Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations
- DescribeInterconnects
- DescribeTags
- CreateTransitVirtualInterface
- DescribeLoa
- DisassociateMacSecKey
- DeleteConnection
- UpdateConnection
- StartBgpFailoverTest
- UpdateVirtualInterfaceAttributes
- AssociateConnectionWithLag
- CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal
- CreateConnection
- DescribeDirectConnectGateways
- AssociateVirtualInterface
- DescribeConnections
- ConfirmCustomerAgreement
- DeleteInterconnect
- ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface
- UpdateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation
- DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation
- DescribeLocations
- CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation
- AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal
- CreatePublicVirtualInterface
- AssociateMacSecKey
- AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface
- DescribeLags
- ConfirmConnection
- DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments
- DescribeCustomerMetadata
- ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface
- DescribeVirtualGateways
- DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal
- StopBgpFailoverTest
- CreateDirectConnectGateway
- DeleteDirectConnectGateway
- UpdateDirectConnectGateway
- DescribeVirtualInterfaces
- ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory
- AllocateHostedConnection
- DeleteVirtualInterface
- CreatePrivateVirtualInterface
- AllocatePublicVirtualInterface
- DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals
- DisassociateConnectionFromLag
- TagResource
- DeleteLag
- UpdateLag
- UntagResource
- CreateBGPPeer
- AssociateHostedConnection
- CreateInterconnect
- DescribeRouterConfiguration
- DeleteBGPPeer
- AllocateTransitVirtualInterface
- CreateLag
- ConfirmTransitVirtualInterface
- DescribeHostedConnections
- Types
- AssociatedGateway
- BGPPeer
- Connection
- Connections
- CustomerAgreement
- DirectConnectGateway
- DirectConnectGatewayAssociation
- DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal
- DirectConnectGatewayAttachment
- Interconnect
- Lag
- Location
- MacSecKey
- NewBGPPeer
- NewPrivateVirtualInterface
- NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation
- NewPublicVirtualInterface
- NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation
- NewTransitVirtualInterface
- NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation
- ResourceTag
- RouteFilterPrefix
- RouterType
- Tag
- VirtualGateway
- VirtualInterface
- VirtualInterfaceTestHistory
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations_associationId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations_associatedGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations (Maybe Int)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationsResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociations :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationsResponse (Maybe [DirectConnectGatewayAssociation])
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationsResponse Int
- describeInterconnects_interconnectId :: Lens' DescribeInterconnects (Maybe Text)
- describeInterconnectsResponse_interconnects :: Lens' DescribeInterconnectsResponse (Maybe [Interconnect])
- describeInterconnectsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeInterconnectsResponse Int
- describeTags_resourceArns :: Lens' DescribeTags [Text]
- describeTagsResponse_resourceTags :: Lens' DescribeTagsResponse (Maybe [ResourceTag])
- describeTagsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeTagsResponse Int
- createTransitVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' CreateTransitVirtualInterface Text
- createTransitVirtualInterface_newTransitVirtualInterface :: Lens' CreateTransitVirtualInterface NewTransitVirtualInterface
- createTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse_virtualInterface :: Lens' CreateTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse (Maybe VirtualInterface)
- createTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse Int
- describeLoa_loaContentType :: Lens' DescribeLoa (Maybe LoaContentType)
- describeLoa_providerName :: Lens' DescribeLoa (Maybe Text)
- describeLoa_connectionId :: Lens' DescribeLoa Text
- describeLoaResponse_loaContent :: Lens' DescribeLoaResponse (Maybe ByteString)
- describeLoaResponse_loaContentType :: Lens' DescribeLoaResponse (Maybe LoaContentType)
- describeLoaResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeLoaResponse Int
- disassociateMacSecKey_connectionId :: Lens' DisassociateMacSecKey Text
- disassociateMacSecKey_secretARN :: Lens' DisassociateMacSecKey Text
- disassociateMacSecKeyResponse_connectionId :: Lens' DisassociateMacSecKeyResponse (Maybe Text)
- disassociateMacSecKeyResponse_macSecKeys :: Lens' DisassociateMacSecKeyResponse (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- disassociateMacSecKeyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateMacSecKeyResponse Int
- deleteConnection_connectionId :: Lens' DeleteConnection Text
- connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int)
- connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime)
- connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState)
- connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- updateConnection_connectionName :: Lens' UpdateConnection (Maybe Text)
- updateConnection_encryptionMode :: Lens' UpdateConnection (Maybe Text)
- updateConnection_connectionId :: Lens' UpdateConnection Text
- connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int)
- connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime)
- connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState)
- connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- startBgpFailoverTest_bgpPeers :: Lens' StartBgpFailoverTest (Maybe [Text])
- startBgpFailoverTest_testDurationInMinutes :: Lens' StartBgpFailoverTest (Maybe Int)
- startBgpFailoverTest_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' StartBgpFailoverTest Text
- startBgpFailoverTestResponse_virtualInterfaceTest :: Lens' StartBgpFailoverTestResponse (Maybe VirtualInterfaceTestHistory)
- startBgpFailoverTestResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartBgpFailoverTestResponse Int
- updateVirtualInterfaceAttributes_mtu :: Lens' UpdateVirtualInterfaceAttributes (Maybe Int)
- updateVirtualInterfaceAttributes_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' UpdateVirtualInterfaceAttributes Text
- virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer])
- virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState)
- virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool)
- virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- associateConnectionWithLag_connectionId :: Lens' AssociateConnectionWithLag Text
- associateConnectionWithLag_lagId :: Lens' AssociateConnectionWithLag Text
- connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int)
- connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime)
- connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState)
- connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_addAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_removeAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_gatewayId :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal)
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse Int
- createConnection_lagId :: Lens' CreateConnection (Maybe Text)
- createConnection_requestMACSec :: Lens' CreateConnection (Maybe Bool)
- createConnection_providerName :: Lens' CreateConnection (Maybe Text)
- createConnection_tags :: Lens' CreateConnection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- createConnection_location :: Lens' CreateConnection Text
- createConnection_bandwidth :: Lens' CreateConnection Text
- createConnection_connectionName :: Lens' CreateConnection Text
- connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int)
- connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime)
- connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState)
- connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- describeDirectConnectGateways_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGateways (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGateways_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGateways (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGateways_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGateways (Maybe Int)
- describeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse_directConnectGateways :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse (Maybe [DirectConnectGateway])
- describeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse Int
- associateVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' AssociateVirtualInterface Text
- associateVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' AssociateVirtualInterface Text
- virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer])
- virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState)
- virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool)
- virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- describeConnections_connectionId :: Lens' DescribeConnections (Maybe Text)
- connections_connections :: Lens' Connections (Maybe [Connection])
- confirmCustomerAgreement_agreementName :: Lens' ConfirmCustomerAgreement (Maybe Text)
- confirmCustomerAgreementResponse_status :: Lens' ConfirmCustomerAgreementResponse (Maybe Text)
- confirmCustomerAgreementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ConfirmCustomerAgreementResponse Int
- deleteInterconnect_interconnectId :: Lens' DeleteInterconnect Text
- deleteInterconnectResponse_interconnectState :: Lens' DeleteInterconnectResponse (Maybe InterconnectState)
- deleteInterconnectResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteInterconnectResponse Int
- confirmPrivateVirtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- confirmPrivateVirtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- confirmPrivateVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface Text
- confirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState)
- confirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse Int
- updateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_associationId :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- updateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_addAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- updateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_removeAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- updateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociation :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociation)
- updateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse Int
- deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_associationId :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociation :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociation)
- deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse Int
- describeLocationsResponse_locations :: Lens' DescribeLocationsResponse (Maybe [Location])
- describeLocationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeLocationsResponse Int
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_addAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_gatewayId :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation Text
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociation :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociation)
- createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse Int
- acceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_overrideAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- acceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text
- acceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_proposalId :: Lens' AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text
- acceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_associatedGatewayOwnerAccount :: Lens' AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text
- acceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociation :: Lens' AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociation)
- acceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse Int
- createPublicVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' CreatePublicVirtualInterface Text
- createPublicVirtualInterface_newPublicVirtualInterface :: Lens' CreatePublicVirtualInterface NewPublicVirtualInterface
- virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer])
- virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState)
- virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool)
- virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- associateMacSecKey_ckn :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKey (Maybe Text)
- associateMacSecKey_cak :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKey (Maybe Text)
- associateMacSecKey_secretARN :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKey (Maybe Text)
- associateMacSecKey_connectionId :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKey Text
- associateMacSecKeyResponse_connectionId :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKeyResponse (Maybe Text)
- associateMacSecKeyResponse_macSecKeys :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKeyResponse (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- associateMacSecKeyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKeyResponse Int
- allocatePrivateVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface Text
- allocatePrivateVirtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface Text
- allocatePrivateVirtualInterface_newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation :: Lens' AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation
- virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer])
- virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState)
- virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool)
- virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- describeLags_lagId :: Lens' DescribeLags (Maybe Text)
- describeLagsResponse_lags :: Lens' DescribeLagsResponse (Maybe [Lag])
- describeLagsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeLagsResponse Int
- confirmConnection_connectionId :: Lens' ConfirmConnection Text
- confirmConnectionResponse_connectionState :: Lens' ConfirmConnectionResponse (Maybe ConnectionState)
- confirmConnectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ConfirmConnectionResponse Int
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments (Maybe Int)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentsResponse_directConnectGatewayAttachments :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentsResponse (Maybe [DirectConnectGatewayAttachment])
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentsResponse Int
- describeCustomerMetadataResponse_nniPartnerType :: Lens' DescribeCustomerMetadataResponse (Maybe NniPartnerType)
- describeCustomerMetadataResponse_agreements :: Lens' DescribeCustomerMetadataResponse (Maybe [CustomerAgreement])
- describeCustomerMetadataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeCustomerMetadataResponse Int
- confirmPublicVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface Text
- confirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState)
- confirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse Int
- describeVirtualGatewaysResponse_virtualGateways :: Lens' DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse (Maybe [VirtualGateway])
- describeVirtualGatewaysResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse Int
- deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_proposalId :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text
- deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal)
- deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse Int
- stopBgpFailoverTest_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' StopBgpFailoverTest Text
- stopBgpFailoverTestResponse_virtualInterfaceTest :: Lens' StopBgpFailoverTestResponse (Maybe VirtualInterfaceTestHistory)
- stopBgpFailoverTestResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopBgpFailoverTestResponse Int
- createDirectConnectGateway_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGateway (Maybe Integer)
- createDirectConnectGateway_directConnectGatewayName :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGateway Text
- createDirectConnectGatewayResponse_directConnectGateway :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGateway)
- createDirectConnectGatewayResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse Int
- deleteDirectConnectGateway_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGateway Text
- deleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse_directConnectGateway :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGateway)
- deleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse Int
- updateDirectConnectGateway_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGateway Text
- updateDirectConnectGateway_newDirectConnectGatewayName :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGateway Text
- updateDirectConnectGatewayResponse_directConnectGateway :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGateway)
- updateDirectConnectGatewayResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayResponse Int
- describeVirtualInterfaces_connectionId :: Lens' DescribeVirtualInterfaces (Maybe Text)
- describeVirtualInterfaces_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DescribeVirtualInterfaces (Maybe Text)
- describeVirtualInterfacesResponse_virtualInterfaces :: Lens' DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse (Maybe [VirtualInterface])
- describeVirtualInterfacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse Int
- listVirtualInterfaceTestHistory_bgpPeers :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe [Text])
- listVirtualInterfaceTestHistory_status :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text)
- listVirtualInterfaceTestHistory_testId :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text)
- listVirtualInterfaceTestHistory_nextToken :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text)
- listVirtualInterfaceTestHistory_maxResults :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Int)
- listVirtualInterfaceTestHistory_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text)
- listVirtualInterfaceTestHistoryResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistoryResponse (Maybe Text)
- listVirtualInterfaceTestHistoryResponse_virtualInterfaceTestHistory :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistoryResponse (Maybe [VirtualInterfaceTestHistory])
- listVirtualInterfaceTestHistoryResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistoryResponse Int
- allocateHostedConnection_tags :: Lens' AllocateHostedConnection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- allocateHostedConnection_connectionId :: Lens' AllocateHostedConnection Text
- allocateHostedConnection_ownerAccount :: Lens' AllocateHostedConnection Text
- allocateHostedConnection_bandwidth :: Lens' AllocateHostedConnection Text
- allocateHostedConnection_connectionName :: Lens' AllocateHostedConnection Text
- allocateHostedConnection_vlan :: Lens' AllocateHostedConnection Int
- connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int)
- connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime)
- connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState)
- connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- deleteVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DeleteVirtualInterface Text
- deleteVirtualInterfaceResponse_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' DeleteVirtualInterfaceResponse (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState)
- deleteVirtualInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteVirtualInterfaceResponse Int
- createPrivateVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' CreatePrivateVirtualInterface Text
- createPrivateVirtualInterface_newPrivateVirtualInterface :: Lens' CreatePrivateVirtualInterface NewPrivateVirtualInterface
- virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer])
- virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState)
- virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool)
- virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- allocatePublicVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' AllocatePublicVirtualInterface Text
- allocatePublicVirtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' AllocatePublicVirtualInterface Text
- allocatePublicVirtualInterface_newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation :: Lens' AllocatePublicVirtualInterface NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation
- virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer])
- virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState)
- virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool)
- virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals_associatedGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals_proposalId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals (Maybe Int)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalsResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociationProposals :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalsResponse (Maybe [DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal])
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalsResponse Int
- disassociateConnectionFromLag_connectionId :: Lens' DisassociateConnectionFromLag Text
- disassociateConnectionFromLag_lagId :: Lens' DisassociateConnectionFromLag Text
- connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int)
- connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime)
- connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState)
- connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (NonEmpty Tag)
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- deleteLag_lagId :: Lens' DeleteLag Text
- lag_lagId :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_macSecCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool)
- lag_connectionsBandwidth :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_minimumLinks :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int)
- lag_lagName :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_location :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_connections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [Connection])
- lag_awsDevice :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Lag (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- lag_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_allowsHostedConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool)
- lag_encryptionMode :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_numberOfConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int)
- lag_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool)
- lag_lagState :: Lens' Lag (Maybe LagState)
- lag_ownerAccount :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_region :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_macSecKeys :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- lag_providerName :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_tags :: Lens' Lag (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- updateLag_minimumLinks :: Lens' UpdateLag (Maybe Int)
- updateLag_lagName :: Lens' UpdateLag (Maybe Text)
- updateLag_encryptionMode :: Lens' UpdateLag (Maybe Text)
- updateLag_lagId :: Lens' UpdateLag Text
- lag_lagId :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_macSecCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool)
- lag_connectionsBandwidth :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_minimumLinks :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int)
- lag_lagName :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_location :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_connections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [Connection])
- lag_awsDevice :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Lag (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- lag_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_allowsHostedConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool)
- lag_encryptionMode :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_numberOfConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int)
- lag_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool)
- lag_lagState :: Lens' Lag (Maybe LagState)
- lag_ownerAccount :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_region :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_macSecKeys :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- lag_providerName :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_tags :: Lens' Lag (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text]
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- createBGPPeer_newBGPPeer :: Lens' CreateBGPPeer (Maybe NewBGPPeer)
- createBGPPeer_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' CreateBGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- createBGPPeerResponse_virtualInterface :: Lens' CreateBGPPeerResponse (Maybe VirtualInterface)
- createBGPPeerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateBGPPeerResponse Int
- associateHostedConnection_connectionId :: Lens' AssociateHostedConnection Text
- associateHostedConnection_parentConnectionId :: Lens' AssociateHostedConnection Text
- connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int)
- connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime)
- connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState)
- connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- createInterconnect_lagId :: Lens' CreateInterconnect (Maybe Text)
- createInterconnect_providerName :: Lens' CreateInterconnect (Maybe Text)
- createInterconnect_tags :: Lens' CreateInterconnect (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- createInterconnect_interconnectName :: Lens' CreateInterconnect Text
- createInterconnect_bandwidth :: Lens' CreateInterconnect Text
- createInterconnect_location :: Lens' CreateInterconnect Text
- interconnect_lagId :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_interconnectId :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_location :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_interconnectName :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_awsDevice :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- interconnect_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe UTCTime)
- interconnect_bandwidth :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Bool)
- interconnect_interconnectState :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe InterconnectState)
- interconnect_region :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_providerName :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_tags :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- describeRouterConfiguration_routerTypeIdentifier :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- describeRouterConfiguration_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfiguration Text
- describeRouterConfigurationResponse_router :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfigurationResponse (Maybe RouterType)
- describeRouterConfigurationResponse_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeRouterConfigurationResponse_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeRouterConfigurationResponse_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeRouterConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfigurationResponse Int
- deleteBGPPeer_customerAddress :: Lens' DeleteBGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- deleteBGPPeer_asn :: Lens' DeleteBGPPeer (Maybe Int)
- deleteBGPPeer_bgpPeerId :: Lens' DeleteBGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- deleteBGPPeer_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DeleteBGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- deleteBGPPeerResponse_virtualInterface :: Lens' DeleteBGPPeerResponse (Maybe VirtualInterface)
- deleteBGPPeerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteBGPPeerResponse Int
- allocateTransitVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' AllocateTransitVirtualInterface Text
- allocateTransitVirtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' AllocateTransitVirtualInterface Text
- allocateTransitVirtualInterface_newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation :: Lens' AllocateTransitVirtualInterface NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation
- allocateTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse_virtualInterface :: Lens' AllocateTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse (Maybe VirtualInterface)
- allocateTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AllocateTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse Int
- createLag_childConnectionTags :: Lens' CreateLag (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- createLag_connectionId :: Lens' CreateLag (Maybe Text)
- createLag_requestMACSec :: Lens' CreateLag (Maybe Bool)
- createLag_providerName :: Lens' CreateLag (Maybe Text)
- createLag_tags :: Lens' CreateLag (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- createLag_numberOfConnections :: Lens' CreateLag Int
- createLag_location :: Lens' CreateLag Text
- createLag_connectionsBandwidth :: Lens' CreateLag Text
- createLag_lagName :: Lens' CreateLag Text
- lag_lagId :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_macSecCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool)
- lag_connectionsBandwidth :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_minimumLinks :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int)
- lag_lagName :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_location :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_connections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [Connection])
- lag_awsDevice :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Lag (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- lag_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_allowsHostedConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool)
- lag_encryptionMode :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_numberOfConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int)
- lag_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool)
- lag_lagState :: Lens' Lag (Maybe LagState)
- lag_ownerAccount :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_region :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_macSecKeys :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- lag_providerName :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_tags :: Lens' Lag (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- confirmTransitVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' ConfirmTransitVirtualInterface Text
- confirmTransitVirtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' ConfirmTransitVirtualInterface Text
- confirmTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' ConfirmTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState)
- confirmTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ConfirmTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse Int
- describeHostedConnections_connectionId :: Lens' DescribeHostedConnections Text
- connections_connections :: Lens' Connections (Maybe [Connection])
- associatedGateway_id :: Lens' AssociatedGateway (Maybe Text)
- associatedGateway_ownerAccount :: Lens' AssociatedGateway (Maybe Text)
- associatedGateway_region :: Lens' AssociatedGateway (Maybe Text)
- associatedGateway_type :: Lens' AssociatedGateway (Maybe GatewayType)
- bGPPeer_customerAddress :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- bGPPeer_amazonAddress :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- bGPPeer_addressFamily :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe AddressFamily)
- bGPPeer_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- bGPPeer_bgpStatus :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe BGPStatus)
- bGPPeer_asn :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Int)
- bGPPeer_authKey :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- bGPPeer_bgpPeerId :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- bGPPeer_bgpPeerState :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe BGPPeerState)
- bGPPeer_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int)
- connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime)
- connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool)
- connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text)
- connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState)
- connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- connections_connections :: Lens' Connections (Maybe [Connection])
- customerAgreement_status :: Lens' CustomerAgreement (Maybe Text)
- customerAgreement_agreementName :: Lens' CustomerAgreement (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGateway_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DirectConnectGateway (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGateway_stateChangeError :: Lens' DirectConnectGateway (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGateway_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' DirectConnectGateway (Maybe Integer)
- directConnectGateway_directConnectGatewayName :: Lens' DirectConnectGateway (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGateway_directConnectGatewayState :: Lens' DirectConnectGateway (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayState)
- directConnectGateway_ownerAccount :: Lens' DirectConnectGateway (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAssociation_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAssociation_associationId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAssociation_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAssociation_virtualGatewayOwnerAccount :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAssociation_stateChangeError :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAssociation_virtualGatewayRegion :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAssociation_associatedGateway :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe AssociatedGateway)
- directConnectGatewayAssociation_directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAssociation_allowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- directConnectGatewayAssociation_associationState :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociationState)
- directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_existingAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_proposalId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_associatedGateway :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe AssociatedGateway)
- directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_proposalState :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalState)
- directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_requestedAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- directConnectGatewayAttachment_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAttachment_attachmentState :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAttachmentState)
