Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- AttributeAction
- BackupStatus
- BackupType
- BackupTypeFilter
- BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum
- BillingMode
- ComparisonOperator
- ConditionalOperator
- ContinuousBackupsStatus
- ContributorInsightsAction
- ContributorInsightsStatus
- DestinationStatus
- ExportFormat
- ExportStatus
- GlobalTableStatus
- IndexStatus
- KeyType
- PointInTimeRecoveryStatus
- ProjectionType
- ReplicaStatus
- ReturnConsumedCapacity
- ReturnItemCollectionMetrics
- ReturnValue
- ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- S3SseAlgorithm
- SSEStatus
- SSEType
- ScalarAttributeType
- Select
- StreamViewType
- TableStatus
- TimeToLiveStatus
- ArchivalSummary
- AttributeDefinition
- AttributeValue
- AttributeValueUpdate
- AutoScalingPolicyDescription
- AutoScalingPolicyUpdate
- AutoScalingSettingsDescription
- AutoScalingSettingsUpdate
- AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription
- AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate
- BackupDescription
- BackupDetails
- BackupSummary
- BatchStatementError
- BatchStatementRequest
- BatchStatementResponse
- BillingModeSummary
- Capacity
- Condition
- ConditionCheck
- ConsumedCapacity
- ContinuousBackupsDescription
- ContributorInsightsSummary
- CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
- CreateReplicaAction
- CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction
- Delete
- DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
- DeleteReplicaAction
- DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction
- DeleteRequest
- Endpoint
- ExpectedAttributeValue
- ExportDescription
- ExportSummary
- FailureException
- Get
- GlobalSecondaryIndex
- GlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate
- GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
- GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo
- GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate
- GlobalTable
- GlobalTableDescription
- GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate
- ItemCollectionMetrics
- ItemResponse
- KeySchemaElement
- KeysAndAttributes
- KinesisDataStreamDestination
- KinesisStreamingDestinationInput
- KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput
- LocalSecondaryIndex
- LocalSecondaryIndexDescription
- LocalSecondaryIndexInfo
- ParameterizedStatement
- PointInTimeRecoveryDescription
- PointInTimeRecoverySpecification
- Projection
- ProvisionedThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughputDescription
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- Put
- PutRequest
- Replica
- ReplicaAutoScalingDescription
- ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate
- ReplicaDescription
- ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex
- ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription
- ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate
- ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
- ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription
- ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate
- ReplicaSettingsDescription
- ReplicaSettingsUpdate
- ReplicaUpdate
- ReplicationGroupUpdate
- RestoreSummary
- SSEDescription
- SSESpecification
- SourceTableDetails
- SourceTableFeatureDetails
- StreamSpecification
- TableAutoScalingDescription
- TableDescription
- Tag
- TimeToLiveDescription
- TimeToLiveSpecification
- TransactGetItem
- TransactWriteItem
- Update
- UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
- UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction
- WriteRequest
- defaultService :: Service
- _InvalidExportTimeException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _BackupNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _TableInUseException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ExportConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ContinuousBackupsUnavailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ProvisionedThroughputExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _GlobalTableNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _TransactionInProgressException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _TransactionCanceledException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ConditionalCheckFailedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _GlobalTableAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ReplicaNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _TableAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _RequestLimitExceeded :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ItemCollectionSizeLimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InternalServerError :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _TableNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _IndexNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _TransactionConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _BackupInUseException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _DuplicateItemException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ExportNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _PointInTimeRecoveryUnavailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _IdempotentParameterMismatchException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidRestoreTimeException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ReplicaAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _LimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceInUseException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- newtype AttributeAction where
- AttributeAction' { }
- pattern AttributeAction_ADD :: AttributeAction
- pattern AttributeAction_DELETE :: AttributeAction
- pattern AttributeAction_PUT :: AttributeAction
- newtype BackupStatus where
- BackupStatus' { }
- pattern BackupStatus_AVAILABLE :: BackupStatus
- pattern BackupStatus_CREATING :: BackupStatus
- pattern BackupStatus_DELETED :: BackupStatus
- newtype BackupType where
- BackupType' { }
- pattern BackupType_AWS_BACKUP :: BackupType
- pattern BackupType_SYSTEM :: BackupType
- pattern BackupType_USER :: BackupType
- newtype BackupTypeFilter where
- BackupTypeFilter' { }
- pattern BackupTypeFilter_ALL :: BackupTypeFilter
- pattern BackupTypeFilter_AWS_BACKUP :: BackupTypeFilter
- pattern BackupTypeFilter_SYSTEM :: BackupTypeFilter
- pattern BackupTypeFilter_USER :: BackupTypeFilter
- newtype BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum where
- BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum' { }
- pattern BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum_AccessDenied :: BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum
- pattern BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum_ConditionalCheckFailed :: BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum
- pattern BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum_DuplicateItem :: BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum
- pattern BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum_InternalServerError :: BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum
- pattern BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum_ItemCollectionSizeLimitExceeded :: BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum
- pattern BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum_ProvisionedThroughputExceeded :: BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum
- pattern BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum_RequestLimitExceeded :: BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum
- pattern BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum_ResourceNotFound :: BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum
- pattern BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum_ThrottlingError :: BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum
- pattern BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum_TransactionConflict :: BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum
- pattern BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum_ValidationError :: BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum
- newtype BillingMode where
- BillingMode' { }
- pattern BillingMode_PAY_PER_REQUEST :: BillingMode
- pattern BillingMode_PROVISIONED :: BillingMode
- newtype ComparisonOperator where
- ComparisonOperator' { }
- pattern ComparisonOperator_BEGINS_WITH :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_BETWEEN :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_CONTAINS :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_EQ :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_GE :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_GT :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_IN :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_LE :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_LT :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_NE :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_NOT_CONTAINS :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_NOT_NULL :: ComparisonOperator
- pattern ComparisonOperator_NULL :: ComparisonOperator
- newtype ConditionalOperator where
- ConditionalOperator' { }
- pattern ConditionalOperator_AND :: ConditionalOperator
- pattern ConditionalOperator_OR :: ConditionalOperator
- newtype ContinuousBackupsStatus where
- newtype ContributorInsightsAction where
- newtype ContributorInsightsStatus where
- ContributorInsightsStatus' { }
- pattern ContributorInsightsStatus_DISABLED :: ContributorInsightsStatus
- pattern ContributorInsightsStatus_DISABLING :: ContributorInsightsStatus
- pattern ContributorInsightsStatus_ENABLED :: ContributorInsightsStatus
- pattern ContributorInsightsStatus_ENABLING :: ContributorInsightsStatus
- pattern ContributorInsightsStatus_FAILED :: ContributorInsightsStatus
- newtype DestinationStatus where
- DestinationStatus' { }
- pattern DestinationStatus_ACTIVE :: DestinationStatus
- pattern DestinationStatus_DISABLED :: DestinationStatus
- pattern DestinationStatus_DISABLING :: DestinationStatus
- pattern DestinationStatus_ENABLE_FAILED :: DestinationStatus
- pattern DestinationStatus_ENABLING :: DestinationStatus
- newtype ExportFormat where
- ExportFormat' { }
- pattern ExportFormat_DYNAMODB_JSON :: ExportFormat
- pattern ExportFormat_ION :: ExportFormat
- newtype ExportStatus where
- ExportStatus' { }
- pattern ExportStatus_COMPLETED :: ExportStatus
- pattern ExportStatus_FAILED :: ExportStatus
- pattern ExportStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: ExportStatus
- newtype GlobalTableStatus where
- GlobalTableStatus' { }
- pattern GlobalTableStatus_ACTIVE :: GlobalTableStatus
- pattern GlobalTableStatus_CREATING :: GlobalTableStatus
- pattern GlobalTableStatus_DELETING :: GlobalTableStatus
- pattern GlobalTableStatus_UPDATING :: GlobalTableStatus
- newtype IndexStatus where
- IndexStatus' { }
- pattern IndexStatus_ACTIVE :: IndexStatus
- pattern IndexStatus_CREATING :: IndexStatus
- pattern IndexStatus_DELETING :: IndexStatus
- pattern IndexStatus_UPDATING :: IndexStatus
- newtype KeyType where
- KeyType' {
- fromKeyType :: Text
- pattern KeyType_HASH :: KeyType
- pattern KeyType_RANGE :: KeyType
- KeyType' {
- newtype PointInTimeRecoveryStatus where
- newtype ProjectionType where
- ProjectionType' { }
- pattern ProjectionType_ALL :: ProjectionType
- pattern ProjectionType_INCLUDE :: ProjectionType
- pattern ProjectionType_KEYS_ONLY :: ProjectionType
- newtype ReplicaStatus where
- ReplicaStatus' { }
- pattern ReplicaStatus_ACTIVE :: ReplicaStatus
- pattern ReplicaStatus_CREATING :: ReplicaStatus
- pattern ReplicaStatus_CREATION_FAILED :: ReplicaStatus
- pattern ReplicaStatus_DELETING :: ReplicaStatus
- pattern ReplicaStatus_INACCESSIBLE_ENCRYPTION_CREDENTIALS :: ReplicaStatus
- pattern ReplicaStatus_REGION_DISABLED :: ReplicaStatus
- pattern ReplicaStatus_UPDATING :: ReplicaStatus
- newtype ReturnConsumedCapacity where
- newtype ReturnItemCollectionMetrics where
- newtype ReturnValue where
- ReturnValue' { }
- pattern ReturnValue_ALL_NEW :: ReturnValue
- pattern ReturnValue_ALL_OLD :: ReturnValue
- pattern ReturnValue_NONE :: ReturnValue
- pattern ReturnValue_UPDATED_NEW :: ReturnValue
- pattern ReturnValue_UPDATED_OLD :: ReturnValue
- newtype ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure where
- newtype S3SseAlgorithm where
- S3SseAlgorithm' { }
- pattern S3SseAlgorithm_AES256 :: S3SseAlgorithm
- pattern S3SseAlgorithm_KMS :: S3SseAlgorithm
- newtype SSEStatus where
- SSEStatus' { }
- pattern SSEStatus_DISABLED :: SSEStatus
- pattern SSEStatus_DISABLING :: SSEStatus
- pattern SSEStatus_ENABLED :: SSEStatus
- pattern SSEStatus_ENABLING :: SSEStatus
- pattern SSEStatus_UPDATING :: SSEStatus
- newtype SSEType where
- SSEType' {
- fromSSEType :: Text
- pattern SSEType_AES256 :: SSEType
- pattern SSEType_KMS :: SSEType
- SSEType' {
- newtype ScalarAttributeType where
- ScalarAttributeType' { }
- pattern ScalarAttributeType_B :: ScalarAttributeType
- pattern ScalarAttributeType_N :: ScalarAttributeType
- pattern ScalarAttributeType_S :: ScalarAttributeType
- newtype Select where
- Select' {
- fromSelect :: Text
- pattern Select_ALL_ATTRIBUTES :: Select
- pattern Select_ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES :: Select
- pattern Select_COUNT :: Select
- pattern Select_SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES :: Select
- Select' {
- newtype StreamViewType where
- StreamViewType' { }
- pattern StreamViewType_KEYS_ONLY :: StreamViewType
- pattern StreamViewType_NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES :: StreamViewType
- pattern StreamViewType_NEW_IMAGE :: StreamViewType
- pattern StreamViewType_OLD_IMAGE :: StreamViewType
- newtype TableStatus where
- TableStatus' { }
- pattern TableStatus_ACTIVE :: TableStatus
- pattern TableStatus_ARCHIVED :: TableStatus
- pattern TableStatus_ARCHIVING :: TableStatus
- pattern TableStatus_CREATING :: TableStatus
- pattern TableStatus_DELETING :: TableStatus
- pattern TableStatus_UPDATING :: TableStatus
- newtype TimeToLiveStatus where
- TimeToLiveStatus' { }
- pattern TimeToLiveStatus_DISABLED :: TimeToLiveStatus
- pattern TimeToLiveStatus_DISABLING :: TimeToLiveStatus
- pattern TimeToLiveStatus_ENABLED :: TimeToLiveStatus
- pattern TimeToLiveStatus_ENABLING :: TimeToLiveStatus
- data ArchivalSummary = ArchivalSummary' {}
- newArchivalSummary :: ArchivalSummary
- archivalSummary_archivalReason :: Lens' ArchivalSummary (Maybe Text)
- archivalSummary_archivalDateTime :: Lens' ArchivalSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- archivalSummary_archivalBackupArn :: Lens' ArchivalSummary (Maybe Text)
- data AttributeDefinition = AttributeDefinition' {}
- newAttributeDefinition :: Text -> ScalarAttributeType -> AttributeDefinition
- attributeDefinition_attributeName :: Lens' AttributeDefinition Text
- attributeDefinition_attributeType :: Lens' AttributeDefinition ScalarAttributeType
- data AttributeValue = AttributeValue' {}
- newAttributeValue :: AttributeValue
- attributeValue_l :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe [AttributeValue])
- attributeValue_ns :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe [Text])
- attributeValue_m :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue))
- attributeValue_null :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Bool)
- attributeValue_n :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Text)
- attributeValue_bs :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe [ByteString])
- attributeValue_b :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe ByteString)
- attributeValue_ss :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe [Text])
- attributeValue_s :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Text)
- attributeValue_bool :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Bool)
- data AttributeValueUpdate = AttributeValueUpdate' {}
- newAttributeValueUpdate :: AttributeValueUpdate
- attributeValueUpdate_value :: Lens' AttributeValueUpdate (Maybe AttributeValue)
- attributeValueUpdate_action :: Lens' AttributeValueUpdate (Maybe AttributeAction)
- data AutoScalingPolicyDescription = AutoScalingPolicyDescription' {}
- newAutoScalingPolicyDescription :: AutoScalingPolicyDescription
- autoScalingPolicyDescription_policyName :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyDescription (Maybe Text)
- autoScalingPolicyDescription_targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyDescription (Maybe AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription)
- data AutoScalingPolicyUpdate = AutoScalingPolicyUpdate' {}
- newAutoScalingPolicyUpdate :: AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate -> AutoScalingPolicyUpdate
- autoScalingPolicyUpdate_policyName :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyUpdate (Maybe Text)
- autoScalingPolicyUpdate_targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyUpdate AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate
- data AutoScalingSettingsDescription = AutoScalingSettingsDescription' {}
- newAutoScalingSettingsDescription :: AutoScalingSettingsDescription
- autoScalingSettingsDescription_autoScalingDisabled :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsDescription (Maybe Bool)
- autoScalingSettingsDescription_minimumUnits :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsDescription (Maybe Natural)
- autoScalingSettingsDescription_maximumUnits :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsDescription (Maybe Natural)
- autoScalingSettingsDescription_scalingPolicies :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsDescription (Maybe [AutoScalingPolicyDescription])
- autoScalingSettingsDescription_autoScalingRoleArn :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsDescription (Maybe Text)
- data AutoScalingSettingsUpdate = AutoScalingSettingsUpdate' {}
- newAutoScalingSettingsUpdate :: AutoScalingSettingsUpdate
- autoScalingSettingsUpdate_autoScalingDisabled :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsUpdate (Maybe Bool)
- autoScalingSettingsUpdate_minimumUnits :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsUpdate (Maybe Natural)
- autoScalingSettingsUpdate_scalingPolicyUpdate :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyUpdate)
- autoScalingSettingsUpdate_maximumUnits :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsUpdate (Maybe Natural)
- autoScalingSettingsUpdate_autoScalingRoleArn :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsUpdate (Maybe Text)
- data AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription = AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription' {}
- newAutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription :: Double -> AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription
- autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription_scaleInCooldown :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription (Maybe Int)
- autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription_disableScaleIn :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription (Maybe Bool)
- autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription_scaleOutCooldown :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription (Maybe Int)
- autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription_targetValue :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription Double
- data AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate = AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate' {}
- newAutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate :: Double -> AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate
- autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate_scaleInCooldown :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate (Maybe Int)
- autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate_disableScaleIn :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate (Maybe Bool)
- autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate_scaleOutCooldown :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate (Maybe Int)
- autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate_targetValue :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate Double
- data BackupDescription = BackupDescription' {}
- newBackupDescription :: BackupDescription
- backupDescription_backupDetails :: Lens' BackupDescription (Maybe BackupDetails)
- backupDescription_sourceTableDetails :: Lens' BackupDescription (Maybe SourceTableDetails)
- backupDescription_sourceTableFeatureDetails :: Lens' BackupDescription (Maybe SourceTableFeatureDetails)
- data BackupDetails = BackupDetails' {}
- newBackupDetails :: Text -> Text -> BackupStatus -> BackupType -> UTCTime -> BackupDetails
- backupDetails_backupExpiryDateTime :: Lens' BackupDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- backupDetails_backupSizeBytes :: Lens' BackupDetails (Maybe Natural)
- backupDetails_backupArn :: Lens' BackupDetails Text
- backupDetails_backupName :: Lens' BackupDetails Text
- backupDetails_backupStatus :: Lens' BackupDetails BackupStatus
- backupDetails_backupType :: Lens' BackupDetails BackupType
- backupDetails_backupCreationDateTime :: Lens' BackupDetails UTCTime
- data BackupSummary = BackupSummary' {}
- newBackupSummary :: BackupSummary
- backupSummary_backupExpiryDateTime :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- backupSummary_tableArn :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe Text)
- backupSummary_backupName :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe Text)
- backupSummary_backupStatus :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe BackupStatus)
- backupSummary_backupSizeBytes :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe Natural)
- backupSummary_backupArn :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe Text)
- backupSummary_tableId :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe Text)
- backupSummary_backupCreationDateTime :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- backupSummary_backupType :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe BackupType)
- backupSummary_tableName :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe Text)
- data BatchStatementError = BatchStatementError' {}
- newBatchStatementError :: BatchStatementError
- batchStatementError_code :: Lens' BatchStatementError (Maybe BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum)
- batchStatementError_message :: Lens' BatchStatementError (Maybe Text)
- data BatchStatementRequest = BatchStatementRequest' {}
- newBatchStatementRequest :: Text -> BatchStatementRequest
- batchStatementRequest_consistentRead :: Lens' BatchStatementRequest (Maybe Bool)
- batchStatementRequest_parameters :: Lens' BatchStatementRequest (Maybe (NonEmpty AttributeValue))
- batchStatementRequest_statement :: Lens' BatchStatementRequest Text
- data BatchStatementResponse = BatchStatementResponse' {}
- newBatchStatementResponse :: BatchStatementResponse
- batchStatementResponse_error :: Lens' BatchStatementResponse (Maybe BatchStatementError)
- batchStatementResponse_item :: Lens' BatchStatementResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue))
- batchStatementResponse_tableName :: Lens' BatchStatementResponse (Maybe Text)
- data BillingModeSummary = BillingModeSummary' {}
- newBillingModeSummary :: BillingModeSummary
- billingModeSummary_lastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime :: Lens' BillingModeSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- billingModeSummary_billingMode :: Lens' BillingModeSummary (Maybe BillingMode)
- data Capacity = Capacity' {}
- newCapacity :: Capacity
- capacity_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Double)
- capacity_capacityUnits :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Double)
- capacity_writeCapacityUnits :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Double)
- data Condition = Condition' {}
- newCondition :: ComparisonOperator -> Condition
- condition_attributeValueList :: Lens' Condition (Maybe [AttributeValue])
- condition_comparisonOperator :: Lens' Condition ComparisonOperator
- data ConditionCheck = ConditionCheck' {}
- newConditionCheck :: Text -> Text -> ConditionCheck
- conditionCheck_expressionAttributeNames :: Lens' ConditionCheck (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- conditionCheck_expressionAttributeValues :: Lens' ConditionCheck (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue))
- conditionCheck_returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure :: Lens' ConditionCheck (Maybe ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure)
- conditionCheck_key :: Lens' ConditionCheck (HashMap Text AttributeValue)
- conditionCheck_tableName :: Lens' ConditionCheck Text
- conditionCheck_conditionExpression :: Lens' ConditionCheck Text
- data ConsumedCapacity = ConsumedCapacity' {}
- newConsumedCapacity :: ConsumedCapacity
- consumedCapacity_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Double)
- consumedCapacity_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe (HashMap Text Capacity))
- consumedCapacity_capacityUnits :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Double)
- consumedCapacity_writeCapacityUnits :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Double)
- consumedCapacity_localSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe (HashMap Text Capacity))
- consumedCapacity_table :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Capacity)
- consumedCapacity_tableName :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Text)
- data ContinuousBackupsDescription = ContinuousBackupsDescription' {}
- newContinuousBackupsDescription :: ContinuousBackupsStatus -> ContinuousBackupsDescription
- continuousBackupsDescription_pointInTimeRecoveryDescription :: Lens' ContinuousBackupsDescription (Maybe PointInTimeRecoveryDescription)
- continuousBackupsDescription_continuousBackupsStatus :: Lens' ContinuousBackupsDescription ContinuousBackupsStatus
- data ContributorInsightsSummary = ContributorInsightsSummary' {}
- newContributorInsightsSummary :: ContributorInsightsSummary
- contributorInsightsSummary_contributorInsightsStatus :: Lens' ContributorInsightsSummary (Maybe ContributorInsightsStatus)
- contributorInsightsSummary_tableName :: Lens' ContributorInsightsSummary (Maybe Text)
- contributorInsightsSummary_indexName :: Lens' ContributorInsightsSummary (Maybe Text)
- data CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction = CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction' {}
- newCreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction :: Text -> NonEmpty KeySchemaElement -> Projection -> CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
- createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction (Maybe ProvisionedThroughput)
- createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_indexName :: Lens' CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Text
- createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_keySchema :: Lens' CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement)
- createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_projection :: Lens' CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Projection
- data CreateReplicaAction = CreateReplicaAction' {
- regionName :: Text
- newCreateReplicaAction :: Text -> CreateReplicaAction
- createReplicaAction_regionName :: Lens' CreateReplicaAction Text
- data CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction = CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction' {}
- newCreateReplicationGroupMemberAction :: Text -> CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction
- createReplicationGroupMemberAction_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction (Maybe Text)
- createReplicationGroupMemberAction_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputOverride)
- createReplicationGroupMemberAction_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction (Maybe (NonEmpty ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex))
- createReplicationGroupMemberAction_regionName :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction Text
- data Delete = Delete' {}
- newDelete :: Text -> Delete
- delete_expressionAttributeNames :: Lens' Delete (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- delete_expressionAttributeValues :: Lens' Delete (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue))
- delete_returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure :: Lens' Delete (Maybe ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure)
- delete_conditionExpression :: Lens' Delete (Maybe Text)
- delete_key :: Lens' Delete (HashMap Text AttributeValue)
- delete_tableName :: Lens' Delete Text
- data DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction = DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction' {}
- newDeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction :: Text -> DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
- deleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_indexName :: Lens' DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Text
- data DeleteReplicaAction = DeleteReplicaAction' {
- regionName :: Text
- newDeleteReplicaAction :: Text -> DeleteReplicaAction
- deleteReplicaAction_regionName :: Lens' DeleteReplicaAction Text
- data DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction = DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction' {
- regionName :: Text
- newDeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction :: Text -> DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction
- deleteReplicationGroupMemberAction_regionName :: Lens' DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction Text
- data DeleteRequest = DeleteRequest' {}
- newDeleteRequest :: DeleteRequest
- deleteRequest_key :: Lens' DeleteRequest (HashMap Text AttributeValue)
- data Endpoint = Endpoint' {}
- newEndpoint :: Text -> Integer -> Endpoint
- endpoint_address :: Lens' Endpoint Text
- endpoint_cachePeriodInMinutes :: Lens' Endpoint Integer
- data ExpectedAttributeValue = ExpectedAttributeValue' {}
- newExpectedAttributeValue :: ExpectedAttributeValue
- expectedAttributeValue_attributeValueList :: Lens' ExpectedAttributeValue (Maybe [AttributeValue])
- expectedAttributeValue_exists :: Lens' ExpectedAttributeValue (Maybe Bool)
- expectedAttributeValue_value :: Lens' ExpectedAttributeValue (Maybe AttributeValue)
- expectedAttributeValue_comparisonOperator :: Lens' ExpectedAttributeValue (Maybe ComparisonOperator)
- data ExportDescription = ExportDescription' {
- s3BucketOwner :: Maybe Text
- exportFormat :: Maybe ExportFormat
- s3SseKmsKeyId :: Maybe Text
- clientToken :: Maybe Text
- startTime :: Maybe POSIX
- failureCode :: Maybe Text
- exportStatus :: Maybe ExportStatus
- failureMessage :: Maybe Text
- tableArn :: Maybe Text
- billedSizeBytes :: Maybe Natural
- exportArn :: Maybe Text
- exportTime :: Maybe POSIX
- s3SseAlgorithm :: Maybe S3SseAlgorithm
- endTime :: Maybe POSIX
- s3Prefix :: Maybe Text
- exportManifest :: Maybe Text
- tableId :: Maybe Text
- itemCount :: Maybe Natural
- s3Bucket :: Maybe Text
- newExportDescription :: ExportDescription
- exportDescription_s3BucketOwner :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text)
- exportDescription_exportFormat :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe ExportFormat)
- exportDescription_s3SseKmsKeyId :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text)
- exportDescription_clientToken :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text)
- exportDescription_startTime :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- exportDescription_failureCode :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text)
- exportDescription_exportStatus :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe ExportStatus)
- exportDescription_failureMessage :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text)
- exportDescription_tableArn :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text)
- exportDescription_billedSizeBytes :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Natural)
- exportDescription_exportArn :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text)
- exportDescription_exportTime :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- exportDescription_s3SseAlgorithm :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe S3SseAlgorithm)
- exportDescription_endTime :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- exportDescription_s3Prefix :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text)
- exportDescription_exportManifest :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text)
- exportDescription_tableId :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text)
- exportDescription_itemCount :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Natural)
- exportDescription_s3Bucket :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text)
- data ExportSummary = ExportSummary' {}
- newExportSummary :: ExportSummary
- exportSummary_exportStatus :: Lens' ExportSummary (Maybe ExportStatus)
- exportSummary_exportArn :: Lens' ExportSummary (Maybe Text)
- data FailureException = FailureException' {}
- newFailureException :: FailureException
- failureException_exceptionName :: Lens' FailureException (Maybe Text)
- failureException_exceptionDescription :: Lens' FailureException (Maybe Text)
- data Get = Get' {}
- newGet :: Text -> Get
- get_projectionExpression :: Lens' Get (Maybe Text)
- get_expressionAttributeNames :: Lens' Get (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- get_key :: Lens' Get (HashMap Text AttributeValue)
- get_tableName :: Lens' Get Text
- data GlobalSecondaryIndex = GlobalSecondaryIndex' {}
- newGlobalSecondaryIndex :: Text -> NonEmpty KeySchemaElement -> Projection -> GlobalSecondaryIndex
- globalSecondaryIndex_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe ProvisionedThroughput)
- globalSecondaryIndex_indexName :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndex Text
- globalSecondaryIndex_keySchema :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndex (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement)
- globalSecondaryIndex_projection :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndex Projection
- data GlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate = GlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate' {}
- newGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate :: GlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate
- globalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate_provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingUpdate :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsUpdate)
- globalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate_indexName :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate (Maybe Text)
