Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- EnableAlarmActions
- DisableInsightRules
- PutCompositeAlarm
- DeleteAnomalyDetector
- DeleteInsightRules
- GetDashboard
- PutAnomalyDetector
- ListTagsForResource
- GetMetricData
- PutMetricData
- ListDashboards
- DescribeAlarms
- ListMetrics
- GetInsightRuleReport
- StartMetricStreams
- DeleteDashboards
- PutInsightRule
- ListMetricStreams
- GetMetricWidgetImage
- DeleteMetricStream
- DeleteAlarms
- PutMetricStream
- DescribeAlarmHistory
- GetMetricStatistics
- DescribeAlarmsForMetric
- EnableInsightRules
- DisableAlarmActions
- DescribeAnomalyDetectors
- PutDashboard
- TagResource
- StopMetricStreams
- UntagResource
- GetMetricStream
- PutMetricAlarm
- SetAlarmState
- DescribeInsightRules
- Types
- AlarmHistoryItem
- AnomalyDetector
- AnomalyDetectorConfiguration
- CompositeAlarm
- DashboardEntry
- DashboardValidationMessage
- Datapoint
- Dimension
- DimensionFilter
- InsightRule
- InsightRuleContributor
- InsightRuleContributorDatapoint
- InsightRuleMetricDatapoint
- LabelOptions
- MessageData
- Metric
- MetricAlarm
- MetricDataQuery
- MetricDataResult
- MetricDatum
- MetricStat
- MetricStreamEntry
- MetricStreamFilter
- PartialFailure
- Range
- StatisticSet
- Tag
- enableAlarmActions_alarmNames :: Lens' EnableAlarmActions [Text]
- disableInsightRules_ruleNames :: Lens' DisableInsightRules [Text]
- disableInsightRulesResponse_failures :: Lens' DisableInsightRulesResponse (Maybe [PartialFailure])
- disableInsightRulesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableInsightRulesResponse Int
- putCompositeAlarm_alarmDescription :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm (Maybe Text)
- putCompositeAlarm_oKActions :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm (Maybe [Text])
- putCompositeAlarm_actionsEnabled :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm (Maybe Bool)
- putCompositeAlarm_insufficientDataActions :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm (Maybe [Text])
- putCompositeAlarm_alarmActions :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm (Maybe [Text])
- putCompositeAlarm_tags :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm (Maybe [Tag])
- putCompositeAlarm_alarmName :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm Text
- putCompositeAlarm_alarmRule :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm Text
- deleteAnomalyDetector_dimensions :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetector (Maybe [Dimension])
- deleteAnomalyDetector_namespace :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetector Text
- deleteAnomalyDetector_metricName :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetector Text
- deleteAnomalyDetector_stat :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetector Text
- deleteAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetectorResponse Int
- deleteInsightRules_ruleNames :: Lens' DeleteInsightRules [Text]
- deleteInsightRulesResponse_failures :: Lens' DeleteInsightRulesResponse (Maybe [PartialFailure])
- deleteInsightRulesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteInsightRulesResponse Int
- getDashboard_dashboardName :: Lens' GetDashboard Text
- getDashboardResponse_dashboardName :: Lens' GetDashboardResponse (Maybe Text)
- getDashboardResponse_dashboardBody :: Lens' GetDashboardResponse (Maybe Text)
- getDashboardResponse_dashboardArn :: Lens' GetDashboardResponse (Maybe Text)
- getDashboardResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDashboardResponse Int
- putAnomalyDetector_configuration :: Lens' PutAnomalyDetector (Maybe AnomalyDetectorConfiguration)
- putAnomalyDetector_dimensions :: Lens' PutAnomalyDetector (Maybe [Dimension])
- putAnomalyDetector_namespace :: Lens' PutAnomalyDetector Text
- putAnomalyDetector_metricName :: Lens' PutAnomalyDetector Text
- putAnomalyDetector_stat :: Lens' PutAnomalyDetector Text
- putAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutAnomalyDetectorResponse Int
- listTagsForResource_resourceARN :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe [Tag])
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- getMetricData_maxDatapoints :: Lens' GetMetricData (Maybe Int)
- getMetricData_labelOptions :: Lens' GetMetricData (Maybe LabelOptions)
- getMetricData_nextToken :: Lens' GetMetricData (Maybe Text)
- getMetricData_scanBy :: Lens' GetMetricData (Maybe ScanBy)
- getMetricData_metricDataQueries :: Lens' GetMetricData [MetricDataQuery]
- getMetricData_startTime :: Lens' GetMetricData UTCTime
- getMetricData_endTime :: Lens' GetMetricData UTCTime
- getMetricDataResponse_metricDataResults :: Lens' GetMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MetricDataResult])
- getMetricDataResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetMetricDataResponse (Maybe Text)
- getMetricDataResponse_messages :: Lens' GetMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MessageData])
- getMetricDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetMetricDataResponse Int
- putMetricData_namespace :: Lens' PutMetricData Text
- putMetricData_metricData :: Lens' PutMetricData [MetricDatum]
- listDashboards_dashboardNamePrefix :: Lens' ListDashboards (Maybe Text)
- listDashboards_nextToken :: Lens' ListDashboards (Maybe Text)
- listDashboardsResponse_dashboardEntries :: Lens' ListDashboardsResponse (Maybe [DashboardEntry])
- listDashboardsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDashboardsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listDashboardsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDashboardsResponse Int
- describeAlarms_alarmNamePrefix :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe Text)
- describeAlarms_alarmTypes :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe [AlarmType])
- describeAlarms_actionPrefix :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe Text)
- describeAlarms_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe Text)
- describeAlarms_stateValue :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe StateValue)
- describeAlarms_alarmNames :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe [Text])
- describeAlarms_maxRecords :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe Natural)
- describeAlarms_parentsOfAlarmName :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe Text)
- describeAlarms_childrenOfAlarmName :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe Text)
- describeAlarmsResponse_metricAlarms :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsResponse (Maybe [MetricAlarm])
- describeAlarmsResponse_compositeAlarms :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsResponse (Maybe [CompositeAlarm])
- describeAlarmsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAlarmsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsResponse Int
- listMetrics_metricName :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe Text)
- listMetrics_namespace :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe Text)
- listMetrics_nextToken :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe Text)
- listMetrics_recentlyActive :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe RecentlyActive)
- listMetrics_dimensions :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe [DimensionFilter])
- listMetricsResponse_metrics :: Lens' ListMetricsResponse (Maybe [Metric])
- listMetricsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListMetricsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listMetricsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListMetricsResponse Int
- getInsightRuleReport_maxContributorCount :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport (Maybe Int)
- getInsightRuleReport_metrics :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport (Maybe [Text])
- getInsightRuleReport_orderBy :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport (Maybe Text)
- getInsightRuleReport_ruleName :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport Text
- getInsightRuleReport_startTime :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport UTCTime
- getInsightRuleReport_endTime :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport UTCTime
- getInsightRuleReport_period :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport Natural
- getInsightRuleReportResponse_keyLabels :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse (Maybe [Text])
- getInsightRuleReportResponse_approximateUniqueCount :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse (Maybe Integer)
- getInsightRuleReportResponse_aggregationStatistic :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse (Maybe Text)
- getInsightRuleReportResponse_aggregateValue :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse (Maybe Double)
- getInsightRuleReportResponse_contributors :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse (Maybe [InsightRuleContributor])
- getInsightRuleReportResponse_metricDatapoints :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse (Maybe [InsightRuleMetricDatapoint])
- getInsightRuleReportResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse Int
- startMetricStreams_names :: Lens' StartMetricStreams [Text]
- startMetricStreamsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartMetricStreamsResponse Int
- deleteDashboards_dashboardNames :: Lens' DeleteDashboards [Text]
- deleteDashboardsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDashboardsResponse Int
- putInsightRule_tags :: Lens' PutInsightRule (Maybe [Tag])
- putInsightRule_ruleState :: Lens' PutInsightRule (Maybe Text)
- putInsightRule_ruleName :: Lens' PutInsightRule Text
- putInsightRule_ruleDefinition :: Lens' PutInsightRule Text
- putInsightRuleResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutInsightRuleResponse Int
