
VariableDefinition' | |
newVariableDefinition Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> VariableDefinition |
Create a value of VariableDefinition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, variableDefinition_name
- The name of the variable.
, variableDefinition_value
- The new value of the variable.
variableDefinition_name :: Lens' VariableDefinition Text Source #
The name of the variable.
variableDefinition_value :: Lens' VariableDefinition Text Source #
The new value of the variable.