Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell98 |
- type Method = ByteString
- methodGet :: Method
- methodPost :: Method
- methodHead :: Method
- methodPut :: Method
- methodDelete :: Method
- methodTrace :: Method
- methodConnect :: Method
- methodOptions :: Method
- methodPatch :: Method
- data StdMethod
- parseMethod :: Method -> Either ByteString StdMethod
- renderMethod :: Either ByteString StdMethod -> Method
- renderStdMethod :: StdMethod -> Method
- data HttpVersion = HttpVersion {}
- http09 :: HttpVersion
- http10 :: HttpVersion
- http11 :: HttpVersion
- http20 :: HttpVersion
- data Status = Status {}
- mkStatus :: Int -> ByteString -> Status
- status100 :: Status
- continue100 :: Status
- status101 :: Status
- switchingProtocols101 :: Status
- status200 :: Status
- ok200 :: Status
- status201 :: Status
- created201 :: Status
- status202 :: Status
- accepted202 :: Status
- status203 :: Status
- nonAuthoritative203 :: Status
- status204 :: Status
- noContent204 :: Status
- status205 :: Status
- resetContent205 :: Status
- status206 :: Status
- partialContent206 :: Status
- status300 :: Status
- multipleChoices300 :: Status
- status301 :: Status
- movedPermanently301 :: Status
- status302 :: Status
- found302 :: Status
- status303 :: Status
- seeOther303 :: Status
- status304 :: Status
- notModified304 :: Status
- status305 :: Status
- useProxy305 :: Status
- status307 :: Status
- temporaryRedirect307 :: Status
- status308 :: Status
- permanentRedirect308 :: Status
- status400 :: Status
- badRequest400 :: Status
- status401 :: Status
- unauthorized401 :: Status
- status402 :: Status
- paymentRequired402 :: Status
- status403 :: Status
- forbidden403 :: Status
- status404 :: Status
- notFound404 :: Status
- status405 :: Status
- methodNotAllowed405 :: Status
- status406 :: Status
- notAcceptable406 :: Status
- status407 :: Status
- proxyAuthenticationRequired407 :: Status
- status408 :: Status
- requestTimeout408 :: Status
- status409 :: Status
- conflict409 :: Status
- status410 :: Status
- gone410 :: Status
- status411 :: Status
- lengthRequired411 :: Status
- status412 :: Status
- preconditionFailed412 :: Status
- status413 :: Status
- requestEntityTooLarge413 :: Status
- status414 :: Status
- requestURITooLong414 :: Status
- status415 :: Status
- unsupportedMediaType415 :: Status
- status416 :: Status
- requestedRangeNotSatisfiable416 :: Status
- status417 :: Status
- expectationFailed417 :: Status
- status418 :: Status
- imATeapot418 :: Status
- status422 :: Status
- unprocessableEntity422 :: Status
- status428 :: Status
- preconditionRequired428 :: Status
- status429 :: Status
- tooManyRequests429 :: Status
- status431 :: Status
- requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge431 :: Status
- status500 :: Status
- internalServerError500 :: Status
- status501 :: Status
- notImplemented501 :: Status
- status502 :: Status
- badGateway502 :: Status
- status503 :: Status
- serviceUnavailable503 :: Status
- status504 :: Status
- gatewayTimeout504 :: Status
- status505 :: Status
- httpVersionNotSupported505 :: Status
- status511 :: Status
- networkAuthenticationRequired511 :: Status
- statusIsInformational :: Status -> Bool
- statusIsSuccessful :: Status -> Bool
- statusIsRedirection :: Status -> Bool
- statusIsClientError :: Status -> Bool
- statusIsServerError :: Status -> Bool
- type Header = (HeaderName, ByteString)
- type HeaderName = CI ByteString
- type RequestHeaders = [Header]
- type ResponseHeaders = [Header]
- hAccept :: HeaderName
- hAcceptLanguage :: HeaderName
- hAuthorization :: HeaderName
- hCacheControl :: HeaderName
- hCookie :: HeaderName
- hConnection :: HeaderName
- hContentEncoding :: HeaderName
- hContentLength :: HeaderName