- data GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription = GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription' {}
- newGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription :: GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
- globalSecondaryIndexDescription_backfilling :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Bool)
- globalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexSizeBytes :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Integer)
- globalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexStatus :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe IndexStatus)
- globalSecondaryIndexDescription_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputDescription)
- globalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexArn :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Text)
- globalSecondaryIndexDescription_keySchema :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement))
- globalSecondaryIndexDescription_projection :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Projection)
- globalSecondaryIndexDescription_itemCount :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Integer)
- globalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexName :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Text)
- data GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo = GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo' {}
- newGlobalSecondaryIndexInfo :: GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo
- globalSecondaryIndexInfo_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe ProvisionedThroughput)
- globalSecondaryIndexInfo_keySchema :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement))
- globalSecondaryIndexInfo_projection :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe Projection)
- globalSecondaryIndexInfo_indexName :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe Text)
- data GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate = GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate' {}
- newGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate :: GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate
- globalSecondaryIndexUpdate_create :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate (Maybe CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction)
- globalSecondaryIndexUpdate_delete :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate (Maybe DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction)
- globalSecondaryIndexUpdate_update :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate (Maybe UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction)
- data GlobalTable = GlobalTable' {}
- newGlobalTable :: GlobalTable
- globalTable_globalTableName :: Lens' GlobalTable (Maybe Text)
- globalTable_replicationGroup :: Lens' GlobalTable (Maybe [Replica])
- data GlobalTableDescription = GlobalTableDescription' {}
- newGlobalTableDescription :: GlobalTableDescription
- globalTableDescription_globalTableStatus :: Lens' GlobalTableDescription (Maybe GlobalTableStatus)
- globalTableDescription_globalTableName :: Lens' GlobalTableDescription (Maybe Text)
- globalTableDescription_globalTableArn :: Lens' GlobalTableDescription (Maybe Text)
- globalTableDescription_creationDateTime :: Lens' GlobalTableDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- globalTableDescription_replicationGroup :: Lens' GlobalTableDescription (Maybe [ReplicaDescription])
- data GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate = GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate' {}
- newGlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate :: Text -> GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate
- globalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_provisionedWriteCapacityUnits :: Lens' GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate (Maybe Natural)
- globalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettingsUpdate :: Lens' GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsUpdate)
- globalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_indexName :: Lens' GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate Text
- data ItemCollectionMetrics = ItemCollectionMetrics' {}
- newItemCollectionMetrics :: ItemCollectionMetrics
- itemCollectionMetrics_itemCollectionKey :: Lens' ItemCollectionMetrics (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue))
- itemCollectionMetrics_sizeEstimateRangeGB :: Lens' ItemCollectionMetrics (Maybe [Double])
- data ItemResponse = ItemResponse' {
- item :: Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue)
- newItemResponse :: ItemResponse
- itemResponse_item :: Lens' ItemResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue))
- data KeySchemaElement = KeySchemaElement' {
- attributeName :: Text
- keyType :: KeyType
- newKeySchemaElement :: Text -> KeyType -> KeySchemaElement
- keySchemaElement_attributeName :: Lens' KeySchemaElement Text
- keySchemaElement_keyType :: Lens' KeySchemaElement KeyType
- data KeysAndAttributes = KeysAndAttributes' {}
- newKeysAndAttributes :: NonEmpty (HashMap Text AttributeValue) -> KeysAndAttributes
- keysAndAttributes_projectionExpression :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (Maybe Text)
- keysAndAttributes_attributesToGet :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- keysAndAttributes_expressionAttributeNames :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- keysAndAttributes_consistentRead :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (Maybe Bool)
- keysAndAttributes_keys :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (NonEmpty (HashMap Text AttributeValue))
- data KinesisDataStreamDestination = KinesisDataStreamDestination' {}
- newKinesisDataStreamDestination :: KinesisDataStreamDestination
- kinesisDataStreamDestination_destinationStatus :: Lens' KinesisDataStreamDestination (Maybe DestinationStatus)
- kinesisDataStreamDestination_streamArn :: Lens' KinesisDataStreamDestination (Maybe Text)
- kinesisDataStreamDestination_destinationStatusDescription :: Lens' KinesisDataStreamDestination (Maybe Text)
- data KinesisStreamingDestinationInput = KinesisStreamingDestinationInput' {}
- newKinesisStreamingDestinationInput :: Text -> Text -> KinesisStreamingDestinationInput
- kinesisStreamingDestinationInput_tableName :: Lens' KinesisStreamingDestinationInput Text
- kinesisStreamingDestinationInput_streamArn :: Lens' KinesisStreamingDestinationInput Text
- data KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput = KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput' {}
- newKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput :: KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput
- kinesisStreamingDestinationOutput_destinationStatus :: Lens' KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput (Maybe DestinationStatus)
- kinesisStreamingDestinationOutput_streamArn :: Lens' KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput (Maybe Text)
- kinesisStreamingDestinationOutput_tableName :: Lens' KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput (Maybe Text)
- data LocalSecondaryIndex = LocalSecondaryIndex' {}
- newLocalSecondaryIndex :: Text -> NonEmpty KeySchemaElement -> Projection -> LocalSecondaryIndex
- localSecondaryIndex_indexName :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndex Text
- localSecondaryIndex_keySchema :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndex (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement)
- localSecondaryIndex_projection :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndex Projection
- data LocalSecondaryIndexDescription = LocalSecondaryIndexDescription' {}
- newLocalSecondaryIndexDescription :: LocalSecondaryIndexDescription
- localSecondaryIndexDescription_indexSizeBytes :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Integer)
- localSecondaryIndexDescription_indexArn :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Text)
- localSecondaryIndexDescription_keySchema :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement))
- localSecondaryIndexDescription_projection :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Projection)
- localSecondaryIndexDescription_itemCount :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Integer)
- localSecondaryIndexDescription_indexName :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Text)
- data LocalSecondaryIndexInfo = LocalSecondaryIndexInfo' {}
- newLocalSecondaryIndexInfo :: LocalSecondaryIndexInfo
- localSecondaryIndexInfo_keySchema :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement))
- localSecondaryIndexInfo_projection :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe Projection)
- localSecondaryIndexInfo_indexName :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe Text)
- data ParameterizedStatement = ParameterizedStatement' {}
- newParameterizedStatement :: Text -> ParameterizedStatement
- parameterizedStatement_parameters :: Lens' ParameterizedStatement (Maybe (NonEmpty AttributeValue))
- parameterizedStatement_statement :: Lens' ParameterizedStatement Text
- data PointInTimeRecoveryDescription = PointInTimeRecoveryDescription' {}
- newPointInTimeRecoveryDescription :: PointInTimeRecoveryDescription
- pointInTimeRecoveryDescription_pointInTimeRecoveryStatus :: Lens' PointInTimeRecoveryDescription (Maybe PointInTimeRecoveryStatus)
- pointInTimeRecoveryDescription_earliestRestorableDateTime :: Lens' PointInTimeRecoveryDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- pointInTimeRecoveryDescription_latestRestorableDateTime :: Lens' PointInTimeRecoveryDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- data PointInTimeRecoverySpecification = PointInTimeRecoverySpecification' {}
- newPointInTimeRecoverySpecification :: Bool -> PointInTimeRecoverySpecification
- pointInTimeRecoverySpecification_pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled :: Lens' PointInTimeRecoverySpecification Bool
- data Projection = Projection' {}
- newProjection :: Projection
- projection_projectionType :: Lens' Projection (Maybe ProjectionType)
- projection_nonKeyAttributes :: Lens' Projection (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- data ProvisionedThroughput = ProvisionedThroughput' {}
- newProvisionedThroughput :: Natural -> Natural -> ProvisionedThroughput
- provisionedThroughput_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughput Natural
- provisionedThroughput_writeCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughput Natural
- data ProvisionedThroughputDescription = ProvisionedThroughputDescription' {}
- newProvisionedThroughputDescription :: ProvisionedThroughputDescription
- provisionedThroughputDescription_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe Natural)
- provisionedThroughputDescription_lastDecreaseDateTime :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- provisionedThroughputDescription_writeCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe Natural)
- provisionedThroughputDescription_numberOfDecreasesToday :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe Natural)
- provisionedThroughputDescription_lastIncreaseDateTime :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- data ProvisionedThroughputOverride = ProvisionedThroughputOverride' {}
- newProvisionedThroughputOverride :: ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- provisionedThroughputOverride_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputOverride (Maybe Natural)
- data Put = Put' {}
- newPut :: Text -> Put
- put_expressionAttributeNames :: Lens' Put (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- put_expressionAttributeValues :: Lens' Put (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue))
- put_returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure :: Lens' Put (Maybe ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure)
- put_conditionExpression :: Lens' Put (Maybe Text)
- put_item :: Lens' Put (HashMap Text AttributeValue)
- put_tableName :: Lens' Put Text
- data PutRequest = PutRequest' {}
- newPutRequest :: PutRequest
- putRequest_item :: Lens' PutRequest (HashMap Text AttributeValue)
- data Replica = Replica' {
- regionName :: Maybe Text
- newReplica :: Replica
- replica_regionName :: Lens' Replica (Maybe Text)
- data ReplicaAutoScalingDescription = ReplicaAutoScalingDescription' {
- replicaStatus :: Maybe ReplicaStatus
- regionName :: Maybe Text
- globalSecondaryIndexes :: Maybe [ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription]
- replicaProvisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription
- replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription
- newReplicaAutoScalingDescription :: ReplicaAutoScalingDescription
- replicaAutoScalingDescription_replicaStatus :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingDescription (Maybe ReplicaStatus)
- replicaAutoScalingDescription_regionName :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingDescription (Maybe Text)
- replicaAutoScalingDescription_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingDescription (Maybe [ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription])
- replicaAutoScalingDescription_replicaProvisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription)
- replicaAutoScalingDescription_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription)
- data ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate = ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate' {}
- newReplicaAutoScalingUpdate :: Text -> ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate
- replicaAutoScalingUpdate_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingUpdate :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsUpdate)
- replicaAutoScalingUpdate_replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate (Maybe [ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate])
- replicaAutoScalingUpdate_regionName :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate Text
- data ReplicaDescription = ReplicaDescription' {
- replicaStatus :: Maybe ReplicaStatus
- regionName :: Maybe Text
- replicaStatusPercentProgress :: Maybe Text
- replicaStatusDescription :: Maybe Text
- replicaInaccessibleDateTime :: Maybe POSIX
- kmsMasterKeyId :: Maybe Text
- provisionedThroughputOverride :: Maybe ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- globalSecondaryIndexes :: Maybe [ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription]
- newReplicaDescription :: ReplicaDescription
- replicaDescription_replicaStatus :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe ReplicaStatus)
- replicaDescription_regionName :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe Text)
- replicaDescription_replicaStatusPercentProgress :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe Text)
- replicaDescription_replicaStatusDescription :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe Text)
- replicaDescription_replicaInaccessibleDateTime :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- replicaDescription_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe Text)
- replicaDescription_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputOverride)
- replicaDescription_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe [ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription])
- data ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex = ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex' {}
- newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex :: Text -> ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndex_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputOverride)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexName :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex Text
- data ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription = ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription' {}
- newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription :: ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription_indexStatus :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription (Maybe IndexStatus)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription_provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription_provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription_indexName :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription (Maybe Text)
- data ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate = ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate' {}
- newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate :: ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate_provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingUpdate :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsUpdate)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate_indexName :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate (Maybe Text)
- data ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription = ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription' {}
- newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription :: ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputOverride)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexName :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Text)
- data ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription = ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription' {
- indexStatus :: Maybe IndexStatus
- provisionedReadCapacityUnits :: Maybe Natural
- provisionedWriteCapacityUnits :: Maybe Natural
- provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription
- provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription
- indexName :: Text
- newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription :: Text -> ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_indexStatus :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription (Maybe IndexStatus)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_provisionedReadCapacityUnits :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription (Maybe Natural)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_provisionedWriteCapacityUnits :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription (Maybe Natural)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_indexName :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription Text
- data ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate = ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate' {}
- newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate :: Text -> ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettingsUpdate :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsUpdate)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_provisionedReadCapacityUnits :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate (Maybe Natural)
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_indexName :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate Text
- data ReplicaSettingsDescription = ReplicaSettingsDescription' {
- replicaStatus :: Maybe ReplicaStatus
- replicaProvisionedReadCapacityUnits :: Maybe Natural
- replicaProvisionedWriteCapacityUnits :: Maybe Natural
- replicaBillingModeSummary :: Maybe BillingModeSummary
- replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettings :: Maybe [ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription]
- replicaProvisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription
- replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription
- regionName :: Text
- newReplicaSettingsDescription :: Text -> ReplicaSettingsDescription
- replicaSettingsDescription_replicaStatus :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe ReplicaStatus)
- replicaSettingsDescription_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityUnits :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe Natural)
- replicaSettingsDescription_replicaProvisionedWriteCapacityUnits :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe Natural)
- replicaSettingsDescription_replicaBillingModeSummary :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe BillingModeSummary)
- replicaSettingsDescription_replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettings :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe [ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription])
- replicaSettingsDescription_replicaProvisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription)
- replicaSettingsDescription_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription)
- replicaSettingsDescription_regionName :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription Text
- data ReplicaSettingsUpdate = ReplicaSettingsUpdate' {}
- newReplicaSettingsUpdate :: Text -> ReplicaSettingsUpdate
- replicaSettingsUpdate_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettingsUpdate :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsUpdate)
- replicaSettingsUpdate_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityUnits :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsUpdate (Maybe Natural)
- replicaSettingsUpdate_replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsUpdate (Maybe (NonEmpty ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate))
- replicaSettingsUpdate_regionName :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsUpdate Text
- data ReplicaUpdate = ReplicaUpdate' {}
- newReplicaUpdate :: ReplicaUpdate
- replicaUpdate_create :: Lens' ReplicaUpdate (Maybe CreateReplicaAction)
- replicaUpdate_delete :: Lens' ReplicaUpdate (Maybe DeleteReplicaAction)
- data ReplicationGroupUpdate = ReplicationGroupUpdate' {}
- newReplicationGroupUpdate :: ReplicationGroupUpdate
- replicationGroupUpdate_create :: Lens' ReplicationGroupUpdate (Maybe CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction)
- replicationGroupUpdate_delete :: Lens' ReplicationGroupUpdate (Maybe DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction)
- replicationGroupUpdate_update :: Lens' ReplicationGroupUpdate (Maybe UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction)
- data RestoreSummary = RestoreSummary' {}
- newRestoreSummary :: UTCTime -> Bool -> RestoreSummary
- restoreSummary_sourceTableArn :: Lens' RestoreSummary (Maybe Text)
- restoreSummary_sourceBackupArn :: Lens' RestoreSummary (Maybe Text)
- restoreSummary_restoreDateTime :: Lens' RestoreSummary UTCTime
- restoreSummary_restoreInProgress :: Lens' RestoreSummary Bool
- data SSEDescription = SSEDescription' {}
- newSSEDescription :: SSEDescription
- sSEDescription_status :: Lens' SSEDescription (Maybe SSEStatus)
- sSEDescription_inaccessibleEncryptionDateTime :: Lens' SSEDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- sSEDescription_sSEType :: Lens' SSEDescription (Maybe SSEType)
- sSEDescription_kmsMasterKeyArn :: Lens' SSEDescription (Maybe Text)
- data SSESpecification = SSESpecification' {}
- newSSESpecification :: SSESpecification
- sSESpecification_enabled :: Lens' SSESpecification (Maybe Bool)
- sSESpecification_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' SSESpecification (Maybe Text)
- sSESpecification_sSEType :: Lens' SSESpecification (Maybe SSEType)
- data SourceTableDetails = SourceTableDetails' {}
- newSourceTableDetails :: Text -> Text -> NonEmpty KeySchemaElement -> UTCTime -> ProvisionedThroughput -> SourceTableDetails
- sourceTableDetails_tableSizeBytes :: Lens' SourceTableDetails (Maybe Integer)
- sourceTableDetails_tableArn :: Lens' SourceTableDetails (Maybe Text)
- sourceTableDetails_billingMode :: Lens' SourceTableDetails (Maybe BillingMode)
- sourceTableDetails_itemCount :: Lens' SourceTableDetails (Maybe Natural)
- sourceTableDetails_tableName :: Lens' SourceTableDetails Text
- sourceTableDetails_tableId :: Lens' SourceTableDetails Text
- sourceTableDetails_keySchema :: Lens' SourceTableDetails (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement)
- sourceTableDetails_tableCreationDateTime :: Lens' SourceTableDetails UTCTime
- sourceTableDetails_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' SourceTableDetails ProvisionedThroughput
- data SourceTableFeatureDetails = SourceTableFeatureDetails' {}
- newSourceTableFeatureDetails :: SourceTableFeatureDetails
- sourceTableFeatureDetails_streamDescription :: Lens' SourceTableFeatureDetails (Maybe StreamSpecification)
- sourceTableFeatureDetails_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' SourceTableFeatureDetails (Maybe [GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo])
- sourceTableFeatureDetails_localSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' SourceTableFeatureDetails (Maybe [LocalSecondaryIndexInfo])
- sourceTableFeatureDetails_sSEDescription :: Lens' SourceTableFeatureDetails (Maybe SSEDescription)
- sourceTableFeatureDetails_timeToLiveDescription :: Lens' SourceTableFeatureDetails (Maybe TimeToLiveDescription)
- data StreamSpecification = StreamSpecification' {}
- newStreamSpecification :: Bool -> StreamSpecification
- streamSpecification_streamViewType :: Lens' StreamSpecification (Maybe StreamViewType)
- streamSpecification_streamEnabled :: Lens' StreamSpecification Bool
- data TableAutoScalingDescription = TableAutoScalingDescription' {}
- newTableAutoScalingDescription :: TableAutoScalingDescription
- tableAutoScalingDescription_tableStatus :: Lens' TableAutoScalingDescription (Maybe TableStatus)
- tableAutoScalingDescription_replicas :: Lens' TableAutoScalingDescription (Maybe [ReplicaAutoScalingDescription])
- tableAutoScalingDescription_tableName :: Lens' TableAutoScalingDescription (Maybe Text)
- data TableDescription = TableDescription' {
- restoreSummary :: Maybe RestoreSummary
- globalTableVersion :: Maybe Text
- tableSizeBytes :: Maybe Integer
- attributeDefinitions :: Maybe [AttributeDefinition]
- latestStreamArn :: Maybe Text
- provisionedThroughput :: Maybe ProvisionedThroughputDescription
- tableStatus :: Maybe TableStatus
- tableArn :: Maybe Text
- keySchema :: Maybe (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement)
- globalSecondaryIndexes :: Maybe [GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription]
- latestStreamLabel :: Maybe Text
- billingModeSummary :: Maybe BillingModeSummary
- localSecondaryIndexes :: Maybe [LocalSecondaryIndexDescription]
- creationDateTime :: Maybe POSIX
- sSEDescription :: Maybe SSEDescription
- tableId :: Maybe Text
- replicas :: Maybe [ReplicaDescription]
- itemCount :: Maybe Integer
- archivalSummary :: Maybe ArchivalSummary
- tableName :: Maybe Text
- streamSpecification :: Maybe StreamSpecification
- newTableDescription :: TableDescription
- tableDescription_restoreSummary :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe RestoreSummary)
- tableDescription_globalTableVersion :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text)
- tableDescription_tableSizeBytes :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Integer)
- tableDescription_attributeDefinitions :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe [AttributeDefinition])
- tableDescription_latestStreamArn :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text)
- tableDescription_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputDescription)
- tableDescription_tableStatus :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe TableStatus)
- tableDescription_tableArn :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text)
- tableDescription_keySchema :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement))
- tableDescription_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe [GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription])
- tableDescription_latestStreamLabel :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text)
- tableDescription_billingModeSummary :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe BillingModeSummary)
- tableDescription_localSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe [LocalSecondaryIndexDescription])
- tableDescription_creationDateTime :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe UTCTime)
- tableDescription_sSEDescription :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe SSEDescription)
- tableDescription_tableId :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text)
- tableDescription_replicas :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe [ReplicaDescription])
- tableDescription_itemCount :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Integer)
- tableDescription_archivalSummary :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe ArchivalSummary)
- tableDescription_tableName :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text)
- tableDescription_streamSpecification :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe StreamSpecification)
- data Tag = Tag' {}
- newTag :: Text -> Text -> Tag
- tag_key :: Lens' Tag Text
- tag_value :: Lens' Tag Text
- data TimeToLiveDescription = TimeToLiveDescription' {}
- newTimeToLiveDescription :: TimeToLiveDescription
- timeToLiveDescription_timeToLiveStatus :: Lens' TimeToLiveDescription (Maybe TimeToLiveStatus)
- timeToLiveDescription_attributeName :: Lens' TimeToLiveDescription (Maybe Text)
- data TimeToLiveSpecification = TimeToLiveSpecification' {
- enabled :: Bool
- attributeName :: Text
- newTimeToLiveSpecification :: Bool -> Text -> TimeToLiveSpecification
- timeToLiveSpecification_enabled :: Lens' TimeToLiveSpecification Bool
- timeToLiveSpecification_attributeName :: Lens' TimeToLiveSpecification Text
- data TransactGetItem = TransactGetItem' {}
- newTransactGetItem :: Get -> TransactGetItem
- transactGetItem_get :: Lens' TransactGetItem Get
- data TransactWriteItem = TransactWriteItem' {}
- newTransactWriteItem :: TransactWriteItem
- transactWriteItem_conditionCheck :: Lens' TransactWriteItem (Maybe ConditionCheck)
- transactWriteItem_put :: Lens' TransactWriteItem (Maybe Put)
- transactWriteItem_delete :: Lens' TransactWriteItem (Maybe Delete)
- transactWriteItem_update :: Lens' TransactWriteItem (Maybe Update)
- data Update = Update' {
- expressionAttributeNames :: Maybe (HashMap Text Text)
- expressionAttributeValues :: Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue)
- returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure :: Maybe ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- conditionExpression :: Maybe Text
- key :: HashMap Text AttributeValue
- updateExpression :: Text
- tableName :: Text
- newUpdate :: Text -> Text -> Update
- update_expressionAttributeNames :: Lens' Update (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- update_expressionAttributeValues :: Lens' Update (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue))
- update_returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure :: Lens' Update (Maybe ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure)
- update_conditionExpression :: Lens' Update (Maybe Text)
- update_key :: Lens' Update (HashMap Text AttributeValue)
- update_updateExpression :: Lens' Update Text
- update_tableName :: Lens' Update Text
- data UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction = UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction' {}
- newUpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction :: Text -> ProvisionedThroughput -> UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
- updateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_indexName :: Lens' UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Text
- updateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction ProvisionedThroughput
- data UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction = UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction' {}
- newUpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction :: Text -> UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction
- updateReplicationGroupMemberAction_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction (Maybe Text)
- updateReplicationGroupMemberAction_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputOverride)
- updateReplicationGroupMemberAction_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction (Maybe (NonEmpty ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex))
- updateReplicationGroupMemberAction_regionName :: Lens' UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction Text
- data WriteRequest = WriteRequest' {}
- newWriteRequest :: WriteRequest
- writeRequest_deleteRequest :: Lens' WriteRequest (Maybe DeleteRequest)
- writeRequest_putRequest :: Lens' WriteRequest (Maybe PutRequest)
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2012-08-10
of the Amazon DynamoDB SDK configuration.
_InvalidExportTimeException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified ExportTime
is outside of the point in time recovery
_BackupNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Backup not found for the given BackupARN.
_TableInUseException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
A target table with the specified name is either being created or deleted.
_ExportConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
There was a conflict when writing to the specified S3 bucket.
_ContinuousBackupsUnavailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Backups have not yet been enabled for this table.
_ProvisionedThroughputExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Your request rate is too high. The AWS SDKs for DynamoDB automatically retry requests that receive this exception. Your request is eventually successful, unless your retry queue is too large to finish. Reduce the frequency of requests and use exponential backoff. For more information, go to Error Retries and Exponential Backoff in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
_GlobalTableNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified global table does not exist.
_TransactionInProgressException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The transaction with the given request token is already in progress.
_TransactionCanceledException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The entire transaction request was canceled.
DynamoDB cancels a TransactWriteItems
request under the following
- A condition in one of the condition expressions is not met.
- A table in the
request is in a different account or region. - More than one action in the
operation targets the same item. - There is insufficient provisioned capacity for the transaction to be completed.
- An item size becomes too large (larger than 400 KB), or a local secondary index (LSI) becomes too large, or a similar validation error occurs because of changes made by the transaction.
- There is a user error, such as an invalid data format.
DynamoDB cancels a TransactGetItems
request under the following
- There is an ongoing
operation that conflicts with a concurrentPutItem
request. In this case theTransactGetItems
operation fails with aTransactionCanceledException
. - A table in the
request is in a different account or region. - There is insufficient provisioned capacity for the transaction to be completed.
