Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- RunJobFlow
- RemoveAutoScalingPolicy
- CreateStudio
- SetVisibleToAllUsers
- TerminateJobFlows
- DescribeStep
- RemoveTags
- DescribeCluster
- ListSecurityConfigurations
- CancelSteps
- ListNotebookExecutions
- PutAutoTerminationPolicy
- CreateSecurityConfiguration
- DescribeReleaseLabel
- SetTerminationProtection
- AddJobFlowSteps
- DescribeStudio
- ModifyInstanceGroups
- StartNotebookExecution
- ListSteps
- ListReleaseLabels
- CreateStudioSessionMapping
- AddInstanceFleet
- DeleteStudio
- UpdateStudio
- ListStudios
- PutManagedScalingPolicy
- AddInstanceGroups
- GetStudioSessionMapping
- DeleteSecurityConfiguration
- ModifyInstanceFleet
- ListInstanceGroups
- GetBlockPublicAccessConfiguration
- ModifyCluster
- GetAutoTerminationPolicy
- PutBlockPublicAccessConfiguration
- ListBootstrapActions
- RemoveAutoTerminationPolicy
- AddTags
- ListInstances
- PutAutoScalingPolicy
- DeleteStudioSessionMapping
- UpdateStudioSessionMapping
- ListClusters
- DescribeSecurityConfiguration
- StopNotebookExecution
- ListStudioSessionMappings
- GetManagedScalingPolicy
- ListInstanceFleets
- RemoveManagedScalingPolicy
- DescribeNotebookExecution
- Types
- Application
- AutoScalingPolicy
- AutoScalingPolicyDescription
- AutoScalingPolicyStateChangeReason
- AutoScalingPolicyStatus
- AutoTerminationPolicy
- BlockPublicAccessConfiguration
- BlockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata
- BootstrapActionConfig
- CancelStepsInfo
- CloudWatchAlarmDefinition
- Cluster
- ClusterStateChangeReason
- ClusterStatus
- ClusterSummary
- ClusterTimeline
- Command
- ComputeLimits
- Configuration
- EbsBlockDevice
- EbsBlockDeviceConfig
- EbsConfiguration
- EbsVolume
- Ec2InstanceAttributes
- ExecutionEngineConfig
- FailureDetails
- HadoopJarStepConfig
- HadoopStepConfig
- Instance
- InstanceFleet
- InstanceFleetConfig
- InstanceFleetModifyConfig
- InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications
- InstanceFleetStateChangeReason
- InstanceFleetStatus
- InstanceFleetTimeline
- InstanceGroup
- InstanceGroupConfig
- InstanceGroupModifyConfig
- InstanceGroupStateChangeReason
- InstanceGroupStatus
- InstanceGroupTimeline
- InstanceResizePolicy
- InstanceStateChangeReason
- InstanceStatus
- InstanceTimeline
- InstanceTypeConfig
- InstanceTypeSpecification
- JobFlowInstancesConfig
- KerberosAttributes
- KeyValue
- ManagedScalingPolicy
- MetricDimension
- NotebookExecution
- NotebookExecutionSummary
- OnDemandCapacityReservationOptions
- OnDemandProvisioningSpecification
- PlacementGroupConfig
- PlacementType
- PortRange
- ReleaseLabelFilter
- ScalingAction
- ScalingConstraints
- ScalingRule
- ScalingTrigger
- ScriptBootstrapActionConfig
- SecurityConfigurationSummary
- SessionMappingDetail
- SessionMappingSummary
- ShrinkPolicy
- SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration
- SimplifiedApplication
- SpotProvisioningSpecification
- Step
- StepConfig
- StepStateChangeReason
- StepStatus
- StepSummary
- StepTimeline
- Studio
- StudioSummary
- SupportedProductConfig
- Tag
- VolumeSpecification
- runJobFlow_logEncryptionKmsKeyId :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text)
- runJobFlow_amiVersion :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text)
- runJobFlow_ebsRootVolumeSize :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Int)
- runJobFlow_additionalInfo :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text)
- runJobFlow_autoTerminationPolicy :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe AutoTerminationPolicy)
- runJobFlow_configurations :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [Configuration])
- runJobFlow_customAmiId :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text)
- runJobFlow_autoScalingRole :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text)
- runJobFlow_securityConfiguration :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text)
- runJobFlow_scaleDownBehavior :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe ScaleDownBehavior)
- runJobFlow_steps :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [StepConfig])
- runJobFlow_jobFlowRole :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text)
- runJobFlow_bootstrapActions :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [BootstrapActionConfig])
- runJobFlow_releaseLabel :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text)
- runJobFlow_repoUpgradeOnBoot :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe RepoUpgradeOnBoot)
- runJobFlow_placementGroupConfigs :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [PlacementGroupConfig])
- runJobFlow_logUri :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text)
- runJobFlow_kerberosAttributes :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe KerberosAttributes)
- runJobFlow_newSupportedProducts :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [SupportedProductConfig])
- runJobFlow_managedScalingPolicy :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe ManagedScalingPolicy)
- runJobFlow_visibleToAllUsers :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Bool)
- runJobFlow_supportedProducts :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [Text])
- runJobFlow_stepConcurrencyLevel :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Int)
- runJobFlow_applications :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [Application])
- runJobFlow_tags :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [Tag])
- runJobFlow_serviceRole :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text)
- runJobFlow_name :: Lens' RunJobFlow Text
- runJobFlow_instances :: Lens' RunJobFlow JobFlowInstancesConfig
- runJobFlowResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' RunJobFlowResponse (Maybe Text)
- runJobFlowResponse_jobFlowId :: Lens' RunJobFlowResponse (Maybe Text)
- runJobFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RunJobFlowResponse Int
- removeAutoScalingPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' RemoveAutoScalingPolicy Text
- removeAutoScalingPolicy_instanceGroupId :: Lens' RemoveAutoScalingPolicy Text
- removeAutoScalingPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveAutoScalingPolicyResponse Int
- createStudio_idpAuthUrl :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe Text)
- createStudio_idpRelayStateParameterName :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe Text)
- createStudio_userRole :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe Text)
- createStudio_description :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe Text)
- createStudio_tags :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe [Tag])
- createStudio_name :: Lens' CreateStudio Text
- createStudio_authMode :: Lens' CreateStudio AuthMode
- createStudio_vpcId :: Lens' CreateStudio Text
- createStudio_subnetIds :: Lens' CreateStudio [Text]
- createStudio_serviceRole :: Lens' CreateStudio Text
- createStudio_workspaceSecurityGroupId :: Lens' CreateStudio Text
- createStudio_engineSecurityGroupId :: Lens' CreateStudio Text
- createStudio_defaultS3Location :: Lens' CreateStudio Text
- createStudioResponse_studioId :: Lens' CreateStudioResponse (Maybe Text)
- createStudioResponse_url :: Lens' CreateStudioResponse (Maybe Text)
- createStudioResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStudioResponse Int
- setVisibleToAllUsers_jobFlowIds :: Lens' SetVisibleToAllUsers [Text]
- setVisibleToAllUsers_visibleToAllUsers :: Lens' SetVisibleToAllUsers Bool
- terminateJobFlows_jobFlowIds :: Lens' TerminateJobFlows [Text]
- describeStep_clusterId :: Lens' DescribeStep Text
- describeStep_stepId :: Lens' DescribeStep Text
- describeStepResponse_step :: Lens' DescribeStepResponse (Maybe Step)
- describeStepResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeStepResponse Int
- removeTags_resourceId :: Lens' RemoveTags Text
- removeTags_tagKeys :: Lens' RemoveTags [Text]
- removeTagsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveTagsResponse Int
- describeCluster_clusterId :: Lens' DescribeCluster Text
- describeClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeClusterResponse Int
- describeClusterResponse_cluster :: Lens' DescribeClusterResponse Cluster
- listSecurityConfigurations_marker :: Lens' ListSecurityConfigurations (Maybe Text)
- listSecurityConfigurationsResponse_securityConfigurations :: Lens' ListSecurityConfigurationsResponse (Maybe [SecurityConfigurationSummary])
- listSecurityConfigurationsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListSecurityConfigurationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listSecurityConfigurationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListSecurityConfigurationsResponse Int
- cancelSteps_stepCancellationOption :: Lens' CancelSteps (Maybe StepCancellationOption)
- cancelSteps_clusterId :: Lens' CancelSteps Text
- cancelSteps_stepIds :: Lens' CancelSteps [Text]
- cancelStepsResponse_cancelStepsInfoList :: Lens' CancelStepsResponse (Maybe [CancelStepsInfo])
- cancelStepsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CancelStepsResponse Int
- listNotebookExecutions_status :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutions (Maybe NotebookExecutionStatus)
- listNotebookExecutions_editorId :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutions (Maybe Text)
- listNotebookExecutions_to :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutions (Maybe UTCTime)
- listNotebookExecutions_from :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutions (Maybe UTCTime)
- listNotebookExecutions_marker :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutions (Maybe Text)
- listNotebookExecutionsResponse_notebookExecutions :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutionsResponse (Maybe [NotebookExecutionSummary])
- listNotebookExecutionsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutionsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listNotebookExecutionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutionsResponse Int
- putAutoTerminationPolicy_autoTerminationPolicy :: Lens' PutAutoTerminationPolicy (Maybe AutoTerminationPolicy)
- putAutoTerminationPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' PutAutoTerminationPolicy Text
- putAutoTerminationPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutAutoTerminationPolicyResponse Int
- createSecurityConfiguration_name :: Lens' CreateSecurityConfiguration Text
- createSecurityConfiguration_securityConfiguration :: Lens' CreateSecurityConfiguration Text
- createSecurityConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateSecurityConfigurationResponse Int
- createSecurityConfigurationResponse_name :: Lens' CreateSecurityConfigurationResponse Text
- createSecurityConfigurationResponse_creationDateTime :: Lens' CreateSecurityConfigurationResponse UTCTime
- describeReleaseLabel_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabel (Maybe Text)
- describeReleaseLabel_releaseLabel :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabel (Maybe Text)
- describeReleaseLabel_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabel (Maybe Natural)
- describeReleaseLabelResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabelResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeReleaseLabelResponse_releaseLabel :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabelResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeReleaseLabelResponse_applications :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabelResponse (Maybe [SimplifiedApplication])
- describeReleaseLabelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabelResponse Int
- setTerminationProtection_jobFlowIds :: Lens' SetTerminationProtection [Text]
- setTerminationProtection_terminationProtected :: Lens' SetTerminationProtection Bool
- addJobFlowSteps_jobFlowId :: Lens' AddJobFlowSteps Text
- addJobFlowSteps_steps :: Lens' AddJobFlowSteps [StepConfig]
- addJobFlowStepsResponse_stepIds :: Lens' AddJobFlowStepsResponse (Maybe [Text])
- addJobFlowStepsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddJobFlowStepsResponse Int
- describeStudio_studioId :: Lens' DescribeStudio Text
- describeStudioResponse_studio :: Lens' DescribeStudioResponse (Maybe Studio)
- describeStudioResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeStudioResponse Int
- modifyInstanceGroups_clusterId :: Lens' ModifyInstanceGroups (Maybe Text)
- modifyInstanceGroups_instanceGroups :: Lens' ModifyInstanceGroups (Maybe [InstanceGroupModifyConfig])
- startNotebookExecution_notebookInstanceSecurityGroupId :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution (Maybe Text)
- startNotebookExecution_notebookExecutionName :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution (Maybe Text)
- startNotebookExecution_notebookParams :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution (Maybe Text)
- startNotebookExecution_tags :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution (Maybe [Tag])
- startNotebookExecution_editorId :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution Text
- startNotebookExecution_relativePath :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution Text
- startNotebookExecution_executionEngine :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution ExecutionEngineConfig
- startNotebookExecution_serviceRole :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution Text
- startNotebookExecutionResponse_notebookExecutionId :: Lens' StartNotebookExecutionResponse (Maybe Text)
- startNotebookExecutionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartNotebookExecutionResponse Int
- listSteps_stepIds :: Lens' ListSteps (Maybe [Text])
- listSteps_stepStates :: Lens' ListSteps (Maybe [StepState])
- listSteps_marker :: Lens' ListSteps (Maybe Text)
- listSteps_clusterId :: Lens' ListSteps Text
- listStepsResponse_steps :: Lens' ListStepsResponse (Maybe [StepSummary])
- listStepsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListStepsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listStepsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStepsResponse Int
- listReleaseLabels_filters :: Lens' ListReleaseLabels (Maybe ReleaseLabelFilter)
- listReleaseLabels_nextToken :: Lens' ListReleaseLabels (Maybe Text)
- listReleaseLabels_maxResults :: Lens' ListReleaseLabels (Maybe Natural)
- listReleaseLabelsResponse_releaseLabels :: Lens' ListReleaseLabelsResponse (Maybe [Text])
- listReleaseLabelsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListReleaseLabelsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listReleaseLabelsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListReleaseLabelsResponse Int
- createStudioSessionMapping_identityId :: Lens' CreateStudioSessionMapping (Maybe Text)
- createStudioSessionMapping_identityName :: Lens' CreateStudioSessionMapping (Maybe Text)
- createStudioSessionMapping_studioId :: Lens' CreateStudioSessionMapping Text
- createStudioSessionMapping_identityType :: Lens' CreateStudioSessionMapping IdentityType
- createStudioSessionMapping_sessionPolicyArn :: Lens' CreateStudioSessionMapping Text
- addInstanceFleet_clusterId :: Lens' AddInstanceFleet Text
- addInstanceFleet_instanceFleet :: Lens' AddInstanceFleet InstanceFleetConfig
- addInstanceFleetResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' AddInstanceFleetResponse (Maybe Text)
- addInstanceFleetResponse_clusterId :: Lens' AddInstanceFleetResponse (Maybe Text)
- addInstanceFleetResponse_instanceFleetId :: Lens' AddInstanceFleetResponse (Maybe Text)
- addInstanceFleetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddInstanceFleetResponse Int
- deleteStudio_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStudio Text
- updateStudio_subnetIds :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe [Text])
- updateStudio_defaultS3Location :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text)
- updateStudio_name :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text)
- updateStudio_description :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text)
- updateStudio_studioId :: Lens' UpdateStudio Text
- listStudios_marker :: Lens' ListStudios (Maybe Text)
- listStudiosResponse_studios :: Lens' ListStudiosResponse (Maybe [StudioSummary])
- listStudiosResponse_marker :: Lens' ListStudiosResponse (Maybe Text)
- listStudiosResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStudiosResponse Int
- putManagedScalingPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' PutManagedScalingPolicy Text
- putManagedScalingPolicy_managedScalingPolicy :: Lens' PutManagedScalingPolicy ManagedScalingPolicy
- putManagedScalingPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutManagedScalingPolicyResponse Int
- addInstanceGroups_instanceGroups :: Lens' AddInstanceGroups [InstanceGroupConfig]
- addInstanceGroups_jobFlowId :: Lens' AddInstanceGroups Text
- addInstanceGroupsResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' AddInstanceGroupsResponse (Maybe Text)
- addInstanceGroupsResponse_jobFlowId :: Lens' AddInstanceGroupsResponse (Maybe Text)
- addInstanceGroupsResponse_instanceGroupIds :: Lens' AddInstanceGroupsResponse (Maybe [Text])
- addInstanceGroupsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddInstanceGroupsResponse Int
- getStudioSessionMapping_identityId :: Lens' GetStudioSessionMapping (Maybe Text)
- getStudioSessionMapping_identityName :: Lens' GetStudioSessionMapping (Maybe Text)
- getStudioSessionMapping_studioId :: Lens' GetStudioSessionMapping Text
- getStudioSessionMapping_identityType :: Lens' GetStudioSessionMapping IdentityType
- getStudioSessionMappingResponse_sessionMapping :: Lens' GetStudioSessionMappingResponse (Maybe SessionMappingDetail)
- getStudioSessionMappingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStudioSessionMappingResponse Int
- deleteSecurityConfiguration_name :: Lens' DeleteSecurityConfiguration Text
- deleteSecurityConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteSecurityConfigurationResponse Int
- modifyInstanceFleet_clusterId :: Lens' ModifyInstanceFleet Text
- modifyInstanceFleet_instanceFleet :: Lens' ModifyInstanceFleet InstanceFleetModifyConfig
- listInstanceGroups_marker :: Lens' ListInstanceGroups (Maybe Text)
- listInstanceGroups_clusterId :: Lens' ListInstanceGroups Text
- listInstanceGroupsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListInstanceGroupsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listInstanceGroupsResponse_instanceGroups :: Lens' ListInstanceGroupsResponse (Maybe [InstanceGroup])
- listInstanceGroupsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListInstanceGroupsResponse Int
- getBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse Int
- getBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse_blockPublicAccessConfiguration :: Lens' GetBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse BlockPublicAccessConfiguration
- getBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse_blockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata :: Lens' GetBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse BlockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata
- modifyCluster_stepConcurrencyLevel :: Lens' ModifyCluster (Maybe Int)
- modifyCluster_clusterId :: Lens' ModifyCluster Text
- modifyClusterResponse_stepConcurrencyLevel :: Lens' ModifyClusterResponse (Maybe Int)
- modifyClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ModifyClusterResponse Int
- getAutoTerminationPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' GetAutoTerminationPolicy Text
- getAutoTerminationPolicyResponse_autoTerminationPolicy :: Lens' GetAutoTerminationPolicyResponse (Maybe AutoTerminationPolicy)
- getAutoTerminationPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAutoTerminationPolicyResponse Int
- putBlockPublicAccessConfiguration_blockPublicAccessConfiguration :: Lens' PutBlockPublicAccessConfiguration BlockPublicAccessConfiguration
- putBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse Int
- listBootstrapActions_marker :: Lens' ListBootstrapActions (Maybe Text)
- listBootstrapActions_clusterId :: Lens' ListBootstrapActions Text
- listBootstrapActionsResponse_bootstrapActions :: Lens' ListBootstrapActionsResponse (Maybe [Command])
- listBootstrapActionsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListBootstrapActionsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listBootstrapActionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListBootstrapActionsResponse Int
- removeAutoTerminationPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' RemoveAutoTerminationPolicy Text
- removeAutoTerminationPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveAutoTerminationPolicyResponse Int
- addTags_resourceId :: Lens' AddTags Text
- addTags_tags :: Lens' AddTags [Tag]
- addTagsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddTagsResponse Int
- listInstances_instanceGroupTypes :: Lens' ListInstances (Maybe [InstanceGroupType])
- listInstances_instanceFleetType :: Lens' ListInstances (Maybe InstanceFleetType)
- listInstances_marker :: Lens' ListInstances (Maybe Text)
- listInstances_instanceFleetId :: Lens' ListInstances (Maybe Text)
- listInstances_instanceStates :: Lens' ListInstances (Maybe [InstanceState])
- listInstances_instanceGroupId :: Lens' ListInstances (Maybe Text)
- listInstances_clusterId :: Lens' ListInstances Text
- listInstancesResponse_marker :: Lens' ListInstancesResponse (Maybe Text)
- listInstancesResponse_instances :: Lens' ListInstancesResponse (Maybe [Instance])
- listInstancesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListInstancesResponse Int
- putAutoScalingPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicy Text
- putAutoScalingPolicy_instanceGroupId :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicy Text
- putAutoScalingPolicy_autoScalingPolicy :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicy AutoScalingPolicy
- putAutoScalingPolicyResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicyResponse (Maybe Text)
- putAutoScalingPolicyResponse_clusterId :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicyResponse (Maybe Text)
- putAutoScalingPolicyResponse_autoScalingPolicy :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicyResponse (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyDescription)
- putAutoScalingPolicyResponse_instanceGroupId :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicyResponse (Maybe Text)
- putAutoScalingPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicyResponse Int
- deleteStudioSessionMapping_identityId :: Lens' DeleteStudioSessionMapping (Maybe Text)
- deleteStudioSessionMapping_identityName :: Lens' DeleteStudioSessionMapping (Maybe Text)
- deleteStudioSessionMapping_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStudioSessionMapping Text
- deleteStudioSessionMapping_identityType :: Lens' DeleteStudioSessionMapping IdentityType
- updateStudioSessionMapping_identityId :: Lens' UpdateStudioSessionMapping (Maybe Text)
- updateStudioSessionMapping_identityName :: Lens' UpdateStudioSessionMapping (Maybe Text)
- updateStudioSessionMapping_studioId :: Lens' UpdateStudioSessionMapping Text
- updateStudioSessionMapping_identityType :: Lens' UpdateStudioSessionMapping IdentityType
- updateStudioSessionMapping_sessionPolicyArn :: Lens' UpdateStudioSessionMapping Text
