Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- EnableOrganizationAdminAccount
- GetAdministratorAccount
- ListOrganizationAdminAccounts
- CreateInsight
- AcceptAdministratorInvitation
- DeleteMembers
- DescribeHub
- ListTagsForResource
- GetInsightResults
- EnableImportFindingsForProduct
- DescribeStandards
- DescribeProducts
- DeleteFindingAggregator
- UpdateFindingAggregator
- ListInvitations
- DeleteInvitations
- GetEnabledStandards
- DeclineInvitations
- UpdateActionTarget
- DeleteActionTarget
- UpdateStandardsControl
- DescribeOrganizationConfiguration
- DescribeActionTargets
- DisassociateMembers
- ListEnabledProductsForImport
- DescribeStandardsControls
- ListMembers
- CreateMembers
- BatchImportFindings
- GetInvitationsCount
- DeleteInsight
- UpdateInsight
- DisableImportFindingsForProduct
- UpdateFindings
- UpdateOrganizationConfiguration
- GetFindingAggregator
- InviteMembers
- GetMembers
- DisableSecurityHub
- ListFindingAggregators
- BatchEnableStandards
- CreateFindingAggregator
- BatchDisableStandards
- TagResource
- EnableSecurityHub
- UpdateSecurityHubConfiguration
- GetFindings
- GetInsights
- UntagResource
- BatchUpdateFindings
- CreateActionTarget
- DisassociateFromAdministratorAccount
- DisableOrganizationAdminAccount
- Types
- AccountDetails
- Action
- ActionLocalIpDetails
- ActionLocalPortDetails
- ActionRemoteIpDetails
- ActionRemotePortDetails
- ActionTarget
- Adjustment
- AdminAccount
- AvailabilityZone
- AwsApiCallAction
- AwsApiCallActionDomainDetails
- AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings
- AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings
- AwsApiGatewayEndpointConfiguration
- AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings
- AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails
- AwsApiGatewayStageDetails
- AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails
- AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings
- AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails
- AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails
- AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails
- AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails
- AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails
- AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationInstanceMonitoringDetails
- AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails
- AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption
- AwsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage
- AwsCertificateManagerCertificateKeyUsage
- AwsCertificateManagerCertificateOptions
- AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary
- AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehavior
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehaviors
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroup
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailover
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroups
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginS3OriginConfig
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionOrigins
- AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate
- AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails
- AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails
- AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails
- AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment
- AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails
- AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential
- AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails
- AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails
- AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails
- AwsCodeBuildProjectSource
- AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig
- AwsCorsConfiguration
- AwsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition
- AwsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary
- AwsDynamoDbTableDetails
- AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex
- AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema
- AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex
- AwsDynamoDbTableProjection
- AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput
- AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride
- AwsDynamoDbTableReplica
- AwsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex
- AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary
- AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription
- AwsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification
- AwsEc2EipDetails
- AwsEc2InstanceDetails
- AwsEc2InstanceNetworkInterfacesDetails
- AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation
- AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails
- AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry
- AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment
- AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails
- AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceIpV6AddressDetail
- AwsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail
- AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup
- AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails
- AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission
- AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpRange
- AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpv6Range
- AwsEc2SecurityGroupPrefixListId
- AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair
- AwsEc2SubnetDetails
- AwsEc2VolumeAttachment
- AwsEc2VolumeDetails
- AwsEc2VpcDetails
- AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails
- AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceServiceTypeDetails
- AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails
- AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails
- AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails
- AwsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails
- AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails
- AwsEcrContainerImageDetails
- AwsEcrRepositoryDetails
- AwsEcrRepositoryImageScanningConfigurationDetails
- AwsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails
- AwsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails
- AwsEcsClusterConfigurationDetails
- AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails
- AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails
- AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails
- AwsEcsClusterDetails
- AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails
- AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails
- AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails
- AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails
- AwsEcsServiceDetails
- AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails
- AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails
- AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationDetails
- AwsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails
- AwsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails
- AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsRepositoryCredentialsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails
- AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesHostDetails
- AwsEksClusterDetails
- AwsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails
- AwsEksClusterLoggingDetails
- AwsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails
- AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails
- AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink
- AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting
- AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier
- AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails
- AwsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions
- AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails
- AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails
- AwsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions
- AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions
- AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig
- AwsElasticsearchDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptions
- AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions
- AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions
- AwsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy
- AwsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy
- AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog
- AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes
- AwsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription
- AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining
- AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionSettings
- AwsElbLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancing
- AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails
- AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck
- AwsElbLoadBalancerInstance
- AwsElbLoadBalancerListener
- AwsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription
- AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies
- AwsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup
- AwsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute
- AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails
- AwsIamAccessKeyDetails
- AwsIamAccessKeySessionContext
- AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes
- AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer
- AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy
- AwsIamGroupDetails
- AwsIamGroupPolicy
- AwsIamInstanceProfile
- AwsIamInstanceProfileRole
- AwsIamPermissionsBoundary
- AwsIamPolicyDetails
- AwsIamPolicyVersion
- AwsIamRoleDetails
- AwsIamRolePolicy
- AwsIamUserDetails
- AwsIamUserPolicy
- AwsKmsKeyDetails
- AwsLambdaFunctionCode
- AwsLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfig
- AwsLambdaFunctionDetails
- AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironment
- AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError
- AwsLambdaFunctionLayer
- AwsLambdaFunctionTracingConfig
- AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig
- AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails
- AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails
- AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails
- AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails
- AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails
- AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails
- AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption
- AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails
- AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsDetails
- AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails
- AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails
- AwsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole
- AwsRdsDbClusterDetails
- AwsRdsDbClusterMember
- AwsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership
- AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails
- AwsRdsDbDomainMembership
- AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole
- AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails
- AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint
- AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup
- AwsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership
- AwsRdsDbParameterGroup
- AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues
- AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature
- AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails
- AwsRdsDbStatusInfo
- AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup
- AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet
- AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnetAvailabilityZone
- AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails
- AwsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports
- AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode
- AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup
- AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus
- AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup
- AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus
- AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow
- AwsRedshiftClusterDetails
- AwsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus
- AwsRedshiftClusterEndpoint
- AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus
- AwsRedshiftClusterIamRole
- AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues
- AwsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo
- AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus
- AwsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup
- AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails
- AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationDetails
- AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadDetails
- AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails
- AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterDetails
- AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails
- AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails
- AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails
- AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails
- AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails
- AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails
- AwsS3BucketDetails
- AwsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration
- AwsS3BucketNotificationConfiguration
- AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail
- AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationFilter
- AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilter
- AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule
- AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault
- AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionConfiguration
- AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule
- AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration
- AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo
- AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule
- AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition
- AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect
- AwsS3ObjectDetails
- AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails
- AwsSecretsManagerSecretRotationRules
- AwsSecurityFinding
- AwsSecurityFindingFilters
- AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier
- AwsSnsTopicDetails
- AwsSnsTopicSubscription
- AwsSqsQueueDetails
- AwsSsmComplianceSummary
- AwsSsmPatch
- AwsSsmPatchComplianceDetails
- AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails
- AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate
- AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails
- AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate
- AwsWafWebAclDetails
- AwsWafWebAclRule
- AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails
- BatchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding
- Cell
- CidrBlockAssociation
- City
- ClassificationResult
- ClassificationStatus
- Compliance
- ContainerDetails
- Country
- CustomDataIdentifiersDetections
- CustomDataIdentifiersResult
- Cvss
- DataClassificationDetails
- DateFilter
- DateRange
- DnsRequestAction
- FindingAggregator
- FindingProviderFields
- FindingProviderSeverity
- GeoLocation
- IcmpTypeCode
- ImportFindingsError
- Insight
- InsightResultValue
- InsightResults
- Invitation
- IpFilter
- IpOrganizationDetails
- Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation
- KeywordFilter
- LoadBalancerState
- Malware
- MapFilter
- Member
- Network
- NetworkConnectionAction
- NetworkHeader
- NetworkPathComponent
- NetworkPathComponentDetails
- Note
- NoteUpdate
- NumberFilter
- Occurrences
- Page
- PatchSummary
- PortProbeAction
- PortProbeDetail
- PortRange
- PortRangeFromTo
- ProcessDetails
- Product
- Range
- Recommendation
- Record
- RelatedFinding
- Remediation
- Resource
- ResourceDetails
- Result
- SensitiveDataDetections
- SensitiveDataResult
- Severity
- SeverityUpdate
- SoftwarePackage
- SortCriterion
- Standard
- StandardsControl
- StandardsSubscription
- StandardsSubscriptionRequest
- StatusReason
- StringFilter
- ThreatIntelIndicator
- Vulnerability
- VulnerabilityVendor
- WafAction
- WafExcludedRule
- WafOverrideAction
- Workflow
- WorkflowUpdate
- enableOrganizationAdminAccount_adminAccountId :: Lens' EnableOrganizationAdminAccount Text
- enableOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableOrganizationAdminAccountResponse Int
- getAdministratorAccountResponse_administrator :: Lens' GetAdministratorAccountResponse (Maybe Invitation)
- getAdministratorAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAdministratorAccountResponse Int
- listOrganizationAdminAccounts_nextToken :: Lens' ListOrganizationAdminAccounts (Maybe Text)
- listOrganizationAdminAccounts_maxResults :: Lens' ListOrganizationAdminAccounts (Maybe Natural)
- listOrganizationAdminAccountsResponse_adminAccounts :: Lens' ListOrganizationAdminAccountsResponse (Maybe [AdminAccount])
- listOrganizationAdminAccountsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListOrganizationAdminAccountsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listOrganizationAdminAccountsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListOrganizationAdminAccountsResponse Int
- createInsight_name :: Lens' CreateInsight Text
- createInsight_filters :: Lens' CreateInsight AwsSecurityFindingFilters
- createInsight_groupByAttribute :: Lens' CreateInsight Text
- createInsightResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateInsightResponse Int
- createInsightResponse_insightArn :: Lens' CreateInsightResponse Text
- acceptAdministratorInvitation_administratorId :: Lens' AcceptAdministratorInvitation Text
- acceptAdministratorInvitation_invitationId :: Lens' AcceptAdministratorInvitation Text
- acceptAdministratorInvitationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AcceptAdministratorInvitationResponse Int
- deleteMembers_accountIds :: Lens' DeleteMembers [Text]
- deleteMembersResponse_unprocessedAccounts :: Lens' DeleteMembersResponse (Maybe [Result])
- deleteMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteMembersResponse Int
- describeHub_hubArn :: Lens' DescribeHub (Maybe Text)
- describeHubResponse_autoEnableControls :: Lens' DescribeHubResponse (Maybe Bool)
- describeHubResponse_subscribedAt :: Lens' DescribeHubResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeHubResponse_hubArn :: Lens' DescribeHubResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeHubResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeHubResponse Int
- listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- getInsightResults_insightArn :: Lens' GetInsightResults Text
- getInsightResultsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInsightResultsResponse Int
- getInsightResultsResponse_insightResults :: Lens' GetInsightResultsResponse InsightResults
- enableImportFindingsForProduct_productArn :: Lens' EnableImportFindingsForProduct Text
- enableImportFindingsForProductResponse_productSubscriptionArn :: Lens' EnableImportFindingsForProductResponse (Maybe Text)
- enableImportFindingsForProductResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableImportFindingsForProductResponse Int
- describeStandards_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeStandards (Maybe Text)
- describeStandards_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeStandards (Maybe Natural)
- describeStandardsResponse_standards :: Lens' DescribeStandardsResponse (Maybe [Standard])
- describeStandardsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeStandardsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeStandardsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeStandardsResponse Int
- describeProducts_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeProducts (Maybe Text)
- describeProducts_productArn :: Lens' DescribeProducts (Maybe Text)
- describeProducts_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeProducts (Maybe Natural)
- describeProductsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeProductsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeProductsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeProductsResponse Int
- describeProductsResponse_products :: Lens' DescribeProductsResponse [Product]
- deleteFindingAggregator_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' DeleteFindingAggregator Text
- deleteFindingAggregatorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteFindingAggregatorResponse Int
- updateFindingAggregator_regions :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregator (Maybe [Text])
- updateFindingAggregator_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregator Text
- updateFindingAggregator_regionLinkingMode :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregator Text
- updateFindingAggregatorResponse_regions :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe [Text])
- updateFindingAggregatorResponse_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateFindingAggregatorResponse_regionLinkingMode :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateFindingAggregatorResponse_findingAggregationRegion :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateFindingAggregatorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregatorResponse Int
- listInvitations_nextToken :: Lens' ListInvitations (Maybe Text)
- listInvitations_maxResults :: Lens' ListInvitations (Maybe Natural)
- listInvitationsResponse_invitations :: Lens' ListInvitationsResponse (Maybe [Invitation])
- listInvitationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListInvitationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listInvitationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListInvitationsResponse Int
- deleteInvitations_accountIds :: Lens' DeleteInvitations [Text]
- deleteInvitationsResponse_unprocessedAccounts :: Lens' DeleteInvitationsResponse (Maybe [Result])
- deleteInvitationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteInvitationsResponse Int
- getEnabledStandards_nextToken :: Lens' GetEnabledStandards (Maybe Text)
- getEnabledStandards_standardsSubscriptionArns :: Lens' GetEnabledStandards (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- getEnabledStandards_maxResults :: Lens' GetEnabledStandards (Maybe Natural)
- getEnabledStandardsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetEnabledStandardsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getEnabledStandardsResponse_standardsSubscriptions :: Lens' GetEnabledStandardsResponse (Maybe [StandardsSubscription])
- getEnabledStandardsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEnabledStandardsResponse Int
- declineInvitations_accountIds :: Lens' DeclineInvitations [Text]
- declineInvitationsResponse_unprocessedAccounts :: Lens' DeclineInvitationsResponse (Maybe [Result])
- declineInvitationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeclineInvitationsResponse Int
- updateActionTarget_name :: Lens' UpdateActionTarget (Maybe Text)
- updateActionTarget_description :: Lens' UpdateActionTarget (Maybe Text)
- updateActionTarget_actionTargetArn :: Lens' UpdateActionTarget Text
- updateActionTargetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateActionTargetResponse Int
- deleteActionTarget_actionTargetArn :: Lens' DeleteActionTarget Text
- deleteActionTargetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteActionTargetResponse Int
- deleteActionTargetResponse_actionTargetArn :: Lens' DeleteActionTargetResponse Text
- updateStandardsControl_controlStatus :: Lens' UpdateStandardsControl (Maybe ControlStatus)
- updateStandardsControl_disabledReason :: Lens' UpdateStandardsControl (Maybe Text)
- updateStandardsControl_standardsControlArn :: Lens' UpdateStandardsControl Text
- updateStandardsControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateStandardsControlResponse Int
- describeOrganizationConfigurationResponse_memberAccountLimitReached :: Lens' DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse (Maybe Bool)
- describeOrganizationConfigurationResponse_autoEnable :: Lens' DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse (Maybe Bool)
- describeOrganizationConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse Int
- describeActionTargets_actionTargetArns :: Lens' DescribeActionTargets (Maybe [Text])
- describeActionTargets_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeActionTargets (Maybe Text)
- describeActionTargets_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeActionTargets (Maybe Natural)
- describeActionTargetsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeActionTargetsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeActionTargetsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeActionTargetsResponse Int
- describeActionTargetsResponse_actionTargets :: Lens' DescribeActionTargetsResponse [ActionTarget]
- disassociateMembers_accountIds :: Lens' DisassociateMembers [Text]
- disassociateMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateMembersResponse Int
- listEnabledProductsForImport_nextToken :: Lens' ListEnabledProductsForImport (Maybe Text)
- listEnabledProductsForImport_maxResults :: Lens' ListEnabledProductsForImport (Maybe Natural)
- listEnabledProductsForImportResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListEnabledProductsForImportResponse (Maybe Text)
- listEnabledProductsForImportResponse_productSubscriptions :: Lens' ListEnabledProductsForImportResponse (Maybe [Text])
- listEnabledProductsForImportResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListEnabledProductsForImportResponse Int
- describeStandardsControls_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeStandardsControls (Maybe Text)
- describeStandardsControls_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeStandardsControls (Maybe Natural)
- describeStandardsControls_standardsSubscriptionArn :: Lens' DescribeStandardsControls Text
- describeStandardsControlsResponse_controls :: Lens' DescribeStandardsControlsResponse (Maybe [StandardsControl])
- describeStandardsControlsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeStandardsControlsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeStandardsControlsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeStandardsControlsResponse Int
- listMembers_onlyAssociated :: Lens' ListMembers (Maybe Bool)
- listMembers_nextToken :: Lens' ListMembers (Maybe Text)
- listMembers_maxResults :: Lens' ListMembers (Maybe Natural)
- listMembersResponse_members :: Lens' ListMembersResponse (Maybe [Member])
- listMembersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListMembersResponse (Maybe Text)
- listMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListMembersResponse Int
- createMembers_accountDetails :: Lens' CreateMembers [AccountDetails]
- createMembersResponse_unprocessedAccounts :: Lens' CreateMembersResponse (Maybe [Result])
- createMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateMembersResponse Int
- batchImportFindings_findings :: Lens' BatchImportFindings (NonEmpty AwsSecurityFinding)
- batchImportFindingsResponse_failedFindings :: Lens' BatchImportFindingsResponse (Maybe [ImportFindingsError])
- batchImportFindingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchImportFindingsResponse Int
- batchImportFindingsResponse_failedCount :: Lens' BatchImportFindingsResponse Int
- batchImportFindingsResponse_successCount :: Lens' BatchImportFindingsResponse Int
- getInvitationsCountResponse_invitationsCount :: Lens' GetInvitationsCountResponse (Maybe Int)
- getInvitationsCountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInvitationsCountResponse Int
- deleteInsight_insightArn :: Lens' DeleteInsight Text
- deleteInsightResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteInsightResponse Int
- deleteInsightResponse_insightArn :: Lens' DeleteInsightResponse Text
- updateInsight_groupByAttribute :: Lens' UpdateInsight (Maybe Text)
- updateInsight_filters :: Lens' UpdateInsight (Maybe AwsSecurityFindingFilters)
- updateInsight_name :: Lens' UpdateInsight (Maybe Text)
- updateInsight_insightArn :: Lens' UpdateInsight Text
- updateInsightResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateInsightResponse Int
- disableImportFindingsForProduct_productSubscriptionArn :: Lens' DisableImportFindingsForProduct Text
- disableImportFindingsForProductResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableImportFindingsForProductResponse Int
- updateFindings_recordState :: Lens' UpdateFindings (Maybe RecordState)
- updateFindings_note :: Lens' UpdateFindings (Maybe NoteUpdate)
- updateFindings_filters :: Lens' UpdateFindings AwsSecurityFindingFilters
- updateFindingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFindingsResponse Int
- updateOrganizationConfiguration_autoEnable :: Lens' UpdateOrganizationConfiguration Bool
- updateOrganizationConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateOrganizationConfigurationResponse Int
- getFindingAggregator_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' GetFindingAggregator Text
- getFindingAggregatorResponse_regions :: Lens' GetFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe [Text])
- getFindingAggregatorResponse_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' GetFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text)
- getFindingAggregatorResponse_regionLinkingMode :: Lens' GetFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text)
- getFindingAggregatorResponse_findingAggregationRegion :: Lens' GetFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text)
- getFindingAggregatorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetFindingAggregatorResponse Int
- inviteMembers_accountIds :: Lens' InviteMembers [Text]
- inviteMembersResponse_unprocessedAccounts :: Lens' InviteMembersResponse (Maybe [Result])
- inviteMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' InviteMembersResponse Int
- getMembers_accountIds :: Lens' GetMembers [Text]
- getMembersResponse_members :: Lens' GetMembersResponse (Maybe [Member])
- getMembersResponse_unprocessedAccounts :: Lens' GetMembersResponse (Maybe [Result])
- getMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetMembersResponse Int
- disableSecurityHubResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableSecurityHubResponse Int
- listFindingAggregators_nextToken :: Lens' ListFindingAggregators (Maybe Text)
- listFindingAggregators_maxResults :: Lens' ListFindingAggregators (Maybe Natural)
- listFindingAggregatorsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFindingAggregatorsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listFindingAggregatorsResponse_findingAggregators :: Lens' ListFindingAggregatorsResponse (Maybe [FindingAggregator])
- listFindingAggregatorsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFindingAggregatorsResponse Int
- batchEnableStandards_standardsSubscriptionRequests :: Lens' BatchEnableStandards (NonEmpty StandardsSubscriptionRequest)
- batchEnableStandardsResponse_standardsSubscriptions :: Lens' BatchEnableStandardsResponse (Maybe [StandardsSubscription])
- batchEnableStandardsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchEnableStandardsResponse Int
- createFindingAggregator_regions :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregator (Maybe [Text])
- createFindingAggregator_regionLinkingMode :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregator Text
- createFindingAggregatorResponse_regions :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe [Text])
- createFindingAggregatorResponse_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text)
- createFindingAggregatorResponse_regionLinkingMode :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text)
- createFindingAggregatorResponse_findingAggregationRegion :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text)
- createFindingAggregatorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregatorResponse Int
- batchDisableStandards_standardsSubscriptionArns :: Lens' BatchDisableStandards (NonEmpty Text)
- batchDisableStandardsResponse_standardsSubscriptions :: Lens' BatchDisableStandardsResponse (Maybe [StandardsSubscription])
- batchDisableStandardsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchDisableStandardsResponse Int
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text)
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- enableSecurityHub_enableDefaultStandards :: Lens' EnableSecurityHub (Maybe Bool)
- enableSecurityHub_tags :: Lens' EnableSecurityHub (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- enableSecurityHubResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableSecurityHubResponse Int
- updateSecurityHubConfiguration_autoEnableControls :: Lens' UpdateSecurityHubConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- updateSecurityHubConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateSecurityHubConfigurationResponse Int
- getFindings_filters :: Lens' GetFindings (Maybe AwsSecurityFindingFilters)
- getFindings_sortCriteria :: Lens' GetFindings (Maybe [SortCriterion])
- getFindings_nextToken :: Lens' GetFindings (Maybe Text)
- getFindings_maxResults :: Lens' GetFindings (Maybe Natural)
- getFindingsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetFindingsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getFindingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetFindingsResponse Int
- getFindingsResponse_findings :: Lens' GetFindingsResponse [AwsSecurityFinding]
- getInsights_nextToken :: Lens' GetInsights (Maybe Text)
- getInsights_insightArns :: Lens' GetInsights (Maybe [Text])
- getInsights_maxResults :: Lens' GetInsights (Maybe Natural)
- getInsightsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetInsightsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getInsightsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInsightsResponse Int
- getInsightsResponse_insights :: Lens' GetInsightsResponse [Insight]
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource (NonEmpty Text)
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- batchUpdateFindings_criticality :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe Natural)
- batchUpdateFindings_note :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe NoteUpdate)
- batchUpdateFindings_severity :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe SeverityUpdate)
- batchUpdateFindings_types :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe [Text])
- batchUpdateFindings_relatedFindings :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe [RelatedFinding])
- batchUpdateFindings_confidence :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe Natural)
- batchUpdateFindings_workflow :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe WorkflowUpdate)
- batchUpdateFindings_verificationState :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe VerificationState)
- batchUpdateFindings_userDefinedFields :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- batchUpdateFindings_findingIdentifiers :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings [AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier]
- batchUpdateFindingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindingsResponse Int
- batchUpdateFindingsResponse_processedFindings :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindingsResponse [AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier]
- batchUpdateFindingsResponse_unprocessedFindings :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindingsResponse [BatchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding]
- createActionTarget_name :: Lens' CreateActionTarget Text
- createActionTarget_description :: Lens' CreateActionTarget Text
- createActionTarget_id :: Lens' CreateActionTarget Text
- createActionTargetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateActionTargetResponse Int
- createActionTargetResponse_actionTargetArn :: Lens' CreateActionTargetResponse Text
- disassociateFromAdministratorAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateFromAdministratorAccountResponse Int
- disableOrganizationAdminAccount_adminAccountId :: Lens' DisableOrganizationAdminAccount Text
- disableOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableOrganizationAdminAccountResponse Int
- accountDetails_email :: Lens' AccountDetails (Maybe Text)
- accountDetails_accountId :: Lens' AccountDetails Text
- action_networkConnectionAction :: Lens' Action (Maybe NetworkConnectionAction)
- action_portProbeAction :: Lens' Action (Maybe PortProbeAction)
- action_actionType :: Lens' Action (Maybe Text)
- action_dnsRequestAction :: Lens' Action (Maybe DnsRequestAction)
- action_awsApiCallAction :: Lens' Action (Maybe AwsApiCallAction)
- actionLocalIpDetails_ipAddressV4 :: Lens' ActionLocalIpDetails (Maybe Text)
- actionLocalPortDetails_portName :: Lens' ActionLocalPortDetails (Maybe Text)
- actionLocalPortDetails_port :: Lens' ActionLocalPortDetails (Maybe Int)
- actionRemoteIpDetails_country :: Lens' ActionRemoteIpDetails (Maybe Country)
- actionRemoteIpDetails_city :: Lens' ActionRemoteIpDetails (Maybe City)
- actionRemoteIpDetails_ipAddressV4 :: Lens' ActionRemoteIpDetails (Maybe Text)
- actionRemoteIpDetails_geoLocation :: Lens' ActionRemoteIpDetails (Maybe GeoLocation)
- actionRemoteIpDetails_organization :: Lens' ActionRemoteIpDetails (Maybe IpOrganizationDetails)
- actionRemotePortDetails_portName :: Lens' ActionRemotePortDetails (Maybe Text)
- actionRemotePortDetails_port :: Lens' ActionRemotePortDetails (Maybe Int)
- actionTarget_actionTargetArn :: Lens' ActionTarget Text
- actionTarget_name :: Lens' ActionTarget Text
- actionTarget_description :: Lens' ActionTarget Text
- adjustment_reason :: Lens' Adjustment (Maybe Text)
- adjustment_metric :: Lens' Adjustment (Maybe Text)
- adminAccount_status :: Lens' AdminAccount (Maybe AdminStatus)
- adminAccount_accountId :: Lens' AdminAccount (Maybe Text)
- availabilityZone_subnetId :: Lens' AvailabilityZone (Maybe Text)
- availabilityZone_zoneName :: Lens' AvailabilityZone (Maybe Text)
- awsApiCallAction_remoteIpDetails :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe ActionRemoteIpDetails)
- awsApiCallAction_firstSeen :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe Text)
- awsApiCallAction_callerType :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe Text)
- awsApiCallAction_affectedResources :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsApiCallAction_lastSeen :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe Text)
- awsApiCallAction_domainDetails :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe AwsApiCallActionDomainDetails)
- awsApiCallAction_serviceName :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe Text)
- awsApiCallAction_api :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe Text)
- awsApiCallActionDomainDetails_domain :: Lens' AwsApiCallActionDomainDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings_format :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings_destinationArn :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayCanarySettings_deploymentId :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayCanarySettings_stageVariableOverrides :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsApiGatewayCanarySettings_useStageCache :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings (Maybe Bool)
- awsApiGatewayCanarySettings_percentTraffic :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings (Maybe Double)
- awsApiGatewayEndpointConfiguration_types :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayEndpointConfiguration (Maybe [Text])
- awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_dataTraceEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Bool)
- awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_cacheTtlInSeconds :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Int)
- awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_httpMethod :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_throttlingBurstLimit :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Int)
- awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_cacheDataEncrypted :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Bool)
- awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_loggingLevel :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_requireAuthorizationForCacheControl :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Bool)
- awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_cachingEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Bool)
- awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_resourcePath :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_throttlingRateLimit :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Double)
- awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_metricsEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Bool)
- awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_unauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_minimumCompressionSize :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_binaryMediaTypes :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_createdDate :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_name :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_apiKeySource :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_version :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_id :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_endpointConfiguration :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayEndpointConfiguration)
- awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_description :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_deploymentId :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_accessLogSettings :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_variables :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_documentationVersion :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_clientCertificateId :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_tracingEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_createdDate :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_methodSettings :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe [AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings])
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_cacheClusterStatus :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_webAclArn :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_stageName :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_cacheClusterEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_cacheClusterSize :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_lastUpdatedDate :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_canarySettings :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings)
- awsApiGatewayStageDetails_description :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_apiId :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_apiEndpoint :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_createdDate :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_name :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_version :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_apiKeySelectionExpression :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_corsConfiguration :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe AwsCorsConfiguration)
- awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_routeSelectionExpression :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_description :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_protocolType :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings_dataTraceEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings (Maybe Bool)
- awsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings_throttlingBurstLimit :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings (Maybe Int)
- awsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings_loggingLevel :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings_throttlingRateLimit :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings (Maybe Double)
- awsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings_detailedMetricsEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings (Maybe Bool)
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_lastDeploymentStatusMessage :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_deploymentId :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_routeSettings :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings)
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_accessLogSettings :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings)
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_clientCertificateId :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_stageVariables :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_autoDeploy :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_createdDate :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_defaultRouteSettings :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings)
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_apiGatewayManaged :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_stageName :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_lastUpdatedDate :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_description :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails_createdTime :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails_healthCheckGracePeriod :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails_launchConfigurationName :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails_healthCheckType :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails_loadBalancerNames :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails_virtualName :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails_noDevice :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails_ebs :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails (Maybe AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails_deviceName :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails_deleteOnTermination :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails_volumeSize :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails_iops :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails_encrypted :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails_volumeType :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails_snapshotId :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_associatePublicIpAddress :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_securityGroups :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_spotPrice :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_createdTime :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_instanceMonitoring :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationInstanceMonitoringDetails)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_keyName :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_classicLinkVpcSecurityGroups :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_ramdiskId :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_kernelId :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_instanceType :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_ebsOptimized :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_userData :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_classicLinkVpcId :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_iamInstanceProfile :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_imageId :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_launchConfigurationName :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_placementTenancy :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_blockDeviceMappings :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe [AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails])
- awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationInstanceMonitoringDetails_enabled :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationInstanceMonitoringDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_subject :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_status :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_failureReason :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_subjectAlternativeNames :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_inUseBy :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_createdAt :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_serial :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_renewalEligibility :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_extendedKeyUsages :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe [AwsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage])
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_importedAt :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_keyUsages :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe [AwsCertificateManagerCertificateKeyUsage])
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_notBefore :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_domainName :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_renewalSummary :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_keyAlgorithm :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_type :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_options :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe AwsCertificateManagerCertificateOptions)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_issuedAt :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_signatureAlgorithm :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_domainValidationOptions :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe [AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption])
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_issuer :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_notAfter :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_certificateAuthorityArn :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption_validationEmails :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe [Text])
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption_validationMethod :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption_resourceRecord :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption_validationStatus :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption_domainName :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption_validationDomain :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage_oId :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage_name :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateKeyUsage_name :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateKeyUsage (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateOptions_certificateTransparencyLoggingPreference :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateOptions (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary_renewalStatus :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary_updatedAt :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary_domainValidationOptions :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary (Maybe [AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption])
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary_renewalStatusReason :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord_value :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord_name :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord (Maybe Text)
- awsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord_type :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehavior_viewerProtocolPolicy :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehavior (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehaviors_items :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehaviors (Maybe [AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehavior])
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior_viewerProtocolPolicy :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_status :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_eTag :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_originGroups :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroups)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_defaultRootObject :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_webAclId :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_lastModifiedTime :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_viewerCertificate :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_domainName :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_origins :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionOrigins)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_logging :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_cacheBehaviors :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehaviors)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_defaultCacheBehavior :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionLogging_enabled :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging (Maybe Bool)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionLogging_prefix :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionLogging_bucket :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionLogging_includeCookies :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging (Maybe Bool)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroup_failoverCriteria :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroup (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailover)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailover_statusCodes :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailover (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes_quantity :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes (Maybe Int)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes_items :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes (Maybe [Int])
- awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroups_items :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroups (Maybe [AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroup])
- awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem_s3OriginConfig :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginS3OriginConfig)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem_originPath :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem_domainName :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem_id :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginS3OriginConfig_originAccessIdentity :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginS3OriginConfig (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionOrigins_items :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOrigins (Maybe [AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem])
- awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_sslSupportMethod :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_acmCertificateArn :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_certificateSource :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_minimumProtocolVersion :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_certificate :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_iamCertificateId :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_cloudFrontDefaultCertificate :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Bool)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_logFileValidationEnabled :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_trailArn :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_s3KeyPrefix :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_snsTopicArn :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_snsTopicName :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_homeRegion :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_name :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_includeGlobalServiceEvents :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_hasCustomEventSelectors :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_isOrganizationTrail :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_cloudWatchLogsRoleArn :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_s3BucketName :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_isMultiRegionTrail :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_packaging :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_location :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_path :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_encryptionDisabled :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_name :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_overrideArtifactName :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_artifactIdentifier :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_type :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_namespaceType :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_artifacts :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe [AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails])
- awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_environment :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment)
- awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_vpcConfig :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig)
- awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_name :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_source :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectSource)
- awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_logsConfig :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails)
- awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_encryptionKey :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_serviceRole :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment_imagePullCredentialsType :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment_privilegedMode :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment (Maybe Bool)
- awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment_registryCredential :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential)
- awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment_certificate :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment_environmentVariables :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment (Maybe [AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails])
- awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment_type :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails_value :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails_name :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails_type :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential_credential :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential_credentialProvider :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails_status :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails_groupName :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails_streamName :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails_s3Logs :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails)
- awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails_cloudWatchLogs :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails)
- awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails_status :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails_location :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails_encryptionDisabled :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsCodeBuildProjectSource_insecureSsl :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectSource (Maybe Bool)
- awsCodeBuildProjectSource_location :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectSource (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectSource_gitCloneDepth :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectSource (Maybe Int)
- awsCodeBuildProjectSource_type :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectSource (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig_securityGroupIds :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig (Maybe [Text])
- awsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig_vpcId :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig (Maybe Text)
- awsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig_subnets :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig (Maybe [Text])
- awsCorsConfiguration_maxAge :: Lens' AwsCorsConfiguration (Maybe Int)
- awsCorsConfiguration_allowMethods :: Lens' AwsCorsConfiguration (Maybe [Text])
- awsCorsConfiguration_allowHeaders :: Lens' AwsCorsConfiguration (Maybe [Text])
- awsCorsConfiguration_exposeHeaders :: Lens' AwsCorsConfiguration (Maybe [Text])
- awsCorsConfiguration_allowOrigins :: Lens' AwsCorsConfiguration (Maybe [Text])
- awsCorsConfiguration_allowCredentials :: Lens' AwsCorsConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- awsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition_attributeType :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition_attributeName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary_lastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary_billingMode :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_restoreSummary :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_globalTableVersion :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_tableSizeBytes :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Integer)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_attributeDefinitions :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition])
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_latestStreamArn :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_tableStatus :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_keySchema :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema])
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex])
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_latestStreamLabel :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_billingModeSummary :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_localSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex])
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_creationDateTime :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_sseDescription :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_tableId :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_replicas :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableReplica])
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_itemCount :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_tableName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableDetails_streamSpecification :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification)
- awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_backfilling :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Bool)
- awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexSizeBytes :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Integer)
- awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexStatus :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput)
- awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexArn :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_keySchema :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema])
- awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_projection :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableProjection)
- awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_itemCount :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Int)
- awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableKeySchema_keyType :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableKeySchema_attributeName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex_indexArn :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex_keySchema :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema])
- awsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex_projection :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableProjection)
- awsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex_indexName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableProjection_projectionType :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProjection (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableProjection_nonKeyAttributes :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProjection (Maybe [Text])
- awsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput (Maybe Int)
- awsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput_lastDecreaseDateTime :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput_writeCapacityUnits :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput (Maybe Int)
- awsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput_numberOfDecreasesToday :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput (Maybe Int)
- awsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput_lastIncreaseDateTime :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride (Maybe Int)
- awsDynamoDbTableReplica_replicaStatus :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplica (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableReplica_regionName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplica (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableReplica_replicaStatusDescription :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplica (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableReplica_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplica (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableReplica_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplica (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride)
- awsDynamoDbTableReplica_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplica (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex])
- awsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride)
- awsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary_sourceTableArn :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary_sourceBackupArn :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary_restoreInProgress :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary (Maybe Bool)
- awsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary_restoreDateTime :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableSseDescription_status :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableSseDescription_inaccessibleEncryptionDateTime :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableSseDescription_sseType :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableSseDescription_kmsMasterKeyArn :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification_streamViewType :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification (Maybe Text)
- awsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification_streamEnabled :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2EipDetails_associationId :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2EipDetails_instanceId :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2EipDetails_networkInterfaceOwnerId :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2EipDetails_allocationId :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2EipDetails_networkBorderGroup :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2EipDetails_domain :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2EipDetails_networkInterfaceId :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2EipDetails_publicIpv4Pool :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2EipDetails_privateIpAddress :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2EipDetails_publicIp :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_iamInstanceProfileArn :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_keyName :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_networkInterfaces :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2InstanceNetworkInterfacesDetails])
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_ipV4Addresses :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_subnetId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_imageId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_ipV6Addresses :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_launchedAt :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceNetworkInterfacesDetails_networkInterfaceId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceNetworkInterfacesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkAclAssociation_networkAclId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkAclAssociation_subnetId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkAclAssociation_networkAclAssociationId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkAclDetails_entries :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry])
- awsEc2NetworkAclDetails_networkAclId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkAclDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkAclDetails_ownerId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkAclDetails_associations :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation])
- awsEc2NetworkAclDetails_isDefault :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_ipv6CidrBlock :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_icmpTypeCode :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe IcmpTypeCode)
- awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_ruleNumber :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_ruleAction :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_protocol :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_portRange :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe PortRangeFromTo)
- awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_cidrBlock :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_egress :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_instanceId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_status :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_deleteOnTermination :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_attachmentId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_instanceOwnerId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_attachTime :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_deviceIndex :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_privateIpAddresses :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail])
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_publicDnsName :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_securityGroups :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup])
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_sourceDestCheck :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_networkInterfaceId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_attachment :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_publicIp :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_ipV6Addresses :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceIpV6AddressDetail])
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceIpV6AddressDetail_ipV6Address :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceIpV6AddressDetail (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail_privateIpAddress :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail_privateDnsName :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup_groupId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup_groupName :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupDetails_ipPermissions :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission])
- awsEc2SecurityGroupDetails_ownerId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupDetails_ipPermissionsEgress :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission])
- awsEc2SecurityGroupDetails_groupId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupDetails_groupName :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_fromPort :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_userIdGroupPairs :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe [AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair])
- awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_prefixListIds :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe [AwsEc2SecurityGroupPrefixListId])
- awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_ipProtocol :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_toPort :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_ipv6Ranges :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe [AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpv6Range])
- awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_ipRanges :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe [AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpRange])
- awsEc2SecurityGroupIpRange_cidrIp :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpRange (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupIpv6Range_cidrIpv6 :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpv6Range (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupPrefixListId_prefixListId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupPrefixListId (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair_vpcPeeringConnectionId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair_vpcId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair_userId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair_groupId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair_groupName :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair_peeringStatus :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_state :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe [Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation])
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_availabilityZoneId :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_availableIpAddressCount :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_assignIpv6AddressOnCreation :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_subnetId :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_subnetArn :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_ownerId :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_availabilityZone :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_cidrBlock :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_mapPublicIpOnLaunch :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2SubnetDetails_defaultForAz :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2VolumeAttachment_instanceId :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeAttachment (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VolumeAttachment_status :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeAttachment (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VolumeAttachment_deleteOnTermination :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeAttachment (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2VolumeAttachment_attachTime :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeAttachment (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VolumeDetails_status :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VolumeDetails_attachments :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2VolumeAttachment])
- awsEc2VolumeDetails_size :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2VolumeDetails_encrypted :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2VolumeDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VolumeDetails_createTime :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VolumeDetails_snapshotId :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpcDetails_state :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpcDetails_ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcDetails (Maybe [Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation])
- awsEc2VpcDetails_cidrBlockAssociationSet :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcDetails (Maybe [CidrBlockAssociation])
- awsEc2VpcDetails_dhcpOptionsId :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_networkLoadBalancerArns :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_baseEndpointDnsNames :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_availabilityZones :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_gatewayLoadBalancerArns :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_managesVpcEndpoints :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_serviceName :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_serviceState :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_serviceType :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceServiceTypeDetails])
- awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_acceptanceRequired :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_serviceId :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_privateDnsName :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceServiceTypeDetails_serviceType :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceServiceTypeDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_customerGatewayConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_state :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_routes :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails])
- awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_vpnGatewayId :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_category :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_customerGatewayId :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_transitGatewayId :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_options :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_vpnConnectionId :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_vgwTelemetry :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails])
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails_tunnelOptions :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails])
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails_staticRoutesOnly :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_outsideIpAddress :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_replayWindowSize :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_rekeyFuzzPercentage :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase1LifetimeSeconds :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_ikeVersions :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase2IntegrityAlgorithms :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase2LifetimeSeconds :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase1EncryptionAlgorithms :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase1DhGroupNumbers :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Int])
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase1IntegrityAlgorithms :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_rekeyMarginTimeSeconds :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_dpdTimeoutSeconds :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_tunnelInsideCidr :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase2EncryptionAlgorithms :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase2DhGroupNumbers :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Int])
- awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_preSharedKey :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails_state :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails_destinationCidrBlock :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails_status :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails_outsideIpAddress :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails_certificateArn :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails_lastStatusChange :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails_acceptedRouteCount :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails_statusMessage :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_registryId :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_imageTags :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_imageDigest :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_imagePublishedAt :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_architecture :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_repositoryName :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrRepositoryDetails_arn :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrRepositoryDetails_imageScanningConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryDetails (Maybe AwsEcrRepositoryImageScanningConfigurationDetails)
- awsEcrRepositoryDetails_repositoryPolicyText :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrRepositoryDetails_repositoryName :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrRepositoryDetails_imageTagMutability :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrRepositoryDetails_lifecyclePolicy :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryDetails (Maybe AwsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails)
- awsEcrRepositoryImageScanningConfigurationDetails_scanOnPush :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryImageScanningConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails_registryId :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails_lifecyclePolicyText :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails_value :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsClusterConfigurationDetails_executeCommandConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationDetails (Maybe AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails)
- awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails_logConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails (Maybe AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails)
- awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails_logging :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails_cloudWatchLogGroupName :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails_s3KeyPrefix :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails_cloudWatchEncryptionEnabled :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails_s3EncryptionEnabled :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails_s3BucketName :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails_base :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails_capacityProvider :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails_weight :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsClusterDetails_clusterSettings :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails])
- awsEcsClusterDetails_defaultCapacityProviderStrategy :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails])
- awsEcsClusterDetails_configuration :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDetails (Maybe AwsEcsClusterConfigurationDetails)
- awsEcsClusterDetails_capacityProviders :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails_base :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails_capacityProvider :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails_weight :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails_rollback :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails_enable :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails_minimumHealthyPercent :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails_maximumPercent :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails_deploymentCircuitBreaker :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails (Maybe AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails)
- awsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_placementStrategies :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails])
- awsEcsServiceDetails_cluster :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_propagateTags :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_platformVersion :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_enableEcsManagedTags :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_desiredCount :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_loadBalancers :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails])
- awsEcsServiceDetails_role :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_placementConstraints :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails])
- awsEcsServiceDetails_serviceName :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_deploymentController :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_launchType :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_taskDefinition :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_serviceArn :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_schedulingStrategy :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_capacityProviderStrategy :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails])
- awsEcsServiceDetails_serviceRegistries :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails])
- awsEcsServiceDetails_healthCheckGracePeriodSeconds :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_networkConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationDetails)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_deploymentConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails)
- awsEcsServiceDetails_enableExecuteCommand :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails_loadBalancerName :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails_containerName :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails_targetGroupArn :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails_containerPort :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails_securityGroups :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails_subnets :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails_assignPublicIp :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationDetails_awsVpcConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationDetails (Maybe AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails)
- awsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails_expression :: Lens' AwsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails_field :: Lens' AwsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails_containerName :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails_registryArn :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails_containerPort :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails_port :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails_containerName :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails_condition :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_command :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_hostname :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_image :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_repositoryCredentials :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsRepositoryCredentialsDetails)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_dockerSecurityOptions :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_healthCheck :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_disableNetworking :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_volumesFrom :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_environment :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_secrets :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_entryPoint :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_workingDirectory :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_environmentFiles :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_stopTimeout :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_privileged :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_ulimits :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_portMappings :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_resourceRequirements :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_memory :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_extraHosts :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_dockerLabels :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_user :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_systemControls :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_linuxParameters :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_logConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_firelensConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_dnsSearchDomains :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_pseudoTerminal :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_dependsOn :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_dnsServers :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_mountPoints :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_interactive :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_startTimeout :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_readonlyRootFilesystem :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_links :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_cpu :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_essential :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_memoryReservation :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails_value :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails_value :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails_hostname :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails_ipAddress :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails_options :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails_command :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails_startPeriod :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails_retries :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails_interval :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails_timeout :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails_drop :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails_add :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_sharedMemorySize :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_tmpfs :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_initProcessEnabled :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_swappiness :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_devices :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_capabilities :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_maxSwap :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails_containerPath :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails_hostPath :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails_permissions :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails_size :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails_containerPath :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails_mountOptions :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails_logDriver :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails_options :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails_secretOptions :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails_valueFrom :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails_containerPath :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails_sourceVolume :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails_readOnly :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails_protocol :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails_hostPort :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails_containerPort :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsRepositoryCredentialsDetails_credentialsParameter :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsRepositoryCredentialsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails_value :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails_valueFrom :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails_namespace :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails_value :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails_hardLimit :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails_softLimit :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails_sourceContainer :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails_readOnly :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_inferenceAccelerators :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_executionRoleArn :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_pidMode :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_family :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_requiresCompatibilities :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_containerDefinitions :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_memory :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_ipcMode :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_taskRoleArn :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_proxyConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_placementConstraints :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_networkMode :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_volumes :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_cpu :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails_deviceName :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails_deviceType :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails_expression :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails_proxyConfigurationProperties :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails])
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails_containerName :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails_value :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails_dockerVolumeConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails_efsVolumeConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails_host :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesHostDetails)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails_driver :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails_driverOpts :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails_scope :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails_labels :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails_autoprovision :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails_iam :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails_accessPointId :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails_rootDirectory :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails_transitEncryption :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails_filesystemId :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails_authorizationConfig :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails_transitEncryptionPort :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesHostDetails_sourcePath :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesHostDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEksClusterDetails_arn :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEksClusterDetails_certificateAuthorityData :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEksClusterDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEksClusterDetails_version :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEksClusterDetails_logging :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe AwsEksClusterLoggingDetails)
- awsEksClusterDetails_endpoint :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEksClusterDetails_resourcesVpcConfig :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe AwsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails)
- awsEksClusterDetails_clusterStatus :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEksClusterDetails_roleArn :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails_enabled :: Lens' AwsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails_types :: Lens' AwsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEksClusterLoggingDetails_clusterLogging :: Lens' AwsEksClusterLoggingDetails (Maybe [AwsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails])
- awsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails_securityGroupIds :: Lens' AwsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails_subnetIds :: Lens' AwsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_status :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_cname :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_endpointUrl :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_optionSettings :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe [AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting])
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_dateUpdated :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_dateCreated :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_versionLabel :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_platformArn :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_tier :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_environmentName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_applicationName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_environmentArn :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_solutionStackName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_environmentId :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_environmentLinks :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe [AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink])
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_description :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink_linkName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink_environmentName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting_optionName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting_resourceName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting_namespace :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting_value :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier_name :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier_version :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier_type :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_nodeToNodeEncryptionOptions :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptions)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_accessPolicies :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_serviceSoftwareOptions :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_logPublishingOptions :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_elasticsearchClusterConfig :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_domainName :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_encryptionAtRestOptions :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_vPCOptions :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_domainId :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_endpoints :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_domainEndpointOptions :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_endpoint :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_elasticsearchVersion :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions_enforceHTTPS :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions (Maybe Bool)
- awsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions_tLSSecurityPolicy :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_dedicatedMasterCount :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_dedicatedMasterType :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_dedicatedMasterEnabled :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_instanceCount :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_zoneAwarenessEnabled :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_instanceType :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_zoneAwarenessConfig :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails)
- awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails_availabilityZoneCount :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions_enabled :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions (Maybe Bool)
- awsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions_indexSlowLogs :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig)
- awsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions_searchSlowLogs :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig)
- awsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions_auditLogs :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig)
- awsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig_enabled :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig (Maybe Bool)
- awsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig_cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptions_enabled :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptions (Maybe Bool)
- awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_automatedUpdateDate :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_currentVersion :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_updateStatus :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_cancellable :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Bool)
- awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_updateAvailable :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Bool)
- awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_description :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_newVersion :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions_securityGroupIds :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions (Maybe [Text])
- awsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions_subnetIds :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions (Maybe [Text])
- awsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions_vPCId :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions (Maybe Text)
- awsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions_availabilityZones :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions (Maybe [Text])
- awsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy_policyName :: Lens' AwsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy (Maybe Text)
- awsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy_cookieName :: Lens' AwsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy_policyName :: Lens' AwsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy_cookieExpirationPeriod :: Lens' AwsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy (Maybe Integer)
- awsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog_emitInterval :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog (Maybe Int)
- awsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog_enabled :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog (Maybe Bool)
- awsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog_s3BucketPrefix :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog_s3BucketName :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerAttributes_crossZoneLoadBalancing :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancing)
- awsElbLoadBalancerAttributes_accessLog :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog)
- awsElbLoadBalancerAttributes_connectionSettings :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionSettings)
- awsElbLoadBalancerAttributes_connectionDraining :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining)
- awsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription_policyNames :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription (Maybe [Text])
- awsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription_instancePort :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription (Maybe Int)
- awsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining_enabled :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining (Maybe Bool)
- awsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining_timeout :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining (Maybe Int)
- awsElbLoadBalancerConnectionSettings_idleTimeout :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionSettings (Maybe Int)
- awsElbLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancing_enabled :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancing (Maybe Bool)
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_sourceSecurityGroup :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup)
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_canonicalHostedZoneName :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_securityGroups :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_healthCheck :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck)
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_loadBalancerName :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_loadBalancerAttributes :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes)
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_createdTime :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_subnets :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_availabilityZones :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_backendServerDescriptions :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [AwsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription])
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_canonicalHostedZoneNameID :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_instances :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [AwsElbLoadBalancerInstance])
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_scheme :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_listenerDescriptions :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [AwsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription])
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_dnsName :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_policies :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies)
- awsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck_healthyThreshold :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck (Maybe Int)
- awsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck_interval :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck (Maybe Int)
- awsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck_timeout :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck (Maybe Int)
- awsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck_unhealthyThreshold :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck (Maybe Int)
- awsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck_target :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerInstance_instanceId :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerInstance (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerListener_instanceProtocol :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListener (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerListener_instancePort :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListener (Maybe Int)
- awsElbLoadBalancerListener_loadBalancerPort :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListener (Maybe Int)
- awsElbLoadBalancerListener_protocol :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListener (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerListener_sslCertificateId :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListener (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription_policyNames :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription (Maybe [Text])
- awsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription_listener :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerListener)
- awsElbLoadBalancerPolicies_otherPolicies :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies (Maybe [Text])
- awsElbLoadBalancerPolicies_lbCookieStickinessPolicies :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies (Maybe [AwsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy])
- awsElbLoadBalancerPolicies_appCookieStickinessPolicies :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies (Maybe [AwsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy])
- awsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup_ownerAlias :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup_groupName :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute_value :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute (Maybe Text)
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute_key :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute (Maybe Text)
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_state :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe LoadBalancerState)
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_securityGroups :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_loadBalancerAttributes :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [AwsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute])
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_createdTime :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_canonicalHostedZoneId :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_availabilityZones :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [AvailabilityZone])
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_ipAddressType :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_scheme :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_type :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_dNSName :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeyDetails_status :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe AwsIamAccessKeyStatus)
- awsIamAccessKeyDetails_principalId :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeyDetails_principalType :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeyDetails_principalName :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeyDetails_createdAt :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeyDetails_userName :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeyDetails_sessionContext :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe AwsIamAccessKeySessionContext)
- awsIamAccessKeyDetails_accountId :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeyDetails_accessKeyId :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeySessionContext_attributes :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContext (Maybe AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes)
- awsIamAccessKeySessionContext_sessionIssuer :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContext (Maybe AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer)
- awsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes_creationDate :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes_mfaAuthenticated :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes (Maybe Bool)
- awsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer_principalId :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer_arn :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer_userName :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer_accountId :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer_type :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAttachedManagedPolicy_policyName :: Lens' AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy (Maybe Text)
- awsIamAttachedManagedPolicy_policyArn :: Lens' AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy (Maybe Text)
- awsIamGroupDetails_path :: Lens' AwsIamGroupDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamGroupDetails_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamGroupDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamGroupDetails_groupId :: Lens' AwsIamGroupDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamGroupDetails_groupPolicyList :: Lens' AwsIamGroupDetails (Maybe [AwsIamGroupPolicy])
- awsIamGroupDetails_groupName :: Lens' AwsIamGroupDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamGroupDetails_attachedManagedPolicies :: Lens' AwsIamGroupDetails (Maybe [AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy])
- awsIamGroupPolicy_policyName :: Lens' AwsIamGroupPolicy (Maybe Text)
- awsIamInstanceProfile_roles :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfile (Maybe [AwsIamInstanceProfileRole])
- awsIamInstanceProfile_arn :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfile (Maybe Text)
- awsIamInstanceProfile_path :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfile (Maybe Text)
- awsIamInstanceProfile_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfile (Maybe Text)
- awsIamInstanceProfile_instanceProfileId :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfile (Maybe Text)
- awsIamInstanceProfile_instanceProfileName :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfile (Maybe Text)
- awsIamInstanceProfileRole_assumeRolePolicyDocument :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfileRole (Maybe Text)
- awsIamInstanceProfileRole_arn :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfileRole (Maybe Text)
- awsIamInstanceProfileRole_path :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfileRole (Maybe Text)
- awsIamInstanceProfileRole_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfileRole (Maybe Text)
- awsIamInstanceProfileRole_roleName :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfileRole (Maybe Text)
- awsIamInstanceProfileRole_roleId :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfileRole (Maybe Text)
- awsIamPermissionsBoundary_permissionsBoundaryType :: Lens' AwsIamPermissionsBoundary (Maybe Text)
- awsIamPermissionsBoundary_permissionsBoundaryArn :: Lens' AwsIamPermissionsBoundary (Maybe Text)
- awsIamPolicyDetails_policyName :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamPolicyDetails_updateDate :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamPolicyDetails_policyId :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamPolicyDetails_path :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamPolicyDetails_policyVersionList :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe [AwsIamPolicyVersion])
- awsIamPolicyDetails_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamPolicyDetails_isAttachable :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsIamPolicyDetails_permissionsBoundaryUsageCount :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsIamPolicyDetails_defaultVersionId :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamPolicyDetails_attachmentCount :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsIamPolicyDetails_description :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamPolicyVersion_versionId :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyVersion (Maybe Text)
- awsIamPolicyVersion_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyVersion (Maybe Text)
- awsIamPolicyVersion_isDefaultVersion :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyVersion (Maybe Bool)
- awsIamRoleDetails_maxSessionDuration :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsIamRoleDetails_assumeRolePolicyDocument :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamRoleDetails_path :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamRoleDetails_instanceProfileList :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe [AwsIamInstanceProfile])
- awsIamRoleDetails_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamRoleDetails_roleName :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamRoleDetails_roleId :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamRoleDetails_permissionsBoundary :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe AwsIamPermissionsBoundary)
- awsIamRoleDetails_rolePolicyList :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe [AwsIamRolePolicy])
- awsIamRoleDetails_attachedManagedPolicies :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe [AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy])
- awsIamRolePolicy_policyName :: Lens' AwsIamRolePolicy (Maybe Text)
- awsIamUserDetails_groupList :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsIamUserDetails_path :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamUserDetails_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamUserDetails_userName :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamUserDetails_userId :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsIamUserDetails_permissionsBoundary :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe AwsIamPermissionsBoundary)
- awsIamUserDetails_userPolicyList :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe [AwsIamUserPolicy])
- awsIamUserDetails_attachedManagedPolicies :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe [AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy])
- awsIamUserPolicy_policyName :: Lens' AwsIamUserPolicy (Maybe Text)
- awsKmsKeyDetails_origin :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsKmsKeyDetails_keyManager :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsKmsKeyDetails_keyId :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsKmsKeyDetails_keyState :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsKmsKeyDetails_aWSAccountId :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsKmsKeyDetails_keyRotationStatus :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsKmsKeyDetails_creationDate :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Double)
- awsKmsKeyDetails_description :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionCode_s3ObjectVersion :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionCode (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionCode_s3Key :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionCode (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionCode_zipFile :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionCode (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionCode_s3Bucket :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionCode (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfig_targetArn :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfig (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_memorySize :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_runtime :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_kmsKeyArn :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_environment :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironment)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_deadLetterConfig :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfig)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_role :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_vpcConfig :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_version :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_functionName :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_code :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionCode)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_layers :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe [AwsLambdaFunctionLayer])
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_handler :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_timeout :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_lastModified :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_codeSha256 :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_tracingConfig :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionTracingConfig)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_revisionId :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_masterArn :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionEnvironment_variables :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironment (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsLambdaFunctionEnvironment_error :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironment (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError)
- awsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError_errorCode :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError_message :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionLayer_arn :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionLayer (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionLayer_codeSize :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionLayer (Maybe Int)
- awsLambdaFunctionTracingConfig_mode :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionTracingConfig (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig_securityGroupIds :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig (Maybe [Text])
- awsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig_subnetIds :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig (Maybe [Text])
- awsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig_vpcId :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaLayerVersionDetails_createdDate :: Lens' AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsLambdaLayerVersionDetails_version :: Lens' AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails (Maybe Integer)
- awsLambdaLayerVersionDetails_compatibleRuntimes :: Lens' AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_dedicatedMasterCount :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_dedicatedMasterType :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_dedicatedMasterEnabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_instanceCount :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_zoneAwarenessEnabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_instanceType :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_warmEnabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_zoneAwarenessConfig :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_warmCount :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_warmType :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails_availabilityZoneCount :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_engineVersion :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_nodeToNodeEncryptionOptions :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsDetails)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_accessPolicies :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_serviceSoftwareOptions :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_arn :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_logPublishingOptions :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_clusterConfig :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_domainName :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_encryptionAtRestOptions :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_vpcOptions :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_id :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_domainEndpoints :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_domainEndpoint :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_domainEndpointOptions :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails_enforceHTTPS :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails_tLSSecurityPolicy :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails_customEndpointEnabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails_customEndpoint :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails_customEndpointCertificateArn :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails_enabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption_enabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption (Maybe Bool)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption_cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails_indexSlowLogs :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails_searchSlowLogs :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails_auditLogs :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsDetails_enabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_automatedUpdateDate :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_currentVersion :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_optionalDeployment :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_updateStatus :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_cancellable :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_updateAvailable :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_description :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_newVersion :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails_securityGroupIds :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails_subnetIds :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole_roleArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_engineVersion :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_dbClusterMembers :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbClusterMember])
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_deletionProtection :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_storageEncrypted :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_dbClusterIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_readReplicaIdentifiers :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_dbClusterParameterGroup :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_hostedZoneId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_masterUsername :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_iamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_dbClusterResourceId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_customEndpoints :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_engine :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_httpEndpointEnabled :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_crossAccountClone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_preferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_availabilityZones :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_preferredBackupWindow :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_associatedRoles :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole])
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_vpcSecurityGroups :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup])
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_backupRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_dbSubnetGroup :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_multiAz :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_databaseName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_engineMode :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_enabledCloudWatchLogsExports :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_activityStreamStatus :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_allocatedStorage :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_copyTagsToSnapshot :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_clusterCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_endpoint :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_readerEndpoint :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_dbClusterOptionGroupMemberships :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership])
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_port :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbClusterDetails_domainMemberships :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbDomainMembership])
- awsRdsDbClusterMember_promotionTier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterMember (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbClusterMember_dbInstanceIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterMember (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterMember_isClusterWriter :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterMember (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbClusterMember_dbClusterParameterGroupStatus :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterMember (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership_dbClusterOptionGroupName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_engineVersion :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_storageEncrypted :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_dbClusterIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_masterUsername :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_iamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_dbClusterSnapshotIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_engine :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_licenseModel :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_availabilityZones :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_snapshotType :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_snapshotCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_allocatedStorage :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_clusterCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_percentProgress :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_port :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbDomainMembership_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbDomainMembership (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbDomainMembership_fqdn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbDomainMembership (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbDomainMembership_domain :: Lens' AwsRdsDbDomainMembership (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbDomainMembership_iamRoleName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbDomainMembership (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole_featureName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole_roleArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbSecurityGroups :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_engineVersion :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_deletionProtection :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_storageEncrypted :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbClusterIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_publiclyAccessible :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_autoMinorVersionUpgrade :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_masterUsername :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_readReplicaDBInstanceIdentifiers :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_iAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_monitoringRoleArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_iops :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_instanceCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_readReplicaSourceDBInstanceIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_monitoringInterval :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_engine :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_processorFeatures :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature])
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_latestRestorableTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbInstanceClass :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_promotionTier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_licenseModel :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_preferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_performanceInsightsRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_cACertificateIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbInstanceIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_characterSetName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_maxAllocatedStorage :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_preferredBackupWindow :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_associatedRoles :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole])
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_availabilityZone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_vpcSecurityGroups :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup])
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_backupRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_performanceInsightsKmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbSubnetGroup :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_multiAz :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_listenerEndpoint :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_optionGroupMemberships :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership])
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_enhancedMonitoringResourceArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_secondaryAvailabilityZone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_enabledCloudWatchLogsExports :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_performanceInsightsEnabled :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_allocatedStorage :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbiResourceId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbInstanceStatus :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_copyTagsToSnapshot :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_timezone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_tdeCredentialArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbParameterGroups :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbParameterGroup])
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_endpoint :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbInstancePort :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_pendingModifiedValues :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_readReplicaDBClusterIdentifiers :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_storageType :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_statusInfos :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbStatusInfo])
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_domainMemberships :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbDomainMembership])
- awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint_hostedZoneId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint_address :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint_port :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup_vpcSecurityGroupId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership_optionGroupName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbParameterGroup_dbParameterGroupName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbParameterGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbParameterGroup_parameterApplyStatus :: Lens' AwsRdsDbParameterGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_engineVersion :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_masterUserPassword :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_dbSubnetGroupName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_iops :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_dbInstanceClass :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_processorFeatures :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe [AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature])
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_licenseModel :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_dbInstanceIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_caCertificateIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_pendingCloudWatchLogsExports :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe AwsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_backupRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_multiAZ :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_allocatedStorage :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_port :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_storageType :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbProcessorFeature_value :: Lens' AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbProcessorFeature_name :: Lens' AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_engineVersion :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_masterUsername :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_sourceRegion :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_iops :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_iamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_instanceCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_engine :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_encrypted :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_dbSnapshotIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_processorFeatures :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature])
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_licenseModel :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_dbInstanceIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_snapshotType :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_sourceDbSnapshotIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_availabilityZone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_snapshotCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_allocatedStorage :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_dbiResourceId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_optionGroupName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_timezone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_tdeCredentialArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_percentProgress :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_port :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_storageType :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbStatusInfo_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbStatusInfo (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbStatusInfo_normal :: Lens' AwsRdsDbStatusInfo (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsDbStatusInfo_statusType :: Lens' AwsRdsDbStatusInfo (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbStatusInfo_message :: Lens' AwsRdsDbStatusInfo (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSubnetGroup_dbSubnetGroupName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSubnetGroup_vpcId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSubnetGroup_subnets :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup (Maybe [AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet])
- awsRdsDbSubnetGroup_dbSubnetGroupDescription :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSubnetGroup_dbSubnetGroupArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSubnetGroup_subnetGroupStatus :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet_subnetStatus :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet_subnetIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet_subnetAvailabilityZone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet (Maybe AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnetAvailabilityZone)
- awsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnetAvailabilityZone_name :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnetAvailabilityZone (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_status :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_customerAwsId :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_custSubscriptionId :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_snsTopicArn :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_eventSubscriptionArn :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_enabled :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_sourceType :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_subscriptionCreationTime :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_eventCategoriesList :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_sourceIdsList :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports_logTypesToEnable :: Lens' AwsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports (Maybe [Text])
- awsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports_logTypesToDisable :: Lens' AwsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports (Maybe [Text])
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterNode_nodeRole :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterNode_privateIpAddress :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterNode_publicIpAddress :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup_clusterParameterStatusList :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus])
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup_parameterApplyStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup_parameterGroupName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus_parameterApplyErrorDescription :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus_parameterName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus_parameterApplyStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup_status :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup_clusterSecurityGroupName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus_manualSnapshotRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus (Maybe Int)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus_retentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus (Maybe Int)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus_destinationRegion :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus_snapshotCopyGrantName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow_deferMaintenanceEndTime :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow_deferMaintenanceStartTime :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow_deferMaintenanceIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_resizeInfo :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_restoreStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_manualSnapshotRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_enhancedVpcRouting :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterSnapshotCopyStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterAvailabilityStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterRevisionNumber :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_snapshotScheduleIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_publiclyAccessible :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_masterUsername :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_maintenanceTrackName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_expectedNextSnapshotScheduleTime :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_elasticResizeNumberOfNodeOptions :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterSecurityGroups :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup])
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_automatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_snapshotScheduleState :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_encrypted :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterSubnetGroupName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_expectedNextSnapshotScheduleTimeStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_deferredMaintenanceWindows :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow])
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_numberOfNodes :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterPublicKey :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_preferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterParameterGroups :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup])
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_availabilityZone :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_vpcSecurityGroups :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup])
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_hsmStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_iamRoles :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterIamRole])
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_pendingActions :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_elasticIpStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterVersion :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_nodeType :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_nextMaintenanceWindowStartTime :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_endpoint :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterEndpoint)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_allowVersionUpgrade :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_pendingModifiedValues :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues)
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterNodes :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode])
- awsRedshiftClusterDetails_dbName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus_status :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus_elasticIp :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterEndpoint_address :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterEndpoint (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterEndpoint_port :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterEndpoint (Maybe Int)
- awsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus_status :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus_hsmConfigurationIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus_hsmClientCertificateIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterIamRole_iamRoleArn :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterIamRole (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterIamRole_applyStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterIamRole (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_encryptionType :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_enhancedVpcRouting :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Bool)
- awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_masterUserPassword :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_publiclyAccessible :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Bool)
- awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_maintenanceTrackName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_automatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int)
- awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_clusterIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_numberOfNodes :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int)
- awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_clusterType :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_clusterVersion :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_nodeType :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo_allowCancelResize :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo (Maybe Bool)
- awsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo_resizeType :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus_status :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus_estimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus (Maybe Integer)
- awsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus_currentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus (Maybe Double)
- awsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus_progressInMegaBytes :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus (Maybe Integer)
- awsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus_elapsedTimeInSeconds :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus (Maybe Integer)
- awsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus_snapshotSizeInMegaBytes :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus (Maybe Integer)
- awsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup_status :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup_vpcSecurityGroupId :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup (Maybe Text)
- awsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails_ignorePublicAcls :: Lens' AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails_blockPublicAcls :: Lens' AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails_restrictPublicBuckets :: Lens' AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails_blockPublicPolicy :: Lens' AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationDetails_rules :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationDetails (Maybe [AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails])
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadDetails_daysAfterInitiation :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_status :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_transitions :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe [AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails])
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_prefix :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_noncurrentVersionTransitions :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe [AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails])
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_noncurrentVersionExpirationInDays :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_expirationDate :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_id :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_filter :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterDetails)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_expirationInDays :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_abortIncompleteMultipartUpload :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadDetails)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_expiredObjectDeleteMarker :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterDetails_predicate :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails_tag :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails_prefix :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails_type :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails_operands :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails (Maybe [AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails])
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails_tag :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails_prefix :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails_type :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails_value :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails_key :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails_value :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails_key :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails_days :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails_storageClass :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails_days :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails_date :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails_storageClass :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketDetails_createdAt :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketDetails_ownerAccountId :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketDetails_bucketLoggingConfiguration :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration)
- awsS3BucketDetails_ownerName :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketDetails_accessControlList :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketDetails_ownerId :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketDetails_publicAccessBlockConfiguration :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails)
- awsS3BucketDetails_bucketWebsiteConfiguration :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration)
- awsS3BucketDetails_bucketLifecycleConfiguration :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationDetails)
- awsS3BucketDetails_bucketNotificationConfiguration :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketNotificationConfiguration)
- awsS3BucketDetails_serverSideEncryptionConfiguration :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionConfiguration)
- awsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration_logFilePrefix :: Lens' AwsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration_destinationBucketName :: Lens' AwsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketNotificationConfiguration_configurations :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfiguration (Maybe [AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail])
- awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail_destination :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail_events :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail (Maybe [Text])
- awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail_type :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail_filter :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail (Maybe AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationFilter)
- awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationFilter_s3KeyFilter :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationFilter (Maybe AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilter)
- awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilter_filterRules :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilter (Maybe [AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule])
- awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule_value :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule_name :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule (Maybe AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName)
- awsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault_sSEAlgorithm :: Lens' AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault_kmsMasterKeyID :: Lens' AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionConfiguration_rules :: Lens' AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionConfiguration (Maybe [AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule])
- awsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule_applyServerSideEncryptionByDefault :: Lens' AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule (Maybe AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration_redirectAllRequestsTo :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration (Maybe AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration_indexDocumentSuffix :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration_errorDocument :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration_routingRules :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration (Maybe [AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule])
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo_hostname :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo_protocol :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule_redirect :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule (Maybe AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule_condition :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule (Maybe AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition_keyPrefixEquals :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition_httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect_hostname :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect_protocol :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect_httpRedirectCode :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect_replaceKeyWith :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect (Maybe Text)
- awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect_replaceKeyPrefixWith :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect (Maybe Text)
- awsS3ObjectDetails_eTag :: Lens' AwsS3ObjectDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3ObjectDetails_versionId :: Lens' AwsS3ObjectDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3ObjectDetails_sSEKMSKeyId :: Lens' AwsS3ObjectDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3ObjectDetails_lastModified :: Lens' AwsS3ObjectDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3ObjectDetails_serverSideEncryption :: Lens' AwsS3ObjectDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsS3ObjectDetails_contentType :: Lens' AwsS3ObjectDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_rotationRules :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe AwsSecretsManagerSecretRotationRules)
- awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_rotationEnabled :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_name :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_deleted :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_description :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_rotationOccurredWithinFrequency :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Bool)
- awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_rotationLambdaArn :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsSecretsManagerSecretRotationRules_automaticallyAfterDays :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretRotationRules (Maybe Int)
- awsSecurityFinding_productName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Text)
- awsSecurityFinding_workflowState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe WorkflowState)
- awsSecurityFinding_criticality :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Int)
- awsSecurityFinding_recordState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe RecordState)
- awsSecurityFinding_productFields :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsSecurityFinding_compliance :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Compliance)
- awsSecurityFinding_findingProviderFields :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe FindingProviderFields)
- awsSecurityFinding_companyName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Text)
- awsSecurityFinding_note :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Note)
- awsSecurityFinding_process :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe ProcessDetails)
- awsSecurityFinding_severity :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Severity)
- awsSecurityFinding_types :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe [Text])
- awsSecurityFinding_action :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Action)
- awsSecurityFinding_network :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Network)
- awsSecurityFinding_relatedFindings :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe [RelatedFinding])
- awsSecurityFinding_firstObservedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Text)
- awsSecurityFinding_malware :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe [Malware])
- awsSecurityFinding_confidence :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Int)
- awsSecurityFinding_remediation :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Remediation)
- awsSecurityFinding_patchSummary :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe PatchSummary)
- awsSecurityFinding_vulnerabilities :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe [Vulnerability])
- awsSecurityFinding_region :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Text)
- awsSecurityFinding_networkPath :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe [NetworkPathComponent])
- awsSecurityFinding_workflow :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Workflow)
- awsSecurityFinding_verificationState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe VerificationState)
- awsSecurityFinding_threatIntelIndicators :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe [ThreatIntelIndicator])
- awsSecurityFinding_sourceUrl :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Text)
- awsSecurityFinding_lastObservedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Text)
- awsSecurityFinding_userDefinedFields :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- awsSecurityFinding_schemaVersion :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text
- awsSecurityFinding_id :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text
- awsSecurityFinding_productArn :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text
- awsSecurityFinding_generatorId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text
- awsSecurityFinding_awsAccountId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text
- awsSecurityFinding_createdAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text
- awsSecurityFinding_updatedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text
- awsSecurityFinding_title :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text
- awsSecurityFinding_description :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text
- awsSecurityFinding_resources :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding [Resource]
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsIamAccessKeyPrincipalName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsIamAccessKeyCreatedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_malwarePath :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceDetailsOther :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [MapFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_productName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceSubnetId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_workflowState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceContainerImageId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_relatedFindingsProductArn :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_criticality :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsIamAccessKeyUserName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_processParentPid :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceType :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceRegion :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_recordState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkSourceIpV6 :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [IpFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceType :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_productFields :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [MapFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_noteText :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceContainerImageName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_createdAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_threatIntelIndicatorCategory :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_severityProduct :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_companyName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsSeverityLabel :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkProtocol :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceImageId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourcePartition :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceIpV6Addresses :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [IpFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceTags :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [MapFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceLaunchedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkSourceDomain :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkDestinationPort :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_noteUpdatedBy :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_malwareName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsTypes :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_threatIntelIndicatorValue :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_malwareState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_awsAccountId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_complianceStatus :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkDestinationIpV4 :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [IpFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsRelatedFindingsId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_firstObservedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_threatIntelIndicatorLastObservedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_recommendationText :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceContainerLaunchedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkSourceMac :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_confidence :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_relatedFindingsId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_processName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsSeverityOriginal :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_workflowStatus :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsS3BucketOwnerName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsCriticality :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsRelatedFindingsProductArn :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceVpcId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkSourcePort :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceContainerName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_severityNormalized :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceKeyName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkDestinationDomain :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_processLaunchedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_id :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_severityLabel :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsIamAccessKeyStatus :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsS3BucketOwnerId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_threatIntelIndicatorType :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsIamUserUserName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_noteUpdatedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_title :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_region :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_threatIntelIndicatorSource :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_type :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkSourceIpV4 :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [IpFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceIamInstanceProfileArn :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_updatedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_processTerminatedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkDestinationIpV6 :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [IpFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_threatIntelIndicatorSourceUrl :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkDirection :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_description :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_verificationState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_sourceUrl :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_processPath :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_processPid :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_generatorId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_productArn :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_lastObservedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsConfidence :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_userDefinedFields :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [MapFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceIpV4Addresses :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [IpFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_malwareType :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingFilters_keyword :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [KeywordFilter])
- awsSecurityFindingIdentifier_id :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier Text
- awsSecurityFindingIdentifier_productArn :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier Text
- awsSnsTopicDetails_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' AwsSnsTopicDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsSnsTopicDetails_topicName :: Lens' AwsSnsTopicDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsSnsTopicDetails_owner :: Lens' AwsSnsTopicDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsSnsTopicDetails_subscription :: Lens' AwsSnsTopicDetails (Maybe [AwsSnsTopicSubscription])
- awsSnsTopicSubscription_protocol :: Lens' AwsSnsTopicSubscription (Maybe Text)
- awsSnsTopicSubscription_endpoint :: Lens' AwsSnsTopicSubscription (Maybe Text)
- awsSqsQueueDetails_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' AwsSqsQueueDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsSqsQueueDetails_queueName :: Lens' AwsSqsQueueDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsSqsQueueDetails_kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds :: Lens' AwsSqsQueueDetails (Maybe Int)
- awsSqsQueueDetails_deadLetterTargetArn :: Lens' AwsSqsQueueDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_status :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_nonCompliantLowCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_compliantHighCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_nonCompliantUnspecifiedCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_executionType :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_compliantInformationalCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_nonCompliantHighCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_nonCompliantMediumCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_overallSeverity :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_compliantCriticalCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_nonCompliantInformationalCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_complianceType :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_compliantUnspecifiedCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_nonCompliantCriticalCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_patchBaselineId :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_compliantLowCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_patchGroup :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Text)
- awsSsmComplianceSummary_compliantMediumCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int)
- awsSsmPatch_complianceSummary :: Lens' AwsSsmPatch (Maybe AwsSsmComplianceSummary)
- awsSsmPatchComplianceDetails_patch :: Lens' AwsSsmPatchComplianceDetails (Maybe AwsSsmPatch)
- awsWafRateBasedRuleDetails_rateLimit :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Integer)
- awsWafRateBasedRuleDetails_rateKey :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsWafRateBasedRuleDetails_metricName :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsWafRateBasedRuleDetails_ruleId :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsWafRateBasedRuleDetails_name :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsWafRateBasedRuleDetails_matchPredicates :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe [AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate])
- awsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate_negated :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate (Maybe Bool)
- awsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate_dataId :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate (Maybe Text)
- awsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate_type :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate (Maybe Text)
- awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails_rateLimit :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Integer)
- awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails_rateKey :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails_metricName :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails_ruleId :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails_name :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails_matchPredicates :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe [AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate])
- awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate_negated :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate (Maybe Bool)
- awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate_dataId :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate (Maybe Text)
- awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate_type :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate (Maybe Text)
- awsWafWebAclDetails_rules :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclDetails (Maybe [AwsWafWebAclRule])
- awsWafWebAclDetails_webAclId :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsWafWebAclDetails_name :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsWafWebAclDetails_defaultAction :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsWafWebAclRule_priority :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclRule (Maybe Int)
- awsWafWebAclRule_overrideAction :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclRule (Maybe WafOverrideAction)
- awsWafWebAclRule_ruleId :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclRule (Maybe Text)
- awsWafWebAclRule_action :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclRule (Maybe WafAction)
- awsWafWebAclRule_excludedRules :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclRule (Maybe [WafExcludedRule])
- awsWafWebAclRule_type :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclRule (Maybe Text)
- awsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails_status :: Lens' AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails_keyId :: Lens' AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails_type :: Lens' AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails (Maybe Text)
- batchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding_findingIdentifier :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier
- batchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding_errorCode :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding Text
- batchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding Text
- cell_row :: Lens' Cell (Maybe Integer)
- cell_cellReference :: Lens' Cell (Maybe Text)
- cell_column :: Lens' Cell (Maybe Integer)
- cell_columnName :: Lens' Cell (Maybe Text)
- cidrBlockAssociation_associationId :: Lens' CidrBlockAssociation (Maybe Text)
- cidrBlockAssociation_cidrBlockState :: Lens' CidrBlockAssociation (Maybe Text)
- cidrBlockAssociation_cidrBlock :: Lens' CidrBlockAssociation (Maybe Text)
- city_cityName :: Lens' City (Maybe Text)
- classificationResult_status :: Lens' ClassificationResult (Maybe ClassificationStatus)
- classificationResult_sensitiveData :: Lens' ClassificationResult (Maybe [SensitiveDataResult])
- classificationResult_mimeType :: Lens' ClassificationResult (Maybe Text)
- classificationResult_sizeClassified :: Lens' ClassificationResult (Maybe Integer)
- classificationResult_additionalOccurrences :: Lens' ClassificationResult (Maybe Bool)
- classificationResult_customDataIdentifiers :: Lens' ClassificationResult (Maybe CustomDataIdentifiersResult)
- classificationStatus_reason :: Lens' ClassificationStatus (Maybe Text)
- classificationStatus_code :: Lens' ClassificationStatus (Maybe Text)
- compliance_status :: Lens' Compliance (Maybe ComplianceStatus)
- compliance_relatedRequirements :: Lens' Compliance (Maybe [Text])
- compliance_statusReasons :: Lens' Compliance (Maybe [StatusReason])
- containerDetails_name :: Lens' ContainerDetails (Maybe Text)
- containerDetails_imageId :: Lens' ContainerDetails (Maybe Text)
- containerDetails_imageName :: Lens' ContainerDetails (Maybe Text)
- containerDetails_launchedAt :: Lens' ContainerDetails (Maybe Text)
- country_countryName :: Lens' Country (Maybe Text)
- country_countryCode :: Lens' Country (Maybe Text)
- customDataIdentifiersDetections_occurrences :: Lens' CustomDataIdentifiersDetections (Maybe Occurrences)
- customDataIdentifiersDetections_arn :: Lens' CustomDataIdentifiersDetections (Maybe Text)
- customDataIdentifiersDetections_count :: Lens' CustomDataIdentifiersDetections (Maybe Integer)
- customDataIdentifiersDetections_name :: Lens' CustomDataIdentifiersDetections (Maybe Text)
- customDataIdentifiersResult_detections :: Lens' CustomDataIdentifiersResult (Maybe [CustomDataIdentifiersDetections])
- customDataIdentifiersResult_totalCount :: Lens' CustomDataIdentifiersResult (Maybe Integer)
- cvss_adjustments :: Lens' Cvss (Maybe [Adjustment])
- cvss_baseVector :: Lens' Cvss (Maybe Text)
- cvss_version :: Lens' Cvss (Maybe Text)
- cvss_source :: Lens' Cvss (Maybe Text)
- cvss_baseScore :: Lens' Cvss (Maybe Double)
- dataClassificationDetails_detailedResultsLocation :: Lens' DataClassificationDetails (Maybe Text)
- dataClassificationDetails_result :: Lens' DataClassificationDetails (Maybe ClassificationResult)
- dateFilter_start :: Lens' DateFilter (Maybe Text)
- dateFilter_dateRange :: Lens' DateFilter (Maybe DateRange)
- dateFilter_end :: Lens' DateFilter (Maybe Text)
- dateRange_value :: Lens' DateRange (Maybe Int)
- dateRange_unit :: Lens' DateRange (Maybe DateRangeUnit)
- dnsRequestAction_domain :: Lens' DnsRequestAction (Maybe Text)
- dnsRequestAction_protocol :: Lens' DnsRequestAction (Maybe Text)
- dnsRequestAction_blocked :: Lens' DnsRequestAction (Maybe Bool)
- findingAggregator_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' FindingAggregator (Maybe Text)
- findingProviderFields_criticality :: Lens' FindingProviderFields (Maybe Natural)
- findingProviderFields_severity :: Lens' FindingProviderFields (Maybe FindingProviderSeverity)
- findingProviderFields_types :: Lens' FindingProviderFields (Maybe [Text])
- findingProviderFields_relatedFindings :: Lens' FindingProviderFields (Maybe [RelatedFinding])
- findingProviderFields_confidence :: Lens' FindingProviderFields (Maybe Natural)
- findingProviderSeverity_label :: Lens' FindingProviderSeverity (Maybe SeverityLabel)
- findingProviderSeverity_original :: Lens' FindingProviderSeverity (Maybe Text)
- geoLocation_lat :: Lens' GeoLocation (Maybe Double)
- geoLocation_lon :: Lens' GeoLocation (Maybe Double)
- icmpTypeCode_code :: Lens' IcmpTypeCode (Maybe Int)
- icmpTypeCode_type :: Lens' IcmpTypeCode (Maybe Int)
- importFindingsError_id :: Lens' ImportFindingsError Text
- importFindingsError_errorCode :: Lens' ImportFindingsError Text
- importFindingsError_errorMessage :: Lens' ImportFindingsError Text
- insight_insightArn :: Lens' Insight Text
- insight_name :: Lens' Insight Text
- insight_filters :: Lens' Insight AwsSecurityFindingFilters
- insight_groupByAttribute :: Lens' Insight Text
- insightResultValue_groupByAttributeValue :: Lens' InsightResultValue Text
- insightResultValue_count :: Lens' InsightResultValue Int
- insightResults_insightArn :: Lens' InsightResults Text
- insightResults_groupByAttribute :: Lens' InsightResults Text
- insightResults_resultValues :: Lens' InsightResults [InsightResultValue]
- invitation_invitedAt :: Lens' Invitation (Maybe UTCTime)
- invitation_invitationId :: Lens' Invitation (Maybe Text)
- invitation_accountId :: Lens' Invitation (Maybe Text)
- invitation_memberStatus :: Lens' Invitation (Maybe Text)
- ipFilter_cidr :: Lens' IpFilter (Maybe Text)
- ipOrganizationDetails_org :: Lens' IpOrganizationDetails (Maybe Text)
- ipOrganizationDetails_asnOrg :: Lens' IpOrganizationDetails (Maybe Text)
- ipOrganizationDetails_asn :: Lens' IpOrganizationDetails (Maybe Int)
- ipOrganizationDetails_isp :: Lens' IpOrganizationDetails (Maybe Text)
- ipv6CidrBlockAssociation_associationId :: Lens' Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation (Maybe Text)
- ipv6CidrBlockAssociation_ipv6CidrBlock :: Lens' Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation (Maybe Text)
- ipv6CidrBlockAssociation_cidrBlockState :: Lens' Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation (Maybe Text)
- keywordFilter_value :: Lens' KeywordFilter (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerState_reason :: Lens' LoadBalancerState (Maybe Text)
- loadBalancerState_code :: Lens' LoadBalancerState (Maybe Text)
- malware_state :: Lens' Malware (Maybe MalwareState)
- malware_path :: Lens' Malware (Maybe Text)
- malware_type :: Lens' Malware (Maybe MalwareType)
- malware_name :: Lens' Malware Text
- mapFilter_value :: Lens' MapFilter (Maybe Text)
- mapFilter_comparison :: Lens' MapFilter (Maybe MapFilterComparison)
- mapFilter_key :: Lens' MapFilter (Maybe Text)
- member_email :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text)
- member_invitedAt :: Lens' Member (Maybe UTCTime)
- member_administratorId :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text)
- member_masterId :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text)
- member_accountId :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text)
- member_memberStatus :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text)
- member_updatedAt :: Lens' Member (Maybe UTCTime)
- network_destinationDomain :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text)
- network_sourcePort :: Lens' Network (Maybe Int)
- network_openPortRange :: Lens' Network (Maybe PortRange)
- network_sourceMac :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text)
- network_direction :: Lens' Network (Maybe NetworkDirection)
- network_destinationIpV6 :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text)
- network_protocol :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text)
- network_sourceIpV6 :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text)
- network_destinationIpV4 :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text)
- network_sourceDomain :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text)
- network_destinationPort :: Lens' Network (Maybe Int)
- network_sourceIpV4 :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text)
- networkConnectionAction_remoteIpDetails :: Lens' NetworkConnectionAction (Maybe ActionRemoteIpDetails)
- networkConnectionAction_protocol :: Lens' NetworkConnectionAction (Maybe Text)
- networkConnectionAction_remotePortDetails :: Lens' NetworkConnectionAction (Maybe ActionRemotePortDetails)
- networkConnectionAction_blocked :: Lens' NetworkConnectionAction (Maybe Bool)
- networkConnectionAction_connectionDirection :: Lens' NetworkConnectionAction (Maybe Text)
- networkConnectionAction_localPortDetails :: Lens' NetworkConnectionAction (Maybe ActionLocalPortDetails)
- networkHeader_destination :: Lens' NetworkHeader (Maybe NetworkPathComponentDetails)
- networkHeader_protocol :: Lens' NetworkHeader (Maybe Text)
- networkHeader_source :: Lens' NetworkHeader (Maybe NetworkPathComponentDetails)
- networkPathComponent_componentType :: Lens' NetworkPathComponent (Maybe Text)
- networkPathComponent_ingress :: Lens' NetworkPathComponent (Maybe NetworkHeader)
- networkPathComponent_componentId :: Lens' NetworkPathComponent (Maybe Text)
- networkPathComponent_egress :: Lens' NetworkPathComponent (Maybe NetworkHeader)
- networkPathComponentDetails_portRanges :: Lens' NetworkPathComponentDetails (Maybe [PortRange])
- networkPathComponentDetails_address :: Lens' NetworkPathComponentDetails (Maybe [Text])
- note_text :: Lens' Note Text
- note_updatedBy :: Lens' Note Text
- note_updatedAt :: Lens' Note Text
- noteUpdate_text :: Lens' NoteUpdate Text
- noteUpdate_updatedBy :: Lens' NoteUpdate Text
- numberFilter_eq :: Lens' NumberFilter (Maybe Double)
- numberFilter_lte :: Lens' NumberFilter (Maybe Double)
- numberFilter_gte :: Lens' NumberFilter (Maybe Double)
- occurrences_lineRanges :: Lens' Occurrences (Maybe [Range])
- occurrences_cells :: Lens' Occurrences (Maybe [Cell])
- occurrences_pages :: Lens' Occurrences (Maybe [Page])
- occurrences_records :: Lens' Occurrences (Maybe [Record])
- occurrences_offsetRanges :: Lens' Occurrences (Maybe [Range])
- page_offsetRange :: Lens' Page (Maybe Range)
- page_lineRange :: Lens' Page (Maybe Range)
- page_pageNumber :: Lens' Page (Maybe Integer)
- patchSummary_operationEndTime :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Text)
- patchSummary_rebootOption :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Text)
- patchSummary_operation :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Text)
- patchSummary_installedRejectedCount :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Int)
- patchSummary_failedCount :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Int)
- patchSummary_installedOtherCount :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Int)
- patchSummary_missingCount :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Int)
- patchSummary_operationStartTime :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Text)
- patchSummary_installedCount :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Int)
- patchSummary_installedPendingReboot :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Int)
- patchSummary_id :: Lens' PatchSummary Text
- portProbeAction_portProbeDetails :: Lens' PortProbeAction (Maybe [PortProbeDetail])
- portProbeAction_blocked :: Lens' PortProbeAction (Maybe Bool)
- portProbeDetail_remoteIpDetails :: Lens' PortProbeDetail (Maybe ActionRemoteIpDetails)
- portProbeDetail_localIpDetails :: Lens' PortProbeDetail (Maybe ActionLocalIpDetails)
- portProbeDetail_localPortDetails :: Lens' PortProbeDetail (Maybe ActionLocalPortDetails)
- portRange_begin :: Lens' PortRange (Maybe Int)
- portRange_end :: Lens' PortRange (Maybe Int)
- portRangeFromTo_to :: Lens' PortRangeFromTo (Maybe Int)
- portRangeFromTo_from :: Lens' PortRangeFromTo (Maybe Int)
- processDetails_path :: Lens' ProcessDetails (Maybe Text)
- processDetails_name :: Lens' ProcessDetails (Maybe Text)
- processDetails_pid :: Lens' ProcessDetails (Maybe Int)
- processDetails_terminatedAt :: Lens' ProcessDetails (Maybe Text)
- processDetails_parentPid :: Lens' ProcessDetails (Maybe Int)
- processDetails_launchedAt :: Lens' ProcessDetails (Maybe Text)
- product_productName :: Lens' Product (Maybe Text)
- product_productSubscriptionResourcePolicy :: Lens' Product (Maybe Text)
- product_companyName :: Lens' Product (Maybe Text)
- product_categories :: Lens' Product (Maybe [Text])
- product_marketplaceUrl :: Lens' Product (Maybe Text)
- product_activationUrl :: Lens' Product (Maybe Text)
- product_integrationTypes :: Lens' Product (Maybe [IntegrationType])
- product_description :: Lens' Product (Maybe Text)
- product_productArn :: Lens' Product Text
- range_start :: Lens' Range (Maybe Integer)
- range_end :: Lens' Range (Maybe Integer)
- range_startColumn :: Lens' Range (Maybe Integer)
- recommendation_text :: Lens' Recommendation (Maybe Text)
- recommendation_url :: Lens' Recommendation (Maybe Text)
- record_jsonPath :: Lens' Record (Maybe Text)
- record_recordIndex :: Lens' Record (Maybe Integer)
- relatedFinding_productArn :: Lens' RelatedFinding Text
- relatedFinding_id :: Lens' RelatedFinding Text
- remediation_recommendation :: Lens' Remediation (Maybe Recommendation)
- resource_dataClassification :: Lens' Resource (Maybe DataClassificationDetails)
- resource_partition :: Lens' Resource (Maybe Partition)
- resource_details :: Lens' Resource (Maybe ResourceDetails)
- resource_region :: Lens' Resource (Maybe Text)
- resource_resourceRole :: Lens' Resource (Maybe Text)
- resource_tags :: Lens' Resource (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- resource_type :: Lens' Resource Text
- resource_id :: Lens' Resource Text
- resourceDetails_awsCloudTrailTrail :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsRdsDbCluster :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbClusterDetails)
- resourceDetails_other :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- resourceDetails_awsIamRole :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsIamRoleDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsElbLoadBalancer :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEc2VpnConnection :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsCloudFrontDistribution :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsKmsKey :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsKmsKeyDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEksCluster :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEksClusterDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsOpenSearchServiceDomain :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsRdsDbSnapshot :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsWafRegionalRateBasedRule :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsApiGatewayRestApi :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsSqsQueue :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsSqsQueueDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsSecretsManagerSecret :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsDynamoDbTable :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsS3AccountPublicAccessBlock :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsRdsDbClusterSnapshot :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEc2SecurityGroup :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEc2Instance :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2InstanceDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsIamPolicy :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsIamPolicyDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsS3Object :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsS3ObjectDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEcsTaskDefinition :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsLambdaLayerVersion :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsS3Bucket :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsIamAccessKey :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsIamAccessKeyDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsCodeBuildProject :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsApiGatewayStage :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayStageDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEc2NetworkAcl :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsApiGatewayV2Api :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironment :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEc2Vpc :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2VpcDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsRedshiftCluster :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsRdsDbInstance :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsRdsEventSubscription :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails)
- resourceDetails_container :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe ContainerDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsIamGroup :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsIamGroupDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsXrayEncryptionConfig :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEc2Subnet :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2SubnetDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEcsCluster :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEcsClusterDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEc2VpcEndpointService :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsSnsTopic :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsSnsTopicDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEc2NetworkInterface :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEcsService :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEcsServiceDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEc2Eip :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2EipDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsApiGatewayV2Stage :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsLambdaFunction :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsElbv2LoadBalancer :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsWafRateBasedRule :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEcrRepository :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEcrRepositoryDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsWafWebAcl :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsWafWebAclDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsSsmPatchCompliance :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsSsmPatchComplianceDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsElasticsearchDomain :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsCertificateManagerCertificate :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEcrContainerImage :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEcrContainerImageDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsIamUser :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsIamUserDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEc2Volume :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2VolumeDetails)
- result_accountId :: Lens' Result (Maybe Text)
- result_processingResult :: Lens' Result (Maybe Text)
- sensitiveDataDetections_occurrences :: Lens' SensitiveDataDetections (Maybe Occurrences)
- sensitiveDataDetections_count :: Lens' SensitiveDataDetections (Maybe Integer)
- sensitiveDataDetections_type :: Lens' SensitiveDataDetections (Maybe Text)
- sensitiveDataResult_detections :: Lens' SensitiveDataResult (Maybe [SensitiveDataDetections])
- sensitiveDataResult_category :: Lens' SensitiveDataResult (Maybe Text)
- sensitiveDataResult_totalCount :: Lens' SensitiveDataResult (Maybe Integer)
- severity_product :: Lens' Severity (Maybe Double)
- severity_label :: Lens' Severity (Maybe SeverityLabel)
- severity_original :: Lens' Severity (Maybe Text)
- severity_normalized :: Lens' Severity (Maybe Int)
- severityUpdate_product :: Lens' SeverityUpdate (Maybe Double)
- severityUpdate_label :: Lens' SeverityUpdate (Maybe SeverityLabel)
- severityUpdate_normalized :: Lens' SeverityUpdate (Maybe Natural)
- softwarePackage_filePath :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text)
- softwarePackage_release :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text)
- softwarePackage_name :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text)
- softwarePackage_version :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text)
- softwarePackage_architecture :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text)
- softwarePackage_packageManager :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text)
- softwarePackage_epoch :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text)
- sortCriterion_field :: Lens' SortCriterion (Maybe Text)
- sortCriterion_sortOrder :: Lens' SortCriterion (Maybe SortOrder)
- standard_standardsArn :: Lens' Standard (Maybe Text)
- standard_enabledByDefault :: Lens' Standard (Maybe Bool)
- standard_name :: Lens' Standard (Maybe Text)
- standard_description :: Lens' Standard (Maybe Text)
- standardsControl_remediationUrl :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe Text)
- standardsControl_severityRating :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe SeverityRating)
- standardsControl_controlStatusUpdatedAt :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe UTCTime)
- standardsControl_relatedRequirements :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe [Text])
- standardsControl_controlStatus :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe ControlStatus)
- standardsControl_disabledReason :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe Text)
- standardsControl_controlId :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe Text)
- standardsControl_standardsControlArn :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe Text)
- standardsControl_title :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe Text)
- standardsControl_description :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe Text)
- standardsSubscription_standardsSubscriptionArn :: Lens' StandardsSubscription Text
- standardsSubscription_standardsArn :: Lens' StandardsSubscription Text
- standardsSubscription_standardsInput :: Lens' StandardsSubscription (HashMap Text Text)
- standardsSubscription_standardsStatus :: Lens' StandardsSubscription StandardsStatus
- standardsSubscriptionRequest_standardsInput :: Lens' StandardsSubscriptionRequest (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- standardsSubscriptionRequest_standardsArn :: Lens' StandardsSubscriptionRequest Text
- statusReason_description :: Lens' StatusReason (Maybe Text)
- statusReason_reasonCode :: Lens' StatusReason Text
- stringFilter_value :: Lens' StringFilter (Maybe Text)
- stringFilter_comparison :: Lens' StringFilter (Maybe StringFilterComparison)
- threatIntelIndicator_category :: Lens' ThreatIntelIndicator (Maybe ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory)
- threatIntelIndicator_value :: Lens' ThreatIntelIndicator (Maybe Text)
- threatIntelIndicator_source :: Lens' ThreatIntelIndicator (Maybe Text)
- threatIntelIndicator_type :: Lens' ThreatIntelIndicator (Maybe ThreatIntelIndicatorType)
- threatIntelIndicator_sourceUrl :: Lens' ThreatIntelIndicator (Maybe Text)
- threatIntelIndicator_lastObservedAt :: Lens' ThreatIntelIndicator (Maybe Text)
- vulnerability_vendor :: Lens' Vulnerability (Maybe VulnerabilityVendor)
- vulnerability_relatedVulnerabilities :: Lens' Vulnerability (Maybe [Text])
- vulnerability_vulnerablePackages :: Lens' Vulnerability (Maybe [SoftwarePackage])
- vulnerability_referenceUrls :: Lens' Vulnerability (Maybe [Text])
- vulnerability_cvss :: Lens' Vulnerability (Maybe [Cvss])
- vulnerability_id :: Lens' Vulnerability Text
- vulnerabilityVendor_vendorSeverity :: Lens' VulnerabilityVendor (Maybe Text)
- vulnerabilityVendor_url :: Lens' VulnerabilityVendor (Maybe Text)
- vulnerabilityVendor_vendorCreatedAt :: Lens' VulnerabilityVendor (Maybe Text)
- vulnerabilityVendor_vendorUpdatedAt :: Lens' VulnerabilityVendor (Maybe Text)
- vulnerabilityVendor_name :: Lens' VulnerabilityVendor Text
- wafAction_type :: Lens' WafAction (Maybe Text)
- wafExcludedRule_ruleId :: Lens' WafExcludedRule (Maybe Text)
- wafOverrideAction_type :: Lens' WafOverrideAction (Maybe Text)
- workflow_status :: Lens' Workflow (Maybe WorkflowStatus)
- workflowUpdate_status :: Lens' WorkflowUpdate (Maybe WorkflowStatus)
enableOrganizationAdminAccount_adminAccountId :: Lens' EnableOrganizationAdminAccount Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account identifier of the account to designate as the Security Hub administrator account.
enableOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableOrganizationAdminAccountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getAdministratorAccountResponse_administrator :: Lens' GetAdministratorAccountResponse (Maybe Invitation) Source #
Undocumented member.
getAdministratorAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAdministratorAccountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listOrganizationAdminAccounts_nextToken :: Lens' ListOrganizationAdminAccounts (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the
operation, set the value of this
parameter to NULL
. For subsequent calls to the operation, to continue
listing data, set the value of this parameter to the value returned from
the previous response.
listOrganizationAdminAccounts_maxResults :: Lens' ListOrganizationAdminAccounts (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of items to return in the response.
listOrganizationAdminAccountsResponse_adminAccounts :: Lens' ListOrganizationAdminAccountsResponse (Maybe [AdminAccount]) Source #
The list of Security Hub administrator accounts.
listOrganizationAdminAccountsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListOrganizationAdminAccountsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.
listOrganizationAdminAccountsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListOrganizationAdminAccountsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createInsight_name :: Lens' CreateInsight Text Source #
The name of the custom insight to create.
createInsight_filters :: Lens' CreateInsight AwsSecurityFindingFilters Source #
One or more attributes used to filter the findings included in the insight. The insight only includes findings that match the criteria defined in the filters.
createInsight_groupByAttribute :: Lens' CreateInsight Text Source #
The attribute used to group the findings for the insight. The grouping attribute identifies the type of item that the insight applies to. For example, if an insight is grouped by resource identifier, then the insight produces a list of resource identifiers.
createInsightResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateInsightResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createInsightResponse_insightArn :: Lens' CreateInsightResponse Text Source #
The ARN of the insight created.
acceptAdministratorInvitation_administratorId :: Lens' AcceptAdministratorInvitation Text Source #
The account ID of the Security Hub administrator account that sent the invitation.
acceptAdministratorInvitation_invitationId :: Lens' AcceptAdministratorInvitation Text Source #
The identifier of the invitation sent from the Security Hub administrator account.
acceptAdministratorInvitationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AcceptAdministratorInvitationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteMembers_accountIds :: Lens' DeleteMembers [Text] Source #
The list of account IDs for the member accounts to delete.
deleteMembersResponse_unprocessedAccounts :: Lens' DeleteMembersResponse (Maybe [Result]) Source #
The list of Amazon Web Services accounts that were not deleted. For each account, the list includes the account ID and the email address.
deleteMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteMembersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeHub_hubArn :: Lens' DescribeHub (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the Hub resource to retrieve.
describeHubResponse_autoEnableControls :: Lens' DescribeHubResponse (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to automatically enable new controls when they are added to standards that are enabled.
If set to true
, then new controls for enabled standards are enabled
automatically. If set to false
, then new controls are not enabled.
describeHubResponse_subscribedAt :: Lens' DescribeHubResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The date and time when Security Hub was enabled in the account.
describeHubResponse_hubArn :: Lens' DescribeHubResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the Hub resource that was retrieved.
describeHubResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeHubResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
The ARN of the resource to retrieve tags for.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags associated with a resource.
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getInsightResults_insightArn :: Lens' GetInsightResults Text Source #
The ARN of the insight for which to return results.
getInsightResultsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInsightResultsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getInsightResultsResponse_insightResults :: Lens' GetInsightResultsResponse InsightResults Source #
The insight results returned by the operation.
enableImportFindingsForProduct_productArn :: Lens' EnableImportFindingsForProduct Text Source #
The ARN of the product to enable the integration for.
enableImportFindingsForProductResponse_productSubscriptionArn :: Lens' EnableImportFindingsForProductResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of your subscription to the product to enable integrations for.
enableImportFindingsForProductResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableImportFindingsForProductResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeStandards_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeStandards (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the
operation, set the value of this parameter to
For subsequent calls to the operation, to continue listing data, set the value of this parameter to the value returned from the previous response.
describeStandards_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeStandards (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of standards to return.
describeStandardsResponse_standards :: Lens' DescribeStandardsResponse (Maybe [Standard]) Source #
A list of available standards.
describeStandardsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeStandardsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.
describeStandardsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeStandardsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeProducts_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeProducts (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the
operation, set the value of this parameter to NULL
For subsequent calls to the operation, to continue listing data, set the value of this parameter to the value returned from the previous response.
describeProducts_productArn :: Lens' DescribeProducts (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the integration to return.
describeProducts_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeProducts (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return.
describeProductsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeProductsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.
describeProductsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeProductsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeProductsResponse_products :: Lens' DescribeProductsResponse [Product] Source #
A list of products, including details for each product.
deleteFindingAggregator_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' DeleteFindingAggregator Text Source #
The ARN of the finding aggregator to delete. To obtain the ARN, use
deleteFindingAggregatorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteFindingAggregatorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateFindingAggregator_regions :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregator (Maybe [Text]) Source #
If RegionLinkingMode
, then this is a
comma-separated list of Regions that do not aggregate findings to the
aggregation Region.
If RegionLinkingMode
, then this is a
comma-separated list of Regions that do aggregate findings to the
aggregation Region.
updateFindingAggregator_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregator Text Source #
The ARN of the finding aggregator. To obtain the ARN, use
updateFindingAggregator_regionLinkingMode :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregator Text Source #
Indicates whether to aggregate findings from all of the available Regions in the current partition. Also determines whether to automatically aggregate findings from new Regions as Security Hub supports them and you opt into them.
The selected option also determines how to use the Regions provided in the Regions list.
The options are as follows:
- Indicates to aggregate findings from all of the Regions where Security Hub is enabled. When you choose this option, Security Hub also automatically aggregates findings from new Regions as Security Hub supports them and you opt into them.ALL_REGIONS_EXCEPT_SPECIFIED
- Indicates to aggregate findings from all of the Regions where Security Hub is enabled, except for the Regions listed in theRegions
parameter. When you choose this option, Security Hub also automatically aggregates findings from new Regions as Security Hub supports them and you opt into them.SPECIFIED_REGIONS
- Indicates to aggregate findings only from the Regions listed in theRegions
parameter. Security Hub does not automatically aggregate findings from new Regions.
updateFindingAggregatorResponse_regions :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of excluded Regions or included Regions.
updateFindingAggregatorResponse_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the finding aggregator.
updateFindingAggregatorResponse_regionLinkingMode :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates whether to link all Regions, all Regions except for a list of excluded Regions, or a list of included Regions.
updateFindingAggregatorResponse_findingAggregationRegion :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The aggregation Region.
updateFindingAggregatorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFindingAggregatorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listInvitations_nextToken :: Lens' ListInvitations (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the
operation, set the value of this parameter to NULL
For subsequent calls to the operation, to continue listing data, set the value of this parameter to the value returned from the previous response.
listInvitations_maxResults :: Lens' ListInvitations (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of items to return in the response.
listInvitationsResponse_invitations :: Lens' ListInvitationsResponse (Maybe [Invitation]) Source #
The details of the invitations returned by the operation.
listInvitationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListInvitationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.
listInvitationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListInvitationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteInvitations_accountIds :: Lens' DeleteInvitations [Text] Source #
The list of the account IDs that sent the invitations to delete.
deleteInvitationsResponse_unprocessedAccounts :: Lens' DeleteInvitationsResponse (Maybe [Result]) Source #
The list of Amazon Web Services accounts for which the invitations were not deleted. For each account, the list includes the account ID and the email address.
deleteInvitationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteInvitationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getEnabledStandards_nextToken :: Lens' GetEnabledStandards (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the
operation, set the value of this parameter to
For subsequent calls to the operation, to continue listing data, set the value of this parameter to the value returned from the previous response.
getEnabledStandards_standardsSubscriptionArns :: Lens' GetEnabledStandards (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The list of the standards subscription ARNs for the standards to retrieve.
getEnabledStandards_maxResults :: Lens' GetEnabledStandards (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response.
getEnabledStandardsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetEnabledStandardsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.
getEnabledStandardsResponse_standardsSubscriptions :: Lens' GetEnabledStandardsResponse (Maybe [StandardsSubscription]) Source #
The list of StandardsSubscriptions
objects that include information
about the enabled standards.
getEnabledStandardsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEnabledStandardsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
declineInvitations_accountIds :: Lens' DeclineInvitations [Text] Source #
The list of account IDs for the accounts from which to decline the invitations to Security Hub.
declineInvitationsResponse_unprocessedAccounts :: Lens' DeclineInvitationsResponse (Maybe [Result]) Source #
The list of Amazon Web Services accounts that were not processed. For each account, the list includes the account ID and the email address.
declineInvitationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeclineInvitationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateActionTarget_name :: Lens' UpdateActionTarget (Maybe Text) Source #
The updated name of the custom action target.
updateActionTarget_description :: Lens' UpdateActionTarget (Maybe Text) Source #
The updated description for the custom action target.
updateActionTarget_actionTargetArn :: Lens' UpdateActionTarget Text Source #
The ARN of the custom action target to update.
updateActionTargetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateActionTargetResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteActionTarget_actionTargetArn :: Lens' DeleteActionTarget Text Source #
The ARN of the custom action target to delete.
deleteActionTargetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteActionTargetResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteActionTargetResponse_actionTargetArn :: Lens' DeleteActionTargetResponse Text Source #
The ARN of the custom action target that was deleted.
updateStandardsControl_controlStatus :: Lens' UpdateStandardsControl (Maybe ControlStatus) Source #
The updated status of the security standard control.
updateStandardsControl_disabledReason :: Lens' UpdateStandardsControl (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the reason why you are disabling a security standard control. If you are disabling a control, then this is required.
updateStandardsControl_standardsControlArn :: Lens' UpdateStandardsControl Text Source #
The ARN of the security standard control to enable or disable.
updateStandardsControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateStandardsControlResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeOrganizationConfigurationResponse_memberAccountLimitReached :: Lens' DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the maximum number of allowed member accounts are already associated with the Security Hub administrator account.
describeOrganizationConfigurationResponse_autoEnable :: Lens' DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to automatically enable Security Hub for new accounts in the organization.
If set to true
, then Security Hub is enabled for new accounts. If set
to false, then new accounts are not added automatically.
describeOrganizationConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeActionTargets_actionTargetArns :: Lens' DescribeActionTargets (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of custom action target ARNs for the custom action targets to retrieve.
describeActionTargets_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeActionTargets (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the
operation, set the value of this parameter to
For subsequent calls to the operation, to continue listing data, set the value of this parameter to the value returned from the previous response.
describeActionTargets_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeActionTargets (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return.
describeActionTargetsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeActionTargetsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.
describeActionTargetsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeActionTargetsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeActionTargetsResponse_actionTargets :: Lens' DescribeActionTargetsResponse [ActionTarget] Source #
A list of ActionTarget
objects. Each object includes the
, Description
, and Name
of a custom action target
available in Security Hub.
disassociateMembers_accountIds :: Lens' DisassociateMembers [Text] Source #
The account IDs of the member accounts to disassociate from the administrator account.
disassociateMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateMembersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listEnabledProductsForImport_nextToken :: Lens' ListEnabledProductsForImport (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the
operation, set the value of this
parameter to NULL
For subsequent calls to the operation, to continue listing data, set the value of this parameter to the value returned from the previous response.
listEnabledProductsForImport_maxResults :: Lens' ListEnabledProductsForImport (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of items to return in the response.
listEnabledProductsForImportResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListEnabledProductsForImportResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.
listEnabledProductsForImportResponse_productSubscriptions :: Lens' ListEnabledProductsForImportResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of ARNs for the resources that represent your subscriptions to products.
listEnabledProductsForImportResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListEnabledProductsForImportResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeStandardsControls_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeStandardsControls (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the
operation, set the value of this parameter
For subsequent calls to the operation, to continue listing data, set the value of this parameter to the value returned from the previous response.
describeStandardsControls_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeStandardsControls (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of security standard controls to return.
describeStandardsControls_standardsSubscriptionArn :: Lens' DescribeStandardsControls Text Source #
The ARN of a resource that represents your subscription to a supported
standard. To get the subscription ARNs of the standards you have
enabled, use the GetEnabledStandards
describeStandardsControlsResponse_controls :: Lens' DescribeStandardsControlsResponse (Maybe [StandardsControl]) Source #
A list of security standards controls.
describeStandardsControlsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeStandardsControlsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.
describeStandardsControlsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeStandardsControlsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listMembers_onlyAssociated :: Lens' ListMembers (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies which member accounts to include in the response based on
their relationship status with the administrator account. The default
value is TRUE
If OnlyAssociated
is set to TRUE
, the response includes member
accounts whose relationship status with the administrator account is set
If OnlyAssociated
is set to FALSE
, the response includes all
existing member accounts.
listMembers_nextToken :: Lens' ListMembers (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the
operation, set the value of this parameter to NULL
For subsequent calls to the operation, to continue listing data, set the value of this parameter to the value returned from the previous response.
listMembers_maxResults :: Lens' ListMembers (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of items to return in the response.
listMembersResponse_members :: Lens' ListMembersResponse (Maybe [Member]) Source #
Member details returned by the operation.
listMembersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListMembersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.
listMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListMembersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createMembers_accountDetails :: Lens' CreateMembers [AccountDetails] Source #
The list of accounts to associate with the Security Hub administrator account. For each account, the list includes the account ID and optionally the email address.
createMembersResponse_unprocessedAccounts :: Lens' CreateMembersResponse (Maybe [Result]) Source #
The list of Amazon Web Services accounts that were not processed. For each account, the list includes the account ID and the email address.
createMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateMembersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchImportFindings_findings :: Lens' BatchImportFindings (NonEmpty AwsSecurityFinding) Source #
A list of findings to import. To successfully import a finding, it must follow the Amazon Web Services Security Finding Format. Maximum of 100 findings per request.
batchImportFindingsResponse_failedFindings :: Lens' BatchImportFindingsResponse (Maybe [ImportFindingsError]) Source #
The list of findings that failed to import.
batchImportFindingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchImportFindingsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchImportFindingsResponse_failedCount :: Lens' BatchImportFindingsResponse Int Source #
The number of findings that failed to import.
batchImportFindingsResponse_successCount :: Lens' BatchImportFindingsResponse Int Source #
The number of findings that were successfully imported.
getInvitationsCountResponse_invitationsCount :: Lens' GetInvitationsCountResponse (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of all membership invitations sent to this Security Hub member account, not including the currently accepted invitation.
getInvitationsCountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInvitationsCountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteInsight_insightArn :: Lens' DeleteInsight Text Source #
The ARN of the insight to delete.
deleteInsightResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteInsightResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteInsightResponse_insightArn :: Lens' DeleteInsightResponse Text Source #
The ARN of the insight that was deleted.
updateInsight_groupByAttribute :: Lens' UpdateInsight (Maybe Text) Source #
The updated GroupBy
attribute that defines this insight.
updateInsight_filters :: Lens' UpdateInsight (Maybe AwsSecurityFindingFilters) Source #
The updated filters that define this insight.
updateInsight_name :: Lens' UpdateInsight (Maybe Text) Source #
The updated name for the insight.
updateInsight_insightArn :: Lens' UpdateInsight Text Source #
The ARN of the insight that you want to update.
updateInsightResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateInsightResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disableImportFindingsForProduct_productSubscriptionArn :: Lens' DisableImportFindingsForProduct Text Source #
The ARN of the integrated product to disable the integration for.
disableImportFindingsForProductResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableImportFindingsForProductResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateFindings_recordState :: Lens' UpdateFindings (Maybe RecordState) Source #
The updated record state for the finding.
updateFindings_note :: Lens' UpdateFindings (Maybe NoteUpdate) Source #
The updated note for the finding.
updateFindings_filters :: Lens' UpdateFindings AwsSecurityFindingFilters Source #
A collection of attributes that specify which findings you want to update.
updateFindingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFindingsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateOrganizationConfiguration_autoEnable :: Lens' UpdateOrganizationConfiguration Bool Source #
Whether to automatically enable Security Hub for new accounts in the organization.
By default, this is false
, and new accounts are not added
To automatically enable Security Hub for new accounts, set this to
updateOrganizationConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateOrganizationConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getFindingAggregator_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' GetFindingAggregator Text Source #
The ARN of the finding aggregator to return details for. To obtain the
ARN, use ListFindingAggregators
getFindingAggregatorResponse_regions :: Lens' GetFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of excluded Regions or included Regions.
getFindingAggregatorResponse_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' GetFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the finding aggregator.
getFindingAggregatorResponse_regionLinkingMode :: Lens' GetFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates whether to link all Regions, all Regions except for a list of excluded Regions, or a list of included Regions.
getFindingAggregatorResponse_findingAggregationRegion :: Lens' GetFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The aggregation Region.
getFindingAggregatorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetFindingAggregatorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
inviteMembers_accountIds :: Lens' InviteMembers [Text] Source #
The list of account IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts to invite to Security Hub as members.
inviteMembersResponse_unprocessedAccounts :: Lens' InviteMembersResponse (Maybe [Result]) Source #
The list of Amazon Web Services accounts that could not be processed. For each account, the list includes the account ID and the email address.
inviteMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' InviteMembersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getMembers_accountIds :: Lens' GetMembers [Text] Source #
The list of account IDs for the Security Hub member accounts to return the details for.
getMembersResponse_members :: Lens' GetMembersResponse (Maybe [Member]) Source #
The list of details about the Security Hub member accounts.
getMembersResponse_unprocessedAccounts :: Lens' GetMembersResponse (Maybe [Result]) Source #
The list of Amazon Web Services accounts that could not be processed. For each account, the list includes the account ID and the email address.
getMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetMembersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disableSecurityHubResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableSecurityHubResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listFindingAggregators_nextToken :: Lens' ListFindingAggregators (Maybe Text) Source #
The token returned with the previous set of results. Identifies the next set of results to return.
listFindingAggregators_maxResults :: Lens' ListFindingAggregators (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return. This operation currently only returns a single result.
listFindingAggregatorsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFindingAggregatorsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If there are more results, this is the token to provide in the next call
to ListFindingAggregators
This operation currently only returns a single result.
listFindingAggregatorsResponse_findingAggregators :: Lens' ListFindingAggregatorsResponse (Maybe [FindingAggregator]) Source #
The list of finding aggregators. This operation currently only returns a single result.
listFindingAggregatorsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFindingAggregatorsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchEnableStandards_standardsSubscriptionRequests :: Lens' BatchEnableStandards (NonEmpty StandardsSubscriptionRequest) Source #
The list of standards checks to enable.
batchEnableStandardsResponse_standardsSubscriptions :: Lens' BatchEnableStandardsResponse (Maybe [StandardsSubscription]) Source #
The details of the standards subscriptions that were enabled.
batchEnableStandardsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchEnableStandardsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createFindingAggregator_regions :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregator (Maybe [Text]) Source #
If RegionLinkingMode
, then this is a
comma-separated list of Regions that do not aggregate findings to the
aggregation Region.
If RegionLinkingMode
, then this is a
comma-separated list of Regions that do aggregate findings to the
aggregation Region.
createFindingAggregator_regionLinkingMode :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregator Text Source #
Indicates whether to aggregate findings from all of the available Regions in the current partition. Also determines whether to automatically aggregate findings from new Regions as Security Hub supports them and you opt into them.
The selected option also determines how to use the Regions provided in the Regions list.
The options are as follows:
- Indicates to aggregate findings from all of the Regions where Security Hub is enabled. When you choose this option, Security Hub also automatically aggregates findings from new Regions as Security Hub supports them and you opt into them.ALL_REGIONS_EXCEPT_SPECIFIED
- Indicates to aggregate findings from all of the Regions where Security Hub is enabled, except for the Regions listed in theRegions
parameter. When you choose this option, Security Hub also automatically aggregates findings from new Regions as Security Hub supports them and you opt into them.SPECIFIED_REGIONS
- Indicates to aggregate findings only from the Regions listed in theRegions
parameter. Security Hub does not automatically aggregate findings from new Regions.
createFindingAggregatorResponse_regions :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of excluded Regions or included Regions.
createFindingAggregatorResponse_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the finding aggregator. You use the finding aggregator ARN to retrieve details for, update, and stop finding aggregation.
createFindingAggregatorResponse_regionLinkingMode :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates whether to link all Regions, all Regions except for a list of excluded Regions, or a list of included Regions.
createFindingAggregatorResponse_findingAggregationRegion :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregatorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The aggregation Region.
createFindingAggregatorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateFindingAggregatorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchDisableStandards_standardsSubscriptionArns :: Lens' BatchDisableStandards (NonEmpty Text) Source #
The ARNs of the standards subscriptions to disable.
batchDisableStandardsResponse_standardsSubscriptions :: Lens' BatchDisableStandardsResponse (Maybe [StandardsSubscription]) Source #
The details of the standards subscriptions that were disabled.
batchDisableStandardsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchDisableStandardsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The ARN of the resource to apply the tags to.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text) Source #
The tags to add to the resource. You can add up to 50 tags at a time. The tag keys can be no longer than 128 characters. The tag values can be no longer than 256 characters.
tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
enableSecurityHub_enableDefaultStandards :: Lens' EnableSecurityHub (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to enable the security standards that Security Hub has
designated as automatically enabled. If you do not provide a value for
, it is set to true
. To not enable the
automatically enabled standards, set EnableDefaultStandards
enableSecurityHub_tags :: Lens' EnableSecurityHub (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags to add to the hub resource when you enable Security Hub.
enableSecurityHubResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableSecurityHubResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateSecurityHubConfiguration_autoEnableControls :: Lens' UpdateSecurityHubConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to automatically enable new controls when they are added to standards that are enabled.