- There is a user error, such as an invalid data format.
If using Java, DynamoDB lists the cancellation reasons on the
property. This property is not set for other
languages. Transaction cancellation reasons are ordered in the order of
requested items, if an item has no error it will have NONE
code and
Cancellation reason codes and possible error messages:
No Errors:
- Code:
- Message:
- Code:
Conditional Check Failed:
- Code:
- Message: The conditional request failed.
- Code:
Item Collection Size Limit Exceeded:
- Code:
- Message: Collection size exceeded.
- Code:
Transaction Conflict:
- Code:
- Message: Transaction is ongoing for the item.
- Code:
Provisioned Throughput Exceeded:
- Code:
The level of configured provisioned throughput for the table was exceeded. Consider increasing your provisioning level with the UpdateTable API.
This Message is received when provisioned throughput is exceeded is on a provisioned DynamoDB table.
The level of configured provisioned throughput for one or more global secondary indexes of the table was exceeded. Consider increasing your provisioning level for the under-provisioned global secondary indexes with the UpdateTable API.
This message is returned when provisioned throughput is exceeded is on a provisioned GSI.
- Code:
Throttling Error:
- Code:
Throughput exceeds the current capacity of your table or index. DynamoDB is automatically scaling your table or index so please try again shortly. If exceptions persist, check if you have a hot key:
This message is returned when writes get throttled on an On-Demand table as DynamoDB is automatically scaling the table.
Throughput exceeds the current capacity for one or more global secondary indexes. DynamoDB is automatically scaling your index so please try again shortly.
This message is returned when when writes get throttled on an On-Demand GSI as DynamoDB is automatically scaling the GSI.
- Code:
Validation Error:
- Code:
- One or more parameter values were invalid.
- The update expression attempted to update the secondary index key beyond allowed size limits.
- The update expression attempted to update the secondary index key to unsupported type.
- An operand in the update expression has an incorrect data type.
- Item size to update has exceeded the maximum allowed size.
- Number overflow. Attempting to store a number with magnitude larger than supported range.
- Type mismatch for attribute to update.
- Nesting Levels have exceeded supported limits.
- The document path provided in the update expression is invalid for update.
- The provided expression refers to an attribute that does not exist in the item.
- Code:
_ConditionalCheckFailedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
A condition specified in the operation could not be evaluated.
_GlobalTableAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified global table already exists.
_ReplicaNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified replica is no longer part of the global table.
_TableAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
A target table with the specified name already exists.
_RequestLimitExceeded :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Throughput exceeds the current throughput quota for your account. Please contact AWS Support at AWS Support to request a quota increase.
_ItemCollectionSizeLimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An item collection is too large. This exception is only returned for tables that have one or more local secondary indexes.
_InternalServerError :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An error occurred on the server side.
_TableNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
A source table with the name TableName
does not currently exist within
the subscriber's account.
_IndexNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The operation tried to access a nonexistent index.
_TransactionConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Operation was rejected because there is an ongoing transaction for the item.
_BackupInUseException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
There is another ongoing conflicting backup control plane operation on the table. The backup is either being created, deleted or restored to a table.
_DuplicateItemException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
There was an attempt to insert an item with the same primary key as an item that already exists in the DynamoDB table.
_ExportNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified export was not found.
_PointInTimeRecoveryUnavailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
Point in time recovery has not yet been enabled for this source table.
_IdempotentParameterMismatchException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
DynamoDB rejected the request because you retried a request with a different payload but with an idempotent token that was already used.
_InvalidRestoreTimeException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An invalid restore time was specified. RestoreDateTime must be between EarliestRestorableDateTime and LatestRestorableDateTime.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The operation tried to access a nonexistent table or index. The resource
might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE
_ReplicaAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The specified replica is already part of the global table.
_LimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
There is no limit to the number of daily on-demand backups that can be taken.
Up to 50 simultaneous table operations are allowed per account. These
operations include CreateTable
, UpdateTable
, RestoreTableFromBackup
, and
The only exception is when you are creating a table with one or more secondary indexes. You can have up to 25 such requests running at a time; however, if the table or index specifications are complex, DynamoDB might temporarily reduce the number of concurrent operations.
There is a soft account quota of 256 tables.
_ResourceInUseException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The operation conflicts with the resource's availability. For example,
you attempted to recreate an existing table, or tried to delete a table
currently in the CREATING
newtype AttributeAction Source #
AttributeAction' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AttributeAction_ADD :: AttributeAction | |
pattern AttributeAction_DELETE :: AttributeAction | |
pattern AttributeAction_PUT :: AttributeAction |
newtype BackupStatus Source #
BackupStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern BackupStatus_AVAILABLE :: BackupStatus | |
pattern BackupStatus_CREATING :: BackupStatus | |
pattern BackupStatus_DELETED :: BackupStatus |
newtype BackupType Source #
BackupType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern BackupType_AWS_BACKUP :: BackupType | |
pattern BackupType_SYSTEM :: BackupType | |
pattern BackupType_USER :: BackupType |
newtype BackupTypeFilter Source #
BackupTypeFilter' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern BackupTypeFilter_ALL :: BackupTypeFilter | |
pattern BackupTypeFilter_AWS_BACKUP :: BackupTypeFilter | |
pattern BackupTypeFilter_SYSTEM :: BackupTypeFilter | |
pattern BackupTypeFilter_USER :: BackupTypeFilter |
newtype BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum Source #
BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype BillingMode Source #
BillingMode' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern BillingMode_PAY_PER_REQUEST :: BillingMode | |
pattern BillingMode_PROVISIONED :: BillingMode |
newtype ComparisonOperator Source #
ComparisonOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ComparisonOperator_BEGINS_WITH :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_BETWEEN :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_CONTAINS :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_EQ :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_GE :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_GT :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_IN :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_LE :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_LT :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_NE :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_NOT_CONTAINS :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_NOT_NULL :: ComparisonOperator | |
pattern ComparisonOperator_NULL :: ComparisonOperator |
newtype ConditionalOperator Source #
ConditionalOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ConditionalOperator_AND :: ConditionalOperator | |
pattern ConditionalOperator_OR :: ConditionalOperator |
newtype ContinuousBackupsStatus Source #
ContinuousBackupsStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ContinuousBackupsStatus_DISABLED :: ContinuousBackupsStatus | |
pattern ContinuousBackupsStatus_ENABLED :: ContinuousBackupsStatus |
newtype ContributorInsightsAction Source #
ContributorInsightsAction' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ContributorInsightsAction_DISABLE :: ContributorInsightsAction | |
pattern ContributorInsightsAction_ENABLE :: ContributorInsightsAction |
newtype ContributorInsightsStatus Source #
ContributorInsightsStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype DestinationStatus Source #
DestinationStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern DestinationStatus_ACTIVE :: DestinationStatus | |
pattern DestinationStatus_DISABLED :: DestinationStatus | |
pattern DestinationStatus_DISABLING :: DestinationStatus | |
pattern DestinationStatus_ENABLE_FAILED :: DestinationStatus | |
pattern DestinationStatus_ENABLING :: DestinationStatus |
newtype ExportFormat Source #
ExportFormat' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ExportFormat_DYNAMODB_JSON :: ExportFormat | |
pattern ExportFormat_ION :: ExportFormat |
newtype ExportStatus Source #
ExportStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ExportStatus_COMPLETED :: ExportStatus | |
pattern ExportStatus_FAILED :: ExportStatus | |
pattern ExportStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: ExportStatus |
newtype GlobalTableStatus Source #
GlobalTableStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern GlobalTableStatus_ACTIVE :: GlobalTableStatus | |
pattern GlobalTableStatus_CREATING :: GlobalTableStatus | |
pattern GlobalTableStatus_DELETING :: GlobalTableStatus | |
pattern GlobalTableStatus_UPDATING :: GlobalTableStatus |
newtype IndexStatus Source #
IndexStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern IndexStatus_ACTIVE :: IndexStatus | |
pattern IndexStatus_CREATING :: IndexStatus | |
pattern IndexStatus_DELETING :: IndexStatus | |
pattern IndexStatus_UPDATING :: IndexStatus |
KeyType' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern KeyType_HASH :: KeyType | |
pattern KeyType_RANGE :: KeyType |
newtype PointInTimeRecoveryStatus Source #
PointInTimeRecoveryStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern PointInTimeRecoveryStatus_DISABLED :: PointInTimeRecoveryStatus | |
pattern PointInTimeRecoveryStatus_ENABLED :: PointInTimeRecoveryStatus |
newtype ProjectionType Source #
ProjectionType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ProjectionType_ALL :: ProjectionType | |
pattern ProjectionType_INCLUDE :: ProjectionType | |
pattern ProjectionType_KEYS_ONLY :: ProjectionType |
newtype ReplicaStatus Source #
ReplicaStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ReplicaStatus_ACTIVE :: ReplicaStatus | |
pattern ReplicaStatus_CREATING :: ReplicaStatus | |
pattern ReplicaStatus_CREATION_FAILED :: ReplicaStatus | |
pattern ReplicaStatus_DELETING :: ReplicaStatus | |
pattern ReplicaStatus_INACCESSIBLE_ENCRYPTION_CREDENTIALS :: ReplicaStatus | |
pattern ReplicaStatus_REGION_DISABLED :: ReplicaStatus | |
pattern ReplicaStatus_UPDATING :: ReplicaStatus |
newtype ReturnConsumedCapacity Source #
Determines the level of detail about provisioned throughput consumption that is returned in the response:
- The response includes the aggregateConsumedCapacity
for the operation, together withConsumedCapacity
for each table and secondary index that was accessed.Note that some operations, such as
, do not access any indexes at all. In these cases, specifyingINDEXES
will only returnConsumedCapacity
information for table(s).TOTAL
- The response includes only the aggregateConsumedCapacity
for the operation.NONE
- NoConsumedCapacity
details are included in the response.
ReturnConsumedCapacity' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ReturnConsumedCapacity_INDEXES :: ReturnConsumedCapacity | |
pattern ReturnConsumedCapacity_NONE :: ReturnConsumedCapacity | |
pattern ReturnConsumedCapacity_TOTAL :: ReturnConsumedCapacity |
newtype ReturnItemCollectionMetrics Source #
ReturnItemCollectionMetrics' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ReturnItemCollectionMetrics_NONE :: ReturnItemCollectionMetrics | |
pattern ReturnItemCollectionMetrics_SIZE :: ReturnItemCollectionMetrics |
newtype ReturnValue Source #
ReturnValue' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ReturnValue_ALL_NEW :: ReturnValue | |
pattern ReturnValue_ALL_OLD :: ReturnValue | |
pattern ReturnValue_NONE :: ReturnValue | |
pattern ReturnValue_UPDATED_NEW :: ReturnValue | |
pattern ReturnValue_UPDATED_OLD :: ReturnValue |
newtype ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure Source #
ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure_ALL_OLD :: ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure | |
pattern ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure_NONE :: ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure |
newtype S3SseAlgorithm Source #
S3SseAlgorithm' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern S3SseAlgorithm_AES256 :: S3SseAlgorithm | |
pattern S3SseAlgorithm_KMS :: S3SseAlgorithm |
SSEStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern SSEStatus_DISABLED :: SSEStatus | |
pattern SSEStatus_DISABLING :: SSEStatus | |
pattern SSEStatus_ENABLED :: SSEStatus | |
pattern SSEStatus_ENABLING :: SSEStatus | |
pattern SSEStatus_UPDATING :: SSEStatus |
SSEType' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern SSEType_AES256 :: SSEType | |
pattern SSEType_KMS :: SSEType |
newtype ScalarAttributeType Source #
ScalarAttributeType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ScalarAttributeType_B :: ScalarAttributeType | |
pattern ScalarAttributeType_N :: ScalarAttributeType | |
pattern ScalarAttributeType_S :: ScalarAttributeType |
Select' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Select_ALL_ATTRIBUTES :: Select | |
pattern Select_ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES :: Select | |
pattern Select_COUNT :: Select | |
pattern Select_SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES :: Select |
newtype StreamViewType Source #
StreamViewType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern StreamViewType_KEYS_ONLY :: StreamViewType | |
pattern StreamViewType_NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES :: StreamViewType | |
pattern StreamViewType_NEW_IMAGE :: StreamViewType | |
pattern StreamViewType_OLD_IMAGE :: StreamViewType |
newtype TableStatus Source #
TableStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern TableStatus_ACTIVE :: TableStatus | |
pattern TableStatus_ARCHIVED :: TableStatus | |
pattern TableStatus_ARCHIVING :: TableStatus | |
pattern TableStatus_CREATING :: TableStatus | |
pattern TableStatus_DELETING :: TableStatus | |
pattern TableStatus_INACCESSIBLE_ENCRYPTION_CREDENTIALS :: TableStatus | |
pattern TableStatus_UPDATING :: TableStatus |
newtype TimeToLiveStatus Source #
TimeToLiveStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern TimeToLiveStatus_DISABLED :: TimeToLiveStatus | |
pattern TimeToLiveStatus_DISABLING :: TimeToLiveStatus | |
pattern TimeToLiveStatus_ENABLED :: TimeToLiveStatus | |
pattern TimeToLiveStatus_ENABLING :: TimeToLiveStatus |
data ArchivalSummary Source #
Contains details of a table archival operation.
See: newArchivalSummary
smart constructor.
ArchivalSummary' | |
newArchivalSummary :: ArchivalSummary Source #
Create a value of ArchivalSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, archivalSummary_archivalReason
- The reason DynamoDB archived the table. Currently, the only possible
value is:
- The table was archived due to the table's AWS KMS key being inaccessible for more than seven days. An On-Demand backup was created at the archival time.
, archivalSummary_archivalDateTime
- The date and time when table archival was initiated by DynamoDB, in UNIX
epoch time format.
, archivalSummary_archivalBackupArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the backup the table was archived to,
when applicable in the archival reason. If you wish to restore this
backup to the same table name, you will need to delete the original
archivalSummary_archivalReason :: Lens' ArchivalSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason DynamoDB archived the table. Currently, the only possible value is:
- The table was archived due to the table's AWS KMS key being inaccessible for more than seven days. An On-Demand backup was created at the archival time.
archivalSummary_archivalDateTime :: Lens' ArchivalSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time when table archival was initiated by DynamoDB, in UNIX epoch time format.
archivalSummary_archivalBackupArn :: Lens' ArchivalSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the backup the table was archived to, when applicable in the archival reason. If you wish to restore this backup to the same table name, you will need to delete the original table.
data AttributeDefinition Source #
Represents an attribute for describing the key schema for the table and indexes.
See: newAttributeDefinition
smart constructor.
AttributeDefinition' | |
newAttributeDefinition Source #
:: Text | |
-> ScalarAttributeType | |
-> AttributeDefinition |
Create a value of AttributeDefinition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, attributeDefinition_attributeName
- A name for the attribute.
, attributeDefinition_attributeType
- The data type for the attribute, where:
- the attribute is of type StringN
- the attribute is of type NumberB
- the attribute is of type Binary
attributeDefinition_attributeName :: Lens' AttributeDefinition Text Source #
A name for the attribute.
attributeDefinition_attributeType :: Lens' AttributeDefinition ScalarAttributeType Source #
The data type for the attribute, where:
- the attribute is of type StringN
- the attribute is of type NumberB
- the attribute is of type Binary
data AttributeValue Source #
Represents the data for an attribute.
Each attribute value is described as a name-value pair. The name is the data type, and the value is the data itself.
For more information, see Data Types in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
See: newAttributeValue
smart constructor.
AttributeValue' | |
newAttributeValue :: AttributeValue Source #
Create a value of AttributeValue
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, attributeValue_l
- An attribute of type List. For example:
"L": [ {"S": "Cookies"} , {"S": "Coffee"}, {"N", "3.14159"}]
, attributeValue_ns
- An attribute of type Number Set. For example:
"NS": ["42.2", "-19", "7.5", "3.14"]
Numbers are sent across the network to DynamoDB as strings, to maximize compatibility across languages and libraries. However, DynamoDB treats them as number type attributes for mathematical operations.
, attributeValue_m
- An attribute of type Map. For example:
"M": {"Name": {"S": "Joe"}, "Age": {"N": "35"}}
, attributeValue_null
- An attribute of type Null. For example:
"NULL": true
, attributeValue_n
- An attribute of type Number. For example:
"N": "123.45"
Numbers are sent across the network to DynamoDB as strings, to maximize compatibility across languages and libraries. However, DynamoDB treats them as number type attributes for mathematical operations.
, attributeValue_bs
- An attribute of type Binary Set. For example:
"BS": ["U3Vubnk=", "UmFpbnk=", "U25vd3k="]
, attributeValue_b
- An attribute of type Binary. For example:
"B": "dGhpcyB0ZXh0IGlzIGJhc2U2NC1lbmNvZGVk"
-- Note: This Lens
automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This Lens
accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
, attributeValue_ss
- An attribute of type String Set. For example:
"SS": ["Giraffe", "Hippo" ,"Zebra"]
, attributeValue_s
- An attribute of type String. For example:
"S": "Hello"
, attributeValue_bool
- An attribute of type Boolean. For example:
"BOOL": true
attributeValue_l :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe [AttributeValue]) Source #
An attribute of type List. For example:
"L": [ {"S": "Cookies"} , {"S": "Coffee"}, {"N", "3.14159"}]
attributeValue_ns :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe [Text]) Source #
An attribute of type Number Set. For example:
"NS": ["42.2", "-19", "7.5", "3.14"]
Numbers are sent across the network to DynamoDB as strings, to maximize compatibility across languages and libraries. However, DynamoDB treats them as number type attributes for mathematical operations.
attributeValue_m :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue)) Source #
An attribute of type Map. For example:
"M": {"Name": {"S": "Joe"}, "Age": {"N": "35"}}
attributeValue_null :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Bool) Source #
An attribute of type Null. For example:
"NULL": true
attributeValue_n :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Text) Source #
An attribute of type Number. For example:
"N": "123.45"
Numbers are sent across the network to DynamoDB as strings, to maximize compatibility across languages and libraries. However, DynamoDB treats them as number type attributes for mathematical operations.
attributeValue_bs :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe [ByteString]) Source #
An attribute of type Binary Set. For example:
"BS": ["U3Vubnk=", "UmFpbnk=", "U25vd3k="]
attributeValue_b :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe ByteString) Source #
An attribute of type Binary. For example:
"B": "dGhpcyB0ZXh0IGlzIGJhc2U2NC1lbmNvZGVk"
-- Note: This Lens
automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This Lens
accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
attributeValue_ss :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe [Text]) Source #
An attribute of type String Set. For example:
"SS": ["Giraffe", "Hippo" ,"Zebra"]
attributeValue_s :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Text) Source #
An attribute of type String. For example:
"S": "Hello"
attributeValue_bool :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Bool) Source #
An attribute of type Boolean. For example:
"BOOL": true
data AttributeValueUpdate Source #
For the UpdateItem
operation, represents the attributes to be
modified, the action to perform on each, and the new value for each.
You cannot use UpdateItem
to update any primary key attributes.
Instead, you will need to delete the item, and then use PutItem
create a new item with new attributes.
Attribute values cannot be null; string and binary type attributes must
have lengths greater than zero; and set type attributes must not be
empty. Requests with empty values will be rejected with a
See: newAttributeValueUpdate
smart constructor.
AttributeValueUpdate' | |
newAttributeValueUpdate :: AttributeValueUpdate Source #
Create a value of AttributeValueUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, attributeValueUpdate_value
- Represents the data for an attribute.
Each attribute value is described as a name-value pair. The name is the data type, and the value is the data itself.
For more information, see Data Types in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, attributeValueUpdate_action
- Specifies how to perform the update. Valid values are PUT
, and ADD
. The behavior depends on whether the specified
primary key already exists in the table.
If an item with the specified Key is found in the table:
- Adds the specified attribute to the item. If the attribute already exists, it is replaced by the new value.DELETE
- If no value is specified, the attribute and its value are removed from the item. The data type of the specified value must match the existing value's data type.If a set of values is specified, then those values are subtracted from the old set. For example, if the attribute value was the set
and theDELETE
action specified[a,c]
, then the final attribute value would be[b]
. Specifying an empty set is an error.ADD
- If the attribute does not already exist, then the attribute and its values are added to the item. If the attribute does exist, then the behavior ofADD
depends on the data type of the attribute:If the existing attribute is a number, and if
is also a number, then theValue
is mathematically added to the existing attribute. IfValue
is a negative number, then it is subtracted from the existing attribute.If you use
to increment or decrement a number value for an item that doesn't exist before the update, DynamoDB uses 0 as the initial value.In addition, if you use
to update an existing item, and intend to increment or decrement an attribute value which does not yet exist, DynamoDB uses0
as the initial value. For example, suppose that the item you want to update does not yet have an attribute named itemcount, but you decide toADD
the number3
to this attribute anyway, even though it currently does not exist. DynamoDB will create the itemcount attribute, set its initial value to0
, and finally add3
to it. The result will be a new itemcount attribute in the item, with a value of3
.If the existing data type is a set, and if the
is also a set, then theValue
is added to the existing set. (This is a set operation, not mathematical addition.) For example, if the attribute value was the set[1,2]
, and theADD
action specified[3]
, then the final attribute value would be[1,2,3]
. An error occurs if an Add action is specified for a set attribute and the attribute type specified does not match the existing set type.Both sets must have the same primitive data type. For example, if the existing data type is a set of strings, the
must also be a set of strings. The same holds true for number sets and binary sets.
This action is only valid for an existing attribute whose data type is number or is a set. Do not use
for any other data types.
If no item with the specified Key is found:
- DynamoDB creates a new item with the specified primary key, and then adds the attribute.DELETE
- Nothing happens; there is no attribute to delete.ADD
- DynamoDB creates an item with the supplied primary key and number (or set of numbers) for the attribute value. The only data types allowed are number and number set; no other data types can be specified.
attributeValueUpdate_value :: Lens' AttributeValueUpdate (Maybe AttributeValue) Source #
Represents the data for an attribute.
Each attribute value is described as a name-value pair. The name is the data type, and the value is the data itself.
For more information, see Data Types in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
attributeValueUpdate_action :: Lens' AttributeValueUpdate (Maybe AttributeAction) Source #
Specifies how to perform the update. Valid values are PUT
, and ADD
. The behavior depends on whether the specified
primary key already exists in the table.
If an item with the specified Key is found in the table:
- Adds the specified attribute to the item. If the attribute already exists, it is replaced by the new value.DELETE
- If no value is specified, the attribute and its value are removed from the item. The data type of the specified value must match the existing value's data type.If a set of values is specified, then those values are subtracted from the old set. For example, if the attribute value was the set
and theDELETE
action specified[a,c]
, then the final attribute value would be[b]
. Specifying an empty set is an error.ADD
- If the attribute does not already exist, then the attribute and its values are added to the item. If the attribute does exist, then the behavior ofADD
depends on the data type of the attribute:If the existing attribute is a number, and if
is also a number, then theValue
is mathematically added to the existing attribute. IfValue
is a negative number, then it is subtracted from the existing attribute.If you use
to increment or decrement a number value for an item that doesn't exist before the update, DynamoDB uses 0 as the initial value.In addition, if you use
to update an existing item, and intend to increment or decrement an attribute value which does not yet exist, DynamoDB uses0
as the initial value. For example, suppose that the item you want to update does not yet have an attribute named itemcount, but you decide toADD
the number3
to this attribute anyway, even though it currently does not exist. DynamoDB will create the itemcount attribute, set its initial value to0
, and finally add3
to it. The result will be a new itemcount attribute in the item, with a value of3
.If the existing data type is a set, and if the
is also a set, then theValue
is added to the existing set. (This is a set operation, not mathematical addition.) For example, if the attribute value was the set[1,2]
, and theADD
action specified[3]
, then the final attribute value would be[1,2,3]
. An error occurs if an Add action is specified for a set attribute and the attribute type specified does not match the existing set type.Both sets must have the same primitive data type. For example, if the existing data type is a set of strings, the
must also be a set of strings. The same holds true for number sets and binary sets.
This action is only valid for an existing attribute whose data type is number or is a set. Do not use
for any other data types.
If no item with the specified Key is found:
- DynamoDB creates a new item with the specified primary key, and then adds the attribute.DELETE
- Nothing happens; there is no attribute to delete.ADD
- DynamoDB creates an item with the supplied primary key and number (or set of numbers) for the attribute value. The only data types allowed are number and number set; no other data types can be specified.
data AutoScalingPolicyDescription Source #
Represents the properties of the scaling policy.
See: newAutoScalingPolicyDescription
smart constructor.
AutoScalingPolicyDescription' | |
newAutoScalingPolicyDescription :: AutoScalingPolicyDescription Source #
Create a value of AutoScalingPolicyDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, autoScalingPolicyDescription_policyName
- The name of the scaling policy.
, autoScalingPolicyDescription_targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration
- Represents a target tracking scaling policy configuration.
autoScalingPolicyDescription_policyName :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the scaling policy.
autoScalingPolicyDescription_targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyDescription (Maybe AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription) Source #
Represents a target tracking scaling policy configuration.
data AutoScalingPolicyUpdate Source #
Represents the auto scaling policy to be modified.
See: newAutoScalingPolicyUpdate
smart constructor.
AutoScalingPolicyUpdate' | |
newAutoScalingPolicyUpdate Source #
:: AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate |
-> AutoScalingPolicyUpdate |
Create a value of AutoScalingPolicyUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, autoScalingPolicyUpdate_policyName
- The name of the scaling policy.
, autoScalingPolicyUpdate_targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration
- Represents a target tracking scaling policy configuration.
autoScalingPolicyUpdate_policyName :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyUpdate (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the scaling policy.
autoScalingPolicyUpdate_targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyUpdate AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate Source #
Represents a target tracking scaling policy configuration.
data AutoScalingSettingsDescription Source #
Represents the auto scaling settings for a global table or global secondary index.
See: newAutoScalingSettingsDescription
smart constructor.