- listClusters_createdAfter :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe UTCTime)
- listClusters_marker :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe Text)
- listClusters_clusterStates :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe [ClusterState])
- listClusters_createdBefore :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe UTCTime)
- listClustersResponse_marker :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe Text)
- listClustersResponse_clusters :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe [ClusterSummary])
- listClustersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListClustersResponse Int
- describeSecurityConfiguration_name :: Lens' DescribeSecurityConfiguration Text
- describeSecurityConfigurationResponse_securityConfiguration :: Lens' DescribeSecurityConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeSecurityConfigurationResponse_name :: Lens' DescribeSecurityConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeSecurityConfigurationResponse_creationDateTime :: Lens' DescribeSecurityConfigurationResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeSecurityConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeSecurityConfigurationResponse Int
- stopNotebookExecution_notebookExecutionId :: Lens' StopNotebookExecution Text
- listStudioSessionMappings_studioId :: Lens' ListStudioSessionMappings (Maybe Text)
- listStudioSessionMappings_identityType :: Lens' ListStudioSessionMappings (Maybe IdentityType)
- listStudioSessionMappings_marker :: Lens' ListStudioSessionMappings (Maybe Text)
- listStudioSessionMappingsResponse_sessionMappings :: Lens' ListStudioSessionMappingsResponse (Maybe [SessionMappingSummary])
- listStudioSessionMappingsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListStudioSessionMappingsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listStudioSessionMappingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStudioSessionMappingsResponse Int
- getManagedScalingPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' GetManagedScalingPolicy Text
- getManagedScalingPolicyResponse_managedScalingPolicy :: Lens' GetManagedScalingPolicyResponse (Maybe ManagedScalingPolicy)
- getManagedScalingPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetManagedScalingPolicyResponse Int
- listInstanceFleets_marker :: Lens' ListInstanceFleets (Maybe Text)
- listInstanceFleets_clusterId :: Lens' ListInstanceFleets Text
- listInstanceFleetsResponse_instanceFleets :: Lens' ListInstanceFleetsResponse (Maybe [InstanceFleet])
- listInstanceFleetsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListInstanceFleetsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listInstanceFleetsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListInstanceFleetsResponse Int
- removeManagedScalingPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' RemoveManagedScalingPolicy Text
- removeManagedScalingPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveManagedScalingPolicyResponse Int
- describeNotebookExecution_notebookExecutionId :: Lens' DescribeNotebookExecution Text
- describeNotebookExecutionResponse_notebookExecution :: Lens' DescribeNotebookExecutionResponse (Maybe NotebookExecution)
- describeNotebookExecutionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeNotebookExecutionResponse Int
- application_args :: Lens' Application (Maybe [Text])
- application_additionalInfo :: Lens' Application (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- application_name :: Lens' Application (Maybe Text)
- application_version :: Lens' Application (Maybe Text)
- autoScalingPolicy_constraints :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicy ScalingConstraints
- autoScalingPolicy_rules :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicy [ScalingRule]
- autoScalingPolicyDescription_status :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyDescription (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyStatus)
- autoScalingPolicyDescription_rules :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyDescription (Maybe [ScalingRule])
- autoScalingPolicyDescription_constraints :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyDescription (Maybe ScalingConstraints)
- autoScalingPolicyStateChangeReason_code :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyStateChangeReason (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyStateChangeReasonCode)
- autoScalingPolicyStateChangeReason_message :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyStateChangeReason (Maybe Text)
- autoScalingPolicyStatus_state :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyStatus (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyState)
- autoScalingPolicyStatus_stateChangeReason :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyStatus (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyStateChangeReason)
- autoTerminationPolicy_idleTimeout :: Lens' AutoTerminationPolicy (Maybe Integer)
- blockPublicAccessConfiguration_permittedPublicSecurityGroupRuleRanges :: Lens' BlockPublicAccessConfiguration (Maybe [PortRange])
- blockPublicAccessConfiguration_blockPublicSecurityGroupRules :: Lens' BlockPublicAccessConfiguration Bool
- blockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata_creationDateTime :: Lens' BlockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata UTCTime
- blockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata_createdByArn :: Lens' BlockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata Text
- bootstrapActionConfig_name :: Lens' BootstrapActionConfig Text
- bootstrapActionConfig_scriptBootstrapAction :: Lens' BootstrapActionConfig ScriptBootstrapActionConfig
- cancelStepsInfo_status :: Lens' CancelStepsInfo (Maybe CancelStepsRequestStatus)
- cancelStepsInfo_stepId :: Lens' CancelStepsInfo (Maybe Text)
- cancelStepsInfo_reason :: Lens' CancelStepsInfo (Maybe Text)
- cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_evaluationPeriods :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition (Maybe Int)
- cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_namespace :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition (Maybe Text)
- cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_dimensions :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition (Maybe [MetricDimension])
- cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_unit :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition (Maybe Unit)
- cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_statistic :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition (Maybe Statistic)
- cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_comparisonOperator :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition ComparisonOperator
- cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_metricName :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition Text
- cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_period :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition Int
- cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_threshold :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition Double
- cluster_logEncryptionKmsKeyId :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
- cluster_clusterArn :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
- cluster_requestedAmiVersion :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
- cluster_ebsRootVolumeSize :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Int)
- cluster_ec2InstanceAttributes :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Ec2InstanceAttributes)
- cluster_outpostArn :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
- cluster_normalizedInstanceHours :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Int)
- cluster_configurations :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe [Configuration])
- cluster_customAmiId :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
- cluster_autoScalingRole :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
- cluster_securityConfiguration :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
- cluster_scaleDownBehavior :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe ScaleDownBehavior)
- cluster_instanceCollectionType :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe InstanceCollectionType)
- cluster_releaseLabel :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
- cluster_repoUpgradeOnBoot :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe RepoUpgradeOnBoot)
- cluster_logUri :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
- cluster_kerberosAttributes :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe KerberosAttributes)
- cluster_placementGroups :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe [PlacementGroupConfig])
- cluster_runningAmiVersion :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
- cluster_masterPublicDnsName :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
- cluster_terminationProtected :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Bool)
- cluster_visibleToAllUsers :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Bool)
- cluster_autoTerminate :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Bool)
- cluster_stepConcurrencyLevel :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Int)
- cluster_applications :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe [Application])
- cluster_tags :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe [Tag])
- cluster_serviceRole :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text)
- cluster_id :: Lens' Cluster Text
- cluster_name :: Lens' Cluster Text
- cluster_status :: Lens' Cluster ClusterStatus
- clusterStateChangeReason_code :: Lens' ClusterStateChangeReason (Maybe ClusterStateChangeReasonCode)
- clusterStateChangeReason_message :: Lens' ClusterStateChangeReason (Maybe Text)
- clusterStatus_state :: Lens' ClusterStatus (Maybe ClusterState)
- clusterStatus_stateChangeReason :: Lens' ClusterStatus (Maybe ClusterStateChangeReason)
- clusterStatus_timeline :: Lens' ClusterStatus (Maybe ClusterTimeline)
- clusterSummary_status :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe ClusterStatus)
- clusterSummary_clusterArn :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe Text)
- clusterSummary_outpostArn :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe Text)
- clusterSummary_normalizedInstanceHours :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe Int)
- clusterSummary_name :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe Text)
- clusterSummary_id :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe Text)
- clusterTimeline_readyDateTime :: Lens' ClusterTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- clusterTimeline_creationDateTime :: Lens' ClusterTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- clusterTimeline_endDateTime :: Lens' ClusterTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- command_args :: Lens' Command (Maybe [Text])
- command_scriptPath :: Lens' Command (Maybe Text)
- command_name :: Lens' Command (Maybe Text)
- computeLimits_maximumOnDemandCapacityUnits :: Lens' ComputeLimits (Maybe Int)
- computeLimits_maximumCoreCapacityUnits :: Lens' ComputeLimits (Maybe Int)
- computeLimits_unitType :: Lens' ComputeLimits ComputeLimitsUnitType
- computeLimits_minimumCapacityUnits :: Lens' ComputeLimits Int
- computeLimits_maximumCapacityUnits :: Lens' ComputeLimits Int
- configuration_configurations :: Lens' Configuration (Maybe [Configuration])
- configuration_classification :: Lens' Configuration (Maybe Text)
- configuration_properties :: Lens' Configuration (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- ebsBlockDevice_device :: Lens' EbsBlockDevice (Maybe Text)
- ebsBlockDevice_volumeSpecification :: Lens' EbsBlockDevice (Maybe VolumeSpecification)
- ebsBlockDeviceConfig_volumesPerInstance :: Lens' EbsBlockDeviceConfig (Maybe Int)
- ebsBlockDeviceConfig_volumeSpecification :: Lens' EbsBlockDeviceConfig VolumeSpecification
- ebsConfiguration_ebsOptimized :: Lens' EbsConfiguration (Maybe Bool)
- ebsConfiguration_ebsBlockDeviceConfigs :: Lens' EbsConfiguration (Maybe [EbsBlockDeviceConfig])
- ebsVolume_device :: Lens' EbsVolume (Maybe Text)
- ebsVolume_volumeId :: Lens' EbsVolume (Maybe Text)
- ec2InstanceAttributes_ec2KeyName :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text)
- ec2InstanceAttributes_emrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text)
- ec2InstanceAttributes_additionalSlaveSecurityGroups :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe [Text])
- ec2InstanceAttributes_requestedEc2SubnetIds :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe [Text])
- ec2InstanceAttributes_additionalMasterSecurityGroups :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe [Text])
- ec2InstanceAttributes_iamInstanceProfile :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text)
- ec2InstanceAttributes_emrManagedMasterSecurityGroup :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text)
- ec2InstanceAttributes_ec2SubnetId :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text)
- ec2InstanceAttributes_requestedEc2AvailabilityZones :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe [Text])
- ec2InstanceAttributes_serviceAccessSecurityGroup :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text)
- ec2InstanceAttributes_ec2AvailabilityZone :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text)
- executionEngineConfig_masterInstanceSecurityGroupId :: Lens' ExecutionEngineConfig (Maybe Text)
- executionEngineConfig_type :: Lens' ExecutionEngineConfig (Maybe ExecutionEngineType)
- executionEngineConfig_id :: Lens' ExecutionEngineConfig Text
- failureDetails_logFile :: Lens' FailureDetails (Maybe Text)
- failureDetails_reason :: Lens' FailureDetails (Maybe Text)
- failureDetails_message :: Lens' FailureDetails (Maybe Text)
- hadoopJarStepConfig_args :: Lens' HadoopJarStepConfig (Maybe [Text])
- hadoopJarStepConfig_mainClass :: Lens' HadoopJarStepConfig (Maybe Text)
- hadoopJarStepConfig_properties :: Lens' HadoopJarStepConfig (Maybe [KeyValue])
- hadoopJarStepConfig_jar :: Lens' HadoopJarStepConfig Text
- hadoopStepConfig_args :: Lens' HadoopStepConfig (Maybe [Text])
- hadoopStepConfig_jar :: Lens' HadoopStepConfig (Maybe Text)
- hadoopStepConfig_mainClass :: Lens' HadoopStepConfig (Maybe Text)
- hadoopStepConfig_properties :: Lens' HadoopStepConfig (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- instance_status :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceStatus)
- instance_publicDnsName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_ebsVolumes :: Lens' Instance (Maybe [EbsVolume])
- instance_ec2InstanceId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_instanceType :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_market :: Lens' Instance (Maybe MarketType)
- instance_privateIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_instanceFleetId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_id :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_instanceGroupId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_privateDnsName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instance_publicIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
- instanceFleet_provisionedSpotCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe Natural)
- instanceFleet_status :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe InstanceFleetStatus)
- instanceFleet_targetOnDemandCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe Natural)
- instanceFleet_instanceFleetType :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe InstanceFleetType)
- instanceFleet_instanceTypeSpecifications :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe [InstanceTypeSpecification])
- instanceFleet_name :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe Text)
- instanceFleet_provisionedOnDemandCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe Natural)
- instanceFleet_targetSpotCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe Natural)
- instanceFleet_id :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe Text)
- instanceFleet_launchSpecifications :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications)
- instanceFleetConfig_instanceTypeConfigs :: Lens' InstanceFleetConfig (Maybe [InstanceTypeConfig])
- instanceFleetConfig_targetOnDemandCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleetConfig (Maybe Natural)
- instanceFleetConfig_name :: Lens' InstanceFleetConfig (Maybe Text)
- instanceFleetConfig_targetSpotCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleetConfig (Maybe Natural)
- instanceFleetConfig_launchSpecifications :: Lens' InstanceFleetConfig (Maybe InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications)
- instanceFleetConfig_instanceFleetType :: Lens' InstanceFleetConfig InstanceFleetType
- instanceFleetModifyConfig_targetOnDemandCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleetModifyConfig (Maybe Natural)
- instanceFleetModifyConfig_targetSpotCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleetModifyConfig (Maybe Natural)
- instanceFleetModifyConfig_instanceFleetId :: Lens' InstanceFleetModifyConfig Text
- instanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications_spotSpecification :: Lens' InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications (Maybe SpotProvisioningSpecification)
- instanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications_onDemandSpecification :: Lens' InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications (Maybe OnDemandProvisioningSpecification)
- instanceFleetStateChangeReason_code :: Lens' InstanceFleetStateChangeReason (Maybe InstanceFleetStateChangeReasonCode)
- instanceFleetStateChangeReason_message :: Lens' InstanceFleetStateChangeReason (Maybe Text)
- instanceFleetStatus_state :: Lens' InstanceFleetStatus (Maybe InstanceFleetState)
- instanceFleetStatus_stateChangeReason :: Lens' InstanceFleetStatus (Maybe InstanceFleetStateChangeReason)
- instanceFleetStatus_timeline :: Lens' InstanceFleetStatus (Maybe InstanceFleetTimeline)
- instanceFleetTimeline_readyDateTime :: Lens' InstanceFleetTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceFleetTimeline_creationDateTime :: Lens' InstanceFleetTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceFleetTimeline_endDateTime :: Lens' InstanceFleetTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceGroup_status :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe InstanceGroupStatus)
- instanceGroup_lastSuccessfullyAppliedConfigurationsVersion :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Integer)
- instanceGroup_bidPrice :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text)
- instanceGroup_requestedInstanceCount :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Int)
- instanceGroup_runningInstanceCount :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Int)
- instanceGroup_lastSuccessfullyAppliedConfigurations :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe [Configuration])
- instanceGroup_configurations :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe [Configuration])
- instanceGroup_customAmiId :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text)
- instanceGroup_instanceGroupType :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe InstanceGroupType)
- instanceGroup_ebsBlockDevices :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe [EbsBlockDevice])
- instanceGroup_instanceType :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text)
- instanceGroup_configurationsVersion :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Integer)
- instanceGroup_ebsOptimized :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Bool)
- instanceGroup_market :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe MarketType)
- instanceGroup_name :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text)
- instanceGroup_autoScalingPolicy :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyDescription)
- instanceGroup_shrinkPolicy :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe ShrinkPolicy)
- instanceGroup_id :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text)
- instanceGroupConfig_ebsConfiguration :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe EbsConfiguration)
- instanceGroupConfig_bidPrice :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe Text)
- instanceGroupConfig_configurations :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe [Configuration])
- instanceGroupConfig_customAmiId :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe Text)
- instanceGroupConfig_market :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe MarketType)
- instanceGroupConfig_name :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe Text)
- instanceGroupConfig_autoScalingPolicy :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe AutoScalingPolicy)
- instanceGroupConfig_instanceRole :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig InstanceRoleType
- instanceGroupConfig_instanceType :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig Text
- instanceGroupConfig_instanceCount :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig Int
- instanceGroupModifyConfig_instanceCount :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig (Maybe Int)
- instanceGroupModifyConfig_configurations :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig (Maybe [Configuration])
- instanceGroupModifyConfig_eC2InstanceIdsToTerminate :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig (Maybe [Text])
- instanceGroupModifyConfig_shrinkPolicy :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig (Maybe ShrinkPolicy)
- instanceGroupModifyConfig_instanceGroupId :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig Text
- instanceGroupStateChangeReason_code :: Lens' InstanceGroupStateChangeReason (Maybe InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode)
- instanceGroupStateChangeReason_message :: Lens' InstanceGroupStateChangeReason (Maybe Text)
- instanceGroupStatus_state :: Lens' InstanceGroupStatus (Maybe InstanceGroupState)
- instanceGroupStatus_stateChangeReason :: Lens' InstanceGroupStatus (Maybe InstanceGroupStateChangeReason)
- instanceGroupStatus_timeline :: Lens' InstanceGroupStatus (Maybe InstanceGroupTimeline)
- instanceGroupTimeline_readyDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceGroupTimeline_creationDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceGroupTimeline_endDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceResizePolicy_instancesToProtect :: Lens' InstanceResizePolicy (Maybe [Text])
- instanceResizePolicy_instancesToTerminate :: Lens' InstanceResizePolicy (Maybe [Text])
- instanceResizePolicy_instanceTerminationTimeout :: Lens' InstanceResizePolicy (Maybe Int)
- instanceStateChangeReason_code :: Lens' InstanceStateChangeReason (Maybe InstanceStateChangeReasonCode)
- instanceStateChangeReason_message :: Lens' InstanceStateChangeReason (Maybe Text)
- instanceStatus_state :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe InstanceState)
- instanceStatus_stateChangeReason :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe InstanceStateChangeReason)
