Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- describeTask_taskId :: Lens' DescribeTask Text
- describeTaskResponse_state :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe TaskState)
- describeTaskResponse_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeTaskResponse_createdAt :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeTaskResponse_taskId :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeTaskResponse_taskArn :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeTaskResponse_targets :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- describeTaskResponse_completedAt :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeTaskResponse_description :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeTaskResponse_tags :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- describeTaskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse Int
- listDeviceResources_nextToken :: Lens' ListDeviceResources (Maybe Text)
- listDeviceResources_type :: Lens' ListDeviceResources (Maybe Text)
- listDeviceResources_maxResults :: Lens' ListDeviceResources (Maybe Natural)
- listDeviceResources_managedDeviceId :: Lens' ListDeviceResources Text
- listDeviceResourcesResponse_resources :: Lens' ListDeviceResourcesResponse (Maybe [ResourceSummary])
- listDeviceResourcesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDeviceResourcesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listDeviceResourcesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDeviceResourcesResponse Int
- listExecutions_state :: Lens' ListExecutions (Maybe ExecutionState)
- listExecutions_nextToken :: Lens' ListExecutions (Maybe Text)
- listExecutions_maxResults :: Lens' ListExecutions (Maybe Natural)
- listExecutions_taskId :: Lens' ListExecutions Text
- listExecutionsResponse_executions :: Lens' ListExecutionsResponse (Maybe [ExecutionSummary])
- listExecutionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListExecutionsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listExecutionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListExecutionsResponse Int
- describeDeviceEc2Instances_instanceIds :: Lens' DescribeDeviceEc2Instances [Text]
- describeDeviceEc2Instances_managedDeviceId :: Lens' DescribeDeviceEc2Instances Text
- describeDeviceEc2InstancesResponse_instances :: Lens' DescribeDeviceEc2InstancesResponse (Maybe [InstanceSummary])
- describeDeviceEc2InstancesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDeviceEc2InstancesResponse Int
- createTask_clientToken :: Lens' CreateTask (Maybe Text)
- createTask_description :: Lens' CreateTask (Maybe Text)
- createTask_tags :: Lens' CreateTask (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createTask_command :: Lens' CreateTask Command
- createTask_targets :: Lens' CreateTask (NonEmpty Text)
- createTaskResponse_taskId :: Lens' CreateTaskResponse (Maybe Text)
- createTaskResponse_taskArn :: Lens' CreateTaskResponse (Maybe Text)
- createTaskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateTaskResponse Int
- listTasks_state :: Lens' ListTasks (Maybe TaskState)
- listTasks_nextToken :: Lens' ListTasks (Maybe Text)
- listTasks_maxResults :: Lens' ListTasks (Maybe Natural)
- listTasksResponse_tasks :: Lens' ListTasksResponse (Maybe [TaskSummary])
- listTasksResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListTasksResponse (Maybe Text)
- listTasksResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTasksResponse Int
- describeExecution_managedDeviceId :: Lens' DescribeExecution Text
- describeExecution_taskId :: Lens' DescribeExecution Text
- describeExecutionResponse_executionId :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeExecutionResponse_state :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse (Maybe ExecutionState)
- describeExecutionResponse_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeExecutionResponse_taskId :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeExecutionResponse_startedAt :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeExecutionResponse_managedDeviceId :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeExecutionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse Int
- describeDevice_managedDeviceId :: Lens' DescribeDevice Text
- describeDeviceResponse_deviceState :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe UnlockState)
- describeDeviceResponse_deviceCapacities :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe [Capacity])
- describeDeviceResponse_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeDeviceResponse_associatedWithJob :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDeviceResponse_lastReachedOutAt :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeDeviceResponse_software :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe SoftwareInformation)
- describeDeviceResponse_physicalNetworkInterfaces :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe [PhysicalNetworkInterface])
- describeDeviceResponse_managedDeviceId :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDeviceResponse_managedDeviceArn :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDeviceResponse_deviceType :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDeviceResponse_tags :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- describeDeviceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse Int
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text)