AutoScalingSettingsDescription' | |
newAutoScalingSettingsDescription :: AutoScalingSettingsDescription Source #
Create a value of AutoScalingSettingsDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, autoScalingSettingsDescription_autoScalingDisabled
- Disabled auto scaling for this global table or global secondary index.
, autoScalingSettingsDescription_minimumUnits
- The minimum capacity units that a global table or global secondary index
should be scaled down to.
, autoScalingSettingsDescription_maximumUnits
- The maximum capacity units that a global table or global secondary index
should be scaled up to.
, autoScalingSettingsDescription_scalingPolicies
- Information about the scaling policies.
, autoScalingSettingsDescription_autoScalingRoleArn
- Role ARN used for configuring the auto scaling policy.
autoScalingSettingsDescription_autoScalingDisabled :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsDescription (Maybe Bool) Source #
Disabled auto scaling for this global table or global secondary index.
autoScalingSettingsDescription_minimumUnits :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The minimum capacity units that a global table or global secondary index should be scaled down to.
autoScalingSettingsDescription_maximumUnits :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum capacity units that a global table or global secondary index should be scaled up to.
autoScalingSettingsDescription_scalingPolicies :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsDescription (Maybe [AutoScalingPolicyDescription]) Source #
Information about the scaling policies.
autoScalingSettingsDescription_autoScalingRoleArn :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Role ARN used for configuring the auto scaling policy.
data AutoScalingSettingsUpdate Source #
Represents the auto scaling settings to be modified for a global table or global secondary index.
See: newAutoScalingSettingsUpdate
smart constructor.
AutoScalingSettingsUpdate' | |
newAutoScalingSettingsUpdate :: AutoScalingSettingsUpdate Source #
Create a value of AutoScalingSettingsUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, autoScalingSettingsUpdate_autoScalingDisabled
- Disabled auto scaling for this global table or global secondary index.
, autoScalingSettingsUpdate_minimumUnits
- The minimum capacity units that a global table or global secondary index
should be scaled down to.
, autoScalingSettingsUpdate_scalingPolicyUpdate
- The scaling policy to apply for scaling target global table or global
secondary index capacity units.
, autoScalingSettingsUpdate_maximumUnits
- The maximum capacity units that a global table or global secondary index
should be scaled up to.
, autoScalingSettingsUpdate_autoScalingRoleArn
- Role ARN used for configuring auto scaling policy.
autoScalingSettingsUpdate_autoScalingDisabled :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsUpdate (Maybe Bool) Source #
Disabled auto scaling for this global table or global secondary index.
autoScalingSettingsUpdate_minimumUnits :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsUpdate (Maybe Natural) Source #
The minimum capacity units that a global table or global secondary index should be scaled down to.
autoScalingSettingsUpdate_scalingPolicyUpdate :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyUpdate) Source #
The scaling policy to apply for scaling target global table or global secondary index capacity units.
autoScalingSettingsUpdate_maximumUnits :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsUpdate (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum capacity units that a global table or global secondary index should be scaled up to.
autoScalingSettingsUpdate_autoScalingRoleArn :: Lens' AutoScalingSettingsUpdate (Maybe Text) Source #
Role ARN used for configuring auto scaling policy.
data AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription Source #
Represents the properties of a target tracking scaling policy.
See: newAutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription
smart constructor.
AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription' | |
newAutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription Source #
:: Double |
-> AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription |
Create a value of AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription_scaleInCooldown
- The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale in activity completes
before another scale in activity can start. The cooldown period is used
to block subsequent scale in requests until it has expired. You should
scale in conservatively to protect your application's availability.
However, if another alarm triggers a scale out policy during the
cooldown period after a scale-in, application auto scaling scales out
your scalable target immediately.
, autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription_disableScaleIn
- Indicates whether scale in by the target tracking policy is disabled. If
the value is true, scale in is disabled and the target tracking policy
won't remove capacity from the scalable resource. Otherwise, scale in
is enabled and the target tracking policy can remove capacity from the
scalable resource. The default value is false.
, autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription_scaleOutCooldown
- The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale out activity completes
before another scale out activity can start. While the cooldown period
is in effect, the capacity that has been added by the previous scale out
event that initiated the cooldown is calculated as part of the desired
capacity for the next scale out. You should continuously (but not
excessively) scale out.
, autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription_targetValue
- The target value for the metric. The range is 8.515920e-109 to
1.174271e+108 (Base 10) or 2e-360 to 2e360 (Base 2).
autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription_scaleInCooldown :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale in activity completes before another scale in activity can start. The cooldown period is used to block subsequent scale in requests until it has expired. You should scale in conservatively to protect your application's availability. However, if another alarm triggers a scale out policy during the cooldown period after a scale-in, application auto scaling scales out your scalable target immediately.
autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription_disableScaleIn :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether scale in by the target tracking policy is disabled. If the value is true, scale in is disabled and the target tracking policy won't remove capacity from the scalable resource. Otherwise, scale in is enabled and the target tracking policy can remove capacity from the scalable resource. The default value is false.
autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription_scaleOutCooldown :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale out activity completes before another scale out activity can start. While the cooldown period is in effect, the capacity that has been added by the previous scale out event that initiated the cooldown is calculated as part of the desired capacity for the next scale out. You should continuously (but not excessively) scale out.
autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription_targetValue :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationDescription Double Source #
The target value for the metric. The range is 8.515920e-109 to 1.174271e+108 (Base 10) or 2e-360 to 2e360 (Base 2).
data AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate Source #
Represents the settings of a target tracking scaling policy that will be modified.
See: newAutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate
smart constructor.
AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate' | |
newAutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate Source #
:: Double |
-> AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate |
Create a value of AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate_scaleInCooldown
- The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale in activity completes
before another scale in activity can start. The cooldown period is used
to block subsequent scale in requests until it has expired. You should
scale in conservatively to protect your application's availability.
However, if another alarm triggers a scale out policy during the
cooldown period after a scale-in, application auto scaling scales out
your scalable target immediately.
, autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate_disableScaleIn
- Indicates whether scale in by the target tracking policy is disabled. If
the value is true, scale in is disabled and the target tracking policy
won't remove capacity from the scalable resource. Otherwise, scale in
is enabled and the target tracking policy can remove capacity from the
scalable resource. The default value is false.
, autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate_scaleOutCooldown
- The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale out activity completes
before another scale out activity can start. While the cooldown period
is in effect, the capacity that has been added by the previous scale out
event that initiated the cooldown is calculated as part of the desired
capacity for the next scale out. You should continuously (but not
excessively) scale out.
, autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate_targetValue
- The target value for the metric. The range is 8.515920e-109 to
1.174271e+108 (Base 10) or 2e-360 to 2e360 (Base 2).
autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate_scaleInCooldown :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale in activity completes before another scale in activity can start. The cooldown period is used to block subsequent scale in requests until it has expired. You should scale in conservatively to protect your application's availability. However, if another alarm triggers a scale out policy during the cooldown period after a scale-in, application auto scaling scales out your scalable target immediately.
autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate_disableScaleIn :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether scale in by the target tracking policy is disabled. If the value is true, scale in is disabled and the target tracking policy won't remove capacity from the scalable resource. Otherwise, scale in is enabled and the target tracking policy can remove capacity from the scalable resource. The default value is false.
autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate_scaleOutCooldown :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale out activity completes before another scale out activity can start. While the cooldown period is in effect, the capacity that has been added by the previous scale out event that initiated the cooldown is calculated as part of the desired capacity for the next scale out. You should continuously (but not excessively) scale out.
autoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate_targetValue :: Lens' AutoScalingTargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationUpdate Double Source #
The target value for the metric. The range is 8.515920e-109 to 1.174271e+108 (Base 10) or 2e-360 to 2e360 (Base 2).
data BackupDescription Source #
Contains the description of the backup created for the table.
See: newBackupDescription
smart constructor.
BackupDescription' | |
newBackupDescription :: BackupDescription Source #
Create a value of BackupDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, backupDescription_backupDetails
- Contains the details of the backup created for the table.
, backupDescription_sourceTableDetails
- Contains the details of the table when the backup was created.
, backupDescription_sourceTableFeatureDetails
- Contains the details of the features enabled on the table when the
backup was created. For example, LSIs, GSIs, streams, TTL.
backupDescription_backupDetails :: Lens' BackupDescription (Maybe BackupDetails) Source #
Contains the details of the backup created for the table.
backupDescription_sourceTableDetails :: Lens' BackupDescription (Maybe SourceTableDetails) Source #
Contains the details of the table when the backup was created.
backupDescription_sourceTableFeatureDetails :: Lens' BackupDescription (Maybe SourceTableFeatureDetails) Source #
Contains the details of the features enabled on the table when the backup was created. For example, LSIs, GSIs, streams, TTL.
data BackupDetails Source #
Contains the details of the backup created for the table.
See: newBackupDetails
smart constructor.
BackupDetails' | |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> BackupStatus | |
-> BackupType | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> BackupDetails |
Create a value of BackupDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, backupDetails_backupExpiryDateTime
- Time at which the automatic on-demand backup created by DynamoDB will
expire. This SYSTEM
on-demand backup expires automatically 35 days
after its creation.
, backupDetails_backupSizeBytes
- Size of the backup in bytes.
, backupDetails_backupArn
- ARN associated with the backup.
, backupDetails_backupName
- Name of the requested backup.
, backupDetails_backupStatus
- Backup can be in one of the following states: CREATING, ACTIVE, DELETED.
, backupDetails_backupType
- BackupType:
- You create and manage these using the on-demand backup feature.SYSTEM
- If you delete a table with point-in-time recovery enabled, aSYSTEM
backup is automatically created and is retained for 35 days (at no additional cost). System backups allow you to restore the deleted table to the state it was in just before the point of deletion.AWS_BACKUP
- On-demand backup created by you from AWS Backup service.
, backupDetails_backupCreationDateTime
- Time at which the backup was created. This is the request time of the
backupDetails_backupExpiryDateTime :: Lens' BackupDetails (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Time at which the automatic on-demand backup created by DynamoDB will
expire. This SYSTEM
on-demand backup expires automatically 35 days
after its creation.
backupDetails_backupSizeBytes :: Lens' BackupDetails (Maybe Natural) Source #
Size of the backup in bytes.
backupDetails_backupArn :: Lens' BackupDetails Text Source #
ARN associated with the backup.
backupDetails_backupName :: Lens' BackupDetails Text Source #
Name of the requested backup.
backupDetails_backupStatus :: Lens' BackupDetails BackupStatus Source #
Backup can be in one of the following states: CREATING, ACTIVE, DELETED.
backupDetails_backupType :: Lens' BackupDetails BackupType Source #
- You create and manage these using the on-demand backup feature.SYSTEM
- If you delete a table with point-in-time recovery enabled, aSYSTEM
backup is automatically created and is retained for 35 days (at no additional cost). System backups allow you to restore the deleted table to the state it was in just before the point of deletion.AWS_BACKUP
- On-demand backup created by you from AWS Backup service.
backupDetails_backupCreationDateTime :: Lens' BackupDetails UTCTime Source #
Time at which the backup was created. This is the request time of the backup.
data BackupSummary Source #
Contains details for the backup.
See: newBackupSummary
smart constructor.
BackupSummary' | |
newBackupSummary :: BackupSummary Source #
Create a value of BackupSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, backupSummary_backupExpiryDateTime
- Time at which the automatic on-demand backup created by DynamoDB will
expire. This SYSTEM
on-demand backup expires automatically 35 days
after its creation.
, backupSummary_tableArn
- ARN associated with the table.
, backupSummary_backupName
- Name of the specified backup.
, backupSummary_backupStatus
- Backup can be in one of the following states: CREATING, ACTIVE, DELETED.
, backupSummary_backupSizeBytes
- Size of the backup in bytes.
, backupSummary_backupArn
- ARN associated with the backup.
, backupSummary_tableId
- Unique identifier for the table.
, backupSummary_backupCreationDateTime
- Time at which the backup was created.
, backupSummary_backupType
- BackupType:
- You create and manage these using the on-demand backup feature.SYSTEM
- If you delete a table with point-in-time recovery enabled, aSYSTEM
backup is automatically created and is retained for 35 days (at no additional cost). System backups allow you to restore the deleted table to the state it was in just before the point of deletion.AWS_BACKUP
- On-demand backup created by you from AWS Backup service.
, backupSummary_tableName
- Name of the table.
backupSummary_backupExpiryDateTime :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Time at which the automatic on-demand backup created by DynamoDB will
expire. This SYSTEM
on-demand backup expires automatically 35 days
after its creation.
backupSummary_tableArn :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
ARN associated with the table.
backupSummary_backupName :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of the specified backup.
backupSummary_backupStatus :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe BackupStatus) Source #
Backup can be in one of the following states: CREATING, ACTIVE, DELETED.
backupSummary_backupSizeBytes :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe Natural) Source #
Size of the backup in bytes.
backupSummary_backupArn :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
ARN associated with the backup.
backupSummary_tableId :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Unique identifier for the table.
backupSummary_backupCreationDateTime :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Time at which the backup was created.
backupSummary_backupType :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe BackupType) Source #
- You create and manage these using the on-demand backup feature.SYSTEM
- If you delete a table with point-in-time recovery enabled, aSYSTEM
backup is automatically created and is retained for 35 days (at no additional cost). System backups allow you to restore the deleted table to the state it was in just before the point of deletion.AWS_BACKUP
- On-demand backup created by you from AWS Backup service.
backupSummary_tableName :: Lens' BackupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of the table.
data BatchStatementError Source #
An error associated with a statement in a PartiQL batch that was run.
See: newBatchStatementError
smart constructor.
BatchStatementError' | |
newBatchStatementError :: BatchStatementError Source #
Create a value of BatchStatementError
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchStatementError_code
- The error code associated with the failed PartiQL batch statement.
, batchStatementError_message
- The error message associated with the PartiQL batch resposne.
batchStatementError_code :: Lens' BatchStatementError (Maybe BatchStatementErrorCodeEnum) Source #
The error code associated with the failed PartiQL batch statement.
batchStatementError_message :: Lens' BatchStatementError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error message associated with the PartiQL batch resposne.
data BatchStatementRequest Source #
A PartiQL batch statement request.
See: newBatchStatementRequest
smart constructor.
BatchStatementRequest' | |
newBatchStatementRequest Source #
Create a value of BatchStatementRequest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchStatementRequest_consistentRead
- The read consistency of the PartiQL batch request.
, batchStatementRequest_parameters
- The parameters associated with a PartiQL statement in the batch request.
, batchStatementRequest_statement
- A valid PartiQL statement.
batchStatementRequest_consistentRead :: Lens' BatchStatementRequest (Maybe Bool) Source #
The read consistency of the PartiQL batch request.
batchStatementRequest_parameters :: Lens' BatchStatementRequest (Maybe (NonEmpty AttributeValue)) Source #
The parameters associated with a PartiQL statement in the batch request.
batchStatementRequest_statement :: Lens' BatchStatementRequest Text Source #
A valid PartiQL statement.
data BatchStatementResponse Source #
A PartiQL batch statement response..
See: newBatchStatementResponse
smart constructor.
BatchStatementResponse' | |
newBatchStatementResponse :: BatchStatementResponse Source #
Create a value of BatchStatementResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchStatementResponse_error
- The error associated with a failed PartiQL batch statement.
, batchStatementResponse_item
- A DynamoDB item associated with a BatchStatementResponse
, batchStatementResponse_tableName
- The table name associated with a failed PartiQL batch statement.
batchStatementResponse_error :: Lens' BatchStatementResponse (Maybe BatchStatementError) Source #
The error associated with a failed PartiQL batch statement.
batchStatementResponse_item :: Lens' BatchStatementResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue)) Source #
A DynamoDB item associated with a BatchStatementResponse
batchStatementResponse_tableName :: Lens' BatchStatementResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The table name associated with a failed PartiQL batch statement.
data BillingModeSummary Source #
Contains the details for the read/write capacity mode.
See: newBillingModeSummary
smart constructor.
BillingModeSummary' | |
newBillingModeSummary :: BillingModeSummary Source #
Create a value of BillingModeSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, billingModeSummary_lastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime
- Represents the time when PAY_PER_REQUEST
was last set as the
read/write capacity mode.
, billingModeSummary_billingMode
- Controls how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you
manage capacity. This setting can be changed later.
- Sets the read/write capacity mode toPROVISIONED
. We recommend usingPROVISIONED
for predictable workloads.PAY_PER_REQUEST
- Sets the read/write capacity mode toPAY_PER_REQUEST
. We recommend usingPAY_PER_REQUEST
for unpredictable workloads.
billingModeSummary_lastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime :: Lens' BillingModeSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Represents the time when PAY_PER_REQUEST
was last set as the
read/write capacity mode.
billingModeSummary_billingMode :: Lens' BillingModeSummary (Maybe BillingMode) Source #
Controls how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity. This setting can be changed later.
- Sets the read/write capacity mode toPROVISIONED
. We recommend usingPROVISIONED
for predictable workloads.PAY_PER_REQUEST
- Sets the read/write capacity mode toPAY_PER_REQUEST
. We recommend usingPAY_PER_REQUEST
for unpredictable workloads.
Represents the amount of provisioned throughput capacity consumed on a table or an index.
See: newCapacity
smart constructor.
Capacity' | |
Eq Capacity Source # | |
Read Capacity Source # | |
Show Capacity Source # | |
Generic Capacity Source # | |
NFData Capacity Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Capacity | |
Hashable Capacity Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Capacity | |
FromJSON Capacity Source # | |
type Rep Capacity Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Capacity type Rep Capacity = D1 ('MetaData "Capacity" "Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Capacity" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-dynamodbZSamazonka-dynamodb" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Capacity'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "readCapacityUnits") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Double)) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "capacityUnits") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Double)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "writeCapacityUnits") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Double))))) |
newCapacity :: Capacity Source #
Create a value of Capacity
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, capacity_readCapacityUnits
- The total number of read capacity units consumed on a table or an index.
, capacity_capacityUnits
- The total number of capacity units consumed on a table or an index.
, capacity_writeCapacityUnits
- The total number of write capacity units consumed on a table or an
capacity_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Double) Source #
The total number of read capacity units consumed on a table or an index.
capacity_capacityUnits :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Double) Source #
The total number of capacity units consumed on a table or an index.
capacity_writeCapacityUnits :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Double) Source #
The total number of write capacity units consumed on a table or an index.
Represents the selection criteria for a Query
or Scan
For a
is used for specifying theKeyConditions
to use when querying a table or an index. ForKeyConditions
, only the following comparison operators are supported:EQ | LE | LT | GE | GT | BEGINS_WITH | BETWEEN
is also used in aQueryFilter
, which evaluates the query results and returns only the desired values.- For a
is used in aScanFilter
, which evaluates the scan results and returns only the desired values.
See: newCondition
smart constructor.
Condition' | |
Eq Condition Source # | |
Read Condition Source # | |
Show Condition Source # | |
Generic Condition Source # | |
NFData Condition Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Condition | |
Hashable Condition Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Condition | |
ToJSON Condition Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Condition | |
type Rep Condition Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Condition type Rep Condition = D1 ('MetaData "Condition" "Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Condition" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-dynamodbZSamazonka-dynamodb" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Condition'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "attributeValueList") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe [AttributeValue])) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "comparisonOperator") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 ComparisonOperator))) |
Create a value of Condition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, condition_attributeValueList
- One or more values to evaluate against the supplied attribute. The
number of values in the list depends on the ComparisonOperator
For type Number, value comparisons are numeric.
String value comparisons for greater than, equals, or less than are
based on ASCII character code values. For example, a
is greater than
, and a
is greater than B
. For a list of code values, see
For Binary, DynamoDB treats each byte of the binary data as unsigned when it compares binary values.
, condition_comparisonOperator
- A comparator for evaluating attributes. For example, equals, greater
than, less than, etc.
The following comparison operators are available:
The following are descriptions of each comparison operator.
: Equal.EQ
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, Binary, String Set, Number Set, or Binary Set. If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not equal{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Not equal.NE
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
of type String, Number, Binary, String Set, Number Set, or Binary Set. If an item contains anAttributeValue
of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not equal{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Less than or equal.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Less than.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Greater than or equal.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Greater than.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: The attribute exists.NOT_NULL
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.This operator tests for the existence of an attribute, not its data type. If the data type of attribute "
" is null, and you evaluate it usingNOT_NULL
, the result is a Booleantrue
. This result is because the attribute "a
" exists; its data type is not relevant to theNOT_NULL
comparison operator.NULL
: The attribute does not exist.NULL
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.This operator tests for the nonexistence of an attribute, not its data type. If the data type of attribute "
" is null, and you evaluate it usingNULL
, the result is a Booleanfalse
. This is because the attribute "a
" exists; its data type is not relevant to theNULL
comparison operator.CONTAINS
: Checks for a subsequence, or value in a set.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If the target attribute of the comparison is of type String, then the operator checks for a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is of type Binary, then the operator looks for a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS
", "NS
", or "BS
"), then the operator evaluates to true if it finds an exact match with any member of the set.CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "
", "a
" can be a list; however, "b
" cannot be a set, a map, or a list.NOT_CONTAINS
: Checks for absence of a subsequence, or absence of a value in a set.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If the target attribute of the comparison is a String, then the operator checks for the absence of a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is Binary, then the operator checks for the absence of a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS
", "NS
", or "BS
"), then the operator evaluates to true if it does not find an exact match with any member of the set.NOT_CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "
", "a
" can be a list; however, "b
" cannot be a set, a map, or a list.BEGINS_WITH
: Checks for a prefix.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set type). The target attribute of the comparison must be of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set type).IN
: Checks for matching elements in a list.AttributeValueList
can contain one or moreAttributeValue
elements of type String, Number, or Binary. These attributes are compared against an existing attribute of an item. If any elements of the input are equal to the item attribute, the expression evaluates to true.BETWEEN
: Greater than or equal to the first value, and less than or equal to the second value.AttributeValueList
must contain twoAttributeValue
elements of the same type, either String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). A target attribute matches if the target value is greater than, or equal to, the first element and less than, or equal to, the second element. If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not compare to{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
For usage examples of AttributeValueList
and ComparisonOperator
, see
Legacy Conditional Parameters
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
condition_attributeValueList :: Lens' Condition (Maybe [AttributeValue]) Source #
One or more values to evaluate against the supplied attribute. The
number of values in the list depends on the ComparisonOperator
For type Number, value comparisons are numeric.
String value comparisons for greater than, equals, or less than are
based on ASCII character code values. For example, a
is greater than
, and a
is greater than B
. For a list of code values, see
For Binary, DynamoDB treats each byte of the binary data as unsigned when it compares binary values.
condition_comparisonOperator :: Lens' Condition ComparisonOperator Source #
A comparator for evaluating attributes. For example, equals, greater than, less than, etc.
The following comparison operators are available:
The following are descriptions of each comparison operator.
: Equal.EQ
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, Binary, String Set, Number Set, or Binary Set. If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not equal{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Not equal.NE
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
of type String, Number, Binary, String Set, Number Set, or Binary Set. If an item contains anAttributeValue
of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not equal{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Less than or equal.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Less than.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Greater than or equal.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Greater than.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: The attribute exists.NOT_NULL
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.This operator tests for the existence of an attribute, not its data type. If the data type of attribute "
" is null, and you evaluate it usingNOT_NULL
, the result is a Booleantrue
. This result is because the attribute "a
" exists; its data type is not relevant to theNOT_NULL
comparison operator.NULL
: The attribute does not exist.NULL
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.This operator tests for the nonexistence of an attribute, not its data type. If the data type of attribute "
" is null, and you evaluate it usingNULL
, the result is a Booleanfalse
. This is because the attribute "a
" exists; its data type is not relevant to theNULL
comparison operator.CONTAINS
: Checks for a subsequence, or value in a set.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If the target attribute of the comparison is of type String, then the operator checks for a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is of type Binary, then the operator looks for a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS
", "NS
", or "BS
"), then the operator evaluates to true if it finds an exact match with any member of the set.CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "
", "a
" can be a list; however, "b
" cannot be a set, a map, or a list.NOT_CONTAINS
: Checks for absence of a subsequence, or absence of a value in a set.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If the target attribute of the comparison is a String, then the operator checks for the absence of a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is Binary, then the operator checks for the absence of a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS
", "NS
", or "BS
"), then the operator evaluates to true if it does not find an exact match with any member of the set.NOT_CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "
", "a
" can be a list; however, "b
" cannot be a set, a map, or a list.BEGINS_WITH
: Checks for a prefix.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set type). The target attribute of the comparison must be of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set type).IN
: Checks for matching elements in a list.AttributeValueList
can contain one or moreAttributeValue
elements of type String, Number, or Binary. These attributes are compared against an existing attribute of an item. If any elements of the input are equal to the item attribute, the expression evaluates to true.BETWEEN
: Greater than or equal to the first value, and less than or equal to the second value.AttributeValueList
must contain twoAttributeValue
elements of the same type, either String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). A target attribute matches if the target value is greater than, or equal to, the first element and less than, or equal to, the second element. If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not compare to{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
For usage examples of AttributeValueList
and ComparisonOperator
, see
Legacy Conditional Parameters
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
data ConditionCheck Source #
Represents a request to perform a check that an item exists or to check the condition of specific attributes of the item.
See: newConditionCheck
smart constructor.
ConditionCheck' | |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> ConditionCheck |
Create a value of ConditionCheck
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, conditionCheck_expressionAttributeNames
- One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression.
, conditionCheck_expressionAttributeValues
- One or more values that can be substituted in an expression.
, conditionCheck_returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- Use ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
to get the item attributes if
the ConditionCheck
condition fails. For
, the valid values are: NONE and
, conditionCheck_key
- The primary key of the item to be checked. Each element consists of an
attribute name and a value for that attribute.
, conditionCheck_tableName
- Name of the table for the check item request.
