Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- UpdateDomainMetadata
- SignOutUser
- RestoreDomainAccess
- AssociateDomain
- DeleteFleet
- DisassociateDomain
- ListTagsForResource
- AssociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider
- DescribeDevicePolicyConfiguration
- ListWebsiteAuthorizationProviders
- DisassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider
- ListWebsiteCertificateAuthorities
- UpdateIdentityProviderConfiguration
- DescribeFleetMetadata
- UpdateDevicePolicyConfiguration
- DescribeCompanyNetworkConfiguration
- DescribeAuditStreamConfiguration
- RevokeDomainAccess
- ListFleets
- UpdateFleetMetadata
- DescribeIdentityProviderConfiguration
- CreateFleet
- DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthority
- DescribeDomain
- DisassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority
- DescribeDevice
- UpdateAuditStreamConfiguration
- UpdateCompanyNetworkConfiguration
- TagResource
- UntagResource
- AssociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority
- ListDomains
- ListDevices
- Types
- updateDomainMetadata_displayName :: Lens' UpdateDomainMetadata (Maybe Text)
- updateDomainMetadata_fleetArn :: Lens' UpdateDomainMetadata Text
- updateDomainMetadata_domainName :: Lens' UpdateDomainMetadata Text
- updateDomainMetadataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDomainMetadataResponse Int
- signOutUser_fleetArn :: Lens' SignOutUser Text
- signOutUser_username :: Lens' SignOutUser Text
- signOutUserResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SignOutUserResponse Int
- restoreDomainAccess_fleetArn :: Lens' RestoreDomainAccess Text
- restoreDomainAccess_domainName :: Lens' RestoreDomainAccess Text
- restoreDomainAccessResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RestoreDomainAccessResponse Int
- associateDomain_displayName :: Lens' AssociateDomain (Maybe Text)
- associateDomain_fleetArn :: Lens' AssociateDomain Text
- associateDomain_domainName :: Lens' AssociateDomain Text
- associateDomain_acmCertificateArn :: Lens' AssociateDomain Text
- associateDomainResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AssociateDomainResponse Int
- deleteFleet_fleetArn :: Lens' DeleteFleet Text
- deleteFleetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteFleetResponse Int
- disassociateDomain_fleetArn :: Lens' DisassociateDomain Text
- disassociateDomain_domainName :: Lens' DisassociateDomain Text
- disassociateDomainResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateDomainResponse Int
- listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- associateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider_domainName :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider (Maybe Text)
- associateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider_fleetArn :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider Text
- associateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider_authorizationProviderType :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider AuthorizationProviderType
- associateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse_authorizationProviderId :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse (Maybe Text)
- associateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse Int
- describeDevicePolicyConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeDevicePolicyConfiguration Text
- describeDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse_deviceCaCertificate :: Lens' DescribeDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse Int
- listWebsiteAuthorizationProviders_nextToken :: Lens' ListWebsiteAuthorizationProviders (Maybe Text)
- listWebsiteAuthorizationProviders_maxResults :: Lens' ListWebsiteAuthorizationProviders (Maybe Natural)
- listWebsiteAuthorizationProviders_fleetArn :: Lens' ListWebsiteAuthorizationProviders Text
- listWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse_websiteAuthorizationProviders :: Lens' ListWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse (Maybe [WebsiteAuthorizationProviderSummary])
- listWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse (Maybe Text)
- listWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse Int
- disassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider_fleetArn :: Lens' DisassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider Text
- disassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider_authorizationProviderId :: Lens' DisassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider Text
- disassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse Int
- listWebsiteCertificateAuthorities_nextToken :: Lens' ListWebsiteCertificateAuthorities (Maybe Text)
- listWebsiteCertificateAuthorities_maxResults :: Lens' ListWebsiteCertificateAuthorities (Maybe Natural)
- listWebsiteCertificateAuthorities_fleetArn :: Lens' ListWebsiteCertificateAuthorities Text
- listWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse_websiteCertificateAuthorities :: Lens' ListWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse (Maybe [WebsiteCaSummary])
- listWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse Int
- updateIdentityProviderConfiguration_identityProviderSamlMetadata :: Lens' UpdateIdentityProviderConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- updateIdentityProviderConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' UpdateIdentityProviderConfiguration Text
- updateIdentityProviderConfiguration_identityProviderType :: Lens' UpdateIdentityProviderConfiguration IdentityProviderType
- updateIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse Int
- describeFleetMetadata_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadata Text
- describeFleetMetadataResponse_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeFleetMetadataResponse_fleetStatus :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe FleetStatus)
- describeFleetMetadataResponse_companyCode :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeFleetMetadataResponse_createdTime :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeFleetMetadataResponse_optimizeForEndUserLocation :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe Bool)
- describeFleetMetadataResponse_displayName :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeFleetMetadataResponse_fleetName :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeFleetMetadataResponse_tags :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- describeFleetMetadataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse Int
