Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- RemoveFlowVpcInterface
- RemoveFlowMediaStream
- UpdateFlowOutput
- AddFlowOutputs
- StartFlow
- ListTagsForResource
- AddFlowSources
- DescribeReservation
- AddFlowMediaStreams
- RemoveFlowOutput
- RevokeFlowEntitlement
- CreateFlow
- RemoveFlowSource
- DescribeFlow
- UpdateFlowEntitlement
- StopFlow
- DescribeOffering
- AddFlowVpcInterfaces
- ListEntitlements
- TagResource
- ListFlows
- PurchaseOffering
- UpdateFlowMediaStream
- UntagResource
- UpdateFlow
- DeleteFlow
- UpdateFlowSource
- GrantFlowEntitlements
- ListReservations
- ListOfferings
- Types
- AddMediaStreamRequest
- AddOutputRequest
- DestinationConfiguration
- DestinationConfigurationRequest
- EncodingParameters
- EncodingParametersRequest
- Encryption
- Entitlement
- FailoverConfig
- Flow
- Fmtp
- FmtpRequest
- GrantEntitlementRequest
- InputConfiguration
- InputConfigurationRequest
- Interface
- InterfaceRequest
- ListedEntitlement
- ListedFlow
- MediaStream
- MediaStreamAttributes
- MediaStreamAttributesRequest
- MediaStreamOutputConfiguration
- MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest
- MediaStreamSourceConfiguration
- MediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest
- Messages
- Offering
- Output
- Reservation
- ResourceSpecification
- SetSourceRequest
- Source
- SourcePriority
- Transport
- UpdateEncryption
- UpdateFailoverConfig
- VpcInterface
- VpcInterfaceAttachment
- VpcInterfaceRequest
- removeFlowVpcInterface_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowVpcInterface Text
- removeFlowVpcInterface_vpcInterfaceName :: Lens' RemoveFlowVpcInterface Text
- removeFlowVpcInterfaceResponse_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceResponse (Maybe Text)
- removeFlowVpcInterfaceResponse_nonDeletedNetworkInterfaceIds :: Lens' RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceResponse (Maybe [Text])
- removeFlowVpcInterfaceResponse_vpcInterfaceName :: Lens' RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceResponse (Maybe Text)
- removeFlowVpcInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceResponse Int
- removeFlowMediaStream_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowMediaStream Text
- removeFlowMediaStream_mediaStreamName :: Lens' RemoveFlowMediaStream Text
- removeFlowMediaStreamResponse_mediaStreamName :: Lens' RemoveFlowMediaStreamResponse (Maybe Text)
- removeFlowMediaStreamResponse_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowMediaStreamResponse (Maybe Text)
- removeFlowMediaStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveFlowMediaStreamResponse Int
- updateFlowOutput_destination :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowOutput_maxLatency :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Int)
- updateFlowOutput_mediaStreamOutputConfigurations :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe [MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest])
- updateFlowOutput_protocol :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Protocol)
- updateFlowOutput_encryption :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe UpdateEncryption)
- updateFlowOutput_cidrAllowList :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe [Text])
- updateFlowOutput_smoothingLatency :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Int)
- updateFlowOutput_minLatency :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Int)
- updateFlowOutput_description :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowOutput_port :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Int)
- updateFlowOutput_streamId :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowOutput_remoteId :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowOutput_vpcInterfaceAttachment :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe VpcInterfaceAttachment)
- updateFlowOutput_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput Text
- updateFlowOutput_outputArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput Text
- updateFlowOutputResponse_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutputResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowOutputResponse_output :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutputResponse (Maybe Output)
- updateFlowOutputResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutputResponse Int
- addFlowOutputs_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowOutputs Text
- addFlowOutputs_outputs :: Lens' AddFlowOutputs [AddOutputRequest]
- addFlowOutputsResponse_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowOutputsResponse (Maybe Text)
- addFlowOutputsResponse_outputs :: Lens' AddFlowOutputsResponse (Maybe [Output])
- addFlowOutputsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddFlowOutputsResponse Int
- startFlow_flowArn :: Lens' StartFlow Text
- startFlowResponse_status :: Lens' StartFlowResponse (Maybe Status)
- startFlowResponse_flowArn :: Lens' StartFlowResponse (Maybe Text)
- startFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartFlowResponse Int
- listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- addFlowSources_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowSources Text
- addFlowSources_sources :: Lens' AddFlowSources [SetSourceRequest]
- addFlowSourcesResponse_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowSourcesResponse (Maybe Text)
- addFlowSourcesResponse_sources :: Lens' AddFlowSourcesResponse (Maybe [Source])
- addFlowSourcesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddFlowSourcesResponse Int
- describeReservation_reservationArn :: Lens' DescribeReservation Text
- describeReservationResponse_reservation :: Lens' DescribeReservationResponse (Maybe Reservation)
- describeReservationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeReservationResponse Int
- addFlowMediaStreams_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowMediaStreams Text
- addFlowMediaStreams_mediaStreams :: Lens' AddFlowMediaStreams [AddMediaStreamRequest]
- addFlowMediaStreamsResponse_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowMediaStreamsResponse (Maybe Text)
- addFlowMediaStreamsResponse_mediaStreams :: Lens' AddFlowMediaStreamsResponse (Maybe [MediaStream])
- addFlowMediaStreamsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddFlowMediaStreamsResponse Int
- removeFlowOutput_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowOutput Text
- removeFlowOutput_outputArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowOutput Text
- removeFlowOutputResponse_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowOutputResponse (Maybe Text)
- removeFlowOutputResponse_outputArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowOutputResponse (Maybe Text)
- removeFlowOutputResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveFlowOutputResponse Int
- revokeFlowEntitlement_flowArn :: Lens' RevokeFlowEntitlement Text
- revokeFlowEntitlement_entitlementArn :: Lens' RevokeFlowEntitlement Text
- revokeFlowEntitlementResponse_entitlementArn :: Lens' RevokeFlowEntitlementResponse (Maybe Text)
- revokeFlowEntitlementResponse_flowArn :: Lens' RevokeFlowEntitlementResponse (Maybe Text)
- revokeFlowEntitlementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RevokeFlowEntitlementResponse Int
- createFlow_mediaStreams :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe [AddMediaStreamRequest])
- createFlow_sourceFailoverConfig :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe FailoverConfig)
- createFlow_vpcInterfaces :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe [VpcInterfaceRequest])
- createFlow_sources :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe [SetSourceRequest])
- createFlow_outputs :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe [AddOutputRequest])
- createFlow_availabilityZone :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe Text)
- createFlow_entitlements :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe [GrantEntitlementRequest])
- createFlow_source :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe SetSourceRequest)
- createFlow_name :: Lens' CreateFlow Text
- createFlowResponse_flow :: Lens' CreateFlowResponse (Maybe Flow)
- createFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateFlowResponse Int
- removeFlowSource_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowSource Text
- removeFlowSource_sourceArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowSource Text
- removeFlowSourceResponse_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowSourceResponse (Maybe Text)
- removeFlowSourceResponse_sourceArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowSourceResponse (Maybe Text)
- removeFlowSourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveFlowSourceResponse Int
- describeFlow_flowArn :: Lens' DescribeFlow Text
- describeFlowResponse_flow :: Lens' DescribeFlowResponse (Maybe Flow)
- describeFlowResponse_messages :: Lens' DescribeFlowResponse (Maybe Messages)
- describeFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeFlowResponse Int
- updateFlowEntitlement_encryption :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlement (Maybe UpdateEncryption)
- updateFlowEntitlement_entitlementStatus :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlement (Maybe EntitlementStatus)
- updateFlowEntitlement_description :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlement (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowEntitlement_subscribers :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlement (Maybe [Text])
- updateFlowEntitlement_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlement Text
- updateFlowEntitlement_entitlementArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlement Text
- updateFlowEntitlementResponse_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlementResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowEntitlementResponse_entitlement :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlementResponse (Maybe Entitlement)
- updateFlowEntitlementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlementResponse Int
- stopFlow_flowArn :: Lens' StopFlow Text
- stopFlowResponse_status :: Lens' StopFlowResponse (Maybe Status)
- stopFlowResponse_flowArn :: Lens' StopFlowResponse (Maybe Text)
- stopFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopFlowResponse Int
- describeOffering_offeringArn :: Lens' DescribeOffering Text
- describeOfferingResponse_offering :: Lens' DescribeOfferingResponse (Maybe Offering)
- describeOfferingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeOfferingResponse Int
- addFlowVpcInterfaces_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowVpcInterfaces Text
- addFlowVpcInterfaces_vpcInterfaces :: Lens' AddFlowVpcInterfaces [VpcInterfaceRequest]
- addFlowVpcInterfacesResponse_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowVpcInterfacesResponse (Maybe Text)
- addFlowVpcInterfacesResponse_vpcInterfaces :: Lens' AddFlowVpcInterfacesResponse (Maybe [VpcInterface])
- addFlowVpcInterfacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddFlowVpcInterfacesResponse Int
- listEntitlements_nextToken :: Lens' ListEntitlements (Maybe Text)
- listEntitlements_maxResults :: Lens' ListEntitlements (Maybe Natural)
- listEntitlementsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListEntitlementsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listEntitlementsResponse_entitlements :: Lens' ListEntitlementsResponse (Maybe [ListedEntitlement])
- listEntitlementsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListEntitlementsResponse Int
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text)
- listFlows_nextToken :: Lens' ListFlows (Maybe Text)
- listFlows_maxResults :: Lens' ListFlows (Maybe Natural)
- listFlowsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFlowsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listFlowsResponse_flows :: Lens' ListFlowsResponse (Maybe [ListedFlow])
- listFlowsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFlowsResponse Int
- purchaseOffering_offeringArn :: Lens' PurchaseOffering Text