, conditionCheck_conditionExpression
- A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional update to
conditionCheck_expressionAttributeNames :: Lens' ConditionCheck (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression.
conditionCheck_expressionAttributeValues :: Lens' ConditionCheck (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue)) Source #
One or more values that can be substituted in an expression.
conditionCheck_returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure :: Lens' ConditionCheck (Maybe ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure) Source #
Use ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
to get the item attributes if
the ConditionCheck
condition fails. For
, the valid values are: NONE and
conditionCheck_key :: Lens' ConditionCheck (HashMap Text AttributeValue) Source #
The primary key of the item to be checked. Each element consists of an attribute name and a value for that attribute.
conditionCheck_tableName :: Lens' ConditionCheck Text Source #
Name of the table for the check item request.
conditionCheck_conditionExpression :: Lens' ConditionCheck Text Source #
A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional update to succeed.
data ConsumedCapacity Source #
The capacity units consumed by an operation. The data returned includes
the total provisioned throughput consumed, along with statistics for the
table and any indexes involved in the operation. ConsumedCapacity
only returned if the request asked for it. For more information, see
Provisioned Throughput
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
See: newConsumedCapacity
smart constructor.
ConsumedCapacity' | |
newConsumedCapacity :: ConsumedCapacity Source #
Create a value of ConsumedCapacity
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, consumedCapacity_readCapacityUnits
- The total number of read capacity units consumed by the operation.
, consumedCapacity_globalSecondaryIndexes
- The amount of throughput consumed on each global index affected by the
, consumedCapacity_capacityUnits
- The total number of capacity units consumed by the operation.
, consumedCapacity_writeCapacityUnits
- The total number of write capacity units consumed by the operation.
, consumedCapacity_localSecondaryIndexes
- The amount of throughput consumed on each local index affected by the
, consumedCapacity_table
- The amount of throughput consumed on the table affected by the
, consumedCapacity_tableName
- The name of the table that was affected by the operation.
consumedCapacity_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Double) Source #
The total number of read capacity units consumed by the operation.
consumedCapacity_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe (HashMap Text Capacity)) Source #
The amount of throughput consumed on each global index affected by the operation.
consumedCapacity_capacityUnits :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Double) Source #
The total number of capacity units consumed by the operation.
consumedCapacity_writeCapacityUnits :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Double) Source #
The total number of write capacity units consumed by the operation.
consumedCapacity_localSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe (HashMap Text Capacity)) Source #
The amount of throughput consumed on each local index affected by the operation.
consumedCapacity_table :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Capacity) Source #
The amount of throughput consumed on the table affected by the operation.
consumedCapacity_tableName :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the table that was affected by the operation.
data ContinuousBackupsDescription Source #
Represents the continuous backups and point in time recovery settings on the table.
See: newContinuousBackupsDescription
smart constructor.
ContinuousBackupsDescription' | |
newContinuousBackupsDescription Source #
:: ContinuousBackupsStatus | |
-> ContinuousBackupsDescription |
Create a value of ContinuousBackupsDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, continuousBackupsDescription_pointInTimeRecoveryDescription
- The description of the point in time recovery settings applied to the
, continuousBackupsDescription_continuousBackupsStatus
- ContinuousBackupsStatus
can be one of the following states: ENABLED,
continuousBackupsDescription_pointInTimeRecoveryDescription :: Lens' ContinuousBackupsDescription (Maybe PointInTimeRecoveryDescription) Source #
The description of the point in time recovery settings applied to the table.
continuousBackupsDescription_continuousBackupsStatus :: Lens' ContinuousBackupsDescription ContinuousBackupsStatus Source #
can be one of the following states: ENABLED,
data ContributorInsightsSummary Source #
Represents a Contributor Insights summary entry.
See: newContributorInsightsSummary
smart constructor.
ContributorInsightsSummary' | |
newContributorInsightsSummary :: ContributorInsightsSummary Source #
Create a value of ContributorInsightsSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, contributorInsightsSummary_contributorInsightsStatus
- Describes the current status for contributor insights for the given
table and index, if applicable.
, contributorInsightsSummary_tableName
- Name of the table associated with the summary.
, contributorInsightsSummary_indexName
- Name of the index associated with the summary, if any.
contributorInsightsSummary_contributorInsightsStatus :: Lens' ContributorInsightsSummary (Maybe ContributorInsightsStatus) Source #
Describes the current status for contributor insights for the given table and index, if applicable.
contributorInsightsSummary_tableName :: Lens' ContributorInsightsSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of the table associated with the summary.
contributorInsightsSummary_indexName :: Lens' ContributorInsightsSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of the index associated with the summary, if any.
data CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Source #
Represents a new global secondary index to be added to an existing table.
See: newCreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
smart constructor.
CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction' | |
newCreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Source #
:: Text | |
-> NonEmpty KeySchemaElement | |
-> Projection | |
-> CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction |
Create a value of CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_provisionedThroughput
- Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global
secondary index.
For current minimum and maximum provisioned throughput values, see Service, Account, and Table Quotas in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index to be created.
, createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_keySchema
- The key schema for the global secondary index.
, createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_projection
- Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into an
index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key
attributes, which are automatically projected.
createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction (Maybe ProvisionedThroughput) Source #
Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global secondary index.
For current minimum and maximum provisioned throughput values, see Service, Account, and Table Quotas in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_indexName :: Lens' CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Text Source #
The name of the global secondary index to be created.
createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_keySchema :: Lens' CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement) Source #
The key schema for the global secondary index.
createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_projection :: Lens' CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Projection Source #
Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into an index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
data CreateReplicaAction Source #
Represents a replica to be added.
See: newCreateReplicaAction
smart constructor.
CreateReplicaAction' | |
newCreateReplicaAction Source #
:: Text | |
-> CreateReplicaAction |
Create a value of CreateReplicaAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createReplicaAction_regionName
- The Region of the replica to be added.
createReplicaAction_regionName :: Lens' CreateReplicaAction Text Source #
The Region of the replica to be added.
data CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction Source #
Represents a replica to be created.
See: newCreateReplicationGroupMemberAction
smart constructor.
CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction' | |
newCreateReplicationGroupMemberAction Source #
:: Text | |
-> CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction |
Create a value of CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createReplicationGroupMemberAction_kmsMasterKeyId
- The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) that should be used for AWS KMS
encryption in the new replica. To specify a CMK, use its key ID, Amazon
Resource Name (ARN), alias name, or alias ARN. Note that you should only
provide this parameter if the key is different from the default DynamoDB
KMS master key alias/aws/dynamodb.
, createReplicationGroupMemberAction_provisionedThroughputOverride
- Replica-specific provisioned throughput. If not specified, uses the
source table's provisioned throughput settings.
, createReplicationGroupMemberAction_globalSecondaryIndexes
- Replica-specific global secondary index settings.
, createReplicationGroupMemberAction_regionName
- The Region where the new replica will be created.
createReplicationGroupMemberAction_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) that should be used for AWS KMS encryption in the new replica. To specify a CMK, use its key ID, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), alias name, or alias ARN. Note that you should only provide this parameter if the key is different from the default DynamoDB KMS master key alias/aws/dynamodb.
createReplicationGroupMemberAction_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputOverride) Source #
Replica-specific provisioned throughput. If not specified, uses the source table's provisioned throughput settings.
createReplicationGroupMemberAction_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction (Maybe (NonEmpty ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex)) Source #
Replica-specific global secondary index settings.
createReplicationGroupMemberAction_regionName :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction Text Source #
The Region where the new replica will be created.
Represents a request to perform a DeleteItem
See: newDelete
smart constructor.
Delete' | |
Create a value of Delete
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, delete_expressionAttributeNames
- One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression.
, delete_expressionAttributeValues
- One or more values that can be substituted in an expression.
, delete_returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- Use ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
to get the item attributes if
the Delete
condition fails. For ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
the valid values are: NONE and ALL_OLD.
, delete_conditionExpression
- A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional delete to
, delete_key
- The primary key of the item to be deleted. Each element consists of an
attribute name and a value for that attribute.
, delete_tableName
- Name of the table in which the item to be deleted resides.
delete_expressionAttributeNames :: Lens' Delete (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression.
delete_expressionAttributeValues :: Lens' Delete (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue)) Source #
One or more values that can be substituted in an expression.
delete_returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure :: Lens' Delete (Maybe ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure) Source #
Use ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
to get the item attributes if
the Delete
condition fails. For ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
the valid values are: NONE and ALL_OLD.
delete_conditionExpression :: Lens' Delete (Maybe Text) Source #
A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional delete to succeed.
delete_key :: Lens' Delete (HashMap Text AttributeValue) Source #
The primary key of the item to be deleted. Each element consists of an attribute name and a value for that attribute.
delete_tableName :: Lens' Delete Text Source #
Name of the table in which the item to be deleted resides.
data DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Source #
Represents a global secondary index to be deleted from an existing table.
See: newDeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
smart constructor.
DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction' | |
newDeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Source #
Create a value of DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index to be deleted.
deleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_indexName :: Lens' DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Text Source #
The name of the global secondary index to be deleted.
data DeleteReplicaAction Source #
Represents a replica to be removed.
See: newDeleteReplicaAction
smart constructor.
DeleteReplicaAction' | |
newDeleteReplicaAction Source #
:: Text | |
-> DeleteReplicaAction |
Create a value of DeleteReplicaAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteReplicaAction_regionName
- The Region of the replica to be removed.
deleteReplicaAction_regionName :: Lens' DeleteReplicaAction Text Source #
The Region of the replica to be removed.
data DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction Source #
Represents a replica to be deleted.
See: newDeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction
smart constructor.
DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction' | |
newDeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction Source #
:: Text | |
-> DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction |
Create a value of DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteReplicationGroupMemberAction_regionName
- The Region where the replica exists.
deleteReplicationGroupMemberAction_regionName :: Lens' DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction Text Source #
The Region where the replica exists.
data DeleteRequest Source #
Represents a request to perform a DeleteItem
operation on an item.
See: newDeleteRequest
smart constructor.
DeleteRequest' | |
newDeleteRequest :: DeleteRequest Source #
Create a value of DeleteRequest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteRequest_key
- A map of attribute name to attribute values, representing the primary
key of the item to delete. All of the table's primary key attributes
must be specified, and their data types must match those of the table's
key schema.
deleteRequest_key :: Lens' DeleteRequest (HashMap Text AttributeValue) Source #
A map of attribute name to attribute values, representing the primary key of the item to delete. All of the table's primary key attributes must be specified, and their data types must match those of the table's key schema.
An endpoint information details.
See: newEndpoint
smart constructor.
Endpoint' | |
Eq Endpoint Source # | |
Read Endpoint Source # | |
Show Endpoint Source # | |
Generic Endpoint Source # | |
NFData Endpoint Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Endpoint | |
Hashable Endpoint Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Endpoint | |
FromJSON Endpoint Source # | |
type Rep Endpoint Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Endpoint type Rep Endpoint = D1 ('MetaData "Endpoint" "Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Endpoint" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-dynamodbZSamazonka-dynamodb" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Endpoint'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "address") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "cachePeriodInMinutes") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Integer))) |
Create a value of Endpoint
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, endpoint_address
- IP address of the endpoint.
, endpoint_cachePeriodInMinutes
- Endpoint cache time to live (TTL) value.
endpoint_cachePeriodInMinutes :: Lens' Endpoint Integer Source #
Endpoint cache time to live (TTL) value.
data ExpectedAttributeValue Source #
Represents a condition to be compared with an attribute value. This
condition can be used with DeleteItem
, PutItem
, or UpdateItem
operations; if the comparison evaluates to true, the operation succeeds;
if not, the operation fails. You can use ExpectedAttributeValue
in one
of two different ways:
- Use
to specify one or more values to compare against an attribute. UseComparisonOperator
to specify how you want to perform the comparison. If the comparison evaluates to true, then the conditional operation succeeds. - Use
to specify a value that DynamoDB will compare against an attribute. If the values match, thenExpectedAttributeValue
evaluates to true and the conditional operation succeeds. Optionally, you can also setExists
to false, indicating that you do not expect to find the attribute value in the table. In this case, the conditional operation succeeds only if the comparison evaluates to false.
and Exists
are incompatible with AttributeValueList
. Note that if you use both sets of parameters at
once, DynamoDB will return a ValidationException
See: newExpectedAttributeValue
smart constructor.
ExpectedAttributeValue' | |
newExpectedAttributeValue :: ExpectedAttributeValue Source #
Create a value of ExpectedAttributeValue
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, expectedAttributeValue_attributeValueList
- One or more values to evaluate against the supplied attribute. The
number of values in the list depends on the ComparisonOperator
For type Number, value comparisons are numeric.
String value comparisons for greater than, equals, or less than are
based on ASCII character code values. For example, a
is greater than
, and a
is greater than B
. For a list of code values, see
For Binary, DynamoDB treats each byte of the binary data as unsigned when it compares binary values.
For information on specifying data types in JSON, see JSON Data Format in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, expectedAttributeValue_exists
- Causes DynamoDB to evaluate the value before attempting a conditional
- If
, DynamoDB will check to see if that attribute value already exists in the table. If it is found, then the operation succeeds. If it is not found, the operation fails with aConditionCheckFailedException
. - If
, DynamoDB assumes that the attribute value does not exist in the table. If in fact the value does not exist, then the assumption is valid and the operation succeeds. If the value is found, despite the assumption that it does not exist, the operation fails with aConditionCheckFailedException
The default setting for Exists
is true
. If you supply a Value
by itself, DynamoDB assumes the attribute exists: You don't have to set
to true
, because it is implied.
DynamoDB returns a ValidationException
but there is noValue
to check. (You expect a value to exist, but don't specify what that value is.)Exists
but you also provide aValue
. (You cannot expect an attribute to have a value, while also expecting it not to exist.)
, expectedAttributeValue_value
- Represents the data for the expected attribute.
Each attribute value is described as a name-value pair. The name is the data type, and the value is the data itself.
For more information, see Data Types in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, expectedAttributeValue_comparisonOperator
- A comparator for evaluating attributes in the AttributeValueList
. For
example, equals, greater than, less than, etc.
The following comparison operators are available:
The following are descriptions of each comparison operator.
: Equal.EQ
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, Binary, String Set, Number Set, or Binary Set. If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not equal{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Not equal.NE
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
of type String, Number, Binary, String Set, Number Set, or Binary Set. If an item contains anAttributeValue
of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not equal{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Less than or equal.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Less than.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Greater than or equal.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Greater than.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: The attribute exists.NOT_NULL
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.This operator tests for the existence of an attribute, not its data type. If the data type of attribute "
" is null, and you evaluate it usingNOT_NULL
, the result is a Booleantrue
. This result is because the attribute "a
" exists; its data type is not relevant to theNOT_NULL
comparison operator.NULL
: The attribute does not exist.NULL
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.This operator tests for the nonexistence of an attribute, not its data type. If the data type of attribute "
" is null, and you evaluate it usingNULL
, the result is a Booleanfalse
. This is because the attribute "a
" exists; its data type is not relevant to theNULL
comparison operator.CONTAINS
: Checks for a subsequence, or value in a set.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If the target attribute of the comparison is of type String, then the operator checks for a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is of type Binary, then the operator looks for a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS
", "NS
", or "BS
"), then the operator evaluates to true if it finds an exact match with any member of the set.CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "
", "a
" can be a list; however, "b
" cannot be a set, a map, or a list.NOT_CONTAINS
: Checks for absence of a subsequence, or absence of a value in a set.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If the target attribute of the comparison is a String, then the operator checks for the absence of a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is Binary, then the operator checks for the absence of a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS
", "NS
", or "BS
"), then the operator evaluates to true if it does not find an exact match with any member of the set.NOT_CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "
", "a
" can be a list; however, "b
" cannot be a set, a map, or a list.BEGINS_WITH
: Checks for a prefix.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set type). The target attribute of the comparison must be of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set type).IN
: Checks for matching elements in a list.AttributeValueList
can contain one or moreAttributeValue
elements of type String, Number, or Binary. These attributes are compared against an existing attribute of an item. If any elements of the input are equal to the item attribute, the expression evaluates to true.BETWEEN
: Greater than or equal to the first value, and less than or equal to the second value.AttributeValueList
must contain twoAttributeValue
elements of the same type, either String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). A target attribute matches if the target value is greater than, or equal to, the first element and less than, or equal to, the second element. If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not compare to{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
expectedAttributeValue_attributeValueList :: Lens' ExpectedAttributeValue (Maybe [AttributeValue]) Source #
One or more values to evaluate against the supplied attribute. The
number of values in the list depends on the ComparisonOperator
For type Number, value comparisons are numeric.
String value comparisons for greater than, equals, or less than are
based on ASCII character code values. For example, a
is greater than
, and a
is greater than B
. For a list of code values, see
For Binary, DynamoDB treats each byte of the binary data as unsigned when it compares binary values.
For information on specifying data types in JSON, see JSON Data Format in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
expectedAttributeValue_exists :: Lens' ExpectedAttributeValue (Maybe Bool) Source #
Causes DynamoDB to evaluate the value before attempting a conditional operation:
- If
, DynamoDB will check to see if that attribute value already exists in the table. If it is found, then the operation succeeds. If it is not found, the operation fails with aConditionCheckFailedException
. - If
, DynamoDB assumes that the attribute value does not exist in the table. If in fact the value does not exist, then the assumption is valid and the operation succeeds. If the value is found, despite the assumption that it does not exist, the operation fails with aConditionCheckFailedException
The default setting for Exists
is true
. If you supply a Value
by itself, DynamoDB assumes the attribute exists: You don't have to set
to true
, because it is implied.
DynamoDB returns a ValidationException
but there is noValue
to check. (You expect a value to exist, but don't specify what that value is.)Exists
but you also provide aValue
. (You cannot expect an attribute to have a value, while also expecting it not to exist.)
expectedAttributeValue_value :: Lens' ExpectedAttributeValue (Maybe AttributeValue) Source #
Represents the data for the expected attribute.
Each attribute value is described as a name-value pair. The name is the data type, and the value is the data itself.
For more information, see Data Types in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
expectedAttributeValue_comparisonOperator :: Lens' ExpectedAttributeValue (Maybe ComparisonOperator) Source #
A comparator for evaluating attributes in the AttributeValueList
. For
example, equals, greater than, less than, etc.
The following comparison operators are available:
The following are descriptions of each comparison operator.
: Equal.EQ
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, Binary, String Set, Number Set, or Binary Set. If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not equal{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Not equal.NE
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
of type String, Number, Binary, String Set, Number Set, or Binary Set. If an item contains anAttributeValue
of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not equal{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Less than or equal.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Less than.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Greater than or equal.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: Greater than.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not equal{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
: The attribute exists.NOT_NULL
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.This operator tests for the existence of an attribute, not its data type. If the data type of attribute "
" is null, and you evaluate it usingNOT_NULL
, the result is a Booleantrue
. This result is because the attribute "a
" exists; its data type is not relevant to theNOT_NULL
comparison operator.NULL
: The attribute does not exist.NULL
is supported for all data types, including lists and maps.This operator tests for the nonexistence of an attribute, not its data type. If the data type of attribute "
" is null, and you evaluate it usingNULL
, the result is a Booleanfalse
. This is because the attribute "a
" exists; its data type is not relevant to theNULL
comparison operator.CONTAINS
: Checks for a subsequence, or value in a set.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If the target attribute of the comparison is of type String, then the operator checks for a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is of type Binary, then the operator looks for a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS
", "NS
", or "BS
"), then the operator evaluates to true if it finds an exact match with any member of the set.CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "
", "a
" can be a list; however, "b
" cannot be a set, a map, or a list.NOT_CONTAINS
: Checks for absence of a subsequence, or absence of a value in a set.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
element of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If the target attribute of the comparison is a String, then the operator checks for the absence of a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is Binary, then the operator checks for the absence of a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS
", "NS
", or "BS
"), then the operator evaluates to true if it does not find an exact match with any member of the set.NOT_CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "
", "a
" can be a list; however, "b
" cannot be a set, a map, or a list.BEGINS_WITH
: Checks for a prefix.AttributeValueList
can contain only oneAttributeValue
of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set type). The target attribute of the comparison must be of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set type).IN
: Checks for matching elements in a list.AttributeValueList
can contain one or moreAttributeValue
elements of type String, Number, or Binary. These attributes are compared against an existing attribute of an item. If any elements of the input are equal to the item attribute, the expression evaluates to true.BETWEEN
: Greater than or equal to the first value, and less than or equal to the second value.AttributeValueList
must contain twoAttributeValue
elements of the same type, either String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). A target attribute matches if the target value is greater than, or equal to, the first element and less than, or equal to, the second element. If an item contains anAttributeValue
element of a different type than the one provided in the request, the value does not match. For example,{"S":"6"}
does not compare to{"N":"6"}
. Also,{"N":"6"}
does not compare to{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}
data ExportDescription Source #
Represents the properties of the exported table.
See: newExportDescription
smart constructor.
ExportDescription' | |
newExportDescription :: ExportDescription Source #
Create a value of ExportDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, exportDescription_s3BucketOwner
- The ID of the AWS account that owns the bucket containing the export.
, exportDescription_exportFormat
- The format of the exported data. Valid values for ExportFormat
or ION
, exportDescription_s3SseKmsKeyId
- The ID of the AWS KMS managed key used to encrypt the S3 bucket where
export data is stored (if applicable).
, exportDescription_clientToken
- The client token that was provided for the export task. A client token
makes calls to ExportTableToPointInTimeInput
idempotent, meaning that
multiple identical calls have the same effect as one single call.
, exportDescription_startTime
- The time at which the export task began.
, exportDescription_failureCode
- Status code for the result of the failed export.
, exportDescription_exportStatus
- Export can be in one of the following states: IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, or
, exportDescription_failureMessage
- Export failure reason description.
, exportDescription_tableArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the table that was exported.
, exportDescription_billedSizeBytes
- The billable size of the table export.
, exportDescription_exportArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the table export.
, exportDescription_exportTime
- Point in time from which table data was exported.
, exportDescription_s3SseAlgorithm
- Type of encryption used on the bucket where export data is stored. Valid
values for S3SseAlgorithm
- server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keysKMS
- server-side encryption with AWS KMS managed keys
, exportDescription_endTime
- The time at which the export task completed.
, exportDescription_s3Prefix
- The Amazon S3 bucket prefix used as the file name and path of the
exported snapshot.
, exportDescription_exportManifest
- The name of the manifest file for the export task.
, exportDescription_tableId
- Unique ID of the table that was exported.
, exportDescription_itemCount
- The number of items exported.
, exportDescription_s3Bucket
- The name of the Amazon S3 bucket containing the export.
exportDescription_s3BucketOwner :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the AWS account that owns the bucket containing the export.
exportDescription_exportFormat :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe ExportFormat) Source #
The format of the exported data. Valid values for ExportFormat
or ION
exportDescription_s3SseKmsKeyId :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the AWS KMS managed key used to encrypt the S3 bucket where export data is stored (if applicable).
exportDescription_clientToken :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The client token that was provided for the export task. A client token
makes calls to ExportTableToPointInTimeInput
idempotent, meaning that
multiple identical calls have the same effect as one single call.
exportDescription_startTime :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the export task began.
exportDescription_failureCode :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Status code for the result of the failed export.
exportDescription_exportStatus :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe ExportStatus) Source #
Export can be in one of the following states: IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, or FAILED.
exportDescription_failureMessage :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Export failure reason description.
exportDescription_tableArn :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the table that was exported.
exportDescription_billedSizeBytes :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The billable size of the table export.
exportDescription_exportArn :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the table export.
exportDescription_exportTime :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Point in time from which table data was exported.
exportDescription_s3SseAlgorithm :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe S3SseAlgorithm) Source #
Type of encryption used on the bucket where export data is stored. Valid
values for S3SseAlgorithm
- server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keysKMS
- server-side encryption with AWS KMS managed keys
exportDescription_endTime :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the export task completed.
exportDescription_s3Prefix :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon S3 bucket prefix used as the file name and path of the exported snapshot.
exportDescription_exportManifest :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the manifest file for the export task.
exportDescription_tableId :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Unique ID of the table that was exported.
exportDescription_itemCount :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of items exported.
exportDescription_s3Bucket :: Lens' ExportDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon S3 bucket containing the export.
data ExportSummary Source #
Summary information about an export task.
See: newExportSummary
smart constructor.
ExportSummary' | |
newExportSummary :: ExportSummary Source #
Create a value of ExportSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, exportSummary_exportStatus
- Export can be in one of the following states: IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, or
, exportSummary_exportArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the export.
exportSummary_exportStatus :: Lens' ExportSummary (Maybe ExportStatus) Source #
Export can be in one of the following states: IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, or FAILED.
exportSummary_exportArn :: Lens' ExportSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the export.
data FailureException Source #
Represents a failure a contributor insights operation.
See: newFailureException
smart constructor.
FailureException' | |
newFailureException :: FailureException Source #
Create a value of FailureException
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, failureException_exceptionName
- Exception name.
, failureException_exceptionDescription
- Description of the failure.
failureException_exceptionName :: Lens' FailureException (Maybe Text) Source #
Exception name.
failureException_exceptionDescription :: Lens' FailureException (Maybe Text) Source #
Description of the failure.
Specifies an item and related attribute values to retrieve in a
See: newGet
smart constructor.
Get' | |
Eq Get Source # | |
Read Get Source # | |
Show Get Source # | |
Generic Get Source # | |
NFData Get Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Get | |
Hashable Get Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Get | |
ToJSON Get Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Get | |
type Rep Get Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Get type Rep Get = D1 ('MetaData "Get" "Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Get" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-dynamodbZSamazonka-dynamodb" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Get'" 'PrefixI 'True) ((S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "projectionExpression") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "expressionAttributeNames") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)))) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "key") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (HashMap Text AttributeValue)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "tableName") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text)))) |
Create a value of Get
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, get_projectionExpression
- A string that identifies one or more attributes of the specified item to
retrieve from the table. The attributes in the expression must be
separated by commas. If no attribute names are specified, then all
attributes of the specified item are returned. If any of the requested
attributes are not found, they do not appear in the result.
, get_expressionAttributeNames
- One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in the
ProjectionExpression parameter.
, get_key
- A map of attribute names to AttributeValue
objects that specifies the
primary key of the item to retrieve.