- listMetricStreams_nextToken :: Lens' ListMetricStreams (Maybe Text)
- listMetricStreams_maxResults :: Lens' ListMetricStreams (Maybe Natural)
- listMetricStreamsResponse_entries :: Lens' ListMetricStreamsResponse (Maybe [MetricStreamEntry])
- listMetricStreamsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListMetricStreamsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listMetricStreamsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListMetricStreamsResponse Int
- getMetricWidgetImage_outputFormat :: Lens' GetMetricWidgetImage (Maybe Text)
- getMetricWidgetImage_metricWidget :: Lens' GetMetricWidgetImage Text
- getMetricWidgetImageResponse_metricWidgetImage :: Lens' GetMetricWidgetImageResponse (Maybe ByteString)
- getMetricWidgetImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetMetricWidgetImageResponse Int
- deleteMetricStream_name :: Lens' DeleteMetricStream Text
- deleteMetricStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteMetricStreamResponse Int
- deleteAlarms_alarmNames :: Lens' DeleteAlarms [Text]
- putMetricStream_includeFilters :: Lens' PutMetricStream (Maybe [MetricStreamFilter])
- putMetricStream_excludeFilters :: Lens' PutMetricStream (Maybe [MetricStreamFilter])
- putMetricStream_tags :: Lens' PutMetricStream (Maybe [Tag])
- putMetricStream_name :: Lens' PutMetricStream Text
- putMetricStream_firehoseArn :: Lens' PutMetricStream Text
- putMetricStream_roleArn :: Lens' PutMetricStream Text
- putMetricStream_outputFormat :: Lens' PutMetricStream MetricStreamOutputFormat
- putMetricStreamResponse_arn :: Lens' PutMetricStreamResponse (Maybe Text)
- putMetricStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutMetricStreamResponse Int
- describeAlarmHistory_alarmName :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe Text)
- describeAlarmHistory_historyItemType :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe HistoryItemType)
- describeAlarmHistory_alarmTypes :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe [AlarmType])
- describeAlarmHistory_endDate :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeAlarmHistory_startDate :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe UTCTime)
- describeAlarmHistory_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe Text)
- describeAlarmHistory_scanBy :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe ScanBy)
- describeAlarmHistory_maxRecords :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe Natural)
- describeAlarmHistoryResponse_alarmHistoryItems :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistoryResponse (Maybe [AlarmHistoryItem])
- describeAlarmHistoryResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistoryResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAlarmHistoryResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistoryResponse Int
- getMetricStatistics_extendedStatistics :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- getMetricStatistics_statistics :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics (Maybe (NonEmpty Statistic))
- getMetricStatistics_dimensions :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics (Maybe [Dimension])
- getMetricStatistics_unit :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics (Maybe StandardUnit)
- getMetricStatistics_namespace :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics Text
- getMetricStatistics_metricName :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics Text
- getMetricStatistics_startTime :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics UTCTime
- getMetricStatistics_endTime :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics UTCTime
- getMetricStatistics_period :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics Natural
- getMetricStatisticsResponse_datapoints :: Lens' GetMetricStatisticsResponse (Maybe [Datapoint])
- getMetricStatisticsResponse_label :: Lens' GetMetricStatisticsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getMetricStatisticsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetMetricStatisticsResponse Int
- describeAlarmsForMetric_period :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric (Maybe Natural)
- describeAlarmsForMetric_dimensions :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric (Maybe [Dimension])
- describeAlarmsForMetric_unit :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric (Maybe StandardUnit)
- describeAlarmsForMetric_statistic :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric (Maybe Statistic)
- describeAlarmsForMetric_extendedStatistic :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric (Maybe Text)
- describeAlarmsForMetric_metricName :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric Text
- describeAlarmsForMetric_namespace :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric Text