- purchaseOffering_start :: Lens' PurchaseOffering Text
- purchaseOffering_reservationName :: Lens' PurchaseOffering Text
- purchaseOfferingResponse_reservation :: Lens' PurchaseOfferingResponse (Maybe Reservation)
- purchaseOfferingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PurchaseOfferingResponse Int
- updateFlowMediaStream_videoFormat :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowMediaStream_mediaStreamType :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream (Maybe MediaStreamType)
- updateFlowMediaStream_attributes :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream (Maybe MediaStreamAttributesRequest)
- updateFlowMediaStream_clockRate :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream (Maybe Int)
- updateFlowMediaStream_description :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowMediaStream_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream Text
- updateFlowMediaStream_mediaStreamName :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream Text
- updateFlowMediaStreamResponse_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStreamResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowMediaStreamResponse_mediaStream :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStreamResponse (Maybe MediaStream)
- updateFlowMediaStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStreamResponse Int
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text]
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- updateFlow_sourceFailoverConfig :: Lens' UpdateFlow (Maybe UpdateFailoverConfig)
- updateFlow_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlow Text
- updateFlowResponse_flow :: Lens' UpdateFlowResponse (Maybe Flow)
- updateFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFlowResponse Int
- deleteFlow_flowArn :: Lens' DeleteFlow Text
- deleteFlowResponse_status :: Lens' DeleteFlowResponse (Maybe Status)
- deleteFlowResponse_flowArn :: Lens' DeleteFlowResponse (Maybe Text)
- deleteFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteFlowResponse Int
- updateFlowSource_entitlementArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowSource_maxLatency :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Int)
- updateFlowSource_vpcInterfaceName :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowSource_decryption :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe UpdateEncryption)
- updateFlowSource_maxSyncBuffer :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Int)
- updateFlowSource_protocol :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Protocol)
- updateFlowSource_minLatency :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Int)
- updateFlowSource_ingestPort :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Int)
- updateFlowSource_description :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowSource_mediaStreamSourceConfigurations :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe [MediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest])
- updateFlowSource_whitelistCidr :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowSource_maxBitrate :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Int)
- updateFlowSource_streamId :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowSource_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource Text
- updateFlowSource_sourceArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource Text
- updateFlowSourceResponse_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowSourceResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateFlowSourceResponse_source :: Lens' UpdateFlowSourceResponse (Maybe Source)
- updateFlowSourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFlowSourceResponse Int
- grantFlowEntitlements_flowArn :: Lens' GrantFlowEntitlements Text
- grantFlowEntitlements_entitlements :: Lens' GrantFlowEntitlements [GrantEntitlementRequest]
- grantFlowEntitlementsResponse_flowArn :: Lens' GrantFlowEntitlementsResponse (Maybe Text)
- grantFlowEntitlementsResponse_entitlements :: Lens' GrantFlowEntitlementsResponse (Maybe [Entitlement])
- grantFlowEntitlementsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GrantFlowEntitlementsResponse Int
- listReservations_nextToken :: Lens' ListReservations (Maybe Text)
- listReservations_maxResults :: Lens' ListReservations (Maybe Natural)
- listReservationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListReservationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listReservationsResponse_reservations :: Lens' ListReservationsResponse (Maybe [Reservation])
- listReservationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListReservationsResponse Int
- listOfferings_nextToken :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text)
- listOfferings_maxResults :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Natural)
- listOfferingsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListOfferingsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listOfferingsResponse_offerings :: Lens' ListOfferingsResponse (Maybe [Offering])
- listOfferingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListOfferingsResponse Int
- addMediaStreamRequest_videoFormat :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest (Maybe Text)
- addMediaStreamRequest_attributes :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest (Maybe MediaStreamAttributesRequest)
- addMediaStreamRequest_clockRate :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest (Maybe Int)
- addMediaStreamRequest_description :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest (Maybe Text)
- addMediaStreamRequest_mediaStreamType :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest MediaStreamType
- addMediaStreamRequest_mediaStreamId :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest Int
- addMediaStreamRequest_mediaStreamName :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest Text
- addOutputRequest_destination :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Text)
- addOutputRequest_maxLatency :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Int)
- addOutputRequest_mediaStreamOutputConfigurations :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe [MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest])
- addOutputRequest_encryption :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Encryption)
- addOutputRequest_name :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Text)
- addOutputRequest_cidrAllowList :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe [Text])
- addOutputRequest_smoothingLatency :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Int)
- addOutputRequest_minLatency :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Int)
- addOutputRequest_description :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Text)
- addOutputRequest_port :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Int)
- addOutputRequest_streamId :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Text)
- addOutputRequest_remoteId :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Text)
- addOutputRequest_vpcInterfaceAttachment :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe VpcInterfaceAttachment)
- addOutputRequest_protocol :: Lens' AddOutputRequest Protocol
- destinationConfiguration_destinationIp :: Lens' DestinationConfiguration Text
- destinationConfiguration_destinationPort :: Lens' DestinationConfiguration Int
- destinationConfiguration_interface :: Lens' DestinationConfiguration Interface
- destinationConfiguration_outboundIp :: Lens' DestinationConfiguration Text
- destinationConfigurationRequest_destinationIp :: Lens' DestinationConfigurationRequest Text
- destinationConfigurationRequest_destinationPort :: Lens' DestinationConfigurationRequest Int
- destinationConfigurationRequest_interface :: Lens' DestinationConfigurationRequest InterfaceRequest
- encodingParameters_encoderProfile :: Lens' EncodingParameters EncoderProfile
- encodingParameters_compressionFactor :: Lens' EncodingParameters Double
- encodingParametersRequest_encoderProfile :: Lens' EncodingParametersRequest EncoderProfile
- encodingParametersRequest_compressionFactor :: Lens' EncodingParametersRequest Double
- encryption_keyType :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe KeyType)
- encryption_resourceId :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text)
- encryption_url :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text)
- encryption_algorithm :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Algorithm)
- encryption_constantInitializationVector :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text)
- encryption_deviceId :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text)
- encryption_region :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text)
- encryption_secretArn :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text)
- encryption_roleArn :: Lens' Encryption Text
- entitlement_dataTransferSubscriberFeePercent :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Int)
- entitlement_encryption :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Encryption)
- entitlement_entitlementStatus :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe EntitlementStatus)
- entitlement_description :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Text)
- entitlement_entitlementArn :: Lens' Entitlement Text
- entitlement_subscribers :: Lens' Entitlement [Text]
- entitlement_name :: Lens' Entitlement Text
- failoverConfig_state :: Lens' FailoverConfig (Maybe State)
- failoverConfig_recoveryWindow :: Lens' FailoverConfig (Maybe Int)
- failoverConfig_sourcePriority :: Lens' FailoverConfig (Maybe SourcePriority)
- failoverConfig_failoverMode :: Lens' FailoverConfig (Maybe FailoverMode)
- flow_mediaStreams :: Lens' Flow (Maybe [MediaStream])
- flow_sourceFailoverConfig :: Lens' Flow (Maybe FailoverConfig)
- flow_vpcInterfaces :: Lens' Flow (Maybe [VpcInterface])
- flow_sources :: Lens' Flow (Maybe [Source])
- flow_egressIp :: Lens' Flow (Maybe Text)
- flow_description :: Lens' Flow (Maybe Text)
- flow_status :: Lens' Flow Status
- flow_entitlements :: Lens' Flow [Entitlement]
- flow_outputs :: Lens' Flow [Output]
- flow_availabilityZone :: Lens' Flow Text
- flow_flowArn :: Lens' Flow Text
- flow_source :: Lens' Flow Source
- flow_name :: Lens' Flow Text
- fmtp_tcs :: Lens' Fmtp (Maybe Tcs)
- fmtp_exactFramerate :: Lens' Fmtp (Maybe Text)
- fmtp_par :: Lens' Fmtp (Maybe Text)
- fmtp_scanMode :: Lens' Fmtp (Maybe ScanMode)
- fmtp_range :: Lens' Fmtp (Maybe Range)
- fmtp_channelOrder :: Lens' Fmtp (Maybe Text)
- fmtp_colorimetry :: Lens' Fmtp (Maybe Colorimetry)
- fmtpRequest_tcs :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe Tcs)
- fmtpRequest_exactFramerate :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe Text)
- fmtpRequest_par :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe Text)
- fmtpRequest_scanMode :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe ScanMode)
- fmtpRequest_range :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe Range)
- fmtpRequest_channelOrder :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe Text)
- fmtpRequest_colorimetry :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe Colorimetry)
- grantEntitlementRequest_dataTransferSubscriberFeePercent :: Lens' GrantEntitlementRequest (Maybe Int)
- grantEntitlementRequest_encryption :: Lens' GrantEntitlementRequest (Maybe Encryption)
- grantEntitlementRequest_name :: Lens' GrantEntitlementRequest (Maybe Text)
- grantEntitlementRequest_entitlementStatus :: Lens' GrantEntitlementRequest (Maybe EntitlementStatus)
- grantEntitlementRequest_description :: Lens' GrantEntitlementRequest (Maybe Text)
- grantEntitlementRequest_subscribers :: Lens' GrantEntitlementRequest [Text]
- inputConfiguration_inputPort :: Lens' InputConfiguration Int
- inputConfiguration_inputIp :: Lens' InputConfiguration Text
- inputConfiguration_interface :: Lens' InputConfiguration Interface
- inputConfigurationRequest_inputPort :: Lens' InputConfigurationRequest Int