, get_tableName
- The name of the table from which to retrieve the specified item.
get_projectionExpression :: Lens' Get (Maybe Text) Source #
A string that identifies one or more attributes of the specified item to retrieve from the table. The attributes in the expression must be separated by commas. If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes of the specified item are returned. If any of the requested attributes are not found, they do not appear in the result.
get_expressionAttributeNames :: Lens' Get (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in the ProjectionExpression parameter.
get_key :: Lens' Get (HashMap Text AttributeValue) Source #
A map of attribute names to AttributeValue
objects that specifies the
primary key of the item to retrieve.
get_tableName :: Lens' Get Text Source #
The name of the table from which to retrieve the specified item.
data GlobalSecondaryIndex Source #
Represents the properties of a global secondary index.
See: newGlobalSecondaryIndex
smart constructor.
GlobalSecondaryIndex' | |
newGlobalSecondaryIndex Source #
:: Text | |
-> NonEmpty KeySchemaElement | |
-> Projection | |
-> GlobalSecondaryIndex |
Create a value of GlobalSecondaryIndex
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, globalSecondaryIndex_provisionedThroughput
- Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global
secondary index.
For current minimum and maximum provisioned throughput values, see Service, Account, and Table Quotas in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, globalSecondaryIndex_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index. The name must be unique among
all other indexes on this table.
, globalSecondaryIndex_keySchema
- The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of
one or more pairs of attribute names and key types:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
, globalSecondaryIndex_projection
- Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into
the global secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key
attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
globalSecondaryIndex_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe ProvisionedThroughput) Source #
Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global secondary index.
For current minimum and maximum provisioned throughput values, see Service, Account, and Table Quotas in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
globalSecondaryIndex_indexName :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndex Text Source #
The name of the global secondary index. The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
globalSecondaryIndex_keySchema :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndex (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement) Source #
The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of one or more pairs of attribute names and key types:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
globalSecondaryIndex_projection :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndex Projection Source #
Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the global secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
data GlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate Source #
Represents the auto scaling settings of a global secondary index for a global table that will be modified.
See: newGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate
smart constructor.
GlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate' | |
newGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate :: GlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate Source #
Create a value of GlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, globalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate_provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingUpdate
- Undocumented member.
, globalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index.
globalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate_provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingUpdate :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsUpdate) Source #
Undocumented member.
globalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate_indexName :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the global secondary index.
data GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription Source #
Represents the properties of a global secondary index.
See: newGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
smart constructor.
GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription' | |
newGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription :: GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription Source #
Create a value of GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, globalSecondaryIndexDescription_backfilling
- Indicates whether the index is currently backfilling. Backfilling is
the process of reading items from the table and determining whether they
can be added to the index. (Not all items will qualify: For example, a
partition key cannot have any duplicate values.) If an item can be added
to the index, DynamoDB will do so. After all items have been processed,
the backfilling operation is complete and Backfilling
is false.
You can delete an index that is being created during the Backfilling
phase when IndexStatus
is set to CREATING and Backfilling
is true.
You can't delete the index that is being created when IndexStatus
set to CREATING and Backfilling
is false.
For indexes that were created during a CreateTable
operation, the
attribute does not appear in the DescribeTable
, globalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexSizeBytes
- The total size of the specified index, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this
value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be
reflected in this value.
, globalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexStatus
- The current state of the global secondary index:
- The index is being created.UPDATING
- The index is being updated.DELETING
- The index is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The index is ready for use.
, globalSecondaryIndexDescription_provisionedThroughput
- Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global
secondary index.
For current minimum and maximum provisioned throughput values, see Service, Account, and Table Quotas in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, globalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the index.
, globalSecondaryIndexDescription_keySchema
- The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of
one or more pairs of attribute names and key types:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
, globalSecondaryIndexDescription_projection
- Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into
the global secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key
attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
, globalSecondaryIndexDescription_itemCount
- The number of items in the specified index. DynamoDB updates this value
approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in
this value.
, globalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index.
globalSecondaryIndexDescription_backfilling :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the index is currently backfilling. Backfilling is
the process of reading items from the table and determining whether they
can be added to the index. (Not all items will qualify: For example, a
partition key cannot have any duplicate values.) If an item can be added
to the index, DynamoDB will do so. After all items have been processed,
the backfilling operation is complete and Backfilling
is false.
You can delete an index that is being created during the Backfilling
phase when IndexStatus
is set to CREATING and Backfilling
is true.
You can't delete the index that is being created when IndexStatus
set to CREATING and Backfilling
is false.
For indexes that were created during a CreateTable
operation, the
attribute does not appear in the DescribeTable
globalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexSizeBytes :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total size of the specified index, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.
globalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexStatus :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe IndexStatus) Source #
The current state of the global secondary index:
- The index is being created.UPDATING
- The index is being updated.DELETING
- The index is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The index is ready for use.
globalSecondaryIndexDescription_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputDescription) Source #
Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global secondary index.
For current minimum and maximum provisioned throughput values, see Service, Account, and Table Quotas in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
globalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexArn :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the index.
globalSecondaryIndexDescription_keySchema :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement)) Source #
The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of one or more pairs of attribute names and key types:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
globalSecondaryIndexDescription_projection :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Projection) Source #
Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the global secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
globalSecondaryIndexDescription_itemCount :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of items in the specified index. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.
globalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexName :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the global secondary index.
data GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo Source #
Represents the properties of a global secondary index for the table when the backup was created.
See: newGlobalSecondaryIndexInfo
smart constructor.
GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo' | |
newGlobalSecondaryIndexInfo :: GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo Source #
Create a value of GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, globalSecondaryIndexInfo_provisionedThroughput
- Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global
secondary index.
, globalSecondaryIndexInfo_keySchema
- The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of
one or more pairs of attribute names and key types:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
, globalSecondaryIndexInfo_projection
- Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into
the global secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key
attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
, globalSecondaryIndexInfo_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index.
globalSecondaryIndexInfo_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe ProvisionedThroughput) Source #
Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global secondary index.
globalSecondaryIndexInfo_keySchema :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement)) Source #
The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of one or more pairs of attribute names and key types:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
globalSecondaryIndexInfo_projection :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe Projection) Source #
Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the global secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
globalSecondaryIndexInfo_indexName :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the global secondary index.
data GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate Source #
Represents one of the following:
- A new global secondary index to be added to an existing table.
- New provisioned throughput parameters for an existing global secondary index.
- An existing global secondary index to be removed from an existing table.
See: newGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate
smart constructor.
GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate' | |
newGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate :: GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate Source #
Create a value of GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, globalSecondaryIndexUpdate_create
- The parameters required for creating a global secondary index on an
existing table:
, globalSecondaryIndexUpdate_delete
- The name of an existing global secondary index to be removed.
, globalSecondaryIndexUpdate_update
- The name of an existing global secondary index, along with new
provisioned throughput settings to be applied to that index.
globalSecondaryIndexUpdate_create :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate (Maybe CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction) Source #
The parameters required for creating a global secondary index on an existing table:
globalSecondaryIndexUpdate_delete :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate (Maybe DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction) Source #
The name of an existing global secondary index to be removed.
globalSecondaryIndexUpdate_update :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate (Maybe UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction) Source #
The name of an existing global secondary index, along with new provisioned throughput settings to be applied to that index.
data GlobalTable Source #
Represents the properties of a global table.
See: newGlobalTable
smart constructor.
GlobalTable' | |
newGlobalTable :: GlobalTable Source #
Create a value of GlobalTable
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, globalTable_globalTableName
- The global table name.
, globalTable_replicationGroup
- The Regions where the global table has replicas.
globalTable_globalTableName :: Lens' GlobalTable (Maybe Text) Source #
The global table name.
globalTable_replicationGroup :: Lens' GlobalTable (Maybe [Replica]) Source #
The Regions where the global table has replicas.
data GlobalTableDescription Source #
Contains details about the global table.
See: newGlobalTableDescription
smart constructor.
GlobalTableDescription' | |
newGlobalTableDescription :: GlobalTableDescription Source #
Create a value of GlobalTableDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, globalTableDescription_globalTableStatus
- The current state of the global table:
- The global table is being created.UPDATING
- The global table is being updated.DELETING
- The global table is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The global table is ready for use.
, globalTableDescription_globalTableName
- The global table name.
, globalTableDescription_globalTableArn
- The unique identifier of the global table.
, globalTableDescription_creationDateTime
- The creation time of the global table.
, globalTableDescription_replicationGroup
- The Regions where the global table has replicas.
globalTableDescription_globalTableStatus :: Lens' GlobalTableDescription (Maybe GlobalTableStatus) Source #
The current state of the global table:
- The global table is being created.UPDATING
- The global table is being updated.DELETING
- The global table is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The global table is ready for use.
globalTableDescription_globalTableName :: Lens' GlobalTableDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The global table name.
globalTableDescription_globalTableArn :: Lens' GlobalTableDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the global table.
globalTableDescription_creationDateTime :: Lens' GlobalTableDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The creation time of the global table.
globalTableDescription_replicationGroup :: Lens' GlobalTableDescription (Maybe [ReplicaDescription]) Source #
The Regions where the global table has replicas.
data GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate Source #
Represents the settings of a global secondary index for a global table that will be modified.
See: newGlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate
smart constructor.
GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate' | |
newGlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate Source #
:: Text |
-> GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate |
Create a value of GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, globalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_provisionedWriteCapacityUnits
- The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns
a ThrottlingException.
, globalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettingsUpdate
- Auto scaling settings for managing a global secondary index's write
capacity units.
, globalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index. The name must be unique among
all other indexes on this table.
globalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_provisionedWriteCapacityUnits :: Lens' GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns
a ThrottlingException.
globalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettingsUpdate :: Lens' GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsUpdate) Source #
Auto scaling settings for managing a global secondary index's write capacity units.
globalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_indexName :: Lens' GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate Text Source #
The name of the global secondary index. The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
data ItemCollectionMetrics Source #
Information about item collections, if any, that were affected by the
operation. ItemCollectionMetrics
is only returned if the request asked
for it. If the table does not have any local secondary indexes, this
information is not returned in the response.
See: newItemCollectionMetrics
smart constructor.
ItemCollectionMetrics' | |
newItemCollectionMetrics :: ItemCollectionMetrics Source #
Create a value of ItemCollectionMetrics
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, itemCollectionMetrics_itemCollectionKey
- The partition key value of the item collection. This value is the same
as the partition key value of the item.
, itemCollectionMetrics_sizeEstimateRangeGB
- An estimate of item collection size, in gigabytes. This value is a
two-element array containing a lower bound and an upper bound for the
estimate. The estimate includes the size of all the items in the table,
plus the size of all attributes projected into all of the local
secondary indexes on that table. Use this estimate to measure whether a
local secondary index is approaching its size limit.
The estimate is subject to change over time; therefore, do not rely on the precision or accuracy of the estimate.
itemCollectionMetrics_itemCollectionKey :: Lens' ItemCollectionMetrics (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue)) Source #
The partition key value of the item collection. This value is the same as the partition key value of the item.
itemCollectionMetrics_sizeEstimateRangeGB :: Lens' ItemCollectionMetrics (Maybe [Double]) Source #
An estimate of item collection size, in gigabytes. This value is a two-element array containing a lower bound and an upper bound for the estimate. The estimate includes the size of all the items in the table, plus the size of all attributes projected into all of the local secondary indexes on that table. Use this estimate to measure whether a local secondary index is approaching its size limit.
The estimate is subject to change over time; therefore, do not rely on the precision or accuracy of the estimate.
data ItemResponse Source #
Details for the requested item.
See: newItemResponse
smart constructor.
ItemResponse' | |
newItemResponse :: ItemResponse Source #
Create a value of ItemResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, itemResponse_item
- Map of attribute data consisting of the data type and attribute value.
itemResponse_item :: Lens' ItemResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue)) Source #
Map of attribute data consisting of the data type and attribute value.
data KeySchemaElement Source #
Represents a single element of a key schema. A key schema specifies the attributes that make up the primary key of a table, or the key attributes of an index.
A KeySchemaElement
represents exactly one attribute of the primary
key. For example, a simple primary key would be represented by one
(for the partition key). A composite primary key
would require one KeySchemaElement
for the partition key, and another
for the sort key.
A KeySchemaElement
must be a scalar, top-level attribute (not a nested
attribute). The data type must be one of String, Number, or Binary. The
attribute cannot be nested within a List or a Map.
See: newKeySchemaElement
smart constructor.
KeySchemaElement' | |
:: Text | |
-> KeyType | |
-> KeySchemaElement |
Create a value of KeySchemaElement
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, keySchemaElement_attributeName
- The name of a key attribute.
, keySchemaElement_keyType
- The role that this key attribute will assume:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
keySchemaElement_attributeName :: Lens' KeySchemaElement Text Source #
The name of a key attribute.
keySchemaElement_keyType :: Lens' KeySchemaElement KeyType Source #
The role that this key attribute will assume:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
data KeysAndAttributes Source #
Represents a set of primary keys and, for each key, the attributes to retrieve from the table.
For each primary key, you must provide all of the key attributes. For example, with a simple primary key, you only need to provide the partition key. For a composite primary key, you must provide both the partition key and the sort key.
See: newKeysAndAttributes
smart constructor.
KeysAndAttributes' | |
:: NonEmpty (HashMap Text AttributeValue) | |
-> KeysAndAttributes |
Create a value of KeysAndAttributes
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, keysAndAttributes_projectionExpression
- A string that identifies one or more attributes to retrieve from the
table. These attributes can include scalars, sets, or elements of a JSON
document. The attributes in the ProjectionExpression
must be separated
by commas.
If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes will be returned. If any of the requested attributes are not found, they will not appear in the result.
For more information, see Accessing Item Attributes in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, keysAndAttributes_attributesToGet
- This is a legacy parameter. Use ProjectionExpression
instead. For more
information, see
Legacy Conditional Parameters
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, keysAndAttributes_expressionAttributeNames
- One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression.
The following are some use cases for using ExpressionAttributeNames
- To access an attribute whose name conflicts with a DynamoDB reserved word.
- To create a placeholder for repeating occurrences of an attribute name in an expression.
- To prevent special characters in an attribute name from being misinterpreted in an expression.
Use the # character in an expression to dereference an attribute name. For example, consider the following attribute name:
The name of this attribute conflicts with a reserved word, so it cannot
be used directly in an expression. (For the complete list of reserved
words, see
Reserved Words
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide). To work around this, you
could specify the following for ExpressionAttributeNames
You could then use this substitution in an expression, as in this example:
#P = :val
Tokens that begin with the : character are /expression attribute values/, which are placeholders for the actual value at runtime.
For more information on expression attribute names, see Accessing Item Attributes in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, keysAndAttributes_consistentRead
- The consistency of a read operation. If set to true
, then a strongly
consistent read is used; otherwise, an eventually consistent read is
, keysAndAttributes_keys
- The primary key attribute values that define the items and the
attributes associated with the items.
keysAndAttributes_projectionExpression :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
A string that identifies one or more attributes to retrieve from the
table. These attributes can include scalars, sets, or elements of a JSON
document. The attributes in the ProjectionExpression
must be separated
by commas.
If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes will be returned. If any of the requested attributes are not found, they will not appear in the result.
For more information, see Accessing Item Attributes in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
keysAndAttributes_attributesToGet :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
This is a legacy parameter. Use ProjectionExpression
instead. For more
information, see
Legacy Conditional Parameters
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
keysAndAttributes_expressionAttributeNames :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression.
The following are some use cases for using ExpressionAttributeNames
- To access an attribute whose name conflicts with a DynamoDB reserved word.
- To create a placeholder for repeating occurrences of an attribute name in an expression.
- To prevent special characters in an attribute name from being misinterpreted in an expression.
Use the # character in an expression to dereference an attribute name. For example, consider the following attribute name:
The name of this attribute conflicts with a reserved word, so it cannot
be used directly in an expression. (For the complete list of reserved
words, see
Reserved Words
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide). To work around this, you
could specify the following for ExpressionAttributeNames
You could then use this substitution in an expression, as in this example:
#P = :val
Tokens that begin with the : character are /expression attribute values/, which are placeholders for the actual value at runtime.
For more information on expression attribute names, see Accessing Item Attributes in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
keysAndAttributes_consistentRead :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (Maybe Bool) Source #
The consistency of a read operation. If set to true
, then a strongly
consistent read is used; otherwise, an eventually consistent read is
keysAndAttributes_keys :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (NonEmpty (HashMap Text AttributeValue)) Source #
The primary key attribute values that define the items and the attributes associated with the items.
data KinesisDataStreamDestination Source #
Describes a Kinesis data stream destination.
See: newKinesisDataStreamDestination
smart constructor.
KinesisDataStreamDestination' | |
newKinesisDataStreamDestination :: KinesisDataStreamDestination Source #
Create a value of KinesisDataStreamDestination
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, kinesisDataStreamDestination_destinationStatus
- The current status of replication.
, kinesisDataStreamDestination_streamArn
- The ARN for a specific Kinesis data stream.
, kinesisDataStreamDestination_destinationStatusDescription
- The human-readable string that corresponds to the replica status.
kinesisDataStreamDestination_destinationStatus :: Lens' KinesisDataStreamDestination (Maybe DestinationStatus) Source #
The current status of replication.
kinesisDataStreamDestination_streamArn :: Lens' KinesisDataStreamDestination (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN for a specific Kinesis data stream.
kinesisDataStreamDestination_destinationStatusDescription :: Lens' KinesisDataStreamDestination (Maybe Text) Source #
The human-readable string that corresponds to the replica status.
data KinesisStreamingDestinationInput Source #
See: newKinesisStreamingDestinationInput
smart constructor.
KinesisStreamingDestinationInput' | |
newKinesisStreamingDestinationInput Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> KinesisStreamingDestinationInput |
Create a value of KinesisStreamingDestinationInput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, kinesisStreamingDestinationInput_tableName
- The name of the DynamoDB table.
, kinesisStreamingDestinationInput_streamArn
- The ARN for a Kinesis data stream.
kinesisStreamingDestinationInput_tableName :: Lens' KinesisStreamingDestinationInput Text Source #
The name of the DynamoDB table.
kinesisStreamingDestinationInput_streamArn :: Lens' KinesisStreamingDestinationInput Text Source #
The ARN for a Kinesis data stream.
data KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput Source #
See: newKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput
smart constructor.
KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput' | |
newKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput :: KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput Source #
Create a value of KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, kinesisStreamingDestinationOutput_destinationStatus
- The current status of the replication.
, kinesisStreamingDestinationOutput_streamArn
- The ARN for the specific Kinesis data stream.
, kinesisStreamingDestinationOutput_tableName
- The name of the table being modified.
kinesisStreamingDestinationOutput_destinationStatus :: Lens' KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput (Maybe DestinationStatus) Source #
The current status of the replication.
kinesisStreamingDestinationOutput_streamArn :: Lens' KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN for the specific Kinesis data stream.
kinesisStreamingDestinationOutput_tableName :: Lens' KinesisStreamingDestinationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the table being modified.
data LocalSecondaryIndex Source #
Represents the properties of a local secondary index.
See: newLocalSecondaryIndex
smart constructor.
LocalSecondaryIndex' | |
newLocalSecondaryIndex Source #
:: Text | |
-> NonEmpty KeySchemaElement | |
-> Projection | |
-> LocalSecondaryIndex |
Create a value of LocalSecondaryIndex
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, localSecondaryIndex_indexName
- The name of the local secondary index. The name must be unique among all
other indexes on this table.
, localSecondaryIndex_keySchema
- The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one
or more pairs of attribute names and key types:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
, localSecondaryIndex_projection
- Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into
the local secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key
attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
localSecondaryIndex_indexName :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndex Text Source #
The name of the local secondary index. The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
localSecondaryIndex_keySchema :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndex (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement) Source #
The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one or more pairs of attribute names and key types:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
localSecondaryIndex_projection :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndex Projection Source #
Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the local secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
data LocalSecondaryIndexDescription Source #
Represents the properties of a local secondary index.
See: newLocalSecondaryIndexDescription
smart constructor.
LocalSecondaryIndexDescription' | |
newLocalSecondaryIndexDescription :: LocalSecondaryIndexDescription Source #
Create a value of LocalSecondaryIndexDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, localSecondaryIndexDescription_indexSizeBytes
- The total size of the specified index, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this
value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be
reflected in this value.
, localSecondaryIndexDescription_indexArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the index.
, localSecondaryIndexDescription_keySchema
- The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one
or more pairs of attribute names and key types:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
, localSecondaryIndexDescription_projection
- Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into
the global secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key
attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
, localSecondaryIndexDescription_itemCount
- The number of items in the specified index. DynamoDB updates this value
approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in
this value.
, localSecondaryIndexDescription_indexName
- Represents the name of the local secondary index.
localSecondaryIndexDescription_indexSizeBytes :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total size of the specified index, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.
localSecondaryIndexDescription_indexArn :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the index.
localSecondaryIndexDescription_keySchema :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement)) Source #
The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one or more pairs of attribute names and key types:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
localSecondaryIndexDescription_projection :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Projection) Source #
Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the global secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
localSecondaryIndexDescription_itemCount :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of items in the specified index. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.
localSecondaryIndexDescription_indexName :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Represents the name of the local secondary index.
data LocalSecondaryIndexInfo Source #
Represents the properties of a local secondary index for the table when the backup was created.
See: newLocalSecondaryIndexInfo
smart constructor.
LocalSecondaryIndexInfo' | |
newLocalSecondaryIndexInfo :: LocalSecondaryIndexInfo Source #
Create a value of LocalSecondaryIndexInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, localSecondaryIndexInfo_keySchema
- The complete key schema for a local secondary index, which consists of
one or more pairs of attribute names and key types:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
, localSecondaryIndexInfo_projection
- Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into
the global secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key
attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
, localSecondaryIndexInfo_indexName
- Represents the name of the local secondary index.
localSecondaryIndexInfo_keySchema :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement)) Source #
The complete key schema for a local secondary index, which consists of one or more pairs of attribute names and key types:
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
localSecondaryIndexInfo_projection :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe Projection) Source #
Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the global secondary index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
localSecondaryIndexInfo_indexName :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Represents the name of the local secondary index.
data ParameterizedStatement Source #
Represents a PartiQL statment that uses parameters.
See: newParameterizedStatement
smart constructor.
ParameterizedStatement' | |
newParameterizedStatement Source #
Create a value of ParameterizedStatement
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, parameterizedStatement_parameters
- The parameter values.
, parameterizedStatement_statement
- A PartiQL statment that uses parameters.
parameterizedStatement_parameters :: Lens' ParameterizedStatement (Maybe (NonEmpty AttributeValue)) Source #
The parameter values.
parameterizedStatement_statement :: Lens' ParameterizedStatement Text Source #
A PartiQL statment that uses parameters.
data PointInTimeRecoveryDescription Source #
The description of the point in time settings applied to the table.
See: newPointInTimeRecoveryDescription
smart constructor.
PointInTimeRecoveryDescription' | |
newPointInTimeRecoveryDescription :: PointInTimeRecoveryDescription Source #
Create a value of PointInTimeRecoveryDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, pointInTimeRecoveryDescription_pointInTimeRecoveryStatus
- The current state of point in time recovery:
- Point in time recovery is being enabled.ENABLED
- Point in time recovery is enabled.DISABLED
- Point in time recovery is disabled.
, pointInTimeRecoveryDescription_earliestRestorableDateTime
- Specifies the earliest point in time you can restore your table to. You
can restore your table to any point in time during the last 35 days.
, pointInTimeRecoveryDescription_latestRestorableDateTime
- LatestRestorableDateTime
is typically 5 minutes before the current
pointInTimeRecoveryDescription_pointInTimeRecoveryStatus :: Lens' PointInTimeRecoveryDescription (Maybe PointInTimeRecoveryStatus) Source #
The current state of point in time recovery:
- Point in time recovery is being enabled.ENABLED
- Point in time recovery is enabled.DISABLED
- Point in time recovery is disabled.
pointInTimeRecoveryDescription_earliestRestorableDateTime :: Lens' PointInTimeRecoveryDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies the earliest point in time you can restore your table to. You can restore your table to any point in time during the last 35 days.
pointInTimeRecoveryDescription_latestRestorableDateTime :: Lens' PointInTimeRecoveryDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
is typically 5 minutes before the current
data PointInTimeRecoverySpecification Source #
Represents the settings used to enable point in time recovery.
See: newPointInTimeRecoverySpecification
smart constructor.
PointInTimeRecoverySpecification' | |
newPointInTimeRecoverySpecification Source #
:: Bool |
-> PointInTimeRecoverySpecification |
Create a value of PointInTimeRecoverySpecification
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, pointInTimeRecoverySpecification_pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled
- Indicates whether point in time recovery is enabled (true) or disabled
(false) on the table.
pointInTimeRecoverySpecification_pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled :: Lens' PointInTimeRecoverySpecification Bool Source #
Indicates whether point in time recovery is enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the table.
data Projection Source #
Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into an index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
See: newProjection
smart constructor.
Projection' | |
newProjection :: Projection Source #
Create a value of Projection
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, projection_projectionType
- The set of attributes that are projected into the index:
- Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.INCLUDE
- In addition to the attributes described inKEYS_ONLY
, the secondary index will include other non-key attributes that you specify.ALL
- All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
, projection_nonKeyAttributes
- Represents the non-key attribute names which will be projected into the
For local secondary indexes, the total count of NonKeyAttributes
summed across all of the local secondary indexes, must not exceed 20. If
you project the same attribute into two different indexes, this counts
as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
projection_projectionType :: Lens' Projection (Maybe ProjectionType) Source #
The set of attributes that are projected into the index:
- Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.INCLUDE
- In addition to the attributes described inKEYS_ONLY
, the secondary index will include other non-key attributes that you specify.ALL
- All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
projection_nonKeyAttributes :: Lens' Projection (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
Represents the non-key attribute names which will be projected into the index.
For local secondary indexes, the total count of NonKeyAttributes
summed across all of the local secondary indexes, must not exceed 20. If
you project the same attribute into two different indexes, this counts
as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
data ProvisionedThroughput Source #
Represents the provisioned throughput settings for a specified table or
index. The settings can be modified using the UpdateTable
For current minimum and maximum provisioned throughput values, see Service, Account, and Table Quotas in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
See: newProvisionedThroughput
smart constructor.
ProvisionedThroughput' | |
newProvisionedThroughput Source #
:: Natural | |
-> Natural | |
-> ProvisionedThroughput |
Create a value of ProvisionedThroughput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, provisionedThroughput_readCapacityUnits
- The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
. For more information,
Specifying Read and Write Requirements
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
If read/write capacity mode is PAY_PER_REQUEST
the value is set to 0.