- cancelTask_taskId :: Lens' CancelTask Text
- cancelTaskResponse_taskId :: Lens' CancelTaskResponse (Maybe Text)
- cancelTaskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CancelTaskResponse Int
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text]
- listDevices_jobId :: Lens' ListDevices (Maybe Text)
- listDevices_nextToken :: Lens' ListDevices (Maybe Text)
- listDevices_maxResults :: Lens' ListDevices (Maybe Natural)
- listDevicesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDevicesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listDevicesResponse_devices :: Lens' ListDevicesResponse (Maybe [DeviceSummary])
- listDevicesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDevicesResponse Int
- capacity_used :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Integer)
- capacity_name :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Text)
- capacity_total :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Integer)
- capacity_unit :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Text)
- capacity_available :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Integer)
- command_unlock :: Lens' Command (Maybe Unlock)
- command_reboot :: Lens' Command (Maybe Reboot)
- cpuOptions_coreCount :: Lens' CpuOptions (Maybe Int)
- cpuOptions_threadsPerCore :: Lens' CpuOptions (Maybe Int)
- deviceSummary_associatedWithJob :: Lens' DeviceSummary (Maybe Text)
- deviceSummary_managedDeviceId :: Lens' DeviceSummary (Maybe Text)
- deviceSummary_managedDeviceArn :: Lens' DeviceSummary (Maybe Text)
- deviceSummary_tags :: Lens' DeviceSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- ebsInstanceBlockDevice_deleteOnTermination :: Lens' EbsInstanceBlockDevice (Maybe Bool)
- ebsInstanceBlockDevice_status :: Lens' EbsInstanceBlockDevice (Maybe AttachmentStatus)
- ebsInstanceBlockDevice_volumeId :: Lens' EbsInstanceBlockDevice (Maybe Text)
- ebsInstanceBlockDevice_attachTime :: Lens' EbsInstanceBlockDevice (Maybe UTCTime)
- executionSummary_executionId :: Lens' ExecutionSummary (Maybe Text)
- executionSummary_state :: Lens' ExecutionSummary (Maybe ExecutionState)
- executionSummary_taskId :: Lens' ExecutionSummary (Maybe Text)
- executionSummary_managedDeviceId :: Lens' ExecutionSummary (Maybe Text)
- instance_instanceId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_state :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceState)
- instance_securityGroups :: Lens' Instance (Maybe [SecurityGroupIdentifier])
- instance_createdAt :: Lens' Instance (Maybe UTCTime)
- instance_cpuOptions :: Lens' Instance (Maybe CpuOptions)
- instance_rootDeviceName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_instanceType :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_imageId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_privateIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_updatedAt :: Lens' Instance (Maybe UTCTime)
- instance_blockDeviceMappings :: Lens' Instance (Maybe [InstanceBlockDeviceMapping])
- instance_publicIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_amiLaunchIndex :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Int)
- instanceBlockDeviceMapping_ebs :: Lens' InstanceBlockDeviceMapping (Maybe EbsInstanceBlockDevice)
- instanceBlockDeviceMapping_deviceName :: Lens' InstanceBlockDeviceMapping (Maybe Text)
- instanceState_name :: Lens' InstanceState (Maybe InstanceStateName)
- instanceState_code :: Lens' InstanceState (Maybe Int)
- instanceSummary_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceSummary_instance :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Instance)
- physicalNetworkInterface_ipAddress :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe Text)
- physicalNetworkInterface_macAddress :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe Text)
- physicalNetworkInterface_ipAddressAssignment :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe IpAddressAssignment)
- physicalNetworkInterface_defaultGateway :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe Text)
- physicalNetworkInterface_physicalNetworkInterfaceId :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe Text)
- physicalNetworkInterface_netmask :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe Text)
- physicalNetworkInterface_physicalConnectorType :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe PhysicalConnectorType)
- resourceSummary_arn :: Lens' ResourceSummary (Maybe Text)
- resourceSummary_id :: Lens' ResourceSummary (Maybe Text)
- resourceSummary_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceSummary Text
- securityGroupIdentifier_groupId :: Lens' SecurityGroupIdentifier (Maybe Text)
- securityGroupIdentifier_groupName :: Lens' SecurityGroupIdentifier (Maybe Text)
- softwareInformation_installedVersion :: Lens' SoftwareInformation (Maybe Text)
- softwareInformation_installState :: Lens' SoftwareInformation (Maybe Text)
- softwareInformation_installingVersion :: Lens' SoftwareInformation (Maybe Text)
- taskSummary_state :: Lens' TaskSummary (Maybe TaskState)
- taskSummary_taskArn :: Lens' TaskSummary (Maybe Text)
- taskSummary_tags :: Lens' TaskSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- taskSummary_taskId :: Lens' TaskSummary Text
listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device or task.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The list of tags for the device or task.
