Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- CreateConfiguration
- DescribeCluster
- RebootBroker
- ListConfigurationRevisions
- ListTagsForResource
- ListKafkaVersions
- UpdateMonitoring
- BatchAssociateScramSecret
- UpdateBrokerStorage
- DeleteCluster
- UpdateClusterConfiguration
- CreateCluster
- UpdateBrokerCount
- ListConfigurations
- GetBootstrapBrokers
- UpdateClusterKafkaVersion
- UpdateSecurity
- GetCompatibleKafkaVersions
- DescribeClusterOperation
- UpdateBrokerType
- DescribeConfiguration
- TagResource
- ListClusters
- UntagResource
- ListClusterOperations
- BatchDisassociateScramSecret
- DescribeConfigurationRevision
- DeleteConfiguration
- UpdateConfiguration
- ListNodes
- ListScramSecrets
- Types
- BrokerEBSVolumeInfo
- BrokerLogs
- BrokerNodeGroupInfo
- BrokerNodeInfo
- BrokerSoftwareInfo
- ClientAuthentication
- CloudWatchLogs
- ClusterInfo
- ClusterOperationInfo
- ClusterOperationStep
- ClusterOperationStepInfo
- CompatibleKafkaVersion
- Configuration
- ConfigurationInfo
- ConfigurationRevision
- EBSStorageInfo
- EncryptionAtRest
- EncryptionInTransit
- EncryptionInfo
- ErrorInfo
- Firehose
- Iam
- JmxExporter
- JmxExporterInfo
- KafkaVersion
- LoggingInfo
- MutableClusterInfo
- NodeExporter
- NodeExporterInfo
- NodeInfo
- OpenMonitoring
- OpenMonitoringInfo
- Prometheus
- PrometheusInfo
- S3
- Sasl
- Scram
- StateInfo
- StorageInfo
- Tls
- Unauthenticated
- UnprocessedScramSecret
- ZookeeperNodeInfo
- createConfiguration_kafkaVersions :: Lens' CreateConfiguration (Maybe [Text])
- createConfiguration_description :: Lens' CreateConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- createConfiguration_serverProperties :: Lens' CreateConfiguration ByteString
- createConfiguration_name :: Lens' CreateConfiguration Text
- createConfigurationResponse_creationTime :: Lens' CreateConfigurationResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- createConfigurationResponse_state :: Lens' CreateConfigurationResponse (Maybe ConfigurationState)
- createConfigurationResponse_arn :: Lens' CreateConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- createConfigurationResponse_latestRevision :: Lens' CreateConfigurationResponse (Maybe ConfigurationRevision)
- createConfigurationResponse_name :: Lens' CreateConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- createConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateConfigurationResponse Int
- describeCluster_clusterArn :: Lens' DescribeCluster Text
- describeClusterResponse_clusterInfo :: Lens' DescribeClusterResponse (Maybe ClusterInfo)
- describeClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeClusterResponse Int
- rebootBroker_clusterArn :: Lens' RebootBroker Text
- rebootBroker_brokerIds :: Lens' RebootBroker [Text]
- rebootBrokerResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' RebootBrokerResponse (Maybe Text)
- rebootBrokerResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' RebootBrokerResponse (Maybe Text)
- rebootBrokerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RebootBrokerResponse Int
- listConfigurationRevisions_nextToken :: Lens' ListConfigurationRevisions (Maybe Text)
- listConfigurationRevisions_maxResults :: Lens' ListConfigurationRevisions (Maybe Natural)
- listConfigurationRevisions_arn :: Lens' ListConfigurationRevisions Text
- listConfigurationRevisionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listConfigurationRevisionsResponse_revisions :: Lens' ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse (Maybe [ConfigurationRevision])
- listConfigurationRevisionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse Int
- listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- listKafkaVersions_nextToken :: Lens' ListKafkaVersions (Maybe Text)
- listKafkaVersions_maxResults :: Lens' ListKafkaVersions (Maybe Natural)
- listKafkaVersionsResponse_kafkaVersions :: Lens' ListKafkaVersionsResponse (Maybe [KafkaVersion])
- listKafkaVersionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListKafkaVersionsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listKafkaVersionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListKafkaVersionsResponse Int
- updateMonitoring_enhancedMonitoring :: Lens' UpdateMonitoring (Maybe EnhancedMonitoring)
- updateMonitoring_openMonitoring :: Lens' UpdateMonitoring (Maybe OpenMonitoringInfo)
- updateMonitoring_loggingInfo :: Lens' UpdateMonitoring (Maybe LoggingInfo)
- updateMonitoring_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateMonitoring Text
- updateMonitoring_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateMonitoring Text
- updateMonitoringResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateMonitoringResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateMonitoringResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateMonitoringResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateMonitoringResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateMonitoringResponse Int
- batchAssociateScramSecret_clusterArn :: Lens' BatchAssociateScramSecret Text
- batchAssociateScramSecret_secretArnList :: Lens' BatchAssociateScramSecret [Text]
- batchAssociateScramSecretResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' BatchAssociateScramSecretResponse (Maybe Text)
- batchAssociateScramSecretResponse_unprocessedScramSecrets :: Lens' BatchAssociateScramSecretResponse (Maybe [UnprocessedScramSecret])
- batchAssociateScramSecretResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchAssociateScramSecretResponse Int
- updateBrokerStorage_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerStorage Text
- updateBrokerStorage_targetBrokerEBSVolumeInfo :: Lens' UpdateBrokerStorage [BrokerEBSVolumeInfo]
- updateBrokerStorage_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateBrokerStorage Text
- updateBrokerStorageResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerStorageResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateBrokerStorageResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerStorageResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateBrokerStorageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateBrokerStorageResponse Int
- deleteCluster_currentVersion :: Lens' DeleteCluster (Maybe Text)
- deleteCluster_clusterArn :: Lens' DeleteCluster Text
- deleteClusterResponse_state :: Lens' DeleteClusterResponse (Maybe ClusterState)
- deleteClusterResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' DeleteClusterResponse (Maybe Text)
- deleteClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteClusterResponse Int
- updateClusterConfiguration_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateClusterConfiguration Text
- updateClusterConfiguration_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateClusterConfiguration Text
- updateClusterConfiguration_configurationInfo :: Lens' UpdateClusterConfiguration ConfigurationInfo
- updateClusterConfigurationResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateClusterConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateClusterConfigurationResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateClusterConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateClusterConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateClusterConfigurationResponse Int
- createCluster_enhancedMonitoring :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe EnhancedMonitoring)
- createCluster_openMonitoring :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe OpenMonitoringInfo)
- createCluster_configurationInfo :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe ConfigurationInfo)
- createCluster_loggingInfo :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe LoggingInfo)
- createCluster_clientAuthentication :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe ClientAuthentication)
- createCluster_tags :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createCluster_encryptionInfo :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe EncryptionInfo)
- createCluster_brokerNodeGroupInfo :: Lens' CreateCluster BrokerNodeGroupInfo
- createCluster_kafkaVersion :: Lens' CreateCluster Text
- createCluster_numberOfBrokerNodes :: Lens' CreateCluster Natural
- createCluster_clusterName :: Lens' CreateCluster Text
- createClusterResponse_state :: Lens' CreateClusterResponse (Maybe ClusterState)
- createClusterResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' CreateClusterResponse (Maybe Text)
- createClusterResponse_clusterName :: Lens' CreateClusterResponse (Maybe Text)
- createClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateClusterResponse Int
- updateBrokerCount_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerCount Text
