Copyright(c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone







listSatellites_nextToken :: Lens' ListSatellites (Maybe Text) Source #

Next token that can be supplied in the next call to get the next page of satellites.

listSatellites_maxResults :: Lens' ListSatellites (Maybe Int) Source #

Maximum number of satellites returned.

listSatellitesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListSatellitesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

Next token that can be supplied in the next call to get the next page of satellites.



getMinuteUsage_month :: Lens' GetMinuteUsage Int Source #

The month being requested, with a value of 1-12.

getMinuteUsage_year :: Lens' GetMinuteUsage Int Source #

The year being requested, in the format of YYYY.

getMinuteUsageResponse_isReservedMinutesCustomer :: Lens' GetMinuteUsageResponse (Maybe Bool) Source #

Returns whether or not an account has signed up for the reserved minutes pricing plan, specific to the month being requested.

getMinuteUsageResponse_upcomingMinutesScheduled :: Lens' GetMinuteUsageResponse (Maybe Int) Source #

Upcoming minutes scheduled for an account, specific to the month being requested.

getMinuteUsageResponse_totalScheduledMinutes :: Lens' GetMinuteUsageResponse (Maybe Int) Source #

Total scheduled minutes for an account, specific to the month being requested.

getMinuteUsageResponse_totalReservedMinuteAllocation :: Lens' GetMinuteUsageResponse (Maybe Int) Source #

Total number of reserved minutes allocated, specific to the month being requested.

getMinuteUsageResponse_estimatedMinutesRemaining :: Lens' GetMinuteUsageResponse (Maybe Int) Source #

Estimated number of minutes remaining for an account, specific to the month being requested.


describeContactResponse_dataflowList :: Lens' DescribeContactResponse (Maybe [DataflowDetail]) Source #

List describing source and destination details for each dataflow edge.

describeContactResponse_postPassEndTime :: Lens' DescribeContactResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.

describeContactResponse_prePassStartTime :: Lens' DescribeContactResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

Amount of time prior to contact start you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating an upcoming pass.



createMissionProfile_contactPrePassDurationSeconds :: Lens' CreateMissionProfile (Maybe Natural) Source #

Amount of time prior to contact start you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating an upcoming pass.

createMissionProfile_contactPostPassDurationSeconds :: Lens' CreateMissionProfile (Maybe Natural) Source #

Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.

createMissionProfile_dataflowEdges :: Lens' CreateMissionProfile [NonEmpty Text] Source #

A list of lists of ARNs. Each list of ARNs is an edge, with a from Config and a to Config.

createMissionProfile_minimumViableContactDurationSeconds :: Lens' CreateMissionProfile Natural Source #

Smallest amount of time in seconds that you’d like to see for an available contact. AWS Ground Station will not present you with contacts shorter than this duration.


listGroundStations_satelliteId :: Lens' ListGroundStations (Maybe Text) Source #

Satellite ID to retrieve on-boarded ground stations.

listGroundStations_nextToken :: Lens' ListGroundStations (Maybe Text) Source #

Next token that can be supplied in the next call to get the next page of ground stations.

listGroundStations_maxResults :: Lens' ListGroundStations (Maybe Int) Source #

Maximum number of ground stations returned.

listGroundStationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListGroundStationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

Next token that can be supplied in the next call to get the next page of ground stations.


createConfig_tags :: Lens' CreateConfig (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #

Tags assigned to a Config.


listMissionProfiles_nextToken :: Lens' ListMissionProfiles (Maybe Text) Source #

Next token returned in the request of a previous ListMissionProfiles call. Used to get the next page of results.

listMissionProfiles_maxResults :: Lens' ListMissionProfiles (Maybe Int) Source #

Maximum number of mission profiles returned.

listMissionProfilesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListMissionProfilesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

Next token returned in the response of a previous ListMissionProfiles call. Used to get the next page of results.


getMissionProfileResponse_contactPrePassDurationSeconds :: Lens' GetMissionProfileResponse (Maybe Natural) Source #

Amount of time prior to contact start you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating an upcoming pass.

getMissionProfileResponse_contactPostPassDurationSeconds :: Lens' GetMissionProfileResponse (Maybe Natural) Source #

Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.

getMissionProfileResponse_dataflowEdges :: Lens' GetMissionProfileResponse (Maybe [NonEmpty Text]) Source #

A list of lists of ARNs. Each list of ARNs is an edge, with a from Config and a to Config.

getMissionProfileResponse_minimumViableContactDurationSeconds :: Lens' GetMissionProfileResponse (Maybe Natural) Source #

Smallest amount of time in seconds that you’d like to see for an available contact. AWS Ground Station will not present you with contacts shorter than this duration.


getConfigResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetConfigResponse Int Source #

The response's http status code.


listDataflowEndpointGroups_nextToken :: Lens' ListDataflowEndpointGroups (Maybe Text) Source #

