Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- SetVaultAccessPolicy
- InitiateJob
- SetDataRetrievalPolicy
- DeleteVaultAccessPolicy
- GetVaultNotifications
- ListTagsForVault
- UploadMultipartPart
- DeleteVaultNotifications
- CompleteVaultLock
- AbortVaultLock
- ListVaults
- ListProvisionedCapacity
- ListJobs
- SetVaultNotifications
- GetJobOutput
- CompleteMultipartUpload
- ListMultipartUploads
- AbortMultipartUpload
- PurchaseProvisionedCapacity
- DescribeVault
- GetVaultLock
- DescribeJob
- InitiateVaultLock
- GetVaultAccessPolicy
- GetDataRetrievalPolicy
- RemoveTagsFromVault
- DeleteVault
- DeleteArchive
- CreateVault
- InitiateMultipartUpload
- ListParts
- AddTagsToVault
- UploadArchive
- Types
- ArchiveCreationOutput
- CSVInput
- CSVOutput
- DataRetrievalPolicy
- DataRetrievalRule
- DescribeVaultOutput
- Encryption
- GlacierJobDescription
- Grant
- Grantee
- InputSerialization
- InventoryRetrievalJobDescription
- InventoryRetrievalJobInput
- JobParameters
- OutputLocation
- OutputSerialization
- PartListElement
- ProvisionedCapacityDescription
- S3Location
- SelectParameters
- UploadListElement
- VaultAccessPolicy
- VaultLockPolicy
- VaultNotificationConfig
- setVaultAccessPolicy_policy :: Lens' SetVaultAccessPolicy (Maybe VaultAccessPolicy)
- setVaultAccessPolicy_accountId :: Lens' SetVaultAccessPolicy Text
- setVaultAccessPolicy_vaultName :: Lens' SetVaultAccessPolicy Text
- initiateJob_jobParameters :: Lens' InitiateJob (Maybe JobParameters)
- initiateJob_accountId :: Lens' InitiateJob Text
- initiateJob_vaultName :: Lens' InitiateJob Text
- initiateJobResponse_jobId :: Lens' InitiateJobResponse (Maybe Text)
- initiateJobResponse_jobOutputPath :: Lens' InitiateJobResponse (Maybe Text)
- initiateJobResponse_location :: Lens' InitiateJobResponse (Maybe Text)
- initiateJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' InitiateJobResponse Int
- setDataRetrievalPolicy_policy :: Lens' SetDataRetrievalPolicy (Maybe DataRetrievalPolicy)
- setDataRetrievalPolicy_accountId :: Lens' SetDataRetrievalPolicy Text
- deleteVaultAccessPolicy_accountId :: Lens' DeleteVaultAccessPolicy Text
- deleteVaultAccessPolicy_vaultName :: Lens' DeleteVaultAccessPolicy Text
- getVaultNotifications_accountId :: Lens' GetVaultNotifications Text
- getVaultNotifications_vaultName :: Lens' GetVaultNotifications Text
- getVaultNotificationsResponse_vaultNotificationConfig :: Lens' GetVaultNotificationsResponse (Maybe VaultNotificationConfig)
- getVaultNotificationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetVaultNotificationsResponse Int
- listTagsForVault_accountId :: Lens' ListTagsForVault Text
- listTagsForVault_vaultName :: Lens' ListTagsForVault Text
- listTagsForVaultResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForVaultResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- listTagsForVaultResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForVaultResponse Int
- uploadMultipartPart_accountId :: Lens' UploadMultipartPart Text
- uploadMultipartPart_vaultName :: Lens' UploadMultipartPart Text
- uploadMultipartPart_uploadId :: Lens' UploadMultipartPart Text
- uploadMultipartPart_range :: Lens' UploadMultipartPart Text
- uploadMultipartPart_checksum :: Lens' UploadMultipartPart Text
- uploadMultipartPart_body :: Lens' UploadMultipartPart HashedBody
- uploadMultipartPartResponse_checksum :: Lens' UploadMultipartPartResponse (Maybe Text)
- uploadMultipartPartResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UploadMultipartPartResponse Int
- deleteVaultNotifications_accountId :: Lens' DeleteVaultNotifications Text
- deleteVaultNotifications_vaultName :: Lens' DeleteVaultNotifications Text
- completeVaultLock_accountId :: Lens' CompleteVaultLock Text
- completeVaultLock_vaultName :: Lens' CompleteVaultLock Text
- completeVaultLock_lockId :: Lens' CompleteVaultLock Text
- abortVaultLock_accountId :: Lens' AbortVaultLock Text
- abortVaultLock_vaultName :: Lens' AbortVaultLock Text
- listVaults_marker :: Lens' ListVaults (Maybe Text)
- listVaults_limit :: Lens' ListVaults (Maybe Text)
- listVaults_accountId :: Lens' ListVaults Text
- listVaultsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListVaultsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listVaultsResponse_vaultList :: Lens' ListVaultsResponse (Maybe [DescribeVaultOutput])
- listVaultsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListVaultsResponse Int
- listProvisionedCapacity_accountId :: Lens' ListProvisionedCapacity Text
- listProvisionedCapacityResponse_provisionedCapacityList :: Lens' ListProvisionedCapacityResponse (Maybe [ProvisionedCapacityDescription])
- listProvisionedCapacityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListProvisionedCapacityResponse Int
- listJobs_marker :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Text)
- listJobs_completed :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Text)
- listJobs_limit :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Text)
- listJobs_statuscode :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Text)
- listJobs_accountId :: Lens' ListJobs Text
- listJobs_vaultName :: Lens' ListJobs Text
- listJobsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListJobsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listJobsResponse_jobList :: Lens' ListJobsResponse (Maybe [GlacierJobDescription])
- listJobsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListJobsResponse Int
- setVaultNotifications_vaultNotificationConfig :: Lens' SetVaultNotifications (Maybe VaultNotificationConfig)
- setVaultNotifications_accountId :: Lens' SetVaultNotifications Text
- setVaultNotifications_vaultName :: Lens' SetVaultNotifications Text
- getJobOutput_range :: Lens' GetJobOutput (Maybe Text)
- getJobOutput_accountId :: Lens' GetJobOutput Text
- getJobOutput_vaultName :: Lens' GetJobOutput Text
- getJobOutput_jobId :: Lens' GetJobOutput Text
- getJobOutputResponse_checksum :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse (Maybe Text)
- getJobOutputResponse_acceptRanges :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse (Maybe Text)
- getJobOutputResponse_archiveDescription :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse (Maybe Text)
- getJobOutputResponse_contentRange :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse (Maybe Text)
- getJobOutputResponse_contentType :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse (Maybe Text)
- getJobOutputResponse_status :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse Int
- getJobOutputResponse_body :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse ResponseBody
- completeMultipartUpload_accountId :: Lens' CompleteMultipartUpload Text
- completeMultipartUpload_vaultName :: Lens' CompleteMultipartUpload Text
- completeMultipartUpload_uploadId :: Lens' CompleteMultipartUpload Text
- completeMultipartUpload_archiveSize :: Lens' CompleteMultipartUpload Text
- completeMultipartUpload_checksum :: Lens' CompleteMultipartUpload Text
- archiveCreationOutput_archiveId :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text)
- archiveCreationOutput_checksum :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text)
- archiveCreationOutput_location :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text)
- listMultipartUploads_marker :: Lens' ListMultipartUploads (Maybe Text)
- listMultipartUploads_limit :: Lens' ListMultipartUploads (Maybe Text)
- listMultipartUploads_accountId :: Lens' ListMultipartUploads Text
- listMultipartUploads_vaultName :: Lens' ListMultipartUploads Text
- listMultipartUploadsResponse_uploadsList :: Lens' ListMultipartUploadsResponse (Maybe [UploadListElement])
- listMultipartUploadsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListMultipartUploadsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listMultipartUploadsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListMultipartUploadsResponse Int
- abortMultipartUpload_accountId :: Lens' AbortMultipartUpload Text
- abortMultipartUpload_vaultName :: Lens' AbortMultipartUpload Text
- abortMultipartUpload_uploadId :: Lens' AbortMultipartUpload Text
- purchaseProvisionedCapacity_accountId :: Lens' PurchaseProvisionedCapacity Text
- purchaseProvisionedCapacityResponse_capacityId :: Lens' PurchaseProvisionedCapacityResponse (Maybe Text)
- purchaseProvisionedCapacityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PurchaseProvisionedCapacityResponse Int
- describeVault_accountId :: Lens' DescribeVault Text
- describeVault_vaultName :: Lens' DescribeVault Text