- directConnectGatewayAttachment_stateChangeError :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAttachment_virtualInterfaceRegion :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAttachment_virtualInterfaceOwnerAccount :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAttachment_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe Text)
- directConnectGatewayAttachment_attachmentType :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAttachmentType)
- interconnect_lagId :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_interconnectId :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_location :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_interconnectName :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_awsDevice :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- interconnect_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe UTCTime)
- interconnect_bandwidth :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Bool)
- interconnect_interconnectState :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe InterconnectState)
- interconnect_region :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_providerName :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text)
- interconnect_tags :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- lag_lagId :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_macSecCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool)
- lag_connectionsBandwidth :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_minimumLinks :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int)
- lag_lagName :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_location :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_connections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [Connection])
- lag_awsDevice :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Lag (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy)
- lag_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_allowsHostedConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool)
- lag_encryptionMode :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_numberOfConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int)
- lag_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool)
- lag_lagState :: Lens' Lag (Maybe LagState)
- lag_ownerAccount :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_region :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_macSecKeys :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [MacSecKey])
- lag_providerName :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text)
- lag_tags :: Lens' Lag (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- location_availablePortSpeeds :: Lens' Location (Maybe [Text])
- location_locationName :: Lens' Location (Maybe Text)
- location_locationCode :: Lens' Location (Maybe Text)
- location_region :: Lens' Location (Maybe Text)
- location_availableProviders :: Lens' Location (Maybe [Text])
- location_availableMacSecPortSpeeds :: Lens' Location (Maybe [Text])
- macSecKey_state :: Lens' MacSecKey (Maybe Text)
- macSecKey_ckn :: Lens' MacSecKey (Maybe Text)
- macSecKey_secretARN :: Lens' MacSecKey (Maybe Text)
- macSecKey_startOn :: Lens' MacSecKey (Maybe Text)
- newBGPPeer_customerAddress :: Lens' NewBGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- newBGPPeer_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewBGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- newBGPPeer_addressFamily :: Lens' NewBGPPeer (Maybe AddressFamily)
- newBGPPeer_asn :: Lens' NewBGPPeer (Maybe Int)
- newBGPPeer_authKey :: Lens' NewBGPPeer (Maybe Text)
- newPrivateVirtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newPrivateVirtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- newPrivateVirtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newPrivateVirtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newPrivateVirtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily)
- newPrivateVirtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newPrivateVirtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newPrivateVirtualInterface_tags :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- newPrivateVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface Text
- newPrivateVirtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface Int
- newPrivateVirtualInterface_asn :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface Int
- newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_mtu :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Int)
- newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_customerAddress :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text)
- newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text)
- newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_addressFamily :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe AddressFamily)
- newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_authKey :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text)
- newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_tags :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation Text
- newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_vlan :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation Int
- newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_asn :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation Int
- newPublicVirtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- newPublicVirtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newPublicVirtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newPublicVirtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily)
- newPublicVirtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newPublicVirtualInterface_tags :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- newPublicVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface Text
- newPublicVirtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface Int
- newPublicVirtualInterface_asn :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface Int
- newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_customerAddress :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text)
- newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text)
- newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_addressFamily :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe AddressFamily)
- newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_authKey :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text)
- newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_tags :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation Text
- newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_vlan :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation Int
- newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_asn :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation Int
- newTransitVirtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- newTransitVirtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newTransitVirtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- newTransitVirtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newTransitVirtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily)
- newTransitVirtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newTransitVirtualInterface_asn :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- newTransitVirtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newTransitVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- newTransitVirtualInterface_tags :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_mtu :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Int)
- newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_customerAddress :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text)
- newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_vlan :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Int)
- newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text)
- newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_addressFamily :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe AddressFamily)
- newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_asn :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Int)
- newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_authKey :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text)
- newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text)
- newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_tags :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- resourceTag_resourceArn :: Lens' ResourceTag (Maybe Text)
- resourceTag_tags :: Lens' ResourceTag (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- routeFilterPrefix_cidr :: Lens' RouteFilterPrefix (Maybe Text)
- routerType_vendor :: Lens' RouterType (Maybe Text)
- routerType_platform :: Lens' RouterType (Maybe Text)
- routerType_xsltTemplateName :: Lens' RouterType (Maybe Text)
- routerType_software :: Lens' RouterType (Maybe Text)
- routerType_xsltTemplateNameForMacSec :: Lens' RouterType (Maybe Text)
- routerType_routerTypeIdentifier :: Lens' RouterType (Maybe Text)
- tag_value :: Lens' Tag (Maybe Text)
- tag_key :: Lens' Tag Text
- virtualGateway_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualGateway (Maybe Text)
- virtualGateway_virtualGatewayState :: Lens' VirtualGateway (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer])
- virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix])
- virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState)
- virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool)
- virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag))
- virtualInterfaceTestHistory_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe [Text])
- virtualInterfaceTestHistory_status :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterfaceTestHistory_testDurationInMinutes :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Int)
- virtualInterfaceTestHistory_startTime :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe UTCTime)
- virtualInterfaceTestHistory_testId :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterfaceTestHistory_endTime :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe UTCTime)
- virtualInterfaceTestHistory_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text)
- virtualInterfaceTestHistory_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text)
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway or transit gateway.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations_associationId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway association.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations_associatedGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the associated gateway.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations (Maybe Text) Source #
The token provided in the previous call to retrieve the next page.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociations (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum number of results to return with a single call. To retrieve
the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken
If MaxResults
is given a value larger than 100, only 100 results are
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to retrieve the next page.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationsResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociations :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationsResponse (Maybe [DirectConnectGatewayAssociation]) Source #
Information about the associations.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeInterconnects_interconnectId :: Lens' DescribeInterconnects (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the interconnect.
describeInterconnectsResponse_interconnects :: Lens' DescribeInterconnectsResponse (Maybe [Interconnect]) Source #
The interconnects.
describeInterconnectsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeInterconnectsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeTags_resourceArns :: Lens' DescribeTags [Text] Source #
The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the resources.
describeTagsResponse_resourceTags :: Lens' DescribeTagsResponse (Maybe [ResourceTag]) Source #
Information about the tags.
describeTagsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeTagsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createTransitVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' CreateTransitVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the connection.
createTransitVirtualInterface_newTransitVirtualInterface :: Lens' CreateTransitVirtualInterface NewTransitVirtualInterface Source #
Information about the transit virtual interface.
createTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse_virtualInterface :: Lens' CreateTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse (Maybe VirtualInterface) Source #
Undocumented member.
createTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeLoa_loaContentType :: Lens' DescribeLoa (Maybe LoaContentType) Source #
The standard media type for the LOA-CFA document. The only supported value is application/pdf.
describeLoa_providerName :: Lens' DescribeLoa (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider who establishes connectivity on your behalf. If you specify this parameter, the LOA-CFA lists the provider name alongside your company name as the requester of the cross connect.
describeLoa_connectionId :: Lens' DescribeLoa Text Source #
The ID of a connection, LAG, or interconnect.
describeLoaResponse_loaContent :: Lens' DescribeLoaResponse (Maybe ByteString) Source #
The binary contents of the LOA-CFA document.--
-- Note: This Lens
automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This Lens
accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
describeLoaResponse_loaContentType :: Lens' DescribeLoaResponse (Maybe LoaContentType) Source #
The standard media type for the LOA-CFA document. The only supported value is application/pdf.
describeLoaResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeLoaResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disassociateMacSecKey_connectionId :: Lens' DisassociateMacSecKey Text Source #
The ID of the dedicated connection (dxcon-xxxx), or the ID of the LAG (dxlag-xxxx).
You can use DescribeConnections or DescribeLags to retrieve connection ID.
disassociateMacSecKey_secretARN :: Lens' DisassociateMacSecKey Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the MAC Security (MACsec) secret key.
You can use DescribeConnections to retrieve the ARN of the MAC Security (MACsec) secret key.
disassociateMacSecKeyResponse_connectionId :: Lens' DisassociateMacSecKeyResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the dedicated connection (dxcon-xxxx), or the ID of the LAG (dxlag-xxxx).
disassociateMacSecKeyResponse_macSecKeys :: Lens' DisassociateMacSecKeyResponse (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys no longer associated with the dedicated connection.
disassociateMacSecKeyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateMacSecKeyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteConnection_connectionId :: Lens' DeleteConnection Text Source #
The ID of the connection.
connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports MAC Security (MACsec).
connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) port link status of the connection.
The valid values are Encryption Up
, which means that there is an
active Connection Key Name, or Encryption Down
connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint on which the physical connection terminates.
connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of the most recent call to DescribeLoa for this connection.
connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Direct Connect service provider associated with the connection.
connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the connection.
connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) connection encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The bandwidth of the connection.
connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the connection.
connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the connection.
connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the connection.
connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState) Source #
The state of the connection. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a hosted connection provisioned on an interconnect. The connection stays in the ordering state until the owner of the hosted connection confirms or declines the connection order.requested
: The initial state of a standard connection. The connection stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.pending
: The connection has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is up and the connection is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The connection is being deleted.deleted
: The connection has been deleted.rejected
: A hosted connection in theordering
state enters therejected
state if it is deleted by the customer.unknown
: The state of the connection is not available.
connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the connection.
updateConnection_connectionName :: Lens' UpdateConnection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the connection.
updateConnection_encryptionMode :: Lens' UpdateConnection (Maybe Text) Source #
The connection MAC Security (MACsec) encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
updateConnection_connectionId :: Lens' UpdateConnection Text Source #
The ID of the dedicated connection.
You can use DescribeConnections to retrieve the connection ID.
connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports MAC Security (MACsec).
connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) port link status of the connection.
