Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- GetFeedback
- ListAlerts
- ListMetricSets
- DeleteAnomalyDetector
- UpdateAnomalyDetector
- ListAnomalyDetectors
- DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions
- CreateMetricSet
- ListTagsForResource
- CreateAlert
- GetAnomalyGroup
- PutFeedback
- BackTestAnomalyDetector
- DeleteAlert
- CreateAnomalyDetector
- UpdateMetricSet
- ActivateAnomalyDetector
- ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries
- GetSampleData
- TagResource
- DescribeMetricSet
- UntagResource
- DescribeAlert
- ListAnomalyGroupSummaries
- DescribeAnomalyDetector
- Types
- Action
- Alert
- AlertSummary
- AnomalyDetectorConfig
- AnomalyDetectorConfigSummary
- AnomalyDetectorSummary
- AnomalyGroup
- AnomalyGroupStatistics
- AnomalyGroupSummary
- AnomalyGroupTimeSeries
- AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback
- AppFlowConfig
- CloudWatchConfig
- ContributionMatrix
- CsvFormatDescriptor
- DimensionContribution
- DimensionNameValue
- DimensionValueContribution
- ExecutionStatus
- FileFormatDescriptor
- ItemizedMetricStats
- JsonFormatDescriptor
- LambdaConfiguration
- Metric
- MetricLevelImpact
- MetricSetSummary
- MetricSource
- RDSSourceConfig
- RedshiftSourceConfig
- S3SourceConfig
- SNSConfiguration
- SampleDataS3SourceConfig
- TimeSeries
- TimeSeriesFeedback
- TimestampColumn
- VpcConfiguration
- getFeedback_nextToken :: Lens' GetFeedback (Maybe Text)
- getFeedback_maxResults :: Lens' GetFeedback (Maybe Natural)
- getFeedback_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' GetFeedback Text
- getFeedback_anomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback :: Lens' GetFeedback AnomalyGroupTimeSeries
- getFeedbackResponse_anomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback :: Lens' GetFeedbackResponse (Maybe [TimeSeriesFeedback])
- getFeedbackResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetFeedbackResponse (Maybe Text)
- getFeedbackResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetFeedbackResponse Int
- listAlerts_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' ListAlerts (Maybe Text)
- listAlerts_nextToken :: Lens' ListAlerts (Maybe Text)
- listAlerts_maxResults :: Lens' ListAlerts (Maybe Natural)
- listAlertsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAlertsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listAlertsResponse_alertSummaryList :: Lens' ListAlertsResponse (Maybe [AlertSummary])
- listAlertsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAlertsResponse Int
- listMetricSets_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' ListMetricSets (Maybe Text)
- listMetricSets_nextToken :: Lens' ListMetricSets (Maybe Text)
- listMetricSets_maxResults :: Lens' ListMetricSets (Maybe Natural)
- listMetricSetsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListMetricSetsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listMetricSetsResponse_metricSetSummaryList :: Lens' ListMetricSetsResponse (Maybe [MetricSetSummary])
- listMetricSetsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListMetricSetsResponse Int
- deleteAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetector Text
- deleteAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetectorResponse Int
- updateAnomalyDetector_kmsKeyArn :: Lens' UpdateAnomalyDetector (Maybe Text)
- updateAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorConfig :: Lens' UpdateAnomalyDetector (Maybe AnomalyDetectorConfig)
- updateAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorDescription :: Lens' UpdateAnomalyDetector (Maybe Text)
- updateAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' UpdateAnomalyDetector Text
- updateAnomalyDetectorResponse_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' UpdateAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAnomalyDetectorResponse Int
- listAnomalyDetectors_nextToken :: Lens' ListAnomalyDetectors (Maybe Text)
- listAnomalyDetectors_maxResults :: Lens' ListAnomalyDetectors (Maybe Natural)
- listAnomalyDetectorsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAnomalyDetectorsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listAnomalyDetectorsResponse_anomalyDetectorSummaryList :: Lens' ListAnomalyDetectorsResponse (Maybe [AnomalyDetectorSummary])
- listAnomalyDetectorsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAnomalyDetectorsResponse Int
- describeAnomalyDetectionExecutions_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions (Maybe Text)
- describeAnomalyDetectionExecutions_timestamp :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions (Maybe Text)
- describeAnomalyDetectionExecutions_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions (Maybe Natural)
- describeAnomalyDetectionExecutions_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions Text
- describeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse_executionList :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse (Maybe [ExecutionStatus])
- describeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse Int
- createMetricSet_dimensionList :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- createMetricSet_offset :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe Natural)
- createMetricSet_timestampColumn :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe TimestampColumn)
- createMetricSet_metricSetFrequency :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe Frequency)
- createMetricSet_metricSetDescription :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe Text)
- createMetricSet_timezone :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe Text)
- createMetricSet_tags :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createMetricSet_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' CreateMetricSet Text
- createMetricSet_metricSetName :: Lens' CreateMetricSet Text
- createMetricSet_metricList :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (NonEmpty Metric)
- createMetricSet_metricSource :: Lens' CreateMetricSet MetricSource
- createMetricSetResponse_metricSetArn :: Lens' CreateMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text)
- createMetricSetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateMetricSetResponse Int
- listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- createAlert_alertDescription :: Lens' CreateAlert (Maybe Text)
- createAlert_tags :: Lens' CreateAlert (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createAlert_alertName :: Lens' CreateAlert Text
- createAlert_alertSensitivityThreshold :: Lens' CreateAlert Natural
- createAlert_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' CreateAlert Text
- createAlert_action :: Lens' CreateAlert Action
- createAlertResponse_alertArn :: Lens' CreateAlertResponse (Maybe Text)
- createAlertResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAlertResponse Int
- getAnomalyGroup_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' GetAnomalyGroup Text
- getAnomalyGroup_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' GetAnomalyGroup Text
- getAnomalyGroupResponse_anomalyGroup :: Lens' GetAnomalyGroupResponse (Maybe AnomalyGroup)
- getAnomalyGroupResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAnomalyGroupResponse Int
- putFeedback_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' PutFeedback Text
- putFeedback_anomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback :: Lens' PutFeedback AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback
- putFeedbackResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutFeedbackResponse Int
- backTestAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' BackTestAnomalyDetector Text
- backTestAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BackTestAnomalyDetectorResponse Int
- deleteAlert_alertArn :: Lens' DeleteAlert Text
- deleteAlertResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAlertResponse Int
- createAnomalyDetector_kmsKeyArn :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetector (Maybe Text)
- createAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorDescription :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetector (Maybe Text)
- createAnomalyDetector_tags :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetector (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorName :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetector Text
- createAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorConfig :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetector AnomalyDetectorConfig
- createAnomalyDetectorResponse_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text)
- createAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetectorResponse Int
- updateMetricSet_dimensionList :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- updateMetricSet_offset :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe Natural)
- updateMetricSet_timestampColumn :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe TimestampColumn)
- updateMetricSet_metricList :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe (NonEmpty Metric))
- updateMetricSet_metricSource :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe MetricSource)
- updateMetricSet_metricSetFrequency :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe Frequency)
- updateMetricSet_metricSetDescription :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe Text)
- updateMetricSet_metricSetArn :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet Text
- updateMetricSetResponse_metricSetArn :: Lens' UpdateMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateMetricSetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateMetricSetResponse Int
- activateAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' ActivateAnomalyDetector Text
- activateAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ActivateAnomalyDetectorResponse Int
- listAnomalyGroupTimeSeries_nextToken :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries (Maybe Text)
- listAnomalyGroupTimeSeries_maxResults :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries (Maybe Natural)
- listAnomalyGroupTimeSeries_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries Text
- listAnomalyGroupTimeSeries_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries Text
- listAnomalyGroupTimeSeries_metricName :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries Text
- listAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse_timeSeriesList :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse (Maybe [TimeSeries])
- listAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse_timestampList :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse (Maybe [Text])
- listAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse_metricName :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse Int
- getSampleData_s3SourceConfig :: Lens' GetSampleData (Maybe SampleDataS3SourceConfig)
- getSampleDataResponse_sampleRows :: Lens' GetSampleDataResponse (Maybe [[Text]])
- getSampleDataResponse_headerValues :: Lens' GetSampleDataResponse (Maybe [Text])
- getSampleDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetSampleDataResponse Int
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text)
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- describeMetricSet_metricSetArn :: Lens' DescribeMetricSet Text
- describeMetricSetResponse_creationTime :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeMetricSetResponse_dimensionList :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- describeMetricSetResponse_offset :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Natural)
- describeMetricSetResponse_timestampColumn :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe TimestampColumn)
- describeMetricSetResponse_metricList :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe (NonEmpty Metric))
- describeMetricSetResponse_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeMetricSetResponse_metricSource :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe MetricSource)
- describeMetricSetResponse_metricSetName :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeMetricSetResponse_metricSetFrequency :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Frequency)
- describeMetricSetResponse_metricSetDescription :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeMetricSetResponse_timezone :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeMetricSetResponse_metricSetArn :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeMetricSetResponse_lastModificationTime :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeMetricSetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse Int
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource (NonEmpty Text)
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- describeAlert_alertArn :: Lens' DescribeAlert Text
- describeAlertResponse_alert :: Lens' DescribeAlertResponse (Maybe Alert)
- describeAlertResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAlertResponse Int
- listAnomalyGroupSummaries_nextToken :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummaries (Maybe Text)
- listAnomalyGroupSummaries_maxResults :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummaries (Maybe Natural)
- listAnomalyGroupSummaries_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummaries Text
- listAnomalyGroupSummaries_sensitivityThreshold :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummaries Natural
- listAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse_anomalyGroupStatistics :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse (Maybe AnomalyGroupStatistics)
- listAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse_anomalyGroupSummaryList :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse (Maybe [AnomalyGroupSummary])
- listAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse Int
- describeAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetector Text
- describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_creationTime :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_status :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe AnomalyDetectorStatus)
- describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_failureReason :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_kmsKeyArn :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_anomalyDetectorConfig :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe AnomalyDetectorConfigSummary)
- describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_anomalyDetectorName :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_anomalyDetectorDescription :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_lastModificationTime :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse Int
- action_lambdaConfiguration :: Lens' Action (Maybe LambdaConfiguration)
