Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- ListLicenseManagerReportGenerators
- DeleteLicenseManagerReportGenerator
- UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator
- ListUsageForLicenseConfiguration
- CreateLicenseConfiguration
- CreateLicense
- ListLicenseConversionTasks
- ListResourceInventory
- DeleteToken
- DeleteLicenseConfiguration
- UpdateLicenseConfiguration
- CheckInLicense
- ListTokens
- ListTagsForResource
- CreateGrant
- UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResource
- CreateLicenseVersion
- GetLicense
- GetLicenseConfiguration
- ListReceivedGrants
- GetLicenseConversionTask
- GetLicenseUsage
- ExtendLicenseConsumption
- GetGrant
- CheckoutLicense
- CreateLicenseConversionTaskForResource
- AcceptGrant
- ListLicenseSpecificationsForResource
- CheckoutBorrowLicense
- GetServiceSettings
- RejectGrant
- UpdateServiceSettings
- ListDistributedGrants
- ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations
- DeleteGrant
- CreateToken
- DeleteLicense
- ListLicenses
- ListLicenseConfigurations
- ListReceivedLicenses
- CreateGrantVersion
- ListAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration
- TagResource
- ListLicenseVersions
- UntagResource
- GetLicenseManagerReportGenerator
- GetAccessToken
- CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator
- Types
- AutomatedDiscoveryInformation
- BorrowConfiguration
- ConsumedLicenseSummary
- ConsumptionConfiguration
- DatetimeRange
- Entitlement
- EntitlementData
- EntitlementUsage
- Filter
- Grant
- GrantedLicense
- InventoryFilter
- Issuer
- IssuerDetails
- License
- LicenseConfiguration
- LicenseConfigurationAssociation
- LicenseConfigurationUsage
- LicenseConversionContext
- LicenseConversionTask
- LicenseOperationFailure
- LicenseSpecification
- LicenseUsage
- ManagedResourceSummary
- Metadata
- OrganizationConfiguration
- ProductInformation
- ProductInformationFilter
- ProvisionalConfiguration
- ReceivedMetadata
- ReportContext
- ReportFrequency
- ReportGenerator
- ResourceInventory
- S3Location
- Tag
- TokenData
- listLicenseManagerReportGenerators_filters :: Lens' ListLicenseManagerReportGenerators (Maybe [Filter])
- listLicenseManagerReportGenerators_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseManagerReportGenerators (Maybe Text)
- listLicenseManagerReportGenerators_maxResults :: Lens' ListLicenseManagerReportGenerators (Maybe Natural)
- listLicenseManagerReportGeneratorsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseManagerReportGeneratorsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listLicenseManagerReportGeneratorsResponse_reportGenerators :: Lens' ListLicenseManagerReportGeneratorsResponse (Maybe [ReportGenerator])
- listLicenseManagerReportGeneratorsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLicenseManagerReportGeneratorsResponse Int
- deleteLicenseManagerReportGenerator_licenseManagerReportGeneratorArn :: Lens' DeleteLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text
- deleteLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse Int
- updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_description :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator (Maybe Text)
- updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_licenseManagerReportGeneratorArn :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text
- updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_reportGeneratorName :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text
- updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_type :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator [ReportType]
- updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_reportContext :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator ReportContext
- updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_reportFrequency :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator ReportFrequency
- updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_clientToken :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text
- updateLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse Int
- listUsageForLicenseConfiguration_filters :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfiguration (Maybe [Filter])
- listUsageForLicenseConfiguration_nextToken :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- listUsageForLicenseConfiguration_maxResults :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Int)
- listUsageForLicenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfiguration Text
- listUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- listUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseConfigurationUsageList :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [LicenseConfigurationUsage])
- listUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse Int
- createLicenseConfiguration_licenseCount :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Integer)
- createLicenseConfiguration_licenseCountHardLimit :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- createLicenseConfiguration_disassociateWhenNotFound :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- createLicenseConfiguration_productInformationList :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe [ProductInformation])
- createLicenseConfiguration_licenseRules :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe [Text])
- createLicenseConfiguration_description :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- createLicenseConfiguration_tags :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe [Tag])
- createLicenseConfiguration_name :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration Text
- createLicenseConfiguration_licenseCountingType :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration LicenseCountingType
- createLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- createLicenseConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfigurationResponse Int
- createLicense_licenseMetadata :: Lens' CreateLicense (Maybe [Metadata])
- createLicense_licenseName :: Lens' CreateLicense Text
- createLicense_productName :: Lens' CreateLicense Text
- createLicense_productSKU :: Lens' CreateLicense Text
- createLicense_issuer :: Lens' CreateLicense Issuer
- createLicense_homeRegion :: Lens' CreateLicense Text
- createLicense_validity :: Lens' CreateLicense DatetimeRange
- createLicense_entitlements :: Lens' CreateLicense [Entitlement]
- createLicense_beneficiary :: Lens' CreateLicense Text
- createLicense_consumptionConfiguration :: Lens' CreateLicense ConsumptionConfiguration
- createLicense_clientToken :: Lens' CreateLicense Text
- createLicenseResponse_status :: Lens' CreateLicenseResponse (Maybe LicenseStatus)
- createLicenseResponse_version :: Lens' CreateLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- createLicenseResponse_licenseArn :: Lens' CreateLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- createLicenseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLicenseResponse Int
- listLicenseConversionTasks_filters :: Lens' ListLicenseConversionTasks (Maybe [Filter])
- listLicenseConversionTasks_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseConversionTasks (Maybe Text)
- listLicenseConversionTasks_maxResults :: Lens' ListLicenseConversionTasks (Maybe Int)
- listLicenseConversionTasksResponse_licenseConversionTasks :: Lens' ListLicenseConversionTasksResponse (Maybe [LicenseConversionTask])
- listLicenseConversionTasksResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseConversionTasksResponse (Maybe Text)
- listLicenseConversionTasksResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLicenseConversionTasksResponse Int
- listResourceInventory_filters :: Lens' ListResourceInventory (Maybe [InventoryFilter])
- listResourceInventory_nextToken :: Lens' ListResourceInventory (Maybe Text)
- listResourceInventory_maxResults :: Lens' ListResourceInventory (Maybe Int)
- listResourceInventoryResponse_resourceInventoryList :: Lens' ListResourceInventoryResponse (Maybe [ResourceInventory])
- listResourceInventoryResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListResourceInventoryResponse (Maybe Text)
- listResourceInventoryResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListResourceInventoryResponse Int
- deleteToken_tokenId :: Lens' DeleteToken Text
- deleteTokenResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteTokenResponse Int
- deleteLicenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' DeleteLicenseConfiguration Text
- deleteLicenseConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLicenseConfigurationResponse Int
- updateLicenseConfiguration_licenseCount :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Integer)
- updateLicenseConfiguration_name :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- updateLicenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationStatus :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe LicenseConfigurationStatus)
- updateLicenseConfiguration_licenseCountHardLimit :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- updateLicenseConfiguration_disassociateWhenNotFound :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- updateLicenseConfiguration_productInformationList :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe [ProductInformation])
- updateLicenseConfiguration_licenseRules :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe [Text])
- updateLicenseConfiguration_description :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- updateLicenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration Text
- updateLicenseConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfigurationResponse Int
- checkInLicense_beneficiary :: Lens' CheckInLicense (Maybe Text)
- checkInLicense_licenseConsumptionToken :: Lens' CheckInLicense Text
- checkInLicenseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CheckInLicenseResponse Int
- listTokens_tokenIds :: Lens' ListTokens (Maybe [Text])
- listTokens_filters :: Lens' ListTokens (Maybe [Filter])
- listTokens_nextToken :: Lens' ListTokens (Maybe Text)
- listTokens_maxResults :: Lens' ListTokens (Maybe Natural)
- listTokensResponse_tokens :: Lens' ListTokensResponse (Maybe [TokenData])
- listTokensResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListTokensResponse (Maybe Text)
- listTokensResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTokensResponse Int
- listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe [Tag])
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- createGrant_clientToken :: Lens' CreateGrant Text
- createGrant_grantName :: Lens' CreateGrant Text
- createGrant_licenseArn :: Lens' CreateGrant Text
- createGrant_principals :: Lens' CreateGrant (NonEmpty Text)
- createGrant_homeRegion :: Lens' CreateGrant Text
- createGrant_allowedOperations :: Lens' CreateGrant (NonEmpty AllowedOperation)
- createGrantResponse_status :: Lens' CreateGrantResponse (Maybe GrantStatus)
- createGrantResponse_version :: Lens' CreateGrantResponse (Maybe Text)
- createGrantResponse_grantArn :: Lens' CreateGrantResponse (Maybe Text)
- createGrantResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateGrantResponse Int
- updateLicenseSpecificationsForResource_addLicenseSpecifications :: Lens' UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResource (Maybe [LicenseSpecification])
- updateLicenseSpecificationsForResource_removeLicenseSpecifications :: Lens' UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResource (Maybe [LicenseSpecification])
- updateLicenseSpecificationsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResource Text
- updateLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse Int
- createLicenseVersion_sourceVersion :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion (Maybe Text)
- createLicenseVersion_licenseMetadata :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion (Maybe [Metadata])
- createLicenseVersion_licenseArn :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion Text
- createLicenseVersion_licenseName :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion Text
- createLicenseVersion_productName :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion Text
- createLicenseVersion_issuer :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion Issuer
- createLicenseVersion_homeRegion :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion Text
- createLicenseVersion_validity :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion DatetimeRange
- createLicenseVersion_entitlements :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion [Entitlement]
- createLicenseVersion_consumptionConfiguration :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion ConsumptionConfiguration
- createLicenseVersion_status :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion LicenseStatus
- createLicenseVersion_clientToken :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion Text
- createLicenseVersionResponse_status :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersionResponse (Maybe LicenseStatus)
- createLicenseVersionResponse_version :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersionResponse (Maybe Text)
- createLicenseVersionResponse_licenseArn :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersionResponse (Maybe Text)
- createLicenseVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersionResponse Int
- getLicense_version :: Lens' GetLicense (Maybe Text)
- getLicense_licenseArn :: Lens' GetLicense Text
- getLicenseResponse_license :: Lens' GetLicenseResponse (Maybe License)
- getLicenseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLicenseResponse Int
- getLicenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' GetLicenseConfiguration Text
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_status :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_ownerAccountId :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_consumedLicenseSummaryList :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [ConsumedLicenseSummary])
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseCount :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Integer)
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_managedResourceSummaryList :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [ManagedResourceSummary])
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_name :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseCountHardLimit :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Bool)
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_disassociateWhenNotFound :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Bool)
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_productInformationList :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [ProductInformation])
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseCountingType :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe LicenseCountingType)
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_automatedDiscoveryInformation :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe AutomatedDiscoveryInformation)
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_consumedLicenses :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Integer)
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseRules :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [Text])
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseConfigurationId :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_description :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_tags :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [Tag])
- getLicenseConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse Int
- listReceivedGrants_filters :: Lens' ListReceivedGrants (Maybe [Filter])
- listReceivedGrants_nextToken :: Lens' ListReceivedGrants (Maybe Text)
- listReceivedGrants_grantArns :: Lens' ListReceivedGrants (Maybe [Text])
- listReceivedGrants_maxResults :: Lens' ListReceivedGrants (Maybe Natural)
- listReceivedGrantsResponse_grants :: Lens' ListReceivedGrantsResponse (Maybe [Grant])
- listReceivedGrantsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListReceivedGrantsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listReceivedGrantsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListReceivedGrantsResponse Int
- getLicenseConversionTask_licenseConversionTaskId :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTask Text
- getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_status :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe LicenseConversionTaskStatus)
- getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_startTime :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_destinationLicenseContext :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe LicenseConversionContext)
- getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_licenseConversionTaskId :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_resourceArn :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe Text)
- getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_endTime :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_licenseConversionTime :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_sourceLicenseContext :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe LicenseConversionContext)
- getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse Int
- getLicenseUsage_licenseArn :: Lens' GetLicenseUsage Text
- getLicenseUsageResponse_licenseUsage :: Lens' GetLicenseUsageResponse (Maybe LicenseUsage)
- getLicenseUsageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLicenseUsageResponse Int
- extendLicenseConsumption_dryRun :: Lens' ExtendLicenseConsumption (Maybe Bool)
- extendLicenseConsumption_licenseConsumptionToken :: Lens' ExtendLicenseConsumption Text
- extendLicenseConsumptionResponse_expiration :: Lens' ExtendLicenseConsumptionResponse (Maybe Text)
- extendLicenseConsumptionResponse_licenseConsumptionToken :: Lens' ExtendLicenseConsumptionResponse (Maybe Text)
- extendLicenseConsumptionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ExtendLicenseConsumptionResponse Int
- getGrant_version :: Lens' GetGrant (Maybe Text)
- getGrant_grantArn :: Lens' GetGrant Text
- getGrantResponse_grant :: Lens' GetGrantResponse (Maybe Grant)
- getGrantResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetGrantResponse Int
- checkoutLicense_nodeId :: Lens' CheckoutLicense (Maybe Text)
- checkoutLicense_beneficiary :: Lens' CheckoutLicense (Maybe Text)
- checkoutLicense_productSKU :: Lens' CheckoutLicense Text
- checkoutLicense_checkoutType :: Lens' CheckoutLicense CheckoutType
- checkoutLicense_keyFingerprint :: Lens' CheckoutLicense Text
- checkoutLicense_entitlements :: Lens' CheckoutLicense [EntitlementData]
- checkoutLicense_clientToken :: Lens' CheckoutLicense Text
- checkoutLicenseResponse_entitlementsAllowed :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe [EntitlementData])
- checkoutLicenseResponse_checkoutType :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe CheckoutType)
- checkoutLicenseResponse_expiration :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- checkoutLicenseResponse_signedToken :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- checkoutLicenseResponse_licenseConsumptionToken :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- checkoutLicenseResponse_nodeId :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- checkoutLicenseResponse_issuedAt :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- checkoutLicenseResponse_licenseArn :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- checkoutLicenseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse Int
- createLicenseConversionTaskForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' CreateLicenseConversionTaskForResource Text
- createLicenseConversionTaskForResource_sourceLicenseContext :: Lens' CreateLicenseConversionTaskForResource LicenseConversionContext
- createLicenseConversionTaskForResource_destinationLicenseContext :: Lens' CreateLicenseConversionTaskForResource LicenseConversionContext
- createLicenseConversionTaskForResourceResponse_licenseConversionTaskId :: Lens' CreateLicenseConversionTaskForResourceResponse (Maybe Text)
- createLicenseConversionTaskForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLicenseConversionTaskForResourceResponse Int
- acceptGrant_grantArn :: Lens' AcceptGrant Text
- acceptGrantResponse_status :: Lens' AcceptGrantResponse (Maybe GrantStatus)
- acceptGrantResponse_version :: Lens' AcceptGrantResponse (Maybe Text)
- acceptGrantResponse_grantArn :: Lens' AcceptGrantResponse (Maybe Text)
- acceptGrantResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AcceptGrantResponse Int
- listLicenseSpecificationsForResource_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseSpecificationsForResource (Maybe Text)
- listLicenseSpecificationsForResource_maxResults :: Lens' ListLicenseSpecificationsForResource (Maybe Int)
- listLicenseSpecificationsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListLicenseSpecificationsForResource Text
- listLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse_licenseSpecifications :: Lens' ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse (Maybe [LicenseSpecification])
- listLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse (Maybe Text)
- listLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse Int
- checkoutBorrowLicense_checkoutMetadata :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicense (Maybe [Metadata])
- checkoutBorrowLicense_nodeId :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicense (Maybe Text)
- checkoutBorrowLicense_licenseArn :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicense Text
- checkoutBorrowLicense_entitlements :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicense [EntitlementData]
- checkoutBorrowLicense_digitalSignatureMethod :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicense DigitalSignatureMethod
- checkoutBorrowLicense_clientToken :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicense Text
- checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_entitlementsAllowed :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe [EntitlementData])
- checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_checkoutMetadata :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe [Metadata])
- checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_expiration :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_signedToken :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_licenseConsumptionToken :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_nodeId :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_issuedAt :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_licenseArn :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse Int
- getServiceSettingsResponse_enableCrossAccountsDiscovery :: Lens' GetServiceSettingsResponse (Maybe Bool)
- getServiceSettingsResponse_snsTopicArn :: Lens' GetServiceSettingsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getServiceSettingsResponse_licenseManagerResourceShareArn :: Lens' GetServiceSettingsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getServiceSettingsResponse_s3BucketArn :: Lens' GetServiceSettingsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getServiceSettingsResponse_organizationConfiguration :: Lens' GetServiceSettingsResponse (Maybe OrganizationConfiguration)
- getServiceSettingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetServiceSettingsResponse Int
- rejectGrant_grantArn :: Lens' RejectGrant Text
- rejectGrantResponse_status :: Lens' RejectGrantResponse (Maybe GrantStatus)
- rejectGrantResponse_version :: Lens' RejectGrantResponse (Maybe Text)
- rejectGrantResponse_grantArn :: Lens' RejectGrantResponse (Maybe Text)
- rejectGrantResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RejectGrantResponse Int
- updateServiceSettings_enableCrossAccountsDiscovery :: Lens' UpdateServiceSettings (Maybe Bool)
- updateServiceSettings_snsTopicArn :: Lens' UpdateServiceSettings (Maybe Text)
- updateServiceSettings_s3BucketArn :: Lens' UpdateServiceSettings (Maybe Text)
- updateServiceSettings_organizationConfiguration :: Lens' UpdateServiceSettings (Maybe OrganizationConfiguration)
- updateServiceSettingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateServiceSettingsResponse Int
- listDistributedGrants_filters :: Lens' ListDistributedGrants (Maybe [Filter])
- listDistributedGrants_nextToken :: Lens' ListDistributedGrants (Maybe Text)
- listDistributedGrants_grantArns :: Lens' ListDistributedGrants (Maybe [Text])
- listDistributedGrants_maxResults :: Lens' ListDistributedGrants (Maybe Natural)
- listDistributedGrantsResponse_grants :: Lens' ListDistributedGrantsResponse (Maybe [Grant])
- listDistributedGrantsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDistributedGrantsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listDistributedGrantsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDistributedGrantsResponse Int
- listFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations_nextToken :: Lens' ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations (Maybe Text)
- listFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations_maxResults :: Lens' ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations (Maybe Int)
- listFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations Text
- listFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperationsResponse_licenseOperationFailureList :: Lens' ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperationsResponse (Maybe [LicenseOperationFailure])
- listFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperationsResponse Int
- deleteGrant_statusReason :: Lens' DeleteGrant (Maybe Text)
- deleteGrant_grantArn :: Lens' DeleteGrant Text
- deleteGrant_version :: Lens' DeleteGrant Text
- deleteGrantResponse_status :: Lens' DeleteGrantResponse (Maybe GrantStatus)
- deleteGrantResponse_version :: Lens' DeleteGrantResponse (Maybe Text)
- deleteGrantResponse_grantArn :: Lens' DeleteGrantResponse (Maybe Text)
- deleteGrantResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteGrantResponse Int
- createToken_tokenProperties :: Lens' CreateToken (Maybe [Text])
- createToken_roleArns :: Lens' CreateToken (Maybe [Text])
- createToken_expirationInDays :: Lens' CreateToken (Maybe Int)
- createToken_licenseArn :: Lens' CreateToken Text
- createToken_clientToken :: Lens' CreateToken Text
- createTokenResponse_token :: Lens' CreateTokenResponse (Maybe Text)
- createTokenResponse_tokenId :: Lens' CreateTokenResponse (Maybe Text)
- createTokenResponse_tokenType :: Lens' CreateTokenResponse (Maybe TokenType)
- createTokenResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateTokenResponse Int
- deleteLicense_licenseArn :: Lens' DeleteLicense Text
- deleteLicense_sourceVersion :: Lens' DeleteLicense Text
- deleteLicenseResponse_status :: Lens' DeleteLicenseResponse (Maybe LicenseDeletionStatus)
- deleteLicenseResponse_deletionDate :: Lens' DeleteLicenseResponse (Maybe Text)
- deleteLicenseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLicenseResponse Int
- listLicenses_filters :: Lens' ListLicenses (Maybe [Filter])
- listLicenses_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenses (Maybe Text)