By default, this is set to true
, and new controls are enabled
automatically. To not automatically enable new controls, set this to
updateSecurityHubConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateSecurityHubConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getFindings_filters :: Lens' GetFindings (Maybe AwsSecurityFindingFilters) Source #
The finding attributes used to define a condition to filter the returned findings.
You can filter by up to 10 finding attributes. For each attribute, you can provide up to 20 filter values.
Note that in the available filter fields, WorkflowState
is deprecated.
To search for a finding based on its workflow status, use
getFindings_sortCriteria :: Lens' GetFindings (Maybe [SortCriterion]) Source #
The finding attributes used to sort the list of returned findings.
getFindings_nextToken :: Lens' GetFindings (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the
operation, set the value of this parameter to NULL
For subsequent calls to the operation, to continue listing data, set the value of this parameter to the value returned from the previous response.
getFindings_maxResults :: Lens' GetFindings (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of findings to return.
getFindingsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetFindingsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.
getFindingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetFindingsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getFindingsResponse_findings :: Lens' GetFindingsResponse [AwsSecurityFinding] Source #
The findings that matched the filters specified in the request.
getInsights_nextToken :: Lens' GetInsights (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that is required for pagination. On your first call to the
operation, set the value of this parameter to NULL
For subsequent calls to the operation, to continue listing data, set the value of this parameter to the value returned from the previous response.
getInsights_insightArns :: Lens' GetInsights (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The ARNs of the insights to describe. If you do not provide any insight
ARNs, then GetInsights
returns all of your custom insights. It does
not return any managed insights.
getInsights_maxResults :: Lens' GetInsights (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of items to return in the response.
getInsightsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetInsightsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token to use to request the next page of results.
getInsightsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInsightsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getInsightsResponse_insights :: Lens' GetInsightsResponse [Insight] Source #
The insights returned by the operation.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The ARN of the resource to remove the tags from.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource (NonEmpty Text) Source #
The tag keys associated with the tags to remove from the resource. You can remove up to 50 tags at a time.
untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchUpdateFindings_criticality :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe Natural) Source #
The updated value for the level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the findings.
A score of 0 means that the underlying resources have no criticality, and a score of 100 is reserved for the most critical resources.
batchUpdateFindings_note :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe NoteUpdate) Source #
Undocumented member.
batchUpdateFindings_severity :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe SeverityUpdate) Source #
Used to update the finding severity.
batchUpdateFindings_types :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe [Text]) Source #
One or more finding types in the format of namespace/category/classifier that classify a finding.
Valid namespace values are as follows.
- Software and Configuration Checks
- TTPs
- Effects
- Unusual Behaviors
- Sensitive Data Identifications
batchUpdateFindings_relatedFindings :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe [RelatedFinding]) Source #
A list of findings that are related to the updated findings.
batchUpdateFindings_confidence :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe Natural) Source #
The updated value for the finding confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding accurately identifies the behavior or issue that it was intended to identify.
Confidence is scored on a 0-100 basis using a ratio scale, where 0 means zero percent confidence and 100 means 100 percent confidence.
batchUpdateFindings_workflow :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe WorkflowUpdate) Source #
Used to update the workflow status of a finding.
The workflow status indicates the progress of the investigation into the finding.
batchUpdateFindings_verificationState :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe VerificationState) Source #
Indicates the veracity of a finding.
The available values for VerificationState
are as follows.
– The default disposition of a security findingTRUE_POSITIVE
– The security finding is confirmedFALSE_POSITIVE
– The security finding was determined to be a false alarmBENIGN_POSITIVE
– A special case ofTRUE_POSITIVE
where the finding doesn't pose any threat, is expected, or both
batchUpdateFindings_userDefinedFields :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A list of name/value string pairs associated with the finding. These are custom, user-defined fields added to a finding.
batchUpdateFindings_findingIdentifiers :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindings [AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier] Source #
The list of findings to update. BatchUpdateFindings
can be used to
update up to 100 findings at a time.
For each finding, the list provides the finding identifier and the ARN of the finding provider.
batchUpdateFindingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindingsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchUpdateFindingsResponse_processedFindings :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindingsResponse [AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier] Source #
The list of findings that were updated successfully.
batchUpdateFindingsResponse_unprocessedFindings :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindingsResponse [BatchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding] Source #
The list of findings that were not updated.
createActionTarget_name :: Lens' CreateActionTarget Text Source #
The name of the custom action target. Can contain up to 20 characters.
createActionTarget_description :: Lens' CreateActionTarget Text Source #
The description for the custom action target.
createActionTarget_id :: Lens' CreateActionTarget Text Source #
The ID for the custom action target. Can contain up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
createActionTargetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateActionTargetResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createActionTargetResponse_actionTargetArn :: Lens' CreateActionTargetResponse Text Source #
The ARN for the custom action target.
disassociateFromAdministratorAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateFromAdministratorAccountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disableOrganizationAdminAccount_adminAccountId :: Lens' DisableOrganizationAdminAccount Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account identifier of the Security Hub administrator account.
disableOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableOrganizationAdminAccountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
accountDetails_email :: Lens' AccountDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The email of an Amazon Web Services account.
accountDetails_accountId :: Lens' AccountDetails Text Source #
The ID of an Amazon Web Services account.
action_networkConnectionAction :: Lens' Action (Maybe NetworkConnectionAction) Source #
Included if ActionType
. Provides details about
the network connection that was detected.
action_portProbeAction :: Lens' Action (Maybe PortProbeAction) Source #
Included if ActionType
. Provides details about the
port probe that was detected.
action_actionType :: Lens' Action (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of action that was detected. The possible action types are:
action_dnsRequestAction :: Lens' Action (Maybe DnsRequestAction) Source #
Included if ActionType
. Provides details about the
DNS request that was detected.
action_awsApiCallAction :: Lens' Action (Maybe AwsApiCallAction) Source #
Included if ActionType
. Provides details about the
API call that was detected.
actionLocalIpDetails_ipAddressV4 :: Lens' ActionLocalIpDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address.
actionLocalPortDetails_portName :: Lens' ActionLocalPortDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The port name of the local connection.
actionLocalPortDetails_port :: Lens' ActionLocalPortDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of the port.
actionRemoteIpDetails_country :: Lens' ActionRemoteIpDetails (Maybe Country) Source #
The country where the remote IP address is located.
actionRemoteIpDetails_city :: Lens' ActionRemoteIpDetails (Maybe City) Source #
The city where the remote IP address is located.
actionRemoteIpDetails_ipAddressV4 :: Lens' ActionRemoteIpDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address.
actionRemoteIpDetails_geoLocation :: Lens' ActionRemoteIpDetails (Maybe GeoLocation) Source #
The coordinates of the location of the remote IP address.
actionRemoteIpDetails_organization :: Lens' ActionRemoteIpDetails (Maybe IpOrganizationDetails) Source #
The internet service provider (ISP) organization associated with the remote IP address.
actionRemotePortDetails_portName :: Lens' ActionRemotePortDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The port name of the remote connection.
actionRemotePortDetails_port :: Lens' ActionRemotePortDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of the port.
actionTarget_actionTargetArn :: Lens' ActionTarget Text Source #
The ARN for the target action.
actionTarget_name :: Lens' ActionTarget Text Source #
The name of the action target.
actionTarget_description :: Lens' ActionTarget Text Source #
The description of the target action.
adjustment_reason :: Lens' Adjustment (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason for the adjustment.
adjustment_metric :: Lens' Adjustment (Maybe Text) Source #
The metric to adjust.
adminAccount_status :: Lens' AdminAccount (Maybe AdminStatus) Source #
The current status of the Security Hub administrator account. Indicates whether the account is currently enabled as a Security Hub administrator.
adminAccount_accountId :: Lens' AdminAccount (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account identifier of the Security Hub administrator account.
availabilityZone_subnetId :: Lens' AvailabilityZone (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the subnet. You can specify one subnet per Availability Zone.
availabilityZone_zoneName :: Lens' AvailabilityZone (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Availability Zone.
awsApiCallAction_remoteIpDetails :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe ActionRemoteIpDetails) Source #
Provided if CallerType
is remoteIp
. Provides information about the
remote IP address that the API call originated from.
awsApiCallAction_firstSeen :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe Text) Source #
An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the API call was first observed.
awsApiCallAction_callerType :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates whether the API call originated from a remote IP address
) or from a DNS domain (domain
awsApiCallAction_affectedResources :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Identifies the resources that were affected by the API call.
awsApiCallAction_lastSeen :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe Text) Source #
An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the API call was most recently observed.
awsApiCallAction_domainDetails :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe AwsApiCallActionDomainDetails) Source #
Provided if CallerType
is domain
. Provides information about the DNS
domain that the API call originated from.
awsApiCallAction_serviceName :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon Web Services service that the API method belongs to.
awsApiCallAction_api :: Lens' AwsApiCallAction (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the API method that was issued.
awsApiCallActionDomainDetails_domain :: Lens' AwsApiCallActionDomainDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the DNS domain that issued the API call.
awsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings_format :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
A single-line format of the access logs of data, as specified by
selected $context
variables. The format must include at least
awsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings_destinationArn :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the CloudWatch Logs log group that receives the access logs.
awsApiGatewayCanarySettings_deploymentId :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings (Maybe Text) Source #
The deployment identifier for the canary deployment.
awsApiGatewayCanarySettings_stageVariableOverrides :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Stage variables that are overridden in the canary release deployment. The variables include new stage variables that are introduced in the canary.
Each variable is represented as a string-to-string map between the stage variable name and the variable value.
awsApiGatewayCanarySettings_useStageCache :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the canary deployment uses the stage cache.
awsApiGatewayCanarySettings_percentTraffic :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings (Maybe Double) Source #
The percentage of traffic that is diverted to a canary deployment.
awsApiGatewayEndpointConfiguration_types :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayEndpointConfiguration (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of endpoint types for the REST API.
For an edge-optimized API, the endpoint type is EDGE
. For a Regional
API, the endpoint type is REGIONAL
. For a private API, the endpoint
type is PRIVATE
awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_dataTraceEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether data trace logging is enabled for the method. Data trace logging affects the log entries that are pushed to CloudWatch Logs.
awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_cacheTtlInSeconds :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Int) Source #
Specifies the time to live (TTL), in seconds, for cached responses. The higher the TTL, the longer the response is cached.
awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_httpMethod :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
The HTTP method. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to apply method settings to multiple methods.
awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_throttlingBurstLimit :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Int) Source #
The throttling burst limit for the method.
awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_cacheDataEncrypted :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the cached responses are encrypted.
awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_loggingLevel :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
The logging level for this method. The logging level affects the log entries that are pushed to CloudWatch Logs.
If the logging level is ERROR
, then the logs only include error-level
If the logging level is INFO
, then the logs include both ERROR
events and extra informational events.
Valid values: OFF
awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_requireAuthorizationForCacheControl :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether authorization is required for a cache invalidation request.
awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_cachingEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether responses are cached and returned for requests. For responses to be cached, a cache cluster must be enabled on the stage.
awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_resourcePath :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
The resource path for this method. Forward slashes (/) are encoded as ~1 . The initial slash must include a forward slash.
For example, the path value /resource/subresource
must be encoded as
To specify the root path, use only a slash (/). You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to apply method settings to multiple methods.
awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_throttlingRateLimit :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Double) Source #
The throttling rate limit for the method.
awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_metricsEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether CloudWatch metrics are enabled for the method.
awsApiGatewayMethodSettings_unauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates how to handle unauthorized requests for cache invalidation.
Valid values: FAIL_WITH_403
awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_minimumCompressionSize :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum size in bytes of a payload before compression is enabled.
If null
, then compression is disabled.
If 0, then all payloads are compressed.
awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_binaryMediaTypes :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of binary media types supported by the REST API.
awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_createdDate :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the API was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_name :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the REST API.
awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_apiKeySource :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The source of the API key for metering requests according to a usage plan.
indicates whether to read the API key from the X-API-Key header
of a request.
indicates whether to read the API key from the
from a custom authorizer.
awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_version :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The version identifier for the REST API.
awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_id :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the REST API.
awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_endpointConfiguration :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayEndpointConfiguration) Source #
The endpoint configuration of the REST API.
awsApiGatewayRestApiDetails_description :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the REST API.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_deploymentId :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the deployment that the stage points to.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_accessLogSettings :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings) Source #
Settings for logging access for the stage.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_variables :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A map that defines the stage variables for the stage.
Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters.
Variable values can contain the following characters:
- Uppercase and lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Special characters -._~:/?#&=,
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_documentationVersion :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the API documentation that is associated with the stage.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_clientCertificateId :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the client certificate for the stage.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_tracingEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether active tracing with X-Ray is enabled for the stage.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_createdDate :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the stage was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_methodSettings :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe [AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings]) Source #
Defines the method settings for the stage.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_cacheClusterStatus :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
If a cache cluster is enabled, the status of the cache cluster.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_webAclArn :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the web ACL associated with the stage.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_stageName :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the stage.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_cacheClusterEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether a cache cluster is enabled for the stage.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_cacheClusterSize :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
If a cache cluster is enabled, the size of the cache cluster.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_lastUpdatedDate :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the stage was most recently updated.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_canarySettings :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayCanarySettings) Source #
Information about settings for canary deployment in the stage.
awsApiGatewayStageDetails_description :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayStageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the stage.
awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_apiId :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the API.
awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_apiEndpoint :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The URI of the API.
Uses the format <api-id>.execute-api.<region>
The stage name is typically appended to the URI to form a complete path to a deployed API stage.
awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_createdDate :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the API was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_name :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the API.
awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_version :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The version identifier for the API.
awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_apiKeySelectionExpression :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
An API key selection expression. Supported only for WebSocket APIs.
awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_corsConfiguration :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe AwsCorsConfiguration) Source #
A cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration. Supported only for HTTP APIs.
awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_routeSelectionExpression :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The route selection expression for the API.
For HTTP APIs, must be ${request.method} ${request.path}
. This is the
default value for HTTP APIs.
For WebSocket APIs, there is no default value.
awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_description :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the API.
awsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails_protocolType :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The API protocol for the API.
Valid values: WEBSOCKET
awsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings_dataTraceEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether data trace logging is enabled. Data trace logging affects the log entries that are pushed to CloudWatch Logs. Supported only for WebSocket APIs.
awsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings_throttlingBurstLimit :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings (Maybe Int) Source #
The throttling burst limit.
awsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings_loggingLevel :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
The logging level. The logging level affects the log entries that are pushed to CloudWatch Logs. Supported only for WebSocket APIs.
If the logging level is ERROR
, then the logs only include error-level
If the logging level is INFO
, then the logs include both ERROR
events and extra informational events.
Valid values: OFF
awsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings_throttlingRateLimit :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings (Maybe Double) Source #
The throttling rate limit.
awsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings_detailedMetricsEnabled :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether detailed metrics are enabled.
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_lastDeploymentStatusMessage :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the last deployment of a stage. Supported only if the stage has automatic deployment enabled.
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_deploymentId :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the deployment that the stage is associated with.
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_routeSettings :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings) Source #
The route settings for the stage.
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_accessLogSettings :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayAccessLogSettings) Source #
Information about settings for logging access for the stage.
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_clientCertificateId :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of a client certificate for a stage. Supported only for WebSocket API calls.
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_stageVariables :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A map that defines the stage variables for the stage.
Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters.
Variable values can contain the following characters:
- Uppercase and lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Special characters -._~:/?#&=,
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_autoDeploy :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether updates to an API automatically trigger a new deployment.
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_createdDate :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the stage was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_defaultRouteSettings :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayV2RouteSettings) Source #
Default route settings for the stage.
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_apiGatewayManaged :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the stage is managed by API Gateway.
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_stageName :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the stage.
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_lastUpdatedDate :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the stage was most recently updated.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsApiGatewayV2StageDetails_description :: Lens' AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the stage.
awsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails_createdTime :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the auto scaling group was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails_healthCheckGracePeriod :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of time, in seconds, that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling waits before it checks the health status of an EC2 instance that has come into service.
awsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails_launchConfigurationName :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the launch configuration.
awsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails_healthCheckType :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The service to use for the health checks.
awsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails_loadBalancerNames :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of load balancers associated with the group.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails_virtualName :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the virtual device (for example, ephemeral0
You can provide either VirtualName
or Ebs
, but not both.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails_noDevice :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to suppress the device that is included in the block device mapping of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
If NoDevice
is true
, then you cannot specify Ebs
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails_ebs :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails (Maybe AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails) Source #
Parameters that are used to automatically set up Amazon EBS volumes when an instance is launched.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails_deviceName :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The device name that is exposed to the EC2 instance. For example,
or xvdh
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails_deleteOnTermination :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to delete the volume when the instance is terminated.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails_volumeSize :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The volume size, in GiBs. The following are the supported volumes sizes for each volume type:
- gp2 and gp3: 1-16,384
- io1: 4-16,384
- st1 and sc1: 125-16,384
- standard: 1-1,024
You must specify either SnapshotId
or VolumeSize
. If you specify
both SnapshotId
and VolumeSize
, the volume size must be equal or
greater than the size of the snapshot.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails_iops :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of input/output (I/O) operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the volume.
Only supported for gp3
or io1
volumes. Required for io1
Not used with standard
, gp2
, st1
, or sc1
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails_encrypted :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to encrypt the volume.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails_volumeType :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The volume type.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails_snapshotId :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsEbsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The snapshot ID of the volume to use.
You must specify either VolumeSize
or SnapshotId
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_associatePublicIpAddress :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
For Auto Scaling groups that run in a VPC, specifies whether to assign a public IP address to the group's instances.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_securityGroups :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The security groups to assign to the instances in the Auto Scaling group.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_spotPrice :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The maximum hourly price to be paid for any Spot Instance that is launched to fulfill the request.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_createdTime :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The creation date and time for the launch configuration.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_instanceMonitoring :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationInstanceMonitoringDetails) Source #
Indicates the type of monitoring for instances in the group.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_keyName :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the key pair.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_classicLinkVpcSecurityGroups :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The identifiers of one or more security groups for the VPC that is
specified in ClassicLinkVPCId
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_ramdiskId :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the RAM disk associated with the AMI.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_kernelId :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the kernel associated with the AMI.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_instanceType :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The instance type for the instances.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_ebsOptimized :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the launch configuration is optimized for Amazon EBS I/O.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_userData :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The user data to make available to the launched EC2 instances. Must be base64-encoded text.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_classicLinkVpcId :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of a ClassicLink-enabled VPC that EC2-Classic instances are linked to.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_iamInstanceProfile :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name or the ARN of the instance profile associated with the IAM role for the instance. The instance profile contains the IAM role.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_imageId :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that is used to launch EC2 instances.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_launchConfigurationName :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the launch configuration.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_placementTenancy :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The tenancy of the instance. An instance with dedicated
tenancy runs
on isolated, single-tenant hardware and can only be launched into a VPC.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails_blockDeviceMappings :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails (Maybe [AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationBlockDeviceMappingsDetails]) Source #
Specifies the block devices for the instance.
awsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationInstanceMonitoringDetails_enabled :: Lens' AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationInstanceMonitoringDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
If set to true
, then instances in the group launch with detailed
If set to false
, then instances in the group launch with basic
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_subject :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the entity that is associated with the public key contained in the certificate.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_status :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the certificate.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_failureReason :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
For a failed certificate request, the reason for the failure.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_subjectAlternativeNames :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
One or more domain names (subject alternative names) included in the certificate. This list contains the domain names that are bound to the public key that is contained in the certificate.
The subject alternative names include the canonical domain name (CN) of the certificate and additional domain names that can be used to connect to the website.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_inUseBy :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of ARNs for the Amazon Web Services resources that use the certificate.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_createdAt :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the certificate was requested.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_serial :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The serial number of the certificate.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_renewalEligibility :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Whether the certificate is eligible for renewal.
Valid values: ELIGIBLE
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_extendedKeyUsages :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe [AwsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage]) Source #
Contains a list of Extended Key Usage X.509 v3 extension objects. Each object specifies a purpose for which the certificate public key can be used and consists of a name and an object identifier (OID).
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_importedAt :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the certificate was imported. Provided if the certificate
type is IMPORTED
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_keyUsages :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe [AwsCertificateManagerCertificateKeyUsage]) Source #
A list of key usage X.509 v3 extension objects.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_notBefore :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The time before which the certificate is not valid.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_domainName :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as, that is secured by the certificate.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_renewalSummary :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary) Source #
Information about the status of the Certificate Manager managed renewal
for the certificate. Provided only when the certificate type is
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_keyAlgorithm :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The algorithm that was used to generate the public-private key pair.
Valid values: RSA_2048
| RSA_1024
| RSA_4096
| EC_prime256v1
| EC_secp521r1
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_type :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The source of the certificate. For certificates that Certificate Manager
provides, Type
. For certificates that are imported
with ImportCertificate
, Type
Valid values: IMPORTED
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_options :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe AwsCertificateManagerCertificateOptions) Source #
Provides a value that specifies whether to add the certificate to a transparency log.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_issuedAt :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the certificate was issued. Provided if the certificate
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_signatureAlgorithm :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The algorithm that was used to sign the certificate.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_domainValidationOptions :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe [AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption]) Source #
Contains information about the initial validation of each domain name
that occurs as a result of the RequestCertificate
Only provided if the certificate type is AMAZON_ISSUED
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_issuer :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the certificate authority that issued and signed the certificate.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_notAfter :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The time after which the certificate becomes invalid.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails_certificateAuthorityArn :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the private certificate authority (CA) that will be used to issue the certificate.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption_validationEmails :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of email addresses that Certificate Manager uses to send domain validation emails.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption_validationMethod :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe Text) Source #
The method used to validate the domain name.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption_resourceRecord :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord) Source #
The CNAME record that is added to the DNS database for domain validation.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption_validationStatus :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe Text) Source #
The validation status of the domain name.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption_domainName :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe Text) Source #
A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the certificate.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption_validationDomain :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption (Maybe Text) Source #
The domain name that Certificate Manager uses to send domain validation emails.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage_oId :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage (Maybe Text) Source #
An object identifier (OID) for the extension value.
The format is numbers separated by periods.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage_name :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateExtendedKeyUsage (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of an extension value. Indicates the purpose for which the certificate public key can be used.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateKeyUsage_name :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateKeyUsage (Maybe Text) Source #
The key usage extension name.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateOptions_certificateTransparencyLoggingPreference :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateOptions (Maybe Text) Source #
Whether to add the certificate to a transparency log.
Valid values: DISABLED
awsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary_renewalStatus :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the Certificate Manager managed renewal of the certificate.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary_updatedAt :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the renewal summary was last updated.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary_domainValidationOptions :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary (Maybe [AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption]) Source #
Information about the validation of each domain name in the certificate,
as it pertains to Certificate Manager managed renewal. Provided only
when the certificate type is AMAZON_ISSUED
awsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary_renewalStatusReason :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateRenewalSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason that a renewal request was unsuccessful.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord_value :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the resource.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord_name :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the resource.
awsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord_type :: Lens' AwsCertificateManagerCertificateResourceRecord (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of resource.
awsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehavior_viewerProtocolPolicy :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehavior (Maybe Text) Source #
The protocol that viewers can use to access the files in an origin. You can specify the following options:
- Viewers can use HTTP or HTTPS.redirect-to-https
- CloudFront responds to HTTP requests with an HTTP status code of 301 (Moved Permanently) and the HTTPS URL. The viewer then uses the new URL to resubmit.https-only
- CloudFront responds to HTTP request with an HTTP status code of 403 (Forbidden).
awsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehaviors_items :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehaviors (Maybe [AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehavior]) Source #
The cache behaviors for the distribution.
awsCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior_viewerProtocolPolicy :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior (Maybe Text) Source #
The protocol that viewers can use to access the files in an origin. You can specify the following options:
- Viewers can use HTTP or HTTPS.redirect-to-https
- CloudFront responds to HTTP requests with an HTTP status code of 301 (Moved Permanently) and the HTTPS URL. The viewer then uses the new URL to resubmit.https-only
- CloudFront responds to HTTP request with an HTTP status code of 403 (Forbidden).
awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_status :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates the current status of the distribution.
awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_eTag :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The entity tag is a hash of the object.
awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_originGroups :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroups) Source #
Provides information about the origin groups in the distribution.
awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_defaultRootObject :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The object that CloudFront sends in response to requests from the origin (for example, index.html) when a viewer requests the root URL for the distribution ( instead of an object in your distribution (
awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_webAclId :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A unique identifier that specifies the WAF web ACL, if any, to associate with this distribution.
awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_lastModifiedTime :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when that the distribution was last modified.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_viewerCertificate :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate) Source #
Provides information about the TLS/SSL configuration that the distribution uses to communicate with viewers.
awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_domainName :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The domain name corresponding to the distribution.
awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_origins :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionOrigins) Source #
A complex type that contains information about origins for this distribution.
awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_logging :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging) Source #
A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the distribution.
awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_cacheBehaviors :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionCacheBehaviors) Source #
Provides information about the cache configuration for the distribution.
awsCloudFrontDistributionDetails_defaultCacheBehavior :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior) Source #
The default cache behavior for the configuration.
awsCloudFrontDistributionLogging_enabled :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging (Maybe Bool) Source #
With this field, you can enable or disable the selected distribution.
awsCloudFrontDistributionLogging_prefix :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging (Maybe Text) Source #
An optional string that you want CloudFront to use as a prefix to the access log filenames for this distribution.
awsCloudFrontDistributionLogging_bucket :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging (Maybe Text) Source #
The S3 bucket to store the access logs in.
awsCloudFrontDistributionLogging_includeCookies :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionLogging (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether you want CloudFront to include cookies in access logs.
awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroup_failoverCriteria :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroup (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailover) Source #
Provides the criteria for an origin group to fail over.
awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailover_statusCodes :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailover (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes) Source #
Information about the status codes that cause an origin group to fail over.
awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes_quantity :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of status codes that can cause a failover.
awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes_items :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroupFailoverStatusCodes (Maybe [Int]) Source #
The list of status code values that can cause a failover to the next origin.
awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroups_items :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroups (Maybe [AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginGroup]) Source #
The list of origin groups.
awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem_s3OriginConfig :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginS3OriginConfig) Source #
An origin that is an S3 bucket that is not configured with static website hosting.
awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem_originPath :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem (Maybe Text) Source #
An optional element that causes CloudFront to request your content from a directory in your Amazon S3 bucket or your custom origin.
awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem_domainName :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon S3 origins: The DNS name of the S3 bucket from which you want CloudFront to get objects for this origin.
awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem_id :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem (Maybe Text) Source #
A unique identifier for the origin or origin group.
awsCloudFrontDistributionOriginS3OriginConfig_originAccessIdentity :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginS3OriginConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The CloudFront origin access identity to associate with the origin.
awsCloudFrontDistributionOrigins_items :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionOrigins (Maybe [AwsCloudFrontDistributionOriginItem]) Source #
A complex type that contains origins or origin groups for this distribution.
awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_sslSupportMethod :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Text) Source #
The viewers that the distribution accepts HTTPS connections from.
awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_acmCertificateArn :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the ACM certificate. Used if the certificate is stored in
ACM. If you provide an ACM certificate ARN, you must also provide
and SslSupportMethod
awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_certificateSource :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Text) Source #
The source of the certificate identified by Certificate
. Note that in
CloudFront, this attribute is deprecated.
awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_minimumProtocolVersion :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Text) Source #
The security policy that CloudFront uses for HTTPS connections with
viewers. If SslSupportMethod
is sni-only
, then
must be TLSv1
or higher.
awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_certificate :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the certificate. Note that in CloudFront, this attribute is deprecated.
awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_iamCertificateId :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the IAM certificate. Used if the certificate is stored
in IAM. If you provide IamCertificateId
, then you also must provide
and SslSupportMethod
awsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate_cloudFrontDefaultCertificate :: Lens' AwsCloudFrontDistributionViewerCertificate (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the distribution uses the CloudFront domain name. If set to
, then you provide either AcmCertificateArn
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_logFileValidationEnabled :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether CloudTrail log file validation is enabled.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_trailArn :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the trail.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_s3KeyPrefix :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The S3 key prefix. The key prefix is added after the name of the S3 bucket where the log files are published.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_snsTopicArn :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the SNS topic that is used for notifications of log file delivery.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_snsTopicName :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the SNS topic that is used for notifications of log file delivery.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the log group that CloudTrail logs are delivered to.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The KMS key ID to use to encrypt the logs.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_homeRegion :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Region where the trail was created.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_name :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the trail.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_includeGlobalServiceEvents :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the trail publishes events from global services such as IAM to the log files.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_hasCustomEventSelectors :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the trail has custom event selectors.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_isOrganizationTrail :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the trail is created for all accounts in an organization in Organizations, or only for the current Amazon Web Services account.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_cloudWatchLogsRoleArn :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the role that the CloudWatch Events endpoint assumes when it writes to the log group.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_s3BucketName :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the S3 bucket where the log files are published.
awsCloudTrailTrailDetails_isMultiRegionTrail :: Lens' AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the trail applies only to the current Region or to all Regions.
awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_packaging :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Only used when Type
is S3
. The type of output artifact to create.
awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_location :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Only used when Type
is S3
. The name of the S3 bucket where the
artifact is located.
awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_path :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Only used when Type
is S3
. The path to the artifact. Used with
and NamespaceType
to determine the pattern for storing the
awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_encryptionDisabled :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether to disable encryption on the artifact. Only valid when
is S3
awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_name :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Only used when Type is S3. The name of the artifact. Used with
and Path
to determine the pattern for storing the
awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_overrideArtifactName :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the name specified in the buildspec file overrides the artifact name.
awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_artifactIdentifier :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
An identifier for the artifact definition.
awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_type :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of build artifact.
awsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails_namespaceType :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Only used when Type
is S3
. The value to use for the namespace. Used
with Name
and Path
to determine the pattern for storing the
awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_artifacts :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe [AwsCodeBuildProjectArtifactsDetails]) Source #
Information about the build artifacts for the CodeBuild project.
awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_environment :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment) Source #
Information about the build environment for this build project.
awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_vpcConfig :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig) Source #
Information about the VPC configuration that CodeBuild accesses.
awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_name :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the build project.
awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_source :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectSource) Source #
Information about the build input source code for this build project.
awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_logsConfig :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails) Source #
Information about logs for the build project.
awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_encryptionKey :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The KMS key used to encrypt the build output artifacts.
You can specify either the ARN of the KMS key or, if available, the KMS key alias (using the format alias/alias-name).
awsCodeBuildProjectDetails_serviceRole :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the IAM role that enables CodeBuild to interact with dependent Amazon Web Services services on behalf of the Amazon Web Services account.
awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment_imagePullCredentialsType :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of credentials CodeBuild uses to pull images in your build.
Valid values:
specifies that CodeBuild uses its own credentials. This requires that you modify your ECR repository policy to trust the CodeBuild service principal.SERVICE_ROLE
specifies that CodeBuild uses your build project's service role.
When you use a cross-account or private registry image, you must use
credentials. When you use an CodeBuild curated image, you
must use CODEBUILD
awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment_privilegedMode :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to allow the Docker daemon to run inside a Docker container. Set
to true
if the build project is used to build Docker images.
awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment_registryCredential :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential) Source #
The credentials for access to a private registry.
awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment_certificate :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment (Maybe Text) Source #
The certificate to use with this build project.
awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment_environmentVariables :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment (Maybe [AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails]) Source #
A set of environment variables to make available to builds for the build project.
awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment_type :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironment (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of build environment to use for related builds.
The environment type ARM_CONTAINER
is available only in Regions US
East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland),
Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and
Europe (Frankfurt).
The environment type LINUX_CONTAINER
with compute type
build.general1.2xlarge is available only in Regions US East (N.
Virginia), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Canada (Central),
Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific
(Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific
(Sydney), China (Beijing), and China (Ningxia).
The environment type LINUX_GPU_CONTAINER
is available only in Regions
US East (N. Virginia), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Canada
(Central), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Frankfurt), Asia
Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia
Pacific (Sydney), China (Beijing), and China (Ningxia).
awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails_value :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the environment variable.
awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails_name :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the environment variable.
awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails_type :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of environment variable.
awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential_credential :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN or name of credentials created using Secrets Manager.
The credential can use the name of the credentials only if they exist in your current Amazon Web Services Region.
awsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential_credentialProvider :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectEnvironmentRegistryCredential (Maybe Text) Source #
The service that created the credentials to access a private Docker registry.
The valid value, SECRETS_MANAGER
, is for Secrets Manager.
awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails_status :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current status of the logs in CloudWatch Logs for a build project.
awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails_groupName :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The group name of the logs in CloudWatch Logs.
awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails_streamName :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The prefix of the stream name of the CloudWatch Logs.
awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails_s3Logs :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails) Source #
Information about logs built to an S3 bucket for a build project.
awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails_cloudWatchLogs :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigCloudWatchLogsDetails) Source #
Information about CloudWatch Logs for the build project.
awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails_status :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current status of the S3 build logs.
awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails_location :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the S3 bucket and the path prefix for S3 logs.
awsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails_encryptionDisabled :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectLogsConfigS3LogsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to disable encryption of the S3 build log output.
awsCodeBuildProjectSource_insecureSsl :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectSource (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to ignore SSL warnings while connecting to the project source code.
awsCodeBuildProjectSource_location :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectSource (Maybe Text) Source #
Information about the location of the source code to be built.
Valid values include:
- For source code settings that are specified in the source action of a pipeline in CodePipeline, location should not be specified. If it is specified, CodePipeline ignores it. This is because CodePipeline uses the settings in a pipeline's source action instead of this value.
- For source code in an CodeCommit repository, the HTTPS clone URL to
the repository that contains the source code and the build spec file
(for example,
). For source code in an S3 input bucket, one of the following.
- The path to the ZIP file that contains the source code (for
). - The path to the folder that contains the source code (for
- The path to the ZIP file that contains the source code (for
- For source code in a GitHub repository, the HTTPS clone URL to the repository that contains the source and the build spec file.
- For source code in a Bitbucket repository, the HTTPS clone URL to the repository that contains the source and the build spec file.
awsCodeBuildProjectSource_gitCloneDepth :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectSource (Maybe Int) Source #
Information about the Git clone depth for the build project.
awsCodeBuildProjectSource_type :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of repository that contains the source code to be built. Valid values are:
- The source code is in a Bitbucket repository.CODECOMMIT
- The source code is in an CodeCommit repository.CODEPIPELINE
- The source code settings are specified in the source action of a pipeline in CodePipeline.GITHUB
- The source code is in a GitHub repository.GITHUB_ENTERPRISE
- The source code is in a GitHub Enterprise repository.NO_SOURCE
- The project does not have input source code.S3
- The source code is in an S3 input bucket.
awsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig_securityGroupIds :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of one or more security group IDs in your VPC.
awsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig_vpcId :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the VPC.
awsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig_subnets :: Lens' AwsCodeBuildProjectVpcConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of one or more subnet IDs in your VPC.
awsCorsConfiguration_maxAge :: Lens' AwsCorsConfiguration (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of seconds for which the browser caches preflight request results.
awsCorsConfiguration_allowMethods :: Lens' AwsCorsConfiguration (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The allowed methods for CORS requests.
awsCorsConfiguration_allowHeaders :: Lens' AwsCorsConfiguration (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The allowed headers for CORS requests.
awsCorsConfiguration_exposeHeaders :: Lens' AwsCorsConfiguration (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The exposed headers for CORS requests.
awsCorsConfiguration_allowOrigins :: Lens' AwsCorsConfiguration (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The allowed origins for CORS requests.
awsCorsConfiguration_allowCredentials :: Lens' AwsCorsConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the CORS request includes credentials.
awsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition_attributeType :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of the attribute.
awsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition_attributeName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the attribute.
awsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary_lastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
If the billing mode is PAY_PER_REQUEST
, indicates when the billing
mode was set to that value.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary_billingMode :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The method used to charge for read and write throughput and to manage capacity.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_restoreSummary :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary) Source #
Information about the restore for the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_globalTableVersion :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of global tables being used.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_tableSizeBytes :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total size of the table in bytes.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_attributeDefinitions :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableAttributeDefinition]) Source #
A list of attribute definitions for the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_latestStreamArn :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the latest stream for the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput) Source #
Information about the provisioned throughput for the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_tableStatus :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current status of the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_keySchema :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema]) Source #
The primary key structure for the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex]) Source #
List of global secondary indexes for the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_latestStreamLabel :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The label of the latest stream. The label is not a unique identifier.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_billingModeSummary :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableBillingModeSummary) Source #
Information about the billing for read/write capacity on the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_localSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex]) Source #
The list of local secondary indexes for the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_creationDateTime :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the table was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_sseDescription :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription) Source #
Information about the server-side encryption for the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_tableId :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_replicas :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableReplica]) Source #
The list of replicas of this table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_itemCount :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of items in the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_tableName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the table.
awsDynamoDbTableDetails_streamSpecification :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableDetails (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification) Source #
The current DynamoDB Streams configuration for the table.
awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_backfilling :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the index is currently backfilling.
awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexSizeBytes :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total size in bytes of the index.
awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexStatus :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Text) Source #
The current status of the index.
awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_provisionedThroughput :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput) Source #
Information about the provisioned throughput settings for the indexes.
awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexArn :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the index.
awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_keySchema :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema]) Source #
The key schema for the index.
awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_projection :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableProjection) Source #
Attributes that are copied from the table into an index.
awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_itemCount :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of items in the index.
awsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the index.
awsDynamoDbTableKeySchema_keyType :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of key used for the key schema attribute.
awsDynamoDbTableKeySchema_attributeName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the key schema attribute.
awsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex_indexArn :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the index.
awsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex_keySchema :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableKeySchema]) Source #
The complete key schema for the index.
awsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex_projection :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableProjection) Source #
Attributes that are copied from the table into the index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected.
awsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex_indexName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the index.
awsDynamoDbTableProjection_projectionType :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProjection (Maybe Text) Source #
The types of attributes that are projected into the index.
awsDynamoDbTableProjection_nonKeyAttributes :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProjection (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The nonkey attributes that are projected into the index. For each attribute, provide the attribute name.
awsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second
before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException
awsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput_lastDecreaseDateTime :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the provisioned throughput was last decreased.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput_writeCapacityUnits :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns
a ThrottlingException
awsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput_numberOfDecreasesToday :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of times during the current UTC calendar day that the provisioned throughput was decreased.
awsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput_lastIncreaseDateTime :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the provisioned throughput was last increased.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride_readCapacityUnits :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride (Maybe Int) Source #
The read capacity units for the replica.
awsDynamoDbTableReplica_replicaStatus :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplica (Maybe Text) Source #
The current status of the replica.
awsDynamoDbTableReplica_regionName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplica (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Region where the replica is located.
awsDynamoDbTableReplica_replicaStatusDescription :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplica (Maybe Text) Source #
Detailed information about the replica status.
awsDynamoDbTableReplica_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplica (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the KMS key that will be used for KMS encryption for the replica.
awsDynamoDbTableReplica_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplica (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride) Source #
Replica-specific configuration for the provisioned throughput.
awsDynamoDbTableReplica_globalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplica (Maybe [AwsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex]) Source #
List of global secondary indexes for the replica.
awsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex_provisionedThroughputOverride :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride) Source #
Replica-specific configuration for the provisioned throughput for the index.
awsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex_indexName :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the index.
awsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary_sourceTableArn :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the source table for the backup.
awsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary_sourceBackupArn :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the source backup from which the table was restored.
awsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary_restoreInProgress :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether a restore is currently in progress.
awsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary_restoreDateTime :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates the point in time that the table was restored to.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsDynamoDbTableSseDescription_status :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the server-side encryption.
awsDynamoDbTableSseDescription_inaccessibleEncryptionDateTime :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
If the key is inaccessible, the date and time when DynamoDB detected that the key was inaccessible.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsDynamoDbTableSseDescription_sseType :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of server-side encryption.
awsDynamoDbTableSseDescription_kmsMasterKeyArn :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the KMS key that is used for the KMS encryption.
awsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification_streamViewType :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification (Maybe Text) Source #
Determines the information that is written to the table.
awsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification_streamEnabled :: Lens' AwsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether DynamoDB Streams is enabled on the table.
awsEc2EipDetails_associationId :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier that represents the association of the Elastic IP address with an EC2 instance.
awsEc2EipDetails_instanceId :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the EC2 instance.
awsEc2EipDetails_networkInterfaceOwnerId :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the owner of the network interface.
awsEc2EipDetails_allocationId :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier that Amazon Web Services assigns to represent the allocation of the Elastic IP address for use with Amazon VPC.
awsEc2EipDetails_networkBorderGroup :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the location from which the Elastic IP address is advertised.
awsEc2EipDetails_domain :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The domain in which to allocate the address.