- inputConfigurationRequest_interface :: Lens' InputConfigurationRequest InterfaceRequest
- interface_name :: Lens' Interface Text
- interfaceRequest_name :: Lens' InterfaceRequest Text
- listedEntitlement_dataTransferSubscriberFeePercent :: Lens' ListedEntitlement (Maybe Int)
- listedEntitlement_entitlementArn :: Lens' ListedEntitlement Text
- listedEntitlement_entitlementName :: Lens' ListedEntitlement Text
- listedFlow_status :: Lens' ListedFlow Status
- listedFlow_description :: Lens' ListedFlow Text
- listedFlow_sourceType :: Lens' ListedFlow SourceType
- listedFlow_availabilityZone :: Lens' ListedFlow Text
- listedFlow_flowArn :: Lens' ListedFlow Text
- listedFlow_name :: Lens' ListedFlow Text
- mediaStream_videoFormat :: Lens' MediaStream (Maybe Text)
- mediaStream_attributes :: Lens' MediaStream (Maybe MediaStreamAttributes)
- mediaStream_clockRate :: Lens' MediaStream (Maybe Int)
- mediaStream_description :: Lens' MediaStream (Maybe Text)
- mediaStream_mediaStreamType :: Lens' MediaStream MediaStreamType
- mediaStream_mediaStreamId :: Lens' MediaStream Int
- mediaStream_mediaStreamName :: Lens' MediaStream Text
- mediaStream_fmt :: Lens' MediaStream Int
- mediaStreamAttributes_lang :: Lens' MediaStreamAttributes (Maybe Text)
- mediaStreamAttributes_fmtp :: Lens' MediaStreamAttributes Fmtp
- mediaStreamAttributesRequest_lang :: Lens' MediaStreamAttributesRequest (Maybe Text)
- mediaStreamAttributesRequest_fmtp :: Lens' MediaStreamAttributesRequest (Maybe FmtpRequest)
- mediaStreamOutputConfiguration_destinationConfigurations :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfiguration (Maybe [DestinationConfiguration])
- mediaStreamOutputConfiguration_encodingParameters :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfiguration (Maybe EncodingParameters)
- mediaStreamOutputConfiguration_mediaStreamName :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfiguration Text
- mediaStreamOutputConfiguration_encodingName :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfiguration EncodingName
- mediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest_destinationConfigurations :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest (Maybe [DestinationConfigurationRequest])
- mediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest_encodingParameters :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest (Maybe EncodingParametersRequest)
- mediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest_mediaStreamName :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest Text
- mediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest_encodingName :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest EncodingName
- mediaStreamSourceConfiguration_inputConfigurations :: Lens' MediaStreamSourceConfiguration (Maybe [InputConfiguration])
- mediaStreamSourceConfiguration_mediaStreamName :: Lens' MediaStreamSourceConfiguration Text
- mediaStreamSourceConfiguration_encodingName :: Lens' MediaStreamSourceConfiguration EncodingName
- mediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest_inputConfigurations :: Lens' MediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest (Maybe [InputConfigurationRequest])
- mediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest_mediaStreamName :: Lens' MediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest Text
- mediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest_encodingName :: Lens' MediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest EncodingName
- messages_errors :: Lens' Messages [Text]
- offering_currencyCode :: Lens' Offering Text
- offering_offeringArn :: Lens' Offering Text
- offering_offeringDescription :: Lens' Offering Text
- offering_durationUnits :: Lens' Offering DurationUnits
- offering_duration :: Lens' Offering Int
- offering_pricePerUnit :: Lens' Offering Text
- offering_resourceSpecification :: Lens' Offering ResourceSpecification
- offering_priceUnits :: Lens' Offering PriceUnits
- output_entitlementArn :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text)
- output_dataTransferSubscriberFeePercent :: Lens' Output (Maybe Int)
- output_destination :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text)
- output_mediaStreamOutputConfigurations :: Lens' Output (Maybe [MediaStreamOutputConfiguration])
- output_mediaLiveInputArn :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text)
- output_encryption :: Lens' Output (Maybe Encryption)
- output_listenerAddress :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text)
- output_transport :: Lens' Output (Maybe Transport)
- output_description :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text)
- output_port :: Lens' Output (Maybe Int)
- output_vpcInterfaceAttachment :: Lens' Output (Maybe VpcInterfaceAttachment)
- output_outputArn :: Lens' Output Text
- output_name :: Lens' Output Text
- reservation_currencyCode :: Lens' Reservation Text
- reservation_reservationState :: Lens' Reservation ReservationState
- reservation_offeringArn :: Lens' Reservation Text
- reservation_reservationArn :: Lens' Reservation Text
- reservation_start :: Lens' Reservation Text
- reservation_offeringDescription :: Lens' Reservation Text
- reservation_reservationName :: Lens' Reservation Text
- reservation_end :: Lens' Reservation Text
- reservation_duration :: Lens' Reservation Int
- reservation_durationUnits :: Lens' Reservation DurationUnits
- reservation_pricePerUnit :: Lens' Reservation Text
- reservation_resourceSpecification :: Lens' Reservation ResourceSpecification
- reservation_priceUnits :: Lens' Reservation PriceUnits
- resourceSpecification_reservedBitrate :: Lens' ResourceSpecification (Maybe Int)
- resourceSpecification_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceSpecification ResourceType
- setSourceRequest_entitlementArn :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Text)
- setSourceRequest_maxLatency :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Int)
- setSourceRequest_vpcInterfaceName :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Text)
- setSourceRequest_decryption :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Encryption)
- setSourceRequest_maxSyncBuffer :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Int)
- setSourceRequest_protocol :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Protocol)
- setSourceRequest_name :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Text)
- setSourceRequest_minLatency :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Int)
- setSourceRequest_ingestPort :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Int)
- setSourceRequest_description :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Text)
- setSourceRequest_mediaStreamSourceConfigurations :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe [MediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest])
- setSourceRequest_whitelistCidr :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Text)
- setSourceRequest_maxBitrate :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Int)
- setSourceRequest_streamId :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Text)
- source_entitlementArn :: Lens' Source (Maybe Text)
- source_dataTransferSubscriberFeePercent :: Lens' Source (Maybe Int)
- source_vpcInterfaceName :: Lens' Source (Maybe Text)
- source_decryption :: Lens' Source (Maybe Encryption)
- source_ingestIp :: Lens' Source (Maybe Text)
- source_ingestPort :: Lens' Source (Maybe Int)
- source_transport :: Lens' Source (Maybe Transport)
- source_description :: Lens' Source (Maybe Text)
- source_mediaStreamSourceConfigurations :: Lens' Source (Maybe [MediaStreamSourceConfiguration])
- source_whitelistCidr :: Lens' Source (Maybe Text)
- source_sourceArn :: Lens' Source Text
- source_name :: Lens' Source Text
- sourcePriority_primarySource :: Lens' SourcePriority (Maybe Text)
- transport_maxLatency :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Int)
- transport_maxSyncBuffer :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Int)
- transport_cidrAllowList :: Lens' Transport (Maybe [Text])
- transport_smoothingLatency :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Int)
- transport_minLatency :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Int)
- transport_maxBitrate :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Int)
- transport_streamId :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Text)
- transport_remoteId :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Text)
- transport_protocol :: Lens' Transport Protocol
- updateEncryption_keyType :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe KeyType)
- updateEncryption_resourceId :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text)
- updateEncryption_url :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text)
- updateEncryption_algorithm :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Algorithm)
- updateEncryption_constantInitializationVector :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text)
- updateEncryption_deviceId :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text)
- updateEncryption_region :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text)
- updateEncryption_secretArn :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text)
- updateEncryption_roleArn :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text)
- updateFailoverConfig_state :: Lens' UpdateFailoverConfig (Maybe State)
- updateFailoverConfig_recoveryWindow :: Lens' UpdateFailoverConfig (Maybe Int)
- updateFailoverConfig_sourcePriority :: Lens' UpdateFailoverConfig (Maybe SourcePriority)
- updateFailoverConfig_failoverMode :: Lens' UpdateFailoverConfig (Maybe FailoverMode)
- vpcInterface_networkInterfaceType :: Lens' VpcInterface NetworkInterfaceType
- vpcInterface_networkInterfaceIds :: Lens' VpcInterface [Text]
- vpcInterface_subnetId :: Lens' VpcInterface Text
- vpcInterface_securityGroupIds :: Lens' VpcInterface [Text]
- vpcInterface_roleArn :: Lens' VpcInterface Text
- vpcInterface_name :: Lens' VpcInterface Text
- vpcInterfaceAttachment_vpcInterfaceName :: Lens' VpcInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text)
- vpcInterfaceRequest_networkInterfaceType :: Lens' VpcInterfaceRequest (Maybe NetworkInterfaceType)
- vpcInterfaceRequest_subnetId :: Lens' VpcInterfaceRequest Text
- vpcInterfaceRequest_securityGroupIds :: Lens' VpcInterfaceRequest [Text]
- vpcInterfaceRequest_roleArn :: Lens' VpcInterfaceRequest Text
- vpcInterfaceRequest_name :: Lens' VpcInterfaceRequest Text
removeFlowVpcInterface_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowVpcInterface Text Source #
The flow that you want to remove a VPC interface from.
removeFlowVpcInterface_vpcInterfaceName :: Lens' RemoveFlowVpcInterface Text Source #
The name of the VPC interface that you want to remove.
removeFlowVpcInterfaceResponse_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that is associated with the VPC interface you removed.
removeFlowVpcInterfaceResponse_nonDeletedNetworkInterfaceIds :: Lens' RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
IDs of network interfaces associated with the removed VPC interface that Media Connect was unable to remove.
removeFlowVpcInterfaceResponse_vpcInterfaceName :: Lens' RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the VPC interface that was removed.
removeFlowVpcInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveFlowVpcInterfaceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
removeFlowMediaStream_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowMediaStream Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow.
removeFlowMediaStream_mediaStreamName :: Lens' RemoveFlowMediaStream Text Source #
The name of the media stream that you want to remove.
removeFlowMediaStreamResponse_mediaStreamName :: Lens' RemoveFlowMediaStreamResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the media stream that was removed.
removeFlowMediaStreamResponse_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowMediaStreamResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow.
removeFlowMediaStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveFlowMediaStreamResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateFlowOutput_destination :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address where you want to send the output.
updateFlowOutput_maxLatency :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum latency in milliseconds for Zixi-based streams.
updateFlowOutput_mediaStreamOutputConfigurations :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe [MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest]) Source #
The media streams that are associated with the output, and the parameters for those associations.
updateFlowOutput_protocol :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Protocol) Source #
The protocol to use for the output.
updateFlowOutput_encryption :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe UpdateEncryption) Source #
The type of key used for the encryption. If no keyType is provided, the service will use the default setting (static-key).
updateFlowOutput_cidrAllowList :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The range of IP addresses that should be allowed to initiate output requests to this flow. These IP addresses should be in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block; for example,
updateFlowOutput_smoothingLatency :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Int) Source #
The smoothing latency in milliseconds for RIST, RTP, and RTP-FEC streams.
updateFlowOutput_minLatency :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum latency in milliseconds for SRT-based streams. In streams that use the SRT protocol, this value that you set on your MediaConnect source or output represents the minimal potential latency of that connection. The latency of the stream is set to the highest number between the sender’s minimum latency and the receiver’s minimum latency.
updateFlowOutput_description :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the output. This description appears only on the AWS Elemental MediaConnect console and will not be seen by the end user.
updateFlowOutput_port :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Int) Source #
The port to use when content is distributed to this output.
updateFlowOutput_streamId :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The stream ID that you want to use for this transport. This parameter applies only to Zixi-based streams.
updateFlowOutput_remoteId :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The remote ID for the Zixi-pull stream.
updateFlowOutput_vpcInterfaceAttachment :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput (Maybe VpcInterfaceAttachment) Source #
The name of the VPC interface attachment to use for this output.
updateFlowOutput_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput Text Source #
The flow that is associated with the output that you want to update.
updateFlowOutput_outputArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutput Text Source #
The ARN of the output that you want to update.
updateFlowOutputResponse_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutputResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that is associated with the updated output.
updateFlowOutputResponse_output :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutputResponse (Maybe Output) Source #
The new settings of the output that you updated.
updateFlowOutputResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFlowOutputResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
addFlowOutputs_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowOutputs Text Source #
The flow that you want to add outputs to.
addFlowOutputs_outputs :: Lens' AddFlowOutputs [AddOutputRequest] Source #
A list of outputs that you want to add.
addFlowOutputsResponse_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowOutputsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that these outputs were added to.
addFlowOutputsResponse_outputs :: Lens' AddFlowOutputsResponse (Maybe [Output]) Source #
The details of the newly added outputs.
addFlowOutputsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddFlowOutputsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startFlowResponse_status :: Lens' StartFlowResponse (Maybe Status) Source #
The status of the flow when the StartFlow process begins.
startFlowResponse_flowArn :: Lens' StartFlowResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that you started.
startFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartFlowResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the AWS Elemental MediaConnect resource for which to list the tags.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A map from tag keys to values. Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have a maximum length of 256 characters.
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
addFlowSources_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowSources Text Source #
The flow that you want to mutate.
addFlowSources_sources :: Lens' AddFlowSources [SetSourceRequest] Source #
A list of sources that you want to add.
addFlowSourcesResponse_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowSourcesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that these sources were added to.
addFlowSourcesResponse_sources :: Lens' AddFlowSourcesResponse (Maybe [Source]) Source #
The details of the newly added sources.
addFlowSourcesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddFlowSourcesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeReservation_reservationArn :: Lens' DescribeReservation Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the reservation.
describeReservationResponse_reservation :: Lens' DescribeReservationResponse (Maybe Reservation) Source #
Undocumented member.
describeReservationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeReservationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
addFlowMediaStreams_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowMediaStreams Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow.
addFlowMediaStreams_mediaStreams :: Lens' AddFlowMediaStreams [AddMediaStreamRequest] Source #
The media streams that you want to add to the flow.
addFlowMediaStreamsResponse_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowMediaStreamsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that you added media streams to.
addFlowMediaStreamsResponse_mediaStreams :: Lens' AddFlowMediaStreamsResponse (Maybe [MediaStream]) Source #
The media streams that you added to the flow.
addFlowMediaStreamsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddFlowMediaStreamsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
removeFlowOutput_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowOutput Text Source #
The flow that you want to remove an output from.
removeFlowOutput_outputArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowOutput Text Source #
The ARN of the output that you want to remove.
removeFlowOutputResponse_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowOutputResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that is associated with the output you removed.
removeFlowOutputResponse_outputArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowOutputResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the output that was removed.
removeFlowOutputResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveFlowOutputResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
revokeFlowEntitlement_flowArn :: Lens' RevokeFlowEntitlement Text Source #
The flow that you want to revoke an entitlement from.
revokeFlowEntitlement_entitlementArn :: Lens' RevokeFlowEntitlement Text Source #
The ARN of the entitlement that you want to revoke.
revokeFlowEntitlementResponse_entitlementArn :: Lens' RevokeFlowEntitlementResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the entitlement that was revoked.
revokeFlowEntitlementResponse_flowArn :: Lens' RevokeFlowEntitlementResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that the entitlement was revoked from.
revokeFlowEntitlementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RevokeFlowEntitlementResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createFlow_mediaStreams :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe [AddMediaStreamRequest]) Source #
The media streams that you want to add to the flow. You can associate these media streams with sources and outputs on the flow.
createFlow_sourceFailoverConfig :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe FailoverConfig) Source #
Undocumented member.
createFlow_vpcInterfaces :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe [VpcInterfaceRequest]) Source #
The VPC interfaces you want on the flow.
createFlow_sources :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe [SetSourceRequest]) Source #
Undocumented member.
createFlow_outputs :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe [AddOutputRequest]) Source #
The outputs that you want to add to this flow.
createFlow_availabilityZone :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
The Availability Zone that you want to create the flow in. These options are limited to the Availability Zones within the current AWS Region.
createFlow_entitlements :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe [GrantEntitlementRequest]) Source #
The entitlements that you want to grant on a flow.
createFlow_source :: Lens' CreateFlow (Maybe SetSourceRequest) Source #
Undocumented member.
createFlow_name :: Lens' CreateFlow Text Source #
The name of the flow.
createFlowResponse_flow :: Lens' CreateFlowResponse (Maybe Flow) Source #
Undocumented member.
createFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateFlowResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
removeFlowSource_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowSource Text Source #
The flow that you want to remove a source from.
removeFlowSource_sourceArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowSource Text Source #
The ARN of the source that you want to remove.
removeFlowSourceResponse_flowArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowSourceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that is associated with the source you removed.
removeFlowSourceResponse_sourceArn :: Lens' RemoveFlowSourceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the source that was removed.
removeFlowSourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveFlowSourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeFlow_flowArn :: Lens' DescribeFlow Text Source #
The ARN of the flow that you want to describe.
describeFlowResponse_flow :: Lens' DescribeFlowResponse (Maybe Flow) Source #
Undocumented member.
describeFlowResponse_messages :: Lens' DescribeFlowResponse (Maybe Messages) Source #
Undocumented member.
describeFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeFlowResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateFlowEntitlement_encryption :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlement (Maybe UpdateEncryption) Source #
The type of encryption that will be used on the output associated with this entitlement.
updateFlowEntitlement_entitlementStatus :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlement (Maybe EntitlementStatus) Source #
An indication of whether you want to enable the entitlement to allow access, or disable it to stop streaming content to the subscriber’s flow temporarily. If you don’t specify the entitlementStatus field in your request, MediaConnect leaves the value unchanged.
updateFlowEntitlement_description :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlement (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the entitlement. This description appears only on the AWS Elemental MediaConnect console and will not be seen by the subscriber or end user.
updateFlowEntitlement_subscribers :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlement (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The AWS account IDs that you want to share your content with. The receiving accounts (subscribers) will be allowed to create their own flow using your content as the source.
updateFlowEntitlement_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlement Text Source #
The flow that is associated with the entitlement that you want to update.
updateFlowEntitlement_entitlementArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlement Text Source #
The ARN of the entitlement that you want to update.
updateFlowEntitlementResponse_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlementResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that this entitlement was granted on.
updateFlowEntitlementResponse_entitlement :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlementResponse (Maybe Entitlement) Source #
The new configuration of the entitlement that you updated.
updateFlowEntitlementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFlowEntitlementResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
stopFlowResponse_status :: Lens' StopFlowResponse (Maybe Status) Source #
The status of the flow when the StopFlow process begins.
stopFlowResponse_flowArn :: Lens' StopFlowResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that you stopped.
stopFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopFlowResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeOffering_offeringArn :: Lens' DescribeOffering Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the offering.
describeOfferingResponse_offering :: Lens' DescribeOfferingResponse (Maybe Offering) Source #
Undocumented member.
describeOfferingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeOfferingResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
addFlowVpcInterfaces_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowVpcInterfaces Text Source #
The flow that you want to mutate.
addFlowVpcInterfaces_vpcInterfaces :: Lens' AddFlowVpcInterfaces [VpcInterfaceRequest] Source #
A list of VPC interfaces that you want to add.
addFlowVpcInterfacesResponse_flowArn :: Lens' AddFlowVpcInterfacesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that these VPC interfaces were added to.
addFlowVpcInterfacesResponse_vpcInterfaces :: Lens' AddFlowVpcInterfacesResponse (Maybe [VpcInterface]) Source #
The details of the newly added VPC interfaces.
addFlowVpcInterfacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddFlowVpcInterfacesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listEntitlements_nextToken :: Lens' ListEntitlements (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For example, you submit a ListEntitlements request with MaxResults set at 5. The service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListEntitlements request a second time and specify the NextToken value.
listEntitlements_maxResults :: Lens' ListEntitlements (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you submit a ListEntitlements request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination with a maximum of 20 results per page.
listEntitlementsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListEntitlementsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For example, you submit a ListEntitlements request with MaxResults set at 5. The service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListEntitlements request a second time and specify the NextToken value.
listEntitlementsResponse_entitlements :: Lens' ListEntitlementsResponse (Maybe [ListedEntitlement]) Source #
A list of entitlements that have been granted to you from other AWS accounts.
listEntitlementsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListEntitlementsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the AWS Elemental MediaConnect resource to which to add tags.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text) Source #
A map from tag keys to values. Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have a maximum length of 256 characters.
listFlows_nextToken :: Lens' ListFlows (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For example, you submit a ListFlows request with MaxResults set at 5. The service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListFlows request a second time and specify the NextToken value.
listFlows_maxResults :: Lens' ListFlows (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you submit a ListFlows request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination with a maximum of 10 results per page.
listFlowsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFlowsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For example, you submit a ListFlows request with MaxResults set at 5. The service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListFlows request a second time and specify the NextToken value.
listFlowsResponse_flows :: Lens' ListFlowsResponse (Maybe [ListedFlow]) Source #
A list of flow summaries.
listFlowsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFlowsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
purchaseOffering_offeringArn :: Lens' PurchaseOffering Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the offering.
purchaseOffering_start :: Lens' PurchaseOffering Text Source #
The date and time that you want the reservation to begin, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You can specify any date and time between 12:00am on the first day of the current month to the current time on today's date, inclusive. Specify the start in a 24-hour notation. Use the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SSZ, where T and Z are literal characters. For example, to specify 11:30pm on March 5, 2020, enter 2020-03-05T23:30:00Z.
purchaseOffering_reservationName :: Lens' PurchaseOffering Text Source #
The name that you want to use for the reservation.
purchaseOfferingResponse_reservation :: Lens' PurchaseOfferingResponse (Maybe Reservation) Source #
Undocumented member.
purchaseOfferingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PurchaseOfferingResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateFlowMediaStream_videoFormat :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream (Maybe Text) Source #
The resolution of the video.
updateFlowMediaStream_mediaStreamType :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream (Maybe MediaStreamType) Source #
The type of media stream.
updateFlowMediaStream_attributes :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream (Maybe MediaStreamAttributesRequest) Source #
The attributes that you want to assign to the media stream.
updateFlowMediaStream_clockRate :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream (Maybe Int) Source #
The sample rate (in Hz) for the stream. If the media stream type is video or ancillary data, set this value to 90000. If the media stream type is audio, set this value to either 48000 or 96000.
updateFlowMediaStream_description :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream (Maybe Text) Source #
updateFlowMediaStream_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow.
updateFlowMediaStream_mediaStreamName :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStream Text Source #
The name of the media stream that you want to update.
updateFlowMediaStreamResponse_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStreamResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that is associated with the media stream that you updated.
updateFlowMediaStreamResponse_mediaStream :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStreamResponse (Maybe MediaStream) Source #
The media stream that you updated.
updateFlowMediaStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFlowMediaStreamResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text] Source #
The keys of the tags to be removed.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the AWS Elemental MediaConnect resource from which to delete tags.
updateFlow_sourceFailoverConfig :: Lens' UpdateFlow (Maybe UpdateFailoverConfig) Source #
Undocumented member.
updateFlow_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlow Text Source #
The flow that you want to update.
updateFlowResponse_flow :: Lens' UpdateFlowResponse (Maybe Flow) Source #
Undocumented member.
updateFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFlowResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteFlow_flowArn :: Lens' DeleteFlow Text Source #
The ARN of the flow that you want to delete.
deleteFlowResponse_status :: Lens' DeleteFlowResponse (Maybe Status) Source #
The status of the flow when the DeleteFlow process begins.
deleteFlowResponse_flowArn :: Lens' DeleteFlowResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that was deleted.
deleteFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteFlowResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateFlowSource_entitlementArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the entitlement that allows you to subscribe to this flow. The entitlement is set by the flow originator, and the ARN is generated as part of the originator's flow.
updateFlowSource_maxLatency :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum latency in milliseconds. This parameter applies only to RIST-based and Zixi-based streams.
updateFlowSource_vpcInterfaceName :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the VPC interface to use for this source.
updateFlowSource_decryption :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe UpdateEncryption) Source #
The type of encryption used on the content ingested from this source.
updateFlowSource_maxSyncBuffer :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Int) Source #
The size of the buffer (in milliseconds) to use to sync incoming source data.
updateFlowSource_protocol :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Protocol) Source #
The protocol that is used by the source.
updateFlowSource_minLatency :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum latency in milliseconds for SRT-based streams. In streams that use the SRT protocol, this value that you set on your MediaConnect source or output represents the minimal potential latency of that connection. The latency of the stream is set to the highest number between the sender’s minimum latency and the receiver’s minimum latency.
updateFlowSource_ingestPort :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Int) Source #
The port that the flow will be listening on for incoming content.
updateFlowSource_description :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Text) Source #
A description for the source. This value is not used or seen outside of the current AWS Elemental MediaConnect account.
updateFlowSource_mediaStreamSourceConfigurations :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe [MediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest]) Source #
The media streams that are associated with the source, and the parameters for those associations.
updateFlowSource_whitelistCidr :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The range of IP addresses that should be allowed to contribute content to your source. These IP addresses should be in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block; for example,
updateFlowSource_maxBitrate :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Int) Source #
The smoothing max bitrate for RIST, RTP, and RTP-FEC streams.
updateFlowSource_streamId :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The stream ID that you want to use for this transport. This parameter applies only to Zixi-based streams.
updateFlowSource_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource Text Source #
The flow that is associated with the source that you want to update.
updateFlowSource_sourceArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowSource Text Source #
The ARN of the source that you want to update.
updateFlowSourceResponse_flowArn :: Lens' UpdateFlowSourceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that you want to update.
updateFlowSourceResponse_source :: Lens' UpdateFlowSourceResponse (Maybe Source) Source #
The settings for the source of the flow.
updateFlowSourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFlowSourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
grantFlowEntitlements_flowArn :: Lens' GrantFlowEntitlements Text Source #
The flow that you want to grant entitlements on.
grantFlowEntitlements_entitlements :: Lens' GrantFlowEntitlements [GrantEntitlementRequest] Source #
The list of entitlements that you want to grant.
grantFlowEntitlementsResponse_flowArn :: Lens' GrantFlowEntitlementsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the flow that these entitlements were granted to.
grantFlowEntitlementsResponse_entitlements :: Lens' GrantFlowEntitlementsResponse (Maybe [Entitlement]) Source #
The entitlements that were just granted.
grantFlowEntitlementsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GrantFlowEntitlementsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listReservations_nextToken :: Lens' ListReservations (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For example, you submit a ListReservations request with MaxResults set at 5. The service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListOfferings request a second time and specify the NextToken value.
listReservations_maxResults :: Lens' ListReservations (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you submit a ListReservations request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination with a maximum of 10 results per page.
listReservationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListReservationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For example, you submit a ListReservations request with MaxResults set at 5. The service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListReservations request a second time and specify the NextToken value.
listReservationsResponse_reservations :: Lens' ListReservationsResponse (Maybe [Reservation]) Source #
A list of all reservations that have been purchased by this account in the current AWS Region.
listReservationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListReservationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listOfferings_nextToken :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For example, you submit a ListOfferings request with MaxResults set at 5. The service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListOfferings request a second time and specify the NextToken value.
listOfferings_maxResults :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return per API request. For example, you submit a ListOfferings request with MaxResults set at 5. Although 20 items match your request, the service returns no more than the first 5 items. (The service also returns a NextToken value that you can use to fetch the next batch of results.) The service might return fewer results than the MaxResults value. If MaxResults is not included in the request, the service defaults to pagination with a maximum of 10 results per page.
listOfferingsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListOfferingsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that identifies which batch of results that you want to see. For example, you submit a ListOfferings request with MaxResults set at 5. The service returns the first batch of results (up to 5) and a NextToken value. To see the next batch of results, you can submit the ListOfferings request a second time and specify the NextToken value.
listOfferingsResponse_offerings :: Lens' ListOfferingsResponse (Maybe [Offering]) Source #
A list of offerings that are available to this account in the current AWS Region.
listOfferingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListOfferingsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
addMediaStreamRequest_videoFormat :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The resolution of the video.
addMediaStreamRequest_attributes :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest (Maybe MediaStreamAttributesRequest) Source #
The attributes that you want to assign to the new media stream.
addMediaStreamRequest_clockRate :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest (Maybe Int) Source #
The sample rate (in Hz) for the stream. If the media stream type is video or ancillary data, set this value to 90000. If the media stream type is audio, set this value to either 48000 or 96000.
addMediaStreamRequest_description :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
A description that can help you quickly identify what your media stream is used for.
addMediaStreamRequest_mediaStreamType :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest MediaStreamType Source #
The type of media stream.
addMediaStreamRequest_mediaStreamId :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest Int Source #
A unique identifier for the media stream.
addMediaStreamRequest_mediaStreamName :: Lens' AddMediaStreamRequest Text Source #
A name that helps you distinguish one media stream from another.
addOutputRequest_destination :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address from which video will be sent to output destinations.
addOutputRequest_maxLatency :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum latency in milliseconds for Zixi-based streams.
addOutputRequest_mediaStreamOutputConfigurations :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe [MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest]) Source #
The media streams that are associated with the output, and the parameters for those associations.
addOutputRequest_encryption :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Encryption) Source #
The type of key used for the encryption. If no keyType is provided, the service will use the default setting (static-key).
addOutputRequest_name :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the output. This value must be unique within the current flow.
