Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- batchDeleteAttributes_domainName :: Lens' BatchDeleteAttributes Text
- batchDeleteAttributes_items :: Lens' BatchDeleteAttributes [DeletableItem]
- batchPutAttributes_domainName :: Lens' BatchPutAttributes Text
- batchPutAttributes_items :: Lens' BatchPutAttributes [ReplaceableItem]
- getAttributes_consistentRead :: Lens' GetAttributes (Maybe Bool)
- getAttributes_attributeNames :: Lens' GetAttributes (Maybe [Text])
- getAttributes_domainName :: Lens' GetAttributes Text
- getAttributes_itemName :: Lens' GetAttributes Text
- getAttributesResponse_attributes :: Lens' GetAttributesResponse (Maybe [Attribute])
- getAttributesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAttributesResponse Int
- createDomain_domainName :: Lens' CreateDomain Text
- domainMetadata_domainName :: Lens' DomainMetadata Text
- domainMetadataResponse_itemNamesSizeBytes :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Integer)
- domainMetadataResponse_attributeValuesSizeBytes :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Integer)
- domainMetadataResponse_attributeNameCount :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Int)
- domainMetadataResponse_attributeNamesSizeBytes :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Integer)
- domainMetadataResponse_attributeValueCount :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Int)
- domainMetadataResponse_itemCount :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Int)
- domainMetadataResponse_timestamp :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Int)
- domainMetadataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse Int
- select_consistentRead :: Lens' Select (Maybe Bool)
- select_nextToken :: Lens' Select (Maybe Text)
- select_selectExpression :: Lens' Select Text
- selectResponse_items :: Lens' SelectResponse (Maybe [Item])
- selectResponse_nextToken :: Lens' SelectResponse (Maybe Text)
- selectResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SelectResponse Int
- deleteAttributes_attributes :: Lens' DeleteAttributes (Maybe [Attribute])
- deleteAttributes_expected :: Lens' DeleteAttributes (Maybe UpdateCondition)
- deleteAttributes_domainName :: Lens' DeleteAttributes Text
- deleteAttributes_itemName :: Lens' DeleteAttributes Text
- putAttributes_expected :: Lens' PutAttributes (Maybe UpdateCondition)
- putAttributes_domainName :: Lens' PutAttributes Text
- putAttributes_itemName :: Lens' PutAttributes Text
- putAttributes_attributes :: Lens' PutAttributes [ReplaceableAttribute]
- deleteDomain_domainName :: Lens' DeleteDomain Text
- listDomains_maxNumberOfDomains :: Lens' ListDomains (Maybe Int)
- listDomains_nextToken :: Lens' ListDomains (Maybe Text)
- listDomainsResponse_domainNames :: Lens' ListDomainsResponse (Maybe [Text])
- listDomainsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDomainsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listDomainsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDomainsResponse Int
- attribute_alternateValueEncoding :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Text)
- attribute_alternateNameEncoding :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Text)
- attribute_name :: Lens' Attribute Text
- attribute_value :: Lens' Attribute Text
- deletableItem_attributes :: Lens' DeletableItem (Maybe [Attribute])
- deletableItem_name :: Lens' DeletableItem Text
- item_alternateNameEncoding :: Lens' Item (Maybe Text)
- item_name :: Lens' Item Text
- item_attributes :: Lens' Item [Attribute]
- replaceableAttribute_replace :: Lens' ReplaceableAttribute (Maybe Bool)
- replaceableAttribute_name :: Lens' ReplaceableAttribute Text
- replaceableAttribute_value :: Lens' ReplaceableAttribute Text
- replaceableItem_name :: Lens' ReplaceableItem Text
- replaceableItem_attributes :: Lens' ReplaceableItem [ReplaceableAttribute]
- updateCondition_exists :: Lens' UpdateCondition (Maybe Bool)
- updateCondition_value :: Lens' UpdateCondition (Maybe Text)
- updateCondition_name :: Lens' UpdateCondition (Maybe Text)
batchDeleteAttributes_domainName :: Lens' BatchDeleteAttributes Text Source #
The name of the domain in which the attributes are being deleted.
batchDeleteAttributes_items :: Lens' BatchDeleteAttributes [DeletableItem] Source #
A list of items on which to perform the operation.
batchPutAttributes_domainName :: Lens' BatchPutAttributes Text Source #
The name of the domain in which the attributes are being stored.
batchPutAttributes_items :: Lens' BatchPutAttributes [ReplaceableItem] Source #
A list of items on which to perform the operation.
getAttributes_consistentRead :: Lens' GetAttributes (Maybe Bool) Source #
Determines whether or not strong consistency should be enforced when
data is read from SimpleDB. If true
, any data previously written to
SimpleDB will be returned. Otherwise, results will be consistent
eventually, and the client may not see data that was written immediately
before your read.
getAttributes_attributeNames :: Lens' GetAttributes (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The names of the attributes.
getAttributes_domainName :: Lens' GetAttributes Text Source #
The name of the domain in which to perform the operation.
getAttributes_itemName :: Lens' GetAttributes Text Source #
The name of the item.