The valid values are Encryption Up
, which means that there is an
active Connection Key Name, or Encryption Down
connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint on which the physical connection terminates.
connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of the most recent call to DescribeLoa for this connection.
connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Direct Connect service provider associated with the connection.
connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the connection.
connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) connection encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The bandwidth of the connection.
connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the connection.
connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the connection.
connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the connection.
connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState) Source #
The state of the connection. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a hosted connection provisioned on an interconnect. The connection stays in the ordering state until the owner of the hosted connection confirms or declines the connection order.requested
: The initial state of a standard connection. The connection stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.pending
: The connection has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is up and the connection is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The connection is being deleted.deleted
: The connection has been deleted.rejected
: A hosted connection in theordering
state enters therejected
state if it is deleted by the customer.unknown
: The state of the connection is not available.
connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the connection.
startBgpFailoverTest_bgpPeers :: Lens' StartBgpFailoverTest (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The BGP peers to place in the DOWN state.
startBgpFailoverTest_testDurationInMinutes :: Lens' StartBgpFailoverTest (Maybe Int) Source #
The time in minutes that the virtual interface failover test will last.
Maximum value: 180 minutes (3 hours).
Default: 180 minutes (3 hours).
startBgpFailoverTest_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' StartBgpFailoverTest Text Source #
The ID of the virtual interface you want to test.
startBgpFailoverTestResponse_virtualInterfaceTest :: Lens' StartBgpFailoverTestResponse (Maybe VirtualInterfaceTestHistory) Source #
Information about the virtual interface failover test.
startBgpFailoverTestResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartBgpFailoverTestResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateVirtualInterfaceAttributes_mtu :: Lens' UpdateVirtualInterfaceAttributes (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
updateVirtualInterfaceAttributes_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' UpdateVirtualInterfaceAttributes Text Source #
The ID of the virtual private interface.
virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer]) Source #
The BGP peers configured on this virtual interface.
virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway. Applies only to private virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The routes to be advertised to the Amazon Web Services network in this Region. Applies to public virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState) Source #
The state of the virtual interface. The following are the possible values:
: The creation of the virtual interface is pending confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner.verifying
: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces. Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual interface can be created.pending
: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward traffic.available
: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic.down
: A virtual interface that is BGP down.deleting
: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after calling DeleteVirtualInterface until it can no longer forward traffic.deleted
: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic.rejected
: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in theConfirming
state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual interface enters theRejected
: The state of the virtual interface is not available.
virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer) Source #
The autonomous system number (ASN) for the Amazon side of the connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of virtual interface. The possible values are private
virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The customer router configuration.
virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the virtual interface is located.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the virtual interface.
associateConnectionWithLag_connectionId :: Lens' AssociateConnectionWithLag Text Source #
The ID of the connection.
associateConnectionWithLag_lagId :: Lens' AssociateConnectionWithLag Text Source #
The ID of the LAG with which to associate the connection.
connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports MAC Security (MACsec).
connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) port link status of the connection.
The valid values are Encryption Up
, which means that there is an
active Connection Key Name, or Encryption Down
connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint on which the physical connection terminates.
connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of the most recent call to DescribeLoa for this connection.
connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Direct Connect service provider associated with the connection.
connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the connection.
connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) connection encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The bandwidth of the connection.
connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the connection.
connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the connection.
connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the connection.
connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState) Source #
The state of the connection. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a hosted connection provisioned on an interconnect. The connection stays in the ordering state until the owner of the hosted connection confirms or declines the connection order.requested
: The initial state of a standard connection. The connection stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.pending
: The connection has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is up and the connection is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The connection is being deleted.deleted
: The connection has been deleted.rejected
: A hosted connection in theordering
state enters therejected
state if it is deleted by the customer.unknown
: The state of the connection is not available.
connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the connection.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_addAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The Amazon VPC prefixes to advertise to the Direct Connect gateway.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_removeAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The Amazon VPC prefixes to no longer advertise to the Direct Connect gateway.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the Direct Connect gateway.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_gatewayId :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway or transit gateway.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal) Source #
Information about the Direct Connect gateway proposal.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createConnection_lagId :: Lens' CreateConnection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
createConnection_requestMACSec :: Lens' CreateConnection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether you want the connection to support MAC Security (MACsec).
MAC Security (MACsec) is only available on dedicated connections. For information about MAC Security (MACsec) prerequisties, see MACsec prerequisties in the Direct Connect User Guide.
createConnection_providerName :: Lens' CreateConnection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the requested connection.
createConnection_tags :: Lens' CreateConnection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags to associate with the lag.
createConnection_location :: Lens' CreateConnection Text Source #
The location of the connection.
createConnection_bandwidth :: Lens' CreateConnection Text Source #
The bandwidth of the connection.
createConnection_connectionName :: Lens' CreateConnection Text Source #
The name of the connection.
connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports MAC Security (MACsec).
connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) port link status of the connection.
The valid values are Encryption Up
, which means that there is an
active Connection Key Name, or Encryption Down
connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint on which the physical connection terminates.
connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of the most recent call to DescribeLoa for this connection.
connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Direct Connect service provider associated with the connection.
connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the connection.
connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) connection encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The bandwidth of the connection.
connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the connection.
connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the connection.
connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the connection.
connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState) Source #
The state of the connection. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a hosted connection provisioned on an interconnect. The connection stays in the ordering state until the owner of the hosted connection confirms or declines the connection order.requested
: The initial state of a standard connection. The connection stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.pending
: The connection has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is up and the connection is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The connection is being deleted.deleted
: The connection has been deleted.rejected
: A hosted connection in theordering
state enters therejected
state if it is deleted by the customer.unknown
: The state of the connection is not available.
connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the connection.
describeDirectConnectGateways_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGateways (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
describeDirectConnectGateways_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGateways (Maybe Text) Source #
The token provided in the previous call to retrieve the next page.
describeDirectConnectGateways_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGateways (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum number of results to return with a single call. To retrieve
the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken
If MaxResults
is given a value larger than 100, only 100 results are
describeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse_directConnectGateways :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse (Maybe [DirectConnectGateway]) Source #
The Direct Connect gateways.
describeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to retrieve the next page.
describeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
associateVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' AssociateVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
associateVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' AssociateVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the LAG or connection.
virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer]) Source #
The BGP peers configured on this virtual interface.
virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway. Applies only to private virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The routes to be advertised to the Amazon Web Services network in this Region. Applies to public virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState) Source #
The state of the virtual interface. The following are the possible values:
: The creation of the virtual interface is pending confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner.verifying
: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces. Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual interface can be created.pending
: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward traffic.available
: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic.down
: A virtual interface that is BGP down.deleting
: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after calling DeleteVirtualInterface until it can no longer forward traffic.deleted
: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic.rejected
: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in theConfirming
state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual interface enters theRejected
: The state of the virtual interface is not available.
virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer) Source #
The autonomous system number (ASN) for the Amazon side of the connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of virtual interface. The possible values are private
virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The customer router configuration.
virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the virtual interface is located.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the virtual interface.
describeConnections_connectionId :: Lens' DescribeConnections (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
connections_connections :: Lens' Connections (Maybe [Connection]) Source #
The connections.
confirmCustomerAgreement_agreementName :: Lens' ConfirmCustomerAgreement (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the customer agreement.
confirmCustomerAgreementResponse_status :: Lens' ConfirmCustomerAgreementResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the customer agreement when the connection was created.
This will be either signed
or unsigned
confirmCustomerAgreementResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ConfirmCustomerAgreementResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteInterconnect_interconnectId :: Lens' DeleteInterconnect Text Source #
The ID of the interconnect.
deleteInterconnectResponse_interconnectState :: Lens' DeleteInterconnectResponse (Maybe InterconnectState) Source #
The state of the interconnect. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of an interconnect. The interconnect stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.pending
: The interconnect is approved, and is being initialized.available
: The network link is up, and the interconnect is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The interconnect is being deleted.deleted
: The interconnect is deleted.unknown
: The state of the interconnect is not available.
deleteInterconnectResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteInterconnectResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
confirmPrivateVirtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway.
confirmPrivateVirtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
confirmPrivateVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
confirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState) Source #
The state of the virtual interface. The following are the possible values:
: The creation of the virtual interface is pending confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner.verifying
: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces. Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual interface can be created.pending
: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward traffic.available
: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic.down
: A virtual interface that is BGP down.deleting
: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after calling DeleteVirtualInterface until it can no longer forward traffic.deleted
: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic.rejected
: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in theConfirming
state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual interface enters theRejected
: The state of the virtual interface is not available.
confirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_associationId :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway association.
updateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_addAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The Amazon VPC prefixes to advertise to the Direct Connect gateway.
updateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_removeAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The Amazon VPC prefixes to no longer advertise to the Direct Connect gateway.
updateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociation :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociation) Source #
Undocumented member.
updateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway.
deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_associationId :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway association.
deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociation :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociation) Source #
Information about the deleted association.
deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeLocationsResponse_locations :: Lens' DescribeLocationsResponse (Maybe [Location]) Source #
The locations.
describeLocationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeLocationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_addAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The Amazon VPC prefixes to advertise to the Direct Connect gateway
This parameter is required when you create an association to a transit gateway.
For information about how to set the prefixes, see Allowed Prefixes in the Direct Connect User Guide.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_gatewayId :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway or transit gateway.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociation_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation Text Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociation :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociation) Source #
The association to be created.
createDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
acceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_overrideAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
Overrides the Amazon VPC prefixes advertised to the Direct Connect gateway.
For information about how to set the prefixes, see Allowed Prefixes in the Direct Connect User Guide.
acceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
acceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_proposalId :: Lens' AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text Source #
The ID of the request proposal.
acceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_associatedGatewayOwnerAccount :: Lens' AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the virtual private gateway or transit gateway.
acceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociation :: Lens' AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociation) Source #
Undocumented member.
acceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AcceptDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createPublicVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' CreatePublicVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the connection.
createPublicVirtualInterface_newPublicVirtualInterface :: Lens' CreatePublicVirtualInterface NewPublicVirtualInterface Source #
Information about the public virtual interface.
virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer]) Source #
The BGP peers configured on this virtual interface.
virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway. Applies only to private virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The routes to be advertised to the Amazon Web Services network in this Region. Applies to public virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState) Source #
The state of the virtual interface. The following are the possible values:
: The creation of the virtual interface is pending confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner.verifying
: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces. Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual interface can be created.pending
: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward traffic.available
: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic.down
: A virtual interface that is BGP down.deleting
: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after calling DeleteVirtualInterface until it can no longer forward traffic.deleted
: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic.rejected
: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in theConfirming
state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual interface enters theRejected
: The state of the virtual interface is not available.
virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer) Source #
The autonomous system number (ASN) for the Amazon side of the connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of virtual interface. The possible values are private
virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The customer router configuration.
virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the virtual interface is located.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the virtual interface.
associateMacSecKey_ckn :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKey (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) CKN to associate with the dedicated connection.
