Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- ExperimentActionStatus
- ExperimentStatus
- Action
- ActionParameter
- ActionSummary
- ActionTarget
- CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput
- CreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput
- CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput
- Experiment
- ExperimentAction
- ExperimentActionState
- ExperimentState
- ExperimentStopCondition
- ExperimentSummary
- ExperimentTarget
- ExperimentTargetFilter
- ExperimentTemplate
- ExperimentTemplateAction
- ExperimentTemplateStopCondition
- ExperimentTemplateSummary
- ExperimentTemplateTarget
- ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter
- ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter
- UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem
- UpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput
- UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput
- defaultService :: Service
- _ValidationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- newtype ExperimentActionStatus where
- ExperimentActionStatus' { }
- pattern ExperimentActionStatus_Cancelled :: ExperimentActionStatus
- pattern ExperimentActionStatus_Completed :: ExperimentActionStatus
- pattern ExperimentActionStatus_Failed :: ExperimentActionStatus
- pattern ExperimentActionStatus_Initiating :: ExperimentActionStatus
- pattern ExperimentActionStatus_Pending :: ExperimentActionStatus
- pattern ExperimentActionStatus_Running :: ExperimentActionStatus
- pattern ExperimentActionStatus_Stopped :: ExperimentActionStatus
- pattern ExperimentActionStatus_Stopping :: ExperimentActionStatus
- newtype ExperimentStatus where
- ExperimentStatus' { }
- pattern ExperimentStatus_Completed :: ExperimentStatus
- pattern ExperimentStatus_Failed :: ExperimentStatus
- pattern ExperimentStatus_Initiating :: ExperimentStatus
- pattern ExperimentStatus_Pending :: ExperimentStatus
- pattern ExperimentStatus_Running :: ExperimentStatus
- pattern ExperimentStatus_Stopped :: ExperimentStatus
- pattern ExperimentStatus_Stopping :: ExperimentStatus
- data Action = Action' {}
- newAction :: Action
- action_parameters :: Lens' Action (Maybe (HashMap Text ActionParameter))
- action_targets :: Lens' Action (Maybe (HashMap Text ActionTarget))
- action_id :: Lens' Action (Maybe Text)
- action_description :: Lens' Action (Maybe Text)
- action_tags :: Lens' Action (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- data ActionParameter = ActionParameter' {}
- newActionParameter :: ActionParameter
- actionParameter_required :: Lens' ActionParameter (Maybe Bool)
- actionParameter_description :: Lens' ActionParameter (Maybe Text)
- data ActionSummary = ActionSummary' {}
- newActionSummary :: ActionSummary
- actionSummary_targets :: Lens' ActionSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text ActionTarget))
- actionSummary_id :: Lens' ActionSummary (Maybe Text)
- actionSummary_description :: Lens' ActionSummary (Maybe Text)
- actionSummary_tags :: Lens' ActionSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- data ActionTarget = ActionTarget' {}
- newActionTarget :: ActionTarget
- actionTarget_resourceType :: Lens' ActionTarget (Maybe Text)
- data CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput = CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput' {}
- newCreateExperimentTemplateActionInput :: Text -> CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput
- createExperimentTemplateActionInput_startAfter :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput (Maybe [Text])
- createExperimentTemplateActionInput_parameters :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createExperimentTemplateActionInput_targets :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createExperimentTemplateActionInput_description :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput (Maybe Text)
- createExperimentTemplateActionInput_actionId :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput Text
- data CreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput = CreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput' {}
- newCreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput :: Text -> CreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput
- createExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput_value :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput (Maybe Text)
- createExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput_source :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput Text
- data CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput = CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput' {}
- newCreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput :: Text -> Text -> CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput
- createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceTags :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_filters :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput (Maybe [ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter])
- createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceArns :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput (Maybe [Text])
- createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceType :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput Text
- createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_selectionMode :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput Text
- data Experiment = Experiment' {
- creationTime :: Maybe POSIX
- experimentTemplateId :: Maybe Text
- state :: Maybe ExperimentState
- actions :: Maybe (HashMap Text ExperimentAction)
- startTime :: Maybe POSIX
- stopConditions :: Maybe [ExperimentStopCondition]
- endTime :: Maybe POSIX
- targets :: Maybe (HashMap Text ExperimentTarget)
- id :: Maybe Text
- tags :: Maybe (HashMap Text Text)
- roleArn :: Maybe Text
- newExperiment :: Experiment
- experiment_creationTime :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe UTCTime)