- describeVaultOutput_vaultName :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text)
- describeVaultOutput_sizeInBytes :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Integer)
- describeVaultOutput_lastInventoryDate :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text)
- describeVaultOutput_vaultARN :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text)
- describeVaultOutput_creationDate :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text)
- describeVaultOutput_numberOfArchives :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Integer)
- getVaultLock_accountId :: Lens' GetVaultLock Text
- getVaultLock_vaultName :: Lens' GetVaultLock Text
- getVaultLockResponse_state :: Lens' GetVaultLockResponse (Maybe Text)
- getVaultLockResponse_expirationDate :: Lens' GetVaultLockResponse (Maybe Text)
- getVaultLockResponse_creationDate :: Lens' GetVaultLockResponse (Maybe Text)
- getVaultLockResponse_policy :: Lens' GetVaultLockResponse (Maybe Text)
- getVaultLockResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetVaultLockResponse Int
- describeJob_accountId :: Lens' DescribeJob Text
- describeJob_vaultName :: Lens' DescribeJob Text
- describeJob_jobId :: Lens' DescribeJob Text
- glacierJobDescription_sHA256TreeHash :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_archiveId :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_selectParameters :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe SelectParameters)
- glacierJobDescription_jobId :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_jobOutputPath :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_retrievalByteRange :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_inventoryRetrievalParameters :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe InventoryRetrievalJobDescription)
- glacierJobDescription_action :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe ActionCode)
- glacierJobDescription_jobDescription :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_sNSTopic :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_statusMessage :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_vaultARN :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_outputLocation :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe OutputLocation)
- glacierJobDescription_tier :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_archiveSHA256TreeHash :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_creationDate :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_completed :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Bool)
- glacierJobDescription_completionDate :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_inventorySizeInBytes :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Integer)
- glacierJobDescription_archiveSizeInBytes :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Integer)
- glacierJobDescription_statusCode :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe StatusCode)
- initiateVaultLock_policy :: Lens' InitiateVaultLock (Maybe VaultLockPolicy)
- initiateVaultLock_accountId :: Lens' InitiateVaultLock Text
- initiateVaultLock_vaultName :: Lens' InitiateVaultLock Text
- initiateVaultLockResponse_lockId :: Lens' InitiateVaultLockResponse (Maybe Text)
- initiateVaultLockResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' InitiateVaultLockResponse Int
- getVaultAccessPolicy_accountId :: Lens' GetVaultAccessPolicy Text
- getVaultAccessPolicy_vaultName :: Lens' GetVaultAccessPolicy Text
- getVaultAccessPolicyResponse_policy :: Lens' GetVaultAccessPolicyResponse (Maybe VaultAccessPolicy)
- getVaultAccessPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetVaultAccessPolicyResponse Int
- getDataRetrievalPolicy_accountId :: Lens' GetDataRetrievalPolicy Text
- getDataRetrievalPolicyResponse_policy :: Lens' GetDataRetrievalPolicyResponse (Maybe DataRetrievalPolicy)
- getDataRetrievalPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDataRetrievalPolicyResponse Int
- removeTagsFromVault_tagKeys :: Lens' RemoveTagsFromVault (Maybe [Text])
- removeTagsFromVault_accountId :: Lens' RemoveTagsFromVault Text
- removeTagsFromVault_vaultName :: Lens' RemoveTagsFromVault Text
- deleteVault_accountId :: Lens' DeleteVault Text
- deleteVault_vaultName :: Lens' DeleteVault Text
- deleteArchive_accountId :: Lens' DeleteArchive Text
- deleteArchive_vaultName :: Lens' DeleteArchive Text
- deleteArchive_archiveId :: Lens' DeleteArchive Text
- createVault_accountId :: Lens' CreateVault Text
- createVault_vaultName :: Lens' CreateVault Text
- createVaultResponse_location :: Lens' CreateVaultResponse (Maybe Text)
- createVaultResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateVaultResponse Int
- initiateMultipartUpload_archiveDescription :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUpload (Maybe Text)
- initiateMultipartUpload_accountId :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUpload Text
- initiateMultipartUpload_vaultName :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUpload Text
- initiateMultipartUpload_partSize :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUpload Text
- initiateMultipartUploadResponse_location :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUploadResponse (Maybe Text)
- initiateMultipartUploadResponse_uploadId :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUploadResponse (Maybe Text)
- initiateMultipartUploadResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUploadResponse Int
- listParts_marker :: Lens' ListParts (Maybe Text)
- listParts_limit :: Lens' ListParts (Maybe Text)
- listParts_accountId :: Lens' ListParts Text
- listParts_vaultName :: Lens' ListParts Text
- listParts_uploadId :: Lens' ListParts Text
- listPartsResponse_parts :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe [PartListElement])
- listPartsResponse_multipartUploadId :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listPartsResponse_partSizeInBytes :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe Integer)
- listPartsResponse_archiveDescription :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listPartsResponse_vaultARN :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listPartsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listPartsResponse_creationDate :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listPartsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListPartsResponse Int
- addTagsToVault_tags :: Lens' AddTagsToVault (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- addTagsToVault_accountId :: Lens' AddTagsToVault Text
- addTagsToVault_vaultName :: Lens' AddTagsToVault Text
- uploadArchive_checksum :: Lens' UploadArchive (Maybe Text)
- uploadArchive_archiveDescription :: Lens' UploadArchive (Maybe Text)
- uploadArchive_vaultName :: Lens' UploadArchive Text
- uploadArchive_accountId :: Lens' UploadArchive Text
- uploadArchive_body :: Lens' UploadArchive HashedBody
- archiveCreationOutput_archiveId :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text)
- archiveCreationOutput_checksum :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text)
- archiveCreationOutput_location :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text)
- archiveCreationOutput_archiveId :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text)
- archiveCreationOutput_checksum :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text)
- archiveCreationOutput_location :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text)
- cSVInput_quoteCharacter :: Lens' CSVInput (Maybe Text)
- cSVInput_recordDelimiter :: Lens' CSVInput (Maybe Text)
- cSVInput_fileHeaderInfo :: Lens' CSVInput (Maybe FileHeaderInfo)
- cSVInput_quoteEscapeCharacter :: Lens' CSVInput (Maybe Text)
- cSVInput_comments :: Lens' CSVInput (Maybe Text)
- cSVInput_fieldDelimiter :: Lens' CSVInput (Maybe Text)
- cSVOutput_quoteCharacter :: Lens' CSVOutput (Maybe Text)
- cSVOutput_quoteFields :: Lens' CSVOutput (Maybe QuoteFields)
- cSVOutput_recordDelimiter :: Lens' CSVOutput (Maybe Text)
- cSVOutput_quoteEscapeCharacter :: Lens' CSVOutput (Maybe Text)
- cSVOutput_fieldDelimiter :: Lens' CSVOutput (Maybe Text)
- dataRetrievalPolicy_rules :: Lens' DataRetrievalPolicy (Maybe [DataRetrievalRule])
- dataRetrievalRule_strategy :: Lens' DataRetrievalRule (Maybe Text)
- dataRetrievalRule_bytesPerHour :: Lens' DataRetrievalRule (Maybe Integer)
- describeVaultOutput_vaultName :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text)
- describeVaultOutput_sizeInBytes :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Integer)