- updateDevicePolicyConfiguration_deviceCaCertificate :: Lens' UpdateDevicePolicyConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- updateDevicePolicyConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' UpdateDevicePolicyConfiguration Text
- updateDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse Int
- describeCompanyNetworkConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeCompanyNetworkConfiguration Text
- describeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse_securityGroupIds :: Lens' DescribeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse (Maybe [Text])
- describeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse_subnetIds :: Lens' DescribeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse (Maybe [Text])
- describeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse_vpcId :: Lens' DescribeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse Int
- describeAuditStreamConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeAuditStreamConfiguration Text
- describeAuditStreamConfigurationResponse_auditStreamArn :: Lens' DescribeAuditStreamConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAuditStreamConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAuditStreamConfigurationResponse Int
- revokeDomainAccess_fleetArn :: Lens' RevokeDomainAccess Text
- revokeDomainAccess_domainName :: Lens' RevokeDomainAccess Text
- revokeDomainAccessResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RevokeDomainAccessResponse Int
- listFleets_nextToken :: Lens' ListFleets (Maybe Text)
- listFleets_maxResults :: Lens' ListFleets (Maybe Natural)
- listFleetsResponse_fleetSummaryList :: Lens' ListFleetsResponse (Maybe [FleetSummary])
- listFleetsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFleetsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listFleetsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFleetsResponse Int
- updateFleetMetadata_optimizeForEndUserLocation :: Lens' UpdateFleetMetadata (Maybe Bool)
- updateFleetMetadata_displayName :: Lens' UpdateFleetMetadata (Maybe Text)
- updateFleetMetadata_fleetArn :: Lens' UpdateFleetMetadata Text
- updateFleetMetadataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFleetMetadataResponse Int
- describeIdentityProviderConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeIdentityProviderConfiguration Text
- describeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse_identityProviderType :: Lens' DescribeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse (Maybe IdentityProviderType)
- describeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse_serviceProviderSamlMetadata :: Lens' DescribeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse_identityProviderSamlMetadata :: Lens' DescribeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse Int
- createFleet_optimizeForEndUserLocation :: Lens' CreateFleet (Maybe Bool)
- createFleet_displayName :: Lens' CreateFleet (Maybe Text)
- createFleet_tags :: Lens' CreateFleet (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createFleet_fleetName :: Lens' CreateFleet Text
- createFleetResponse_fleetArn :: Lens' CreateFleetResponse (Maybe Text)
- createFleetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateFleetResponse Int
- describeWebsiteCertificateAuthority_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthority Text
- describeWebsiteCertificateAuthority_websiteCaId :: Lens' DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthority Text
- describeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_createdTime :: Lens' DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_certificate :: Lens' DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_displayName :: Lens' DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse Int
- describeDomain_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeDomain Text
- describeDomain_domainName :: Lens' DescribeDomain Text
- describeDomainResponse_domainStatus :: Lens' DescribeDomainResponse (Maybe DomainStatus)
- describeDomainResponse_acmCertificateArn :: Lens' DescribeDomainResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDomainResponse_createdTime :: Lens' DescribeDomainResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeDomainResponse_domainName :: Lens' DescribeDomainResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDomainResponse_displayName :: Lens' DescribeDomainResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDomainResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDomainResponse Int
- disassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority_fleetArn :: Lens' DisassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority Text
- disassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority_websiteCaId :: Lens' DisassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority Text
- disassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse Int
- describeDevice_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeDevice Text
- describeDevice_deviceId :: Lens' DescribeDevice Text
- describeDeviceResponse_status :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe DeviceStatus)
- describeDeviceResponse_manufacturer :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDeviceResponse_lastAccessedTime :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeDeviceResponse_operatingSystem :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDeviceResponse_username :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDeviceResponse_model :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDeviceResponse_operatingSystemVersion :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDeviceResponse_firstAccessedTime :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeDeviceResponse_patchLevel :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDeviceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse Int
- updateAuditStreamConfiguration_auditStreamArn :: Lens' UpdateAuditStreamConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- updateAuditStreamConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' UpdateAuditStreamConfiguration Text
- updateAuditStreamConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAuditStreamConfigurationResponse Int
- updateCompanyNetworkConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' UpdateCompanyNetworkConfiguration Text
- updateCompanyNetworkConfiguration_vpcId :: Lens' UpdateCompanyNetworkConfiguration Text
- updateCompanyNetworkConfiguration_subnetIds :: Lens' UpdateCompanyNetworkConfiguration [Text]
- updateCompanyNetworkConfiguration_securityGroupIds :: Lens' UpdateCompanyNetworkConfiguration [Text]
- updateCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse Int
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text)
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource (NonEmpty Text)
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- associateWebsiteCertificateAuthority_displayName :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority (Maybe Text)
- associateWebsiteCertificateAuthority_fleetArn :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority Text
- associateWebsiteCertificateAuthority_certificate :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority Text
- associateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_websiteCaId :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse (Maybe Text)
- associateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse Int
- listDomains_nextToken :: Lens' ListDomains (Maybe Text)
- listDomains_maxResults :: Lens' ListDomains (Maybe Natural)
- listDomains_fleetArn :: Lens' ListDomains Text
- listDomainsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDomainsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listDomainsResponse_domains :: Lens' ListDomainsResponse (Maybe [DomainSummary])
- listDomainsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDomainsResponse Int
- listDevices_nextToken :: Lens' ListDevices (Maybe Text)
- listDevices_maxResults :: Lens' ListDevices (Maybe Natural)
- listDevices_fleetArn :: Lens' ListDevices Text
- listDevicesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDevicesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listDevicesResponse_devices :: Lens' ListDevicesResponse (Maybe [DeviceSummary])
- listDevicesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDevicesResponse Int
- deviceSummary_deviceStatus :: Lens' DeviceSummary (Maybe DeviceStatus)
- deviceSummary_deviceId :: Lens' DeviceSummary (Maybe Text)
- domainSummary_displayName :: Lens' DomainSummary (Maybe Text)
- domainSummary_domainName :: Lens' DomainSummary Text
- domainSummary_createdTime :: Lens' DomainSummary UTCTime
- domainSummary_domainStatus :: Lens' DomainSummary DomainStatus
- fleetSummary_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- fleetSummary_fleetStatus :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe FleetStatus)
- fleetSummary_companyCode :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe Text)
- fleetSummary_createdTime :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- fleetSummary_fleetArn :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe Text)
- fleetSummary_displayName :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe Text)
- fleetSummary_fleetName :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe Text)
- fleetSummary_tags :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- websiteAuthorizationProviderSummary_authorizationProviderId :: Lens' WebsiteAuthorizationProviderSummary (Maybe Text)
- websiteAuthorizationProviderSummary_createdTime :: Lens' WebsiteAuthorizationProviderSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- websiteAuthorizationProviderSummary_domainName :: Lens' WebsiteAuthorizationProviderSummary (Maybe Text)
- websiteAuthorizationProviderSummary_authorizationProviderType :: Lens' WebsiteAuthorizationProviderSummary AuthorizationProviderType
- websiteCaSummary_createdTime :: Lens' WebsiteCaSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- websiteCaSummary_websiteCaId :: Lens' WebsiteCaSummary (Maybe Text)
- websiteCaSummary_displayName :: Lens' WebsiteCaSummary (Maybe Text)
updateDomainMetadata_displayName :: Lens' UpdateDomainMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name to display.
updateDomainMetadata_fleetArn :: Lens' UpdateDomainMetadata Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
updateDomainMetadata_domainName :: Lens' UpdateDomainMetadata Text Source #
The name of the domain.
updateDomainMetadataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDomainMetadataResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
signOutUser_fleetArn :: Lens' SignOutUser Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
signOutUser_username :: Lens' SignOutUser Text Source #
The name of the user.
signOutUserResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SignOutUserResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
restoreDomainAccess_fleetArn :: Lens' RestoreDomainAccess Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
restoreDomainAccess_domainName :: Lens' RestoreDomainAccess Text Source #
The name of the domain.
restoreDomainAccessResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RestoreDomainAccessResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
associateDomain_displayName :: Lens' AssociateDomain (Maybe Text) Source #
The name to display.
associateDomain_fleetArn :: Lens' AssociateDomain Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the fleet.
associateDomain_domainName :: Lens' AssociateDomain Text Source #
The fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
associateDomain_acmCertificateArn :: Lens' AssociateDomain Text Source #
The ARN of an issued ACM certificate that is valid for the domain being associated.
associateDomainResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AssociateDomainResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteFleet_fleetArn :: Lens' DeleteFleet Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
deleteFleetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteFleetResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disassociateDomain_fleetArn :: Lens' DisassociateDomain Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
disassociateDomain_domainName :: Lens' DisassociateDomain Text Source #
The name of the domain.
disassociateDomainResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateDomainResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the fleet.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags attached to the resource. A tag is a key-value pair.
