Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- ListPagesByEngagement
- ListEngagements
- ListContactChannels
- ActivateContactChannel
- ListTagsForResource
- StartEngagement
- DeactivateContactChannel
- AcceptPage
- ListPageReceipts
- GetContact
- DescribePage
- DeleteContact
- UpdateContact
- CreateContact
- CreateContactChannel
- DeleteContactChannel
- UpdateContactChannel
- GetContactChannel
- SendActivationCode
- StopEngagement
- DescribeEngagement
- TagResource
- UntagResource
- GetContactPolicy
- PutContactPolicy
- ListContacts
- ListPagesByContact
- Types
- listPagesByEngagement_nextToken :: Lens' ListPagesByEngagement (Maybe Text)
- listPagesByEngagement_maxResults :: Lens' ListPagesByEngagement (Maybe Natural)
- listPagesByEngagement_engagementId :: Lens' ListPagesByEngagement Text
- listPagesByEngagementResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListPagesByEngagementResponse (Maybe Text)
- listPagesByEngagementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListPagesByEngagementResponse Int
- listPagesByEngagementResponse_pages :: Lens' ListPagesByEngagementResponse [Page]
- listEngagements_timeRangeValue :: Lens' ListEngagements (Maybe TimeRange)
- listEngagements_nextToken :: Lens' ListEngagements (Maybe Text)
- listEngagements_incidentId :: Lens' ListEngagements (Maybe Text)
- listEngagements_maxResults :: Lens' ListEngagements (Maybe Natural)
- listEngagementsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListEngagementsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listEngagementsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListEngagementsResponse Int
- listEngagementsResponse_engagements :: Lens' ListEngagementsResponse [Engagement]
- listContactChannels_nextToken :: Lens' ListContactChannels (Maybe Text)
- listContactChannels_maxResults :: Lens' ListContactChannels (Maybe Natural)
- listContactChannels_contactId :: Lens' ListContactChannels Text
- listContactChannelsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListContactChannelsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listContactChannelsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListContactChannelsResponse Int
- listContactChannelsResponse_contactChannels :: Lens' ListContactChannelsResponse [ContactChannel]
- activateContactChannel_contactChannelId :: Lens' ActivateContactChannel Text
- activateContactChannel_activationCode :: Lens' ActivateContactChannel Text
- activateContactChannelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ActivateContactChannelResponse Int
- listTagsForResource_resourceARN :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe [Tag])
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- startEngagement_idempotencyToken :: Lens' StartEngagement (Maybe Text)
- startEngagement_publicSubject :: Lens' StartEngagement (Maybe Text)
- startEngagement_publicContent :: Lens' StartEngagement (Maybe Text)
- startEngagement_incidentId :: Lens' StartEngagement (Maybe Text)
- startEngagement_contactId :: Lens' StartEngagement Text
- startEngagement_sender :: Lens' StartEngagement Text
- startEngagement_subject :: Lens' StartEngagement Text
- startEngagement_content :: Lens' StartEngagement Text
- startEngagementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartEngagementResponse Int
- startEngagementResponse_engagementArn :: Lens' StartEngagementResponse Text
- deactivateContactChannel_contactChannelId :: Lens' DeactivateContactChannel Text
- deactivateContactChannelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeactivateContactChannelResponse Int
- acceptPage_note :: Lens' AcceptPage (Maybe Text)
- acceptPage_contactChannelId :: Lens' AcceptPage (Maybe Text)
- acceptPage_acceptCodeValidation :: Lens' AcceptPage (Maybe AcceptCodeValidation)
- acceptPage_pageId :: Lens' AcceptPage Text
- acceptPage_acceptType :: Lens' AcceptPage AcceptType
- acceptPage_acceptCode :: Lens' AcceptPage Text
- acceptPageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AcceptPageResponse Int
- listPageReceipts_nextToken :: Lens' ListPageReceipts (Maybe Text)
- listPageReceipts_maxResults :: Lens' ListPageReceipts (Maybe Natural)
- listPageReceipts_pageId :: Lens' ListPageReceipts Text
- listPageReceiptsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListPageReceiptsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listPageReceiptsResponse_receipts :: Lens' ListPageReceiptsResponse (Maybe [Receipt])
- listPageReceiptsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListPageReceiptsResponse Int
- getContact_contactId :: Lens' GetContact Text
- getContactResponse_displayName :: Lens' GetContactResponse (Maybe Text)
- getContactResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContactResponse Int