- updateBrokerCount_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateBrokerCount Text
- updateBrokerCount_targetNumberOfBrokerNodes :: Lens' UpdateBrokerCount Natural
- updateBrokerCountResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerCountResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateBrokerCountResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerCountResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateBrokerCountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateBrokerCountResponse Int
- listConfigurations_nextToken :: Lens' ListConfigurations (Maybe Text)
- listConfigurations_maxResults :: Lens' ListConfigurations (Maybe Natural)
- listConfigurationsResponse_configurations :: Lens' ListConfigurationsResponse (Maybe [Configuration])
- listConfigurationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListConfigurationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listConfigurationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListConfigurationsResponse Int
- getBootstrapBrokers_clusterArn :: Lens' GetBootstrapBrokers Text
- getBootstrapBrokersResponse_bootstrapBrokerString :: Lens' GetBootstrapBrokersResponse (Maybe Text)
- getBootstrapBrokersResponse_bootstrapBrokerStringSaslScram :: Lens' GetBootstrapBrokersResponse (Maybe Text)
- getBootstrapBrokersResponse_bootstrapBrokerStringTls :: Lens' GetBootstrapBrokersResponse (Maybe Text)
- getBootstrapBrokersResponse_bootstrapBrokerStringSaslIam :: Lens' GetBootstrapBrokersResponse (Maybe Text)
- getBootstrapBrokersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBootstrapBrokersResponse Int
- updateClusterKafkaVersion_configurationInfo :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersion (Maybe ConfigurationInfo)
- updateClusterKafkaVersion_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersion Text
- updateClusterKafkaVersion_targetKafkaVersion :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersion Text
- updateClusterKafkaVersion_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersion Text
- updateClusterKafkaVersionResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersionResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateClusterKafkaVersionResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersionResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateClusterKafkaVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersionResponse Int
- updateSecurity_clientAuthentication :: Lens' UpdateSecurity (Maybe ClientAuthentication)
- updateSecurity_encryptionInfo :: Lens' UpdateSecurity (Maybe EncryptionInfo)
- updateSecurity_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateSecurity Text
- updateSecurity_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateSecurity Text
- updateSecurityResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateSecurityResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateSecurityResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateSecurityResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateSecurityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateSecurityResponse Int
- getCompatibleKafkaVersions_clusterArn :: Lens' GetCompatibleKafkaVersions (Maybe Text)
- getCompatibleKafkaVersionsResponse_compatibleKafkaVersions :: Lens' GetCompatibleKafkaVersionsResponse (Maybe [CompatibleKafkaVersion])
- getCompatibleKafkaVersionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetCompatibleKafkaVersionsResponse Int
- describeClusterOperation_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' DescribeClusterOperation Text
- describeClusterOperationResponse_clusterOperationInfo :: Lens' DescribeClusterOperationResponse (Maybe ClusterOperationInfo)
- describeClusterOperationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeClusterOperationResponse Int
- updateBrokerType_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerType Text
- updateBrokerType_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateBrokerType Text
- updateBrokerType_targetInstanceType :: Lens' UpdateBrokerType Text
- updateBrokerTypeResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerTypeResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateBrokerTypeResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerTypeResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateBrokerTypeResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateBrokerTypeResponse Int
- describeConfiguration_arn :: Lens' DescribeConfiguration Text
- describeConfigurationResponse_creationTime :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeConfigurationResponse_state :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe ConfigurationState)
- describeConfigurationResponse_kafkaVersions :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe [Text])
- describeConfigurationResponse_arn :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeConfigurationResponse_latestRevision :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe ConfigurationRevision)
- describeConfigurationResponse_name :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeConfigurationResponse_description :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse Int
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text)
- listClusters_clusterNameFilter :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe Text)
- listClusters_nextToken :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe Text)
- listClusters_maxResults :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe Natural)
- listClustersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe Text)
- listClustersResponse_clusterInfoList :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe [ClusterInfo])
- listClustersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListClustersResponse Int
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text]
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- listClusterOperations_nextToken :: Lens' ListClusterOperations (Maybe Text)
- listClusterOperations_maxResults :: Lens' ListClusterOperations (Maybe Natural)
- listClusterOperations_clusterArn :: Lens' ListClusterOperations Text
- listClusterOperationsResponse_clusterOperationInfoList :: Lens' ListClusterOperationsResponse (Maybe [ClusterOperationInfo])
- listClusterOperationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListClusterOperationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listClusterOperationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListClusterOperationsResponse Int
- batchDisassociateScramSecret_clusterArn :: Lens' BatchDisassociateScramSecret Text
- batchDisassociateScramSecret_secretArnList :: Lens' BatchDisassociateScramSecret [Text]
- batchDisassociateScramSecretResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' BatchDisassociateScramSecretResponse (Maybe Text)
- batchDisassociateScramSecretResponse_unprocessedScramSecrets :: Lens' BatchDisassociateScramSecretResponse (Maybe [UnprocessedScramSecret])
- batchDisassociateScramSecretResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchDisassociateScramSecretResponse Int
- describeConfigurationRevision_revision :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevision Integer
- describeConfigurationRevision_arn :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevision Text
- describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_creationTime :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_serverProperties :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse (Maybe ByteString)
- describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_arn :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_revision :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse (Maybe Integer)
- describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_description :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse Int
- deleteConfiguration_arn :: Lens' DeleteConfiguration Text
- deleteConfigurationResponse_state :: Lens' DeleteConfigurationResponse (Maybe ConfigurationState)
- deleteConfigurationResponse_arn :: Lens' DeleteConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- deleteConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteConfigurationResponse Int
- updateConfiguration_description :: Lens' UpdateConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- updateConfiguration_arn :: Lens' UpdateConfiguration Text
- updateConfiguration_serverProperties :: Lens' UpdateConfiguration ByteString
- updateConfigurationResponse_arn :: Lens' UpdateConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- updateConfigurationResponse_latestRevision :: Lens' UpdateConfigurationResponse (Maybe ConfigurationRevision)
- updateConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateConfigurationResponse Int
- listNodes_nextToken :: Lens' ListNodes (Maybe Text)
- listNodes_maxResults :: Lens' ListNodes (Maybe Natural)
- listNodes_clusterArn :: Lens' ListNodes Text
- listNodesResponse_nodeInfoList :: Lens' ListNodesResponse (Maybe [NodeInfo])
- listNodesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListNodesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listNodesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListNodesResponse Int
- listScramSecrets_nextToken :: Lens' ListScramSecrets (Maybe Text)
- listScramSecrets_maxResults :: Lens' ListScramSecrets (Maybe Natural)
- listScramSecrets_clusterArn :: Lens' ListScramSecrets Text
- listScramSecretsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListScramSecretsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listScramSecretsResponse_secretArnList :: Lens' ListScramSecretsResponse (Maybe [Text])
- listScramSecretsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListScramSecretsResponse Int
- brokerEBSVolumeInfo_volumeSizeGB :: Lens' BrokerEBSVolumeInfo Int
- brokerEBSVolumeInfo_kafkaBrokerNodeId :: Lens' BrokerEBSVolumeInfo Text
- brokerLogs_cloudWatchLogs :: Lens' BrokerLogs (Maybe CloudWatchLogs)
- brokerLogs_firehose :: Lens' BrokerLogs (Maybe Firehose)
- brokerLogs_s3 :: Lens' BrokerLogs (Maybe S3)
- brokerNodeGroupInfo_storageInfo :: Lens' BrokerNodeGroupInfo (Maybe StorageInfo)
- brokerNodeGroupInfo_brokerAZDistribution :: Lens' BrokerNodeGroupInfo (Maybe BrokerAZDistribution)
- brokerNodeGroupInfo_securityGroups :: Lens' BrokerNodeGroupInfo (Maybe [Text])
- brokerNodeGroupInfo_clientSubnets :: Lens' BrokerNodeGroupInfo [Text]
- brokerNodeGroupInfo_instanceType :: Lens' BrokerNodeGroupInfo Text
- brokerNodeInfo_currentBrokerSoftwareInfo :: Lens' BrokerNodeInfo (Maybe BrokerSoftwareInfo)
- brokerNodeInfo_clientSubnet :: Lens' BrokerNodeInfo (Maybe Text)
- brokerNodeInfo_attachedENIId :: Lens' BrokerNodeInfo (Maybe Text)
- brokerNodeInfo_endpoints :: Lens' BrokerNodeInfo (Maybe [Text])
- brokerNodeInfo_clientVpcIpAddress :: Lens' BrokerNodeInfo (Maybe Text)
- brokerNodeInfo_brokerId :: Lens' BrokerNodeInfo (Maybe Double)
- brokerSoftwareInfo_configurationRevision :: Lens' BrokerSoftwareInfo (Maybe Integer)
- brokerSoftwareInfo_kafkaVersion :: Lens' BrokerSoftwareInfo (Maybe Text)
- brokerSoftwareInfo_configurationArn :: Lens' BrokerSoftwareInfo (Maybe Text)
- clientAuthentication_sasl :: Lens' ClientAuthentication (Maybe Sasl)
- clientAuthentication_tls :: Lens' ClientAuthentication (Maybe Tls)
- clientAuthentication_unauthenticated :: Lens' ClientAuthentication (Maybe Unauthenticated)
- cloudWatchLogs_logGroup :: Lens' CloudWatchLogs (Maybe Text)
- cloudWatchLogs_enabled :: Lens' CloudWatchLogs Bool
- clusterInfo_creationTime :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe UTCTime)
- clusterInfo_activeOperationArn :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Text)
- clusterInfo_state :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe ClusterState)
- clusterInfo_clusterArn :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Text)
- clusterInfo_numberOfBrokerNodes :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Int)
- clusterInfo_enhancedMonitoring :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe EnhancedMonitoring)
- clusterInfo_brokerNodeGroupInfo :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe BrokerNodeGroupInfo)
- clusterInfo_openMonitoring :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe OpenMonitoring)
- clusterInfo_currentBrokerSoftwareInfo :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe BrokerSoftwareInfo)
- clusterInfo_currentVersion :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Text)
- clusterInfo_stateInfo :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe StateInfo)
- clusterInfo_loggingInfo :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe LoggingInfo)
- clusterInfo_zookeeperConnectString :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Text)
- clusterInfo_clusterName :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Text)
- clusterInfo_zookeeperConnectStringTls :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Text)
- clusterInfo_clientAuthentication :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe ClientAuthentication)
- clusterInfo_tags :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- clusterInfo_encryptionInfo :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe EncryptionInfo)
- clusterOperationInfo_creationTime :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe UTCTime)
- clusterOperationInfo_clusterArn :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe Text)
- clusterOperationInfo_clientRequestId :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe Text)
- clusterOperationInfo_targetClusterInfo :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe MutableClusterInfo)
- clusterOperationInfo_sourceClusterInfo :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe MutableClusterInfo)
- clusterOperationInfo_operationSteps :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe [ClusterOperationStep])
- clusterOperationInfo_operationState :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe Text)
- clusterOperationInfo_endTime :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe UTCTime)
- clusterOperationInfo_operationType :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe Text)
- clusterOperationInfo_operationArn :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe Text)
- clusterOperationInfo_errorInfo :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe ErrorInfo)
- clusterOperationStep_stepName :: Lens' ClusterOperationStep (Maybe Text)
- clusterOperationStep_stepInfo :: Lens' ClusterOperationStep (Maybe ClusterOperationStepInfo)
- clusterOperationStepInfo_stepStatus :: Lens' ClusterOperationStepInfo (Maybe Text)
- compatibleKafkaVersion_sourceVersion :: Lens' CompatibleKafkaVersion (Maybe Text)
- compatibleKafkaVersion_targetVersions :: Lens' CompatibleKafkaVersion (Maybe [Text])
- configuration_description :: Lens' Configuration Text
- configuration_latestRevision :: Lens' Configuration ConfigurationRevision
- configuration_creationTime :: Lens' Configuration UTCTime
- configuration_kafkaVersions :: Lens' Configuration [Text]
- configuration_arn :: Lens' Configuration Text
- configuration_name :: Lens' Configuration Text
- configuration_state :: Lens' Configuration ConfigurationState
- configurationInfo_revision :: Lens' ConfigurationInfo Integer
- configurationInfo_arn :: Lens' ConfigurationInfo Text
- configurationRevision_description :: Lens' ConfigurationRevision (Maybe Text)
- configurationRevision_revision :: Lens' ConfigurationRevision Integer
- configurationRevision_creationTime :: Lens' ConfigurationRevision UTCTime
- eBSStorageInfo_volumeSize :: Lens' EBSStorageInfo (Maybe Natural)
- encryptionAtRest_dataVolumeKMSKeyId :: Lens' EncryptionAtRest Text
- encryptionInTransit_clientBroker :: Lens' EncryptionInTransit (Maybe ClientBroker)
- encryptionInTransit_inCluster :: Lens' EncryptionInTransit (Maybe Bool)
- encryptionInfo_encryptionAtRest :: Lens' EncryptionInfo (Maybe EncryptionAtRest)
- encryptionInfo_encryptionInTransit :: Lens' EncryptionInfo (Maybe EncryptionInTransit)
- errorInfo_errorString :: Lens' ErrorInfo (Maybe Text)
- errorInfo_errorCode :: Lens' ErrorInfo (Maybe Text)
- firehose_deliveryStream :: Lens' Firehose (Maybe Text)
- firehose_enabled :: Lens' Firehose Bool
- iam_enabled :: Lens' Iam (Maybe Bool)
- jmxExporter_enabledInBroker :: Lens' JmxExporter Bool
- jmxExporterInfo_enabledInBroker :: Lens' JmxExporterInfo Bool
- kafkaVersion_status :: Lens' KafkaVersion (Maybe KafkaVersionStatus)
- kafkaVersion_version :: Lens' KafkaVersion (Maybe Text)
- loggingInfo_brokerLogs :: Lens' LoggingInfo BrokerLogs
- mutableClusterInfo_numberOfBrokerNodes :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe Int)
- mutableClusterInfo_enhancedMonitoring :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe EnhancedMonitoring)
- mutableClusterInfo_openMonitoring :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe OpenMonitoring)
- mutableClusterInfo_configurationInfo :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe ConfigurationInfo)
- mutableClusterInfo_instanceType :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe Text)
- mutableClusterInfo_kafkaVersion :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe Text)
- mutableClusterInfo_loggingInfo :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe LoggingInfo)
