Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- PutLaunchProfileMembers
- CreateStudio
- UpdateLaunchProfileMember
- DeleteLaunchProfileMember
- ListLaunchProfiles
- CreateLaunchProfile
- ListStreamingImages
- ListTagsForResource
- StartStudioSSOConfigurationRepair
- GetLaunchProfileInitialization
- GetLaunchProfile
- CreateStudioComponent
- GetEula
- ListStudioComponents
- AcceptEulas
- CreateStreamingSession
- DeleteStudioComponent
- UpdateStudioComponent
- GetStudioMember
- DeleteStudio
- UpdateStudio
- ListStudios
- GetStudioComponent
- ListEulas
- GetStreamingSession
- ListLaunchProfileMembers
- DeleteLaunchProfile
- UpdateLaunchProfile
- CreateStreamingImage
- CreateStreamingSessionStream
- GetLaunchProfileDetails
- PutStudioMembers
- DeleteStreamingImage
- UpdateStreamingImage
- GetStreamingImage
- ListEulaAcceptances
- GetStreamingSessionStream
- TagResource
- GetLaunchProfileMember
- DeleteStreamingSession
- UntagResource
- ListStreamingSessions
- GetStudio
- ListStudioMembers
- DeleteStudioMember
- Types
- ActiveDirectoryComputerAttribute
- ActiveDirectoryConfiguration
- ComputeFarmConfiguration
- Eula
- EulaAcceptance
- LaunchProfile
- LaunchProfileInitialization
- LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory
- LaunchProfileInitializationScript
- LaunchProfileMembership
- LicenseServiceConfiguration
- NewLaunchProfileMember
- NewStudioMember
- ScriptParameterKeyValue
- SharedFileSystemConfiguration
- StreamConfiguration
- StreamConfigurationCreate
- StreamingImage
- StreamingImageEncryptionConfiguration
- StreamingSession
- StreamingSessionStream
- Studio
- StudioComponent
- StudioComponentConfiguration
- StudioComponentInitializationScript
- StudioComponentSummary
- StudioEncryptionConfiguration
- StudioMembership
- putLaunchProfileMembers_clientToken :: Lens' PutLaunchProfileMembers (Maybe Text)
- putLaunchProfileMembers_studioId :: Lens' PutLaunchProfileMembers Text
- putLaunchProfileMembers_members :: Lens' PutLaunchProfileMembers (NonEmpty NewLaunchProfileMember)
- putLaunchProfileMembers_launchProfileId :: Lens' PutLaunchProfileMembers Text
- putLaunchProfileMembers_identityStoreId :: Lens' PutLaunchProfileMembers Text
- putLaunchProfileMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutLaunchProfileMembersResponse Int
- createStudio_studioEncryptionConfiguration :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe StudioEncryptionConfiguration)
- createStudio_clientToken :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe Text)
- createStudio_tags :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createStudio_displayName :: Lens' CreateStudio Text
- createStudio_studioName :: Lens' CreateStudio Text
- createStudio_userRoleArn :: Lens' CreateStudio Text
- createStudio_adminRoleArn :: Lens' CreateStudio Text
- createStudioResponse_studio :: Lens' CreateStudioResponse (Maybe Studio)
- createStudioResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStudioResponse Int
- updateLaunchProfileMember_clientToken :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMember (Maybe Text)
- updateLaunchProfileMember_studioId :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMember Text
- updateLaunchProfileMember_persona :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMember LaunchProfilePersona
- updateLaunchProfileMember_principalId :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMember Text
- updateLaunchProfileMember_launchProfileId :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMember Text
- updateLaunchProfileMemberResponse_member :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMemberResponse (Maybe LaunchProfileMembership)
- updateLaunchProfileMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMemberResponse Int
- deleteLaunchProfileMember_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileMember (Maybe Text)
- deleteLaunchProfileMember_studioId :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileMember Text
- deleteLaunchProfileMember_principalId :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileMember Text
- deleteLaunchProfileMember_launchProfileId :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileMember Text
- deleteLaunchProfileMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileMemberResponse Int
- listLaunchProfiles_states :: Lens' ListLaunchProfiles (Maybe [Text])
- listLaunchProfiles_principalId :: Lens' ListLaunchProfiles (Maybe Text)
- listLaunchProfiles_nextToken :: Lens' ListLaunchProfiles (Maybe Text)
- listLaunchProfiles_maxResults :: Lens' ListLaunchProfiles (Maybe Natural)
- listLaunchProfiles_studioId :: Lens' ListLaunchProfiles Text
- listLaunchProfilesResponse_launchProfiles :: Lens' ListLaunchProfilesResponse (Maybe [LaunchProfile])
- listLaunchProfilesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLaunchProfilesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listLaunchProfilesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLaunchProfilesResponse Int
- createLaunchProfile_clientToken :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- createLaunchProfile_description :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- createLaunchProfile_tags :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createLaunchProfile_ec2SubnetIds :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile [Text]
- createLaunchProfile_studioComponentIds :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile (NonEmpty Text)
- createLaunchProfile_studioId :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile Text
- createLaunchProfile_launchProfileProtocolVersions :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile [Text]
- createLaunchProfile_name :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile Text
- createLaunchProfile_streamConfiguration :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile StreamConfigurationCreate
- createLaunchProfileResponse_launchProfile :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfileResponse (Maybe LaunchProfile)
- createLaunchProfileResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfileResponse Int
- listStreamingImages_owner :: Lens' ListStreamingImages (Maybe Text)
- listStreamingImages_nextToken :: Lens' ListStreamingImages (Maybe Text)
- listStreamingImages_studioId :: Lens' ListStreamingImages Text
- listStreamingImagesResponse_streamingImages :: Lens' ListStreamingImagesResponse (Maybe [StreamingImage])
- listStreamingImagesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListStreamingImagesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listStreamingImagesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStreamingImagesResponse Int
- listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- startStudioSSOConfigurationRepair_clientToken :: Lens' StartStudioSSOConfigurationRepair (Maybe Text)
- startStudioSSOConfigurationRepair_studioId :: Lens' StartStudioSSOConfigurationRepair Text
- startStudioSSOConfigurationRepairResponse_studio :: Lens' StartStudioSSOConfigurationRepairResponse (Maybe Studio)
- startStudioSSOConfigurationRepairResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartStudioSSOConfigurationRepairResponse Int
- getLaunchProfileInitialization_studioId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitialization Text
- getLaunchProfileInitialization_launchProfileProtocolVersions :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitialization [Text]
- getLaunchProfileInitialization_launchPurpose :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitialization Text
- getLaunchProfileInitialization_launchProfileId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitialization Text
- getLaunchProfileInitialization_platform :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitialization Text
- getLaunchProfileInitializationResponse_launchProfileInitialization :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitializationResponse (Maybe LaunchProfileInitialization)
- getLaunchProfileInitializationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitializationResponse Int
- getLaunchProfile_studioId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfile Text
- getLaunchProfile_launchProfileId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfile Text
- getLaunchProfileResponse_launchProfile :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileResponse (Maybe LaunchProfile)
- getLaunchProfileResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileResponse Int
- createStudioComponent_initializationScripts :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe [StudioComponentInitializationScript])
- createStudioComponent_clientToken :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- createStudioComponent_ec2SecurityGroupIds :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- createStudioComponent_subtype :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentSubtype)
- createStudioComponent_scriptParameters :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe [ScriptParameterKeyValue])
- createStudioComponent_configuration :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentConfiguration)
- createStudioComponent_description :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- createStudioComponent_tags :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createStudioComponent_studioId :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent Text
- createStudioComponent_name :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent Text
- createStudioComponent_type :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent StudioComponentType
- createStudioComponentResponse_studioComponent :: Lens' CreateStudioComponentResponse (Maybe StudioComponent)
- createStudioComponentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStudioComponentResponse Int
- getEula_eulaId :: Lens' GetEula Text
- getEulaResponse_eula :: Lens' GetEulaResponse (Maybe Eula)
- getEulaResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEulaResponse Int
- listStudioComponents_states :: Lens' ListStudioComponents (Maybe [Text])
- listStudioComponents_types :: Lens' ListStudioComponents (Maybe [Text])
- listStudioComponents_nextToken :: Lens' ListStudioComponents (Maybe Text)
- listStudioComponents_maxResults :: Lens' ListStudioComponents (Maybe Natural)
- listStudioComponents_studioId :: Lens' ListStudioComponents Text
- listStudioComponentsResponse_studioComponents :: Lens' ListStudioComponentsResponse (Maybe [StudioComponent])
- listStudioComponentsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListStudioComponentsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listStudioComponentsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStudioComponentsResponse Int
- acceptEulas_clientToken :: Lens' AcceptEulas (Maybe Text)
- acceptEulas_eulaIds :: Lens' AcceptEulas (Maybe [Text])
- acceptEulas_studioId :: Lens' AcceptEulas Text
- acceptEulasResponse_eulaAcceptances :: Lens' AcceptEulasResponse (Maybe [EulaAcceptance])
- acceptEulasResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AcceptEulasResponse Int
- createStreamingSession_ownedBy :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- createStreamingSession_clientToken :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- createStreamingSession_ec2InstanceType :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession (Maybe StreamingInstanceType)
- createStreamingSession_launchProfileId :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- createStreamingSession_streamingImageId :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- createStreamingSession_tags :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createStreamingSession_studioId :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession Text
- createStreamingSessionResponse_session :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionResponse (Maybe StreamingSession)
- createStreamingSessionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionResponse Int
- deleteStudioComponent_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteStudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- deleteStudioComponent_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStudioComponent Text
- deleteStudioComponent_studioComponentId :: Lens' DeleteStudioComponent Text
- deleteStudioComponentResponse_studioComponent :: Lens' DeleteStudioComponentResponse (Maybe StudioComponent)
- deleteStudioComponentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteStudioComponentResponse Int