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
associateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider_domainName :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider (Maybe Text) Source #
The domain name of the authorization provider. This applies only to SAML-based authorization providers.
associateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider_fleetArn :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
associateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider_authorizationProviderType :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider AuthorizationProviderType Source #
The authorization provider type.
associateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse_authorizationProviderId :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A unique identifier for the authorization provider.
associateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeDevicePolicyConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeDevicePolicyConfiguration Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
describeDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse_deviceCaCertificate :: Lens' DescribeDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The certificate chain, including intermediate certificates and the root certificate authority certificate used to issue device certificates.
describeDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listWebsiteAuthorizationProviders_nextToken :: Lens' ListWebsiteAuthorizationProviders (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If this value is null, it retrieves the first page.
listWebsiteAuthorizationProviders_maxResults :: Lens' ListWebsiteAuthorizationProviders (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to be included in the next page.
listWebsiteAuthorizationProviders_fleetArn :: Lens' ListWebsiteAuthorizationProviders Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
listWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse_websiteAuthorizationProviders :: Lens' ListWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse (Maybe [WebsiteAuthorizationProviderSummary]) Source #
The website authorization providers.
listWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If this value is null, it retrieves the first page.
listWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider_fleetArn :: Lens' DisassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
disassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider_authorizationProviderId :: Lens' DisassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProvider Text Source #
A unique identifier for the authorization provider.
disassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listWebsiteCertificateAuthorities_nextToken :: Lens' ListWebsiteCertificateAuthorities (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If this value is null, it retrieves the first page.
listWebsiteCertificateAuthorities_maxResults :: Lens' ListWebsiteCertificateAuthorities (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to be included in the next page.
listWebsiteCertificateAuthorities_fleetArn :: Lens' ListWebsiteCertificateAuthorities Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
listWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse_websiteCertificateAuthorities :: Lens' ListWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse (Maybe [WebsiteCaSummary]) Source #
Information about the certificates.
listWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If there are no more pages, this value is null.
listWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateIdentityProviderConfiguration_identityProviderSamlMetadata :: Lens' UpdateIdentityProviderConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The SAML metadata document provided by the customer’s identity provider. The existing IdentityProviderSamlMetadata is unset if null is passed.
updateIdentityProviderConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' UpdateIdentityProviderConfiguration Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
updateIdentityProviderConfiguration_identityProviderType :: Lens' UpdateIdentityProviderConfiguration IdentityProviderType Source #
The type of identity provider.
updateIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeFleetMetadata_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadata Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the fleet.
describeFleetMetadataResponse_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the fleet was last updated.
describeFleetMetadataResponse_fleetStatus :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe FleetStatus) Source #
The current state of the fleet.
describeFleetMetadataResponse_companyCode :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier used by users to sign in to the Amazon WorkLink app.
describeFleetMetadataResponse_createdTime :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the fleet was created.
describeFleetMetadataResponse_optimizeForEndUserLocation :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe Bool) Source #
The option to optimize for better performance by routing traffic through the closest AWS Region to users, which may be outside of your home Region.
describeFleetMetadataResponse_displayName :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name to display.
describeFleetMetadataResponse_fleetName :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the fleet.
describeFleetMetadataResponse_tags :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags attached to the resource. A tag is a key-value pair.
describeFleetMetadataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeFleetMetadataResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateDevicePolicyConfiguration_deviceCaCertificate :: Lens' UpdateDevicePolicyConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The certificate chain, including intermediate certificates and the root certificate authority certificate used to issue device certificates.
updateDevicePolicyConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' UpdateDevicePolicyConfiguration Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
updateDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeCompanyNetworkConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeCompanyNetworkConfiguration Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
describeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse_securityGroupIds :: Lens' DescribeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The security groups associated with access to the provided subnets.
describeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse_subnetIds :: Lens' DescribeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The subnets used for X-ENI connections from Amazon WorkLink rendering containers.
describeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse_vpcId :: Lens' DescribeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The VPC with connectivity to associated websites.
describeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeAuditStreamConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeAuditStreamConfiguration Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
describeAuditStreamConfigurationResponse_auditStreamArn :: Lens' DescribeAuditStreamConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the Amazon Kinesis data stream that will receive the audit events.
describeAuditStreamConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAuditStreamConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
revokeDomainAccess_fleetArn :: Lens' RevokeDomainAccess Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
revokeDomainAccess_domainName :: Lens' RevokeDomainAccess Text Source #
The name of the domain.
revokeDomainAccessResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RevokeDomainAccessResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listFleets_nextToken :: Lens' ListFleets (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If this value is null, it retrieves the first page.
listFleets_maxResults :: Lens' ListFleets (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to be included in the next page.
listFleetsResponse_fleetSummaryList :: Lens' ListFleetsResponse (Maybe [FleetSummary]) Source #
The summary list of the fleets.
listFleetsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFleetsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If there are no more pages, this value is null.
listFleetsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFleetsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateFleetMetadata_optimizeForEndUserLocation :: Lens' UpdateFleetMetadata (Maybe Bool) Source #
The option to optimize for better performance by routing traffic through the closest AWS Region to users, which may be outside of your home Region.
updateFleetMetadata_displayName :: Lens' UpdateFleetMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The fleet name to display. The existing DisplayName is unset if null is passed.
updateFleetMetadata_fleetArn :: Lens' UpdateFleetMetadata Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
updateFleetMetadataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFleetMetadataResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeIdentityProviderConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeIdentityProviderConfiguration Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
describeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse_identityProviderType :: Lens' DescribeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse (Maybe IdentityProviderType) Source #
The type of identity provider.
describeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse_serviceProviderSamlMetadata :: Lens' DescribeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The SAML metadata document uploaded to the user’s identity provider.
describeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse_identityProviderSamlMetadata :: Lens' DescribeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The SAML metadata document provided by the user’s identity provider.
describeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createFleet_optimizeForEndUserLocation :: Lens' CreateFleet (Maybe Bool) Source #
The option to optimize for better performance by routing traffic through the closest AWS Region to users, which may be outside of your home Region.
createFleet_displayName :: Lens' CreateFleet (Maybe Text) Source #
The fleet name to display.
createFleet_tags :: Lens' CreateFleet (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags to add to the resource. A tag is a key-value pair.
createFleet_fleetName :: Lens' CreateFleet Text Source #
A unique name for the fleet.
createFleetResponse_fleetArn :: Lens' CreateFleetResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the fleet.
createFleetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateFleetResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeWebsiteCertificateAuthority_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthority Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
describeWebsiteCertificateAuthority_websiteCaId :: Lens' DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthority Text Source #
A unique identifier for the certificate authority.
describeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_createdTime :: Lens' DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the certificate authority was added.
describeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_certificate :: Lens' DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The root certificate of the certificate authority.
describeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_displayName :: Lens' DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The certificate name to display.
describeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeDomain_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeDomain Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
describeDomain_domainName :: Lens' DescribeDomain Text Source #
The name of the domain.
describeDomainResponse_domainStatus :: Lens' DescribeDomainResponse (Maybe DomainStatus) Source #
The current state for the domain.
describeDomainResponse_acmCertificateArn :: Lens' DescribeDomainResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of an issued ACM certificate that is valid for the domain being associated.
describeDomainResponse_createdTime :: Lens' DescribeDomainResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the domain was added.
describeDomainResponse_domainName :: Lens' DescribeDomainResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the domain.
describeDomainResponse_displayName :: Lens' DescribeDomainResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name to display.
describeDomainResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDomainResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority_fleetArn :: Lens' DisassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
disassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority_websiteCaId :: Lens' DisassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority Text Source #
A unique identifier for the CA.
disassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeDevice_fleetArn :: Lens' DescribeDevice Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
describeDevice_deviceId :: Lens' DescribeDevice Text Source #
A unique identifier for a registered user's device.
describeDeviceResponse_status :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe DeviceStatus) Source #
The current state of the device.
describeDeviceResponse_manufacturer :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The manufacturer of the device.
describeDeviceResponse_lastAccessedTime :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date that the device last accessed Amazon WorkLink.
describeDeviceResponse_operatingSystem :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The operating system of the device.
describeDeviceResponse_username :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The user name associated with the device.
describeDeviceResponse_model :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The model of the device.
describeDeviceResponse_operatingSystemVersion :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The operating system version of the device.
describeDeviceResponse_firstAccessedTime :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date that the device first signed in to Amazon WorkLink.