- action_sNSConfiguration :: Lens' Action (Maybe SNSConfiguration)
- alert_creationTime :: Lens' Alert (Maybe UTCTime)
- alert_action :: Lens' Alert (Maybe Action)
- alert_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' Alert (Maybe Text)
- alert_alertName :: Lens' Alert (Maybe Text)
- alert_alertSensitivityThreshold :: Lens' Alert (Maybe Natural)
- alert_alertStatus :: Lens' Alert (Maybe AlertStatus)
- alert_alertDescription :: Lens' Alert (Maybe Text)
- alert_alertArn :: Lens' Alert (Maybe Text)
- alert_alertType :: Lens' Alert (Maybe AlertType)
- alert_lastModificationTime :: Lens' Alert (Maybe UTCTime)
- alertSummary_creationTime :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- alertSummary_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe Text)
- alertSummary_alertName :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe Text)
- alertSummary_alertSensitivityThreshold :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe Natural)
- alertSummary_alertStatus :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe AlertStatus)
- alertSummary_alertArn :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe Text)
- alertSummary_alertType :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe AlertType)
- alertSummary_tags :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- alertSummary_lastModificationTime :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- anomalyDetectorConfig_anomalyDetectorFrequency :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorConfig (Maybe Frequency)
- anomalyDetectorConfigSummary_anomalyDetectorFrequency :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorConfigSummary (Maybe Frequency)
- anomalyDetectorSummary_creationTime :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- anomalyDetectorSummary_status :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe AnomalyDetectorStatus)
- anomalyDetectorSummary_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe Text)
- anomalyDetectorSummary_anomalyDetectorName :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe Text)
- anomalyDetectorSummary_anomalyDetectorDescription :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe Text)
- anomalyDetectorSummary_tags :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- anomalyDetectorSummary_lastModificationTime :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- anomalyGroup_metricLevelImpactList :: Lens' AnomalyGroup (Maybe [MetricLevelImpact])
- anomalyGroup_startTime :: Lens' AnomalyGroup (Maybe Text)
- anomalyGroup_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' AnomalyGroup (Maybe Text)
- anomalyGroup_anomalyGroupScore :: Lens' AnomalyGroup (Maybe Double)
- anomalyGroup_primaryMetricName :: Lens' AnomalyGroup (Maybe Text)
- anomalyGroup_endTime :: Lens' AnomalyGroup (Maybe Text)
- anomalyGroupStatistics_itemizedMetricStatsList :: Lens' AnomalyGroupStatistics (Maybe [ItemizedMetricStats])
- anomalyGroupStatistics_evaluationStartDate :: Lens' AnomalyGroupStatistics (Maybe Text)
- anomalyGroupStatistics_totalCount :: Lens' AnomalyGroupStatistics (Maybe Int)
- anomalyGroupSummary_startTime :: Lens' AnomalyGroupSummary (Maybe Text)
- anomalyGroupSummary_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' AnomalyGroupSummary (Maybe Text)
- anomalyGroupSummary_anomalyGroupScore :: Lens' AnomalyGroupSummary (Maybe Double)
- anomalyGroupSummary_primaryMetricName :: Lens' AnomalyGroupSummary (Maybe Text)
- anomalyGroupSummary_endTime :: Lens' AnomalyGroupSummary (Maybe Text)
- anomalyGroupTimeSeries_timeSeriesId :: Lens' AnomalyGroupTimeSeries (Maybe Text)
- anomalyGroupTimeSeries_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' AnomalyGroupTimeSeries Text
- anomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback Text
- anomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback_timeSeriesId :: Lens' AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback Text
- anomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback_isAnomaly :: Lens' AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback Bool
- appFlowConfig_roleArn :: Lens' AppFlowConfig Text
- appFlowConfig_flowName :: Lens' AppFlowConfig Text
- cloudWatchConfig_roleArn :: Lens' CloudWatchConfig Text
- contributionMatrix_dimensionContributionList :: Lens' ContributionMatrix (Maybe [DimensionContribution])
- csvFormatDescriptor_quoteSymbol :: Lens' CsvFormatDescriptor (Maybe Text)
- csvFormatDescriptor_containsHeader :: Lens' CsvFormatDescriptor (Maybe Bool)
- csvFormatDescriptor_charset :: Lens' CsvFormatDescriptor (Maybe Text)
- csvFormatDescriptor_headerList :: Lens' CsvFormatDescriptor (Maybe [Text])
- csvFormatDescriptor_fileCompression :: Lens' CsvFormatDescriptor (Maybe CSVFileCompression)
- csvFormatDescriptor_delimiter :: Lens' CsvFormatDescriptor (Maybe Text)
- dimensionContribution_dimensionValueContributionList :: Lens' DimensionContribution (Maybe [DimensionValueContribution])
- dimensionContribution_dimensionName :: Lens' DimensionContribution (Maybe Text)
- dimensionNameValue_dimensionName :: Lens' DimensionNameValue Text
- dimensionNameValue_dimensionValue :: Lens' DimensionNameValue Text
- dimensionValueContribution_dimensionValue :: Lens' DimensionValueContribution (Maybe Text)
- dimensionValueContribution_contributionScore :: Lens' DimensionValueContribution (Maybe Double)
- executionStatus_status :: Lens' ExecutionStatus (Maybe AnomalyDetectionTaskStatus)
- executionStatus_failureReason :: Lens' ExecutionStatus (Maybe Text)
- executionStatus_timestamp :: Lens' ExecutionStatus (Maybe Text)
- fileFormatDescriptor_jsonFormatDescriptor :: Lens' FileFormatDescriptor (Maybe JsonFormatDescriptor)
- fileFormatDescriptor_csvFormatDescriptor :: Lens' FileFormatDescriptor (Maybe CsvFormatDescriptor)
- itemizedMetricStats_metricName :: Lens' ItemizedMetricStats (Maybe Text)
- itemizedMetricStats_occurrenceCount :: Lens' ItemizedMetricStats (Maybe Int)
- jsonFormatDescriptor_charset :: Lens' JsonFormatDescriptor (Maybe Text)
- jsonFormatDescriptor_fileCompression :: Lens' JsonFormatDescriptor (Maybe JsonFileCompression)
- lambdaConfiguration_roleArn :: Lens' LambdaConfiguration Text
- lambdaConfiguration_lambdaArn :: Lens' LambdaConfiguration Text
- metric_namespace :: Lens' Metric (Maybe Text)
- metric_metricName :: Lens' Metric Text
- metric_aggregationFunction :: Lens' Metric AggregationFunction
- metricLevelImpact_contributionMatrix :: Lens' MetricLevelImpact (Maybe ContributionMatrix)
- metricLevelImpact_metricName :: Lens' MetricLevelImpact (Maybe Text)
- metricLevelImpact_numTimeSeries :: Lens' MetricLevelImpact (Maybe Int)
- metricSetSummary_creationTime :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- metricSetSummary_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- metricSetSummary_metricSetName :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- metricSetSummary_metricSetDescription :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- metricSetSummary_metricSetArn :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- metricSetSummary_tags :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- metricSetSummary_lastModificationTime :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- metricSource_redshiftSourceConfig :: Lens' MetricSource (Maybe RedshiftSourceConfig)
- metricSource_s3SourceConfig :: Lens' MetricSource (Maybe S3SourceConfig)
- metricSource_rDSSourceConfig :: Lens' MetricSource (Maybe RDSSourceConfig)
