http-client- An HTTP client engine
Safe HaskellNone



Note that this is essentially the "kitchen sink" export module, including many functions intended only to be used internally by this package. No API stability is guaranteed for this module. If you see functions here which you believe should be promoted to a stable API, please contact the author.


Low-level response body handling

makeChunkedReader #


:: IO ()


-> Bool


-> Connection 
-> IO BodyReader 

makeLengthReader #


:: IO ()


-> Int 
-> Connection 
-> IO BodyReader 

makeUnlimitedReader #


:: IO ()


-> Connection 
-> IO BodyReader 

brConsume :: BodyReader -> IO [ByteString] #

Strictly consume all remaining chunks of data from the stream.

Since 0.1.0

brReadSome :: BodyReader -> Int -> IO ByteString #

Continuously call brRead, building up a lazy ByteString until a chunk is constructed that is at least as many bytes as requested.

Since 0.4.20

brRead :: BodyReader -> IO ByteString #

Get a single chunk of data from the response body, or an empty bytestring if no more data is available.

Note that in order to consume the entire request body, you will need to repeatedly call this function until you receive an empty ByteString as a result.

Since 0.1.0

Raw connection handling

connectionDropTillBlankLine :: Connection -> IO () #

Keep dropping input until a blank line is found.

dummyConnection #


:: [ByteString]


-> IO (Connection, IO [ByteString], IO [ByteString])

conn, output, input

For testing

openSocketConnection #


:: (Socket -> IO ()) 
-> Maybe HostAddress 
-> String


-> Int


-> IO Connection 

openSocketConnectionSize #


:: (Socket -> IO ()) 
-> Int

chunk size

-> Maybe HostAddress 
-> String


-> Int


-> IO Connection 

makeConnection #


:: IO ByteString


-> (ByteString -> IO ())


-> IO ()


-> IO Connection 

Create a new Connection from a read, write, and close function.

Since: 0.5.3

socketConnection #


:: Socket 
-> Int

chunk size

-> IO Connection 

Create a new Connection from a Socket.

Since: 0.5.3


updateCookieJar #


:: Response a

Response received from server

-> Request

Request which generated the response

-> UTCTime

Value that should be used as "now"

-> CookieJar

Current cookie jar

-> (CookieJar, Response a)

(Updated cookie jar with cookies from the Response, The response stripped of any "Set-Cookie" header)

This applies receiveSetCookie to a given Response

receiveSetCookie #


:: SetCookie

The SetCookie the cookie jar is receiving

-> Request

The request that originated the response that yielded the SetCookie

-> UTCTime

Value that should be used as "now"

-> Bool

Whether or not this request is coming from an "http" source (not javascript or anything like that)

-> CookieJar

Input cookie jar to modify

-> CookieJar

Updated cookie jar

This corresponds to the algorithm described in Section 5.3 "Storage Model" This function consists of calling generateCookie followed by insertCheckedCookie. Use this function if you plan to do both in a row. generateCookie and insertCheckedCookie are only provided for more fine-grained control.

generateCookie #


:: SetCookie

The SetCookie we are encountering

-> Request

The request that originated the response that yielded the SetCookie

-> UTCTime

Value that should be used as "now"

-> Bool

Whether or not this request is coming from an "http" source (not javascript or anything like that)

-> Maybe Cookie

The optional output cookie

Turn a SetCookie into a Cookie, if it is valid

insertCheckedCookie #


:: Cookie

The SetCookie the cookie jar is receiving

-> CookieJar

Input cookie jar to modify

-> Bool

Whether or not this request is coming from an "http" source (not javascript or anything like that)

-> CookieJar

Updated (or not) cookie jar

Insert a cookie created by generateCookie into the cookie jar (or not if it shouldn't be allowed in)

insertCookiesIntoRequest #


:: Request

The request to insert into

-> CookieJar

Current cookie jar

-> UTCTime

Value that should be used as "now"