- describeVaultOutput_lastInventoryDate :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text)
- describeVaultOutput_vaultARN :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text)
- describeVaultOutput_creationDate :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text)
- describeVaultOutput_numberOfArchives :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Integer)
- encryption_encryptionType :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe EncryptionType)
- encryption_kmsKeyId :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text)
- encryption_kmsContext :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_sHA256TreeHash :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_archiveId :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_selectParameters :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe SelectParameters)
- glacierJobDescription_jobId :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_jobOutputPath :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_retrievalByteRange :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_inventoryRetrievalParameters :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe InventoryRetrievalJobDescription)
- glacierJobDescription_action :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe ActionCode)
- glacierJobDescription_jobDescription :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_sNSTopic :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_statusMessage :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_vaultARN :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_outputLocation :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe OutputLocation)
- glacierJobDescription_tier :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_archiveSHA256TreeHash :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_creationDate :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_completed :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Bool)
- glacierJobDescription_completionDate :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- glacierJobDescription_inventorySizeInBytes :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Integer)
- glacierJobDescription_archiveSizeInBytes :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Integer)
- glacierJobDescription_statusCode :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe StatusCode)
- grant_permission :: Lens' Grant (Maybe Permission)
- grant_grantee :: Lens' Grant (Maybe Grantee)
- grantee_uri :: Lens' Grantee (Maybe Text)
- grantee_emailAddress :: Lens' Grantee (Maybe Text)
- grantee_displayName :: Lens' Grantee (Maybe Text)
- grantee_id :: Lens' Grantee (Maybe Text)
- grantee_type :: Lens' Grantee Type
- inputSerialization_csv :: Lens' InputSerialization (Maybe CSVInput)
- inventoryRetrievalJobDescription_format :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- inventoryRetrievalJobDescription_endDate :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- inventoryRetrievalJobDescription_startDate :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- inventoryRetrievalJobDescription_marker :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- inventoryRetrievalJobDescription_limit :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text)
- inventoryRetrievalJobInput_endDate :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobInput (Maybe Text)
- inventoryRetrievalJobInput_startDate :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobInput (Maybe Text)
- inventoryRetrievalJobInput_marker :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobInput (Maybe Text)
- inventoryRetrievalJobInput_limit :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobInput (Maybe Text)
- jobParameters_archiveId :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text)
- jobParameters_selectParameters :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe SelectParameters)
- jobParameters_format :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text)
- jobParameters_retrievalByteRange :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text)
- jobParameters_inventoryRetrievalParameters :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe InventoryRetrievalJobInput)
- jobParameters_sNSTopic :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text)
- jobParameters_outputLocation :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe OutputLocation)
- jobParameters_tier :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text)
- jobParameters_type :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text)
- jobParameters_description :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text)
- outputLocation_s3 :: Lens' OutputLocation (Maybe S3Location)
- outputSerialization_csv :: Lens' OutputSerialization (Maybe CSVOutput)
- partListElement_sHA256TreeHash :: Lens' PartListElement (Maybe Text)
- partListElement_rangeInBytes :: Lens' PartListElement (Maybe Text)
- provisionedCapacityDescription_capacityId :: Lens' ProvisionedCapacityDescription (Maybe Text)
- provisionedCapacityDescription_startDate :: Lens' ProvisionedCapacityDescription (Maybe Text)
- provisionedCapacityDescription_expirationDate :: Lens' ProvisionedCapacityDescription (Maybe Text)
- s3Location_cannedACL :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe CannedACL)
- s3Location_prefix :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Text)
- s3Location_bucketName :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Text)
- s3Location_accessControlList :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe [Grant])
- s3Location_userMetadata :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- s3Location_encryption :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Encryption)
- s3Location_storageClass :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe StorageClass)
- s3Location_tagging :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- selectParameters_expressionType :: Lens' SelectParameters (Maybe ExpressionType)
- selectParameters_outputSerialization :: Lens' SelectParameters (Maybe OutputSerialization)
- selectParameters_expression :: Lens' SelectParameters (Maybe Text)
- selectParameters_inputSerialization :: Lens' SelectParameters (Maybe InputSerialization)
- uploadListElement_multipartUploadId :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Text)
- uploadListElement_partSizeInBytes :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Integer)
- uploadListElement_archiveDescription :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Text)
- uploadListElement_vaultARN :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Text)
- uploadListElement_creationDate :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Text)
- vaultAccessPolicy_policy :: Lens' VaultAccessPolicy (Maybe Text)
- vaultLockPolicy_policy :: Lens' VaultLockPolicy (Maybe Text)
- vaultNotificationConfig_sNSTopic :: Lens' VaultNotificationConfig (Maybe Text)
- vaultNotificationConfig_events :: Lens' VaultNotificationConfig (Maybe [Text])
setVaultAccessPolicy_policy :: Lens' SetVaultAccessPolicy (Maybe VaultAccessPolicy) Source #
The vault access policy as a JSON string.
setVaultAccessPolicy_accountId :: Lens' SetVaultAccessPolicy Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
setVaultAccessPolicy_vaultName :: Lens' SetVaultAccessPolicy Text Source #
The name of the vault.
initiateJob_jobParameters :: Lens' InitiateJob (Maybe JobParameters) Source #
Provides options for specifying job information.
initiateJob_accountId :: Lens' InitiateJob Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
initiateJob_vaultName :: Lens' InitiateJob Text Source #
The name of the vault.
initiateJobResponse_jobId :: Lens' InitiateJobResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the job.
initiateJobResponse_jobOutputPath :: Lens' InitiateJobResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the location of where the select results are stored.
initiateJobResponse_location :: Lens' InitiateJobResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The relative URI path of the job.
initiateJobResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' InitiateJobResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
setDataRetrievalPolicy_policy :: Lens' SetDataRetrievalPolicy (Maybe DataRetrievalPolicy) Source #
The data retrieval policy in JSON format.
setDataRetrievalPolicy_accountId :: Lens' SetDataRetrievalPolicy Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID. This value must match the
AWS account ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request.
