Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- AggregationType
- AmplitudeConnectorOperator
- ConnectionMode
- ConnectorType
- DataPullMode
- DatadogConnectorOperator
- DynatraceConnectorOperator
- ExecutionStatus
- FileType
- FlowStatus
- GoogleAnalyticsConnectorOperator
- InforNexusConnectorOperator
- MarketoConnectorOperator
- Operator
- OperatorPropertiesKeys
- PrefixFormat
- PrefixType
- PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause
- PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus
- S3ConnectorOperator
- S3InputFileType
- SAPODataConnectorOperator
- SalesforceConnectorOperator
- ScheduleFrequencyType
- ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- SingularConnectorOperator
- SlackConnectorOperator
- TaskType
- TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- TriggerType
- VeevaConnectorOperator
- WriteOperationType
- ZendeskConnectorOperator
- AggregationConfig
- AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials
- AmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties
- AmplitudeMetadata
- AmplitudeSourceProperties
- BasicAuthCredentials
- ConnectorConfiguration
- ConnectorEntity
- ConnectorEntityField
- ConnectorMetadata
- ConnectorOAuthRequest
- ConnectorOperator
- ConnectorProfile
- ConnectorProfileConfig
- ConnectorProfileCredentials
- ConnectorProfileProperties
- CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties
- CustomerProfilesMetadata
- DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials
- DatadogConnectorProfileProperties
- DatadogMetadata
- DatadogSourceProperties
- DestinationConnectorProperties
- DestinationFieldProperties
- DestinationFlowConfig
- DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials
- DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties
- DynatraceMetadata
- DynatraceSourceProperties
- ErrorHandlingConfig
- ErrorInfo
- EventBridgeDestinationProperties
- EventBridgeMetadata
- ExecutionDetails
- ExecutionRecord
- ExecutionResult
- FieldTypeDetails
- FlowDefinition
- GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials
- GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties
- GoogleAnalyticsMetadata
- GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties
- HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials
- HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties
- HoneycodeDestinationProperties
- HoneycodeMetadata
- IncrementalPullConfig
- InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials
- InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties
- InforNexusMetadata
- InforNexusSourceProperties
- LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties
- MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials
- MarketoConnectorProfileProperties
- MarketoMetadata
- MarketoSourceProperties
- OAuthCredentials
- OAuthProperties
- PrefixConfig
- PrivateConnectionProvisioningState
- RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials
- RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties
- RedshiftDestinationProperties
- RedshiftMetadata
- S3DestinationProperties
- S3InputFormatConfig
- S3Metadata
- S3OutputFormatConfig
- S3SourceProperties
- SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials
- SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties
- SAPODataMetadata
- SAPODataSourceProperties
- SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials
- SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties
- SalesforceDestinationProperties
- SalesforceMetadata
- SalesforceSourceProperties
- ScheduledTriggerProperties
- ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials
- ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties
- ServiceNowMetadata
- ServiceNowSourceProperties
- SingularConnectorProfileCredentials
- SingularConnectorProfileProperties
- SingularMetadata
- SingularSourceProperties
- SlackConnectorProfileCredentials
- SlackConnectorProfileProperties
- SlackMetadata
- SlackSourceProperties
- SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials
- SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties
- SnowflakeDestinationProperties
- SnowflakeMetadata
- SourceConnectorProperties
- SourceFieldProperties
- SourceFlowConfig
- SupportedFieldTypeDetails
- Task
- TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials
- TrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties
- TrendmicroMetadata
- TrendmicroSourceProperties
- TriggerConfig
- TriggerProperties
- UpsolverDestinationProperties
- UpsolverMetadata
- UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig
- VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials
- VeevaConnectorProfileProperties
- VeevaMetadata
- VeevaSourceProperties
- ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials
- ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties
- ZendeskDestinationProperties
- ZendeskMetadata
- ZendeskSourceProperties
- defaultService :: Service
- _ValidationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _UnsupportedOperationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ConnectorAuthenticationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _InternalServerException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- _ConnectorServerException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError
- newtype AggregationType where
- AggregationType' { }
- pattern AggregationType_None :: AggregationType
- pattern AggregationType_SingleFile :: AggregationType
- newtype AmplitudeConnectorOperator where
- newtype ConnectionMode where
- ConnectionMode' { }
- pattern ConnectionMode_Private :: ConnectionMode
- pattern ConnectionMode_Public :: ConnectionMode
- newtype ConnectorType where
- ConnectorType' { }
- pattern ConnectorType_Amplitude :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_CustomerProfiles :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Datadog :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Dynatrace :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_EventBridge :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Googleanalytics :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Honeycode :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Infornexus :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_LookoutMetrics :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Marketo :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Redshift :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_S3 :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_SAPOData :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Salesforce :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Servicenow :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Singular :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Slack :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Snowflake :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Trendmicro :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Upsolver :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Veeva :: ConnectorType
- pattern ConnectorType_Zendesk :: ConnectorType
- newtype DataPullMode where
- DataPullMode' { }
- pattern DataPullMode_Complete :: DataPullMode
- pattern DataPullMode_Incremental :: DataPullMode
- newtype DatadogConnectorOperator where
- DatadogConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_BETWEEN :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_EQUAL_TO :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- pattern DatadogConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: DatadogConnectorOperator
- newtype DynatraceConnectorOperator where
- DynatraceConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_BETWEEN :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_EQUAL_TO :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- pattern DynatraceConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: DynatraceConnectorOperator
- newtype ExecutionStatus where
- ExecutionStatus' { }
- pattern ExecutionStatus_Error :: ExecutionStatus
- pattern ExecutionStatus_InProgress :: ExecutionStatus
- pattern ExecutionStatus_Successful :: ExecutionStatus
- newtype FileType where
- FileType' {
- fromFileType :: Text
- pattern FileType_CSV :: FileType
- pattern FileType_JSON :: FileType
- pattern FileType_PARQUET :: FileType
- FileType' {
- newtype FlowStatus where
- FlowStatus' { }
- pattern FlowStatus_Active :: FlowStatus
- pattern FlowStatus_Deleted :: FlowStatus
- pattern FlowStatus_Deprecated :: FlowStatus
- pattern FlowStatus_Draft :: FlowStatus
- pattern FlowStatus_Errored :: FlowStatus
- pattern FlowStatus_Suspended :: FlowStatus
- newtype GoogleAnalyticsConnectorOperator where
- newtype InforNexusConnectorOperator where
- InforNexusConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_BETWEEN :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_EQUAL_TO :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- pattern InforNexusConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: InforNexusConnectorOperator
- newtype MarketoConnectorOperator where
- MarketoConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_BETWEEN :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- pattern MarketoConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: MarketoConnectorOperator
- newtype Operator where
- Operator' {
- fromOperator :: Text
- pattern Operator_ADDITION :: Operator
- pattern Operator_BETWEEN :: Operator
- pattern Operator_CONTAINS :: Operator
- pattern Operator_DIVISION :: Operator
- pattern Operator_EQUAL_TO :: Operator
- pattern Operator_GREATER_THAN :: Operator
- pattern Operator_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: Operator
- pattern Operator_LESS_THAN :: Operator
- pattern Operator_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: Operator
- pattern Operator_MASK_ALL :: Operator
- pattern Operator_MASK_FIRST_N :: Operator
- pattern Operator_MASK_LAST_N :: Operator
- pattern Operator_MULTIPLICATION :: Operator
- pattern Operator_NOT_EQUAL_TO :: Operator
- pattern Operator_NO_OP :: Operator
- pattern Operator_PROJECTION :: Operator
- pattern Operator_SUBTRACTION :: Operator
- pattern Operator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: Operator
- pattern Operator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: Operator
- pattern Operator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: Operator
- pattern Operator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: Operator
- Operator' {
- newtype OperatorPropertiesKeys where
- OperatorPropertiesKeys' { }
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_CONCAT_FORMAT :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_DATA_TYPE :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_DESTINATION_DATA_TYPE :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_EXCLUDE_SOURCE_FIELDS_LIST :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_LOWER_BOUND :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_MASK_LENGTH :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_MASK_VALUE :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_MATH_OPERATION_FIELDS_ORDER :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_SOURCE_DATA_TYPE :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_SUBFIELD_CATEGORY_MAP :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_TRUNCATE_LENGTH :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_UPPER_BOUND :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_VALIDATION_ACTION :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_VALUE :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- pattern OperatorPropertiesKeys_VALUES :: OperatorPropertiesKeys
- newtype PrefixFormat where
- PrefixFormat' { }
- pattern PrefixFormat_DAY :: PrefixFormat
- pattern PrefixFormat_HOUR :: PrefixFormat
- pattern PrefixFormat_MINUTE :: PrefixFormat
- pattern PrefixFormat_MONTH :: PrefixFormat
- pattern PrefixFormat_YEAR :: PrefixFormat
- newtype PrefixType where
- PrefixType' { }
- pattern PrefixType_FILENAME :: PrefixType
- pattern PrefixType_PATH :: PrefixType
- pattern PrefixType_PATH_AND_FILENAME :: PrefixType
- newtype PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause where
- PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause' { }
- pattern PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause_ACCESS_DENIED :: PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause
- pattern PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause_CONNECTOR_AUTHENTICATION :: PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause
- pattern PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause_CONNECTOR_SERVER :: PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause
- pattern PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause_INTERNAL_SERVER :: PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause
- pattern PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause_VALIDATION :: PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause
- newtype PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus where
- PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus' { }
- pattern PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus_CREATED :: PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus
- pattern PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus_FAILED :: PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus
- pattern PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus_PENDING :: PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus
- newtype S3ConnectorOperator where
- S3ConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_BETWEEN :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_EQUAL_TO :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_NOT_EQUAL_TO :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: S3ConnectorOperator
- pattern S3ConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: S3ConnectorOperator
- newtype S3InputFileType where
- S3InputFileType' { }
- pattern S3InputFileType_CSV :: S3InputFileType
- pattern S3InputFileType_JSON :: S3InputFileType
- newtype SAPODataConnectorOperator where
- SAPODataConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_BETWEEN :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_CONTAINS :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_EQUAL_TO :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_NOT_EQUAL_TO :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- pattern SAPODataConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: SAPODataConnectorOperator
- newtype SalesforceConnectorOperator where
- SalesforceConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_BETWEEN :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_CONTAINS :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_EQUAL_TO :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_NOT_EQUAL_TO :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- pattern SalesforceConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: SalesforceConnectorOperator
- newtype ScheduleFrequencyType where
- ScheduleFrequencyType' { }
- pattern ScheduleFrequencyType_BYMINUTE :: ScheduleFrequencyType
- pattern ScheduleFrequencyType_DAILY :: ScheduleFrequencyType
- pattern ScheduleFrequencyType_HOURLY :: ScheduleFrequencyType
- pattern ScheduleFrequencyType_MONTHLY :: ScheduleFrequencyType
- pattern ScheduleFrequencyType_ONCE :: ScheduleFrequencyType
- pattern ScheduleFrequencyType_WEEKLY :: ScheduleFrequencyType
- newtype ServiceNowConnectorOperator where
- ServiceNowConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_BETWEEN :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_CONTAINS :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_EQUAL_TO :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_NOT_EQUAL_TO :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- pattern ServiceNowConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- newtype SingularConnectorOperator where
- SingularConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_EQUAL_TO :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: SingularConnectorOperator
- pattern SingularConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: SingularConnectorOperator
- newtype SlackConnectorOperator where
- SlackConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_BETWEEN :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_EQUAL_TO :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: SlackConnectorOperator
- pattern SlackConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: SlackConnectorOperator
- newtype TaskType where
- TaskType' {
- fromTaskType :: Text
- pattern TaskType_Arithmetic :: TaskType
- pattern TaskType_Filter :: TaskType
- pattern TaskType_Map :: TaskType
- pattern TaskType_Map_all :: TaskType
- pattern TaskType_Mask :: TaskType
- pattern TaskType_Merge :: TaskType
- pattern TaskType_Truncate :: TaskType
- pattern TaskType_Validate :: TaskType
- TaskType' {
- newtype TrendmicroConnectorOperator where
- TrendmicroConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_EQUAL_TO :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- pattern TrendmicroConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- newtype TriggerType where
- TriggerType' { }
- pattern TriggerType_Event :: TriggerType
- pattern TriggerType_OnDemand :: TriggerType
- pattern TriggerType_Scheduled :: TriggerType
- newtype VeevaConnectorOperator where
- VeevaConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_BETWEEN :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_CONTAINS :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_EQUAL_TO :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_NOT_EQUAL_TO :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- pattern VeevaConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: VeevaConnectorOperator
- newtype WriteOperationType where
- WriteOperationType' { }
- pattern WriteOperationType_INSERT :: WriteOperationType
- pattern WriteOperationType_UPDATE :: WriteOperationType
- pattern WriteOperationType_UPSERT :: WriteOperationType
- newtype ZendeskConnectorOperator where
- ZendeskConnectorOperator' { }
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_ADDITION :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_DIVISION :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_GREATER_THAN :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_MASK_ALL :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_MASK_FIRST_N :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_MASK_LAST_N :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_MULTIPLICATION :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_NO_OP :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_SUBTRACTION :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- pattern ZendeskConnectorOperator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: ZendeskConnectorOperator
- data AggregationConfig = AggregationConfig' {}
- newAggregationConfig :: AggregationConfig
- aggregationConfig_aggregationType :: Lens' AggregationConfig (Maybe AggregationType)
- data AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials = AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newAmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> Text -> AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials
- amplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials_apiKey :: Lens' AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- amplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials_secretKey :: Lens' AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data AmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties = AmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties' {
- newAmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties :: AmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties
- data AmplitudeMetadata = AmplitudeMetadata' {
- newAmplitudeMetadata :: AmplitudeMetadata
- data AmplitudeSourceProperties = AmplitudeSourceProperties' {}
- newAmplitudeSourceProperties :: Text -> AmplitudeSourceProperties
- amplitudeSourceProperties_object :: Lens' AmplitudeSourceProperties Text
- data BasicAuthCredentials = BasicAuthCredentials' {}
- newBasicAuthCredentials :: Text -> Text -> BasicAuthCredentials
- basicAuthCredentials_username :: Lens' BasicAuthCredentials Text
- basicAuthCredentials_password :: Lens' BasicAuthCredentials Text
- data ConnectorConfiguration = ConnectorConfiguration' {
- isPrivateLinkEnabled :: Maybe Bool
- supportedTriggerTypes :: Maybe [TriggerType]
- canUseAsSource :: Maybe Bool
- connectorMetadata :: Maybe ConnectorMetadata
- canUseAsDestination :: Maybe Bool
- supportedSchedulingFrequencies :: Maybe [ScheduleFrequencyType]
- supportedDestinationConnectors :: Maybe [ConnectorType]
- isPrivateLinkEndpointUrlRequired :: Maybe Bool
- newConnectorConfiguration :: ConnectorConfiguration
- connectorConfiguration_isPrivateLinkEnabled :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- connectorConfiguration_supportedTriggerTypes :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe [TriggerType])
- connectorConfiguration_canUseAsSource :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- connectorConfiguration_connectorMetadata :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe ConnectorMetadata)
- connectorConfiguration_canUseAsDestination :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- connectorConfiguration_supportedSchedulingFrequencies :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe [ScheduleFrequencyType])
- connectorConfiguration_supportedDestinationConnectors :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe [ConnectorType])
- connectorConfiguration_isPrivateLinkEndpointUrlRequired :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- data ConnectorEntity = ConnectorEntity' {}
- newConnectorEntity :: Text -> ConnectorEntity
- connectorEntity_hasNestedEntities :: Lens' ConnectorEntity (Maybe Bool)
- connectorEntity_label :: Lens' ConnectorEntity (Maybe Text)
- connectorEntity_name :: Lens' ConnectorEntity Text
- data ConnectorEntityField = ConnectorEntityField' {}
- newConnectorEntityField :: Text -> ConnectorEntityField
- connectorEntityField_sourceProperties :: Lens' ConnectorEntityField (Maybe SourceFieldProperties)
- connectorEntityField_supportedFieldTypeDetails :: Lens' ConnectorEntityField (Maybe SupportedFieldTypeDetails)
- connectorEntityField_destinationProperties :: Lens' ConnectorEntityField (Maybe DestinationFieldProperties)
- connectorEntityField_description :: Lens' ConnectorEntityField (Maybe Text)
- connectorEntityField_label :: Lens' ConnectorEntityField (Maybe Text)
- connectorEntityField_identifier :: Lens' ConnectorEntityField Text
- data ConnectorMetadata = ConnectorMetadata' {
- upsolver :: Maybe UpsolverMetadata
- snowflake :: Maybe SnowflakeMetadata
- honeycode :: Maybe HoneycodeMetadata
- serviceNow :: Maybe ServiceNowMetadata
- dynatrace :: Maybe DynatraceMetadata
- marketo :: Maybe MarketoMetadata
- slack :: Maybe SlackMetadata
- singular :: Maybe SingularMetadata
- inforNexus :: Maybe InforNexusMetadata
- amplitude :: Maybe AmplitudeMetadata
- customerProfiles :: Maybe CustomerProfilesMetadata
- datadog :: Maybe DatadogMetadata
- googleAnalytics :: Maybe GoogleAnalyticsMetadata
- sAPOData :: Maybe SAPODataMetadata
- salesforce :: Maybe SalesforceMetadata
- zendesk :: Maybe ZendeskMetadata
- s3 :: Maybe S3Metadata
- eventBridge :: Maybe EventBridgeMetadata
- trendmicro :: Maybe TrendmicroMetadata
- redshift :: Maybe RedshiftMetadata
- veeva :: Maybe VeevaMetadata
- newConnectorMetadata :: ConnectorMetadata
- connectorMetadata_upsolver :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe UpsolverMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_snowflake :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe SnowflakeMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_honeycode :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe HoneycodeMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_serviceNow :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe ServiceNowMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_dynatrace :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe DynatraceMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_marketo :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe MarketoMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_slack :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe SlackMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_singular :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe SingularMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_inforNexus :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe InforNexusMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_amplitude :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe AmplitudeMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_customerProfiles :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe CustomerProfilesMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_datadog :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe DatadogMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_googleAnalytics :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe GoogleAnalyticsMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_sAPOData :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe SAPODataMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_salesforce :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe SalesforceMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_zendesk :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe ZendeskMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_s3 :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe S3Metadata)
- connectorMetadata_eventBridge :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe EventBridgeMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_trendmicro :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe TrendmicroMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_redshift :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe RedshiftMetadata)
- connectorMetadata_veeva :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe VeevaMetadata)
- data ConnectorOAuthRequest = ConnectorOAuthRequest' {}
- newConnectorOAuthRequest :: ConnectorOAuthRequest
- connectorOAuthRequest_redirectUri :: Lens' ConnectorOAuthRequest (Maybe Text)
- connectorOAuthRequest_authCode :: Lens' ConnectorOAuthRequest (Maybe Text)
- data ConnectorOperator = ConnectorOperator' {
- serviceNow :: Maybe ServiceNowConnectorOperator