If the address is for use with EC2 instances in a VPC, then Domain
. Otherwise, Domain
is standard
awsEc2EipDetails_networkInterfaceId :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the network interface.
awsEc2EipDetails_publicIpv4Pool :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of an IP address pool. This parameter allows Amazon EC2 to select an IP address from the address pool.
awsEc2EipDetails_privateIpAddress :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The private IP address that is associated with the Elastic IP address.
awsEc2EipDetails_publicIp :: Lens' AwsEc2EipDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A public IP address that is associated with the EC2 instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_iamInstanceProfileArn :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM profile ARN of the instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the VPC that the instance was launched in.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_keyName :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The key name associated with the instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_networkInterfaces :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2InstanceNetworkInterfacesDetails]) Source #
The identifiers of the network interfaces for the EC2 instance. The
details for each network interface are in a corresponding
awsEc2InstanceDetails_ipV4Addresses :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The IPv4 addresses associated with the instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_subnetId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the subnet that the instance was launched in.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_imageId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID of the instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The instance type of the instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_ipV6Addresses :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The IPv6 addresses associated with the instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_launchedAt :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the instance was launched.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsEc2InstanceNetworkInterfacesDetails_networkInterfaceId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceNetworkInterfacesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the network interface. The details are in a
corresponding AwsEc2NetworkInterfacesDetails
awsEc2NetworkAclAssociation_networkAclId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the network ACL.
awsEc2NetworkAclAssociation_subnetId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the subnet that is associated with the network ACL.
awsEc2NetworkAclAssociation_networkAclAssociationId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the association between the network ACL and the subnet.
awsEc2NetworkAclDetails_entries :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry]) Source #
The set of rules in the network ACL.
awsEc2NetworkAclDetails_networkAclId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the network ACL.
awsEc2NetworkAclDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the VPC for the network ACL.
awsEc2NetworkAclDetails_ownerId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the network ACL.
awsEc2NetworkAclDetails_associations :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2NetworkAclAssociation]) Source #
Associations between the network ACL and subnets.
awsEc2NetworkAclDetails_isDefault :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether this is the default network ACL for the VPC.
awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_ipv6CidrBlock :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The IPV6 network range for which to deny or allow access.
awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_icmpTypeCode :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe IcmpTypeCode) Source #
The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type and code for which to deny or allow access.
awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_ruleNumber :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Int) Source #
The rule number. The rules are processed in order by their number.
awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_ruleAction :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
Whether the rule is used to allow access or deny access.
awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_protocol :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The protocol that the rule applies to. To deny or allow access to all protocols, use the value -1.
awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_portRange :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe PortRangeFromTo) Source #
For TCP or UDP protocols, the range of ports that the rule applies to.
awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_cidrBlock :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The IPV4 network range for which to deny or allow access.
awsEc2NetworkAclEntry_egress :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the rule is an egress rule. An egress rule is a rule that applies to traffic that leaves the subnet.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_instanceId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the instance.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_status :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The attachment state.
Valid values: attaching
| attached
| detaching
| detached
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_deleteOnTermination :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is terminated.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_attachmentId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the network interface attachment
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_instanceOwnerId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the owner of the instance.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_attachTime :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the attachment initiated.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment_deviceIndex :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Int) Source #
The device index of the network interface attachment on the instance.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_privateIpAddresses :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail]) Source #
The private IPv4 addresses associated with the network interface.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_publicDnsName :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The public DNS name of the network interface.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_securityGroups :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup]) Source #
Security groups for the network interface.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_sourceDestCheck :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether traffic to or from the instance is validated.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_networkInterfaceId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the network interface.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_attachment :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) Source #
The network interface attachment.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_publicIp :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The address of the Elastic IP address bound to the network interface.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails_ipV6Addresses :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceIpV6AddressDetail]) Source #
The IPv6 addresses associated with the network interface.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceIpV6AddressDetail_ipV6Address :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceIpV6AddressDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The IPV6 address.
awsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail_privateIpAddress :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address.
awsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail_privateDnsName :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The private DNS name for the IP address.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup_groupId :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the security group.
awsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup_groupName :: Lens' AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the security group.
awsEc2SecurityGroupDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
- VPC only
- The ID of the VPC for the security group.
awsEc2SecurityGroupDetails_ipPermissions :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission]) Source #
The inbound rules associated with the security group.
awsEc2SecurityGroupDetails_ownerId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the owner of the security group.
awsEc2SecurityGroupDetails_ipPermissionsEgress :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission]) Source #
- VPC only
- The outbound rules associated with the security group.
awsEc2SecurityGroupDetails_groupId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the security group.
awsEc2SecurityGroupDetails_groupName :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the security group.
awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_fromPort :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe Int) Source #
The start of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 type number.
A value of -1 indicates all ICMP/ICMPv6 types. If you specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 types, you must specify all codes.
awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_userIdGroupPairs :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe [AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair]) Source #
The security group and Amazon Web Services account ID pairs.
awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_prefixListIds :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe [AwsEc2SecurityGroupPrefixListId]) Source #
- VPC only
- The prefix list IDs for an Amazon Web Services service. With outbound rules, this is the Amazon Web Services service to access through a VPC endpoint from instances associated with the security group.
awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_ipProtocol :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP protocol name (tcp
, udp
, icmp
, icmpv6
) or number.
- VPC only
- Use
to specify all protocols.
When authorizing security group rules, specifying -1 or a protocol
number other than tcp
, udp
, icmp
, or icmpv6
allows traffic on
all ports, regardless of any port range you specify.
For tcp
, udp
, and icmp
, you must specify a port range.
For icmpv6
, the port range is optional. If you omit the port range,
traffic for all types and codes is allowed.
awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_toPort :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe Int) Source #
The end of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 code.
A value of -1 indicates all ICMP/ICMPv6 codes. If you specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 types, you must specify all codes.
awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_ipv6Ranges :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe [AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpv6Range]) Source #
The IPv6 ranges.
awsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission_ipRanges :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpPermission (Maybe [AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpRange]) Source #
The IPv4 ranges.
awsEc2SecurityGroupIpRange_cidrIp :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpRange (Maybe Text) Source #
The IPv4 CIDR range. You can specify either a CIDR range or a source security group, but not both. To specify a single IPv4 address, use the /32 prefix length.
awsEc2SecurityGroupIpv6Range_cidrIpv6 :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupIpv6Range (Maybe Text) Source #
The IPv6 CIDR range. You can specify either a CIDR range or a source security group, but not both. To specify a single IPv6 address, use the /128 prefix length.
awsEc2SecurityGroupPrefixListId_prefixListId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupPrefixListId (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the prefix.
awsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair_vpcPeeringConnectionId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the VPC peering connection, if applicable.
awsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair_vpcId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the VPC for the referenced security group, if applicable.
awsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair_userId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of an Amazon Web Services account.
For a referenced security group in another VPC, the account ID of the referenced security group is returned in the response. If the referenced security group is deleted, this value is not returned.
- EC2-Classic
- Required when adding or removing rules that reference a security group in another VPC.
awsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair_groupId :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the security group.
awsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair_groupName :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the security group.
awsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair_peeringStatus :: Lens' AwsEc2SecurityGroupUserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of a VPC peering connection, if applicable.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_state :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current state of the subnet.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe [Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation]) Source #
The IPV6 CIDR blocks that are associated with the subnet.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_availabilityZoneId :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Availability Zone for the subnet.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_availableIpAddressCount :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of available IPV4 addresses in the subnet. Does not include addresses for stopped instances.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the VPC that contains the subnet.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_assignIpv6AddressOnCreation :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to assign an IPV6 address to a network interface that is created in this subnet.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_subnetId :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the subnet.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_subnetArn :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the subnet.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_ownerId :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the subnet.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_availabilityZone :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Availability Zone for the subnet.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_cidrBlock :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The IPV4 CIDR block that is assigned to the subnet.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_mapPublicIpOnLaunch :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether instances in this subnet receive a public IP address.
awsEc2SubnetDetails_defaultForAz :: Lens' AwsEc2SubnetDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether this subnet is the default subnet for the Availability Zone.
awsEc2VolumeAttachment_instanceId :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the EC2 instance.
awsEc2VolumeAttachment_status :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The attachment state of the volume.
awsEc2VolumeAttachment_deleteOnTermination :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeAttachment (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the EBS volume is deleted when the EC2 instance is terminated.
awsEc2VolumeAttachment_attachTime :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The datetime when the attachment initiated.
awsEc2VolumeDetails_status :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The volume state.
awsEc2VolumeDetails_attachments :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2VolumeAttachment]) Source #
The volume attachments.
awsEc2VolumeDetails_size :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The size of the volume, in GiBs.
awsEc2VolumeDetails_encrypted :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the volume is encrypted.
awsEc2VolumeDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the KMS key that was used to protect the volume encryption key for the volume.
awsEc2VolumeDetails_createTime :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the volume was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsEc2VolumeDetails_snapshotId :: Lens' AwsEc2VolumeDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The snapshot from which the volume was created.
awsEc2VpcDetails_state :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current state of the VPC.
awsEc2VpcDetails_ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcDetails (Maybe [Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation]) Source #
Information about the IPv6 CIDR blocks associated with the VPC.
awsEc2VpcDetails_cidrBlockAssociationSet :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcDetails (Maybe [CidrBlockAssociation]) Source #
Information about the IPv4 CIDR blocks associated with the VPC.
awsEc2VpcDetails_dhcpOptionsId :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the set of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) options that are associated with the VPC. If the default options are associated with the VPC, then this is default.
awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_networkLoadBalancerArns :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The ARNs of the Network Load Balancers for the service.
awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_baseEndpointDnsNames :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The DNS names for the service.
awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_availabilityZones :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The Availability Zones where the service is available.
awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_gatewayLoadBalancerArns :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The ARNs of the Gateway Load Balancers for the service.
awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_managesVpcEndpoints :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the service manages its VPC endpoints.
awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_serviceName :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service.
awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_serviceState :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current state of the service.
awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_serviceType :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceServiceTypeDetails]) Source #
The types for the service.
awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_acceptanceRequired :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether requests from other Amazon Web Services accounts to create an endpoint to the service must first be accepted.
awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_serviceId :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the service.
awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails_privateDnsName :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The private DNS name for the service.
awsEc2VpcEndpointServiceServiceTypeDetails_serviceType :: Lens' AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceServiceTypeDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of service.
awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_customerGatewayConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The configuration information for the VPN connection's customer gateway, in the native XML format.
awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_state :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current state of the VPN connection.
awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_routes :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails]) Source #
The static routes that are associated with the VPN connection.
awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_vpnGatewayId :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the virtual private gateway that is at the Amazon Web Services side of the VPN connection.
awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_category :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The category of the VPN connection. VPN
indicates an Amazon Web
Services VPN connection. VPN-Classic
indicates an Amazon Web Services
Classic VPN connection.
awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_customerGatewayId :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the customer gateway that is at your end of the VPN connection.
awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_transitGatewayId :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the transit gateway that is associated with the VPN connection.
awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of VPN connection.
awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_options :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails) Source #
The VPN connection options.
awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_vpnConnectionId :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the VPN connection.
awsEc2VpnConnectionDetails_vgwTelemetry :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails]) Source #
Information about the VPN tunnel.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails_tunnelOptions :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails]) Source #
The VPN tunnel options.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails_staticRoutesOnly :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the VPN connection uses static routes only.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_outsideIpAddress :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The external IP address of the VPN tunnel.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_replayWindowSize :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of packets in an IKE replay window.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_rekeyFuzzPercentage :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The percentage of the rekey window, which is determined by
during which the rekey time is randomly
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase1LifetimeSeconds :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The lifetime for phase 1 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_ikeVersions :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) versions that are permitted for the VPN tunnel.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase2IntegrityAlgorithms :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The permitted integrity algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase2LifetimeSeconds :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The lifetime for phase 2 of the IKE negotiation, in seconds.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase1EncryptionAlgorithms :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The permitted encryption algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase1DhGroupNumbers :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Int]) Source #
The permitted Diffie-Hellman group numbers for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase1IntegrityAlgorithms :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The permitted integrity algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_rekeyMarginTimeSeconds :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The margin time, in seconds, before the phase 2 lifetime expires, during which the Amazon Web Services side of the VPN connection performs an IKE rekey.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_dpdTimeoutSeconds :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of seconds after which a Dead Peer Detection (DPD) timeout occurs.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_tunnelInsideCidr :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The range of inside IPv4 addresses for the tunnel.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase2EncryptionAlgorithms :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The permitted encryption algorithms for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_phase2DhGroupNumbers :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe [Int]) Source #
The permitted Diffie-Hellman group numbers for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations.
awsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails_preSharedKey :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionOptionsTunnelOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The preshared key to establish initial authentication between the virtual private gateway and the customer gateway.
awsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails_state :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current state of the static route.
awsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails_destinationCidrBlock :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionRoutesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The CIDR block associated with the local subnet of the customer data center.
awsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails_status :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the VPN tunnel.
awsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails_outsideIpAddress :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Internet-routable IP address of the virtual private gateway's outside interface.
awsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails_certificateArn :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the VPN tunnel endpoint certificate.
awsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails_lastStatusChange :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The date and time of the last change in status.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails_acceptedRouteCount :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of accepted routes.
awsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails_statusMessage :: Lens' AwsEc2VpnConnectionVgwTelemetryDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
If an error occurs, a description of the error.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_registryId :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account identifier that is associated with the registry that the image belongs to.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_imageTags :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of tags that are associated with the image.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_imageDigest :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The sha256 digest of the image manifest.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_imagePublishedAt :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The date and time when the image was pushed to the repository.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_architecture :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The architecture of the image.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_repositoryName :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the repository that the image belongs to.
awsEcrRepositoryDetails_arn :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the repository.
awsEcrRepositoryDetails_imageScanningConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryDetails (Maybe AwsEcrRepositoryImageScanningConfigurationDetails) Source #
The image scanning configuration for a repository.
awsEcrRepositoryDetails_repositoryPolicyText :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The text of the repository policy.
awsEcrRepositoryDetails_repositoryName :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the repository.
awsEcrRepositoryDetails_imageTagMutability :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The tag mutability setting for the repository.
awsEcrRepositoryDetails_lifecyclePolicy :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryDetails (Maybe AwsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails) Source #
Information about the lifecycle policy for the repository.
awsEcrRepositoryImageScanningConfigurationDetails_scanOnPush :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryImageScanningConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to scan images after they are pushed to a repository.
awsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails_registryId :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account identifier that is associated with the registry that contains the repository.
awsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails_lifecyclePolicyText :: Lens' AwsEcrRepositoryLifecyclePolicyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The text of the lifecycle policy.
awsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails_value :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the setting.
awsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the setting.
awsEcsClusterConfigurationDetails_executeCommandConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationDetails (Maybe AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails) Source #
Contains the run command configuration for the cluster.
awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails_logConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails (Maybe AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails) Source #
The log configuration for the results of the run command actions.
Required if Logging
awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the KMS key that is used to encrypt the data between the local client and the container.
awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails_logging :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The log setting to use for redirecting logs for run command results.
awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails_cloudWatchLogGroupName :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the CloudWatch log group to send the logs to.
awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails_s3KeyPrefix :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Identifies the folder in the S3 bucket to send the logs to.
awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails_cloudWatchEncryptionEnabled :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to enable encryption on the CloudWatch logs.
awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails_s3EncryptionEnabled :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to encrypt the logs that are sent to the S3 bucket.
awsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails_s3BucketName :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterConfigurationExecuteCommandConfigurationLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the S3 bucket to send logs to.
awsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails_base :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum number of tasks to run on the specified capacity provider.
awsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails_capacityProvider :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the capacity provider.
awsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails_weight :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The relative percentage of the total number of tasks launched that should use the capacity provider.
awsEcsClusterDetails_clusterSettings :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsClusterClusterSettingsDetails]) Source #
The setting to use to create the cluster. Specifically used to configure whether to enable CloudWatch Container Insights for the cluster.
awsEcsClusterDetails_defaultCapacityProviderStrategy :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsClusterDefaultCapacityProviderStrategyDetails]) Source #
The default capacity provider strategy for the cluster. The default capacity provider strategy is used when services or tasks are run without a specified launch type or capacity provider strategy.
awsEcsClusterDetails_configuration :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDetails (Maybe AwsEcsClusterConfigurationDetails) Source #
The run command configuration for the cluster.
awsEcsClusterDetails_capacityProviders :: Lens' AwsEcsClusterDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The short name of one or more capacity providers to associate with the cluster.
awsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails_base :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum number of tasks to run on the capacity provider. Only one
strategy item can specify a value for Base
The value must be between 0 and 100000.
awsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails_capacityProvider :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The short name of the capacity provider.
awsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails_weight :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The relative percentage of the total number of tasks that should use the capacity provider.
If no weight is specified, the default value is 0. At least one capacity provider must have a weight greater than 0.
The value can be between 0 and 1000.
awsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails_rollback :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to roll back the service if a service deployment fails. If rollback is enabled, when a service deployment fails, the service is rolled back to the last deployment that completed successfully.
awsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails_enable :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to enable the deployment circuit breaker logic for the service.
awsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails_minimumHealthyPercent :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
For a service that uses the rolling update (ECS
) deployment type, the
minimum number of tasks in a service that must remain in the RUNNING
state during a deployment, and while any container instances are in the
state if the service contains tasks using the EC2 launch
type. Expressed as a percentage of the desired number of tasks. The
default value is 100%.
For a service that uses the blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY
deployment types and tasks that use the EC2 launch type, the minimum
number of the tasks in the service that remain in the RUNNING
while the container instances are in the DRAINING
For the Fargate launch type, the minimum healthy percent value is not used.
awsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails_maximumPercent :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
For a service that uses the rolling update (ECS
) deployment type, the
maximum number of tasks in a service that are allowed in the RUNNING
state during a deployment, and for tasks that use the EC2
launch type, when any container instances are in the DRAINING
Provided as a percentage of the desired number of tasks. The default
value is 200%.
For a service that uses the blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY
deployment types, and tasks that use the EC2 launch type, the maximum
number of tasks in the service that remain in the RUNNING
state while
the container instances are in the DRAINING
For the Fargate launch type, the maximum percent value is not used.
awsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails_deploymentCircuitBreaker :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails (Maybe AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDeploymentCircuitBreakerDetails) Source #
Determines whether a service deployment fails if a service cannot reach a steady state.
awsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The rolling update (ECS
) deployment type replaces the current running
version of the container with the latest version.
The blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY
) deployment type uses the blue/green
deployment model that is powered by CodeDeploy. This deployment model a
new deployment of a service can be verified before production traffic is
sent to it.
The external (EXTERNAL
) deployment type allows the use of any
third-party deployment controller for full control over the deployment
process for an Amazon ECS service.
Valid values: ECS
awsEcsServiceDetails_placementStrategies :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails]) Source #
Information about how tasks for the service are placed.
awsEcsServiceDetails_cluster :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the cluster that hosts the service.
awsEcsServiceDetails_propagateTags :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates whether to propagate the tags from the task definition to the task or from the service to the task. If no value is provided, then tags are not propagated.
awsEcsServiceDetails_platformVersion :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The platform version on which to run the service. Only specified for
tasks that are hosted on Fargate. If a platform version is not
specified, the LATEST
platform version is used by default.
awsEcsServiceDetails_enableEcsManagedTags :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to enable Amazon ECS managed tags for the tasks in the service.
awsEcsServiceDetails_desiredCount :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of instantiations of the task definition to run on the service.
awsEcsServiceDetails_loadBalancers :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails]) Source #
Information about the load balancers that the service uses.
awsEcsServiceDetails_role :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the IAM role that is associated with the service. The role allows the Amazon ECS container agent to register container instances with an Elastic Load Balancing load balancer.
awsEcsServiceDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service.
awsEcsServiceDetails_placementConstraints :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails]) Source #
The placement constraints for the tasks in the service.
awsEcsServiceDetails_serviceName :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service.
The name can contain up to 255 characters. It can use letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens.
awsEcsServiceDetails_deploymentController :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails) Source #
Contains the deployment controller type that the service uses.
awsEcsServiceDetails_launchType :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The launch type that the service uses.
Valid values: EC2
awsEcsServiceDetails_taskDefinition :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The task definition to use for tasks in the service.
awsEcsServiceDetails_serviceArn :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the service.
awsEcsServiceDetails_schedulingStrategy :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The scheduling strategy to use for the service.
scheduling strategy places and maintains the desired
number of tasks across the cluster. By default, the service scheduler
spreads tasks across Availability Zones. Task placement strategies and
constraints are used to customize task placement decisions.
scheduling strategy deploys exactly one task on each active
container instance that meets all of the task placement constraints that
are specified in the cluster. The service scheduler also evaluates the
task placement constraints for running tasks and stops tasks that do not
meet the placement constraints.
Valid values: REPLICA
awsEcsServiceDetails_capacityProviderStrategy :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsServiceCapacityProviderStrategyDetails]) Source #
The capacity provider strategy that the service uses.
awsEcsServiceDetails_serviceRegistries :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails]) Source #
Information about the service discovery registries to assign to the service.
awsEcsServiceDetails_healthCheckGracePeriodSeconds :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
After a task starts, the amount of time in seconds that the Amazon ECS service scheduler ignores unhealthy Elastic Load Balancing target health checks.
awsEcsServiceDetails_networkConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationDetails) Source #
For tasks that use the awsvpc
networking mode, the VPC subnet and
security group configuration.
awsEcsServiceDetails_deploymentConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe AwsEcsServiceDeploymentConfigurationDetails) Source #
Deployment parameters for the service. Includes the number of tasks that run and the order in which to start and stop tasks.
awsEcsServiceDetails_enableExecuteCommand :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the execute command functionality is enabled for the service.
awsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails_loadBalancerName :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the load balancer to associate with the Amazon ECS service or task set.
Only specified when using a Classic Load Balancer. For an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer, the load balancer name is omitted.
awsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails_containerName :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the container to associate with the load balancer.
awsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails_targetGroupArn :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the Elastic Load Balancing target group or groups associated with a service or task set.
Only specified when using an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer. For a Classic Load Balancer, the target group ARN is omitted.
awsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails_containerPort :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceLoadBalancersDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The port on the container to associate with the load balancer. This port
must correspond to a containerPort
in the task definition the tasks in
the service are using. For tasks that use the EC2 launch type, the
container instance they are launched on must allow ingress traffic on
the hostPort
of the port mapping.
awsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails_securityGroups :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The IDs of the security groups associated with the task or service.
You can provide up to five security groups.
awsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails_subnets :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The IDs of the subnets associated with the task or service.
You can provide up to 16 subnets.
awsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails_assignPublicIp :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP
address. The default value is DISABLED
Valid values: ENABLED
awsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationDetails_awsVpcConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationDetails (Maybe AwsEcsServiceNetworkConfigurationAwsVpcConfigurationDetails) Source #
The VPC subnet and security group configuration.
awsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails_expression :: Lens' AwsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A cluster query language expression to apply to the constraint. You
cannot specify an expression if the constraint type is
awsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsServicePlacementConstraintsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of constraint. Use distinctInstance
to run each task in a
particular group on a different container instance. Use memberOf
restrict the selection to a group of valid candidates.
Valid values: distinctInstance
| memberOf
awsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails_field :: Lens' AwsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The field to apply the placement strategy against.
For the spread
placement strategy, valid values are instanceId
, which has the same effect), or any platform or custom attribute
that is applied to a container instance, such as
For the binpack
placement strategy, valid values are cpu
For the random
placement strategy, this attribute is not used.
awsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsServicePlacementStrategiesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of placement strategy.
The random
placement strategy randomly places tasks on available
The spread
placement strategy spreads placement across available
candidates evenly based on the value of Field
The binpack
strategy places tasks on available candidates that have
the least available amount of the resource that is specified in Field
Valid values: random
| spread
| binpack
awsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails_containerName :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The container name value to use for the service discovery service.
If the task definition uses the bridge
or host
network mode, you
must specify ContainerName
and ContainerPort
If the task definition uses the awsvpc
network mode and a type SRV DNS
record, you must specify either ContainerName
and ContainerPort
, or
, but not both.
awsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails_registryArn :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the service registry.
awsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails_containerPort :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The port value to use for the service discovery service.
If the task definition uses the bridge
or host
network mode, you
must specify ContainerName
and ContainerPort
If the task definition uses the awsvpc
network mode and a type SRV DNS
record, you must specify either ContainerName
and ContainerPort
, or
, but not both.
awsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails_port :: Lens' AwsEcsServiceServiceRegistriesDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The port value to use for a service discovery service that specifies an
SRV record. This field can be used if both the awsvpc
awsvpc network
mode and SRV records are used.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails_containerName :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the dependent container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails_condition :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The dependency condition of the dependent container. Indicates the required status of the dependent container before the current container can start.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_command :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The command that is passed to the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_hostname :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The hostname to use for the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_image :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The image used to start the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_repositoryCredentials :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsRepositoryCredentialsDetails) Source #
The private repository authentication credentials to use.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_dockerSecurityOptions :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_healthCheck :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails) Source #
The container health check command and associated configuration parameters for the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_disableNetworking :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to disable networking within the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_volumesFrom :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails]) Source #
Data volumes to mount from another container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_environment :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails]) Source #
The environment variables to pass to a container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_secrets :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails]) Source #
The secrets to pass to the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_entryPoint :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The entry point that is passed to the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_workingDirectory :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The working directory in which to run commands inside the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_environmentFiles :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails]) Source #
A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_stopTimeout :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of seconds to wait before the container is stopped if it doesn't shut down normally on its own.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_privileged :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the container is given elevated privileges on the host container instance. The elevated privileges are similar to the root user.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_ulimits :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails]) Source #
A list of ulimits to set in the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_portMappings :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails]) Source #
The list of port mappings for the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_resourceRequirements :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails]) Source #
The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container. The only supported resource is a GPU.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_memory :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount (in MiB) of memory to present to the container. If the container attempts to exceed the memory specified here, the container is shut down. The total amount of memory reserved for all containers within a task must be lower than the task memory value, if one is specified.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_extraHosts :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails]) Source #
A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the /etc/hosts file on the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_dockerLabels :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A key-value map of labels to add to the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_user :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The user to use inside the container.
The value can use one of the following formats.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_systemControls :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails]) Source #
A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_linuxParameters :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails) Source #
Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container, such as Linux kernel capabilities.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_logConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails) Source #
The log configuration specification for the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_firelensConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails) Source #
The FireLens configuration for the container. Specifies and configures a log router for container logs.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_dnsSearchDomains :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of DNS search domains that are presented to the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_pseudoTerminal :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to allocate a TTY to the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_dependsOn :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails]) Source #
The dependencies that are defined for container startup and shutdown.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_dnsServers :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of DNS servers that are presented to the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_mountPoints :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails]) Source #
The mount points for the data volumes in the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_interactive :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
If set to true, then containerized applications can be deployed that
require stdin
or a tty
to be allocated.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_startTimeout :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of seconds to wait before giving up on resolving dependencies for a container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_readonlyRootFilesystem :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the container is given read-only access to its root file system.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_links :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of links for the container in the form container_name:alias
Allows containers to communicate with each other without the need for
port mappings.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_cpu :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of CPU units reserved for the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_essential :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the container is essential. All tasks must have at least one essential container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails_memoryReservation :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails_value :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the environment variable.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the environment variable.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails_value :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the S3 object that contains the environment variable file.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of environment file.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails_hostname :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The hostname to use in the /etc/hosts entry.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails_ipAddress :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address to use in the /etc/hosts entry.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The log router to use.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails_options :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The options to use to configure the log router.
The valid option keys are as follows:
. The value can betrue
. The value can bes3
. The value is either an S3 ARN or a file path.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails_command :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The command that the container runs to determine whether it is healthy.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails_startPeriod :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The optional grace period in seconds that allows containers time to bootstrap before failed health checks count towards the maximum number of retries.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails_retries :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of times to retry a failed health check before the container is considered unhealthy. The default value is 3.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails_interval :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The time period in seconds between each health check execution. The default value is 30 seconds.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails_timeout :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The time period in seconds to wait for a health check to succeed before it is considered a failure. The default value is 5.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails_drop :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The Linux capabilities for the container that are dropped from the default configuration provided by Docker.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails_add :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The Linux capabilities for the container that are added to the default configuration provided by Docker.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_sharedMemorySize :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The value for the size (in MiB) of the /dev/shm volume.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_tmpfs :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails]) Source #
The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_initProcessEnabled :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to run an init
process inside the container that forwards
signals and reaps processes.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_swappiness :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
Configures the container's memory swappiness behavior. Determines how aggressively pages are swapped. The higher the value, the more aggressive the swappiness. The default is 60.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_devices :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails]) Source #
The host devices to expose to the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_capabilities :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersCapabilitiesDetails) Source #
The Linux capabilities for the container that are added to or dropped from the default configuration provided by Docker.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails_maxSwap :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The total amount of swap memory (in MiB) that a container can use.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails_containerPath :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The path inside the container at which to expose the host device.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails_hostPath :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The path for the device on the host container instance.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails_permissions :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDevicesDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The explicit permissions to provide to the container for the device. By
default, the container has permissions for read, write, and mknod
the device.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails_size :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum size (in MiB) of the tmpfs volume.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails_containerPath :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The absolute file path where the tmpfs volume is to be mounted.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails_mountOptions :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersTmpfsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of tmpfs volume mount options.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails_logDriver :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The log driver to use for the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails_options :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The configuration options to send to the log driver. Requires version 1.19 of the Docker Remote API or greater on your container instance.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails_secretOptions :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails]) Source #
The secrets to pass to the log configuration.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the secret.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails_valueFrom :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationSecretOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The secret to expose to the container.
The value is either the full ARN of the Secrets Manager secret or the full ARN of the parameter in the Systems Manager Parameter Store.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails_containerPath :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The path on the container to mount the host volume at.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails_sourceVolume :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the volume to mount. Must match the name of a volume listed
in VolumeDetails
for the task definition.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails_readOnly :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the container has read-only access to the volume.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails_protocol :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The protocol used for the port mapping. The default is tcp
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails_hostPort :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The port number on the container instance to reserve for the container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails_containerPort :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The port number on the container that is bound to the user-specified or automatically assigned host port.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsRepositoryCredentialsDetails_credentialsParameter :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsRepositoryCredentialsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the secret that contains the private repository credentials.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails_value :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The value for the specified resource type.
, the value is the number of physical GPUs the Amazon ECS
container agent reserves for the container.
For InferenceAccelerator
, the value should match the DeviceName
attribute of an entry in InferenceAccelerators
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of resource to assign to a container.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the secret.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails_valueFrom :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The secret to expose to the container. The value is either the full ARN of the Secrets Manager secret or the full ARN of the parameter in the Systems Manager Parameter Store.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails_namespace :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The namespaced kernel parameter for which to set a value.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails_value :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the parameter.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of the ulimit.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails_hardLimit :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The hard limit for the ulimit type.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails_softLimit :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The soft limit for the ulimit type.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails_sourceContainer :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of another container within the same task definition from which to mount volumes.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails_readOnly :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the container has read-only access to the volume.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_inferenceAccelerators :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails]) Source #
The Elastic Inference accelerators to use for the containers in the task.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_executionRoleArn :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the task execution role that grants the container agent permission to make API calls on behalf of the container user.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_pidMode :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The process namespace to use for the containers in the task.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_family :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of a family that this task definition is registered to.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_requiresCompatibilities :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The task launch types that the task definition was validated against.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_containerDefinitions :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDetails]) Source #
The container definitions that describe the containers that make up the task.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_memory :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The amount (in MiB) of memory used by the task.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_ipcMode :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The IPC resource namespace to use for the containers in the task.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_taskRoleArn :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The short name or ARN of the IAM role that grants containers in the task permission to call Amazon Web Services API operations on your behalf.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_proxyConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails) Source #
The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_placementConstraints :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails]) Source #
The placement constraint objects to use for tasks.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_networkMode :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_volumes :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails]) Source #
The data volume definitions for the task.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails_cpu :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The number of CPU units used by the task.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails_deviceName :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Elastic Inference accelerator device name.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails_deviceType :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionInferenceAcceleratorsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Elastic Inference accelerator type to use.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails_expression :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A cluster query language expression to apply to the constraint.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraintsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of constraint.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails_proxyConfigurationProperties :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails (Maybe [AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails]) Source #
The set of network configuration parameters to provide to the Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin, specified as key-value pairs.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails_containerName :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the container that will serve as the App Mesh proxy.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The proxy type.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails_value :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the property.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionProxyConfigurationProxyConfigurationPropertiesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the property.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails_dockerVolumeConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails) Source #
Information about a Docker volume.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the data volume.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails_efsVolumeConfiguration :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails) Source #
Information about the Amazon Elastic File System file system that is used for task storage.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails_host :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesHostDetails) Source #
Information about a bind mount host volume.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails_driver :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Docker volume driver to use.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails_driverOpts :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A map of Docker driver-specific options that are passed through.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails_scope :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The scope for the Docker volume that determines its lifecycle. Docker volumes that are scoped to a task are provisioned automatically when the task starts and destroyed when the task stops. Docker volumes that are shared persist after the task stops.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails_labels :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Custom metadata to add to the Docker volume.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails_autoprovision :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesDockerVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to create the Docker volume automatically if it does not already exist.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails_iam :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Whether to use the Amazon ECS task IAM role defined in a task definition when mounting the Amazon EFS file system.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails_accessPointId :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon EFS access point identifier to use.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails_rootDirectory :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The directory within the Amazon EFS file system to mount as the root directory inside the host.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails_transitEncryption :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Whether to enable encryption for Amazon EFS data in transit between the Amazon ECS host and the Amazon EFS server.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails_filesystemId :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon EFS file system identifier to use.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails_authorizationConfig :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationAuthorizationConfigDetails) Source #
The authorization configuration details for the Amazon EFS file system.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails_transitEncryptionPort :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesEfsVolumeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The port to use when sending encrypted data between the Amazon ECS host and the Amazon EFS server.
awsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesHostDetails_sourcePath :: Lens' AwsEcsTaskDefinitionVolumesHostDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The path on the host container instance that is presented to the container.
awsEksClusterDetails_arn :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the cluster.
awsEksClusterDetails_certificateAuthorityData :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The certificate authority data for the cluster.
awsEksClusterDetails_name :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the cluster.
awsEksClusterDetails_version :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon EKS server version for the cluster.
awsEksClusterDetails_logging :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe AwsEksClusterLoggingDetails) Source #
The logging configuration for the cluster.
awsEksClusterDetails_endpoint :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The endpoint for the Amazon EKS API server.
awsEksClusterDetails_resourcesVpcConfig :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe AwsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails) Source #
The VPC configuration used by the cluster control plane.
awsEksClusterDetails_clusterStatus :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the cluster.
awsEksClusterDetails_roleArn :: Lens' AwsEksClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the IAM role that provides permissions for the Amazon EKS control plane to make calls to Amazon Web Services API operations on your behalf.
awsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails_enabled :: Lens' AwsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the logging types that are listed in Types
are enabled.
awsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails_types :: Lens' AwsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of logging types.
awsEksClusterLoggingDetails_clusterLogging :: Lens' AwsEksClusterLoggingDetails (Maybe [AwsEksClusterLoggingClusterLoggingDetails]) Source #
Cluster logging configurations.
awsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails_securityGroupIds :: Lens' AwsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The security groups that are associated with the cross-account elastic network interfaces that are used to allow communication between your nodes and the Amazon EKS control plane.
awsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails_subnetIds :: Lens' AwsEksClusterResourcesVpcConfigDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The subnets that are associated with the cluster.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_status :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current operational status of the environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_cname :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL to the CNAME for this environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_endpointUrl :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
For load-balanced, autoscaling environments, the URL to the load balancer. For single-instance environments, the IP address of the instance.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_optionSettings :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe [AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting]) Source #
The configuration setting for the environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_dateUpdated :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The date when this environment was last modified.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_dateCreated :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The creation date for this environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_versionLabel :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The application version of the environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_platformArn :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the platform version for the environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_tier :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier) Source #
The tier of the environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_environmentName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_applicationName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the application that is associated with the environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_environmentArn :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_solutionStackName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the solution stack that is deployed with the environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_environmentId :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_environmentLinks :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe [AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink]) Source #
Links to other environments in the same group.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails_description :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink_linkName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the environment link.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink_environmentName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentEnvironmentLink (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the linked environment.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting_optionName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the option.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting_resourceName :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the resource.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting_namespace :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of resource that the configuration option is associated with.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting_value :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentOptionSetting (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the configuration setting.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier_name :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the environment tier.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier_version :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the environment tier.
awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier_type :: Lens' AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of environment tier.
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_nodeToNodeEncryptionOptions :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptions) Source #
Details about the configuration for node-to-node encryption.
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_accessPolicies :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
IAM policy document specifying the access policies for the new Elasticsearch domain.
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_serviceSoftwareOptions :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions) Source #
Information about the status of a domain relative to the latest service software.
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_logPublishingOptions :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions) Source #
Configures the CloudWatch Logs to publish for the Elasticsearch domain.
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_elasticsearchClusterConfig :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails) Source #
Information about an OpenSearch cluster configuration.
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_domainName :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of an Elasticsearch domain.
Domain names are unique across all domains owned by the same account within an Amazon Web Services Region.
Domain names must start with a lowercase letter and must be between 3 and 28 characters.
Valid characters are a-z (lowercase only), 0-9, and – (hyphen).
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_encryptionAtRestOptions :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions) Source #
Details about the configuration for encryption at rest.
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_vPCOptions :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions) Source #
Information that OpenSearch derives based on VPCOptions
for the
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_domainId :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Unique identifier for an Elasticsearch domain.
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_endpoints :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The key-value pair that exists if the Elasticsearch domain uses VPC endpoints.
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_domainEndpointOptions :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions) Source #
Additional options for the domain endpoint.
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_endpoint :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Domain-specific endpoint used to submit index, search, and data upload requests to an Elasticsearch domain.
The endpoint is a service URL.
awsElasticsearchDomainDetails_elasticsearchVersion :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
OpenSearch version.
awsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions_enforceHTTPS :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to require that all traffic to the domain arrive over HTTPS.
awsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions_tLSSecurityPolicy :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainDomainEndpointOptions (Maybe Text) Source #
The TLS security policy to apply to the HTTPS endpoint of the OpenSearch domain.