- mutableClusterInfo_clientAuthentication :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe ClientAuthentication)
- mutableClusterInfo_brokerEBSVolumeInfo :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe [BrokerEBSVolumeInfo])
- mutableClusterInfo_encryptionInfo :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe EncryptionInfo)
- nodeExporter_enabledInBroker :: Lens' NodeExporter Bool
- nodeExporterInfo_enabledInBroker :: Lens' NodeExporterInfo Bool
- nodeInfo_addedToClusterTime :: Lens' NodeInfo (Maybe Text)
- nodeInfo_nodeARN :: Lens' NodeInfo (Maybe Text)
- nodeInfo_zookeeperNodeInfo :: Lens' NodeInfo (Maybe ZookeeperNodeInfo)
- nodeInfo_instanceType :: Lens' NodeInfo (Maybe Text)
- nodeInfo_brokerNodeInfo :: Lens' NodeInfo (Maybe BrokerNodeInfo)
- nodeInfo_nodeType :: Lens' NodeInfo (Maybe NodeType)
- openMonitoring_prometheus :: Lens' OpenMonitoring Prometheus
- openMonitoringInfo_prometheus :: Lens' OpenMonitoringInfo PrometheusInfo
- prometheus_jmxExporter :: Lens' Prometheus (Maybe JmxExporter)
- prometheus_nodeExporter :: Lens' Prometheus (Maybe NodeExporter)
- prometheusInfo_jmxExporter :: Lens' PrometheusInfo (Maybe JmxExporterInfo)
- prometheusInfo_nodeExporter :: Lens' PrometheusInfo (Maybe NodeExporterInfo)
- s3_prefix :: Lens' S3 (Maybe Text)
- s3_bucket :: Lens' S3 (Maybe Text)
- s3_enabled :: Lens' S3 Bool
- sasl_iam :: Lens' Sasl (Maybe Iam)
- sasl_scram :: Lens' Sasl (Maybe Scram)
- scram_enabled :: Lens' Scram (Maybe Bool)
- stateInfo_code :: Lens' StateInfo (Maybe Text)
- stateInfo_message :: Lens' StateInfo (Maybe Text)
- storageInfo_ebsStorageInfo :: Lens' StorageInfo (Maybe EBSStorageInfo)
- tls_enabled :: Lens' Tls (Maybe Bool)
- tls_certificateAuthorityArnList :: Lens' Tls (Maybe [Text])
- unauthenticated_enabled :: Lens' Unauthenticated (Maybe Bool)
- unprocessedScramSecret_errorCode :: Lens' UnprocessedScramSecret (Maybe Text)
- unprocessedScramSecret_errorMessage :: Lens' UnprocessedScramSecret (Maybe Text)
- unprocessedScramSecret_secretArn :: Lens' UnprocessedScramSecret (Maybe Text)
- zookeeperNodeInfo_zookeeperVersion :: Lens' ZookeeperNodeInfo (Maybe Text)
- zookeeperNodeInfo_attachedENIId :: Lens' ZookeeperNodeInfo (Maybe Text)
- zookeeperNodeInfo_endpoints :: Lens' ZookeeperNodeInfo (Maybe [Text])
- zookeeperNodeInfo_clientVpcIpAddress :: Lens' ZookeeperNodeInfo (Maybe Text)
- zookeeperNodeInfo_zookeeperId :: Lens' ZookeeperNodeInfo (Maybe Double)
createConfiguration_kafkaVersions :: Lens' CreateConfiguration (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The versions of Apache Kafka with which you can use this MSK configuration.
createConfiguration_description :: Lens' CreateConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the configuration.
createConfiguration_serverProperties :: Lens' CreateConfiguration ByteString Source #
Contents of the file. When using the API, you must
ensure that the contents of the file are base64 encoded. When using the
AWS Management Console, the SDK, or the AWS CLI, the contents of can be in plaintext.--
-- Note: This Lens
automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This Lens
accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
createConfiguration_name :: Lens' CreateConfiguration Text Source #
The name of the configuration.
createConfigurationResponse_creationTime :: Lens' CreateConfigurationResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the configuration was created.
createConfigurationResponse_state :: Lens' CreateConfigurationResponse (Maybe ConfigurationState) Source #
The state of the configuration. The possible states are ACTIVE, DELETING, and DELETE_FAILED.
createConfigurationResponse_arn :: Lens' CreateConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration.
createConfigurationResponse_latestRevision :: Lens' CreateConfigurationResponse (Maybe ConfigurationRevision) Source #
Latest revision of the configuration.
createConfigurationResponse_name :: Lens' CreateConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the configuration.
createConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeCluster_clusterArn :: Lens' DescribeCluster Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.
describeClusterResponse_clusterInfo :: Lens' DescribeClusterResponse (Maybe ClusterInfo) Source #
The cluster information.
describeClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeClusterResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
rebootBroker_clusterArn :: Lens' RebootBroker Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster to be updated.
rebootBroker_brokerIds :: Lens' RebootBroker [Text] Source #
The list of broker IDs to be rebooted. The reboot-broker operation supports rebooting one broker at a time.
rebootBrokerResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' RebootBrokerResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
rebootBrokerResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' RebootBrokerResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster operation.
rebootBrokerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RebootBrokerResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listConfigurationRevisions_nextToken :: Lens' ListConfigurationRevisions (Maybe Text) Source #
The paginated results marker. When the result of the operation is truncated, the call returns NextToken in the response. To get the next batch, provide this token in your next request.
listConfigurationRevisions_maxResults :: Lens' ListConfigurationRevisions (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response. If there are more results, the response includes a NextToken parameter.
listConfigurationRevisions_arn :: Lens' ListConfigurationRevisions Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies an MSK configuration and all of its revisions.
listConfigurationRevisionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Paginated results marker.
listConfigurationRevisionsResponse_revisions :: Lens' ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse (Maybe [ConfigurationRevision]) Source #
List of ConfigurationRevision objects.
listConfigurationRevisionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the resource that's associated with the tags.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The key-value pair for the resource tag.
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listKafkaVersions_nextToken :: Lens' ListKafkaVersions (Maybe Text) Source #
The paginated results marker. When the result of the operation is truncated, the call returns NextToken in the response. To get the next batch, provide this token in your next request.
listKafkaVersions_maxResults :: Lens' ListKafkaVersions (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response. If there are more results, the response includes a NextToken parameter.
listKafkaVersionsResponse_kafkaVersions :: Lens' ListKafkaVersionsResponse (Maybe [KafkaVersion]) Source #
Undocumented member.
listKafkaVersionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListKafkaVersionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
listKafkaVersionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListKafkaVersionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateMonitoring_enhancedMonitoring :: Lens' UpdateMonitoring (Maybe EnhancedMonitoring) Source #
Specifies which Apache Kafka metrics Amazon MSK gathers and sends to Amazon CloudWatch for this cluster.
updateMonitoring_openMonitoring :: Lens' UpdateMonitoring (Maybe OpenMonitoringInfo) Source #
The settings for open monitoring.
updateMonitoring_loggingInfo :: Lens' UpdateMonitoring (Maybe LoggingInfo) Source #
Undocumented member.
updateMonitoring_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateMonitoring Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.
updateMonitoring_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateMonitoring Text Source #
The version of the MSK cluster to update. Cluster versions aren't simple numbers. You can describe an MSK cluster to find its version. When this update operation is successful, it generates a new cluster version.
updateMonitoringResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateMonitoringResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
updateMonitoringResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateMonitoringResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster operation.
updateMonitoringResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateMonitoringResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchAssociateScramSecret_clusterArn :: Lens' BatchAssociateScramSecret Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster to be updated.