- getContactResponse_contactArn :: Lens' GetContactResponse Text
- getContactResponse_alias :: Lens' GetContactResponse Text
- getContactResponse_type :: Lens' GetContactResponse ContactType
- getContactResponse_plan :: Lens' GetContactResponse Plan
- describePage_pageId :: Lens' DescribePage Text
- describePageResponse_readTime :: Lens' DescribePageResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describePageResponse_publicSubject :: Lens' DescribePageResponse (Maybe Text)
- describePageResponse_publicContent :: Lens' DescribePageResponse (Maybe Text)
- describePageResponse_deliveryTime :: Lens' DescribePageResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describePageResponse_incidentId :: Lens' DescribePageResponse (Maybe Text)
- describePageResponse_sentTime :: Lens' DescribePageResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describePageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Int
- describePageResponse_pageArn :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Text
- describePageResponse_engagementArn :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Text
- describePageResponse_contactArn :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Text
- describePageResponse_sender :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Text
- describePageResponse_subject :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Text
- describePageResponse_content :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Text
- deleteContact_contactId :: Lens' DeleteContact Text
- deleteContactResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteContactResponse Int
- updateContact_plan :: Lens' UpdateContact (Maybe Plan)
- updateContact_displayName :: Lens' UpdateContact (Maybe Text)
- updateContact_contactId :: Lens' UpdateContact Text
- updateContactResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateContactResponse Int
- createContact_idempotencyToken :: Lens' CreateContact (Maybe Text)
- createContact_displayName :: Lens' CreateContact (Maybe Text)
- createContact_tags :: Lens' CreateContact (Maybe [Tag])
- createContact_alias :: Lens' CreateContact Text
- createContact_type :: Lens' CreateContact ContactType
- createContact_plan :: Lens' CreateContact Plan
- createContactResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateContactResponse Int
- createContactResponse_contactArn :: Lens' CreateContactResponse Text
- createContactChannel_idempotencyToken :: Lens' CreateContactChannel (Maybe Text)
- createContactChannel_deferActivation :: Lens' CreateContactChannel (Maybe Bool)
- createContactChannel_contactId :: Lens' CreateContactChannel Text
- createContactChannel_name :: Lens' CreateContactChannel Text
- createContactChannel_type :: Lens' CreateContactChannel ChannelType
- createContactChannel_deliveryAddress :: Lens' CreateContactChannel ContactChannelAddress
- createContactChannelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateContactChannelResponse Int
- createContactChannelResponse_contactChannelArn :: Lens' CreateContactChannelResponse Text
- deleteContactChannel_contactChannelId :: Lens' DeleteContactChannel Text
- deleteContactChannelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteContactChannelResponse Int
- updateContactChannel_name :: Lens' UpdateContactChannel (Maybe Text)
- updateContactChannel_deliveryAddress :: Lens' UpdateContactChannel (Maybe ContactChannelAddress)
- updateContactChannel_contactChannelId :: Lens' UpdateContactChannel Text
- updateContactChannelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateContactChannelResponse Int
- getContactChannel_contactChannelId :: Lens' GetContactChannel Text
- getContactChannelResponse_activationStatus :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse (Maybe ActivationStatus)
- getContactChannelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse Int
- getContactChannelResponse_contactArn :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse Text
- getContactChannelResponse_contactChannelArn :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse Text
- getContactChannelResponse_name :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse Text
- getContactChannelResponse_type :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse ChannelType
- getContactChannelResponse_deliveryAddress :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse ContactChannelAddress
- sendActivationCode_contactChannelId :: Lens' SendActivationCode Text
- sendActivationCodeResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SendActivationCodeResponse Int
- stopEngagement_reason :: Lens' StopEngagement (Maybe Text)
- stopEngagement_engagementId :: Lens' StopEngagement Text
- stopEngagementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopEngagementResponse Int