You can create the CKN/CAK pair using an industry standard tool.
The valid values are 64 hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-E).
If you use this request parameter, you must use the cak
parameter and not use the secretARN
request parameter.
associateMacSecKey_cak :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKey (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) CAK to associate with the dedicated connection.
You can create the CKN/CAK pair using an industry standard tool.
The valid values are 64 hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-E).
If you use this request parameter, you must use the ckn
parameter and not use the secretARN
request parameter.
associateMacSecKey_secretARN :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKey (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the MAC Security (MACsec) secret key to associate with the dedicated connection.
You can use DescribeConnections or DescribeLags to retrieve the MAC Security (MACsec) secret key.
If you use this request parameter, you do not use the ckn
and cak
request parameters.
associateMacSecKey_connectionId :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKey Text Source #
The ID of the dedicated connection (dxcon-xxxx), or the ID of the LAG (dxlag-xxxx).
You can use DescribeConnections or DescribeLags to retrieve connection ID.
associateMacSecKeyResponse_connectionId :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKeyResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the dedicated connection (dxcon-xxxx), or the ID of the LAG (dxlag-xxxx).
associateMacSecKeyResponse_macSecKeys :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKeyResponse (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the dedicated connection.
associateMacSecKeyResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AssociateMacSecKeyResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
allocatePrivateVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the connection on which the private virtual interface is provisioned.
allocatePrivateVirtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the virtual private interface.
allocatePrivateVirtualInterface_newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation :: Lens' AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation Source #
Information about the private virtual interface.
virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer]) Source #
The BGP peers configured on this virtual interface.
virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway. Applies only to private virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The routes to be advertised to the Amazon Web Services network in this Region. Applies to public virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState) Source #
The state of the virtual interface. The following are the possible values:
: The creation of the virtual interface is pending confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner.verifying
: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces. Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual interface can be created.pending
: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward traffic.available
: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic.down
: A virtual interface that is BGP down.deleting
: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after calling DeleteVirtualInterface until it can no longer forward traffic.deleted
: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic.rejected
: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in theConfirming
state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual interface enters theRejected
: The state of the virtual interface is not available.
virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer) Source #
The autonomous system number (ASN) for the Amazon side of the connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of virtual interface. The possible values are private
virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The customer router configuration.
virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the virtual interface is located.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the virtual interface.
describeLags_lagId :: Lens' DescribeLags (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
describeLagsResponse_lags :: Lens' DescribeLagsResponse (Maybe [Lag]) Source #
The LAGs.
describeLagsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeLagsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
confirmConnection_connectionId :: Lens' ConfirmConnection Text Source #
The ID of the hosted connection.
confirmConnectionResponse_connectionState :: Lens' ConfirmConnectionResponse (Maybe ConnectionState) Source #
The state of the connection. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a hosted connection provisioned on an interconnect. The connection stays in the ordering state until the owner of the hosted connection confirms or declines the connection order.requested
: The initial state of a standard connection. The connection stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.pending
: The connection has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is up and the connection is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The connection is being deleted.deleted
: The connection has been deleted.rejected
: A hosted connection in theordering
state enters therejected
state if it is deleted by the customer.unknown
: The state of the connection is not available.
confirmConnectionResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ConfirmConnectionResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments (Maybe Text) Source #
The token provided in the previous call to retrieve the next page.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum number of results to return with a single call. To retrieve
the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken
If MaxResults
is given a value larger than 100, only 100 results are
describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to retrieve the next page.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentsResponse_directConnectGatewayAttachments :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentsResponse (Maybe [DirectConnectGatewayAttachment]) Source #
The attachments.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeCustomerMetadataResponse_nniPartnerType :: Lens' DescribeCustomerMetadataResponse (Maybe NniPartnerType) Source #
The type of network-to-network interface (NNI) partner. The partner type will be one of the following:
- V1: This partner can only allocate 50Mbps, 100Mbps, 200Mbps, 300Mbps, 400Mbps, or 500Mbps subgigabit connections.
- V2: This partner can only allocate 1GB, 2GB, 5GB, or 10GB hosted connections.
- nonPartner: The customer is not a partner.
describeCustomerMetadataResponse_agreements :: Lens' DescribeCustomerMetadataResponse (Maybe [CustomerAgreement]) Source #
The list of customer agreements.
describeCustomerMetadataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeCustomerMetadataResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
confirmPublicVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
confirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState) Source #
The state of the virtual interface. The following are the possible values:
: The creation of the virtual interface is pending confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner.verifying
: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces. Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual interface can be created.pending
: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward traffic.available
: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic.down
: A virtual interface that is BGP down.deleting
: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after calling DeleteVirtualInterface until it can no longer forward traffic.deleted
: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic.rejected
: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in theConfirming
state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual interface enters theRejected
: The state of the virtual interface is not available.
confirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeVirtualGatewaysResponse_virtualGateways :: Lens' DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse (Maybe [VirtualGateway]) Source #
The virtual private gateways.
describeVirtualGatewaysResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_proposalId :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal Text Source #
The ID of the proposal.
deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal) Source #
The ID of the associated gateway.
deleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
stopBgpFailoverTest_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' StopBgpFailoverTest Text Source #
The ID of the virtual interface you no longer want to test.
stopBgpFailoverTestResponse_virtualInterfaceTest :: Lens' StopBgpFailoverTestResponse (Maybe VirtualInterfaceTestHistory) Source #
Information about the virtual interface failover test.
stopBgpFailoverTestResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopBgpFailoverTestResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createDirectConnectGateway_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGateway (Maybe Integer) Source #
The autonomous system number (ASN) for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to be configured on the Amazon side of the connection. The ASN must be in the private range of 64,512 to 65,534 or 4,200,000,000 to 4,294,967,294. The default is 64512.
createDirectConnectGateway_directConnectGatewayName :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGateway Text Source #
The name of the Direct Connect gateway.
createDirectConnectGatewayResponse_directConnectGateway :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGateway) Source #
The Direct Connect gateway.
createDirectConnectGatewayResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteDirectConnectGateway_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGateway Text Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
deleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse_directConnectGateway :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGateway) Source #
The Direct Connect gateway.
deleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateDirectConnectGateway_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGateway Text Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway to update.
updateDirectConnectGateway_newDirectConnectGatewayName :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGateway Text Source #
The new name for the Direct Connect gateway.
updateDirectConnectGatewayResponse_directConnectGateway :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayResponse (Maybe DirectConnectGateway) Source #
Undocumented member.
updateDirectConnectGatewayResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateDirectConnectGatewayResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeVirtualInterfaces_connectionId :: Lens' DescribeVirtualInterfaces (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
describeVirtualInterfaces_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DescribeVirtualInterfaces (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
describeVirtualInterfacesResponse_virtualInterfaces :: Lens' DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse (Maybe [VirtualInterface]) Source #
The virtual interfaces
describeVirtualInterfacesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listVirtualInterfaceTestHistory_bgpPeers :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The BGP peers that were placed in the DOWN state during the virtual interface failover test.
listVirtualInterfaceTestHistory_status :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the virtual interface failover test.
listVirtualInterfaceTestHistory_testId :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface failover test.
listVirtualInterfaceTestHistory_nextToken :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next page of results.
listVirtualInterfaceTestHistory_maxResults :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum number of results to return with a single call. To retrieve
the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken
If MaxResults
is given a value larger than 100, only 100 results are
listVirtualInterfaceTestHistory_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface that was tested.
listVirtualInterfaceTestHistoryResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistoryResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. This value is
when there are no more results to return.
listVirtualInterfaceTestHistoryResponse_virtualInterfaceTestHistory :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistoryResponse (Maybe [VirtualInterfaceTestHistory]) Source #
The ID of the tested virtual interface.
listVirtualInterfaceTestHistoryResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListVirtualInterfaceTestHistoryResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
allocateHostedConnection_tags :: Lens' AllocateHostedConnection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the connection.
allocateHostedConnection_connectionId :: Lens' AllocateHostedConnection Text Source #
The ID of the interconnect or LAG.
allocateHostedConnection_ownerAccount :: Lens' AllocateHostedConnection Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account ID of the customer for the connection.
allocateHostedConnection_bandwidth :: Lens' AllocateHostedConnection Text Source #
The bandwidth of the connection. The possible values are 50Mbps, 100Mbps, 200Mbps, 300Mbps, 400Mbps, 500Mbps, 1Gbps, 2Gbps, 5Gbps, and 10Gbps. Note that only those Direct Connect Partners who have met specific requirements are allowed to create a 1Gbps, 2Gbps, 5Gbps or 10Gbps hosted connection.
allocateHostedConnection_connectionName :: Lens' AllocateHostedConnection Text Source #
The name of the hosted connection.
allocateHostedConnection_vlan :: Lens' AllocateHostedConnection Int Source #
The dedicated VLAN provisioned to the hosted connection.
connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports MAC Security (MACsec).
connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) port link status of the connection.