-> (Request, CookieJar)

(Output request, Updated cookie jar (last-access-time is updated))

This applies the computeCookieString to a given Request

computeCookieString #


:: Request

Input request

-> CookieJar

Current cookie jar

-> UTCTime

Value that should be used as "now"

-> Bool

Whether or not this request is coming from an "http" source (not javascript or anything like that)

-> (ByteString, CookieJar)

(Contents of a "Cookie" header, Updated cookie jar (last-access-time is updated))

This corresponds to the algorithm described in Section 5.4 "The Cookie Header"

evictExpiredCookies #


:: CookieJar

Input cookie jar

-> UTCTime

Value that should be used as "now"

-> CookieJar

Filtered cookie jar

This corresponds to the eviction algorithm described in Section 5.3 "Storage Model"

pathMatches :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Bool #

This corresponds to the subcomponent algorithm entitled "Path-Match" detailed in section 5.1.4

domainMatches #


:: ByteString

Domain to test

-> ByteString

Domain from a cookie

-> Bool 

This corresponds to the subcomponent algorithm entitled "Domain Matching" detailed in section 5.1.3

defaultPath :: Request -> ByteString #

This corresponds to the subcomponent algorithm entitled "Paths" detailed in section 5.1.4

Performing requests

withResponse :: Request -> Manager -> (Response BodyReader -> IO a) -> IO a #

Perform a Request using a connection acquired from the given Manager, and then provide the Response to the given function. This function is fully exception safe, guaranteeing that the response will be closed when the inner function exits. It is defined as:

withResponse req man f = bracket (responseOpen req man) responseClose f

It is recommended that you use this function in place of explicit calls to responseOpen and responseClose.

You will need to use functions such as brRead to consume the response body.

Since 0.1.0

httpLbs :: Request -> Manager -> IO (Response ByteString) #

A convenience wrapper around withResponse which reads in the entire response body and immediately closes the connection. Note that this function performs fully strict I/O, and only uses a lazy ByteString in its response for memory efficiency. If you are anticipating a large response body, you are encouraged to use withResponse and brRead instead.

Since 0.1.0

httpNoBody :: Request -> Manager -> IO (Response ()) #

A convenient wrapper around withResponse which ignores the response body. This is useful, for example, when performing a HEAD request.

Since 0.3.2

httpRaw :: Request -> Manager -> IO (Response BodyReader) #

Get a Response without any redirect following.

httpRaw' :: Request -> Manager -> IO (Request, Response BodyReader) #

Get a Response without any redirect following.

This extended version of httpRaw also returns the potentially modified Request.

getModifiedRequestManager :: Manager -> Request -> IO (Manager, Request) #

The used Manager can be overridden (by requestManagerOverride) and the used Request can be modified (through managerModifyRequest). This function allows to retrieve the possibly overridden Manager and the possibly modified Request.

(In case the Manager is overridden by requestManagerOverride, the Request is being modified by managerModifyRequest of the new Manager, not the old one.)

responseOpen :: Request -> Manager -> IO (Response BodyReader) #

The most low-level function for initiating an HTTP request.

The first argument to this function gives a full specification on the request: the host to connect to, whether to use SSL, headers, etc. Please see Request for full details. The second argument specifies which Manager should be used.

This function then returns a Response with a BodyReader. The Response contains the status code and headers that were sent back to us, and the BodyReader contains the body of the request. Note that this BodyReader allows you to have fully interleaved IO actions during your HTTP download, making it possible to download very large responses in constant memory.

An important note: the response body returned by this function represents a live HTTP connection. As such, if you do not use the response body, an open socket will be retained indefinitely. You must be certain to call responseClose on this response to free up resources.

This function automatically performs any necessary redirects, as specified by the redirectCount setting.

When implementing a (reverse) proxy using this function or relating functions, it's wise to remove Transfer-Encoding:, Content-Length:, Content-Encoding: and Accept-Encoding: from request and response headers to be relayed.