- dynatrace :: Maybe DynatraceConnectorOperator
- marketo :: Maybe MarketoConnectorOperator
- slack :: Maybe SlackConnectorOperator
- singular :: Maybe SingularConnectorOperator
- inforNexus :: Maybe InforNexusConnectorOperator
- amplitude :: Maybe AmplitudeConnectorOperator
- datadog :: Maybe DatadogConnectorOperator
- googleAnalytics :: Maybe GoogleAnalyticsConnectorOperator
- sAPOData :: Maybe SAPODataConnectorOperator
- salesforce :: Maybe SalesforceConnectorOperator
- zendesk :: Maybe ZendeskConnectorOperator
- s3 :: Maybe S3ConnectorOperator
- trendmicro :: Maybe TrendmicroConnectorOperator
- veeva :: Maybe VeevaConnectorOperator
- newConnectorOperator :: ConnectorOperator
- connectorOperator_serviceNow :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe ServiceNowConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_dynatrace :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe DynatraceConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_marketo :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe MarketoConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_slack :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe SlackConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_singular :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe SingularConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_inforNexus :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe InforNexusConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_amplitude :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe AmplitudeConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_datadog :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe DatadogConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_googleAnalytics :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe GoogleAnalyticsConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_sAPOData :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe SAPODataConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_salesforce :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe SalesforceConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_zendesk :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe ZendeskConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_s3 :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe S3ConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_trendmicro :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe TrendmicroConnectorOperator)
- connectorOperator_veeva :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe VeevaConnectorOperator)
- data ConnectorProfile = ConnectorProfile' {
- connectorProfileName :: Maybe Text
- lastUpdatedAt :: Maybe POSIX
- createdAt :: Maybe POSIX
- credentialsArn :: Maybe Text
- connectorProfileProperties :: Maybe ConnectorProfileProperties
- connectionMode :: Maybe ConnectionMode
- connectorProfileArn :: Maybe Text
- privateConnectionProvisioningState :: Maybe PrivateConnectionProvisioningState
- connectorType :: Maybe ConnectorType
- newConnectorProfile :: ConnectorProfile
- connectorProfile_connectorProfileName :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe Text)
- connectorProfile_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe UTCTime)
- connectorProfile_createdAt :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe UTCTime)
- connectorProfile_credentialsArn :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe Text)
- connectorProfile_connectorProfileProperties :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe ConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfile_connectionMode :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe ConnectionMode)
- connectorProfile_connectorProfileArn :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe Text)
- connectorProfile_privateConnectionProvisioningState :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe PrivateConnectionProvisioningState)
- connectorProfile_connectorType :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe ConnectorType)
- data ConnectorProfileConfig = ConnectorProfileConfig' {}
- newConnectorProfileConfig :: ConnectorProfileProperties -> ConnectorProfileCredentials -> ConnectorProfileConfig
- connectorProfileConfig_connectorProfileProperties :: Lens' ConnectorProfileConfig ConnectorProfileProperties
- connectorProfileConfig_connectorProfileCredentials :: Lens' ConnectorProfileConfig ConnectorProfileCredentials
- data ConnectorProfileCredentials = ConnectorProfileCredentials' {
- snowflake :: Maybe SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials
- honeycode :: Maybe HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials
- serviceNow :: Maybe ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials
- dynatrace :: Maybe DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials
- marketo :: Maybe MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials
- slack :: Maybe SlackConnectorProfileCredentials
- singular :: Maybe SingularConnectorProfileCredentials
- inforNexus :: Maybe InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials
- amplitude :: Maybe AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials
- datadog :: Maybe DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials
- googleAnalytics :: Maybe GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials
- sAPOData :: Maybe SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials
- salesforce :: Maybe SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials
- zendesk :: Maybe ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials
- trendmicro :: Maybe TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials
- redshift :: Maybe RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials
- veeva :: Maybe VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials
- newConnectorProfileCredentials :: ConnectorProfileCredentials
- connectorProfileCredentials_snowflake :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_honeycode :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_serviceNow :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_dynatrace :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_marketo :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_slack :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe SlackConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_singular :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe SingularConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_inforNexus :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_amplitude :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_datadog :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_googleAnalytics :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_sAPOData :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_salesforce :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_zendesk :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_trendmicro :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_redshift :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials)
- connectorProfileCredentials_veeva :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials)
- data ConnectorProfileProperties = ConnectorProfileProperties' {
- snowflake :: Maybe SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties
- honeycode :: Maybe HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties
- serviceNow :: Maybe ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties
- dynatrace :: Maybe DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties
- marketo :: Maybe MarketoConnectorProfileProperties
- slack :: Maybe SlackConnectorProfileProperties
- singular :: Maybe SingularConnectorProfileProperties
- inforNexus :: Maybe InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties
- amplitude :: Maybe AmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties
- datadog :: Maybe DatadogConnectorProfileProperties
- googleAnalytics :: Maybe GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties
- sAPOData :: Maybe SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties
- salesforce :: Maybe SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties
- zendesk :: Maybe ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties
- trendmicro :: Maybe TrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties
- redshift :: Maybe RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties
- veeva :: Maybe VeevaConnectorProfileProperties
- newConnectorProfileProperties :: ConnectorProfileProperties
- connectorProfileProperties_snowflake :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_honeycode :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_serviceNow :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_dynatrace :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_marketo :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe MarketoConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_slack :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe SlackConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_singular :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe SingularConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_inforNexus :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_amplitude :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe AmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_datadog :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe DatadogConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_googleAnalytics :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_sAPOData :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_salesforce :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_zendesk :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_trendmicro :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe TrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_redshift :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties)
- connectorProfileProperties_veeva :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe VeevaConnectorProfileProperties)
- data CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties = CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties' {}
- newCustomerProfilesDestinationProperties :: Text -> CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties
- customerProfilesDestinationProperties_objectTypeName :: Lens' CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties (Maybe Text)
- customerProfilesDestinationProperties_domainName :: Lens' CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties Text
- data CustomerProfilesMetadata = CustomerProfilesMetadata' {
- newCustomerProfilesMetadata :: CustomerProfilesMetadata
- data DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials = DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials' {
- apiKey :: Text
- applicationKey :: Text
- newDatadogConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> Text -> DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials
- datadogConnectorProfileCredentials_apiKey :: Lens' DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- datadogConnectorProfileCredentials_applicationKey :: Lens' DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data DatadogConnectorProfileProperties = DatadogConnectorProfileProperties' {
- instanceUrl :: Text
- newDatadogConnectorProfileProperties :: Text -> DatadogConnectorProfileProperties
- datadogConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' DatadogConnectorProfileProperties Text
- data DatadogMetadata = DatadogMetadata' {
- newDatadogMetadata :: DatadogMetadata
- data DatadogSourceProperties = DatadogSourceProperties' {}
- newDatadogSourceProperties :: Text -> DatadogSourceProperties
- datadogSourceProperties_object :: Lens' DatadogSourceProperties Text
- data DestinationConnectorProperties = DestinationConnectorProperties' {
- upsolver :: Maybe UpsolverDestinationProperties
- snowflake :: Maybe SnowflakeDestinationProperties
- honeycode :: Maybe HoneycodeDestinationProperties
- lookoutMetrics :: Maybe LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties
- customerProfiles :: Maybe CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties
- salesforce :: Maybe SalesforceDestinationProperties
- zendesk :: Maybe ZendeskDestinationProperties
- s3 :: Maybe S3DestinationProperties
- eventBridge :: Maybe EventBridgeDestinationProperties
- redshift :: Maybe RedshiftDestinationProperties
- newDestinationConnectorProperties :: DestinationConnectorProperties
- destinationConnectorProperties_upsolver :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe UpsolverDestinationProperties)
- destinationConnectorProperties_snowflake :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe SnowflakeDestinationProperties)
- destinationConnectorProperties_honeycode :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe HoneycodeDestinationProperties)
- destinationConnectorProperties_lookoutMetrics :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties)
- destinationConnectorProperties_customerProfiles :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties)
- destinationConnectorProperties_salesforce :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe SalesforceDestinationProperties)
- destinationConnectorProperties_zendesk :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe ZendeskDestinationProperties)
- destinationConnectorProperties_s3 :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe S3DestinationProperties)
- destinationConnectorProperties_eventBridge :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe EventBridgeDestinationProperties)
- destinationConnectorProperties_redshift :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe RedshiftDestinationProperties)
- data DestinationFieldProperties = DestinationFieldProperties' {}
- newDestinationFieldProperties :: DestinationFieldProperties
- destinationFieldProperties_isUpdatable :: Lens' DestinationFieldProperties (Maybe Bool)
- destinationFieldProperties_isNullable :: Lens' DestinationFieldProperties (Maybe Bool)
- destinationFieldProperties_supportedWriteOperations :: Lens' DestinationFieldProperties (Maybe [WriteOperationType])
- destinationFieldProperties_isUpsertable :: Lens' DestinationFieldProperties (Maybe Bool)
- destinationFieldProperties_isCreatable :: Lens' DestinationFieldProperties (Maybe Bool)
- data DestinationFlowConfig = DestinationFlowConfig' {}
- newDestinationFlowConfig :: ConnectorType -> DestinationConnectorProperties -> DestinationFlowConfig
- destinationFlowConfig_connectorProfileName :: Lens' DestinationFlowConfig (Maybe Text)
- destinationFlowConfig_connectorType :: Lens' DestinationFlowConfig ConnectorType
- destinationFlowConfig_destinationConnectorProperties :: Lens' DestinationFlowConfig DestinationConnectorProperties
- data DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials = DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newDynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials
- dynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials_apiToken :: Lens' DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties = DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties' {
- instanceUrl :: Text
- newDynatraceConnectorProfileProperties :: Text -> DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties
- dynatraceConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties Text
- data DynatraceMetadata = DynatraceMetadata' {
- newDynatraceMetadata :: DynatraceMetadata
- data DynatraceSourceProperties = DynatraceSourceProperties' {}
- newDynatraceSourceProperties :: Text -> DynatraceSourceProperties
- dynatraceSourceProperties_object :: Lens' DynatraceSourceProperties Text
- data ErrorHandlingConfig = ErrorHandlingConfig' {}
- newErrorHandlingConfig :: ErrorHandlingConfig
- errorHandlingConfig_failOnFirstDestinationError :: Lens' ErrorHandlingConfig (Maybe Bool)
- errorHandlingConfig_bucketPrefix :: Lens' ErrorHandlingConfig (Maybe Text)
- errorHandlingConfig_bucketName :: Lens' ErrorHandlingConfig (Maybe Text)
- data ErrorInfo = ErrorInfo' {}
- newErrorInfo :: ErrorInfo
- errorInfo_executionMessage :: Lens' ErrorInfo (Maybe Text)
- errorInfo_putFailuresCount :: Lens' ErrorInfo (Maybe Integer)
- data EventBridgeDestinationProperties = EventBridgeDestinationProperties' {}
- newEventBridgeDestinationProperties :: Text -> EventBridgeDestinationProperties
- eventBridgeDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig :: Lens' EventBridgeDestinationProperties (Maybe ErrorHandlingConfig)
- eventBridgeDestinationProperties_object :: Lens' EventBridgeDestinationProperties Text
- data EventBridgeMetadata = EventBridgeMetadata' {
- newEventBridgeMetadata :: EventBridgeMetadata
- data ExecutionDetails = ExecutionDetails' {}
- newExecutionDetails :: ExecutionDetails
- executionDetails_mostRecentExecutionMessage :: Lens' ExecutionDetails (Maybe Text)
- executionDetails_mostRecentExecutionStatus :: Lens' ExecutionDetails (Maybe ExecutionStatus)
- executionDetails_mostRecentExecutionTime :: Lens' ExecutionDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- data ExecutionRecord = ExecutionRecord' {}
- newExecutionRecord :: ExecutionRecord
- executionRecord_executionId :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe Text)
- executionRecord_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe UTCTime)
- executionRecord_dataPullStartTime :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe UTCTime)
- executionRecord_executionStatus :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe ExecutionStatus)
- executionRecord_startedAt :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe UTCTime)
- executionRecord_dataPullEndTime :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe UTCTime)
- executionRecord_executionResult :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe ExecutionResult)
- data ExecutionResult = ExecutionResult' {}
- newExecutionResult :: ExecutionResult
- executionResult_recordsProcessed :: Lens' ExecutionResult (Maybe Integer)
- executionResult_bytesWritten :: Lens' ExecutionResult (Maybe Integer)
- executionResult_bytesProcessed :: Lens' ExecutionResult (Maybe Integer)
- executionResult_errorInfo :: Lens' ExecutionResult (Maybe ErrorInfo)
- data FieldTypeDetails = FieldTypeDetails' {
- supportedValues :: Maybe [Text]
- fieldType :: Text
- filterOperators :: [Operator]
- newFieldTypeDetails :: Text -> FieldTypeDetails
- fieldTypeDetails_supportedValues :: Lens' FieldTypeDetails (Maybe [Text])
- fieldTypeDetails_fieldType :: Lens' FieldTypeDetails Text
- fieldTypeDetails_filterOperators :: Lens' FieldTypeDetails [Operator]
- data FlowDefinition = FlowDefinition' {
- lastUpdatedBy :: Maybe Text
- flowArn :: Maybe Text
- lastUpdatedAt :: Maybe POSIX
- createdAt :: Maybe POSIX
- triggerType :: Maybe TriggerType
- createdBy :: Maybe Text
- sourceConnectorType :: Maybe ConnectorType
- destinationConnectorType :: Maybe ConnectorType
- flowName :: Maybe Text
- lastRunExecutionDetails :: Maybe ExecutionDetails
- flowStatus :: Maybe FlowStatus
- description :: Maybe Text
- tags :: Maybe (HashMap Text Text)
- newFlowDefinition :: FlowDefinition
- flowDefinition_lastUpdatedBy :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe Text)
- flowDefinition_flowArn :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe Text)
- flowDefinition_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe UTCTime)
- flowDefinition_createdAt :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe UTCTime)
- flowDefinition_triggerType :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe TriggerType)
- flowDefinition_createdBy :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe Text)
- flowDefinition_sourceConnectorType :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe ConnectorType)
- flowDefinition_destinationConnectorType :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe ConnectorType)
- flowDefinition_flowName :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe Text)
- flowDefinition_lastRunExecutionDetails :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe ExecutionDetails)
- flowDefinition_flowStatus :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe FlowStatus)
- flowDefinition_description :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe Text)
- flowDefinition_tags :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- data GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials = GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newGoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> Text -> GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials
- googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text)
- googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_refreshToken :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text)
- googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest)
- googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_clientId :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_clientSecret :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties = GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties' {
- newGoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties :: GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties
- data GoogleAnalyticsMetadata = GoogleAnalyticsMetadata' {
- oAuthScopes :: Maybe [Text]
- newGoogleAnalyticsMetadata :: GoogleAnalyticsMetadata
- googleAnalyticsMetadata_oAuthScopes :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsMetadata (Maybe [Text])
- data GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties = GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties' {}
- newGoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties :: Text -> GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties
- googleAnalyticsSourceProperties_object :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties Text
- data HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials = HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newHoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials :: HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials
- honeycodeConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text)
- honeycodeConnectorProfileCredentials_refreshToken :: Lens' HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text)
- honeycodeConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest)
- data HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties = HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties' {
- newHoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties :: HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties
- data HoneycodeDestinationProperties = HoneycodeDestinationProperties' {}
- newHoneycodeDestinationProperties :: Text -> HoneycodeDestinationProperties
- honeycodeDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig :: Lens' HoneycodeDestinationProperties (Maybe ErrorHandlingConfig)
- honeycodeDestinationProperties_object :: Lens' HoneycodeDestinationProperties Text
- data HoneycodeMetadata = HoneycodeMetadata' {
- oAuthScopes :: Maybe [Text]
- newHoneycodeMetadata :: HoneycodeMetadata
- honeycodeMetadata_oAuthScopes :: Lens' HoneycodeMetadata (Maybe [Text])
- data IncrementalPullConfig = IncrementalPullConfig' {}
- newIncrementalPullConfig :: IncrementalPullConfig
- incrementalPullConfig_datetimeTypeFieldName :: Lens' IncrementalPullConfig (Maybe Text)
- data InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials = InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials' {
- accessKeyId :: Sensitive Text
- userId :: Text
- secretAccessKey :: Text
- datakey :: Text
- newInforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials
- inforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials_accessKeyId :: Lens' InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- inforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials_userId :: Lens' InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- inforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials_secretAccessKey :: Lens' InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- inforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials_datakey :: Lens' InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties = InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties' {
- instanceUrl :: Text
- newInforNexusConnectorProfileProperties :: Text -> InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties
- inforNexusConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties Text
- data InforNexusMetadata = InforNexusMetadata' {
- newInforNexusMetadata :: InforNexusMetadata
- data InforNexusSourceProperties = InforNexusSourceProperties' {}
- newInforNexusSourceProperties :: Text -> InforNexusSourceProperties
- inforNexusSourceProperties_object :: Lens' InforNexusSourceProperties Text
- data LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties = LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties' {
- newLookoutMetricsDestinationProperties :: LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties
- data MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials = MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newMarketoConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> Text -> MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials
- marketoConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text)
- marketoConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest)
- marketoConnectorProfileCredentials_clientId :: Lens' MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- marketoConnectorProfileCredentials_clientSecret :: Lens' MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data MarketoConnectorProfileProperties = MarketoConnectorProfileProperties' {
- instanceUrl :: Text
- newMarketoConnectorProfileProperties :: Text -> MarketoConnectorProfileProperties
- marketoConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' MarketoConnectorProfileProperties Text
- data MarketoMetadata = MarketoMetadata' {
- newMarketoMetadata :: MarketoMetadata
- data MarketoSourceProperties = MarketoSourceProperties' {}
- newMarketoSourceProperties :: Text -> MarketoSourceProperties
- marketoSourceProperties_object :: Lens' MarketoSourceProperties Text
- data OAuthCredentials = OAuthCredentials' {}
- newOAuthCredentials :: Text -> Text -> OAuthCredentials
- oAuthCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' OAuthCredentials (Maybe Text)
- oAuthCredentials_refreshToken :: Lens' OAuthCredentials (Maybe Text)
- oAuthCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' OAuthCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest)