batchAssociateScramSecret_secretArnList :: Lens' BatchAssociateScramSecret [Text] Source #
List of AWS Secrets Manager secret ARNs.
batchAssociateScramSecretResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' BatchAssociateScramSecretResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
batchAssociateScramSecretResponse_unprocessedScramSecrets :: Lens' BatchAssociateScramSecretResponse (Maybe [UnprocessedScramSecret]) Source #
List of errors when associating secrets to cluster.
batchAssociateScramSecretResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchAssociateScramSecretResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateBrokerStorage_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerStorage Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.
updateBrokerStorage_targetBrokerEBSVolumeInfo :: Lens' UpdateBrokerStorage [BrokerEBSVolumeInfo] Source #
Describes the target volume size and the ID of the broker to apply the update to.
updateBrokerStorage_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateBrokerStorage Text Source #
The version of cluster to update from. A successful operation will then generate a new version.
updateBrokerStorageResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerStorageResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
updateBrokerStorageResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerStorageResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster operation.
updateBrokerStorageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateBrokerStorageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteCluster_currentVersion :: Lens' DeleteCluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The current version of the MSK cluster.
deleteCluster_clusterArn :: Lens' DeleteCluster Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.
deleteClusterResponse_state :: Lens' DeleteClusterResponse (Maybe ClusterState) Source #
deleteClusterResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' DeleteClusterResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
deleteClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteClusterResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateClusterConfiguration_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateClusterConfiguration Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.
updateClusterConfiguration_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateClusterConfiguration Text Source #
The version of the cluster that needs to be updated.
updateClusterConfiguration_configurationInfo :: Lens' UpdateClusterConfiguration ConfigurationInfo Source #
Represents the configuration that you want MSK to use for the brokers in a cluster.
updateClusterConfigurationResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateClusterConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
updateClusterConfigurationResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateClusterConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster operation.
updateClusterConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateClusterConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createCluster_enhancedMonitoring :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe EnhancedMonitoring) Source #
Specifies the level of monitoring for the MSK cluster. The possible values are DEFAULT, PER_BROKER, PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER, and PER_TOPIC_PER_PARTITION.
createCluster_openMonitoring :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe OpenMonitoringInfo) Source #
The settings for open monitoring.
createCluster_configurationInfo :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe ConfigurationInfo) Source #
Represents the configuration that you want MSK to use for the brokers in a cluster.
createCluster_loggingInfo :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe LoggingInfo) Source #
Undocumented member.
createCluster_clientAuthentication :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe ClientAuthentication) Source #
Includes all client authentication related information.
createCluster_tags :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Create tags when creating the cluster.
createCluster_encryptionInfo :: Lens' CreateCluster (Maybe EncryptionInfo) Source #
Includes all encryption-related information.
createCluster_brokerNodeGroupInfo :: Lens' CreateCluster BrokerNodeGroupInfo Source #
Information about the broker nodes in the cluster.
createCluster_kafkaVersion :: Lens' CreateCluster Text Source #
The version of Apache Kafka.
createCluster_numberOfBrokerNodes :: Lens' CreateCluster Natural Source #
The number of broker nodes in the cluster.
createCluster_clusterName :: Lens' CreateCluster Text Source #
The name of the cluster.
createClusterResponse_state :: Lens' CreateClusterResponse (Maybe ClusterState) Source #
createClusterResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' CreateClusterResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
createClusterResponse_clusterName :: Lens' CreateClusterResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the MSK cluster.
createClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateClusterResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateBrokerCount_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerCount Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.
updateBrokerCount_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateBrokerCount Text Source #
The version of cluster to update from. A successful operation will then generate a new version.
updateBrokerCount_targetNumberOfBrokerNodes :: Lens' UpdateBrokerCount Natural Source #
The number of broker nodes that you want the cluster to have after this operation completes successfully.
updateBrokerCountResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerCountResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
updateBrokerCountResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerCountResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster operation.
updateBrokerCountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateBrokerCountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listConfigurations_nextToken :: Lens' ListConfigurations (Maybe Text) Source #
The paginated results marker. When the result of the operation is truncated, the call returns NextToken in the response. To get the next batch, provide this token in your next request.
listConfigurations_maxResults :: Lens' ListConfigurations (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response. If there are more results, the response includes a NextToken parameter.
listConfigurationsResponse_configurations :: Lens' ListConfigurationsResponse (Maybe [Configuration]) Source #
An array of MSK configurations.
listConfigurationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListConfigurationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The paginated results marker. When the result of a ListConfigurations operation is truncated, the call returns NextToken in the response. To get another batch of configurations, provide this token in your next request.
listConfigurationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListConfigurationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getBootstrapBrokers_clusterArn :: Lens' GetBootstrapBrokers Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.
getBootstrapBrokersResponse_bootstrapBrokerString :: Lens' GetBootstrapBrokersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A string containing one or more hostname:port pairs.
getBootstrapBrokersResponse_bootstrapBrokerStringSaslScram :: Lens' GetBootstrapBrokersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A string containing one or more DNS names (or IP) and Sasl Scram port pairs.
getBootstrapBrokersResponse_bootstrapBrokerStringTls :: Lens' GetBootstrapBrokersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A string containing one or more DNS names (or IP) and TLS port pairs.
getBootstrapBrokersResponse_bootstrapBrokerStringSaslIam :: Lens' GetBootstrapBrokersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A string that contains one or more DNS names (or IP addresses) and SASL IAM port pairs.
getBootstrapBrokersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBootstrapBrokersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateClusterKafkaVersion_configurationInfo :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersion (Maybe ConfigurationInfo) Source #
The custom configuration that should be applied on the new version of cluster.
updateClusterKafkaVersion_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersion Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster to be updated.
updateClusterKafkaVersion_targetKafkaVersion :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersion Text Source #
Target Kafka version.
updateClusterKafkaVersion_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersion Text Source #
Current cluster version.
updateClusterKafkaVersionResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
updateClusterKafkaVersionResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster operation.
updateClusterKafkaVersionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateClusterKafkaVersionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateSecurity_clientAuthentication :: Lens' UpdateSecurity (Maybe ClientAuthentication) Source #
Includes all client authentication related information.
updateSecurity_encryptionInfo :: Lens' UpdateSecurity (Maybe EncryptionInfo) Source #
Includes all encryption-related information.
updateSecurity_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateSecurity Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.
updateSecurity_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateSecurity Text Source #
The version of the MSK cluster to update. Cluster versions aren't simple numbers. You can describe an MSK cluster to find its version. When this update operation is successful, it generates a new cluster version.
updateSecurityResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateSecurityResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
updateSecurityResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateSecurityResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster operation.
updateSecurityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateSecurityResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getCompatibleKafkaVersions_clusterArn :: Lens' GetCompatibleKafkaVersions (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster check.
getCompatibleKafkaVersionsResponse_compatibleKafkaVersions :: Lens' GetCompatibleKafkaVersionsResponse (Maybe [CompatibleKafkaVersion]) Source #
A list of CompatibleKafkaVersion objects.
getCompatibleKafkaVersionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetCompatibleKafkaVersionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeClusterOperation_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' DescribeClusterOperation Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the MSK cluster operation.
describeClusterOperationResponse_clusterOperationInfo :: Lens' DescribeClusterOperationResponse (Maybe ClusterOperationInfo) Source #
Cluster operation information
describeClusterOperationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeClusterOperationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateBrokerType_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerType Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.
