Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- CancelCluster
- DescribeCluster
- CreateAddress
- CreateReturnShippingLabel
- GetSnowballUsage
- DescribeAddresses
- ListCompatibleImages
- CreateLongTermPricing
- UpdateCluster
- GetSoftwareUpdates
- CreateJob
- ListLongTermPricing
- GetJobManifest
- CreateCluster
- ListJobs
- UpdateJob
- UpdateJobShipmentState
- GetJobUnlockCode
- ListClusterJobs
- DescribeJob
- UpdateLongTermPricing
- ListClusters
- DescribeAddress
- DescribeReturnShippingLabel
- CancelJob
- Types
- Address
- ClusterListEntry
- ClusterMetadata
- CompatibleImage
- DataTransfer
- DeviceConfiguration
- Ec2AmiResource
- EventTriggerDefinition
- INDTaxDocuments
- JobListEntry
- JobLogs
- JobMetadata
- JobResource
- KeyRange
- LambdaResource
- LongTermPricingListEntry
- NFSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration
- Notification
- OnDeviceServiceConfiguration
- S3Resource
- Shipment
- ShippingDetails
- SnowconeDeviceConfiguration
- TargetOnDeviceService
- TaxDocuments
- WirelessConnection
- cancelCluster_clusterId :: Lens' CancelCluster Text
- cancelClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CancelClusterResponse Int
- describeCluster_clusterId :: Lens' DescribeCluster Text
- describeClusterResponse_clusterMetadata :: Lens' DescribeClusterResponse (Maybe ClusterMetadata)
- describeClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeClusterResponse Int
- createAddress_address :: Lens' CreateAddress Address
- createAddressResponse_addressId :: Lens' CreateAddressResponse (Maybe Text)
- createAddressResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAddressResponse Int
- createReturnShippingLabel_shippingOption :: Lens' CreateReturnShippingLabel (Maybe ShippingOption)
- createReturnShippingLabel_jobId :: Lens' CreateReturnShippingLabel Text
- createReturnShippingLabelResponse_status :: Lens' CreateReturnShippingLabelResponse (Maybe ShippingLabelStatus)
- createReturnShippingLabelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateReturnShippingLabelResponse Int
- getSnowballUsageResponse_snowballsInUse :: Lens' GetSnowballUsageResponse (Maybe Int)
- getSnowballUsageResponse_snowballLimit :: Lens' GetSnowballUsageResponse (Maybe Int)
- getSnowballUsageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetSnowballUsageResponse Int
- describeAddresses_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAddresses (Maybe Text)
- describeAddresses_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeAddresses (Maybe Natural)
- describeAddressesResponse_addresses :: Lens' DescribeAddressesResponse (Maybe [Address])
- describeAddressesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAddressesResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAddressesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAddressesResponse Int
- listCompatibleImages_nextToken :: Lens' ListCompatibleImages (Maybe Text)
- listCompatibleImages_maxResults :: Lens' ListCompatibleImages (Maybe Natural)
- listCompatibleImagesResponse_compatibleImages :: Lens' ListCompatibleImagesResponse (Maybe [CompatibleImage])
- listCompatibleImagesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListCompatibleImagesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listCompatibleImagesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListCompatibleImagesResponse Int
- createLongTermPricing_snowballType :: Lens' CreateLongTermPricing (Maybe SnowballType)
- createLongTermPricing_isLongTermPricingAutoRenew :: Lens' CreateLongTermPricing (Maybe Bool)
- createLongTermPricing_longTermPricingType :: Lens' CreateLongTermPricing LongTermPricingType
- createLongTermPricingResponse_longTermPricingId :: Lens' CreateLongTermPricingResponse (Maybe Text)
- createLongTermPricingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLongTermPricingResponse Int
- updateCluster_notification :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe Notification)
- updateCluster_forwardingAddressId :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe Text)
- updateCluster_addressId :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe Text)
- updateCluster_shippingOption :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe ShippingOption)
- updateCluster_resources :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe JobResource)
- updateCluster_onDeviceServiceConfiguration :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe OnDeviceServiceConfiguration)
- updateCluster_description :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe Text)
- updateCluster_roleARN :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe Text)
- updateCluster_clusterId :: Lens' UpdateCluster Text
- updateClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateClusterResponse Int
- getSoftwareUpdates_jobId :: Lens' GetSoftwareUpdates Text
- getSoftwareUpdatesResponse_updatesURI :: Lens' GetSoftwareUpdatesResponse (Maybe Text)
- getSoftwareUpdatesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetSoftwareUpdatesResponse Int
- createJob_jobType :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe JobType)
- createJob_kmsKeyARN :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text)
- createJob_remoteManagement :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe RemoteManagement)
- createJob_notification :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Notification)
- createJob_forwardingAddressId :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text)
- createJob_addressId :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text)
- createJob_snowballType :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe SnowballType)
- createJob_longTermPricingId :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text)
- createJob_shippingOption :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe ShippingOption)
- createJob_resources :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe JobResource)
- createJob_onDeviceServiceConfiguration :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe OnDeviceServiceConfiguration)
- createJob_clusterId :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text)
- createJob_deviceConfiguration :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe DeviceConfiguration)
- createJob_description :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text)
- createJob_taxDocuments :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe TaxDocuments)
- createJob_roleARN :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text)
- createJob_snowballCapacityPreference :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe SnowballCapacity)
- createJobResponse_jobId :: Lens' CreateJobResponse (Maybe Text)
- createJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateJobResponse Int
- listLongTermPricing_nextToken :: Lens' ListLongTermPricing (Maybe Text)
- listLongTermPricing_maxResults :: Lens' ListLongTermPricing (Maybe Natural)
- listLongTermPricingResponse_longTermPricingEntries :: Lens' ListLongTermPricingResponse (Maybe [LongTermPricingListEntry])
- listLongTermPricingResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLongTermPricingResponse (Maybe Text)
- listLongTermPricingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLongTermPricingResponse Int
- getJobManifest_jobId :: Lens' GetJobManifest Text
- getJobManifestResponse_manifestURI :: Lens' GetJobManifestResponse (Maybe Text)
- getJobManifestResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetJobManifestResponse Int
- createCluster_kmsKeyARN :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe Text)
- createCluster_remoteManagement :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe RemoteManagement)
- createCluster_notification :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe Notification)
- createCluster_forwardingAddressId :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe Text)
- createCluster_onDeviceServiceConfiguration :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe OnDeviceServiceConfiguration)
- createCluster_description :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe Text)
- createCluster_taxDocuments :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe TaxDocuments)
- createCluster_jobType :: Lens' CreateCluster JobType
- createCluster_resources :: Lens' CreateCluster JobResource
- createCluster_addressId :: Lens' CreateCluster Text
- createCluster_roleARN :: Lens' CreateCluster Text
- createCluster_snowballType :: Lens' CreateCluster SnowballType
- createCluster_shippingOption :: Lens' CreateCluster ShippingOption
- createClusterResponse_clusterId :: Lens' CreateClusterResponse (Maybe Text)
- createClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateClusterResponse Int
- listJobs_nextToken :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Text)
- listJobs_maxResults :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Natural)
- listJobsResponse_jobListEntries :: Lens' ListJobsResponse (Maybe [JobListEntry])
- listJobsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListJobsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listJobsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListJobsResponse Int
- updateJob_notification :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe Notification)
- updateJob_forwardingAddressId :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe Text)
- updateJob_addressId :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe Text)
- updateJob_shippingOption :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe ShippingOption)
- updateJob_resources :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe JobResource)
- updateJob_onDeviceServiceConfiguration :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe OnDeviceServiceConfiguration)
- updateJob_description :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe Text)
- updateJob_roleARN :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe Text)
- updateJob_snowballCapacityPreference :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe SnowballCapacity)
- updateJob_jobId :: Lens' UpdateJob Text
- updateJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateJobResponse Int
- updateJobShipmentState_jobId :: Lens' UpdateJobShipmentState Text
- updateJobShipmentState_shipmentState :: Lens' UpdateJobShipmentState ShipmentState
- updateJobShipmentStateResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateJobShipmentStateResponse Int
- getJobUnlockCode_jobId :: Lens' GetJobUnlockCode Text
- getJobUnlockCodeResponse_unlockCode :: Lens' GetJobUnlockCodeResponse (Maybe Text)
- getJobUnlockCodeResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetJobUnlockCodeResponse Int
- listClusterJobs_nextToken :: Lens' ListClusterJobs (Maybe Text)
- listClusterJobs_maxResults :: Lens' ListClusterJobs (Maybe Natural)
- listClusterJobs_clusterId :: Lens' ListClusterJobs Text
- listClusterJobsResponse_jobListEntries :: Lens' ListClusterJobsResponse (Maybe [JobListEntry])
- listClusterJobsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListClusterJobsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listClusterJobsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListClusterJobsResponse Int
- describeJob_jobId :: Lens' DescribeJob Text
- describeJobResponse_jobMetadata :: Lens' DescribeJobResponse (Maybe JobMetadata)
- describeJobResponse_subJobMetadata :: Lens' DescribeJobResponse (Maybe [JobMetadata])
- describeJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeJobResponse Int
- updateLongTermPricing_isLongTermPricingAutoRenew :: Lens' UpdateLongTermPricing (Maybe Bool)
- updateLongTermPricing_replacementJob :: Lens' UpdateLongTermPricing (Maybe Text)
- updateLongTermPricing_longTermPricingId :: Lens' UpdateLongTermPricing Text
- updateLongTermPricingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLongTermPricingResponse Int
- listClusters_nextToken :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe Text)
- listClusters_maxResults :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe Natural)
- listClustersResponse_clusterListEntries :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe [ClusterListEntry])
- listClustersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe Text)
- listClustersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListClustersResponse Int
- describeAddress_addressId :: Lens' DescribeAddress Text
- describeAddressResponse_address :: Lens' DescribeAddressResponse (Maybe Address)
- describeAddressResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAddressResponse Int
- describeReturnShippingLabel_jobId :: Lens' DescribeReturnShippingLabel Text
- describeReturnShippingLabelResponse_status :: Lens' DescribeReturnShippingLabelResponse (Maybe ShippingLabelStatus)
- describeReturnShippingLabelResponse_expirationDate :: Lens' DescribeReturnShippingLabelResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeReturnShippingLabelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeReturnShippingLabelResponse Int
- cancelJob_jobId :: Lens' CancelJob Text
- cancelJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CancelJobResponse Int
- address_isRestricted :: Lens' Address (Maybe Bool)
- address_street3 :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- address_landmark :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- address_postalCode :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- address_country :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- address_stateOrProvince :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- address_street2 :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- address_addressId :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- address_city :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- address_phoneNumber :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- address_company :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- address_name :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- address_prefectureOrDistrict :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- address_street1 :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text)
- clusterListEntry_clusterState :: Lens' ClusterListEntry (Maybe ClusterState)
- clusterListEntry_clusterId :: Lens' ClusterListEntry (Maybe Text)
- clusterListEntry_creationDate :: Lens' ClusterListEntry (Maybe UTCTime)
- clusterListEntry_description :: Lens' ClusterListEntry (Maybe Text)
- clusterMetadata_jobType :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe JobType)
- clusterMetadata_kmsKeyARN :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Text)
- clusterMetadata_clusterState :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe ClusterState)
- clusterMetadata_notification :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Notification)
- clusterMetadata_forwardingAddressId :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Text)
- clusterMetadata_addressId :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Text)
- clusterMetadata_snowballType :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe SnowballType)
- clusterMetadata_shippingOption :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe ShippingOption)
- clusterMetadata_resources :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe JobResource)
- clusterMetadata_onDeviceServiceConfiguration :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe OnDeviceServiceConfiguration)
- clusterMetadata_clusterId :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Text)
- clusterMetadata_creationDate :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
- clusterMetadata_description :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Text)
- clusterMetadata_taxDocuments :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe TaxDocuments)
- clusterMetadata_roleARN :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Text)
- compatibleImage_name :: Lens' CompatibleImage (Maybe Text)
- compatibleImage_amiId :: Lens' CompatibleImage (Maybe Text)
- dataTransfer_totalObjects :: Lens' DataTransfer (Maybe Integer)
- dataTransfer_totalBytes :: Lens' DataTransfer (Maybe Integer)
- dataTransfer_objectsTransferred :: Lens' DataTransfer (Maybe Integer)
- dataTransfer_bytesTransferred :: Lens' DataTransfer (Maybe Integer)
- deviceConfiguration_snowconeDeviceConfiguration :: Lens' DeviceConfiguration (Maybe SnowconeDeviceConfiguration)
- ec2AmiResource_snowballAmiId :: Lens' Ec2AmiResource (Maybe Text)
- ec2AmiResource_amiId :: Lens' Ec2AmiResource Text
- eventTriggerDefinition_eventResourceARN :: Lens' EventTriggerDefinition (Maybe Text)
- iNDTaxDocuments_gstin :: Lens' INDTaxDocuments (Maybe Text)
- jobListEntry_jobType :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe JobType)
- jobListEntry_jobId :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe Text)
- jobListEntry_jobState :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe JobState)
- jobListEntry_snowballType :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe SnowballType)
- jobListEntry_creationDate :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe UTCTime)
- jobListEntry_description :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe Text)
- jobListEntry_isMaster :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe Bool)
- jobLogs_jobFailureLogURI :: Lens' JobLogs (Maybe Text)