- experiment_experimentTemplateId :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe Text)
- experiment_state :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe ExperimentState)
- experiment_actions :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe (HashMap Text ExperimentAction))
- experiment_startTime :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe UTCTime)
- experiment_stopConditions :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe [ExperimentStopCondition])
- experiment_endTime :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe UTCTime)
- experiment_targets :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe (HashMap Text ExperimentTarget))
- experiment_id :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe Text)
- experiment_tags :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- experiment_roleArn :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe Text)
- data ExperimentAction = ExperimentAction' {}
- newExperimentAction :: ExperimentAction
- experimentAction_startAfter :: Lens' ExperimentAction (Maybe [Text])
- experimentAction_state :: Lens' ExperimentAction (Maybe ExperimentActionState)
- experimentAction_actionId :: Lens' ExperimentAction (Maybe Text)
- experimentAction_parameters :: Lens' ExperimentAction (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- experimentAction_targets :: Lens' ExperimentAction (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- experimentAction_description :: Lens' ExperimentAction (Maybe Text)
- data ExperimentActionState = ExperimentActionState' {}
- newExperimentActionState :: ExperimentActionState
- experimentActionState_status :: Lens' ExperimentActionState (Maybe ExperimentActionStatus)
- experimentActionState_reason :: Lens' ExperimentActionState (Maybe Text)
- data ExperimentState = ExperimentState' {}
- newExperimentState :: ExperimentState
- experimentState_status :: Lens' ExperimentState (Maybe ExperimentStatus)
- experimentState_reason :: Lens' ExperimentState (Maybe Text)
- data ExperimentStopCondition = ExperimentStopCondition' {}
- newExperimentStopCondition :: ExperimentStopCondition
- experimentStopCondition_value :: Lens' ExperimentStopCondition (Maybe Text)
- experimentStopCondition_source :: Lens' ExperimentStopCondition (Maybe Text)
- data ExperimentSummary = ExperimentSummary' {}
- newExperimentSummary :: ExperimentSummary
- experimentSummary_creationTime :: Lens' ExperimentSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- experimentSummary_experimentTemplateId :: Lens' ExperimentSummary (Maybe Text)
- experimentSummary_state :: Lens' ExperimentSummary (Maybe ExperimentState)
- experimentSummary_id :: Lens' ExperimentSummary (Maybe Text)
- experimentSummary_tags :: Lens' ExperimentSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- data ExperimentTarget = ExperimentTarget' {
- resourceType :: Maybe Text
- resourceTags :: Maybe (HashMap Text Text)
- filters :: Maybe [ExperimentTargetFilter]
- resourceArns :: Maybe [Text]
- selectionMode :: Maybe Text
- newExperimentTarget :: ExperimentTarget
- experimentTarget_resourceType :: Lens' ExperimentTarget (Maybe Text)
- experimentTarget_resourceTags :: Lens' ExperimentTarget (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- experimentTarget_filters :: Lens' ExperimentTarget (Maybe [ExperimentTargetFilter])
- experimentTarget_resourceArns :: Lens' ExperimentTarget (Maybe [Text])
- experimentTarget_selectionMode :: Lens' ExperimentTarget (Maybe Text)
- data ExperimentTargetFilter = ExperimentTargetFilter' {}
- newExperimentTargetFilter :: ExperimentTargetFilter
- experimentTargetFilter_path :: Lens' ExperimentTargetFilter (Maybe Text)
- experimentTargetFilter_values :: Lens' ExperimentTargetFilter (Maybe [Text])
- data ExperimentTemplate = ExperimentTemplate' {
- creationTime :: Maybe POSIX
- actions :: Maybe (HashMap Text ExperimentTemplateAction)
- stopConditions :: Maybe [ExperimentTemplateStopCondition]
- targets :: Maybe (HashMap Text ExperimentTemplateTarget)
- id :: Maybe Text
- lastUpdateTime :: Maybe POSIX
- description :: Maybe Text
- tags :: Maybe (HashMap Text Text)
- roleArn :: Maybe Text
- newExperimentTemplate :: ExperimentTemplate
- experimentTemplate_creationTime :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe UTCTime)
- experimentTemplate_actions :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe (HashMap Text ExperimentTemplateAction))
- experimentTemplate_stopConditions :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe [ExperimentTemplateStopCondition])
- experimentTemplate_targets :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe (HashMap Text ExperimentTemplateTarget))
- experimentTemplate_id :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe Text)
- experimentTemplate_lastUpdateTime :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe UTCTime)
- experimentTemplate_description :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe Text)
- experimentTemplate_tags :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- experimentTemplate_roleArn :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe Text)
- data ExperimentTemplateAction = ExperimentTemplateAction' {}
- newExperimentTemplateAction :: ExperimentTemplateAction
- experimentTemplateAction_startAfter :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateAction (Maybe [Text])
- experimentTemplateAction_actionId :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateAction (Maybe Text)
- experimentTemplateAction_parameters :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateAction (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- experimentTemplateAction_targets :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateAction (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- experimentTemplateAction_description :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateAction (Maybe Text)
- data ExperimentTemplateStopCondition = ExperimentTemplateStopCondition' {}
- newExperimentTemplateStopCondition :: ExperimentTemplateStopCondition
