Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- EnableHealthServiceAccessForOrganization
- DescribeEntityAggregates
- DescribeEvents
- DescribeEventsForOrganization
- DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganization
- DescribeEventDetails
- DescribeEventAggregates
- DescribeAffectedEntities
- DescribeEventTypes
- DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization
- DescribeHealthServiceStatusForOrganization
- DescribeEventDetailsForOrganization
- DisableHealthServiceAccessForOrganization
- Types
- AffectedEntity
- DateTimeRange
- EntityAggregate
- EntityFilter
- Event
- EventAccountFilter
- EventAggregate
- EventDescription
- EventDetails
- EventDetailsErrorItem
- EventFilter
- EventType
- EventTypeFilter
- OrganizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem
- OrganizationEvent
- OrganizationEventDetails
- OrganizationEventDetailsErrorItem
- OrganizationEventFilter
- describeEntityAggregates_eventArns :: Lens' DescribeEntityAggregates (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- describeEntityAggregatesResponse_entityAggregates :: Lens' DescribeEntityAggregatesResponse (Maybe [EntityAggregate])
- describeEntityAggregatesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEntityAggregatesResponse Int
- describeEvents_locale :: Lens' DescribeEvents (Maybe Text)
- describeEvents_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEvents (Maybe Text)
- describeEvents_filter :: Lens' DescribeEvents (Maybe EventFilter)
- describeEvents_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeEvents (Maybe Natural)
- describeEventsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeEventsResponse_events :: Lens' DescribeEventsResponse (Maybe [Event])
- describeEventsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEventsResponse Int
- describeEventsForOrganization_locale :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganization (Maybe Text)
- describeEventsForOrganization_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganization (Maybe Text)
- describeEventsForOrganization_filter :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganization (Maybe OrganizationEventFilter)
- describeEventsForOrganization_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganization (Maybe Natural)
- describeEventsForOrganizationResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeEventsForOrganizationResponse_events :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe [OrganizationEvent])
- describeEventsForOrganizationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganizationResponse Int
- describeAffectedAccountsForOrganization_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganization (Maybe Text)
- describeAffectedAccountsForOrganization_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganization (Maybe Natural)
- describeAffectedAccountsForOrganization_eventArn :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganization Text
- describeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse_affectedAccounts :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe [Text])
- describeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse_eventScopeCode :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe EventScopeCode)
- describeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse Int
- describeEventDetails_locale :: Lens' DescribeEventDetails (Maybe Text)
- describeEventDetails_eventArns :: Lens' DescribeEventDetails (NonEmpty Text)
- describeEventDetailsResponse_successfulSet :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsResponse (Maybe [EventDetails])
- describeEventDetailsResponse_failedSet :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsResponse (Maybe [EventDetailsErrorItem])
- describeEventDetailsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsResponse Int
- describeEventAggregates_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregates (Maybe Text)
- describeEventAggregates_filter :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregates (Maybe EventFilter)
- describeEventAggregates_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregates (Maybe Natural)
- describeEventAggregates_aggregateField :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregates EventAggregateField
- describeEventAggregatesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregatesResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeEventAggregatesResponse_eventAggregates :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregatesResponse (Maybe [EventAggregate])
- describeEventAggregatesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregatesResponse Int
- describeAffectedEntities_locale :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntities (Maybe Text)
- describeAffectedEntities_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntities (Maybe Text)
- describeAffectedEntities_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntities (Maybe Natural)
- describeAffectedEntities_filter :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntities EntityFilter
- describeAffectedEntitiesResponse_entities :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesResponse (Maybe [AffectedEntity])
- describeAffectedEntitiesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAffectedEntitiesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesResponse Int
- describeEventTypes_locale :: Lens' DescribeEventTypes (Maybe Text)
- describeEventTypes_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventTypes (Maybe Text)
- describeEventTypes_filter :: Lens' DescribeEventTypes (Maybe EventTypeFilter)
- describeEventTypes_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeEventTypes (Maybe Natural)
- describeEventTypesResponse_eventTypes :: Lens' DescribeEventTypesResponse (Maybe [EventType])
- describeEventTypesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventTypesResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeEventTypesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEventTypesResponse Int
- describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization_locale :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization (Maybe Text)
- describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization (Maybe Text)
- describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization (Maybe Natural)
- describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization_organizationEntityFilters :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization (NonEmpty EventAccountFilter)
- describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse_entities :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse (Maybe [AffectedEntity])
- describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse_failedSet :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse (Maybe [OrganizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem])
- describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse Int
- describeHealthServiceStatusForOrganizationResponse_healthServiceAccessStatusForOrganization :: Lens' DescribeHealthServiceStatusForOrganizationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeHealthServiceStatusForOrganizationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeHealthServiceStatusForOrganizationResponse Int
- describeEventDetailsForOrganization_locale :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsForOrganization (Maybe Text)
- describeEventDetailsForOrganization_organizationEventDetailFilters :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsForOrganization (NonEmpty EventAccountFilter)
- describeEventDetailsForOrganizationResponse_successfulSet :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe [OrganizationEventDetails])
- describeEventDetailsForOrganizationResponse_failedSet :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe [OrganizationEventDetailsErrorItem])
- describeEventDetailsForOrganizationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsForOrganizationResponse Int
- affectedEntity_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe UTCTime)
- affectedEntity_entityValue :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe Text)
- affectedEntity_entityUrl :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe Text)
- affectedEntity_awsAccountId :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe Text)
- affectedEntity_eventArn :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe Text)
- affectedEntity_entityArn :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe Text)
- affectedEntity_tags :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- affectedEntity_statusCode :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe EntityStatusCode)
- dateTimeRange_to :: Lens' DateTimeRange (Maybe UTCTime)
- dateTimeRange_from :: Lens' DateTimeRange (Maybe UTCTime)
- entityAggregate_count :: Lens' EntityAggregate (Maybe Int)
- entityAggregate_eventArn :: Lens' EntityAggregate (Maybe Text)
- entityFilter_statusCodes :: Lens' EntityFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty EntityStatusCode))
- entityFilter_entityArns :: Lens' EntityFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- entityFilter_entityValues :: Lens' EntityFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- entityFilter_tags :: Lens' EntityFilter (Maybe [HashMap Text Text])
- entityFilter_lastUpdatedTimes :: Lens' EntityFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty DateTimeRange))
- entityFilter_eventArns :: Lens' EntityFilter (NonEmpty Text)
- event_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' Event (Maybe UTCTime)
- event_arn :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text)
- event_service :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text)
- event_startTime :: Lens' Event (Maybe UTCTime)
- event_eventScopeCode :: Lens' Event (Maybe EventScopeCode)
- event_eventTypeCode :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text)
- event_eventTypeCategory :: Lens' Event (Maybe EventTypeCategory)
- event_availabilityZone :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text)
- event_endTime :: Lens' Event (Maybe UTCTime)
- event_region :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text)
- event_statusCode :: Lens' Event (Maybe EventStatusCode)
- eventAccountFilter_awsAccountId :: Lens' EventAccountFilter (Maybe Text)
- eventAccountFilter_eventArn :: Lens' EventAccountFilter Text
- eventAggregate_count :: Lens' EventAggregate (Maybe Int)
- eventAggregate_aggregateValue :: Lens' EventAggregate (Maybe Text)
- eventDescription_latestDescription :: Lens' EventDescription (Maybe Text)
- eventDetails_event :: Lens' EventDetails (Maybe Event)
- eventDetails_eventDescription :: Lens' EventDetails (Maybe EventDescription)
- eventDetails_eventMetadata :: Lens' EventDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- eventDetailsErrorItem_eventArn :: Lens' EventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text)
- eventDetailsErrorItem_errorName :: Lens' EventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text)
- eventDetailsErrorItem_errorMessage :: Lens' EventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text)
- eventFilter_eventArns :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- eventFilter_eventTypeCategories :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty EventTypeCategory))
- eventFilter_eventTypeCodes :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- eventFilter_regions :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- eventFilter_eventStatusCodes :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty EventStatusCode))
- eventFilter_endTimes :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty DateTimeRange))
- eventFilter_availabilityZones :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe [Text])
- eventFilter_entityArns :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- eventFilter_entityValues :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- eventFilter_startTimes :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty DateTimeRange))