Since 0.1.0

responseClose :: Response a -> IO () #

Close any open resources associated with the given Response. In general, this will either close an active Connection or return it to the Manager to be reused.

Since 0.1.0

httpRedirect #


:: Int


-> (Request -> IO (Response BodyReader, Maybe Request))

function which performs a request and returns a response, and possibly another request if there's a redirect.

-> Request 
-> IO (Response BodyReader) 

Redirect loop.

httpRedirect' #


:: Int


-> (Request -> IO (Response BodyReader, Request, Bool))

function which performs a request and returns a response, the potentially modified request, and a Bool indicating if there was a redirect.

-> Request 
-> IO (Request, Response BodyReader) 

Redirect loop.

This extended version of httpRaw also returns the Request potentially modified by managerModifyRequest.

withConnection :: Request -> Manager -> (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a #

Perform an action using a Connection acquired from the given Manager.

You should use this only when you have to read and write interactively through the connection (e.g. connection by the WebSocket protocol).

Since: 0.5.13

Parse response headers

Request helper functions

parseUrl :: MonadThrow m => String -> m Request #

Deprecated: Please use parseUrlThrow, parseRequest, or parseRequest_ instead

Deprecated synonym for parseUrlThrow. You probably want parseRequest or parseRequest_ instead.

Since: 0.1.0

parseUrlThrow :: MonadThrow m => String -> m Request #

Same as parseRequest, except will throw an HttpException in the event of a non-2XX response. This uses throwErrorStatusCodes to implement checkResponse.

Since: 0.4.30

parseRequest :: MonadThrow m => String -> m Request #

Convert a URL into a Request.

This function defaults some of the values in Request, such as setting method to GET and requestHeaders to [].

Since this function uses MonadThrow, the return monad can be anything that is an instance of MonadThrow, such as IO or Maybe.

You can place the request method at the beginning of the URL separated by a space, e.g.:

@@ parseRequest "POST" @@

Note that the request method must be provided as all capital letters.

A Request created by this function won't cause exceptions on non-2XX response status codes.

To create a request which throws on non-2XX status codes, see parseUrlThrow

Since: 0.4.30

parseRequest_ :: String -> Request #

Same as parseRequest, but parse errors cause an impure exception. Mostly useful for static strings which are known to be correctly formatted.

requestFromURI :: MonadThrow m => URI -> m Request #

Convert a URI into a Request.

This can fail if the given URI is not absolute, or if the URI scheme is not "http" or "https". In these cases the function will throw an error via MonadThrow.

This function defaults some of the values in Request, such as setting method to GET and requestHeaders to [].

A Request created by this function won't cause exceptions on non-2XX response status codes.

Since: 0.5.12

requestFromURI_ :: URI -> Request #

Same as requestFromURI, but if the conversion would fail, throws an impure exception.

Since: 0.5.12

defaultRequest :: Request #

A default request value, a GET request of localhost/:80, with an empty request body.

Note that the default checkResponse does nothing.

Since: 0.4.30

setUriRelative :: MonadThrow m => Request -> URI -> m Request #

Add a URI to the request. If it is absolute (includes a host name), add it as per setUri; if it is relative, merge it with the existing request.

getUri :: Request -> URI #

Extract a URI from the request.

Since 0.1.0

setUri :: MonadThrow m => Request -> URI -> m Request #

Validate a URI, then add it to the request.

setUriEither :: Request -> URI -> Either String Request #

A variant of setUri that returns an error message on validation errors, instead of propagating them with throwM.

Since: 0.6.1

browserDecompress :: ByteString -> Bool #

Decompress a compressed stream unless the content-type is 'application/x-tar'.

alwaysDecompress :: ByteString -> Bool #

Always decompress a compressed stream.

addProxy :: ByteString -> Int -> Request -> Request #

Add a proxy to the Request so that the Request when executed will use the provided proxy.