- updateStudioComponent_initializationScripts :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe [StudioComponentInitializationScript])
- updateStudioComponent_clientToken :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- updateStudioComponent_ec2SecurityGroupIds :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- updateStudioComponent_subtype :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentSubtype)
- updateStudioComponent_name :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- updateStudioComponent_scriptParameters :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe [ScriptParameterKeyValue])
- updateStudioComponent_type :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentType)
- updateStudioComponent_configuration :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentConfiguration)
- updateStudioComponent_description :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- updateStudioComponent_studioId :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent Text
- updateStudioComponent_studioComponentId :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent Text
- updateStudioComponentResponse_studioComponent :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponentResponse (Maybe StudioComponent)
- updateStudioComponentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponentResponse Int
- getStudioMember_studioId :: Lens' GetStudioMember Text
- getStudioMember_principalId :: Lens' GetStudioMember Text
- getStudioMemberResponse_member :: Lens' GetStudioMemberResponse (Maybe StudioMembership)
- getStudioMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStudioMemberResponse Int
- deleteStudio_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteStudio (Maybe Text)
- deleteStudio_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStudio Text
- deleteStudioResponse_studio :: Lens' DeleteStudioResponse (Maybe Studio)
- deleteStudioResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteStudioResponse Int
- updateStudio_clientToken :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text)
- updateStudio_userRoleArn :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text)
- updateStudio_displayName :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text)
- updateStudio_adminRoleArn :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text)
- updateStudio_studioId :: Lens' UpdateStudio Text
- updateStudioResponse_studio :: Lens' UpdateStudioResponse (Maybe Studio)
- updateStudioResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateStudioResponse Int
- listStudios_nextToken :: Lens' ListStudios (Maybe Text)
- listStudiosResponse_studios :: Lens' ListStudiosResponse (Maybe [Studio])
- listStudiosResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListStudiosResponse (Maybe Text)
- listStudiosResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStudiosResponse Int
- getStudioComponent_studioId :: Lens' GetStudioComponent Text
- getStudioComponent_studioComponentId :: Lens' GetStudioComponent Text
- getStudioComponentResponse_studioComponent :: Lens' GetStudioComponentResponse (Maybe StudioComponent)
- getStudioComponentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStudioComponentResponse Int
- listEulas_nextToken :: Lens' ListEulas (Maybe Text)
- listEulas_eulaIds :: Lens' ListEulas (Maybe [Text])
- listEulasResponse_eulas :: Lens' ListEulasResponse (Maybe [Eula])
- listEulasResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListEulasResponse (Maybe Text)
- listEulasResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListEulasResponse Int
- getStreamingSession_studioId :: Lens' GetStreamingSession Text
- getStreamingSession_sessionId :: Lens' GetStreamingSession Text
- getStreamingSessionResponse_session :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionResponse (Maybe StreamingSession)
- getStreamingSessionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionResponse Int
- listLaunchProfileMembers_nextToken :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembers (Maybe Text)
- listLaunchProfileMembers_maxResults :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembers (Maybe Natural)
- listLaunchProfileMembers_studioId :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembers Text
- listLaunchProfileMembers_launchProfileId :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembers Text
- listLaunchProfileMembersResponse_members :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembersResponse (Maybe [LaunchProfileMembership])
- listLaunchProfileMembersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembersResponse (Maybe Text)
- listLaunchProfileMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembersResponse Int
- deleteLaunchProfile_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- deleteLaunchProfile_studioId :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfile Text
- deleteLaunchProfile_launchProfileId :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfile Text
- deleteLaunchProfileResponse_launchProfile :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileResponse (Maybe LaunchProfile)
- deleteLaunchProfileResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileResponse Int
- updateLaunchProfile_clientToken :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- updateLaunchProfile_launchProfileProtocolVersions :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile (Maybe [Text])
- updateLaunchProfile_streamConfiguration :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile (Maybe StreamConfigurationCreate)
- updateLaunchProfile_name :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- updateLaunchProfile_description :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- updateLaunchProfile_studioComponentIds :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- updateLaunchProfile_studioId :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile Text
- updateLaunchProfile_launchProfileId :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile Text
- updateLaunchProfileResponse_launchProfile :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileResponse (Maybe LaunchProfile)
- updateLaunchProfileResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileResponse Int
- createStreamingImage_clientToken :: Lens' CreateStreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- createStreamingImage_description :: Lens' CreateStreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- createStreamingImage_tags :: Lens' CreateStreamingImage (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createStreamingImage_studioId :: Lens' CreateStreamingImage Text
- createStreamingImage_name :: Lens' CreateStreamingImage Text
- createStreamingImage_ec2ImageId :: Lens' CreateStreamingImage Text
- createStreamingImageResponse_streamingImage :: Lens' CreateStreamingImageResponse (Maybe StreamingImage)
- createStreamingImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStreamingImageResponse Int
- createStreamingSessionStream_expirationInSeconds :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionStream (Maybe Natural)
- createStreamingSessionStream_clientToken :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionStream (Maybe Text)
- createStreamingSessionStream_studioId :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionStream Text
- createStreamingSessionStream_sessionId :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionStream Text
- createStreamingSessionStreamResponse_stream :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionStreamResponse (Maybe StreamingSessionStream)
- createStreamingSessionStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionStreamResponse Int
- getLaunchProfileDetails_studioId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileDetails Text
- getLaunchProfileDetails_launchProfileId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileDetails Text
- getLaunchProfileDetailsResponse_streamingImages :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileDetailsResponse (Maybe [StreamingImage])
- getLaunchProfileDetailsResponse_launchProfile :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileDetailsResponse (Maybe LaunchProfile)
- getLaunchProfileDetailsResponse_studioComponentSummaries :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileDetailsResponse (Maybe [StudioComponentSummary])
- getLaunchProfileDetailsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileDetailsResponse Int
- putStudioMembers_clientToken :: Lens' PutStudioMembers (Maybe Text)
- putStudioMembers_studioId :: Lens' PutStudioMembers Text
- putStudioMembers_members :: Lens' PutStudioMembers (NonEmpty NewStudioMember)
- putStudioMembers_identityStoreId :: Lens' PutStudioMembers Text
- putStudioMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutStudioMembersResponse Int
- deleteStreamingImage_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteStreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- deleteStreamingImage_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStreamingImage Text
- deleteStreamingImage_streamingImageId :: Lens' DeleteStreamingImage Text
- deleteStreamingImageResponse_streamingImage :: Lens' DeleteStreamingImageResponse (Maybe StreamingImage)
- deleteStreamingImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteStreamingImageResponse Int
- updateStreamingImage_clientToken :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- updateStreamingImage_name :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- updateStreamingImage_description :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- updateStreamingImage_studioId :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImage Text
- updateStreamingImage_streamingImageId :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImage Text
- updateStreamingImageResponse_streamingImage :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImageResponse (Maybe StreamingImage)
- updateStreamingImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImageResponse Int
- getStreamingImage_studioId :: Lens' GetStreamingImage Text
- getStreamingImage_streamingImageId :: Lens' GetStreamingImage Text
- getStreamingImageResponse_streamingImage :: Lens' GetStreamingImageResponse (Maybe StreamingImage)
- getStreamingImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStreamingImageResponse Int
- listEulaAcceptances_nextToken :: Lens' ListEulaAcceptances (Maybe Text)
- listEulaAcceptances_eulaIds :: Lens' ListEulaAcceptances (Maybe [Text])
- listEulaAcceptances_studioId :: Lens' ListEulaAcceptances Text
- listEulaAcceptancesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListEulaAcceptancesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listEulaAcceptancesResponse_eulaAcceptances :: Lens' ListEulaAcceptancesResponse (Maybe [EulaAcceptance])
- listEulaAcceptancesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListEulaAcceptancesResponse Int
- getStreamingSessionStream_studioId :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionStream Text
- getStreamingSessionStream_streamId :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionStream Text
- getStreamingSessionStream_sessionId :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionStream Text
- getStreamingSessionStreamResponse_stream :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionStreamResponse (Maybe StreamingSessionStream)
- getStreamingSessionStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionStreamResponse Int
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- getLaunchProfileMember_studioId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileMember Text
- getLaunchProfileMember_principalId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileMember Text
- getLaunchProfileMember_launchProfileId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileMember Text
- getLaunchProfileMemberResponse_member :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileMemberResponse (Maybe LaunchProfileMembership)
- getLaunchProfileMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileMemberResponse Int
- deleteStreamingSession_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteStreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- deleteStreamingSession_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStreamingSession Text
- deleteStreamingSession_sessionId :: Lens' DeleteStreamingSession Text
- deleteStreamingSessionResponse_session :: Lens' DeleteStreamingSessionResponse (Maybe StreamingSession)
- deleteStreamingSessionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteStreamingSessionResponse Int
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text]
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- listStreamingSessions_ownedBy :: Lens' ListStreamingSessions (Maybe Text)
- listStreamingSessions_createdBy :: Lens' ListStreamingSessions (Maybe Text)
- listStreamingSessions_nextToken :: Lens' ListStreamingSessions (Maybe Text)
- listStreamingSessions_sessionIds :: Lens' ListStreamingSessions (Maybe Text)
- listStreamingSessions_studioId :: Lens' ListStreamingSessions Text
- listStreamingSessionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListStreamingSessionsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listStreamingSessionsResponse_sessions :: Lens' ListStreamingSessionsResponse (Maybe [StreamingSession])
- listStreamingSessionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStreamingSessionsResponse Int
- getStudio_studioId :: Lens' GetStudio Text
- getStudioResponse_studio :: Lens' GetStudioResponse (Maybe Studio)
- getStudioResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStudioResponse Int
- listStudioMembers_nextToken :: Lens' ListStudioMembers (Maybe Text)
- listStudioMembers_maxResults :: Lens' ListStudioMembers (Maybe Natural)
- listStudioMembers_studioId :: Lens' ListStudioMembers Text
- listStudioMembersResponse_members :: Lens' ListStudioMembersResponse (Maybe [StudioMembership])
- listStudioMembersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListStudioMembersResponse (Maybe Text)
- listStudioMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStudioMembersResponse Int
- deleteStudioMember_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteStudioMember (Maybe Text)
- deleteStudioMember_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStudioMember Text
- deleteStudioMember_principalId :: Lens' DeleteStudioMember Text
- deleteStudioMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteStudioMemberResponse Int
- activeDirectoryComputerAttribute_value :: Lens' ActiveDirectoryComputerAttribute (Maybe Text)
- activeDirectoryComputerAttribute_name :: Lens' ActiveDirectoryComputerAttribute (Maybe Text)
- activeDirectoryConfiguration_directoryId :: Lens' ActiveDirectoryConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- activeDirectoryConfiguration_computerAttributes :: Lens' ActiveDirectoryConfiguration (Maybe [ActiveDirectoryComputerAttribute])
- activeDirectoryConfiguration_organizationalUnitDistinguishedName :: Lens' ActiveDirectoryConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- computeFarmConfiguration_activeDirectoryUser :: Lens' ComputeFarmConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- computeFarmConfiguration_endpoint :: Lens' ComputeFarmConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- eula_createdAt :: Lens' Eula (Maybe UTCTime)
- eula_eulaId :: Lens' Eula (Maybe Text)
- eula_content :: Lens' Eula (Maybe Text)
- eula_name :: Lens' Eula (Maybe Text)
- eula_updatedAt :: Lens' Eula (Maybe UTCTime)
- eulaAcceptance_accepteeId :: Lens' EulaAcceptance (Maybe Text)
- eulaAcceptance_eulaId :: Lens' EulaAcceptance (Maybe Text)
- eulaAcceptance_acceptedAt :: Lens' EulaAcceptance (Maybe UTCTime)
- eulaAcceptance_acceptedBy :: Lens' EulaAcceptance (Maybe Text)
- eulaAcceptance_eulaAcceptanceId :: Lens' EulaAcceptance (Maybe Text)
- launchProfile_state :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe LaunchProfileState)
- launchProfile_arn :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- launchProfile_createdAt :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe UTCTime)
- launchProfile_createdBy :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- launchProfile_launchProfileId :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- launchProfile_updatedBy :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- launchProfile_launchProfileProtocolVersions :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe [Text])
- launchProfile_ec2SubnetIds :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe [Text])
- launchProfile_streamConfiguration :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe StreamConfiguration)
- launchProfile_name :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- launchProfile_statusMessage :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- launchProfile_updatedAt :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe UTCTime)
- launchProfile_description :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text)
- launchProfile_tags :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- launchProfile_statusCode :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe LaunchProfileStatusCode)
- launchProfile_studioComponentIds :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- launchProfileInitialization_platform :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe LaunchProfilePlatform)
- launchProfileInitialization_activeDirectory :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory)
- launchProfileInitialization_launchPurpose :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileInitialization_launchProfileId :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileInitialization_ec2SecurityGroupIds :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- launchProfileInitialization_name :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileInitialization_launchProfileProtocolVersion :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileInitialization_userInitializationScripts :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe [LaunchProfileInitializationScript])
- launchProfileInitialization_systemInitializationScripts :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe [LaunchProfileInitializationScript])
- launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_directoryId :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_studioComponentId :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_studioComponentName :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_dnsIpAddresses :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe [Text])
- launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_computerAttributes :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe [ActiveDirectoryComputerAttribute])
- launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_organizationalUnitDistinguishedName :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_directoryName :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileInitializationScript_script :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationScript (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileInitializationScript_studioComponentId :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationScript (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileInitializationScript_studioComponentName :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationScript (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileMembership_identityStoreId :: Lens' LaunchProfileMembership (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileMembership_principalId :: Lens' LaunchProfileMembership (Maybe Text)
- launchProfileMembership_persona :: Lens' LaunchProfileMembership (Maybe LaunchProfilePersona)
- licenseServiceConfiguration_endpoint :: Lens' LicenseServiceConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- newLaunchProfileMember_persona :: Lens' NewLaunchProfileMember LaunchProfilePersona
- newLaunchProfileMember_principalId :: Lens' NewLaunchProfileMember Text
- newStudioMember_persona :: Lens' NewStudioMember StudioPersona
- newStudioMember_principalId :: Lens' NewStudioMember Text
- scriptParameterKeyValue_value :: Lens' ScriptParameterKeyValue (Maybe Text)
- scriptParameterKeyValue_key :: Lens' ScriptParameterKeyValue (Maybe Text)
- sharedFileSystemConfiguration_fileSystemId :: Lens' SharedFileSystemConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- sharedFileSystemConfiguration_windowsMountDrive :: Lens' SharedFileSystemConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- sharedFileSystemConfiguration_linuxMountPoint :: Lens' SharedFileSystemConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- sharedFileSystemConfiguration_shareName :: Lens' SharedFileSystemConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- sharedFileSystemConfiguration_endpoint :: Lens' SharedFileSystemConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- streamConfiguration_streamingImageIds :: Lens' StreamConfiguration (Maybe [Text])
- streamConfiguration_maxSessionLengthInMinutes :: Lens' StreamConfiguration (Maybe Natural)
- streamConfiguration_clipboardMode :: Lens' StreamConfiguration (Maybe StreamingClipboardMode)
- streamConfiguration_ec2InstanceTypes :: Lens' StreamConfiguration (Maybe (NonEmpty StreamingInstanceType))
- streamConfigurationCreate_maxSessionLengthInMinutes :: Lens' StreamConfigurationCreate (Maybe Natural)
- streamConfigurationCreate_clipboardMode :: Lens' StreamConfigurationCreate StreamingClipboardMode
- streamConfigurationCreate_streamingImageIds :: Lens' StreamConfigurationCreate [Text]
- streamConfigurationCreate_ec2InstanceTypes :: Lens' StreamConfigurationCreate (NonEmpty StreamingInstanceType)
- streamingImage_state :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe StreamingImageState)
- streamingImage_platform :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- streamingImage_arn :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- streamingImage_streamingImageId :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- streamingImage_ec2ImageId :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- streamingImage_owner :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- streamingImage_name :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- streamingImage_encryptionConfiguration :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe StreamingImageEncryptionConfiguration)
- streamingImage_statusMessage :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- streamingImage_eulaIds :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe [Text])
- streamingImage_description :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text)
- streamingImage_tags :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- streamingImage_statusCode :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe StreamingImageStatusCode)
- streamingImageEncryptionConfiguration_keyArn :: Lens' StreamingImageEncryptionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- streamingImageEncryptionConfiguration_keyType :: Lens' StreamingImageEncryptionConfiguration StreamingImageEncryptionConfigurationKeyType
- streamingSession_ownedBy :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- streamingSession_state :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe StreamingSessionState)
- streamingSession_arn :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- streamingSession_createdAt :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe UTCTime)
- streamingSession_ec2InstanceType :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- streamingSession_createdBy :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- streamingSession_launchProfileId :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- streamingSession_streamingImageId :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- streamingSession_updatedBy :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- streamingSession_terminateAt :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe UTCTime)
- streamingSession_statusMessage :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- streamingSession_updatedAt :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe UTCTime)
- streamingSession_sessionId :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text)
- streamingSession_tags :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- streamingSession_statusCode :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe StreamingSessionStatusCode)
- streamingSessionStream_ownedBy :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe Text)
- streamingSessionStream_state :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe StreamingSessionStreamState)
- streamingSessionStream_createdAt :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe UTCTime)
- streamingSessionStream_expiresAt :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe UTCTime)