The valid values are Encryption Up
, which means that there is an
active Connection Key Name, or Encryption Down
connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint on which the physical connection terminates.
connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of the most recent call to DescribeLoa for this connection.
connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Direct Connect service provider associated with the connection.
connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the connection.
connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) connection encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The bandwidth of the connection.
connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the connection.
connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the connection.
connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the connection.
connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState) Source #
The state of the connection. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a hosted connection provisioned on an interconnect. The connection stays in the ordering state until the owner of the hosted connection confirms or declines the connection order.requested
: The initial state of a standard connection. The connection stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.pending
: The connection has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is up and the connection is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The connection is being deleted.deleted
: The connection has been deleted.rejected
: A hosted connection in theordering
state enters therejected
state if it is deleted by the customer.unknown
: The state of the connection is not available.
connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the connection.
deleteVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DeleteVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
deleteVirtualInterfaceResponse_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' DeleteVirtualInterfaceResponse (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState) Source #
The state of the virtual interface. The following are the possible values:
: The creation of the virtual interface is pending confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner.verifying
: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces. Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual interface can be created.pending
: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward traffic.available
: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic.down
: A virtual interface that is BGP down.deleting
: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after calling DeleteVirtualInterface until it can no longer forward traffic.deleted
: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic.rejected
: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in theConfirming
state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual interface enters theRejected
: The state of the virtual interface is not available.
deleteVirtualInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteVirtualInterfaceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createPrivateVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' CreatePrivateVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the connection.
createPrivateVirtualInterface_newPrivateVirtualInterface :: Lens' CreatePrivateVirtualInterface NewPrivateVirtualInterface Source #
Information about the private virtual interface.
virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer]) Source #
The BGP peers configured on this virtual interface.
virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway. Applies only to private virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The routes to be advertised to the Amazon Web Services network in this Region. Applies to public virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState) Source #
The state of the virtual interface. The following are the possible values:
: The creation of the virtual interface is pending confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner.verifying
: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces. Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual interface can be created.pending
: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward traffic.available
: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic.down
: A virtual interface that is BGP down.deleting
: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after calling DeleteVirtualInterface until it can no longer forward traffic.deleted
: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic.rejected
: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in theConfirming
state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual interface enters theRejected
: The state of the virtual interface is not available.
virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer) Source #
The autonomous system number (ASN) for the Amazon side of the connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of virtual interface. The possible values are private
virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The customer router configuration.
virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the virtual interface is located.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the virtual interface.
allocatePublicVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' AllocatePublicVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the connection on which the public virtual interface is provisioned.
allocatePublicVirtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' AllocatePublicVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the public virtual interface.
allocatePublicVirtualInterface_newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation :: Lens' AllocatePublicVirtualInterface NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation Source #
Information about the public virtual interface.
virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer]) Source #
The BGP peers configured on this virtual interface.
virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway. Applies only to private virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The routes to be advertised to the Amazon Web Services network in this Region. Applies to public virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState) Source #
The state of the virtual interface. The following are the possible values:
: The creation of the virtual interface is pending confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner.verifying
: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces. Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual interface can be created.pending
: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward traffic.available
: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic.down
: A virtual interface that is BGP down.deleting
: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after calling DeleteVirtualInterface until it can no longer forward traffic.deleted
: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic.rejected
: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in theConfirming
state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual interface enters theRejected
: The state of the virtual interface is not available.
virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer) Source #
The autonomous system number (ASN) for the Amazon side of the connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of virtual interface. The possible values are private
virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The customer router configuration.
virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the virtual interface is located.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the virtual interface.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals_associatedGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the associated gateway.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals_proposalId :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the proposal.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals (Maybe Text) Source #
The token for the next page of results.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposals (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum number of results to return with a single call. To retrieve
the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken
If MaxResults
is given a value larger than 100, only 100 results are
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalsResponse_directConnectGatewayAssociationProposals :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalsResponse (Maybe [DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal]) Source #
Describes the Direct Connect gateway association proposals.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. This value is
when there are no more results to return.
describeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disassociateConnectionFromLag_connectionId :: Lens' DisassociateConnectionFromLag Text Source #
The ID of the connection.
disassociateConnectionFromLag_lagId :: Lens' DisassociateConnectionFromLag Text Source #
The ID of the LAG.
connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports MAC Security (MACsec).
connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) port link status of the connection.
The valid values are Encryption Up
, which means that there is an
active Connection Key Name, or Encryption Down
connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint on which the physical connection terminates.
connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of the most recent call to DescribeLoa for this connection.
connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Direct Connect service provider associated with the connection.
connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the connection.
connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) connection encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The bandwidth of the connection.
connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the connection.
connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the connection.
connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the connection.
connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState) Source #
The state of the connection. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a hosted connection provisioned on an interconnect. The connection stays in the ordering state until the owner of the hosted connection confirms or declines the connection order.requested
: The initial state of a standard connection. The connection stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.pending
: The connection has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is up and the connection is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The connection is being deleted.deleted
: The connection has been deleted.rejected
: A hosted connection in theordering
state enters therejected
state if it is deleted by the customer.unknown
: The state of the connection is not available.
connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the connection.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (NonEmpty Tag) Source #
The tags to add.
tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
lag_macSecCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the LAG supports MAC Security (MACsec).
lag_connectionsBandwidth :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The individual bandwidth of the physical connections bundled by the LAG. The possible values are 1Gbps and 10Gbps.
lag_minimumLinks :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum number of physical dedicated connections that must be operational for the LAG itself to be operational.
lag_connections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [Connection]) Source #
The connections bundled by the LAG.
lag_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Lag (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the LAG supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
lag_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
lag_allowsHostedConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the LAG can host other connections.
lag_encryptionMode :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The LAG MAC Security (MACsec) encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
lag_numberOfConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of physical dedicated connections bundled by the LAG, up to a maximum of 10.
lag_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
lag_lagState :: Lens' Lag (Maybe LagState) Source #
The state of the LAG. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a LAG. The LAG stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is available.pending
: The LAG has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is established and the LAG is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The LAG is being deleted.deleted
: The LAG is deleted.unknown
: The state of the LAG is not available.
lag_ownerAccount :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the LAG.
lag_region :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
lag_macSecKeys :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the LAG.
lag_providerName :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the LAG.
updateLag_minimumLinks :: Lens' UpdateLag (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum number of physical connections that must be operational for the LAG itself to be operational.
updateLag_encryptionMode :: Lens' UpdateLag (Maybe Text) Source #
The LAG MAC Security (MACsec) encryption mode.
Amazon Web Services applies the value to all connections which are part of the LAG.
lag_macSecCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the LAG supports MAC Security (MACsec).
lag_connectionsBandwidth :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The individual bandwidth of the physical connections bundled by the LAG. The possible values are 1Gbps and 10Gbps.
lag_minimumLinks :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum number of physical dedicated connections that must be operational for the LAG itself to be operational.
lag_connections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [Connection]) Source #
The connections bundled by the LAG.
lag_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Lag (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the LAG supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
lag_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
lag_allowsHostedConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the LAG can host other connections.
lag_encryptionMode :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The LAG MAC Security (MACsec) encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
lag_numberOfConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of physical dedicated connections bundled by the LAG, up to a maximum of 10.
lag_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
lag_lagState :: Lens' Lag (Maybe LagState) Source #
The state of the LAG. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a LAG. The LAG stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is available.pending
: The LAG has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is established and the LAG is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The LAG is being deleted.deleted
: The LAG is deleted.unknown
: The state of the LAG is not available.
lag_ownerAccount :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the LAG.
lag_region :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
lag_macSecKeys :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the LAG.
lag_providerName :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the LAG.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text] Source #
The tag keys of the tags to remove.
untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createBGPPeer_newBGPPeer :: Lens' CreateBGPPeer (Maybe NewBGPPeer) Source #
Information about the BGP peer.
createBGPPeer_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' CreateBGPPeer (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
createBGPPeerResponse_virtualInterface :: Lens' CreateBGPPeerResponse (Maybe VirtualInterface) Source #
The virtual interface.
createBGPPeerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateBGPPeerResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
associateHostedConnection_connectionId :: Lens' AssociateHostedConnection Text Source #
The ID of the hosted connection.
associateHostedConnection_parentConnectionId :: Lens' AssociateHostedConnection Text Source #
The ID of the interconnect or the LAG.
connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports MAC Security (MACsec).
connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) port link status of the connection.
The valid values are Encryption Up
, which means that there is an
active Connection Key Name, or Encryption Down
connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint on which the physical connection terminates.
connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of the most recent call to DescribeLoa for this connection.
connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Direct Connect service provider associated with the connection.
connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the connection.
connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) connection encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The bandwidth of the connection.
connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the connection.
connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the connection.
connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the connection.
connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState) Source #
The state of the connection. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a hosted connection provisioned on an interconnect. The connection stays in the ordering state until the owner of the hosted connection confirms or declines the connection order.requested
: The initial state of a standard connection. The connection stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.pending
: The connection has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is up and the connection is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The connection is being deleted.deleted
: The connection has been deleted.rejected
: A hosted connection in theordering
state enters therejected
state if it is deleted by the customer.unknown
: The state of the connection is not available.
connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the connection.
createInterconnect_lagId :: Lens' CreateInterconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
createInterconnect_providerName :: Lens' CreateInterconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the interconnect.
createInterconnect_tags :: Lens' CreateInterconnect (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags to associate with the interconnect.
createInterconnect_interconnectName :: Lens' CreateInterconnect Text Source #
The name of the interconnect.
createInterconnect_bandwidth :: Lens' CreateInterconnect Text Source #
The port bandwidth, in Gbps. The possible values are 1 and 10.
createInterconnect_location :: Lens' CreateInterconnect Text Source #
The location of the interconnect.
interconnect_lagId :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
interconnect_interconnectId :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the interconnect.
interconnect_location :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
interconnect_interconnectName :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the interconnect.
interconnect_awsDevice :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint on which the physical connection terminates.
interconnect_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the interconnect supports a secondary BGP in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
interconnect_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
interconnect_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of the most recent call to DescribeLoa for this connection.
interconnect_bandwidth :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The bandwidth of the connection.
interconnect_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
interconnect_interconnectState :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe InterconnectState) Source #
The state of the interconnect. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of an interconnect. The interconnect stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.pending
: The interconnect is approved, and is being initialized.available
: The network link is up, and the interconnect is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The interconnect is being deleted.deleted
: The interconnect is deleted.unknown
: The state of the interconnect is not available.
interconnect_region :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
interconnect_providerName :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the interconnect.
interconnect_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
interconnect_tags :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the interconnect.
describeRouterConfiguration_routerTypeIdentifier :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
Identifies the router by a combination of vendor, platform, and software
version. For example, CiscoSystemsInc-2900SeriesRouters-IOS124
describeRouterConfiguration_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfiguration Text Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
describeRouterConfigurationResponse_router :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfigurationResponse (Maybe RouterType) Source #
The details about the router.
describeRouterConfigurationResponse_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The customer router configuration.
describeRouterConfigurationResponse_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network.
describeRouterConfigurationResponse_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID assigned to the virtual interface.
describeRouterConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeRouterConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteBGPPeer_customerAddress :: Lens' DeleteBGPPeer (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
deleteBGPPeer_asn :: Lens' DeleteBGPPeer (Maybe Int) Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
deleteBGPPeer_bgpPeerId :: Lens' DeleteBGPPeer (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the BGP peer.
deleteBGPPeer_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DeleteBGPPeer (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
deleteBGPPeerResponse_virtualInterface :: Lens' DeleteBGPPeerResponse (Maybe VirtualInterface) Source #
The virtual interface.
deleteBGPPeerResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteBGPPeerResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
allocateTransitVirtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' AllocateTransitVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the connection on which the transit virtual interface is provisioned.
allocateTransitVirtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' AllocateTransitVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the transit virtual interface.
allocateTransitVirtualInterface_newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation :: Lens' AllocateTransitVirtualInterface NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation Source #
Information about the transit virtual interface.
allocateTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse_virtualInterface :: Lens' AllocateTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse (Maybe VirtualInterface) Source #
Undocumented member.
allocateTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AllocateTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createLag_childConnectionTags :: Lens' CreateLag (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags to associate with the automtically created LAGs.
createLag_connectionId :: Lens' CreateLag (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of an existing dedicated connection to migrate to the LAG.
createLag_requestMACSec :: Lens' CreateLag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the connection will support MAC Security (MACsec).