- describeEngagement_engagementId :: Lens' DescribeEngagement Text
- describeEngagementResponse_publicSubject :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeEngagementResponse_startTime :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeEngagementResponse_publicContent :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeEngagementResponse_stopTime :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeEngagementResponse_incidentId :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeEngagementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse Int
- describeEngagementResponse_contactArn :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse Text
- describeEngagementResponse_engagementArn :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse Text
- describeEngagementResponse_sender :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse Text
- describeEngagementResponse_subject :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse Text
- describeEngagementResponse_content :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse Text
- tagResource_resourceARN :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource [Tag]
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- untagResource_resourceARN :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text]
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- getContactPolicy_contactArn :: Lens' GetContactPolicy Text
- getContactPolicyResponse_contactArn :: Lens' GetContactPolicyResponse (Maybe Text)
- getContactPolicyResponse_policy :: Lens' GetContactPolicyResponse (Maybe Text)
- getContactPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContactPolicyResponse Int
- putContactPolicy_contactArn :: Lens' PutContactPolicy Text
- putContactPolicy_policy :: Lens' PutContactPolicy Text
- putContactPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutContactPolicyResponse Int
- listContacts_aliasPrefix :: Lens' ListContacts (Maybe Text)
- listContacts_nextToken :: Lens' ListContacts (Maybe Text)
- listContacts_type :: Lens' ListContacts (Maybe ContactType)
- listContacts_maxResults :: Lens' ListContacts (Maybe Natural)
- listContactsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListContactsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listContactsResponse_contacts :: Lens' ListContactsResponse (Maybe [Contact])
- listContactsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListContactsResponse Int
- listPagesByContact_nextToken :: Lens' ListPagesByContact (Maybe Text)
- listPagesByContact_maxResults :: Lens' ListPagesByContact (Maybe Natural)
- listPagesByContact_contactId :: Lens' ListPagesByContact Text
- listPagesByContactResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListPagesByContactResponse (Maybe Text)
- listPagesByContactResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListPagesByContactResponse Int
- listPagesByContactResponse_pages :: Lens' ListPagesByContactResponse [Page]
- channelTargetInfo_retryIntervalInMinutes :: Lens' ChannelTargetInfo (Maybe Natural)
- channelTargetInfo_contactChannelId :: Lens' ChannelTargetInfo Text
- contact_displayName :: Lens' Contact (Maybe Text)
- contact_contactArn :: Lens' Contact Text
- contact_alias :: Lens' Contact Text
- contact_type :: Lens' Contact ContactType
- contactChannel_type :: Lens' ContactChannel (Maybe ChannelType)
- contactChannel_contactChannelArn :: Lens' ContactChannel Text
- contactChannel_contactArn :: Lens' ContactChannel Text
- contactChannel_name :: Lens' ContactChannel Text
- contactChannel_deliveryAddress :: Lens' ContactChannel ContactChannelAddress
- contactChannel_activationStatus :: Lens' ContactChannel ActivationStatus
- contactChannelAddress_simpleAddress :: Lens' ContactChannelAddress (Maybe Text)
- contactTargetInfo_contactId :: Lens' ContactTargetInfo (Maybe Text)
- contactTargetInfo_isEssential :: Lens' ContactTargetInfo Bool
- engagement_startTime :: Lens' Engagement (Maybe UTCTime)
- engagement_stopTime :: Lens' Engagement (Maybe UTCTime)
- engagement_incidentId :: Lens' Engagement (Maybe Text)
- engagement_engagementArn :: Lens' Engagement Text
- engagement_contactArn :: Lens' Engagement Text
- engagement_sender :: Lens' Engagement Text
- page_readTime :: Lens' Page (Maybe UTCTime)
- page_deliveryTime :: Lens' Page (Maybe UTCTime)
- page_incidentId :: Lens' Page (Maybe Text)
- page_sentTime :: Lens' Page (Maybe UTCTime)
- page_pageArn :: Lens' Page Text
- page_engagementArn :: Lens' Page Text
- page_contactArn :: Lens' Page Text
- page_sender :: Lens' Page Text
- plan_stages :: Lens' Plan [Stage]
- receipt_receiptInfo :: Lens' Receipt (Maybe Text)
- receipt_contactChannelArn :: Lens' Receipt (Maybe Text)
- receipt_receiptType :: Lens' Receipt ReceiptType
- receipt_receiptTime :: Lens' Receipt UTCTime