- jobLogs_jobCompletionReportURI :: Lens' JobLogs (Maybe Text)
- jobLogs_jobSuccessLogURI :: Lens' JobLogs (Maybe Text)
- jobMetadata_jobType :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe JobType)
- jobMetadata_kmsKeyARN :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text)
- jobMetadata_remoteManagement :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe RemoteManagement)
- jobMetadata_jobId :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text)
- jobMetadata_jobLogInfo :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe JobLogs)
- jobMetadata_notification :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Notification)
- jobMetadata_jobState :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe JobState)
- jobMetadata_forwardingAddressId :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text)
- jobMetadata_shippingDetails :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe ShippingDetails)
- jobMetadata_addressId :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text)
- jobMetadata_snowballType :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe SnowballType)
- jobMetadata_dataTransferProgress :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe DataTransfer)
- jobMetadata_longTermPricingId :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text)
- jobMetadata_resources :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe JobResource)
- jobMetadata_onDeviceServiceConfiguration :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe OnDeviceServiceConfiguration)
- jobMetadata_clusterId :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text)
- jobMetadata_creationDate :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
- jobMetadata_deviceConfiguration :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe DeviceConfiguration)
- jobMetadata_description :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text)
- jobMetadata_taxDocuments :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe TaxDocuments)
- jobMetadata_roleARN :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text)
- jobMetadata_snowballCapacityPreference :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe SnowballCapacity)
- jobResource_ec2AmiResources :: Lens' JobResource (Maybe [Ec2AmiResource])
- jobResource_lambdaResources :: Lens' JobResource (Maybe [LambdaResource])
- jobResource_s3Resources :: Lens' JobResource (Maybe [S3Resource])
- keyRange_endMarker :: Lens' KeyRange (Maybe Text)
- keyRange_beginMarker :: Lens' KeyRange (Maybe Text)
- lambdaResource_eventTriggers :: Lens' LambdaResource (Maybe [EventTriggerDefinition])
- lambdaResource_lambdaArn :: Lens' LambdaResource (Maybe Text)
- longTermPricingListEntry_longTermPricingType :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe LongTermPricingType)
- longTermPricingListEntry_longTermPricingStartDate :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe UTCTime)
- longTermPricingListEntry_snowballType :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe SnowballType)
- longTermPricingListEntry_longTermPricingId :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe Text)
- longTermPricingListEntry_longTermPricingEndDate :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe UTCTime)
- longTermPricingListEntry_currentActiveJob :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe Text)
- longTermPricingListEntry_isLongTermPricingAutoRenew :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe Bool)
- longTermPricingListEntry_longTermPricingStatus :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe Text)
- longTermPricingListEntry_jobIds :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe [Text])
- longTermPricingListEntry_replacementJob :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe Text)
- nFSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration_storageLimit :: Lens' NFSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration (Maybe Natural)
- nFSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration_storageUnit :: Lens' NFSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration (Maybe StorageUnit)
- notification_notifyAll :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Bool)
- notification_snsTopicARN :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text)
- notification_jobStatesToNotify :: Lens' Notification (Maybe [JobState])
- onDeviceServiceConfiguration_nFSOnDeviceService :: Lens' OnDeviceServiceConfiguration (Maybe NFSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration)
- s3Resource_keyRange :: Lens' S3Resource (Maybe KeyRange)
- s3Resource_bucketArn :: Lens' S3Resource (Maybe Text)
- s3Resource_targetOnDeviceServices :: Lens' S3Resource (Maybe [TargetOnDeviceService])
- shipment_status :: Lens' Shipment (Maybe Text)
- shipment_trackingNumber :: Lens' Shipment (Maybe Text)
- shippingDetails_shippingOption :: Lens' ShippingDetails (Maybe ShippingOption)
- shippingDetails_outboundShipment :: Lens' ShippingDetails (Maybe Shipment)
- shippingDetails_inboundShipment :: Lens' ShippingDetails (Maybe Shipment)
- snowconeDeviceConfiguration_wirelessConnection :: Lens' SnowconeDeviceConfiguration (Maybe WirelessConnection)
- targetOnDeviceService_transferOption :: Lens' TargetOnDeviceService (Maybe TransferOption)
- targetOnDeviceService_serviceName :: Lens' TargetOnDeviceService (Maybe DeviceServiceName)
- taxDocuments_ind :: Lens' TaxDocuments (Maybe INDTaxDocuments)
- wirelessConnection_isWifiEnabled :: Lens' WirelessConnection (Maybe Bool)
cancelCluster_clusterId :: Lens' CancelCluster Text Source #
The 39-character ID for the cluster that you want to cancel, for example
cancelClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CancelClusterResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeCluster_clusterId :: Lens' DescribeCluster Text Source #
The automatically generated ID for a cluster.
describeClusterResponse_clusterMetadata :: Lens' DescribeClusterResponse (Maybe ClusterMetadata) Source #
Information about a specific cluster, including shipping information, cluster status, and other important metadata.
describeClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeClusterResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createAddress_address :: Lens' CreateAddress Address Source #
The address that you want the Snow device shipped to.
createAddressResponse_addressId :: Lens' CreateAddressResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The automatically generated ID for a specific address. You'll use this ID when you create a job to specify which address you want the Snow device for that job shipped to.
createAddressResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAddressResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createReturnShippingLabel_shippingOption :: Lens' CreateReturnShippingLabel (Maybe ShippingOption) Source #
The shipping speed for a particular job. This speed doesn't dictate how soon the device is returned to AWS. This speed represents how quickly it moves to its destination while in transit. Regional shipping speeds are as follows:
createReturnShippingLabel_jobId :: Lens' CreateReturnShippingLabel Text Source #
The ID for a job that you want to create the return shipping label for;
for example, JID123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
createReturnShippingLabelResponse_status :: Lens' CreateReturnShippingLabelResponse (Maybe ShippingLabelStatus) Source #
The status information of the task on a Snow device that is being returned to AWS.
createReturnShippingLabelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateReturnShippingLabelResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getSnowballUsageResponse_snowballsInUse :: Lens' GetSnowballUsageResponse (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of Snow devices that this account is currently using.
getSnowballUsageResponse_snowballLimit :: Lens' GetSnowballUsageResponse (Maybe Int) Source #
The service limit for number of Snow devices this account can have at once. The default service limit is 1 (one).
getSnowballUsageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetSnowballUsageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeAddresses_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAddresses (Maybe Text) Source #
HTTP requests are stateless. To identify what object comes "next" in
the list of ADDRESS
objects, you have the option of specifying a value
for NextToken
as the starting point for your list of returned
describeAddresses_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeAddresses (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of ADDRESS
objects to return.