- experimentTemplateStopCondition_value :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateStopCondition (Maybe Text)
- experimentTemplateStopCondition_source :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateStopCondition (Maybe Text)
- data ExperimentTemplateSummary = ExperimentTemplateSummary' {}
- newExperimentTemplateSummary :: ExperimentTemplateSummary
- experimentTemplateSummary_creationTime :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- experimentTemplateSummary_id :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateSummary (Maybe Text)
- experimentTemplateSummary_lastUpdateTime :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- experimentTemplateSummary_description :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateSummary (Maybe Text)
- experimentTemplateSummary_tags :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- data ExperimentTemplateTarget = ExperimentTemplateTarget' {}
- newExperimentTemplateTarget :: ExperimentTemplateTarget
- experimentTemplateTarget_resourceType :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTarget (Maybe Text)
- experimentTemplateTarget_resourceTags :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTarget (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- experimentTemplateTarget_filters :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTarget (Maybe [ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter])
- experimentTemplateTarget_resourceArns :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTarget (Maybe [Text])
- experimentTemplateTarget_selectionMode :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTarget (Maybe Text)
- data ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter = ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter' {}
- newExperimentTemplateTargetFilter :: ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter
- experimentTemplateTargetFilter_path :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter (Maybe Text)
- experimentTemplateTargetFilter_values :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter (Maybe [Text])
- data ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter = ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter' {}
- newExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter :: Text -> ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter
- experimentTemplateTargetInputFilter_path :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter Text
- experimentTemplateTargetInputFilter_values :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter [Text]
- data UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem = UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem' {}
- newUpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem :: UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem
- updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_startAfter :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem (Maybe [Text])
- updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_actionId :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem (Maybe Text)
- updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_parameters :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_targets :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_description :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem (Maybe Text)
- data UpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput = UpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput' {}
- newUpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput :: Text -> UpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput
- updateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput_value :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput (Maybe Text)
- updateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput_source :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput Text
- data UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput = UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput' {}
- newUpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput :: Text -> Text -> UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput
- updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceTags :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_filters :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput (Maybe [ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter])
- updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceArns :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput (Maybe [Text])
- updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceType :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput Text
- updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_selectionMode :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput Text
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2020-12-01
of the Amazon Fault Injection Simulator SDK configuration.
_ValidationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified input is not valid, or fails to satisfy the constraints for the request.
_ConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request could not be processed because of a conflict.
_ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
You have exceeded your service quota.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified resource cannot be found.
newtype ExperimentActionStatus Source #
ExperimentActionStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype ExperimentStatus Source #
ExperimentStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ExperimentStatus_Completed :: ExperimentStatus | |
pattern ExperimentStatus_Failed :: ExperimentStatus | |
pattern ExperimentStatus_Initiating :: ExperimentStatus | |
pattern ExperimentStatus_Pending :: ExperimentStatus | |
pattern ExperimentStatus_Running :: ExperimentStatus | |
pattern ExperimentStatus_Stopped :: ExperimentStatus | |
pattern ExperimentStatus_Stopping :: ExperimentStatus |
Describes an action. For more information, see AWS FIS actions in the AWS Fault Injection Simulator User Guide.