- stage_durationInMinutes :: Lens' Stage Natural
- stage_targets :: Lens' Stage [Target]
- tag_value :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text)
- tag_key :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text)
- target_channelTargetInfo :: Lens' Target (Maybe ChannelTargetInfo)
- target_contactTargetInfo :: Lens' Target (Maybe ContactTargetInfo)
- timeRange_startTime :: Lens' TimeRange (Maybe UTCTime)
- timeRange_endTime :: Lens' TimeRange (Maybe UTCTime)
listPagesByEngagement_nextToken :: Lens' ListPagesByEngagement (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listPagesByEngagement_maxResults :: Lens' ListPagesByEngagement (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of engagements to contact channels to list per page of results.
listPagesByEngagement_engagementId :: Lens' ListPagesByEngagement Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the engagement.
listPagesByEngagementResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListPagesByEngagementResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listPagesByEngagementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListPagesByEngagementResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listPagesByEngagementResponse_pages :: Lens' ListPagesByEngagementResponse [Page] Source #
The list of engagements to contact channels.
listEngagements_timeRangeValue :: Lens' ListEngagements (Maybe TimeRange) Source #
The time range to lists engagements for an incident.
listEngagements_nextToken :: Lens' ListEngagements (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listEngagements_incidentId :: Lens' ListEngagements (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the incident you're listing engagements for.
listEngagements_maxResults :: Lens' ListEngagements (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of engagements per page of results.
listEngagementsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListEngagementsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listEngagementsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListEngagementsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listEngagementsResponse_engagements :: Lens' ListEngagementsResponse [Engagement] Source #
A list of each engagement that occurred during the specified time range of an incident.
listContactChannels_nextToken :: Lens' ListContactChannels (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listContactChannels_maxResults :: Lens' ListContactChannels (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of contact channels per page.
listContactChannels_contactId :: Lens' ListContactChannels Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact.
listContactChannelsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListContactChannelsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listContactChannelsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListContactChannelsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listContactChannelsResponse_contactChannels :: Lens' ListContactChannelsResponse [ContactChannel] Source #
A list of contact channels related to the specified contact.
activateContactChannel_contactChannelId :: Lens' ActivateContactChannel Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact channel.
activateContactChannel_activationCode :: Lens' ActivateContactChannel Text Source #
The code sent to the contact channel when it was created in the contact.
activateContactChannelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ActivateContactChannelResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForResource_resourceARN :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact or escalation plan.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
The tags related to the contact or escalation plan.
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startEngagement_idempotencyToken :: Lens' StartEngagement (Maybe Text) Source #
A token ensuring that the operation is called only once with the specified details.
startEngagement_publicSubject :: Lens' StartEngagement (Maybe Text) Source #
The insecure subject of the message that was sent to the contact. Use
this field for engagements to SMS
startEngagement_publicContent :: Lens' StartEngagement (Maybe Text) Source #
The insecure content of the message that was sent to the contact. Use
this field for engagements to SMS
startEngagement_incidentId :: Lens' StartEngagement (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the incident that the engagement is part of.
startEngagement_contactId :: Lens' StartEngagement Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact being engaged.
startEngagement_sender :: Lens' StartEngagement Text Source #
The user that started the engagement.