Valid values:
, which supports TLSv1.0 and higherPolicy-Min-TLS-1-2-2019-07
, which only supports TLSv1.2
awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_dedicatedMasterCount :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of instances to use for the master node. If this attribute is
specified, then DedicatedMasterEnabled
must be true
awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_dedicatedMasterType :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The hardware configuration of the computer that hosts the dedicated
master node. For example, m3.medium.elasticsearch
. If this attribute
is specified, then DedicatedMasterEnabled
must be true
awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_dedicatedMasterEnabled :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to use a dedicated master node for the Elasticsearch domain. A dedicated master node performs cluster management tasks, but doesn't hold data or respond to data upload requests.
awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_instanceCount :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of data nodes to use in the Elasticsearch domain.
awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_zoneAwarenessEnabled :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to enable zone awareness for the Elasticsearch domain. When zone awareness is enabled, OpenSearch allocates the cluster's nodes and replica index shards across Availability Zones in the same Region. This prevents data loss and minimizes downtime if a node or data center fails.
awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_instanceType :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The instance type for your data nodes. For example,
awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails_zoneAwarenessConfig :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails) Source #
Configuration options for zone awareness. Provided if
is true
awsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails_availabilityZoneCount :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
he number of Availability Zones that the domain uses. Valid values are 2 and 3. The default is 2.
awsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions_enabled :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether encryption at rest is enabled.
awsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainEncryptionAtRestOptions (Maybe Text) Source #
The KMS key ID. Takes the form 1a2a3a4-1a2a-3a4a-5a6a-1a2a3a4a5a6a.
awsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions_indexSlowLogs :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig) Source #
Configures the OpenSearch index logs publishing.
awsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions_searchSlowLogs :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig) Source #
Configures the OpenSearch search slow log publishing.
awsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions_auditLogs :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptions (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig) Source #
Undocumented member.
awsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig_enabled :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the log publishing is enabled.
awsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig_cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainLogPublishingOptionsLogConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the CloudWatch Logs group to publish the logs to.
awsElasticsearchDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptions_enabled :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptions (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether node-to-node encryption is enabled.
awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_automatedUpdateDate :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Text) Source #
The epoch time when the deployment window closes for required updates. After this time, Amazon OpenSearch Service schedules the software upgrade automatically.
awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_currentVersion :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the service software that is currently installed on the domain.
awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_updateStatus :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the service software update.
awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_cancellable :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether a request to update the domain can be canceled.
awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_updateAvailable :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether a service software update is available for the domain.
awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_description :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Text) Source #
A more detailed description of the service software status.
awsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions_newVersion :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainServiceSoftwareOptions (Maybe Text) Source #
The most recent version of the service software.
awsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions_securityGroupIds :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of security group IDs associated with the VPC endpoints for the domain.
awsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions_subnetIds :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of subnet IDs associated with the VPC endpoints for the domain.
awsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions_vPCId :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions (Maybe Text) Source #
ID for the VPC.
awsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions_availabilityZones :: Lens' AwsElasticsearchDomainVPCOptions (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of Availability Zones associated with the VPC subnets.
awsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy_policyName :: Lens' AwsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy (Maybe Text) Source #
The mnemonic name for the policy being created. The name must be unique within the set of policies for the load balancer.
awsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy_cookieName :: Lens' AwsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the application cookie used for stickiness.
awsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy_policyName :: Lens' AwsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the policy. The name must be unique within the set of policies for the load balancer.
awsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy_cookieExpirationPeriod :: Lens' AwsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy (Maybe Integer) Source #
The amount of time, in seconds, after which the cookie is considered stale. If an expiration period is not specified, the stickiness session lasts for the duration of the browser session.
awsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog_emitInterval :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog (Maybe Int) Source #
The interval in minutes for publishing the access logs.
You can publish access logs either every 5 minutes or every 60 minutes.
awsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog_enabled :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether access logs are enabled for the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog_s3BucketPrefix :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog (Maybe Text) Source #
The logical hierarchy that was created for the S3 bucket.
If a prefix is not provided, the log is placed at the root level of the bucket.
awsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog_s3BucketName :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the S3 bucket where the access logs are stored.
awsElbLoadBalancerAttributes_crossZoneLoadBalancing :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancing) Source #
Cross-zone load balancing settings for the load balancer.
If cross-zone load balancing is enabled, the load balancer routes the request traffic evenly across all instances regardless of the Availability Zones.
awsElbLoadBalancerAttributes_accessLog :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerAccessLog) Source #
Information about the access log configuration for the load balancer.
If the access log is enabled, the load balancer captures detailed information about all requests. It delivers the information to a specified S3 bucket.
awsElbLoadBalancerAttributes_connectionSettings :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionSettings) Source #
Connection settings for the load balancer.
If an idle timeout is configured, the load balancer allows connections to remain idle for the specified duration. When a connection is idle, no data is sent over the connection.
awsElbLoadBalancerAttributes_connectionDraining :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining) Source #
Information about the connection draining configuration for the load balancer.
If connection draining is enabled, the load balancer allows existing requests to complete before it shifts traffic away from a deregistered or unhealthy instance.
awsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription_policyNames :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The names of the policies that are enabled for the EC2 instance.
awsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription_instancePort :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription (Maybe Int) Source #
The port on which the EC2 instance is listening.
awsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining_enabled :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether connection draining is enabled for the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining_timeout :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionDraining (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum time, in seconds, to keep the existing connections open before deregistering the instances.
awsElbLoadBalancerConnectionSettings_idleTimeout :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerConnectionSettings (Maybe Int) Source #
The time, in seconds, that the connection can be idle (no data is sent over the connection) before it is closed by the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancing_enabled :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancing (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether cross-zone load balancing is enabled for the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_sourceSecurityGroup :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup) Source #
Information about the security group for the load balancer. This is the security group that is used for inbound rules.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_canonicalHostedZoneName :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone for the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_securityGroups :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The security groups for the load balancer. Only provided if the load balancer is in a VPC.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_healthCheck :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck) Source #
Information about the health checks that are conducted on the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_loadBalancerName :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_loadBalancerAttributes :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerAttributes) Source #
The attributes for a load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_createdTime :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the load balancer was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the VPC for the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_subnets :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of subnet identifiers for the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_availabilityZones :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of Availability Zones for the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_backendServerDescriptions :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [AwsElbLoadBalancerBackendServerDescription]) Source #
Information about the configuration of the EC2 instances.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_canonicalHostedZoneNameID :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone for the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_instances :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [AwsElbLoadBalancerInstance]) Source #
List of EC2 instances for the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_scheme :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of load balancer. Only provided if the load balancer is in a VPC.
If Scheme
is internet-facing
, the load balancer has a public DNS
name that resolves to a public IP address.
If Scheme
is internal
, the load balancer has a public DNS name that
resolves to a private IP address.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_listenerDescriptions :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [AwsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription]) Source #
The policies that are enabled for the load balancer listeners.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_dnsName :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The DNS name of the load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerDetails_policies :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies) Source #
The policies for a load balancer.
awsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck_healthyThreshold :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of consecutive health check successes required before the instance is moved to the Healthy state.
awsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck_interval :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck (Maybe Int) Source #
The approximate interval, in seconds, between health checks of an individual instance.
awsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck_timeout :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of time, in seconds, during which no response means a failed health check.
awsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck_unhealthyThreshold :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of consecutive health check failures that must occur before the instance is moved to the Unhealthy state.
awsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck_target :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerHealthCheck (Maybe Text) Source #
The instance that is being checked. The target specifies the protocol and port. The available protocols are TCP, SSL, HTTP, and HTTPS. The range of valid ports is 1 through 65535.
For the HTTP and HTTPS protocols, the target also specifies the ping path.
For the TCP protocol, the target is specified as TCP: <port>
For the SSL protocol, the target is specified as SSL.<port>
For the HTTP and HTTPS protocols, the target is specified as
<protocol>:<port>/<path to ping>
awsElbLoadBalancerInstance_instanceId :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerInstance (Maybe Text) Source #
The instance identifier.
awsElbLoadBalancerListener_instanceProtocol :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListener (Maybe Text) Source #
The protocol to use to route traffic to instances.
Valid values: HTTP
awsElbLoadBalancerListener_instancePort :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListener (Maybe Int) Source #
The port on which the instance is listening.
awsElbLoadBalancerListener_loadBalancerPort :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListener (Maybe Int) Source #
The port on which the load balancer is listening.
On EC2-VPC, you can specify any port from the range 1-65535.
On EC2-Classic, you can specify any port from the following list: 25, 80, 443, 465, 587, 1024-65535.
awsElbLoadBalancerListener_protocol :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListener (Maybe Text) Source #
The load balancer transport protocol to use for routing.
Valid values: HTTP
awsElbLoadBalancerListener_sslCertificateId :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListener (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the server certificate.
awsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription_policyNames :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The policies enabled for the listener.
awsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription_listener :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerListenerDescription (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerListener) Source #
Information about the listener.
awsElbLoadBalancerPolicies_otherPolicies :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The policies other than the stickiness policies.
awsElbLoadBalancerPolicies_lbCookieStickinessPolicies :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies (Maybe [AwsElbLbCookieStickinessPolicy]) Source #
The stickiness policies that are created using
awsElbLoadBalancerPolicies_appCookieStickinessPolicies :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerPolicies (Maybe [AwsElbAppCookieStickinessPolicy]) Source #
The stickiness policies that are created using
awsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup_ownerAlias :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The owner of the security group.
awsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup_groupName :: Lens' AwsElbLoadBalancerSourceSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the security group.
awsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute_value :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the load balancer attribute.
awsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute_key :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the load balancer attribute.
awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_state :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe LoadBalancerState) Source #
The state of the load balancer.
awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_securityGroups :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The IDs of the security groups for the load balancer.
awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_loadBalancerAttributes :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [AwsElbv2LoadBalancerAttribute]) Source #
Attributes of the load balancer.
awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_createdTime :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the load balancer was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the VPC for the load balancer.
awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_canonicalHostedZoneId :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone associated with the load balancer.
awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_availabilityZones :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe [AvailabilityZone]) Source #
The Availability Zones for the load balancer.
awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_ipAddressType :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of IP addresses used by the subnets for your load balancer. The
possible values are ipv4
(for IPv4 addresses) and dualstack
IPv4 and IPv6 addresses).
awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_scheme :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The nodes of an Internet-facing load balancer have public IP addresses.
awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_type :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of load balancer.
awsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails_dNSName :: Lens' AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The public DNS name of the load balancer.
awsIamAccessKeyDetails_status :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe AwsIamAccessKeyStatus) Source #
The status of the IAM access key related to a finding.
awsIamAccessKeyDetails_principalId :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the principal associated with an access key.
awsIamAccessKeyDetails_principalType :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of principal associated with an access key.
awsIamAccessKeyDetails_principalName :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the principal.
awsIamAccessKeyDetails_createdAt :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the IAM access key was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsIamAccessKeyDetails_userName :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The user associated with the IAM access key related to a finding.
The UserName
parameter has been replaced with the PrincipalName
parameter because access keys can also be assigned to principals that
are not IAM users.
awsIamAccessKeyDetails_sessionContext :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe AwsIamAccessKeySessionContext) Source #
Information about the session that the key was used for.
awsIamAccessKeyDetails_accountId :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account for the key.
awsIamAccessKeyDetails_accessKeyId :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the access key.
awsIamAccessKeySessionContext_attributes :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContext (Maybe AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes) Source #
Attributes of the session that the key was used for.
awsIamAccessKeySessionContext_sessionIssuer :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContext (Maybe AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer) Source #
Information about the entity that created the session.
awsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes_creationDate :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the session was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes_mfaAuthenticated :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextAttributes (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the session used multi-factor authentication (MFA).
awsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer_principalId :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer (Maybe Text) Source #
The principal ID of the principal (user, role, or group) that created the session.
awsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer_arn :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the session.
awsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer_userName :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the principal that created the session.
awsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer_accountId :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon Web Services account that created the session.
awsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer_type :: Lens' AwsIamAccessKeySessionContextSessionIssuer (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of principal (user, role, or group) that created the session.
awsIamAttachedManagedPolicy_policyName :: Lens' AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the policy.
awsIamAttachedManagedPolicy_policyArn :: Lens' AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the policy.
awsIamGroupDetails_path :: Lens' AwsIamGroupDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the group.
awsIamGroupDetails_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamGroupDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the IAM group was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsIamGroupDetails_groupId :: Lens' AwsIamGroupDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the IAM group.
awsIamGroupDetails_groupPolicyList :: Lens' AwsIamGroupDetails (Maybe [AwsIamGroupPolicy]) Source #
The list of inline policies that are embedded in the group.
awsIamGroupDetails_groupName :: Lens' AwsIamGroupDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the IAM group.
awsIamGroupDetails_attachedManagedPolicies :: Lens' AwsIamGroupDetails (Maybe [AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy]) Source #
A list of the managed policies that are attached to the IAM group.
awsIamGroupPolicy_policyName :: Lens' AwsIamGroupPolicy (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the policy.
awsIamInstanceProfile_roles :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfile (Maybe [AwsIamInstanceProfileRole]) Source #
The roles associated with the instance profile.
awsIamInstanceProfile_arn :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the instance profile.
awsIamInstanceProfile_path :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the instance profile.
awsIamInstanceProfile_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the instance profile was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsIamInstanceProfile_instanceProfileId :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the instance profile.
awsIamInstanceProfile_instanceProfileName :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the instance profile.
awsIamInstanceProfileRole_assumeRolePolicyDocument :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfileRole (Maybe Text) Source #
The policy that grants an entity permission to assume the role.
awsIamInstanceProfileRole_arn :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfileRole (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the role.
awsIamInstanceProfileRole_path :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfileRole (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the role.
awsIamInstanceProfileRole_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfileRole (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the role was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsIamInstanceProfileRole_roleName :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfileRole (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the role.
awsIamInstanceProfileRole_roleId :: Lens' AwsIamInstanceProfileRole (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the role.
awsIamPermissionsBoundary_permissionsBoundaryType :: Lens' AwsIamPermissionsBoundary (Maybe Text) Source #
The usage type for the permissions boundary.
awsIamPermissionsBoundary_permissionsBoundaryArn :: Lens' AwsIamPermissionsBoundary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the policy used to set the permissions boundary.
awsIamPolicyDetails_policyName :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the policy.
awsIamPolicyDetails_updateDate :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
When the policy was most recently updated.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsIamPolicyDetails_policyId :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the policy.
awsIamPolicyDetails_path :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the policy.
awsIamPolicyDetails_policyVersionList :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe [AwsIamPolicyVersion]) Source #
List of versions of the policy.
awsIamPolicyDetails_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
When the policy was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsIamPolicyDetails_isAttachable :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the policy can be attached to a user, group, or role.
awsIamPolicyDetails_permissionsBoundaryUsageCount :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of users and roles that use the policy to set the permissions boundary.
awsIamPolicyDetails_defaultVersionId :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the default version of the policy.
awsIamPolicyDetails_attachmentCount :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of users, groups, and roles that the policy is attached to.
awsIamPolicyDetails_description :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the policy.
awsIamPolicyVersion_versionId :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the policy version.
awsIamPolicyVersion_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the version was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsIamPolicyVersion_isDefaultVersion :: Lens' AwsIamPolicyVersion (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the version is the default version.
awsIamRoleDetails_maxSessionDuration :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specified role.
awsIamRoleDetails_assumeRolePolicyDocument :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The trust policy that grants permission to assume the role.
awsIamRoleDetails_path :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the role.
awsIamRoleDetails_instanceProfileList :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe [AwsIamInstanceProfile]) Source #
The list of instance profiles that contain this role.
awsIamRoleDetails_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the role was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsIamRoleDetails_roleName :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The friendly name that identifies the role.
awsIamRoleDetails_roleId :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The stable and unique string identifying the role.
awsIamRoleDetails_permissionsBoundary :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe AwsIamPermissionsBoundary) Source #
Undocumented member.
awsIamRoleDetails_rolePolicyList :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe [AwsIamRolePolicy]) Source #
The list of inline policies that are embedded in the role.
awsIamRoleDetails_attachedManagedPolicies :: Lens' AwsIamRoleDetails (Maybe [AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy]) Source #
The list of the managed policies that are attached to the role.
awsIamRolePolicy_policyName :: Lens' AwsIamRolePolicy (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the policy.
awsIamUserDetails_groupList :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of IAM groups that the user belongs to.
awsIamUserDetails_path :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the user.
awsIamUserDetails_createDate :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the user was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsIamUserDetails_userName :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the user.
awsIamUserDetails_userId :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the user.
awsIamUserDetails_permissionsBoundary :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe AwsIamPermissionsBoundary) Source #
The permissions boundary for the user.
awsIamUserDetails_userPolicyList :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe [AwsIamUserPolicy]) Source #
The list of inline policies that are embedded in the user.
awsIamUserDetails_attachedManagedPolicies :: Lens' AwsIamUserDetails (Maybe [AwsIamAttachedManagedPolicy]) Source #
A list of the managed policies that are attached to the user.
awsIamUserPolicy_policyName :: Lens' AwsIamUserPolicy (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the policy.
awsKmsKeyDetails_origin :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The source of the KMS key material.
When this value is AWS_KMS
, KMS created the key material.
When this value is EXTERNAL
, the key material was imported from your
existing key management infrastructure or the KMS key lacks key
When this value is AWS_CLOUDHSM
, the key material was created in the
CloudHSM cluster associated with a custom key store.
awsKmsKeyDetails_keyManager :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The manager of the KMS key. KMS keys in your Amazon Web Services account are either customer managed or Amazon Web Services managed.
awsKmsKeyDetails_keyId :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The globally unique identifier for the KMS key.
awsKmsKeyDetails_keyState :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The state of the KMS key.
awsKmsKeyDetails_aWSAccountId :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The twelve-digit account ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the KMS key.
awsKmsKeyDetails_keyRotationStatus :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the key has key rotation enabled.
awsKmsKeyDetails_creationDate :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Double) Source #
Indicates when the KMS key was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsKmsKeyDetails_description :: Lens' AwsKmsKeyDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the key.
awsLambdaFunctionCode_s3ObjectVersion :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionCode (Maybe Text) Source #
For versioned objects, the version of the deployment package object to use.
awsLambdaFunctionCode_s3Key :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionCode (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon S3 key of the deployment package.
awsLambdaFunctionCode_zipFile :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionCode (Maybe Text) Source #
The base64-encoded contents of the deployment package. Amazon Web Services SDK and Amazon Web Services CLI clients handle the encoding for you.
awsLambdaFunctionCode_s3Bucket :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionCode (Maybe Text) Source #
An Amazon S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as your function. The bucket can be in a different Amazon Web Services account.
awsLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfig_targetArn :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of an SQS queue or SNS topic.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_memorySize :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The memory that is allocated to the function.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_runtime :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The runtime environment for the Lambda function.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_kmsKeyArn :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The KMS key that is used to encrypt the function's environment variables. This key is only returned if you've configured a customer managed customer managed key.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_environment :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironment) Source #
The function's environment variables.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_deadLetterConfig :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfig) Source #
The function's dead letter queue.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_role :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The function's execution role.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_vpcConfig :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig) Source #
The function's networking configuration.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_version :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the Lambda function.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_functionName :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the function.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_code :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionCode) Source #
An AwsLambdaFunctionCode
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_layers :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe [AwsLambdaFunctionLayer]) Source #
The function's layers.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_handler :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The function that Lambda calls to begin executing your function.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_timeout :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of time that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_lastModified :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the function was last updated.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_codeSha256 :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The SHA256 hash of the function's deployment package.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_tracingConfig :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionTracingConfig) Source #
The function's X-Ray tracing configuration.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_revisionId :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The latest updated revision of the function or alias.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_masterArn :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
For Lambda@Edge functions, the ARN of the master function.
awsLambdaFunctionEnvironment_variables :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironment (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Environment variable key-value pairs.
awsLambdaFunctionEnvironment_error :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironment (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError) Source #
An AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError
awsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError_errorCode :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error code.
awsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError_message :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error message.
awsLambdaFunctionLayer_arn :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionLayer (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the function layer.
awsLambdaFunctionLayer_codeSize :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionLayer (Maybe Int) Source #
The size of the layer archive in bytes.
awsLambdaFunctionTracingConfig_mode :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionTracingConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The tracing mode.
awsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig_securityGroupIds :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of VPC security groups IDs.
awsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig_subnetIds :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of VPC subnet IDs.
awsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig_vpcId :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionVpcConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the VPC.
awsLambdaLayerVersionDetails_createdDate :: Lens' AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the version was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsLambdaLayerVersionDetails_version :: Lens' AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails (Maybe Integer) Source #
The version number.
awsLambdaLayerVersionDetails_compatibleRuntimes :: Lens' AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The layer's compatible runtimes. Maximum number of five items.
Valid values: nodejs10.x
| nodejs12.x
| java8
| java11
| python3.6
| python3.7
| python3.8
| dotnetcore1.0
| dotnetcore2.1
| go1.x
| ruby2.5
| provided
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_dedicatedMasterCount :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of instances to use for the master node. If this attribute is
specified, then DedicatedMasterEnabled
must be true
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_dedicatedMasterType :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The hardware configuration of the computer that hosts the dedicated master node.
If this attribute is specified, then DedicatedMasterEnabled
must be
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_dedicatedMasterEnabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to use a dedicated master node for the OpenSearch domain. A dedicated master node performs cluster management tasks, but does not hold data or respond to data upload requests.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_instanceCount :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of data nodes to use in the OpenSearch domain.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_zoneAwarenessEnabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to enable zone awareness for the OpenSearch domain. When zone awareness is enabled, OpenSearch Service allocates the cluster's nodes and replica index shards across Availability Zones (AZs) in the same Region. This prevents data loss and minimizes downtime if a node or data center fails.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_instanceType :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The instance type for your data nodes.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_warmEnabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether UltraWarm is enabled.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_zoneAwarenessConfig :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails) Source #
Configuration options for zone awareness. Provided if
is true
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_warmCount :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of UltraWarm instances.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails_warmType :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of UltraWarm instance.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails_availabilityZoneCount :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigZoneAwarenessConfigDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of Availability Zones that the domain uses. Valid values are 2 and 3. The default is 2.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_engineVersion :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the domain engine.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_nodeToNodeEncryptionOptions :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsDetails) Source #
Details about the configuration for node-to-node encryption.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_accessPolicies :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
IAM policy document that specifies the access policies for the OpenSearch Service domain.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_serviceSoftwareOptions :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails) Source #
Information about the status of a domain relative to the latest service software.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_arn :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the OpenSearch Service domain.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_logPublishingOptions :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails) Source #
Configures the CloudWatch Logs to publish for the OpenSearch domain.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_clusterConfig :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainClusterConfigDetails) Source #
Details about the configuration of an OpenSearch cluster.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_domainName :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the endpoint.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_encryptionAtRestOptions :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails) Source #
Details about the configuration for encryption at rest.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_vpcOptions :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails) Source #
Information that OpenSearch Service derives based on VPCOptions
the domain.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_id :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the domain.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_domainEndpoints :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The domain endpoints. Used if the OpenSearch domain resides in a VPC.
This is a map of key-value pairs. The key is always vpc
. The value is
the endpoint.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_domainEndpoint :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The domain endpoint.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails_domainEndpointOptions :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails) Source #
Additional options for the domain endpoint.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails_enforceHTTPS :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to require that all traffic to the domain arrive over HTTPS.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails_tLSSecurityPolicy :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The TLS security policy to apply to the HTTPS endpoint of the OpenSearch domain.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails_customEndpointEnabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to enable a custom endpoint for the domain.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails_customEndpoint :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The fully qualified URL for the custom endpoint.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails_customEndpointCertificateArn :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDomainEndpointOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN for the security certificate. The certificate is managed in ACM.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails_enabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether encryption at rest is enabled.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainEncryptionAtRestOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The KMS key ID.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption_enabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the log publishing is enabled.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption_cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the CloudWatch Logs group to publish the logs to.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails_indexSlowLogs :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption) Source #
Configures the OpenSearch index logs publishing.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails_searchSlowLogs :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption) Source #
Configures the OpenSearch search slow log publishing.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails_auditLogs :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOptionsDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainLogPublishingOption) Source #
Configures the OpenSearch audit logs publishing.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsDetails_enabled :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainNodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether node-to-node encryption is enabled.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_automatedUpdateDate :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The epoch time when the deployment window closes for required updates. After this time, OpenSearch Service schedules the software upgrade automatically.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_currentVersion :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the service software that is currently installed on the domain.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_optionalDeployment :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the service software update is optional.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_updateStatus :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the service software update.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_cancellable :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether a request to update the domain can be canceled.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_updateAvailable :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether a service software update is available for the domain.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_description :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A more detailed description of the service software status.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails_newVersion :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainServiceSoftwareOptionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The most recent version of the service software.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails_securityGroupIds :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of security group IDs that are associated with the VPC endpoints for the domain.
awsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails_subnetIds :: Lens' AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainVpcOptionsDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of subnet IDs that are associated with the VPC endpoints for the domain.
awsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the association between the IAM role and the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole_roleArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the IAM role.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_engineVersion :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The version number of the database engine to use.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current status of this DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_dbClusterMembers :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbClusterMember]) Source #
The list of instances that make up the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_deletionProtection :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the DB cluster has deletion protection enabled.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_storageEncrypted :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the DB cluster is encrypted.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_dbClusterIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The DB cluster identifier that the user assigned to the cluster. This identifier is the unique key that identifies a DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_readReplicaIdentifiers :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The identifiers of the read replicas that are associated with this DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_dbClusterParameterGroup :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the DB cluster parameter group for the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_hostedZoneId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the identifier that Amazon Route 53 assigns when you create a hosted zone.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_masterUsername :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the master user for the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_iamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the mapping of IAM accounts to database accounts is enabled.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_dbClusterResourceId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the DB cluster. The identifier must be unique within each Amazon Web Services Region and is immutable.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_customEndpoints :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of custom endpoints for the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_engine :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the database engine to use for this DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_httpEndpointEnabled :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the HTTP endpoint for an Aurora Serverless DB cluster is enabled.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_crossAccountClone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the DB cluster is a clone of a DB cluster owned by a different Amazon Web Services account.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_preferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
Uses the format <day>:HH:MM-<day>:HH:MM
For the day values, use mon
For example, sun:09:32-sun:10:02
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_availabilityZones :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of Availability Zones (AZs) where instances in the DB cluster can be created.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the KMS master key that is used to encrypt the database instances in the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_preferredBackupWindow :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The range of time each day when automated backups are created, if automated backups are enabled.
Uses the format HH:MM-HH:MM
. For example, 04:52-05:22
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_associatedRoles :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbClusterAssociatedRole]) Source #
A list of the IAM roles that are associated with the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_vpcSecurityGroups :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup]) Source #
A list of VPC security groups that the DB cluster belongs to.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_backupRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of days for which automated backups are retained.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_dbSubnetGroup :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The subnet group that is associated with the DB cluster, including the name, description, and subnets in the subnet group.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_multiAz :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the DB cluster has instances in multiple Availability Zones.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_databaseName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the database.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_engineMode :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The database engine mode of the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_enabledCloudWatchLogsExports :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of log types that this DB cluster is configured to export to CloudWatch Logs.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_activityStreamStatus :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the database activity stream.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_allocatedStorage :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
For all database engines except Aurora, specifies the allocated storage size in gibibytes (GiB).
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_copyTagsToSnapshot :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether tags are copied from the DB cluster to snapshots of the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_clusterCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the DB cluster was created, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_endpoint :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The connection endpoint for the primary instance of the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_readerEndpoint :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The reader endpoint for the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_dbClusterOptionGroupMemberships :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership]) Source #
The list of option group memberships for this DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_port :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The port number on which the DB instances in the DB cluster accept connections.
awsRdsDbClusterDetails_domainMemberships :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbDomainMembership]) Source #
The Active Directory domain membership records that are associated with the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterMember_promotionTier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterMember (Maybe Int) Source #
Specifies the order in which an Aurora replica is promoted to the primary instance when the existing primary instance fails.
awsRdsDbClusterMember_dbInstanceIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterMember (Maybe Text) Source #
The instance identifier for this member of the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterMember_isClusterWriter :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterMember (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the cluster member is the primary instance for the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterMember_dbClusterParameterGroupStatus :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterMember (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the DB cluster parameter group for this member of the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the DB cluster option group.
awsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership_dbClusterOptionGroupName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterOptionGroupMembership (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the DB cluster option group.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_engineVersion :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the database engine to use.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of this DB cluster snapshot.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_storageEncrypted :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the DB cluster is encrypted.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_dbClusterIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The DB cluster identifier.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_masterUsername :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the master user for the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_iamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether mapping of IAM accounts to database accounts is enabled.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The VPC ID that is associated with the DB cluster snapshot.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_dbClusterSnapshotIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the DB cluster snapshot.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_engine :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the database engine that you want to use for this DB instance.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_licenseModel :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The license model information for this DB cluster snapshot.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_availabilityZones :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of Availability Zones where instances in the DB cluster can be created.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_snapshotType :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of DB cluster snapshot.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the KMS master key that is used to encrypt the database instances in the DB cluster.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_snapshotCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the snapshot was taken.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_allocatedStorage :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
Specifies the allocated storage size in gibibytes (GiB).
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_clusterCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the DB cluster was created, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_percentProgress :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
Specifies the percentage of the estimated data that has been transferred.
awsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails_port :: Lens' AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The port number on which the DB instances in the DB cluster accept connections.
awsRdsDbDomainMembership_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbDomainMembership (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the Active Directory Domain membership for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbDomainMembership_fqdn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbDomainMembership (Maybe Text) Source #
The fully qualified domain name of the Active Directory domain.
awsRdsDbDomainMembership_domain :: Lens' AwsRdsDbDomainMembership (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Active Directory domain.
awsRdsDbDomainMembership_iamRoleName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbDomainMembership (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the IAM role to use when making API calls to the Directory Service.
awsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole (Maybe Text) Source #
Describes the state of the association between the IAM role and the DB
instance. The Status
property returns one of the following values:
- The IAM role ARN is associated with the DB instance and can be used to access other Amazon Web Services services on your behalf.PENDING
- The IAM role ARN is being associated with the DB instance.INVALID
- The IAM role ARN is associated with the DB instance. But the DB instance is unable to assume the IAM role in order to access other Amazon Web Services services on your behalf.
awsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole_featureName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the feature associated with the IAM role.
awsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole_roleArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the IAM role that is associated with the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbSecurityGroups :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of the DB security groups to assign to the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_engineVersion :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates the database engine version.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_deletionProtection :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the DB instance has deletion protection enabled.
When deletion protection is enabled, the database cannot be deleted.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_storageEncrypted :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether the DB instance is encrypted.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbClusterIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
If the DB instance is a member of a DB cluster, contains the name of the DB cluster that the DB instance is a member of.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_publiclyAccessible :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies the accessibility options for the DB instance.
A value of true specifies an Internet-facing instance with a publicly resolvable DNS name, which resolves to a public IP address.
A value of false specifies an internal instance with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_autoMinorVersionUpgrade :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether minor version patches are applied automatically.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_masterUsername :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The master user name of the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_readReplicaDBInstanceIdentifiers :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
List of identifiers of the read replicas associated with this DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_iAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
True if mapping of IAM accounts to database accounts is enabled, and otherwise false.
IAM database authentication can be enabled for the following database engines.
- For MySQL 5.6, minor version 5.6.34 or higher
- For MySQL 5.7, minor version 5.7.16 or higher
- Aurora 5.6 or higher
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_monitoringRoleArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN for the IAM role that permits Amazon RDS to send enhanced monitoring metrics to CloudWatch Logs.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_iops :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
Specifies the provisioned IOPS (I/O operations per second) for this DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_instanceCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the DB instance was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_readReplicaSourceDBInstanceIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
If this DB instance is a read replica, contains the identifier of the source DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_monitoringInterval :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The interval, in seconds, between points when enhanced monitoring metrics are collected for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_engine :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Provides the name of the database engine to use for this DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_processorFeatures :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature]) Source #
The number of CPU cores and the number of threads per core for the DB instance class of the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_latestRestorableTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the latest time to which a database can be restored with point-in-time restore.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbInstanceClass :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Contains the name of the compute and memory capacity class of the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_promotionTier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The order in which to promote an Aurora replica to the primary instance after a failure of the existing primary instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_licenseModel :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
License model information for this DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_preferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
Uses the format <day>:HH:MM-<day>:HH:MM
For the day values, use mon
For example, sun:09:32-sun:10:02
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_performanceInsightsRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of days to retain Performance Insights data.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_cACertificateIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the CA certificate for this DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbInstanceIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Contains a user-supplied database identifier. This identifier is the unique key that identifies a DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_characterSetName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the character set that this DB instance is associated with.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_maxAllocatedStorage :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The upper limit to which Amazon RDS can automatically scale the storage of the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
If StorageEncrypted
is true, the KMS key identifier for the encrypted
DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_preferredBackupWindow :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The range of time each day when automated backups are created, if automated backups are enabled.
Uses the format HH:MM-HH:MM
. For example, 04:52-05:22
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_associatedRoles :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbInstanceAssociatedRole]) Source #
The IAM roles associated with the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_availabilityZone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Availability Zone where the DB instance will be created.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_vpcSecurityGroups :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup]) Source #
A list of VPC security groups that the DB instance belongs to.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_backupRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of days for which to retain automated backups.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_performanceInsightsKmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the KMS key used to encrypt the Performance Insights data.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbSubnetGroup :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup) Source #
Information about the subnet group that is associated with the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_multiAz :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the DB instance is a multiple Availability Zone deployment.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_listenerEndpoint :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint) Source #
Undocumented member.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_optionGroupMemberships :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership]) Source #
The list of option group memberships for this DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_enhancedMonitoringResourceArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the CloudWatch Logs log stream that receives the enhanced monitoring metrics data for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_secondaryAvailabilityZone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
For a DB instance with multi-Availability Zone support, the name of the secondary Availability Zone.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_enabledCloudWatchLogsExports :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of log types that this DB instance is configured to export to CloudWatch Logs.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_performanceInsightsEnabled :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether Performance Insights is enabled for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_allocatedStorage :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of storage (in gigabytes) to initially allocate for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbiResourceId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region-unique, immutable identifier for the DB instance. This identifier is found in CloudTrail log entries whenever the KMS key for the DB instance is accessed.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbInstanceStatus :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current status of the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_copyTagsToSnapshot :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether to copy resource tags to snapshots of the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_timezone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The time zone of the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_tdeCredentialArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN from the key store with which the instance is associated for TDE encryption.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbParameterGroups :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbParameterGroup]) Source #
A list of the DB parameter groups to assign to the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_endpoint :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint) Source #
Specifies the connection endpoint.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbInstancePort :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
Specifies the port that the DB instance listens on. If the DB instance is part of a DB cluster, this can be a different port than the DB cluster port.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_pendingModifiedValues :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues) Source #
Changes to the DB instance that are currently pending.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_readReplicaDBClusterIdentifiers :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
List of identifiers of Aurora DB clusters to which the RDS DB instance is replicated as a read replica.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_storageType :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The storage type for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_statusInfos :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbStatusInfo]) Source #
The status of a read replica. If the instance isn't a read replica, this is empty.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_domainMemberships :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbDomainMembership]) Source #
The Active Directory domain membership records associated with the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceDetails_dbName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The meaning of this parameter differs according to the database engine you use.
MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, PostgreSQL
Contains the name of the initial database of this instance that was provided at create time, if one was specified when the DB instance was created. This same name is returned for the life of the DB instance.
Contains the Oracle System ID (SID) of the created DB instance. Not shown when the returned parameters do not apply to an Oracle DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint_hostedZoneId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the ID that Amazon Route 53 assigns when you create a hosted zone.
awsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint_address :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the DNS address of the DB instance.
awsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint_port :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceEndpoint (Maybe Int) Source #
Specifies the port that the database engine is listening on.
awsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the VPC security group.
awsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup_vpcSecurityGroupId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbInstanceVpcSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the VPC security group.
awsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the option group membership.
awsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership_optionGroupName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbOptionGroupMembership (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the option group.
awsRdsDbParameterGroup_dbParameterGroupName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbParameterGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the parameter group.
awsRdsDbParameterGroup_parameterApplyStatus :: Lens' AwsRdsDbParameterGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of parameter updates.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_engineVersion :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The new engine version for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_masterUserPassword :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The new master user password for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_dbSubnetGroupName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the new subnet group for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_iops :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int) Source #
The new provisioned IOPS value for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_dbInstanceClass :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The new DB instance class for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_processorFeatures :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe [AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature]) Source #
Processor features that are being updated.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_licenseModel :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The new license model value for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_dbInstanceIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The new DB instance identifier for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_caCertificateIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The new CA certificate identifier for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_pendingCloudWatchLogsExports :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe AwsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports) Source #
A list of log types that are being enabled or disabled.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_backupRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int) Source #
The new backup retention period for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_multiAZ :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates that a single Availability Zone DB instance is changing to a multiple Availability Zone deployment.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_allocatedStorage :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int) Source #
The new value of the allocated storage for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_port :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int) Source #
The new port for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues_storageType :: Lens' AwsRdsDbPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The new storage type for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbProcessorFeature_value :: Lens' AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the processor feature.
awsRdsDbProcessorFeature_name :: Lens' AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the processor feature.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_engineVersion :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the database engine.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of this DB snapshot.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_masterUsername :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The master user name for the DB snapshot.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_sourceRegion :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region that the DB snapshot was created in or copied from.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_iops :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The provisioned IOPS (I/O operations per second) value of the DB instance at the time of the snapshot.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_iamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether mapping of IAM accounts to database accounts is enabled.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The VPC ID associated with the DB snapshot.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_instanceCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when the DB instance, from which the snapshot was taken, was created.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_engine :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the database engine to use for this DB instance.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_encrypted :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the DB snapshot is encrypted.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_dbSnapshotIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name or ARN of the DB snapshot that is used to restore the DB instance.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_processorFeatures :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe [AwsRdsDbProcessorFeature]) Source #
The number of CPU cores and the number of threads per core for the DB instance class of the DB instance.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_licenseModel :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
License model information for the restored DB instance.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_dbInstanceIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A name for the DB instance.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_snapshotType :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of the DB snapshot.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_sourceDbSnapshotIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The DB snapshot ARN that the DB snapshot was copied from.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
If Encrypted
is true
, the KMS key identifier for the encrypted DB
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_availabilityZone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the name of the Availability Zone in which the DB instance was located at the time of the DB snapshot.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_snapshotCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
When the snapshot was taken in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_allocatedStorage :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of storage (in gigabytes) to be initially allocated for the database instance.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_dbiResourceId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the source DB instance.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_optionGroupName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The option group name for the DB snapshot.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_timezone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The time zone of the DB snapshot.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_tdeCredentialArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN from the key store with which to associate the instance for TDE encryption.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_percentProgress :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The percentage of the estimated data that has been transferred.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_port :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The port that the database engine was listening on at the time of the snapshot.
awsRdsDbSnapshotDetails_storageType :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The storage type associated with the DB snapshot.
awsRdsDbStatusInfo_status :: Lens' AwsRdsDbStatusInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the read replica instance.
awsRdsDbStatusInfo_normal :: Lens' AwsRdsDbStatusInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the read replica instance is operating normally.
awsRdsDbStatusInfo_statusType :: Lens' AwsRdsDbStatusInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of status. For a read replica, the status type is read replication.
awsRdsDbStatusInfo_message :: Lens' AwsRdsDbStatusInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
If the read replica is currently in an error state, provides the error details.
awsRdsDbSubnetGroup_dbSubnetGroupName :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the subnet group.
awsRdsDbSubnetGroup_vpcId :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The VPC ID of the subnet group.
awsRdsDbSubnetGroup_subnets :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup (Maybe [AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet]) Source #
A list of subnets in the subnet group.
awsRdsDbSubnetGroup_dbSubnetGroupDescription :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the subnet group.
awsRdsDbSubnetGroup_dbSubnetGroupArn :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the subnet group.
awsRdsDbSubnetGroup_subnetGroupStatus :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the subnet group.
awsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet_subnetStatus :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of a subnet in the subnet group.
awsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet_subnetIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of a subnet in the subnet group.
awsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet_subnetAvailabilityZone :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnet (Maybe AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnetAvailabilityZone) Source #
Information about the Availability Zone for a subnet in the subnet group.
awsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnetAvailabilityZone_name :: Lens' AwsRdsDbSubnetGroupSubnetAvailabilityZone (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Availability Zone for a subnet in the subnet group.
awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_status :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the event notification subscription.
Valid values: creating
| modifying
| deleting
| active
| topic-not-exist
awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_customerAwsId :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the event notification subscription.
awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_custSubscriptionId :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the account that is associated with the event notification subscription.
awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_snsTopicArn :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the SNS topic to post the event notifications to.
awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_eventSubscriptionArn :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the event notification subscription.
awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_enabled :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the event notification subscription is enabled.
awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_sourceType :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The source type for the event notification subscription.
awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_subscriptionCreationTime :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The datetime when the event notification subscription was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_eventCategoriesList :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of event categories for the event notification subscription.
awsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails_sourceIdsList :: Lens' AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of source identifiers for the event notification subscription.
awsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports_logTypesToEnable :: Lens' AwsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of log types that are being enabled.
awsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports_logTypesToDisable :: Lens' AwsRdsPendingCloudWatchLogsExports (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of log types that are being disabled.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterNode_nodeRole :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode (Maybe Text) Source #
The role of the node. A node might be a leader node or a compute node.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterNode_privateIpAddress :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode (Maybe Text) Source #
The private IP address of the node.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterNode_publicIpAddress :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode (Maybe Text) Source #
The public IP address of the node.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup_clusterParameterStatusList :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus]) Source #
The list of parameter statuses.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup_parameterApplyStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of updates to the parameters.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup_parameterGroupName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the parameter group.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus_parameterApplyErrorDescription :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The error that prevented the parameter from being applied to the database.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus_parameterName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the parameter.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus_parameterApplyStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the parameter. Indicates whether the parameter is in sync with the database, waiting for a cluster reboot, or encountered an error when it was applied.
Valid values: in-sync
| pending-reboot
| applying
| apply-deferred
| apply-error
| unknown-error
awsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup_status :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the cluster security group.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup_clusterSecurityGroupName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the cluster security group.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus_manualSnapshotRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of days that manual snapshots are retained in the destination region after they are copied from a source region.
If the value is -1, then the manual snapshot is retained indefinitely.
