Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- AttributeName
- EntitySubType
- EntityType
- ICD10CMAttributeType
- ICD10CMEntityCategory
- ICD10CMEntityType
- ICD10CMRelationshipType
- ICD10CMTraitName
- JobStatus
- LanguageCode
- RelationshipType
- RxNormAttributeType
- RxNormEntityCategory
- RxNormEntityType
- RxNormTraitName
- Attribute
- ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter
- ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties
- Entity
- ICD10CMAttribute
- ICD10CMConcept
- ICD10CMEntity
- ICD10CMTrait
- InputDataConfig
- OutputDataConfig
- RxNormAttribute
- RxNormConcept
- RxNormEntity
- RxNormTrait
- Trait
- UnmappedAttribute
- defaultService :: Service
- _ValidationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _TooManyRequestsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InvalidEncodingException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InternalServerException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ServiceUnavailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _TextSizeLimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- newtype AttributeName where
- AttributeName' { }
- pattern AttributeName_DIAGNOSIS :: AttributeName
- pattern AttributeName_NEGATION :: AttributeName
- pattern AttributeName_SIGN :: AttributeName
- pattern AttributeName_SYMPTOM :: AttributeName
- newtype EntitySubType where
- EntitySubType' { }
- pattern EntitySubType_ACUITY :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_ADDRESS :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_AGE :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_BRAND_NAME :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_CONTACT_POINT :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_DATE :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_DIRECTION :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_DOSAGE :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_DURATION :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_EMAIL :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_FORM :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_FREQUENCY :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_GENERIC_NAME :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_IDENTIFIER :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_NAME :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_PROCEDURE_NAME :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_PROFESSION :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_QUALITY :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_QUANTITY :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_RATE :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_ROUTE_OR_MODE :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_STRENGTH :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_SYSTEM_ORGAN_SITE :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_TEST_NAME :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_TEST_UNITS :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_TEST_VALUE :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_TIME_EXPRESSION :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_TIME_TO_DX_NAME :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_TIME_TO_MEDICATION_NAME :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_TIME_TO_PROCEDURE_NAME :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_TIME_TO_TEST_NAME :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_TIME_TO_TREATMENT_NAME :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_TREATMENT_NAME :: EntitySubType
- pattern EntitySubType_URL :: EntitySubType
- newtype EntityType where
- EntityType' { }
- pattern EntityType_ANATOMY :: EntityType
- pattern EntityType_MEDICAL_CONDITION :: EntityType
- pattern EntityType_MEDICATION :: EntityType
- pattern EntityType_PROTECTED_HEALTH_INFORMATION :: EntityType
- pattern EntityType_TEST_TREATMENT_PROCEDURE :: EntityType
- pattern EntityType_TIME_EXPRESSION :: EntityType
- newtype ICD10CMAttributeType where
- ICD10CMAttributeType' { }
- pattern ICD10CMAttributeType_ACUITY :: ICD10CMAttributeType
- pattern ICD10CMAttributeType_DIRECTION :: ICD10CMAttributeType
- pattern ICD10CMAttributeType_QUALITY :: ICD10CMAttributeType
- pattern ICD10CMAttributeType_QUANTITY :: ICD10CMAttributeType
- pattern ICD10CMAttributeType_SYSTEM_ORGAN_SITE :: ICD10CMAttributeType
- pattern ICD10CMAttributeType_TIME_EXPRESSION :: ICD10CMAttributeType
- pattern ICD10CMAttributeType_TIME_TO_DX_NAME :: ICD10CMAttributeType
- newtype ICD10CMEntityCategory where
- newtype ICD10CMEntityType where
- newtype ICD10CMRelationshipType where
- newtype ICD10CMTraitName where
- ICD10CMTraitName' { }
- pattern ICD10CMTraitName_DIAGNOSIS :: ICD10CMTraitName
- pattern ICD10CMTraitName_NEGATION :: ICD10CMTraitName
- pattern ICD10CMTraitName_SIGN :: ICD10CMTraitName
- pattern ICD10CMTraitName_SYMPTOM :: ICD10CMTraitName
- newtype JobStatus where
- JobStatus' { }
- pattern JobStatus_COMPLETED :: JobStatus
- pattern JobStatus_FAILED :: JobStatus
- pattern JobStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: JobStatus
- pattern JobStatus_PARTIAL_SUCCESS :: JobStatus
- pattern JobStatus_STOPPED :: JobStatus
- pattern JobStatus_STOP_REQUESTED :: JobStatus
- pattern JobStatus_SUBMITTED :: JobStatus
- newtype LanguageCode where
- LanguageCode' { }
- pattern LanguageCode_En :: LanguageCode
- newtype RelationshipType where
- RelationshipType' { }
- pattern RelationshipType_ACUITY :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_ADMINISTERED_VIA :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_DIRECTION :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_DOSAGE :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_DURATION :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_EVERY :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_FOR :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_FORM :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_FREQUENCY :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_NEGATIVE :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_OVERLAP :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_RATE :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_ROUTE_OR_MODE :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_STRENGTH :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_SYSTEM_ORGAN_SITE :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_TEST_UNITS :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_TEST_VALUE :: RelationshipType