- streamingSessionStream_url :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe Text)
- streamingSessionStream_createdBy :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe Text)
- streamingSessionStream_streamId :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe Text)
- streamingSessionStream_statusCode :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe StreamingSessionStreamStatusCode)
- studio_studioEncryptionConfiguration :: Lens' Studio (Maybe StudioEncryptionConfiguration)
- studio_state :: Lens' Studio (Maybe StudioState)
- studio_studioName :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_arn :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_createdAt :: Lens' Studio (Maybe UTCTime)
- studio_studioId :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_userRoleArn :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_ssoClientId :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_homeRegion :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_statusMessage :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_displayName :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_updatedAt :: Lens' Studio (Maybe UTCTime)
- studio_studioUrl :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_adminRoleArn :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_tags :: Lens' Studio (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- studio_statusCode :: Lens' Studio (Maybe StudioStatusCode)
- studioComponent_initializationScripts :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe [StudioComponentInitializationScript])
- studioComponent_state :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentState)
- studioComponent_studioComponentId :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- studioComponent_arn :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- studioComponent_createdAt :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe UTCTime)
- studioComponent_createdBy :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- studioComponent_ec2SecurityGroupIds :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- studioComponent_updatedBy :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- studioComponent_subtype :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentSubtype)
- studioComponent_name :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- studioComponent_statusMessage :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- studioComponent_scriptParameters :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe [ScriptParameterKeyValue])
- studioComponent_updatedAt :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe UTCTime)
- studioComponent_type :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentType)
- studioComponent_configuration :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentConfiguration)
- studioComponent_description :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text)
- studioComponent_tags :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- studioComponent_statusCode :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentStatusCode)
- studioComponentConfiguration_activeDirectoryConfiguration :: Lens' StudioComponentConfiguration (Maybe ActiveDirectoryConfiguration)
- studioComponentConfiguration_licenseServiceConfiguration :: Lens' StudioComponentConfiguration (Maybe LicenseServiceConfiguration)
- studioComponentConfiguration_sharedFileSystemConfiguration :: Lens' StudioComponentConfiguration (Maybe SharedFileSystemConfiguration)
- studioComponentConfiguration_computeFarmConfiguration :: Lens' StudioComponentConfiguration (Maybe ComputeFarmConfiguration)
- studioComponentInitializationScript_script :: Lens' StudioComponentInitializationScript (Maybe Text)
- studioComponentInitializationScript_platform :: Lens' StudioComponentInitializationScript (Maybe LaunchProfilePlatform)
- studioComponentInitializationScript_runContext :: Lens' StudioComponentInitializationScript (Maybe StudioComponentInitializationScriptRunContext)
- studioComponentInitializationScript_launchProfileProtocolVersion :: Lens' StudioComponentInitializationScript (Maybe Text)
- studioComponentSummary_studioComponentId :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe Text)
- studioComponentSummary_createdAt :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- studioComponentSummary_createdBy :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe Text)
- studioComponentSummary_updatedBy :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe Text)
- studioComponentSummary_subtype :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe StudioComponentSubtype)
- studioComponentSummary_name :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe Text)
- studioComponentSummary_updatedAt :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- studioComponentSummary_type :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe StudioComponentType)
- studioComponentSummary_description :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe Text)
- studioEncryptionConfiguration_keyArn :: Lens' StudioEncryptionConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- studioEncryptionConfiguration_keyType :: Lens' StudioEncryptionConfiguration StudioEncryptionConfigurationKeyType
- studioMembership_identityStoreId :: Lens' StudioMembership (Maybe Text)
- studioMembership_principalId :: Lens' StudioMembership (Maybe Text)
- studioMembership_persona :: Lens' StudioMembership (Maybe StudioPersona)
putLaunchProfileMembers_clientToken :: Lens' PutLaunchProfileMembers (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
putLaunchProfileMembers_studioId :: Lens' PutLaunchProfileMembers Text Source #
The studio ID.
putLaunchProfileMembers_members :: Lens' PutLaunchProfileMembers (NonEmpty NewLaunchProfileMember) Source #
A list of members.
putLaunchProfileMembers_launchProfileId :: Lens' PutLaunchProfileMembers Text Source #
The launch profile ID.
putLaunchProfileMembers_identityStoreId :: Lens' PutLaunchProfileMembers Text Source #
The ID of the identity store.
putLaunchProfileMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutLaunchProfileMembersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createStudio_studioEncryptionConfiguration :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe StudioEncryptionConfiguration) Source #
The studio encryption configuration.
createStudio_clientToken :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
createStudio_tags :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A collection of labels, in the form of key:value pairs, that apply to this resource.
createStudio_displayName :: Lens' CreateStudio Text Source #
A friendly name for the studio.
createStudio_studioName :: Lens' CreateStudio Text Source #
The studio name that is used in the URL of the Nimble Studio portal when accessed by Nimble Studio users.
createStudio_userRoleArn :: Lens' CreateStudio Text Source #
The IAM role that Studio Users will assume when logging in to the Nimble Studio portal.
createStudio_adminRoleArn :: Lens' CreateStudio Text Source #
The IAM role that Studio Admins will assume when logging in to the Nimble Studio portal.
createStudioResponse_studio :: Lens' CreateStudioResponse (Maybe Studio) Source #
Information about a studio.
createStudioResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStudioResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateLaunchProfileMember_clientToken :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMember (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
updateLaunchProfileMember_studioId :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMember Text Source #
The studio ID.
updateLaunchProfileMember_persona :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMember LaunchProfilePersona Source #
The persona.
updateLaunchProfileMember_principalId :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMember Text Source #
The principal ID.
updateLaunchProfileMember_launchProfileId :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMember Text Source #
The launch profile ID.
updateLaunchProfileMemberResponse_member :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMemberResponse (Maybe LaunchProfileMembership) Source #
The member.
updateLaunchProfileMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileMemberResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteLaunchProfileMember_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileMember (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
deleteLaunchProfileMember_studioId :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileMember Text Source #
The studio ID.
deleteLaunchProfileMember_principalId :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileMember Text Source #
The principal ID.
deleteLaunchProfileMember_launchProfileId :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileMember Text Source #
The launch profile ID.
deleteLaunchProfileMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileMemberResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listLaunchProfiles_states :: Lens' ListLaunchProfiles (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of states.
listLaunchProfiles_principalId :: Lens' ListLaunchProfiles (Maybe Text) Source #
The principal ID.
listLaunchProfiles_nextToken :: Lens' ListLaunchProfiles (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listLaunchProfiles_maxResults :: Lens' ListLaunchProfiles (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
listLaunchProfiles_studioId :: Lens' ListLaunchProfiles Text Source #
The studio ID.
listLaunchProfilesResponse_launchProfiles :: Lens' ListLaunchProfilesResponse (Maybe [LaunchProfile]) Source #
A collection of launch profiles.
listLaunchProfilesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLaunchProfilesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listLaunchProfilesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLaunchProfilesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createLaunchProfile_clientToken :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
createLaunchProfile_description :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The description.
createLaunchProfile_tags :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A collection of labels, in the form of key:value pairs, that apply to this resource.
createLaunchProfile_studioComponentIds :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile (NonEmpty Text) Source #
Unique identifiers for a collection of studio components that can be used with this launch profile.
createLaunchProfile_studioId :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile Text Source #
The studio ID.
createLaunchProfile_launchProfileProtocolVersions :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile [Text] Source #
The version number of the protocol that is used by the launch profile. The only valid version is "2021-03-31".
createLaunchProfile_name :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile Text Source #
The name for the launch profile.
createLaunchProfile_streamConfiguration :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfile StreamConfigurationCreate Source #
A configuration for a streaming session.
createLaunchProfileResponse_launchProfile :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfileResponse (Maybe LaunchProfile) Source #
The launch profile.
createLaunchProfileResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLaunchProfileResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listStreamingImages_owner :: Lens' ListStreamingImages (Maybe Text) Source #
The owner.
listStreamingImages_nextToken :: Lens' ListStreamingImages (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listStreamingImages_studioId :: Lens' ListStreamingImages Text Source #
The studio ID.
listStreamingImagesResponse_streamingImages :: Lens' ListStreamingImagesResponse (Maybe [StreamingImage]) Source #
A collection of streaming images.
listStreamingImagesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListStreamingImagesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listStreamingImagesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStreamingImagesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
The ARN of the target resource for tagging operations.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A collection of labels, in the form of key:value pairs, that apply to this resource.