- instanceStatus_timeline :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe InstanceTimeline)
- instanceTimeline_readyDateTime :: Lens' InstanceTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceTimeline_creationDateTime :: Lens' InstanceTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceTimeline_endDateTime :: Lens' InstanceTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- instanceTypeConfig_ebsConfiguration :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig (Maybe EbsConfiguration)
- instanceTypeConfig_bidPrice :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig (Maybe Text)
- instanceTypeConfig_weightedCapacity :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig (Maybe Natural)
- instanceTypeConfig_configurations :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig (Maybe [Configuration])
- instanceTypeConfig_customAmiId :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig (Maybe Text)
- instanceTypeConfig_bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig (Maybe Double)
- instanceTypeConfig_instanceType :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig Text
- instanceTypeSpecification_bidPrice :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe Text)
- instanceTypeSpecification_weightedCapacity :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe Natural)
- instanceTypeSpecification_configurations :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe [Configuration])
- instanceTypeSpecification_customAmiId :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe Text)
- instanceTypeSpecification_ebsBlockDevices :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe [EbsBlockDevice])
- instanceTypeSpecification_instanceType :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe Text)
- instanceTypeSpecification_ebsOptimized :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe Bool)
- instanceTypeSpecification_bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe Double)
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_instanceFleets :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe [InstanceFleetConfig])
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_ec2KeyName :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text)
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_slaveInstanceType :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text)
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_instanceCount :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Int)
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_emrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text)
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_additionalSlaveSecurityGroups :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe [Text])
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_ec2SubnetIds :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe [Text])
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_hadoopVersion :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text)
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_additionalMasterSecurityGroups :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe [Text])
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_emrManagedMasterSecurityGroup :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text)
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_ec2SubnetId :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text)
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_masterInstanceType :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text)
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_instanceGroups :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe [InstanceGroupConfig])
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_keepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Bool)
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_serviceAccessSecurityGroup :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text)
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_terminationProtected :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Bool)
- jobFlowInstancesConfig_placement :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe PlacementType)
- kerberosAttributes_kdcAdminPassword :: Lens' KerberosAttributes (Maybe Text)
- kerberosAttributes_realm :: Lens' KerberosAttributes (Maybe Text)
- kerberosAttributes_aDDomainJoinPassword :: Lens' KerberosAttributes (Maybe Text)
- kerberosAttributes_crossRealmTrustPrincipalPassword :: Lens' KerberosAttributes (Maybe Text)
- kerberosAttributes_aDDomainJoinUser :: Lens' KerberosAttributes (Maybe Text)
- keyValue_value :: Lens' KeyValue (Maybe Text)
- keyValue_key :: Lens' KeyValue (Maybe Text)
- managedScalingPolicy_computeLimits :: Lens' ManagedScalingPolicy (Maybe ComputeLimits)
- metricDimension_value :: Lens' MetricDimension (Maybe Text)
- metricDimension_key :: Lens' MetricDimension (Maybe Text)
- notebookExecution_status :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe NotebookExecutionStatus)
- notebookExecution_executionEngine :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe ExecutionEngineConfig)
- notebookExecution_notebookInstanceSecurityGroupId :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text)
- notebookExecution_editorId :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text)
- notebookExecution_startTime :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe UTCTime)
- notebookExecution_arn :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text)
- notebookExecution_outputNotebookURI :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text)
- notebookExecution_notebookExecutionId :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text)
- notebookExecution_notebookExecutionName :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text)
- notebookExecution_lastStateChangeReason :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text)
- notebookExecution_endTime :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe UTCTime)
- notebookExecution_notebookParams :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text)
- notebookExecution_tags :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe [Tag])
- notebookExecutionSummary_status :: Lens' NotebookExecutionSummary (Maybe NotebookExecutionStatus)
- notebookExecutionSummary_editorId :: Lens' NotebookExecutionSummary (Maybe Text)
- notebookExecutionSummary_startTime :: Lens' NotebookExecutionSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- notebookExecutionSummary_notebookExecutionId :: Lens' NotebookExecutionSummary (Maybe Text)
- notebookExecutionSummary_notebookExecutionName :: Lens' NotebookExecutionSummary (Maybe Text)
- notebookExecutionSummary_endTime :: Lens' NotebookExecutionSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- onDemandCapacityReservationOptions_usageStrategy :: Lens' OnDemandCapacityReservationOptions (Maybe OnDemandCapacityReservationUsageStrategy)
- onDemandCapacityReservationOptions_capacityReservationResourceGroupArn :: Lens' OnDemandCapacityReservationOptions (Maybe Text)
- onDemandCapacityReservationOptions_capacityReservationPreference :: Lens' OnDemandCapacityReservationOptions (Maybe OnDemandCapacityReservationPreference)
- onDemandProvisioningSpecification_capacityReservationOptions :: Lens' OnDemandProvisioningSpecification (Maybe OnDemandCapacityReservationOptions)
- onDemandProvisioningSpecification_allocationStrategy :: Lens' OnDemandProvisioningSpecification OnDemandProvisioningAllocationStrategy
- placementGroupConfig_placementStrategy :: Lens' PlacementGroupConfig (Maybe PlacementGroupStrategy)
- placementGroupConfig_instanceRole :: Lens' PlacementGroupConfig InstanceRoleType
- placementType_availabilityZones :: Lens' PlacementType (Maybe [Text])
- placementType_availabilityZone :: Lens' PlacementType (Maybe Text)
- portRange_maxRange :: Lens' PortRange (Maybe Int)
- portRange_minRange :: Lens' PortRange Int
- releaseLabelFilter_application :: Lens' ReleaseLabelFilter (Maybe Text)
- releaseLabelFilter_prefix :: Lens' ReleaseLabelFilter (Maybe Text)
- scalingAction_market :: Lens' ScalingAction (Maybe MarketType)
- scalingAction_simpleScalingPolicyConfiguration :: Lens' ScalingAction SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration
- scalingConstraints_minCapacity :: Lens' ScalingConstraints Int
- scalingConstraints_maxCapacity :: Lens' ScalingConstraints Int
- scalingRule_description :: Lens' ScalingRule (Maybe Text)
- scalingRule_name :: Lens' ScalingRule Text
- scalingRule_action :: Lens' ScalingRule ScalingAction
- scalingRule_trigger :: Lens' ScalingRule ScalingTrigger
- scalingTrigger_cloudWatchAlarmDefinition :: Lens' ScalingTrigger CloudWatchAlarmDefinition
- scriptBootstrapActionConfig_args :: Lens' ScriptBootstrapActionConfig (Maybe [Text])
- scriptBootstrapActionConfig_path :: Lens' ScriptBootstrapActionConfig Text
- securityConfigurationSummary_name :: Lens' SecurityConfigurationSummary (Maybe Text)
- securityConfigurationSummary_creationDateTime :: Lens' SecurityConfigurationSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- sessionMappingDetail_creationTime :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe UTCTime)
- sessionMappingDetail_studioId :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe Text)
- sessionMappingDetail_lastModifiedTime :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe UTCTime)
- sessionMappingDetail_identityType :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe IdentityType)
- sessionMappingDetail_identityId :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe Text)
- sessionMappingDetail_sessionPolicyArn :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe Text)
- sessionMappingDetail_identityName :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe Text)
- sessionMappingSummary_creationTime :: Lens' SessionMappingSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- sessionMappingSummary_studioId :: Lens' SessionMappingSummary (Maybe Text)
- sessionMappingSummary_identityType :: Lens' SessionMappingSummary (Maybe IdentityType)
- sessionMappingSummary_identityId :: Lens' SessionMappingSummary (Maybe Text)
- sessionMappingSummary_sessionPolicyArn :: Lens' SessionMappingSummary (Maybe Text)
- sessionMappingSummary_identityName :: Lens' SessionMappingSummary (Maybe Text)
- shrinkPolicy_decommissionTimeout :: Lens' ShrinkPolicy (Maybe Int)
- shrinkPolicy_instanceResizePolicy :: Lens' ShrinkPolicy (Maybe InstanceResizePolicy)
- simpleScalingPolicyConfiguration_adjustmentType :: Lens' SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration (Maybe AdjustmentType)
- simpleScalingPolicyConfiguration_coolDown :: Lens' SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration (Maybe Int)
- simpleScalingPolicyConfiguration_scalingAdjustment :: Lens' SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration Int
- simplifiedApplication_name :: Lens' SimplifiedApplication (Maybe Text)
- simplifiedApplication_version :: Lens' SimplifiedApplication (Maybe Text)
- spotProvisioningSpecification_blockDurationMinutes :: Lens' SpotProvisioningSpecification (Maybe Natural)
- spotProvisioningSpecification_allocationStrategy :: Lens' SpotProvisioningSpecification (Maybe SpotProvisioningAllocationStrategy)
- spotProvisioningSpecification_timeoutDurationMinutes :: Lens' SpotProvisioningSpecification Natural
- spotProvisioningSpecification_timeoutAction :: Lens' SpotProvisioningSpecification SpotProvisioningTimeoutAction
- step_status :: Lens' Step (Maybe StepStatus)
- step_actionOnFailure :: Lens' Step (Maybe ActionOnFailure)
- step_config :: Lens' Step (Maybe HadoopStepConfig)
- step_name :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text)
- step_id :: Lens' Step (Maybe Text)
- stepConfig_actionOnFailure :: Lens' StepConfig (Maybe ActionOnFailure)
- stepConfig_name :: Lens' StepConfig Text
- stepConfig_hadoopJarStep :: Lens' StepConfig HadoopJarStepConfig
- stepStateChangeReason_code :: Lens' StepStateChangeReason (Maybe StepStateChangeReasonCode)
- stepStateChangeReason_message :: Lens' StepStateChangeReason (Maybe Text)
- stepStatus_state :: Lens' StepStatus (Maybe StepState)
- stepStatus_failureDetails :: Lens' StepStatus (Maybe FailureDetails)
- stepStatus_stateChangeReason :: Lens' StepStatus (Maybe StepStateChangeReason)
- stepStatus_timeline :: Lens' StepStatus (Maybe StepTimeline)
- stepSummary_status :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe StepStatus)
- stepSummary_actionOnFailure :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe ActionOnFailure)
- stepSummary_config :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe HadoopStepConfig)
- stepSummary_name :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe Text)
- stepSummary_id :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe Text)
- stepTimeline_creationDateTime :: Lens' StepTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- stepTimeline_endDateTime :: Lens' StepTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- stepTimeline_startDateTime :: Lens' StepTimeline (Maybe UTCTime)
- studio_creationTime :: Lens' Studio (Maybe UTCTime)
- studio_engineSecurityGroupId :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_subnetIds :: Lens' Studio (Maybe [Text])
- studio_studioId :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_vpcId :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_url :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_authMode :: Lens' Studio (Maybe AuthMode)
- studio_defaultS3Location :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_idpAuthUrl :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_workspaceSecurityGroupId :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_name :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_idpRelayStateParameterName :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_studioArn :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_userRole :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_description :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studio_tags :: Lens' Studio (Maybe [Tag])
- studio_serviceRole :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text)
- studioSummary_creationTime :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- studioSummary_studioId :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe Text)
- studioSummary_vpcId :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe Text)
- studioSummary_url :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe Text)
- studioSummary_authMode :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe AuthMode)
- studioSummary_name :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe Text)
- studioSummary_description :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe Text)
- supportedProductConfig_args :: Lens' SupportedProductConfig (Maybe [Text])
- supportedProductConfig_name :: Lens' SupportedProductConfig (Maybe Text)
- tag_value :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text)
- tag_key :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text)
- volumeSpecification_iops :: Lens' VolumeSpecification (Maybe Int)
- volumeSpecification_volumeType :: Lens' VolumeSpecification Text
- volumeSpecification_sizeInGB :: Lens' VolumeSpecification Int
runJobFlow_logEncryptionKmsKeyId :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
The KMS key used for encrypting log files. If a value is not provided, the logs remain encrypted by AES-256. This attribute is only available with Amazon EMR version 5.30.0 and later, excluding Amazon EMR 6.0.0.
runJobFlow_amiVersion :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
Applies only to Amazon EMR AMI versions 3.x and 2.x. For Amazon EMR
releases 4.0 and later, ReleaseLabel
is used. To specify a custom AMI,
use CustomAmiID
runJobFlow_ebsRootVolumeSize :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Int) Source #
The size, in GiB, of the Amazon EBS root device volume of the Linux AMI that is used for each EC2 instance. Available in Amazon EMR version 4.x and later.
runJobFlow_additionalInfo :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
A JSON string for selecting additional features.
runJobFlow_autoTerminationPolicy :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe AutoTerminationPolicy) Source #
Undocumented member.
runJobFlow_configurations :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [Configuration]) Source #
For Amazon EMR releases 4.0 and later. The list of configurations supplied for the EMR cluster you are creating.
runJobFlow_customAmiId :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
Available only in Amazon EMR version 5.7.0 and later. The ID of a custom
Amazon EBS-backed Linux AMI. If specified, Amazon EMR uses this AMI when
it launches cluster EC2 instances. For more information about custom
AMIs in Amazon EMR, see
Using a Custom AMI
in the Amazon EMR Management Guide. If omitted, the cluster uses the
base Linux AMI for the ReleaseLabel
specified. For Amazon EMR versions
2.x and 3.x, use AmiVersion
For information about creating a custom AMI, see Creating an Amazon EBS-Backed Linux AMI in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances. For information about finding an AMI ID, see Finding a Linux AMI.
runJobFlow_autoScalingRole :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
An IAM role for automatic scaling policies. The default role is
. The IAM role provides permissions that
the automatic scaling feature requires to launch and terminate EC2
instances in an instance group.
runJobFlow_securityConfiguration :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of a security configuration to apply to the cluster.
runJobFlow_scaleDownBehavior :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe ScaleDownBehavior) Source #
Specifies the way that individual Amazon EC2 instances terminate when an
automatic scale-in activity occurs or an instance group is resized.
indicates that Amazon EMR terminates nodes
at the instance-hour boundary, regardless of when the request to
terminate the instance was submitted. This option is only available with
Amazon EMR 5.1.0 and later and is the default for clusters created using
indicates that Amazon EMR
adds nodes to a deny list and drains tasks from nodes before terminating
the Amazon EC2 instances, regardless of the instance-hour boundary. With
either behavior, Amazon EMR removes the least active nodes first and
blocks instance termination if it could lead to HDFS corruption.
available only in Amazon EMR version
4.1.0 and later, and is the default for versions of Amazon EMR earlier
than 5.1.0.
runJobFlow_steps :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [StepConfig]) Source #
A list of steps to run.
runJobFlow_jobFlowRole :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
Also called instance profile and EC2 role. An IAM role for an EMR
cluster. The EC2 instances of the cluster assume this role. The default
role is EMR_EC2_DefaultRole
. In order to use the default role, you
must have already created it using the CLI or console.
runJobFlow_bootstrapActions :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [BootstrapActionConfig]) Source #
A list of bootstrap actions to run before Hadoop starts on the cluster nodes.
runJobFlow_releaseLabel :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon EMR release label, which determines the version of
open-source application packages installed on the cluster. Release
labels are in the form emr-x.x.x
, where x.x.x is an Amazon EMR release
version such as emr-5.14.0
. For more information about Amazon EMR
release versions and included application versions and features, see The release
label applies only to Amazon EMR releases version 4.0 and later. Earlier
versions use AmiVersion
runJobFlow_repoUpgradeOnBoot :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe RepoUpgradeOnBoot) Source #
Applies only when CustomAmiID
is used. Specifies which updates from
the Amazon Linux AMI package repositories to apply automatically when
the instance boots using the AMI. If omitted, the default is SECURITY
which indicates that only security updates are applied. If NONE
specified, no updates are applied, and all updates must be applied
runJobFlow_placementGroupConfigs :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [PlacementGroupConfig]) Source #
The specified placement group configuration for an Amazon EMR cluster.
runJobFlow_logUri :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
The location in Amazon S3 to write the log files of the job flow. If a value is not provided, logs are not created.
runJobFlow_kerberosAttributes :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe KerberosAttributes) Source #
Attributes for Kerberos configuration when Kerberos authentication is enabled using a security configuration. For more information see Use Kerberos Authentication in the Amazon EMR Management Guide.
runJobFlow_newSupportedProducts :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [SupportedProductConfig]) Source #
For Amazon EMR releases 3.x and 2.x. For Amazon EMR releases 4.x and later, use Applications.
A list of strings that indicates third-party software to use with the job flow that accepts a user argument list. EMR accepts and forwards the argument list to the corresponding installation script as bootstrap action arguments. For more information, see "Launch a Job Flow on the MapR Distribution for Hadoop" in the Amazon EMR Developer Guide. Supported values are:
- "mapr-m3" - launch the cluster using MapR M3 Edition.
- "mapr-m5" - launch the cluster using MapR M5 Edition.
- "mapr" with the user arguments specifying "--edition,m3" or "--edition,m5" - launch the job flow using MapR M3 or M5 Edition respectively.
- "mapr-m7" - launch the cluster using MapR M7 Edition.
- "hunk" - launch the cluster with the Hunk Big Data Analytics Platform.
- "hue"- launch the cluster with Hue installed.
- "spark" - launch the cluster with Apache Spark installed.
- "ganglia" - launch the cluster with the Ganglia Monitoring System installed.
runJobFlow_managedScalingPolicy :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe ManagedScalingPolicy) Source #
The specified managed scaling policy for an Amazon EMR cluster.
runJobFlow_visibleToAllUsers :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Bool) Source #
Set this value to true
so that IAM principals in the Amazon Web
Services account associated with the cluster can perform EMR actions on
the cluster that their IAM policies allow. This value defaults to true
for clusters created using the EMR API or the CLI
When set to false
, only the IAM principal that created the cluster and
the Amazon Web Services account root user can perform EMR actions for
the cluster, regardless of the IAM permissions policies attached to
other IAM principals. For more information, see
Understanding the EMR Cluster VisibleToAllUsers Setting
in the Amazon EMRManagement Guide.
runJobFlow_supportedProducts :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [Text]) Source #
For Amazon EMR releases 3.x and 2.x. For Amazon EMR releases 4.x and later, use Applications.
A list of strings that indicates third-party software to use. For more information, see the Amazon EMR Developer Guide. Currently supported values are:
- "mapr-m3" - launch the job flow using MapR M3 Edition.