describeAddressesResponse_addresses :: Lens' DescribeAddressesResponse (Maybe [Address]) Source #
The Snow device shipping addresses that were created for this account.
describeAddressesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAddressesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
HTTP requests are stateless. If you use the automatically generated
value in your next DescribeAddresses
call, your list of
returned addresses will start from this point in the array.
describeAddressesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAddressesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listCompatibleImages_nextToken :: Lens' ListCompatibleImages (Maybe Text) Source #
HTTP requests are stateless. To identify what object comes "next" in
the list of compatible images, you can specify a value for NextToken
as the starting point for your list of returned images.
listCompatibleImages_maxResults :: Lens' ListCompatibleImages (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results for the list of compatible images. Currently, a Snowball Edge device can store 10 AMIs.
listCompatibleImagesResponse_compatibleImages :: Lens' ListCompatibleImagesResponse (Maybe [CompatibleImage]) Source #
A JSON-formatted object that describes a compatible AMI, including the ID and name for a Snow device AMI.
listCompatibleImagesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListCompatibleImagesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Because HTTP requests are stateless, this is the starting point for your next list of returned images.
listCompatibleImagesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListCompatibleImagesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createLongTermPricing_snowballType :: Lens' CreateLongTermPricing (Maybe SnowballType) Source #
The type of AWS Snow Family device to use for the long-term pricing job.
createLongTermPricing_isLongTermPricingAutoRenew :: Lens' CreateLongTermPricing (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether the current long-term pricing type for the device should be renewed.
createLongTermPricing_longTermPricingType :: Lens' CreateLongTermPricing LongTermPricingType Source #
The type of long-term pricing option you want for the device, either 1-year or 3-year long-term pricing.
createLongTermPricingResponse_longTermPricingId :: Lens' CreateLongTermPricingResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the long-term pricing type for the device.
createLongTermPricingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLongTermPricingResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateCluster_notification :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe Notification) Source #
The new or updated Notification object.
updateCluster_forwardingAddressId :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The updated ID for the forwarding address for a cluster. This field is not supported in most regions.
updateCluster_addressId :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the updated Address object.
updateCluster_shippingOption :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe ShippingOption) Source #
The updated shipping option value of this cluster's ShippingDetails object.
updateCluster_resources :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe JobResource) Source #
The updated arrays of JobResource objects that can include updated S3Resource objects or LambdaResource objects.
updateCluster_onDeviceServiceConfiguration :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe OnDeviceServiceConfiguration) Source #
Specifies the service or services on the Snow Family device that your transferred data will be exported from or imported into. AWS Snow Family supports Amazon S3 and NFS (Network File System).
updateCluster_description :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The updated description of this cluster.
updateCluster_roleARN :: Lens' UpdateCluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The new role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that you want to associate with this cluster. To create a role ARN, use the CreateRole API action in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
updateCluster_clusterId :: Lens' UpdateCluster Text Source #
The cluster ID of the cluster that you want to update, for example
updateClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateClusterResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getSoftwareUpdates_jobId :: Lens' GetSoftwareUpdates Text Source #
The ID for a job that you want to get the software update file for, for
example JID123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
getSoftwareUpdatesResponse_updatesURI :: Lens' GetSoftwareUpdatesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon S3 presigned URL for the update file associated with the
specified JobId
value. The software update will be available for 2
days after this request is made. To access an update after the 2 days
have passed, you'll have to make another call to GetSoftwareUpdates
getSoftwareUpdatesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetSoftwareUpdatesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createJob_jobType :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe JobType) Source #
Defines the type of job that you're creating.
createJob_kmsKeyARN :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The KmsKeyARN
that you want to associate with this job. KmsKeyARN
are created using the
AWS Key Management Service (KMS) API action.
createJob_remoteManagement :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe RemoteManagement) Source #
Allows you to securely operate and manage Snowcone devices remotely from
outside of your internal network. When set to INSTALLED_AUTOSTART
remote management will automatically be available when the device
arrives at your location. Otherwise, you need to use the Snowball Client
to manage the device.
createJob_notification :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Notification) Source #
Defines the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notification settings for this job.
createJob_forwardingAddressId :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The forwarding address ID for a job. This field is not supported in most Regions.
createJob_addressId :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID for the address that you want the Snow device shipped to.
createJob_snowballType :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe SnowballType) Source #
The type of AWS Snow Family device to use for this job.
For cluster jobs, AWS Snow Family currently supports only the EDGE
device type.
The type of AWS Snow device to use for this job. Currently, the only
supported device type for cluster jobs is EDGE
For more information, see Snowball Edge Device Options in the Snowball Edge Developer Guide.
For more information, see "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide or "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide.
createJob_longTermPricingId :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the long-term pricing type for the device.
createJob_shippingOption :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe ShippingOption) Source #
The shipping speed for this job. This speed doesn't dictate how soon you'll get the Snow device, rather it represents how quickly the Snow device moves to its destination while in transit. Regional shipping speeds are as follows:
- In Australia, you have access to express shipping. Typically, Snow devices shipped express are delivered in about a day.
- In the European Union (EU), you have access to express shipping. Typically, Snow devices shipped express are delivered in about a day. In addition, most countries in the EU have access to standard shipping, which typically takes less than a week, one way.
- In India, Snow devices are delivered in one to seven days.
- In the US, you have access to one-day shipping and two-day shipping.
createJob_resources :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe JobResource) Source #
Defines the Amazon S3 buckets associated with this job.
jobs, you specify the bucket or buckets that your
transferred data will be imported into.
jobs, you specify the bucket or buckets that your
transferred data will be exported from. Optionally, you can also specify
a KeyRange
value. If you choose to export a range, you define the
length of the range by providing either an inclusive BeginMarker
value, an inclusive EndMarker
value, or both. Ranges are UTF-8 binary
createJob_onDeviceServiceConfiguration :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe OnDeviceServiceConfiguration) Source #
Specifies the service or services on the Snow Family device that your transferred data will be exported from or imported into. AWS Snow Family supports Amazon S3 and NFS (Network File System).
createJob_clusterId :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of a cluster. If you're creating a job for a node in a cluster,
you need to provide only this clusterId
value. The other job
attributes are inherited from the cluster.
createJob_deviceConfiguration :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe DeviceConfiguration) Source #
Defines the device configuration for an AWS Snowcone job.