Next token returned in the request of a previous ListDataflowEndpointGroups call. Used to get the next page of results.

listDataflowEndpointGroups_maxResults :: Lens' ListDataflowEndpointGroups (Maybe Int) Source #

Maximum number of dataflow endpoint groups returned.

listDataflowEndpointGroupsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDataflowEndpointGroupsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

Next token returned in the response of a previous ListDataflowEndpointGroups call. Used to get the next page of results.


createDataflowEndpointGroup_endpointDetails :: Lens' CreateDataflowEndpointGroup [EndpointDetails] Source #

Endpoint details of each endpoint in the dataflow endpoint group.


getSatelliteResponse_groundStations :: Lens' GetSatelliteResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #

A list of ground stations to which the satellite is on-boarded.



tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text) Source #

Tags assigned to a resource.


listConfigs_nextToken :: Lens' ListConfigs (Maybe Text) Source #

Next token returned in the request of a previous ListConfigs call. Used to get the next page of results.

listConfigs_maxResults :: Lens' ListConfigs (Maybe Int) Source #

Maximum number of Configs returned.

listConfigsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListConfigsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

Next token returned in the response of a previous ListConfigs call. Used to get the next page of results.





updateMissionProfile_contactPrePassDurationSeconds :: Lens' UpdateMissionProfile (Maybe Natural) Source #

Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.

updateMissionProfile_contactPostPassDurationSeconds :: Lens' UpdateMissionProfile (Maybe Natural) Source #

Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.

updateMissionProfile_dataflowEdges :: Lens' UpdateMissionProfile (Maybe [NonEmpty Text]) Source #

A list of lists of ARNs. Each list of ARNs is an edge, with a from Config and a to Config.

updateMissionProfile_minimumViableContactDurationSeconds :: Lens' UpdateMissionProfile (Maybe Natural) Source #

Smallest amount of time in seconds that you’d like to see for an available contact. AWS Ground Station will not present you with contacts shorter than this duration.




listContacts_nextToken :: Lens' ListContacts (Maybe Text) Source #

Next token returned in the request of a previous ListContacts call. Used to get the next page of results.

listContacts_maxResults :: Lens' ListContacts (Maybe Int) Source #

Maximum number of contacts returned.

listContacts_statusList :: Lens' ListContacts [ContactStatus] Source #

Status of a contact reservation.

listContactsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListContactsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

Next token returned in the response of a previous ListContacts call. Used to get the next page of results.



antennaDemodDecodeDetails_outputNode :: Lens' AntennaDemodDecodeDetails (Maybe Text) Source #

Name of an antenna demod decode output node used in a contact.




antennaUplinkConfig_transmitDisabled :: Lens' AntennaUplinkConfig (Maybe Bool) Source #

Whether or not uplink transmit is disabled.


configDetails_antennaDemodDecodeDetails :: Lens' ConfigDetails (Maybe AntennaDemodDecodeDetails) Source #

Details for antenna demod decode Config in a contact.

configDetails_s3RecordingDetails :: Lens' ConfigDetails (Maybe S3RecordingDetails) Source #

Details for an S3 recording Config in a contact.




configTypeData_antennaDownlinkDemodDecodeConfig :: Lens' ConfigTypeData (Maybe AntennaDownlinkDemodDecodeConfig) Source #

Information about how AWS Ground Station should configure an antenna for downlink demod decode during a contact.

configTypeData_antennaDownlinkConfig :: Lens' ConfigTypeData (Maybe AntennaDownlinkConfig) Source #

Information about how AWS Ground Station should configure an antenna for downlink during a contact.

configTypeData_antennaUplinkConfig :: Lens' ConfigTypeData (Maybe AntennaUplinkConfig) Source #

Information about how AWS Ground Station should configure an antenna for uplink during a contact.

configTypeData_uplinkEchoConfig :: Lens' ConfigTypeData (Maybe UplinkEchoConfig) Source #

Information about an uplink echo Config.

Parameters from the AntennaUplinkConfig, corresponding to the specified AntennaUplinkConfigArn, are used when this UplinkEchoConfig is used in a contact.

configTypeData_trackingConfig :: Lens' ConfigTypeData (Maybe TrackingConfig) Source #

Object that determines whether tracking should be used during a contact executed with this Config in the mission profile.


contactData_maximumElevation :: Lens' ContactData (Maybe Elevation) Source #

Maximum elevation angle of a contact.

contactData_postPassEndTime :: Lens' ContactData (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.

contactData_prePassStartTime :: Lens' ContactData (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

Amount of time prior to contact start you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating an upcoming pass.

contactData_errorMessage :: Lens' ContactData (Maybe Text) Source #

Error message of a contact.

contactData_tags :: Lens' ContactData (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #

Tags assigned to a contact.