- eventFilter_services :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- eventFilter_tags :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe [HashMap Text Text])
- eventFilter_lastUpdatedTimes :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty DateTimeRange))
- eventType_service :: Lens' EventType (Maybe Text)
- eventType_category :: Lens' EventType (Maybe EventTypeCategory)
- eventType_code :: Lens' EventType (Maybe Text)
- eventTypeFilter_eventTypeCategories :: Lens' EventTypeFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty EventTypeCategory))
- eventTypeFilter_eventTypeCodes :: Lens' EventTypeFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- eventTypeFilter_services :: Lens' EventTypeFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- organizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem_awsAccountId :: Lens' OrganizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem (Maybe Text)
- organizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem_eventArn :: Lens' OrganizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem (Maybe Text)
- organizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem_errorName :: Lens' OrganizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem (Maybe Text)
- organizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem_errorMessage :: Lens' OrganizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem (Maybe Text)
- organizationEvent_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe UTCTime)
- organizationEvent_arn :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe Text)
- organizationEvent_service :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe Text)
- organizationEvent_startTime :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe UTCTime)
- organizationEvent_eventScopeCode :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe EventScopeCode)
- organizationEvent_eventTypeCode :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe Text)
- organizationEvent_eventTypeCategory :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe EventTypeCategory)
- organizationEvent_endTime :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe UTCTime)
- organizationEvent_region :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe Text)
- organizationEvent_statusCode :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe EventStatusCode)
- organizationEventDetails_event :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetails (Maybe Event)
- organizationEventDetails_eventDescription :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetails (Maybe EventDescription)
- organizationEventDetails_awsAccountId :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetails (Maybe Text)
- organizationEventDetails_eventMetadata :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- organizationEventDetailsErrorItem_awsAccountId :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text)
- organizationEventDetailsErrorItem_eventArn :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text)
- organizationEventDetailsErrorItem_errorName :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text)
- organizationEventDetailsErrorItem_errorMessage :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text)
- organizationEventFilter_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe DateTimeRange)
- organizationEventFilter_awsAccountIds :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- organizationEventFilter_eventTypeCategories :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty EventTypeCategory))
- organizationEventFilter_eventTypeCodes :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- organizationEventFilter_startTime :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe DateTimeRange)
- organizationEventFilter_regions :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- organizationEventFilter_eventStatusCodes :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty EventStatusCode))
- organizationEventFilter_endTime :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe DateTimeRange)
- organizationEventFilter_entityArns :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- organizationEventFilter_entityValues :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- organizationEventFilter_services :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
describeEntityAggregates_eventArns :: Lens' DescribeEntityAggregates (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of event ARNs (unique identifiers). For example:
describeEntityAggregatesResponse_entityAggregates :: Lens' DescribeEntityAggregatesResponse (Maybe [EntityAggregate]) Source #
The number of entities that are affected by each of the specified events.
describeEntityAggregatesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEntityAggregatesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeEvents_locale :: Lens' DescribeEvents (Maybe Text) Source #
The locale (language) to return information in. English (en) is the default and the only supported value at this time.
describeEvents_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEvents (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeEvents_filter :: Lens' DescribeEvents (Maybe EventFilter) Source #
Values to narrow the results returned.
describeEvents_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeEvents (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100, inclusive.
describeEventsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeEventsResponse_events :: Lens' DescribeEventsResponse (Maybe [Event]) Source #
The events that match the specified filter criteria.
describeEventsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEventsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeEventsForOrganization_locale :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganization (Maybe Text) Source #
The locale (language) to return information in. English (en) is the default and the only supported value at this time.