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startStudioSSOConfigurationRepair_clientToken :: Lens' StartStudioSSOConfigurationRepair (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
startStudioSSOConfigurationRepair_studioId :: Lens' StartStudioSSOConfigurationRepair Text Source #
The studio ID.
startStudioSSOConfigurationRepairResponse_studio :: Lens' StartStudioSSOConfigurationRepairResponse (Maybe Studio) Source #
Information about a studio.
startStudioSSOConfigurationRepairResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartStudioSSOConfigurationRepairResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getLaunchProfileInitialization_studioId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitialization Text Source #
The studio ID.
getLaunchProfileInitialization_launchProfileProtocolVersions :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitialization [Text] Source #
A collection of launch profile protocol versions.
getLaunchProfileInitialization_launchPurpose :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitialization Text Source #
The launch purpose.
getLaunchProfileInitialization_launchProfileId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitialization Text Source #
The launch profile ID.
getLaunchProfileInitialization_platform :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitialization Text Source #
The platform.
getLaunchProfileInitializationResponse_launchProfileInitialization :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitializationResponse (Maybe LaunchProfileInitialization) Source #
The launch profile initialization.
getLaunchProfileInitializationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileInitializationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getLaunchProfile_studioId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfile Text Source #
The studio ID.
getLaunchProfile_launchProfileId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfile Text Source #
The launch profile ID.
getLaunchProfileResponse_launchProfile :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileResponse (Maybe LaunchProfile) Source #
The launch profile.
getLaunchProfileResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createStudioComponent_initializationScripts :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe [StudioComponentInitializationScript]) Source #
Initialization scripts for studio components.
createStudioComponent_clientToken :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
createStudioComponent_ec2SecurityGroupIds :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The EC2 security groups that control access to the studio component.
createStudioComponent_subtype :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentSubtype) Source #
The specific subtype of a studio component.
createStudioComponent_scriptParameters :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe [ScriptParameterKeyValue]) Source #
Parameters for the studio component scripts.
createStudioComponent_configuration :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentConfiguration) Source #
The configuration of the studio component, based on component type.
createStudioComponent_description :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
The description.
createStudioComponent_tags :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A collection of labels, in the form of key:value pairs, that apply to this resource.
createStudioComponent_studioId :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent Text Source #
The studio ID.
createStudioComponent_name :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent Text Source #
The name for the studio component.
createStudioComponent_type :: Lens' CreateStudioComponent StudioComponentType Source #
The type of the studio component.
createStudioComponentResponse_studioComponent :: Lens' CreateStudioComponentResponse (Maybe StudioComponent) Source #
Information about the studio component.
createStudioComponentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStudioComponentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getEulaResponse_eula :: Lens' GetEulaResponse (Maybe Eula) Source #
getEulaResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEulaResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listStudioComponents_states :: Lens' ListStudioComponents (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of states.
listStudioComponents_types :: Lens' ListStudioComponents (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The types.
listStudioComponents_nextToken :: Lens' ListStudioComponents (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listStudioComponents_maxResults :: Lens' ListStudioComponents (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
listStudioComponents_studioId :: Lens' ListStudioComponents Text Source #
The studio ID.
listStudioComponentsResponse_studioComponents :: Lens' ListStudioComponentsResponse (Maybe [StudioComponent]) Source #
A collection of studio components.
listStudioComponentsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListStudioComponentsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listStudioComponentsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStudioComponentsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
acceptEulas_clientToken :: Lens' AcceptEulas (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
acceptEulas_eulaIds :: Lens' AcceptEulas (Maybe [Text]) Source #
acceptEulas_studioId :: Lens' AcceptEulas Text Source #
The studio ID.
acceptEulasResponse_eulaAcceptances :: Lens' AcceptEulasResponse (Maybe [EulaAcceptance]) Source #
A collection of EULA acceptances.
acceptEulasResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AcceptEulasResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createStreamingSession_ownedBy :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that owns the streaming session.
createStreamingSession_clientToken :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
createStreamingSession_ec2InstanceType :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession (Maybe StreamingInstanceType) Source #
The EC2 Instance type used for the streaming session.
createStreamingSession_launchProfileId :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
The launch profile ID.
createStreamingSession_streamingImageId :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the streaming image.
createStreamingSession_tags :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A collection of labels, in the form of key:value pairs, that apply to this resource.
createStreamingSession_studioId :: Lens' CreateStreamingSession Text Source #
The studio ID.
createStreamingSessionResponse_session :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionResponse (Maybe StreamingSession) Source #
The session.
createStreamingSessionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteStudioComponent_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteStudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
deleteStudioComponent_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStudioComponent Text Source #
The studio ID.
deleteStudioComponent_studioComponentId :: Lens' DeleteStudioComponent Text Source #
The studio component ID.
deleteStudioComponentResponse_studioComponent :: Lens' DeleteStudioComponentResponse (Maybe StudioComponent) Source #
Information about the studio component.
deleteStudioComponentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteStudioComponentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateStudioComponent_initializationScripts :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe [StudioComponentInitializationScript]) Source #
Initialization scripts for studio components.
updateStudioComponent_clientToken :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
updateStudioComponent_ec2SecurityGroupIds :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The EC2 security groups that control access to the studio component.
updateStudioComponent_subtype :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentSubtype) Source #
The specific subtype of a studio component.
updateStudioComponent_name :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the studio component.
updateStudioComponent_scriptParameters :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe [ScriptParameterKeyValue]) Source #
Parameters for the studio component scripts.
updateStudioComponent_type :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentType) Source #
The type of the studio component.
updateStudioComponent_configuration :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentConfiguration) Source #
The configuration of the studio component, based on component type.
updateStudioComponent_description :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
The description.
updateStudioComponent_studioId :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent Text Source #
The studio ID.
updateStudioComponent_studioComponentId :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponent Text Source #
The studio component ID.
updateStudioComponentResponse_studioComponent :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponentResponse (Maybe StudioComponent) Source #
Information about the studio component.
updateStudioComponentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateStudioComponentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getStudioMember_studioId :: Lens' GetStudioMember Text Source #
The studio ID.
getStudioMember_principalId :: Lens' GetStudioMember Text Source #
The principal ID.
getStudioMemberResponse_member :: Lens' GetStudioMemberResponse (Maybe StudioMembership) Source #
The member.
getStudioMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStudioMemberResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteStudio_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
deleteStudio_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStudio Text Source #
The studio ID.
deleteStudioResponse_studio :: Lens' DeleteStudioResponse (Maybe Studio) Source #
Information about a studio.
deleteStudioResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteStudioResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateStudio_clientToken :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
updateStudio_userRoleArn :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM role that Studio Users will assume when logging in to the Nimble Studio portal.
updateStudio_displayName :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
A friendly name for the studio.
updateStudio_adminRoleArn :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM role that Studio Admins will assume when logging in to the Nimble Studio portal.
updateStudio_studioId :: Lens' UpdateStudio Text Source #
The studio ID.
updateStudioResponse_studio :: Lens' UpdateStudioResponse (Maybe Studio) Source #
Information about a studio.
updateStudioResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateStudioResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listStudios_nextToken :: Lens' ListStudios (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listStudiosResponse_studios :: Lens' ListStudiosResponse (Maybe [Studio]) Source #
A collection of studios.
listStudiosResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListStudiosResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listStudiosResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStudiosResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getStudioComponent_studioId :: Lens' GetStudioComponent Text Source #
The studio ID.
getStudioComponent_studioComponentId :: Lens' GetStudioComponent Text Source #
The studio component ID.
getStudioComponentResponse_studioComponent :: Lens' GetStudioComponentResponse (Maybe StudioComponent) Source #
Information about the studio component.
getStudioComponentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStudioComponentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listEulas_nextToken :: Lens' ListEulas (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listEulasResponse_eulas :: Lens' ListEulasResponse (Maybe [Eula]) Source #
A collection of EULA resources.
listEulasResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListEulasResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listEulasResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListEulasResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getStreamingSession_studioId :: Lens' GetStreamingSession Text Source #
The studio ID.
getStreamingSession_sessionId :: Lens' GetStreamingSession Text Source #
The session ID.
getStreamingSessionResponse_session :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionResponse (Maybe StreamingSession) Source #
The session.
getStreamingSessionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listLaunchProfileMembers_nextToken :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembers (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listLaunchProfileMembers_maxResults :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembers (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
listLaunchProfileMembers_studioId :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembers Text Source #
The studio ID.
listLaunchProfileMembers_launchProfileId :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembers Text Source #
The launch profile ID.
listLaunchProfileMembersResponse_members :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembersResponse (Maybe [LaunchProfileMembership]) Source #
A list of members.
listLaunchProfileMembersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listLaunchProfileMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLaunchProfileMembersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteLaunchProfile_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
deleteLaunchProfile_studioId :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfile Text Source #
The studio ID.
deleteLaunchProfile_launchProfileId :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfile Text Source #
The launch profile ID.
deleteLaunchProfileResponse_launchProfile :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileResponse (Maybe LaunchProfile) Source #
The launch profile.
deleteLaunchProfileResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLaunchProfileResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateLaunchProfile_clientToken :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
updateLaunchProfile_launchProfileProtocolVersions :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The version number of the protocol that is used by the launch profile. The only valid version is "2021-03-31".
updateLaunchProfile_streamConfiguration :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile (Maybe StreamConfigurationCreate) Source #
A configuration for a streaming session.
updateLaunchProfile_name :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the launch profile.
updateLaunchProfile_description :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The description.
updateLaunchProfile_studioComponentIds :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
Unique identifiers for a collection of studio components that can be used with this launch profile.
updateLaunchProfile_studioId :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile Text Source #
The studio ID.
updateLaunchProfile_launchProfileId :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfile Text Source #
The launch profile ID.
updateLaunchProfileResponse_launchProfile :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileResponse (Maybe LaunchProfile) Source #
The launch profile.
updateLaunchProfileResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLaunchProfileResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createStreamingImage_clientToken :: Lens' CreateStreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
createStreamingImage_description :: Lens' CreateStreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
A human-readable description of the streaming image.
createStreamingImage_tags :: Lens' CreateStreamingImage (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A collection of labels, in the form of key:value pairs, that apply to this resource.
createStreamingImage_studioId :: Lens' CreateStreamingImage Text Source #
The studio ID.
createStreamingImage_name :: Lens' CreateStreamingImage Text Source #
A friendly name for a streaming image resource.
createStreamingImage_ec2ImageId :: Lens' CreateStreamingImage Text Source #
The ID of an EC2 machine image with which to create this streaming image.
createStreamingImageResponse_streamingImage :: Lens' CreateStreamingImageResponse (Maybe StreamingImage) Source #
createStreamingImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStreamingImageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createStreamingSessionStream_expirationInSeconds :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionStream (Maybe Natural) Source #
The expiration time in seconds.
createStreamingSessionStream_clientToken :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionStream (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
createStreamingSessionStream_studioId :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionStream Text Source #
The studio ID.
createStreamingSessionStream_sessionId :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionStream Text Source #
The session ID.
createStreamingSessionStreamResponse_stream :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionStreamResponse (Maybe StreamingSessionStream) Source #
The stream.
createStreamingSessionStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStreamingSessionStreamResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getLaunchProfileDetails_studioId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileDetails Text Source #
The studio ID.
getLaunchProfileDetails_launchProfileId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileDetails Text Source #
The launch profile ID.
getLaunchProfileDetailsResponse_streamingImages :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileDetailsResponse (Maybe [StreamingImage]) Source #
A collection of streaming images.
getLaunchProfileDetailsResponse_launchProfile :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileDetailsResponse (Maybe LaunchProfile) Source #
The launch profile.
getLaunchProfileDetailsResponse_studioComponentSummaries :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileDetailsResponse (Maybe [StudioComponentSummary]) Source #
A collection of studio component summaries.
getLaunchProfileDetailsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileDetailsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putStudioMembers_clientToken :: Lens' PutStudioMembers (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
putStudioMembers_studioId :: Lens' PutStudioMembers Text Source #
The studio ID.
putStudioMembers_members :: Lens' PutStudioMembers (NonEmpty NewStudioMember) Source #
A list of members.
putStudioMembers_identityStoreId :: Lens' PutStudioMembers Text Source #
The ID of the identity store.
putStudioMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutStudioMembersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteStreamingImage_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteStreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
deleteStreamingImage_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStreamingImage Text Source #
The studio ID.
deleteStreamingImage_streamingImageId :: Lens' DeleteStreamingImage Text Source #
The streaming image ID.
deleteStreamingImageResponse_streamingImage :: Lens' DeleteStreamingImageResponse (Maybe StreamingImage) Source #
The streaming image.
deleteStreamingImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteStreamingImageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateStreamingImage_clientToken :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
updateStreamingImage_name :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the streaming image.
updateStreamingImage_description :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
The description.
updateStreamingImage_studioId :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImage Text Source #
The studio ID.
updateStreamingImage_streamingImageId :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImage Text Source #
The streaming image ID.
updateStreamingImageResponse_streamingImage :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImageResponse (Maybe StreamingImage) Source #
updateStreamingImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateStreamingImageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getStreamingImage_studioId :: Lens' GetStreamingImage Text Source #
The studio ID.
getStreamingImage_streamingImageId :: Lens' GetStreamingImage Text Source #
The streaming image ID.
getStreamingImageResponse_streamingImage :: Lens' GetStreamingImageResponse (Maybe StreamingImage) Source #
The streaming image.
getStreamingImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStreamingImageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listEulaAcceptances_nextToken :: Lens' ListEulaAcceptances (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listEulaAcceptances_eulaIds :: Lens' ListEulaAcceptances (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A collection of EULA IDs.
listEulaAcceptances_studioId :: Lens' ListEulaAcceptances Text Source #
The studio ID.
listEulaAcceptancesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListEulaAcceptancesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listEulaAcceptancesResponse_eulaAcceptances :: Lens' ListEulaAcceptancesResponse (Maybe [EulaAcceptance]) Source #
A collection of EULA acceptances.
listEulaAcceptancesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListEulaAcceptancesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getStreamingSessionStream_studioId :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionStream Text Source #
The studio ID.
getStreamingSessionStream_streamId :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionStream Text Source #
The stream ID.
getStreamingSessionStream_sessionId :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionStream Text Source #
The session ID.
getStreamingSessionStreamResponse_stream :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionStreamResponse (Maybe StreamingSessionStream) Source #
The stream.
getStreamingSessionStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStreamingSessionStreamResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A collection of labels, in the form of key:value pairs, that apply to this resource.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The ARN of the target resource for tagging operations.
tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getLaunchProfileMember_studioId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileMember Text Source #
The studio ID.
getLaunchProfileMember_principalId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileMember Text Source #
The principal ID.
getLaunchProfileMember_launchProfileId :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileMember Text Source #
The launch profile ID.
getLaunchProfileMemberResponse_member :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileMemberResponse (Maybe LaunchProfileMembership) Source #
The member.
getLaunchProfileMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLaunchProfileMemberResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteStreamingSession_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteStreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
deleteStreamingSession_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStreamingSession Text Source #
The studio ID.
deleteStreamingSession_sessionId :: Lens' DeleteStreamingSession Text Source #
The session ID.
deleteStreamingSessionResponse_session :: Lens' DeleteStreamingSessionResponse (Maybe StreamingSession) Source #
The session.
deleteStreamingSessionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteStreamingSessionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text] Source #
An array of tag keys to delete.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The ARN of the target resource for tagging operations.
untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listStreamingSessions_ownedBy :: Lens' ListStreamingSessions (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that owns the streaming session.
listStreamingSessions_createdBy :: Lens' ListStreamingSessions (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that created the streaming session.
listStreamingSessions_nextToken :: Lens' ListStreamingSessions (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listStreamingSessions_sessionIds :: Lens' ListStreamingSessions (Maybe Text) Source #
A collection of session IDs.
listStreamingSessions_studioId :: Lens' ListStreamingSessions Text Source #
The studio ID.
listStreamingSessionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListStreamingSessionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listStreamingSessionsResponse_sessions :: Lens' ListStreamingSessionsResponse (Maybe [StreamingSession]) Source #
A collection of streaming sessions.
listStreamingSessionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStreamingSessionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getStudioResponse_studio :: Lens' GetStudioResponse (Maybe Studio) Source #
Information about a studio.
getStudioResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStudioResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listStudioMembers_nextToken :: Lens' ListStudioMembers (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listStudioMembers_maxResults :: Lens' ListStudioMembers (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
listStudioMembers_studioId :: Lens' ListStudioMembers Text Source #
The studio ID.
listStudioMembersResponse_members :: Lens' ListStudioMembersResponse (Maybe [StudioMembership]) Source #
A list of members.
listStudioMembersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListStudioMembersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
listStudioMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStudioMembersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteStudioMember_clientToken :: Lens' DeleteStudioMember (Maybe Text) Source #
To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions. If you retry a successful request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry fails with a ValidationException error.
deleteStudioMember_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStudioMember Text Source #
The studio ID.
deleteStudioMember_principalId :: Lens' DeleteStudioMember Text Source #
The principal ID.
deleteStudioMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteStudioMemberResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
activeDirectoryComputerAttribute_value :: Lens' ActiveDirectoryComputerAttribute (Maybe Text) Source #
The value for the LDAP attribute.
activeDirectoryComputerAttribute_name :: Lens' ActiveDirectoryComputerAttribute (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the LDAP attribute.
activeDirectoryConfiguration_directoryId :: Lens' ActiveDirectoryConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The directory ID of the Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory to access using this studio component.
activeDirectoryConfiguration_computerAttributes :: Lens' ActiveDirectoryConfiguration (Maybe [ActiveDirectoryComputerAttribute]) Source #
A collection of custom attributes for an Active Directory computer.
activeDirectoryConfiguration_organizationalUnitDistinguishedName :: Lens' ActiveDirectoryConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The distinguished name (DN) and organizational unit (OU) of an Active Directory computer.
computeFarmConfiguration_activeDirectoryUser :: Lens' ComputeFarmConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of an Active Directory user that is used on ComputeFarm worker instances.
computeFarmConfiguration_endpoint :: Lens' ComputeFarmConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The endpoint of the ComputeFarm that is accessed by the studio component resource.
eula_createdAt :: Lens' Eula (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was created.
eula_updatedAt :: Lens' Eula (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was updated.
eulaAcceptance_accepteeId :: Lens' EulaAcceptance (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the acceptee.
eulaAcceptance_eulaId :: Lens' EulaAcceptance (Maybe Text) Source #
eulaAcceptance_acceptedAt :: Lens' EulaAcceptance (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the EULA was accepted.
eulaAcceptance_acceptedBy :: Lens' EulaAcceptance (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the person who accepted the EULA.
eulaAcceptance_eulaAcceptanceId :: Lens' EulaAcceptance (Maybe Text) Source #
The EULA acceptance ID.
launchProfile_state :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe LaunchProfileState) Source #
The current state.
launchProfile_arn :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the resource.
launchProfile_createdAt :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was created.
launchProfile_createdBy :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that created the launch profile.
launchProfile_launchProfileId :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The launch profile ID.
launchProfile_updatedBy :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that most recently updated the resource.
launchProfile_launchProfileProtocolVersions :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The version number of the protocol that is used by the launch profile. The only valid version is "2021-03-31".
launchProfile_ec2SubnetIds :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Unique identifiers for a collection of EC2 subnets.
launchProfile_streamConfiguration :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe StreamConfiguration) Source #
A configuration for a streaming session.
launchProfile_name :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
A friendly name for the launch profile.
launchProfile_statusMessage :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
The status message for the launch profile.
launchProfile_updatedAt :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was updated.
launchProfile_description :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe Text) Source #
A human-readable description of the launch profile.
launchProfile_tags :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A collection of labels, in the form of key:value pairs, that apply to this resource.
launchProfile_statusCode :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe LaunchProfileStatusCode) Source #
The status code.
launchProfile_studioComponentIds :: Lens' LaunchProfile (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
Unique identifiers for a collection of studio components that can be used with this launch profile.
launchProfileInitialization_platform :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe LaunchProfilePlatform) Source #
The platform of the launch platform, either WINDOWS or LINUX.
launchProfileInitialization_activeDirectory :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory) Source #
A LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory resource.
launchProfileInitialization_launchPurpose :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe Text) Source #
The launch purpose.
launchProfileInitialization_launchProfileId :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe Text) Source #
The launch profile ID.
launchProfileInitialization_ec2SecurityGroupIds :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The EC2 security groups that control access to the studio component.
launchProfileInitialization_name :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the launch profile.
launchProfileInitialization_launchProfileProtocolVersion :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe Text) Source #
The version number of the protocol that is used by the launch profile. The only valid version is "2021-03-31".
launchProfileInitialization_userInitializationScripts :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe [LaunchProfileInitializationScript]) Source #
The user initializtion scripts.
launchProfileInitialization_systemInitializationScripts :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitialization (Maybe [LaunchProfileInitializationScript]) Source #
The system initializtion scripts.
launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_directoryId :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe Text) Source #
The directory ID of the Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory to access using this launch profile.
launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_studioComponentId :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for a studio component resource.
launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_studioComponentName :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the studio component.
launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_dnsIpAddresses :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The DNS IP address.
launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_computerAttributes :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe [ActiveDirectoryComputerAttribute]) Source #
A collection of custom attributes for an Active Directory computer.
launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_organizationalUnitDistinguishedName :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the organizational unit distinguished name.
launchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory_directoryName :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationActiveDirectory (Maybe Text) Source #
The directory name.
launchProfileInitializationScript_script :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationScript (Maybe Text) Source #
The initialization script.
launchProfileInitializationScript_studioComponentId :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationScript (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for a studio component resource.
launchProfileInitializationScript_studioComponentName :: Lens' LaunchProfileInitializationScript (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the studio component.
launchProfileMembership_identityStoreId :: Lens' LaunchProfileMembership (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the identity store.
launchProfileMembership_principalId :: Lens' LaunchProfileMembership (Maybe Text) Source #
The principal ID.
launchProfileMembership_persona :: Lens' LaunchProfileMembership (Maybe LaunchProfilePersona) Source #
The persona.
licenseServiceConfiguration_endpoint :: Lens' LicenseServiceConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The endpoint of the license service that is accessed by the studio component resource.
newLaunchProfileMember_persona :: Lens' NewLaunchProfileMember LaunchProfilePersona Source #
The persona.
newLaunchProfileMember_principalId :: Lens' NewLaunchProfileMember Text Source #
The principal ID.
newStudioMember_persona :: Lens' NewStudioMember StudioPersona Source #
The persona.
newStudioMember_principalId :: Lens' NewStudioMember Text Source #
The principal ID.
scriptParameterKeyValue_value :: Lens' ScriptParameterKeyValue (Maybe Text) Source #
A script parameter value.
scriptParameterKeyValue_key :: Lens' ScriptParameterKeyValue (Maybe Text) Source #
A script parameter key.
sharedFileSystemConfiguration_fileSystemId :: Lens' SharedFileSystemConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for a file system.
sharedFileSystemConfiguration_windowsMountDrive :: Lens' SharedFileSystemConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The mount location for a shared file system on a Windows virtual workstation.
sharedFileSystemConfiguration_linuxMountPoint :: Lens' SharedFileSystemConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The mount location for a shared file system on a Linux virtual workstation.
sharedFileSystemConfiguration_shareName :: Lens' SharedFileSystemConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the file share.
sharedFileSystemConfiguration_endpoint :: Lens' SharedFileSystemConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The endpoint of the shared file system that is accessed by the studio component resource.
streamConfiguration_streamingImageIds :: Lens' StreamConfiguration (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The streaming images that users can select from when launching a streaming session with this launch profile.
streamConfiguration_maxSessionLengthInMinutes :: Lens' StreamConfiguration (Maybe Natural) Source #
The length of time, in minutes, that a streaming session can run. After this point, Nimble Studio automatically terminates the session.
streamConfiguration_clipboardMode :: Lens' StreamConfiguration (Maybe StreamingClipboardMode) Source #
Enable or disable the use of the system clipboard to copy and paste between the streaming session and streaming client.
streamConfiguration_ec2InstanceTypes :: Lens' StreamConfiguration (Maybe (NonEmpty StreamingInstanceType)) Source #
The EC2 instance types that users can select from when launching a streaming session with this launch profile.
streamConfigurationCreate_maxSessionLengthInMinutes :: Lens' StreamConfigurationCreate (Maybe Natural) Source #
The length of time, in minutes, that a streaming session can run. After this point, Nimble Studio automatically terminates the session.
streamConfigurationCreate_clipboardMode :: Lens' StreamConfigurationCreate StreamingClipboardMode Source #
Enable or disable the use of the system clipboard to copy and paste between the streaming session and streaming client.