- pattern RelationshipType_WITH_DOSAGE :: RelationshipType
- newtype RxNormAttributeType where
- RxNormAttributeType' { }
- pattern RxNormAttributeType_DOSAGE :: RxNormAttributeType
- pattern RxNormAttributeType_DURATION :: RxNormAttributeType
- pattern RxNormAttributeType_FORM :: RxNormAttributeType
- pattern RxNormAttributeType_FREQUENCY :: RxNormAttributeType
- pattern RxNormAttributeType_RATE :: RxNormAttributeType
- pattern RxNormAttributeType_ROUTE_OR_MODE :: RxNormAttributeType
- pattern RxNormAttributeType_STRENGTH :: RxNormAttributeType
- newtype RxNormEntityCategory where
- newtype RxNormEntityType where
- RxNormEntityType' { }
- pattern RxNormEntityType_BRAND_NAME :: RxNormEntityType
- pattern RxNormEntityType_GENERIC_NAME :: RxNormEntityType
- newtype RxNormTraitName where
- RxNormTraitName' { }
- pattern RxNormTraitName_NEGATION :: RxNormTraitName
- data Attribute = Attribute' {
- relationshipScore :: Maybe Double
- beginOffset :: Maybe Int
- text :: Maybe Text
- category :: Maybe EntityType
- score :: Maybe Double
- traits :: Maybe [Trait]
- relationshipType :: Maybe RelationshipType
- endOffset :: Maybe Int
- id :: Maybe Int
- type' :: Maybe EntitySubType
- newAttribute :: Attribute
- attribute_relationshipScore :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Double)
- attribute_beginOffset :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Int)
- attribute_text :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Text)
- attribute_category :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe EntityType)
- attribute_score :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Double)
- attribute_traits :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe [Trait])
- attribute_relationshipType :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe RelationshipType)
- attribute_endOffset :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Int)
- attribute_id :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Int)
- attribute_type :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe EntitySubType)
- data ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter = ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter' {}
- newComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter :: ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter_submitTimeAfter :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter (Maybe UTCTime)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter_submitTimeBefore :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter (Maybe UTCTime)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter_jobName :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter (Maybe Text)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter_jobStatus :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter (Maybe JobStatus)
- data ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties = ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties' {
- languageCode :: Maybe LanguageCode
- kmsKey :: Maybe Text
- jobId :: Maybe Text
- jobName :: Maybe Text
- manifestFilePath :: Maybe Text
- inputDataConfig :: Maybe InputDataConfig
- endTime :: Maybe POSIX
- outputDataConfig :: Maybe OutputDataConfig
- modelVersion :: Maybe Text
- dataAccessRoleArn :: Maybe Text
- jobStatus :: Maybe JobStatus
- message :: Maybe Text
- expirationTime :: Maybe POSIX
- submitTime :: Maybe POSIX
- newComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties :: ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_languageCode :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe LanguageCode)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_kmsKey :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_jobId :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_jobName :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_manifestFilePath :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_inputDataConfig :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe InputDataConfig)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_endTime :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe UTCTime)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_outputDataConfig :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe OutputDataConfig)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_modelVersion :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_dataAccessRoleArn :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_jobStatus :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe JobStatus)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_message :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_expirationTime :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe UTCTime)
- comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_submitTime :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe UTCTime)
- data Entity = Entity' {}
- newEntity :: Entity
- entity_beginOffset :: Lens' Entity (Maybe Int)
- entity_text :: Lens' Entity (Maybe Text)
- entity_category :: Lens' Entity (Maybe EntityType)
- entity_score :: Lens' Entity (Maybe Double)
- entity_traits :: Lens' Entity (Maybe [Trait])
- entity_attributes :: Lens' Entity (Maybe [Attribute])
- entity_endOffset :: Lens' Entity (Maybe Int)
- entity_id :: Lens' Entity (Maybe Int)
- entity_type :: Lens' Entity (Maybe EntitySubType)
- data ICD10CMAttribute = ICD10CMAttribute' {}
- newICD10CMAttribute :: ICD10CMAttribute
- iCD10CMAttribute_relationshipScore :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe Double)
- iCD10CMAttribute_beginOffset :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe Int)
- iCD10CMAttribute_text :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe Text)
- iCD10CMAttribute_category :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe ICD10CMEntityType)
- iCD10CMAttribute_score :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe Double)
- iCD10CMAttribute_traits :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe [ICD10CMTrait])
- iCD10CMAttribute_relationshipType :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe ICD10CMRelationshipType)
- iCD10CMAttribute_endOffset :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe Int)
- iCD10CMAttribute_id :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe Int)
- iCD10CMAttribute_type :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe ICD10CMAttributeType)
- data ICD10CMConcept = ICD10CMConcept' {}
- newICD10CMConcept :: ICD10CMConcept
- iCD10CMConcept_score :: Lens' ICD10CMConcept (Maybe Double)
- iCD10CMConcept_code :: Lens' ICD10CMConcept (Maybe Text)