updateBrokerType_currentVersion :: Lens' UpdateBrokerType Text Source #
The cluster version that you want to change. After this operation completes successfully, the cluster will have a new version.
updateBrokerType_targetInstanceType :: Lens' UpdateBrokerType Text Source #
The Amazon MSK broker type that you want all of the brokers in this cluster to be.
updateBrokerTypeResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerTypeResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
updateBrokerTypeResponse_clusterOperationArn :: Lens' UpdateBrokerTypeResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster operation.
updateBrokerTypeResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateBrokerTypeResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeConfiguration_arn :: Lens' DescribeConfiguration Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies an MSK configuration and all of its revisions.
describeConfigurationResponse_creationTime :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the configuration was created.
describeConfigurationResponse_state :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe ConfigurationState) Source #
The state of the configuration. The possible states are ACTIVE, DELETING, and DELETE_FAILED.
describeConfigurationResponse_kafkaVersions :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The versions of Apache Kafka with which you can use this MSK configuration.
describeConfigurationResponse_arn :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration.
describeConfigurationResponse_latestRevision :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe ConfigurationRevision) Source #
Latest revision of the configuration.
describeConfigurationResponse_name :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the configuration.
describeConfigurationResponse_description :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the configuration.
describeConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the resource that's associated with the tags.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text) Source #
The key-value pair for the resource tag.
listClusters_clusterNameFilter :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe Text) Source #
Specify a prefix of the name of the clusters that you want to list. The service lists all the clusters whose names start with this prefix.
listClusters_nextToken :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe Text) Source #
The paginated results marker. When the result of the operation is truncated, the call returns NextToken in the response. To get the next batch, provide this token in your next request.
listClusters_maxResults :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response. If there are more results, the response includes a NextToken parameter.
listClustersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The paginated results marker. When the result of a ListClusters operation is truncated, the call returns NextToken in the response. To get another batch of clusters, provide this token in your next request.
listClustersResponse_clusterInfoList :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe [ClusterInfo]) Source #
Information on each of the MSK clusters in the response.
listClustersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListClustersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text] Source #
Tag keys must be unique for a given cluster. In addition, the following restrictions apply:
- Each tag key must be unique. If you add a tag with a key that's already in use, your new tag overwrites the existing key-value pair.
- You can't start a tag key with aws: because this prefix is reserved for use by AWS. AWS creates tags that begin with this prefix on your behalf, but you can't edit or delete them.
- Tag keys must be between 1 and 128 Unicode characters in length.
- Tag keys must consist of the following characters: Unicode letters, digits, white space, and the following special characters: _ . / = + - @.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the resource that's associated with the tags.
listClusterOperations_nextToken :: Lens' ListClusterOperations (Maybe Text) Source #
The paginated results marker. When the result of the operation is truncated, the call returns NextToken in the response. To get the next batch, provide this token in your next request.
listClusterOperations_maxResults :: Lens' ListClusterOperations (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response. If there are more results, the response includes a NextToken parameter.
listClusterOperations_clusterArn :: Lens' ListClusterOperations Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.
listClusterOperationsResponse_clusterOperationInfoList :: Lens' ListClusterOperationsResponse (Maybe [ClusterOperationInfo]) Source #
An array of cluster operation information objects.
listClusterOperationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListClusterOperationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the response of ListClusterOperations is truncated, it returns a NextToken in the response. This Nexttoken should be sent in the subsequent request to ListClusterOperations.
listClusterOperationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListClusterOperationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchDisassociateScramSecret_clusterArn :: Lens' BatchDisassociateScramSecret Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster to be updated.
batchDisassociateScramSecret_secretArnList :: Lens' BatchDisassociateScramSecret [Text] Source #
List of AWS Secrets Manager secret ARNs.
batchDisassociateScramSecretResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' BatchDisassociateScramSecretResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
batchDisassociateScramSecretResponse_unprocessedScramSecrets :: Lens' BatchDisassociateScramSecretResponse (Maybe [UnprocessedScramSecret]) Source #
List of errors when disassociating secrets to cluster.
batchDisassociateScramSecretResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchDisassociateScramSecretResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeConfigurationRevision_revision :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevision Integer Source #
A string that uniquely identifies a revision of an MSK configuration.
describeConfigurationRevision_arn :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevision Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies an MSK configuration and all of its revisions.
describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_creationTime :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the configuration was created.
describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_serverProperties :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse (Maybe ByteString) Source #
Contents of the file. When using the API, you must
ensure that the contents of the file are base64 encoded. When using the
AWS Management Console, the SDK, or the AWS CLI, the contents of can be in plaintext.--
-- Note: This Lens
automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This Lens
accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_arn :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration.
describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_revision :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse (Maybe Integer) Source #
The revision number.
describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_description :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the configuration.
describeConfigurationRevisionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteConfiguration_arn :: Lens' DeleteConfiguration Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies an MSK configuration.
deleteConfigurationResponse_state :: Lens' DeleteConfigurationResponse (Maybe ConfigurationState) Source #
The state of the configuration. The possible states are ACTIVE, DELETING, and DELETE_FAILED.
deleteConfigurationResponse_arn :: Lens' DeleteConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies an MSK configuration.
deleteConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateConfiguration_description :: Lens' UpdateConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the configuration revision.
updateConfiguration_arn :: Lens' UpdateConfiguration Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration.
updateConfiguration_serverProperties :: Lens' UpdateConfiguration ByteString Source #
Contents of the file. When using the API, you must
ensure that the contents of the file are base64 encoded. When using the
AWS Management Console, the SDK, or the AWS CLI, the contents of can be in plaintext.--
-- Note: This Lens
automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This Lens
accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
updateConfigurationResponse_arn :: Lens' UpdateConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration.
updateConfigurationResponse_latestRevision :: Lens' UpdateConfigurationResponse (Maybe ConfigurationRevision) Source #
Latest revision of the configuration.
updateConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listNodes_nextToken :: Lens' ListNodes (Maybe Text) Source #
The paginated results marker. When the result of the operation is truncated, the call returns NextToken in the response. To get the next batch, provide this token in your next request.
listNodes_maxResults :: Lens' ListNodes (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response. If there are more results, the response includes a NextToken parameter.
listNodes_clusterArn :: Lens' ListNodes Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.
listNodesResponse_nodeInfoList :: Lens' ListNodesResponse (Maybe [NodeInfo]) Source #
List containing a NodeInfo object.
listNodesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListNodesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The paginated results marker. When the result of a ListNodes operation is truncated, the call returns NextToken in the response. To get another batch of nodes, provide this token in your next request.
listNodesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListNodesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listScramSecrets_nextToken :: Lens' ListScramSecrets (Maybe Text) Source #
The nextToken of the query.
listScramSecrets_maxResults :: Lens' ListScramSecrets (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maxResults of the query.
listScramSecrets_clusterArn :: Lens' ListScramSecrets Text Source #
The arn of the cluster.
listScramSecretsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListScramSecretsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Paginated results marker.
listScramSecretsResponse_secretArnList :: Lens' ListScramSecretsResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of scram secrets associated with the cluster.
listScramSecretsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListScramSecretsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
brokerEBSVolumeInfo_volumeSizeGB :: Lens' BrokerEBSVolumeInfo Int Source #
Size of the EBS volume to update.
brokerEBSVolumeInfo_kafkaBrokerNodeId :: Lens' BrokerEBSVolumeInfo Text Source #
The ID of the broker to update.
brokerLogs_cloudWatchLogs :: Lens' BrokerLogs (Maybe CloudWatchLogs) Source #
Undocumented member.
brokerLogs_firehose :: Lens' BrokerLogs (Maybe Firehose) Source #
Undocumented member.
brokerLogs_s3 :: Lens' BrokerLogs (Maybe S3) Source #
Undocumented member.
brokerNodeGroupInfo_storageInfo :: Lens' BrokerNodeGroupInfo (Maybe StorageInfo) Source #
Contains information about storage volumes attached to MSK broker nodes.
brokerNodeGroupInfo_brokerAZDistribution :: Lens' BrokerNodeGroupInfo (Maybe BrokerAZDistribution) Source #
The distribution of broker nodes across Availability Zones. This is an optional parameter. If you don't specify it, Amazon MSK gives it the value DEFAULT. You can also explicitly set this parameter to the value DEFAULT. No other values are currently allowed.