- metricSource_appFlowConfig :: Lens' MetricSource (Maybe AppFlowConfig)
- metricSource_cloudWatchConfig :: Lens' MetricSource (Maybe CloudWatchConfig)
- rDSSourceConfig_dbInstanceIdentifier :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Text
- rDSSourceConfig_databaseHost :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Text
- rDSSourceConfig_databasePort :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Natural
- rDSSourceConfig_secretManagerArn :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Text
- rDSSourceConfig_databaseName :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Text
- rDSSourceConfig_tableName :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Text
- rDSSourceConfig_roleArn :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Text
- rDSSourceConfig_vpcConfiguration :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig VpcConfiguration
- redshiftSourceConfig_clusterIdentifier :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Text
- redshiftSourceConfig_databaseHost :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Text
- redshiftSourceConfig_databasePort :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Natural
- redshiftSourceConfig_secretManagerArn :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Text
- redshiftSourceConfig_databaseName :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Text
- redshiftSourceConfig_tableName :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Text
- redshiftSourceConfig_roleArn :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Text
- redshiftSourceConfig_vpcConfiguration :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig VpcConfiguration
- s3SourceConfig_templatedPathList :: Lens' S3SourceConfig (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- s3SourceConfig_historicalDataPathList :: Lens' S3SourceConfig (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- s3SourceConfig_fileFormatDescriptor :: Lens' S3SourceConfig (Maybe FileFormatDescriptor)
- s3SourceConfig_roleArn :: Lens' S3SourceConfig Text
- sNSConfiguration_roleArn :: Lens' SNSConfiguration Text
- sNSConfiguration_snsTopicArn :: Lens' SNSConfiguration Text
- sampleDataS3SourceConfig_templatedPathList :: Lens' SampleDataS3SourceConfig (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- sampleDataS3SourceConfig_historicalDataPathList :: Lens' SampleDataS3SourceConfig (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- sampleDataS3SourceConfig_roleArn :: Lens' SampleDataS3SourceConfig Text
- sampleDataS3SourceConfig_fileFormatDescriptor :: Lens' SampleDataS3SourceConfig FileFormatDescriptor
- timeSeries_timeSeriesId :: Lens' TimeSeries Text
- timeSeries_dimensionList :: Lens' TimeSeries [DimensionNameValue]
- timeSeries_metricValueList :: Lens' TimeSeries [Double]
- timeSeriesFeedback_isAnomaly :: Lens' TimeSeriesFeedback (Maybe Bool)
- timeSeriesFeedback_timeSeriesId :: Lens' TimeSeriesFeedback (Maybe Text)
- timestampColumn_columnFormat :: Lens' TimestampColumn (Maybe Text)
- timestampColumn_columnName :: Lens' TimestampColumn (Maybe Text)
- vpcConfiguration_subnetIdList :: Lens' VpcConfiguration [Text]
- vpcConfiguration_securityGroupIdList :: Lens' VpcConfiguration [Text]
getFeedback_nextToken :: Lens' GetFeedback (Maybe Text) Source #
Specify the pagination token that's returned by a previous request to retrieve the next page of results.
getFeedback_maxResults :: Lens' GetFeedback (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return.
getFeedback_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' GetFeedback Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.
getFeedback_anomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback :: Lens' GetFeedback AnomalyGroupTimeSeries Source #
The anomalous metric and group ID.
getFeedbackResponse_anomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback :: Lens' GetFeedbackResponse (Maybe [TimeSeriesFeedback]) Source #
Feedback for an anomalous metric.
getFeedbackResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetFeedbackResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that's included if more results are available.
getFeedbackResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetFeedbackResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listAlerts_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' ListAlerts (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the alert's detector.
listAlerts_nextToken :: Lens' ListAlerts (Maybe Text) Source #
If the result of the previous request is truncated, the response
includes a NextToken
. To retrieve the next set of results, use the
token in the next request. Tokens expire after 24 hours.
listAlerts_maxResults :: Lens' ListAlerts (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results that will be displayed by the request.
listAlertsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAlertsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, the service returns this token. To retrieve the next set of results, use this token in the next request.
listAlertsResponse_alertSummaryList :: Lens' ListAlertsResponse (Maybe [AlertSummary]) Source #
Contains information about an alert.
listAlertsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAlertsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listMetricSets_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' ListMetricSets (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the anomaly detector containing the metrics sets to list.
listMetricSets_nextToken :: Lens' ListMetricSets (Maybe Text) Source #
If the result of the previous request was truncated, the response
includes a NextToken
. To retrieve the next set of results, use the
token in the next request. Tokens expire after 24 hours.
listMetricSets_maxResults :: Lens' ListMetricSets (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return.
listMetricSetsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListMetricSetsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, the list call returns this token. To retrieve the next set of results, use the token in the next list request.
listMetricSetsResponse_metricSetSummaryList :: Lens' ListMetricSetsResponse (Maybe [MetricSetSummary]) Source #
A list of the datasets in the AWS Region, with configuration details for each.
listMetricSetsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListMetricSetsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetector Text Source #
The ARN of the detector to delete.
deleteAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetectorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateAnomalyDetector_kmsKeyArn :: Lens' UpdateAnomalyDetector (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS KMS encryption key.
updateAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorConfig :: Lens' UpdateAnomalyDetector (Maybe AnomalyDetectorConfig) Source #
Contains information about the configuration to which the detector will be updated.
updateAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorDescription :: Lens' UpdateAnomalyDetector (Maybe Text) Source #
The updated detector description.
updateAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' UpdateAnomalyDetector Text Source #
The ARN of the detector to update.
updateAnomalyDetectorResponse_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' UpdateAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the updated detector.
updateAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAnomalyDetectorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listAnomalyDetectors_nextToken :: Lens' ListAnomalyDetectors (Maybe Text) Source #
If the result of the previous request was truncated, the response
includes a NextToken
. To retrieve the next set of results, use the
token in the next request. Tokens expire after 24 hours.
listAnomalyDetectors_maxResults :: Lens' ListAnomalyDetectors (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return.
listAnomalyDetectorsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAnomalyDetectorsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response is truncated, the service returns this token. To retrieve the next set of results, use the token in the next request.
listAnomalyDetectorsResponse_anomalyDetectorSummaryList :: Lens' ListAnomalyDetectorsResponse (Maybe [AnomalyDetectorSummary]) Source #
A list of anomaly detectors in the account in the current region.
listAnomalyDetectorsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAnomalyDetectorsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeAnomalyDetectionExecutions_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions (Maybe Text) Source #
Specify the pagination token that's returned by a previous request to retrieve the next page of results.
describeAnomalyDetectionExecutions_timestamp :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions (Maybe Text) Source #
The timestamp of the anomaly detection job.
describeAnomalyDetectionExecutions_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of items to return in the response.
describeAnomalyDetectionExecutions_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.
describeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that's included if more results are available.
describeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse_executionList :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse (Maybe [ExecutionStatus]) Source #
A list of detection jobs.
describeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createMetricSet_dimensionList :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of the fields you want to treat as dimensions.
createMetricSet_offset :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe Natural) Source #
After an interval ends, the amount of seconds that the detector waits before importing data. Offset is only supported for S3 and Redshift datasources.
createMetricSet_timestampColumn :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe TimestampColumn) Source #
Contains information about the column used for tracking time in your source data.
createMetricSet_metricSetFrequency :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe Frequency) Source #
The frequency with which the source data will be analyzed for anomalies.
createMetricSet_metricSetDescription :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the dataset you are creating.
createMetricSet_timezone :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe Text) Source #
The time zone in which your source data was recorded.
createMetricSet_tags :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A list of tags to apply to the dataset.
createMetricSet_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' CreateMetricSet Text Source #
The ARN of the anomaly detector that will use the dataset.
createMetricSet_metricSetName :: Lens' CreateMetricSet Text Source #
The name of the dataset.
createMetricSet_metricList :: Lens' CreateMetricSet (NonEmpty Metric) Source #
A list of metrics that the dataset will contain.
createMetricSet_metricSource :: Lens' CreateMetricSet MetricSource Source #
Contains information about how the source data should be interpreted.
createMetricSetResponse_metricSetArn :: Lens' CreateMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the dataset.
createMetricSetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateMetricSetResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
The resource's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The resource's tags.
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createAlert_alertDescription :: Lens' CreateAlert (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the alert.
createAlert_tags :: Lens' CreateAlert (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A list of tags to apply to the alert.
createAlert_alertName :: Lens' CreateAlert Text Source #
The name of the alert.
createAlert_alertSensitivityThreshold :: Lens' CreateAlert Natural Source #
An integer from 0 to 100 specifying the alert sensitivity threshold.
createAlert_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' CreateAlert Text Source #
The ARN of the detector to which the alert is attached.
createAlert_action :: Lens' CreateAlert Action Source #
Action that will be triggered when there is an alert.
createAlertResponse_alertArn :: Lens' CreateAlertResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the alert.
createAlertResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAlertResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getAnomalyGroup_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' GetAnomalyGroup Text Source #
The ID of the anomaly group.
getAnomalyGroup_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' GetAnomalyGroup Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.
getAnomalyGroupResponse_anomalyGroup :: Lens' GetAnomalyGroupResponse (Maybe AnomalyGroup) Source #
Details about the anomaly group.
getAnomalyGroupResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAnomalyGroupResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putFeedback_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' PutFeedback Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.
putFeedback_anomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback :: Lens' PutFeedback AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback Source #
Feedback for an anomalous metric.
putFeedbackResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutFeedbackResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
backTestAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' BackTestAnomalyDetector Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.
backTestAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BackTestAnomalyDetectorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteAlert_alertArn :: Lens' DeleteAlert Text Source #
The ARN of the alert to delete.
deleteAlertResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAlertResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createAnomalyDetector_kmsKeyArn :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetector (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the KMS key to use to encrypt your data.
createAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorDescription :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetector (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the detector.
createAnomalyDetector_tags :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetector (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A list of tags to apply to the anomaly detector.
createAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorName :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetector Text Source #
The name of the detector.
createAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorConfig :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetector AnomalyDetectorConfig Source #
Contains information about the configuration of the anomaly detector.
createAnomalyDetectorResponse_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the detector.
createAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAnomalyDetectorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateMetricSet_dimensionList :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The dimension list.
updateMetricSet_offset :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe Natural) Source #
After an interval ends, the amount of seconds that the detector waits before importing data. Offset is only supported for S3 and Redshift datasources.
updateMetricSet_timestampColumn :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe TimestampColumn) Source #
The timestamp column.
updateMetricSet_metricList :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe (NonEmpty Metric)) Source #
The metric list.
updateMetricSet_metricSource :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe MetricSource) Source #
Undocumented member.
updateMetricSet_metricSetFrequency :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe Frequency) Source #
The dataset's interval.
updateMetricSet_metricSetDescription :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet (Maybe Text) Source #
The dataset's description.
updateMetricSet_metricSetArn :: Lens' UpdateMetricSet Text Source #
The ARN of the dataset to update.
updateMetricSetResponse_metricSetArn :: Lens' UpdateMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the dataset.
updateMetricSetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateMetricSetResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
activateAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' ActivateAnomalyDetector Text Source #
The ARN of the anomaly detector.
activateAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ActivateAnomalyDetectorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listAnomalyGroupTimeSeries_nextToken :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries (Maybe Text) Source #
Specify the pagination token that's returned by a previous request to retrieve the next page of results.
listAnomalyGroupTimeSeries_maxResults :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return.