See: newAction
smart constructor.
Action' | |
Create a value of Action
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, action_parameters
- The action parameters, if applicable.
, action_targets
- The supported targets for the action.
, action_id
- The ID of the action.
, action_description
- The description for the action.
, action_tags
- The tags for the action.
action_parameters :: Lens' Action (Maybe (HashMap Text ActionParameter)) Source #
The action parameters, if applicable.
action_targets :: Lens' Action (Maybe (HashMap Text ActionTarget)) Source #
The supported targets for the action.
data ActionParameter Source #
Describes a parameter for an action.
See: newActionParameter
smart constructor.
ActionParameter' | |
newActionParameter :: ActionParameter Source #
Create a value of ActionParameter
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, actionParameter_required
- Indicates whether the parameter is required.
, actionParameter_description
- The parameter description.
actionParameter_required :: Lens' ActionParameter (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the parameter is required.
actionParameter_description :: Lens' ActionParameter (Maybe Text) Source #
The parameter description.
data ActionSummary Source #
Provides a summary of an action.
See: newActionSummary
smart constructor.
ActionSummary' | |
newActionSummary :: ActionSummary Source #
Create a value of ActionSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, actionSummary_targets
- The targets for the action.
, actionSummary_id
- The ID of the action.
, actionSummary_description
- The description for the action.
, actionSummary_tags
- The tags for the action.
actionSummary_targets :: Lens' ActionSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text ActionTarget)) Source #
The targets for the action.
actionSummary_id :: Lens' ActionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the action.
actionSummary_description :: Lens' ActionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The description for the action.
actionSummary_tags :: Lens' ActionSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags for the action.
data ActionTarget Source #
Describes a target for an action.
See: newActionTarget
smart constructor.
ActionTarget' | |
newActionTarget :: ActionTarget Source #
Create a value of ActionTarget
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, actionTarget_resourceType
- The resource type of the target.
actionTarget_resourceType :: Lens' ActionTarget (Maybe Text) Source #
The resource type of the target.
data CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput Source #
Specifies an action for an experiment template.
See: newCreateExperimentTemplateActionInput
smart constructor.
CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput' | |
newCreateExperimentTemplateActionInput Source #
:: Text | |
-> CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput |
Create a value of CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createExperimentTemplateActionInput_startAfter
- The name of the action that must be completed before the current action
starts. Omit this parameter to run the action at the start of the
, createExperimentTemplateActionInput_parameters
- The parameters for the action, if applicable.
, createExperimentTemplateActionInput_targets
- The targets for the action.
, createExperimentTemplateActionInput_description
- A description for the action.
, createExperimentTemplateActionInput_actionId
- The ID of the action.
createExperimentTemplateActionInput_startAfter :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The name of the action that must be completed before the current action starts. Omit this parameter to run the action at the start of the experiment.
createExperimentTemplateActionInput_parameters :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The parameters for the action, if applicable.
createExperimentTemplateActionInput_targets :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The targets for the action.
createExperimentTemplateActionInput_description :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput (Maybe Text) Source #
A description for the action.
createExperimentTemplateActionInput_actionId :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateActionInput Text Source #
The ID of the action.
data CreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput Source #
Specifies a stop condition for an experiment template.
See: newCreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput
smart constructor.
CreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput' | |
newCreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput Source #
:: Text | |
-> CreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput |
Create a value of CreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput_value
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch alarm. This is required
if the source is a CloudWatch alarm.
, createExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput_source
- The source for the stop condition. Specify aws:cloudwatch:alarm
if the
stop condition is defined by a CloudWatch alarm. Specify none
if there
is no stop condition.
createExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput_value :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch alarm. This is required if the source is a CloudWatch alarm.
createExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput_source :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput Text Source #
The source for the stop condition. Specify aws:cloudwatch:alarm
if the
stop condition is defined by a CloudWatch alarm. Specify none
if there
is no stop condition.
data CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput Source #
Specifies a target for an experiment. You must specify at least one Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or at least one resource tag. You cannot specify both ARNs and tags.
See: newCreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput
smart constructor.
CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput' | |
newCreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput |
Create a value of CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceTags
- The tags for the target resources.
, createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_filters
- The filters to apply to identify target resources using specific
, createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceArns
- The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the resources.
, createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceType
- The AWS resource type. The resource type must be supported for the
specified action.
, createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_selectionMode
- Scopes the identified resources to a specific count of the resources at
random, or a percentage of the resources. All identified resources are
included in the target.
- ALL - Run the action on all identified targets. This is the default.
- COUNT(n) - Run the action on the specified number of targets, chosen from the identified targets at random. For example, COUNT(1) selects one of the targets.
- PERCENT(n) - Run the action on the specified percentage of targets, chosen from the identified targets at random. For example, PERCENT(25) selects 25% of the targets.
createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceTags :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags for the target resources.
createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_filters :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput (Maybe [ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter]) Source #
The filters to apply to identify target resources using specific attributes.
createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceArns :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the resources.
createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceType :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput Text Source #
The AWS resource type. The resource type must be supported for the specified action.
createExperimentTemplateTargetInput_selectionMode :: Lens' CreateExperimentTemplateTargetInput Text Source #
Scopes the identified resources to a specific count of the resources at random, or a percentage of the resources. All identified resources are included in the target.
- ALL - Run the action on all identified targets. This is the default.
- COUNT(n) - Run the action on the specified number of targets, chosen from the identified targets at random. For example, COUNT(1) selects one of the targets.
- PERCENT(n) - Run the action on the specified percentage of targets, chosen from the identified targets at random. For example, PERCENT(25) selects 25% of the targets.
data Experiment Source #
Describes an experiment.
See: newExperiment
smart constructor.
Experiment' | |
newExperiment :: Experiment Source #
Create a value of Experiment
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experiment_creationTime
- The time the experiment was created.
, experiment_experimentTemplateId
- The ID of the experiment template.
, experiment_state
- The state of the experiment.
, experiment_actions
- The actions for the experiment.
, experiment_startTime
- The time that the experiment was started.
, experiment_stopConditions
- The stop conditions for the experiment.
, experiment_endTime
- The time that the experiment ended.
, experiment_targets
- The targets for the experiment.
, experiment_id
- The ID of the experiment.
, experiment_tags
- The tags for the experiment.
, experiment_roleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that grants the AWS FIS
service permission to perform service actions on your behalf.
experiment_creationTime :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the experiment was created.
experiment_experimentTemplateId :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the experiment template.
experiment_state :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe ExperimentState) Source #
The state of the experiment.
experiment_actions :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe (HashMap Text ExperimentAction)) Source #
The actions for the experiment.
experiment_startTime :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the experiment was started.
experiment_stopConditions :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe [ExperimentStopCondition]) Source #
The stop conditions for the experiment.
experiment_endTime :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the experiment ended.
experiment_targets :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe (HashMap Text ExperimentTarget)) Source #
The targets for the experiment.
experiment_id :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the experiment.
experiment_tags :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags for the experiment.
experiment_roleArn :: Lens' Experiment (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that grants the AWS FIS service permission to perform service actions on your behalf.
data ExperimentAction Source #
Describes the action for an experiment.
See: newExperimentAction
smart constructor.
ExperimentAction' | |
newExperimentAction :: ExperimentAction Source #
Create a value of ExperimentAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentAction_startAfter
- The name of the action that must be completed before this action starts.
, experimentAction_state
- The state of the action.
, experimentAction_actionId
- The ID of the action.
, experimentAction_parameters
- The parameters for the action.
, experimentAction_targets
- The targets for the action.
, experimentAction_description
- The description for the action.
experimentAction_startAfter :: Lens' ExperimentAction (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The name of the action that must be completed before this action starts.
experimentAction_state :: Lens' ExperimentAction (Maybe ExperimentActionState) Source #
The state of the action.
experimentAction_actionId :: Lens' ExperimentAction (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the action.
experimentAction_parameters :: Lens' ExperimentAction (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The parameters for the action.
experimentAction_targets :: Lens' ExperimentAction (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The targets for the action.
experimentAction_description :: Lens' ExperimentAction (Maybe Text) Source #
The description for the action.
data ExperimentActionState Source #
Describes the state of an action.
See: newExperimentActionState
smart constructor.
ExperimentActionState' | |
newExperimentActionState :: ExperimentActionState Source #
Create a value of ExperimentActionState
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentActionState_status
- The state of the action.
