Copyright(c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone








listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.


listOutposts_availabilityZoneFilter :: Lens' ListOutposts (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #

A filter for the Availibility Zone (us-east-1a) of the Outpost.

Filter values are case sensitive. If you specify multiple values for a filter, the values are joined with an OR, and the request returns all results that match any of the specified values.

listOutposts_lifeCycleStatusFilter :: Lens' ListOutposts (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #

A filter for the lifecycle status of the Outpost.

Filter values are case sensitive. If you specify multiple values for a filter, the values are joined with an OR, and the request returns all results that match any of the specified values.

listOutposts_availabilityZoneIdFilter :: Lens' ListOutposts (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #

A filter for the AZ IDs (use1-az1) of the Outpost.

Filter values are case sensitive. If you specify multiple values for a filter, the values are joined with an OR, and the request returns all results that match any of the specified values.


listSitesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListSitesResponse Int Source #

The response's http status code.


createOrder_paymentTerm :: Lens' CreateOrder (Maybe PaymentTerm) Source #

The payment terms for the order.

createOrder_outpostIdentifier :: Lens' CreateOrder Text Source #

The ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost.

createOrder_lineItems :: Lens' CreateOrder (NonEmpty LineItemRequest) Source #

The line items that make up the order.

createOrder_paymentOption :: Lens' CreateOrder PaymentOption Source #

The payment option for the order.



createOutpost_tags :: Lens' CreateOutpost (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #

The tags to apply to the Outpost.



tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text) Source #

The tags to add to the resource.


untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.




lineItem_status :: Lens' LineItem (Maybe Text) Source #

The status of the line item.

lineItem_quantity :: Lens' LineItem (Maybe Natural) Source #

The quantity of the line item.

lineItem_catalogItemId :: Lens' LineItem (Maybe Text) Source #

The ID of the catalog item.

lineItem_lineItemId :: Lens' LineItem (Maybe Text) Source #

The ID of the line item.


lineItemRequest_quantity :: Lens' LineItemRequest (Maybe Natural) Source #

The quantity of a line item request.


order_status :: Lens' Order (Maybe OrderStatus) Source #

The status of the order

order_orderSubmissionDate :: Lens' Order (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The submission date for the order.

order_lineItems :: Lens' Order (Maybe [LineItem]) Source #

The line items for the order

order_orderFulfilledDate :: Lens' Order (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The fulfillment date of the order.

order_orderId :: Lens' Order (Maybe Text) Source #

The ID of the order.

order_outpostId :: Lens' Order (Maybe Text) Source #

The ID of the Outpost.

order_paymentOption :: Lens' Order (Maybe PaymentOption) Source #

The payment option for the order.


outpost_outpostArn :: Lens' Outpost (Maybe Text) Source #

Undocumented member.

outpost_ownerId :: Lens' Outpost (Maybe Text) Source #

Undocumented member.

outpost_name :: Lens' Outpost (Maybe Text) Source #

Undocumented member.

outpost_outpostId :: Lens' Outpost (Maybe Text) Source #

The ID of the Outpost.

outpost_siteId :: Lens' Outpost (Maybe Text) Source #

Undocumented member.

outpost_siteArn :: Lens' Outpost (Maybe Text) Source #

Undocumented member.


site_accountId :: Lens' Site (Maybe Text) Source #

Undocumented member.

site_name :: Lens' Site (Maybe Text) Source #

Undocumented member.

site_siteId :: Lens' Site (Maybe Text) Source #

Undocumented member.

site_siteArn :: Lens' Site (Maybe Text) Source #

Undocumented member.

site_description :: Lens' Site (Maybe Text) Source #

Undocumented member.