- iCD10CMConcept_description :: Lens' ICD10CMConcept (Maybe Text)
- data ICD10CMEntity = ICD10CMEntity' {
- iCD10CMConcepts :: Maybe [ICD10CMConcept]
- beginOffset :: Maybe Int
- text :: Maybe Text
- category :: Maybe ICD10CMEntityCategory
- score :: Maybe Double
- traits :: Maybe [ICD10CMTrait]
- attributes :: Maybe [ICD10CMAttribute]
- endOffset :: Maybe Int
- id :: Maybe Int
- type' :: Maybe ICD10CMEntityType
- newICD10CMEntity :: ICD10CMEntity
- iCD10CMEntity_iCD10CMConcepts :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe [ICD10CMConcept])
- iCD10CMEntity_beginOffset :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe Int)
- iCD10CMEntity_text :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe Text)
- iCD10CMEntity_category :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe ICD10CMEntityCategory)
- iCD10CMEntity_score :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe Double)
- iCD10CMEntity_traits :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe [ICD10CMTrait])
- iCD10CMEntity_attributes :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe [ICD10CMAttribute])
- iCD10CMEntity_endOffset :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe Int)
- iCD10CMEntity_id :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe Int)
- iCD10CMEntity_type :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe ICD10CMEntityType)
- data ICD10CMTrait = ICD10CMTrait' {}
- newICD10CMTrait :: ICD10CMTrait
- iCD10CMTrait_score :: Lens' ICD10CMTrait (Maybe Double)
- iCD10CMTrait_name :: Lens' ICD10CMTrait (Maybe ICD10CMTraitName)
- data InputDataConfig = InputDataConfig' {}
- newInputDataConfig :: Text -> InputDataConfig
- inputDataConfig_s3Key :: Lens' InputDataConfig (Maybe Text)
- inputDataConfig_s3Bucket :: Lens' InputDataConfig Text
- data OutputDataConfig = OutputDataConfig' {}
- newOutputDataConfig :: Text -> OutputDataConfig
- outputDataConfig_s3Key :: Lens' OutputDataConfig (Maybe Text)
- outputDataConfig_s3Bucket :: Lens' OutputDataConfig Text
- data RxNormAttribute = RxNormAttribute' {}
- newRxNormAttribute :: RxNormAttribute
- rxNormAttribute_relationshipScore :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe Double)
- rxNormAttribute_beginOffset :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe Int)
- rxNormAttribute_text :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe Text)
- rxNormAttribute_score :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe Double)
- rxNormAttribute_traits :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe [RxNormTrait])
- rxNormAttribute_endOffset :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe Int)
- rxNormAttribute_id :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe Int)
- rxNormAttribute_type :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe RxNormAttributeType)
- data RxNormConcept = RxNormConcept' {}
- newRxNormConcept :: RxNormConcept
- rxNormConcept_score :: Lens' RxNormConcept (Maybe Double)
- rxNormConcept_code :: Lens' RxNormConcept (Maybe Text)
- rxNormConcept_description :: Lens' RxNormConcept (Maybe Text)
- data RxNormEntity = RxNormEntity' {
- rxNormConcepts :: Maybe [RxNormConcept]
- beginOffset :: Maybe Int
- text :: Maybe Text
- category :: Maybe RxNormEntityCategory
- score :: Maybe Double
- traits :: Maybe [RxNormTrait]
- attributes :: Maybe [RxNormAttribute]
- endOffset :: Maybe Int
- id :: Maybe Int
- type' :: Maybe RxNormEntityType
- newRxNormEntity :: RxNormEntity
- rxNormEntity_rxNormConcepts :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe [RxNormConcept])
- rxNormEntity_beginOffset :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe Int)
- rxNormEntity_text :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe Text)
- rxNormEntity_category :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe RxNormEntityCategory)
- rxNormEntity_score :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe Double)
- rxNormEntity_traits :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe [RxNormTrait])
- rxNormEntity_attributes :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe [RxNormAttribute])
- rxNormEntity_endOffset :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe Int)
- rxNormEntity_id :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe Int)
- rxNormEntity_type :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe RxNormEntityType)
- data RxNormTrait = RxNormTrait' {}
- newRxNormTrait :: RxNormTrait
- rxNormTrait_score :: Lens' RxNormTrait (Maybe Double)
- rxNormTrait_name :: Lens' RxNormTrait (Maybe RxNormTraitName)
- data Trait = Trait' {}
- newTrait :: Trait
- trait_score :: Lens' Trait (Maybe Double)
- trait_name :: Lens' Trait (Maybe AttributeName)
- data UnmappedAttribute = UnmappedAttribute' {}
- newUnmappedAttribute :: UnmappedAttribute
- unmappedAttribute_attribute :: Lens' UnmappedAttribute (Maybe Attribute)
- unmappedAttribute_type :: Lens' UnmappedAttribute (Maybe EntityType)
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2018-10-30
of the Amazon Comprehend Medical SDK configuration.
_ValidationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The filter that you specified for the operation is invalid. Check the filter values that you entered and try your request again.
_InvalidRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request that you made is invalid. Check your request to determine why it's invalid and then retry the request.
_TooManyRequestsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
You have made too many requests within a short period of time. Wait for a short time and then try your request again. Contact customer support for more information about a service limit increase.
_InvalidEncodingException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The input text was not in valid UTF-8 character encoding. Check your text then retry your request.
_InternalServerException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An internal server error occurred. Retry your request.
_ServiceUnavailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The Amazon Comprehend Medical service is temporarily unavailable. Please wait and then retry your request.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The resource identified by the specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) was not found. Check the ARN and try your request again.
_TextSizeLimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The size of the text you submitted exceeds the size limit. Reduce the size of the text or use a smaller document and then retry your request.