, provisionedThroughput_writeCapacityUnits
- The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns
a ThrottlingException
. For more information, see
Specifying Read and Write Requirements
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
If read/write capacity mode is PAY_PER_REQUEST
the value is set to 0.
provisionedThroughput_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughput Natural Source #
The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
. For more information,
Specifying Read and Write Requirements
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
If read/write capacity mode is PAY_PER_REQUEST
the value is set to 0.
provisionedThroughput_writeCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughput Natural Source #
The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns
a ThrottlingException
. For more information, see
Specifying Read and Write Requirements
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
If read/write capacity mode is PAY_PER_REQUEST
the value is set to 0.
data ProvisionedThroughputDescription Source #
Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the table, consisting of read and write capacity units, along with data about increases and decreases.
See: newProvisionedThroughputDescription
smart constructor.
ProvisionedThroughputDescription' | |
newProvisionedThroughputDescription :: ProvisionedThroughputDescription Source #
Create a value of ProvisionedThroughputDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, provisionedThroughputDescription_readCapacityUnits
- The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
. Eventually consistent
reads require less effort than strongly consistent reads, so a setting
of 50 ReadCapacityUnits
per second provides 100 eventually consistent
per second.
, provisionedThroughputDescription_lastDecreaseDateTime
- The date and time of the last provisioned throughput decrease for this
, provisionedThroughputDescription_writeCapacityUnits
- The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns
a ThrottlingException
, provisionedThroughputDescription_numberOfDecreasesToday
- The number of provisioned throughput decreases for this table during
this UTC calendar day. For current maximums on provisioned throughput
decreases, see
Service, Account, and Table Quotas
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, provisionedThroughputDescription_lastIncreaseDateTime
- The date and time of the last provisioned throughput increase for this
provisionedThroughputDescription_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
. Eventually consistent
reads require less effort than strongly consistent reads, so a setting
of 50 ReadCapacityUnits
per second provides 100 eventually consistent
per second.
provisionedThroughputDescription_lastDecreaseDateTime :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time of the last provisioned throughput decrease for this table.
provisionedThroughputDescription_writeCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns
a ThrottlingException
provisionedThroughputDescription_numberOfDecreasesToday :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of provisioned throughput decreases for this table during this UTC calendar day. For current maximums on provisioned throughput decreases, see Service, Account, and Table Quotas in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
provisionedThroughputDescription_lastIncreaseDateTime :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time of the last provisioned throughput increase for this table.
data ProvisionedThroughputOverride Source #
Replica-specific provisioned throughput settings. If not specified, uses the source table's provisioned throughput settings.
See: newProvisionedThroughputOverride
smart constructor.
ProvisionedThroughputOverride' | |
newProvisionedThroughputOverride :: ProvisionedThroughputOverride Source #
Create a value of ProvisionedThroughputOverride
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, provisionedThroughputOverride_readCapacityUnits
- Replica-specific read capacity units. If not specified, uses the source
table's read capacity settings.
provisionedThroughputOverride_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputOverride (Maybe Natural) Source #
Replica-specific read capacity units. If not specified, uses the source table's read capacity settings.
Represents a request to perform a PutItem
See: newPut
smart constructor.
Put' | |
Create a value of Put
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, put_expressionAttributeNames
- One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression.
, put_expressionAttributeValues
- One or more values that can be substituted in an expression.
, put_returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- Use ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
to get the item attributes if
the Put
condition fails. For ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
the valid values are: NONE and ALL_OLD.
, put_conditionExpression
- A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional update to
, put_item
- A map of attribute name to attribute values, representing the primary
key of the item to be written by PutItem
. All of the table's primary
key attributes must be specified, and their data types must match those
of the table's key schema. If any attributes are present in the item
that are part of an index key schema for the table, their types must
match the index key schema.
, put_tableName
- Name of the table in which to write the item.
put_expressionAttributeNames :: Lens' Put (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression.
put_expressionAttributeValues :: Lens' Put (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue)) Source #
One or more values that can be substituted in an expression.
put_returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure :: Lens' Put (Maybe ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure) Source #
Use ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
to get the item attributes if
the Put
condition fails. For ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
the valid values are: NONE and ALL_OLD.
put_conditionExpression :: Lens' Put (Maybe Text) Source #
A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional update to succeed.
put_item :: Lens' Put (HashMap Text AttributeValue) Source #
A map of attribute name to attribute values, representing the primary
key of the item to be written by PutItem
. All of the table's primary
key attributes must be specified, and their data types must match those
of the table's key schema. If any attributes are present in the item
that are part of an index key schema for the table, their types must
match the index key schema.
data PutRequest Source #
Represents a request to perform a PutItem
operation on an item.
See: newPutRequest
smart constructor.
PutRequest' | |
newPutRequest :: PutRequest Source #
Create a value of PutRequest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, putRequest_item
- A map of attribute name to attribute values, representing the primary
key of an item to be processed by PutItem
. All of the table's primary
key attributes must be specified, and their data types must match those
of the table's key schema. If any attributes are present in the item
that are part of an index key schema for the table, their types must
match the index key schema.
putRequest_item :: Lens' PutRequest (HashMap Text AttributeValue) Source #
A map of attribute name to attribute values, representing the primary
key of an item to be processed by PutItem
. All of the table's primary
key attributes must be specified, and their data types must match those
of the table's key schema. If any attributes are present in the item
that are part of an index key schema for the table, their types must
match the index key schema.
Represents the properties of a replica.
See: newReplica
smart constructor.
Replica' | |
Eq Replica Source # | |
Read Replica Source # | |
Show Replica Source # | |
Generic Replica Source # | |
NFData Replica Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Replica | |
Hashable Replica Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Replica | |
ToJSON Replica Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Replica | |
FromJSON Replica Source # | |
type Rep Replica Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Replica |
newReplica :: Replica Source #
Create a value of Replica
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replica_regionName
- The Region where the replica needs to be created.
replica_regionName :: Lens' Replica (Maybe Text) Source #
The Region where the replica needs to be created.
data ReplicaAutoScalingDescription Source #
Represents the auto scaling settings of the replica.
See: newReplicaAutoScalingDescription
smart constructor.
ReplicaAutoScalingDescription' | |
newReplicaAutoScalingDescription :: ReplicaAutoScalingDescription Source #
Create a value of ReplicaAutoScalingDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicaAutoScalingDescription_replicaStatus
- The current state of the replica:
- The replica is being created.UPDATING
- The replica is being updated.DELETING
- The replica is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The replica is ready for use.
, replicaAutoScalingDescription_regionName
- The Region where the replica exists.
, replicaAutoScalingDescription_globalSecondaryIndexes
- Replica-specific global secondary index auto scaling settings.
, replicaAutoScalingDescription_replicaProvisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings
- Undocumented member.
, replicaAutoScalingDescription_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings
- Undocumented member.
replicaAutoScalingDescription_replicaStatus :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingDescription (Maybe ReplicaStatus) Source #
The current state of the replica:
- The replica is being created.UPDATING
- The replica is being updated.DELETING
- The replica is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The replica is ready for use.
replicaAutoScalingDescription_regionName :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The Region where the replica exists.
replicaAutoScalingDescription_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingDescription (Maybe [ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription]) Source #
Replica-specific global secondary index auto scaling settings.
replicaAutoScalingDescription_replicaProvisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription) Source #
Undocumented member.
replicaAutoScalingDescription_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription) Source #
Undocumented member.
data ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate Source #
Represents the auto scaling settings of a replica that will be modified.
See: newReplicaAutoScalingUpdate
smart constructor.
ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate' | |
newReplicaAutoScalingUpdate Source #
Create a value of ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicaAutoScalingUpdate_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingUpdate
- Undocumented member.
, replicaAutoScalingUpdate_replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates
- Represents the auto scaling settings of global secondary indexes that
will be modified.
, replicaAutoScalingUpdate_regionName
- The Region where the replica exists.
replicaAutoScalingUpdate_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingUpdate :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsUpdate) Source #
Undocumented member.
replicaAutoScalingUpdate_replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate (Maybe [ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate]) Source #
Represents the auto scaling settings of global secondary indexes that will be modified.
replicaAutoScalingUpdate_regionName :: Lens' ReplicaAutoScalingUpdate Text Source #
The Region where the replica exists.
data ReplicaDescription Source #
Contains the details of the replica.
See: newReplicaDescription
smart constructor.
ReplicaDescription' | |
newReplicaDescription :: ReplicaDescription Source #
Create a value of ReplicaDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicaDescription_replicaStatus
- The current state of the replica:
- The replica is being created.UPDATING
- The replica is being updated.DELETING
- The replica is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The replica is ready for use.REGION_DISABLED
- The replica is inaccessible because the AWS Region has been disabled.If the AWS Region remains inaccessible for more than 20 hours, DynamoDB will remove this replica from the replication group. The replica will not be deleted and replication will stop from and to this region.
- The AWS KMS key used to encrypt the table is inaccessible.If the AWS KMS key remains inaccessible for more than 20 hours, DynamoDB will remove this replica from the replication group. The replica will not be deleted and replication will stop from and to this region.
, replicaDescription_regionName
- The name of the Region.
, replicaDescription_replicaStatusPercentProgress
- Specifies the progress of a Create, Update, or Delete action on the
replica as a percentage.
, replicaDescription_replicaStatusDescription
- Detailed information about the replica status.
, replicaDescription_replicaInaccessibleDateTime
- The time at which the replica was first detected as inaccessible. To
determine cause of inaccessibility check the ReplicaStatus
, replicaDescription_kmsMasterKeyId
- The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) of the replica that will be used
for AWS KMS encryption.
, replicaDescription_provisionedThroughputOverride
- Replica-specific provisioned throughput. If not described, uses the
source table's provisioned throughput settings.
, replicaDescription_globalSecondaryIndexes
- Replica-specific global secondary index settings.
replicaDescription_replicaStatus :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe ReplicaStatus) Source #
The current state of the replica:
- The replica is being created.UPDATING
- The replica is being updated.DELETING
- The replica is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The replica is ready for use.REGION_DISABLED
- The replica is inaccessible because the AWS Region has been disabled.If the AWS Region remains inaccessible for more than 20 hours, DynamoDB will remove this replica from the replication group. The replica will not be deleted and replication will stop from and to this region.
- The AWS KMS key used to encrypt the table is inaccessible.If the AWS KMS key remains inaccessible for more than 20 hours, DynamoDB will remove this replica from the replication group. The replica will not be deleted and replication will stop from and to this region.
replicaDescription_regionName :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Region.
replicaDescription_replicaStatusPercentProgress :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the progress of a Create, Update, or Delete action on the replica as a percentage.
replicaDescription_replicaStatusDescription :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Detailed information about the replica status.
replicaDescription_replicaInaccessibleDateTime :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the replica was first detected as inaccessible. To
determine cause of inaccessibility check the ReplicaStatus
replicaDescription_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) of the replica that will be used for AWS KMS encryption.
replicaDescription_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputOverride) Source #
Replica-specific provisioned throughput. If not described, uses the source table's provisioned throughput settings.
replicaDescription_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' ReplicaDescription (Maybe [ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription]) Source #
Replica-specific global secondary index settings.
data ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex Source #
Represents the properties of a replica global secondary index.
See: newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex
smart constructor.
ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex' | |
newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex Source #
Create a value of ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndex_provisionedThroughputOverride
- Replica table GSI-specific provisioned throughput. If not specified,
uses the source table GSI's read capacity settings.
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndex_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputOverride) Source #
Replica table GSI-specific provisioned throughput. If not specified, uses the source table GSI's read capacity settings.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexName :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex Text Source #
The name of the global secondary index.
data ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription Source #
Represents the auto scaling configuration for a replica global secondary index.
See: newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription
smart constructor.
ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription' | |
newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription :: ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription Source #
Create a value of ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription_indexStatus
- The current state of the replica global secondary index:
- The index is being created.UPDATING
- The index is being updated.DELETING
- The index is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The index is ready for use.
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription_provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings
- Undocumented member.
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription_provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings
- Undocumented member.
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription_indexStatus :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription (Maybe IndexStatus) Source #
The current state of the replica global secondary index:
- The index is being created.UPDATING
- The index is being updated.DELETING
- The index is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The index is ready for use.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription_provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription) Source #
Undocumented member.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription_provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription) Source #
Undocumented member.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription_indexName :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the global secondary index.
data ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate Source #
Represents the auto scaling settings of a global secondary index for a replica that will be modified.
See: newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate
smart constructor.
ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate' | |
newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate :: ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate Source #
Create a value of ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate_provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingUpdate
- Undocumented member.
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate_provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingUpdate :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsUpdate) Source #
Undocumented member.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate_indexName :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexAutoScalingUpdate (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the global secondary index.
data ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription Source #
Represents the properties of a replica global secondary index.
See: newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
smart constructor.
ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription' | |
newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription :: ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription Source #
Create a value of ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription_provisionedThroughputOverride
- If not described, uses the source table GSI's read capacity settings.
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputOverride) Source #
If not described, uses the source table GSI's read capacity settings.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription_indexName :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the global secondary index.
data ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription Source #
Represents the properties of a global secondary index.
See: newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription
smart constructor.
ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription' | |
newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription Source #
:: Text |
-> ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription |
Create a value of ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_indexStatus
- The current status of the global secondary index:
- The global secondary index is being created.UPDATING
- The global secondary index is being updated.DELETING
- The global secondary index is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The global secondary index is ready for use.
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_provisionedReadCapacityUnits
- The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_provisionedWriteCapacityUnits
- The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns
a ThrottlingException
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings
- Auto scaling settings for a global secondary index replica's write
capacity units.
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings
- Auto scaling settings for a global secondary index replica's read
capacity units.
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index. The name must be unique among
all other indexes on this table.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_indexStatus :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription (Maybe IndexStatus) Source #
The current status of the global secondary index:
- The global secondary index is being created.UPDATING
- The global secondary index is being updated.DELETING
- The global secondary index is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The global secondary index is ready for use.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_provisionedReadCapacityUnits :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_provisionedWriteCapacityUnits :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns
a ThrottlingException
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_provisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription) Source #
Auto scaling settings for a global secondary index replica's write capacity units.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription) Source #
Auto scaling settings for a global secondary index replica's read capacity units.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription_indexName :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription Text Source #
The name of the global secondary index. The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
data ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate Source #
Represents the settings of a global secondary index for a global table that will be modified.
See: newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate
smart constructor.
ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate' | |
newReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate Source #
:: Text | |
-> ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate |
Create a value of ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettingsUpdate
- Auto scaling settings for managing a global secondary index replica's
read capacity units.
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_provisionedReadCapacityUnits
- The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
, replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index. The name must be unique among
all other indexes on this table.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_provisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettingsUpdate :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsUpdate) Source #
Auto scaling settings for managing a global secondary index replica's read capacity units.
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_provisionedReadCapacityUnits :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate_indexName :: Lens' ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate Text Source #
The name of the global secondary index. The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
data ReplicaSettingsDescription Source #
Represents the properties of a replica.
See: newReplicaSettingsDescription
smart constructor.
ReplicaSettingsDescription' | |
newReplicaSettingsDescription Source #
Create a value of ReplicaSettingsDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicaSettingsDescription_replicaStatus
- The current state of the Region:
- The Region is being created.UPDATING
- The Region is being updated.DELETING
- The Region is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The Region is ready for use.
, replicaSettingsDescription_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityUnits
- The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
. For more information,
Specifying Read and Write Requirements
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, replicaSettingsDescription_replicaProvisionedWriteCapacityUnits
- The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns
a ThrottlingException
. For more information, see
Specifying Read and Write Requirements
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, replicaSettingsDescription_replicaBillingModeSummary
- The read/write capacity mode of the replica.
, replicaSettingsDescription_replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettings
- Replica global secondary index settings for the global table.
, replicaSettingsDescription_replicaProvisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings
- Auto scaling settings for a global table replica's write capacity
, replicaSettingsDescription_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings
- Auto scaling settings for a global table replica's read capacity units.
, replicaSettingsDescription_regionName
- The Region name of the replica.
replicaSettingsDescription_replicaStatus :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe ReplicaStatus) Source #
The current state of the Region:
- The Region is being created.UPDATING
- The Region is being updated.DELETING
- The Region is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The Region is ready for use.
replicaSettingsDescription_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityUnits :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
. For more information,
Specifying Read and Write Requirements
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
replicaSettingsDescription_replicaProvisionedWriteCapacityUnits :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns
a ThrottlingException
. For more information, see
Specifying Read and Write Requirements
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
replicaSettingsDescription_replicaBillingModeSummary :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe BillingModeSummary) Source #
The read/write capacity mode of the replica.
replicaSettingsDescription_replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettings :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe [ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsDescription]) Source #
Replica global secondary index settings for the global table.
replicaSettingsDescription_replicaProvisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription) Source #
Auto scaling settings for a global table replica's write capacity units.
replicaSettingsDescription_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsDescription) Source #
Auto scaling settings for a global table replica's read capacity units.
replicaSettingsDescription_regionName :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsDescription Text Source #
The Region name of the replica.
data ReplicaSettingsUpdate Source #
Represents the settings for a global table in a Region that will be modified.
See: newReplicaSettingsUpdate
smart constructor.
ReplicaSettingsUpdate' | |
newReplicaSettingsUpdate Source #
Create a value of ReplicaSettingsUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicaSettingsUpdate_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettingsUpdate
- Auto scaling settings for managing a global table replica's read
capacity units.
, replicaSettingsUpdate_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityUnits
- The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
. For more information,
Specifying Read and Write Requirements
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, replicaSettingsUpdate_replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate
- Represents the settings of a global secondary index for a global table
that will be modified.
, replicaSettingsUpdate_regionName
- The Region of the replica to be added.
replicaSettingsUpdate_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityAutoScalingSettingsUpdate :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsUpdate (Maybe AutoScalingSettingsUpdate) Source #
Auto scaling settings for managing a global table replica's read capacity units.
replicaSettingsUpdate_replicaProvisionedReadCapacityUnits :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsUpdate (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
. For more information,
Specifying Read and Write Requirements
in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
replicaSettingsUpdate_replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsUpdate (Maybe (NonEmpty ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate)) Source #
Represents the settings of a global secondary index for a global table that will be modified.
replicaSettingsUpdate_regionName :: Lens' ReplicaSettingsUpdate Text Source #
The Region of the replica to be added.
data ReplicaUpdate Source #
Represents one of the following:
- A new replica to be added to an existing global table.
- New parameters for an existing replica.
- An existing replica to be removed from an existing global table.
See: newReplicaUpdate
smart constructor.
ReplicaUpdate' | |
newReplicaUpdate :: ReplicaUpdate Source #
Create a value of ReplicaUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicaUpdate_create
- The parameters required for creating a replica on an existing global
, replicaUpdate_delete
- The name of the existing replica to be removed.
replicaUpdate_create :: Lens' ReplicaUpdate (Maybe CreateReplicaAction) Source #
The parameters required for creating a replica on an existing global table.
replicaUpdate_delete :: Lens' ReplicaUpdate (Maybe DeleteReplicaAction) Source #
The name of the existing replica to be removed.
data ReplicationGroupUpdate Source #
Represents one of the following:
- A new replica to be added to an existing regional table or global
table. This request invokes the
action in the destination Region. - New parameters for an existing replica. This request invokes the
action in the destination Region. - An existing replica to be deleted. The request invokes the
action in the destination Region, deleting the replica and all if its items in the destination Region.
See: newReplicationGroupUpdate
smart constructor.
ReplicationGroupUpdate' | |
newReplicationGroupUpdate :: ReplicationGroupUpdate Source #
Create a value of ReplicationGroupUpdate
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, replicationGroupUpdate_create
- The parameters required for creating a replica for the table.
, replicationGroupUpdate_delete
- The parameters required for deleting a replica for the table.
, replicationGroupUpdate_update
- The parameters required for updating a replica for the table.
replicationGroupUpdate_create :: Lens' ReplicationGroupUpdate (Maybe CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction) Source #
The parameters required for creating a replica for the table.
replicationGroupUpdate_delete :: Lens' ReplicationGroupUpdate (Maybe DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction) Source #
The parameters required for deleting a replica for the table.
replicationGroupUpdate_update :: Lens' ReplicationGroupUpdate (Maybe UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction) Source #
The parameters required for updating a replica for the table.
data RestoreSummary Source #
Contains details for the restore.
See: newRestoreSummary
smart constructor.
RestoreSummary' | |
:: UTCTime | |
-> Bool | |
-> RestoreSummary |
Create a value of RestoreSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, restoreSummary_sourceTableArn
- The ARN of the source table of the backup that is being restored.
, restoreSummary_sourceBackupArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the backup from which the table was
, restoreSummary_restoreDateTime
- Point in time or source backup time.
, restoreSummary_restoreInProgress
- Indicates if a restore is in progress or not.
restoreSummary_sourceTableArn :: Lens' RestoreSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the source table of the backup that is being restored.
restoreSummary_sourceBackupArn :: Lens' RestoreSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the backup from which the table was restored.
restoreSummary_restoreDateTime :: Lens' RestoreSummary UTCTime Source #
Point in time or source backup time.
restoreSummary_restoreInProgress :: Lens' RestoreSummary Bool Source #
Indicates if a restore is in progress or not.
data SSEDescription Source #
The description of the server-side encryption status on the specified table.
See: newSSEDescription
smart constructor.
SSEDescription' | |
newSSEDescription :: SSEDescription Source #
Create a value of SSEDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sSEDescription_status
- Represents the current state of server-side encryption. The only
supported values are:
- Server-side encryption is enabled.UPDATING
- Server-side encryption is being updated.
, sSEDescription_inaccessibleEncryptionDateTime
- Indicates the time, in UNIX epoch date format, when DynamoDB detected
that the table's AWS KMS key was inaccessible. This attribute will
automatically be cleared when DynamoDB detects that the table's AWS KMS
key is accessible again. DynamoDB will initiate the table archival
process when table's AWS KMS key remains inaccessible for more than
seven days from this date.
, sSEDescription_sSEType
- Server-side encryption type. The only supported value is:
- Server-side encryption that uses AWS Key Management Service. The key is stored in your account and is managed by AWS KMS (AWS KMS charges apply).
, sSEDescription_kmsMasterKeyArn
- The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) ARN used for the AWS KMS
sSEDescription_status :: Lens' SSEDescription (Maybe SSEStatus) Source #
Represents the current state of server-side encryption. The only supported values are:
- Server-side encryption is enabled.UPDATING
- Server-side encryption is being updated.
sSEDescription_inaccessibleEncryptionDateTime :: Lens' SSEDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Indicates the time, in UNIX epoch date format, when DynamoDB detected that the table's AWS KMS key was inaccessible. This attribute will automatically be cleared when DynamoDB detects that the table's AWS KMS key is accessible again. DynamoDB will initiate the table archival process when table's AWS KMS key remains inaccessible for more than seven days from this date.
sSEDescription_sSEType :: Lens' SSEDescription (Maybe SSEType) Source #
Server-side encryption type. The only supported value is:
- Server-side encryption that uses AWS Key Management Service. The key is stored in your account and is managed by AWS KMS (AWS KMS charges apply).
sSEDescription_kmsMasterKeyArn :: Lens' SSEDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) ARN used for the AWS KMS encryption.
data SSESpecification Source #
Represents the settings used to enable server-side encryption.
See: newSSESpecification
smart constructor.
SSESpecification' | |
newSSESpecification :: SSESpecification Source #
Create a value of SSESpecification
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sSESpecification_enabled
- Indicates whether server-side encryption is done using an AWS managed
CMK or an AWS owned CMK. If enabled (true), server-side encryption type
is set to KMS
and an AWS managed CMK is used (AWS KMS charges apply).
If disabled (false) or not specified, server-side encryption is set to
AWS owned CMK.
, sSESpecification_kmsMasterKeyId
- The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) that should be used for the AWS
KMS encryption. To specify a CMK, use its key ID, Amazon Resource Name
(ARN), alias name, or alias ARN. Note that you should only provide this
parameter if the key is different from the default DynamoDB customer
master key alias/aws/dynamodb.
, sSESpecification_sSEType
- Server-side encryption type. The only supported value is:
- Server-side encryption that uses AWS Key Management Service. The key is stored in your account and is managed by AWS KMS (AWS KMS charges apply).
sSESpecification_enabled :: Lens' SSESpecification (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether server-side encryption is done using an AWS managed
CMK or an AWS owned CMK. If enabled (true), server-side encryption type
is set to KMS
and an AWS managed CMK is used (AWS KMS charges apply).
If disabled (false) or not specified, server-side encryption is set to
AWS owned CMK.
sSESpecification_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' SSESpecification (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) that should be used for the AWS KMS encryption. To specify a CMK, use its key ID, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), alias name, or alias ARN. Note that you should only provide this parameter if the key is different from the default DynamoDB customer master key alias/aws/dynamodb.
sSESpecification_sSEType :: Lens' SSESpecification (Maybe SSEType) Source #
Server-side encryption type. The only supported value is:
- Server-side encryption that uses AWS Key Management Service. The key is stored in your account and is managed by AWS KMS (AWS KMS charges apply).
data SourceTableDetails Source #
Contains the details of the table when the backup was created.
See: newSourceTableDetails
smart constructor.
SourceTableDetails' | |
newSourceTableDetails Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> NonEmpty KeySchemaElement | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ProvisionedThroughput | |
-> SourceTableDetails |
Create a value of SourceTableDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sourceTableDetails_tableSizeBytes
- Size of the table in bytes. Note that this is an approximate value.
, sourceTableDetails_tableArn
- ARN of the table for which backup was created.
, sourceTableDetails_billingMode
- Controls how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you
manage capacity. This setting can be changed later.
- Sets the read/write capacity mode toPROVISIONED
. We recommend usingPROVISIONED
for predictable workloads.PAY_PER_REQUEST
- Sets the read/write capacity mode toPAY_PER_REQUEST
. We recommend usingPAY_PER_REQUEST
for unpredictable workloads.