- "mapr-m5" - launch the job flow using MapR M5 Edition.
runJobFlow_stepConcurrencyLevel :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Int) Source #
Specifies the number of steps that can be executed concurrently. The
default value is 1
. The maximum value is 256
runJobFlow_applications :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [Application]) Source #
Applies to Amazon EMR releases 4.0 and later. A case-insensitive list of applications for Amazon EMR to install and configure when launching the cluster. For a list of applications available for each Amazon EMR release version, see the Amazon EMR Release Guide.
runJobFlow_tags :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of tags to associate with a cluster and propagate to Amazon EC2 instances.
runJobFlow_serviceRole :: Lens' RunJobFlow (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM role that Amazon EMR assumes in order to access Amazon Web Services resources on your behalf.
runJobFlow_name :: Lens' RunJobFlow Text Source #
The name of the job flow.
runJobFlow_instances :: Lens' RunJobFlow JobFlowInstancesConfig Source #
A specification of the number and type of Amazon EC2 instances.
runJobFlowResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' RunJobFlowResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
runJobFlowResponse_jobFlowId :: Lens' RunJobFlowResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A unique identifier for the job flow.
runJobFlowResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RunJobFlowResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
removeAutoScalingPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' RemoveAutoScalingPolicy Text Source #
Specifies the ID of a cluster. The instance group to which the automatic scaling policy is applied is within this cluster.
removeAutoScalingPolicy_instanceGroupId :: Lens' RemoveAutoScalingPolicy Text Source #
Specifies the ID of the instance group to which the scaling policy is applied.
removeAutoScalingPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveAutoScalingPolicyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createStudio_idpAuthUrl :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication endpoint of your identity provider (IdP). Specify this value when you use IAM authentication and want to let federated users log in to a Studio with the Studio URL and credentials from your IdP. Amazon EMR Studio redirects users to this endpoint to enter credentials.
createStudio_idpRelayStateParameterName :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
The name that your identity provider (IdP) uses for its RelayState
parameter. For example, RelayState
or TargetSource
. Specify this
value when you use IAM authentication and want to let federated users
log in to a Studio using the Studio URL. The RelayState
differs by IdP.
createStudio_userRole :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM user role that users and groups assume when logged in to an
Amazon EMR Studio. Only specify a UserRole
when you use Amazon Web
Services SSO authentication. The permissions attached to the UserRole
can be scoped down for each user or group using session policies.
createStudio_description :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
A detailed description of the Amazon EMR Studio.
createStudio_tags :: Lens' CreateStudio (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of tags to associate with the Amazon EMR Studio. Tags are user-defined key-value pairs that consist of a required key string with a maximum of 128 characters, and an optional value string with a maximum of 256 characters.
createStudio_name :: Lens' CreateStudio Text Source #
A descriptive name for the Amazon EMR Studio.
createStudio_authMode :: Lens' CreateStudio AuthMode Source #
Specifies whether the Studio authenticates users using IAM or Amazon Web Services SSO.
createStudio_vpcId :: Lens' CreateStudio Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) to associate with the Studio.
createStudio_subnetIds :: Lens' CreateStudio [Text] Source #
A list of subnet IDs to associate with the Amazon EMR Studio. A Studio
can have a maximum of 5 subnets. The subnets must belong to the VPC
specified by VpcId
. Studio users can create a Workspace in any of the
specified subnets.
createStudio_serviceRole :: Lens' CreateStudio Text Source #
The IAM role that the Amazon EMR Studio assumes. The service role provides a way for Amazon EMR Studio to interoperate with other Amazon Web Services services.
createStudio_workspaceSecurityGroupId :: Lens' CreateStudio Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio Workspace security group. The Workspace
security group allows outbound network traffic to resources in the
Engine security group, and it must be in the same VPC specified by
createStudio_engineSecurityGroupId :: Lens' CreateStudio Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio Engine security group. The Engine
security group allows inbound network traffic from the Workspace
security group, and it must be in the same VPC specified by VpcId
createStudio_defaultS3Location :: Lens' CreateStudio Text Source #
The Amazon S3 location to back up Amazon EMR Studio Workspaces and notebook files.
createStudioResponse_studioId :: Lens' CreateStudioResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio.
createStudioResponse_url :: Lens' CreateStudioResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique Studio access URL.
createStudioResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateStudioResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
setVisibleToAllUsers_jobFlowIds :: Lens' SetVisibleToAllUsers [Text] Source #
The unique identifier of the job flow (cluster).
setVisibleToAllUsers_visibleToAllUsers :: Lens' SetVisibleToAllUsers Bool Source #
A value of true
indicates that an IAM principal in the Amazon Web
Services account can perform EMR actions on the cluster that the IAM
policies attached to the principal allow. A value of false
that only the IAM principal that created the cluster and the Amazon Web
Services root user can perform EMR actions on the cluster.
terminateJobFlows_jobFlowIds :: Lens' TerminateJobFlows [Text] Source #
A list of job flows to be shut down.
describeStep_clusterId :: Lens' DescribeStep Text Source #
The identifier of the cluster with steps to describe.
describeStep_stepId :: Lens' DescribeStep Text Source #
The identifier of the step to describe.
describeStepResponse_step :: Lens' DescribeStepResponse (Maybe Step) Source #
The step details for the requested step identifier.
describeStepResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeStepResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
removeTags_resourceId :: Lens' RemoveTags Text Source #
The Amazon EMR resource identifier from which tags will be removed. For example, a cluster identifier or an Amazon EMR Studio ID.
removeTags_tagKeys :: Lens' RemoveTags [Text] Source #
A list of tag keys to remove from the resource.
removeTagsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveTagsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeCluster_clusterId :: Lens' DescribeCluster Text Source #
The identifier of the cluster to describe.
describeClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeClusterResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeClusterResponse_cluster :: Lens' DescribeClusterResponse Cluster Source #
This output contains the details for the requested cluster.
listSecurityConfigurations_marker :: Lens' ListSecurityConfigurations (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the set of results to retrieve.
listSecurityConfigurationsResponse_securityConfigurations :: Lens' ListSecurityConfigurationsResponse (Maybe [SecurityConfigurationSummary]) Source #
The creation date and time, and name, of each security configuration.
listSecurityConfigurationsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListSecurityConfigurationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve. Include the marker in the next ListSecurityConfiguration call to retrieve the next page of results, if required.
listSecurityConfigurationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListSecurityConfigurationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
cancelSteps_stepCancellationOption :: Lens' CancelSteps (Maybe StepCancellationOption) Source #
The option to choose to cancel RUNNING
steps. By default, the value is
cancelSteps_clusterId :: Lens' CancelSteps Text Source #
The ClusterID
for the specified steps that will be canceled. Use
RunJobFlow and ListClusters to get ClusterIDs.
cancelSteps_stepIds :: Lens' CancelSteps [Text] Source #
The list of StepIDs
to cancel. Use ListSteps to get steps and their
states for the specified cluster.
cancelStepsResponse_cancelStepsInfoList :: Lens' CancelStepsResponse (Maybe [CancelStepsInfo]) Source #
A list of CancelStepsInfo, which shows the status of specified cancel
requests for each StepID
cancelStepsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CancelStepsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listNotebookExecutions_status :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutions (Maybe NotebookExecutionStatus) Source #
The status filter for listing notebook executions.
indicates that the cluster has received the execution request but execution has not begun.STARTING
indicates that the execution is starting on the cluster.RUNNING
indicates that the execution is being processed by the cluster.FINISHING
indicates that execution processing is in the final stages.FINISHED
indicates that the execution has completed without error.FAILING
indicates that the execution is failing and will not finish successfully.FAILED
indicates that the execution failed.STOP_PENDING
indicates that the cluster has received aStopNotebookExecution
request and the stop is pending.STOPPING
indicates that the cluster is in the process of stopping the execution as a result of aStopNotebookExecution
indicates that the execution stopped because of aStopNotebookExecution
listNotebookExecutions_editorId :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutions (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique ID of the editor associated with the notebook execution.
listNotebookExecutions_to :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutions (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The end of time range filter for listing notebook executions. The default is the current timestamp.
listNotebookExecutions_from :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutions (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The beginning of time range filter for listing notebook executions. The default is the timestamp of 30 days ago.
listNotebookExecutions_marker :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutions (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token, returned by a previous ListNotebookExecutions
call, that indicates the start of the list for this
listNotebookExecutionsResponse_notebookExecutions :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutionsResponse (Maybe [NotebookExecutionSummary]) Source #
A list of notebook executions.
listNotebookExecutionsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A pagination token that a subsequent ListNotebookExecutions
can use to
determine the next set of results to retrieve.
listNotebookExecutionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListNotebookExecutionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putAutoTerminationPolicy_autoTerminationPolicy :: Lens' PutAutoTerminationPolicy (Maybe AutoTerminationPolicy) Source #
Specifies the auto-termination policy to attach to the cluster.
putAutoTerminationPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' PutAutoTerminationPolicy Text Source #
Specifies the ID of the Amazon EMR cluster to which the auto-termination policy will be attached.
putAutoTerminationPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutAutoTerminationPolicyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createSecurityConfiguration_name :: Lens' CreateSecurityConfiguration Text Source #
The name of the security configuration.
createSecurityConfiguration_securityConfiguration :: Lens' CreateSecurityConfiguration Text Source #
The security configuration details in JSON format. For JSON parameters and examples, see Use Security Configurations to Set Up Cluster Security in the Amazon EMR Management Guide.
createSecurityConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateSecurityConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createSecurityConfigurationResponse_name :: Lens' CreateSecurityConfigurationResponse Text Source #
The name of the security configuration.
createSecurityConfigurationResponse_creationDateTime :: Lens' CreateSecurityConfigurationResponse UTCTime Source #
The date and time the security configuration was created.
describeReleaseLabel_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabel (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token. Reserved for future use. Currently set to null.
describeReleaseLabel_releaseLabel :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabel (Maybe Text) Source #
The target release label to be described.
describeReleaseLabel_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabel (Maybe Natural) Source #
Reserved for future use. Currently set to null.
describeReleaseLabelResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabelResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token. Reserved for future use. Currently set to null.
describeReleaseLabelResponse_releaseLabel :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabelResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The target release label described in the response.
describeReleaseLabelResponse_applications :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabelResponse (Maybe [SimplifiedApplication]) Source #
The list of applications available for the target release label. Name
is the name of the application. Version
is the concise version of the
describeReleaseLabelResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeReleaseLabelResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
setTerminationProtection_jobFlowIds :: Lens' SetTerminationProtection [Text] Source #
A list of strings that uniquely identify the clusters to protect. This identifier is returned by RunJobFlow and can also be obtained from DescribeJobFlows .
setTerminationProtection_terminationProtected :: Lens' SetTerminationProtection Bool Source #
A Boolean that indicates whether to protect the cluster and prevent the Amazon EC2 instances in the cluster from shutting down due to API calls, user intervention, or job-flow error.
addJobFlowSteps_jobFlowId :: Lens' AddJobFlowSteps Text Source #
A string that uniquely identifies the job flow. This identifier is returned by RunJobFlow and can also be obtained from ListClusters.
addJobFlowSteps_steps :: Lens' AddJobFlowSteps [StepConfig] Source #
A list of StepConfig to be executed by the job flow.
addJobFlowStepsResponse_stepIds :: Lens' AddJobFlowStepsResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The identifiers of the list of steps added to the job flow.
addJobFlowStepsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddJobFlowStepsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeStudio_studioId :: Lens' DescribeStudio Text Source #
The Amazon EMR Studio ID.
describeStudioResponse_studio :: Lens' DescribeStudioResponse (Maybe Studio) Source #
The Amazon EMR Studio details.
describeStudioResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeStudioResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
modifyInstanceGroups_clusterId :: Lens' ModifyInstanceGroups (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the cluster to which the instance group belongs.
modifyInstanceGroups_instanceGroups :: Lens' ModifyInstanceGroups (Maybe [InstanceGroupModifyConfig]) Source #
Instance groups to change.
startNotebookExecution_notebookInstanceSecurityGroupId :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the Amazon EC2 security group to associate with the EMR Notebook for this notebook execution.
startNotebookExecution_notebookExecutionName :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
An optional name for the notebook execution.
startNotebookExecution_notebookParams :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
Input parameters in JSON format passed to the EMR Notebook at runtime for execution.
startNotebookExecution_tags :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of tags associated with a notebook execution. Tags are user-defined key-value pairs that consist of a required key string with a maximum of 128 characters and an optional value string with a maximum of 256 characters.
startNotebookExecution_editorId :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution Text Source #
The unique identifier of the EMR Notebook to use for notebook execution.
startNotebookExecution_relativePath :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution Text Source #
The path and file name of the notebook file for this execution, relative
to the path specified for the EMR Notebook. For example, if you specify
a path of s3://MyBucket/MyNotebooks
when you create an EMR Notebook
for a notebook with an ID of e-ABCDEFGHIJK1234567890ABCD
of this request), and you specify a RelativePath
, the location of the
file for the notebook execution is
startNotebookExecution_executionEngine :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution ExecutionEngineConfig Source #
Specifies the execution engine (cluster) that runs the notebook execution.
startNotebookExecution_serviceRole :: Lens' StartNotebookExecution Text Source #
The name or ARN of the IAM role that is used as the service role for Amazon EMR (the EMR role) for the notebook execution.
startNotebookExecutionResponse_notebookExecutionId :: Lens' StartNotebookExecutionResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the notebook execution.
startNotebookExecutionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartNotebookExecutionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listSteps_stepIds :: Lens' ListSteps (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The filter to limit the step list based on the identifier of the steps. You can specify a maximum of ten Step IDs. The character constraint applies to the overall length of the array.
listSteps_stepStates :: Lens' ListSteps (Maybe [StepState]) Source #
The filter to limit the step list based on certain states.
listSteps_marker :: Lens' ListSteps (Maybe Text) Source #
The maximum number of steps that a single ListSteps
action returns is
50. To return a longer list of steps, use multiple ListSteps
along with the Marker
parameter, which is a pagination token that
indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listSteps_clusterId :: Lens' ListSteps Text Source #
The identifier of the cluster for which to list the steps.
listStepsResponse_steps :: Lens' ListStepsResponse (Maybe [StepSummary]) Source #
The filtered list of steps for the cluster.
listStepsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListStepsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The maximum number of steps that a single ListSteps
action returns is
50. To return a longer list of steps, use multiple ListSteps
along with the Marker
parameter, which is a pagination token that
indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listStepsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStepsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listReleaseLabels_filters :: Lens' ListReleaseLabels (Maybe ReleaseLabelFilter) Source #
Filters the results of the request. Prefix
specifies the prefix of
release labels to return. Application
specifies the application
(with/without version) of release labels to return.
listReleaseLabels_nextToken :: Lens' ListReleaseLabels (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the next page of results. If NextToken
is not specified,
which is usually the case for the first request of ListReleaseLabels,
the first page of results are determined by other filtering parameters
or by the latest version. The ListReleaseLabels
request fails if the
identity (Amazon Web Services account ID) and all filtering parameters
are different from the original request, or if the NextToken
expired or tampered with.
listReleaseLabels_maxResults :: Lens' ListReleaseLabels (Maybe Natural) Source #
Defines the maximum number of release labels to return in a single
response. The default is 100
listReleaseLabelsResponse_releaseLabels :: Lens' ListReleaseLabelsResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The returned release labels.
listReleaseLabelsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListReleaseLabelsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Used to paginate the next page of results if specified in the next
listReleaseLabelsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListReleaseLabelsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createStudioSessionMapping_identityName :: Lens' CreateStudioSessionMapping (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the user or group. For more information, see
in the Amazon Web Services SSO Identity Store API Reference. Either
or IdentityId
must be specified, but not both.
createStudioSessionMapping_studioId :: Lens' CreateStudioSessionMapping Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio to which the user or group will be mapped.
createStudioSessionMapping_identityType :: Lens' CreateStudioSessionMapping IdentityType Source #
Specifies whether the identity to map to the Amazon EMR Studio is a user or a group.
createStudioSessionMapping_sessionPolicyArn :: Lens' CreateStudioSessionMapping Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the session policy that will be applied to the user or group. You should specify the ARN for the session policy that you want to apply, not the ARN of your user role. For more information, see Create an EMR Studio User Role with Session Policies.
addInstanceFleet_clusterId :: Lens' AddInstanceFleet Text Source #
The unique identifier of the cluster.
addInstanceFleet_instanceFleet :: Lens' AddInstanceFleet InstanceFleetConfig Source #
Specifies the configuration of the instance fleet.
addInstanceFleetResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' AddInstanceFleetResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name of the cluster.
addInstanceFleetResponse_clusterId :: Lens' AddInstanceFleetResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the cluster.
addInstanceFleetResponse_instanceFleetId :: Lens' AddInstanceFleetResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the instance fleet.
addInstanceFleetResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddInstanceFleetResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteStudio_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStudio Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio.
updateStudio_subnetIds :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of subnet IDs to associate with the Amazon EMR Studio. The list can include new subnet IDs, but must also include all of the subnet IDs previously associated with the Studio. The list order does not matter. A Studio can have a maximum of 5 subnets. The subnets must belong to the same VPC as the Studio.
updateStudio_defaultS3Location :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon S3 location to back up Workspaces and notebook files for the Amazon EMR Studio.
updateStudio_name :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
A descriptive name for the Amazon EMR Studio.
updateStudio_description :: Lens' UpdateStudio (Maybe Text) Source #
A detailed description to assign to the Amazon EMR Studio.
updateStudio_studioId :: Lens' UpdateStudio Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio to update.
listStudios_marker :: Lens' ListStudios (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the set of results to retrieve.
listStudiosResponse_studios :: Lens' ListStudiosResponse (Maybe [StudioSummary]) Source #
The list of Studio summary objects.
listStudiosResponse_marker :: Lens' ListStudiosResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listStudiosResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStudiosResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putManagedScalingPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' PutManagedScalingPolicy Text Source #
Specifies the ID of an EMR cluster where the managed scaling policy is attached.
putManagedScalingPolicy_managedScalingPolicy :: Lens' PutManagedScalingPolicy ManagedScalingPolicy Source #
Specifies the constraints for the managed scaling policy.
putManagedScalingPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutManagedScalingPolicyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
addInstanceGroups_instanceGroups :: Lens' AddInstanceGroups [InstanceGroupConfig] Source #
Instance groups to add.
addInstanceGroups_jobFlowId :: Lens' AddInstanceGroups Text Source #
Job flow in which to add the instance groups.
addInstanceGroupsResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' AddInstanceGroupsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name of the cluster.
addInstanceGroupsResponse_jobFlowId :: Lens' AddInstanceGroupsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The job flow ID in which the instance groups are added.
addInstanceGroupsResponse_instanceGroupIds :: Lens' AddInstanceGroupsResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Instance group IDs of the newly created instance groups.
addInstanceGroupsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddInstanceGroupsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getStudioSessionMapping_identityName :: Lens' GetStudioSessionMapping (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the user or group to fetch. For more information, see
in the Amazon Web Services SSO Identity Store API Reference. Either
or IdentityId
must be specified.
getStudioSessionMapping_studioId :: Lens' GetStudioSessionMapping Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio.
getStudioSessionMapping_identityType :: Lens' GetStudioSessionMapping IdentityType Source #
Specifies whether the identity to fetch is a user or a group.
getStudioSessionMappingResponse_sessionMapping :: Lens' GetStudioSessionMappingResponse (Maybe SessionMappingDetail) Source #
The session mapping details for the specified Amazon EMR Studio and identity, including session policy ARN and creation time.
getStudioSessionMappingResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetStudioSessionMappingResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteSecurityConfiguration_name :: Lens' DeleteSecurityConfiguration Text Source #
The name of the security configuration.
deleteSecurityConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteSecurityConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
modifyInstanceFleet_clusterId :: Lens' ModifyInstanceFleet Text Source #
The unique identifier of the cluster.
modifyInstanceFleet_instanceFleet :: Lens' ModifyInstanceFleet InstanceFleetModifyConfig Source #
The configuration parameters of the instance fleet.
listInstanceGroups_marker :: Lens' ListInstanceGroups (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listInstanceGroups_clusterId :: Lens' ListInstanceGroups Text Source #
The identifier of the cluster for which to list the instance groups.
listInstanceGroupsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListInstanceGroupsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listInstanceGroupsResponse_instanceGroups :: Lens' ListInstanceGroupsResponse (Maybe [InstanceGroup]) Source #
The list of instance groups for the cluster and given filters.
listInstanceGroupsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListInstanceGroupsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse_blockPublicAccessConfiguration :: Lens' GetBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse BlockPublicAccessConfiguration Source #
A configuration for Amazon EMR block public access. The configuration
applies to all clusters created in your account for the current Region.