You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single '-
(hyphen), in which case Amazon Glacier uses the AWS account ID
associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you specify
your account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
deleteVaultAccessPolicy_accountId :: Lens' DeleteVaultAccessPolicy Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
deleteVaultAccessPolicy_vaultName :: Lens' DeleteVaultAccessPolicy Text Source #
The name of the vault.
getVaultNotifications_accountId :: Lens' GetVaultNotifications Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
getVaultNotifications_vaultName :: Lens' GetVaultNotifications Text Source #
The name of the vault.
getVaultNotificationsResponse_vaultNotificationConfig :: Lens' GetVaultNotificationsResponse (Maybe VaultNotificationConfig) Source #
Returns the notification configuration set on the vault.
getVaultNotificationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetVaultNotificationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForVault_accountId :: Lens' ListTagsForVault Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
listTagsForVault_vaultName :: Lens' ListTagsForVault Text Source #
The name of the vault.
listTagsForVaultResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForVaultResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags attached to the vault. Each tag is composed of a key and a value.
listTagsForVaultResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForVaultResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
uploadMultipartPart_accountId :: Lens' UploadMultipartPart Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
uploadMultipartPart_vaultName :: Lens' UploadMultipartPart Text Source #
The name of the vault.
uploadMultipartPart_uploadId :: Lens' UploadMultipartPart Text Source #
The upload ID of the multipart upload.
uploadMultipartPart_range :: Lens' UploadMultipartPart Text Source #
Identifies the range of bytes in the assembled archive that will be uploaded in this part. Amazon S3 Glacier uses this information to assemble the archive in the proper sequence. The format of this header follows RFC 2616. An example header is Content-Range:bytes 0-4194303/*.
uploadMultipartPart_checksum :: Lens' UploadMultipartPart Text Source #
The SHA256 tree hash of the data being uploaded.
uploadMultipartPart_body :: Lens' UploadMultipartPart HashedBody Source #
The data to upload.
uploadMultipartPartResponse_checksum :: Lens' UploadMultipartPartResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The SHA256 tree hash that Amazon S3 Glacier computed for the uploaded part.
uploadMultipartPartResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UploadMultipartPartResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteVaultNotifications_accountId :: Lens' DeleteVaultNotifications Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
deleteVaultNotifications_vaultName :: Lens' DeleteVaultNotifications Text Source #
The name of the vault.
completeVaultLock_accountId :: Lens' CompleteVaultLock Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID. This value must match the
AWS account ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request.
You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single '-
(hyphen), in which case Amazon Glacier uses the AWS account ID
associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you specify
your account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
completeVaultLock_vaultName :: Lens' CompleteVaultLock Text Source #
The name of the vault.
completeVaultLock_lockId :: Lens' CompleteVaultLock Text Source #
The lockId
value is the lock ID obtained from a InitiateVaultLock
abortVaultLock_accountId :: Lens' AbortVaultLock Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID. This value must match the
AWS account ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request.
You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single '-
(hyphen), in which case Amazon Glacier uses the AWS account ID
associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you specify
your account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
abortVaultLock_vaultName :: Lens' AbortVaultLock Text Source #
The name of the vault.
listVaults_marker :: Lens' ListVaults (Maybe Text) Source #
A string used for pagination. The marker specifies the vault ARN after which the listing of vaults should begin.
listVaults_limit :: Lens' ListVaults (Maybe Text) Source #
The maximum number of vaults to be returned. The default limit is 10. The number of vaults returned might be fewer than the specified limit, but the number of returned vaults never exceeds the limit.
listVaults_accountId :: Lens' ListVaults Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID. This value must match the
AWS account ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request.
You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single '-
(hyphen), in which case Amazon Glacier uses the AWS account ID
associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you specify
your account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
listVaultsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListVaultsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The vault ARN at which to continue pagination of the results. You use the marker in another List Vaults request to obtain more vaults in the list.
listVaultsResponse_vaultList :: Lens' ListVaultsResponse (Maybe [DescribeVaultOutput]) Source #
List of vaults.
listVaultsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListVaultsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listProvisionedCapacity_accountId :: Lens' ListProvisionedCapacity Text Source #
The AWS account ID of the account that owns the vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single '-' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use an account ID, don't include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
listProvisionedCapacityResponse_provisionedCapacityList :: Lens' ListProvisionedCapacityResponse (Maybe [ProvisionedCapacityDescription]) Source #
The response body contains the following JSON fields.
listProvisionedCapacityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListProvisionedCapacityResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listJobs_marker :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque string used for pagination. This value specifies the job at which the listing of jobs should begin. Get the marker value from a previous List Jobs response. You only need to include the marker if you are continuing the pagination of results started in a previous List Jobs request.
listJobs_completed :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Text) Source #
The state of the jobs to return. You can specify true
or false
listJobs_limit :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Text) Source #
The maximum number of jobs to be returned. The default limit is 50. The number of jobs returned might be fewer than the specified limit, but the number of returned jobs never exceeds the limit.
listJobs_statuscode :: Lens' ListJobs (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of job status to return. You can specify the following values:
, Succeeded
, or Failed
listJobs_accountId :: Lens' ListJobs Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
listJobsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListJobsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque string used for pagination that specifies the job at which the
listing of jobs should begin. You get the marker
value from a previous
List Jobs response. You only need to include the marker if you are
continuing the pagination of the results started in a previous List Jobs
listJobsResponse_jobList :: Lens' ListJobsResponse (Maybe [GlacierJobDescription]) Source #
A list of job objects. Each job object contains metadata describing the job.
listJobsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListJobsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
setVaultNotifications_vaultNotificationConfig :: Lens' SetVaultNotifications (Maybe VaultNotificationConfig) Source #
Provides options for specifying notification configuration.
setVaultNotifications_accountId :: Lens' SetVaultNotifications Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
setVaultNotifications_vaultName :: Lens' SetVaultNotifications Text Source #
The name of the vault.
getJobOutput_range :: Lens' GetJobOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The range of bytes to retrieve from the output. For example, if you want
to download the first 1,048,576 bytes, specify the range as
. By default, this operation downloads the entire
If the job output is large, then you can use a range to retrieve a portion of the output. This allows you to download the entire output in smaller chunks of bytes. For example, suppose you have 1 GB of job output you want to download and you decide to download 128 MB chunks of data at a time, which is a total of eight Get Job Output requests. You use the following process to download the job output:
- Download a 128 MB chunk of output by specifying the appropriate byte range. Verify that all 128 MB of data was received.
- Along with the data, the response includes a SHA256 tree hash of the payload. You compute the checksum of the payload on the client and compare it with the checksum you received in the response to ensure you received all the expected data.
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all the eight 128 MB chunks of output data, each time specifying the appropriate byte range.
- After downloading all the parts of the job output, you have a list of eight checksum values. Compute the tree hash of these values to find the checksum of the entire output. Using the DescribeJob API, obtain job information of the job that provided you the output. The response includes the checksum of the entire archive stored in Amazon S3 Glacier. You compare this value with the checksum you computed to ensure you have downloaded the entire archive content with no errors.
getJobOutput_accountId :: Lens' GetJobOutput Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
getJobOutput_vaultName :: Lens' GetJobOutput Text Source #
The name of the vault.
getJobOutput_jobId :: Lens' GetJobOutput Text Source #
The job ID whose data is downloaded.
getJobOutputResponse_checksum :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The checksum of the data in the response. This header is returned only when retrieving the output for an archive retrieval job. Furthermore, this header appears only under the following conditions:
- You get the entire range of the archive.
- You request a range to return of the archive that starts and ends on a multiple of 1 MB. For example, if you have an 3.1 MB archive and you specify a range to return that starts at 1 MB and ends at 2 MB, then the x-amz-sha256-tree-hash is returned as a response header.