- hContentMD5 :: HeaderName
- hContentType :: HeaderName
- hDate :: HeaderName
- hIfModifiedSince :: HeaderName
- hIfRange :: HeaderName
- hLastModified :: HeaderName
- hLocation :: HeaderName
- hRange :: HeaderName
- hReferer :: HeaderName
- hServer :: HeaderName
- hUserAgent :: HeaderName
- data ByteRange
- renderByteRangeBuilder :: ByteRange -> Builder
- renderByteRange :: ByteRange -> ByteString
- type ByteRanges = [ByteRange]
- renderByteRangesBuilder :: ByteRanges -> Builder
- renderByteRanges :: ByteRanges -> ByteString
- parseByteRanges :: ByteString -> Maybe ByteRanges
- type QueryItem = (ByteString, Maybe ByteString)
- type Query = [QueryItem]
- type SimpleQueryItem = (ByteString, ByteString)
- type SimpleQuery = [SimpleQueryItem]
- simpleQueryToQuery :: SimpleQuery -> Query
- renderQuery :: Bool -> Query -> ByteString
- renderQueryBuilder :: Bool -> Query -> Builder
- renderSimpleQuery :: Bool -> SimpleQuery -> ByteString
- parseQuery :: ByteString -> Query
- parseSimpleQuery :: ByteString -> SimpleQuery
- renderQueryPartialEscape :: Bool -> PartialEscapeQuery -> ByteString
- renderQueryBuilderPartialEscape :: Bool -> PartialEscapeQuery -> Builder
- data EscapeItem
- = QE ByteString
- | QN ByteString
- type PartialEscapeQueryItem = (ByteString, [EscapeItem])
- type PartialEscapeQuery = [PartialEscapeQueryItem]
- type QueryText = [(Text, Maybe Text)]
- queryTextToQuery :: QueryText -> Query
- queryToQueryText :: Query -> QueryText
- renderQueryText :: Bool -> QueryText -> Builder
- parseQueryText :: ByteString -> QueryText
- class QueryLike a where
- encodePathSegments :: [Text] -> Builder
- decodePathSegments :: ByteString -> [Text]
- encodePathSegmentsRelative :: [Text] -> Builder
- extractPath :: ByteString -> ByteString
- encodePath :: [Text] -> Query -> Builder
- decodePath :: ByteString -> ([Text], Query)
- urlEncodeBuilder :: Bool -> ByteString -> Builder
- urlEncode :: Bool -> ByteString -> ByteString
- urlDecode :: Bool -> ByteString -> ByteString
type Method = ByteString #
HTTP method (flat string type).
methodPost :: Method #
HTTP Method constants.
methodHead :: Method #
HTTP Method constants.
methodDelete :: Method #
HTTP Method constants.
methodTrace :: Method #
HTTP Method constants.
methodConnect :: Method #
HTTP Method constants.
methodOptions :: Method #
HTTP Method constants.
methodPatch :: Method #
HTTP Method constants.
HTTP standard method (as defined by RFC 2616, and PATCH which is defined by RFC 5789).
Bounded StdMethod # | |
Enum StdMethod # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Types.Method Methods succ :: StdMethod -> StdMethod # pred :: StdMethod -> StdMethod # fromEnum :: StdMethod -> Int # enumFrom :: StdMethod -> [StdMethod] # enumFromThen :: StdMethod -> StdMethod -> [StdMethod] # enumFromTo :: StdMethod -> StdMethod -> [StdMethod] # enumFromThenTo :: StdMethod -> StdMethod -> StdMethod -> [StdMethod] # | |
Eq StdMethod # | |
Ord StdMethod # | |
Read StdMethod # | |
Show StdMethod # | |
Ix StdMethod # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Types.Method Methods range :: (StdMethod, StdMethod) -> [StdMethod] # index :: (StdMethod, StdMethod) -> StdMethod -> Int # unsafeIndex :: (StdMethod, StdMethod) -> StdMethod -> Int # inRange :: (StdMethod, StdMethod) -> StdMethod -> Bool # rangeSize :: (StdMethod, StdMethod) -> Int # unsafeRangeSize :: (StdMethod, StdMethod) -> Int # |
parseMethod :: Method -> Either ByteString StdMethod #
Convert a method ByteString
to a StdMethod
if possible.
renderMethod :: Either ByteString StdMethod -> Method #
Convert an algebraic method to a ByteString
renderStdMethod :: StdMethod -> Method #
Convert a StdMethod
to a ByteString
data HttpVersion #
HTTP Version.