, experimentActionState_reason
- The reason for the state.
experimentActionState_status :: Lens' ExperimentActionState (Maybe ExperimentActionStatus) Source #
The state of the action.
experimentActionState_reason :: Lens' ExperimentActionState (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason for the state.
data ExperimentState Source #
Describes the state of an experiment.
See: newExperimentState
smart constructor.
ExperimentState' | |
newExperimentState :: ExperimentState Source #
Create a value of ExperimentState
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentState_status
- The state of the experiment.
, experimentState_reason
- The reason for the state.
experimentState_status :: Lens' ExperimentState (Maybe ExperimentStatus) Source #
The state of the experiment.
experimentState_reason :: Lens' ExperimentState (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason for the state.
data ExperimentStopCondition Source #
Describes the stop condition for an experiment.
See: newExperimentStopCondition
smart constructor.
ExperimentStopCondition' | |
newExperimentStopCondition :: ExperimentStopCondition Source #
Create a value of ExperimentStopCondition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentStopCondition_value
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch alarm, if applicable.
, experimentStopCondition_source
- The source for the stop condition.
experimentStopCondition_value :: Lens' ExperimentStopCondition (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch alarm, if applicable.
experimentStopCondition_source :: Lens' ExperimentStopCondition (Maybe Text) Source #
The source for the stop condition.
data ExperimentSummary Source #
Provides a summary of an experiment.
See: newExperimentSummary
smart constructor.
ExperimentSummary' | |
Fields |
newExperimentSummary :: ExperimentSummary Source #
Create a value of ExperimentSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentSummary_creationTime
- The time that the experiment was created.
, experimentSummary_experimentTemplateId
- The ID of the experiment template.
, experimentSummary_state
- The state of the experiment.
, experimentSummary_id
- The ID of the experiment.
, experimentSummary_tags
- The tags for the experiment.
experimentSummary_creationTime :: Lens' ExperimentSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the experiment was created.
experimentSummary_experimentTemplateId :: Lens' ExperimentSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the experiment template.
experimentSummary_state :: Lens' ExperimentSummary (Maybe ExperimentState) Source #
The state of the experiment.
experimentSummary_id :: Lens' ExperimentSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the experiment.
experimentSummary_tags :: Lens' ExperimentSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags for the experiment.
data ExperimentTarget Source #
Describes a target for an experiment.
See: newExperimentTarget
smart constructor.
ExperimentTarget' | |
newExperimentTarget :: ExperimentTarget Source #
Create a value of ExperimentTarget
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentTarget_resourceType
- The resource type.
, experimentTarget_resourceTags
- The tags for the target resources.
, experimentTarget_filters
- The filters to apply to identify target resources using specific
, experimentTarget_resourceArns
- The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the resources.
, experimentTarget_selectionMode
- Scopes the identified resources to a specific count or percentage.
experimentTarget_resourceType :: Lens' ExperimentTarget (Maybe Text) Source #
The resource type.
experimentTarget_resourceTags :: Lens' ExperimentTarget (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags for the target resources.
experimentTarget_filters :: Lens' ExperimentTarget (Maybe [ExperimentTargetFilter]) Source #
The filters to apply to identify target resources using specific attributes.
experimentTarget_resourceArns :: Lens' ExperimentTarget (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the resources.
experimentTarget_selectionMode :: Lens' ExperimentTarget (Maybe Text) Source #
Scopes the identified resources to a specific count or percentage.
data ExperimentTargetFilter Source #
Describes a filter used for the target resources in an experiment.
See: newExperimentTargetFilter
smart constructor.
ExperimentTargetFilter' | |
newExperimentTargetFilter :: ExperimentTargetFilter Source #
Create a value of ExperimentTargetFilter
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentTargetFilter_path
- The attribute path for the filter.
, experimentTargetFilter_values
- The attribute values for the filter.
experimentTargetFilter_path :: Lens' ExperimentTargetFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The attribute path for the filter.
experimentTargetFilter_values :: Lens' ExperimentTargetFilter (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The attribute values for the filter.
data ExperimentTemplate Source #
Describes an experiment template.
See: newExperimentTemplate
smart constructor.
ExperimentTemplate' | |
newExperimentTemplate :: ExperimentTemplate Source #
Create a value of ExperimentTemplate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentTemplate_creationTime
- The time the experiment template was created.