getAttributesResponse_attributes :: Lens' GetAttributesResponse (Maybe [Attribute]) Source #
The list of attributes returned by the operation.
getAttributesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAttributesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createDomain_domainName :: Lens' CreateDomain Text Source #
The name of the domain to create. The name can range between 3 and 255 characters and can contain the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '_', '-', and '.'.
domainMetadata_domainName :: Lens' DomainMetadata Text Source #
The name of the domain for which to display the metadata of.
domainMetadataResponse_itemNamesSizeBytes :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total size of all item names in the domain, in bytes.
domainMetadataResponse_attributeValuesSizeBytes :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total size of all attribute values in the domain, in bytes.
domainMetadataResponse_attributeNameCount :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of unique attribute names in the domain.
domainMetadataResponse_attributeNamesSizeBytes :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total size of all unique attribute names in the domain, in bytes.
domainMetadataResponse_attributeValueCount :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of all attribute name/value pairs in the domain.
domainMetadataResponse_itemCount :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of all items in the domain.
domainMetadataResponse_timestamp :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Int) Source #
The data and time when metadata was calculated, in Epoch (UNIX) seconds.
domainMetadataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
select_consistentRead :: Lens' Select (Maybe Bool) Source #
Determines whether or not strong consistency should be enforced when
data is read from SimpleDB. If true
, any data previously written to
SimpleDB will be returned. Otherwise, results will be consistent
eventually, and the client may not see data that was written immediately
before your read.
select_nextToken :: Lens' Select (Maybe Text) Source #
A string informing Amazon SimpleDB where to start the next list of
selectResponse_items :: Lens' SelectResponse (Maybe [Item]) Source #
A list of items that match the select expression.
selectResponse_nextToken :: Lens' SelectResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque token indicating that more items than MaxNumberOfItems
matched, the response size exceeded 1 megabyte, or the execution time
exceeded 5 seconds.
selectResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' SelectResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteAttributes_attributes :: Lens' DeleteAttributes (Maybe [Attribute]) Source #
A list of Attributes. Similar to columns on a spreadsheet, attributes represent categories of data that can be assigned to items.
deleteAttributes_expected :: Lens' DeleteAttributes (Maybe UpdateCondition) Source #
The update condition which, if specified, determines whether the specified attributes will be deleted or not. The update condition must be satisfied in order for this request to be processed and the attributes to be deleted.
deleteAttributes_domainName :: Lens' DeleteAttributes Text Source #
The name of the domain in which to perform the operation.
deleteAttributes_itemName :: Lens' DeleteAttributes Text Source #
The name of the item. Similar to rows on a spreadsheet, items represent individual objects that contain one or more value-attribute pairs.
putAttributes_expected :: Lens' PutAttributes (Maybe UpdateCondition) Source #
The update condition which, if specified, determines whether the specified attributes will be updated or not. The update condition must be satisfied in order for this request to be processed and the attributes to be updated.
putAttributes_domainName :: Lens' PutAttributes Text Source #
The name of the domain in which to perform the operation.
putAttributes_itemName :: Lens' PutAttributes Text Source #
The name of the item.
putAttributes_attributes :: Lens' PutAttributes [ReplaceableAttribute] Source #
The list of attributes.
deleteDomain_domainName :: Lens' DeleteDomain Text Source #
The name of the domain to delete.
listDomains_maxNumberOfDomains :: Lens' ListDomains (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum number of domain names you want returned. The range is 1 to 100. The default setting is 100.
listDomains_nextToken :: Lens' ListDomains (Maybe Text) Source #
A string informing Amazon SimpleDB where to start the next list of domain names.
listDomainsResponse_domainNames :: Lens' ListDomainsResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of domain names that match the expression.
listDomainsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDomainsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque token indicating that there are more domains than the
specified MaxNumberOfDomains
still available.
listDomainsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDomainsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deletableItem_attributes :: Lens' DeletableItem (Maybe [Attribute]) Source #
Undocumented member.
deletableItem_name :: Lens' DeletableItem Text Source #
Undocumented member.
replaceableAttribute_replace :: Lens' ReplaceableAttribute (Maybe Bool) Source #
A flag specifying whether or not to replace the attribute/value pair or
to add a new attribute/value pair. The default setting is false
replaceableAttribute_name :: Lens' ReplaceableAttribute Text Source #
The name of the replaceable attribute.
replaceableAttribute_value :: Lens' ReplaceableAttribute Text Source #
The value of the replaceable attribute.
replaceableItem_name :: Lens' ReplaceableItem Text Source #
The name of the replaceable item.
replaceableItem_attributes :: Lens' ReplaceableItem [ReplaceableAttribute] Source #
The list of attributes for a replaceable item.
updateCondition_exists :: Lens' UpdateCondition (Maybe Bool) Source #
A value specifying whether or not the specified attribute must exist
with the specified value in order for the update condition to be
satisfied. Specify true
if the attribute must exist for the update
condition to be satisfied. Specify false
if the attribute should not
exist in order for the update condition to be satisfied.
updateCondition_value :: Lens' UpdateCondition (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of an attribute. This value can only be specified when the
parameter is equal to true
updateCondition_name :: Lens' UpdateCondition (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the attribute involved in the condition.