Since 0.1.0

applyBasicAuth :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Request -> Request #

Add a Basic Auth header (with the specified user name and password) to the given Request. Ignore error handling:

 applyBasicAuth "user" "pass" $ parseRequest_ url

NOTE: The function applyDigestAuth is provided by the http-client-tls package instead of this package due to extra dependencies. Please use that package if you need to use digest authentication.

Since 0.1.0

applyBasicProxyAuth :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Request -> Request #

Add a Proxy-Authorization header (with the specified username and password) to the given Request. Ignore error handling:

applyBasicProxyAuth "user" "pass" <$> parseRequest ""

Since 0.3.4

urlEncodedBody :: [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> Request -> Request #

Add url-encoded parameters to the Request.

This sets a new requestBody, adds a content-type request header and changes the method to POST.

Since 0.1.0

needsGunzip #


:: Request 
-> [Header]

response headers

-> Bool 

setRequestIgnoreStatus :: Request -> Request #

Modify the request so that non-2XX status codes do not generate a runtime StatusCodeException.

Since: 0.4.29

setRequestCheckStatus :: Request -> Request #

Modify the request so that non-2XX status codes generate a runtime StatusCodeException, by using throwErrorStatusCodes

Since: 0.5.13

setQueryString :: [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)] -> Request -> Request #

Set the query string to the given key/value pairs.

Since 0.3.6

setQueryStringPartialEscape :: [(ByteString, [EscapeItem])] -> Request -> Request #

Set the query string to the given key/value pairs.

Since: 0.5.10

streamFile :: FilePath -> IO RequestBody #

Send a file as the request body.

It is expected that the file size does not change between calling streamFile and making any requests using this request body.

Since 0.4.9

observedStreamFile :: (StreamFileStatus -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO RequestBody #

Send a file as the request body, while observing streaming progress via a PopObserver. Observations are made between reading and sending a chunk.

It is expected that the file size does not change between calling observedStreamFile and making any requests using this request body.

Since 0.4.9

extractBasicAuthInfo :: URI -> Maybe (ByteString, ByteString) #

Extract basic access authentication info in URI. Return Nothing when there is no auth info in URI.

throwErrorStatusCodes :: MonadIO m => Request -> Response BodyReader -> m () #

Throws a StatusCodeException wrapped in HttpExceptionRequest, if the response's status code indicates an error (if it isn't 2xx). This can be used to implement checkResponse.

Since: 0.5.13

Low-level response body handling

getRedirectedRequest :: Request -> ResponseHeaders -> CookieJar -> Int -> Maybe Request #

If a request is a redirection (status code 3xx) this function will create a new request from the old request, the server headers returned with the redirection, and the redirection code itself. This function returns Nothing if the code is not a 3xx, there is no location header included, or if the redirected response couldn't be parsed with parseRequest.

If a user of this library wants to know the url chain that results from a specific request, that user has to re-implement the redirect-following logic themselves. An example of that might look like this:

myHttp req man = do
   (res, redirectRequests) <- (`runStateT` []) $
            (\req' -> do
               res <- http req'{redirectCount=0} man
               modify (\rqs -> req' : rqs)
               return (res, getRedirectedRequest req' (responseHeaders res) (responseCookieJar res) (W.statusCode (responseStatus res))
   applyCheckStatus (checkStatus req) res
   return redirectRequests

getResponse #


:: Maybe Int 
-> Request 
-> Managed Connection 
-> Maybe (IO ())

Action to run in case of a '100 Continue'.

-> IO (Response BodyReader) 

lbsResponse :: Response BodyReader -> IO (Response ByteString) #

Convert a Response that has a Source body to one with a lazy ByteString body.


data ManagerSettings #

Settings for a Manager. Please use the defaultManagerSettings function and then modify individual settings. For more information, see

Since 0.1.0




newManager :: ManagerSettings -> IO Manager #

Create a Manager. The Manager will be shut down automatically via garbage collection.