startEngagement_subject :: Lens' StartEngagement Text Source #
The secure subject of the message that was sent to the contact. Use this
field for engagements to VOICE
startEngagement_content :: Lens' StartEngagement Text Source #
The secure content of the message that was sent to the contact. Use this
field for engagements to VOICE
startEngagementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartEngagementResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startEngagementResponse_engagementArn :: Lens' StartEngagementResponse Text Source #
The ARN of the engagement.
deactivateContactChannel_contactChannelId :: Lens' DeactivateContactChannel Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact channel you're deactivating.
deactivateContactChannelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeactivateContactChannelResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
acceptPage_note :: Lens' AcceptPage (Maybe Text) Source #
Information provided by the user when the user acknowledges the page.
acceptPage_contactChannelId :: Lens' AcceptPage (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the contact channel.
acceptPage_acceptCodeValidation :: Lens' AcceptPage (Maybe AcceptCodeValidation) Source #
An optional field that Incident Manager uses to ENFORCE
validation when acknowledging an page. Acknowledgement can occur by
replying to a page, or when entering the AcceptCode in the console.
Enforcing AcceptCode validation causes Incident Manager to verify that
the code entered by the user matches the code sent by Incident Manager
with the page.
Incident Manager can also IGNORE
validation. Ignoring
validation causes Incident Manager to accept any value
entered for the AcceptCode
acceptPage_pageId :: Lens' AcceptPage Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the engagement to a contact channel.
acceptPage_acceptType :: Lens' AcceptPage AcceptType Source #
The type indicates if the page was DELIVERED
acceptPage_acceptCode :: Lens' AcceptPage Text Source #
The accept code is a 6-digit code used to acknowledge the page.
acceptPageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AcceptPageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listPageReceipts_nextToken :: Lens' ListPageReceipts (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listPageReceipts_maxResults :: Lens' ListPageReceipts (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of acknowledgements per page of results.
listPageReceipts_pageId :: Lens' ListPageReceipts Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the engagement to a specific contact channel.
listPageReceiptsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListPageReceiptsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listPageReceiptsResponse_receipts :: Lens' ListPageReceiptsResponse (Maybe [Receipt]) Source #
A list of each acknowledgement.
listPageReceiptsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListPageReceiptsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getContact_contactId :: Lens' GetContact Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact or escalation plan.
getContactResponse_displayName :: Lens' GetContactResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The full name of the contact or escalation plan.
getContactResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContactResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getContactResponse_contactArn :: Lens' GetContactResponse Text Source #
The ARN of the contact or escalation plan.
getContactResponse_alias :: Lens' GetContactResponse Text Source #
The alias of the contact or escalation plan. The alias is unique and identifiable.
getContactResponse_type :: Lens' GetContactResponse ContactType Source #
The type of contact, either PERSONAL
getContactResponse_plan :: Lens' GetContactResponse Plan Source #
Details about the specific timing or stages and targets of the escalation plan or engagement plan.
describePage_pageId :: Lens' DescribePage Text Source #
The ID of the engagement to a contact channel.
describePageResponse_readTime :: Lens' DescribePageResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the contact channel acknowledged the engagement.
describePageResponse_publicSubject :: Lens' DescribePageResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The insecure subject of the message that was sent to the contact. Use
this field for engagements to SMS
describePageResponse_publicContent :: Lens' DescribePageResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The insecure content of the message that was sent to the contact. Use
this field for engagements to SMS
describePageResponse_deliveryTime :: Lens' DescribePageResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the contact channel received the engagement.
describePageResponse_incidentId :: Lens' DescribePageResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the incident that engaged the contact channel.
describePageResponse_sentTime :: Lens' DescribePageResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the engagement was sent to the contact channel.
describePageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describePageResponse_pageArn :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the engagement to a contact channel.
describePageResponse_engagementArn :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Text Source #
The ARN of the engagement that engaged the contact channel.
describePageResponse_contactArn :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Text Source #
The ARN of the contact that was engaged.