The configuration specifies whether block public access is enabled. If
block public access is enabled, security groups associated with the
cluster cannot have rules that allow inbound traffic from or
::/0 on a port, unless the port is specified as an exception using
in the
. By default, Port 22 (SSH) is an
exception, and public access is allowed on this port. You can change
this by updating the block public access configuration to remove the
For accounts that created clusters in a Region before November 25, 2019, block public access is disabled by default in that Region. To use this feature, you must manually enable and configure it. For accounts that did not create an EMR cluster in a Region before this date, block public access is enabled by default in that Region.
getBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse_blockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata :: Lens' GetBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse BlockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata Source #
Properties that describe the Amazon Web Services principal that created
the BlockPublicAccessConfiguration
using the
action as well as the date and time
that the configuration was created. Each time a configuration for block
public access is updated, Amazon EMR updates this metadata.
modifyCluster_stepConcurrencyLevel :: Lens' ModifyCluster (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of steps that can be executed concurrently. You can specify a
minimum of 1 step and a maximum of 256 steps. We recommend that you do
not change this parameter while steps are running or the
setting may not behave as expected. For more
information see Step$ActionOnFailure.
modifyCluster_clusterId :: Lens' ModifyCluster Text Source #
The unique identifier of the cluster.
modifyClusterResponse_stepConcurrencyLevel :: Lens' ModifyClusterResponse (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of steps that can be executed concurrently.
modifyClusterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ModifyClusterResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getAutoTerminationPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' GetAutoTerminationPolicy Text Source #
Specifies the ID of the Amazon EMR cluster for which the auto-termination policy will be fetched.
getAutoTerminationPolicyResponse_autoTerminationPolicy :: Lens' GetAutoTerminationPolicyResponse (Maybe AutoTerminationPolicy) Source #
Specifies the auto-termination policy that is attached to an Amazon EMR cluster.
getAutoTerminationPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAutoTerminationPolicyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putBlockPublicAccessConfiguration_blockPublicAccessConfiguration :: Lens' PutBlockPublicAccessConfiguration BlockPublicAccessConfiguration Source #
A configuration for Amazon EMR block public access. The configuration
applies to all clusters created in your account for the current Region.
The configuration specifies whether block public access is enabled. If
block public access is enabled, security groups associated with the
cluster cannot have rules that allow inbound traffic from or
::/0 on a port, unless the port is specified as an exception using
in the
. By default, Port 22 (SSH) is an
exception, and public access is allowed on this port. You can change
this by updating BlockPublicSecurityGroupRules
to remove the
For accounts that created clusters in a Region before November 25, 2019, block public access is disabled by default in that Region. To use this feature, you must manually enable and configure it. For accounts that did not create an EMR cluster in a Region before this date, block public access is enabled by default in that Region.
putBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutBlockPublicAccessConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listBootstrapActions_marker :: Lens' ListBootstrapActions (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listBootstrapActions_clusterId :: Lens' ListBootstrapActions Text Source #
The cluster identifier for the bootstrap actions to list.
listBootstrapActionsResponse_bootstrapActions :: Lens' ListBootstrapActionsResponse (Maybe [Command]) Source #
The bootstrap actions associated with the cluster.
listBootstrapActionsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListBootstrapActionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listBootstrapActionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListBootstrapActionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
removeAutoTerminationPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' RemoveAutoTerminationPolicy Text Source #
Specifies the ID of the Amazon EMR cluster from which the auto-termination policy will be removed.
removeAutoTerminationPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveAutoTerminationPolicyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
addTags_resourceId :: Lens' AddTags Text Source #
The Amazon EMR resource identifier to which tags will be added. For example, a cluster identifier or an Amazon EMR Studio ID.
addTags_tags :: Lens' AddTags [Tag] Source #
A list of tags to associate with a resource. Tags are user-defined key-value pairs that consist of a required key string with a maximum of 128 characters, and an optional value string with a maximum of 256 characters.
addTagsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AddTagsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listInstances_instanceGroupTypes :: Lens' ListInstances (Maybe [InstanceGroupType]) Source #
The type of instance group for which to list the instances.
listInstances_instanceFleetType :: Lens' ListInstances (Maybe InstanceFleetType) Source #
The node type of the instance fleet. For example MASTER, CORE, or TASK.
listInstances_marker :: Lens' ListInstances (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listInstances_instanceFleetId :: Lens' ListInstances (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the instance fleet.
listInstances_instanceStates :: Lens' ListInstances (Maybe [InstanceState]) Source #
A list of instance states that will filter the instances returned with this request.
listInstances_instanceGroupId :: Lens' ListInstances (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the instance group for which to list the instances.
listInstances_clusterId :: Lens' ListInstances Text Source #
The identifier of the cluster for which to list the instances.
listInstancesResponse_marker :: Lens' ListInstancesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listInstancesResponse_instances :: Lens' ListInstancesResponse (Maybe [Instance]) Source #
The list of instances for the cluster and given filters.
listInstancesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListInstancesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putAutoScalingPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicy Text Source #
Specifies the ID of a cluster. The instance group to which the automatic scaling policy is applied is within this cluster.
putAutoScalingPolicy_instanceGroupId :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicy Text Source #
Specifies the ID of the instance group to which the automatic scaling policy is applied.
putAutoScalingPolicy_autoScalingPolicy :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicy AutoScalingPolicy Source #
Specifies the definition of the automatic scaling policy.
putAutoScalingPolicyResponse_clusterArn :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicyResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
putAutoScalingPolicyResponse_clusterId :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicyResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the ID of a cluster. The instance group to which the automatic scaling policy is applied is within this cluster.
putAutoScalingPolicyResponse_autoScalingPolicy :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicyResponse (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyDescription) Source #
The automatic scaling policy definition.
putAutoScalingPolicyResponse_instanceGroupId :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicyResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the ID of the instance group to which the scaling policy is applied.
putAutoScalingPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutAutoScalingPolicyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteStudioSessionMapping_identityName :: Lens' DeleteStudioSessionMapping (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the user name or group to remove from the Amazon EMR Studio.
For more information, see
in the Amazon Web Services SSO Store API Reference. Either
or IdentityId
must be specified.
deleteStudioSessionMapping_studioId :: Lens' DeleteStudioSessionMapping Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio.
deleteStudioSessionMapping_identityType :: Lens' DeleteStudioSessionMapping IdentityType Source #
Specifies whether the identity to delete from the Amazon EMR Studio is a user or a group.
updateStudioSessionMapping_identityName :: Lens' UpdateStudioSessionMapping (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the user or group to update. For more information, see
in the Amazon Web Services SSO Identity Store API Reference. Either
or IdentityId
must be specified.
updateStudioSessionMapping_studioId :: Lens' UpdateStudioSessionMapping Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio.
updateStudioSessionMapping_identityType :: Lens' UpdateStudioSessionMapping IdentityType Source #
Specifies whether the identity to update is a user or a group.
updateStudioSessionMapping_sessionPolicyArn :: Lens' UpdateStudioSessionMapping Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the session policy to associate with the specified user or group.
listClusters_createdAfter :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The creation date and time beginning value filter for listing clusters.
listClusters_marker :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listClusters_clusterStates :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe [ClusterState]) Source #
The cluster state filters to apply when listing clusters. Clusters that change state while this action runs may be not be returned as expected in the list of clusters.
listClusters_createdBefore :: Lens' ListClusters (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The creation date and time end value filter for listing clusters.
listClustersResponse_marker :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listClustersResponse_clusters :: Lens' ListClustersResponse (Maybe [ClusterSummary]) Source #
The list of clusters for the account based on the given filters.
listClustersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListClustersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeSecurityConfiguration_name :: Lens' DescribeSecurityConfiguration Text Source #
The name of the security configuration.
describeSecurityConfigurationResponse_securityConfiguration :: Lens' DescribeSecurityConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The security configuration details in JSON format.
describeSecurityConfigurationResponse_name :: Lens' DescribeSecurityConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the security configuration.
describeSecurityConfigurationResponse_creationDateTime :: Lens' DescribeSecurityConfigurationResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time the security configuration was created
describeSecurityConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeSecurityConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
stopNotebookExecution_notebookExecutionId :: Lens' StopNotebookExecution Text Source #
The unique identifier of the notebook execution.
listStudioSessionMappings_studioId :: Lens' ListStudioSessionMappings (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio.
listStudioSessionMappings_identityType :: Lens' ListStudioSessionMappings (Maybe IdentityType) Source #
Specifies whether to return session mappings for users or groups. If not specified, the results include session mapping details for both users and groups.
listStudioSessionMappings_marker :: Lens' ListStudioSessionMappings (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the set of results to retrieve.
listStudioSessionMappingsResponse_sessionMappings :: Lens' ListStudioSessionMappingsResponse (Maybe [SessionMappingSummary]) Source #
A list of session mapping summary objects. Each object includes session mapping details such as creation time, identity type (user or group), and Amazon EMR Studio ID.
listStudioSessionMappingsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListStudioSessionMappingsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listStudioSessionMappingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListStudioSessionMappingsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getManagedScalingPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' GetManagedScalingPolicy Text Source #
Specifies the ID of the cluster for which the managed scaling policy will be fetched.
getManagedScalingPolicyResponse_managedScalingPolicy :: Lens' GetManagedScalingPolicyResponse (Maybe ManagedScalingPolicy) Source #
Specifies the managed scaling policy that is attached to an Amazon EMR cluster.
getManagedScalingPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetManagedScalingPolicyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listInstanceFleets_marker :: Lens' ListInstanceFleets (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listInstanceFleets_clusterId :: Lens' ListInstanceFleets Text Source #
The unique identifier of the cluster.
listInstanceFleetsResponse_instanceFleets :: Lens' ListInstanceFleetsResponse (Maybe [InstanceFleet]) Source #
The list of instance fleets for the cluster and given filters.
listInstanceFleetsResponse_marker :: Lens' ListInstanceFleetsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
listInstanceFleetsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListInstanceFleetsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
removeManagedScalingPolicy_clusterId :: Lens' RemoveManagedScalingPolicy Text Source #
Specifies the ID of the cluster from which the managed scaling policy will be removed.
removeManagedScalingPolicyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RemoveManagedScalingPolicyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeNotebookExecution_notebookExecutionId :: Lens' DescribeNotebookExecution Text Source #
The unique identifier of the notebook execution.
describeNotebookExecutionResponse_notebookExecution :: Lens' DescribeNotebookExecutionResponse (Maybe NotebookExecution) Source #
Properties of the notebook execution.
describeNotebookExecutionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeNotebookExecutionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
application_args :: Lens' Application (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Arguments for Amazon EMR to pass to the application.
application_additionalInfo :: Lens' Application (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
This option is for advanced users only. This is meta information about third-party applications that third-party vendors use for testing purposes.
application_name :: Lens' Application (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the application.
application_version :: Lens' Application (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the application.
autoScalingPolicy_constraints :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicy ScalingConstraints Source #
The upper and lower EC2 instance limits for an automatic scaling policy. Automatic scaling activity will not cause an instance group to grow above or below these limits.
autoScalingPolicy_rules :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicy [ScalingRule] Source #
The scale-in and scale-out rules that comprise the automatic scaling policy.
autoScalingPolicyDescription_status :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyDescription (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyStatus) Source #
The status of an automatic scaling policy.
autoScalingPolicyDescription_rules :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyDescription (Maybe [ScalingRule]) Source #
The scale-in and scale-out rules that comprise the automatic scaling policy.
autoScalingPolicyDescription_constraints :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyDescription (Maybe ScalingConstraints) Source #
The upper and lower EC2 instance limits for an automatic scaling policy. Automatic scaling activity will not cause an instance group to grow above or below these limits.
autoScalingPolicyStateChangeReason_code :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyStateChangeReason (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyStateChangeReasonCode) Source #
The code indicating the reason for the change in status.USER_REQUEST
indicates that the scaling policy status was changed by a user.
indicates that the status change was because the
policy failed to provision. CLEANUP_FAILURE
indicates an error.
autoScalingPolicyStateChangeReason_message :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyStateChangeReason (Maybe Text) Source #
A friendly, more verbose message that accompanies an automatic scaling policy state change.
autoScalingPolicyStatus_state :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyStatus (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyState) Source #
Indicates the status of the automatic scaling policy.
autoScalingPolicyStatus_stateChangeReason :: Lens' AutoScalingPolicyStatus (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyStateChangeReason) Source #
The reason for a change in status.
autoTerminationPolicy_idleTimeout :: Lens' AutoTerminationPolicy (Maybe Integer) Source #
Specifies the amount of idle time in seconds after which the cluster automatically terminates. You can specify a minimum of 60 seconds and a maximum of 604800 seconds (seven days).
blockPublicAccessConfiguration_permittedPublicSecurityGroupRuleRanges :: Lens' BlockPublicAccessConfiguration (Maybe [PortRange]) Source #
Specifies ports and port ranges that are permitted to have security
group rules that allow inbound traffic from all public sources. For
example, if Port 23 (Telnet) is specified for
, Amazon EMR allows cluster
creation if a security group associated with the cluster has a rule that
allows inbound traffic on Port 23 from IPv4 or IPv6 port
::/0 as the source.
By default, Port 22, which is used for SSH access to the cluster EC2
instances, is in the list of PermittedPublicSecurityGroupRuleRanges
blockPublicAccessConfiguration_blockPublicSecurityGroupRules :: Lens' BlockPublicAccessConfiguration Bool Source #
Indicates whether Amazon EMR block public access is enabled (true
) or
disabled (false
). By default, the value is false
for accounts that
have created EMR clusters before July 2019. For accounts created after
this, the default is true
blockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata_creationDateTime :: Lens' BlockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata UTCTime Source #
The date and time that the configuration was created.
blockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata_createdByArn :: Lens' BlockPublicAccessConfigurationMetadata Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name that created or last modified the configuration.
bootstrapActionConfig_name :: Lens' BootstrapActionConfig Text Source #
The name of the bootstrap action.
bootstrapActionConfig_scriptBootstrapAction :: Lens' BootstrapActionConfig ScriptBootstrapActionConfig Source #
The script run by the bootstrap action.
cancelStepsInfo_status :: Lens' CancelStepsInfo (Maybe CancelStepsRequestStatus) Source #
The status of a CancelSteps Request. The value may be SUBMITTED or FAILED.
cancelStepsInfo_stepId :: Lens' CancelStepsInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The encrypted StepId of a step.
cancelStepsInfo_reason :: Lens' CancelStepsInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason for the failure if the CancelSteps request fails.
cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_evaluationPeriods :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of periods, in five-minute increments, during which the alarm
condition must exist before the alarm triggers automatic scaling
activity. The default value is 1
cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_namespace :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition (Maybe Text) Source #
The namespace for the CloudWatch metric. The default is
cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_dimensions :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition (Maybe [MetricDimension]) Source #
A CloudWatch metric dimension.
cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_unit :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition (Maybe Unit) Source #
The unit of measure associated with the CloudWatch metric being watched.
The value specified for Unit
must correspond to the units specified in
the CloudWatch metric.
cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_statistic :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition (Maybe Statistic) Source #
The statistic to apply to the metric associated with the alarm. The
default is AVERAGE
cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_comparisonOperator :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition ComparisonOperator Source #
Determines how the metric specified by MetricName
is compared to the
value specified by Threshold
cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_metricName :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition Text Source #
The name of the CloudWatch metric that is watched to determine an alarm condition.
cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_period :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition Int Source #
The period, in seconds, over which the statistic is applied. EMR
CloudWatch metrics are emitted every five minutes (300 seconds), so if
an EMR CloudWatch metric is specified, specify 300
cloudWatchAlarmDefinition_threshold :: Lens' CloudWatchAlarmDefinition Double Source #
The value against which the specified statistic is compared.
cluster_logEncryptionKmsKeyId :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The KMS key used for encrypting log files. This attribute is only available with EMR version 5.30.0 and later, excluding EMR 6.0.0.
cluster_requestedAmiVersion :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The AMI version requested for this cluster.
cluster_ebsRootVolumeSize :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Int) Source #
The size, in GiB, of the Amazon EBS root device volume of the Linux AMI that is used for each EC2 instance. Available in Amazon EMR version 4.x and later.
cluster_ec2InstanceAttributes :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Ec2InstanceAttributes) Source #
Provides information about the EC2 instances in a cluster grouped by category. For example, key name, subnet ID, IAM instance profile, and so on.
cluster_outpostArn :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost where the cluster is launched.
cluster_normalizedInstanceHours :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Int) Source #
An approximation of the cost of the cluster, represented in m1.small/hours. This value is incremented one time for every hour an m1.small instance runs. Larger instances are weighted more, so an EC2 instance that is roughly four times more expensive would result in the normalized instance hours being incremented by four. This result is only an approximation and does not reflect the actual billing rate.
cluster_configurations :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe [Configuration]) Source #
Applies only to Amazon EMR releases 4.x and later. The list of Configurations supplied to the EMR cluster.
cluster_customAmiId :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) Source #
Available only in Amazon EMR version 5.7.0 and later. The ID of a custom Amazon EBS-backed Linux AMI if the cluster uses a custom AMI.
cluster_autoScalingRole :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) Source #
An IAM role for automatic scaling policies. The default role is
. The IAM role provides permissions that
the automatic scaling feature requires to launch and terminate EC2
instances in an instance group.
cluster_securityConfiguration :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the security configuration applied to the cluster.
cluster_scaleDownBehavior :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe ScaleDownBehavior) Source #
The way that individual Amazon EC2 instances terminate when an automatic
scale-in activity occurs or an instance group is resized.
indicates that Amazon EMR terminates nodes
at the instance-hour boundary, regardless of when the request to
terminate the instance was submitted. This option is only available with
Amazon EMR 5.1.0 and later and is the default for clusters created using
indicates that Amazon EMR
adds nodes to a deny list and drains tasks from nodes before terminating
the Amazon EC2 instances, regardless of the instance-hour boundary. With
either behavior, Amazon EMR removes the least active nodes first and
blocks instance termination if it could lead to HDFS corruption.
is available only in Amazon EMR version
4.1.0 and later, and is the default for versions of Amazon EMR earlier
than 5.1.0.
cluster_instanceCollectionType :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe InstanceCollectionType) Source #
The instance fleet configuration is available only in Amazon EMR versions 4.8.0 and later, excluding 5.0.x versions.