Creating a new Manager is a relatively expensive operation, you are advised to share a single Manager between requests instead.

The first argument to this function is often defaultManagerSettings, though add-on libraries may provide a recommended replacement.

Since 0.1.0

closeManager :: Manager -> IO () #

Deprecated: Manager will be closed for you automatically when no longer in use

Close all connections in a Manager.

Note that this doesn't affect currently in-flight connections, meaning you can safely use it without hurting any queries you may have concurrently running.

Since 0.1.0

withManager :: ManagerSettings -> (Manager -> IO a) -> IO a #

Deprecated: Use newManager instead

Create, use and close a Manager.

Since 0.2.1

getConn :: Request -> Manager -> IO (Managed Connection) #

defaultManagerSettings :: ManagerSettings #

Default value for ManagerSettings.

Note that this value does not have support for SSL/TLS. If you need to make any https connections, please use the http-client-tls package, which provides a tlsManagerSettings value.

Since 0.1.0

rawConnectionModifySocket :: (Socket -> IO ()) -> IO (Maybe HostAddress -> String -> Int -> IO Connection) #

A value for the managerRawConnection setting, but also allows you to modify the underlying Socket to set additional settings. For a motivating use case, see:

Since 0.3.8

rawConnectionModifySocketSize :: (Socket -> IO ()) -> IO (Int -> Maybe HostAddress -> String -> Int -> IO Connection) #

Same as rawConnectionModifySocket, but also takes in a chunk size.

Since: 0.5.2

proxyFromRequest :: ProxyOverride #

Get the proxy settings from the Request itself.

Since 0.4.7

noProxy :: ProxyOverride #

Never connect using a proxy, regardless of the proxy value in the Request.

Since 0.4.7

useProxy :: Proxy -> ProxyOverride #

Use the given proxy settings, regardless of the proxy value in the Request.

Since 0.4.7

proxyEnvironment #


:: Maybe Proxy

fallback if no environment set

-> ProxyOverride 

Get the proxy settings from the default environment variable (http_proxy for insecure, https_proxy for secure). If no variable is set, then fall back to the given value. Nothing is equivalent to noProxy, Just is equivalent to useProxy.

Since 0.4.7

proxyEnvironmentNamed #


:: Text

environment variable name

-> Maybe Proxy

fallback if no environment set

-> ProxyOverride 

Same as proxyEnvironment, but instead of default environment variable names, allows you to set your own name.

Since 0.4.7

defaultProxy :: ProxyOverride #

The default proxy settings for a manager. In particular: if the http_proxy (or https_proxy) environment variable is set, use it. Otherwise, use the values in the Request.

Since 0.4.7

dropProxyAuthSecure :: Request -> Request #

Drop the Proxy-Authorization header from the request if we're using a secure proxy.

All types

type BodyReader = IO ByteString #

An IO action that represents an incoming response body coming from the server. Data provided by this action has already been gunzipped and de-chunked, and respects any content-length headers present.

The action gets a single chunk of data from the response body, or an empty bytestring if no more data is available.

Since 0.4.0

data Connection #




data HttpException #

An exception which may be generated by this library

Since: 0.5.0


HttpExceptionRequest Request HttpExceptionContent

Most exceptions are specific to a Request. Inspect the HttpExceptionContent value for details on what occurred.

Since: 0.5.0

InvalidUrlException String String

A URL (first field) is invalid for a given reason (second argument).

Since: 0.5.0

data HttpExceptionContent #


StatusCodeException (Response ()) ByteString

Generated by the parseUrlThrow function when the server returns a non-2XX response status code.

May include the beginning of the response body.

Since: 0.5.0

TooManyRedirects [Response ByteString]

The server responded with too many redirects for a request.