describePageResponse_sender :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Text Source #
The user that started the engagement.
describePageResponse_subject :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Text Source #
The secure subject of the message that was sent to the contact. Use this
field for engagements to VOICE
describePageResponse_content :: Lens' DescribePageResponse Text Source #
The secure content of the message that was sent to the contact. Use this
field for engagements to VOICE
deleteContact_contactId :: Lens' DeleteContact Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact that you're deleting.
deleteContactResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteContactResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateContact_plan :: Lens' UpdateContact (Maybe Plan) Source #
A list of stages. A contact has an engagement plan with stages for specified contact channels. An escalation plan uses these stages to contact specified contacts.
updateContact_displayName :: Lens' UpdateContact (Maybe Text) Source #
The full name of the contact or escalation plan.
updateContact_contactId :: Lens' UpdateContact Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact or escalation plan you're updating.
updateContactResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateContactResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createContact_idempotencyToken :: Lens' CreateContact (Maybe Text) Source #
A token ensuring that the operation is called only once with the specified details.
createContact_displayName :: Lens' CreateContact (Maybe Text) Source #
The full name of the contact or escalation plan.
createContact_tags :: Lens' CreateContact (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
Adds a tag to the target. You can only tag resources created in the first Region of your replication set.
createContact_alias :: Lens' CreateContact Text Source #
The short name to quickly identify a contact or escalation plan. The contact alias must be unique and identifiable.
createContact_type :: Lens' CreateContact ContactType Source #
To create an escalation plan use ESCALATION
. To create a contact use
createContact_plan :: Lens' CreateContact Plan Source #
A list of stages. A contact has an engagement plan with stages that contact specified contact channels. An escalation plan uses stages that contact specified contacts.
createContactResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateContactResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createContactResponse_contactArn :: Lens' CreateContactResponse Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the created contact or escalation plan.
createContactChannel_idempotencyToken :: Lens' CreateContactChannel (Maybe Text) Source #
A token ensuring that the operation is called only once with the specified details.
createContactChannel_deferActivation :: Lens' CreateContactChannel (Maybe Bool) Source #
If you want to activate the channel at a later time, you can choose to defer activation. Incident Manager can't engage your contact channel until it has been activated.
createContactChannel_contactId :: Lens' CreateContactChannel Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact you are adding the contact channel to.
createContactChannel_name :: Lens' CreateContactChannel Text Source #
The name of the contact channel.
createContactChannel_type :: Lens' CreateContactChannel ChannelType Source #
Incident Manager supports three types of contact channels:
createContactChannel_deliveryAddress :: Lens' CreateContactChannel ContactChannelAddress Source #
The details that Incident Manager uses when trying to engage the contact channel. The format is dependent on the type of the contact channel. The following are the expected formats:
- SMS - '+' followed by the country code and phone number
- VOICE - '+' followed by the country code and phone number
- EMAIL - any standard email format
createContactChannelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateContactChannelResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createContactChannelResponse_contactChannelArn :: Lens' CreateContactChannelResponse Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact channel.
deleteContactChannel_contactChannelId :: Lens' DeleteContactChannel Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact channel.
deleteContactChannelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteContactChannelResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateContactChannel_name :: Lens' UpdateContactChannel (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the contact channel.
updateContactChannel_deliveryAddress :: Lens' UpdateContactChannel (Maybe ContactChannelAddress) Source #
The details that Incident Manager uses when trying to engage the contact channel.
updateContactChannel_contactChannelId :: Lens' UpdateContactChannel Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact channel you want to update.
updateContactChannelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateContactChannelResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getContactChannel_contactChannelId :: Lens' GetContactChannel Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact channel you want information about.
getContactChannelResponse_activationStatus :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse (Maybe ActivationStatus) Source #
A Boolean value indicating if the contact channel has been activated or not.
getContactChannelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getContactChannelResponse_contactArn :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse Text Source #
The ARN of the contact that the channel belongs to.