For more information, see "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide or "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide.
createJob_description :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text) Source #
Defines an optional description of this specific job, for example
Important Photos 2016-08-11
createJob_taxDocuments :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe TaxDocuments) Source #
The tax documents required in your AWS Region.
createJob_roleARN :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The RoleARN
that you want to associate with this job. RoleArn
s are
created using the
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) API action.
createJob_snowballCapacityPreference :: Lens' CreateJob (Maybe SnowballCapacity) Source #
If your job is being created in one of the US regions, you have the option of specifying what size Snow device you'd like for this job. In all other regions, Snowballs come with 80 TB in storage capacity.
For more information, see "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide or "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide.
createJobResponse_jobId :: Lens' CreateJobResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The automatically generated ID for a job, for example
createJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateJobResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listLongTermPricing_nextToken :: Lens' ListLongTermPricing (Maybe Text) Source #
Because HTTP requests are stateless, this is the starting point for your
next list of ListLongTermPricing
to return.
listLongTermPricing_maxResults :: Lens' ListLongTermPricing (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of ListLongTermPricing
objects to return.
listLongTermPricingResponse_longTermPricingEntries :: Lens' ListLongTermPricingResponse (Maybe [LongTermPricingListEntry]) Source #
Each LongTermPricingEntry
object contains a status, ID, and other
information about the LongTermPricing
listLongTermPricingResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLongTermPricingResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Because HTTP requests are stateless, this is the starting point for your
next list of returned ListLongTermPricing
listLongTermPricingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLongTermPricingResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getJobManifest_jobId :: Lens' GetJobManifest Text Source #
The ID for a job that you want to get the manifest file for, for example
getJobManifestResponse_manifestURI :: Lens' GetJobManifestResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon S3 presigned URL for the manifest file associated with the
specified JobId
getJobManifestResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetJobManifestResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createCluster_kmsKeyARN :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The KmsKeyARN
value that you want to associate with this cluster.
values are created by using the
API action in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
createCluster_remoteManagement :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe RemoteManagement) Source #
Allows you to securely operate and manage Snow devices in a cluster
remotely from outside of your internal network. When set to
, remote management will automatically be available
when the device arrives at your location. Otherwise, you need to use the
Snowball Client to manage the device.
createCluster_notification :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe Notification) Source #
The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notification settings for this cluster.
createCluster_forwardingAddressId :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The forwarding address ID for a cluster. This field is not supported in most regions.
createCluster_onDeviceServiceConfiguration :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe OnDeviceServiceConfiguration) Source #
Specifies the service or services on the Snow Family device that your transferred data will be exported from or imported into. AWS Snow Family supports Amazon S3 and NFS (Network File System).
createCluster_description :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe Text) Source #
An optional description of this specific cluster, for example
Environmental Data Cluster-01
createCluster_taxDocuments :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe TaxDocuments) Source #
The tax documents required in your AWS Region.
createCluster_jobType :: Lens' CreateCluster JobType Source #
The type of job for this cluster. Currently, the only job type supported
for clusters is LOCAL_USE
For more information, see "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide or "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide.
createCluster_resources :: Lens' CreateCluster JobResource Source #
The resources associated with the cluster job. These resources include Amazon S3 buckets and optional AWS Lambda functions written in the Python language.
createCluster_addressId :: Lens' CreateCluster Text Source #
The ID for the address that you want the cluster shipped to.
createCluster_roleARN :: Lens' CreateCluster Text Source #
The RoleARN
that you want to associate with this cluster. RoleArn
values are created by using the
API action in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
createCluster_snowballType :: Lens' CreateCluster SnowballType Source #
The type of AWS Snow Family device to use for this cluster.
For cluster jobs, AWS Snow Family currently supports only the EDGE
device type.
For more information, see "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide or "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide.
createCluster_shippingOption :: Lens' CreateCluster ShippingOption Source #
The shipping speed for each node in this cluster. This speed doesn't dictate how soon you'll get each Snowball Edge device, rather it represents how quickly each device moves to its destination while in transit. Regional shipping speeds are as follows:
- In Australia, you have access to express shipping. Typically, Snow devices shipped express are delivered in about a day.
- In the European Union (EU), you have access to express shipping. Typically, Snow devices shipped express are delivered in about a day. In addition, most countries in the EU have access to standard shipping, which typically takes less than a week, one way.
- In India, Snow devices are delivered in one to seven days.
- In the United States of America (US), you have access to one-day shipping and two-day shipping.
- In Australia, you have access to express shipping. Typically, devices shipped express are delivered in about a day.
- In the European Union (EU), you have access to express shipping. Typically, Snow devices shipped express are delivered in about a day. In addition, most countries in the EU have access to standard shipping, which typically takes less than a week, one way.
- In India, Snow devices are delivered in one to seven days.
- In the US, you have access to one-day shipping and two-day shipping.
createClusterResponse_clusterId :: Lens' CreateClusterResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The automatically generated ID for a cluster.
createClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateClusterResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listJobs_nextToken :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Text) Source #
HTTP requests are stateless. To identify what object comes "next" in
the list of JobListEntry
objects, you have the option of specifying
as the starting point for your returned list.
listJobs_maxResults :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of JobListEntry
objects to return.
listJobsResponse_jobListEntries :: Lens' ListJobsResponse (Maybe [JobListEntry]) Source #
Each JobListEntry
object contains a job's state, a job's ID, and a
value that indicates whether the job is a job part, in the case of
export jobs.
listJobsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListJobsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
HTTP requests are stateless. If you use this automatically generated
value in your next ListJobs
call, your returned
objects will start from this point in the array.
listJobsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListJobsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateJob_notification :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe Notification) Source #
The new or updated Notification object.
updateJob_forwardingAddressId :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The updated ID for the forwarding address for a job. This field is not supported in most regions.
updateJob_shippingOption :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe ShippingOption) Source #
The updated shipping option value of this job's ShippingDetails object.
updateJob_resources :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe JobResource) Source #
The updated JobResource
object, or the updated JobResource object.
updateJob_onDeviceServiceConfiguration :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe OnDeviceServiceConfiguration) Source #
Specifies the service or services on the Snow Family device that your transferred data will be exported from or imported into. AWS Snow Family supports Amazon S3 and NFS (Network File System).
updateJob_description :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The updated description of this job's JobMetadata object.
updateJob_roleARN :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe Text) Source #
The new role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that you want to associate with this job. To create a role ARN, use the CreateRoleAWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) API action.
updateJob_snowballCapacityPreference :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe SnowballCapacity) Source #
The updated SnowballCapacityPreference
of this job's JobMetadata
object. The 50 TB Snowballs are only available in the US regions.