All connections in the LAG must be capable of supporting MAC Security (MACsec). For information about MAC Security (MACsec) prerequisties, see MACsec prerequisties in the Direct Connect User Guide.
createLag_providerName :: Lens' CreateLag (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the LAG.
createLag_tags :: Lens' CreateLag (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags to associate with the LAG.
createLag_numberOfConnections :: Lens' CreateLag Int Source #
The number of physical dedicated connections initially provisioned and bundled by the LAG.
createLag_connectionsBandwidth :: Lens' CreateLag Text Source #
The bandwidth of the individual physical dedicated connections bundled by the LAG. The possible values are 1Gbps and 10Gbps.
lag_macSecCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the LAG supports MAC Security (MACsec).
lag_connectionsBandwidth :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The individual bandwidth of the physical connections bundled by the LAG. The possible values are 1Gbps and 10Gbps.
lag_minimumLinks :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum number of physical dedicated connections that must be operational for the LAG itself to be operational.
lag_connections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [Connection]) Source #
The connections bundled by the LAG.
lag_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Lag (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the LAG supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
lag_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
lag_allowsHostedConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the LAG can host other connections.
lag_encryptionMode :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The LAG MAC Security (MACsec) encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
lag_numberOfConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of physical dedicated connections bundled by the LAG, up to a maximum of 10.
lag_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
lag_lagState :: Lens' Lag (Maybe LagState) Source #
The state of the LAG. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a LAG. The LAG stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is available.pending
: The LAG has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is established and the LAG is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The LAG is being deleted.deleted
: The LAG is deleted.unknown
: The state of the LAG is not available.
lag_ownerAccount :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the LAG.
lag_region :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
lag_macSecKeys :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the LAG.
lag_providerName :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the LAG.
confirmTransitVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' ConfirmTransitVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
confirmTransitVirtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' ConfirmTransitVirtualInterface Text Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
confirmTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' ConfirmTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState) Source #
The state of the virtual interface. The following are the possible values:
: The creation of the virtual interface is pending confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner.verifying
: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces. Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual interface can be created.pending
: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward traffic.available
: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic.down
: A virtual interface that is BGP down.deleting
: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after calling DeleteVirtualInterface until it can no longer forward traffic.deleted
: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic.rejected
: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in theConfirming
state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual interface enters theRejected
: The state of the virtual interface is not available.
confirmTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ConfirmTransitVirtualInterfaceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeHostedConnections_connectionId :: Lens' DescribeHostedConnections Text Source #
The ID of the interconnect or LAG.
connections_connections :: Lens' Connections (Maybe [Connection]) Source #
The connections.
associatedGateway_id :: Lens' AssociatedGateway (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the associated gateway.
associatedGateway_ownerAccount :: Lens' AssociatedGateway (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the associated virtual private gateway or transit gateway.
associatedGateway_region :: Lens' AssociatedGateway (Maybe Text) Source #
The Region where the associated gateway is located.
associatedGateway_type :: Lens' AssociatedGateway (Maybe GatewayType) Source #
The type of associated gateway.
bGPPeer_customerAddress :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
bGPPeer_amazonAddress :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
bGPPeer_addressFamily :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
bGPPeer_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
bGPPeer_bgpStatus :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe BGPStatus) Source #
The status of the BGP peer. The following are the possible values:
: The BGP peer is established. This state does not indicate the state of the routing function. Ensure that you are receiving routes over the BGP session.down
: The BGP peer is down.unknown
: The BGP peer status is not available.
bGPPeer_asn :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Int) Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
bGPPeer_authKey :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
bGPPeer_bgpPeerState :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe BGPPeerState) Source #
The state of the BGP peer. The following are the possible values:
: The BGP peering addresses or ASN require validation before the BGP peer can be created. This state applies only to public virtual interfaces.pending
: The BGP peer is created, and remains in this state until it is ready to be established.available
: The BGP peer is ready to be established.deleting
: The BGP peer is being deleted.deleted
: The BGP peer is deleted and cannot be established.
bGPPeer_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' BGPPeer (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the BGP peer.
connection_lagId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
connection_macSecCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports MAC Security (MACsec).
connection_portEncryptionStatus :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) port link status of the connection.
The valid values are Encryption Up
, which means that there is an
active Connection Key Name, or Encryption Down
connection_vlan :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
connection_location :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
connection_awsDevice :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint on which the physical connection terminates.
connection_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Connection (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the connection supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
connection_connectionId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
connection_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
connection_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Connection (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of the most recent call to DescribeLoa for this connection.
connection_partnerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Direct Connect service provider associated with the connection.
connection_connectionName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the connection.
connection_encryptionMode :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) connection encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
connection_bandwidth :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The bandwidth of the connection.
connection_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
connection_ownerAccount :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the connection.
connection_region :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
connection_macSecKeys :: Lens' Connection (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the connection.
connection_providerName :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the connection.
connection_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Connection (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
connection_connectionState :: Lens' Connection (Maybe ConnectionState) Source #
The state of the connection. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a hosted connection provisioned on an interconnect. The connection stays in the ordering state until the owner of the hosted connection confirms or declines the connection order.requested
: The initial state of a standard connection. The connection stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.pending
: The connection has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is up and the connection is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The connection is being deleted.deleted
: The connection has been deleted.rejected
: A hosted connection in theordering
state enters therejected
state if it is deleted by the customer.unknown
: The state of the connection is not available.
connection_tags :: Lens' Connection (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the connection.
connections_connections :: Lens' Connections (Maybe [Connection]) Source #
The connections.
customerAgreement_status :: Lens' CustomerAgreement (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the customer agreement. This will be either signed
customerAgreement_agreementName :: Lens' CustomerAgreement (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the agreement.
directConnectGateway_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DirectConnectGateway (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
directConnectGateway_stateChangeError :: Lens' DirectConnectGateway (Maybe Text) Source #
The error message if the state of an object failed to advance.
directConnectGateway_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' DirectConnectGateway (Maybe Integer) Source #
The autonomous system number (ASN) for the Amazon side of the connection.
directConnectGateway_directConnectGatewayName :: Lens' DirectConnectGateway (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Direct Connect gateway.
directConnectGateway_directConnectGatewayState :: Lens' DirectConnectGateway (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayState) Source #
The state of the Direct Connect gateway. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state after calling CreateDirectConnectGateway.available
: The Direct Connect gateway is ready for use.deleting
: The initial state after calling DeleteDirectConnectGateway.deleted
: The Direct Connect gateway is deleted and cannot pass traffic.
directConnectGateway_ownerAccount :: Lens' DirectConnectGateway (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the Direct Connect gateway.
directConnectGatewayAssociation_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway. Applies only to private virtual interfaces.
directConnectGatewayAssociation_associationId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway association.
directConnectGatewayAssociation_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
directConnectGatewayAssociation_virtualGatewayOwnerAccount :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the virtual private gateway.
directConnectGatewayAssociation_stateChangeError :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The error message if the state of an object failed to advance.
directConnectGatewayAssociation_virtualGatewayRegion :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the virtual private gateway is located.
directConnectGatewayAssociation_associatedGateway :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe AssociatedGateway) Source #
Information about the associated gateway.
directConnectGatewayAssociation_directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the associated gateway.
directConnectGatewayAssociation_allowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The Amazon VPC prefixes to advertise to the Direct Connect gateway.
directConnectGatewayAssociation_associationState :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociation (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociationState) Source #
The state of the association. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state after calling CreateDirectConnectGatewayAssociation.associated
: The Direct Connect gateway and virtual private gateway or transit gateway are successfully associated and ready to pass traffic.disassociating
: The initial state after calling DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociation.disassociated
: The virtual private gateway or transit gateway is disassociated from the Direct Connect gateway. Traffic flow between the Direct Connect gateway and virtual private gateway or transit gateway is stopped.
directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_existingAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The existing Amazon VPC prefixes advertised to the Direct Connect gateway.
directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_proposalId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the association proposal.
directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_associatedGateway :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe AssociatedGateway) Source #
Information about the associated gateway.
directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_proposalState :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposalState) Source #
The state of the proposal. The following are possible values:
: The proposal has been accepted. The Direct Connect gateway association is available to use in this state.deleted
: The proposal has been deleted by the owner that made the proposal. The Direct Connect gateway association cannot be used in this state.requested
: The proposal has been requested. The Direct Connect gateway association cannot be used in this state.
directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the Direct Connect gateway.
directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal_requestedAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The Amazon VPC prefixes to advertise to the Direct Connect gateway.
directConnectGatewayAttachment_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
directConnectGatewayAttachment_attachmentState :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAttachmentState) Source #
The state of the attachment. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state after a virtual interface is created using the Direct Connect gateway.attached
: The Direct Connect gateway and virtual interface are attached and ready to pass traffic.detaching
: The initial state after calling DeleteVirtualInterface.detached
: The virtual interface is detached from the Direct Connect gateway. Traffic flow between the Direct Connect gateway and virtual interface is stopped.
directConnectGatewayAttachment_stateChangeError :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The error message if the state of an object failed to advance.
directConnectGatewayAttachment_virtualInterfaceRegion :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the virtual interface is located.
directConnectGatewayAttachment_virtualInterfaceOwnerAccount :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the virtual interface.
directConnectGatewayAttachment_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
directConnectGatewayAttachment_attachmentType :: Lens' DirectConnectGatewayAttachment (Maybe DirectConnectGatewayAttachmentType) Source #
The type of attachment.