Valid values: Either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653
awsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus_retentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of days to retain automated snapshots in the destination Region after they are copied from a source Region.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus_destinationRegion :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The destination Region that snapshots are automatically copied to when cross-Region snapshot copy is enabled.
awsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus_snapshotCopyGrantName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the snapshot copy grant.
awsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow_deferMaintenanceEndTime :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow (Maybe Text) Source #
The end of the time window for which maintenance was deferred.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow_deferMaintenanceStartTime :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow (Maybe Text) Source #
The start of the time window for which maintenance was deferred.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow_deferMaintenanceIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the maintenance window.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_resizeInfo :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo) Source #
Information about the resize operation for the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_restoreStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus) Source #
Information about the status of a cluster restore action. Only applies to a cluster that was created by restoring a snapshot.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_manualSnapshotRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The default number of days to retain a manual snapshot.
If the value is -1, the snapshot is retained indefinitely.
This setting doesn't change the retention period of existing snapshots.
Valid values: Either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_enhancedVpcRouting :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether to create the cluster with enhanced VPC routing enabled.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterSnapshotCopyStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSnapshotCopyStatus) Source #
Information about the destination Region and retention period for the cross-Region snapshot copy.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterAvailabilityStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The availability status of the cluster for queries. Possible values are the following:
- The cluster is available for queries.Unavailable
- The cluster is not available for queries.Maintenance
- The cluster is intermittently available for queries due to maintenance activities.Modifying
-The cluster is intermittently available for queries due to changes that modify the cluster.Failed
- The cluster failed and is not available for queries.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterRevisionNumber :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The specific revision number of the database in the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_snapshotScheduleIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A unique identifier for the cluster snapshot schedule.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_publiclyAccessible :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the cluster can be accessed from a public network.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_masterUsername :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The master user name for the cluster. This name is used to connect to
the database that is specified in as the value of DBName
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_maintenanceTrackName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the maintenance track for the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_expectedNextSnapshotScheduleTime :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the next snapshot is expected to be taken. The cluster must have a valid snapshot schedule and have backups enabled.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_elasticResizeNumberOfNodeOptions :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The number of nodes that you can use the elastic resize method to resize the cluster to.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the VPC that the cluster is in, if the cluster is in a VPC.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterSecurityGroups :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterClusterSecurityGroup]) Source #
A list of cluster security groups that are associated with the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_automatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of days that automatic cluster snapshots are retained.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_snapshotScheduleState :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current state of the cluster snapshot schedule.
Valid values: MODIFYING
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_encrypted :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the data in the cluster is encrypted at rest.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterSubnetGroupName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the subnet group that is associated with the cluster. This parameter is valid only when the cluster is in a VPC.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_expectedNextSnapshotScheduleTimeStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the next expected snapshot.
Valid values: OnTrack
| Pending
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_deferredMaintenanceWindows :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterDeferredMaintenanceWindow]) Source #
List of time windows during which maintenance was deferred.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_numberOfNodes :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of compute nodes in the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterPublicKey :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The public key for the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_preferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The weekly time range, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), during which system maintenance can occur.
Format: <day>:HH:MM-<day>:HH:MM
For the day values, use mon
| tue
| wed
| thu
| fri
| sat
For example, sun:09:32-sun:10:02
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the KMS encryption key that is used to encrypt data in the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterParameterGroups :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterClusterParameterGroup]) Source #
The list of cluster parameter groups that are associated with this cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_availabilityZone :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Availability Zone in which the cluster is located.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_vpcSecurityGroups :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup]) Source #
The list of VPC security groups that the cluster belongs to, if the cluster is in a VPC.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_hsmStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus) Source #
Information about whether the Amazon Redshift cluster finished applying any changes to hardware security module (HSM) settings that were specified in a modify cluster command.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_iamRoles :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterIamRole]) Source #
A list of IAM roles that the cluster can use to access other Amazon Web Services services.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_pendingActions :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of cluster operations that are waiting to start.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_elasticIpStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus) Source #
Information about the status of the Elastic IP (EIP) address.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterVersion :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The version ID of the Amazon Redshift engine that runs on the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_nodeType :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The node type for the nodes in the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_nextMaintenanceWindowStartTime :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates the start of the next maintenance window.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterCreateTime :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the cluster was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_endpoint :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterEndpoint) Source #
The connection endpoint.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_allowVersionUpgrade :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether major version upgrades are applied automatically to the cluster during the maintenance window.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current status of the cluster.
Valid values: available
| available, prep-for-resize
available, resize-cleanup
| cancelling-resize
| creating
| final-snapshot
| hardware-failure
| incompatible-hsm
| incompatible-network
| incompatible-parameters
| modifying
| paused
| rebooting
| resizing
| rotating-keys
| storage-full
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_pendingModifiedValues :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues) Source #
A list of changes to the cluster that are currently pending.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_clusterNodes :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe [AwsRedshiftClusterClusterNode]) Source #
The nodes in the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterDetails_dbName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the initial database that was created when the cluster was created.
The same name is returned for the life of the cluster.
If an initial database is not specified, a database named devdev
created by default.
awsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus_status :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the elastic IP address.
awsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus_elasticIp :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterElasticIpStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The elastic IP address for the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterEndpoint_address :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterEndpoint (Maybe Text) Source #
The DNS address of the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterEndpoint_port :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterEndpoint (Maybe Int) Source #
The port that the database engine listens on.
awsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus_status :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates whether the Amazon Redshift cluster has finished applying any HSM settings changes specified in a modify cluster command.
Type: String
Valid values: active
| applying
awsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus_hsmConfigurationIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the HSM configuration that contains the information that the Amazon Redshift cluster can use to retrieve and store keys in an HSM.
awsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus_hsmClientCertificateIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterHsmStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the HSM client certificate that the Amazon Redshift cluster uses to retrieve the data encryption keys that are stored in an HSM.
awsRedshiftClusterIamRole_iamRoleArn :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterIamRole (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the IAM role.
awsRedshiftClusterIamRole_applyStatus :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterIamRole (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the IAM role's association with the cluster.
Valid values: in-sync
| adding
| removing
awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_encryptionType :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The encryption type for a cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_enhancedVpcRouting :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether to create the cluster with enhanced VPC routing enabled.
awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_masterUserPassword :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The pending or in-progress change to the master user password for the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_publiclyAccessible :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Bool) Source #
The pending or in-progress change to whether the cluster can be connected to from the public network.
awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_maintenanceTrackName :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the maintenance track that the cluster changes to during the next maintenance window.
awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_automatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int) Source #
The pending or in-progress change to the automated snapshot retention period.
awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_clusterIdentifier :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The pending or in-progress change to the identifier for the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_numberOfNodes :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int) Source #
The pending or in-progress change to the number of nodes in the cluster.
awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_clusterType :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The pending or in-progress change to the cluster type.
awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_clusterVersion :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The pending or in-progress change to the service version.
awsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues_nodeType :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) Source #
The pending or in-progress change to the cluster's node type.
awsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo_allowCancelResize :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the resize operation can be canceled.
awsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo_resizeType :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterResizeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of resize operation.
Valid values: ClassicResize
awsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus_status :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the restore action.
Valid values: starting
| restoring
| completed
| failed
awsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus_estimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus (Maybe Integer) Source #
The estimate of the time remaining before the restore is complete. Returns 0 for a completed restore.
This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.
awsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus_currentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus (Maybe Double) Source #
The number of megabytes per second being transferred from the backup storage. Returns the average rate for a completed backup.
This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.
awsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus_progressInMegaBytes :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of megabytes that were transferred from snapshot storage.
This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.
awsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus_elapsedTimeInSeconds :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus (Maybe Integer) Source #
The amount of time an in-progress restore has been running, or the amount of time it took a completed restore to finish.
This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.
awsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus_snapshotSizeInMegaBytes :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterRestoreStatus (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size of the set of snapshot data that was used to restore the cluster.
This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.
awsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup_status :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the VPC security group.
awsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup_vpcSecurityGroupId :: Lens' AwsRedshiftClusterVpcSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the VPC security group.
awsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails_ignorePublicAcls :: Lens' AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether Amazon S3 ignores public ACLs that are associated with an S3 bucket.
awsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails_blockPublicAcls :: Lens' AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether to reject calls to update an S3 bucket if the calls include a public access control list (ACL).
awsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails_restrictPublicBuckets :: Lens' AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether to restrict access to an access point or S3 bucket that has a public policy to only Amazon Web Services service principals and authorized users within the S3 bucket owner's account.
awsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails_blockPublicPolicy :: Lens' AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether to reject calls to update the access policy for an S3 bucket or access point if the policy allows public access.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationDetails_rules :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationDetails (Maybe [AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails]) Source #
The lifecycle rules.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadDetails_daysAfterInitiation :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of days after which Amazon S3 cancels an incomplete multipart upload.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_status :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current status of the rule. Indicates whether the rule is currently being applied.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_transitions :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe [AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails]) Source #
Transition rules that indicate when objects transition to a specified storage class.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_prefix :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A prefix that identifies one or more objects that the rule applies to.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_noncurrentVersionTransitions :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe [AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails]) Source #
Transition rules that describe when noncurrent objects transition to a specified storage class.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_noncurrentVersionExpirationInDays :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of days that an object is noncurrent before Amazon S3 can perform the associated action.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_expirationDate :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The date when objects are moved or deleted.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_id :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the rule.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_filter :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterDetails) Source #
Identifies the objects that a rule applies to.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_expirationInDays :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The length in days of the lifetime for objects that are subject to the rule.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_abortIncompleteMultipartUpload :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadDetails) Source #
How Amazon S3 responds when a multipart upload is incomplete. Specifically, provides a number of days before Amazon S3 cancels the entire upload.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails_expiredObjectDeleteMarker :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether Amazon S3 removes a delete marker that has no noncurrent
versions. If set to true
, the delete marker is expired. If set to
, the policy takes no action.
If you provide ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker
, you cannot provide
or ExpirationDate
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterDetails_predicate :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails) Source #
The configuration for the filter.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails_tag :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails) Source #
A tag filter.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails_prefix :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A prefix filter.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails_type :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Whether to use AND
or OR
to join the operands.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails_operands :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateDetails (Maybe [AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails]) Source #
The values to use for the filter.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails_tag :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails) Source #
A tag that is assigned to matching objects.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails_prefix :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Prefix text for matching objects.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails_type :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of filter value.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails_value :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The tag value.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails_key :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateOperandsTagDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The tag key.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails_value :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The tag value
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails_key :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesFilterPredicateTagDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The tag key.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails_days :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of days that an object is noncurrent before Amazon S3 can perform the associated action.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails_storageClass :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesNoncurrentVersionTransitionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The class of storage to change the object to after the object is noncurrent for the specified number of days.
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails_days :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of days after which to transition the object to the specified
storage class. If you provide Days
, you cannot provide Date
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails_date :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A date on which to transition objects to the specified storage class. If
you provide Date
, you cannot provide Days
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails_storageClass :: Lens' AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationRulesTransitionsDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The storage class to transition the object to.
awsS3BucketDetails_createdAt :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the S3 bucket was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsS3BucketDetails_ownerAccountId :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account identifier of the account that owns the S3 bucket.
awsS3BucketDetails_bucketLoggingConfiguration :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration) Source #
The logging configuration for the S3 bucket.
awsS3BucketDetails_ownerName :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The display name of the owner of the S3 bucket.
awsS3BucketDetails_accessControlList :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The access control list for the S3 bucket.
awsS3BucketDetails_ownerId :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The canonical user ID of the owner of the S3 bucket.
awsS3BucketDetails_publicAccessBlockConfiguration :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails) Source #
Provides information about the Amazon S3 Public Access Block configuration for the S3 bucket.
awsS3BucketDetails_bucketWebsiteConfiguration :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration) Source #
The website configuration parameters for the S3 bucket.
awsS3BucketDetails_bucketLifecycleConfiguration :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketBucketLifecycleConfigurationDetails) Source #
The lifecycle configuration for objects in the S3 bucket.
awsS3BucketDetails_bucketNotificationConfiguration :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketNotificationConfiguration) Source #
The notification configuration for the S3 bucket.
awsS3BucketDetails_serverSideEncryptionConfiguration :: Lens' AwsS3BucketDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionConfiguration) Source #
The encryption rules that are applied to the S3 bucket.
awsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration_logFilePrefix :: Lens' AwsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The prefix added to log files for the S3 bucket.
awsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration_destinationBucketName :: Lens' AwsS3BucketLoggingConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the S3 bucket where log files for the S3 bucket are stored.
awsS3BucketNotificationConfiguration_configurations :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfiguration (Maybe [AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail]) Source #
Configurations for S3 bucket notifications.
awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail_destination :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the Lambda function, Amazon SQS queue, or Amazon SNS topic that generates the notification.
awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail_events :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of events that trigger a notification.
awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail_type :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates the type of notification. Notifications can be generated using Lambda functions, Amazon SQS queues or Amazon SNS topics.
awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail_filter :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationDetail (Maybe AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationFilter) Source #
The filters that determine which S3 buckets generate notifications.
awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationFilter_s3KeyFilter :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationFilter (Maybe AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilter) Source #
Details for an Amazon S3 filter.
awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilter_filterRules :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilter (Maybe [AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule]) Source #
The filter rules for the filter.
awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule_value :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule (Maybe Text) Source #
The filter value.
awsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule_name :: Lens' AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRule (Maybe AwsS3BucketNotificationConfigurationS3KeyFilterRuleName) Source #
Indicates whether the filter is based on the prefix or suffix of the Amazon S3 key.
awsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault_sSEAlgorithm :: Lens' AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault (Maybe Text) Source #
Server-side encryption algorithm to use for the default encryption.
awsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault_kmsMasterKeyID :: Lens' AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault (Maybe Text) Source #
KMS key ID to use for the default encryption.
awsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionConfiguration_rules :: Lens' AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionConfiguration (Maybe [AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule]) Source #
The encryption rules that are applied to the S3 bucket.
awsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule_applyServerSideEncryptionByDefault :: Lens' AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule (Maybe AwsS3BucketServerSideEncryptionByDefault) Source #
Specifies the default server-side encryption to apply to new objects in
the bucket. If a PUT
object request doesn't specify any server-side
encryption, this default encryption is applied.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration_redirectAllRequestsTo :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration (Maybe AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo) Source #
The redirect behavior for requests to the website.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration_indexDocumentSuffix :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the index document for the website.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration_errorDocument :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the error document for the website.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration_routingRules :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfiguration (Maybe [AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule]) Source #
The rules for applying redirects for requests to the website.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo_hostname :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the host to redirect requests to.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo_protocol :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRedirectTo (Maybe Text) Source #
The protocol to use when redirecting requests. By default, uses the same protocol as the original request.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule_redirect :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule (Maybe AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect) Source #
Provides the rules to redirect the request if the condition in
is met.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule_condition :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRule (Maybe AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition) Source #
Provides the condition that must be met in order to apply the routing rule.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition_keyPrefixEquals :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates to redirect the request if the key prefix matches this value.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition_httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleCondition (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates to redirect the request if the HTTP error code matches this value.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect_hostname :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect (Maybe Text) Source #
The host name to use in the redirect request.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect_protocol :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect (Maybe Text) Source #
The protocol to use to redirect the request. By default, uses the protocol from the original request.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect_httpRedirectCode :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect (Maybe Text) Source #
The HTTP redirect code to use in the response.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect_replaceKeyWith :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect (Maybe Text) Source #
The specific object key to use in the redirect request.
Cannot be provided if ReplaceKeyPrefixWith
is present.
awsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect_replaceKeyPrefixWith :: Lens' AwsS3BucketWebsiteConfigurationRoutingRuleRedirect (Maybe Text) Source #
The object key prefix to use in the redirect request.
Cannot be provided if ReplaceKeyWith
is present.
awsS3ObjectDetails_eTag :: Lens' AwsS3ObjectDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The opaque identifier assigned by a web server to a specific version of a resource found at a URL.
awsS3ObjectDetails_versionId :: Lens' AwsS3ObjectDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the object.
awsS3ObjectDetails_sSEKMSKeyId :: Lens' AwsS3ObjectDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the KMS symmetric customer managed key that was used for the object.
awsS3ObjectDetails_lastModified :: Lens' AwsS3ObjectDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the object was last modified.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsS3ObjectDetails_serverSideEncryption :: Lens' AwsS3ObjectDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
If the object is stored using server-side encryption, the value of the server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in Amazon S3.
awsS3ObjectDetails_contentType :: Lens' AwsS3ObjectDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A standard MIME type describing the format of the object data.
awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_rotationRules :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe AwsSecretsManagerSecretRotationRules) Source #
Defines the rotation schedule for the secret.
awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_rotationEnabled :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether rotation is enabled.
awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_kmsKeyId :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN, Key ID, or alias of the KMS key used to encrypt the
or SecretBinary
values for versions of this secret.
awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_name :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the secret.
awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_deleted :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the secret is deleted.
awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_description :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The user-provided description of the secret.
awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_rotationOccurredWithinFrequency :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the rotation occurred within the specified rotation frequency.
awsSecretsManagerSecretDetails_rotationLambdaArn :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the Lambda function that rotates the secret.
awsSecretsManagerSecretRotationRules_automaticallyAfterDays :: Lens' AwsSecretsManagerSecretRotationRules (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of days after the previous rotation to rotate the secret.
awsSecurityFinding_productName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the product that generated the finding.
Security Hub populates this attribute automatically for each finding.
You cannot update it using BatchImportFindings
. The exception to this is when you use a custom
When you use the Security Hub console to filter findings by product name, you use this attribute.
When you use the Security Hub API to filter findings by product name,
you use the aws/securityhub/ProductName
attribute under
Security Hub does not synchronize those two attributes.
awsSecurityFinding_workflowState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe WorkflowState) Source #
The workflow state of a finding.
awsSecurityFinding_criticality :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Int) Source #
The level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the finding.
A score of 0 means that the underlying resources have no criticality, and a score of 100 is reserved for the most critical resources.
awsSecurityFinding_recordState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe RecordState) Source #
The record state of a finding.
awsSecurityFinding_productFields :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A data type where security-findings providers can include additional
solution-specific details that aren't part of the defined
Can contain up to 50 key-value pairs. For each key-value pair, the key can contain up to 128 characters, and the value can contain up to 2048 characters.
awsSecurityFinding_compliance :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Compliance) Source #
This data type is exclusive to findings that are generated as the result of a check run against a specific rule in a supported security standard, such as CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations. Contains security standard-related finding details.
awsSecurityFinding_findingProviderFields :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe FindingProviderFields) Source #
In a BatchImportFindings
request, finding providers use
to provide and update their own values for
confidence, criticality, related findings, severity, and types.
awsSecurityFinding_companyName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the company for the product that generated the finding.
Security Hub populates this attribute automatically for each finding.
You cannot be updated using BatchImportFindings
. The exception to this is when you use a custom
When you use the Security Hub console to filter findings by company name, you use this attribute.
When you use the Security Hub API to filter findings by company name,
you use the aws/securityhub/CompanyName
attribute under
Security Hub does not synchronize those two attributes.
awsSecurityFinding_note :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Note) Source #
A user-defined note added to a finding.
awsSecurityFinding_process :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe ProcessDetails) Source #
The details of process-related information about a finding.
awsSecurityFinding_severity :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Severity) Source #
A finding's severity.
awsSecurityFinding_types :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe [Text]) Source #
One or more finding types in the format of
that classify a finding.
Valid namespace values are: Software and Configuration Checks | TTPs | Effects | Unusual Behaviors | Sensitive Data Identifications
awsSecurityFinding_action :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Action) Source #
Provides details about an action that affects or that was taken on a resource.
awsSecurityFinding_network :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Network) Source #
The details of network-related information about a finding.
awsSecurityFinding_relatedFindings :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe [RelatedFinding]) Source #
A list of related findings.
awsSecurityFinding_firstObservedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the security-findings provider first observed the potential security issue that a finding captured.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsSecurityFinding_malware :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe [Malware]) Source #
A list of malware related to a finding.
awsSecurityFinding_confidence :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Int) Source #
A finding's confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding accurately identifies the behavior or issue that it was intended to identify.
Confidence is scored on a 0-100 basis using a ratio scale, where 0 means zero percent confidence and 100 means 100 percent confidence.
awsSecurityFinding_remediation :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Remediation) Source #
A data type that describes the remediation options for a finding.
awsSecurityFinding_patchSummary :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe PatchSummary) Source #
Provides an overview of the patch compliance status for an instance against a selected compliance standard.
awsSecurityFinding_vulnerabilities :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe [Vulnerability]) Source #
Provides a list of vulnerabilities associated with the findings.
awsSecurityFinding_region :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Text) Source #
The Region from which the finding was generated.
Security Hub populates this attribute automatically for each finding.
You cannot update it using BatchImportFindings
awsSecurityFinding_networkPath :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe [NetworkPathComponent]) Source #
Provides information about a network path that is relevant to a finding.
Each entry under NetworkPath
represents a component of that path.
awsSecurityFinding_workflow :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Workflow) Source #
Provides information about the status of the investigation into a finding.
awsSecurityFinding_verificationState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe VerificationState) Source #
Indicates the veracity of a finding.
awsSecurityFinding_threatIntelIndicators :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe [ThreatIntelIndicator]) Source #
Threat intelligence details related to a finding.
awsSecurityFinding_sourceUrl :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Text) Source #
A URL that links to a page about the current finding in the security-findings provider's solution.
awsSecurityFinding_lastObservedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the security-findings provider most recently observed the potential security issue that a finding captured.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsSecurityFinding_userDefinedFields :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A list of name/value string pairs associated with the finding. These are custom, user-defined fields added to a finding.
awsSecurityFinding_schemaVersion :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text Source #
The schema version that a finding is formatted for.
awsSecurityFinding_id :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text Source #
The security findings provider-specific identifier for a finding.
awsSecurityFinding_productArn :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text Source #
The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a product that generates findings. This can be the ARN for a third-party product that is integrated with Security Hub, or the ARN for a custom integration.
awsSecurityFinding_generatorId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text Source #
The identifier for the solution-specific component (a discrete unit of logic) that generated a finding. In various security-findings providers' solutions, this generator can be called a rule, a check, a detector, a plugin, etc.
awsSecurityFinding_awsAccountId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID that a finding is generated in.
awsSecurityFinding_createdAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text Source #
Indicates when the security-findings provider created the potential security issue that a finding captured.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsSecurityFinding_updatedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text Source #
Indicates when the security-findings provider last updated the finding record.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
awsSecurityFinding_title :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text Source #
A finding's title.
In this release, Title
is a required property.
awsSecurityFinding_description :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding Text Source #
A finding's description.
In this release, Description
is a required property.
awsSecurityFinding_resources :: Lens' AwsSecurityFinding [Resource] Source #
A set of resource data types that describe the resources that the finding refers to.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsIamAccessKeyPrincipalName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The name of the principal that is associated with an IAM access key.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsIamAccessKeyCreatedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter]) Source #
The creation date/time of the IAM access key related to a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_malwarePath :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The filesystem path of the malware that was observed.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceDetailsOther :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [MapFilter]) Source #
The details of a resource that doesn't have a specific subfield for the resource type defined.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_productName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The name of the solution (product) that generates findings.
Note that this is a filter against the aws/securityhub/ProductName
field in ProductFields
. It is not a filter for the top-level
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceSubnetId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The identifier of the subnet that the instance was launched in.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_workflowState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The workflow state of a finding.
Note that this field is deprecated. To search for a finding based on its
workflow status, use WorkflowStatus
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceContainerImageId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The identifier of the image related to a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_relatedFindingsProductArn :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The ARN of the solution that generated a related finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_criticality :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter]) Source #
The level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the finding.
A score of 0 means that the underlying resources have no criticality, and a score of 100 is reserved for the most critical resources.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The canonical identifier for the given resource type.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsIamAccessKeyUserName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The user associated with the IAM access key related to a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_processParentPid :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter]) Source #
The parent process ID.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceType :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The instance type of the instance.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceRegion :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The canonical Amazon Web Services external Region name where this resource is located.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_recordState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The updated record state for the finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkSourceIpV6 :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [IpFilter]) Source #
The source IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceType :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
Specifies the type of the resource that details are provided for.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_productFields :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [MapFilter]) Source #
A data type where security-findings providers can include additional
solution-specific details that aren't part of the defined
awsSecurityFindingFilters_noteText :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The text of a note.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceContainerImageName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The name of the image related to a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_createdAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter]) Source #
An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings provider captured the potential security issue that a finding captured.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_threatIntelIndicatorCategory :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The category of a threat intelligence indicator.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_severityProduct :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter]) Source #
The native severity as defined by the security-findings provider's solution that generated the finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_companyName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The name of the findings provider (company) that owns the solution (product) that generates findings.
Note that this is a filter against the aws/securityhub/CompanyName
field in ProductFields
. It is not a filter for the top-level
awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsSeverityLabel :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The finding provider value for the severity label.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkProtocol :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The protocol of network-related information about a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceImageId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID of the instance.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourcePartition :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The canonical Amazon Web Services partition name that the Region is assigned to.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceIpV6Addresses :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [IpFilter]) Source #
The IPv6 addresses associated with the instance.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceTags :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [MapFilter]) Source #
A list of Amazon Web Services tags associated with a resource at the time the finding was processed.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceLaunchedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter]) Source #
The date and time the instance was launched.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkSourceDomain :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The source domain of network-related information about a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkDestinationPort :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter]) Source #
The destination port of network-related information about a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_noteUpdatedBy :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The principal that created a note.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_malwareName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The name of the malware that was observed.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsTypes :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
One or more finding types that the finding provider assigned to the
finding. Uses the format of namespace/category/classifier
classify a finding.
Valid namespace values are: Software and Configuration Checks | TTPs | Effects | Unusual Behaviors | Sensitive Data Identifications
awsSecurityFindingFilters_threatIntelIndicatorValue :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The value of a threat intelligence indicator.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_malwareState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The state of the malware that was observed.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_awsAccountId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID that a finding is generated in.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_complianceStatus :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
Exclusive to findings that are generated as the result of a check run against a specific rule in a supported standard, such as CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations. Contains security standard-related finding details.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkDestinationIpV4 :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [IpFilter]) Source #
The destination IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsRelatedFindingsId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The finding identifier of a related finding that is identified by the finding provider.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_firstObservedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter]) Source #
An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings provider first observed the potential security issue that a finding captured.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_threatIntelIndicatorLastObservedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter]) Source #
The date/time of the last observation of a threat intelligence indicator.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_recommendationText :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The recommendation of what to do about the issue described in a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceContainerLaunchedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter]) Source #
The date/time that the container was started.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkSourceMac :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The source media access control (MAC) address of network-related information about a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_confidence :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter]) Source #
A finding's confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding accurately identifies the behavior or issue that it was intended to identify.
Confidence is scored on a 0-100 basis using a ratio scale, where 0 means zero percent confidence and 100 means 100 percent confidence.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_relatedFindingsId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The solution-generated identifier for a related finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_processName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The name of the process.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsSeverityOriginal :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The finding provider's original value for the severity.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_workflowStatus :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The status of the investigation into a finding. Allowed values are the following.
- The initial state of a finding, before it is reviewed.Security Hub also resets the workflow status from
in the following cases:- The record state changes from
. - The compliance status changes from
to eitherWARNING
- The record state changes from
- Indicates that the resource owner has been notified about the security issue. Used when the initial reviewer is not the resource owner, and needs intervention from the resource owner.SUPPRESSED
- The finding will not be reviewed again and will not be acted upon.RESOLVED
- The finding was reviewed and remediated and is now considered resolved.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsS3BucketOwnerName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The display name of the owner of the S3 bucket.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsCriticality :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter]) Source #
The finding provider value for the level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the findings.
A score of 0 means that the underlying resources have no criticality, and a score of 100 is reserved for the most critical resources.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsRelatedFindingsProductArn :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The ARN of the solution that generated a related finding that is identified by the finding provider.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceVpcId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The identifier of the VPC that the instance was launched in.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkSourcePort :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter]) Source #
The source port of network-related information about a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceContainerName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The name of the container related to a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_severityNormalized :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter]) Source #
The normalized severity of a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceKeyName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The key name associated with the instance.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkDestinationDomain :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The destination domain of network-related information about a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_processLaunchedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter]) Source #
The date/time that the process was launched.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_id :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The security findings provider-specific identifier for a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_severityLabel :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The label of a finding's severity.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsIamAccessKeyStatus :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The status of the IAM access key related to a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsS3BucketOwnerId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The canonical user ID of the owner of the S3 bucket.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_threatIntelIndicatorType :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The type of a threat intelligence indicator.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsIamUserUserName :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The name of an IAM user.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_noteUpdatedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter]) Source #
The timestamp of when the note was updated.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_title :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
A finding's title.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_region :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The Region from which the finding was generated.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_threatIntelIndicatorSource :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The source of the threat intelligence.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_type :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
A finding type in the format of namespace/category/classifier
classifies a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkSourceIpV4 :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [IpFilter]) Source #
The source IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceIamInstanceProfileArn :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The IAM profile ARN of the instance.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_updatedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter]) Source #
An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings provider last updated the finding record.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_processTerminatedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter]) Source #
The date/time that the process was terminated.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkDestinationIpV6 :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [IpFilter]) Source #
The destination IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_threatIntelIndicatorSourceUrl :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The URL for more details from the source of the threat intelligence.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_networkDirection :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
Indicates the direction of network traffic associated with a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_description :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
A finding's description.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_verificationState :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The veracity of a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_sourceUrl :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
A URL that links to a page about the current finding in the security-findings provider's solution.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_processPath :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The path to the process executable.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_processPid :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter]) Source #
The process ID.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_generatorId :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The identifier for the solution-specific component (a discrete unit of logic) that generated a finding. In various security-findings providers' solutions, this generator can be called a rule, a check, a detector, a plugin, etc.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_productArn :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a third-party company (security findings provider) after this provider's product (solution that generates findings) is registered with Security Hub.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_lastObservedAt :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [DateFilter]) Source #
An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings provider most recently observed the potential security issue that a finding captured.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_findingProviderFieldsConfidence :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [NumberFilter]) Source #
The finding provider value for the finding confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding accurately identifies the behavior or issue that it was intended to identify.
Confidence is scored on a 0-100 basis using a ratio scale, where 0 means zero percent confidence and 100 means 100 percent confidence.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_userDefinedFields :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [MapFilter]) Source #
A list of name/value string pairs associated with the finding. These are custom, user-defined fields added to a finding.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_resourceAwsEc2InstanceIpV4Addresses :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [IpFilter]) Source #
The IPv4 addresses associated with the instance.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_malwareType :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [StringFilter]) Source #
The type of the malware that was observed.
awsSecurityFindingFilters_keyword :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingFilters (Maybe [KeywordFilter]) Source #
A keyword for a finding.
awsSecurityFindingIdentifier_id :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier Text Source #
The identifier of the finding that was specified by the finding provider.
awsSecurityFindingIdentifier_productArn :: Lens' AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier Text Source #
The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a product that generates findings. This can be the ARN for a third-party product that is integrated with Security Hub, or the ARN for a custom integration.
awsSnsTopicDetails_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' AwsSnsTopicDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of an Amazon Web Services managed key for Amazon SNS or a customer managed key.
awsSnsTopicDetails_topicName :: Lens' AwsSnsTopicDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the topic.
awsSnsTopicDetails_owner :: Lens' AwsSnsTopicDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The subscription's owner.
awsSnsTopicDetails_subscription :: Lens' AwsSnsTopicDetails (Maybe [AwsSnsTopicSubscription]) Source #
Subscription is an embedded property that describes the subscription endpoints of an SNS topic.
awsSnsTopicSubscription_protocol :: Lens' AwsSnsTopicSubscription (Maybe Text) Source #
The subscription's protocol.
awsSnsTopicSubscription_endpoint :: Lens' AwsSnsTopicSubscription (Maybe Text) Source #
The subscription's endpoint (format depends on the protocol).
awsSqsQueueDetails_kmsMasterKeyId :: Lens' AwsSqsQueueDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of an Amazon Web Services managed key for Amazon SQS or a custom KMS key.
awsSqsQueueDetails_queueName :: Lens' AwsSqsQueueDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the new queue.
awsSqsQueueDetails_kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds :: Lens' AwsSqsQueueDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The length of time, in seconds, for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to encrypt or decrypt messages before calling KMS again.
awsSqsQueueDetails_deadLetterTargetArn :: Lens' AwsSqsQueueDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the dead-letter queue to which Amazon SQS moves messages
after the value of maxReceiveCount
is exceeded.
awsSsmComplianceSummary_status :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The current patch compliance status.
The possible status values are:
awsSsmComplianceSummary_nonCompliantLowCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity
of LOW
awsSsmComplianceSummary_compliantHighCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of
awsSsmComplianceSummary_nonCompliantUnspecifiedCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity
awsSsmComplianceSummary_executionType :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of execution that was used determine compliance.
awsSsmComplianceSummary_compliantInformationalCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of
awsSsmComplianceSummary_nonCompliantHighCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity
awsSsmComplianceSummary_nonCompliantMediumCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity
awsSsmComplianceSummary_overallSeverity :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The highest severity for the patches.
awsSsmComplianceSummary_compliantCriticalCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of
awsSsmComplianceSummary_nonCompliantInformationalCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
For the patches that are noncompliant, the number that have a severity
awsSsmComplianceSummary_complianceType :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of resource for which the compliance was determined. For
, ComplianceType
is Patch
awsSsmComplianceSummary_compliantUnspecifiedCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of
awsSsmComplianceSummary_nonCompliantCriticalCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
For the patch items that are noncompliant, the number of items that have
a severity of CRITICAL
awsSsmComplianceSummary_patchBaselineId :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the patch baseline. The patch baseline lists the patches that are approved for installation.
awsSsmComplianceSummary_compliantLowCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of
awsSsmComplianceSummary_patchGroup :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the patch group for which compliance was determined. A patch group uses tags to group EC2 instances that should have the same patch compliance.
awsSsmComplianceSummary_compliantMediumCount :: Lens' AwsSsmComplianceSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
For the patches that are compliant, the number that have a severity of
awsSsmPatch_complianceSummary :: Lens' AwsSsmPatch (Maybe AwsSsmComplianceSummary) Source #
The compliance status details for the patch.
awsSsmPatchComplianceDetails_patch :: Lens' AwsSsmPatchComplianceDetails (Maybe AwsSsmPatch) Source #
Information about the status of a patch.
awsWafRateBasedRuleDetails_rateLimit :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Integer) Source #
The maximum number of requests that have an identical value for the
field specified in RateKey
that are allowed within a five-minute
period. If the number of requests exceeds RateLimit
and the other
predicates specified in the rule are met, WAF triggers the action for
the rule.
awsWafRateBasedRuleDetails_rateKey :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The field that WAF uses to determine whether requests are likely arriving from single source and are subject to rate monitoring.
awsWafRateBasedRuleDetails_metricName :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the metrics for the rate-based rule.
awsWafRateBasedRuleDetails_ruleId :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the rate-based rule.
awsWafRateBasedRuleDetails_name :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the rate-based rule.
awsWafRateBasedRuleDetails_matchPredicates :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe [AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate]) Source #
The predicates to include in the rate-based rule.
awsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate_negated :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate (Maybe Bool) Source #
If set to true
, then the rule actions are performed on requests that
match the predicate settings.
If set to false
, then the rule actions are performed on all requests
except those that match the predicate settings.
awsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate_dataId :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the predicate.
awsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate_type :: Lens' AwsWafRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of predicate.
awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails_rateLimit :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Integer) Source #
The maximum number of requests that have an identical value for the
field specified in RateKey
that are allowed within a five-minute
period. If the number of requests exceeds RateLimit
and the other
predicates specified in the rule are met, WAF triggers the action for
the rule.
awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails_rateKey :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The field that WAF uses to determine whether requests are likely arriving from single source and are subject to rate monitoring.
awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails_metricName :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the metrics for the rate-based rule.
awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails_ruleId :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the rate-based rule.
awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails_name :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the rate-based rule.
awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails_matchPredicates :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails (Maybe [AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate]) Source #
The predicates to include in the rate-based rule.
awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate_negated :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate (Maybe Bool) Source #
If set to true
, then the rule actions are performed on requests that
match the predicate settings.
If set to false
, then the rule actions are performed on all requests
except those that match the predicate settings.
awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate_dataId :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the predicate.
awsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate_type :: Lens' AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleMatchPredicate (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of predicate.
awsWafWebAclDetails_rules :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclDetails (Maybe [AwsWafWebAclRule]) Source #
An array that contains the action for each rule in a WebACL, the priority of the rule, and the ID of the rule.
awsWafWebAclDetails_webAclId :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A unique identifier for a WebACL.
awsWafWebAclDetails_name :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A friendly name or description of the WebACL. You can't change the name of a WebACL after you create it.
awsWafWebAclDetails_defaultAction :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The action to perform if none of the rules contained in the WebACL match.
awsWafWebAclRule_priority :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclRule (Maybe Int) Source #
Specifies the order in which the rules in a WebACL are evaluated. Rules
with a lower value for Priority
are evaluated before rules with a
higher value. The value must be a unique integer. If you add multiple
rules to a WebACL, the values do not need to be consecutive.
awsWafWebAclRule_overrideAction :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclRule (Maybe WafOverrideAction) Source #
Use the OverrideAction
to test your RuleGroup.
Any rule in a RuleGroup can potentially block a request. If you set the
to None
, the RuleGroup blocks a request if any
individual rule in the RuleGroup matches the request and is configured
to block that request.
However, if you first want to test the RuleGroup, set the
to Count
. The RuleGroup then overrides any block
action specified by individual rules contained within the group. Instead
of blocking matching requests, those requests are counted.
applies only when updating or adding a
RuleGroup to a WebACL. In this case you do not use
. For all other update requests,
is used instead of
awsWafWebAclRule_ruleId :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclRule (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for a rule.
awsWafWebAclRule_action :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclRule (Maybe WafAction) Source #
Specifies the action that CloudFront or WAF takes when a web request matches the conditions in the rule.
awsWafWebAclRule_excludedRules :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclRule (Maybe [WafExcludedRule]) Source #
Rules to exclude from a rule group.
awsWafWebAclRule_type :: Lens' AwsWafWebAclRule (Maybe Text) Source #
The rule type.
Valid values: REGULAR
The default is REGULAR
awsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails_status :: Lens' AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The current status of the encryption configuration. When Status
, X-Ray might use both the old and new encryption.
awsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails_keyId :: Lens' AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the KMS key that is used for encryption. Provided if
is KMS
awsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails_type :: Lens' AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of encryption. KMS
indicates that the encryption uses KMS
keys. NONE
indicates to use the default encryption.
batchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding_findingIdentifier :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding AwsSecurityFindingIdentifier Source #
The identifier of the finding that was not updated.
batchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding_errorCode :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding Text Source #
The code associated with the error.
batchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchUpdateFindingsUnprocessedFinding Text Source #
The message associated with the error.
cell_cellReference :: Lens' Cell (Maybe Text) Source #
For a Microsoft Excel workbook, provides the location of the cell, as an absolute cell reference, that contains the data. For example, Sheet2!C5 for cell C5 on Sheet2.
cell_column :: Lens' Cell (Maybe Integer) Source #
The column number of the column that contains the data. For a Microsoft Excel workbook, the column number corresponds to the alphabetical column identifiers. For example, a value of 1 for Column corresponds to the A column in the workbook.
cidrBlockAssociation_associationId :: Lens' CidrBlockAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The association ID for the IPv4 CIDR block.
cidrBlockAssociation_cidrBlockState :: Lens' CidrBlockAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
Information about the state of the IPv4 CIDR block.
cidrBlockAssociation_cidrBlock :: Lens' CidrBlockAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The IPv4 CIDR block.
classificationResult_status :: Lens' ClassificationResult (Maybe ClassificationStatus) Source #
The current status of the sensitive data detection.
classificationResult_sensitiveData :: Lens' ClassificationResult (Maybe [SensitiveDataResult]) Source #
Provides details about sensitive data that was identified based on built-in configuration.
classificationResult_mimeType :: Lens' ClassificationResult (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of content that the finding applies to.
classificationResult_sizeClassified :: Lens' ClassificationResult (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total size in bytes of the affected data.
classificationResult_additionalOccurrences :: Lens' ClassificationResult (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether there are additional occurrences of sensitive data that are not included in the finding. This occurs when the number of occurrences exceeds the maximum that can be included.
classificationResult_customDataIdentifiers :: Lens' ClassificationResult (Maybe CustomDataIdentifiersResult) Source #
Provides details about sensitive data that was identified based on customer-defined configuration.
classificationStatus_reason :: Lens' ClassificationStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
A longer description of the current status of the sensitive data detection.
classificationStatus_code :: Lens' ClassificationStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The code that represents the status of the sensitive data detection.
compliance_status :: Lens' Compliance (Maybe ComplianceStatus) Source #
The result of a standards check.