Contains the list of encountered responses containing redirects in reverse chronological order; including last redirect, which triggered the exception and was not followed.

Since: 0.5.0


Either too many headers, or too many total bytes in a single header, were returned by the server, and the memory exhaustion protection in this library has kicked in.

Since: 0.5.0


The server took too long to return a response. This can be altered via responseTimeout or managerResponseTimeout.

Since: 0.5.0


Attempting to connect to the server timed out.

Since: 0.5.0

ConnectionFailure SomeException

An exception occurred when trying to connect to the server.

Since: 0.5.0

InvalidStatusLine ByteString

The status line returned by the server could not be parsed.

Since: 0.5.0

InvalidHeader ByteString

The given response header line could not be parsed

Since: 0.5.0

InvalidRequestHeader ByteString

The given request header is not compliant (e.g. has newlines)

Since: 0.5.14

InternalException SomeException

An exception was raised by an underlying library when performing the request. Most often, this is caused by a failing socket action or a TLS exception.

Since: 0.5.0

ProxyConnectException ByteString Int Status

A non-200 status code was returned when trying to connect to the proxy server on the given host and port.

Since: 0.5.0


No response data was received from the server at all. This exception may deserve special handling within the library, since it may indicate that a pipelining has been used, and a connection thought to be open was in fact closed.

Since: 0.5.0


Exception thrown when using a Manager which does not have support for secure connections. Typically, you will want to use tlsManagerSettings from http-client-tls to overcome this.

Since: 0.5.0

WrongRequestBodyStreamSize Word64 Word64

The request body provided did not match the expected size.

Provides the expected and actual size.

Since: 0.4.31

ResponseBodyTooShort Word64 Word64

The returned response body is too short. Provides the expected size and actual size.

Since: 0.5.0


A chunked response body had invalid headers.

Since: 0.5.0


An incomplete set of response headers were returned.

Since: 0.5.0

InvalidDestinationHost ByteString

The host we tried to connect to is invalid (e.g., an empty string).

HttpZlibException ZlibException

An exception was thrown when inflating a response body.

Since: 0.5.0

InvalidProxyEnvironmentVariable Text Text

Values in the proxy environment variable were invalid. Provides the environment variable name and its value.

Since: 0.5.0


Attempted to use a Connection which was already closed

Since: 0.5.0

InvalidProxySettings Text

Proxy settings are not valid (Windows specific currently) @since 0.5.7

unHttpExceptionContentWrapper :: HttpExceptionContentWrapper -> HttpExceptionContent #

toHttpException :: Request -> HttpExceptionContentWrapper -> HttpException #

newtype CookieJar #




data Proxy #

Define a HTTP proxy, consisting of a hostname and port number.





Instances details
Eq Proxy # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


(==) :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Bool #

(/=) :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Bool #

Ord Proxy # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


compare :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Ordering #

(<) :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Bool #

(<=) :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Bool #

(>) :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Bool #

(>=) :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Bool #

max :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Proxy #

min :: Proxy -> Proxy -> Proxy #

Read Proxy # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show Proxy # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Proxy -> ShowS #

show :: Proxy -> String #

showList :: [Proxy] -> ShowS #

data RequestBody #

When using one of the RequestBodyStream / RequestBodyStreamChunked constructors, you must ensure that the GivesPopper can be called multiple times. Usually this is not a problem.

The RequestBodyStreamChunked will send a chunked request body. Note that not all servers support this. Only use RequestBodyStreamChunked if you know the server you're sending to supports chunked request bodies.

Since 0.1.0


RequestBodyLBS ByteString 
RequestBodyBS ByteString 
RequestBodyBuilder Int64 Builder 
RequestBodyStream Int64 (GivesPopper ()) 
RequestBodyStreamChunked (GivesPopper ()) 
RequestBodyIO (IO RequestBody)

Allows creation of a RequestBody inside the IO monad, which is useful for making easier APIs (like setRequestBodyFile).