addOutputRequest_cidrAllowList :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The range of IP addresses that should be allowed to initiate output requests to this flow. These IP addresses should be in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block; for example,
addOutputRequest_smoothingLatency :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Int) Source #
The smoothing latency in milliseconds for RIST, RTP, and RTP-FEC streams.
addOutputRequest_minLatency :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum latency in milliseconds for SRT-based streams. In streams that use the SRT protocol, this value that you set on your MediaConnect source or output represents the minimal potential latency of that connection. The latency of the stream is set to the highest number between the sender’s minimum latency and the receiver’s minimum latency.
addOutputRequest_description :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the output. This description appears only on the AWS Elemental MediaConnect console and will not be seen by the end user.
addOutputRequest_port :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Int) Source #
The port to use when content is distributed to this output.
addOutputRequest_streamId :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The stream ID that you want to use for this transport. This parameter applies only to Zixi-based streams.
addOutputRequest_remoteId :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The remote ID for the Zixi-pull output stream.
addOutputRequest_vpcInterfaceAttachment :: Lens' AddOutputRequest (Maybe VpcInterfaceAttachment) Source #
The name of the VPC interface attachment to use for this output.
addOutputRequest_protocol :: Lens' AddOutputRequest Protocol Source #
The protocol to use for the output.
destinationConfiguration_destinationIp :: Lens' DestinationConfiguration Text Source #
The IP address where contents of the media stream will be sent.
destinationConfiguration_destinationPort :: Lens' DestinationConfiguration Int Source #
The port to use when the content of the media stream is distributed to the output.
destinationConfiguration_interface :: Lens' DestinationConfiguration Interface Source #
The VPC interface that is used for the media stream associated with the output.
destinationConfiguration_outboundIp :: Lens' DestinationConfiguration Text Source #
The IP address that the receiver requires in order to establish a connection with the flow. This value is represented by the elastic network interface IP address of the VPC. This field applies only to outputs that use the CDI or ST 2110 JPEG XS protocol.
destinationConfigurationRequest_destinationIp :: Lens' DestinationConfigurationRequest Text Source #
The IP address where you want MediaConnect to send contents of the media stream.
destinationConfigurationRequest_destinationPort :: Lens' DestinationConfigurationRequest Int Source #
The port that you want MediaConnect to use when it distributes the media stream to the output.
destinationConfigurationRequest_interface :: Lens' DestinationConfigurationRequest InterfaceRequest Source #
The VPC interface that you want to use for the media stream associated with the output.
encodingParameters_encoderProfile :: Lens' EncodingParameters EncoderProfile Source #
A setting on the encoder that drives compression settings. This property only applies to video media streams associated with outputs that use the ST 2110 JPEG XS protocol, with a flow source that uses the CDI protocol.
encodingParameters_compressionFactor :: Lens' EncodingParameters Double Source #
A value that is used to calculate compression for an output. The bitrate of the output is calculated as follows: Output bitrate = (1 / compressionFactor) * (source bitrate) This property only applies to outputs that use the ST 2110 JPEG XS protocol, with a flow source that uses the CDI protocol. Valid values are floating point numbers in the range of 3.0 to 10.0, inclusive.
encodingParametersRequest_encoderProfile :: Lens' EncodingParametersRequest EncoderProfile Source #
A setting on the encoder that drives compression settings. This property only applies to video media streams associated with outputs that use the ST 2110 JPEG XS protocol, if at least one source on the flow uses the CDI protocol.
encodingParametersRequest_compressionFactor :: Lens' EncodingParametersRequest Double Source #
A value that is used to calculate compression for an output. The bitrate of the output is calculated as follows: Output bitrate = (1 / compressionFactor) * (source bitrate) This property only applies to outputs that use the ST 2110 JPEG XS protocol, with a flow source that uses the CDI protocol. Valid values are floating point numbers in the range of 3.0 to 10.0, inclusive.
encryption_keyType :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe KeyType) Source #
The type of key that is used for the encryption. If no keyType is provided, the service will use the default setting (static-key).
encryption_resourceId :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text) Source #
An identifier for the content. The service sends this value to the key server to identify the current endpoint. The resource ID is also known as the content ID. This parameter is required for SPEKE encryption and is not valid for static key encryption.
encryption_url :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL from the API Gateway proxy that you set up to talk to your key server. This parameter is required for SPEKE encryption and is not valid for static key encryption.
encryption_algorithm :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Algorithm) Source #
The type of algorithm that is used for the encryption (such as aes128, aes192, or aes256).
encryption_constantInitializationVector :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text) Source #
A 128-bit, 16-byte hex value represented by a 32-character string, to be used with the key for encrypting content. This parameter is not valid for static key encryption.
encryption_deviceId :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of one of the devices that you configured with your digital rights management (DRM) platform key provider. This parameter is required for SPEKE encryption and is not valid for static key encryption.
encryption_region :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS Region that the API Gateway proxy endpoint was created in. This parameter is required for SPEKE encryption and is not valid for static key encryption.
encryption_secretArn :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the secret that you created in AWS Secrets Manager to store the encryption key. This parameter is required for static key encryption and is not valid for SPEKE encryption.
encryption_roleArn :: Lens' Encryption Text Source #
The ARN of the role that you created during setup (when you set up AWS Elemental MediaConnect as a trusted entity).
entitlement_dataTransferSubscriberFeePercent :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Int) Source #
Percentage from 0-100 of the data transfer cost to be billed to the subscriber.
entitlement_encryption :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Encryption) Source #
The type of encryption that will be used on the output that is associated with this entitlement.
entitlement_entitlementStatus :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe EntitlementStatus) Source #
An indication of whether the entitlement is enabled.
entitlement_description :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the entitlement.
entitlement_entitlementArn :: Lens' Entitlement Text Source #
The ARN of the entitlement.
entitlement_subscribers :: Lens' Entitlement [Text] Source #
The AWS account IDs that you want to share your content with. The receiving accounts (subscribers) will be allowed to create their own flow using your content as the source.
entitlement_name :: Lens' Entitlement Text Source #
The name of the entitlement.
failoverConfig_state :: Lens' FailoverConfig (Maybe State) Source #
Undocumented member.
failoverConfig_recoveryWindow :: Lens' FailoverConfig (Maybe Int) Source #
Search window time to look for dash-7 packets
failoverConfig_sourcePriority :: Lens' FailoverConfig (Maybe SourcePriority) Source #
The priority you want to assign to a source. You can have a primary stream and a backup stream or two equally prioritized streams.
failoverConfig_failoverMode :: Lens' FailoverConfig (Maybe FailoverMode) Source #
The type of failover you choose for this flow. MERGE combines the source streams into a single stream, allowing graceful recovery from any single-source loss. FAILOVER allows switching between different streams.
flow_mediaStreams :: Lens' Flow (Maybe [MediaStream]) Source #
The media streams that are associated with the flow. After you associate a media stream with a source, you can also associate it with outputs on the flow.
flow_sourceFailoverConfig :: Lens' Flow (Maybe FailoverConfig) Source #
Undocumented member.
flow_vpcInterfaces :: Lens' Flow (Maybe [VpcInterface]) Source #
The VPC Interfaces for this flow.
flow_egressIp :: Lens' Flow (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address from which video will be sent to output destinations.
flow_description :: Lens' Flow (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the flow. This value is not used or seen outside of the current AWS Elemental MediaConnect account.
flow_entitlements :: Lens' Flow [Entitlement] Source #
The entitlements in this flow.
flow_availabilityZone :: Lens' Flow Text Source #
The Availability Zone that you want to create the flow in. These options are limited to the Availability Zones within the current AWS.
flow_flowArn :: Lens' Flow Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN), a unique identifier for any AWS resource, of the flow.
fmtp_tcs :: Lens' Fmtp (Maybe Tcs) Source #
The transfer characteristic system (TCS) that is used in the video.
fmtp_exactFramerate :: Lens' Fmtp (Maybe Text) Source #
The frame rate for the video stream, in frames/second. For example: 60000/1001. If you specify a whole number, MediaConnect uses a ratio of N/1. For example, if you specify 60, MediaConnect uses 60/1 as the exactFramerate.
fmtp_scanMode :: Lens' Fmtp (Maybe ScanMode) Source #
The type of compression that was used to smooth the video’s appearance
fmtp_colorimetry :: Lens' Fmtp (Maybe Colorimetry) Source #
The format that is used for the representation of color.
fmtpRequest_tcs :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe Tcs) Source #
The transfer characteristic system (TCS) that is used in the video.
fmtpRequest_exactFramerate :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The frame rate for the video stream, in frames/second. For example: 60000/1001. If you specify a whole number, MediaConnect uses a ratio of N/1. For example, if you specify 60, MediaConnect uses 60/1 as the exactFramerate.
fmtpRequest_par :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The pixel aspect ratio (PAR) of the video.
fmtpRequest_scanMode :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe ScanMode) Source #
The type of compression that was used to smooth the video’s appearance.
fmtpRequest_range :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe Range) Source #
The encoding range of the video.
fmtpRequest_channelOrder :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The format of the audio channel.
fmtpRequest_colorimetry :: Lens' FmtpRequest (Maybe Colorimetry) Source #
The format that is used for the representation of color.
grantEntitlementRequest_dataTransferSubscriberFeePercent :: Lens' GrantEntitlementRequest (Maybe Int) Source #
Percentage from 0-100 of the data transfer cost to be billed to the subscriber.
grantEntitlementRequest_encryption :: Lens' GrantEntitlementRequest (Maybe Encryption) Source #
The type of encryption that will be used on the output that is associated with this entitlement.
grantEntitlementRequest_name :: Lens' GrantEntitlementRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the entitlement. This value must be unique within the current flow.
grantEntitlementRequest_entitlementStatus :: Lens' GrantEntitlementRequest (Maybe EntitlementStatus) Source #
An indication of whether the new entitlement should be enabled or disabled as soon as it is created. If you don’t specify the entitlementStatus field in your request, MediaConnect sets it to ENABLED.