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeTask_taskId :: Lens' DescribeTask Text Source #
The ID of the task to be described.
describeTaskResponse_state :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe TaskState) Source #
The current state of the task.
describeTaskResponse_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the state of the task was last updated.
describeTaskResponse_createdAt :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the CreateTask
operation was called.
describeTaskResponse_taskId :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the task.
describeTaskResponse_taskArn :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task.
describeTaskResponse_targets :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The managed devices that the task was sent to.
describeTaskResponse_completedAt :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the task was completed.
describeTaskResponse_description :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The description provided of the task and managed devices.
describeTaskResponse_tags :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Optional metadata that you assign to a resource. You can use tags to categorize a resource in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, or environment.
describeTaskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeTaskResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listDeviceResources_nextToken :: Lens' ListDeviceResources (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listDeviceResources_type :: Lens' ListDeviceResources (Maybe Text) Source #
A structure used to filter the results by type of resource.
listDeviceResources_maxResults :: Lens' ListDeviceResources (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of resources per page.
listDeviceResources_managedDeviceId :: Lens' ListDeviceResources Text Source #
The ID of the managed device that you are listing the resources of.
listDeviceResourcesResponse_resources :: Lens' ListDeviceResourcesResponse (Maybe [ResourceSummary]) Source #
A structure defining the resource's type, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and ID.
listDeviceResourcesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDeviceResourcesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listDeviceResourcesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDeviceResourcesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listExecutions_state :: Lens' ListExecutions (Maybe ExecutionState) Source #
A structure used to filter the tasks by their current state.
listExecutions_nextToken :: Lens' ListExecutions (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token to continue to the next page of tasks.
listExecutions_maxResults :: Lens' ListExecutions (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of tasks to list per page.
listExecutions_taskId :: Lens' ListExecutions Text Source #
The ID of the task.
listExecutionsResponse_executions :: Lens' ListExecutionsResponse (Maybe [ExecutionSummary]) Source #
A list of executions. Each execution contains the task ID, the device that the task is executing on, the execution ID, and the status of the execution.
listExecutionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListExecutionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token to continue to the next page of executions.
listExecutionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListExecutionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeDeviceEc2Instances_instanceIds :: Lens' DescribeDeviceEc2Instances [Text] Source #
A list of instance IDs associated with the managed device.
describeDeviceEc2Instances_managedDeviceId :: Lens' DescribeDeviceEc2Instances Text Source #
The ID of the managed device.
describeDeviceEc2InstancesResponse_instances :: Lens' DescribeDeviceEc2InstancesResponse (Maybe [InstanceSummary]) Source #
A list of structures containing information about each instance.
describeDeviceEc2InstancesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDeviceEc2InstancesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createTask_clientToken :: Lens' CreateTask (Maybe Text) Source #
A token ensuring that the action is called only once with the specified details.
createTask_description :: Lens' CreateTask (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the task and its targets.
createTask_tags :: Lens' CreateTask (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Optional metadata that you assign to a resource. You can use tags to categorize a resource in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, or environment.
createTask_command :: Lens' CreateTask Command Source #
The task to be performed. Only one task is executed on a device at a time.
createTask_targets :: Lens' CreateTask (NonEmpty Text) Source #
A list of managed device IDs.
createTaskResponse_taskId :: Lens' CreateTaskResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the task that you created.
createTaskResponse_taskArn :: Lens' CreateTaskResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task that you created.
createTaskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateTaskResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTasks_state :: Lens' ListTasks (Maybe TaskState) Source #
A structure used to filter the list of tasks.
listTasks_nextToken :: Lens' ListTasks (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token to continue to the next page of tasks.
listTasks_maxResults :: Lens' ListTasks (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of tasks per page.
listTasksResponse_tasks :: Lens' ListTasksResponse (Maybe [TaskSummary]) Source #
A list of task structures containing details about each task.
listTasksResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListTasksResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token to continue to the next page of tasks.
listTasksResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTasksResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeExecution_managedDeviceId :: Lens' DescribeExecution Text Source #
The ID of the managed device.
describeExecution_taskId :: Lens' DescribeExecution Text Source #
The ID of the task that the action is describing.
describeExecutionResponse_executionId :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the execution.
describeExecutionResponse_state :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse (Maybe ExecutionState) Source #
The current state of the execution.
describeExecutionResponse_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the status of the execution was last updated.
describeExecutionResponse_taskId :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the task being executed on the device.
describeExecutionResponse_startedAt :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the execution began.
describeExecutionResponse_managedDeviceId :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the managed device that the task is being executed on.
describeExecutionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeExecutionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeDevice_managedDeviceId :: Lens' DescribeDevice Text Source #
The ID of the device that you are checking the information of.
describeDeviceResponse_deviceState :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe UnlockState) Source #
The current state of the device.
describeDeviceResponse_deviceCapacities :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe [Capacity]) Source #
The hardware specifications of the device.
describeDeviceResponse_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the device last pushed an update to the Amazon Web Services Cloud. Indicates when the device cache was refreshed.
describeDeviceResponse_associatedWithJob :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the job used when ordering the device.
describeDeviceResponse_lastReachedOutAt :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the device last contacted the Amazon Web Services Cloud. Indicates that the device is online.
describeDeviceResponse_software :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe SoftwareInformation) Source #
The software installed on the device.
describeDeviceResponse_physicalNetworkInterfaces :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe [PhysicalNetworkInterface]) Source #
The network interfaces available on the device.
describeDeviceResponse_managedDeviceId :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the device that you checked the information for.
describeDeviceResponse_managedDeviceArn :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device.
describeDeviceResponse_deviceType :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of Amazon Web Services Snow Family device.
describeDeviceResponse_tags :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Optional metadata that you assign to a resource. You can use tags to categorize a resource in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, or environment.
describeDeviceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDeviceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device or task.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text) Source #
Optional metadata that you assign to a resource. You can use tags to categorize a resource in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, or environment.
cancelTask_taskId :: Lens' CancelTask Text Source #
The ID of the task that you are attempting to cancel. You can retrieve a
task ID by using the ListTasks
cancelTaskResponse_taskId :: Lens' CancelTaskResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the task that you are attempting to cancel.
cancelTaskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CancelTaskResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device or task.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text] Source #
Optional metadata that you assign to a resource. You can use tags to categorize a resource in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, or environment.
listDevices_jobId :: Lens' ListDevices (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the job used to order the device.
listDevices_nextToken :: Lens' ListDevices (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token to continue to the next page of results.
listDevices_maxResults :: Lens' ListDevices (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of devices to list per page.
listDevicesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDevicesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token to continue to the next page of devices.
listDevicesResponse_devices :: Lens' ListDevicesResponse (Maybe [DeviceSummary]) Source #
A list of device structures that contain information about the device.
listDevicesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDevicesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
capacity_name :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the type of capacity, such as memory.
capacity_available :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Integer) Source #
The amount of capacity available for use on the device.
cpuOptions_coreCount :: Lens' CpuOptions (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of cores that the CPU can use.
cpuOptions_threadsPerCore :: Lens' CpuOptions (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of threads per core in the CPU.
deviceSummary_associatedWithJob :: Lens' DeviceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the job used to order the device.
deviceSummary_managedDeviceId :: Lens' DeviceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the device.
deviceSummary_managedDeviceArn :: Lens' DeviceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device.
deviceSummary_tags :: Lens' DeviceSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Optional metadata that you assign to a resource. You can use tags to categorize a resource in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, or environment.
ebsInstanceBlockDevice_deleteOnTermination :: Lens' EbsInstanceBlockDevice (Maybe Bool) Source #
A value that indicates whether the volume is deleted on instance termination.
ebsInstanceBlockDevice_status :: Lens' EbsInstanceBlockDevice (Maybe AttachmentStatus) Source #
The attachment state.
ebsInstanceBlockDevice_volumeId :: Lens' EbsInstanceBlockDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon EBS volume.