describeEventsForOrganization_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganization (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeEventsForOrganization_filter :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganization (Maybe OrganizationEventFilter) Source #
Values to narrow the results returned.
describeEventsForOrganization_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganization (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100, inclusive.
describeEventsForOrganizationResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeEventsForOrganizationResponse_events :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe [OrganizationEvent]) Source #
The events that match the specified filter criteria.
describeEventsForOrganizationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEventsForOrganizationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeAffectedAccountsForOrganization_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganization (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeAffectedAccountsForOrganization_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganization (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100, inclusive.
describeAffectedAccountsForOrganization_eventArn :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganization Text Source #
The unique identifier for the event. The event ARN has the
For example, an event ARN might look like the following:
describeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse_affectedAccounts :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A JSON set of elements of the affected accounts.
describeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse_eventScopeCode :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe EventScopeCode) Source #
This parameter specifies if the AWS Health event is a public AWS service event or an account-specific event.
- If the
value isPUBLIC
, then theaffectedAccounts
value is always empty. - If the
, then theaffectedAccounts
value lists the affected AWS accounts in your organization. For example, if an event affects a service such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and you have AWS accounts that use that service, those account IDs appear in the response. - If the
value isNONE
, then theeventArn
that you specified in the request is invalid or doesn't exist.
describeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganizationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeEventDetails_locale :: Lens' DescribeEventDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The locale (language) to return information in. English (en) is the default and the only supported value at this time.
describeEventDetails_eventArns :: Lens' DescribeEventDetails (NonEmpty Text) Source #
A list of event ARNs (unique identifiers). For example:
describeEventDetailsResponse_successfulSet :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsResponse (Maybe [EventDetails]) Source #
Information about the events that could be retrieved.
describeEventDetailsResponse_failedSet :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsResponse (Maybe [EventDetailsErrorItem]) Source #
Error messages for any events that could not be retrieved.
describeEventDetailsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeEventAggregates_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregates (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeEventAggregates_filter :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregates (Maybe EventFilter) Source #
Values to narrow the results returned.
describeEventAggregates_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregates (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100, inclusive.
describeEventAggregates_aggregateField :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregates EventAggregateField Source #
The only currently supported value is eventTypeCategory
describeEventAggregatesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregatesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeEventAggregatesResponse_eventAggregates :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregatesResponse (Maybe [EventAggregate]) Source #
The number of events in each category that meet the optional filter criteria.
describeEventAggregatesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEventAggregatesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeAffectedEntities_locale :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntities (Maybe Text) Source #
The locale (language) to return information in. English (en) is the default and the only supported value at this time.
describeAffectedEntities_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntities (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeAffectedEntities_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntities (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100, inclusive.
describeAffectedEntities_filter :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntities EntityFilter Source #
Values to narrow the results returned. At least one event ARN is required.
describeAffectedEntitiesResponse_entities :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesResponse (Maybe [AffectedEntity]) Source #
The entities that match the filter criteria.
describeAffectedEntitiesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeAffectedEntitiesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeEventTypes_locale :: Lens' DescribeEventTypes (Maybe Text) Source #
The locale (language) to return information in. English (en) is the default and the only supported value at this time.
describeEventTypes_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventTypes (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeEventTypes_filter :: Lens' DescribeEventTypes (Maybe EventTypeFilter) Source #
Values to narrow the results returned.
describeEventTypes_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeEventTypes (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100, inclusive.
describeEventTypesResponse_eventTypes :: Lens' DescribeEventTypesResponse (Maybe [EventType]) Source #
A list of event types that match the filter criteria. Event types have a
category (issue
, accountNotification
, or scheduledChange
), a
service (for example, EC2
), and a
code (in the format AWS_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION
; for example,
describeEventTypesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeEventTypesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeEventTypesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEventTypesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization_locale :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization (Maybe Text) Source #
The locale (language) to return information in. English (en) is the default and the only supported value at this time.
describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100, inclusive.
describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization_organizationEntityFilters :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization (NonEmpty EventAccountFilter) Source #
A JSON set of elements including the awsAccountId
and the eventArn
describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse_entities :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse (Maybe [AffectedEntity]) Source #
A JSON set of elements including the awsAccountId
and its entityArn
and its entityArn
, lastUpdatedTime
, and statusCode
describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse_failedSet :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse (Maybe [OrganizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem]) Source #
A JSON set of elements of the failed response, including the
, errorMessage
, errorName
, and eventArn
describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
describeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganizationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeHealthServiceStatusForOrganizationResponse_healthServiceAccessStatusForOrganization :: Lens' DescribeHealthServiceStatusForOrganizationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Information about the status of enabling or disabling AWS Health Organizational View in your organization.
describeHealthServiceStatusForOrganizationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeHealthServiceStatusForOrganizationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeEventDetailsForOrganization_locale :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsForOrganization (Maybe Text) Source #
The locale (language) to return information in. English (en) is the default and the only supported value at this time.
describeEventDetailsForOrganization_organizationEventDetailFilters :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsForOrganization (NonEmpty EventAccountFilter) Source #
A set of JSON elements that includes the awsAccountId
and the
describeEventDetailsForOrganizationResponse_successfulSet :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe [OrganizationEventDetails]) Source #
Information about the events that could be retrieved.
describeEventDetailsForOrganizationResponse_failedSet :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsForOrganizationResponse (Maybe [OrganizationEventDetailsErrorItem]) Source #
Error messages for any events that could not be retrieved.
describeEventDetailsForOrganizationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeEventDetailsForOrganizationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
affectedEntity_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The most recent time that the entity was updated.
affectedEntity_entityValue :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the affected entity.
affectedEntity_entityUrl :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL of the affected entity.
affectedEntity_awsAccountId :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe Text) Source #
The 12-digit AWS account number that contains the affected entity.
affectedEntity_eventArn :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the event. The event ARN has the
For example, an event ARN might look like the following:
affectedEntity_entityArn :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the entity. Format:
. Example:
affectedEntity_tags :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A map of entity tags attached to the affected entity.
Currently, the tags
property isn't supported.
affectedEntity_statusCode :: Lens' AffectedEntity (Maybe EntityStatusCode) Source #
The most recent status of the entity affected by the event. The possible
values are IMPAIRED
dateTimeRange_to :: Lens' DateTimeRange (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The ending date and time of a time range.
dateTimeRange_from :: Lens' DateTimeRange (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The starting date and time of a time range.
entityAggregate_count :: Lens' EntityAggregate (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of entities that match the criteria for the specified events.
entityAggregate_eventArn :: Lens' EntityAggregate (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the event. The event ARN has the
For example, an event ARN might look like the following:
entityFilter_statusCodes :: Lens' EntityFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty EntityStatusCode)) Source #
A list of entity status codes (IMPAIRED
entityFilter_entityArns :: Lens' EntityFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of entity ARNs (unique identifiers).
entityFilter_entityValues :: Lens' EntityFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of IDs for affected entities.
entityFilter_tags :: Lens' EntityFilter (Maybe [HashMap Text Text]) Source #
A map of entity tags attached to the affected entity.
Currently, the tags
property isn't supported.
entityFilter_lastUpdatedTimes :: Lens' EntityFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty DateTimeRange)) Source #
A list of the most recent dates and times that the entity was updated.
entityFilter_eventArns :: Lens' EntityFilter (NonEmpty Text) Source #
A list of event ARNs (unique identifiers). For example:
event_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' Event (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The most recent date and time that the event was updated.
event_arn :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the event. The event ARN has the
For example, an event ARN might look like the following:
event_service :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS service that is affected by the event. For example, EC2
event_eventScopeCode :: Lens' Event (Maybe EventScopeCode) Source #
This parameter specifies if the AWS Health event is a public AWS service event or an account-specific event.