grantEntitlementRequest_description :: Lens' GrantEntitlementRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the entitlement. This description appears only on the AWS Elemental MediaConnect console and will not be seen by the subscriber or end user.
grantEntitlementRequest_subscribers :: Lens' GrantEntitlementRequest [Text] Source #
The AWS account IDs that you want to share your content with. The receiving accounts (subscribers) will be allowed to create their own flows using your content as the source.
inputConfiguration_inputPort :: Lens' InputConfiguration Int Source #
The port that the flow listens on for an incoming media stream.
inputConfiguration_inputIp :: Lens' InputConfiguration Text Source #
The IP address that the flow listens on for incoming content for a media stream.
inputConfiguration_interface :: Lens' InputConfiguration Interface Source #
The VPC interface where the media stream comes in from.
inputConfigurationRequest_inputPort :: Lens' InputConfigurationRequest Int Source #
The port that you want the flow to listen on for an incoming media stream.
inputConfigurationRequest_interface :: Lens' InputConfigurationRequest InterfaceRequest Source #
The VPC interface that you want to use for the incoming media stream.
interfaceRequest_name :: Lens' InterfaceRequest Text Source #
The name of the VPC interface.
listedEntitlement_dataTransferSubscriberFeePercent :: Lens' ListedEntitlement (Maybe Int) Source #
Percentage from 0-100 of the data transfer cost to be billed to the subscriber.
listedEntitlement_entitlementArn :: Lens' ListedEntitlement Text Source #
The ARN of the entitlement.
listedEntitlement_entitlementName :: Lens' ListedEntitlement Text Source #
The name of the entitlement.
listedFlow_status :: Lens' ListedFlow Status Source #
The current status of the flow.
listedFlow_description :: Lens' ListedFlow Text Source #
A description of the flow.
listedFlow_sourceType :: Lens' ListedFlow SourceType Source #
The type of source. This value is either owned (originated somewhere other than an AWS Elemental MediaConnect flow owned by another AWS account) or entitled (originated at an AWS Elemental MediaConnect flow owned by another AWS account).
listedFlow_availabilityZone :: Lens' ListedFlow Text Source #
The Availability Zone that the flow was created in.
listedFlow_flowArn :: Lens' ListedFlow Text Source #
The ARN of the flow.
listedFlow_name :: Lens' ListedFlow Text Source #
The name of the flow.
mediaStream_videoFormat :: Lens' MediaStream (Maybe Text) Source #
The resolution of the video.
mediaStream_attributes :: Lens' MediaStream (Maybe MediaStreamAttributes) Source #
Attributes that are related to the media stream.
mediaStream_clockRate :: Lens' MediaStream (Maybe Int) Source #
The sample rate for the stream. This value is measured in Hz.
mediaStream_description :: Lens' MediaStream (Maybe Text) Source #
A description that can help you quickly identify what your media stream is used for.
mediaStream_mediaStreamType :: Lens' MediaStream MediaStreamType Source #
The type of media stream.
mediaStream_mediaStreamId :: Lens' MediaStream Int Source #
A unique identifier for the media stream.
mediaStream_mediaStreamName :: Lens' MediaStream Text Source #
A name that helps you distinguish one media stream from another.
mediaStream_fmt :: Lens' MediaStream Int Source #
The format type number (sometimes referred to as RTP payload type) of the media stream. MediaConnect assigns this value to the media stream. For ST 2110 JPEG XS outputs, you need to provide this value to the receiver.
mediaStreamAttributes_lang :: Lens' MediaStreamAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The audio language, in a format that is recognized by the receiver.
mediaStreamAttributes_fmtp :: Lens' MediaStreamAttributes Fmtp Source #
A set of parameters that define the media stream.
mediaStreamAttributesRequest_lang :: Lens' MediaStreamAttributesRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The audio language, in a format that is recognized by the receiver.
mediaStreamAttributesRequest_fmtp :: Lens' MediaStreamAttributesRequest (Maybe FmtpRequest) Source #
The settings that you want to use to define the media stream.
mediaStreamOutputConfiguration_destinationConfigurations :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfiguration (Maybe [DestinationConfiguration]) Source #
The transport parameters that are associated with each outbound media stream.
mediaStreamOutputConfiguration_encodingParameters :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfiguration (Maybe EncodingParameters) Source #
Encoding parameters
mediaStreamOutputConfiguration_mediaStreamName :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfiguration Text Source #
The name of the media stream.
mediaStreamOutputConfiguration_encodingName :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfiguration EncodingName Source #
The format that was used to encode the data. For ancillary data streams, set the encoding name to smpte291. For audio streams, set the encoding name to pcm. For video, 2110 streams, set the encoding name to raw. For video, JPEG XS streams, set the encoding name to jxsv.
mediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest_destinationConfigurations :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest (Maybe [DestinationConfigurationRequest]) Source #
The transport parameters that you want to associate with the media stream.
mediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest_encodingParameters :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest (Maybe EncodingParametersRequest) Source #
A collection of parameters that determine how MediaConnect will convert the content. These fields only apply to outputs on flows that have a CDI source.
mediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest_mediaStreamName :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest Text Source #
The name of the media stream that is associated with the output.
mediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest_encodingName :: Lens' MediaStreamOutputConfigurationRequest EncodingName Source #
The format that will be used to encode the data. For ancillary data streams, set the encoding name to smpte291. For audio streams, set the encoding name to pcm. For video, 2110 streams, set the encoding name to raw. For video, JPEG XS streams, set the encoding name to jxsv.
mediaStreamSourceConfiguration_inputConfigurations :: Lens' MediaStreamSourceConfiguration (Maybe [InputConfiguration]) Source #
The transport parameters that are associated with an incoming media stream.
mediaStreamSourceConfiguration_mediaStreamName :: Lens' MediaStreamSourceConfiguration Text Source #
The name of the media stream.
mediaStreamSourceConfiguration_encodingName :: Lens' MediaStreamSourceConfiguration EncodingName Source #
The format that was used to encode the data. For ancillary data streams, set the encoding name to smpte291. For audio streams, set the encoding name to pcm. For video, 2110 streams, set the encoding name to raw. For video, JPEG XS streams, set the encoding name to jxsv.
mediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest_inputConfigurations :: Lens' MediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest (Maybe [InputConfigurationRequest]) Source #
The transport parameters that you want to associate with the media stream.
mediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest_mediaStreamName :: Lens' MediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest Text Source #
The name of the media stream.
mediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest_encodingName :: Lens' MediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest EncodingName Source #
The format you want to use to encode the data. For ancillary data streams, set the encoding name to smpte291. For audio streams, set the encoding name to pcm. For video, 2110 streams, set the encoding name to raw. For video, JPEG XS streams, set the encoding name to jxsv.
messages_errors :: Lens' Messages [Text] Source #
A list of errors that might have been generated from processes on this flow.
offering_currencyCode :: Lens' Offering Text Source #
The type of currency that is used for billing. The currencyCode used for all reservations is US dollars.
offering_offeringArn :: Lens' Offering Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that MediaConnect assigns to the offering.
offering_durationUnits :: Lens' Offering DurationUnits Source #
The unit of measurement for the duration of the offering.
offering_duration :: Lens' Offering Int Source #
The length of time that your reservation would be active.
offering_pricePerUnit :: Lens' Offering Text Source #
The cost of a single unit. This value, in combination with priceUnits, makes up the rate.
offering_resourceSpecification :: Lens' Offering ResourceSpecification Source #
A definition of the amount of outbound bandwidth that you would be reserving if you purchase the offering.
offering_priceUnits :: Lens' Offering PriceUnits Source #
The unit of measurement that is used for billing. This value, in combination with pricePerUnit, makes up the rate.
output_entitlementArn :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the entitlement on the originator''s flow. This value is relevant only on entitled flows.
output_dataTransferSubscriberFeePercent :: Lens' Output (Maybe Int) Source #
Percentage from 0-100 of the data transfer cost to be billed to the subscriber.
output_destination :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text) Source #
The address where you want to send the output.
output_mediaStreamOutputConfigurations :: Lens' Output (Maybe [MediaStreamOutputConfiguration]) Source #
The configuration for each media stream that is associated with the output.
output_mediaLiveInputArn :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text) Source #
The input ARN of the AWS Elemental MediaLive channel. This parameter is relevant only for outputs that were added by creating a MediaLive input.
output_encryption :: Lens' Output (Maybe Encryption) Source #
The type of key used for the encryption. If no keyType is provided, the service will use the default setting (static-key).
output_listenerAddress :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address that the receiver requires in order to establish a connection with the flow. For public networking, the ListenerAddress is represented by the elastic IP address of the flow. For private networking, the ListenerAddress is represented by the elastic network interface IP address of the VPC. This field applies only to outputs that use the Zixi pull or SRT listener protocol.
output_transport :: Lens' Output (Maybe Transport) Source #
Attributes related to the transport stream that are used in the output.
output_port :: Lens' Output (Maybe Int) Source #
The port to use when content is distributed to this output.
output_vpcInterfaceAttachment :: Lens' Output (Maybe VpcInterfaceAttachment) Source #
The name of the VPC interface attachment to use for this output.
output_name :: Lens' Output Text Source #
The name of the output. This value must be unique within the current flow.
reservation_currencyCode :: Lens' Reservation Text Source #
The type of currency that is used for billing. The currencyCode used for your reservation is US dollars.
reservation_reservationState :: Lens' Reservation ReservationState Source #
The status of your reservation.
reservation_offeringArn :: Lens' Reservation Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that MediaConnect assigns to the offering.
reservation_reservationArn :: Lens' Reservation Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that MediaConnect assigns to the reservation when you purchase an offering.
reservation_start :: Lens' Reservation Text Source #
The day and time that the reservation becomes active. You set this value when you purchase the offering.