, experimentTemplate_actions
- The actions for the experiment.
, experimentTemplate_stopConditions
- The stop conditions for the experiment.
, experimentTemplate_targets
- The targets for the experiment.
, experimentTemplate_id
- The ID of the experiment template.
, experimentTemplate_lastUpdateTime
- The time the experiment template was last updated.
, experimentTemplate_description
- The description for the experiment template.
, experimentTemplate_tags
- The tags for the experiment template.
, experimentTemplate_roleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role.
experimentTemplate_creationTime :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the experiment template was created.
experimentTemplate_actions :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe (HashMap Text ExperimentTemplateAction)) Source #
The actions for the experiment.
experimentTemplate_stopConditions :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe [ExperimentTemplateStopCondition]) Source #
The stop conditions for the experiment.
experimentTemplate_targets :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe (HashMap Text ExperimentTemplateTarget)) Source #
The targets for the experiment.
experimentTemplate_id :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the experiment template.
experimentTemplate_lastUpdateTime :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the experiment template was last updated.
experimentTemplate_description :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe Text) Source #
The description for the experiment template.
experimentTemplate_tags :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags for the experiment template.
experimentTemplate_roleArn :: Lens' ExperimentTemplate (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role.
data ExperimentTemplateAction Source #
Describes an action for an experiment template.
See: newExperimentTemplateAction
smart constructor.
ExperimentTemplateAction' | |
newExperimentTemplateAction :: ExperimentTemplateAction Source #
Create a value of ExperimentTemplateAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentTemplateAction_startAfter
- The name of the action that must be completed before the current action
, experimentTemplateAction_actionId
- The ID of the action.
, experimentTemplateAction_parameters
- The parameters for the action.
, experimentTemplateAction_targets
- The targets for the action.
, experimentTemplateAction_description
- A description for the action.
experimentTemplateAction_startAfter :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateAction (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The name of the action that must be completed before the current action starts.
experimentTemplateAction_actionId :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateAction (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the action.
experimentTemplateAction_parameters :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateAction (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The parameters for the action.
experimentTemplateAction_targets :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateAction (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The targets for the action.
experimentTemplateAction_description :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateAction (Maybe Text) Source #
A description for the action.
data ExperimentTemplateStopCondition Source #
Describes a stop condition for an experiment template.
See: newExperimentTemplateStopCondition
smart constructor.
ExperimentTemplateStopCondition' | |
newExperimentTemplateStopCondition :: ExperimentTemplateStopCondition Source #
Create a value of ExperimentTemplateStopCondition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentTemplateStopCondition_value
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch alarm, if applicable.
, experimentTemplateStopCondition_source
- The source for the stop condition.
experimentTemplateStopCondition_value :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateStopCondition (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch alarm, if applicable.
experimentTemplateStopCondition_source :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateStopCondition (Maybe Text) Source #
The source for the stop condition.
data ExperimentTemplateSummary Source #
Provides a summary of an experiment template.
See: newExperimentTemplateSummary
smart constructor.
ExperimentTemplateSummary' | |
newExperimentTemplateSummary :: ExperimentTemplateSummary Source #
Create a value of ExperimentTemplateSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentTemplateSummary_creationTime
- The time that the experiment template was created.
, experimentTemplateSummary_id
- The ID of the experiment template.
, experimentTemplateSummary_lastUpdateTime
- The time that the experiment template was last updated.
, experimentTemplateSummary_description
- The description of the experiment template.
, experimentTemplateSummary_tags
- The tags for the experiment template.
experimentTemplateSummary_creationTime :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the experiment template was created.
experimentTemplateSummary_id :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the experiment template.
experimentTemplateSummary_lastUpdateTime :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the experiment template was last updated.
experimentTemplateSummary_description :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the experiment template.
experimentTemplateSummary_tags :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags for the experiment template.
data ExperimentTemplateTarget Source #
Describes a target for an experiment template.
See: newExperimentTemplateTarget
smart constructor.
ExperimentTemplateTarget' | |
newExperimentTemplateTarget :: ExperimentTemplateTarget Source #
Create a value of ExperimentTemplateTarget
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentTemplateTarget_resourceType
- The resource type.
, experimentTemplateTarget_resourceTags
- The tags for the target resources.