- oAuthCredentials_clientId :: Lens' OAuthCredentials Text
- oAuthCredentials_clientSecret :: Lens' OAuthCredentials Text
- data OAuthProperties = OAuthProperties' {
- tokenUrl :: Text
- authCodeUrl :: Text
- oAuthScopes :: [Text]
- newOAuthProperties :: Text -> Text -> OAuthProperties
- oAuthProperties_tokenUrl :: Lens' OAuthProperties Text
- oAuthProperties_authCodeUrl :: Lens' OAuthProperties Text
- oAuthProperties_oAuthScopes :: Lens' OAuthProperties [Text]
- data PrefixConfig = PrefixConfig' {}
- newPrefixConfig :: PrefixConfig
- prefixConfig_prefixFormat :: Lens' PrefixConfig (Maybe PrefixFormat)
- prefixConfig_prefixType :: Lens' PrefixConfig (Maybe PrefixType)
- data PrivateConnectionProvisioningState = PrivateConnectionProvisioningState' {}
- newPrivateConnectionProvisioningState :: PrivateConnectionProvisioningState
- privateConnectionProvisioningState_status :: Lens' PrivateConnectionProvisioningState (Maybe PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus)
- privateConnectionProvisioningState_failureMessage :: Lens' PrivateConnectionProvisioningState (Maybe Text)
- privateConnectionProvisioningState_failureCause :: Lens' PrivateConnectionProvisioningState (Maybe PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause)
- data RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials = RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newRedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> Text -> RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials
- redshiftConnectorProfileCredentials_username :: Lens' RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- redshiftConnectorProfileCredentials_password :: Lens' RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties = RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties' {
- bucketPrefix :: Maybe Text
- databaseUrl :: Text
- bucketName :: Text
- roleArn :: Text
- newRedshiftConnectorProfileProperties :: Text -> Text -> Text -> RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties
- redshiftConnectorProfileProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text)
- redshiftConnectorProfileProperties_databaseUrl :: Lens' RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties Text
- redshiftConnectorProfileProperties_bucketName :: Lens' RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties Text
- redshiftConnectorProfileProperties_roleArn :: Lens' RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties Text
- data RedshiftDestinationProperties = RedshiftDestinationProperties' {}
- newRedshiftDestinationProperties :: Text -> Text -> RedshiftDestinationProperties
- redshiftDestinationProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationProperties (Maybe Text)
- redshiftDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationProperties (Maybe ErrorHandlingConfig)
- redshiftDestinationProperties_object :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationProperties Text
- redshiftDestinationProperties_intermediateBucketName :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationProperties Text
- data RedshiftMetadata = RedshiftMetadata' {
- newRedshiftMetadata :: RedshiftMetadata
- data S3DestinationProperties = S3DestinationProperties' {}
- newS3DestinationProperties :: Text -> S3DestinationProperties
- s3DestinationProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' S3DestinationProperties (Maybe Text)
- s3DestinationProperties_s3OutputFormatConfig :: Lens' S3DestinationProperties (Maybe S3OutputFormatConfig)
- s3DestinationProperties_bucketName :: Lens' S3DestinationProperties Text
- data S3InputFormatConfig = S3InputFormatConfig' {}
- newS3InputFormatConfig :: S3InputFormatConfig
- s3InputFormatConfig_s3InputFileType :: Lens' S3InputFormatConfig (Maybe S3InputFileType)
- data S3Metadata = S3Metadata' {
- newS3Metadata :: S3Metadata
- data S3OutputFormatConfig = S3OutputFormatConfig' {}
- newS3OutputFormatConfig :: S3OutputFormatConfig
- s3OutputFormatConfig_prefixConfig :: Lens' S3OutputFormatConfig (Maybe PrefixConfig)
- s3OutputFormatConfig_fileType :: Lens' S3OutputFormatConfig (Maybe FileType)
- s3OutputFormatConfig_aggregationConfig :: Lens' S3OutputFormatConfig (Maybe AggregationConfig)
- data S3SourceProperties = S3SourceProperties' {}
- newS3SourceProperties :: Text -> S3SourceProperties
- s3SourceProperties_s3InputFormatConfig :: Lens' S3SourceProperties (Maybe S3InputFormatConfig)
- s3SourceProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' S3SourceProperties (Maybe Text)
- s3SourceProperties_bucketName :: Lens' S3SourceProperties Text
- data SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials = SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newSAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials :: SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials
- sAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthCredentials :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe OAuthCredentials)
- sAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe BasicAuthCredentials)
- data SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties = SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties' {}
- newSAPODataConnectorProfileProperties :: Text -> Text -> Natural -> Text -> SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties
- sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_logonLanguage :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text)
- sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_privateLinkServiceName :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text)
- sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_oAuthProperties :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe OAuthProperties)
- sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_applicationHostUrl :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties Text
- sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_applicationServicePath :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties Text
- sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_portNumber :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties Natural
- sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_clientNumber :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties Text
- data SAPODataMetadata = SAPODataMetadata' {
- newSAPODataMetadata :: SAPODataMetadata
- data SAPODataSourceProperties = SAPODataSourceProperties' {
- objectPath :: Maybe Text
- newSAPODataSourceProperties :: SAPODataSourceProperties
- sAPODataSourceProperties_objectPath :: Lens' SAPODataSourceProperties (Maybe Text)
- data SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials = SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newSalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials :: SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials
- salesforceConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text)
- salesforceConnectorProfileCredentials_refreshToken :: Lens' SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text)
- salesforceConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest)
- salesforceConnectorProfileCredentials_clientCredentialsArn :: Lens' SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text)
- data SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties = SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties' {}
- newSalesforceConnectorProfileProperties :: SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties
- salesforceConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text)
- salesforceConnectorProfileProperties_isSandboxEnvironment :: Lens' SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Bool)
- data SalesforceDestinationProperties = SalesforceDestinationProperties' {}
- newSalesforceDestinationProperties :: Text -> SalesforceDestinationProperties
- salesforceDestinationProperties_writeOperationType :: Lens' SalesforceDestinationProperties (Maybe WriteOperationType)
- salesforceDestinationProperties_idFieldNames :: Lens' SalesforceDestinationProperties (Maybe [Text])
- salesforceDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig :: Lens' SalesforceDestinationProperties (Maybe ErrorHandlingConfig)
- salesforceDestinationProperties_object :: Lens' SalesforceDestinationProperties Text
- data SalesforceMetadata = SalesforceMetadata' {
- oAuthScopes :: Maybe [Text]
- newSalesforceMetadata :: SalesforceMetadata
- salesforceMetadata_oAuthScopes :: Lens' SalesforceMetadata (Maybe [Text])
- data SalesforceSourceProperties = SalesforceSourceProperties' {}
- newSalesforceSourceProperties :: Text -> SalesforceSourceProperties
- salesforceSourceProperties_enableDynamicFieldUpdate :: Lens' SalesforceSourceProperties (Maybe Bool)
- salesforceSourceProperties_includeDeletedRecords :: Lens' SalesforceSourceProperties (Maybe Bool)
- salesforceSourceProperties_object :: Lens' SalesforceSourceProperties Text
- data ScheduledTriggerProperties = ScheduledTriggerProperties' {}
- newScheduledTriggerProperties :: Text -> ScheduledTriggerProperties
- scheduledTriggerProperties_scheduleEndTime :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties (Maybe UTCTime)
- scheduledTriggerProperties_scheduleOffset :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties (Maybe Natural)
- scheduledTriggerProperties_dataPullMode :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties (Maybe DataPullMode)
- scheduledTriggerProperties_scheduleStartTime :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties (Maybe UTCTime)
- scheduledTriggerProperties_timezone :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties (Maybe Text)
- scheduledTriggerProperties_firstExecutionFrom :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties (Maybe UTCTime)
- scheduledTriggerProperties_scheduleExpression :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties Text
- data ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials = ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> Text -> ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials
- serviceNowConnectorProfileCredentials_username :: Lens' ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- serviceNowConnectorProfileCredentials_password :: Lens' ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties = ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties' {
- instanceUrl :: Text
- newServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties :: Text -> ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties
- serviceNowConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties Text
- data ServiceNowMetadata = ServiceNowMetadata' {
- newServiceNowMetadata :: ServiceNowMetadata
- data ServiceNowSourceProperties = ServiceNowSourceProperties' {}
- newServiceNowSourceProperties :: Text -> ServiceNowSourceProperties
- serviceNowSourceProperties_object :: Lens' ServiceNowSourceProperties Text
- data SingularConnectorProfileCredentials = SingularConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newSingularConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> SingularConnectorProfileCredentials
- singularConnectorProfileCredentials_apiKey :: Lens' SingularConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data SingularConnectorProfileProperties = SingularConnectorProfileProperties' {
- newSingularConnectorProfileProperties :: SingularConnectorProfileProperties
- data SingularMetadata = SingularMetadata' {
- newSingularMetadata :: SingularMetadata
- data SingularSourceProperties = SingularSourceProperties' {}
- newSingularSourceProperties :: Text -> SingularSourceProperties
- singularSourceProperties_object :: Lens' SingularSourceProperties Text
- data SlackConnectorProfileCredentials = SlackConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newSlackConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> Text -> SlackConnectorProfileCredentials
- slackConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' SlackConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text)
- slackConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' SlackConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest)
- slackConnectorProfileCredentials_clientId :: Lens' SlackConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- slackConnectorProfileCredentials_clientSecret :: Lens' SlackConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data SlackConnectorProfileProperties = SlackConnectorProfileProperties' {
- instanceUrl :: Text
- newSlackConnectorProfileProperties :: Text -> SlackConnectorProfileProperties
- slackConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' SlackConnectorProfileProperties Text
- data SlackMetadata = SlackMetadata' {
- oAuthScopes :: Maybe [Text]
- newSlackMetadata :: SlackMetadata
- slackMetadata_oAuthScopes :: Lens' SlackMetadata (Maybe [Text])
- data SlackSourceProperties = SlackSourceProperties' {}
- newSlackSourceProperties :: Text -> SlackSourceProperties
- slackSourceProperties_object :: Lens' SlackSourceProperties Text
- data SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials = SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newSnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> Text -> SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials
- snowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials_username :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- snowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials_password :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties = SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties' {
- privateLinkServiceName :: Maybe Text
- accountName :: Maybe Text
- bucketPrefix :: Maybe Text
- region :: Maybe Text
- warehouse :: Text
- stage :: Text
- bucketName :: Text
- newSnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties :: Text -> Text -> Text -> SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties
- snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_privateLinkServiceName :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text)
- snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_accountName :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text)
- snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text)
- snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_region :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text)
- snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_warehouse :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties Text
- snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_stage :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties Text
- snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_bucketName :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties Text
- data SnowflakeDestinationProperties = SnowflakeDestinationProperties' {}
- newSnowflakeDestinationProperties :: Text -> Text -> SnowflakeDestinationProperties
- snowflakeDestinationProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' SnowflakeDestinationProperties (Maybe Text)
- snowflakeDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig :: Lens' SnowflakeDestinationProperties (Maybe ErrorHandlingConfig)
- snowflakeDestinationProperties_object :: Lens' SnowflakeDestinationProperties Text
- snowflakeDestinationProperties_intermediateBucketName :: Lens' SnowflakeDestinationProperties Text
- data SnowflakeMetadata = SnowflakeMetadata' {
- supportedRegions :: Maybe [Text]
- newSnowflakeMetadata :: SnowflakeMetadata
- snowflakeMetadata_supportedRegions :: Lens' SnowflakeMetadata (Maybe [Text])
- data SourceConnectorProperties = SourceConnectorProperties' {
- serviceNow :: Maybe ServiceNowSourceProperties
- dynatrace :: Maybe DynatraceSourceProperties
- marketo :: Maybe MarketoSourceProperties
- slack :: Maybe SlackSourceProperties
- singular :: Maybe SingularSourceProperties
- inforNexus :: Maybe InforNexusSourceProperties
- amplitude :: Maybe AmplitudeSourceProperties
- datadog :: Maybe DatadogSourceProperties
- googleAnalytics :: Maybe GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties
- sAPOData :: Maybe SAPODataSourceProperties
- salesforce :: Maybe SalesforceSourceProperties
- zendesk :: Maybe ZendeskSourceProperties
- s3 :: Maybe S3SourceProperties
- trendmicro :: Maybe TrendmicroSourceProperties
- veeva :: Maybe VeevaSourceProperties
- newSourceConnectorProperties :: SourceConnectorProperties
- sourceConnectorProperties_serviceNow :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe ServiceNowSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_dynatrace :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe DynatraceSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_marketo :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe MarketoSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_slack :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe SlackSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_singular :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe SingularSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_inforNexus :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe InforNexusSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_amplitude :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe AmplitudeSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_datadog :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe DatadogSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_googleAnalytics :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_sAPOData :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe SAPODataSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_salesforce :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe SalesforceSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_zendesk :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe ZendeskSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_s3 :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe S3SourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_trendmicro :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe TrendmicroSourceProperties)
- sourceConnectorProperties_veeva :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe VeevaSourceProperties)
- data SourceFieldProperties = SourceFieldProperties' {}
- newSourceFieldProperties :: SourceFieldProperties
- sourceFieldProperties_isRetrievable :: Lens' SourceFieldProperties (Maybe Bool)
- sourceFieldProperties_isQueryable :: Lens' SourceFieldProperties (Maybe Bool)
- data SourceFlowConfig = SourceFlowConfig' {}
- newSourceFlowConfig :: ConnectorType -> SourceConnectorProperties -> SourceFlowConfig
- sourceFlowConfig_connectorProfileName :: Lens' SourceFlowConfig (Maybe Text)
- sourceFlowConfig_incrementalPullConfig :: Lens' SourceFlowConfig (Maybe IncrementalPullConfig)
- sourceFlowConfig_connectorType :: Lens' SourceFlowConfig ConnectorType
- sourceFlowConfig_sourceConnectorProperties :: Lens' SourceFlowConfig SourceConnectorProperties
- data SupportedFieldTypeDetails = SupportedFieldTypeDetails' {}
- newSupportedFieldTypeDetails :: FieldTypeDetails -> SupportedFieldTypeDetails
- supportedFieldTypeDetails_v1 :: Lens' SupportedFieldTypeDetails FieldTypeDetails
- data Task = Task' {}
- newTask :: TaskType -> Task
- task_taskProperties :: Lens' Task (Maybe (HashMap OperatorPropertiesKeys Text))
- task_connectorOperator :: Lens' Task (Maybe ConnectorOperator)
- task_destinationField :: Lens' Task (Maybe Text)
- task_sourceFields :: Lens' Task [Text]
- task_taskType :: Lens' Task TaskType
- data TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials = TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newTrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials
- trendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials_apiSecretKey :: Lens' TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data TrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties = TrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties' {
- newTrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties :: TrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties
- data TrendmicroMetadata = TrendmicroMetadata' {
- newTrendmicroMetadata :: TrendmicroMetadata
- data TrendmicroSourceProperties = TrendmicroSourceProperties' {}
- newTrendmicroSourceProperties :: Text -> TrendmicroSourceProperties
- trendmicroSourceProperties_object :: Lens' TrendmicroSourceProperties Text
- data TriggerConfig = TriggerConfig' {}
- newTriggerConfig :: TriggerType -> TriggerConfig
- triggerConfig_triggerProperties :: Lens' TriggerConfig (Maybe TriggerProperties)
- triggerConfig_triggerType :: Lens' TriggerConfig TriggerType
- data TriggerProperties = TriggerProperties' {}
- newTriggerProperties :: TriggerProperties
- triggerProperties_scheduled :: Lens' TriggerProperties (Maybe ScheduledTriggerProperties)
- data UpsolverDestinationProperties = UpsolverDestinationProperties' {}
- newUpsolverDestinationProperties :: Text -> UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig -> UpsolverDestinationProperties
- upsolverDestinationProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' UpsolverDestinationProperties (Maybe Text)
- upsolverDestinationProperties_bucketName :: Lens' UpsolverDestinationProperties Text
- upsolverDestinationProperties_s3OutputFormatConfig :: Lens' UpsolverDestinationProperties UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig
- data UpsolverMetadata = UpsolverMetadata' {
- newUpsolverMetadata :: UpsolverMetadata
- data UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig = UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig' {}
- newUpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig :: PrefixConfig -> UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig
- upsolverS3OutputFormatConfig_fileType :: Lens' UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig (Maybe FileType)
- upsolverS3OutputFormatConfig_aggregationConfig :: Lens' UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig (Maybe AggregationConfig)
- upsolverS3OutputFormatConfig_prefixConfig :: Lens' UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig PrefixConfig
- data VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials = VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newVeevaConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> Text -> VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials
- veevaConnectorProfileCredentials_username :: Lens' VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- veevaConnectorProfileCredentials_password :: Lens' VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data VeevaConnectorProfileProperties = VeevaConnectorProfileProperties' {
- instanceUrl :: Text
- newVeevaConnectorProfileProperties :: Text -> VeevaConnectorProfileProperties
- veevaConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' VeevaConnectorProfileProperties Text
- data VeevaMetadata = VeevaMetadata' {
- newVeevaMetadata :: VeevaMetadata
- data VeevaSourceProperties = VeevaSourceProperties' {}
- newVeevaSourceProperties :: Text -> VeevaSourceProperties
- veevaSourceProperties_includeAllVersions :: Lens' VeevaSourceProperties (Maybe Bool)
- veevaSourceProperties_documentType :: Lens' VeevaSourceProperties (Maybe Text)
- veevaSourceProperties_includeRenditions :: Lens' VeevaSourceProperties (Maybe Bool)
- veevaSourceProperties_includeSourceFiles :: Lens' VeevaSourceProperties (Maybe Bool)
- veevaSourceProperties_object :: Lens' VeevaSourceProperties Text
- data ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials = ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials' {}
- newZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials :: Text -> Text -> ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials
- zendeskConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text)
- zendeskConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest)
- zendeskConnectorProfileCredentials_clientId :: Lens' ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- zendeskConnectorProfileCredentials_clientSecret :: Lens' ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials Text
- data ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties = ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties' {
- instanceUrl :: Text
- newZendeskConnectorProfileProperties :: Text -> ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties
- zendeskConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties Text
- data ZendeskDestinationProperties = ZendeskDestinationProperties' {}
- newZendeskDestinationProperties :: Text -> ZendeskDestinationProperties
- zendeskDestinationProperties_writeOperationType :: Lens' ZendeskDestinationProperties (Maybe WriteOperationType)
- zendeskDestinationProperties_idFieldNames :: Lens' ZendeskDestinationProperties (Maybe [Text])
- zendeskDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig :: Lens' ZendeskDestinationProperties (Maybe ErrorHandlingConfig)
- zendeskDestinationProperties_object :: Lens' ZendeskDestinationProperties Text
- data ZendeskMetadata = ZendeskMetadata' {
- oAuthScopes :: Maybe [Text]
- newZendeskMetadata :: ZendeskMetadata
- zendeskMetadata_oAuthScopes :: Lens' ZendeskMetadata (Maybe [Text])
- data ZendeskSourceProperties = ZendeskSourceProperties' {}
- newZendeskSourceProperties :: Text -> ZendeskSourceProperties
- zendeskSourceProperties_object :: Lens' ZendeskSourceProperties Text
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2020-08-23
of the Amazon Appflow SDK configuration.
_ValidationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request has invalid or missing parameters.
_UnsupportedOperationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The requested operation is not supported for the current flow.
_ConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
There was a conflict when processing the request (for example, a flow with the given name already exists within the account. Check for conflicting resource names and try again.
_ConnectorAuthenticationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An error occurred when authenticating with the connector endpoint.
_ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The request would cause a service quota (such as the number of flows) to be exceeded.
_InternalServerException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An internal service error occurred during the processing of your request. Try again later.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
The resource specified in the request (such as the source or destination connector profile) is not found.