- describeAlarmsForMetricResponse_metricAlarms :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetricResponse (Maybe [MetricAlarm])
- describeAlarmsForMetricResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetricResponse Int
- enableInsightRules_ruleNames :: Lens' EnableInsightRules [Text]
- enableInsightRulesResponse_failures :: Lens' EnableInsightRulesResponse (Maybe [PartialFailure])
- enableInsightRulesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableInsightRulesResponse Int
- disableAlarmActions_alarmNames :: Lens' DisableAlarmActions [Text]
- describeAnomalyDetectors_metricName :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectors (Maybe Text)
- describeAnomalyDetectors_namespace :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectors (Maybe Text)
- describeAnomalyDetectors_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectors (Maybe Text)
- describeAnomalyDetectors_dimensions :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectors (Maybe [Dimension])
- describeAnomalyDetectors_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectors (Maybe Natural)
- describeAnomalyDetectorsResponse_anomalyDetectors :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorsResponse (Maybe [AnomalyDetector])
- describeAnomalyDetectorsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorsResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeAnomalyDetectorsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorsResponse Int
- putDashboard_dashboardName :: Lens' PutDashboard Text
- putDashboard_dashboardBody :: Lens' PutDashboard Text
- putDashboardResponse_dashboardValidationMessages :: Lens' PutDashboardResponse (Maybe [DashboardValidationMessage])
- putDashboardResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutDashboardResponse Int
- tagResource_resourceARN :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource [Tag]
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- stopMetricStreams_names :: Lens' StopMetricStreams [Text]
- stopMetricStreamsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopMetricStreamsResponse Int
- untagResource_resourceARN :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text]
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- getMetricStream_name :: Lens' GetMetricStream Text
- getMetricStreamResponse_includeFilters :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe [MetricStreamFilter])
- getMetricStreamResponse_state :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe Text)
- getMetricStreamResponse_excludeFilters :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe [MetricStreamFilter])
- getMetricStreamResponse_arn :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe Text)
- getMetricStreamResponse_firehoseArn :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe Text)
- getMetricStreamResponse_outputFormat :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe MetricStreamOutputFormat)
- getMetricStreamResponse_lastUpdateDate :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- getMetricStreamResponse_name :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe Text)
- getMetricStreamResponse_creationDate :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- getMetricStreamResponse_roleArn :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe Text)
- getMetricStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse Int
- putMetricAlarm_metrics :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe [MetricDataQuery])
- putMetricAlarm_treatMissingData :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- putMetricAlarm_period :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Natural)
- putMetricAlarm_alarmDescription :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- putMetricAlarm_metricName :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- putMetricAlarm_namespace :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- putMetricAlarm_thresholdMetricId :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- putMetricAlarm_oKActions :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe [Text])
- putMetricAlarm_evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- putMetricAlarm_datapointsToAlarm :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Natural)
- putMetricAlarm_threshold :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Double)
- putMetricAlarm_actionsEnabled :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Bool)
- putMetricAlarm_insufficientDataActions :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe [Text])
- putMetricAlarm_dimensions :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe [Dimension])
- putMetricAlarm_alarmActions :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe [Text])
- putMetricAlarm_unit :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe StandardUnit)
- putMetricAlarm_statistic :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Statistic)