- listLicenses_licenseArns :: Lens' ListLicenses (Maybe [Text])
- listLicenses_maxResults :: Lens' ListLicenses (Maybe Natural)
- listLicensesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicensesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listLicensesResponse_licenses :: Lens' ListLicensesResponse (Maybe [License])
- listLicensesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLicensesResponse Int
- listLicenseConfigurations_filters :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurations (Maybe [Filter])
- listLicenseConfigurations_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurations (Maybe Text)
- listLicenseConfigurations_licenseConfigurationArns :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurations (Maybe [Text])
- listLicenseConfigurations_maxResults :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurations (Maybe Int)
- listLicenseConfigurationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listLicenseConfigurationsResponse_licenseConfigurations :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurationsResponse (Maybe [LicenseConfiguration])
- listLicenseConfigurationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurationsResponse Int
- listReceivedLicenses_filters :: Lens' ListReceivedLicenses (Maybe [Filter])
- listReceivedLicenses_nextToken :: Lens' ListReceivedLicenses (Maybe Text)
- listReceivedLicenses_licenseArns :: Lens' ListReceivedLicenses (Maybe [Text])
- listReceivedLicenses_maxResults :: Lens' ListReceivedLicenses (Maybe Natural)
- listReceivedLicensesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListReceivedLicensesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listReceivedLicensesResponse_licenses :: Lens' ListReceivedLicensesResponse (Maybe [GrantedLicense])
- listReceivedLicensesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListReceivedLicensesResponse Int
- createGrantVersion_status :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion (Maybe GrantStatus)
- createGrantVersion_allowedOperations :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion (Maybe (NonEmpty AllowedOperation))
- createGrantVersion_grantName :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion (Maybe Text)
- createGrantVersion_sourceVersion :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion (Maybe Text)
- createGrantVersion_statusReason :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion (Maybe Text)
- createGrantVersion_clientToken :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion Text
- createGrantVersion_grantArn :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion Text
- createGrantVersionResponse_status :: Lens' CreateGrantVersionResponse (Maybe GrantStatus)
- createGrantVersionResponse_version :: Lens' CreateGrantVersionResponse (Maybe Text)
- createGrantVersionResponse_grantArn :: Lens' CreateGrantVersionResponse (Maybe Text)
- createGrantVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateGrantVersionResponse Int
- listAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- listAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration_maxResults :: Lens' ListAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Int)
- listAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' ListAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration Text
- listAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseConfigurationAssociations :: Lens' ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [LicenseConfigurationAssociation])
- listAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- listAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse Int
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource [Tag]
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- listLicenseVersions_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseVersions (Maybe Text)
- listLicenseVersions_maxResults :: Lens' ListLicenseVersions (Maybe Natural)
- listLicenseVersions_licenseArn :: Lens' ListLicenseVersions Text
- listLicenseVersionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseVersionsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listLicenseVersionsResponse_licenses :: Lens' ListLicenseVersionsResponse (Maybe [License])
- listLicenseVersionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLicenseVersionsResponse Int
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text]
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- getLicenseManagerReportGenerator_licenseManagerReportGeneratorArn :: Lens' GetLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text
- getLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse_reportGenerator :: Lens' GetLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse (Maybe ReportGenerator)
- getLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse Int
- getAccessToken_tokenProperties :: Lens' GetAccessToken (Maybe [Text])
- getAccessToken_token :: Lens' GetAccessToken Text
- getAccessTokenResponse_accessToken :: Lens' GetAccessTokenResponse (Maybe Text)
- getAccessTokenResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAccessTokenResponse Int
- createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_description :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator (Maybe Text)
- createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_tags :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator (Maybe [Tag])
- createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_reportGeneratorName :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text
- createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_type :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator [ReportType]
- createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_reportContext :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator ReportContext
- createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_reportFrequency :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator ReportFrequency
- createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_clientToken :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text
- createLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse_licenseManagerReportGeneratorArn :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse (Maybe Text)
- createLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse Int
- automatedDiscoveryInformation_lastRunTime :: Lens' AutomatedDiscoveryInformation (Maybe UTCTime)
- borrowConfiguration_allowEarlyCheckIn :: Lens' BorrowConfiguration Bool
- borrowConfiguration_maxTimeToLiveInMinutes :: Lens' BorrowConfiguration Int
- consumedLicenseSummary_resourceType :: Lens' ConsumedLicenseSummary (Maybe ResourceType)
- consumedLicenseSummary_consumedLicenses :: Lens' ConsumedLicenseSummary (Maybe Integer)
- consumptionConfiguration_borrowConfiguration :: Lens' ConsumptionConfiguration (Maybe BorrowConfiguration)
- consumptionConfiguration_provisionalConfiguration :: Lens' ConsumptionConfiguration (Maybe ProvisionalConfiguration)
- consumptionConfiguration_renewType :: Lens' ConsumptionConfiguration (Maybe RenewType)
- datetimeRange_end :: Lens' DatetimeRange (Maybe Text)
- datetimeRange_begin :: Lens' DatetimeRange Text
- entitlement_maxCount :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Integer)
- entitlement_value :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Text)
- entitlement_overage :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Bool)
- entitlement_allowCheckIn :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Bool)
- entitlement_name :: Lens' Entitlement Text
- entitlement_unit :: Lens' Entitlement EntitlementUnit
- entitlementData_value :: Lens' EntitlementData (Maybe Text)
- entitlementData_name :: Lens' EntitlementData Text
- entitlementData_unit :: Lens' EntitlementData EntitlementDataUnit
- entitlementUsage_maxCount :: Lens' EntitlementUsage (Maybe Text)
- entitlementUsage_name :: Lens' EntitlementUsage Text
- entitlementUsage_consumedValue :: Lens' EntitlementUsage Text
- entitlementUsage_unit :: Lens' EntitlementUsage EntitlementDataUnit
- filter_values :: Lens' Filter (Maybe [Text])
- filter_name :: Lens' Filter (Maybe Text)
- grant_statusReason :: Lens' Grant (Maybe Text)
- grant_grantArn :: Lens' Grant Text
- grant_grantName :: Lens' Grant Text
- grant_parentArn :: Lens' Grant Text
- grant_licenseArn :: Lens' Grant Text
- grant_granteePrincipalArn :: Lens' Grant Text
- grant_homeRegion :: Lens' Grant Text
- grant_grantStatus :: Lens' Grant GrantStatus
- grant_version :: Lens' Grant Text
- grant_grantedOperations :: Lens' Grant (NonEmpty AllowedOperation)
- grantedLicense_status :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe LicenseStatus)
- grantedLicense_productName :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text)
- grantedLicense_licenseName :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text)
- grantedLicense_productSKU :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text)
- grantedLicense_homeRegion :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text)
- grantedLicense_receivedMetadata :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe ReceivedMetadata)
- grantedLicense_version :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text)
- grantedLicense_entitlements :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe [Entitlement])
- grantedLicense_validity :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe DatetimeRange)
- grantedLicense_consumptionConfiguration :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe ConsumptionConfiguration)
- grantedLicense_beneficiary :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text)
- grantedLicense_issuer :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe IssuerDetails)
- grantedLicense_licenseArn :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text)
- grantedLicense_licenseMetadata :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe [Metadata])
- grantedLicense_createTime :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text)
- inventoryFilter_value :: Lens' InventoryFilter (Maybe Text)
- inventoryFilter_name :: Lens' InventoryFilter Text
- inventoryFilter_condition :: Lens' InventoryFilter InventoryFilterCondition
- issuer_signKey :: Lens' Issuer (Maybe Text)
- issuer_name :: Lens' Issuer Text
- issuerDetails_keyFingerprint :: Lens' IssuerDetails (Maybe Text)
- issuerDetails_signKey :: Lens' IssuerDetails (Maybe Text)
- issuerDetails_name :: Lens' IssuerDetails (Maybe Text)
- license_status :: Lens' License (Maybe LicenseStatus)
- license_productName :: Lens' License (Maybe Text)
- license_licenseName :: Lens' License (Maybe Text)
- license_productSKU :: Lens' License (Maybe Text)
- license_homeRegion :: Lens' License (Maybe Text)
- license_version :: Lens' License (Maybe Text)
- license_entitlements :: Lens' License (Maybe [Entitlement])
- license_validity :: Lens' License (Maybe DatetimeRange)
- license_consumptionConfiguration :: Lens' License (Maybe ConsumptionConfiguration)
- license_beneficiary :: Lens' License (Maybe Text)
- license_issuer :: Lens' License (Maybe IssuerDetails)
- license_licenseArn :: Lens' License (Maybe Text)
- license_licenseMetadata :: Lens' License (Maybe [Metadata])
- license_createTime :: Lens' License (Maybe Text)
- licenseConfiguration_status :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- licenseConfiguration_ownerAccountId :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- licenseConfiguration_consumedLicenseSummaryList :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe [ConsumedLicenseSummary])
- licenseConfiguration_licenseCount :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Integer)
- licenseConfiguration_managedResourceSummaryList :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe [ManagedResourceSummary])
- licenseConfiguration_name :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- licenseConfiguration_licenseCountHardLimit :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- licenseConfiguration_disassociateWhenNotFound :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- licenseConfiguration_productInformationList :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe [ProductInformation])
- licenseConfiguration_licenseCountingType :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe LicenseCountingType)
- licenseConfiguration_automatedDiscoveryInformation :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe AutomatedDiscoveryInformation)
- licenseConfiguration_consumedLicenses :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Integer)
- licenseConfiguration_licenseRules :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe [Text])
- licenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationId :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- licenseConfiguration_description :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- licenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- licenseConfigurationAssociation_resourceType :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationAssociation (Maybe ResourceType)
- licenseConfigurationAssociation_amiAssociationScope :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationAssociation (Maybe Text)
- licenseConfigurationAssociation_associationTime :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationAssociation (Maybe UTCTime)
- licenseConfigurationAssociation_resourceArn :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationAssociation (Maybe Text)
- licenseConfigurationAssociation_resourceOwnerId :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationAssociation (Maybe Text)