The instance group configuration of the cluster. A value of
indicates a uniform instance group configuration. A
indicates an instance fleets configuration.
cluster_releaseLabel :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon EMR release label, which determines the version of
open-source application packages installed on the cluster. Release
labels are in the form emr-x.x.x
, where x.x.x is an Amazon EMR release
version such as emr-5.14.0
. For more information about Amazon EMR
release versions and included application versions and features, see The release
label applies only to Amazon EMR releases version 4.0 and later. Earlier
versions use AmiVersion
cluster_repoUpgradeOnBoot :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe RepoUpgradeOnBoot) Source #
Applies only when CustomAmiID
is used. Specifies the type of updates
that are applied from the Amazon Linux AMI package repositories when an
instance boots using the AMI.
cluster_logUri :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the Amazon S3 location where logs for this cluster are stored.
cluster_kerberosAttributes :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe KerberosAttributes) Source #
Attributes for Kerberos configuration when Kerberos authentication is enabled using a security configuration. For more information see Use Kerberos Authentication in the Amazon EMR Management Guide.
cluster_placementGroups :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe [PlacementGroupConfig]) Source #
Placement group configured for an Amazon EMR cluster.
cluster_runningAmiVersion :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The AMI version running on this cluster.
cluster_masterPublicDnsName :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The DNS name of the master node. If the cluster is on a private subnet, this is the private DNS name. On a public subnet, this is the public DNS name.
cluster_terminationProtected :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether Amazon EMR will lock the cluster to prevent the EC2 instances from being terminated by an API call or user intervention, or in the event of a cluster error.
cluster_visibleToAllUsers :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the cluster is visible to IAM principals in the Amazon
Web Services account associated with the cluster. When true
principals in the Amazon Web Services account can perform EMR cluster
actions on the cluster that their IAM policies allow. When false
, only
the IAM principal that created the cluster and the Amazon Web Services
account root user can perform EMR actions, regardless of IAM permissions
policies attached to other IAM principals.
The default value is true
if a value is not provided when creating a
cluster using the EMR API RunJobFlow command, the CLI
command, or the Amazon Web Services Management Console. IAM principals
that are allowed to perform actions on the cluster can use the
SetVisibleToAllUsers action to change the value on a running cluster.
For more information, see
Understanding the EMR Cluster VisibleToAllUsers Setting
in the Amazon EMRManagement Guide.
cluster_autoTerminate :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether the cluster should terminate after completing all steps.
cluster_stepConcurrencyLevel :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Int) Source #
Specifies the number of steps that can be executed concurrently.
cluster_applications :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe [Application]) Source #
The applications installed on this cluster.
cluster_serviceRole :: Lens' Cluster (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM role that Amazon EMR assumes in order to access Amazon Web Services resources on your behalf.
cluster_status :: Lens' Cluster ClusterStatus Source #
The current status details about the cluster.
clusterStateChangeReason_code :: Lens' ClusterStateChangeReason (Maybe ClusterStateChangeReasonCode) Source #
The programmatic code for the state change reason.
clusterStateChangeReason_message :: Lens' ClusterStateChangeReason (Maybe Text) Source #
The descriptive message for the state change reason.
clusterStatus_state :: Lens' ClusterStatus (Maybe ClusterState) Source #
The current state of the cluster.
clusterStatus_stateChangeReason :: Lens' ClusterStatus (Maybe ClusterStateChangeReason) Source #
The reason for the cluster status change.
clusterStatus_timeline :: Lens' ClusterStatus (Maybe ClusterTimeline) Source #
A timeline that represents the status of a cluster over the lifetime of the cluster.
clusterSummary_status :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe ClusterStatus) Source #
The details about the current status of the cluster.
clusterSummary_clusterArn :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name of the cluster.
clusterSummary_outpostArn :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost where the cluster is launched.
clusterSummary_normalizedInstanceHours :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
An approximation of the cost of the cluster, represented in m1.small/hours. This value is incremented one time for every hour an m1.small instance runs. Larger instances are weighted more, so an EC2 instance that is roughly four times more expensive would result in the normalized instance hours being incremented by four. This result is only an approximation and does not reflect the actual billing rate.
clusterSummary_name :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the cluster.
clusterSummary_id :: Lens' ClusterSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the cluster.
clusterTimeline_readyDateTime :: Lens' ClusterTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time when the cluster was ready to run steps.
clusterTimeline_creationDateTime :: Lens' ClusterTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The creation date and time of the cluster.
clusterTimeline_endDateTime :: Lens' ClusterTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time when the cluster was terminated.
command_args :: Lens' Command (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Arguments for Amazon EMR to pass to the command for execution.
command_scriptPath :: Lens' Command (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon S3 location of the command script.
computeLimits_maximumOnDemandCapacityUnits :: Lens' ComputeLimits (Maybe Int) Source #
The upper boundary of On-Demand EC2 units. It is measured through vCPU cores or instances for instance groups and measured through units for instance fleets. The On-Demand units are not allowed to scale beyond this boundary. The parameter is used to split capacity allocation between On-Demand and Spot Instances.
computeLimits_maximumCoreCapacityUnits :: Lens' ComputeLimits (Maybe Int) Source #
The upper boundary of EC2 units for core node type in a cluster. It is measured through vCPU cores or instances for instance groups and measured through units for instance fleets. The core units are not allowed to scale beyond this boundary. The parameter is used to split capacity allocation between core and task nodes.
computeLimits_unitType :: Lens' ComputeLimits ComputeLimitsUnitType Source #
The unit type used for specifying a managed scaling policy.
computeLimits_minimumCapacityUnits :: Lens' ComputeLimits Int Source #
The lower boundary of EC2 units. It is measured through vCPU cores or instances for instance groups and measured through units for instance fleets. Managed scaling activities are not allowed beyond this boundary. The limit only applies to the core and task nodes. The master node cannot be scaled after initial configuration.
computeLimits_maximumCapacityUnits :: Lens' ComputeLimits Int Source #
The upper boundary of EC2 units. It is measured through vCPU cores or instances for instance groups and measured through units for instance fleets. Managed scaling activities are not allowed beyond this boundary. The limit only applies to the core and task nodes. The master node cannot be scaled after initial configuration.
configuration_configurations :: Lens' Configuration (Maybe [Configuration]) Source #
A list of additional configurations to apply within a configuration object.
configuration_classification :: Lens' Configuration (Maybe Text) Source #
The classification within a configuration.
configuration_properties :: Lens' Configuration (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A set of properties specified within a configuration classification.
ebsBlockDevice_device :: Lens' EbsBlockDevice (Maybe Text) Source #
The device name that is exposed to the instance, such as /dev/sdh.
ebsBlockDevice_volumeSpecification :: Lens' EbsBlockDevice (Maybe VolumeSpecification) Source #
EBS volume specifications such as volume type, IOPS, and size (GiB) that will be requested for the EBS volume attached to an EC2 instance in the cluster.
ebsBlockDeviceConfig_volumesPerInstance :: Lens' EbsBlockDeviceConfig (Maybe Int) Source #
Number of EBS volumes with a specific volume configuration that will be associated with every instance in the instance group
ebsBlockDeviceConfig_volumeSpecification :: Lens' EbsBlockDeviceConfig VolumeSpecification Source #
EBS volume specifications such as volume type, IOPS, and size (GiB) that will be requested for the EBS volume attached to an EC2 instance in the cluster.
ebsConfiguration_ebsOptimized :: Lens' EbsConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether an Amazon EBS volume is EBS-optimized.
ebsConfiguration_ebsBlockDeviceConfigs :: Lens' EbsConfiguration (Maybe [EbsBlockDeviceConfig]) Source #
An array of Amazon EBS volume specifications attached to a cluster instance.
ebsVolume_device :: Lens' EbsVolume (Maybe Text) Source #
The device name that is exposed to the instance, such as /dev/sdh.
ec2InstanceAttributes_ec2KeyName :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon EC2 key pair to use when connecting with SSH into the master node as a user named "hadoop".
ec2InstanceAttributes_emrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon EC2 security group for the core and task nodes.
ec2InstanceAttributes_additionalSlaveSecurityGroups :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of additional Amazon EC2 security group IDs for the core and task nodes.
ec2InstanceAttributes_requestedEc2SubnetIds :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Applies to clusters configured with the instance fleets option.
Specifies the unique identifier of one or more Amazon EC2 subnets in
which to launch EC2 cluster instances. Subnets must exist within the
same VPC. Amazon EMR chooses the EC2 subnet with the best fit from among
the list of RequestedEc2SubnetIds
, and then launches all cluster
instances within that Subnet. If this value is not specified, and the
account and Region support EC2-Classic networks, the cluster launches
instances in the EC2-Classic network and uses
instead of this setting. If EC2-Classic
is not supported, and no Subnet is specified, Amazon EMR chooses the
subnet for you. RequestedEc2SubnetIDs
cannot be specified together.
ec2InstanceAttributes_additionalMasterSecurityGroups :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of additional Amazon EC2 security group IDs for the master node.
ec2InstanceAttributes_iamInstanceProfile :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM role that was specified when the cluster was launched. The EC2 instances of the cluster assume this role.
ec2InstanceAttributes_emrManagedMasterSecurityGroup :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon EC2 security group for the master node.
ec2InstanceAttributes_ec2SubnetId :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
Set this parameter to the identifier of the Amazon VPC subnet where you want the cluster to launch. If you do not specify this value, and your account supports EC2-Classic, the cluster launches in EC2-Classic.
ec2InstanceAttributes_requestedEc2AvailabilityZones :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Applies to clusters configured with the instance fleets option.
Specifies one or more Availability Zones in which to launch EC2 cluster
instances when the EC2-Classic network configuration is supported.
Amazon EMR chooses the Availability Zone with the best fit from among
the list of RequestedEc2AvailabilityZones
, and then launches all
cluster instances within that Availability Zone. If you do not specify
this value, Amazon EMR chooses the Availability Zone for you.
and RequestedEc2AvailabilityZones
cannot be
specified together.
ec2InstanceAttributes_serviceAccessSecurityGroup :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon EC2 security group for the Amazon EMR service to access clusters in VPC private subnets.
ec2InstanceAttributes_ec2AvailabilityZone :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The Availability Zone in which the cluster will run.
executionEngineConfig_masterInstanceSecurityGroupId :: Lens' ExecutionEngineConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
An optional unique ID of an EC2 security group to associate with the master instance of the EMR cluster for this notebook execution. For more information see Specifying EC2 Security Groups for EMR Notebooks in the EMR Management Guide.
executionEngineConfig_type :: Lens' ExecutionEngineConfig (Maybe ExecutionEngineType) Source #
The type of execution engine. A value of EMR
specifies an EMR cluster.
executionEngineConfig_id :: Lens' ExecutionEngineConfig Text Source #
The unique identifier of the execution engine. For an EMR cluster, this is the cluster ID.
failureDetails_logFile :: Lens' FailureDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the log file where the step failure root cause was originally recorded.
failureDetails_reason :: Lens' FailureDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason for the step failure. In the case where the service cannot successfully determine the root cause of the failure, it returns "Unknown Error" as a reason.
failureDetails_message :: Lens' FailureDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The descriptive message including the error the Amazon EMR service has identified as the cause of step failure. This is text from an error log that describes the root cause of the failure.
hadoopJarStepConfig_args :: Lens' HadoopJarStepConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of command line arguments passed to the JAR file's main function when executed.
hadoopJarStepConfig_mainClass :: Lens' HadoopJarStepConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the main class in the specified Java file. If not specified, the JAR file should specify a Main-Class in its manifest file.
hadoopJarStepConfig_properties :: Lens' HadoopJarStepConfig (Maybe [KeyValue]) Source #
A list of Java properties that are set when the step runs. You can use these properties to pass key-value pairs to your main function.
hadoopJarStepConfig_jar :: Lens' HadoopJarStepConfig Text Source #
A path to a JAR file run during the step.
hadoopStepConfig_args :: Lens' HadoopStepConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of command line arguments to pass to the JAR file's main function for execution.
hadoopStepConfig_jar :: Lens' HadoopStepConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The path to the JAR file that runs during the step.
hadoopStepConfig_mainClass :: Lens' HadoopStepConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the main class in the specified Java file. If not specified, the JAR file should specify a main class in its manifest file.
hadoopStepConfig_properties :: Lens' HadoopStepConfig (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The list of Java properties that are set when the step runs. You can use these properties to pass key-value pairs to your main function.
instance_status :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceStatus) Source #
The current status of the instance.
instance_ebsVolumes :: Lens' Instance (Maybe [EbsVolume]) Source #
The list of Amazon EBS volumes that are attached to this instance.
instance_ec2InstanceId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the instance in Amazon EC2.
instance_instanceType :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The EC2 instance type, for example m3.xlarge
instance_market :: Lens' Instance (Maybe MarketType) Source #
The instance purchasing option. Valid values are ON_DEMAND
instance_privateIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The private IP address of the instance.
instance_instanceFleetId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the instance fleet to which an EC2 instance belongs.
instance_id :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the instance in Amazon EMR.
instance_instanceGroupId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the instance group to which this instance belongs.
instance_privateDnsName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The private DNS name of the instance.
instance_publicIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source #
The public IP address of the instance.
instanceFleet_provisionedSpotCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance
fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity
. This provisioned capacity might
be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity
instanceFleet_status :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe InstanceFleetStatus) Source #
The current status of the instance fleet.
instanceFleet_targetOnDemandCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe Natural) Source #
The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which
determines how many On-Demand Instances to provision. When the instance
fleet launches, Amazon EMR tries to provision On-Demand Instances as
specified by InstanceTypeConfig. Each instance configuration has a
specified WeightedCapacity
. When an On-Demand Instance is provisioned,
the WeightedCapacity
units count toward the target capacity. Amazon
EMR provisions instances until the target capacity is totally fulfilled,
even if this results in an overage. For example, if there are 2 units
remaining to fulfill capacity, and Amazon EMR can only provision an
instance with a WeightedCapacity
of 5 units, the instance is
provisioned, and the target capacity is exceeded by 3 units. You can use
InstanceFleet$ProvisionedOnDemandCapacity to determine the Spot capacity
units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet.
If not specified or set to 0, only Spot Instances are provisioned for
the instance fleet using TargetSpotCapacity
. At least one of
and TargetOnDemandCapacity
should be greater than
0. For a master instance fleet, only one of TargetSpotCapacity
can be specified, and its value must be 1.
instanceFleet_instanceFleetType :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe InstanceFleetType) Source #
The node type that the instance fleet hosts. Valid values are MASTER, CORE, or TASK.
instanceFleet_instanceTypeSpecifications :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe [InstanceTypeSpecification]) Source #
An array of specifications for the instance types that comprise an instance fleet.
instanceFleet_name :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe Text) Source #
A friendly name for the instance fleet.
instanceFleet_provisionedOnDemandCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the
instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity
. This provisioned
capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity
instanceFleet_targetSpotCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe Natural) Source #
The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which
determines how many Spot Instances to provision. When the instance fleet
launches, Amazon EMR tries to provision Spot Instances as specified by
InstanceTypeConfig. Each instance configuration has a specified
. When a Spot instance is provisioned, the
units count toward the target capacity. Amazon EMR
provisions instances until the target capacity is totally fulfilled,
even if this results in an overage. For example, if there are 2 units
remaining to fulfill capacity, and Amazon EMR can only provision an
instance with a WeightedCapacity
of 5 units, the instance is
provisioned, and the target capacity is exceeded by 3 units. You can use
InstanceFleet$ProvisionedSpotCapacity to determine the Spot capacity
units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet.
If not specified or set to 0, only On-Demand Instances are provisioned
for the instance fleet. At least one of TargetSpotCapacity
should be greater than 0. For a master instance
fleet, only one of TargetSpotCapacity
and TargetOnDemandCapacity
be specified, and its value must be 1.
instanceFleet_id :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the instance fleet.
instanceFleet_launchSpecifications :: Lens' InstanceFleet (Maybe InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) Source #
Describes the launch specification for an instance fleet.
instanceFleetConfig_instanceTypeConfigs :: Lens' InstanceFleetConfig (Maybe [InstanceTypeConfig]) Source #
The instance type configurations that define the EC2 instances in the instance fleet.
instanceFleetConfig_targetOnDemandCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleetConfig (Maybe Natural) Source #
The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which
determines how many On-Demand Instances to provision. When the instance
fleet launches, Amazon EMR tries to provision On-Demand Instances as
specified by InstanceTypeConfig. Each instance configuration has a
specified WeightedCapacity
. When an On-Demand Instance is provisioned,
the WeightedCapacity
units count toward the target capacity. Amazon
EMR provisions instances until the target capacity is totally fulfilled,
even if this results in an overage. For example, if there are 2 units
remaining to fulfill capacity, and Amazon EMR can only provision an
instance with a WeightedCapacity
of 5 units, the instance is
provisioned, and the target capacity is exceeded by 3 units.
If not specified or set to 0, only Spot Instances are provisioned for
the instance fleet using TargetSpotCapacity
. At least one of
and TargetOnDemandCapacity
should be greater than
0. For a master instance fleet, only one of TargetSpotCapacity
can be specified, and its value must be 1.
instanceFleetConfig_name :: Lens' InstanceFleetConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The friendly name of the instance fleet.
instanceFleetConfig_targetSpotCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleetConfig (Maybe Natural) Source #
The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which
determines how many Spot Instances to provision. When the instance fleet
launches, Amazon EMR tries to provision Spot Instances as specified by
InstanceTypeConfig. Each instance configuration has a specified
. When a Spot Instance is provisioned, the
units count toward the target capacity. Amazon EMR
provisions instances until the target capacity is totally fulfilled,
even if this results in an overage. For example, if there are 2 units
remaining to fulfill capacity, and Amazon EMR can only provision an
instance with a WeightedCapacity
of 5 units, the instance is
provisioned, and the target capacity is exceeded by 3 units.