streamConfigurationCreate_streamingImageIds :: Lens' StreamConfigurationCreate [Text] Source #
The streaming images that users can select from when launching a streaming session with this launch profile.
streamConfigurationCreate_ec2InstanceTypes :: Lens' StreamConfigurationCreate (NonEmpty StreamingInstanceType) Source #
The EC2 instance types that users can select from when launching a streaming session with this launch profile.
streamingImage_state :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe StreamingImageState) Source #
The current state.
streamingImage_platform :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
The platform of the streaming image, either WINDOWS or LINUX.
streamingImage_arn :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the resource.
streamingImage_streamingImageId :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the streaming image.
streamingImage_ec2ImageId :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of an EC2 machine image with which to create the streaming image.
streamingImage_owner :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
The owner of the streaming image, either the studioId that contains the streaming image, or 'amazon' for images that are provided by Amazon Nimble Studio.
streamingImage_name :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
A friendly name for a streaming image resource.
streamingImage_encryptionConfiguration :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe StreamingImageEncryptionConfiguration) Source #
The encryption configuration.
streamingImage_statusMessage :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
The status message for the streaming image.
streamingImage_eulaIds :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of EULAs that must be accepted before a Streaming Session can be started using this streaming image.
streamingImage_description :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe Text) Source #
A human-readable description of the streaming image.
streamingImage_tags :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A collection of labels, in the form of key:value pairs, that apply to this resource.
streamingImage_statusCode :: Lens' StreamingImage (Maybe StreamingImageStatusCode) Source #
The status code.
streamingImageEncryptionConfiguration_keyArn :: Lens' StreamingImageEncryptionConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN for a KMS key that is used to encrypt studio data.
streamingImageEncryptionConfiguration_keyType :: Lens' StreamingImageEncryptionConfiguration StreamingImageEncryptionConfigurationKeyType Source #
The type of KMS key that is used to encrypt studio data.
streamingSession_ownedBy :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that owns the streaming session.
streamingSession_state :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe StreamingSessionState) Source #
The current state.
streamingSession_arn :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the resource.
streamingSession_createdAt :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was created.
streamingSession_ec2InstanceType :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
The EC2 Instance type used for the streaming session.
streamingSession_createdBy :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that created the streaming session.
streamingSession_launchProfileId :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the launch profile used to control access from the streaming session.
streamingSession_streamingImageId :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the streaming image.
streamingSession_updatedBy :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that most recently updated the resource.
streamingSession_terminateAt :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the streaming session will automatically terminate if not terminated by the user.
streamingSession_statusMessage :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
The status message for the streaming session.
streamingSession_updatedAt :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was updated.
streamingSession_sessionId :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe Text) Source #
The session ID.
streamingSession_tags :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A collection of labels, in the form of key:value pairs, that apply to this resource.
streamingSession_statusCode :: Lens' StreamingSession (Maybe StreamingSessionStatusCode) Source #
The status code.
streamingSessionStream_ownedBy :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that owns the streaming session.
streamingSessionStream_state :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe StreamingSessionStreamState) Source #
The current state.
streamingSessionStream_createdAt :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was created.
streamingSessionStream_expiresAt :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource expires.
streamingSessionStream_url :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL to connect to this stream using the DCV client.
streamingSessionStream_createdBy :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that created the streaming session stream.
streamingSessionStream_streamId :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe Text) Source #
The stream ID.
streamingSessionStream_statusCode :: Lens' StreamingSessionStream (Maybe StreamingSessionStreamStatusCode) Source #
The streaming session stream status code.
studio_studioEncryptionConfiguration :: Lens' Studio (Maybe StudioEncryptionConfiguration) Source #
Configuration of the encryption method that is used for the studio.
studio_state :: Lens' Studio (Maybe StudioState) Source #
The current state of the studio resource.
studio_studioName :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the studio, as included in the URL when accessing it in the Nimble Studio portal.
studio_arn :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a studio resource and uniquely identifies it. ARNs are unique across all Regions.
studio_createdAt :: Lens' Studio (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was created.
studio_studioId :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for a studio resource. In Nimble Studio, all other resources are contained in a studio resource.
studio_userRoleArn :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM role that studio users assume when logging in to the Nimble Studio portal.
studio_ssoClientId :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services SSO application client ID used to integrate with Amazon Web Services SSO to enable Amazon Web Services SSO users to log in to Nimble portal.
studio_homeRegion :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the studio resource is located.
studio_updatedAt :: Lens' Studio (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was updated.
studio_adminRoleArn :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM role that studio admins assume when logging in to the Nimble Studio portal.
studio_tags :: Lens' Studio (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A collection of labels, in the form of key:value pairs, that apply to this resource.
studio_statusCode :: Lens' Studio (Maybe StudioStatusCode) Source #
Status codes that provide additional detail on the studio state.
studioComponent_initializationScripts :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe [StudioComponentInitializationScript]) Source #
Initialization scripts for studio components.
studioComponent_state :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentState) Source #
The current state.
studioComponent_studioComponentId :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for a studio component resource.
studioComponent_arn :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the resource.
studioComponent_createdAt :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was created.
studioComponent_createdBy :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that created the studio component.
studioComponent_ec2SecurityGroupIds :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The EC2 security groups that control access to the studio component.
studioComponent_updatedBy :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that most recently updated the resource.
studioComponent_subtype :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentSubtype) Source #
The specific subtype of a studio component.
studioComponent_name :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
A friendly name for the studio component resource.
studioComponent_statusMessage :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
The status message for the studio component.
studioComponent_scriptParameters :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe [ScriptParameterKeyValue]) Source #
Parameters for the studio component scripts.
studioComponent_updatedAt :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was updated.
studioComponent_type :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentType) Source #
The type of the studio component.
studioComponent_configuration :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentConfiguration) Source #
The configuration of the studio component, based on component type.
studioComponent_description :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe Text) Source #
A human-readable description for the studio component resource.
studioComponent_tags :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A collection of labels, in the form of key:value pairs, that apply to this resource.
studioComponent_statusCode :: Lens' StudioComponent (Maybe StudioComponentStatusCode) Source #
The status code.
studioComponentConfiguration_activeDirectoryConfiguration :: Lens' StudioComponentConfiguration (Maybe ActiveDirectoryConfiguration) Source #
The configuration for a Microsoft Active Directory (Microsoft AD) studio resource.
studioComponentConfiguration_licenseServiceConfiguration :: Lens' StudioComponentConfiguration (Maybe LicenseServiceConfiguration) Source #
The configuration for a license service that is associated with a studio resource.
studioComponentConfiguration_sharedFileSystemConfiguration :: Lens' StudioComponentConfiguration (Maybe SharedFileSystemConfiguration) Source #
The configuration for a shared file storage system that is associated with a studio resource.
studioComponentConfiguration_computeFarmConfiguration :: Lens' StudioComponentConfiguration (Maybe ComputeFarmConfiguration) Source #
The configuration for a render farm that is associated with a studio resource.
studioComponentInitializationScript_script :: Lens' StudioComponentInitializationScript (Maybe Text) Source #
The initialization script.
studioComponentInitializationScript_platform :: Lens' StudioComponentInitializationScript (Maybe LaunchProfilePlatform) Source #
The platform of the initialization script, either WINDOWS or LINUX.
studioComponentInitializationScript_runContext :: Lens' StudioComponentInitializationScript (Maybe StudioComponentInitializationScriptRunContext) Source #
The method to use when running the initialization script.
studioComponentInitializationScript_launchProfileProtocolVersion :: Lens' StudioComponentInitializationScript (Maybe Text) Source #
The version number of the protocol that is used by the launch profile. The only valid version is "2021-03-31".
studioComponentSummary_studioComponentId :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for a studio component resource.
studioComponentSummary_createdAt :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was created.
studioComponentSummary_createdBy :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that created the studio component.
studioComponentSummary_updatedBy :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The user ID of the user that most recently updated the resource.
studioComponentSummary_subtype :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe StudioComponentSubtype) Source #
The specific subtype of a studio component.
studioComponentSummary_name :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the studio component.
studioComponentSummary_updatedAt :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was updated.
studioComponentSummary_type :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe StudioComponentType) Source #
The type of the studio component.
studioComponentSummary_description :: Lens' StudioComponentSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The description.
studioEncryptionConfiguration_keyArn :: Lens' StudioEncryptionConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN for a KMS key that is used to encrypt studio data.
studioEncryptionConfiguration_keyType :: Lens' StudioEncryptionConfiguration StudioEncryptionConfigurationKeyType Source #
The type of KMS key that is used to encrypt studio data.
studioMembership_identityStoreId :: Lens' StudioMembership (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the identity store.
studioMembership_principalId :: Lens' StudioMembership (Maybe Text) Source #
The principal ID.
studioMembership_persona :: Lens' StudioMembership (Maybe StudioPersona) Source #
The persona.