newtype AttributeName Source #
AttributeName' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AttributeName_DIAGNOSIS :: AttributeName | |
pattern AttributeName_NEGATION :: AttributeName | |
pattern AttributeName_SIGN :: AttributeName | |
pattern AttributeName_SYMPTOM :: AttributeName |
newtype EntitySubType Source #
EntitySubType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype EntityType Source #
EntityType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern EntityType_ANATOMY :: EntityType | |
pattern EntityType_MEDICAL_CONDITION :: EntityType | |
pattern EntityType_MEDICATION :: EntityType | |
pattern EntityType_PROTECTED_HEALTH_INFORMATION :: EntityType | |
pattern EntityType_TEST_TREATMENT_PROCEDURE :: EntityType | |
pattern EntityType_TIME_EXPRESSION :: EntityType |
newtype ICD10CMAttributeType Source #
ICD10CMAttributeType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype ICD10CMEntityCategory Source #
ICD10CMEntityCategory' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ICD10CMEntityCategory_MEDICAL_CONDITION :: ICD10CMEntityCategory |
newtype ICD10CMEntityType Source #
ICD10CMEntityType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ICD10CMEntityType_DX_NAME :: ICD10CMEntityType | |
pattern ICD10CMEntityType_TIME_EXPRESSION :: ICD10CMEntityType |
newtype ICD10CMRelationshipType Source #
ICD10CMRelationshipType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ICD10CMRelationshipType_OVERLAP :: ICD10CMRelationshipType | |
pattern ICD10CMRelationshipType_SYSTEM_ORGAN_SITE :: ICD10CMRelationshipType |
newtype ICD10CMTraitName Source #
ICD10CMTraitName' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ICD10CMTraitName_DIAGNOSIS :: ICD10CMTraitName | |
pattern ICD10CMTraitName_NEGATION :: ICD10CMTraitName | |
pattern ICD10CMTraitName_SIGN :: ICD10CMTraitName | |
pattern ICD10CMTraitName_SYMPTOM :: ICD10CMTraitName |
JobStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern JobStatus_COMPLETED :: JobStatus | |
pattern JobStatus_FAILED :: JobStatus | |
pattern JobStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: JobStatus | |
pattern JobStatus_PARTIAL_SUCCESS :: JobStatus | |
pattern JobStatus_STOPPED :: JobStatus | |
pattern JobStatus_STOP_REQUESTED :: JobStatus | |
pattern JobStatus_SUBMITTED :: JobStatus |
newtype LanguageCode Source #
LanguageCode' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern LanguageCode_En :: LanguageCode |
newtype RelationshipType Source #
RelationshipType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern RelationshipType_ACUITY :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_ADMINISTERED_VIA :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_DIRECTION :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_DOSAGE :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_DURATION :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_EVERY :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_FOR :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_FORM :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_FREQUENCY :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_NEGATIVE :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_OVERLAP :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_RATE :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_ROUTE_OR_MODE :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_STRENGTH :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_SYSTEM_ORGAN_SITE :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_TEST_UNITS :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_TEST_VALUE :: RelationshipType | |
pattern RelationshipType_WITH_DOSAGE :: RelationshipType |
newtype RxNormAttributeType Source #
RxNormAttributeType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern RxNormAttributeType_DOSAGE :: RxNormAttributeType | |
pattern RxNormAttributeType_DURATION :: RxNormAttributeType | |
pattern RxNormAttributeType_FORM :: RxNormAttributeType | |
pattern RxNormAttributeType_FREQUENCY :: RxNormAttributeType | |
pattern RxNormAttributeType_RATE :: RxNormAttributeType | |
pattern RxNormAttributeType_ROUTE_OR_MODE :: RxNormAttributeType | |
pattern RxNormAttributeType_STRENGTH :: RxNormAttributeType |
newtype RxNormEntityCategory Source #
RxNormEntityCategory' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern RxNormEntityCategory_MEDICATION :: RxNormEntityCategory |
newtype RxNormEntityType Source #
RxNormEntityType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern RxNormEntityType_BRAND_NAME :: RxNormEntityType | |
pattern RxNormEntityType_GENERIC_NAME :: RxNormEntityType |
newtype RxNormTraitName Source #
RxNormTraitName' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern RxNormTraitName_NEGATION :: RxNormTraitName |
An extracted segment of the text that is an attribute of an entity, or otherwise related to an entity, such as the dosage of a medication taken. It contains information about the attribute such as id, begin and end offset within the input text, and the segment of the input text.
See: newAttribute
smart constructor.
Attribute' | |
newAttribute :: Attribute Source #
Create a value of Attribute
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, attribute_relationshipScore
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that this
attribute is correctly related to this entity.
, attribute_beginOffset
- The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the
attribute begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
, attribute_text
- The segment of input text extracted as this attribute.
, attribute_category
- The category of attribute.
, attribute_score
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the
segment of text is correctly recognized as an attribute.
, attribute_traits
- Contextual information for this attribute.
, attribute_relationshipType
- The type of relationship between the entity and attribute. Type for the
relationship is OVERLAP
, indicating that the entity occurred at the
same time as the Date_Expression
, attribute_endOffset
- The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the
attribute ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
, attribute_id
- The numeric identifier for this attribute. This is a monotonically
increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique
, attribute_type
- The type of attribute.
attribute_relationshipScore :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that this attribute is correctly related to this entity.
attribute_beginOffset :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Int) Source #
The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the attribute begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
attribute_text :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Text) Source #
The segment of input text extracted as this attribute.
attribute_category :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe EntityType) Source #
The category of attribute.
attribute_score :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the segment of text is correctly recognized as an attribute.
attribute_traits :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe [Trait]) Source #
Contextual information for this attribute.
attribute_relationshipType :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe RelationshipType) Source #
The type of relationship between the entity and attribute. Type for the
relationship is OVERLAP
, indicating that the entity occurred at the
same time as the Date_Expression
attribute_endOffset :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Int) Source #
The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the attribute ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
attribute_id :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Int) Source #
The numeric identifier for this attribute. This is a monotonically increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique identifier.
attribute_type :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe EntitySubType) Source #
The type of attribute.
data ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter Source #
Provides information for filtering a list of detection jobs.
See: newComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter
smart constructor.
ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter' | |
newComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter :: ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter Source #
Create a value of ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter_submitTimeAfter
- Filters the list of jobs based on the time that the job was submitted
for processing. Returns only jobs submitted after the specified time.