- licenseConfigurationUsage_resourceType :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationUsage (Maybe ResourceType)
- licenseConfigurationUsage_resourceStatus :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationUsage (Maybe Text)
- licenseConfigurationUsage_associationTime :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationUsage (Maybe UTCTime)
- licenseConfigurationUsage_resourceArn :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationUsage (Maybe Text)
- licenseConfigurationUsage_consumedLicenses :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationUsage (Maybe Integer)
- licenseConfigurationUsage_resourceOwnerId :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationUsage (Maybe Text)
- licenseConversionContext_usageOperation :: Lens' LicenseConversionContext (Maybe Text)
- licenseConversionTask_status :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe LicenseConversionTaskStatus)
- licenseConversionTask_startTime :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe UTCTime)
- licenseConversionTask_destinationLicenseContext :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe LicenseConversionContext)
- licenseConversionTask_licenseConversionTaskId :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe Text)
- licenseConversionTask_resourceArn :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe Text)
- licenseConversionTask_statusMessage :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe Text)
- licenseConversionTask_endTime :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe UTCTime)
- licenseConversionTask_licenseConversionTime :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe UTCTime)
- licenseConversionTask_sourceLicenseContext :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe LicenseConversionContext)
- licenseOperationFailure_resourceType :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe ResourceType)
- licenseOperationFailure_operationRequestedBy :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe Text)
- licenseOperationFailure_resourceArn :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe Text)
- licenseOperationFailure_metadataList :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe [Metadata])
- licenseOperationFailure_operationName :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe Text)
- licenseOperationFailure_failureTime :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe UTCTime)
- licenseOperationFailure_errorMessage :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe Text)
- licenseOperationFailure_resourceOwnerId :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe Text)
- licenseSpecification_amiAssociationScope :: Lens' LicenseSpecification (Maybe Text)
- licenseSpecification_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' LicenseSpecification Text
- licenseUsage_entitlementUsages :: Lens' LicenseUsage (Maybe [EntitlementUsage])
- managedResourceSummary_associationCount :: Lens' ManagedResourceSummary (Maybe Integer)
- managedResourceSummary_resourceType :: Lens' ManagedResourceSummary (Maybe ResourceType)
- metadata_value :: Lens' Metadata (Maybe Text)
- metadata_name :: Lens' Metadata (Maybe Text)
- organizationConfiguration_enableIntegration :: Lens' OrganizationConfiguration Bool
- productInformation_resourceType :: Lens' ProductInformation Text
- productInformation_productInformationFilterList :: Lens' ProductInformation [ProductInformationFilter]
- productInformationFilter_productInformationFilterValue :: Lens' ProductInformationFilter (Maybe [Text])
- productInformationFilter_productInformationFilterName :: Lens' ProductInformationFilter Text
- productInformationFilter_productInformationFilterComparator :: Lens' ProductInformationFilter Text
- provisionalConfiguration_maxTimeToLiveInMinutes :: Lens' ProvisionalConfiguration Int
- receivedMetadata_receivedStatus :: Lens' ReceivedMetadata (Maybe ReceivedStatus)
- receivedMetadata_allowedOperations :: Lens' ReceivedMetadata (Maybe (NonEmpty AllowedOperation))
- receivedMetadata_receivedStatusReason :: Lens' ReceivedMetadata (Maybe Text)
- reportContext_licenseConfigurationArns :: Lens' ReportContext [Text]
- reportFrequency_period :: Lens' ReportFrequency (Maybe ReportFrequencyType)
- reportFrequency_value :: Lens' ReportFrequency (Maybe Int)
- reportGenerator_lastReportGenerationTime :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text)
- reportGenerator_lastRunFailureReason :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text)
- reportGenerator_lastRunStatus :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text)
- reportGenerator_reportGeneratorName :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text)
- reportGenerator_reportFrequency :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe ReportFrequency)
- reportGenerator_s3Location :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe S3Location)
- reportGenerator_licenseManagerReportGeneratorArn :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text)
- reportGenerator_reportCreatorAccount :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text)
- reportGenerator_description :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text)
- reportGenerator_reportType :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe [ReportType])
- reportGenerator_createTime :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text)
- reportGenerator_tags :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe [Tag])
- reportGenerator_reportContext :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe ReportContext)
- resourceInventory_platform :: Lens' ResourceInventory (Maybe Text)
- resourceInventory_resourceId :: Lens' ResourceInventory (Maybe Text)
- resourceInventory_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceInventory (Maybe ResourceType)
- resourceInventory_platformVersion :: Lens' ResourceInventory (Maybe Text)
- resourceInventory_resourceArn :: Lens' ResourceInventory (Maybe Text)
- resourceInventory_resourceOwningAccountId :: Lens' ResourceInventory (Maybe Text)
- s3Location_bucket :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Text)
- s3Location_keyPrefix :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Text)
- tag_value :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text)
- tag_key :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text)
- tokenData_status :: Lens' TokenData (Maybe Text)
- tokenData_tokenId :: Lens' TokenData (Maybe Text)
- tokenData_tokenProperties :: Lens' TokenData (Maybe [Text])
- tokenData_roleArns :: Lens' TokenData (Maybe [Text])
- tokenData_tokenType :: Lens' TokenData (Maybe Text)
- tokenData_expirationTime :: Lens' TokenData (Maybe Text)
- tokenData_licenseArn :: Lens' TokenData (Maybe Text)
listLicenseManagerReportGenerators_filters :: Lens' ListLicenseManagerReportGenerators (Maybe [Filter]) Source #
Filters to scope the results. The following filters are supported:
listLicenseManagerReportGenerators_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseManagerReportGenerators (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listLicenseManagerReportGenerators_maxResults :: Lens' ListLicenseManagerReportGenerators (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listLicenseManagerReportGeneratorsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseManagerReportGeneratorsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listLicenseManagerReportGeneratorsResponse_reportGenerators :: Lens' ListLicenseManagerReportGeneratorsResponse (Maybe [ReportGenerator]) Source #
A report generator that creates periodic reports about your license configurations.
listLicenseManagerReportGeneratorsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLicenseManagerReportGeneratorsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteLicenseManagerReportGenerator_licenseManagerReportGeneratorArn :: Lens' DeleteLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the report generator to be deleted.
deleteLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_description :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator (Maybe Text) Source #
Description of the report generator.
updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_licenseManagerReportGeneratorArn :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the report generator to update.
updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_reportGeneratorName :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text Source #
Name of the report generator.
updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_type :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator [ReportType] Source #
Type of reports to generate. The following report types are supported:
- License configuration report - Reports the number and details of consumed licenses for a license configuration.
- Resource report - Reports the tracked licenses and resource consumption for a license configuration.
updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_reportContext :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator ReportContext Source #
The report context.
updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_reportFrequency :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator ReportFrequency Source #
Frequency by which reports are generated.
updateLicenseManagerReportGenerator_clientToken :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text Source #
Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.
updateLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listUsageForLicenseConfiguration_filters :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfiguration (Maybe [Filter]) Source #
Filters to scope the results. The following filters and logical operators are supported:
- The ARN of the license configuration resource. Logical operators areEQUALS
- The resource type (EC2_INSTANCE
). Logical operators areEQUALS
- The ID of the account that owns the resource. Logical operators areEQUALS
listUsageForLicenseConfiguration_nextToken :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listUsageForLicenseConfiguration_maxResults :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Int) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listUsageForLicenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfiguration Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration.
listUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseConfigurationUsageList :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [LicenseConfigurationUsage]) Source #
Information about the license configurations.
listUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createLicenseConfiguration_licenseCount :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Integer) Source #
Number of licenses managed by the license configuration.
createLicenseConfiguration_licenseCountHardLimit :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether hard or soft license enforcement is used. Exceeding a hard limit blocks the launch of new instances.
createLicenseConfiguration_disassociateWhenNotFound :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
When true, disassociates a resource when software is uninstalled.
createLicenseConfiguration_productInformationList :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe [ProductInformation]) Source #
Product information.
createLicenseConfiguration_licenseRules :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe [Text]) Source #
License rules. The syntax is #name=value (for example, #allowedTenancy=EC2-DedicatedHost). The available rules vary by dimension, as follows.
The unit for licenseAffinityToHost
is days and the range is 1 to 180.
The possible values for allowedTenancy
are EC2-Default
, and EC2-DedicatedInstance
. The possible values
for honorVcpuOptimization
are True
and False
createLicenseConfiguration_description :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
Description of the license configuration.
createLicenseConfiguration_tags :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
Tags to add to the license configuration.
createLicenseConfiguration_name :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration Text Source #
Name of the license configuration.
createLicenseConfiguration_licenseCountingType :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfiguration LicenseCountingType Source #
Dimension used to track the license inventory.
createLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration.
createLicenseConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLicenseConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createLicense_licenseMetadata :: Lens' CreateLicense (Maybe [Metadata]) Source #
Information about the license.
createLicense_licenseName :: Lens' CreateLicense Text Source #
License name.
createLicense_productName :: Lens' CreateLicense Text Source #
Product name.
createLicense_productSKU :: Lens' CreateLicense Text Source #
Product SKU.
createLicense_issuer :: Lens' CreateLicense Issuer Source #
License issuer.
createLicense_homeRegion :: Lens' CreateLicense Text Source #
Home Region for the license.
createLicense_validity :: Lens' CreateLicense DatetimeRange Source #
Date and time range during which the license is valid, in ISO8601-UTC format.
createLicense_entitlements :: Lens' CreateLicense [Entitlement] Source #
License entitlements.
createLicense_beneficiary :: Lens' CreateLicense Text Source #
License beneficiary.
createLicense_consumptionConfiguration :: Lens' CreateLicense ConsumptionConfiguration Source #
Configuration for consumption of the license. Choose a provisional configuration for workloads running with continuous connectivity. Choose a borrow configuration for workloads with offline usage.