interconnect_lagId :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the LAG.
interconnect_interconnectId :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the interconnect.
interconnect_location :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
interconnect_interconnectName :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the interconnect.
interconnect_awsDevice :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint on which the physical connection terminates.
interconnect_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the interconnect supports a secondary BGP in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
interconnect_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
interconnect_loaIssueTime :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of the most recent call to DescribeLoa for this connection.
interconnect_bandwidth :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The bandwidth of the connection.
interconnect_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
interconnect_interconnectState :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe InterconnectState) Source #
The state of the interconnect. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of an interconnect. The interconnect stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.pending
: The interconnect is approved, and is being initialized.available
: The network link is up, and the interconnect is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The interconnect is being deleted.deleted
: The interconnect is deleted.unknown
: The state of the interconnect is not available.
interconnect_region :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
interconnect_providerName :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the interconnect.
interconnect_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
interconnect_tags :: Lens' Interconnect (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the interconnect.
lag_macSecCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the LAG supports MAC Security (MACsec).
lag_connectionsBandwidth :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The individual bandwidth of the physical connections bundled by the LAG. The possible values are 1Gbps and 10Gbps.
lag_minimumLinks :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int) Source #
The minimum number of physical dedicated connections that must be operational for the LAG itself to be operational.
lag_connections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [Connection]) Source #
The connections bundled by the LAG.
lag_hasLogicalRedundancy :: Lens' Lag (Maybe HasLogicalRedundancy) Source #
Indicates whether the LAG supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6).
lag_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
lag_allowsHostedConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether the LAG can host other connections.
lag_encryptionMode :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The LAG MAC Security (MACsec) encryption mode.
The valid values are no_encrypt
, should_encrypt
, and must_encrypt
lag_numberOfConnections :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of physical dedicated connections bundled by the LAG, up to a maximum of 10.
lag_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
lag_lagState :: Lens' Lag (Maybe LagState) Source #
The state of the LAG. The following are the possible values:
: The initial state of a LAG. The LAG stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is available.pending
: The LAG has been approved and is being initialized.available
: The network link is established and the LAG is ready for use.down
: The network link is down.deleting
: The LAG is being deleted.deleted
: The LAG is deleted.unknown
: The state of the LAG is not available.
lag_ownerAccount :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the LAG.
lag_region :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the connection is located.
lag_macSecKeys :: Lens' Lag (Maybe [MacSecKey]) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) security keys associated with the LAG.
lag_providerName :: Lens' Lag (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the service provider associated with the LAG.
location_availablePortSpeeds :: Lens' Location (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The available port speeds for the location.
location_locationName :: Lens' Location (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the location. This includes the name of the colocation partner and the physical site of the building.
location_region :: Lens' Location (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region for the location.
location_availableProviders :: Lens' Location (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The name of the service provider for the location.
location_availableMacSecPortSpeeds :: Lens' Location (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The available MAC Security (MACsec) port speeds for the location.
macSecKey_state :: Lens' MacSecKey (Maybe Text) Source #
The state of the MAC Security (MACsec) secret key.
The possible values are:
: The MAC Security (MACsec) secret key is being validated and not yet associated with the connection or LAG.associated
: The MAC Security (MACsec) secret key is validated and associated with the connection or LAG.disassociating
: The MAC Security (MACsec) secret key is being disassociated from the connection or LAGdisassociated
: The MAC Security (MACsec) secret key is no longer associated with the connection or LAG.
macSecKey_ckn :: Lens' MacSecKey (Maybe Text) Source #
The Connection Key Name (CKN) for the MAC Security secret key.
macSecKey_secretARN :: Lens' MacSecKey (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the MAC Security (MACsec) secret key.
macSecKey_startOn :: Lens' MacSecKey (Maybe Text) Source #
The date that the MAC Security (MACsec) secret key takes effect. The value is displayed in UTC format.
newBGPPeer_customerAddress :: Lens' NewBGPPeer (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
newBGPPeer_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewBGPPeer (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
newBGPPeer_addressFamily :: Lens' NewBGPPeer (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
newBGPPeer_asn :: Lens' NewBGPPeer (Maybe Int) Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
newBGPPeer_authKey :: Lens' NewBGPPeer (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
newPrivateVirtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway.
newPrivateVirtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
newPrivateVirtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
newPrivateVirtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
newPrivateVirtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
newPrivateVirtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
newPrivateVirtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
newPrivateVirtualInterface_tags :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the private virtual interface.
newPrivateVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface Text Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
newPrivateVirtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface Int Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
newPrivateVirtualInterface_asn :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterface Int Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_mtu :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_customerAddress :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_addressFamily :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_authKey :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_tags :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the private virtual interface.
newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation Text Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_vlan :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation Int Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
newPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation_asn :: Lens' NewPrivateVirtualInterfaceAllocation Int Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
newPublicVirtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The routes to be advertised to the Amazon Web Services network in this Region. Applies to public virtual interfaces.
newPublicVirtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
newPublicVirtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
newPublicVirtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
newPublicVirtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
newPublicVirtualInterface_tags :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the public virtual interface.
newPublicVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface Text Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
newPublicVirtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface Int Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
newPublicVirtualInterface_asn :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterface Int Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The routes to be advertised to the Amazon Web Services network in this Region. Applies to public virtual interfaces.
newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_customerAddress :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_addressFamily :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_authKey :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_tags :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the public virtual interface.
newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation Text Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_vlan :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation Int Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
newPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation_asn :: Lens' NewPublicVirtualInterfaceAllocation Int Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
newTransitVirtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
newTransitVirtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
newTransitVirtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
newTransitVirtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
newTransitVirtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
newTransitVirtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
newTransitVirtualInterface_asn :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
newTransitVirtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
newTransitVirtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
newTransitVirtualInterface_tags :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the transitive virtual interface.
newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_mtu :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_customerAddress :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_vlan :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_amazonAddress :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_addressFamily :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_asn :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Int) Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_authKey :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
newTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation_tags :: Lens' NewTransitVirtualInterfaceAllocation (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the transitive virtual interface.
resourceTag_resourceArn :: Lens' ResourceTag (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
resourceTag_tags :: Lens' ResourceTag (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags.
routeFilterPrefix_cidr :: Lens' RouteFilterPrefix (Maybe Text) Source #
The CIDR block for the advertised route. Separate multiple routes using commas. An IPv6 CIDR must use /64 or shorter.
routerType_vendor :: Lens' RouterType (Maybe Text) Source #
The vendor for the virtual interface's router.
routerType_platform :: Lens' RouterType (Maybe Text) Source #
The virtual interface router platform.
routerType_xsltTemplateName :: Lens' RouterType (Maybe Text) Source #
The template for the virtual interface's router.
routerType_software :: Lens' RouterType (Maybe Text) Source #
The router software.
routerType_xsltTemplateNameForMacSec :: Lens' RouterType (Maybe Text) Source #
The MAC Security (MACsec) template for the virtual interface's router.
routerType_routerTypeIdentifier :: Lens' RouterType (Maybe Text) Source #
Identifies the router by a combination of vendor, platform, and software
version. For example, CiscoSystemsInc-2900SeriesRouters-IOS124
virtualGateway_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualGateway (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway.
virtualGateway_virtualGatewayState :: Lens' VirtualGateway (Maybe Text) Source #
The state of the virtual private gateway. The following are the possible values:
: Initial state after creating the virtual private gateway.available
: Ready for use by a private virtual interface.deleting
: Initial state after deleting the virtual private gateway.deleted
: The virtual private gateway is deleted. The private virtual interface is unable to send traffic over this gateway.
virtualInterface_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [BGPPeer]) Source #
The BGP peers configured on this virtual interface.
virtualInterface_virtualGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual private gateway. Applies only to private virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_mtu :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
virtualInterface_routeFilterPrefixes :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe [RouteFilterPrefix]) Source #
The routes to be advertised to the Amazon Web Services network in this Region. Applies to public virtual interfaces.
virtualInterface_customerAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the customer interface.
virtualInterface_vlan :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The ID of the VLAN.
virtualInterface_location :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the connection.
virtualInterface_amazonAddress :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address assigned to the Amazon interface.
virtualInterface_addressFamily :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe AddressFamily) Source #
The address family for the BGP peer.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceState :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe VirtualInterfaceState) Source #
The state of the virtual interface. The following are the possible values:
: The creation of the virtual interface is pending confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner.verifying
: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces. Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual interface can be created.pending
: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward traffic.available
: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic.down
: A virtual interface that is BGP down.deleting
: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after calling DeleteVirtualInterface until it can no longer forward traffic.deleted
: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic.rejected
: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in theConfirming
state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual interface enters theRejected
: The state of the virtual interface is not available.
virtualInterface_connectionId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the connection.
virtualInterface_awsLogicalDeviceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the logical connection. This device might be different than the device that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_directConnectGatewayId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway.
virtualInterface_amazonSideAsn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Integer) Source #
The autonomous system number (ASN) for the Amazon side of the connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceType :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of virtual interface. The possible values are private
virtualInterface_asn :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Int) Source #
The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
The valid values are 1-2147483647.
virtualInterface_authKey :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The authentication key for BGP configuration. This string has a minimum length of 6 characters and and a maximun lenth of 80 characters.
virtualInterface_jumboFrameCapable :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported.
virtualInterface_customerRouterConfig :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The customer router configuration.
virtualInterface_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_region :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region where the virtual interface is located.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceName :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer network. The name has a maximum of 100 characters. The following are valid characters: a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen (-).
virtualInterface_awsDeviceV2 :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The Direct Connect endpoint that terminates the physical connection.
virtualInterface_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface.
virtualInterface_tags :: Lens' VirtualInterface (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #
The tags associated with the virtual interface.
virtualInterfaceTestHistory_bgpPeers :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The BGP peers that were put in the DOWN state as part of the virtual interface failover test.
virtualInterfaceTestHistory_status :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the virtual interface failover test.
virtualInterfaceTestHistory_testDurationInMinutes :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Int) Source #
The time that the virtual interface failover test ran in minutes.
virtualInterfaceTestHistory_startTime :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the virtual interface moves to the DOWN state.
virtualInterfaceTestHistory_testId :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the virtual interface failover test.
virtualInterfaceTestHistory_endTime :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time that the virtual interface moves out of the DOWN state.
virtualInterfaceTestHistory_ownerAccount :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text) Source #
The owner ID of the tested virtual interface.
virtualInterfaceTestHistory_virtualInterfaceId :: Lens' VirtualInterfaceTestHistory (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the tested virtual interface.