Jobs are returned in descending order, newest to oldest.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter_submitTimeBefore
- Filters the list of jobs based on the time that the job was submitted
for processing. Returns only jobs submitted before the specified time.
Jobs are returned in ascending order, oldest to newest.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter_jobName
- Filters on the name of the job.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter_jobStatus
- Filters the list of jobs based on job status. Returns only jobs with the
specified status.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter_submitTimeAfter :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Filters the list of jobs based on the time that the job was submitted for processing. Returns only jobs submitted after the specified time. Jobs are returned in descending order, newest to oldest.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter_submitTimeBefore :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Filters the list of jobs based on the time that the job was submitted for processing. Returns only jobs submitted before the specified time. Jobs are returned in ascending order, oldest to newest.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter_jobName :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
Filters on the name of the job.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter_jobStatus :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter (Maybe JobStatus) Source #
Filters the list of jobs based on job status. Returns only jobs with the specified status.
data ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties Source #
Provides information about a detection job.
See: newComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties
smart constructor.
ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties' | |
newComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties :: ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties Source #
Create a value of ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_languageCode
- The language code of the input documents.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_kmsKey
- The AWS Key Management Service key, if any, used to encrypt the output
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_jobId
- The identifier assigned to the detection job.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_jobName
- The name that you assigned to the detection job.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_manifestFilePath
- The path to the file that describes the results of a batch job.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_inputDataConfig
- The input data configuration that you supplied when you created the
detection job.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_endTime
- The time that the detection job completed.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_outputDataConfig
- The output data configuration that you supplied when you created the
detection job.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_modelVersion
- The version of the model used to analyze the documents. The version
number looks like X.X.X. You can use this information to track the model
used for a particular batch of documents.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_dataAccessRoleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that gives Amazon Comprehend Medical read
access to your input data.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_jobStatus
- The current status of the detection job. If the status is FAILED
, the
field shows the reason for the failure.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_message
- A description of the status of a job.
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_expirationTime
- The date and time that job metadata is deleted from the server. Output
files in your S3 bucket will not be deleted. After the metadata is
deleted, the job will no longer appear in the results of the
or the ListPHIDetectionJobs
, comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_submitTime
- The time that the detection job was submitted for processing.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_languageCode :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe LanguageCode) Source #
The language code of the input documents.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_kmsKey :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS Key Management Service key, if any, used to encrypt the output files.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_jobId :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier assigned to the detection job.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_jobName :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The name that you assigned to the detection job.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_manifestFilePath :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the file that describes the results of a batch job.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_inputDataConfig :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe InputDataConfig) Source #
The input data configuration that you supplied when you created the detection job.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_endTime :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the detection job completed.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_outputDataConfig :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe OutputDataConfig) Source #
The output data configuration that you supplied when you created the detection job.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_modelVersion :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the model used to analyze the documents. The version number looks like X.X.X. You can use this information to track the model used for a particular batch of documents.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_dataAccessRoleArn :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that gives Amazon Comprehend Medical read access to your input data.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_jobStatus :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe JobStatus) Source #
The current status of the detection job. If the status is FAILED
, the
field shows the reason for the failure.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_message :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the status of a job.
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_expirationTime :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time that job metadata is deleted from the server. Output
files in your S3 bucket will not be deleted. After the metadata is
deleted, the job will no longer appear in the results of the
or the ListPHIDetectionJobs
comprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties_submitTime :: Lens' ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the detection job was submitted for processing.
Provides information about an extracted medical entity.
See: newEntity
smart constructor.
Entity' | |
Create a value of Entity
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, entity_beginOffset
- The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the
entity begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
, entity_text
- The segment of input text extracted as this entity.
, entity_category
- The category of the entity.
, entity_score
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the
accuracy of the detection.
, entity_traits
- Contextual information for the entity.
, entity_attributes
- The extracted attributes that relate to this entity.
, entity_endOffset
- The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the
entity ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
, entity_id
- The numeric identifier for the entity. This is a monotonically
increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique
, entity_type
- Describes the specific type of entity with category of entities.
entity_beginOffset :: Lens' Entity (Maybe Int) Source #
The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the entity begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
entity_text :: Lens' Entity (Maybe Text) Source #
The segment of input text extracted as this entity.
entity_category :: Lens' Entity (Maybe EntityType) Source #
The category of the entity.
entity_score :: Lens' Entity (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the accuracy of the detection.
entity_attributes :: Lens' Entity (Maybe [Attribute]) Source #
The extracted attributes that relate to this entity.
entity_endOffset :: Lens' Entity (Maybe Int) Source #
The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the entity ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
entity_id :: Lens' Entity (Maybe Int) Source #
The numeric identifier for the entity. This is a monotonically increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique identifier.
entity_type :: Lens' Entity (Maybe EntitySubType) Source #
Describes the specific type of entity with category of entities.
data ICD10CMAttribute Source #
The detected attributes that relate to an entity. This includes an
extracted segment of the text that is an attribute of an entity, or
otherwise related to an entity. InferICD10CM detects the following
attributes: Direction
, System, Organ or Site
, and Acuity
See: newICD10CMAttribute
smart constructor.
ICD10CMAttribute' | |
newICD10CMAttribute :: ICD10CMAttribute Source #
Create a value of ICD10CMAttribute
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, iCD10CMAttribute_relationshipScore
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that this
attribute is correctly related to this entity.
, iCD10CMAttribute_beginOffset
- The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the
attribute begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
, iCD10CMAttribute_text
- The segment of input text which contains the detected attribute.