listAnomalyGroupTimeSeries_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.
listAnomalyGroupTimeSeries_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries Text Source #
The ID of the anomaly group.
listAnomalyGroupTimeSeries_metricName :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries Text Source #
The name of the measure field.
listAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse_timeSeriesList :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse (Maybe [TimeSeries]) Source #
A list of anomalous metrics.
listAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse_timestampList :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Timestamps for the anomalous metrics.
listAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse_metricName :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the measure field.
listAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the anomaly group.
listAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that's included if more results are available.
listAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getSampleData_s3SourceConfig :: Lens' GetSampleData (Maybe SampleDataS3SourceConfig) Source #
A datasource bucket in Amazon S3.
getSampleDataResponse_sampleRows :: Lens' GetSampleDataResponse (Maybe [[Text]]) Source #
A list of records.
getSampleDataResponse_headerValues :: Lens' GetSampleDataResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of header labels for the records.
getSampleDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetSampleDataResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The resource's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text) Source #
Tags to apply to the resource. Tag keys and values can contain letters,
numbers, spaces, and the following symbols: _.:/=+@-
tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeMetricSet_metricSetArn :: Lens' DescribeMetricSet Text Source #
The ARN of the dataset.
describeMetricSetResponse_creationTime :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the dataset was created.
describeMetricSetResponse_dimensionList :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of the dimensions chosen for analysis.
describeMetricSetResponse_offset :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Natural) Source #
The offset in seconds. Only supported for S3 and Redshift datasources.
describeMetricSetResponse_timestampColumn :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe TimestampColumn) Source #
Contains information about the column used for tracking time in your source data.
describeMetricSetResponse_metricList :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe (NonEmpty Metric)) Source #
A list of the metrics defined by the dataset.
describeMetricSetResponse_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the detector that contains the dataset.
describeMetricSetResponse_metricSource :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe MetricSource) Source #
Contains information about the dataset's source data.
describeMetricSetResponse_metricSetName :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the dataset.
describeMetricSetResponse_metricSetFrequency :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Frequency) Source #
The interval at which the data will be analyzed for anomalies.
describeMetricSetResponse_metricSetDescription :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The dataset's description.
describeMetricSetResponse_timezone :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The time zone in which the dataset's data was recorded.
describeMetricSetResponse_metricSetArn :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the dataset.
describeMetricSetResponse_lastModificationTime :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the dataset was last modified.
describeMetricSetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeMetricSetResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The resource's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource (NonEmpty Text) Source #
Keys to remove from the resource's tags.
untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeAlert_alertArn :: Lens' DescribeAlert Text Source #
The ARN of the alert to describe.
describeAlertResponse_alert :: Lens' DescribeAlertResponse (Maybe Alert) Source #
Contains information about an alert.
describeAlertResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAlertResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listAnomalyGroupSummaries_nextToken :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummaries (Maybe Text) Source #
Specify the pagination token that's returned by a previous request to retrieve the next page of results.
listAnomalyGroupSummaries_maxResults :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummaries (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return.
listAnomalyGroupSummaries_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummaries Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.
listAnomalyGroupSummaries_sensitivityThreshold :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummaries Natural Source #
The minimum severity score for inclusion in the output.
listAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse_anomalyGroupStatistics :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse (Maybe AnomalyGroupStatistics) Source #
Aggregated details about the anomaly groups.
listAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that's included if more results are available.
listAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse_anomalyGroupSummaryList :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse (Maybe [AnomalyGroupSummary]) Source #
A list of anomaly group summaries.
listAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeAnomalyDetector_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetector Text Source #
The ARN of the detector to describe.
describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_creationTime :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the detector was created.
describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_status :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe AnomalyDetectorStatus) Source #
The status of the detector.
describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_failureReason :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason that the detector failed, if any.
describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_kmsKeyArn :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the KMS key to use to encrypt your data.
describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the detector.
describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_anomalyDetectorConfig :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe AnomalyDetectorConfigSummary) Source #
Contains information about the detector's configuration.
describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_anomalyDetectorName :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the detector.
describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_anomalyDetectorDescription :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the detector.
describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_lastModificationTime :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the detector was last modified.
describeAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
action_lambdaConfiguration :: Lens' Action (Maybe LambdaConfiguration) Source #
A configuration for an AWS Lambda channel.
action_sNSConfiguration :: Lens' Action (Maybe SNSConfiguration) Source #
A configuration for an Amazon SNS channel.
alert_action :: Lens' Alert (Maybe Action) Source #
Action that will be triggered when there is an alert.
alert_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' Alert (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the detector to which the alert is attached.
alert_alertSensitivityThreshold :: Lens' Alert (Maybe Natural) Source #
The minimum severity for an anomaly to trigger the alert.
alert_alertStatus :: Lens' Alert (Maybe AlertStatus) Source #
The status of the alert.
alert_lastModificationTime :: Lens' Alert (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the alert was last modified.
alertSummary_creationTime :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the alert was created.
alertSummary_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the detector to which the alert is attached.
alertSummary_alertName :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the alert.
alertSummary_alertSensitivityThreshold :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe Natural) Source #
The minimum severity for an anomaly to trigger the alert.
alertSummary_alertStatus :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe AlertStatus) Source #
The status of the alert.
alertSummary_alertArn :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the alert.
alertSummary_alertType :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe AlertType) Source #
The type of the alert.
alertSummary_tags :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The alert's tags.
alertSummary_lastModificationTime :: Lens' AlertSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the alert was last modified.
anomalyDetectorConfig_anomalyDetectorFrequency :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorConfig (Maybe Frequency) Source #
The frequency at which the detector analyzes its source data.
anomalyDetectorConfigSummary_anomalyDetectorFrequency :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorConfigSummary (Maybe Frequency) Source #
The interval at which the detector analyzes its source data.
anomalyDetectorSummary_creationTime :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the detector was created.