Amazon MSK distributes the broker nodes evenly across the Availability Zones that correspond to the subnets you provide when you create the cluster.
brokerNodeGroupInfo_securityGroups :: Lens' BrokerNodeGroupInfo (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The AWS security groups to associate with the elastic network interfaces in order to specify who can connect to and communicate with the Amazon MSK cluster. If you don't specify a security group, Amazon MSK uses the default security group associated with the VPC.
brokerNodeGroupInfo_clientSubnets :: Lens' BrokerNodeGroupInfo [Text] Source #
The list of subnets to connect to in the client virtual private cloud (VPC). AWS creates elastic network interfaces inside these subnets. Client applications use elastic network interfaces to produce and consume data. Client subnets can't be in Availability Zone us-east-1e.
brokerNodeGroupInfo_instanceType :: Lens' BrokerNodeGroupInfo Text Source #
The type of Amazon EC2 instances to use for Kafka brokers. The following instance types are allowed: kafka.m5.large, kafka.m5.xlarge, kafka.m5.2xlarge, kafka.m5.4xlarge, kafka.m5.12xlarge, and kafka.m5.24xlarge.
brokerNodeInfo_currentBrokerSoftwareInfo :: Lens' BrokerNodeInfo (Maybe BrokerSoftwareInfo) Source #
Information about the version of software currently deployed on the Kafka brokers in the cluster.
brokerNodeInfo_clientSubnet :: Lens' BrokerNodeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The client subnet to which this broker node belongs.
brokerNodeInfo_attachedENIId :: Lens' BrokerNodeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The attached elastic network interface of the broker.
brokerNodeInfo_endpoints :: Lens' BrokerNodeInfo (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Endpoints for accessing the broker.
brokerNodeInfo_clientVpcIpAddress :: Lens' BrokerNodeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The virtual private cloud (VPC) of the client.
brokerNodeInfo_brokerId :: Lens' BrokerNodeInfo (Maybe Double) Source #
The ID of the broker.
brokerSoftwareInfo_configurationRevision :: Lens' BrokerSoftwareInfo (Maybe Integer) Source #
The revision of the configuration to use. This field isn't visible in this preview release.
brokerSoftwareInfo_kafkaVersion :: Lens' BrokerSoftwareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of Apache Kafka.
brokerSoftwareInfo_configurationArn :: Lens' BrokerSoftwareInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration used for the cluster. This field isn't visible in this preview release.
clientAuthentication_sasl :: Lens' ClientAuthentication (Maybe Sasl) Source #
Details for ClientAuthentication using SASL.
clientAuthentication_tls :: Lens' ClientAuthentication (Maybe Tls) Source #
Details for ClientAuthentication using TLS.
clientAuthentication_unauthenticated :: Lens' ClientAuthentication (Maybe Unauthenticated) Source #
Contains information about unauthenticated traffic to the cluster.
cloudWatchLogs_logGroup :: Lens' CloudWatchLogs (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
cloudWatchLogs_enabled :: Lens' CloudWatchLogs Bool Source #
Undocumented member.
clusterInfo_creationTime :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the cluster was created.
clusterInfo_activeOperationArn :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Arn of active cluster operation.
clusterInfo_state :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe ClusterState) Source #
clusterInfo_clusterArn :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the cluster.
clusterInfo_numberOfBrokerNodes :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of broker nodes in the cluster.
clusterInfo_enhancedMonitoring :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe EnhancedMonitoring) Source #
Specifies which metrics are gathered for the MSK cluster. This property has the following possible values: DEFAULT, PER_BROKER, PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER, and PER_TOPIC_PER_PARTITION. For a list of the metrics associated with each of these levels of monitoring, see Monitoring.
clusterInfo_brokerNodeGroupInfo :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe BrokerNodeGroupInfo) Source #
Information about the broker nodes.
clusterInfo_openMonitoring :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe OpenMonitoring) Source #
Settings for open monitoring using Prometheus.
clusterInfo_currentBrokerSoftwareInfo :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe BrokerSoftwareInfo) Source #
Information about the version of software currently deployed on the Kafka brokers in the cluster.
clusterInfo_currentVersion :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The current version of the MSK cluster.
clusterInfo_stateInfo :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe StateInfo) Source #
Undocumented member.
clusterInfo_loggingInfo :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe LoggingInfo) Source #
Undocumented member.
clusterInfo_zookeeperConnectString :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The connection string to use to connect to the Apache ZooKeeper cluster.
clusterInfo_clusterName :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the cluster.
clusterInfo_zookeeperConnectStringTls :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The connection string to use to connect to zookeeper cluster on Tls port.
clusterInfo_clientAuthentication :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe ClientAuthentication) Source #
Includes all client authentication information.
clusterInfo_tags :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Tags attached to the cluster.
clusterInfo_encryptionInfo :: Lens' ClusterInfo (Maybe EncryptionInfo) Source #
Includes all encryption-related information.
clusterOperationInfo_creationTime :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the operation was created.
clusterOperationInfo_clusterArn :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
ARN of the cluster.
clusterOperationInfo_clientRequestId :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the API request that triggered this operation.
clusterOperationInfo_targetClusterInfo :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe MutableClusterInfo) Source #
Information about cluster attributes after a cluster is updated.
clusterOperationInfo_sourceClusterInfo :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe MutableClusterInfo) Source #
Information about cluster attributes before a cluster is updated.
clusterOperationInfo_operationSteps :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe [ClusterOperationStep]) Source #
Steps completed during the operation.
clusterOperationInfo_operationState :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
State of the cluster operation.
clusterOperationInfo_endTime :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the operation finished.
clusterOperationInfo_operationType :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Type of the cluster operation.
clusterOperationInfo_operationArn :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
ARN of the cluster operation.
clusterOperationInfo_errorInfo :: Lens' ClusterOperationInfo (Maybe ErrorInfo) Source #
Describes the error if the operation fails.
clusterOperationStep_stepName :: Lens' ClusterOperationStep (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the step.
clusterOperationStep_stepInfo :: Lens' ClusterOperationStep (Maybe ClusterOperationStepInfo) Source #
Information about the step and its status.
clusterOperationStepInfo_stepStatus :: Lens' ClusterOperationStepInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The steps current status.
compatibleKafkaVersion_sourceVersion :: Lens' CompatibleKafkaVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
A Kafka version.
compatibleKafkaVersion_targetVersions :: Lens' CompatibleKafkaVersion (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of Kafka versions.
configuration_description :: Lens' Configuration Text Source #
The description of the configuration.