, iCD10CMAttribute_category
- The category of attribute. Can be either of DX_NAME
, iCD10CMAttribute_score
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the
segment of text is correctly recognized as an attribute.
, iCD10CMAttribute_traits
- The contextual information for the attribute. The traits recognized by
, iCD10CMAttribute_relationshipType
- The type of relationship between the entity and attribute. Type for the
relationship can be either of OVERLAP
, iCD10CMAttribute_endOffset
- The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the
attribute ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
, iCD10CMAttribute_id
- The numeric identifier for this attribute. This is a monotonically
increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique
, iCD10CMAttribute_type
- The type of attribute. InferICD10CM detects entities of the type
iCD10CMAttribute_relationshipScore :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that this attribute is correctly related to this entity.
iCD10CMAttribute_beginOffset :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe Int) Source #
The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the attribute begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
iCD10CMAttribute_text :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe Text) Source #
The segment of input text which contains the detected attribute.
iCD10CMAttribute_category :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe ICD10CMEntityType) Source #
The category of attribute. Can be either of DX_NAME
iCD10CMAttribute_score :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the segment of text is correctly recognized as an attribute.
iCD10CMAttribute_traits :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe [ICD10CMTrait]) Source #
The contextual information for the attribute. The traits recognized by
iCD10CMAttribute_relationshipType :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe ICD10CMRelationshipType) Source #
The type of relationship between the entity and attribute. Type for the
relationship can be either of OVERLAP
iCD10CMAttribute_endOffset :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe Int) Source #
The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the attribute ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
iCD10CMAttribute_id :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe Int) Source #
The numeric identifier for this attribute. This is a monotonically increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique identifier.
iCD10CMAttribute_type :: Lens' ICD10CMAttribute (Maybe ICD10CMAttributeType) Source #
The type of attribute. InferICD10CM detects entities of the type
data ICD10CMConcept Source #
The ICD-10-CM concepts that the entity could refer to, along with a score indicating the likelihood of the match.
See: newICD10CMConcept
smart constructor.
ICD10CMConcept' | |
newICD10CMConcept :: ICD10CMConcept Source #
Create a value of ICD10CMConcept
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, iCD10CMConcept_score
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the
entity is accurately linked to an ICD-10-CM concept.
, iCD10CMConcept_code
- The ICD-10-CM code that identifies the concept found in the knowledge
base from the Centers for Disease Control.
, iCD10CMConcept_description
- The long description of the ICD-10-CM code in the ontology.
iCD10CMConcept_score :: Lens' ICD10CMConcept (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the entity is accurately linked to an ICD-10-CM concept.
iCD10CMConcept_code :: Lens' ICD10CMConcept (Maybe Text) Source #
The ICD-10-CM code that identifies the concept found in the knowledge base from the Centers for Disease Control.
iCD10CMConcept_description :: Lens' ICD10CMConcept (Maybe Text) Source #
The long description of the ICD-10-CM code in the ontology.
data ICD10CMEntity Source #
The collection of medical entities extracted from the input text and their associated information. For each entity, the response provides the entity text, the entity category, where the entity text begins and ends, and the level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the detection and analysis. Attributes and traits of the entity are also returned.
See: newICD10CMEntity
smart constructor.
ICD10CMEntity' | |
newICD10CMEntity :: ICD10CMEntity Source #
Create a value of ICD10CMEntity
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, iCD10CMEntity_iCD10CMConcepts
- The ICD-10-CM concepts that the entity could refer to, along with a
score indicating the likelihood of the match.
, iCD10CMEntity_beginOffset
- The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the
entity begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
, iCD10CMEntity_text
- The segment of input text that is matched to the detected entity.
, iCD10CMEntity_category
- The category of the entity. InferICD10CM detects entities in the
, iCD10CMEntity_score
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the
accuracy of the detection.
, iCD10CMEntity_traits
- Provides Contextual information for the entity. The traits recognized by
, iCD10CMEntity_attributes
- The detected attributes that relate to the entity. An extracted segment
of the text that is an attribute of an entity, or otherwise related to
an entity, such as the nature of a medical condition.
, iCD10CMEntity_endOffset
- The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the
entity ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
, iCD10CMEntity_id
- The numeric identifier for the entity. This is a monotonically
increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique
, iCD10CMEntity_type
- Describes the specific type of entity with category of entities.
InferICD10CM detects entities of the type DX_NAME
iCD10CMEntity_iCD10CMConcepts :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe [ICD10CMConcept]) Source #
The ICD-10-CM concepts that the entity could refer to, along with a score indicating the likelihood of the match.
iCD10CMEntity_beginOffset :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe Int) Source #
The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the entity begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
iCD10CMEntity_text :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe Text) Source #
The segment of input text that is matched to the detected entity.
iCD10CMEntity_category :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe ICD10CMEntityCategory) Source #
The category of the entity. InferICD10CM detects entities in the
iCD10CMEntity_score :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the accuracy of the detection.
iCD10CMEntity_traits :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe [ICD10CMTrait]) Source #
Provides Contextual information for the entity. The traits recognized by
iCD10CMEntity_attributes :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe [ICD10CMAttribute]) Source #
The detected attributes that relate to the entity. An extracted segment of the text that is an attribute of an entity, or otherwise related to an entity, such as the nature of a medical condition.
iCD10CMEntity_endOffset :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe Int) Source #
The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the entity ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
iCD10CMEntity_id :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe Int) Source #
The numeric identifier for the entity. This is a monotonically increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique identifier.
iCD10CMEntity_type :: Lens' ICD10CMEntity (Maybe ICD10CMEntityType) Source #
Describes the specific type of entity with category of entities.