For more information, see "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide or "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide.
updateJob_jobId :: Lens' UpdateJob Text Source #
The job ID of the job that you want to update, for example
updateJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateJobResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateJobShipmentState_jobId :: Lens' UpdateJobShipmentState Text Source #
The job ID of the job whose shipment date you want to update, for
example JID123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
updateJobShipmentState_shipmentState :: Lens' UpdateJobShipmentState ShipmentState Source #
The state of a device when it is being shipped.
when the device arrives at your location.
when you have returned the device to AWS.
updateJobShipmentStateResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateJobShipmentStateResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getJobUnlockCode_jobId :: Lens' GetJobUnlockCode Text Source #
The ID for the job that you want to get the UnlockCode
value for, for
example JID123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
getJobUnlockCodeResponse_unlockCode :: Lens' GetJobUnlockCodeResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The UnlockCode
value for the specified job. The UnlockCode
value can
be accessed for up to 360 days after the job has been created.
getJobUnlockCodeResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetJobUnlockCodeResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listClusterJobs_nextToken :: Lens' ListClusterJobs (Maybe Text) Source #
HTTP requests are stateless. To identify what object comes "next" in
the list of JobListEntry
objects, you have the option of specifying
as the starting point for your returned list.
listClusterJobs_maxResults :: Lens' ListClusterJobs (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of JobListEntry
objects to return.
listClusterJobs_clusterId :: Lens' ListClusterJobs Text Source #
The 39-character ID for the cluster that you want to list, for example
listClusterJobsResponse_jobListEntries :: Lens' ListClusterJobsResponse (Maybe [JobListEntry]) Source #
Each JobListEntry
object contains a job's state, a job's ID, and a
value that indicates whether the job is a job part, in the case of
export jobs.
listClusterJobsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListClusterJobsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
HTTP requests are stateless. If you use the automatically generated
value in your next ListClusterJobsResult
call, your list
of returned jobs will start from this point in the array.
listClusterJobsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListClusterJobsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeJob_jobId :: Lens' DescribeJob Text Source #
The automatically generated ID for a job, for example
describeJobResponse_jobMetadata :: Lens' DescribeJobResponse (Maybe JobMetadata) Source #
Information about a specific job, including shipping information, job status, and other important metadata.
describeJobResponse_subJobMetadata :: Lens' DescribeJobResponse (Maybe [JobMetadata]) Source #
Information about a specific job part (in the case of an export job), including shipping information, job status, and other important metadata.
describeJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeJobResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateLongTermPricing_isLongTermPricingAutoRenew :: Lens' UpdateLongTermPricing (Maybe Bool) Source #
If set to true
, specifies that the current long-term pricing type for
the device should be automatically renewed before the long-term pricing
contract expires.
updateLongTermPricing_replacementJob :: Lens' UpdateLongTermPricing (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies that a device that is ordered with long-term pricing should be replaced with a new device.
updateLongTermPricing_longTermPricingId :: Lens' UpdateLongTermPricing Text Source #
The ID of the long-term pricing type for the device.
updateLongTermPricingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLongTermPricingResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listClusters_nextToken :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe Text) Source #
HTTP requests are stateless. To identify what object comes "next" in
the list of ClusterListEntry
objects, you have the option of
specifying NextToken
as the starting point for your returned list.
listClusters_maxResults :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of ClusterListEntry
objects to return.
listClustersResponse_clusterListEntries :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe [ClusterListEntry]) Source #
Each ClusterListEntry
object contains a cluster's state, a cluster's
ID, and other important status information.
listClustersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
HTTP requests are stateless. If you use the automatically generated
value in your next ClusterListEntry
call, your list of
returned clusters will start from this point in the array.
listClustersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListClustersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeAddress_addressId :: Lens' DescribeAddress Text Source #
The automatically generated ID for a specific address.
describeAddressResponse_address :: Lens' DescribeAddressResponse (Maybe Address) Source #
The address that you want the Snow device(s) associated with a specific job to be shipped to.
describeAddressResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAddressResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeReturnShippingLabel_jobId :: Lens' DescribeReturnShippingLabel Text Source #
The automatically generated ID for a job, for example
describeReturnShippingLabelResponse_status :: Lens' DescribeReturnShippingLabelResponse (Maybe ShippingLabelStatus) Source #
The status information of the task on a Snow device that is being returned to AWS.
describeReturnShippingLabelResponse_expirationDate :: Lens' DescribeReturnShippingLabelResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The expiration date of the current return shipping label.
describeReturnShippingLabelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeReturnShippingLabelResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
cancelJob_jobId :: Lens' CancelJob Text Source #
The 39-character job ID for the job that you want to cancel, for example
cancelJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CancelJobResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
address_isRestricted :: Lens' Address (Maybe Bool) Source #
If the address you are creating is a primary address, then set this option to true. This field is not supported in most regions.
address_street3 :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
The third line in a street address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.
address_landmark :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
This field is no longer used and the value is ignored.
address_postalCode :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
The postal code in an address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.
address_country :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
The country in an address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.
address_stateOrProvince :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
The state or province in an address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.
address_street2 :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
The second line in a street address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.
address_city :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
The city in an address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.
address_phoneNumber :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
The phone number associated with an address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.
address_company :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the company to receive a Snow device at an address.
address_name :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of a person to receive a Snow device at an address.
address_prefectureOrDistrict :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
This field is no longer used and the value is ignored.
address_street1 :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source #
The first line in a street address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.
clusterListEntry_clusterState :: Lens' ClusterListEntry (Maybe ClusterState) Source #
The current state of this cluster. For information about the state of a specific node, see JobListEntry$JobState.
clusterListEntry_clusterId :: Lens' ClusterListEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The 39-character ID for the cluster that you want to list, for example
clusterListEntry_creationDate :: Lens' ClusterListEntry (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The creation date for this cluster.
clusterListEntry_description :: Lens' ClusterListEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
Defines an optional description of the cluster, for example
Environmental Data Cluster-01
clusterMetadata_jobType :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe JobType) Source #
The type of job for this cluster. Currently, the only job type supported
for clusters is LOCAL_USE
clusterMetadata_kmsKeyARN :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The KmsKeyARN
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with this cluster.
This ARN was created using the
API action in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
clusterMetadata_clusterState :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe ClusterState) Source #
The current status of the cluster.
clusterMetadata_notification :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Notification) Source #
The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notification settings for this cluster.
clusterMetadata_forwardingAddressId :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the address that you want a cluster shipped to, after it will be shipped to its primary address. This field is not supported in most regions.
clusterMetadata_addressId :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The automatically generated ID for a specific address.
clusterMetadata_snowballType :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe SnowballType) Source #
The type of AWS Snow device to use for this cluster.