Since: 0.4.28

type Popper = IO ByteString #

A function which generates successive chunks of a request body, provider a single empty bytestring when no more data is available.

Since 0.1.0

type NeedsPopper a = Popper -> IO a #

A function which must be provided with a Popper.

Since 0.1.0

type GivesPopper a = NeedsPopper a -> IO a #

A function which will provide a Popper to a NeedsPopper. This seemingly convoluted structure allows for creation of request bodies which allocate scarce resources in an exception safe manner.

Since 0.1.0

data Request #

All information on how to connect to a host and what should be sent in the HTTP request.

If you simply wish to download from a URL, see parseRequest.

The constructor for this data type is not exposed. Instead, you should use either the defaultRequest value, or parseRequest to construct from a URL, and then use the records below to make modifications. This approach allows http-client to add configuration options without breaking backwards compatibility.

For example, to construct a POST request, you could do something like:

initReq <- parseRequest ""
let req = initReq
            { method = "POST"

For more information, please see

Since 0.1.0




  • method :: Method

    HTTP request method, eg GET, POST.

    Since 0.1.0

  • secure :: Bool

    Whether to use HTTPS (ie, SSL).

    Since 0.1.0

  • host :: ByteString

    Requested host name, used for both the IP address to connect to and the host request header.

    Since 0.1.0

  • port :: Int

    The port to connect to. Also used for generating the host request header.

    Since 0.1.0

  • path :: ByteString

    Everything from the host to the query string.

    Since 0.1.0

  • queryString :: ByteString

    Query string appended to the path.

    Since 0.1.0

  • requestHeaders :: RequestHeaders

    Custom HTTP request headers

    The Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding headers are set automatically by this module, and shall not be added to requestHeaders.

    If not provided by the user, Host will automatically be set based on the host and port fields.

    Moreover, the Accept-Encoding header is set implicitly to gzip for convenience by default. This behaviour can be overridden if needed, by setting the header explicitly to a different value. In order to omit the Accept-Header altogether, set it to the empty string "". If you need an empty Accept-Header (i.e. requesting the identity encoding), set it to a non-empty white-space string, e.g. " ". See RFC 2616 section 14.3 for details about the semantics of the Accept-Header field. If you request a content-encoding not supported by this module, you will have to decode it yourself (see also the decompress field).

    Note: Multiple header fields with the same field-name will result in multiple header fields being sent and therefore it's the responsibility of the client code to ensure that the rules from RFC 2616 section 4.2 are honoured.

    Since 0.1.0

  • requestBody :: RequestBody

    Request body to be sent to the server.

    Since 0.1.0

  • proxy :: Maybe Proxy

    Optional HTTP proxy.

    Since 0.1.0

  • hostAddress :: Maybe HostAddress

    Optional resolved host address. May not be used by all backends.

    Since 0.1.0

  • rawBody :: Bool

    If True, a chunked and/or gzipped body will not be decoded. Use with caution.

    Since 0.1.0

  • decompress :: ByteString -> Bool

    Predicate to specify whether gzipped data should be decompressed on the fly (see alwaysDecompress and browserDecompress). Argument is the mime type. Default: browserDecompress.

    Since 0.1.0

  • redirectCount :: Int

    How many redirects to follow when getting a resource. 0 means follow no redirects. Default value: 10.

    Since 0.1.0

  • checkResponse :: Request -> Response BodyReader -> IO ()

    Check the response immediately after receiving the status and headers. This can be useful for throwing exceptions on non-success status codes.

    In previous versions of http-client, this went under the name checkStatus, but was renamed to avoid confusion about the new default behavior (doing nothing).

    Since: 0.5.0

  • responseTimeout :: ResponseTimeout

    Number of microseconds to wait for a response (see ResponseTimeout for more information). Default: use managerResponseTimeout (which by default is 30 seconds).