InferICD10CM detects entities of the type DX_NAME
data ICD10CMTrait Source #
Contextual information for the entity. The traits recognized by
See: newICD10CMTrait
smart constructor.
ICD10CMTrait' | |
newICD10CMTrait :: ICD10CMTrait Source #
Create a value of ICD10CMTrait
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, iCD10CMTrait_score
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the
segment of text is correctly recognized as a trait.
, iCD10CMTrait_name
- Provides a name or contextual description about the trait.
iCD10CMTrait_score :: Lens' ICD10CMTrait (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the segment of text is correctly recognized as a trait.
iCD10CMTrait_name :: Lens' ICD10CMTrait (Maybe ICD10CMTraitName) Source #
Provides a name or contextual description about the trait.
data InputDataConfig Source #
The input properties for an entities detection job. This includes the name of the S3 bucket and the path to the files to be analyzed.
See: newInputDataConfig
smart constructor.
InputDataConfig' | |
:: Text | |
-> InputDataConfig |
Create a value of InputDataConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, inputDataConfig_s3Key
- The path to the input data files in the S3 bucket.
, inputDataConfig_s3Bucket
- The URI of the S3 bucket that contains the input data. The bucket must
be in the same region as the API endpoint that you are calling.
Each file in the document collection must be less than 40 KB. You can store a maximum of 30 GB in the bucket.
inputDataConfig_s3Key :: Lens' InputDataConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the input data files in the S3 bucket.
inputDataConfig_s3Bucket :: Lens' InputDataConfig Text Source #
The URI of the S3 bucket that contains the input data. The bucket must be in the same region as the API endpoint that you are calling.
Each file in the document collection must be less than 40 KB. You can store a maximum of 30 GB in the bucket.
data OutputDataConfig Source #
The output properties for a detection job.
See: newOutputDataConfig
smart constructor.
OutputDataConfig' | |
:: Text | |
-> OutputDataConfig |
Create a value of OutputDataConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, outputDataConfig_s3Key
- The path to the output data files in the S3 bucket. Amazon Comprehend
Medical creates an output directory using the job ID so that the output
from one job does not overwrite the output of another.
, outputDataConfig_s3Bucket
- When you use the OutputDataConfig
object with asynchronous operations,
you specify the Amazon S3 location where you want to write the output
data. The URI must be in the same region as the API endpoint that you
are calling. The location is used as the prefix for the actual location
of the output.
outputDataConfig_s3Key :: Lens' OutputDataConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the output data files in the S3 bucket. Amazon Comprehend Medical creates an output directory using the job ID so that the output from one job does not overwrite the output of another.
outputDataConfig_s3Bucket :: Lens' OutputDataConfig Text Source #
When you use the OutputDataConfig
object with asynchronous operations,
you specify the Amazon S3 location where you want to write the output
data. The URI must be in the same region as the API endpoint that you
are calling. The location is used as the prefix for the actual location
of the output.
data RxNormAttribute Source #
The extracted attributes that relate to this entity. The attributes
recognized by InferRxNorm are DOSAGE
See: newRxNormAttribute
smart constructor.
RxNormAttribute' | |
newRxNormAttribute :: RxNormAttribute Source #
Create a value of RxNormAttribute
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, rxNormAttribute_relationshipScore
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the
attribute is accurately linked to an entity.
, rxNormAttribute_beginOffset
- The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the
attribute begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
, rxNormAttribute_text
- The segment of input text which corresponds to the detected attribute.
, rxNormAttribute_score
- The level of confidence that Comprehend Medical has that the segment of
text is correctly recognized as an attribute.
, rxNormAttribute_traits
- Contextual information for the attribute. InferRxNorm recognizes the
for attributes, i.e. that the patient is not taking a
specific dose or form of a medication.
, rxNormAttribute_endOffset
- The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the
attribute ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
, rxNormAttribute_id
- The numeric identifier for this attribute. This is a monotonically
increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique
, rxNormAttribute_type
- The type of attribute. The types of attributes recognized by InferRxNorm
rxNormAttribute_relationshipScore :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the attribute is accurately linked to an entity.
rxNormAttribute_beginOffset :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe Int) Source #
The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the attribute begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
rxNormAttribute_text :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe Text) Source #
The segment of input text which corresponds to the detected attribute.
rxNormAttribute_score :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Comprehend Medical has that the segment of text is correctly recognized as an attribute.
rxNormAttribute_traits :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe [RxNormTrait]) Source #
Contextual information for the attribute. InferRxNorm recognizes the
for attributes, i.e. that the patient is not taking a
specific dose or form of a medication.
rxNormAttribute_endOffset :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe Int) Source #
The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the attribute ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
rxNormAttribute_id :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe Int) Source #
The numeric identifier for this attribute. This is a monotonically increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique identifier.
rxNormAttribute_type :: Lens' RxNormAttribute (Maybe RxNormAttributeType) Source #
The type of attribute. The types of attributes recognized by InferRxNorm
data RxNormConcept Source #
The RxNorm concept that the entity could refer to, along with a score indicating the likelihood of the match.
See: newRxNormConcept
smart constructor.
RxNormConcept' | |
newRxNormConcept :: RxNormConcept Source #
Create a value of RxNormConcept
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, rxNormConcept_score
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the
entity is accurately linked to the reported RxNorm concept.
, rxNormConcept_code
- RxNorm concept ID, also known as the RxCUI.