If not specified or set to 0, only On-Demand Instances are provisioned
for the instance fleet. At least one of TargetSpotCapacity
should be greater than 0. For a master instance
fleet, only one of TargetSpotCapacity
and TargetOnDemandCapacity
be specified, and its value must be 1.
instanceFleetConfig_launchSpecifications :: Lens' InstanceFleetConfig (Maybe InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) Source #
The launch specification for the instance fleet.
instanceFleetConfig_instanceFleetType :: Lens' InstanceFleetConfig InstanceFleetType Source #
The node type that the instance fleet hosts. Valid values are MASTER, CORE, and TASK.
instanceFleetModifyConfig_targetOnDemandCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleetModifyConfig (Maybe Natural) Source #
The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet. For more information see InstanceFleetConfig$TargetOnDemandCapacity.
instanceFleetModifyConfig_targetSpotCapacity :: Lens' InstanceFleetModifyConfig (Maybe Natural) Source #
The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet. For more information, see InstanceFleetConfig$TargetSpotCapacity.
instanceFleetModifyConfig_instanceFleetId :: Lens' InstanceFleetModifyConfig Text Source #
A unique identifier for the instance fleet.
instanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications_spotSpecification :: Lens' InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications (Maybe SpotProvisioningSpecification) Source #
The launch specification for Spot Instances in the fleet, which determines the defined duration, provisioning timeout behavior, and allocation strategy.
instanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications_onDemandSpecification :: Lens' InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications (Maybe OnDemandProvisioningSpecification) Source #
The launch specification for On-Demand Instances in the instance fleet, which determines the allocation strategy.
The instance fleet configuration is available only in Amazon EMR versions 4.8.0 and later, excluding 5.0.x versions. On-Demand Instances allocation strategy is available in Amazon EMR version 5.12.1 and later.
instanceFleetStateChangeReason_code :: Lens' InstanceFleetStateChangeReason (Maybe InstanceFleetStateChangeReasonCode) Source #
A code corresponding to the reason the state change occurred.
instanceFleetStateChangeReason_message :: Lens' InstanceFleetStateChangeReason (Maybe Text) Source #
An explanatory message.
instanceFleetStatus_state :: Lens' InstanceFleetStatus (Maybe InstanceFleetState) Source #
A code representing the instance fleet status.
—The instance fleet is provisioning EC2 resources and is not yet ready to run jobs.BOOTSTRAPPING
—EC2 instances and other resources have been provisioned and the bootstrap actions specified for the instances are underway.RUNNING
—EC2 instances and other resources are running. They are either executing jobs or waiting to execute jobs.RESIZING
—A resize operation is underway. EC2 instances are either being added or removed.SUSPENDED
—A resize operation could not complete. Existing EC2 instances are running, but instances can't be added or removed.TERMINATING
—The instance fleet is terminating EC2 instances.TERMINATED
—The instance fleet is no longer active, and all EC2 instances have been terminated.
instanceFleetStatus_stateChangeReason :: Lens' InstanceFleetStatus (Maybe InstanceFleetStateChangeReason) Source #
Provides status change reason details for the instance fleet.
instanceFleetStatus_timeline :: Lens' InstanceFleetStatus (Maybe InstanceFleetTimeline) Source #
Provides historical timestamps for the instance fleet, including the time of creation, the time it became ready to run jobs, and the time of termination.
instanceFleetTimeline_readyDateTime :: Lens' InstanceFleetTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time and date the instance fleet was ready to run jobs.
instanceFleetTimeline_creationDateTime :: Lens' InstanceFleetTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time and date the instance fleet was created.
instanceFleetTimeline_endDateTime :: Lens' InstanceFleetTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time and date the instance fleet terminated.
instanceGroup_status :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe InstanceGroupStatus) Source #
The current status of the instance group.
instanceGroup_lastSuccessfullyAppliedConfigurationsVersion :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Integer) Source #
The version number of a configuration specification that was successfully applied for an instance group last time.
instanceGroup_bidPrice :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
If specified, indicates that the instance group uses Spot Instances.
This is the maximum price you are willing to pay for Spot Instances.
Specify OnDemandPrice
to set the amount equal to the On-Demand price,
or specify an amount in USD.
instanceGroup_requestedInstanceCount :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Int) Source #
The target number of instances for the instance group.
instanceGroup_runningInstanceCount :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of instances currently running in this instance group.
instanceGroup_lastSuccessfullyAppliedConfigurations :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe [Configuration]) Source #
A list of configurations that were successfully applied for an instance group last time.
instanceGroup_configurations :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe [Configuration]) Source #
Amazon EMR releases 4.x or later.
The list of configurations supplied for an Amazon EMR cluster instance group. You can specify a separate configuration for each instance group (master, core, and task).
instanceGroup_customAmiId :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The custom AMI ID to use for the provisioned instance group.
instanceGroup_instanceGroupType :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe InstanceGroupType) Source #
The type of the instance group. Valid values are MASTER, CORE or TASK.
instanceGroup_ebsBlockDevices :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe [EbsBlockDevice]) Source #
The EBS block devices that are mapped to this instance group.
instanceGroup_instanceType :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The EC2 instance type for all instances in the instance group.
instanceGroup_configurationsVersion :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Integer) Source #
The version number of the requested configuration specification for this instance group.
instanceGroup_ebsOptimized :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Bool) Source #
If the instance group is EBS-optimized. An Amazon EBS-optimized instance uses an optimized configuration stack and provides additional, dedicated capacity for Amazon EBS I/O.
instanceGroup_market :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe MarketType) Source #
The marketplace to provision instances for this group. Valid values are ON_DEMAND or SPOT.
instanceGroup_name :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the instance group.
instanceGroup_autoScalingPolicy :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe AutoScalingPolicyDescription) Source #
An automatic scaling policy for a core instance group or task instance group in an Amazon EMR cluster. The automatic scaling policy defines how an instance group dynamically adds and terminates EC2 instances in response to the value of a CloudWatch metric. See PutAutoScalingPolicy.
instanceGroup_shrinkPolicy :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe ShrinkPolicy) Source #
Policy for customizing shrink operations.
instanceGroup_id :: Lens' InstanceGroup (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the instance group.
instanceGroupConfig_ebsConfiguration :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe EbsConfiguration) Source #
EBS configurations that will be attached to each EC2 instance in the instance group.
instanceGroupConfig_bidPrice :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
If specified, indicates that the instance group uses Spot Instances.
This is the maximum price you are willing to pay for Spot Instances.
Specify OnDemandPrice
to set the amount equal to the On-Demand price,
or specify an amount in USD.
instanceGroupConfig_configurations :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe [Configuration]) Source #
Amazon EMR releases 4.x or later.
The list of configurations supplied for an EMR cluster instance group. You can specify a separate configuration for each instance group (master, core, and task).
instanceGroupConfig_customAmiId :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The custom AMI ID to use for the provisioned instance group.
instanceGroupConfig_market :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe MarketType) Source #
Market type of the EC2 instances used to create a cluster node.
instanceGroupConfig_name :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
Friendly name given to the instance group.
instanceGroupConfig_autoScalingPolicy :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig (Maybe AutoScalingPolicy) Source #
An automatic scaling policy for a core instance group or task instance group in an Amazon EMR cluster. The automatic scaling policy defines how an instance group dynamically adds and terminates EC2 instances in response to the value of a CloudWatch metric. See PutAutoScalingPolicy.
instanceGroupConfig_instanceRole :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig InstanceRoleType Source #
The role of the instance group in the cluster.
instanceGroupConfig_instanceType :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig Text Source #
The EC2 instance type for all instances in the instance group.
instanceGroupConfig_instanceCount :: Lens' InstanceGroupConfig Int Source #
Target number of instances for the instance group.
instanceGroupModifyConfig_instanceCount :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig (Maybe Int) Source #
Target size for the instance group.
instanceGroupModifyConfig_configurations :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig (Maybe [Configuration]) Source #
A list of new or modified configurations to apply for an instance group.
instanceGroupModifyConfig_eC2InstanceIdsToTerminate :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The EC2 InstanceIds to terminate. After you terminate the instances, the instance group will not return to its original requested size.
instanceGroupModifyConfig_shrinkPolicy :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig (Maybe ShrinkPolicy) Source #
Policy for customizing shrink operations.
instanceGroupModifyConfig_instanceGroupId :: Lens' InstanceGroupModifyConfig Text Source #
Unique ID of the instance group to modify.
instanceGroupStateChangeReason_code :: Lens' InstanceGroupStateChangeReason (Maybe InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode) Source #
The programmable code for the state change reason.
instanceGroupStateChangeReason_message :: Lens' InstanceGroupStateChangeReason (Maybe Text) Source #
The status change reason description.
instanceGroupStatus_state :: Lens' InstanceGroupStatus (Maybe InstanceGroupState) Source #
The current state of the instance group.
instanceGroupStatus_stateChangeReason :: Lens' InstanceGroupStatus (Maybe InstanceGroupStateChangeReason) Source #
The status change reason details for the instance group.
instanceGroupStatus_timeline :: Lens' InstanceGroupStatus (Maybe InstanceGroupTimeline) Source #
The timeline of the instance group status over time.
instanceGroupTimeline_readyDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time when the instance group became ready to perform tasks.
instanceGroupTimeline_creationDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The creation date and time of the instance group.
instanceGroupTimeline_endDateTime :: Lens' InstanceGroupTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time when the instance group terminated.
instanceResizePolicy_instancesToProtect :: Lens' InstanceResizePolicy (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Specific list of instances to be protected when shrinking an instance group.
instanceResizePolicy_instancesToTerminate :: Lens' InstanceResizePolicy (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Specific list of instances to be terminated when shrinking an instance group.
instanceResizePolicy_instanceTerminationTimeout :: Lens' InstanceResizePolicy (Maybe Int) Source #
Decommissioning timeout override for the specific list of instances to be terminated.
instanceStateChangeReason_code :: Lens' InstanceStateChangeReason (Maybe InstanceStateChangeReasonCode) Source #
The programmable code for the state change reason.
instanceStateChangeReason_message :: Lens' InstanceStateChangeReason (Maybe Text) Source #
The status change reason description.
instanceStatus_state :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe InstanceState) Source #
The current state of the instance.
instanceStatus_stateChangeReason :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe InstanceStateChangeReason) Source #
The details of the status change reason for the instance.
instanceStatus_timeline :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe InstanceTimeline) Source #
The timeline of the instance status over time.
instanceTimeline_readyDateTime :: Lens' InstanceTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time when the instance was ready to perform tasks.
instanceTimeline_creationDateTime :: Lens' InstanceTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The creation date and time of the instance.
instanceTimeline_endDateTime :: Lens' InstanceTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time when the instance was terminated.
instanceTypeConfig_ebsConfiguration :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig (Maybe EbsConfiguration) Source #
The configuration of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) attached to
each instance as defined by InstanceType
instanceTypeConfig_bidPrice :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The bid price for each EC2 Spot Instance type as defined by
. Expressed in USD. If neither BidPrice
is provided,
defaults to 100%.
instanceTypeConfig_weightedCapacity :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of units that a provisioned instance of this type provides toward fulfilling the target capacities defined in InstanceFleetConfig. This value is 1 for a master instance fleet, and must be 1 or greater for core and task instance fleets. Defaults to 1 if not specified.
instanceTypeConfig_configurations :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig (Maybe [Configuration]) Source #
A configuration classification that applies when provisioning cluster instances, which can include configurations for applications and software that run on the cluster.
instanceTypeConfig_customAmiId :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The custom AMI ID to use for the instance type.
instanceTypeConfig_bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig (Maybe Double) Source #
The bid price, as a percentage of On-Demand price, for each EC2 Spot
Instance as defined by InstanceType
. Expressed as a number (for
example, 20 specifies 20%). If neither BidPrice
is provided,
defaults to 100%.
instanceTypeConfig_instanceType :: Lens' InstanceTypeConfig Text Source #
An EC2 instance type, such as m3.xlarge
instanceTypeSpecification_bidPrice :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe Text) Source #
The bid price for each EC2 Spot Instance type as defined by
. Expressed in USD.
instanceTypeSpecification_weightedCapacity :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of units that a provisioned instance of this type provides toward fulfilling the target capacities defined in InstanceFleetConfig. Capacity values represent performance characteristics such as vCPUs, memory, or I/O. If not specified, the default value is 1.
instanceTypeSpecification_configurations :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe [Configuration]) Source #
A configuration classification that applies when provisioning cluster instances, which can include configurations for applications and software bundled with Amazon EMR.
instanceTypeSpecification_customAmiId :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe Text) Source #
The custom AMI ID to use for the instance type.
instanceTypeSpecification_ebsBlockDevices :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe [EbsBlockDevice]) Source #
The configuration of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) attached to
each instance as defined by InstanceType
instanceTypeSpecification_instanceType :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe Text) Source #
The EC2 instance type, for example m3.xlarge
instanceTypeSpecification_ebsOptimized :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe Bool) Source #
Evaluates to TRUE
when the specified InstanceType
is EBS-optimized.
instanceTypeSpecification_bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice :: Lens' InstanceTypeSpecification (Maybe Double) Source #
The bid price, as a percentage of On-Demand price, for each EC2 Spot
Instance as defined by InstanceType
. Expressed as a number (for
example, 20 specifies 20%).
jobFlowInstancesConfig_instanceFleets :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe [InstanceFleetConfig]) Source #
The instance fleet configuration is available only in Amazon EMR versions 4.8.0 and later, excluding 5.0.x versions.
Describes the EC2 instances and instance configurations for clusters that use the instance fleet configuration.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_ec2KeyName :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the EC2 key pair that can be used to connect to the master node using SSH as the user called "hadoop."
jobFlowInstancesConfig_slaveInstanceType :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The EC2 instance type of the core and task nodes.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_instanceCount :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of EC2 instances in the cluster.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_emrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon EC2 security group for the core and task
nodes. If you specify EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup
, you must also
specify EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup
jobFlowInstancesConfig_additionalSlaveSecurityGroups :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of additional Amazon EC2 security group IDs for the core and task nodes.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_ec2SubnetIds :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Applies to clusters that use the instance fleet configuration. When multiple EC2 subnet IDs are specified, Amazon EMR evaluates them and launches instances in the optimal subnet.
The instance fleet configuration is available only in Amazon EMR versions 4.8.0 and later, excluding 5.0.x versions.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_hadoopVersion :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
Applies only to Amazon EMR release versions earlier than 4.0. The Hadoop
version for the cluster. Valid inputs are "0.18" (no longer
maintained), "0.20" (no longer maintained), "0.20.205" (no longer
maintained), "1.0.3", "2.2.0", or "2.4.0". If you do not set this
value, the default of 0.18 is used, unless the AmiVersion
parameter is
set in the RunJobFlow call, in which case the default version of Hadoop
for that AMI version is used.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_additionalMasterSecurityGroups :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of additional Amazon EC2 security group IDs for the master node.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_emrManagedMasterSecurityGroup :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon EC2 security group for the master node. If
you specify EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup
, you must also specify
jobFlowInstancesConfig_ec2SubnetId :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
Applies to clusters that use the uniform instance group configuration. To launch the cluster in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), set this parameter to the identifier of the Amazon VPC subnet where you want the cluster to launch. If you do not specify this value and your account supports EC2-Classic, the cluster launches in EC2-Classic.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_masterInstanceType :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The EC2 instance type of the master node.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_instanceGroups :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe [InstanceGroupConfig]) Source #
Configuration for the instance groups in a cluster.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_keepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether the cluster should remain available after completing
all steps. Defaults to true
. For more information about configuring
cluster termination, see
Control Cluster Termination
in the EMR Management Guide.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_serviceAccessSecurityGroup :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the Amazon EC2 security group for the Amazon EMR service to access clusters in VPC private subnets.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_terminationProtected :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether to lock the cluster to prevent the Amazon EC2 instances from being terminated by API call, user intervention, or in the event of a job-flow error.
jobFlowInstancesConfig_placement :: Lens' JobFlowInstancesConfig (Maybe PlacementType) Source #
The Availability Zone in which the cluster runs.
kerberosAttributes_kdcAdminPassword :: Lens' KerberosAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The password used within the cluster for the kadmin service on the cluster-dedicated KDC, which maintains Kerberos principals, password policies, and keytabs for the cluster.
kerberosAttributes_realm :: Lens' KerberosAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Kerberos realm to which all nodes in a cluster belong.
For example, EC2.INTERNAL
kerberosAttributes_aDDomainJoinPassword :: Lens' KerberosAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
The Active Directory password for ADDomainJoinUser
kerberosAttributes_crossRealmTrustPrincipalPassword :: Lens' KerberosAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
Required only when establishing a cross-realm trust with a KDC in a different realm. The cross-realm principal password, which must be identical across realms.
kerberosAttributes_aDDomainJoinUser :: Lens' KerberosAttributes (Maybe Text) Source #
Required only when establishing a cross-realm trust with an Active Directory domain. A user with sufficient privileges to join resources to the domain.
managedScalingPolicy_computeLimits :: Lens' ManagedScalingPolicy (Maybe ComputeLimits) Source #
The EC2 unit limits for a managed scaling policy. The managed scaling activity of a cluster is not allowed to go above or below these limits. The limit only applies to the core and task nodes. The master node cannot be scaled after initial configuration.
metricDimension_value :: Lens' MetricDimension (Maybe Text) Source #
The dimension value.
metricDimension_key :: Lens' MetricDimension (Maybe Text) Source #
The dimension name.
notebookExecution_status :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe NotebookExecutionStatus) Source #
The status of the notebook execution.
indicates that the cluster has received the execution request but execution has not begun.STARTING
indicates that the execution is starting on the cluster.RUNNING
indicates that the execution is being processed by the cluster.FINISHING
indicates that execution processing is in the final stages.FINISHED
indicates that the execution has completed without error.FAILING
indicates that the execution is failing and will not finish successfully.FAILED
indicates that the execution failed.STOP_PENDING
indicates that the cluster has received aStopNotebookExecution
request and the stop is pending.STOPPING
indicates that the cluster is in the process of stopping the execution as a result of aStopNotebookExecution
indicates that the execution stopped because of aStopNotebookExecution
notebookExecution_executionEngine :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe ExecutionEngineConfig) Source #
The execution engine, such as an EMR cluster, used to run the EMR notebook and perform the notebook execution.
notebookExecution_notebookInstanceSecurityGroupId :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the EC2 security group associated with the EMR Notebook instance. For more information see Specifying EC2 Security Groups for EMR Notebooks in the EMR Management Guide.
notebookExecution_editorId :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the EMR Notebook that is used for the notebook execution.
notebookExecution_startTime :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The timestamp when notebook execution started.
notebookExecution_arn :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the notebook execution.
notebookExecution_outputNotebookURI :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the notebook execution's output file in Amazon S3.
notebookExecution_notebookExecutionId :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of a notebook execution.
notebookExecution_notebookExecutionName :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
A name for the notebook execution.
notebookExecution_lastStateChangeReason :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason for the latest status change of the notebook execution.
notebookExecution_endTime :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The timestamp when notebook execution ended.
notebookExecution_notebookParams :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe Text) Source #
Input parameters in JSON format passed to the EMR Notebook at runtime for execution.
notebookExecution_tags :: Lens' NotebookExecution (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of tags associated with a notebook execution. Tags are user-defined key-value pairs that consist of a required key string with a maximum of 128 characters and an optional value string with a maximum of 256 characters.
notebookExecutionSummary_status :: Lens' NotebookExecutionSummary (Maybe NotebookExecutionStatus) Source #
The status of the notebook execution.
indicates that the cluster has received the execution request but execution has not begun.STARTING
indicates that the execution is starting on the cluster.RUNNING
indicates that the execution is being processed by the cluster.FINISHING
indicates that execution processing is in the final stages.FINISHED
indicates that the execution has completed without error.FAILING
indicates that the execution is failing and will not finish successfully.FAILED
indicates that the execution failed.STOP_PENDING
indicates that the cluster has received aStopNotebookExecution
request and the stop is pending.STOPPING
indicates that the cluster is in the process of stopping the execution as a result of aStopNotebookExecution
indicates that the execution stopped because of aStopNotebookExecution
notebookExecutionSummary_editorId :: Lens' NotebookExecutionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the editor associated with the notebook execution.
notebookExecutionSummary_startTime :: Lens' NotebookExecutionSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The timestamp when notebook execution started.
notebookExecutionSummary_notebookExecutionId :: Lens' NotebookExecutionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the notebook execution.
notebookExecutionSummary_notebookExecutionName :: Lens' NotebookExecutionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the notebook execution.
notebookExecutionSummary_endTime :: Lens' NotebookExecutionSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The timestamp when notebook execution started.
onDemandCapacityReservationOptions_usageStrategy :: Lens' OnDemandCapacityReservationOptions (Maybe OnDemandCapacityReservationUsageStrategy) Source #
Indicates whether to use unused Capacity Reservations for fulfilling On-Demand capacity.