- You request a range of the archive to return that starts on a multiple of 1 MB and goes to the end of the archive. For example, if you have a 3.1 MB archive and you specify a range that starts at 2 MB and ends at 3.1 MB (the end of the archive), then the x-amz-sha256-tree-hash is returned as a response header.
getJobOutputResponse_acceptRanges :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Indicates the range units accepted. For more information, see RFC2616.
getJobOutputResponse_archiveDescription :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of an archive.
getJobOutputResponse_contentRange :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The range of bytes returned by Amazon S3 Glacier. If only partial output is downloaded, the response provides the range of bytes Amazon S3 Glacier returned. For example, bytes 0-1048575/8388608 returns the first 1 MB from 8 MB.
getJobOutputResponse_contentType :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Content-Type depends on whether the job output is an archive or a vault inventory. For archive data, the Content-Type is application/octet-stream. For vault inventory, if you requested CSV format when you initiated the job, the Content-Type is text/csv. Otherwise, by default, vault inventory is returned as JSON, and the Content-Type is application/json.
getJobOutputResponse_status :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse Int Source #
The HTTP response code for a job output request. The value depends on whether a range was specified in the request.
getJobOutputResponse_body :: Lens' GetJobOutputResponse ResponseBody Source #
The job data, either archive data or inventory data.
completeMultipartUpload_accountId :: Lens' CompleteMultipartUpload Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
completeMultipartUpload_vaultName :: Lens' CompleteMultipartUpload Text Source #
The name of the vault.
completeMultipartUpload_uploadId :: Lens' CompleteMultipartUpload Text Source #
The upload ID of the multipart upload.
completeMultipartUpload_archiveSize :: Lens' CompleteMultipartUpload Text Source #
The total size, in bytes, of the entire archive. This value should be the sum of all the sizes of the individual parts that you uploaded.
completeMultipartUpload_checksum :: Lens' CompleteMultipartUpload Text Source #
The SHA256 tree hash of the entire archive. It is the tree hash of SHA256 tree hash of the individual parts. If the value you specify in the request does not match the SHA256 tree hash of the final assembled archive as computed by Amazon S3 Glacier (Glacier), Glacier returns an error and the request fails.
archiveCreationOutput_archiveId :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the archive. This value is also included as part of the location.
archiveCreationOutput_checksum :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The checksum of the archive computed by Amazon S3 Glacier.
archiveCreationOutput_location :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The relative URI path of the newly added archive resource.
listMultipartUploads_marker :: Lens' ListMultipartUploads (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque string used for pagination. This value specifies the upload at which the listing of uploads should begin. Get the marker value from a previous List Uploads response. You need only include the marker if you are continuing the pagination of results started in a previous List Uploads request.
listMultipartUploads_limit :: Lens' ListMultipartUploads (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the maximum number of uploads returned in the response body. If this value is not specified, the List Uploads operation returns up to 50 uploads.
listMultipartUploads_accountId :: Lens' ListMultipartUploads Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
listMultipartUploads_vaultName :: Lens' ListMultipartUploads Text Source #
The name of the vault.
listMultipartUploadsResponse_uploadsList :: Lens' ListMultipartUploadsResponse (Maybe [UploadListElement]) Source #
A list of in-progress multipart uploads.
listMultipartUploadsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListMultipartUploadsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque string that represents where to continue pagination of the
results. You use the marker in a new List Multipart Uploads request to
obtain more uploads in the list. If there are no more uploads, this
value is null
listMultipartUploadsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListMultipartUploadsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
abortMultipartUpload_accountId :: Lens' AbortMultipartUpload Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
abortMultipartUpload_vaultName :: Lens' AbortMultipartUpload Text Source #
The name of the vault.
abortMultipartUpload_uploadId :: Lens' AbortMultipartUpload Text Source #
The upload ID of the multipart upload to delete.
purchaseProvisionedCapacity_accountId :: Lens' PurchaseProvisionedCapacity Text Source #
The AWS account ID of the account that owns the vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single '-' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use an account ID, don't include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
purchaseProvisionedCapacityResponse_capacityId :: Lens' PurchaseProvisionedCapacityResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID that identifies the provisioned capacity unit.
purchaseProvisionedCapacityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PurchaseProvisionedCapacityResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeVault_accountId :: Lens' DescribeVault Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
describeVault_vaultName :: Lens' DescribeVault Text Source #
The name of the vault.
describeVaultOutput_vaultName :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the vault.
describeVaultOutput_sizeInBytes :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Integer) Source #
Total size, in bytes, of the archives in the vault as of the last inventory date. This field will return null if an inventory has not yet run on the vault, for example if you just created the vault.
describeVaultOutput_lastInventoryDate :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) date when Amazon S3 Glacier
completed the last vault inventory. This value should be a string in the
ISO 8601 date format, for example 2012-03-20T17:03:43.221Z
describeVaultOutput_vaultARN :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vault.
describeVaultOutput_creationDate :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) date when the vault was created.
This value should be a string in the ISO 8601 date format, for example
describeVaultOutput_numberOfArchives :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of archives in the vault as of the last inventory date. This
field will return null
if an inventory has not yet run on the vault,
for example if you just created the vault.
getVaultLock_accountId :: Lens' GetVaultLock Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
getVaultLock_vaultName :: Lens' GetVaultLock Text Source #
The name of the vault.
getVaultLockResponse_state :: Lens' GetVaultLockResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The state of the vault lock. InProgress
or Locked
getVaultLockResponse_expirationDate :: Lens' GetVaultLockResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The UTC date and time at which the lock ID expires. This value can be
if the vault lock is in a Locked
getVaultLockResponse_creationDate :: Lens' GetVaultLockResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The UTC date and time at which the vault lock was put into the
getVaultLockResponse_policy :: Lens' GetVaultLockResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The vault lock policy as a JSON string, which uses "\" as an escape character.
getVaultLockResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetVaultLockResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeJob_accountId :: Lens' DescribeJob Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
describeJob_vaultName :: Lens' DescribeJob Text Source #
The name of the vault.
describeJob_jobId :: Lens' DescribeJob Text Source #
The ID of the job to describe.
glacierJobDescription_sHA256TreeHash :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
For an archive retrieval job, this value is the checksum of the archive. Otherwise, this value is null.
The SHA256 tree hash value for the requested range of an archive. If the InitiateJob request for an archive specified a tree-hash aligned range, then this field returns a value.
If the whole archive is retrieved, this value is the same as the ArchiveSHA256TreeHash value.
This field is null for the following:
- Archive retrieval jobs that specify a range that is not tree-hash aligned
- Archival jobs that specify a range that is equal to the whole
archive, when the job status is
- Inventory jobs
- Select jobs
glacierJobDescription_archiveId :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The archive ID requested for a select job or archive retrieval. Otherwise, this field is null.
glacierJobDescription_selectParameters :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe SelectParameters) Source #
Contains the parameters used for a select.
glacierJobDescription_jobId :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque string that identifies an Amazon S3 Glacier job.
glacierJobDescription_jobOutputPath :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Contains the job output location.
glacierJobDescription_retrievalByteRange :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The retrieved byte range for archive retrieval jobs in the form StartByteValue-EndByteValue. If no range was specified in the archive retrieval, then the whole archive is retrieved. In this case, StartByteValue equals 0 and EndByteValue equals the size of the archive minus 1. For inventory retrieval or select jobs, this field is null.
glacierJobDescription_inventoryRetrievalParameters :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe InventoryRetrievalJobDescription) Source #
Parameters used for range inventory retrieval.
glacierJobDescription_action :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe ActionCode) Source #
The job type. This value is either ArchiveRetrieval
, or Select
glacierJobDescription_jobDescription :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The job description provided when initiating the job.