    Since 0.1.0

  • cookieJar :: Maybe CookieJar

    A user-defined cookie jar. If Nothing, no cookie handling will take place, "Cookie" headers in requestHeaders will be sent raw, and responseCookieJar will be empty.

    Since 0.1.0

  • requestVersion :: HttpVersion

    HTTP version to send to server.

    Default: HTTP 1.1

    Since 0.4.3

  • onRequestBodyException :: SomeException -> IO ()

    How to deal with exceptions thrown while sending the request.

    Default: ignore IOExceptions, rethrow all other exceptions.

    Since: 0.4.6

  • requestManagerOverride :: Maybe Manager

    A Manager value that should override whatever Manager value was passed in to the HTTP request function manually. This is useful when dealing with implicit global managers, such as in Network.HTTP.Simple

    Since: 0.4.28

  • shouldStripHeaderOnRedirect :: HeaderName -> Bool

    Decide whether a header must be stripped from the request when following a redirect. Default: keep all headers intact.

    Since: 0.6.2


Instances details
Show Request # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

IsString Request #

Parses a URL via parseRequest_

NOTE: Prior to version 0.5.0, this instance used parseUrlThrow instead.

Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Request


fromString :: String -> Request #

data Response body #

A simple representation of the HTTP response.

Since 0.1.0





Instances details
Functor Response # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Response a -> Response b #

(<$) :: a -> Response b -> Response a #

Foldable Response # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


fold :: Monoid m => Response m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Response a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Response a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Response a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Response a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Response a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Response a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Response a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Response a -> a #

toList :: Response a -> [a] #

null :: Response a -> Bool #

length :: Response a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Response a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Response a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Response a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Response a -> a #

product :: Num a => Response a -> a #

Traversable Response # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Response a -> f (Response b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Response (f a) -> f (Response a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Response a -> m (Response b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Response (m a) -> m (Response a) #

Eq body => Eq (Response body) # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


(==) :: Response body -> Response body -> Bool #

(/=) :: Response body -> Response body -> Bool #

Show body => Show (Response body) # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Response body -> ShowS #

show :: Response body -> String #

showList :: [Response body] -> ShowS #

newtype ResponseClose #





Instances details
Eq ResponseClose # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show ResponseClose # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

data Manager #

Keeps track of open connections for keep-alive.

If possible, you should share a single Manager between multiple threads and requests.

Since 0.1.0


Instances details
HasHttpManager Manager # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

class HasHttpManager a where #


getHttpManager :: a -> Manager #


Instances details
HasHttpManager Manager # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

data ManagerSettings #

Settings for a Manager. Please use the defaultManagerSettings function and then modify individual settings. For more information, see

Since 0.1.0




data NonEmptyList a #


One a UTCTime 
Cons a Int UTCTime (NonEmptyList a) 

data ConnHost #

Hostname or resolved host address.


Instances details
Eq ConnHost # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Ord ConnHost # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show ConnHost # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

data ConnKey #

ConnKey consists of a hostname, a port and a Bool specifying whether to use SSL.


Instances details
Eq ConnKey # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types


(==) :: ConnKey -> ConnKey -> Bool #

(/=) :: ConnKey -> ConnKey -> Bool #

Ord ConnKey # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

Show ConnKey # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Types

newtype ProxyOverride #

How the HTTP proxy server settings should be discovered.

Since 0.4.7



data ResponseTimeout #

How to deal with timing out on retrieval of response headers.

Since: 0.5.0


ResponseTimeoutMicro !Int

Wait the given number of microseconds for response headers to load, then throw an exception


Wait indefinitely


Fall back to the manager setting (managerResponseTimeout) or, in its absence, Wait 30 seconds and then throw an exception.

Various utilities

readPositiveInt :: String -> Maybe Int #

Read a positive Int, accounting for overflow

dummyManaged :: resource -> Managed resource #

For testing purposes only: create a dummy Managed wrapper