, rxNormConcept_description
- The description of the RxNorm concept.
rxNormConcept_score :: Lens' RxNormConcept (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the entity is accurately linked to the reported RxNorm concept.
rxNormConcept_code :: Lens' RxNormConcept (Maybe Text) Source #
RxNorm concept ID, also known as the RxCUI.
rxNormConcept_description :: Lens' RxNormConcept (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the RxNorm concept.
data RxNormEntity Source #
The collection of medical entities extracted from the input text and their associated information. For each entity, the response provides the entity text, the entity category, where the entity text begins and ends, and the level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the detection and analysis. Attributes and traits of the entity are also returned.
See: newRxNormEntity
smart constructor.
RxNormEntity' | |
newRxNormEntity :: RxNormEntity Source #
Create a value of RxNormEntity
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, rxNormEntity_rxNormConcepts
- The RxNorm concepts that the entity could refer to, along with a score
indicating the likelihood of the match.
, rxNormEntity_beginOffset
- The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the
entity begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
, rxNormEntity_text
- The segment of input text extracted from which the entity was detected.
, rxNormEntity_category
- The category of the entity. The recognized categories are GENERIC
, rxNormEntity_score
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the
accuracy of the detected entity.
, rxNormEntity_traits
- Contextual information for the entity.
, rxNormEntity_attributes
- The extracted attributes that relate to the entity. The attributes
recognized by InferRxNorm are DOSAGE
, rxNormEntity_endOffset
- The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the
entity ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
, rxNormEntity_id
- The numeric identifier for the entity. This is a monotonically
increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique
, rxNormEntity_type
- Describes the specific type of entity. For InferRxNorm, the recognized
entity type is MEDICATION
rxNormEntity_rxNormConcepts :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe [RxNormConcept]) Source #
The RxNorm concepts that the entity could refer to, along with a score indicating the likelihood of the match.
rxNormEntity_beginOffset :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe Int) Source #
The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the entity begins. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
rxNormEntity_text :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe Text) Source #
The segment of input text extracted from which the entity was detected.
rxNormEntity_category :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe RxNormEntityCategory) Source #
The category of the entity. The recognized categories are GENERIC
rxNormEntity_score :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the accuracy of the detected entity.
rxNormEntity_traits :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe [RxNormTrait]) Source #
Contextual information for the entity.
rxNormEntity_attributes :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe [RxNormAttribute]) Source #
The extracted attributes that relate to the entity. The attributes
recognized by InferRxNorm are DOSAGE
rxNormEntity_endOffset :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe Int) Source #
The 0-based character offset in the input text that shows where the entity ends. The offset returns the UTF-8 code point in the string.
rxNormEntity_id :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe Int) Source #
The numeric identifier for the entity. This is a monotonically increasing id unique within this response rather than a global unique identifier.
rxNormEntity_type :: Lens' RxNormEntity (Maybe RxNormEntityType) Source #
Describes the specific type of entity. For InferRxNorm, the recognized
entity type is MEDICATION
data RxNormTrait Source #
The contextual information for the entity. InferRxNorm recognizes the
, which is any indication that the patient is not taking
a medication.
See: newRxNormTrait
smart constructor.
RxNormTrait' | |
newRxNormTrait :: RxNormTrait Source #
Create a value of RxNormTrait
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, rxNormTrait_score
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the
accuracy of the detected trait.
, rxNormTrait_name
- Provides a name or contextual description about the trait.
rxNormTrait_score :: Lens' RxNormTrait (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the accuracy of the detected trait.
rxNormTrait_name :: Lens' RxNormTrait (Maybe RxNormTraitName) Source #
Provides a name or contextual description about the trait.
Provides contextual information about the extracted entity.
See: newTrait
smart constructor.
Trait' | |
Eq Trait Source # | |
Read Trait Source # | |
Show Trait Source # | |
Generic Trait Source # | |
NFData Trait Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.ComprehendMedical.Types.Trait | |
Hashable Trait Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.ComprehendMedical.Types.Trait | |
FromJSON Trait Source # | |
type Rep Trait Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.ComprehendMedical.Types.Trait type Rep Trait = D1 ('MetaData "Trait" "Amazonka.ComprehendMedical.Types.Trait" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-comprehendmedicalZSamazonka-comprehendmedical" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Trait'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "score") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Double)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "name") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe AttributeName)))) |
Create a value of Trait
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, trait_score
- The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the
accuracy of this trait.
, trait_name
- Provides a name or contextual description about the trait.
trait_score :: Lens' Trait (Maybe Double) Source #
The level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the accuracy of this trait.
trait_name :: Lens' Trait (Maybe AttributeName) Source #
Provides a name or contextual description about the trait.
data UnmappedAttribute Source #
An attribute that we extracted, but were unable to relate to an entity.
See: newUnmappedAttribute
smart constructor.
UnmappedAttribute' | |
newUnmappedAttribute :: UnmappedAttribute Source #
Create a value of UnmappedAttribute
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, unmappedAttribute_attribute
- The specific attribute that has been extracted but not mapped to an
, unmappedAttribute_type
- The type of the attribute, could be one of the following values:
unmappedAttribute_attribute :: Lens' UnmappedAttribute (Maybe Attribute) Source #
The specific attribute that has been extracted but not mapped to an entity.
unmappedAttribute_type :: Lens' UnmappedAttribute (Maybe EntityType) Source #
The type of the attribute, could be one of the following values: "MEDICATION", "MEDICAL_CONDITION", "ANATOMY", "TEST_AND_TREATMENT_PROCEDURE" or "PROTECTED_HEALTH_INFORMATION".