glacierJobDescription_sNSTopic :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
An Amazon SNS topic that receives notification.
glacierJobDescription_statusMessage :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
A friendly message that describes the job status.
glacierJobDescription_vaultARN :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vault from which an archive retrieval was requested.
glacierJobDescription_outputLocation :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe OutputLocation) Source #
Contains the location where the data from the select job is stored.
glacierJobDescription_tier :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The tier to use for a select or an archive retrieval. Valid values are
, Standard
, or Bulk
. Standard
is the default.
glacierJobDescription_archiveSHA256TreeHash :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The SHA256 tree hash of the entire archive for an archive retrieval. For inventory retrieval or select jobs, this field is null.
glacierJobDescription_creationDate :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The UTC date when the job was created. This value is a string
representation of ISO 8601 date format, for example
glacierJobDescription_completed :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Bool) Source #
The job status. When a job is completed, you get the job's output using Get Job Output (GET output).
glacierJobDescription_completionDate :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The UTC time that the job request completed. While the job is in progress, the value is null.
glacierJobDescription_inventorySizeInBytes :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Integer) Source #
For an inventory retrieval job, this value is the size in bytes of the inventory requested for download. For an archive retrieval or select job, this value is null.
glacierJobDescription_archiveSizeInBytes :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Integer) Source #
For an archive retrieval job, this value is the size in bytes of the archive being requested for download. For an inventory retrieval or select job, this value is null.
glacierJobDescription_statusCode :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe StatusCode) Source #
The status code can be InProgress
, Succeeded
, or Failed
, and
indicates the status of the job.
initiateVaultLock_policy :: Lens' InitiateVaultLock (Maybe VaultLockPolicy) Source #
The vault lock policy as a JSON string, which uses "\" as an escape character.
initiateVaultLock_accountId :: Lens' InitiateVaultLock Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID. This value must match the
AWS account ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request.
You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single '-
(hyphen), in which case Amazon Glacier uses the AWS account ID
associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you specify
your account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
initiateVaultLock_vaultName :: Lens' InitiateVaultLock Text Source #
The name of the vault.
initiateVaultLockResponse_lockId :: Lens' InitiateVaultLockResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The lock ID, which is used to complete the vault locking process.
initiateVaultLockResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' InitiateVaultLockResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getVaultAccessPolicy_accountId :: Lens' GetVaultAccessPolicy Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
getVaultAccessPolicy_vaultName :: Lens' GetVaultAccessPolicy Text Source #
The name of the vault.
getVaultAccessPolicyResponse_policy :: Lens' GetVaultAccessPolicyResponse (Maybe VaultAccessPolicy) Source #
Contains the returned vault access policy as a JSON string.
getVaultAccessPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetVaultAccessPolicyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getDataRetrievalPolicy_accountId :: Lens' GetDataRetrievalPolicy Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID. This value must match the
AWS account ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request.
You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single '-
(hyphen), in which case Amazon Glacier uses the AWS account ID
associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you specify
your account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
getDataRetrievalPolicyResponse_policy :: Lens' GetDataRetrievalPolicyResponse (Maybe DataRetrievalPolicy) Source #
Contains the returned data retrieval policy in JSON format.
getDataRetrievalPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDataRetrievalPolicyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
removeTagsFromVault_tagKeys :: Lens' RemoveTagsFromVault (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of tag keys. Each corresponding tag is removed from the vault.
removeTagsFromVault_accountId :: Lens' RemoveTagsFromVault Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
removeTagsFromVault_vaultName :: Lens' RemoveTagsFromVault Text Source #
The name of the vault.
deleteVault_accountId :: Lens' DeleteVault Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
deleteVault_vaultName :: Lens' DeleteVault Text Source #
The name of the vault.
deleteArchive_accountId :: Lens' DeleteArchive Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
deleteArchive_vaultName :: Lens' DeleteArchive Text Source #
The name of the vault.
deleteArchive_archiveId :: Lens' DeleteArchive Text Source #
The ID of the archive to delete.
createVault_accountId :: Lens' CreateVault Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID. This value must match the
AWS account ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request.
You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single '-
(hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account ID
associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you specify
your account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
createVault_vaultName :: Lens' CreateVault Text Source #
The name of the vault.
createVaultResponse_location :: Lens' CreateVaultResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The URI of the vault that was created.
createVaultResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateVaultResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
initiateMultipartUpload_archiveDescription :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUpload (Maybe Text) Source #
The archive description that you are uploading in parts.
The part size must be a megabyte (1024 KB) multiplied by a power of 2, for example 1048576 (1 MB), 2097152 (2 MB), 4194304 (4 MB), 8388608 (8 MB), and so on. The minimum allowable part size is 1 MB, and the maximum is 4 GB (4096 MB).
initiateMultipartUpload_accountId :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUpload Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
initiateMultipartUpload_vaultName :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUpload Text Source #
The name of the vault.
initiateMultipartUpload_partSize :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUpload Text Source #
The size of each part except the last, in bytes. The last part can be smaller than this part size.
initiateMultipartUploadResponse_location :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUploadResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The relative URI path of the multipart upload ID Amazon S3 Glacier created.
initiateMultipartUploadResponse_uploadId :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUploadResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the multipart upload. This value is also included as part of the location.
initiateMultipartUploadResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' InitiateMultipartUploadResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listParts_marker :: Lens' ListParts (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque string used for pagination. This value specifies the part at which the listing of parts should begin. Get the marker value from the response of a previous List Parts response. You need only include the marker if you are continuing the pagination of results started in a previous List Parts request.
listParts_limit :: Lens' ListParts (Maybe Text) Source #
The maximum number of parts to be returned. The default limit is 50. The number of parts returned might be fewer than the specified limit, but the number of returned parts never exceeds the limit.
listParts_accountId :: Lens' ListParts Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
listPartsResponse_parts :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe [PartListElement]) Source #
A list of the part sizes of the multipart upload. Each object in the
array contains a RangeBytes
and sha256-tree-hash
name/value pair.
listPartsResponse_multipartUploadId :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the upload to which the parts are associated.
listPartsResponse_partSizeInBytes :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe Integer) Source #
The part size in bytes. This is the same value that you specified in the Initiate Multipart Upload request.
listPartsResponse_archiveDescription :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the archive that was specified in the Initiate Multipart Upload request.
listPartsResponse_vaultARN :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vault to which the multipart upload was initiated.
listPartsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque string that represents where to continue pagination of the
results. You use the marker in a new List Parts request to obtain more
jobs in the list. If there are no more parts, this value is null
listPartsResponse_creationDate :: Lens' ListPartsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The UTC time at which the multipart upload was initiated.
listPartsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListPartsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
addTagsToVault_tags :: Lens' AddTagsToVault (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags to add to the vault. Each tag is composed of a key and a value. The value can be an empty string.
addTagsToVault_accountId :: Lens' AddTagsToVault Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
addTagsToVault_vaultName :: Lens' AddTagsToVault Text Source #
The name of the vault.
uploadArchive_checksum :: Lens' UploadArchive (Maybe Text) Source #
The SHA256 tree hash of the data being uploaded.
uploadArchive_archiveDescription :: Lens' UploadArchive (Maybe Text) Source #
The optional description of the archive you are uploading.
uploadArchive_vaultName :: Lens' UploadArchive Text Source #
The name of the vault.