configuration_latestRevision :: Lens' Configuration ConfigurationRevision Source #
Latest revision of the configuration.
configuration_creationTime :: Lens' Configuration UTCTime Source #
The time when the configuration was created.
configuration_kafkaVersions :: Lens' Configuration [Text] Source #
An array of the versions of Apache Kafka with which you can use this MSK configuration. You can use this configuration for an MSK cluster only if the Apache Kafka version specified for the cluster appears in this array.
configuration_arn :: Lens' Configuration Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration.
configuration_name :: Lens' Configuration Text Source #
The name of the configuration.
configuration_state :: Lens' Configuration ConfigurationState Source #
The state of the configuration. The possible states are ACTIVE, DELETING, and DELETE_FAILED.
configurationInfo_revision :: Lens' ConfigurationInfo Integer Source #
The revision of the configuration to use.
configurationInfo_arn :: Lens' ConfigurationInfo Text Source #
ARN of the configuration to use.
configurationRevision_description :: Lens' ConfigurationRevision (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the configuration revision.
configurationRevision_revision :: Lens' ConfigurationRevision Integer Source #
The revision number.
configurationRevision_creationTime :: Lens' ConfigurationRevision UTCTime Source #
The time when the configuration revision was created.
eBSStorageInfo_volumeSize :: Lens' EBSStorageInfo (Maybe Natural) Source #
The size in GiB of the EBS volume for the data drive on each broker node.
encryptionAtRest_dataVolumeKMSKeyId :: Lens' EncryptionAtRest Text Source #
The ARN of the AWS KMS key for encrypting data at rest. If you don't specify a KMS key, MSK creates one for you and uses it.
encryptionInTransit_clientBroker :: Lens' EncryptionInTransit (Maybe ClientBroker) Source #
Indicates the encryption setting for data in transit between clients and brokers. The following are the possible values.
TLS means that client-broker communication is enabled with TLS only.
TLS_PLAINTEXT means that client-broker communication is enabled for both TLS-encrypted, as well as plaintext data.
PLAINTEXT means that client-broker communication is enabled in plaintext only.
The default value is TLS_PLAINTEXT.
encryptionInTransit_inCluster :: Lens' EncryptionInTransit (Maybe Bool) Source #
When set to true, it indicates that data communication among the broker nodes of the cluster is encrypted. When set to false, the communication happens in plaintext.
The default value is true.
encryptionInfo_encryptionAtRest :: Lens' EncryptionInfo (Maybe EncryptionAtRest) Source #
The data-volume encryption details.
encryptionInfo_encryptionInTransit :: Lens' EncryptionInfo (Maybe EncryptionInTransit) Source #
The details for encryption in transit.
errorInfo_errorString :: Lens' ErrorInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
An optional field to provide more details about the error.
errorInfo_errorCode :: Lens' ErrorInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
A number describing the error programmatically.
jmxExporter_enabledInBroker :: Lens' JmxExporter Bool Source #
Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the JMX Exporter.
jmxExporterInfo_enabledInBroker :: Lens' JmxExporterInfo Bool Source #
Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the JMX Exporter.
kafkaVersion_status :: Lens' KafkaVersion (Maybe KafkaVersionStatus) Source #
Undocumented member.
kafkaVersion_version :: Lens' KafkaVersion (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
loggingInfo_brokerLogs :: Lens' LoggingInfo BrokerLogs Source #
Undocumented member.
mutableClusterInfo_numberOfBrokerNodes :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of broker nodes in the cluster.
mutableClusterInfo_enhancedMonitoring :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe EnhancedMonitoring) Source #
Specifies which Apache Kafka metrics Amazon MSK gathers and sends to Amazon CloudWatch for this cluster.
mutableClusterInfo_openMonitoring :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe OpenMonitoring) Source #
The settings for open monitoring.
mutableClusterInfo_configurationInfo :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe ConfigurationInfo) Source #
Information about the changes in the configuration of the brokers.
mutableClusterInfo_instanceType :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
Information about the Amazon MSK broker type.
mutableClusterInfo_kafkaVersion :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The Kafka version.
mutableClusterInfo_loggingInfo :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe LoggingInfo) Source #
You can configure your MSK cluster to send broker logs to different destination types. This is a container for the configuration details related to broker logs.
mutableClusterInfo_clientAuthentication :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe ClientAuthentication) Source #
Includes all client authentication information.
mutableClusterInfo_brokerEBSVolumeInfo :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe [BrokerEBSVolumeInfo]) Source #
Specifies the size of the EBS volume and the ID of the associated broker.
mutableClusterInfo_encryptionInfo :: Lens' MutableClusterInfo (Maybe EncryptionInfo) Source #
Includes all encryption-related information.
nodeExporter_enabledInBroker :: Lens' NodeExporter Bool Source #
Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the Node Exporter.
nodeExporterInfo_enabledInBroker :: Lens' NodeExporterInfo Bool Source #
Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the Node Exporter.
nodeInfo_zookeeperNodeInfo :: Lens' NodeInfo (Maybe ZookeeperNodeInfo) Source #
The ZookeeperNodeInfo.
nodeInfo_brokerNodeInfo :: Lens' NodeInfo (Maybe BrokerNodeInfo) Source #
The broker node info.
openMonitoring_prometheus :: Lens' OpenMonitoring Prometheus Source #
Prometheus settings.
openMonitoringInfo_prometheus :: Lens' OpenMonitoringInfo PrometheusInfo Source #
Prometheus settings.
prometheus_jmxExporter :: Lens' Prometheus (Maybe JmxExporter) Source #
Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the JMX Exporter.
prometheus_nodeExporter :: Lens' Prometheus (Maybe NodeExporter) Source #
Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the Node Exporter.
prometheusInfo_jmxExporter :: Lens' PrometheusInfo (Maybe JmxExporterInfo) Source #
Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the JMX Exporter.
prometheusInfo_nodeExporter :: Lens' PrometheusInfo (Maybe NodeExporterInfo) Source #
Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the Node Exporter.
storageInfo_ebsStorageInfo :: Lens' StorageInfo (Maybe EBSStorageInfo) Source #
EBS volume information.
tls_enabled :: Lens' Tls (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether you want to enable or disable TLS authentication.
tls_certificateAuthorityArnList :: Lens' Tls (Maybe [Text]) Source #
List of ACM Certificate Authority ARNs.
unauthenticated_enabled :: Lens' Unauthenticated (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether you want to enable or disable unauthenticated traffic to your cluster.
unprocessedScramSecret_errorCode :: Lens' UnprocessedScramSecret (Maybe Text) Source #
Error code for associate/disassociate failure.
unprocessedScramSecret_errorMessage :: Lens' UnprocessedScramSecret (Maybe Text) Source #
Error message for associate/disassociate failure.
unprocessedScramSecret_secretArn :: Lens' UnprocessedScramSecret (Maybe Text) Source #
AWS Secrets Manager secret ARN.
zookeeperNodeInfo_zookeeperVersion :: Lens' ZookeeperNodeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of Zookeeper.
zookeeperNodeInfo_attachedENIId :: Lens' ZookeeperNodeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The attached elastic network interface of the broker.
zookeeperNodeInfo_endpoints :: Lens' ZookeeperNodeInfo (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Endpoints for accessing the ZooKeeper.
zookeeperNodeInfo_clientVpcIpAddress :: Lens' ZookeeperNodeInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The virtual private cloud (VPC) IP address of the client.
zookeeperNodeInfo_zookeeperId :: Lens' ZookeeperNodeInfo (Maybe Double) Source #
The role-specific ID for Zookeeper.