Note that the Show instance is intended merely for debugging.
HttpVersion | |
Eq HttpVersion # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Types.Version | |
Ord HttpVersion # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Types.Version Methods compare :: HttpVersion -> HttpVersion -> Ordering # (<) :: HttpVersion -> HttpVersion -> Bool # (<=) :: HttpVersion -> HttpVersion -> Bool # (>) :: HttpVersion -> HttpVersion -> Bool # (>=) :: HttpVersion -> HttpVersion -> Bool # max :: HttpVersion -> HttpVersion -> HttpVersion # min :: HttpVersion -> HttpVersion -> HttpVersion # | |
Show HttpVersion # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Types.Version Methods showsPrec :: Int -> HttpVersion -> ShowS # show :: HttpVersion -> String # showList :: [HttpVersion] -> ShowS # |
http09 :: HttpVersion #
HTTP 0.9
http10 :: HttpVersion #
HTTP 1.0
http11 :: HttpVersion #
HTTP 1.1
http20 :: HttpVersion #
HTTP 2.0
HTTP Status.
Only the statusCode
is used for comparisons.
Please use mkStatus
to create status codes from code and message, or the Enum
instance or the
status code constants (like ok200
). There might be additional record members in the future.
Note that the Show instance is only for debugging.
Status | |
mkStatus :: Int -> ByteString -> Status #
Create a Status from status code and message.
continue100 :: Status #
Continue 100
switchingProtocols101 :: Status #
Switching Protocols 101
created201 :: Status #
Created 201
accepted202 :: Status #
Accepted 202
nonAuthoritative203 :: Status #
Non-Authoritative Information 203
noContent204 :: Status #
No Content 204
Reset Content 205
Partial Content 206
multipleChoices300 :: Status #
Multiple Choices 300
movedPermanently301 :: Status #
Moved Permanently 301
seeOther303 :: Status #
See Other 303
Not Modified 304
useProxy305 :: Status #
Use Proxy 305
temporaryRedirect307 :: Status #
Temporary Redirect 307
permanentRedirect308 :: Status #
Permanent Redirect 308
badRequest400 :: Status #
Bad Request 400
Unauthorized 401
paymentRequired402 :: Status #
Payment Required 402
forbidden403 :: Status #
Forbidden 403
notFound404 :: Status #
Not Found 404
methodNotAllowed405 :: Status #
Method Not Allowed 405
Not Acceptable 406
proxyAuthenticationRequired407 :: Status #
Proxy Authentication Required 407
Request Timeout 408
conflict409 :: Status #
Conflict 409
Length Required 411
preconditionFailed412 :: Status #
Precondition Failed 412
requestEntityTooLarge413 :: Status #
Request Entity Too Large 413
requestURITooLong414 :: Status #
Request-URI Too Long 414
unsupportedMediaType415 :: Status #
Unsupported Media Type 415
requestedRangeNotSatisfiable416 :: Status #
Requested Range Not Satisfiable 416
expectationFailed417 :: Status #
Expectation Failed 417
imATeapot418 :: Status #
I'm a teapot 418
unprocessableEntity422 :: Status #
Unprocessable Entity 422 (RFC 4918)
preconditionRequired428 :: Status #
Precondition Required 428 (RFC 6585)
tooManyRequests429 :: Status #
Too Many Requests 429 (RFC 6585)
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge431 :: Status #
Request Header Fields Too Large 431 (RFC 6585)
internalServerError500 :: Status #
Internal Server Error 500
Not Implemented 501
badGateway502 :: Status #
Bad Gateway 502
serviceUnavailable503 :: Status #
Service Unavailable 503
Gateway Timeout 504
httpVersionNotSupported505 :: Status #
HTTP Version Not Supported 505
networkAuthenticationRequired511 :: Status #
Network Authentication Required 511 (RFC 6585)
statusIsInformational :: Status -> Bool #
Informational class
statusIsSuccessful :: Status -> Bool #
Successful class
statusIsRedirection :: Status -> Bool #
Redirection class
statusIsClientError :: Status -> Bool #
Client Error class
statusIsServerError :: Status -> Bool #
Server Error class
type Header = (HeaderName, ByteString) #
type HeaderName = CI ByteString #
Header name
type RequestHeaders = [Header] #
Request Headers
type ResponseHeaders = [Header] #
Response Headers
Common headers
hAccept :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
hAcceptLanguage :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
hAuthorization :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
HTTP Header names according to
hCookie :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
HTTP Header names according to
hContentEncoding :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
hContentLength :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
HTTP Header names according to
HTTP Header names according to
hDate :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
hIfModifiedSince :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
hIfRange :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
HTTP Header names according to
hLocation :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
hRange :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
hReferer :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
hServer :: HeaderName #
HTTP Header names according to
HTTP Header names according to
Byte ranges
RFC 2616 Byte range (individual).