ebsInstanceBlockDevice_attachTime :: Lens' EbsInstanceBlockDevice (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the attachment was initiated.
executionSummary_executionId :: Lens' ExecutionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the execution.
executionSummary_state :: Lens' ExecutionSummary (Maybe ExecutionState) Source #
The state of the execution.
executionSummary_taskId :: Lens' ExecutionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the task.
executionSummary_managedDeviceId :: Lens' ExecutionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the managed device that the task is being executed on.
instance_state :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceState) Source #
Undocumented member.
instance_securityGroups :: Lens' Instance (Maybe [SecurityGroupIdentifier]) Source #
The security groups for the instance.
instance_cpuOptions :: Lens' Instance (Maybe CpuOptions) Source #
The CPU options for the instance.
instance_rootDeviceName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The device name of the root device volume (for example, /dev/sda1
instance_imageId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the AMI used to launch the instance.
instance_privateIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The private IPv4 address assigned to the instance.
instance_blockDeviceMappings :: Lens' Instance (Maybe [InstanceBlockDeviceMapping]) Source #
Any block device mapping entries for the instance.
instance_publicIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The public IPv4 address assigned to the instance.
instance_amiLaunchIndex :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Int) Source #
The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) launch index, which you can use to find this instance in the launch group.
instanceBlockDeviceMapping_ebs :: Lens' InstanceBlockDeviceMapping (Maybe EbsInstanceBlockDevice) Source #
The parameters used to automatically set up Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes when the instance is launched.
instanceBlockDeviceMapping_deviceName :: Lens' InstanceBlockDeviceMapping (Maybe Text) Source #
The block device name.
instanceState_name :: Lens' InstanceState (Maybe InstanceStateName) Source #
The current state of the instance.
instanceState_code :: Lens' InstanceState (Maybe Int) Source #
The state of the instance as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
The high byte is all of the bits between 2^8 and (2^16)-1, which equals decimal values between 256 and 65,535. These numerical values are used for internal purposes and should be ignored.
The low byte is all of the bits between 2^0 and (2^8)-1, which equals decimal values between 0 and 255.
The valid values for the instance state code are all in the range of the low byte. These values are:
You can ignore the high byte value by zeroing out all of the bits above 2^8 or 256 in decimal.
instanceSummary_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the instance summary was last updated.
instanceSummary_instance :: Lens' InstanceSummary (Maybe Instance) Source #
A structure containing details about the instance.
physicalNetworkInterface_ipAddress :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address of the device.
physicalNetworkInterface_macAddress :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC address of the device.
physicalNetworkInterface_ipAddressAssignment :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe IpAddressAssignment) Source #
A value that describes whether the IP address is dynamic or persistent.
physicalNetworkInterface_defaultGateway :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The default gateway of the device.
physicalNetworkInterface_physicalNetworkInterfaceId :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The physical network interface ID.
physicalNetworkInterface_netmask :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The netmask used to divide the IP address into subnets.
physicalNetworkInterface_physicalConnectorType :: Lens' PhysicalNetworkInterface (Maybe PhysicalConnectorType) Source #
The physical connector type.
resourceSummary_arn :: Lens' ResourceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
resourceSummary_id :: Lens' ResourceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the resource.
resourceSummary_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceSummary Text Source #
The resource type.
securityGroupIdentifier_groupId :: Lens' SecurityGroupIdentifier (Maybe Text) Source #
The security group ID.
securityGroupIdentifier_groupName :: Lens' SecurityGroupIdentifier (Maybe Text) Source #
The security group name.
softwareInformation_installedVersion :: Lens' SoftwareInformation (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the software currently installed on the device.
softwareInformation_installState :: Lens' SoftwareInformation (Maybe Text) Source #
The state of the software that is installed or that is being installed on the device.
softwareInformation_installingVersion :: Lens' SoftwareInformation (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the software being installed on the device.
taskSummary_state :: Lens' TaskSummary (Maybe TaskState) Source #
The state of the task assigned to one or many devices.
taskSummary_taskArn :: Lens' TaskSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task.
taskSummary_tags :: Lens' TaskSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Optional metadata that you assign to a resource. You can use tags to categorize a resource in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, or environment.
taskSummary_taskId :: Lens' TaskSummary Text Source #
The task ID.