, sourceTableDetails_itemCount
- Number of items in the table. Note that this is an approximate value.
, sourceTableDetails_tableName
- The name of the table for which the backup was created.
, sourceTableDetails_tableId
- Unique identifier for the table for which the backup was created.
, sourceTableDetails_keySchema
- Schema of the table.
, sourceTableDetails_tableCreationDateTime
- Time when the source table was created.
, sourceTableDetails_provisionedThroughput
- Read IOPs and Write IOPS on the table when the backup was created.
sourceTableDetails_tableSizeBytes :: Lens' SourceTableDetails (Maybe Integer) Source #
Size of the table in bytes. Note that this is an approximate value.
sourceTableDetails_tableArn :: Lens' SourceTableDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
ARN of the table for which backup was created.
sourceTableDetails_billingMode :: Lens' SourceTableDetails (Maybe BillingMode) Source #
Controls how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity. This setting can be changed later.
- Sets the read/write capacity mode toPROVISIONED
. We recommend usingPROVISIONED
for predictable workloads.PAY_PER_REQUEST
- Sets the read/write capacity mode toPAY_PER_REQUEST
. We recommend usingPAY_PER_REQUEST
for unpredictable workloads.
sourceTableDetails_itemCount :: Lens' SourceTableDetails (Maybe Natural) Source #
Number of items in the table. Note that this is an approximate value.
sourceTableDetails_tableName :: Lens' SourceTableDetails Text Source #
The name of the table for which the backup was created.
sourceTableDetails_tableId :: Lens' SourceTableDetails Text Source #
Unique identifier for the table for which the backup was created.
sourceTableDetails_keySchema :: Lens' SourceTableDetails (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement) Source #
Schema of the table.
sourceTableDetails_tableCreationDateTime :: Lens' SourceTableDetails UTCTime Source #
Time when the source table was created.
sourceTableDetails_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' SourceTableDetails ProvisionedThroughput Source #
Read IOPs and Write IOPS on the table when the backup was created.
data SourceTableFeatureDetails Source #
Contains the details of the features enabled on the table when the backup was created. For example, LSIs, GSIs, streams, TTL.
See: newSourceTableFeatureDetails
smart constructor.
SourceTableFeatureDetails' | |
newSourceTableFeatureDetails :: SourceTableFeatureDetails Source #
Create a value of SourceTableFeatureDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sourceTableFeatureDetails_streamDescription
- Stream settings on the table when the backup was created.
, sourceTableFeatureDetails_globalSecondaryIndexes
- Represents the GSI properties for the table when the backup was created.
It includes the IndexName, KeySchema, Projection, and
ProvisionedThroughput for the GSIs on the table at the time of backup.
, sourceTableFeatureDetails_localSecondaryIndexes
- Represents the LSI properties for the table when the backup was created.
It includes the IndexName, KeySchema and Projection for the LSIs on the
table at the time of backup.
, sourceTableFeatureDetails_sSEDescription
- The description of the server-side encryption status on the table when
the backup was created.
, sourceTableFeatureDetails_timeToLiveDescription
- Time to Live settings on the table when the backup was created.
sourceTableFeatureDetails_streamDescription :: Lens' SourceTableFeatureDetails (Maybe StreamSpecification) Source #
Stream settings on the table when the backup was created.
sourceTableFeatureDetails_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' SourceTableFeatureDetails (Maybe [GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo]) Source #
Represents the GSI properties for the table when the backup was created. It includes the IndexName, KeySchema, Projection, and ProvisionedThroughput for the GSIs on the table at the time of backup.
sourceTableFeatureDetails_localSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' SourceTableFeatureDetails (Maybe [LocalSecondaryIndexInfo]) Source #
Represents the LSI properties for the table when the backup was created. It includes the IndexName, KeySchema and Projection for the LSIs on the table at the time of backup.
sourceTableFeatureDetails_sSEDescription :: Lens' SourceTableFeatureDetails (Maybe SSEDescription) Source #
The description of the server-side encryption status on the table when the backup was created.
sourceTableFeatureDetails_timeToLiveDescription :: Lens' SourceTableFeatureDetails (Maybe TimeToLiveDescription) Source #
Time to Live settings on the table when the backup was created.
data StreamSpecification Source #
Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a table in DynamoDB.
See: newStreamSpecification
smart constructor.
StreamSpecification' | |
newStreamSpecification Source #
Create a value of StreamSpecification
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, streamSpecification_streamViewType
- When an item in the table is modified, StreamViewType
determines what
information is written to the stream for this table. Valid values for
- Only the key attributes of the modified item are written to the stream.NEW_IMAGE
- The entire item, as it appears after it was modified, is written to the stream.OLD_IMAGE
- The entire item, as it appeared before it was modified, is written to the stream.NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES
- Both the new and the old item images of the item are written to the stream.
, streamSpecification_streamEnabled
- Indicates whether DynamoDB Streams is enabled (true) or disabled (false)
on the table.
streamSpecification_streamViewType :: Lens' StreamSpecification (Maybe StreamViewType) Source #
When an item in the table is modified, StreamViewType
determines what
information is written to the stream for this table. Valid values for
- Only the key attributes of the modified item are written to the stream.NEW_IMAGE
- The entire item, as it appears after it was modified, is written to the stream.OLD_IMAGE
- The entire item, as it appeared before it was modified, is written to the stream.NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES
- Both the new and the old item images of the item are written to the stream.
streamSpecification_streamEnabled :: Lens' StreamSpecification Bool Source #
Indicates whether DynamoDB Streams is enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the table.
data TableAutoScalingDescription Source #
Represents the auto scaling configuration for a global table.
See: newTableAutoScalingDescription
smart constructor.
TableAutoScalingDescription' | |
newTableAutoScalingDescription :: TableAutoScalingDescription Source #
Create a value of TableAutoScalingDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tableAutoScalingDescription_tableStatus
- The current state of the table:
- The table is being created.UPDATING
- The table is being updated.DELETING
- The table is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The table is ready for use.
, tableAutoScalingDescription_replicas
- Represents replicas of the global table.
, tableAutoScalingDescription_tableName
- The name of the table.
tableAutoScalingDescription_tableStatus :: Lens' TableAutoScalingDescription (Maybe TableStatus) Source #
The current state of the table:
- The table is being created.UPDATING
- The table is being updated.DELETING
- The table is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The table is ready for use.
tableAutoScalingDescription_replicas :: Lens' TableAutoScalingDescription (Maybe [ReplicaAutoScalingDescription]) Source #
Represents replicas of the global table.
tableAutoScalingDescription_tableName :: Lens' TableAutoScalingDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the table.
data TableDescription Source #
Represents the properties of a table.
See: newTableDescription
smart constructor.
TableDescription' | |
newTableDescription :: TableDescription Source #
Create a value of TableDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tableDescription_restoreSummary
- Contains details for the restore.
, tableDescription_globalTableVersion
- Represents the version of
global tables
in use, if the table is replicated across AWS Regions.
, tableDescription_tableSizeBytes
- The total size of the specified table, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this
value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be
reflected in this value.
, tableDescription_attributeDefinitions
- An array of AttributeDefinition
objects. Each of these objects
describes one attribute in the table and index key schema.
Each AttributeDefinition
object in this array is composed of:
- The name of the attribute.AttributeType
- The data type for the attribute.
, tableDescription_latestStreamArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the latest
stream for this table.
, tableDescription_provisionedThroughput
- The provisioned throughput settings for the table, consisting of read
and write capacity units, along with data about increases and decreases.
, tableDescription_tableStatus
- The current state of the table:
- The table is being created.UPDATING
- The table is being updated.DELETING
- The table is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The AWS KMS key used to encrypt the table in inaccessible. Table operations may fail due to failure to use the AWS KMS key. DynamoDB will initiate the table archival process when a table's AWS KMS key remains inaccessible for more than seven days.ARCHIVING
- The table is being archived. Operations are not allowed until archival is complete.ARCHIVED
- The table has been archived. See the ArchivalReason for more information.
, tableDescription_tableArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the table.
, tableDescription_keySchema
- The primary key structure for the table. Each KeySchemaElement
consists of:
- The name of the attribute.KeyType
- The role of the attribute:HASH
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
For more information about primary keys, see Primary Key in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
, tableDescription_globalSecondaryIndexes
- The global secondary indexes, if any, on the table. Each index is scoped
to a given partition key value. Each element is composed of:
- If true, then the index is currently in the backfilling phase. Backfilling occurs only when a new global secondary index is added to the table. It is the process by which DynamoDB populates the new index with data from the table. (This attribute does not appear for indexes that were created during aCreateTable
operation.)You can delete an index that is being created during the
phase whenIndexStatus
is set to CREATING andBackfilling
is true. You can't delete the index that is being created whenIndexStatus
is set to CREATING andBackfilling
is false. (This attribute does not appear for indexes that were created during aCreateTable
- The name of the global secondary index.IndexSizeBytes
- The total size of the global secondary index, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.IndexStatus
- The current status of the global secondary index:CREATING
- The index is being created.UPDATING
- The index is being updated.DELETING
- The index is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The index is ready for use.
- The number of items in the global secondary index. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.KeySchema
- Specifies the complete index key schema. The attribute names in the key schema must be between 1 and 255 characters (inclusive). The key schema must begin with the same partition key as the table.Projection
- Specifies attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected. Each attribute specification is composed of:ProjectionType
- One of the following:KEYS_ONLY
- Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.INCLUDE
- In addition to the attributes described inKEYS_ONLY
, the secondary index will include other non-key attributes that you specify.ALL
- All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
- A list of one or more non-key attribute names that are projected into the secondary index. The total count of attributes provided inNonKeyAttributes
, summed across all of the secondary indexes, must not exceed 20. If you project the same attribute into two different indexes, this counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
- The provisioned throughput settings for the global secondary index, consisting of read and write capacity units, along with data about increases and decreases.
If the table is in the DELETING
state, no information about indexes
will be returned.
, tableDescription_latestStreamLabel
- A timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, for this stream.
Note that LatestStreamLabel
is not a unique identifier for the stream,
because it is possible that a stream from another table might have the
same timestamp. However, the combination of the following three elements
is guaranteed to be unique:
- AWS customer ID
- Table name
, tableDescription_billingModeSummary
- Contains the details for the read/write capacity mode.
, tableDescription_localSecondaryIndexes
- Represents one or more local secondary indexes on the table. Each index
is scoped to a given partition key value. Tables with one or more local
secondary indexes are subject to an item collection size limit, where
the amount of data within a given item collection cannot exceed 10 GB.
Each element is composed of:
- The name of the local secondary index.KeySchema
- Specifies the complete index key schema. The attribute names in the key schema must be between 1 and 255 characters (inclusive). The key schema must begin with the same partition key as the table.Projection
- Specifies attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected. Each attribute specification is composed of:ProjectionType
- One of the following:KEYS_ONLY
- Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.INCLUDE
- Only the specified table attributes are projected into the index. The list of projected attributes is inNonKeyAttributes
- All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
- A list of one or more non-key attribute names that are projected into the secondary index. The total count of attributes provided inNonKeyAttributes
, summed across all of the secondary indexes, must not exceed 20. If you project the same attribute into two different indexes, this counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
- Represents the total size of the index, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.ItemCount
- Represents the number of items in the index. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.
If the table is in the DELETING
state, no information about indexes
will be returned.
, tableDescription_creationDateTime
- The date and time when the table was created, in
UNIX epoch time format.
, tableDescription_sSEDescription
- The description of the server-side encryption status on the specified
, tableDescription_tableId
- Unique identifier for the table for which the backup was created.
, tableDescription_replicas
- Represents replicas of the table.
, tableDescription_itemCount
- The number of items in the specified table. DynamoDB updates this value
approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in
this value.
, tableDescription_archivalSummary
- Contains information about the table archive.
, tableDescription_tableName
- The name of the table.
, tableDescription_streamSpecification
- The current DynamoDB Streams configuration for the table.
tableDescription_restoreSummary :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe RestoreSummary) Source #
Contains details for the restore.
tableDescription_globalTableVersion :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Represents the version of global tables in use, if the table is replicated across AWS Regions.
tableDescription_tableSizeBytes :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total size of the specified table, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.
tableDescription_attributeDefinitions :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe [AttributeDefinition]) Source #
An array of AttributeDefinition
objects. Each of these objects
describes one attribute in the table and index key schema.
Each AttributeDefinition
object in this array is composed of:
- The name of the attribute.AttributeType
- The data type for the attribute.
tableDescription_latestStreamArn :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the latest stream for this table.
tableDescription_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputDescription) Source #
The provisioned throughput settings for the table, consisting of read and write capacity units, along with data about increases and decreases.
tableDescription_tableStatus :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe TableStatus) Source #
The current state of the table:
- The table is being created.UPDATING
- The table is being updated.DELETING
- The table is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The AWS KMS key used to encrypt the table in inaccessible. Table operations may fail due to failure to use the AWS KMS key. DynamoDB will initiate the table archival process when a table's AWS KMS key remains inaccessible for more than seven days.ARCHIVING
- The table is being archived. Operations are not allowed until archival is complete.ARCHIVED
- The table has been archived. See the ArchivalReason for more information.
tableDescription_tableArn :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the table.
tableDescription_keySchema :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement)) Source #
The primary key structure for the table. Each KeySchemaElement
consists of:
- The name of the attribute.KeyType
- The role of the attribute:HASH
- partition keyRANGE
- sort key
The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
For more information about primary keys, see Primary Key in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
tableDescription_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe [GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription]) Source #
The global secondary indexes, if any, on the table. Each index is scoped to a given partition key value. Each element is composed of:
- If true, then the index is currently in the backfilling phase. Backfilling occurs only when a new global secondary index is added to the table. It is the process by which DynamoDB populates the new index with data from the table. (This attribute does not appear for indexes that were created during aCreateTable
operation.)You can delete an index that is being created during the
phase whenIndexStatus
is set to CREATING andBackfilling
is true. You can't delete the index that is being created whenIndexStatus
is set to CREATING andBackfilling
is false. (This attribute does not appear for indexes that were created during aCreateTable
- The name of the global secondary index.IndexSizeBytes
- The total size of the global secondary index, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.IndexStatus
- The current status of the global secondary index:CREATING
- The index is being created.UPDATING
- The index is being updated.DELETING
- The index is being deleted.ACTIVE
- The index is ready for use.
- The number of items in the global secondary index. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.KeySchema
- Specifies the complete index key schema. The attribute names in the key schema must be between 1 and 255 characters (inclusive). The key schema must begin with the same partition key as the table.Projection
- Specifies attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected. Each attribute specification is composed of:ProjectionType
- One of the following:KEYS_ONLY
- Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.INCLUDE
- In addition to the attributes described inKEYS_ONLY
, the secondary index will include other non-key attributes that you specify.ALL
- All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
- A list of one or more non-key attribute names that are projected into the secondary index. The total count of attributes provided inNonKeyAttributes
, summed across all of the secondary indexes, must not exceed 20. If you project the same attribute into two different indexes, this counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
- The provisioned throughput settings for the global secondary index, consisting of read and write capacity units, along with data about increases and decreases.
If the table is in the DELETING
state, no information about indexes
will be returned.
tableDescription_latestStreamLabel :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
A timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, for this stream.
Note that LatestStreamLabel
is not a unique identifier for the stream,
because it is possible that a stream from another table might have the
same timestamp. However, the combination of the following three elements
is guaranteed to be unique:
- AWS customer ID
- Table name
tableDescription_billingModeSummary :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe BillingModeSummary) Source #
Contains the details for the read/write capacity mode.
tableDescription_localSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe [LocalSecondaryIndexDescription]) Source #
Represents one or more local secondary indexes on the table. Each index is scoped to a given partition key value. Tables with one or more local secondary indexes are subject to an item collection size limit, where the amount of data within a given item collection cannot exceed 10 GB. Each element is composed of:
- The name of the local secondary index.KeySchema
- Specifies the complete index key schema. The attribute names in the key schema must be between 1 and 255 characters (inclusive). The key schema must begin with the same partition key as the table.Projection
- Specifies attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected. Each attribute specification is composed of:ProjectionType
- One of the following:KEYS_ONLY
- Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.INCLUDE
- Only the specified table attributes are projected into the index. The list of projected attributes is inNonKeyAttributes
- All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
- A list of one or more non-key attribute names that are projected into the secondary index. The total count of attributes provided inNonKeyAttributes
, summed across all of the secondary indexes, must not exceed 20. If you project the same attribute into two different indexes, this counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
- Represents the total size of the index, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.ItemCount
- Represents the number of items in the index. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.
If the table is in the DELETING
state, no information about indexes
will be returned.
tableDescription_creationDateTime :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time when the table was created, in UNIX epoch time format.
tableDescription_sSEDescription :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe SSEDescription) Source #
The description of the server-side encryption status on the specified table.
tableDescription_tableId :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Unique identifier for the table for which the backup was created.
tableDescription_replicas :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe [ReplicaDescription]) Source #
Represents replicas of the table.
tableDescription_itemCount :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of items in the specified table. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value.
tableDescription_archivalSummary :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe ArchivalSummary) Source #
Contains information about the table archive.
tableDescription_tableName :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the table.
tableDescription_streamSpecification :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe StreamSpecification) Source #
The current DynamoDB Streams configuration for the table.
Describes a tag. A tag is a key-value pair. You can add up to 50 tags to a single DynamoDB table.
AWS-assigned tag names and values are automatically assigned the aws:
prefix, which the user cannot assign. AWS-assigned tag names do not
count towards the tag limit of 50. User-assigned tag names have the
prefix user:
in the Cost Allocation Report. You cannot backdate the
application of a tag.
For an overview on tagging DynamoDB resources, see Tagging for DynamoDB in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
See: newTag
smart constructor.
Tag' | |
Eq Tag Source # | |
Read Tag Source # | |
Show Tag Source # | |
Generic Tag Source # | |
NFData Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Tag | |
Hashable Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Tag | |
ToJSON Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Tag | |
FromJSON Tag Source # | |
type Rep Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Tag type Rep Tag = D1 ('MetaData "Tag" "Amazonka.DynamoDB.Types.Tag" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-dynamodbZSamazonka-dynamodb" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Tag'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "key") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "value") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text))) |
Create a value of Tag
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tag_key
- The key of the tag. Tag keys are case sensitive. Each DynamoDB table can
only have up to one tag with the same key. If you try to add an existing
tag (same key), the existing tag value will be updated to the new value.
, tag_value
- The value of the tag. Tag values are case-sensitive and can be null.
tag_key :: Lens' Tag Text Source #
The key of the tag. Tag keys are case sensitive. Each DynamoDB table can only have up to one tag with the same key. If you try to add an existing tag (same key), the existing tag value will be updated to the new value.
tag_value :: Lens' Tag Text Source #
The value of the tag. Tag values are case-sensitive and can be null.
data TimeToLiveDescription Source #
The description of the Time to Live (TTL) status on the specified table.
See: newTimeToLiveDescription
smart constructor.
TimeToLiveDescription' | |
newTimeToLiveDescription :: TimeToLiveDescription Source #
Create a value of TimeToLiveDescription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, timeToLiveDescription_timeToLiveStatus
- The TTL status for the table.
, timeToLiveDescription_attributeName
- The name of the TTL attribute for items in the table.
timeToLiveDescription_timeToLiveStatus :: Lens' TimeToLiveDescription (Maybe TimeToLiveStatus) Source #
The TTL status for the table.
timeToLiveDescription_attributeName :: Lens' TimeToLiveDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the TTL attribute for items in the table.
data TimeToLiveSpecification Source #
Represents the settings used to enable or disable Time to Live (TTL) for the specified table.
See: newTimeToLiveSpecification
smart constructor.
TimeToLiveSpecification' | |
newTimeToLiveSpecification Source #
:: Bool | |
-> Text | |
-> TimeToLiveSpecification |
Create a value of TimeToLiveSpecification
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, timeToLiveSpecification_enabled
- Indicates whether TTL is to be enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the
, timeToLiveSpecification_attributeName
- The name of the TTL attribute used to store the expiration time for
items in the table.
timeToLiveSpecification_enabled :: Lens' TimeToLiveSpecification Bool Source #
Indicates whether TTL is to be enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the table.
timeToLiveSpecification_attributeName :: Lens' TimeToLiveSpecification Text Source #
The name of the TTL attribute used to store the expiration time for items in the table.
data TransactGetItem Source #
Specifies an item to be retrieved as part of the transaction.
See: newTransactGetItem
smart constructor.
TransactGetItem' | |
:: Get | |
-> TransactGetItem |
Create a value of TransactGetItem
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, transactGetItem_get
- Contains the primary key that identifies the item to get, together with
the name of the table that contains the item, and optionally the
specific attributes of the item to retrieve.
transactGetItem_get :: Lens' TransactGetItem Get Source #
Contains the primary key that identifies the item to get, together with the name of the table that contains the item, and optionally the specific attributes of the item to retrieve.
data TransactWriteItem Source #
A list of requests that can perform update, put, delete, or check operations on multiple items in one or more tables atomically.
See: newTransactWriteItem
smart constructor.
TransactWriteItem' | |
newTransactWriteItem :: TransactWriteItem Source #
Create a value of TransactWriteItem
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, transactWriteItem_conditionCheck
- A request to perform a check item operation.
, transactWriteItem_put
- A request to perform a PutItem
, transactWriteItem_delete
- A request to perform a DeleteItem
, transactWriteItem_update
- A request to perform an UpdateItem
transactWriteItem_conditionCheck :: Lens' TransactWriteItem (Maybe ConditionCheck) Source #
A request to perform a check item operation.
transactWriteItem_put :: Lens' TransactWriteItem (Maybe Put) Source #
A request to perform a PutItem
transactWriteItem_delete :: Lens' TransactWriteItem (Maybe Delete) Source #
A request to perform a DeleteItem
transactWriteItem_update :: Lens' TransactWriteItem (Maybe Update) Source #
A request to perform an UpdateItem
Represents a request to perform an UpdateItem
See: newUpdate
smart constructor.
Update' | |
Create a value of Update
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, update_expressionAttributeNames
- One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression.
, update_expressionAttributeValues
- One or more values that can be substituted in an expression.
, update_returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- Use ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
to get the item attributes if
the Update
condition fails. For ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
, update_conditionExpression
- A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional update to
, update_key
- The primary key of the item to be updated. Each element consists of an
attribute name and a value for that attribute.
, update_updateExpression
- An expression that defines one or more attributes to be updated, the
action to be performed on them, and new value(s) for them.
, update_tableName
- Name of the table for the UpdateItem
update_expressionAttributeNames :: Lens' Update (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression.
update_expressionAttributeValues :: Lens' Update (Maybe (HashMap Text AttributeValue)) Source #
One or more values that can be substituted in an expression.
update_returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure :: Lens' Update (Maybe ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure) Source #
Use ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
to get the item attributes if
the Update
condition fails. For ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
update_conditionExpression :: Lens' Update (Maybe Text) Source #
A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional update to succeed.
update_key :: Lens' Update (HashMap Text AttributeValue) Source #
The primary key of the item to be updated. Each element consists of an attribute name and a value for that attribute.
update_updateExpression :: Lens' Update Text Source #
An expression that defines one or more attributes to be updated, the action to be performed on them, and new value(s) for them.
data UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Source #
Represents the new provisioned throughput settings to be applied to a global secondary index.
See: newUpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
smart constructor.
UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction' | |
newUpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Source #
:: Text | |
-> ProvisionedThroughput |
-> UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction |
Create a value of UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_indexName
- The name of the global secondary index to be updated.
, updateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_provisionedThroughput
- Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global
secondary index.
For current minimum and maximum provisioned throughput values, see Service, Account, and Table Quotas in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
updateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_indexName :: Lens' UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Text Source #
The name of the global secondary index to be updated.
updateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction ProvisionedThroughput Source #
Represents the provisioned throughput settings for the specified global secondary index.
For current minimum and maximum provisioned throughput values, see Service, Account, and Table Quotas in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
data UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction Source #
Represents a replica to be modified.
See: newUpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction
smart constructor.
UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction' | |
newUpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction Source #
:: Text | |
-> UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction |
Create a value of UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateReplicationGroupMemberAction_kmsMasterKeyId
- The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) of the replica that should be used
for AWS KMS encryption. To specify a CMK, use its key ID, Amazon
Resource Name (ARN), alias name, or alias ARN. Note that you should only
provide this parameter if the key is different from the default DynamoDB
KMS master key alias/aws/dynamodb.
, updateReplicationGroupMemberAction_provisionedThroughputOverride
- Replica-specific provisioned throughput. If not specified, uses the
source table's provisioned throughput settings.
, updateReplicationGroupMemberAction_globalSecondaryIndexes
- Replica-specific global secondary index settings.
, updateReplicationGroupMemberAction_regionName
- The Region where the replica exists.
updateReplicationGroupMemberAction_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) of the replica that should be used for AWS KMS encryption. To specify a CMK, use its key ID, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), alias name, or alias ARN. Note that you should only provide this parameter if the key is different from the default DynamoDB KMS master key alias/aws/dynamodb.
updateReplicationGroupMemberAction_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputOverride) Source #
Replica-specific provisioned throughput. If not specified, uses the source table's provisioned throughput settings.
updateReplicationGroupMemberAction_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction (Maybe (NonEmpty ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex)) Source #
Replica-specific global secondary index settings.
updateReplicationGroupMemberAction_regionName :: Lens' UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction Text Source #
The Region where the replica exists.
data WriteRequest Source #
Represents an operation to perform - either DeleteItem
or PutItem
You can only request one of these operations, not both, in a single
. If you do need to perform both of these operations, you
need to provide two separate WriteRequest
See: newWriteRequest
smart constructor.
WriteRequest' | |
newWriteRequest :: WriteRequest Source #
Create a value of WriteRequest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, writeRequest_deleteRequest
- A request to perform a DeleteItem
, writeRequest_putRequest
- A request to perform a PutItem
writeRequest_deleteRequest :: Lens' WriteRequest (Maybe DeleteRequest) Source #
A request to perform a DeleteItem
writeRequest_putRequest :: Lens' WriteRequest (Maybe PutRequest) Source #
A request to perform a PutItem