getContactChannelResponse_contactChannelArn :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse Text Source #
The ARN of the contact channel.
getContactChannelResponse_name :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse Text Source #
The name of the contact channel
getContactChannelResponse_type :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse ChannelType Source #
The type of contact channel. The type is SMS
, or EMAIL
getContactChannelResponse_deliveryAddress :: Lens' GetContactChannelResponse ContactChannelAddress Source #
The details that Incident Manager uses when trying to engage the contact channel.
sendActivationCode_contactChannelId :: Lens' SendActivationCode Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact channel.
sendActivationCodeResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SendActivationCodeResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
stopEngagement_reason :: Lens' StopEngagement (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason that you're stopping the engagement.
stopEngagement_engagementId :: Lens' StopEngagement Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the engagement.
stopEngagementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopEngagementResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeEngagement_engagementId :: Lens' DescribeEngagement Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the engagement you want the details of.
describeEngagementResponse_publicSubject :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The insecure subject of the message that was sent to the contact. Use
this field for engagements to SMS
describeEngagementResponse_startTime :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the engagement started.
describeEngagementResponse_publicContent :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The insecure content of the message that was sent to the contact. Use
this field for engagements to SMS
describeEngagementResponse_stopTime :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the engagement ended.
describeEngagementResponse_incidentId :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the incident in which the engagement occurred.
describeEngagementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeEngagementResponse_contactArn :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse Text Source #
The ARN of the escalation plan or contacts involved in the engagement.
describeEngagementResponse_engagementArn :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse Text Source #
The ARN of the engagement.
describeEngagementResponse_sender :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse Text Source #
The user that started the engagement.
describeEngagementResponse_subject :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse Text Source #
The secure subject of the message that was sent to the contact. Use this
field for engagements to VOICE
describeEngagementResponse_content :: Lens' DescribeEngagementResponse Text Source #
The secure content of the message that was sent to the contact. Use this
field for engagements to VOICE
tagResource_resourceARN :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact or escalation plan.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource [Tag] Source #
A list of tags that you are adding to the contact or escalation plan.
tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_resourceARN :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact or escalation plan.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text] Source #
The key of the tag that you want to remove.
untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getContactPolicy_contactArn :: Lens' GetContactPolicy Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact or escalation plan.
getContactPolicyResponse_contactArn :: Lens' GetContactPolicyResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the contact or escalation plan.
getContactPolicyResponse_policy :: Lens' GetContactPolicyResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Details about the resource policy attached to the contact or escalation plan.
getContactPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetContactPolicyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putContactPolicy_contactArn :: Lens' PutContactPolicy Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact or escalation plan.
putContactPolicy_policy :: Lens' PutContactPolicy Text Source #
Details of the resource policy.
putContactPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutContactPolicyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listContacts_aliasPrefix :: Lens' ListContacts (Maybe Text) Source #
Used to list only contacts who's aliases start with the specified prefix.
listContacts_nextToken :: Lens' ListContacts (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listContacts_type :: Lens' ListContacts (Maybe ContactType) Source #
The type of contact. A contact is type PERSONAL
and an escalation plan
listContacts_maxResults :: Lens' ListContacts (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of contacts and escalation plans per page of results.
listContactsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListContactsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listContactsResponse_contacts :: Lens' ListContactsResponse (Maybe [Contact]) Source #
A list of the contacts and escalation plans in your Incident Manager account.
listContactsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListContactsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listPagesByContact_nextToken :: Lens' ListPagesByContact (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listPagesByContact_maxResults :: Lens' ListPagesByContact (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of engagements to contact channels to list per page of results.
listPagesByContact_contactId :: Lens' ListPagesByContact Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact you are retrieving engagements for.
listPagesByContactResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListPagesByContactResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listPagesByContactResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListPagesByContactResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listPagesByContactResponse_pages :: Lens' ListPagesByContactResponse [Page] Source #
The list of engagements to a contact's contact channel.