dataflowEndpoint_mtu :: Lens' DataflowEndpoint (Maybe Natural) Source #

Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size in bytes of a dataflow endpoint.

dataflowEndpoint_address :: Lens' DataflowEndpoint (Maybe SocketAddress) Source #

Socket address of a dataflow endpoint.

dataflowEndpoint_name :: Lens' DataflowEndpoint (Maybe Text) Source #

Name of a dataflow endpoint.





decodeConfig_unvalidatedJSON :: Lens' DecodeConfig Text Source #

Unvalidated JSON of a decode Config.


demodulationConfig_unvalidatedJSON :: Lens' DemodulationConfig Text Source #

Unvalidated JSON of a demodulation Config.


destination_configDetails :: Lens' Destination (Maybe ConfigDetails) Source #

Additional details for a Config, if type is dataflow endpoint or antenna demod decode.


eirp_units :: Lens' Eirp EirpUnits Source #

Units of an EIRP.

eirp_value :: Lens' Eirp Double Source #

Value of an EIRP. Valid values are between 20.0 to 50.0 dBW.


elevation_unit :: Lens' Elevation AngleUnits Source #

Elevation angle units.

elevation_value :: Lens' Elevation Double Source #

Elevation angle value.



frequency_value :: Lens' Frequency Double Source #

Frequency value. Valid values are between 2200 to 2300 MHz and 7750 to 8400 MHz for downlink and 2025 to 2120 MHz for uplink.


frequencyBandwidth_value :: Lens' FrequencyBandwidth Double Source #

Frequency bandwidth value. AWS Ground Station currently has the following bandwidth limitations:

  • For AntennaDownlinkDemodDecodeconfig, valid values are between 125 kHz to 650 MHz.
  • For AntennaDownlinkconfig, valid values are between 10 kHz to 54 MHz.
  • For AntennaUplinkConfig, valid values are between 10 kHz to 54 MHz.





s3RecordingConfig_prefix :: Lens' S3RecordingConfig (Maybe Text) Source #

S3 Key prefix to prefice data files.

s3RecordingConfig_roleArn :: Lens' S3RecordingConfig Text Source #

ARN of the role Ground Station assumes to write data to the bucket.



satelliteListItem_groundStations :: Lens' SatelliteListItem (Maybe [Text]) Source #

A list of ground stations to which the satellite is on-boarded.


securityDetails_roleArn :: Lens' SecurityDetails Text Source #

ARN to a role needed for connecting streams to your instances.

securityDetails_securityGroupIds :: Lens' SecurityDetails [Text] Source #

The security groups to attach to the elastic network interfaces.

securityDetails_subnetIds :: Lens' SecurityDetails [Text] Source #

A list of subnets where AWS Ground Station places elastic network interfaces to send streams to your instances.


socketAddress_name :: Lens' SocketAddress Text Source #

Name of a socket address.

socketAddress_port :: Lens' SocketAddress Int Source #

Port of a socket address.


source_dataflowSourceRegion :: Lens' Source (Maybe Text) Source #

Region of a dataflow source.

source_configId :: Lens' Source (Maybe Text) Source #

UUID of a Config.

source_configDetails :: Lens' Source (Maybe ConfigDetails) Source #

Additional details for a Config, if type is dataflow endpoint or antenna demod decode.


spectrumConfig_polarization :: Lens' SpectrumConfig (Maybe Polarization) Source #

Polarization of a spectral Config. Capturing both "RIGHT_HAND" and "LEFT_HAND" polarization requires two separate configs.

spectrumConfig_bandwidth :: Lens' SpectrumConfig FrequencyBandwidth Source #

Bandwidth of a spectral Config. AWS Ground Station currently has the following bandwidth limitations:

  • For AntennaDownlinkDemodDecodeconfig, valid values are between 125 kHz to 650 MHz.
  • For AntennaDownlinkconfig valid values are between 10 kHz to 54 MHz.
  • For AntennaUplinkConfig, valid values are between 10 kHz to 54 MHz.

spectrumConfig_centerFrequency :: Lens' SpectrumConfig Frequency Source #

Center frequency of a spectral Config. Valid values are between 2200 to 2300 MHz and 7750 to 8400 MHz for downlink and 2025 to 2120 MHz for uplink.



uplinkEchoConfig_enabled :: Lens' UplinkEchoConfig Bool Source #

Whether or not an uplink Config is enabled.


uplinkSpectrumConfig_polarization :: Lens' UplinkSpectrumConfig (Maybe Polarization) Source #

Polarization of an uplink spectral Config. Capturing both "RIGHT_HAND" and "LEFT_HAND" polarization requires two separate configs.

uplinkSpectrumConfig_centerFrequency :: Lens' UplinkSpectrumConfig Frequency Source #

Center frequency of an uplink spectral Config. Valid values are between 2025 to 2120 MHz.