createLicense_clientToken :: Lens' CreateLicense Text Source #
Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.
createLicenseResponse_status :: Lens' CreateLicenseResponse (Maybe LicenseStatus) Source #
License status.
createLicenseResponse_version :: Lens' CreateLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
License version.
createLicenseResponse_licenseArn :: Lens' CreateLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license.
createLicenseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLicenseResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listLicenseConversionTasks_filters :: Lens' ListLicenseConversionTasks (Maybe [Filter]) Source #
Filters to scope the results. Valid filters are ResourceArns
listLicenseConversionTasks_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseConversionTasks (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listLicenseConversionTasks_maxResults :: Lens' ListLicenseConversionTasks (Maybe Int) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listLicenseConversionTasksResponse_licenseConversionTasks :: Lens' ListLicenseConversionTasksResponse (Maybe [LicenseConversionTask]) Source #
Information about the license configuration tasks for your account.
listLicenseConversionTasksResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseConversionTasksResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listLicenseConversionTasksResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLicenseConversionTasksResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listResourceInventory_filters :: Lens' ListResourceInventory (Maybe [InventoryFilter]) Source #
Filters to scope the results. The following filters and logical operators are supported:
- The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the resource. Logical operators areEQUALS
- The name of the application. Logical operators areEQUALS
- The type of license included. Logical operators areEQUALS
. Possible values aresql-server-enterprise
- The platform of the resource. Logical operators areEQUALS
- The ID of the resource. Logical operators areEQUALS
- The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource. Logical operators areEQUALS
(single account) orEQUALS
(cross account).
listResourceInventory_nextToken :: Lens' ListResourceInventory (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listResourceInventory_maxResults :: Lens' ListResourceInventory (Maybe Int) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listResourceInventoryResponse_resourceInventoryList :: Lens' ListResourceInventoryResponse (Maybe [ResourceInventory]) Source #
Information about the resources.
listResourceInventoryResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListResourceInventoryResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listResourceInventoryResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListResourceInventoryResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteToken_tokenId :: Lens' DeleteToken Text Source #
Token ID.
deleteTokenResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteTokenResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteLicenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' DeleteLicenseConfiguration Text Source #
ID of the license configuration.
deleteLicenseConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLicenseConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateLicenseConfiguration_licenseCount :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Integer) Source #
New number of licenses managed by the license configuration.
updateLicenseConfiguration_name :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
New name of the license configuration.
updateLicenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationStatus :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe LicenseConfigurationStatus) Source #
New status of the license configuration.
updateLicenseConfiguration_licenseCountHardLimit :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
New hard limit of the number of available licenses.
updateLicenseConfiguration_disassociateWhenNotFound :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
When true, disassociates a resource when software is uninstalled.
updateLicenseConfiguration_productInformationList :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe [ProductInformation]) Source #
New product information.
updateLicenseConfiguration_licenseRules :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe [Text]) Source #
New license rule. The only rule that you can add after you create a license configuration is licenseAffinityToHost.
updateLicenseConfiguration_description :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
New description of the license configuration.
updateLicenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfiguration Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration.
updateLicenseConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLicenseConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
checkInLicense_beneficiary :: Lens' CheckInLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
License beneficiary.
checkInLicense_licenseConsumptionToken :: Lens' CheckInLicense Text Source #
License consumption token.
checkInLicenseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CheckInLicenseResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTokens_tokenIds :: Lens' ListTokens (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Token IDs.
listTokens_filters :: Lens' ListTokens (Maybe [Filter]) Source #
Filters to scope the results. The following filter is supported:
listTokens_nextToken :: Lens' ListTokens (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listTokens_maxResults :: Lens' ListTokens (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listTokensResponse_tokens :: Lens' ListTokensResponse (Maybe [TokenData]) Source #
Received token details.
listTokensResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListTokensResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listTokensResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTokensResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
Information about the tags.
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createGrant_clientToken :: Lens' CreateGrant Text Source #
Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.
createGrant_grantName :: Lens' CreateGrant Text Source #
Grant name.
createGrant_licenseArn :: Lens' CreateGrant Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license.
createGrant_principals :: Lens' CreateGrant (NonEmpty Text) Source #
The grant principals.
createGrant_homeRegion :: Lens' CreateGrant Text Source #
Home Region of the grant.
createGrant_allowedOperations :: Lens' CreateGrant (NonEmpty AllowedOperation) Source #
Allowed operations for the grant.
createGrantResponse_status :: Lens' CreateGrantResponse (Maybe GrantStatus) Source #
Grant status.
createGrantResponse_version :: Lens' CreateGrantResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Grant version.
createGrantResponse_grantArn :: Lens' CreateGrantResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Grant ARN.
createGrantResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateGrantResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateLicenseSpecificationsForResource_addLicenseSpecifications :: Lens' UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResource (Maybe [LicenseSpecification]) Source #
ARNs of the license configurations to add.
updateLicenseSpecificationsForResource_removeLicenseSpecifications :: Lens' UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResource (Maybe [LicenseSpecification]) Source #
ARNs of the license configurations to remove.
updateLicenseSpecificationsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResource Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services resource.
updateLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createLicenseVersion_sourceVersion :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
Current version of the license.
createLicenseVersion_licenseMetadata :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion (Maybe [Metadata]) Source #
Information about the license.
createLicenseVersion_licenseArn :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license.
createLicenseVersion_licenseName :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion Text Source #
License name.
createLicenseVersion_productName :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion Text Source #
Product name.
createLicenseVersion_issuer :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion Issuer Source #
License issuer.
createLicenseVersion_homeRegion :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion Text Source #
Home Region of the license.
createLicenseVersion_validity :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion DatetimeRange Source #
Date and time range during which the license is valid, in ISO8601-UTC format.
createLicenseVersion_entitlements :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion [Entitlement] Source #
License entitlements.
createLicenseVersion_consumptionConfiguration :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion ConsumptionConfiguration Source #
Configuration for consumption of the license. Choose a provisional configuration for workloads running with continuous connectivity. Choose a borrow configuration for workloads with offline usage.
createLicenseVersion_status :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion LicenseStatus Source #
License status.
createLicenseVersion_clientToken :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersion Text Source #
Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.
createLicenseVersionResponse_status :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersionResponse (Maybe LicenseStatus) Source #
License status.
createLicenseVersionResponse_version :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
New version of the license.
createLicenseVersionResponse_licenseArn :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
License ARN.
createLicenseVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLicenseVersionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getLicense_version :: Lens' GetLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
License version.
getLicense_licenseArn :: Lens' GetLicense Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license.
getLicenseResponse_license :: Lens' GetLicenseResponse (Maybe License) Source #
License details.
getLicenseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLicenseResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getLicenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' GetLicenseConfiguration Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_status :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
License configuration status.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_ownerAccountId :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Account ID of the owner of the license configuration.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_consumedLicenseSummaryList :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [ConsumedLicenseSummary]) Source #
Summaries of the licenses consumed by resources.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseCount :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Integer) Source #
Number of available licenses.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_managedResourceSummaryList :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [ManagedResourceSummary]) Source #
Summaries of the managed resources.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_name :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of the license configuration.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseCountHardLimit :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Bool) Source #
Sets the number of available licenses as a hard limit.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_disassociateWhenNotFound :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Bool) Source #
When true, disassociates a resource when software is uninstalled.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_productInformationList :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [ProductInformation]) Source #
Product information.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseCountingType :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe LicenseCountingType) Source #
Dimension for which the licenses are counted.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_automatedDiscoveryInformation :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe AutomatedDiscoveryInformation) Source #
Automated discovery information.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_consumedLicenses :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Integer) Source #
Number of licenses assigned to resources.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseRules :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
License rules.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseConfigurationId :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Unique ID for the license configuration.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_description :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Description of the license configuration.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_tags :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
Tags for the license configuration.
getLicenseConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLicenseConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listReceivedGrants_filters :: Lens' ListReceivedGrants (Maybe [Filter]) Source #
Filters to scope the results. The following filters are supported:
listReceivedGrants_nextToken :: Lens' ListReceivedGrants (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listReceivedGrants_grantArns :: Lens' ListReceivedGrants (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the grants.
listReceivedGrants_maxResults :: Lens' ListReceivedGrants (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listReceivedGrantsResponse_grants :: Lens' ListReceivedGrantsResponse (Maybe [Grant]) Source #
Received grant details.
listReceivedGrantsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListReceivedGrantsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listReceivedGrantsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListReceivedGrantsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getLicenseConversionTask_licenseConversionTaskId :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTask Text Source #
ID of the license type conversion task to retrieve information on.
getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_status :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe LicenseConversionTaskStatus) Source #
Status of the license type conversion task.
getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_startTime :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Time at which the license type conversion task was started .
getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_destinationLicenseContext :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe LicenseConversionContext) Source #
Information about the license type converted to.
getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_licenseConversionTaskId :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
ID of the license type conversion task.
getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_resourceArn :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the resources the license conversion task is associated with.
getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_statusMessage :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The status message for the conversion task.
getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_endTime :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Time at which the license type conversion task was completed.
getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_licenseConversionTime :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Amount of time to complete the license type conversion.
getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_sourceLicenseContext :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse (Maybe LicenseConversionContext) Source #
Information about the license type converted from.
getLicenseConversionTaskResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLicenseConversionTaskResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getLicenseUsage_licenseArn :: Lens' GetLicenseUsage Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license.
getLicenseUsageResponse_licenseUsage :: Lens' GetLicenseUsageResponse (Maybe LicenseUsage) Source #
License usage details.
getLicenseUsageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLicenseUsageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
extendLicenseConsumption_dryRun :: Lens' ExtendLicenseConsumption (Maybe Bool) Source #
Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request. Provides an error response if you do not have the required permissions.
extendLicenseConsumption_licenseConsumptionToken :: Lens' ExtendLicenseConsumption Text Source #
License consumption token.
extendLicenseConsumptionResponse_expiration :: Lens' ExtendLicenseConsumptionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Date and time at which the license consumption expires.
extendLicenseConsumptionResponse_licenseConsumptionToken :: Lens' ExtendLicenseConsumptionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
License consumption token.
extendLicenseConsumptionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ExtendLicenseConsumptionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getGrantResponse_grant :: Lens' GetGrantResponse (Maybe Grant) Source #
Grant details.
getGrantResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetGrantResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
checkoutLicense_nodeId :: Lens' CheckoutLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
Node ID.
checkoutLicense_beneficiary :: Lens' CheckoutLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
License beneficiary.
checkoutLicense_productSKU :: Lens' CheckoutLicense Text Source #
Product SKU.
checkoutLicense_checkoutType :: Lens' CheckoutLicense CheckoutType Source #
Checkout type.
checkoutLicense_keyFingerprint :: Lens' CheckoutLicense Text Source #
Key fingerprint identifying the license.
checkoutLicense_entitlements :: Lens' CheckoutLicense [EntitlementData] Source #
License entitlements.
checkoutLicense_clientToken :: Lens' CheckoutLicense Text Source #
Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.
checkoutLicenseResponse_entitlementsAllowed :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe [EntitlementData]) Source #
Allowed license entitlements.
checkoutLicenseResponse_checkoutType :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe CheckoutType) Source #
Checkout type.
checkoutLicenseResponse_expiration :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Date and time at which the license checkout expires.
checkoutLicenseResponse_signedToken :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Signed token.
checkoutLicenseResponse_licenseConsumptionToken :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
License consumption token.
checkoutLicenseResponse_nodeId :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Node ID.
checkoutLicenseResponse_issuedAt :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Date and time at which the license checkout is issued.
checkoutLicenseResponse_licenseArn :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the checkout license.
checkoutLicenseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CheckoutLicenseResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createLicenseConversionTaskForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' CreateLicenseConversionTaskForResource Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource you are converting the license type for.
createLicenseConversionTaskForResource_sourceLicenseContext :: Lens' CreateLicenseConversionTaskForResource LicenseConversionContext Source #
Information that identifies the license type you are converting from. For the structure of the source license, see Convert a license type using the AWS CLI in the License Manager User Guide.
createLicenseConversionTaskForResource_destinationLicenseContext :: Lens' CreateLicenseConversionTaskForResource LicenseConversionContext Source #
Information that identifies the license type you are converting to. For the structure of the destination license, see Convert a license type using the AWS CLI in the License Manager User Guide.
createLicenseConversionTaskForResourceResponse_licenseConversionTaskId :: Lens' CreateLicenseConversionTaskForResourceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the created license type conversion task.
createLicenseConversionTaskForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLicenseConversionTaskForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
acceptGrant_grantArn :: Lens' AcceptGrant Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the grant.
acceptGrantResponse_status :: Lens' AcceptGrantResponse (Maybe GrantStatus) Source #
Grant status.
acceptGrantResponse_version :: Lens' AcceptGrantResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Grant version.
acceptGrantResponse_grantArn :: Lens' AcceptGrantResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Grant ARN.
acceptGrantResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AcceptGrantResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listLicenseSpecificationsForResource_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseSpecificationsForResource (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listLicenseSpecificationsForResource_maxResults :: Lens' ListLicenseSpecificationsForResource (Maybe Int) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listLicenseSpecificationsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListLicenseSpecificationsForResource Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a resource that has an associated license configuration.
listLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse_licenseSpecifications :: Lens' ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse (Maybe [LicenseSpecification]) Source #
License configurations associated with a resource.
listLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
checkoutBorrowLicense_checkoutMetadata :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicense (Maybe [Metadata]) Source #
Information about constraints.
checkoutBorrowLicense_nodeId :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
Node ID.
checkoutBorrowLicense_licenseArn :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicense Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license. The license must use the borrow consumption configuration.
checkoutBorrowLicense_entitlements :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicense [EntitlementData] Source #
License entitlements. Partial checkouts are not supported.
checkoutBorrowLicense_digitalSignatureMethod :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicense DigitalSignatureMethod Source #
Digital signature method. The possible value is JSON Web Signature (JWS) algorithm PS384. For more information, see RFC 7518 Digital Signature with RSASSA-PSS.
checkoutBorrowLicense_clientToken :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicense Text Source #
Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.
checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_entitlementsAllowed :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe [EntitlementData]) Source #
Allowed license entitlements.
checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_checkoutMetadata :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe [Metadata]) Source #
Information about constraints.
checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_expiration :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Date and time at which the license checkout expires.
checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_signedToken :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Signed token.
checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_licenseConsumptionToken :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
License consumption token.
checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_nodeId :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Node ID.
checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_issuedAt :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Date and time at which the license checkout is issued.
checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_licenseArn :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license.
checkoutBorrowLicenseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CheckoutBorrowLicenseResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getServiceSettingsResponse_enableCrossAccountsDiscovery :: Lens' GetServiceSettingsResponse (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether cross-account discovery is enabled.
getServiceSettingsResponse_snsTopicArn :: Lens' GetServiceSettingsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
SNS topic configured to receive notifications from License Manager.
getServiceSettingsResponse_licenseManagerResourceShareArn :: Lens' GetServiceSettingsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource share. The License Manager management account provides member accounts with access to this share.
getServiceSettingsResponse_s3BucketArn :: Lens' GetServiceSettingsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Regional S3 bucket path for storing reports, license trail event data, discovery data, and so on.
getServiceSettingsResponse_organizationConfiguration :: Lens' GetServiceSettingsResponse (Maybe OrganizationConfiguration) Source #
Indicates whether Organizations is integrated with License Manager for cross-account discovery.
getServiceSettingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetServiceSettingsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
rejectGrant_grantArn :: Lens' RejectGrant Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the grant.
rejectGrantResponse_status :: Lens' RejectGrantResponse (Maybe GrantStatus) Source #
Grant status.
rejectGrantResponse_version :: Lens' RejectGrantResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Grant version.
rejectGrantResponse_grantArn :: Lens' RejectGrantResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Grant ARN.
rejectGrantResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RejectGrantResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateServiceSettings_enableCrossAccountsDiscovery :: Lens' UpdateServiceSettings (Maybe Bool) Source #
Activates cross-account discovery.
updateServiceSettings_snsTopicArn :: Lens' UpdateServiceSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SNS topic used for License Manager alerts.
updateServiceSettings_s3BucketArn :: Lens' UpdateServiceSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon S3 bucket where the License Manager information is stored.
updateServiceSettings_organizationConfiguration :: Lens' UpdateServiceSettings (Maybe OrganizationConfiguration) Source #
Enables integration with Organizations for cross-account discovery.
updateServiceSettingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateServiceSettingsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listDistributedGrants_filters :: Lens' ListDistributedGrants (Maybe [Filter]) Source #
Filters to scope the results. The following filters are supported:
listDistributedGrants_nextToken :: Lens' ListDistributedGrants (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listDistributedGrants_grantArns :: Lens' ListDistributedGrants (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the grants.
listDistributedGrants_maxResults :: Lens' ListDistributedGrants (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listDistributedGrantsResponse_grants :: Lens' ListDistributedGrantsResponse (Maybe [Grant]) Source #
Distributed grant details.
listDistributedGrantsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDistributedGrantsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listDistributedGrantsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDistributedGrantsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations_nextToken :: Lens' ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations_maxResults :: Lens' ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations (Maybe Int) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperations Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name of the license configuration.
listFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperationsResponse_licenseOperationFailureList :: Lens' ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperationsResponse (Maybe [LicenseOperationFailure]) Source #
License configuration operations that failed.
listFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFailuresForLicenseConfigurationOperationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteGrant_statusReason :: Lens' DeleteGrant (Maybe Text) Source #
The Status reason for the delete request.
deleteGrant_grantArn :: Lens' DeleteGrant Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the grant.
deleteGrant_version :: Lens' DeleteGrant Text Source #
Current version of the grant.
deleteGrantResponse_status :: Lens' DeleteGrantResponse (Maybe GrantStatus) Source #
Grant status.
deleteGrantResponse_version :: Lens' DeleteGrantResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Grant version.
deleteGrantResponse_grantArn :: Lens' DeleteGrantResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Grant ARN.
deleteGrantResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteGrantResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createToken_tokenProperties :: Lens' CreateToken (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Data specified by the caller to be included in the JWT token. The data is mapped to the amr claim of the JWT token.
createToken_roleArns :: Lens' CreateToken (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM roles to embed in the token. License Manager does not check whether the roles are in use.
createToken_expirationInDays :: Lens' CreateToken (Maybe Int) Source #
Token expiration, in days, counted from token creation. The default is 365 days.
createToken_licenseArn :: Lens' CreateToken Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license. The ARN is mapped to the aud claim of the JWT token.
createToken_clientToken :: Lens' CreateToken Text Source #
Idempotency token, valid for 10 minutes.
createTokenResponse_token :: Lens' CreateTokenResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Refresh token, encoded as a JWT token.
createTokenResponse_tokenId :: Lens' CreateTokenResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token ID.
createTokenResponse_tokenType :: Lens' CreateTokenResponse (Maybe TokenType) Source #
Token type.
createTokenResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateTokenResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteLicense_licenseArn :: Lens' DeleteLicense Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license.
deleteLicense_sourceVersion :: Lens' DeleteLicense Text Source #
Current version of the license.
deleteLicenseResponse_status :: Lens' DeleteLicenseResponse (Maybe LicenseDeletionStatus) Source #
License status.
deleteLicenseResponse_deletionDate :: Lens' DeleteLicenseResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Date when the license is deleted.
deleteLicenseResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteLicenseResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listLicenses_filters :: Lens' ListLicenses (Maybe [Filter]) Source #
Filters to scope the results. The following filters are supported:
listLicenses_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenses (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listLicenses_licenseArns :: Lens' ListLicenses (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the licenses.
listLicenses_maxResults :: Lens' ListLicenses (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listLicensesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicensesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listLicensesResponse_licenses :: Lens' ListLicensesResponse (Maybe [License]) Source #
License details.
listLicensesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLicensesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listLicenseConfigurations_filters :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurations (Maybe [Filter]) Source #
Filters to scope the results. The following filters and logical operators are supported:
- The dimension for which licenses are counted. Possible values arevCPU
. Logical operators areEQUALS
- A Boolean value that indicates whether hard license enforcement is used. Logical operators areEQUALS
- A Boolean value that indicates whether the available licenses have been exceeded. Logical operators areEQUALS
listLicenseConfigurations_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurations (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listLicenseConfigurations_licenseConfigurationArns :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurations (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the license configurations.
listLicenseConfigurations_maxResults :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurations (Maybe Int) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listLicenseConfigurationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listLicenseConfigurationsResponse_licenseConfigurations :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurationsResponse (Maybe [LicenseConfiguration]) Source #
Information about the license configurations.
listLicenseConfigurationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLicenseConfigurationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listReceivedLicenses_filters :: Lens' ListReceivedLicenses (Maybe [Filter]) Source #
Filters to scope the results. The following filters are supported:
listReceivedLicenses_nextToken :: Lens' ListReceivedLicenses (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listReceivedLicenses_licenseArns :: Lens' ListReceivedLicenses (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the licenses.
listReceivedLicenses_maxResults :: Lens' ListReceivedLicenses (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listReceivedLicensesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListReceivedLicensesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listReceivedLicensesResponse_licenses :: Lens' ListReceivedLicensesResponse (Maybe [GrantedLicense]) Source #
Received license details.
listReceivedLicensesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListReceivedLicensesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createGrantVersion_status :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion (Maybe GrantStatus) Source #
Grant status.
createGrantVersion_allowedOperations :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion (Maybe (NonEmpty AllowedOperation)) Source #
Allowed operations for the grant.
createGrantVersion_grantName :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
Grant name.
createGrantVersion_sourceVersion :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
Current version of the grant.
createGrantVersion_statusReason :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
Grant status reason.
createGrantVersion_clientToken :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion Text Source #
Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.
createGrantVersion_grantArn :: Lens' CreateGrantVersion Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the grant.
createGrantVersionResponse_status :: Lens' CreateGrantVersionResponse (Maybe GrantStatus) Source #
Grant status.
createGrantVersionResponse_version :: Lens' CreateGrantVersionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
New version of the grant.
createGrantVersionResponse_grantArn :: Lens' CreateGrantVersionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Grant ARN.
createGrantVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateGrantVersionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration_maxResults :: Lens' ListAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration (Maybe Int) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' ListAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a license configuration.
listAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse_licenseConfigurationAssociations :: Lens' ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe [LicenseConfigurationAssociation]) Source #
Information about the associations for the license configuration.
listAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource [Tag] Source #
One or more tags.
tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listLicenseVersions_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseVersions (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listLicenseVersions_maxResults :: Lens' ListLicenseVersions (Maybe Natural) Source #
Maximum number of results to return in a single call.
listLicenseVersions_licenseArn :: Lens' ListLicenseVersions Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license.
listLicenseVersionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListLicenseVersionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token for the next set of results.
listLicenseVersionsResponse_licenses :: Lens' ListLicenseVersionsResponse (Maybe [License]) Source #
License details.
listLicenseVersionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListLicenseVersionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text] Source #
Keys identifying the tags to remove.
untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getLicenseManagerReportGenerator_licenseManagerReportGeneratorArn :: Lens' GetLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the report generator.
getLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse_reportGenerator :: Lens' GetLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse (Maybe ReportGenerator) Source #
A report generator that creates periodic reports about your license configurations.
getLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getAccessToken_tokenProperties :: Lens' GetAccessToken (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Token properties to validate against those present in the JWT token.
getAccessToken_token :: Lens' GetAccessToken Text Source #
Refresh token, encoded as a JWT token.
getAccessTokenResponse_accessToken :: Lens' GetAccessTokenResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Temporary access token.
getAccessTokenResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAccessTokenResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_description :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator (Maybe Text) Source #
Description of the report generator.
createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_tags :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
Tags to add to the report generator.
createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_reportGeneratorName :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text Source #
Name of the report generator.
createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_type :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator [ReportType] Source #
Type of reports to generate. The following report types an be generated:
- License configuration report - Reports the number and details of consumed licenses for a license configuration.
- Resource report - Reports the tracked licenses and resource consumption for a license configuration.
createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_reportContext :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator ReportContext Source #
Defines the type of license configuration the report generator tracks.
createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_reportFrequency :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator ReportFrequency Source #
Frequency by which reports are generated. Reports can be generated daily, monthly, or weekly.
createLicenseManagerReportGenerator_clientToken :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGenerator Text Source #
Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.
createLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse_licenseManagerReportGeneratorArn :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the new report generator.
createLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateLicenseManagerReportGeneratorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
automatedDiscoveryInformation_lastRunTime :: Lens' AutomatedDiscoveryInformation (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Time that automated discovery last ran.
borrowConfiguration_allowEarlyCheckIn :: Lens' BorrowConfiguration Bool Source #
Indicates whether early check-ins are allowed.
borrowConfiguration_maxTimeToLiveInMinutes :: Lens' BorrowConfiguration Int Source #
Maximum time for the borrow configuration, in minutes.
consumedLicenseSummary_resourceType :: Lens' ConsumedLicenseSummary (Maybe ResourceType) Source #
Resource type of the resource consuming a license.
consumedLicenseSummary_consumedLicenses :: Lens' ConsumedLicenseSummary (Maybe Integer) Source #
Number of licenses consumed by the resource.
consumptionConfiguration_borrowConfiguration :: Lens' ConsumptionConfiguration (Maybe BorrowConfiguration) Source #
Details about a borrow configuration.
consumptionConfiguration_provisionalConfiguration :: Lens' ConsumptionConfiguration (Maybe ProvisionalConfiguration) Source #
Details about a provisional configuration.
consumptionConfiguration_renewType :: Lens' ConsumptionConfiguration (Maybe RenewType) Source #
Renewal frequency.
datetimeRange_end :: Lens' DatetimeRange (Maybe Text) Source #
End of the time range.
datetimeRange_begin :: Lens' DatetimeRange Text Source #
Start of the time range.
entitlement_maxCount :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Integer) Source #
Maximum entitlement count. Use if the unit is not None.
entitlement_value :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Text) Source #
Entitlement resource. Use only if the unit is None.
entitlement_overage :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether overages are allowed.
entitlement_allowCheckIn :: Lens' Entitlement (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether check-ins are allowed.
entitlement_name :: Lens' Entitlement Text Source #
Entitlement name.
entitlement_unit :: Lens' Entitlement EntitlementUnit Source #
Entitlement unit.
entitlementData_value :: Lens' EntitlementData (Maybe Text) Source #
Entitlement data value.
entitlementData_name :: Lens' EntitlementData Text Source #
Entitlement data name.
entitlementData_unit :: Lens' EntitlementData EntitlementDataUnit Source #
Entitlement data unit.
entitlementUsage_maxCount :: Lens' EntitlementUsage (Maybe Text) Source #
Maximum entitlement usage count.
entitlementUsage_name :: Lens' EntitlementUsage Text Source #
Entitlement usage name.
entitlementUsage_consumedValue :: Lens' EntitlementUsage Text Source #
Resource usage consumed.
entitlementUsage_unit :: Lens' EntitlementUsage EntitlementDataUnit Source #
Entitlement usage unit.
filter_values :: Lens' Filter (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Filter values. Filter values are case-sensitive.
filter_name :: Lens' Filter (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of the filter. Filter names are case-sensitive.
grant_grantStatus :: Lens' Grant GrantStatus Source #
Grant status.
grant_grantedOperations :: Lens' Grant (NonEmpty AllowedOperation) Source #
Granted operations.
grantedLicense_status :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe LicenseStatus) Source #
Granted license status.
grantedLicense_productName :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
Product name.
grantedLicense_licenseName :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
License name.
grantedLicense_productSKU :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
Product SKU.
grantedLicense_homeRegion :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
Home Region of the granted license.
grantedLicense_receivedMetadata :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe ReceivedMetadata) Source #
Granted license received metadata.
grantedLicense_version :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
Version of the granted license.
grantedLicense_entitlements :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe [Entitlement]) Source #
License entitlements.
grantedLicense_validity :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe DatetimeRange) Source #
Date and time range during which the granted license is valid, in ISO8601-UTC format.
grantedLicense_consumptionConfiguration :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe ConsumptionConfiguration) Source #
Configuration for consumption of the license.
grantedLicense_beneficiary :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
Granted license beneficiary.
grantedLicense_issuer :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe IssuerDetails) Source #
Granted license issuer.
grantedLicense_licenseArn :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license.
grantedLicense_licenseMetadata :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe [Metadata]) Source #
Granted license metadata.
grantedLicense_createTime :: Lens' GrantedLicense (Maybe Text) Source #
Creation time of the granted license.
inventoryFilter_value :: Lens' InventoryFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
Value of the filter.
inventoryFilter_name :: Lens' InventoryFilter Text Source #
Name of the filter.
inventoryFilter_condition :: Lens' InventoryFilter InventoryFilterCondition Source #
Condition of the filter.
issuer_signKey :: Lens' Issuer (Maybe Text) Source #
Asymmetric KMS key from Key Management Service. The KMS key must have a key usage of sign and verify, and support the RSASSA-PSS SHA-256 signing algorithm.
issuerDetails_keyFingerprint :: Lens' IssuerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Issuer key fingerprint.
issuerDetails_signKey :: Lens' IssuerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Asymmetric KMS key from Key Management Service. The KMS key must have a key usage of sign and verify, and support the RSASSA-PSS SHA-256 signing algorithm.
issuerDetails_name :: Lens' IssuerDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
Issuer name.
license_status :: Lens' License (Maybe LicenseStatus) Source #
License status.
license_entitlements :: Lens' License (Maybe [Entitlement]) Source #
License entitlements.
license_validity :: Lens' License (Maybe DatetimeRange) Source #
Date and time range during which the license is valid, in ISO8601-UTC format.
license_consumptionConfiguration :: Lens' License (Maybe ConsumptionConfiguration) Source #
Configuration for consumption of the license.
license_issuer :: Lens' License (Maybe IssuerDetails) Source #
License issuer.
licenseConfiguration_status :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
Status of the license configuration.