anomalyDetectorSummary_status :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe AnomalyDetectorStatus) Source #
The status of detector.
anomalyDetectorSummary_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the detector.
anomalyDetectorSummary_anomalyDetectorName :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the detector.
anomalyDetectorSummary_anomalyDetectorDescription :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the detector.
anomalyDetectorSummary_tags :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The detector's tags.
anomalyDetectorSummary_lastModificationTime :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the detector was last modified.
anomalyGroup_metricLevelImpactList :: Lens' AnomalyGroup (Maybe [MetricLevelImpact]) Source #
A list of measures affected by the anomaly.
anomalyGroup_startTime :: Lens' AnomalyGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The start time for the group.
anomalyGroup_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' AnomalyGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the anomaly group.
anomalyGroup_anomalyGroupScore :: Lens' AnomalyGroup (Maybe Double) Source #
The severity score of the group.
anomalyGroup_primaryMetricName :: Lens' AnomalyGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the primary affected measure for the group.
anomalyGroup_endTime :: Lens' AnomalyGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The end time for the group.
anomalyGroupStatistics_itemizedMetricStatsList :: Lens' AnomalyGroupStatistics (Maybe [ItemizedMetricStats]) Source #
Statistics for individual metrics within the group.
anomalyGroupStatistics_evaluationStartDate :: Lens' AnomalyGroupStatistics (Maybe Text) Source #
The start of the time range that was searched.
anomalyGroupStatistics_totalCount :: Lens' AnomalyGroupStatistics (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of groups found.
anomalyGroupSummary_startTime :: Lens' AnomalyGroupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The start time for the group.
anomalyGroupSummary_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' AnomalyGroupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the anomaly group.
anomalyGroupSummary_anomalyGroupScore :: Lens' AnomalyGroupSummary (Maybe Double) Source #
The severity score of the group.
anomalyGroupSummary_primaryMetricName :: Lens' AnomalyGroupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the primary affected measure for the group.
anomalyGroupSummary_endTime :: Lens' AnomalyGroupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The end time for the group.
anomalyGroupTimeSeries_timeSeriesId :: Lens' AnomalyGroupTimeSeries (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the metric.
anomalyGroupTimeSeries_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' AnomalyGroupTimeSeries Text Source #
The ID of the anomaly group.
anomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback_anomalyGroupId :: Lens' AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback Text Source #
The ID of the anomaly group.
anomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback_timeSeriesId :: Lens' AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback Text Source #
The ID of the metric.
anomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback_isAnomaly :: Lens' AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback Bool Source #
Feedback on whether the metric is a legitimate anomaly.
appFlowConfig_roleArn :: Lens' AppFlowConfig Text Source #
An IAM role that gives Amazon Lookout for Metrics permission to access the flow.
appFlowConfig_flowName :: Lens' AppFlowConfig Text Source #
name of the flow.
cloudWatchConfig_roleArn :: Lens' CloudWatchConfig Text Source #
An IAM role that gives Amazon Lookout for Metrics permission to access data in Amazon CloudWatch.
contributionMatrix_dimensionContributionList :: Lens' ContributionMatrix (Maybe [DimensionContribution]) Source #
A list of contributing dimensions.
csvFormatDescriptor_quoteSymbol :: Lens' CsvFormatDescriptor (Maybe Text) Source #
The character used as a quote character.
csvFormatDescriptor_containsHeader :: Lens' CsvFormatDescriptor (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether or not the source CSV file contains a header.
csvFormatDescriptor_charset :: Lens' CsvFormatDescriptor (Maybe Text) Source #
The character set in which the source CSV file is written.
csvFormatDescriptor_headerList :: Lens' CsvFormatDescriptor (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of the source CSV file's headers, if any.
csvFormatDescriptor_fileCompression :: Lens' CsvFormatDescriptor (Maybe CSVFileCompression) Source #
The level of compression of the source CSV file.
csvFormatDescriptor_delimiter :: Lens' CsvFormatDescriptor (Maybe Text) Source #
The character used to delimit the source CSV file.
dimensionContribution_dimensionValueContributionList :: Lens' DimensionContribution (Maybe [DimensionValueContribution]) Source #
A list of dimension values that contributed to the anomaly.
dimensionContribution_dimensionName :: Lens' DimensionContribution (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the dimension.
dimensionNameValue_dimensionName :: Lens' DimensionNameValue Text Source #
The name of the dimension.
dimensionNameValue_dimensionValue :: Lens' DimensionNameValue Text Source #
The value of the dimension.
dimensionValueContribution_dimensionValue :: Lens' DimensionValueContribution (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the dimension.
dimensionValueContribution_contributionScore :: Lens' DimensionValueContribution (Maybe Double) Source #
The severity score of the value.
executionStatus_status :: Lens' ExecutionStatus (Maybe AnomalyDetectionTaskStatus) Source #
The run's status.
executionStatus_failureReason :: Lens' ExecutionStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason that the run failed, if applicable.
executionStatus_timestamp :: Lens' ExecutionStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The run's timestamp.
fileFormatDescriptor_jsonFormatDescriptor :: Lens' FileFormatDescriptor (Maybe JsonFormatDescriptor) Source #
Contains information about how a source JSON data file should be analyzed.
fileFormatDescriptor_csvFormatDescriptor :: Lens' FileFormatDescriptor (Maybe CsvFormatDescriptor) Source #
Contains information about how a source CSV data file should be analyzed.
itemizedMetricStats_metricName :: Lens' ItemizedMetricStats (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the measure.
itemizedMetricStats_occurrenceCount :: Lens' ItemizedMetricStats (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of times that the measure appears.
jsonFormatDescriptor_charset :: Lens' JsonFormatDescriptor (Maybe Text) Source #
The character set in which the source JSON file is written.
jsonFormatDescriptor_fileCompression :: Lens' JsonFormatDescriptor (Maybe JsonFileCompression) Source #
The level of compression of the source CSV file.