channelTargetInfo_retryIntervalInMinutes :: Lens' ChannelTargetInfo (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of minutes to wait to retry sending engagement in the case the engagement initially fails.
channelTargetInfo_contactChannelId :: Lens' ChannelTargetInfo Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact channel.
contact_displayName :: Lens' Contact (Maybe Text) Source #
The full name of the contact or escalation plan.
contact_contactArn :: Lens' Contact Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact or escalation plan.
contact_alias :: Lens' Contact Text Source #
The unique and identifiable alias of the contact or escalation plan.
contact_type :: Lens' Contact ContactType Source #
Refers to the type of contact. A single contact is type PERSONAL
an escalation plan is type ESCALATION
contactChannel_type :: Lens' ContactChannel (Maybe ChannelType) Source #
The type of the contact channel. Incident Manager supports three contact methods:
contactChannel_contactChannelArn :: Lens' ContactChannel Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact channel.
contactChannel_contactArn :: Lens' ContactChannel Text Source #
The ARN of the contact that contains the contact channel.
contactChannel_name :: Lens' ContactChannel Text Source #
The name of the contact channel.
contactChannel_deliveryAddress :: Lens' ContactChannel ContactChannelAddress Source #
The details that Incident Manager uses when trying to engage the contact channel.
contactChannel_activationStatus :: Lens' ContactChannel ActivationStatus Source #
A Boolean value describing if the contact channel has been activated or not. If the contact channel isn't activated, Incident Manager can't engage the contact through it.
contactChannelAddress_simpleAddress :: Lens' ContactChannelAddress (Maybe Text) Source #
The format is dependent on the type of the contact channel. The following are the expected formats:
- SMS - '+' followed by the country code and phone number
- VOICE - '+' followed by the country code and phone number
- EMAIL - any standard email format
contactTargetInfo_contactId :: Lens' ContactTargetInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact.
contactTargetInfo_isEssential :: Lens' ContactTargetInfo Bool Source #
A Boolean value determining if the contact's acknowledgement stops the progress of stages in the plan.
engagement_startTime :: Lens' Engagement (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the engagement began.
engagement_stopTime :: Lens' Engagement (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the engagement ended.
engagement_incidentId :: Lens' Engagement (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the incident that's engaging the contact.
engagement_engagementArn :: Lens' Engagement Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the engagement.
engagement_contactArn :: Lens' Engagement Text Source #
The ARN of the escalation plan or contact that Incident Manager is engaging.
engagement_sender :: Lens' Engagement Text Source #
The user that started the engagement.
page_readTime :: Lens' Page (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the contact channel acknowledged engagement.
page_deliveryTime :: Lens' Page (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the message was delivered to the contact channel.
page_incidentId :: Lens' Page (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the incident that's engaging the contact channel.
page_sentTime :: Lens' Page (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that Incident Manager engaged the contact channel.
page_pageArn :: Lens' Page Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the page to the contact channel.
page_contactArn :: Lens' Page Text Source #
The ARN of the contact that Incident Manager is engaging.
plan_stages :: Lens' Plan [Stage] Source #
A list of stages that the escalation plan or engagement plan uses to engage contacts and contact methods.
receipt_receiptInfo :: Lens' Receipt (Maybe Text) Source #
Information provided during the page acknowledgement.
receipt_contactChannelArn :: Lens' Receipt (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact channel Incident Manager engaged.
receipt_receiptType :: Lens' Receipt ReceiptType Source #
The type follows the engagement cycle, SENT
, and READ
stage_durationInMinutes :: Lens' Stage Natural Source #
The time to wait until beginning the next stage. The duration can only be set to 0 if a target is specified.
stage_targets :: Lens' Stage [Target] Source #
The contacts or contact methods that the escalation plan or engagement plan is engaging.
target_channelTargetInfo :: Lens' Target (Maybe ChannelTargetInfo) Source #
Information about the contact channel Incident Manager is engaging.
target_contactTargetInfo :: Lens' Target (Maybe ContactTargetInfo) Source #
Information about the contact that Incident Manager is engaging.