For cluster jobs, AWS Snow Family currently supports only the EDGE
device type.
clusterMetadata_shippingOption :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe ShippingOption) Source #
The shipping speed for each node in this cluster. This speed doesn't dictate how soon you'll get each device, rather it represents how quickly each device moves to its destination while in transit. Regional shipping speeds are as follows:
- In Australia, you have access to express shipping. Typically, devices shipped express are delivered in about a day.
- In the European Union (EU), you have access to express shipping. Typically, Snow devices shipped express are delivered in about a day. In addition, most countries in the EU have access to standard shipping, which typically takes less than a week, one way.
- In India, Snow devices are delivered in one to seven days.
- In the US, you have access to one-day shipping and two-day shipping.
clusterMetadata_resources :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe JobResource) Source #
The arrays of JobResource objects that can include updated S3Resource objects or LambdaResource objects.
clusterMetadata_onDeviceServiceConfiguration :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe OnDeviceServiceConfiguration) Source #
Represents metadata and configuration settings for services on an AWS Snow Family device.
clusterMetadata_clusterId :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The automatically generated ID for a cluster.
clusterMetadata_creationDate :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The creation date for this cluster.
clusterMetadata_description :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The optional description of the cluster.
clusterMetadata_taxDocuments :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe TaxDocuments) Source #
The tax documents required in your AWS Region.
clusterMetadata_roleARN :: Lens' ClusterMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The role ARN associated with this cluster. This ARN was created using the CreateRole API action in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
compatibleImage_name :: Lens' CompatibleImage (Maybe Text) Source #
The optional name of a compatible image.
compatibleImage_amiId :: Lens' CompatibleImage (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for an individual Snow device AMI.
dataTransfer_totalObjects :: Lens' DataTransfer (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total number of objects for a transfer between a Snow device and Amazon S3. This value is set to 0 (zero) until all the keys that will be transferred have been listed.
dataTransfer_totalBytes :: Lens' DataTransfer (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total bytes of data for a transfer between a Snow device and Amazon S3. This value is set to 0 (zero) until all the keys that will be transferred have been listed.
dataTransfer_objectsTransferred :: Lens' DataTransfer (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of objects transferred between a Snow device and Amazon S3.
dataTransfer_bytesTransferred :: Lens' DataTransfer (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of bytes transferred between a Snow device and Amazon S3.
deviceConfiguration_snowconeDeviceConfiguration :: Lens' DeviceConfiguration (Maybe SnowconeDeviceConfiguration) Source #
Returns information about the device configuration for an AWS Snowcone job.
ec2AmiResource_snowballAmiId :: Lens' Ec2AmiResource (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the AMI on the Snow device.
ec2AmiResource_amiId :: Lens' Ec2AmiResource Text Source #
The ID of the AMI in Amazon EC2.
eventTriggerDefinition_eventResourceARN :: Lens' EventTriggerDefinition (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for any local Amazon S3 resource that is an AWS Lambda function's event trigger associated with this job.
iNDTaxDocuments_gstin :: Lens' INDTaxDocuments (Maybe Text) Source #
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) documents required in AWS Regions in India.
jobListEntry_jobType :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe JobType) Source #
The type of job.
jobListEntry_jobId :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The automatically generated ID for a job, for example
jobListEntry_jobState :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe JobState) Source #
The current state of this job.
jobListEntry_snowballType :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe SnowballType) Source #
The type of device used with this job.
jobListEntry_creationDate :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The creation date for this job.
jobListEntry_description :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The optional description of this specific job, for example
Important Photos 2016-08-11
jobListEntry_isMaster :: Lens' JobListEntry (Maybe Bool) Source #
A value that indicates that this job is a main job. A main job represents a successful request to create an export job. Main jobs aren't associated with any Snowballs. Instead, each main job will have at least one job part, and each job part is associated with a Snowball. It might take some time before the job parts associated with a particular main job are listed, because they are created after the main job is created.
jobLogs_jobFailureLogURI :: Lens' JobLogs (Maybe Text) Source #
A link to an Amazon S3 presigned URL where the job failure log is located.
jobLogs_jobCompletionReportURI :: Lens' JobLogs (Maybe Text) Source #
A link to an Amazon S3 presigned URL where the job completion report is located.
jobLogs_jobSuccessLogURI :: Lens' JobLogs (Maybe Text) Source #
A link to an Amazon S3 presigned URL where the job success log is located.
jobMetadata_jobType :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe JobType) Source #
The type of job.
jobMetadata_kmsKeyARN :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key associated with this job. This ARN was created using the CreateKey API action in AWS KMS.
jobMetadata_remoteManagement :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe RemoteManagement) Source #
Allows you to securely operate and manage Snowcone devices remotely from
outside of your internal network. When set to INSTALLED_AUTOSTART
remote management will automatically be available when the device
arrives at your location. Otherwise, you need to use the Snowball Client
to manage the device.
jobMetadata_jobId :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The automatically generated ID for a job, for example
jobMetadata_jobLogInfo :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe JobLogs) Source #
Links to Amazon S3 presigned URLs for the job report and logs. For import jobs, the PDF job report becomes available at the end of the import process. For export jobs, your job report typically becomes available while the Snow device for your job part is being delivered to you.
jobMetadata_notification :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Notification) Source #
The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notification
settings associated with a specific job. The Notification
object is
returned as a part of the response syntax of the DescribeJob
action in
the JobMetadata
data type.
jobMetadata_jobState :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe JobState) Source #
The current status of the jobs.
jobMetadata_forwardingAddressId :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the address that you want a job shipped to, after it will be shipped to its primary address. This field is not supported in most regions.
jobMetadata_shippingDetails :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe ShippingDetails) Source #
A job's shipping information, including inbound and outbound tracking numbers and shipping speed options.
jobMetadata_addressId :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID for the address that you want the Snow device shipped to.
jobMetadata_snowballType :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe SnowballType) Source #
The type of device used with this job.
jobMetadata_dataTransferProgress :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe DataTransfer) Source #
A value that defines the real-time status of a Snow device's data
transfer while the device is at AWS. This data is only available while a
job has a JobState
value of InProgress
, for both import and export
jobMetadata_longTermPricingId :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the long-term pricing type for the device.
jobMetadata_resources :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe JobResource) Source #
An array of S3Resource
objects. Each S3Resource
object represents an
Amazon S3 bucket that your transferred data will be exported from or
imported into.
jobMetadata_onDeviceServiceConfiguration :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe OnDeviceServiceConfiguration) Source #
Represents metadata and configuration settings for services on an AWS Snow Family device.
jobMetadata_clusterId :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The 39-character ID for the cluster, for example
jobMetadata_creationDate :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The creation date for this job.
jobMetadata_deviceConfiguration :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe DeviceConfiguration) Source #
Undocumented member.
jobMetadata_description :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the job, provided at job creation.
jobMetadata_taxDocuments :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe TaxDocuments) Source #
The metadata associated with the tax documents required in your AWS Region.
jobMetadata_roleARN :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The role ARN associated with this job. This ARN was created using the CreateRole API action in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
jobMetadata_snowballCapacityPreference :: Lens' JobMetadata (Maybe SnowballCapacity) Source #
The Snow device capacity preference for this job, specified at job creation. In US regions, you can choose between 50 TB and 80 TB Snowballs. All other regions use 80 TB capacity Snowballs.