_ConnectorServerException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source #
An error occurred when retrieving data from the connector endpoint.
newtype AggregationType Source #
AggregationType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AggregationType_None :: AggregationType | |
pattern AggregationType_SingleFile :: AggregationType |
newtype AmplitudeConnectorOperator Source #
AmplitudeConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AmplitudeConnectorOperator_BETWEEN :: AmplitudeConnectorOperator |
newtype ConnectionMode Source #
ConnectionMode' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ConnectionMode_Private :: ConnectionMode | |
pattern ConnectionMode_Public :: ConnectionMode |
newtype ConnectorType Source #
ConnectorType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype DataPullMode Source #
DataPullMode' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern DataPullMode_Complete :: DataPullMode | |
pattern DataPullMode_Incremental :: DataPullMode |
newtype DatadogConnectorOperator Source #
DatadogConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype DynatraceConnectorOperator Source #
DynatraceConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype ExecutionStatus Source #
ExecutionStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ExecutionStatus_Error :: ExecutionStatus | |
pattern ExecutionStatus_InProgress :: ExecutionStatus | |
pattern ExecutionStatus_Successful :: ExecutionStatus |
FileType' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern FileType_CSV :: FileType | |
pattern FileType_JSON :: FileType | |
pattern FileType_PARQUET :: FileType |
newtype FlowStatus Source #
FlowStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern FlowStatus_Active :: FlowStatus | |
pattern FlowStatus_Deleted :: FlowStatus | |
pattern FlowStatus_Deprecated :: FlowStatus | |
pattern FlowStatus_Draft :: FlowStatus | |
pattern FlowStatus_Errored :: FlowStatus | |
pattern FlowStatus_Suspended :: FlowStatus |
newtype GoogleAnalyticsConnectorOperator Source #
GoogleAnalyticsConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern GoogleAnalyticsConnectorOperator_BETWEEN :: GoogleAnalyticsConnectorOperator | |
pattern GoogleAnalyticsConnectorOperator_PROJECTION :: GoogleAnalyticsConnectorOperator |
newtype InforNexusConnectorOperator Source #
InforNexusConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype MarketoConnectorOperator Source #
MarketoConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
Operator' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Operator_ADDITION :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_BETWEEN :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_CONTAINS :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_DIVISION :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_EQUAL_TO :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_GREATER_THAN :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_LESS_THAN :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_MASK_ALL :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_MASK_FIRST_N :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_MASK_LAST_N :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_MULTIPLICATION :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_NOT_EQUAL_TO :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_NO_OP :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_PROJECTION :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_SUBTRACTION :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_VALIDATE_NON_NEGATIVE :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_VALIDATE_NON_NULL :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_VALIDATE_NON_ZERO :: Operator | |
pattern Operator_VALIDATE_NUMERIC :: Operator |
newtype OperatorPropertiesKeys Source #
OperatorPropertiesKeys' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype PrefixFormat Source #
PrefixFormat' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern PrefixFormat_DAY :: PrefixFormat | |
pattern PrefixFormat_HOUR :: PrefixFormat | |
pattern PrefixFormat_MINUTE :: PrefixFormat | |
pattern PrefixFormat_MONTH :: PrefixFormat | |
pattern PrefixFormat_YEAR :: PrefixFormat |
newtype PrefixType Source #
PrefixType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern PrefixType_FILENAME :: PrefixType | |
pattern PrefixType_PATH :: PrefixType | |
pattern PrefixType_PATH_AND_FILENAME :: PrefixType |
newtype PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause Source #
PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause' | |
Bundled Patterns
newtype PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus Source #
PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus' | |
Bundled Patterns
newtype S3ConnectorOperator Source #
S3ConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype S3InputFileType Source #
S3InputFileType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern S3InputFileType_CSV :: S3InputFileType | |
pattern S3InputFileType_JSON :: S3InputFileType |
newtype SAPODataConnectorOperator Source #
SAPODataConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype SalesforceConnectorOperator Source #
SalesforceConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype ScheduleFrequencyType Source #
ScheduleFrequencyType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ScheduleFrequencyType_BYMINUTE :: ScheduleFrequencyType | |
pattern ScheduleFrequencyType_DAILY :: ScheduleFrequencyType | |
pattern ScheduleFrequencyType_HOURLY :: ScheduleFrequencyType | |
pattern ScheduleFrequencyType_MONTHLY :: ScheduleFrequencyType | |
pattern ScheduleFrequencyType_ONCE :: ScheduleFrequencyType | |
pattern ScheduleFrequencyType_WEEKLY :: ScheduleFrequencyType |
newtype ServiceNowConnectorOperator Source #
ServiceNowConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype SingularConnectorOperator Source #
SingularConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype SlackConnectorOperator Source #
SlackConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
TaskType' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern TaskType_Arithmetic :: TaskType | |
pattern TaskType_Filter :: TaskType | |
pattern TaskType_Map :: TaskType | |
pattern TaskType_Map_all :: TaskType | |
pattern TaskType_Mask :: TaskType | |
pattern TaskType_Merge :: TaskType | |
pattern TaskType_Truncate :: TaskType | |
pattern TaskType_Validate :: TaskType |
newtype TrendmicroConnectorOperator Source #
TrendmicroConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype TriggerType Source #
TriggerType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern TriggerType_Event :: TriggerType | |
pattern TriggerType_OnDemand :: TriggerType | |
pattern TriggerType_Scheduled :: TriggerType |
newtype VeevaConnectorOperator Source #
VeevaConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype WriteOperationType Source #
The possible write operations in the destination connector. When this
value is not provided, this defaults to the INSERT
WriteOperationType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern WriteOperationType_INSERT :: WriteOperationType | |
pattern WriteOperationType_UPDATE :: WriteOperationType | |
pattern WriteOperationType_UPSERT :: WriteOperationType |
newtype ZendeskConnectorOperator Source #
ZendeskConnectorOperator' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
data AggregationConfig Source #
The aggregation settings that you can use to customize the output format of your flow data.
See: newAggregationConfig
smart constructor.
AggregationConfig' | |
newAggregationConfig :: AggregationConfig Source #
Create a value of AggregationConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, aggregationConfig_aggregationType
- Specifies whether Amazon AppFlow aggregates the flow records into a
single file, or leave them unaggregated.
aggregationConfig_aggregationType :: Lens' AggregationConfig (Maybe AggregationType) Source #
Specifies whether Amazon AppFlow aggregates the flow records into a single file, or leave them unaggregated.
data AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Amplitude.
See: newAmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newAmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, amplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials_apiKey
- A unique alphanumeric identifier used to authenticate a user, developer,
or calling program to your API.
, amplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials_secretKey
- The Secret Access Key portion of the credentials.
amplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials_apiKey :: Lens' AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
A unique alphanumeric identifier used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to your API.
amplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials_secretKey :: Lens' AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The Secret Access Key portion of the credentials.
data AmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Amplitude.
See: newAmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
AmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newAmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties :: AmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties Source #
Create a value of AmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data AmplitudeMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Amplitude.
See: newAmplitudeMetadata
smart constructor.
AmplitudeMetadata' | |
newAmplitudeMetadata :: AmplitudeMetadata Source #
Create a value of AmplitudeMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data AmplitudeSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Amplitude is being used as a source.
See: newAmplitudeSourceProperties
smart constructor.
AmplitudeSourceProperties' | |
newAmplitudeSourceProperties Source #
Create a value of AmplitudeSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, amplitudeSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the Amplitude flow source.
amplitudeSourceProperties_object :: Lens' AmplitudeSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Amplitude flow source.
data BasicAuthCredentials Source #
The basic auth credentials required for basic authentication.
See: newBasicAuthCredentials
smart constructor.
BasicAuthCredentials' | |
newBasicAuthCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> BasicAuthCredentials |
Create a value of BasicAuthCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, basicAuthCredentials_username
- The username to use to connect to a resource.
, basicAuthCredentials_password
- The password to use to connect to a resource.
basicAuthCredentials_username :: Lens' BasicAuthCredentials Text Source #
The username to use to connect to a resource.
basicAuthCredentials_password :: Lens' BasicAuthCredentials Text Source #
The password to use to connect to a resource.
data ConnectorConfiguration Source #
The configuration settings related to a given connector.
See: newConnectorConfiguration
smart constructor.
ConnectorConfiguration' | |
newConnectorConfiguration :: ConnectorConfiguration Source #
Create a value of ConnectorConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, connectorConfiguration_isPrivateLinkEnabled
- Specifies if PrivateLink is enabled for that connector.
, connectorConfiguration_supportedTriggerTypes
- Specifies the supported trigger types for the flow.
, connectorConfiguration_canUseAsSource
- Specifies whether the connector can be used as a source.
, connectorConfiguration_connectorMetadata
- Specifies connector-specific metadata such as oAuthScopes
, privateLinkServiceUrl
, and so on.
, connectorConfiguration_canUseAsDestination
- Specifies whether the connector can be used as a destination.
, connectorConfiguration_supportedSchedulingFrequencies
- Specifies the supported flow frequency for that connector.
, connectorConfiguration_supportedDestinationConnectors
- Lists the connectors that are available for use as destinations.
, connectorConfiguration_isPrivateLinkEndpointUrlRequired
- Specifies if a PrivateLink endpoint URL is required.
connectorConfiguration_isPrivateLinkEnabled :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies if PrivateLink is enabled for that connector.
connectorConfiguration_supportedTriggerTypes :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe [TriggerType]) Source #
Specifies the supported trigger types for the flow.
connectorConfiguration_canUseAsSource :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether the connector can be used as a source.
connectorConfiguration_connectorMetadata :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe ConnectorMetadata) Source #
Specifies connector-specific metadata such as oAuthScopes
, privateLinkServiceUrl
, and so on.
connectorConfiguration_canUseAsDestination :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether the connector can be used as a destination.
connectorConfiguration_supportedSchedulingFrequencies :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe [ScheduleFrequencyType]) Source #
Specifies the supported flow frequency for that connector.
connectorConfiguration_supportedDestinationConnectors :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe [ConnectorType]) Source #
Lists the connectors that are available for use as destinations.
connectorConfiguration_isPrivateLinkEndpointUrlRequired :: Lens' ConnectorConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies if a PrivateLink endpoint URL is required.
data ConnectorEntity Source #
The high-level entity that can be queried in Amazon AppFlow. For example, a Salesforce entity might be an Account or Opportunity, whereas a ServiceNow entity might be an Incident.
See: newConnectorEntity
smart constructor.
ConnectorEntity' | |
:: Text | |
-> ConnectorEntity |
Create a value of ConnectorEntity
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, connectorEntity_hasNestedEntities
- Specifies whether the connector entity is a parent or a category and has
more entities nested underneath it. If another call is made with
entitiesPath = "the_current_entity_name_with_hasNestedEntities_true"
then it returns the nested entities underneath it. This provides a way
to retrieve all supported entities in a recursive fashion.
, connectorEntity_label
- The label applied to the connector entity.
, connectorEntity_name
- The name of the connector entity.
connectorEntity_hasNestedEntities :: Lens' ConnectorEntity (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether the connector entity is a parent or a category and has
more entities nested underneath it. If another call is made with
entitiesPath = "the_current_entity_name_with_hasNestedEntities_true"
then it returns the nested entities underneath it. This provides a way
to retrieve all supported entities in a recursive fashion.
connectorEntity_label :: Lens' ConnectorEntity (Maybe Text) Source #
The label applied to the connector entity.
connectorEntity_name :: Lens' ConnectorEntity Text Source #
The name of the connector entity.
data ConnectorEntityField Source #
Describes the data model of a connector field. For example, for an account entity, the fields would be account name, account ID, and so on.
See: newConnectorEntityField
smart constructor.
ConnectorEntityField' | |
newConnectorEntityField Source #
Create a value of ConnectorEntityField
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, connectorEntityField_sourceProperties
- The properties that can be applied to a field when the connector is
being used as a source.
, connectorEntityField_supportedFieldTypeDetails
- Contains details regarding the supported FieldType
, including the
corresponding filterOperators
and supportedValues
, connectorEntityField_destinationProperties
- The properties applied to a field when the connector is being used as a
, connectorEntityField_description
- A description of the connector entity field.
, connectorEntityField_label
- The label applied to a connector entity field.
, connectorEntityField_identifier
- The unique identifier of the connector field.
connectorEntityField_sourceProperties :: Lens' ConnectorEntityField (Maybe SourceFieldProperties) Source #
The properties that can be applied to a field when the connector is being used as a source.
connectorEntityField_supportedFieldTypeDetails :: Lens' ConnectorEntityField (Maybe SupportedFieldTypeDetails) Source #
Contains details regarding the supported FieldType
, including the
corresponding filterOperators
and supportedValues
connectorEntityField_destinationProperties :: Lens' ConnectorEntityField (Maybe DestinationFieldProperties) Source #
The properties applied to a field when the connector is being used as a destination.
connectorEntityField_description :: Lens' ConnectorEntityField (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the connector entity field.
connectorEntityField_label :: Lens' ConnectorEntityField (Maybe Text) Source #
The label applied to a connector entity field.
connectorEntityField_identifier :: Lens' ConnectorEntityField Text Source #
The unique identifier of the connector field.
data ConnectorMetadata Source #
A structure to specify connector-specific metadata such as
, supportedRegions
, privateLinkServiceUrl
, and so on.
See: newConnectorMetadata
smart constructor.
ConnectorMetadata' | |
newConnectorMetadata :: ConnectorMetadata Source #
Create a value of ConnectorMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, connectorMetadata_upsolver
- The connector metadata specific to Upsolver.
, connectorMetadata_snowflake
- The connector metadata specific to Snowflake.
, connectorMetadata_honeycode
- The connector metadata specific to Amazon Honeycode.
, connectorMetadata_serviceNow
- The connector metadata specific to ServiceNow.
, connectorMetadata_dynatrace
- The connector metadata specific to Dynatrace.
, connectorMetadata_marketo
- The connector metadata specific to Marketo.
, connectorMetadata_slack
- The connector metadata specific to Slack.
, connectorMetadata_singular
- The connector metadata specific to Singular.
, connectorMetadata_inforNexus
- The connector metadata specific to Infor Nexus.
, connectorMetadata_amplitude
- The connector metadata specific to Amplitude.
, connectorMetadata_customerProfiles
- The connector metadata specific to Amazon Connect Customer Profiles.
, connectorMetadata_datadog
- The connector metadata specific to Datadog.
, connectorMetadata_googleAnalytics
- The connector metadata specific to Google Analytics.
, connectorMetadata_sAPOData
- Undocumented member.
, connectorMetadata_salesforce
- The connector metadata specific to Salesforce.
, connectorMetadata_zendesk
- The connector metadata specific to Zendesk.
, connectorMetadata_s3
- The connector metadata specific to Amazon S3.
, connectorMetadata_eventBridge
- The connector metadata specific to Amazon EventBridge.
, connectorMetadata_trendmicro
- The connector metadata specific to Trend Micro.
, connectorMetadata_redshift
- The connector metadata specific to Amazon Redshift.
, connectorMetadata_veeva
- The connector metadata specific to Veeva.
connectorMetadata_upsolver :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe UpsolverMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Upsolver.
connectorMetadata_snowflake :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe SnowflakeMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Snowflake.
connectorMetadata_honeycode :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe HoneycodeMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Amazon Honeycode.
connectorMetadata_serviceNow :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe ServiceNowMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to ServiceNow.
connectorMetadata_dynatrace :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe DynatraceMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Dynatrace.
connectorMetadata_marketo :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe MarketoMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Marketo.
connectorMetadata_slack :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe SlackMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Slack.
connectorMetadata_singular :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe SingularMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Singular.
connectorMetadata_inforNexus :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe InforNexusMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Infor Nexus.
connectorMetadata_amplitude :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe AmplitudeMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Amplitude.
connectorMetadata_customerProfiles :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe CustomerProfilesMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Amazon Connect Customer Profiles.
connectorMetadata_datadog :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe DatadogMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Datadog.
connectorMetadata_googleAnalytics :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe GoogleAnalyticsMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Google Analytics.
connectorMetadata_sAPOData :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe SAPODataMetadata) Source #
Undocumented member.
connectorMetadata_salesforce :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe SalesforceMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Salesforce.
connectorMetadata_zendesk :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe ZendeskMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Zendesk.
connectorMetadata_s3 :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe S3Metadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Amazon S3.
connectorMetadata_eventBridge :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe EventBridgeMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Amazon EventBridge.
connectorMetadata_trendmicro :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe TrendmicroMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Trend Micro.
connectorMetadata_redshift :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe RedshiftMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Amazon Redshift.
connectorMetadata_veeva :: Lens' ConnectorMetadata (Maybe VeevaMetadata) Source #
The connector metadata specific to Veeva.
data ConnectorOAuthRequest Source #
Used by select connectors for which the OAuth workflow is supported, such as Salesforce, Google Analytics, Marketo, Zendesk, and Slack.
See: newConnectorOAuthRequest
smart constructor.
ConnectorOAuthRequest' | |
newConnectorOAuthRequest :: ConnectorOAuthRequest Source #
Create a value of ConnectorOAuthRequest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, connectorOAuthRequest_redirectUri
- The URL to which the authentication server redirects the browser after
authorization has been granted.
, connectorOAuthRequest_authCode
- The code provided by the connector when it has been authenticated via
the connected app.
connectorOAuthRequest_redirectUri :: Lens' ConnectorOAuthRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL to which the authentication server redirects the browser after authorization has been granted.
connectorOAuthRequest_authCode :: Lens' ConnectorOAuthRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The code provided by the connector when it has been authenticated via the connected app.
data ConnectorOperator Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided source fields.
See: newConnectorOperator
smart constructor.
ConnectorOperator' | |
newConnectorOperator :: ConnectorOperator Source #
Create a value of ConnectorOperator
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, connectorOperator_serviceNow
- The operation to be performed on the provided ServiceNow source fields.
, connectorOperator_dynatrace
- The operation to be performed on the provided Dynatrace source fields.
, connectorOperator_marketo
- The operation to be performed on the provided Marketo source fields.
, connectorOperator_slack
- The operation to be performed on the provided Slack source fields.
, connectorOperator_singular
- The operation to be performed on the provided Singular source fields.
, connectorOperator_inforNexus
- The operation to be performed on the provided Infor Nexus source fields.
, connectorOperator_amplitude
- The operation to be performed on the provided Amplitude source fields.
, connectorOperator_datadog
- The operation to be performed on the provided Datadog source fields.
, connectorOperator_googleAnalytics
- The operation to be performed on the provided Google Analytics source
, connectorOperator_sAPOData
- The operation to be performed on the provided SAPOData source fields.
, connectorOperator_salesforce
- The operation to be performed on the provided Salesforce source fields.
, connectorOperator_zendesk
- The operation to be performed on the provided Zendesk source fields.
, connectorOperator_s3
- The operation to be performed on the provided Amazon S3 source fields.
, connectorOperator_trendmicro
- The operation to be performed on the provided Trend Micro source fields.
, connectorOperator_veeva
- The operation to be performed on the provided Veeva source fields.
connectorOperator_serviceNow :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe ServiceNowConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided ServiceNow source fields.
connectorOperator_dynatrace :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe DynatraceConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Dynatrace source fields.
connectorOperator_marketo :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe MarketoConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Marketo source fields.
connectorOperator_slack :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe SlackConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Slack source fields.
connectorOperator_singular :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe SingularConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Singular source fields.
connectorOperator_inforNexus :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe InforNexusConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Infor Nexus source fields.
connectorOperator_amplitude :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe AmplitudeConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Amplitude source fields.
connectorOperator_datadog :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe DatadogConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Datadog source fields.
connectorOperator_googleAnalytics :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe GoogleAnalyticsConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Google Analytics source fields.
connectorOperator_sAPOData :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe SAPODataConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided SAPOData source fields.
connectorOperator_salesforce :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe SalesforceConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Salesforce source fields.
connectorOperator_zendesk :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe ZendeskConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Zendesk source fields.
connectorOperator_s3 :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe S3ConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Amazon S3 source fields.
connectorOperator_trendmicro :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe TrendmicroConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Trend Micro source fields.
connectorOperator_veeva :: Lens' ConnectorOperator (Maybe VeevaConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided Veeva source fields.
data ConnectorProfile Source #
Describes an instance of a connector. This includes the provided name,
credentials ARN, connection-mode, and so on. To keep the API intuitive
and extensible, the fields that are common to all types of connector
profiles are explicitly specified at the top level. The rest of the
connector-specific properties are available via the
See: newConnectorProfile
smart constructor.
ConnectorProfile' | |
newConnectorProfile :: ConnectorProfile Source #
Create a value of ConnectorProfile
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, connectorProfile_connectorProfileName
- The name of the connector profile. The name is unique for each
in the Amazon Web Services account.
, connectorProfile_lastUpdatedAt
- Specifies when the connector profile was last updated.
, connectorProfile_createdAt
- Specifies when the connector profile was created.
, connectorProfile_credentialsArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the connector profile credentials.
, connectorProfile_connectorProfileProperties
- The connector-specific properties of the profile configuration.
, connectorProfile_connectionMode
- Indicates the connection mode and if it is public or private.
, connectorProfile_connectorProfileArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the connector profile.
, connectorProfile_privateConnectionProvisioningState
- Specifies the private connection provisioning state.