lambdaConfiguration_roleArn :: Lens' LambdaConfiguration Text Source #
The ARN of an IAM role that has permission to invoke the Lambda function.
lambdaConfiguration_lambdaArn :: Lens' LambdaConfiguration Text Source #
The ARN of the Lambda function.
metric_aggregationFunction :: Lens' Metric AggregationFunction Source #
The function with which the metric is calculated.
metricLevelImpact_contributionMatrix :: Lens' MetricLevelImpact (Maybe ContributionMatrix) Source #
Details about the dimensions that contributed to the anomaly.
metricLevelImpact_metricName :: Lens' MetricLevelImpact (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the measure.
metricLevelImpact_numTimeSeries :: Lens' MetricLevelImpact (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of anomalous metrics for the measure.
metricSetSummary_creationTime :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the dataset was created.
metricSetSummary_anomalyDetectorArn :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the detector to which the dataset belongs.
metricSetSummary_metricSetName :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the dataset.
metricSetSummary_metricSetDescription :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the dataset.
metricSetSummary_metricSetArn :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the dataset.
metricSetSummary_tags :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The dataset's tags.
metricSetSummary_lastModificationTime :: Lens' MetricSetSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the dataset was last modified.
metricSource_redshiftSourceConfig :: Lens' MetricSource (Maybe RedshiftSourceConfig) Source #
An object containing information about the Amazon Redshift database configuration.
metricSource_s3SourceConfig :: Lens' MetricSource (Maybe S3SourceConfig) Source #
Undocumented member.
metricSource_rDSSourceConfig :: Lens' MetricSource (Maybe RDSSourceConfig) Source #
An object containing information about the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) configuration.
metricSource_appFlowConfig :: Lens' MetricSource (Maybe AppFlowConfig) Source #
An object containing information about the AppFlow configuration.
metricSource_cloudWatchConfig :: Lens' MetricSource (Maybe CloudWatchConfig) Source #
An object containing information about the Amazon CloudWatch monitoring configuration.
rDSSourceConfig_dbInstanceIdentifier :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Text Source #
A string identifying the database instance.
rDSSourceConfig_databaseHost :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Text Source #
The host name of the database.
rDSSourceConfig_databasePort :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Natural Source #
The port number where the database can be accessed.
rDSSourceConfig_secretManagerArn :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Secrets Manager role.
rDSSourceConfig_databaseName :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Text Source #
The name of the RDS database.
rDSSourceConfig_tableName :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Text Source #
The name of the table in the database.
rDSSourceConfig_roleArn :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role.
rDSSourceConfig_vpcConfiguration :: Lens' RDSSourceConfig VpcConfiguration Source #
An object containing information about the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) configuration.
redshiftSourceConfig_clusterIdentifier :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Text Source #
A string identifying the Redshift cluster.
redshiftSourceConfig_databaseHost :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Text Source #
The name of the database host.
redshiftSourceConfig_databasePort :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Natural Source #
The port number where the database can be accessed.
redshiftSourceConfig_secretManagerArn :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Secrets Manager role.
redshiftSourceConfig_databaseName :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Text Source #
The Redshift database name.
redshiftSourceConfig_tableName :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Text Source #
The table name of the Redshift database.
redshiftSourceConfig_roleArn :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role providing access to the database.
redshiftSourceConfig_vpcConfiguration :: Lens' RedshiftSourceConfig VpcConfiguration Source #
Contains information about the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) configuration.
s3SourceConfig_templatedPathList :: Lens' S3SourceConfig (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of templated paths to the source files.
s3SourceConfig_historicalDataPathList :: Lens' S3SourceConfig (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of paths to the historical data files.
s3SourceConfig_fileFormatDescriptor :: Lens' S3SourceConfig (Maybe FileFormatDescriptor) Source #
Contains information about a source file's formatting.
s3SourceConfig_roleArn :: Lens' S3SourceConfig Text Source #
The ARN of an IAM role that has read and write access permissions to the source S3 bucket.
sNSConfiguration_roleArn :: Lens' SNSConfiguration Text Source #
The ARN of the IAM role that has access to the target SNS topic.
sNSConfiguration_snsTopicArn :: Lens' SNSConfiguration Text Source #
The ARN of the target SNS topic.
sampleDataS3SourceConfig_templatedPathList :: Lens' SampleDataS3SourceConfig (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
An array of strings containing the list of templated paths.
sampleDataS3SourceConfig_historicalDataPathList :: Lens' SampleDataS3SourceConfig (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
An array of strings containing the historical set of data paths.
sampleDataS3SourceConfig_roleArn :: Lens' SampleDataS3SourceConfig Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role.
sampleDataS3SourceConfig_fileFormatDescriptor :: Lens' SampleDataS3SourceConfig FileFormatDescriptor Source #
Undocumented member.
timeSeries_timeSeriesId :: Lens' TimeSeries Text Source #
The ID of the metric.
timeSeries_dimensionList :: Lens' TimeSeries [DimensionNameValue] Source #
The dimensions of the metric.
timeSeries_metricValueList :: Lens' TimeSeries [Double] Source #
The values for the metric.
timeSeriesFeedback_isAnomaly :: Lens' TimeSeriesFeedback (Maybe Bool) Source #
Feedback on whether the metric is a legitimate anomaly.
timeSeriesFeedback_timeSeriesId :: Lens' TimeSeriesFeedback (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the metric.
timestampColumn_columnFormat :: Lens' TimestampColumn (Maybe Text) Source #
The format of the timestamp column.
timestampColumn_columnName :: Lens' TimestampColumn (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the timestamp column.
vpcConfiguration_subnetIdList :: Lens' VpcConfiguration [Text] Source #
An array of strings containing the Amazon VPC subnet IDs (e.g.,
vpcConfiguration_securityGroupIdList :: Lens' VpcConfiguration [Text] Source #
An array of strings containing the list of security groups.