For more information, see "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide or "" (Snow Family Devices and Capacity) in the Snowcone User Guide.
jobResource_ec2AmiResources :: Lens' JobResource (Maybe [Ec2AmiResource]) Source #
The Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) associated with this job.
jobResource_lambdaResources :: Lens' JobResource (Maybe [LambdaResource]) Source #
The Python-language Lambda functions for this job.
jobResource_s3Resources :: Lens' JobResource (Maybe [S3Resource]) Source #
An array of S3Resource
keyRange_endMarker :: Lens' KeyRange (Maybe Text) Source #
The key that ends an optional key range for an export job. Ranges are inclusive and UTF-8 binary sorted.
keyRange_beginMarker :: Lens' KeyRange (Maybe Text) Source #
The key that starts an optional key range for an export job. Ranges are inclusive and UTF-8 binary sorted.
lambdaResource_eventTriggers :: Lens' LambdaResource (Maybe [EventTriggerDefinition]) Source #
The array of ARNs for S3Resource objects to trigger the LambdaResource objects associated with this job.
lambdaResource_lambdaArn :: Lens' LambdaResource (Maybe Text) Source #
An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that represents an AWS Lambda function to be triggered by PUT object actions on the associated local Amazon S3 resource.
longTermPricingListEntry_longTermPricingType :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe LongTermPricingType) Source #
The type of long-term pricing that was selected for the device.
longTermPricingListEntry_longTermPricingStartDate :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The start date of the long-term pricing contract.
longTermPricingListEntry_snowballType :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe SnowballType) Source #
The type of AWS Snow Family device associated with this long-term pricing job.
longTermPricingListEntry_longTermPricingId :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the long-term pricing type for the device.
longTermPricingListEntry_longTermPricingEndDate :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The end date the long-term pricing contract.
longTermPricingListEntry_currentActiveJob :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The current active jobs on the device the long-term pricing type.
longTermPricingListEntry_isLongTermPricingAutoRenew :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe Bool) Source #
If set to true
, specifies that the current long-term pricing type for
the device should be automatically renewed before the long-term pricing
contract expires.
longTermPricingListEntry_longTermPricingStatus :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the long-term pricing type.
longTermPricingListEntry_jobIds :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The IDs of the jobs that are associated with a long-term pricing type.
longTermPricingListEntry_replacementJob :: Lens' LongTermPricingListEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
A new device that replaces a device that is ordered with long-term pricing.
nFSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration_storageLimit :: Lens' NFSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum NFS storage for one Snowball Family device.
nFSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration_storageUnit :: Lens' NFSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration (Maybe StorageUnit) Source #
The scale unit of the NFS storage on the device.
Valid values: TB.
notification_notifyAll :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Bool) Source #
Any change in job state will trigger a notification for this job.
notification_snsTopicARN :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text) Source #
The new SNS TopicArn
that you want to associate with this job. You can
create Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for topics by using the
Amazon SNS API action.
You can subscribe email addresses to an Amazon SNS topic through the AWS Management Console, or by using the Subscribe Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) API action.
notification_jobStatesToNotify :: Lens' Notification (Maybe [JobState]) Source #
The list of job states that will trigger a notification for this job.
onDeviceServiceConfiguration_nFSOnDeviceService :: Lens' OnDeviceServiceConfiguration (Maybe NFSOnDeviceServiceConfiguration) Source #
Represents the NFS service on a Snow Family device.
s3Resource_keyRange :: Lens' S3Resource (Maybe KeyRange) Source #
For export jobs, you can provide an optional KeyRange
within a
specific Amazon S3 bucket. The length of the range is defined at job
creation, and has either an inclusive BeginMarker
, an inclusive
, or both. Ranges are UTF-8 binary sorted.
s3Resource_bucketArn :: Lens' S3Resource (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon S3 bucket.
s3Resource_targetOnDeviceServices :: Lens' S3Resource (Maybe [TargetOnDeviceService]) Source #
Specifies the service or services on the Snow Family device that your transferred data will be exported from or imported into. AWS Snow Family supports Amazon S3 and NFS (Network File System).
shipment_trackingNumber :: Lens' Shipment (Maybe Text) Source #
The tracking number for this job. Using this tracking number with your region's carrier's website, you can track a Snow device as the carrier transports it.
For India, the carrier is Amazon Logistics. For all other regions, UPS is the carrier.
shippingDetails_shippingOption :: Lens' ShippingDetails (Maybe ShippingOption) Source #
The shipping speed for a particular job. This speed doesn't dictate how soon you'll get the Snow device from the job's creation date. This speed represents how quickly it moves to its destination while in transit. Regional shipping speeds are as follows:
- In Australia, you have access to express shipping. Typically, Snow devices shipped express are delivered in about a day.
- In the European Union (EU), you have access to express shipping. Typically, Snow devices shipped express are delivered in about a day. In addition, most countries in the EU have access to standard shipping, which typically takes less than a week, one way.
- In India, Snow devices are delivered in one to seven days.
- In the United States of America (US), you have access to one-day shipping and two-day shipping.
shippingDetails_outboundShipment :: Lens' ShippingDetails (Maybe Shipment) Source #
The Status
and TrackingNumber
values for a Snow device being
delivered to the address that you specified for a particular job.
shippingDetails_inboundShipment :: Lens' ShippingDetails (Maybe Shipment) Source #
The Status
and TrackingNumber
values for a Snow device being
returned to AWS for a particular job.
snowconeDeviceConfiguration_wirelessConnection :: Lens' SnowconeDeviceConfiguration (Maybe WirelessConnection) Source #
Configures the wireless connection for the AWS Snowcone device.
targetOnDeviceService_transferOption :: Lens' TargetOnDeviceService (Maybe TransferOption) Source #
Specifies whether the data is being imported or exported. You can import or export the data, or use it locally on the device.
targetOnDeviceService_serviceName :: Lens' TargetOnDeviceService (Maybe DeviceServiceName) Source #
Specifies the name of the service on the Snow Family device that your transferred data will be exported from or imported into.
taxDocuments_ind :: Lens' TaxDocuments (Maybe INDTaxDocuments) Source #
Undocumented member.
wirelessConnection_isWifiEnabled :: Lens' WirelessConnection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Enables the Wi-Fi adapter on an AWS Snowcone device.