, connectorProfile_connectorType
- The type of connector, such as Salesforce, Amplitude, and so on.
connectorProfile_connectorProfileName :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the connector profile. The name is unique for each
in the Amazon Web Services account.
connectorProfile_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the connector profile was last updated.
connectorProfile_createdAt :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the connector profile was created.
connectorProfile_credentialsArn :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the connector profile credentials.
connectorProfile_connectorProfileProperties :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe ConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties of the profile configuration.
connectorProfile_connectionMode :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe ConnectionMode) Source #
Indicates the connection mode and if it is public or private.
connectorProfile_connectorProfileArn :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the connector profile.
connectorProfile_privateConnectionProvisioningState :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe PrivateConnectionProvisioningState) Source #
Specifies the private connection provisioning state.
connectorProfile_connectorType :: Lens' ConnectorProfile (Maybe ConnectorType) Source #
The type of connector, such as Salesforce, Amplitude, and so on.
data ConnectorProfileConfig Source #
Defines the connector-specific configuration and credentials for the connector profile.
See: newConnectorProfileConfig
smart constructor.
ConnectorProfileConfig' | |
newConnectorProfileConfig Source #
Create a value of ConnectorProfileConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, connectorProfileConfig_connectorProfileProperties
- The connector-specific properties of the profile configuration.
, connectorProfileConfig_connectorProfileCredentials
- The connector-specific credentials required by each connector.
connectorProfileConfig_connectorProfileProperties :: Lens' ConnectorProfileConfig ConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific properties of the profile configuration.
connectorProfileConfig_connectorProfileCredentials :: Lens' ConnectorProfileConfig ConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific credentials required by each connector.
data ConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific credentials required by a connector.
See: newConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
ConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newConnectorProfileCredentials :: ConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
Create a value of ConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, connectorProfileCredentials_snowflake
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Snowflake.
, connectorProfileCredentials_honeycode
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Amazon Honeycode.
, connectorProfileCredentials_serviceNow
- The connector-specific credentials required when using ServiceNow.
, connectorProfileCredentials_dynatrace
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Dynatrace.
, connectorProfileCredentials_marketo
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Marketo.
, connectorProfileCredentials_slack
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Slack.
, connectorProfileCredentials_singular
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Singular.
, connectorProfileCredentials_inforNexus
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Infor Nexus.
, connectorProfileCredentials_amplitude
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Amplitude.
, connectorProfileCredentials_datadog
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Datadog.
, connectorProfileCredentials_googleAnalytics
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Google Analytics.
, connectorProfileCredentials_sAPOData
- Undocumented member.
, connectorProfileCredentials_salesforce
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Salesforce.
, connectorProfileCredentials_zendesk
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Zendesk.
, connectorProfileCredentials_trendmicro
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Trend Micro.
, connectorProfileCredentials_redshift
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Amazon Redshift.
, connectorProfileCredentials_veeva
- The connector-specific credentials required when using Veeva.
connectorProfileCredentials_snowflake :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Snowflake.
connectorProfileCredentials_honeycode :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Amazon Honeycode.
connectorProfileCredentials_serviceNow :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using ServiceNow.
connectorProfileCredentials_dynatrace :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Dynatrace.
connectorProfileCredentials_marketo :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Marketo.
connectorProfileCredentials_slack :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe SlackConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Slack.
connectorProfileCredentials_singular :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe SingularConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Singular.
connectorProfileCredentials_inforNexus :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Infor Nexus.
connectorProfileCredentials_amplitude :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Amplitude.
connectorProfileCredentials_datadog :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Datadog.
connectorProfileCredentials_googleAnalytics :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Google Analytics.
connectorProfileCredentials_sAPOData :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
Undocumented member.
connectorProfileCredentials_salesforce :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Salesforce.
connectorProfileCredentials_zendesk :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Zendesk.
connectorProfileCredentials_trendmicro :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Trend Micro.
connectorProfileCredentials_redshift :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Amazon Redshift.
connectorProfileCredentials_veeva :: Lens' ConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials) Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Veeva.
data ConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required by each connector.
See: newConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
ConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newConnectorProfileProperties :: ConnectorProfileProperties Source #
Create a value of ConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, connectorProfileProperties_snowflake
- The connector-specific properties required by Snowflake.
, connectorProfileProperties_honeycode
- The connector-specific properties required by Amazon Honeycode.
, connectorProfileProperties_serviceNow
- The connector-specific properties required by serviceNow.
, connectorProfileProperties_dynatrace
- The connector-specific properties required by Dynatrace.
, connectorProfileProperties_marketo
- The connector-specific properties required by Marketo.
, connectorProfileProperties_slack
- The connector-specific properties required by Slack.
, connectorProfileProperties_singular
- The connector-specific properties required by Singular.
, connectorProfileProperties_inforNexus
- The connector-specific properties required by Infor Nexus.
, connectorProfileProperties_amplitude
- The connector-specific properties required by Amplitude.
, connectorProfileProperties_datadog
- The connector-specific properties required by Datadog.
, connectorProfileProperties_googleAnalytics
- The connector-specific properties required Google Analytics.
, connectorProfileProperties_sAPOData
- Undocumented member.
, connectorProfileProperties_salesforce
- The connector-specific properties required by Salesforce.
, connectorProfileProperties_zendesk
- The connector-specific properties required by Zendesk.
, connectorProfileProperties_trendmicro
- The connector-specific properties required by Trend Micro.
, connectorProfileProperties_redshift
- The connector-specific properties required by Amazon Redshift.
, connectorProfileProperties_veeva
- The connector-specific properties required by Veeva.
connectorProfileProperties_snowflake :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Snowflake.
connectorProfileProperties_honeycode :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Amazon Honeycode.
connectorProfileProperties_serviceNow :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by serviceNow.
connectorProfileProperties_dynatrace :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Dynatrace.
connectorProfileProperties_marketo :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe MarketoConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Marketo.
connectorProfileProperties_slack :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe SlackConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Slack.
connectorProfileProperties_singular :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe SingularConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Singular.
connectorProfileProperties_inforNexus :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Infor Nexus.
connectorProfileProperties_amplitude :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe AmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Amplitude.
connectorProfileProperties_datadog :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe DatadogConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Datadog.
connectorProfileProperties_googleAnalytics :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required Google Analytics.
connectorProfileProperties_sAPOData :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
Undocumented member.
connectorProfileProperties_salesforce :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Salesforce.
connectorProfileProperties_zendesk :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Zendesk.
connectorProfileProperties_trendmicro :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe TrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Trend Micro.
connectorProfileProperties_redshift :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Amazon Redshift.
connectorProfileProperties_veeva :: Lens' ConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe VeevaConnectorProfileProperties) Source #
The connector-specific properties required by Veeva.
data CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Amazon Connect Customer Profiles is used as a destination.
See: newCustomerProfilesDestinationProperties
smart constructor.
CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties' | |
newCustomerProfilesDestinationProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties |
Create a value of CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, customerProfilesDestinationProperties_objectTypeName
- The object specified in the Amazon Connect Customer Profiles flow
, customerProfilesDestinationProperties_domainName
- The unique name of the Amazon Connect Customer Profiles domain.
customerProfilesDestinationProperties_objectTypeName :: Lens' CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The object specified in the Amazon Connect Customer Profiles flow destination.
customerProfilesDestinationProperties_domainName :: Lens' CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties Text Source #
The unique name of the Amazon Connect Customer Profiles domain.
data CustomerProfilesMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Amazon Connect Customer Profiles.
See: newCustomerProfilesMetadata
smart constructor.
CustomerProfilesMetadata' | |
newCustomerProfilesMetadata :: CustomerProfilesMetadata Source #
Create a value of CustomerProfilesMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific credentials required by Datadog.
See: newDatadogConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newDatadogConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, datadogConnectorProfileCredentials_apiKey
- A unique alphanumeric identifier used to authenticate a user, developer,
or calling program to your API.
, datadogConnectorProfileCredentials_applicationKey
- Application keys, in conjunction with your API key, give you full access
to Datadog’s programmatic API. Application keys are associated with the
user account that created them. The application key is used to log all
requests made to the API.
datadogConnectorProfileCredentials_apiKey :: Lens' DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
A unique alphanumeric identifier used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to your API.
datadogConnectorProfileCredentials_applicationKey :: Lens' DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
Application keys, in conjunction with your API key, give you full access to Datadog’s programmatic API. Application keys are associated with the user account that created them. The application key is used to log all requests made to the API.
data DatadogConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required by Datadog.
See: newDatadogConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
DatadogConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newDatadogConnectorProfileProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> DatadogConnectorProfileProperties |
Create a value of DatadogConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, datadogConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl
- The location of the Datadog resource.
datadogConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' DatadogConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The location of the Datadog resource.
data DatadogMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Datadog.
See: newDatadogMetadata
smart constructor.
DatadogMetadata' | |
newDatadogMetadata :: DatadogMetadata Source #
Create a value of DatadogMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data DatadogSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Datadog is being used as a source.
See: newDatadogSourceProperties
smart constructor.
DatadogSourceProperties' | |
newDatadogSourceProperties Source #
Create a value of DatadogSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, datadogSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the Datadog flow source.
datadogSourceProperties_object :: Lens' DatadogSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Datadog flow source.
data DestinationConnectorProperties Source #
This stores the information that is required to query a particular connector.
See: newDestinationConnectorProperties
smart constructor.
DestinationConnectorProperties' | |
newDestinationConnectorProperties :: DestinationConnectorProperties Source #
Create a value of DestinationConnectorProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, destinationConnectorProperties_upsolver
- The properties required to query Upsolver.
, destinationConnectorProperties_snowflake
- The properties required to query Snowflake.
, destinationConnectorProperties_honeycode
- The properties required to query Amazon Honeycode.
, destinationConnectorProperties_lookoutMetrics
- The properties required to query Amazon Lookout for Metrics.
, destinationConnectorProperties_customerProfiles
- The properties required to query Amazon Connect Customer Profiles.
, destinationConnectorProperties_salesforce
- The properties required to query Salesforce.
, destinationConnectorProperties_zendesk
- The properties required to query Zendesk.
, destinationConnectorProperties_s3
- The properties required to query Amazon S3.
, destinationConnectorProperties_eventBridge
- The properties required to query Amazon EventBridge.
, destinationConnectorProperties_redshift
- The properties required to query Amazon Redshift.
destinationConnectorProperties_upsolver :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe UpsolverDestinationProperties) Source #
The properties required to query Upsolver.
destinationConnectorProperties_snowflake :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe SnowflakeDestinationProperties) Source #
The properties required to query Snowflake.
destinationConnectorProperties_honeycode :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe HoneycodeDestinationProperties) Source #
The properties required to query Amazon Honeycode.
destinationConnectorProperties_lookoutMetrics :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties) Source #
The properties required to query Amazon Lookout for Metrics.
destinationConnectorProperties_customerProfiles :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties) Source #
The properties required to query Amazon Connect Customer Profiles.
destinationConnectorProperties_salesforce :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe SalesforceDestinationProperties) Source #
The properties required to query Salesforce.
destinationConnectorProperties_zendesk :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe ZendeskDestinationProperties) Source #
The properties required to query Zendesk.
destinationConnectorProperties_s3 :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe S3DestinationProperties) Source #
The properties required to query Amazon S3.
destinationConnectorProperties_eventBridge :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe EventBridgeDestinationProperties) Source #
The properties required to query Amazon EventBridge.
destinationConnectorProperties_redshift :: Lens' DestinationConnectorProperties (Maybe RedshiftDestinationProperties) Source #
The properties required to query Amazon Redshift.
data DestinationFieldProperties Source #
The properties that can be applied to a field when connector is being used as a destination.
See: newDestinationFieldProperties
smart constructor.
DestinationFieldProperties' | |
newDestinationFieldProperties :: DestinationFieldProperties Source #
Create a value of DestinationFieldProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, destinationFieldProperties_isUpdatable
- Specifies whether the field can be updated during an UPDATE
write operation.
, destinationFieldProperties_isNullable
- Specifies if the destination field can have a null value.
, destinationFieldProperties_supportedWriteOperations
- A list of supported write operations. For each write operation listed,
this field can be used in idFieldNames
when that write operation is
present as a destination option.
, destinationFieldProperties_isUpsertable
- Specifies if the flow run can either insert new rows in the destination
field if they do not already exist, or update them if they do.
, destinationFieldProperties_isCreatable
- Specifies if the destination field can be created by the current user.
destinationFieldProperties_isUpdatable :: Lens' DestinationFieldProperties (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether the field can be updated during an UPDATE
write operation.
destinationFieldProperties_isNullable :: Lens' DestinationFieldProperties (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies if the destination field can have a null value.
destinationFieldProperties_supportedWriteOperations :: Lens' DestinationFieldProperties (Maybe [WriteOperationType]) Source #
A list of supported write operations. For each write operation listed,
this field can be used in idFieldNames
when that write operation is
present as a destination option.
destinationFieldProperties_isUpsertable :: Lens' DestinationFieldProperties (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies if the flow run can either insert new rows in the destination field if they do not already exist, or update them if they do.
destinationFieldProperties_isCreatable :: Lens' DestinationFieldProperties (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies if the destination field can be created by the current user.
data DestinationFlowConfig Source #
Contains information about the configuration of destination connectors present in the flow.
See: newDestinationFlowConfig
smart constructor.
DestinationFlowConfig' | |
newDestinationFlowConfig Source #
:: ConnectorType | |
-> DestinationConnectorProperties | |
-> DestinationFlowConfig |
Create a value of DestinationFlowConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, destinationFlowConfig_connectorProfileName
- The name of the connector profile. This name must be unique for each
connector profile in the Amazon Web Services account.
, destinationFlowConfig_connectorType
- The type of connector, such as Salesforce, Amplitude, and so on.
, destinationFlowConfig_destinationConnectorProperties
- This stores the information that is required to query a particular
destinationFlowConfig_connectorProfileName :: Lens' DestinationFlowConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the connector profile. This name must be unique for each connector profile in the Amazon Web Services account.
destinationFlowConfig_connectorType :: Lens' DestinationFlowConfig ConnectorType Source #
The type of connector, such as Salesforce, Amplitude, and so on.
destinationFlowConfig_destinationConnectorProperties :: Lens' DestinationFlowConfig DestinationConnectorProperties Source #
This stores the information that is required to query a particular connector.
data DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required by Dynatrace.
See: newDynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newDynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials_apiToken
- The API tokens used by Dynatrace API to authenticate various API calls.
dynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials_apiToken :: Lens' DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The API tokens used by Dynatrace API to authenticate various API calls.
data DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required by Dynatrace.
See: newDynatraceConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newDynatraceConnectorProfileProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties |
Create a value of DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dynatraceConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl
- The location of the Dynatrace resource.
dynatraceConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The location of the Dynatrace resource.
data DynatraceMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Dynatrace.
See: newDynatraceMetadata
smart constructor.
DynatraceMetadata' | |
newDynatraceMetadata :: DynatraceMetadata Source #
Create a value of DynatraceMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data DynatraceSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Dynatrace is being used as a source.
See: newDynatraceSourceProperties
smart constructor.
DynatraceSourceProperties' | |
newDynatraceSourceProperties Source #
Create a value of DynatraceSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dynatraceSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the Dynatrace flow source.
dynatraceSourceProperties_object :: Lens' DynatraceSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Dynatrace flow source.
data ErrorHandlingConfig Source #
The settings that determine how Amazon AppFlow handles an error when
placing data in the destination. For example, this setting would
determine if the flow should fail after one insertion error, or continue
and attempt to insert every record regardless of the initial failure.
is a part of the destination connector details.
See: newErrorHandlingConfig
smart constructor.
ErrorHandlingConfig' | |
newErrorHandlingConfig :: ErrorHandlingConfig Source #
Create a value of ErrorHandlingConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, errorHandlingConfig_failOnFirstDestinationError
- Specifies if the flow should fail after the first instance of a failure
when attempting to place data in the destination.
, errorHandlingConfig_bucketPrefix
- Specifies the Amazon S3 bucket prefix.
, errorHandlingConfig_bucketName
- Specifies the name of the Amazon S3 bucket.
errorHandlingConfig_failOnFirstDestinationError :: Lens' ErrorHandlingConfig (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies if the flow should fail after the first instance of a failure when attempting to place data in the destination.
errorHandlingConfig_bucketPrefix :: Lens' ErrorHandlingConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the Amazon S3 bucket prefix.
errorHandlingConfig_bucketName :: Lens' ErrorHandlingConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the name of the Amazon S3 bucket.
Provides details in the event of a failed flow, including the failure count and the related error messages.
See: newErrorInfo
smart constructor.
ErrorInfo' | |
Eq ErrorInfo Source # | |
Read ErrorInfo Source # | |
Show ErrorInfo Source # | |
Generic ErrorInfo Source # | |
NFData ErrorInfo Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.AppFlow.Types.ErrorInfo | |
Hashable ErrorInfo Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.AppFlow.Types.ErrorInfo | |
FromJSON ErrorInfo Source # | |
type Rep ErrorInfo Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.AppFlow.Types.ErrorInfo type Rep ErrorInfo = D1 ('MetaData "ErrorInfo" "Amazonka.AppFlow.Types.ErrorInfo" "libZSservicesZSamazonka-appflowZSamazonka-appflow" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "ErrorInfo'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "executionMessage") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "putFailuresCount") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Integer)))) |
newErrorInfo :: ErrorInfo Source #
Create a value of ErrorInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, errorInfo_executionMessage
- Specifies the error message that appears if a flow fails.
, errorInfo_putFailuresCount
- Specifies the failure count for the attempted flow.
errorInfo_executionMessage :: Lens' ErrorInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the error message that appears if a flow fails.
errorInfo_putFailuresCount :: Lens' ErrorInfo (Maybe Integer) Source #
Specifies the failure count for the attempted flow.
data EventBridgeDestinationProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Amazon EventBridge is being used as a destination.
See: newEventBridgeDestinationProperties
smart constructor.
EventBridgeDestinationProperties' | |
newEventBridgeDestinationProperties Source #
Create a value of EventBridgeDestinationProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, eventBridgeDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig
- Undocumented member.
, eventBridgeDestinationProperties_object
- The object specified in the Amazon EventBridge flow destination.
eventBridgeDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig :: Lens' EventBridgeDestinationProperties (Maybe ErrorHandlingConfig) Source #
Undocumented member.
eventBridgeDestinationProperties_object :: Lens' EventBridgeDestinationProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Amazon EventBridge flow destination.
data EventBridgeMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Amazon EventBridge.
See: newEventBridgeMetadata
smart constructor.
EventBridgeMetadata' | |
newEventBridgeMetadata :: EventBridgeMetadata Source #
Create a value of EventBridgeMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data ExecutionDetails Source #
Describes the details of the flow run, including the timestamp, status, and message.
See: newExecutionDetails
smart constructor.
ExecutionDetails' | |
newExecutionDetails :: ExecutionDetails Source #
Create a value of ExecutionDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, executionDetails_mostRecentExecutionMessage
- Describes the details of the most recent flow run.
, executionDetails_mostRecentExecutionStatus
- Specifies the status of the most recent flow run.
, executionDetails_mostRecentExecutionTime
- Specifies the time of the most recent flow run.
executionDetails_mostRecentExecutionMessage :: Lens' ExecutionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Describes the details of the most recent flow run.
executionDetails_mostRecentExecutionStatus :: Lens' ExecutionDetails (Maybe ExecutionStatus) Source #
Specifies the status of the most recent flow run.
executionDetails_mostRecentExecutionTime :: Lens' ExecutionDetails (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies the time of the most recent flow run.
data ExecutionRecord Source #
Specifies information about the past flow run instances for a given flow.
See: newExecutionRecord
smart constructor.
ExecutionRecord' | |
newExecutionRecord :: ExecutionRecord Source #
Create a value of ExecutionRecord
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, executionRecord_executionId
- Specifies the identifier of the given flow run.