describeDeviceResponse_patchLevel :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The operating system patch level of the device.
describeDeviceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateAuditStreamConfiguration_auditStreamArn :: Lens' UpdateAuditStreamConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the Amazon Kinesis data stream that receives the audit events.
updateAuditStreamConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' UpdateAuditStreamConfiguration Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
updateAuditStreamConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAuditStreamConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateCompanyNetworkConfiguration_fleetArn :: Lens' UpdateCompanyNetworkConfiguration Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
updateCompanyNetworkConfiguration_vpcId :: Lens' UpdateCompanyNetworkConfiguration Text Source #
The VPC with connectivity to associated websites.
updateCompanyNetworkConfiguration_subnetIds :: Lens' UpdateCompanyNetworkConfiguration [Text] Source #
The subnets used for X-ENI connections from Amazon WorkLink rendering containers.
updateCompanyNetworkConfiguration_securityGroupIds :: Lens' UpdateCompanyNetworkConfiguration [Text] Source #
The security groups associated with access to the provided subnets.
updateCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the fleet.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text) Source #
The tags to add to the resource. A tag is a key-value pair.
tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the fleet.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource (NonEmpty Text) Source #
The list of tag keys to remove from the resource.
untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
associateWebsiteCertificateAuthority_displayName :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority (Maybe Text) Source #
The certificate name to display.
associateWebsiteCertificateAuthority_fleetArn :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
associateWebsiteCertificateAuthority_certificate :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteCertificateAuthority Text Source #
The root certificate of the CA.
associateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_websiteCaId :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A unique identifier for the CA.
associateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AssociateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listDomains_nextToken :: Lens' ListDomains (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If this value is null, it retrieves the first page.
listDomains_maxResults :: Lens' ListDomains (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to be included in the next page.
listDomains_fleetArn :: Lens' ListDomains Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
listDomainsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDomainsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If there are no more pages, this value is null.
listDomainsResponse_domains :: Lens' ListDomainsResponse (Maybe [DomainSummary]) Source #
Information about the domains.
listDomainsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDomainsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listDevices_nextToken :: Lens' ListDevices (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If this value is null, it retrieves the first page.
listDevices_maxResults :: Lens' ListDevices (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to be included in the next page.
listDevices_fleetArn :: Lens' ListDevices Text Source #
The ARN of the fleet.
listDevicesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDevicesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If there are no more pages, this value is null.
listDevicesResponse_devices :: Lens' ListDevicesResponse (Maybe [DeviceSummary]) Source #
Information about the devices.
listDevicesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDevicesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deviceSummary_deviceStatus :: Lens' DeviceSummary (Maybe DeviceStatus) Source #
The status of the device.
deviceSummary_deviceId :: Lens' DeviceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the device.
domainSummary_displayName :: Lens' DomainSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name to display.
domainSummary_domainName :: Lens' DomainSummary Text Source #
The name of the domain.
domainSummary_createdTime :: Lens' DomainSummary UTCTime Source #
The time that the domain was created.
domainSummary_domainStatus :: Lens' DomainSummary DomainStatus Source #
The status of the domain.
fleetSummary_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the fleet was last updated.
fleetSummary_fleetStatus :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe FleetStatus) Source #
The status of the fleet.
fleetSummary_companyCode :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier used by users to sign into the Amazon WorkLink app.
fleetSummary_createdTime :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the fleet was created.
fleetSummary_fleetArn :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the fleet.
fleetSummary_displayName :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the fleet to display.
fleetSummary_fleetName :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the fleet.
fleetSummary_tags :: Lens' FleetSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags attached to the resource. A tag is a key-value pair.
websiteAuthorizationProviderSummary_authorizationProviderId :: Lens' WebsiteAuthorizationProviderSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
A unique identifier for the authorization provider.
websiteAuthorizationProviderSummary_createdTime :: Lens' WebsiteAuthorizationProviderSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of creation.
websiteAuthorizationProviderSummary_domainName :: Lens' WebsiteAuthorizationProviderSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The domain name of the authorization provider. This applies only to SAML-based authorization providers.
websiteAuthorizationProviderSummary_authorizationProviderType :: Lens' WebsiteAuthorizationProviderSummary AuthorizationProviderType Source #
The authorization provider type.
websiteCaSummary_createdTime :: Lens' WebsiteCaSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the CA was added.
websiteCaSummary_websiteCaId :: Lens' WebsiteCaSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
A unique identifier for the CA.
websiteCaSummary_displayName :: Lens' WebsiteCaSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name to display.