If you specify use-capacity-reservations-first
, the fleet uses unused
Capacity Reservations to fulfill On-Demand capacity up to the target
On-Demand capacity. If multiple instance pools have unused Capacity
Reservations, the On-Demand allocation strategy (lowest-price
) is
applied. If the number of unused Capacity Reservations is less than the
On-Demand target capacity, the remaining On-Demand target capacity is
launched according to the On-Demand allocation strategy
If you do not specify a value, the fleet fulfills the On-Demand capacity according to the chosen On-Demand allocation strategy.
onDemandCapacityReservationOptions_capacityReservationResourceGroupArn :: Lens' OnDemandCapacityReservationOptions (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the Capacity Reservation resource group in which to run the instance.
onDemandCapacityReservationOptions_capacityReservationPreference :: Lens' OnDemandCapacityReservationOptions (Maybe OnDemandCapacityReservationPreference) Source #
Indicates the instance's Capacity Reservation preferences. Possible preferences include:
- The instance can run in any open Capacity Reservation that has matching attributes (instance type, platform, Availability Zone).none
- The instance avoids running in a Capacity Reservation even if one is available. The instance runs as an On-Demand Instance.
onDemandProvisioningSpecification_capacityReservationOptions :: Lens' OnDemandProvisioningSpecification (Maybe OnDemandCapacityReservationOptions) Source #
The launch specification for On-Demand instances in the instance fleet, which determines the allocation strategy.
onDemandProvisioningSpecification_allocationStrategy :: Lens' OnDemandProvisioningSpecification OnDemandProvisioningAllocationStrategy Source #
Specifies the strategy to use in launching On-Demand instance fleets.
Currently, the only option is lowest-price
(the default), which
launches the lowest price first.
placementGroupConfig_placementStrategy :: Lens' PlacementGroupConfig (Maybe PlacementGroupStrategy) Source #
EC2 Placement Group strategy associated with instance role.
Starting with Amazon EMR version 5.23.0, the only supported placement
strategy is SPREAD
for the MASTER
instance role.
placementGroupConfig_instanceRole :: Lens' PlacementGroupConfig InstanceRoleType Source #
Role of the instance in the cluster.
Starting with Amazon EMR version 5.23.0, the only supported instance
role is MASTER
placementType_availabilityZones :: Lens' PlacementType (Maybe [Text]) Source #
When multiple Availability Zones are specified, Amazon EMR evaluates
them and launches instances in the optimal Availability Zone.
is used for instance fleets, while
(singular) is used for uniform instance groups.
The instance fleet configuration is available only in Amazon EMR versions 4.8.0 and later, excluding 5.0.x versions.
placementType_availabilityZone :: Lens' PlacementType (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon EC2 Availability Zone for the cluster. AvailabilityZone
used for uniform instance groups, while AvailabilityZones
(plural) is
used for instance fleets.
portRange_maxRange :: Lens' PortRange (Maybe Int) Source #
The smallest port number in a specified range of port numbers.
portRange_minRange :: Lens' PortRange Int Source #
The smallest port number in a specified range of port numbers.
releaseLabelFilter_application :: Lens' ReleaseLabelFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
Optional release label application filter. For example, spark@2.1.0
releaseLabelFilter_prefix :: Lens' ReleaseLabelFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
Optional release label version prefix filter. For example, emr-5
scalingAction_market :: Lens' ScalingAction (Maybe MarketType) Source #
Not available for instance groups. Instance groups use the market type specified for the group.
scalingAction_simpleScalingPolicyConfiguration :: Lens' ScalingAction SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration Source #
The type of adjustment the automatic scaling activity makes when triggered, and the periodicity of the adjustment.
scalingConstraints_minCapacity :: Lens' ScalingConstraints Int Source #
The lower boundary of EC2 instances in an instance group below which scaling activities are not allowed to shrink. Scale-in activities will not terminate instances below this boundary.
scalingConstraints_maxCapacity :: Lens' ScalingConstraints Int Source #
The upper boundary of EC2 instances in an instance group beyond which scaling activities are not allowed to grow. Scale-out activities will not add instances beyond this boundary.
scalingRule_description :: Lens' ScalingRule (Maybe Text) Source #
A friendly, more verbose description of the automatic scaling rule.
scalingRule_name :: Lens' ScalingRule Text Source #
The name used to identify an automatic scaling rule. Rule names must be unique within a scaling policy.
scalingRule_action :: Lens' ScalingRule ScalingAction Source #
The conditions that trigger an automatic scaling activity.
scalingRule_trigger :: Lens' ScalingRule ScalingTrigger Source #
The CloudWatch alarm definition that determines when automatic scaling activity is triggered.
scalingTrigger_cloudWatchAlarmDefinition :: Lens' ScalingTrigger CloudWatchAlarmDefinition Source #
The definition of a CloudWatch metric alarm. When the defined alarm conditions are met along with other trigger parameters, scaling activity begins.
scriptBootstrapActionConfig_args :: Lens' ScriptBootstrapActionConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of command line arguments to pass to the bootstrap action script.
scriptBootstrapActionConfig_path :: Lens' ScriptBootstrapActionConfig Text Source #
Location in Amazon S3 of the script to run during a bootstrap action.
securityConfigurationSummary_name :: Lens' SecurityConfigurationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the security configuration.
securityConfigurationSummary_creationDateTime :: Lens' SecurityConfigurationSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time the security configuration was created.
sessionMappingDetail_creationTime :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the session mapping was created.
sessionMappingDetail_studioId :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio.
sessionMappingDetail_lastModifiedTime :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the session mapping was last modified.
sessionMappingDetail_identityType :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe IdentityType) Source #
Specifies whether the identity mapped to the Amazon EMR Studio is a user or a group.
sessionMappingDetail_identityId :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the user or group.
sessionMappingDetail_sessionPolicyArn :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the session policy associated with the user or group.
sessionMappingDetail_identityName :: Lens' SessionMappingDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the user or group. For more information, see UserName and DisplayName in the Amazon Web Services SSO Identity Store API Reference.
sessionMappingSummary_creationTime :: Lens' SessionMappingSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the session mapping was created.
sessionMappingSummary_studioId :: Lens' SessionMappingSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio.
sessionMappingSummary_identityType :: Lens' SessionMappingSummary (Maybe IdentityType) Source #
Specifies whether the identity mapped to the Amazon EMR Studio is a user or a group.
sessionMappingSummary_identityId :: Lens' SessionMappingSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the user or group from the Amazon Web Services SSO Identity Store.
sessionMappingSummary_sessionPolicyArn :: Lens' SessionMappingSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the session policy associated with the user or group.
sessionMappingSummary_identityName :: Lens' SessionMappingSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the user or group. For more information, see UserName and DisplayName in the Amazon Web Services SSO Identity Store API Reference.
shrinkPolicy_decommissionTimeout :: Lens' ShrinkPolicy (Maybe Int) Source #
The desired timeout for decommissioning an instance. Overrides the default YARN decommissioning timeout.
shrinkPolicy_instanceResizePolicy :: Lens' ShrinkPolicy (Maybe InstanceResizePolicy) Source #
Custom policy for requesting termination protection or termination of specific instances when shrinking an instance group.
simpleScalingPolicyConfiguration_adjustmentType :: Lens' SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration (Maybe AdjustmentType) Source #
The way in which EC2 instances are added (if ScalingAdjustment
is a
positive number) or terminated (if ScalingAdjustment
is a negative
number) each time the scaling activity is triggered.
is the default. CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY
indicates that
the EC2 instance count increments or decrements by ScalingAdjustment
which should be expressed as an integer. PERCENT_CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY
indicates the instance count increments or decrements by the percentage
specified by ScalingAdjustment
, which should be expressed as an
integer. For example, 20 indicates an increase in 20% increments of
cluster capacity. EXACT_CAPACITY
indicates the scaling activity
results in an instance group with the number of EC2 instances specified
by ScalingAdjustment
, which should be expressed as a positive integer.
simpleScalingPolicyConfiguration_coolDown :: Lens' SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes before any further trigger-related scaling activities can start. The default value is 0.
simpleScalingPolicyConfiguration_scalingAdjustment :: Lens' SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration Int Source #
The amount by which to scale in or scale out, based on the specified
. A positive value adds to the instance group's EC2
instance count while a negative number removes instances. If
, the number should only be a
positive integer. If AdjustmentType
is set to
, the value should express the percentage as
an integer. For example, -20 indicates a decrease in 20% increments of
cluster capacity.
simplifiedApplication_name :: Lens' SimplifiedApplication (Maybe Text) Source #
The returned release label application name. For example, hadoop
simplifiedApplication_version :: Lens' SimplifiedApplication (Maybe Text) Source #
The returned release label application version. For example, 3.2.1
spotProvisioningSpecification_blockDurationMinutes :: Lens' SpotProvisioningSpecification (Maybe Natural) Source #
The defined duration for Spot Instances (also known as Spot blocks) in minutes. When specified, the Spot Instance does not terminate before the defined duration expires, and defined duration pricing for Spot Instances applies. Valid values are 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, or 360. The duration period starts as soon as a Spot Instance receives its instance ID. At the end of the duration, Amazon EC2 marks the Spot Instance for termination and provides a Spot Instance termination notice, which gives the instance a two-minute warning before it terminates.
spotProvisioningSpecification_allocationStrategy :: Lens' SpotProvisioningSpecification (Maybe SpotProvisioningAllocationStrategy) Source #
Specifies the strategy to use in launching Spot Instance fleets. Currently, the only option is capacity-optimized (the default), which launches instances from Spot Instance pools with optimal capacity for the number of instances that are launching.
spotProvisioningSpecification_timeoutDurationMinutes :: Lens' SpotProvisioningSpecification Natural Source #
The spot provisioning timeout period in minutes. If Spot Instances are
not provisioned within this time period, the TimeOutAction
is taken.
Minimum value is 5 and maximum value is 1440. The timeout applies only
during initial provisioning, when the cluster is first created.
spotProvisioningSpecification_timeoutAction :: Lens' SpotProvisioningSpecification SpotProvisioningTimeoutAction Source #
The action to take when TargetSpotCapacity
has not been fulfilled when
the TimeoutDurationMinutes
has expired; that is, when all Spot
Instances could not be provisioned within the Spot provisioning timeout.
Valid values are TERMINATE_CLUSTER
SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND specifies that if no Spot Instances are available,
On-Demand Instances should be provisioned to fulfill any remaining Spot
step_status :: Lens' Step (Maybe StepStatus) Source #
The current execution status details of the cluster step.
step_actionOnFailure :: Lens' Step (Maybe ActionOnFailure) Source #
The action to take when the cluster step fails. Possible values are
is provided for backward compatibility. We
recommend using TERMINATE_CLUSTER
If a cluster's StepConcurrencyLevel
is greater than 1
, do not use
to submit a step with this parameter set to
. The step is not submitted and
the action fails with a message that the ActionOnFailure
setting is
not valid.
If you change a cluster's StepConcurrencyLevel
to be greater than 1
while a step is running, the ActionOnFailure
parameter may not behave
as you expect. In this case, for a step that fails with this parameter
, pending steps and the running step are not
canceled; for a step that fails with this parameter set to
, the cluster does not terminate.
step_config :: Lens' Step (Maybe HadoopStepConfig) Source #
The Hadoop job configuration of the cluster step.
stepConfig_actionOnFailure :: Lens' StepConfig (Maybe ActionOnFailure) Source #
The action to take when the step fails. Use one of the following values:
- Shuts down the cluster.CANCEL_AND_WAIT
- Cancels any pending steps and returns the cluster to theWAITING
- Continues to the next step in the queue.TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW
- Shuts down the cluster.TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW
is provided for backward compatibility. We recommend usingTERMINATE_CLUSTER
If a cluster's StepConcurrencyLevel
is greater than 1
, do not use
to submit a step with this parameter set to
. The step is not submitted and
the action fails with a message that the ActionOnFailure
setting is
not valid.
If you change a cluster's StepConcurrencyLevel
to be greater than 1
while a step is running, the ActionOnFailure
parameter may not behave
as you expect. In this case, for a step that fails with this parameter
, pending steps and the running step are not
canceled; for a step that fails with this parameter set to
, the cluster does not terminate.
stepConfig_name :: Lens' StepConfig Text Source #
The name of the step.
stepConfig_hadoopJarStep :: Lens' StepConfig HadoopJarStepConfig Source #
The JAR file used for the step.
stepStateChangeReason_code :: Lens' StepStateChangeReason (Maybe StepStateChangeReasonCode) Source #
The programmable code for the state change reason. Note: Currently, the service provides no code for the state change.
stepStateChangeReason_message :: Lens' StepStateChangeReason (Maybe Text) Source #
The descriptive message for the state change reason.
stepStatus_state :: Lens' StepStatus (Maybe StepState) Source #
The execution state of the cluster step.
stepStatus_failureDetails :: Lens' StepStatus (Maybe FailureDetails) Source #
The details for the step failure including reason, message, and log file path where the root cause was identified.
stepStatus_stateChangeReason :: Lens' StepStatus (Maybe StepStateChangeReason) Source #
The reason for the step execution status change.
stepStatus_timeline :: Lens' StepStatus (Maybe StepTimeline) Source #
The timeline of the cluster step status over time.
stepSummary_status :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe StepStatus) Source #
The current execution status details of the cluster step.
stepSummary_actionOnFailure :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe ActionOnFailure) Source #
The action to take when the cluster step fails. Possible values are TERMINATE_CLUSTER, CANCEL_AND_WAIT, and CONTINUE. TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW is available for backward compatibility.
stepSummary_config :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe HadoopStepConfig) Source #
The Hadoop job configuration of the cluster step.
stepSummary_name :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the cluster step.
stepSummary_id :: Lens' StepSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the cluster step.
stepTimeline_creationDateTime :: Lens' StepTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time when the cluster step was created.
stepTimeline_endDateTime :: Lens' StepTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time when the cluster step execution completed or failed.
stepTimeline_startDateTime :: Lens' StepTimeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time when the cluster step execution started.
studio_creationTime :: Lens' Studio (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the Amazon EMR Studio was created.
studio_engineSecurityGroupId :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Engine security group associated with the Amazon EMR Studio. The Engine security group allows inbound network traffic from resources in the Workspace security group.
studio_subnetIds :: Lens' Studio (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of IDs of the subnets associated with the Amazon EMR Studio.
studio_vpcId :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the VPC associated with the Amazon EMR Studio.
studio_authMode :: Lens' Studio (Maybe AuthMode) Source #
Specifies whether the Amazon EMR Studio authenticates users using IAM or Amazon Web Services SSO.
studio_defaultS3Location :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon S3 location to back up Amazon EMR Studio Workspaces and notebook files.
studio_idpAuthUrl :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
Your identity provider's authentication endpoint. Amazon EMR Studio redirects federated users to this endpoint for authentication when logging in to a Studio with the Studio URL.
studio_workspaceSecurityGroupId :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Workspace security group associated with the Amazon EMR Studio. The Workspace security group allows outbound network traffic to resources in the Engine security group and to the internet.
studio_idpRelayStateParameterName :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of your identity provider's RelayState
studio_studioArn :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon EMR Studio.
studio_userRole :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the IAM role assumed by users logged in to the Amazon EMR
Studio. A Studio only requires a UserRole
when you use IAM
studio_description :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The detailed description of the Amazon EMR Studio.
studio_tags :: Lens' Studio (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of tags associated with the Amazon EMR Studio.
studio_serviceRole :: Lens' Studio (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the IAM role assumed by the Amazon EMR Studio.
studioSummary_creationTime :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the Amazon EMR Studio was created.
studioSummary_studioId :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon EMR Studio.
studioSummary_vpcId :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) associated with the Amazon EMR Studio.
studioSummary_url :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique access URL of the Amazon EMR Studio.
studioSummary_authMode :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe AuthMode) Source #
Specifies whether the Studio authenticates users using IAM or Amazon Web Services SSO.
studioSummary_name :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon EMR Studio.
studioSummary_description :: Lens' StudioSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The detailed description of the Amazon EMR Studio.
supportedProductConfig_args :: Lens' SupportedProductConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of user-supplied arguments.
supportedProductConfig_name :: Lens' SupportedProductConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the product configuration.
tag_value :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text) Source #
A user-defined value, which is optional in a tag. For more information, see Tag Clusters.
tag_key :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text) Source #
A user-defined key, which is the minimum required information for a valid tag. For more information, see Tag .
volumeSpecification_iops :: Lens' VolumeSpecification (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports.
volumeSpecification_volumeType :: Lens' VolumeSpecification Text Source #
The volume type. Volume types supported are gp2, io1, standard.
volumeSpecification_sizeInGB :: Lens' VolumeSpecification Int Source #
The volume size, in gibibytes (GiB). This can be a number from 1 - 1024. If the volume type is EBS-optimized, the minimum value is 10.