The valid values for Status
are as follows.
- Standards check passed for all evaluated resources.WARNING
- Some information is missing or this check is not supported for your configuration.FAILED
- Standards check failed for at least one evaluated resource.NOT_AVAILABLE
- Check could not be performed due to a service outage, API error, or because the result of the Config evaluation wasNOT_APPLICABLE
. If the Config evaluation result wasNOT_APPLICABLE
, then after 3 days, Security Hub automatically archives the finding.
compliance_relatedRequirements :: Lens' Compliance (Maybe [Text]) Source #
For a control, the industry or regulatory framework requirements that are related to the control. The check for that control is aligned with these requirements.
compliance_statusReasons :: Lens' Compliance (Maybe [StatusReason]) Source #
For findings generated from controls, a list of reasons behind the value
of Status
. For the list of status reason codes and their meanings, see
Standards-related information in the ASFF
in the Security Hub User Guide.
containerDetails_name :: Lens' ContainerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the container related to a finding.
containerDetails_imageId :: Lens' ContainerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the image related to a finding.
containerDetails_imageName :: Lens' ContainerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the image related to a finding.
containerDetails_launchedAt :: Lens' ContainerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the container started.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
country_countryCode :: Lens' Country (Maybe Text) Source #
The 2-letter ISO 3166 country code for the country.
customDataIdentifiersDetections_occurrences :: Lens' CustomDataIdentifiersDetections (Maybe Occurrences) Source #
Details about the sensitive data that was detected.
customDataIdentifiersDetections_arn :: Lens' CustomDataIdentifiersDetections (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the custom identifier that was used to detect the sensitive data.
customDataIdentifiersDetections_count :: Lens' CustomDataIdentifiersDetections (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total number of occurrences of sensitive data that were detected.
customDataIdentifiersDetections_name :: Lens' CustomDataIdentifiersDetections (Maybe Text) Source #
he name of the custom identifier that detected the sensitive data.
customDataIdentifiersResult_detections :: Lens' CustomDataIdentifiersResult (Maybe [CustomDataIdentifiersDetections]) Source #
The list of detected instances of sensitive data.
customDataIdentifiersResult_totalCount :: Lens' CustomDataIdentifiersResult (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total number of occurrences of sensitive data.
cvss_adjustments :: Lens' Cvss (Maybe [Adjustment]) Source #
Adjustments to the CVSS metrics.
dataClassificationDetails_detailedResultsLocation :: Lens' DataClassificationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the folder or file that contains the sensitive data.
dataClassificationDetails_result :: Lens' DataClassificationDetails (Maybe ClassificationResult) Source #
The details about the sensitive data that was detected on the resource.
dateFilter_start :: Lens' DateFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
A start date for the date filter.
dateFilter_dateRange :: Lens' DateFilter (Maybe DateRange) Source #
A date range for the date filter.
dateFilter_end :: Lens' DateFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
An end date for the date filter.
dateRange_unit :: Lens' DateRange (Maybe DateRangeUnit) Source #
A date range unit for the date filter.
dnsRequestAction_domain :: Lens' DnsRequestAction (Maybe Text) Source #
The DNS domain that is associated with the DNS request.
dnsRequestAction_protocol :: Lens' DnsRequestAction (Maybe Text) Source #
The protocol that was used for the DNS request.
dnsRequestAction_blocked :: Lens' DnsRequestAction (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the DNS request was blocked.
findingAggregator_findingAggregatorArn :: Lens' FindingAggregator (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the finding aggregator. You use the finding aggregator ARN to retrieve details for, update, and delete the finding aggregator.
findingProviderFields_criticality :: Lens' FindingProviderFields (Maybe Natural) Source #
The level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the finding.
A score of 0 means that the underlying resources have no criticality, and a score of 100 is reserved for the most critical resources.
findingProviderFields_severity :: Lens' FindingProviderFields (Maybe FindingProviderSeverity) Source #
The severity of a finding.
findingProviderFields_types :: Lens' FindingProviderFields (Maybe [Text]) Source #
One or more finding types in the format of
that classify a finding.
Valid namespace values are: Software and Configuration Checks | TTPs | Effects | Unusual Behaviors | Sensitive Data Identifications
findingProviderFields_relatedFindings :: Lens' FindingProviderFields (Maybe [RelatedFinding]) Source #
A list of findings that are related to the current finding.
findingProviderFields_confidence :: Lens' FindingProviderFields (Maybe Natural) Source #
A finding's confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding accurately identifies the behavior or issue that it was intended to identify.
Confidence is scored on a 0-100 basis using a ratio scale, where 0 means zero percent confidence and 100 means 100 percent confidence.
findingProviderSeverity_label :: Lens' FindingProviderSeverity (Maybe SeverityLabel) Source #
The severity label assigned to the finding by the finding provider.
findingProviderSeverity_original :: Lens' FindingProviderSeverity (Maybe Text) Source #
The finding provider's original value for the severity.
geoLocation_lat :: Lens' GeoLocation (Maybe Double) Source #
The latitude of the location.
geoLocation_lon :: Lens' GeoLocation (Maybe Double) Source #
The longitude of the location.
icmpTypeCode_code :: Lens' IcmpTypeCode (Maybe Int) Source #
The ICMP code for which to deny or allow access. To deny or allow all codes, use the value -1.
icmpTypeCode_type :: Lens' IcmpTypeCode (Maybe Int) Source #
The ICMP type for which to deny or allow access. To deny or allow all types, use the value -1.
importFindingsError_id :: Lens' ImportFindingsError Text Source #
The identifier of the finding that could not be updated.
importFindingsError_errorCode :: Lens' ImportFindingsError Text Source #
The code of the error returned by the BatchImportFindings
importFindingsError_errorMessage :: Lens' ImportFindingsError Text Source #
The message of the error returned by the BatchImportFindings
insight_filters :: Lens' Insight AwsSecurityFindingFilters Source #
One or more attributes used to filter the findings included in the insight. The insight only includes findings that match the criteria defined in the filters.
insight_groupByAttribute :: Lens' Insight Text Source #
The grouping attribute for the insight's findings. Indicates how to group the matching findings, and identifies the type of item that the insight applies to. For example, if an insight is grouped by resource identifier, then the insight produces a list of resource identifiers.
insightResultValue_groupByAttributeValue :: Lens' InsightResultValue Text Source #
The value of the attribute that the findings are grouped by for the
insight whose results are returned by the GetInsightResults
insightResultValue_count :: Lens' InsightResultValue Int Source #
The number of findings returned for each GroupByAttributeValue
insightResults_insightArn :: Lens' InsightResults Text Source #
The ARN of the insight whose results are returned by the
insightResults_groupByAttribute :: Lens' InsightResults Text Source #
The attribute that the findings are grouped by for the insight whose
results are returned by the GetInsightResults
insightResults_resultValues :: Lens' InsightResults [InsightResultValue] Source #
The list of insight result values returned by the GetInsightResults
invitation_invitedAt :: Lens' Invitation (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The timestamp of when the invitation was sent.
invitation_invitationId :: Lens' Invitation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the invitation sent to the member account.
invitation_accountId :: Lens' Invitation (Maybe Text) Source #
The account ID of the Security Hub administrator account that the invitation was sent from.
invitation_memberStatus :: Lens' Invitation (Maybe Text) Source #
The current status of the association between the member and administrator accounts.
ipOrganizationDetails_org :: Lens' IpOrganizationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the internet provider.
ipOrganizationDetails_asnOrg :: Lens' IpOrganizationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the organization that registered the ASN.
ipOrganizationDetails_asn :: Lens' IpOrganizationDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the internet provider
ipOrganizationDetails_isp :: Lens' IpOrganizationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The ISP information for the internet provider.
ipv6CidrBlockAssociation_associationId :: Lens' Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The association ID for the IPv6 CIDR block.
ipv6CidrBlockAssociation_ipv6CidrBlock :: Lens' Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The IPv6 CIDR block.
ipv6CidrBlockAssociation_cidrBlockState :: Lens' Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
Information about the state of the CIDR block.
keywordFilter_value :: Lens' KeywordFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
A value for the keyword.
loadBalancerState_reason :: Lens' LoadBalancerState (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the state.
loadBalancerState_code :: Lens' LoadBalancerState (Maybe Text) Source #
The state code. The initial state of the load balancer is provisioning.
After the load balancer is fully set up and ready to route traffic, its state is active.
If the load balancer could not be set up, its state is failed.
malware_state :: Lens' Malware (Maybe MalwareState) Source #
The state of the malware that was observed.
malware_path :: Lens' Malware (Maybe Text) Source #
The file system path of the malware that was observed.
malware_type :: Lens' Malware (Maybe MalwareType) Source #
The type of the malware that was observed.
mapFilter_value :: Lens' MapFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The value for the key in the map filter. Filter values are case
sensitive. For example, one of the values for a tag called Department
might be Security
. If you provide security
as the filter value, then
there is no match.
mapFilter_comparison :: Lens' MapFilter (Maybe MapFilterComparison) Source #
The condition to apply to the key value when querying for findings with a map filter.
To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS
For example, for the ResourceTags
field, the filter
Department EQUALS Security
matches findings that have the value
for the tag Department
To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS
. For
example, for the ResourceTags
field, the filter
Department NOT_EQUALS Finance
matches findings that do not have the
value Finance
for the tag Department
filters on the same field are joined by OR
. A finding matches
if it matches any one of those filters.
filters on the same field are joined by AND
. A finding
matches only if it matches all of those filters.
You cannot have both an EQUALS
filter and a NOT_EQUALS
filter on the
same field.
mapFilter_key :: Lens' MapFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The key of the map filter. For example, for ResourceTags
, Key
identifies the name of the tag. For UserDefinedFields
, Key
is the
name of the field.
member_invitedAt :: Lens' Member (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
A timestamp for the date and time when the invitation was sent to the member account.
member_administratorId :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Security Hub administrator account associated with this member account.
member_masterId :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text) Source #
This is replaced by AdministratorID
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Security Hub administrator account associated with this member account.
member_accountId :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the member account.
member_memberStatus :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the relationship between the member account and its administrator account.
The status can have one of the following values:
- Indicates that the administrator account added the member account, but has not yet invited the member account.INVITED
- Indicates that the administrator account invited the member account. The member account has not yet responded to the invitation.ENABLED
- Indicates that the member account is currently active. For manually invited member accounts, indicates that the member account accepted the invitation.REMOVED
- Indicates that the administrator account disassociated the member account.RESIGNED
- Indicates that the member account disassociated themselves from the administrator account.DELETED
- Indicates that the administrator account deleted the member account.ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED
- Indicates that an organization account was suspended from Amazon Web Services at the same time that the administrator account tried to enable the organization account as a member account.
member_updatedAt :: Lens' Member (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The timestamp for the date and time when the member account was updated.
network_destinationDomain :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text) Source #
The destination domain of network-related information about a finding.
network_sourcePort :: Lens' Network (Maybe Int) Source #
The source port of network-related information about a finding.
network_openPortRange :: Lens' Network (Maybe PortRange) Source #
The range of open ports that is present on the network.
network_sourceMac :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text) Source #
The source media access control (MAC) address of network-related information about a finding.
network_direction :: Lens' Network (Maybe NetworkDirection) Source #
The direction of network traffic associated with a finding.
network_destinationIpV6 :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text) Source #
The destination IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding.
network_protocol :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text) Source #
The protocol of network-related information about a finding.
network_sourceIpV6 :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text) Source #
The source IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding.
network_destinationIpV4 :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text) Source #
The destination IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding.
network_sourceDomain :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text) Source #
The source domain of network-related information about a finding.
network_destinationPort :: Lens' Network (Maybe Int) Source #
The destination port of network-related information about a finding.
network_sourceIpV4 :: Lens' Network (Maybe Text) Source #
The source IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding.
networkConnectionAction_remoteIpDetails :: Lens' NetworkConnectionAction (Maybe ActionRemoteIpDetails) Source #
Information about the remote IP address that issued the network connection request.
networkConnectionAction_protocol :: Lens' NetworkConnectionAction (Maybe Text) Source #
The protocol used to make the network connection request.
networkConnectionAction_remotePortDetails :: Lens' NetworkConnectionAction (Maybe ActionRemotePortDetails) Source #
Information about the port on the remote IP address.
networkConnectionAction_blocked :: Lens' NetworkConnectionAction (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the network connection attempt was blocked.
networkConnectionAction_connectionDirection :: Lens' NetworkConnectionAction (Maybe Text) Source #
The direction of the network connection request (IN
or OUT
networkConnectionAction_localPortDetails :: Lens' NetworkConnectionAction (Maybe ActionLocalPortDetails) Source #
Information about the port on the EC2 instance.
networkHeader_destination :: Lens' NetworkHeader (Maybe NetworkPathComponentDetails) Source #
Information about the destination of the component.
networkHeader_protocol :: Lens' NetworkHeader (Maybe Text) Source #
The protocol used for the component.
networkHeader_source :: Lens' NetworkHeader (Maybe NetworkPathComponentDetails) Source #
Information about the origin of the component.
networkPathComponent_componentType :: Lens' NetworkPathComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of component.
networkPathComponent_ingress :: Lens' NetworkPathComponent (Maybe NetworkHeader) Source #
Information about the component that comes before the current node in the network path.
networkPathComponent_componentId :: Lens' NetworkPathComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of a component in the network path.
networkPathComponent_egress :: Lens' NetworkPathComponent (Maybe NetworkHeader) Source #
Information about the component that comes after the current component in the network path.
networkPathComponentDetails_portRanges :: Lens' NetworkPathComponentDetails (Maybe [PortRange]) Source #
A list of port ranges for the destination.
networkPathComponentDetails_address :: Lens' NetworkPathComponentDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The IP addresses of the destination.
note_updatedAt :: Lens' Note Text Source #
The timestamp of when the note was updated.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
noteUpdate_text :: Lens' NoteUpdate Text Source #
The updated note text.
noteUpdate_updatedBy :: Lens' NoteUpdate Text Source #
The principal that updated the note.
numberFilter_eq :: Lens' NumberFilter (Maybe Double) Source #
The equal-to condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.
numberFilter_lte :: Lens' NumberFilter (Maybe Double) Source #
The less-than-equal condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.
numberFilter_gte :: Lens' NumberFilter (Maybe Double) Source #
The greater-than-equal condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.
occurrences_lineRanges :: Lens' Occurrences (Maybe [Range]) Source #
Occurrences of sensitive data detected in a non-binary text file or a Microsoft Word file. Non-binary text files include files such as HTML, XML, JSON, and TXT files.
occurrences_cells :: Lens' Occurrences (Maybe [Cell]) Source #
Occurrences of sensitive data detected in Microsoft Excel workbooks, comma-separated value (CSV) files, or tab-separated value (TSV) files.
occurrences_pages :: Lens' Occurrences (Maybe [Page]) Source #
Occurrences of sensitive data in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file.
occurrences_records :: Lens' Occurrences (Maybe [Record]) Source #
Occurrences of sensitive data in an Apache Avro object container or an Apache Parquet file.
occurrences_offsetRanges :: Lens' Occurrences (Maybe [Range]) Source #
Occurrences of sensitive data detected in a binary text file.
page_offsetRange :: Lens' Page (Maybe Range) Source #
An occurrence of sensitive data detected in a binary text file.
page_lineRange :: Lens' Page (Maybe Range) Source #
An occurrence of sensitive data detected in a non-binary text file or a Microsoft Word file. Non-binary text files include files such as HTML, XML, JSON, and TXT files.
page_pageNumber :: Lens' Page (Maybe Integer) Source #
The page number of the page that contains the sensitive data.
patchSummary_operationEndTime :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the operation completed.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
patchSummary_rebootOption :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The reboot option specified for the instance.
patchSummary_operation :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of patch operation performed. For Patch Manager, the values are
patchSummary_installedRejectedCount :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of patches that are installed but are also on a list of patches that the customer rejected.
patchSummary_failedCount :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of patches from the compliance standard that failed to install.
patchSummary_installedOtherCount :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of installed patches that are not part of the compliance standard.
patchSummary_missingCount :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of patches that are part of the compliance standard but are not installed. The count includes patches that failed to install.
patchSummary_operationStartTime :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the operation started.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
patchSummary_installedCount :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of patches from the compliance standard that were installed successfully.
patchSummary_installedPendingReboot :: Lens' PatchSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of patches that were applied, but that require the instance to be rebooted in order to be marked as installed.
patchSummary_id :: Lens' PatchSummary Text Source #
The identifier of the compliance standard that was used to determine the patch compliance status.
portProbeAction_portProbeDetails :: Lens' PortProbeAction (Maybe [PortProbeDetail]) Source #
Information about the ports affected by the port probe.
portProbeAction_blocked :: Lens' PortProbeAction (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the port probe was blocked.
portProbeDetail_remoteIpDetails :: Lens' PortProbeDetail (Maybe ActionRemoteIpDetails) Source #
Provides information about the remote IP address that performed the scan.
portProbeDetail_localIpDetails :: Lens' PortProbeDetail (Maybe ActionLocalIpDetails) Source #
Provides information about the IP address where the scanned port is located.
portProbeDetail_localPortDetails :: Lens' PortProbeDetail (Maybe ActionLocalPortDetails) Source #
Provides information about the port that was scanned.
portRangeFromTo_to :: Lens' PortRangeFromTo (Maybe Int) Source #
The last port in the port range.
portRangeFromTo_from :: Lens' PortRangeFromTo (Maybe Int) Source #
The first port in the port range.
processDetails_path :: Lens' ProcessDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the process executable.
processDetails_name :: Lens' ProcessDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the process.
processDetails_pid :: Lens' ProcessDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The process ID.
processDetails_terminatedAt :: Lens' ProcessDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the process was terminated.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
processDetails_parentPid :: Lens' ProcessDetails (Maybe Int) Source #
The parent process ID.
processDetails_launchedAt :: Lens' ProcessDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the process was launched.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
product_productSubscriptionResourcePolicy :: Lens' Product (Maybe Text) Source #
The resource policy associated with the product.
product_companyName :: Lens' Product (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the company that provides the product.
product_marketplaceUrl :: Lens' Product (Maybe Text) Source #
For integrations with Amazon Web Services services, the Amazon Web Services Console URL from which to activate the service.
For integrations with third-party products, the Amazon Web Services Marketplace URL from which to subscribe to or purchase the product.
product_activationUrl :: Lens' Product (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL to the service or product documentation about the integration with Security Hub, including how to activate the integration.
product_integrationTypes :: Lens' Product (Maybe [IntegrationType]) Source #
The types of integration that the product supports. Available values are the following.
- The integration sends findings to Security Hub.RECEIVE_FINDINGS_FROM_SECURITY_HUB
- The integration receives findings from Security Hub.UPDATE_FINDINGS_IN_SECURITY_HUB
- The integration does not send new findings to Security Hub, but does make updates to the findings that it receives from Security Hub.
range_start :: Lens' Range (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of lines (for a line range) or characters (for an offset range) from the beginning of the file to the end of the sensitive data.
range_end :: Lens' Range (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of lines (for a line range) or characters (for an offset range) from the beginning of the file to the end of the sensitive data.
range_startColumn :: Lens' Range (Maybe Integer) Source #
In the line where the sensitive data starts, the column within the line where the sensitive data starts.
recommendation_text :: Lens' Recommendation (Maybe Text) Source #
Describes the recommended steps to take to remediate an issue identified in a finding.
recommendation_url :: Lens' Recommendation (Maybe Text) Source #
A URL to a page or site that contains information about how to remediate a finding.
record_jsonPath :: Lens' Record (Maybe Text) Source #
The path, as a JSONPath expression, to the field in the record that contains the data. If the field name is longer than 20 characters, it is truncated. If the path is longer than 250 characters, it is truncated.
record_recordIndex :: Lens' Record (Maybe Integer) Source #
The record index, starting from 0, for the record that contains the data.
relatedFinding_productArn :: Lens' RelatedFinding Text Source #
The ARN of the product that generated a related finding.
relatedFinding_id :: Lens' RelatedFinding Text Source #
The product-generated identifier for a related finding.
remediation_recommendation :: Lens' Remediation (Maybe Recommendation) Source #
A recommendation on the steps to take to remediate the issue identified by a finding.
resource_dataClassification :: Lens' Resource (Maybe DataClassificationDetails) Source #
Contains information about sensitive data that was detected on the resource.
resource_partition :: Lens' Resource (Maybe Partition) Source #
The canonical Amazon Web Services partition name that the Region is assigned to.
resource_details :: Lens' Resource (Maybe ResourceDetails) Source #
Additional details about the resource related to a finding.
resource_region :: Lens' Resource (Maybe Text) Source #
The canonical Amazon Web Services external Region name where this resource is located.
resource_resourceRole :: Lens' Resource (Maybe Text) Source #
Identifies the role of the resource in the finding. A resource is either the actor or target of the finding activity,
resource_tags :: Lens' Resource (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A list of Amazon Web Services tags associated with a resource at the time the finding was processed.
resource_type :: Lens' Resource Text Source #
The type of the resource that details are provided for. If possible, set
to one of the supported resource types. For example, if the
resource is an EC2 instance, then set Type
to AwsEc2Instance
If the resource does not match any of the provided types, then set
to Other
resourceDetails_awsCloudTrailTrail :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsCloudTrailTrailDetails) Source #
Provides details about a CloudTrail trail.
resourceDetails_awsRdsDbCluster :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbClusterDetails) Source #
Details about an Amazon RDS database cluster.
resourceDetails_other :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Details about a resource that are not available in a type-specific
details object. Use the Other
object in the following cases.
- The type-specific object does not contain all of the fields that you
want to populate. In this case, first use the type-specific object
to populate those fields. Use the
object to populate the fields that are missing from the type-specific object. - The resource type does not have a corresponding object. This
includes resources for which the type is
resourceDetails_awsIamRole :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsIamRoleDetails) Source #
Details about an IAM role.
resourceDetails_awsElbLoadBalancer :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsElbLoadBalancerDetails) Source #
Contains details about a Classic Load Balancer.
resourceDetails_awsEc2VpnConnection :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2VpnConnectionDetails) Source #
Details about an EC2 VPN connection.
resourceDetails_awsCloudFrontDistribution :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsCloudFrontDistributionDetails) Source #
Details about a CloudFront distribution.
resourceDetails_awsKmsKey :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsKmsKeyDetails) Source #
Details about an KMS key.
resourceDetails_awsEksCluster :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEksClusterDetails) Source #
Details about an Amazon EKS cluster.
resourceDetails_awsAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDetails) Source #
Provides details about a launch configuration.
resourceDetails_awsOpenSearchServiceDomain :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsOpenSearchServiceDomainDetails) Source #
Details about an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
resourceDetails_awsRdsDbSnapshot :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbSnapshotDetails) Source #
Details about an Amazon RDS database snapshot.
resourceDetails_awsWafRegionalRateBasedRule :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails) Source #
Details about a rate-based rule for Regional resources.
resourceDetails_awsApiGatewayRestApi :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayRestApiDetails) Source #
Provides information about a REST API in version 1 of Amazon API Gateway.
resourceDetails_awsSqsQueue :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsSqsQueueDetails) Source #
Details about an SQS queue.
resourceDetails_awsSecretsManagerSecret :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsSecretsManagerSecretDetails) Source #
Details about a Secrets Manager secret.
resourceDetails_awsDynamoDbTable :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsDynamoDbTableDetails) Source #
Details about a DynamoDB table.
resourceDetails_awsS3AccountPublicAccessBlock :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsS3AccountPublicAccessBlockDetails) Source #
Details about the Amazon S3 Public Access Block configuration for an account.
resourceDetails_awsRdsDbClusterSnapshot :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbClusterSnapshotDetails) Source #
Details about an Amazon RDS database cluster snapshot.
resourceDetails_awsEc2SecurityGroup :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails) Source #
Details for an EC2 security group.
resourceDetails_awsEc2Instance :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2InstanceDetails) Source #
Details about an EC2 instance related to a finding.
resourceDetails_awsIamPolicy :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsIamPolicyDetails) Source #
Details about an IAM permissions policy.
resourceDetails_awsS3Object :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsS3ObjectDetails) Source #
Details about an S3 object related to a finding.
resourceDetails_awsEcsTaskDefinition :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEcsTaskDefinitionDetails) Source #
Details about a task definition. A task definition describes the container and volume definitions of an Amazon Elastic Container Service task.
resourceDetails_awsLambdaLayerVersion :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaLayerVersionDetails) Source #
Details for a Lambda layer version.
resourceDetails_awsS3Bucket :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsS3BucketDetails) Source #
Details about an S3 bucket related to a finding.
resourceDetails_awsIamAccessKey :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsIamAccessKeyDetails) Source #
Details about an IAM access key related to a finding.
resourceDetails_awsCodeBuildProject :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsCodeBuildProjectDetails) Source #
Details for an CodeBuild project.
resourceDetails_awsApiGatewayStage :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayStageDetails) Source #
Provides information about a version 1 Amazon API Gateway stage.
resourceDetails_awsEc2NetworkAcl :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails) Source #
Details about an EC2 network access control list (ACL).
resourceDetails_awsApiGatewayV2Api :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayV2ApiDetails) Source #
Provides information about a version 2 API in Amazon API Gateway.
resourceDetails_awsElasticBeanstalkEnvironment :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDetails) Source #
Details about an Elastic Beanstalk environment.
resourceDetails_awsEc2Vpc :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2VpcDetails) Source #
Details for an EC2 VPC.
resourceDetails_awsRedshiftCluster :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsRedshiftClusterDetails) Source #
Contains details about an Amazon Redshift cluster.
resourceDetails_awsRdsDbInstance :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsDbInstanceDetails) Source #
Details about an Amazon RDS database instance.
resourceDetails_awsRdsEventSubscription :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsRdsEventSubscriptionDetails) Source #
Details about an RDS event notification subscription.
resourceDetails_container :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe ContainerDetails) Source #
Details about a container resource related to a finding.
resourceDetails_awsIamGroup :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsIamGroupDetails) Source #
Contains details about an IAM group.
resourceDetails_awsXrayEncryptionConfig :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsXrayEncryptionConfigDetails) Source #
Information about the encryption configuration for X-Ray.
resourceDetails_awsEc2Subnet :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2SubnetDetails) Source #
Details about a subnet in Amazon EC2.
resourceDetails_awsEcsCluster :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEcsClusterDetails) Source #
Details about an ECS cluster.
resourceDetails_awsEc2VpcEndpointService :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails) Source #
Details about the service configuration for a VPC endpoint service.
resourceDetails_awsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupDetails) Source #
Details for an autoscaling group.
resourceDetails_awsSnsTopic :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsSnsTopicDetails) Source #
Details about an SNS topic.
resourceDetails_awsEc2NetworkInterface :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails) Source #
Details for an EC2 network interface.
resourceDetails_awsEcsService :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEcsServiceDetails) Source #
Details about a service within an ECS cluster.
resourceDetails_awsEc2Eip :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2EipDetails) Source #
Details about an Elastic IP address.
resourceDetails_awsApiGatewayV2Stage :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsApiGatewayV2StageDetails) Source #
Provides information about a version 2 stage for Amazon API Gateway.
resourceDetails_awsLambdaFunction :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionDetails) Source #
Details about a Lambda function.
resourceDetails_awsElbv2LoadBalancer :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsElbv2LoadBalancerDetails) Source #
Details about a load balancer.
resourceDetails_awsWafRateBasedRule :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails) Source #
Details about a rate-based rule for global resources.
resourceDetails_awsEcrRepository :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEcrRepositoryDetails) Source #
Information about an Amazon Elastic Container Registry repository.
resourceDetails_awsWafWebAcl :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsWafWebAclDetails) Source #
Details for an WAF WebACL.
resourceDetails_awsSsmPatchCompliance :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsSsmPatchComplianceDetails) Source #
Provides information about the state of a patch on an instance based on the patch baseline that was used to patch the instance.
resourceDetails_awsElasticsearchDomain :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsElasticsearchDomainDetails) Source #
Details for an Elasticsearch domain.
resourceDetails_awsCertificateManagerCertificate :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsCertificateManagerCertificateDetails) Source #
Provides details about an Certificate Manager certificate.
resourceDetails_awsEcrContainerImage :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEcrContainerImageDetails) Source #
Information about an Amazon ECR image.
resourceDetails_awsIamUser :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsIamUserDetails) Source #
Details about an IAM user.
resourceDetails_awsEc2Volume :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2VolumeDetails) Source #
Details for an EC2 volume.
result_accountId :: Lens' Result (Maybe Text) Source #
An Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that was not processed.
result_processingResult :: Lens' Result (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason that the account was not processed.
sensitiveDataDetections_occurrences :: Lens' SensitiveDataDetections (Maybe Occurrences) Source #
Details about the sensitive data that was detected.
sensitiveDataDetections_count :: Lens' SensitiveDataDetections (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total number of occurrences of sensitive data that were detected.
sensitiveDataDetections_type :: Lens' SensitiveDataDetections (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of sensitive data that was detected. For example, the type might indicate that the data is an email address.
sensitiveDataResult_detections :: Lens' SensitiveDataResult (Maybe [SensitiveDataDetections]) Source #
The list of detected instances of sensitive data.
sensitiveDataResult_category :: Lens' SensitiveDataResult (Maybe Text) Source #
The category of sensitive data that was detected. For example, the category can indicate that the sensitive data involved credentials, financial information, or personal information.
sensitiveDataResult_totalCount :: Lens' SensitiveDataResult (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total number of occurrences of sensitive data.
severity_product :: Lens' Severity (Maybe Double) Source #
Deprecated. This attribute is being deprecated. Instead of providing
, provide Original
The native severity as defined by the Amazon Web Services service or integrated partner product that generated the finding.
severity_label :: Lens' Severity (Maybe SeverityLabel) Source #
The severity value of the finding. The allowed values are the following.
- No issue was found.LOW
- The issue does not require action on its own.MEDIUM
- The issue must be addressed but not urgently.HIGH
- The issue must be addressed as a priority.CRITICAL
- The issue must be remediated immediately to avoid it escalating.
If you provide Normalized
and do not provide Label
, then Label
set automatically as follows.
- 0 -
- 1–39 -
- 40–69 -
- 70–89 -
- 90–100 -
severity_original :: Lens' Severity (Maybe Text) Source #
The native severity from the finding product that generated the finding.
severity_normalized :: Lens' Severity (Maybe Int) Source #
Deprecated. The normalized severity of a finding. This attribute is
being deprecated. Instead of providing Normalized
, provide Label
If you provide Label
and do not provide Normalized
, then
is set automatically as follows.
- 0LOW
- 40HIGH
- 90
severityUpdate_product :: Lens' SeverityUpdate (Maybe Double) Source #
The native severity as defined by the Amazon Web Services service or integrated partner product that generated the finding.
severityUpdate_label :: Lens' SeverityUpdate (Maybe SeverityLabel) Source #
The severity value of the finding. The allowed values are the following.
- No issue was found.LOW
- The issue does not require action on its own.MEDIUM
- The issue must be addressed but not urgently.HIGH
- The issue must be addressed as a priority.CRITICAL
- The issue must be remediated immediately to avoid it escalating.
severityUpdate_normalized :: Lens' SeverityUpdate (Maybe Natural) Source #
The normalized severity for the finding. This attribute is to be
deprecated in favor of Label
If you provide Normalized
and do not provide Label
, Label
is set
automatically as follows.
- 0 -
- 1–39 -
- 40–69 -
- 70–89 -
- 90–100 -
softwarePackage_filePath :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The file system path to the package manager inventory file.
softwarePackage_release :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The release of the software package.
softwarePackage_name :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the software package.
softwarePackage_version :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the software package.
softwarePackage_architecture :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The architecture used for the software package.
softwarePackage_packageManager :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The source of the package.
softwarePackage_epoch :: Lens' SoftwarePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The epoch of the software package.
sortCriterion_field :: Lens' SortCriterion (Maybe Text) Source #
The finding attribute used to sort findings.
sortCriterion_sortOrder :: Lens' SortCriterion (Maybe SortOrder) Source #
The order used to sort findings.
standard_enabledByDefault :: Lens' Standard (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the standard is enabled by default. When Security Hub is enabled from the console, if a standard is enabled by default, the check box for that standard is selected by default.
When Security Hub is enabled using the EnableSecurityHub
operation, the standard is enabled by default unless
is set to false
standardsControl_remediationUrl :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe Text) Source #
A link to remediation information for the control in the Security Hub user documentation.
standardsControl_severityRating :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe SeverityRating) Source #
The severity of findings generated from this security standard control.
The finding severity is based on an assessment of how easy it would be to compromise Amazon Web Services resources if the issue is detected.
standardsControl_controlStatusUpdatedAt :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time that the status of the security standard control was most recently updated.
standardsControl_relatedRequirements :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of requirements that are related to this control.
standardsControl_controlStatus :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe ControlStatus) Source #
The current status of the security standard control. Indicates whether the control is enabled or disabled. Security Hub does not check against disabled controls.
standardsControl_disabledReason :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason provided for the most recent change in status for the control.
standardsControl_controlId :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the security standard control.
standardsControl_standardsControlArn :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the security standard control.
standardsControl_title :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The title of the security standard control.
standardsControl_description :: Lens' StandardsControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The longer description of the security standard control. Provides information about what the control is checking for.
standardsSubscription_standardsSubscriptionArn :: Lens' StandardsSubscription Text Source #
The ARN of a resource that represents your subscription to a supported standard.
standardsSubscription_standardsArn :: Lens' StandardsSubscription Text Source #
The ARN of a standard.
standardsSubscription_standardsInput :: Lens' StandardsSubscription (HashMap Text Text) Source #
A key-value pair of input for the standard.
standardsSubscription_standardsStatus :: Lens' StandardsSubscription StandardsStatus Source #
The status of the standard subscription.
The status values are as follows:
- Standard is in the process of being enabled.READY
- Standard is enabled.INCOMPLETE
- Standard could not be enabled completely. Some controls may not be available.DELETING
- Standard is in the process of being disabled.FAILED
- Standard could not be disabled.
standardsSubscriptionRequest_standardsInput :: Lens' StandardsSubscriptionRequest (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A key-value pair of input for the standard.
standardsSubscriptionRequest_standardsArn :: Lens' StandardsSubscriptionRequest Text Source #
The ARN of the standard that you want to enable. To view the list of
available standards and their ARNs, use the DescribeStandards
statusReason_description :: Lens' StatusReason (Maybe Text) Source #
The corresponding description for the status reason code.
statusReason_reasonCode :: Lens' StatusReason Text Source #
A code that represents a reason for the control status. For the list of status reason codes and their meanings, see Standards-related information in the ASFF in the Security Hub User Guide.
stringFilter_value :: Lens' StringFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example,
the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub
. If you
provide security hub
as the filter text, then there is no match.
stringFilter_comparison :: Lens' StringFilter (Maybe StringFilterComparison) Source #
The condition to apply to a string value when querying for findings. To search for values that contain the filter criteria value, use one of the following comparison operators:
To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use
.For example, the filter
ResourceType EQUALS AwsEc2SecurityGroup
only matches findings that have a resource type ofAwsEc2SecurityGroup
.To search for values that start with the filter value, use
.For example, the filter
ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam
matches findings that have a resource type that starts withAwsIam
. Findings with a resource type ofAwsIamPolicy
, orAwsIamUser
would all match.
filters on the same field are joined by OR
. A
finding matches if it matches any one of those filters.
To search for values that do not contain the filter criteria value, use one of the following comparison operators:
To search for values that do not exactly match the filter value, use
.For example, the filter
ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy
matches findings that have a resource type other thanAwsIamPolicy
.To search for values that do not start with the filter value, use
.For example, the filter
matches findings that have a resource type that does not start withAwsIam
. Findings with a resource type ofAwsIamPolicy
, orAwsIamUser
would all be excluded from the results.
filters on the same field are
joined by AND
. A finding matches only if it matches all of those
For filters on the same field, you cannot provide both an EQUALS
filter and a NOT_EQUALS
filter. Combining
filters in this way always returns an error, even if the provided filter
values would return valid results.
You can combine PREFIX
filters with NOT_EQUALS
filters for the same field. Security Hub first
processes the PREFIX
filters, then the NOT_EQUALS
For example, for the following filter, Security Hub first identifies
findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIAM
. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of
and findings that have a resource type of
ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam
ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2
ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy
ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface
threatIntelIndicator_category :: Lens' ThreatIntelIndicator (Maybe ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory) Source #
The category of a threat intelligence indicator.
threatIntelIndicator_value :: Lens' ThreatIntelIndicator (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of a threat intelligence indicator.
threatIntelIndicator_source :: Lens' ThreatIntelIndicator (Maybe Text) Source #
The source of the threat intelligence indicator.
threatIntelIndicator_type :: Lens' ThreatIntelIndicator (Maybe ThreatIntelIndicatorType) Source #
The type of threat intelligence indicator.
threatIntelIndicator_sourceUrl :: Lens' ThreatIntelIndicator (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL to the page or site where you can get more information about the threat intelligence indicator.
threatIntelIndicator_lastObservedAt :: Lens' ThreatIntelIndicator (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the most recent instance of a threat intelligence indicator was observed.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
vulnerability_vendor :: Lens' Vulnerability (Maybe VulnerabilityVendor) Source #
Information about the vendor that generates the vulnerability report.
vulnerability_relatedVulnerabilities :: Lens' Vulnerability (Maybe [Text]) Source #
List of vulnerabilities that are related to this vulnerability.
vulnerability_vulnerablePackages :: Lens' Vulnerability (Maybe [SoftwarePackage]) Source #
List of software packages that have the vulnerability.
vulnerability_referenceUrls :: Lens' Vulnerability (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of URLs that provide additional information about the vulnerability.
vulnerability_cvss :: Lens' Vulnerability (Maybe [Cvss]) Source #
CVSS scores from the advisory related to the vulnerability.
vulnerability_id :: Lens' Vulnerability Text Source #
The identifier of the vulnerability.
vulnerabilityVendor_vendorSeverity :: Lens' VulnerabilityVendor (Maybe Text) Source #
The severity that the vendor assigned to the vulnerability.
vulnerabilityVendor_url :: Lens' VulnerabilityVendor (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL of the vulnerability advisory.
vulnerabilityVendor_vendorCreatedAt :: Lens' VulnerabilityVendor (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the vulnerability advisory was created.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
vulnerabilityVendor_vendorUpdatedAt :: Lens' VulnerabilityVendor (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates when the vulnerability advisory was last updated.
Uses the date-time
format specified in
RFC 3339 section 5.6, Internet Date/Time Format.
The value cannot contain spaces. For example,
vulnerabilityVendor_name :: Lens' VulnerabilityVendor Text Source #
The name of the vendor.
wafAction_type :: Lens' WafAction (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies how you want WAF to respond to requests that match the settings in a rule.
Valid settings include the following:
- WAF allows requestsBLOCK
- WAF blocks requestsCOUNT
- WAF increments a counter of the requests that match all of the conditions in the rule. WAF then continues to inspect the web request based on the remaining rules in the web ACL. You can't specifyCOUNT
for the default action for a WebACL.
wafExcludedRule_ruleId :: Lens' WafExcludedRule (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the rule to exclude from the rule group.
wafOverrideAction_type :: Lens' WafOverrideAction (Maybe Text) Source #
overrides the action specified by the individual rule within a
If set to NONE
, the rule's action takes place.
workflow_status :: Lens' Workflow (Maybe WorkflowStatus) Source #
The status of the investigation into the finding. The workflow status is
specific to an individual finding. It does not affect the generation of
new findings. For example, setting the workflow status to SUPPRESSED
does not prevent a new finding for the same issue.
The allowed values are the following.
- The initial state of a finding, before it is reviewed.Security Hub also resets the workflow status from
in the following cases:RecordState
changes fromARCHIVED
changes fromPASSED
to eitherWARNING
- Indicates that you notified the resource owner about the security issue. Used when the initial reviewer is not the resource owner, and needs intervention from the resource owner.SUPPRESSED
- Indicates that you reviewed the finding and do not believe that any action is needed. The finding is no longer updated.RESOLVED
- The finding was reviewed and remediated and is now considered resolved.
workflowUpdate_status :: Lens' WorkflowUpdate (Maybe WorkflowStatus) Source #
The status of the investigation into the finding. The workflow status is
specific to an individual finding. It does not affect the generation of
new findings. For example, setting the workflow status to SUPPRESSED
does not prevent a new finding for the same issue.
The allowed values are the following.
- The initial state of a finding, before it is reviewed.Security Hub also resets
in the following cases:- The record state changes from
. - The compliance status changes from
to eitherWARNING
- The record state changes from
- Indicates that you notified the resource owner about the security issue. Used when the initial reviewer is not the resource owner, and needs intervention from the resource owner.RESOLVED
- The finding was reviewed and remediated and is now considered resolved.SUPPRESSED
- Indicates that you reviewed the finding and do not believe that any action is needed. The finding is no longer updated.