Negative indices are not allowed!
ByteRangeFrom !Integer | |
ByteRangeFromTo !Integer !Integer | |
ByteRangeSuffix !Integer |
Eq ByteRange # | |
Data ByteRange # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Types.Header Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> ByteRange -> c ByteRange # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c ByteRange # toConstr :: ByteRange -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: ByteRange -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c ByteRange) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c ByteRange) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> ByteRange -> ByteRange # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> ByteRange -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> ByteRange -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> ByteRange -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> ByteRange -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ByteRange -> m ByteRange # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ByteRange -> m ByteRange # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ByteRange -> m ByteRange # | |
Ord ByteRange # | |
Show ByteRange # | |
renderByteRange :: ByteRange -> ByteString #
type ByteRanges = [ByteRange] #
RFC 2616 Byte ranges (set).
parseByteRanges :: ByteString -> Maybe ByteRanges #
Parse the value of a Range header into a ByteRanges
parseByteRanges "error"
parseByteRanges "bytes=0-499"
Just [ByteRangeFromTo 0 499]>>>
parseByteRanges "bytes=500-999"
Just [ByteRangeFromTo 500 999]>>>
parseByteRanges "bytes=-500"
Just [ByteRangeSuffix 500]>>>
parseByteRanges "bytes=9500-"
Just [ByteRangeFrom 9500]>>>
parseByteRanges "bytes=0-0,-1"
Just [ByteRangeFromTo 0 0,ByteRangeSuffix 1]>>>
parseByteRanges "bytes=500-600,601-999"
Just [ByteRangeFromTo 500 600,ByteRangeFromTo 601 999]>>>
parseByteRanges "bytes=500-700,601-999"
Just [ByteRangeFromTo 500 700,ByteRangeFromTo 601 999]
Query string
type QueryItem = (ByteString, Maybe ByteString) #
Query item
General form: a=b&c=d
, but if the value is Nothing, it becomes
type SimpleQueryItem = (ByteString, ByteString) #
Simplified Query item type without support for parameter-less items.
type SimpleQuery = [SimpleQueryItem] #
Simplified Query type without support for parameter-less items.
simpleQueryToQuery :: SimpleQuery -> Query #
Convert SimpleQuery
to Query
:: Bool | prepend question mark? |
-> Query | |
-> ByteString |
Convert Query
to ByteString
Convert Query
to a Builder
:: Bool | prepend question mark? |
-> SimpleQuery | |
-> ByteString |
Convert SimpleQuery
to ByteString
parseQuery :: ByteString -> Query #
Split out the query string into a list of keys and values. A few importants points:
- The result returned is still bytestrings, since we perform no character decoding here. Most likely, you will want to use UTF-8 decoding, but this is left to the user of the library.