, executionRecord_lastUpdatedAt
- Specifies the time of the most recent update.
, executionRecord_dataPullStartTime
- The timestamp that determines the first new or updated record to be
transferred in the flow run.
, executionRecord_executionStatus
- Specifies the flow run status and whether it is in progress, has
completed successfully, or has failed.
, executionRecord_startedAt
- Specifies the start time of the flow run.
, executionRecord_dataPullEndTime
- The timestamp that indicates the last new or updated record to be
transferred in the flow run.
, executionRecord_executionResult
- Describes the result of the given flow run.
executionRecord_executionId :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the identifier of the given flow run.
executionRecord_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies the time of the most recent update.
executionRecord_dataPullStartTime :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The timestamp that determines the first new or updated record to be transferred in the flow run.
executionRecord_executionStatus :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe ExecutionStatus) Source #
Specifies the flow run status and whether it is in progress, has completed successfully, or has failed.
executionRecord_startedAt :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies the start time of the flow run.
executionRecord_dataPullEndTime :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The timestamp that indicates the last new or updated record to be transferred in the flow run.
executionRecord_executionResult :: Lens' ExecutionRecord (Maybe ExecutionResult) Source #
Describes the result of the given flow run.
data ExecutionResult Source #
Specifies the end result of the flow run.
See: newExecutionResult
smart constructor.
ExecutionResult' | |
newExecutionResult :: ExecutionResult Source #
Create a value of ExecutionResult
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, executionResult_recordsProcessed
- The number of records processed in the flow run.
, executionResult_bytesWritten
- The total number of bytes written as a result of the flow run.
, executionResult_bytesProcessed
- The total number of bytes processed by the flow run.
, executionResult_errorInfo
- Provides any error message information related to the flow run.
executionResult_recordsProcessed :: Lens' ExecutionResult (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of records processed in the flow run.
executionResult_bytesWritten :: Lens' ExecutionResult (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total number of bytes written as a result of the flow run.
executionResult_bytesProcessed :: Lens' ExecutionResult (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total number of bytes processed by the flow run.
executionResult_errorInfo :: Lens' ExecutionResult (Maybe ErrorInfo) Source #
Provides any error message information related to the flow run.
data FieldTypeDetails Source #
Contains details regarding the supported field type and the operators that can be applied for filtering.
See: newFieldTypeDetails
smart constructor.
FieldTypeDetails' | |
:: Text | |
-> FieldTypeDetails |
Create a value of FieldTypeDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, fieldTypeDetails_supportedValues
- The list of values that a field can contain. For example, a Boolean
can have two values: "true" and "false".
, fieldTypeDetails_fieldType
- The type of field, such as string, integer, date, and so on.
, fieldTypeDetails_filterOperators
- The list of operators supported by a field.
fieldTypeDetails_supportedValues :: Lens' FieldTypeDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of values that a field can contain. For example, a Boolean
can have two values: "true" and "false".
fieldTypeDetails_fieldType :: Lens' FieldTypeDetails Text Source #
The type of field, such as string, integer, date, and so on.
fieldTypeDetails_filterOperators :: Lens' FieldTypeDetails [Operator] Source #
The list of operators supported by a field.
data FlowDefinition Source #
The properties of the flow, such as its source, destination, trigger type, and so on.
See: newFlowDefinition
smart constructor.
FlowDefinition' | |
newFlowDefinition :: FlowDefinition Source #
Create a value of FlowDefinition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, flowDefinition_lastUpdatedBy
- Specifies the account user name that most recently updated the flow.
, flowDefinition_flowArn
- The flow's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
, flowDefinition_lastUpdatedAt
- Specifies when the flow was last updated.
, flowDefinition_createdAt
- Specifies when the flow was created.
, flowDefinition_triggerType
- Specifies the type of flow trigger. This can be OnDemand
, Scheduled
or Event
, flowDefinition_createdBy
- The ARN of the user who created the flow.
, flowDefinition_sourceConnectorType
- Specifies the source connector type, such as Salesforce, Amazon S3,
Amplitude, and so on.
, flowDefinition_destinationConnectorType
- Specifies the destination connector type, such as Salesforce, Amazon S3,
Amplitude, and so on.
, flowDefinition_flowName
- The specified name of the flow. Spaces are not allowed. Use underscores
(_) or hyphens (-) only.
, flowDefinition_lastRunExecutionDetails
- Describes the details of the most recent flow run.
, flowDefinition_flowStatus
- Indicates the current status of the flow.
, flowDefinition_description
- A user-entered description of the flow.
, flowDefinition_tags
- The tags used to organize, track, or control access for your flow.
flowDefinition_lastUpdatedBy :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the account user name that most recently updated the flow.
flowDefinition_flowArn :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe Text) Source #
The flow's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
flowDefinition_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the flow was last updated.
flowDefinition_createdAt :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the flow was created.
flowDefinition_triggerType :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe TriggerType) Source #
Specifies the type of flow trigger. This can be OnDemand
, Scheduled
or Event
flowDefinition_createdBy :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the user who created the flow.
flowDefinition_sourceConnectorType :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe ConnectorType) Source #
Specifies the source connector type, such as Salesforce, Amazon S3, Amplitude, and so on.
flowDefinition_destinationConnectorType :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe ConnectorType) Source #
Specifies the destination connector type, such as Salesforce, Amazon S3, Amplitude, and so on.
flowDefinition_flowName :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe Text) Source #
The specified name of the flow. Spaces are not allowed. Use underscores (_) or hyphens (-) only.
flowDefinition_lastRunExecutionDetails :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe ExecutionDetails) Source #
Describes the details of the most recent flow run.
flowDefinition_flowStatus :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe FlowStatus) Source #
Indicates the current status of the flow.
flowDefinition_description :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe Text) Source #
A user-entered description of the flow.
flowDefinition_tags :: Lens' FlowDefinition (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags used to organize, track, or control access for your flow.
data GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required by Google Analytics.
See: newGoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newGoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text |
-> GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken
- The credentials used to access protected Google Analytics resources.
, googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_refreshToken
- The credentials used to acquire new access tokens. This is required only
for OAuth2 access tokens, and is not required for OAuth1 access tokens.
, googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest
- The OAuth requirement needed to request security tokens from the
connector endpoint.
, googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_clientId
- The identifier for the desired client.
, googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_clientSecret
- The client secret used by the OAuth client to authenticate to the
authorization server.
googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text) Source #
The credentials used to access protected Google Analytics resources.
googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_refreshToken :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text) Source #
The credentials used to acquire new access tokens. This is required only for OAuth2 access tokens, and is not required for OAuth1 access tokens.
googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest) Source #
The OAuth requirement needed to request security tokens from the connector endpoint.
googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_clientId :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The identifier for the desired client.
googleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials_clientSecret :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The client secret used by the OAuth client to authenticate to the authorization server.
data GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required by Google Analytics.
See: newGoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newGoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties :: GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties Source #
Create a value of GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data GoogleAnalyticsMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Google Analytics.
See: newGoogleAnalyticsMetadata
smart constructor.
GoogleAnalyticsMetadata' | |
newGoogleAnalyticsMetadata :: GoogleAnalyticsMetadata Source #
Create a value of GoogleAnalyticsMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, googleAnalyticsMetadata_oAuthScopes
- The desired authorization scope for the Google Analytics account.
googleAnalyticsMetadata_oAuthScopes :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsMetadata (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The desired authorization scope for the Google Analytics account.
data GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Google Analytics is being used as a source.
See: newGoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties
smart constructor.
GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties' | |
newGoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties Source #
Create a value of GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, googleAnalyticsSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the Google Analytics flow source.
googleAnalyticsSourceProperties_object :: Lens' GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Google Analytics flow source.
data HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific credentials required when using Amazon Honeycode.
See: newHoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newHoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials :: HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
Create a value of HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, honeycodeConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken
- The credentials used to access protected Amazon Honeycode resources.
, honeycodeConnectorProfileCredentials_refreshToken
- The credentials used to acquire new access tokens.
, honeycodeConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest
- Undocumented member.
honeycodeConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text) Source #
The credentials used to access protected Amazon Honeycode resources.
honeycodeConnectorProfileCredentials_refreshToken :: Lens' HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text) Source #
The credentials used to acquire new access tokens.
honeycodeConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest) Source #
Undocumented member.
data HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific properties required when using Amazon Honeycode.
See: newHoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newHoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties :: HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties Source #
Create a value of HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data HoneycodeDestinationProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Amazon Honeycode is used as a destination.
See: newHoneycodeDestinationProperties
smart constructor.
HoneycodeDestinationProperties' | |
newHoneycodeDestinationProperties Source #
Create a value of HoneycodeDestinationProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, honeycodeDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig
- Undocumented member.
, honeycodeDestinationProperties_object
- The object specified in the Amazon Honeycode flow destination.
honeycodeDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig :: Lens' HoneycodeDestinationProperties (Maybe ErrorHandlingConfig) Source #
Undocumented member.
honeycodeDestinationProperties_object :: Lens' HoneycodeDestinationProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Amazon Honeycode flow destination.
data HoneycodeMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Amazon Honeycode.
See: newHoneycodeMetadata
smart constructor.
HoneycodeMetadata' | |
newHoneycodeMetadata :: HoneycodeMetadata Source #
Create a value of HoneycodeMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, honeycodeMetadata_oAuthScopes
- The desired authorization scope for the Amazon Honeycode account.
honeycodeMetadata_oAuthScopes :: Lens' HoneycodeMetadata (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The desired authorization scope for the Amazon Honeycode account.
data IncrementalPullConfig Source #
Specifies the configuration used when importing incremental records from the source.
See: newIncrementalPullConfig
smart constructor.
IncrementalPullConfig' | |
newIncrementalPullConfig :: IncrementalPullConfig Source #
Create a value of IncrementalPullConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, incrementalPullConfig_datetimeTypeFieldName
- A field that specifies the date time or timestamp field as the criteria
to use when importing incremental records from the source.
incrementalPullConfig_datetimeTypeFieldName :: Lens' IncrementalPullConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
A field that specifies the date time or timestamp field as the criteria to use when importing incremental records from the source.
data InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required by Infor Nexus.
See: newInforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newInforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, inforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials_accessKeyId
- The Access Key portion of the credentials.
, inforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials_userId
- The identifier for the user.
, inforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials_secretAccessKey
- The secret key used to sign requests.
, inforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials_datakey
- The encryption keys used to encrypt data.
inforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials_accessKeyId :: Lens' InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The Access Key portion of the credentials.
inforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials_userId :: Lens' InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The identifier for the user.
inforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials_secretAccessKey :: Lens' InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The secret key used to sign requests.
inforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials_datakey :: Lens' InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The encryption keys used to encrypt data.
data InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required by Infor Nexus.
See: newInforNexusConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newInforNexusConnectorProfileProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties |
Create a value of InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, inforNexusConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl
- The location of the Infor Nexus resource.
inforNexusConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The location of the Infor Nexus resource.
data InforNexusMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Infor Nexus.
See: newInforNexusMetadata
smart constructor.
InforNexusMetadata' | |
newInforNexusMetadata :: InforNexusMetadata Source #
Create a value of InforNexusMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data InforNexusSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Infor Nexus is being used as a source.
See: newInforNexusSourceProperties
smart constructor.
InforNexusSourceProperties' | |
newInforNexusSourceProperties Source #
Create a value of InforNexusSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, inforNexusSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the Infor Nexus flow source.
inforNexusSourceProperties_object :: Lens' InforNexusSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Infor Nexus flow source.
data LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Amazon Lookout for Metrics is used as a destination.
See: newLookoutMetricsDestinationProperties
smart constructor.
LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties' | |
newLookoutMetricsDestinationProperties :: LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties Source #
Create a value of LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required by Marketo.
See: newMarketoConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newMarketoConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, marketoConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken
- The credentials used to access protected Marketo resources.
, marketoConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest
- The OAuth requirement needed to request security tokens from the
connector endpoint.
, marketoConnectorProfileCredentials_clientId
- The identifier for the desired client.
, marketoConnectorProfileCredentials_clientSecret
- The client secret used by the OAuth client to authenticate to the
authorization server.
marketoConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text) Source #
The credentials used to access protected Marketo resources.
marketoConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest) Source #
The OAuth requirement needed to request security tokens from the connector endpoint.
marketoConnectorProfileCredentials_clientId :: Lens' MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The identifier for the desired client.
marketoConnectorProfileCredentials_clientSecret :: Lens' MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The client secret used by the OAuth client to authenticate to the authorization server.
data MarketoConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Marketo.
See: newMarketoConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
MarketoConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newMarketoConnectorProfileProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> MarketoConnectorProfileProperties |
Create a value of MarketoConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, marketoConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl
- The location of the Marketo resource.
marketoConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' MarketoConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The location of the Marketo resource.
data MarketoMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Marketo.
See: newMarketoMetadata
smart constructor.
MarketoMetadata' | |
newMarketoMetadata :: MarketoMetadata Source #
Create a value of MarketoMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data MarketoSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Marketo is being used as a source.
See: newMarketoSourceProperties
smart constructor.
MarketoSourceProperties' | |
newMarketoSourceProperties Source #
Create a value of MarketoSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, marketoSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the Marketo flow source.
marketoSourceProperties_object :: Lens' MarketoSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Marketo flow source.
data OAuthCredentials Source #
The OAuth credentials required for OAuth type authentication.
See: newOAuthCredentials
smart constructor.
OAuthCredentials' | |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> OAuthCredentials |
Create a value of OAuthCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, oAuthCredentials_accessToken
- The access token used to access protected SAPOData resources.
, oAuthCredentials_refreshToken
- The refresh token used to refresh expired access token.
, oAuthCredentials_oAuthRequest
- The OAuth requirement needed to request security tokens from the
connector endpoint.
, oAuthCredentials_clientId
- The identifier for the desired client.
, oAuthCredentials_clientSecret
- The client secret used by the OAuth client to authenticate to the
authorization server.
oAuthCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' OAuthCredentials (Maybe Text) Source #
The access token used to access protected SAPOData resources.
oAuthCredentials_refreshToken :: Lens' OAuthCredentials (Maybe Text) Source #
The refresh token used to refresh expired access token.
oAuthCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' OAuthCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest) Source #
The OAuth requirement needed to request security tokens from the connector endpoint.
oAuthCredentials_clientId :: Lens' OAuthCredentials Text Source #
The identifier for the desired client.
oAuthCredentials_clientSecret :: Lens' OAuthCredentials Text Source #
The client secret used by the OAuth client to authenticate to the authorization server.
data OAuthProperties Source #
The OAuth properties required for OAuth type authentication.
See: newOAuthProperties
smart constructor.
OAuthProperties' | |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> OAuthProperties |
Create a value of OAuthProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, oAuthProperties_tokenUrl
- The token url required to fetch access/refresh tokens using
authorization code and also to refresh expired access token using
refresh token.
, oAuthProperties_authCodeUrl
- The authorization code url required to redirect to SAP Login Page to
fetch authorization code for OAuth type authentication.
, oAuthProperties_oAuthScopes
- The OAuth scopes required for OAuth type authentication.
oAuthProperties_tokenUrl :: Lens' OAuthProperties Text Source #
The token url required to fetch access/refresh tokens using authorization code and also to refresh expired access token using refresh token.
oAuthProperties_authCodeUrl :: Lens' OAuthProperties Text Source #
The authorization code url required to redirect to SAP Login Page to fetch authorization code for OAuth type authentication.
oAuthProperties_oAuthScopes :: Lens' OAuthProperties [Text] Source #
The OAuth scopes required for OAuth type authentication.
data PrefixConfig Source #
Determines the prefix that Amazon AppFlow applies to the destination folder name. You can name your destination folders according to the flow frequency and date.
See: newPrefixConfig
smart constructor.
PrefixConfig' | |
newPrefixConfig :: PrefixConfig Source #
Create a value of PrefixConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, prefixConfig_prefixFormat
- Determines the level of granularity that's included in the prefix.
, prefixConfig_prefixType
- Determines the format of the prefix, and whether it applies to the file
name, file path, or both.
prefixConfig_prefixFormat :: Lens' PrefixConfig (Maybe PrefixFormat) Source #
Determines the level of granularity that's included in the prefix.
prefixConfig_prefixType :: Lens' PrefixConfig (Maybe PrefixType) Source #
Determines the format of the prefix, and whether it applies to the file name, file path, or both.
data PrivateConnectionProvisioningState Source #
Specifies the private connection provisioning state.
See: newPrivateConnectionProvisioningState
smart constructor.
PrivateConnectionProvisioningState' | |
newPrivateConnectionProvisioningState :: PrivateConnectionProvisioningState Source #
Create a value of PrivateConnectionProvisioningState
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, privateConnectionProvisioningState_status
- Specifies the private connection provisioning status.
, privateConnectionProvisioningState_failureMessage
- Specifies the private connection provisioning failure reason.
, privateConnectionProvisioningState_failureCause
- Specifies the private connection provisioning failure cause.
privateConnectionProvisioningState_status :: Lens' PrivateConnectionProvisioningState (Maybe PrivateConnectionProvisioningStatus) Source #
Specifies the private connection provisioning status.
privateConnectionProvisioningState_failureMessage :: Lens' PrivateConnectionProvisioningState (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the private connection provisioning failure reason.
privateConnectionProvisioningState_failureCause :: Lens' PrivateConnectionProvisioningState (Maybe PrivateConnectionProvisioningFailureCause) Source #
Specifies the private connection provisioning failure cause.
data RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Amazon Redshift.
See: newRedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newRedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, redshiftConnectorProfileCredentials_username
- The name of the user.
, redshiftConnectorProfileCredentials_password
- The password that corresponds to the user name.
redshiftConnectorProfileCredentials_username :: Lens' RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The name of the user.
redshiftConnectorProfileCredentials_password :: Lens' RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The password that corresponds to the user name.
data RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties when using Amazon Redshift.
See: newRedshiftConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newRedshiftConnectorProfileProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties |
Create a value of RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, redshiftConnectorProfileProperties_bucketPrefix
- The object key for the destination bucket in which Amazon AppFlow places
the files.
, redshiftConnectorProfileProperties_databaseUrl
- The JDBC URL of the Amazon Redshift cluster.
, redshiftConnectorProfileProperties_bucketName
- A name for the associated Amazon S3 bucket.
, redshiftConnectorProfileProperties_roleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.
redshiftConnectorProfileProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The object key for the destination bucket in which Amazon AppFlow places the files.
redshiftConnectorProfileProperties_databaseUrl :: Lens' RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The JDBC URL of the Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftConnectorProfileProperties_bucketName :: Lens' RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
A name for the associated Amazon S3 bucket.
redshiftConnectorProfileProperties_roleArn :: Lens' RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.
data RedshiftDestinationProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Amazon Redshift is being used as a destination.
See: newRedshiftDestinationProperties
smart constructor.
RedshiftDestinationProperties' | |
newRedshiftDestinationProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> RedshiftDestinationProperties |
Create a value of RedshiftDestinationProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, redshiftDestinationProperties_bucketPrefix
- The object key for the bucket in which Amazon AppFlow places the
destination files.
, redshiftDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig
- The settings that determine how Amazon AppFlow handles an error when
placing data in the Amazon Redshift destination. For example, this
setting would determine if the flow should fail after one insertion
error, or continue and attempt to insert every record regardless of the
initial failure. ErrorHandlingConfig
is a part of the destination
connector details.
, redshiftDestinationProperties_object
- The object specified in the Amazon Redshift flow destination.