reservation_offeringDescription :: Lens' Reservation Text Source #
A description of the offering. MediaConnect defines this value in the offering.
reservation_reservationName :: Lens' Reservation Text Source #
The name that you assigned to the reservation when you purchased the offering.
reservation_end :: Lens' Reservation Text Source #
The day and time that this reservation expires. This value is calculated based on the start date and time that you set and the offering's duration.
reservation_duration :: Lens' Reservation Int Source #
The length of time that this reservation is active. MediaConnect defines this value in the offering.
reservation_durationUnits :: Lens' Reservation DurationUnits Source #
The unit of measurement for the duration of the reservation. MediaConnect defines this value in the offering.
reservation_pricePerUnit :: Lens' Reservation Text Source #
The cost of a single unit. This value, in combination with priceUnits, makes up the rate. MediaConnect defines this value in the offering.
reservation_resourceSpecification :: Lens' Reservation ResourceSpecification Source #
A definition of the amount of outbound bandwidth that you would be reserving if you purchase the offering. MediaConnect defines the values that make up the resourceSpecification in the offering.
reservation_priceUnits :: Lens' Reservation PriceUnits Source #
The unit of measurement that is used for billing. This value, in combination with pricePerUnit, makes up the rate. MediaConnect defines this value in the offering.
resourceSpecification_reservedBitrate :: Lens' ResourceSpecification (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of outbound bandwidth that is discounted in the offering.
resourceSpecification_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceSpecification ResourceType Source #
The type of resource and the unit that is being billed for.
setSourceRequest_entitlementArn :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the entitlement that allows you to subscribe to this flow. The entitlement is set by the flow originator, and the ARN is generated as part of the originator's flow.
setSourceRequest_maxLatency :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum latency in milliseconds. This parameter applies only to RIST-based and Zixi-based streams.
setSourceRequest_vpcInterfaceName :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the VPC interface to use for this source.
setSourceRequest_decryption :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Encryption) Source #
The type of encryption that is used on the content ingested from this source.
setSourceRequest_maxSyncBuffer :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Int) Source #
The size of the buffer (in milliseconds) to use to sync incoming source data.
setSourceRequest_protocol :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Protocol) Source #
The protocol that is used by the source.
setSourceRequest_name :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the source.
setSourceRequest_minLatency :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum latency in milliseconds for SRT-based streams. In streams that use the SRT protocol, this value that you set on your MediaConnect source or output represents the minimal potential latency of that connection. The latency of the stream is set to the highest number between the sender’s minimum latency and the receiver’s minimum latency.
setSourceRequest_ingestPort :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Int) Source #
The port that the flow will be listening on for incoming content.
setSourceRequest_description :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
A description for the source. This value is not used or seen outside of the current AWS Elemental MediaConnect account.
setSourceRequest_mediaStreamSourceConfigurations :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe [MediaStreamSourceConfigurationRequest]) Source #
The media streams that are associated with the source, and the parameters for those associations.
setSourceRequest_whitelistCidr :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The range of IP addresses that should be allowed to contribute content to your source. These IP addresses should be in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block; for example,
setSourceRequest_maxBitrate :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Int) Source #
The smoothing max bitrate for RIST, RTP, and RTP-FEC streams.
setSourceRequest_streamId :: Lens' SetSourceRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The stream ID that you want to use for this transport. This parameter applies only to Zixi-based streams.
source_entitlementArn :: Lens' Source (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the entitlement that allows you to subscribe to content that comes from another AWS account. The entitlement is set by the content originator and the ARN is generated as part of the originator's flow.
source_dataTransferSubscriberFeePercent :: Lens' Source (Maybe Int) Source #
Percentage from 0-100 of the data transfer cost to be billed to the subscriber.
source_vpcInterfaceName :: Lens' Source (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the VPC interface that is used for this source.
source_decryption :: Lens' Source (Maybe Encryption) Source #
The type of encryption that is used on the content ingested from this source.
source_ingestIp :: Lens' Source (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address that the flow will be listening on for incoming content.
source_ingestPort :: Lens' Source (Maybe Int) Source #
The port that the flow will be listening on for incoming content.
source_transport :: Lens' Source (Maybe Transport) Source #
Attributes related to the transport stream that are used in the source.
source_description :: Lens' Source (Maybe Text) Source #
A description for the source. This value is not used or seen outside of the current AWS Elemental MediaConnect account.
source_mediaStreamSourceConfigurations :: Lens' Source (Maybe [MediaStreamSourceConfiguration]) Source #
The media streams that are associated with the source, and the parameters for those associations.
source_whitelistCidr :: Lens' Source (Maybe Text) Source #
The range of IP addresses that should be allowed to contribute content to your source. These IP addresses should be in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block; for example,
sourcePriority_primarySource :: Lens' SourcePriority (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the source you choose as the primary source for this flow.
transport_maxLatency :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum latency in milliseconds. This parameter applies only to RIST-based and Zixi-based streams.
transport_maxSyncBuffer :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Int) Source #
The size of the buffer (in milliseconds) to use to sync incoming source data.
transport_cidrAllowList :: Lens' Transport (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The range of IP addresses that should be allowed to initiate output requests to this flow. These IP addresses should be in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block; for example,
transport_smoothingLatency :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Int) Source #
The smoothing latency in milliseconds for RIST, RTP, and RTP-FEC streams.
transport_minLatency :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum latency in milliseconds for SRT-based streams. In streams that use the SRT protocol, this value that you set on your MediaConnect source or output represents the minimal potential latency of that connection. The latency of the stream is set to the highest number between the sender’s minimum latency and the receiver’s minimum latency.
transport_maxBitrate :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Int) Source #
The smoothing max bitrate for RIST, RTP, and RTP-FEC streams.
transport_streamId :: Lens' Transport (Maybe Text) Source #
The stream ID that you want to use for this transport. This parameter applies only to Zixi-based streams.
transport_protocol :: Lens' Transport Protocol Source #
The protocol that is used by the source or output.
updateEncryption_keyType :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe KeyType) Source #
The type of key that is used for the encryption. If no keyType is provided, the service will use the default setting (static-key).
updateEncryption_resourceId :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text) Source #
An identifier for the content. The service sends this value to the key server to identify the current endpoint. The resource ID is also known as the content ID. This parameter is required for SPEKE encryption and is not valid for static key encryption.
updateEncryption_url :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL from the API Gateway proxy that you set up to talk to your key server. This parameter is required for SPEKE encryption and is not valid for static key encryption.
updateEncryption_algorithm :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Algorithm) Source #
The type of algorithm that is used for the encryption (such as aes128, aes192, or aes256).
updateEncryption_constantInitializationVector :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text) Source #
A 128-bit, 16-byte hex value represented by a 32-character string, to be used with the key for encrypting content. This parameter is not valid for static key encryption.
updateEncryption_deviceId :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of one of the devices that you configured with your digital rights management (DRM) platform key provider. This parameter is required for SPEKE encryption and is not valid for static key encryption.
updateEncryption_region :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS Region that the API Gateway proxy endpoint was created in. This parameter is required for SPEKE encryption and is not valid for static key encryption.
updateEncryption_secretArn :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the secret that you created in AWS Secrets Manager to store the encryption key. This parameter is required for static key encryption and is not valid for SPEKE encryption.
updateEncryption_roleArn :: Lens' UpdateEncryption (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the role that you created during setup (when you set up AWS Elemental MediaConnect as a trusted entity).
updateFailoverConfig_state :: Lens' UpdateFailoverConfig (Maybe State) Source #
Undocumented member.
updateFailoverConfig_recoveryWindow :: Lens' UpdateFailoverConfig (Maybe Int) Source #
Recovery window time to look for dash-7 packets
updateFailoverConfig_sourcePriority :: Lens' UpdateFailoverConfig (Maybe SourcePriority) Source #
The priority you want to assign to a source. You can have a primary stream and a backup stream or two equally prioritized streams.
updateFailoverConfig_failoverMode :: Lens' UpdateFailoverConfig (Maybe FailoverMode) Source #
The type of failover you choose for this flow. MERGE combines the source streams into a single stream, allowing graceful recovery from any single-source loss. FAILOVER allows switching between different streams.
vpcInterface_networkInterfaceType :: Lens' VpcInterface NetworkInterfaceType Source #
The type of network interface.
vpcInterface_networkInterfaceIds :: Lens' VpcInterface [Text] Source #
IDs of the network interfaces created in customer's account by MediaConnect.
vpcInterface_subnetId :: Lens' VpcInterface Text Source #
Subnet must be in the AZ of the Flow
vpcInterface_securityGroupIds :: Lens' VpcInterface [Text] Source #
Security Group IDs to be used on ENI.
vpcInterface_roleArn :: Lens' VpcInterface Text Source #
Role Arn MediaConnect can assumes to create ENIs in customer's account
vpcInterface_name :: Lens' VpcInterface Text Source #
Immutable and has to be a unique against other VpcInterfaces in this Flow
vpcInterfaceAttachment_vpcInterfaceName :: Lens' VpcInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the VPC interface to use for this output.
vpcInterfaceRequest_networkInterfaceType :: Lens' VpcInterfaceRequest (Maybe NetworkInterfaceType) Source #
The type of network interface. If this value is not included in the request, MediaConnect uses ENA as the networkInterfaceType.
vpcInterfaceRequest_subnetId :: Lens' VpcInterfaceRequest Text Source #
Subnet must be in the AZ of the Flow
vpcInterfaceRequest_securityGroupIds :: Lens' VpcInterfaceRequest [Text] Source #
Security Group IDs to be used on ENI.
vpcInterfaceRequest_roleArn :: Lens' VpcInterfaceRequest Text Source #
Role Arn MediaConnect can assumes to create ENIs in customer's account
vpcInterfaceRequest_name :: Lens' VpcInterfaceRequest Text Source #
The name of the VPC Interface. This value must be unique within the current flow.