- Percent decoding errors are ignored. In particular,
will be output as"%Q"
. - It decodes
characters to' '
parseSimpleQuery :: ByteString -> SimpleQuery #
Parse SimpleQuery
from a ByteString
Escape only parts
:: Bool | prepend question mark? |
-> PartialEscapeQuery | |
-> ByteString |
Convert PartialEscapeQuery
to ByteString
renderQueryBuilderPartialEscape #
:: Bool | prepend a question mark? |
-> PartialEscapeQuery | |
-> Builder |
Convert PartialEscapeQuery
to a Builder
data EscapeItem #
For some URIs characters must not be URI encoded,
e.g. '+'
or ':'
in q=a+language:haskell+created:2009-01-01..2009-02-01&sort=stars
The character list unreservedPI instead of unreservedQS would solve this.
But we explicitly decide what part to encode.
This is mandatory when searching for '+'
: q=%2B+language:haskell
QE ByteString | |
QN ByteString |
Eq EscapeItem # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Types.URI | |
Ord EscapeItem # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Types.URI Methods compare :: EscapeItem -> EscapeItem -> Ordering # (<) :: EscapeItem -> EscapeItem -> Bool # (<=) :: EscapeItem -> EscapeItem -> Bool # (>) :: EscapeItem -> EscapeItem -> Bool # (>=) :: EscapeItem -> EscapeItem -> Bool # max :: EscapeItem -> EscapeItem -> EscapeItem # min :: EscapeItem -> EscapeItem -> EscapeItem # | |
Show EscapeItem # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Types.URI Methods showsPrec :: Int -> EscapeItem -> ShowS # show :: EscapeItem -> String # showList :: [EscapeItem] -> ShowS # |
type PartialEscapeQueryItem = (ByteString, [EscapeItem]) #
Query item
type PartialEscapeQuery = [PartialEscapeQueryItem] #
Query with some chars that should not be escaped.
General form: a=b&c=d:e+f&g=h
Text query string (UTF8 encoded)
type QueryText = [(Text, Maybe Text)] #
Like Query, but with Text
instead of ByteString
parseQueryText :: ByteString -> QueryText #
Parse QueryText
from a ByteString
. See parseQuery
for details.
Generalized query types
Types which can, and commonly are, converted to Query
are in this class.
You can use lists of simple key value pairs, with ByteString
(strict, or lazy:
), Text
, or String
as the key/value types. You can also have the value
type lifted into a Maybe to support keys without values; and finally it is possible to put
each pair into a Maybe for key-value pairs that aren't always present.
(QueryKeyLike k, QueryValueLike v) => QueryLike [Maybe (k, v)] # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Types.QueryLike | |
(QueryKeyLike k, QueryValueLike v) => QueryLike [(k, v)] # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Types.QueryLike |
Path segments
encodePathSegments :: [Text] -> Builder #
Encodes a list of path segments into a valid URL fragment.
This function takes the following three steps:
- UTF-8 encodes the characters.
- Performs percent encoding on all unreserved characters, as well as
, - Prepends each segment with a slash.
For example:
encodePathSegments [\"foo\", \"bar\", \"baz\"]
encodePathSegments [\"foo bar\", \"baz\/bin\"]
encodePathSegments [\"שלום\"]
Huge thanks to Jeremy Shaw who created the original implementation of this function in web-routes and did such thorough research to determine all correct escaping procedures.
decodePathSegments :: ByteString -> [Text] #
Parse a list of path segments from a valid URL fragment.
encodePathSegmentsRelative :: [Text] -> Builder #
Like encodePathSegments, but without the initial slash.
Path (segments + query string)
extractPath :: ByteString -> ByteString #
Extract whole path (path segments + query) from a RFC 2616 Request-URI.
extractPath "/path"
extractPath ""
extractPath ""
extractPath ""
encodePath :: [Text] -> Query -> Builder #
Encode a whole path (path segments + query).
decodePath :: ByteString -> ([Text], Query) #
Decode a whole path (path segments + query).
URL encoding / decoding
:: Bool | Whether input is in query string. True: Query string, False: Path element |
-> ByteString | |
-> Builder |
Percent-encoding for URLs (using Builder
:: Bool | Whether to decode |
-> ByteString | The ByteString to encode as URL |
-> ByteString | The encoded URL |
Percent-encoding for URLs.
:: Bool | Whether to decode |
-> ByteString | |
-> ByteString |