, redshiftDestinationProperties_intermediateBucketName
- The intermediate bucket that Amazon AppFlow uses when moving data into
Amazon Redshift.
redshiftDestinationProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The object key for the bucket in which Amazon AppFlow places the destination files.
redshiftDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationProperties (Maybe ErrorHandlingConfig) Source #
The settings that determine how Amazon AppFlow handles an error when
placing data in the Amazon Redshift destination. For example, this
setting would determine if the flow should fail after one insertion
error, or continue and attempt to insert every record regardless of the
initial failure. ErrorHandlingConfig
is a part of the destination
connector details.
redshiftDestinationProperties_object :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Amazon Redshift flow destination.
redshiftDestinationProperties_intermediateBucketName :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationProperties Text Source #
The intermediate bucket that Amazon AppFlow uses when moving data into Amazon Redshift.
data RedshiftMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Amazon Redshift.
See: newRedshiftMetadata
smart constructor.
RedshiftMetadata' | |
newRedshiftMetadata :: RedshiftMetadata Source #
Create a value of RedshiftMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data S3DestinationProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Amazon S3 is used as a destination.
See: newS3DestinationProperties
smart constructor.
S3DestinationProperties' | |
newS3DestinationProperties Source #
Create a value of S3DestinationProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, s3DestinationProperties_bucketPrefix
- The object key for the destination bucket in which Amazon AppFlow places
the files.
, s3DestinationProperties_s3OutputFormatConfig
- Undocumented member.
, s3DestinationProperties_bucketName
- The Amazon S3 bucket name in which Amazon AppFlow places the transferred
s3DestinationProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' S3DestinationProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The object key for the destination bucket in which Amazon AppFlow places the files.
s3DestinationProperties_s3OutputFormatConfig :: Lens' S3DestinationProperties (Maybe S3OutputFormatConfig) Source #
Undocumented member.
s3DestinationProperties_bucketName :: Lens' S3DestinationProperties Text Source #
The Amazon S3 bucket name in which Amazon AppFlow places the transferred data.
data S3InputFormatConfig Source #
When you use Amazon S3 as the source, the configuration format that you provide the flow input data.
See: newS3InputFormatConfig
smart constructor.
S3InputFormatConfig' | |
newS3InputFormatConfig :: S3InputFormatConfig Source #
Create a value of S3InputFormatConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, s3InputFormatConfig_s3InputFileType
- The file type that Amazon AppFlow gets from your Amazon S3 bucket.
s3InputFormatConfig_s3InputFileType :: Lens' S3InputFormatConfig (Maybe S3InputFileType) Source #
The file type that Amazon AppFlow gets from your Amazon S3 bucket.
data S3Metadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Amazon S3.
See: newS3Metadata
smart constructor.
S3Metadata' | |
Eq S3Metadata Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.AppFlow.Types.S3Metadata | |
Read S3Metadata Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.AppFlow.Types.S3Metadata Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS S3Metadata # readList :: ReadS [S3Metadata] # readPrec :: ReadPrec S3Metadata # readListPrec :: ReadPrec [S3Metadata] # | |
Show S3Metadata Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.AppFlow.Types.S3Metadata Methods showsPrec :: Int -> S3Metadata -> ShowS # show :: S3Metadata -> String # showList :: [S3Metadata] -> ShowS # | |
Generic S3Metadata Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.AppFlow.Types.S3Metadata Associated Types type Rep S3Metadata :: Type -> Type # | |
NFData S3Metadata Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.AppFlow.Types.S3Metadata Methods rnf :: S3Metadata -> () # | |
Hashable S3Metadata Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.AppFlow.Types.S3Metadata | |
FromJSON S3Metadata Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.AppFlow.Types.S3Metadata | |
type Rep S3Metadata Source # | |
newS3Metadata :: S3Metadata Source #
Create a value of S3Metadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data S3OutputFormatConfig Source #
The configuration that determines how Amazon AppFlow should format the flow output data when Amazon S3 is used as the destination.
See: newS3OutputFormatConfig
smart constructor.
S3OutputFormatConfig' | |
newS3OutputFormatConfig :: S3OutputFormatConfig Source #
Create a value of S3OutputFormatConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, s3OutputFormatConfig_prefixConfig
- Determines the prefix that Amazon AppFlow applies to the folder name in
the Amazon S3 bucket. You can name folders according to the flow
frequency and date.
, s3OutputFormatConfig_fileType
- Indicates the file type that Amazon AppFlow places in the Amazon S3
, s3OutputFormatConfig_aggregationConfig
- Undocumented member.
s3OutputFormatConfig_prefixConfig :: Lens' S3OutputFormatConfig (Maybe PrefixConfig) Source #
Determines the prefix that Amazon AppFlow applies to the folder name in the Amazon S3 bucket. You can name folders according to the flow frequency and date.
s3OutputFormatConfig_fileType :: Lens' S3OutputFormatConfig (Maybe FileType) Source #
Indicates the file type that Amazon AppFlow places in the Amazon S3 bucket.
s3OutputFormatConfig_aggregationConfig :: Lens' S3OutputFormatConfig (Maybe AggregationConfig) Source #
Undocumented member.
data S3SourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Amazon S3 is being used as the flow source.
See: newS3SourceProperties
smart constructor.
S3SourceProperties' | |
newS3SourceProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> S3SourceProperties |
Create a value of S3SourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, s3SourceProperties_s3InputFormatConfig
- Undocumented member.
, s3SourceProperties_bucketPrefix
- The object key for the Amazon S3 bucket in which the source files are
, s3SourceProperties_bucketName
- The Amazon S3 bucket name where the source files are stored.
s3SourceProperties_s3InputFormatConfig :: Lens' S3SourceProperties (Maybe S3InputFormatConfig) Source #
Undocumented member.
s3SourceProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' S3SourceProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The object key for the Amazon S3 bucket in which the source files are stored.
s3SourceProperties_bucketName :: Lens' S3SourceProperties Text Source #
The Amazon S3 bucket name where the source files are stored.
data SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using SAPOData.
See: newSAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newSAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials :: SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
Create a value of SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthCredentials
- The SAPOData OAuth type authentication credentials.
, sAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials_basicAuthCredentials
- The SAPOData basic authentication credentials.
sAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthCredentials :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe OAuthCredentials) Source #
The SAPOData OAuth type authentication credentials.
sAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials_basicAuthCredentials :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe BasicAuthCredentials) Source #
The SAPOData basic authentication credentials.
data SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required when using SAPOData.
See: newSAPODataConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newSAPODataConnectorProfileProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text |
-> Natural | |
-> Text | |
-> SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties |
Create a value of SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_logonLanguage
- The logon language of SAPOData instance.
, sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_privateLinkServiceName
- The SAPOData Private Link service name to be used for private data
, sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_oAuthProperties
- The SAPOData OAuth properties required for OAuth type authentication.
, sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_applicationHostUrl
- The location of the SAPOData resource.
, sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_applicationServicePath
- The application path to catalog service.
, sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_portNumber
- The port number of the SAPOData instance.
, sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_clientNumber
- The client number for the client creating the connection.
sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_logonLanguage :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The logon language of SAPOData instance.
sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_privateLinkServiceName :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The SAPOData Private Link service name to be used for private data transfers.
sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_oAuthProperties :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe OAuthProperties) Source #
The SAPOData OAuth properties required for OAuth type authentication.
sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_applicationHostUrl :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The location of the SAPOData resource.
sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_applicationServicePath :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The application path to catalog service.
sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_portNumber :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties Natural Source #
The port number of the SAPOData instance.
sAPODataConnectorProfileProperties_clientNumber :: Lens' SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The client number for the client creating the connection.
data SAPODataMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to SAPOData.
See: newSAPODataMetadata
smart constructor.
SAPODataMetadata' | |
newSAPODataMetadata :: SAPODataMetadata Source #
Create a value of SAPODataMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data SAPODataSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when using SAPOData as a flow source.
See: newSAPODataSourceProperties
smart constructor.
SAPODataSourceProperties' | |
newSAPODataSourceProperties :: SAPODataSourceProperties Source #
Create a value of SAPODataSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sAPODataSourceProperties_objectPath
- The object path specified in the SAPOData flow source.
sAPODataSourceProperties_objectPath :: Lens' SAPODataSourceProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The object path specified in the SAPOData flow source.
data SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Salesforce.
See: newSalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newSalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials :: SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
Create a value of SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, salesforceConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken
- The credentials used to access protected Salesforce resources.
, salesforceConnectorProfileCredentials_refreshToken
- The credentials used to acquire new access tokens.
, salesforceConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest
- The OAuth requirement needed to request security tokens from the
connector endpoint.
, salesforceConnectorProfileCredentials_clientCredentialsArn
- The secret manager ARN, which contains the client ID and client secret
of the connected app.
salesforceConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text) Source #
The credentials used to access protected Salesforce resources.
salesforceConnectorProfileCredentials_refreshToken :: Lens' SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text) Source #
The credentials used to acquire new access tokens.
salesforceConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest) Source #
The OAuth requirement needed to request security tokens from the connector endpoint.
salesforceConnectorProfileCredentials_clientCredentialsArn :: Lens' SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text) Source #
The secret manager ARN, which contains the client ID and client secret of the connected app.
data SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Salesforce.
See: newSalesforceConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newSalesforceConnectorProfileProperties :: SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties Source #
Create a value of SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, salesforceConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl
- The location of the Salesforce resource.
, salesforceConnectorProfileProperties_isSandboxEnvironment
- Indicates whether the connector profile applies to a sandbox or
production environment.
salesforceConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the Salesforce resource.
salesforceConnectorProfileProperties_isSandboxEnvironment :: Lens' SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the connector profile applies to a sandbox or production environment.
data SalesforceDestinationProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Salesforce is being used as a destination.
See: newSalesforceDestinationProperties
smart constructor.
SalesforceDestinationProperties' | |
newSalesforceDestinationProperties Source #
Create a value of SalesforceDestinationProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, salesforceDestinationProperties_writeOperationType
- This specifies the type of write operation to be performed in
Salesforce. When the value is UPSERT
, then idFieldNames
is required.
, salesforceDestinationProperties_idFieldNames
- The name of the field that Amazon AppFlow uses as an ID when performing
a write operation such as update or delete.
, salesforceDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig
- The settings that determine how Amazon AppFlow handles an error when
placing data in the Salesforce destination. For example, this setting
would determine if the flow should fail after one insertion error, or
continue and attempt to insert every record regardless of the initial
failure. ErrorHandlingConfig
is a part of the destination connector
, salesforceDestinationProperties_object
- The object specified in the Salesforce flow destination.
salesforceDestinationProperties_writeOperationType :: Lens' SalesforceDestinationProperties (Maybe WriteOperationType) Source #
This specifies the type of write operation to be performed in
Salesforce. When the value is UPSERT
, then idFieldNames
is required.
salesforceDestinationProperties_idFieldNames :: Lens' SalesforceDestinationProperties (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The name of the field that Amazon AppFlow uses as an ID when performing a write operation such as update or delete.
salesforceDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig :: Lens' SalesforceDestinationProperties (Maybe ErrorHandlingConfig) Source #
The settings that determine how Amazon AppFlow handles an error when
placing data in the Salesforce destination. For example, this setting
would determine if the flow should fail after one insertion error, or
continue and attempt to insert every record regardless of the initial
failure. ErrorHandlingConfig
is a part of the destination connector
salesforceDestinationProperties_object :: Lens' SalesforceDestinationProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Salesforce flow destination.
data SalesforceMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Salesforce.
See: newSalesforceMetadata
smart constructor.
SalesforceMetadata' | |
newSalesforceMetadata :: SalesforceMetadata Source #
Create a value of SalesforceMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, salesforceMetadata_oAuthScopes
- The desired authorization scope for the Salesforce account.
salesforceMetadata_oAuthScopes :: Lens' SalesforceMetadata (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The desired authorization scope for the Salesforce account.
data SalesforceSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Salesforce is being used as a source.
See: newSalesforceSourceProperties
smart constructor.
SalesforceSourceProperties' | |
newSalesforceSourceProperties Source #
Create a value of SalesforceSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, salesforceSourceProperties_enableDynamicFieldUpdate
- The flag that enables dynamic fetching of new (recently added) fields in
the Salesforce objects while running a flow.
, salesforceSourceProperties_includeDeletedRecords
- Indicates whether Amazon AppFlow includes deleted files in the flow run.
, salesforceSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the Salesforce flow source.
salesforceSourceProperties_enableDynamicFieldUpdate :: Lens' SalesforceSourceProperties (Maybe Bool) Source #
The flag that enables dynamic fetching of new (recently added) fields in the Salesforce objects while running a flow.
salesforceSourceProperties_includeDeletedRecords :: Lens' SalesforceSourceProperties (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether Amazon AppFlow includes deleted files in the flow run.
salesforceSourceProperties_object :: Lens' SalesforceSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Salesforce flow source.
data ScheduledTriggerProperties Source #
Specifies the configuration details of a schedule-triggered flow as
defined by the user. Currently, these settings only apply to the
trigger type.
See: newScheduledTriggerProperties
smart constructor.
ScheduledTriggerProperties' | |
newScheduledTriggerProperties Source #
Create a value of ScheduledTriggerProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, scheduledTriggerProperties_scheduleEndTime
- Specifies the scheduled end time for a schedule-triggered flow.
, scheduledTriggerProperties_scheduleOffset
- Specifies the optional offset that is added to the time interval for a
schedule-triggered flow.
, scheduledTriggerProperties_dataPullMode
- Specifies whether a scheduled flow has an incremental data transfer or a
complete data transfer for each flow run.
, scheduledTriggerProperties_scheduleStartTime
- Specifies the scheduled start time for a schedule-triggered flow.
, scheduledTriggerProperties_timezone
- Specifies the time zone used when referring to the date and time of a
scheduled-triggered flow, such as America/New_York
, scheduledTriggerProperties_firstExecutionFrom
- Specifies the date range for the records to import from the connector in
the first flow run.
, scheduledTriggerProperties_scheduleExpression
- The scheduling expression that determines the rate at which the schedule
will run, for example rate(5minutes)
scheduledTriggerProperties_scheduleEndTime :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies the scheduled end time for a schedule-triggered flow.
scheduledTriggerProperties_scheduleOffset :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties (Maybe Natural) Source #
Specifies the optional offset that is added to the time interval for a schedule-triggered flow.
scheduledTriggerProperties_dataPullMode :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties (Maybe DataPullMode) Source #
Specifies whether a scheduled flow has an incremental data transfer or a complete data transfer for each flow run.
scheduledTriggerProperties_scheduleStartTime :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies the scheduled start time for a schedule-triggered flow.
scheduledTriggerProperties_timezone :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the time zone used when referring to the date and time of a
scheduled-triggered flow, such as America/New_York
scheduledTriggerProperties_firstExecutionFrom :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies the date range for the records to import from the connector in the first flow run.
scheduledTriggerProperties_scheduleExpression :: Lens' ScheduledTriggerProperties Text Source #
The scheduling expression that determines the rate at which the schedule
will run, for example rate(5minutes)
data ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using ServiceNow.
See: newServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, serviceNowConnectorProfileCredentials_username
- The name of the user.
, serviceNowConnectorProfileCredentials_password
- The password that corresponds to the user name.
serviceNowConnectorProfileCredentials_username :: Lens' ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The name of the user.
serviceNowConnectorProfileCredentials_password :: Lens' ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The password that corresponds to the user name.
data ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required when using ServiceNow.
See: newServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties |
Create a value of ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, serviceNowConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl
- The location of the ServiceNow resource.
serviceNowConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The location of the ServiceNow resource.
data ServiceNowMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to ServiceNow.
See: newServiceNowMetadata
smart constructor.
ServiceNowMetadata' | |
newServiceNowMetadata :: ServiceNowMetadata Source #
Create a value of ServiceNowMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data ServiceNowSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when ServiceNow is being used as a source.
See: newServiceNowSourceProperties
smart constructor.
ServiceNowSourceProperties' | |
newServiceNowSourceProperties Source #
Create a value of ServiceNowSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, serviceNowSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the ServiceNow flow source.
serviceNowSourceProperties_object :: Lens' ServiceNowSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the ServiceNow flow source.
data SingularConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Singular.
See: newSingularConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
SingularConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newSingularConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> SingularConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of SingularConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, singularConnectorProfileCredentials_apiKey
- A unique alphanumeric identifier used to authenticate a user, developer,
or calling program to your API.
singularConnectorProfileCredentials_apiKey :: Lens' SingularConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
A unique alphanumeric identifier used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to your API.
data SingularConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Singular.
See: newSingularConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
SingularConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newSingularConnectorProfileProperties :: SingularConnectorProfileProperties Source #
Create a value of SingularConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data SingularMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Singular.
See: newSingularMetadata
smart constructor.
SingularMetadata' | |
newSingularMetadata :: SingularMetadata Source #
Create a value of SingularMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data SingularSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Singular is being used as a source.
See: newSingularSourceProperties
smart constructor.
SingularSourceProperties' | |
newSingularSourceProperties Source #
Create a value of SingularSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, singularSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the Singular flow source.
singularSourceProperties_object :: Lens' SingularSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Singular flow source.
data SlackConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Slack.
See: newSlackConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
SlackConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newSlackConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> SlackConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of SlackConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, slackConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken
- The credentials used to access protected Slack resources.
, slackConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest
- The OAuth requirement needed to request security tokens from the
connector endpoint.
, slackConnectorProfileCredentials_clientId
- The identifier for the client.
, slackConnectorProfileCredentials_clientSecret
- The client secret used by the OAuth client to authenticate to the
authorization server.
slackConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' SlackConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text) Source #
The credentials used to access protected Slack resources.
slackConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' SlackConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest) Source #
The OAuth requirement needed to request security tokens from the connector endpoint.
slackConnectorProfileCredentials_clientId :: Lens' SlackConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The identifier for the client.
slackConnectorProfileCredentials_clientSecret :: Lens' SlackConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The client secret used by the OAuth client to authenticate to the authorization server.
data SlackConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Slack.
See: newSlackConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
SlackConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newSlackConnectorProfileProperties Source #
Create a value of SlackConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, slackConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl
- The location of the Slack resource.
slackConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' SlackConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The location of the Slack resource.
data SlackMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Slack.
See: newSlackMetadata
smart constructor.
SlackMetadata' | |
newSlackMetadata :: SlackMetadata Source #
Create a value of SlackMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, slackMetadata_oAuthScopes
- The desired authorization scope for the Slack account.
slackMetadata_oAuthScopes :: Lens' SlackMetadata (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The desired authorization scope for the Slack account.
data SlackSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Slack is being used as a source.
See: newSlackSourceProperties
smart constructor.
SlackSourceProperties' | |
newSlackSourceProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> SlackSourceProperties |
Create a value of SlackSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, slackSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the Slack flow source.
slackSourceProperties_object :: Lens' SlackSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Slack flow source.
data SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Snowflake.
See: newSnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newSnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, snowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials_username
- The name of the user.
, snowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials_password
- The password that corresponds to the user name.
snowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials_username :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The name of the user.
snowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials_password :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The password that corresponds to the user name.
data SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Snowflake.
See: newSnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newSnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties |
Create a value of SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_privateLinkServiceName
- The Snowflake Private Link service name to be used for private data
, snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_accountName
- The name of the account.
, snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_bucketPrefix
- The bucket path that refers to the Amazon S3 bucket associated with
, snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_region
- The Amazon Web Services Region of the Snowflake account.
, snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_warehouse
- The name of the Snowflake warehouse.
, snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_stage
- The name of the Amazon S3 stage that was created while setting up an
Amazon S3 stage in the Snowflake account. This is written in the
following format: < Database>< Schema><Stage Name>.
, snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_bucketName
- The name of the Amazon S3 bucket associated with Snowflake.
snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_privateLinkServiceName :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The Snowflake Private Link service name to be used for private data transfers.
snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_accountName :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the account.
snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The bucket path that refers to the Amazon S3 bucket associated with Snowflake.
snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_region :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region of the Snowflake account.
snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_warehouse :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The name of the Snowflake warehouse.
snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_stage :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The name of the Amazon S3 stage that was created while setting up an Amazon S3 stage in the Snowflake account. This is written in the following format: < Database>< Schema><Stage Name>.
snowflakeConnectorProfileProperties_bucketName :: Lens' SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The name of the Amazon S3 bucket associated with Snowflake.
data SnowflakeDestinationProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Snowflake is being used as a destination.
See: newSnowflakeDestinationProperties
smart constructor.
SnowflakeDestinationProperties' | |
newSnowflakeDestinationProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> SnowflakeDestinationProperties |
Create a value of SnowflakeDestinationProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, snowflakeDestinationProperties_bucketPrefix
- The object key for the destination bucket in which Amazon AppFlow places
the files.
, snowflakeDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig
- The settings that determine how Amazon AppFlow handles an error when
placing data in the Snowflake destination. For example, this setting
would determine if the flow should fail after one insertion error, or
continue and attempt to insert every record regardless of the initial
failure. ErrorHandlingConfig
is a part of the destination connector
, snowflakeDestinationProperties_object
- The object specified in the Snowflake flow destination.
, snowflakeDestinationProperties_intermediateBucketName
- The intermediate bucket that Amazon AppFlow uses when moving data into
snowflakeDestinationProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' SnowflakeDestinationProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The object key for the destination bucket in which Amazon AppFlow places the files.
snowflakeDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig :: Lens' SnowflakeDestinationProperties (Maybe ErrorHandlingConfig) Source #
The settings that determine how Amazon AppFlow handles an error when
placing data in the Snowflake destination. For example, this setting
would determine if the flow should fail after one insertion error, or
continue and attempt to insert every record regardless of the initial
failure. ErrorHandlingConfig
is a part of the destination connector
snowflakeDestinationProperties_object :: Lens' SnowflakeDestinationProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Snowflake flow destination.
snowflakeDestinationProperties_intermediateBucketName :: Lens' SnowflakeDestinationProperties Text Source #
The intermediate bucket that Amazon AppFlow uses when moving data into Snowflake.
data SnowflakeMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Snowflake.
See: newSnowflakeMetadata
smart constructor.
SnowflakeMetadata' | |
newSnowflakeMetadata :: SnowflakeMetadata Source #
Create a value of SnowflakeMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, snowflakeMetadata_supportedRegions
- Specifies the supported Amazon Web Services Regions when using
snowflakeMetadata_supportedRegions :: Lens' SnowflakeMetadata (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Specifies the supported Amazon Web Services Regions when using Snowflake.
data SourceConnectorProperties Source #
Specifies the information that is required to query a particular connector.
See: newSourceConnectorProperties
smart constructor.
SourceConnectorProperties' | |
newSourceConnectorProperties :: SourceConnectorProperties Source #
Create a value of SourceConnectorProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sourceConnectorProperties_serviceNow
- Specifies the information that is required for querying ServiceNow.
, sourceConnectorProperties_dynatrace
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Dynatrace.
, sourceConnectorProperties_marketo
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Marketo.
, sourceConnectorProperties_slack
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Slack.
, sourceConnectorProperties_singular
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Singular.
, sourceConnectorProperties_inforNexus
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Infor Nexus.
, sourceConnectorProperties_amplitude
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Amplitude.
, sourceConnectorProperties_datadog
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Datadog.
, sourceConnectorProperties_googleAnalytics
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Google
, sourceConnectorProperties_sAPOData
- Undocumented member.
, sourceConnectorProperties_salesforce
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Salesforce.
, sourceConnectorProperties_zendesk
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Zendesk.
, sourceConnectorProperties_s3
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Amazon S3.
, sourceConnectorProperties_trendmicro
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Trend Micro.
, sourceConnectorProperties_veeva
- Specifies the information that is required for querying Veeva.
sourceConnectorProperties_serviceNow :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe ServiceNowSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying ServiceNow.
sourceConnectorProperties_dynatrace :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe DynatraceSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Dynatrace.
sourceConnectorProperties_marketo :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe MarketoSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Marketo.
sourceConnectorProperties_slack :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe SlackSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Slack.
sourceConnectorProperties_singular :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe SingularSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Singular.
sourceConnectorProperties_inforNexus :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe InforNexusSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Infor Nexus.
sourceConnectorProperties_amplitude :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe AmplitudeSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Amplitude.
sourceConnectorProperties_datadog :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe DatadogSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Datadog.
sourceConnectorProperties_googleAnalytics :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Google Analytics.
sourceConnectorProperties_sAPOData :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe SAPODataSourceProperties) Source #
Undocumented member.
sourceConnectorProperties_salesforce :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe SalesforceSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Salesforce.
sourceConnectorProperties_zendesk :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe ZendeskSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Zendesk.
sourceConnectorProperties_s3 :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe S3SourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Amazon S3.
sourceConnectorProperties_trendmicro :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe TrendmicroSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Trend Micro.
sourceConnectorProperties_veeva :: Lens' SourceConnectorProperties (Maybe VeevaSourceProperties) Source #
Specifies the information that is required for querying Veeva.
data SourceFieldProperties Source #
The properties that can be applied to a field when the connector is being used as a source.
See: newSourceFieldProperties
smart constructor.
SourceFieldProperties' | |
newSourceFieldProperties :: SourceFieldProperties Source #
Create a value of SourceFieldProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sourceFieldProperties_isRetrievable
- Indicates whether the field can be returned in a search result.
, sourceFieldProperties_isQueryable
- Indicates if the field can be queried.
sourceFieldProperties_isRetrievable :: Lens' SourceFieldProperties (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the field can be returned in a search result.
sourceFieldProperties_isQueryable :: Lens' SourceFieldProperties (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates if the field can be queried.
data SourceFlowConfig Source #
Contains information about the configuration of the source connector used in the flow.
See: newSourceFlowConfig
smart constructor.
SourceFlowConfig' | |
:: ConnectorType | |
-> SourceConnectorProperties | |
-> SourceFlowConfig |
Create a value of SourceFlowConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sourceFlowConfig_connectorProfileName
- The name of the connector profile. This name must be unique for each
connector profile in the Amazon Web Services account.
, sourceFlowConfig_incrementalPullConfig
- Defines the configuration for a scheduled incremental data pull. If a
valid configuration is provided, the fields specified in the
configuration are used when querying for the incremental data pull.
, sourceFlowConfig_connectorType
- The type of connector, such as Salesforce, Amplitude, and so on.
, sourceFlowConfig_sourceConnectorProperties
- Specifies the information that is required to query a particular source
sourceFlowConfig_connectorProfileName :: Lens' SourceFlowConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the connector profile. This name must be unique for each connector profile in the Amazon Web Services account.
sourceFlowConfig_incrementalPullConfig :: Lens' SourceFlowConfig (Maybe IncrementalPullConfig) Source #
Defines the configuration for a scheduled incremental data pull. If a valid configuration is provided, the fields specified in the configuration are used when querying for the incremental data pull.
sourceFlowConfig_connectorType :: Lens' SourceFlowConfig ConnectorType Source #
The type of connector, such as Salesforce, Amplitude, and so on.
sourceFlowConfig_sourceConnectorProperties :: Lens' SourceFlowConfig SourceConnectorProperties Source #
Specifies the information that is required to query a particular source connector.
data SupportedFieldTypeDetails Source #
Contains details regarding all the supported FieldTypes
and their
corresponding filterOperators
and supportedValues
See: newSupportedFieldTypeDetails
smart constructor.
SupportedFieldTypeDetails' | |
newSupportedFieldTypeDetails Source #
Create a value of SupportedFieldTypeDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, supportedFieldTypeDetails_v1
- The initial supported version for fieldType
. If this is later changed
to a different version, v2 will be introduced.
supportedFieldTypeDetails_v1 :: Lens' SupportedFieldTypeDetails FieldTypeDetails Source #
The initial supported version for fieldType
. If this is later changed
to a different version, v2 will be introduced.
A class for modeling different type of tasks. Task implementation varies
based on the TaskType
See: newTask
smart constructor.
Task' | |
Create a value of Task
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, task_taskProperties
- A map used to store task-related information. The execution service
looks for particular information based on the TaskType
, task_connectorOperator
- The operation to be performed on the provided source fields.
, task_destinationField
- A field in a destination connector, or a field value against which
Amazon AppFlow validates a source field.
, task_sourceFields
- The source fields to which a particular task is applied.
, task_taskType
- Specifies the particular task implementation that Amazon AppFlow
task_taskProperties :: Lens' Task (Maybe (HashMap OperatorPropertiesKeys Text)) Source #
A map used to store task-related information. The execution service
looks for particular information based on the TaskType
task_connectorOperator :: Lens' Task (Maybe ConnectorOperator) Source #
The operation to be performed on the provided source fields.
task_destinationField :: Lens' Task (Maybe Text) Source #
A field in a destination connector, or a field value against which Amazon AppFlow validates a source field.
task_sourceFields :: Lens' Task [Text] Source #
The source fields to which a particular task is applied.
task_taskType :: Lens' Task TaskType Source #
Specifies the particular task implementation that Amazon AppFlow performs.
data TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Trend Micro.
See: newTrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newTrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, trendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials_apiSecretKey
- The Secret Access Key portion of the credentials.
trendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials_apiSecretKey :: Lens' TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The Secret Access Key portion of the credentials.
data TrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Trend Micro.
See: newTrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
TrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newTrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties :: TrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties Source #
Create a value of TrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data TrendmicroMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Trend Micro.
See: newTrendmicroMetadata
smart constructor.
TrendmicroMetadata' | |
newTrendmicroMetadata :: TrendmicroMetadata Source #
Create a value of TrendmicroMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data TrendmicroSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when using Trend Micro as a flow source.
See: newTrendmicroSourceProperties
smart constructor.
TrendmicroSourceProperties' | |
newTrendmicroSourceProperties Source #
Create a value of TrendmicroSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, trendmicroSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the Trend Micro flow source.
trendmicroSourceProperties_object :: Lens' TrendmicroSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Trend Micro flow source.
data TriggerConfig Source #
The trigger settings that determine how and when Amazon AppFlow runs the specified flow.
See: newTriggerConfig
smart constructor.
TriggerConfig' | |
:: TriggerType | |
-> TriggerConfig |
Create a value of TriggerConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, triggerConfig_triggerProperties
- Specifies the configuration details of a schedule-triggered flow as
defined by the user. Currently, these settings only apply to the
trigger type.
, triggerConfig_triggerType
- Specifies the type of flow trigger. This can be OnDemand
, Scheduled
or Event
triggerConfig_triggerProperties :: Lens' TriggerConfig (Maybe TriggerProperties) Source #
Specifies the configuration details of a schedule-triggered flow as
defined by the user. Currently, these settings only apply to the
trigger type.
triggerConfig_triggerType :: Lens' TriggerConfig TriggerType Source #
Specifies the type of flow trigger. This can be OnDemand
, Scheduled
or Event
data TriggerProperties Source #
Specifies the configuration details that control the trigger for a flow.
Currently, these settings only apply to the Scheduled
trigger type.
See: newTriggerProperties
smart constructor.
TriggerProperties' | |
newTriggerProperties :: TriggerProperties Source #
Create a value of TriggerProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, triggerProperties_scheduled
- Specifies the configuration details of a schedule-triggered flow as
defined by the user.
triggerProperties_scheduled :: Lens' TriggerProperties (Maybe ScheduledTriggerProperties) Source #
Specifies the configuration details of a schedule-triggered flow as defined by the user.
data UpsolverDestinationProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Upsolver is used as a destination.
See: newUpsolverDestinationProperties
smart constructor.
UpsolverDestinationProperties' | |
newUpsolverDestinationProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig | |
-> UpsolverDestinationProperties |
Create a value of UpsolverDestinationProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, upsolverDestinationProperties_bucketPrefix
- The object key for the destination Upsolver Amazon S3 bucket in which
Amazon AppFlow places the files.
, upsolverDestinationProperties_bucketName
- The Upsolver Amazon S3 bucket name in which Amazon AppFlow places the
transferred data.
, upsolverDestinationProperties_s3OutputFormatConfig
- The configuration that determines how data is formatted when Upsolver is
used as the flow destination.
upsolverDestinationProperties_bucketPrefix :: Lens' UpsolverDestinationProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The object key for the destination Upsolver Amazon S3 bucket in which Amazon AppFlow places the files.
upsolverDestinationProperties_bucketName :: Lens' UpsolverDestinationProperties Text Source #
The Upsolver Amazon S3 bucket name in which Amazon AppFlow places the transferred data.
upsolverDestinationProperties_s3OutputFormatConfig :: Lens' UpsolverDestinationProperties UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig Source #
The configuration that determines how data is formatted when Upsolver is used as the flow destination.
data UpsolverMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Upsolver.
See: newUpsolverMetadata
smart constructor.
UpsolverMetadata' | |
newUpsolverMetadata :: UpsolverMetadata Source #
Create a value of UpsolverMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig Source #
The configuration that determines how Amazon AppFlow formats the flow output data when Upsolver is used as the destination.
See: newUpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig
smart constructor.
UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig' | |
newUpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig Source #
:: PrefixConfig | |
-> UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig |
Create a value of UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, upsolverS3OutputFormatConfig_fileType
- Indicates the file type that Amazon AppFlow places in the Upsolver
Amazon S3 bucket.
, upsolverS3OutputFormatConfig_aggregationConfig
- Undocumented member.
, upsolverS3OutputFormatConfig_prefixConfig
- Undocumented member.
upsolverS3OutputFormatConfig_fileType :: Lens' UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig (Maybe FileType) Source #
Indicates the file type that Amazon AppFlow places in the Upsolver Amazon S3 bucket.
upsolverS3OutputFormatConfig_aggregationConfig :: Lens' UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig (Maybe AggregationConfig) Source #
Undocumented member.
upsolverS3OutputFormatConfig_prefixConfig :: Lens' UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig PrefixConfig Source #
Undocumented member.
data VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Veeva.
See: newVeevaConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newVeevaConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, veevaConnectorProfileCredentials_username
- The name of the user.
, veevaConnectorProfileCredentials_password
- The password that corresponds to the user name.
veevaConnectorProfileCredentials_username :: Lens' VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The name of the user.
veevaConnectorProfileCredentials_password :: Lens' VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The password that corresponds to the user name.
data VeevaConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Veeva.
See: newVeevaConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
VeevaConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newVeevaConnectorProfileProperties Source #
Create a value of VeevaConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, veevaConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl
- The location of the Veeva resource.
veevaConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' VeevaConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The location of the Veeva resource.
data VeevaMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Veeva.
See: newVeevaMetadata
smart constructor.
VeevaMetadata' | |
newVeevaMetadata :: VeevaMetadata Source #
Create a value of VeevaMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data VeevaSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when using Veeva as a flow source.
See: newVeevaSourceProperties
smart constructor.
VeevaSourceProperties' | |
newVeevaSourceProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> VeevaSourceProperties |
Create a value of VeevaSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, veevaSourceProperties_includeAllVersions
- Boolean value to include All Versions of files in Veeva document extract
, veevaSourceProperties_documentType
- The document type specified in the Veeva document extract flow.
, veevaSourceProperties_includeRenditions
- Boolean value to include file renditions in Veeva document extract flow.
, veevaSourceProperties_includeSourceFiles
- Boolean value to include source files in Veeva document extract flow.
, veevaSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the Veeva flow source.
veevaSourceProperties_includeAllVersions :: Lens' VeevaSourceProperties (Maybe Bool) Source #
Boolean value to include All Versions of files in Veeva document extract flow.
veevaSourceProperties_documentType :: Lens' VeevaSourceProperties (Maybe Text) Source #
The document type specified in the Veeva document extract flow.
veevaSourceProperties_includeRenditions :: Lens' VeevaSourceProperties (Maybe Bool) Source #
Boolean value to include file renditions in Veeva document extract flow.
veevaSourceProperties_includeSourceFiles :: Lens' VeevaSourceProperties (Maybe Bool) Source #
Boolean value to include source files in Veeva document extract flow.
veevaSourceProperties_object :: Lens' VeevaSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Veeva flow source.
data ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Zendesk.
See: newZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials
smart constructor.
ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials' | |
newZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials |
Create a value of ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, zendeskConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken
- The credentials used to access protected Zendesk resources.
, zendeskConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest
- The OAuth requirement needed to request security tokens from the
connector endpoint.
, zendeskConnectorProfileCredentials_clientId
- The identifier for the desired client.
, zendeskConnectorProfileCredentials_clientSecret
- The client secret used by the OAuth client to authenticate to the
authorization server.
zendeskConnectorProfileCredentials_accessToken :: Lens' ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe Text) Source #
The credentials used to access protected Zendesk resources.
zendeskConnectorProfileCredentials_oAuthRequest :: Lens' ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials (Maybe ConnectorOAuthRequest) Source #
The OAuth requirement needed to request security tokens from the connector endpoint.
zendeskConnectorProfileCredentials_clientId :: Lens' ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The identifier for the desired client.
zendeskConnectorProfileCredentials_clientSecret :: Lens' ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials Text Source #
The client secret used by the OAuth client to authenticate to the authorization server.
data ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties Source #
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Zendesk.
See: newZendeskConnectorProfileProperties
smart constructor.
ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties' | |
newZendeskConnectorProfileProperties Source #
:: Text | |
-> ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties |
Create a value of ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, zendeskConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl
- The location of the Zendesk resource.
zendeskConnectorProfileProperties_instanceUrl :: Lens' ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties Text Source #
The location of the Zendesk resource.
data ZendeskDestinationProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when Zendesk is used as a destination.
See: newZendeskDestinationProperties
smart constructor.
ZendeskDestinationProperties' | |
newZendeskDestinationProperties Source #
Create a value of ZendeskDestinationProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, zendeskDestinationProperties_writeOperationType
- Undocumented member.
, zendeskDestinationProperties_idFieldNames
- Undocumented member.
, zendeskDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig
- Undocumented member.
, zendeskDestinationProperties_object
- The object specified in the Zendesk flow destination.
zendeskDestinationProperties_writeOperationType :: Lens' ZendeskDestinationProperties (Maybe WriteOperationType) Source #
Undocumented member.
zendeskDestinationProperties_idFieldNames :: Lens' ZendeskDestinationProperties (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Undocumented member.
zendeskDestinationProperties_errorHandlingConfig :: Lens' ZendeskDestinationProperties (Maybe ErrorHandlingConfig) Source #
Undocumented member.
zendeskDestinationProperties_object :: Lens' ZendeskDestinationProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Zendesk flow destination.
data ZendeskMetadata Source #
The connector metadata specific to Zendesk.
See: newZendeskMetadata
smart constructor.
ZendeskMetadata' | |
newZendeskMetadata :: ZendeskMetadata Source #
Create a value of ZendeskMetadata
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, zendeskMetadata_oAuthScopes
- The desired authorization scope for the Zendesk account.
zendeskMetadata_oAuthScopes :: Lens' ZendeskMetadata (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The desired authorization scope for the Zendesk account.
data ZendeskSourceProperties Source #
The properties that are applied when using Zendesk as a flow source.
See: newZendeskSourceProperties
smart constructor.
ZendeskSourceProperties' | |
newZendeskSourceProperties Source #
Create a value of ZendeskSourceProperties
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, zendeskSourceProperties_object
- The object specified in the Zendesk flow source.
zendeskSourceProperties_object :: Lens' ZendeskSourceProperties Text Source #
The object specified in the Zendesk flow source.