licenseConfiguration_ownerAccountId :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
Account ID of the license configuration's owner.
licenseConfiguration_consumedLicenseSummaryList :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe [ConsumedLicenseSummary]) Source #
Summaries for licenses consumed by various resources.
licenseConfiguration_licenseCount :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Integer) Source #
Number of licenses managed by the license configuration.
licenseConfiguration_managedResourceSummaryList :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe [ManagedResourceSummary]) Source #
Summaries for managed resources.
licenseConfiguration_name :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of the license configuration.
licenseConfiguration_licenseCountHardLimit :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
Number of available licenses as a hard limit.
licenseConfiguration_disassociateWhenNotFound :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
When true, disassociates a resource when software is uninstalled.
licenseConfiguration_productInformationList :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe [ProductInformation]) Source #
Product information.
licenseConfiguration_licenseCountingType :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe LicenseCountingType) Source #
Dimension to use to track the license inventory.
licenseConfiguration_automatedDiscoveryInformation :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe AutomatedDiscoveryInformation) Source #
Automated discovery information.
licenseConfiguration_consumedLicenses :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Integer) Source #
Number of licenses consumed.
licenseConfiguration_licenseRules :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe [Text]) Source #
License rules.
licenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationId :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
Unique ID of the license configuration.
licenseConfiguration_description :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
Description of the license configuration.
licenseConfiguration_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' LicenseConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration.
licenseConfigurationAssociation_resourceType :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationAssociation (Maybe ResourceType) Source #
Type of server resource.
licenseConfigurationAssociation_amiAssociationScope :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
Scope of AMI associations. The possible value is cross-account
licenseConfigurationAssociation_associationTime :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationAssociation (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Time when the license configuration was associated with the resource.
licenseConfigurationAssociation_resourceArn :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
licenseConfigurationAssociation_resourceOwnerId :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the resource consuming licenses.
licenseConfigurationUsage_resourceType :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationUsage (Maybe ResourceType) Source #
Type of resource.
licenseConfigurationUsage_resourceStatus :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationUsage (Maybe Text) Source #
Status of the resource.
licenseConfigurationUsage_associationTime :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationUsage (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Time when the license configuration was initially associated with the resource.
licenseConfigurationUsage_resourceArn :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationUsage (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
licenseConfigurationUsage_consumedLicenses :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationUsage (Maybe Integer) Source #
Number of licenses consumed by the resource.
licenseConfigurationUsage_resourceOwnerId :: Lens' LicenseConfigurationUsage (Maybe Text) Source #
ID of the account that owns the resource.
licenseConversionContext_usageOperation :: Lens' LicenseConversionContext (Maybe Text) Source #
The Usage operation value that corresponds to the license type you are converting your resource from. For more information about which platforms correspond to which usage operation values see Sample data: usage operation by platform
licenseConversionTask_status :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe LicenseConversionTaskStatus) Source #
The status of the conversion task.
licenseConversionTask_startTime :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the conversion task was started at.
licenseConversionTask_destinationLicenseContext :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe LicenseConversionContext) Source #
Information about the license type this conversion task converted to.
licenseConversionTask_licenseConversionTaskId :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the license type conversion task.
licenseConversionTask_resourceArn :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource associated with the license type conversion task.
licenseConversionTask_statusMessage :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe Text) Source #
The status message for the conversion task.
licenseConversionTask_endTime :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the conversion task was completed.
licenseConversionTask_licenseConversionTime :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the usage operation value of the resource was changed.
licenseConversionTask_sourceLicenseContext :: Lens' LicenseConversionTask (Maybe LicenseConversionContext) Source #
Information about the license type this conversion task converted from.
licenseOperationFailure_resourceType :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe ResourceType) Source #
Resource type.
licenseOperationFailure_operationRequestedBy :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe Text) Source #
The requester is "License Manager Automated Discovery".
licenseOperationFailure_resourceArn :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
licenseOperationFailure_metadataList :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe [Metadata]) Source #
licenseOperationFailure_operationName :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of the operation.
licenseOperationFailure_failureTime :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Failure time.
licenseOperationFailure_errorMessage :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe Text) Source #
Error message.
licenseOperationFailure_resourceOwnerId :: Lens' LicenseOperationFailure (Maybe Text) Source #
ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the resource.
licenseSpecification_amiAssociationScope :: Lens' LicenseSpecification (Maybe Text) Source #
Scope of AMI associations. The possible value is cross-account
licenseSpecification_licenseConfigurationArn :: Lens' LicenseSpecification Text Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration.
licenseUsage_entitlementUsages :: Lens' LicenseUsage (Maybe [EntitlementUsage]) Source #
License entitlement usages.
managedResourceSummary_associationCount :: Lens' ManagedResourceSummary (Maybe Integer) Source #
Number of resources associated with licenses.
managedResourceSummary_resourceType :: Lens' ManagedResourceSummary (Maybe ResourceType) Source #
Type of resource associated with a license.
organizationConfiguration_enableIntegration :: Lens' OrganizationConfiguration Bool Source #
Enables Organizations integration.
productInformation_resourceType :: Lens' ProductInformation Text Source #
Resource type. The possible values are SSM_MANAGED
productInformation_productInformationFilterList :: Lens' ProductInformation [ProductInformationFilter] Source #
A Product information filter consists of a
which is a logical operator, a
which specifies the type of filter being
declared, and a ProductInformationFilterValue
that specifies the value
to filter on.
Accepted values for ProductInformationFilterName
are listed here along
with descriptions and valid options for
The following filters and are supported when the resource type is
Application Name
- The name of the application. Logical operator isEQUALS
.Application Publisher
- The publisher of the application. Logical operator isEQUALS
.Application Version
- The version of the application. Logical operator isEQUALS
.Platform Name
- The name of the platform. Logical operator isEQUALS
.Platform Type
- The platform type. Logical operator isEQUALS
- The key of a tag attached to an Amazon Web Services resource you wish to exclude from automated discovery. Logical operator isNOT_EQUALS
. The key for your tag must be appended toTag:
following the example:Tag:name-of-your-key
is optional if you are not using values for the key.AccountId
- The 12-digit ID of an Amazon Web Services account you wish to exclude from automated discovery. Logical operator isNOT_EQUALS
.License Included
- The type of license included. Logical operators areEQUALS
. Possible values are:sql-server-enterprise
The following filters and logical operators are supported when the
resource type is RDS
Engine Edition
- The edition of the database engine. Logical operator isEQUALS
. Possible values are:oracle-ee
.License Pack
- The license pack. Logical operator isEQUALS
. Possible values are:data guard
|diagnostic pack sqlt
|tuning pack sqlt
productInformationFilter_productInformationFilterValue :: Lens' ProductInformationFilter (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Filter value.
productInformationFilter_productInformationFilterName :: Lens' ProductInformationFilter Text Source #
Filter name.
productInformationFilter_productInformationFilterComparator :: Lens' ProductInformationFilter Text Source #
Logical operator.
provisionalConfiguration_maxTimeToLiveInMinutes :: Lens' ProvisionalConfiguration Int Source #
Maximum time for the provisional configuration, in minutes.
receivedMetadata_receivedStatus :: Lens' ReceivedMetadata (Maybe ReceivedStatus) Source #
Received status.
receivedMetadata_allowedOperations :: Lens' ReceivedMetadata (Maybe (NonEmpty AllowedOperation)) Source #
Allowed operations.
receivedMetadata_receivedStatusReason :: Lens' ReceivedMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
Received status reason.
reportContext_licenseConfigurationArns :: Lens' ReportContext [Text] Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration that this generator reports on.
reportFrequency_period :: Lens' ReportFrequency (Maybe ReportFrequencyType) Source #
Time period between each report. The period can be daily, weekly, or monthly.
reportFrequency_value :: Lens' ReportFrequency (Maybe Int) Source #
Number of times within the frequency period that a report is generated.
The only supported value is 1
reportGenerator_lastReportGenerationTime :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text) Source #
Time the last report was generated at.
reportGenerator_lastRunFailureReason :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text) Source #
Failure message for the last report generation attempt.
reportGenerator_lastRunStatus :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text) Source #
Status of the last report generation attempt.
reportGenerator_reportGeneratorName :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of the report generator.
reportGenerator_reportFrequency :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe ReportFrequency) Source #
Details about how frequently reports are generated.
reportGenerator_s3Location :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe S3Location) Source #
Details of the S3 bucket that report generator reports are published to.
reportGenerator_licenseManagerReportGeneratorArn :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the report generator.
reportGenerator_reportCreatorAccount :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID used to create the report generator.
reportGenerator_description :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text) Source #
Description of the report generator.
reportGenerator_reportType :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe [ReportType]) Source #
Type of reports that are generated.
reportGenerator_createTime :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe Text) Source #
Time the report was created.
reportGenerator_tags :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
Tags associated with the report generator.
reportGenerator_reportContext :: Lens' ReportGenerator (Maybe ReportContext) Source #
License configuration type for this generator.
resourceInventory_platform :: Lens' ResourceInventory (Maybe Text) Source #
Platform of the resource.
resourceInventory_resourceId :: Lens' ResourceInventory (Maybe Text) Source #
ID of the resource.
resourceInventory_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceInventory (Maybe ResourceType) Source #
Type of resource.
resourceInventory_platformVersion :: Lens' ResourceInventory (Maybe Text) Source #
Platform version of the resource in the inventory.
resourceInventory_resourceArn :: Lens' ResourceInventory (Maybe Text) Source #
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
resourceInventory_resourceOwningAccountId :: Lens' ResourceInventory (Maybe Text) Source #
ID of the account that owns the resource.
s3Location_bucket :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Text) Source #
Name of the S3 bucket reports are published to.
s3Location_keyPrefix :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Text) Source #
Prefix of the S3 bucket reports are published to.
tokenData_status :: Lens' TokenData (Maybe Text) Source #
Token status. The possible values are AVAILABLE
tokenData_roleArns :: Lens' TokenData (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the roles included in the token.
tokenData_tokenType :: Lens' TokenData (Maybe Text) Source #
Type of token generated. The supported value is REFRESH_TOKEN