uploadArchive_accountId :: Lens' UploadArchive Text Source #
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the
vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account
ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use
an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
uploadArchive_body :: Lens' UploadArchive HashedBody Source #
The data to upload.
archiveCreationOutput_archiveId :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the archive. This value is also included as part of the location.
archiveCreationOutput_checksum :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The checksum of the archive computed by Amazon S3 Glacier.
archiveCreationOutput_location :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The relative URI path of the newly added archive resource.
archiveCreationOutput_archiveId :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the archive. This value is also included as part of the location.
archiveCreationOutput_checksum :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The checksum of the archive computed by Amazon S3 Glacier.
archiveCreationOutput_location :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The relative URI path of the newly added archive resource.
cSVInput_quoteCharacter :: Lens' CSVInput (Maybe Text) Source #
A value used as an escape character where the field delimiter is part of the value.
cSVInput_recordDelimiter :: Lens' CSVInput (Maybe Text) Source #
A value used to separate individual records from each other.
cSVInput_fileHeaderInfo :: Lens' CSVInput (Maybe FileHeaderInfo) Source #
Describes the first line of input. Valid values are None
, Ignore
and Use
cSVInput_quoteEscapeCharacter :: Lens' CSVInput (Maybe Text) Source #
A single character used for escaping the quotation-mark character inside an already escaped value.
cSVInput_comments :: Lens' CSVInput (Maybe Text) Source #
A single character used to indicate that a row should be ignored when the character is present at the start of that row.
cSVInput_fieldDelimiter :: Lens' CSVInput (Maybe Text) Source #
A value used to separate individual fields from each other within a record.
cSVOutput_quoteCharacter :: Lens' CSVOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
A value used as an escape character where the field delimiter is part of the value.
cSVOutput_quoteFields :: Lens' CSVOutput (Maybe QuoteFields) Source #
A value that indicates whether all output fields should be contained within quotation marks.
cSVOutput_recordDelimiter :: Lens' CSVOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
A value used to separate individual records from each other.
cSVOutput_quoteEscapeCharacter :: Lens' CSVOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
A single character used for escaping the quotation-mark character inside an already escaped value.
cSVOutput_fieldDelimiter :: Lens' CSVOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
A value used to separate individual fields from each other within a record.
dataRetrievalPolicy_rules :: Lens' DataRetrievalPolicy (Maybe [DataRetrievalRule]) Source #
The policy rule. Although this is a list type, currently there must be only one rule, which contains a Strategy field and optionally a BytesPerHour field.
dataRetrievalRule_strategy :: Lens' DataRetrievalRule (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of data retrieval policy to set.
Valid values: BytesPerHour|FreeTier|None
dataRetrievalRule_bytesPerHour :: Lens' DataRetrievalRule (Maybe Integer) Source #
The maximum number of bytes that can be retrieved in an hour.
This field is required only if the value of the Strategy field is
. Your PUT operation will be rejected if the Strategy
field is not set to BytesPerHour
and you set this field.
describeVaultOutput_vaultName :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the vault.
describeVaultOutput_sizeInBytes :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Integer) Source #
Total size, in bytes, of the archives in the vault as of the last inventory date. This field will return null if an inventory has not yet run on the vault, for example if you just created the vault.
describeVaultOutput_lastInventoryDate :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) date when Amazon S3 Glacier
completed the last vault inventory. This value should be a string in the
ISO 8601 date format, for example 2012-03-20T17:03:43.221Z
describeVaultOutput_vaultARN :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vault.
describeVaultOutput_creationDate :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) date when the vault was created.
This value should be a string in the ISO 8601 date format, for example
describeVaultOutput_numberOfArchives :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of archives in the vault as of the last inventory date. This
field will return null
if an inventory has not yet run on the vault,
for example if you just created the vault.
encryption_encryptionType :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe EncryptionType) Source #
The server-side encryption algorithm used when storing job results in
Amazon S3, for example AES256
or aws:kms
encryption_kmsKeyId :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS KMS key ID to use for object encryption. All GET and PUT requests for an object protected by AWS KMS fail if not made by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Signature Version 4.
encryption_kmsContext :: Lens' Encryption (Maybe Text) Source #
Optional. If the encryption type is aws:kms
, you can use this value to
specify the encryption context for the job results.
glacierJobDescription_sHA256TreeHash :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
For an archive retrieval job, this value is the checksum of the archive. Otherwise, this value is null.
The SHA256 tree hash value for the requested range of an archive. If the InitiateJob request for an archive specified a tree-hash aligned range, then this field returns a value.
If the whole archive is retrieved, this value is the same as the ArchiveSHA256TreeHash value.
This field is null for the following:
- Archive retrieval jobs that specify a range that is not tree-hash aligned
- Archival jobs that specify a range that is equal to the whole
archive, when the job status is
- Inventory jobs
- Select jobs
glacierJobDescription_archiveId :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The archive ID requested for a select job or archive retrieval. Otherwise, this field is null.
glacierJobDescription_selectParameters :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe SelectParameters) Source #
Contains the parameters used for a select.
glacierJobDescription_jobId :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque string that identifies an Amazon S3 Glacier job.
glacierJobDescription_jobOutputPath :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
Contains the job output location.
glacierJobDescription_retrievalByteRange :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The retrieved byte range for archive retrieval jobs in the form StartByteValue-EndByteValue. If no range was specified in the archive retrieval, then the whole archive is retrieved. In this case, StartByteValue equals 0 and EndByteValue equals the size of the archive minus 1. For inventory retrieval or select jobs, this field is null.
glacierJobDescription_inventoryRetrievalParameters :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe InventoryRetrievalJobDescription) Source #
Parameters used for range inventory retrieval.
glacierJobDescription_action :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe ActionCode) Source #
The job type. This value is either ArchiveRetrieval
, or Select
glacierJobDescription_jobDescription :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The job description provided when initiating the job.
glacierJobDescription_sNSTopic :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
An Amazon SNS topic that receives notification.
glacierJobDescription_statusMessage :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
A friendly message that describes the job status.
glacierJobDescription_vaultARN :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vault from which an archive retrieval was requested.
glacierJobDescription_outputLocation :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe OutputLocation) Source #
Contains the location where the data from the select job is stored.
glacierJobDescription_tier :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The tier to use for a select or an archive retrieval. Valid values are
, Standard
, or Bulk
. Standard
is the default.
glacierJobDescription_archiveSHA256TreeHash :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The SHA256 tree hash of the entire archive for an archive retrieval. For inventory retrieval or select jobs, this field is null.
glacierJobDescription_creationDate :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The UTC date when the job was created. This value is a string
representation of ISO 8601 date format, for example
glacierJobDescription_completed :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Bool) Source #
The job status. When a job is completed, you get the job's output using Get Job Output (GET output).
glacierJobDescription_completionDate :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The UTC time that the job request completed. While the job is in progress, the value is null.
glacierJobDescription_inventorySizeInBytes :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Integer) Source #
For an inventory retrieval job, this value is the size in bytes of the inventory requested for download. For an archive retrieval or select job, this value is null.
glacierJobDescription_archiveSizeInBytes :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Integer) Source #
For an archive retrieval job, this value is the size in bytes of the archive being requested for download. For an inventory retrieval or select job, this value is null.
glacierJobDescription_statusCode :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe StatusCode) Source #
The status code can be InProgress
, Succeeded
, or Failed
, and
indicates the status of the job.
grant_permission :: Lens' Grant (Maybe Permission) Source #
Specifies the permission given to the grantee.