- If the
value isPUBLIC
, then theaffectedAccounts
value is always empty. - If the
, then theaffectedAccounts
value lists the affected AWS accounts in your organization. For example, if an event affects a service such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and you have AWS accounts that use that service, those account IDs appear in the response. - If the
value isNONE
, then theeventArn
that you specified in the request is invalid or doesn't exist.
event_eventTypeCode :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the event type. The format is
; for example,
event_eventTypeCategory :: Lens' Event (Maybe EventTypeCategory) Source #
The category of the event. Possible values are issue
, and accountNotification
event_availabilityZone :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS Availability Zone of the event. For example, us-east-1a.
event_statusCode :: Lens' Event (Maybe EventStatusCode) Source #
The most recent status of the event. Possible values are open
, and upcoming
eventAccountFilter_awsAccountId :: Lens' EventAccountFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The 12-digit AWS account numbers that contains the affected entities.
eventAccountFilter_eventArn :: Lens' EventAccountFilter Text Source #
The unique identifier for the event. The event ARN has the
For example, an event ARN might look like the following:
eventAggregate_count :: Lens' EventAggregate (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of events of the associated issue type.
eventAggregate_aggregateValue :: Lens' EventAggregate (Maybe Text) Source #
The issue type for the associated count.
eventDescription_latestDescription :: Lens' EventDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The most recent description of the event.
eventDetails_event :: Lens' EventDetails (Maybe Event) Source #
Summary information about the event.
eventDetails_eventDescription :: Lens' EventDetails (Maybe EventDescription) Source #
The most recent description of the event.
eventDetails_eventMetadata :: Lens' EventDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Additional metadata about the event.
eventDetailsErrorItem_eventArn :: Lens' EventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the event. The event ARN has the
For example, an event ARN might look like the following:
eventDetailsErrorItem_errorName :: Lens' EventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the error.
eventDetailsErrorItem_errorMessage :: Lens' EventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text) Source #
A message that describes the error.
eventFilter_eventArns :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of event ARNs (unique identifiers). For example:
eventFilter_eventTypeCategories :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty EventTypeCategory)) Source #
A list of event type category codes (issue
, scheduledChange
, or
eventFilter_eventTypeCodes :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of unique identifiers for event types. For example,
eventFilter_regions :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of AWS Regions.
eventFilter_eventStatusCodes :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty EventStatusCode)) Source #
A list of event status codes.
eventFilter_endTimes :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty DateTimeRange)) Source #
A list of dates and times that the event ended.
eventFilter_availabilityZones :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of AWS Availability Zones.
eventFilter_entityArns :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of entity ARNs (unique identifiers).
eventFilter_entityValues :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of entity identifiers, such as EC2 instance IDs (i-34ab692e
) or
EBS volumes (vol-426ab23e
eventFilter_startTimes :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty DateTimeRange)) Source #
A list of dates and times that the event began.
eventFilter_services :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The AWS services associated with the event. For example, EC2
eventFilter_tags :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe [HashMap Text Text]) Source #
A map of entity tags attached to the affected entity.
Currently, the tags
property isn't supported.
eventFilter_lastUpdatedTimes :: Lens' EventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty DateTimeRange)) Source #
A list of dates and times that the event was last updated.
eventType_service :: Lens' EventType (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS service that is affected by the event. For example, EC2
eventType_category :: Lens' EventType (Maybe EventTypeCategory) Source #
A list of event type category codes (issue
, scheduledChange
, or
eventType_code :: Lens' EventType (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the event type. The format is
; for example,
eventTypeFilter_eventTypeCategories :: Lens' EventTypeFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty EventTypeCategory)) Source #
A list of event type category codes (issue
, scheduledChange
, or
eventTypeFilter_eventTypeCodes :: Lens' EventTypeFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of event type codes.
eventTypeFilter_services :: Lens' EventTypeFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The AWS services associated with the event. For example, EC2
organizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem_awsAccountId :: Lens' OrganizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The 12-digit AWS account numbers that contains the affected entities.
organizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem_eventArn :: Lens' OrganizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the event. The event ARN has the
For example, an event ARN might look like the following:
organizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem_errorName :: Lens' OrganizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the error.
organizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem_errorMessage :: Lens' OrganizationAffectedEntitiesErrorItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the event type. The format is
. For example,
organizationEvent_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The most recent date and time that the event was updated.
organizationEvent_arn :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the event. The event ARN has the
For example, an event ARN might look like the following:
organizationEvent_service :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS service that is affected by the event, such as EC2 and RDS.
organizationEvent_startTime :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time that the event began.
organizationEvent_eventScopeCode :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe EventScopeCode) Source #
This parameter specifies if the AWS Health event is a public AWS service event or an account-specific event.
- If the
value isPUBLIC
, then theaffectedAccounts
value is always empty. - If the
, then theaffectedAccounts
value lists the affected AWS accounts in your organization. For example, if an event affects a service such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and you have AWS accounts that use that service, those account IDs appear in the response. - If the
value isNONE
, then theeventArn
that you specified in the request is invalid or doesn't exist.
organizationEvent_eventTypeCode :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the event type. The format is
. For example,
organizationEvent_eventTypeCategory :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe EventTypeCategory) Source #
The category of the event type.
organizationEvent_endTime :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time that the event ended.
organizationEvent_region :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS Region name of the event.
organizationEvent_statusCode :: Lens' OrganizationEvent (Maybe EventStatusCode) Source #
The most recent status of the event. Possible values are open
, and upcoming
organizationEventDetails_event :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetails (Maybe Event) Source #
Undocumented member.
organizationEventDetails_eventDescription :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetails (Maybe EventDescription) Source #
Undocumented member.
organizationEventDetails_awsAccountId :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The 12-digit AWS account numbers that contains the affected entities.
organizationEventDetails_eventMetadata :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetails (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Additional metadata about the event.
organizationEventDetailsErrorItem_awsAccountId :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text) Source #
Error information returned when a DescribeEventDetailsForOrganization operation can't find a specified event.
organizationEventDetailsErrorItem_eventArn :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the event. The event ARN has the
For example, an event ARN might look like the following:
organizationEventDetailsErrorItem_errorName :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the error.
organizationEventDetailsErrorItem_errorMessage :: Lens' OrganizationEventDetailsErrorItem (Maybe Text) Source #
A message that describes the error.
If you call the DescribeEventDetailsForOrganization
operation and
receive one of the following errors, follow the recommendations in the
- We couldn't find a public event that matches your request. To find an event that is account specific, you must enter an AWS account ID in the request.
- We couldn't find an account specific event for the specified AWS account. To find an event that is public, you must enter a null value for the AWS account ID in the request.
- Your AWS account doesn't include the AWS Support plan required to use the AWS Health API. You must have either a Business or Enterprise Support plan.
organizationEventFilter_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe DateTimeRange) Source #
Undocumented member.
organizationEventFilter_awsAccountIds :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of 12-digit AWS account numbers that contains the affected entities.
organizationEventFilter_eventTypeCategories :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty EventTypeCategory)) Source #
A list of event type category codes (issue, scheduledChange, or accountNotification).
organizationEventFilter_eventTypeCodes :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of unique identifiers for event types. For example,
organizationEventFilter_startTime :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe DateTimeRange) Source #
Undocumented member.
organizationEventFilter_regions :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of AWS Regions.
organizationEventFilter_eventStatusCodes :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty EventStatusCode)) Source #
A list of event status codes.
organizationEventFilter_endTime :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe DateTimeRange) Source #
Undocumented member.
organizationEventFilter_entityArns :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of entity ARNs (unique identifiers).
organizationEventFilter_entityValues :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
A list of entity identifiers, such as EC2 instance IDs (i-34ab692e) or EBS volumes (vol-426ab23e).
organizationEventFilter_services :: Lens' OrganizationEventFilter (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The AWS services associated with the event. For example, EC2