, experimentTemplateTarget_filters
- The filters to apply to identify target resources using specific
, experimentTemplateTarget_resourceArns
- The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the targets.
, experimentTemplateTarget_selectionMode
- Scopes the identified resources to a specific count or percentage.
experimentTemplateTarget_resourceType :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTarget (Maybe Text) Source #
The resource type.
experimentTemplateTarget_resourceTags :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTarget (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags for the target resources.
experimentTemplateTarget_filters :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTarget (Maybe [ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter]) Source #
The filters to apply to identify target resources using specific attributes.
experimentTemplateTarget_resourceArns :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTarget (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the targets.
experimentTemplateTarget_selectionMode :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTarget (Maybe Text) Source #
Scopes the identified resources to a specific count or percentage.
data ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter Source #
Describes a filter used for the target resources in an experiment template.
See: newExperimentTemplateTargetFilter
smart constructor.
ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter' | |
newExperimentTemplateTargetFilter :: ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter Source #
Create a value of ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentTemplateTargetFilter_path
- The attribute path for the filter.
, experimentTemplateTargetFilter_values
- The attribute values for the filter.
experimentTemplateTargetFilter_path :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The attribute path for the filter.
experimentTemplateTargetFilter_values :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The attribute values for the filter.
data ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter Source #
Describes a filter used for the target resource input in an experiment template.
See: newExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter
smart constructor.
ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter' | |
newExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter Source #
:: Text | |
-> ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter |
Create a value of ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, experimentTemplateTargetInputFilter_path
- The attribute path for the filter.
, experimentTemplateTargetInputFilter_values
- The attribute values for the filter.
experimentTemplateTargetInputFilter_path :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter Text Source #
The attribute path for the filter.
experimentTemplateTargetInputFilter_values :: Lens' ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter [Text] Source #
The attribute values for the filter.
data UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem Source #
Specifies an action for an experiment template.
See: newUpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem
smart constructor.
UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem' | |
newUpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem :: UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem Source #
Create a value of UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_startAfter
- The name of the action that must be completed before the current action
starts. Omit this parameter to run the action at the start of the
, updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_actionId
- The ID of the action.
, updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_parameters
- The parameters for the action, if applicable.
, updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_targets
- The targets for the action.
, updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_description
- A description for the action.
updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_startAfter :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The name of the action that must be completed before the current action starts. Omit this parameter to run the action at the start of the experiment.
updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_actionId :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the action.
updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_parameters :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The parameters for the action, if applicable.
updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_targets :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The targets for the action.
updateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem_description :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateActionInputItem (Maybe Text) Source #
A description for the action.
data UpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput Source #
Specifies a stop condition for an experiment. You can define a stop condition as a CloudWatch alarm.
See: newUpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput
smart constructor.
UpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput' | |
newUpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput Source #
:: Text | |
-> UpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput |
Create a value of UpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput_value
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch alarm.
, updateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput_source
- The source for the stop condition. Specify aws:cloudwatch:alarm
if the
stop condition is defined by a CloudWatch alarm. Specify none
if there
is no stop condition.
updateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput_value :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch alarm.
updateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput_source :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateStopConditionInput Text Source #
The source for the stop condition. Specify aws:cloudwatch:alarm
if the
stop condition is defined by a CloudWatch alarm. Specify none
if there
is no stop condition.
data UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput Source #
Specifies a target for an experiment. You must specify at least one Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or at least one resource tag. You cannot specify both.
See: newUpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput
smart constructor.
UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput' | |
newUpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput |
Create a value of UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceTags
- The tags for the target resources.
, updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_filters
- The filters to apply to identify target resources using specific
, updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceArns
- The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the targets.
, updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceType
- The AWS resource type. The resource type must be supported for the
specified action.
, updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_selectionMode
- Scopes the identified resources to a specific count or percentage.
updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceTags :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags for the target resources.
updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_filters :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput (Maybe [ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter]) Source #
The filters to apply to identify target resources using specific attributes.
updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceArns :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the targets.
updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_resourceType :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput Text Source #
The AWS resource type. The resource type must be supported for the specified action.
updateExperimentTemplateTargetInput_selectionMode :: Lens' UpdateExperimentTemplateTargetInput Text Source #
Scopes the identified resources to a specific count or percentage.