inputSerialization_csv :: Lens' InputSerialization (Maybe CSVInput) Source #
Describes the serialization of a CSV-encoded object.
inventoryRetrievalJobDescription_format :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The output format for the vault inventory list, which is set by the
InitiateJob request when initiating a job to retrieve a vault
inventory. Valid values are CSV
and JSON
inventoryRetrievalJobDescription_endDate :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The end of the date range in UTC for vault inventory retrieval that
includes archives created before this date. This value should be a
string in the ISO 8601 date format, for example 2013-03-20T17:03:43Z
inventoryRetrievalJobDescription_startDate :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The start of the date range in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) for
vault inventory retrieval that includes archives created on or after
this date. This value should be a string in the ISO 8601 date format,
for example 2013-03-20T17:03:43Z
inventoryRetrievalJobDescription_marker :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque string that represents where to continue pagination of the
vault inventory retrieval results. You use the marker in a new
InitiateJob request to obtain additional inventory items. If there
are no more inventory items, this value is null
. For more information,
Range Inventory Retrieval.
inventoryRetrievalJobDescription_limit :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The maximum number of inventory items returned per vault inventory retrieval request. This limit is set when initiating the job with the a InitiateJob request.
inventoryRetrievalJobInput_endDate :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobInput (Maybe Text) Source #
The end of the date range in UTC for vault inventory retrieval that
includes archives created before this date. This value should be a
string in the ISO 8601 date format, for example 2013-03-20T17:03:43Z
inventoryRetrievalJobInput_startDate :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobInput (Maybe Text) Source #
The start of the date range in UTC for vault inventory retrieval that
includes archives created on or after this date. This value should be a
string in the ISO 8601 date format, for example 2013-03-20T17:03:43Z
inventoryRetrievalJobInput_marker :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobInput (Maybe Text) Source #
An opaque string that represents where to continue pagination of the
vault inventory retrieval results. You use the marker in a new
InitiateJob request to obtain additional inventory items. If there
are no more inventory items, this value is null
inventoryRetrievalJobInput_limit :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobInput (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the maximum number of inventory items returned per vault inventory retrieval request. Valid values are greater than or equal to 1.
jobParameters_archiveId :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the archive that you want to retrieve. This field is required
only if Type
is set to select
or archive-retrieval
code>. An error
occurs if you specify this request parameter for an inventory retrieval
job request.
jobParameters_selectParameters :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe SelectParameters) Source #
Contains the parameters that define a job.
jobParameters_format :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
When initiating a job to retrieve a vault inventory, you can optionally add this parameter to your request to specify the output format. If you are initiating an inventory job and do not specify a Format field, JSON is the default format. Valid values are "CSV" and "JSON".
jobParameters_retrievalByteRange :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
The byte range to retrieve for an archive retrieval. in the form "StartByteValue-EndByteValue" If not specified, the whole archive is retrieved. If specified, the byte range must be megabyte (1024*1024) aligned which means that StartByteValue must be divisible by 1 MB and EndByteValue plus 1 must be divisible by 1 MB or be the end of the archive specified as the archive byte size value minus 1. If RetrievalByteRange is not megabyte aligned, this operation returns a 400 response.
An error occurs if you specify this field for an inventory retrieval job request.
jobParameters_inventoryRetrievalParameters :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe InventoryRetrievalJobInput) Source #
Input parameters used for range inventory retrieval.
jobParameters_sNSTopic :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon SNS topic ARN to which Amazon S3 Glacier sends a notification when the job is completed and the output is ready for you to download. The specified topic publishes the notification to its subscribers. The SNS topic must exist.
jobParameters_outputLocation :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe OutputLocation) Source #
Contains information about the location where the select job results are stored.
jobParameters_tier :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
The tier to use for a select or an archive retrieval job. Valid values
are Expedited
, Standard
, or Bulk
. Standard
is the default.
jobParameters_type :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
The job type. You can initiate a job to perform a select query on an archive, retrieve an archive, or get an inventory of a vault. Valid values are "select", "archive-retrieval" and "inventory-retrieval".
jobParameters_description :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
The optional description for the job. The description must be less than or equal to 1,024 bytes. The allowable characters are 7-bit ASCII without control codes-specifically, ASCII values 32-126 decimal or 0x20-0x7E hexadecimal.
outputLocation_s3 :: Lens' OutputLocation (Maybe S3Location) Source #
Describes an S3 location that will receive the results of the job request.
outputSerialization_csv :: Lens' OutputSerialization (Maybe CSVOutput) Source #
Describes the serialization of CSV-encoded query results.
partListElement_sHA256TreeHash :: Lens' PartListElement (Maybe Text) Source #
The SHA256 tree hash value that Amazon S3 Glacier calculated for the
part. This field is never null
partListElement_rangeInBytes :: Lens' PartListElement (Maybe Text) Source #
The byte range of a part, inclusive of the upper value of the range.
provisionedCapacityDescription_capacityId :: Lens' ProvisionedCapacityDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID that identifies the provisioned capacity unit.
provisionedCapacityDescription_startDate :: Lens' ProvisionedCapacityDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The date that the provisioned capacity unit was purchased, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
provisionedCapacityDescription_expirationDate :: Lens' ProvisionedCapacityDescription (Maybe Text) Source #
The date that the provisioned capacity unit expires, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
s3Location_cannedACL :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe CannedACL) Source #
The canned access control list (ACL) to apply to the job results.
s3Location_prefix :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Text) Source #
The prefix that is prepended to the results for this request.
s3Location_bucketName :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the job results are stored.
s3Location_accessControlList :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe [Grant]) Source #
A list of grants that control access to the staged results.
s3Location_userMetadata :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A map of metadata to store with the job results in Amazon S3.
s3Location_encryption :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe Encryption) Source #
Contains information about the encryption used to store the job results in Amazon S3.
s3Location_storageClass :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe StorageClass) Source #
The storage class used to store the job results.
s3Location_tagging :: Lens' S3Location (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tag-set that is applied to the job results.
selectParameters_expressionType :: Lens' SelectParameters (Maybe ExpressionType) Source #
The type of the provided expression, for example SQL
selectParameters_outputSerialization :: Lens' SelectParameters (Maybe OutputSerialization) Source #
Describes how the results of the select job are serialized.
selectParameters_expression :: Lens' SelectParameters (Maybe Text) Source #
The expression that is used to select the object.
selectParameters_inputSerialization :: Lens' SelectParameters (Maybe InputSerialization) Source #
Describes the serialization format of the object.
uploadListElement_multipartUploadId :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of a multipart upload.
uploadListElement_partSizeInBytes :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Integer) Source #
The part size, in bytes, specified in the Initiate Multipart Upload request. This is the size of all the parts in the upload except the last part, which may be smaller than this size.
uploadListElement_archiveDescription :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the archive that was specified in the Initiate Multipart Upload request.
uploadListElement_vaultARN :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vault that contains the archive.
uploadListElement_creationDate :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Text) Source #
The UTC time at which the multipart upload was initiated.
vaultAccessPolicy_policy :: Lens' VaultAccessPolicy (Maybe Text) Source #
The vault access policy.
vaultLockPolicy_policy :: Lens' VaultLockPolicy (Maybe Text) Source #
The vault lock policy.
vaultNotificationConfig_sNSTopic :: Lens' VaultNotificationConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
vaultNotificationConfig_events :: Lens' VaultNotificationConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of one or more events for which Amazon S3 Glacier will send a notification to the specified Amazon SNS topic.