- putMetricAlarm_tags :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe [Tag])
- putMetricAlarm_extendedStatistic :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- putMetricAlarm_alarmName :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm Text
- putMetricAlarm_evaluationPeriods :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm Natural
- putMetricAlarm_comparisonOperator :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm ComparisonOperator
- setAlarmState_stateReasonData :: Lens' SetAlarmState (Maybe Text)
- setAlarmState_alarmName :: Lens' SetAlarmState Text
- setAlarmState_stateValue :: Lens' SetAlarmState StateValue
- setAlarmState_stateReason :: Lens' SetAlarmState Text
- describeInsightRules_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeInsightRules (Maybe Text)
- describeInsightRules_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeInsightRules (Maybe Natural)
- describeInsightRulesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeInsightRulesResponse (Maybe Text)
- describeInsightRulesResponse_insightRules :: Lens' DescribeInsightRulesResponse (Maybe [InsightRule])
- describeInsightRulesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeInsightRulesResponse Int
- alarmHistoryItem_alarmName :: Lens' AlarmHistoryItem (Maybe Text)
- alarmHistoryItem_historyItemType :: Lens' AlarmHistoryItem (Maybe HistoryItemType)
- alarmHistoryItem_historyData :: Lens' AlarmHistoryItem (Maybe Text)
- alarmHistoryItem_alarmType :: Lens' AlarmHistoryItem (Maybe AlarmType)
- alarmHistoryItem_historySummary :: Lens' AlarmHistoryItem (Maybe Text)
- alarmHistoryItem_timestamp :: Lens' AlarmHistoryItem (Maybe UTCTime)
- anomalyDetector_metricName :: Lens' AnomalyDetector (Maybe Text)
- anomalyDetector_namespace :: Lens' AnomalyDetector (Maybe Text)
- anomalyDetector_stateValue :: Lens' AnomalyDetector (Maybe AnomalyDetectorStateValue)
- anomalyDetector_stat :: Lens' AnomalyDetector (Maybe Text)
- anomalyDetector_configuration :: Lens' AnomalyDetector (Maybe AnomalyDetectorConfiguration)
- anomalyDetector_dimensions :: Lens' AnomalyDetector (Maybe [Dimension])
- anomalyDetectorConfiguration_metricTimezone :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- anomalyDetectorConfiguration_excludedTimeRanges :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorConfiguration (Maybe [Range])
- compositeAlarm_alarmName :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Text)
- compositeAlarm_stateUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe UTCTime)
- compositeAlarm_alarmDescription :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Text)
- compositeAlarm_alarmRule :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Text)
- compositeAlarm_oKActions :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe [Text])
- compositeAlarm_stateValue :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe StateValue)
- compositeAlarm_alarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe UTCTime)
- compositeAlarm_actionsEnabled :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Bool)
- compositeAlarm_insufficientDataActions :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe [Text])
- compositeAlarm_stateReason :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Text)
- compositeAlarm_stateReasonData :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Text)
- compositeAlarm_alarmArn :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Text)
- compositeAlarm_alarmActions :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe [Text])
- dashboardEntry_size :: Lens' DashboardEntry (Maybe Integer)
- dashboardEntry_dashboardName :: Lens' DashboardEntry (Maybe Text)
- dashboardEntry_lastModified :: Lens' DashboardEntry (Maybe UTCTime)
- dashboardEntry_dashboardArn :: Lens' DashboardEntry (Maybe Text)
- dashboardValidationMessage_dataPath :: Lens' DashboardValidationMessage (Maybe Text)
- dashboardValidationMessage_message :: Lens' DashboardValidationMessage (Maybe Text)
- datapoint_sampleCount :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe Double)
- datapoint_maximum :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe Double)
- datapoint_average :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe Double)
- datapoint_minimum :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe Double)
- datapoint_extendedStatistics :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe (HashMap Text Double))
- datapoint_sum :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe Double)
- datapoint_unit :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe StandardUnit)
- datapoint_timestamp :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe UTCTime)
- dimension_name :: Lens' Dimension Text
- dimension_value :: Lens' Dimension Text
- dimensionFilter_value :: Lens' DimensionFilter (Maybe Text)
- dimensionFilter_name :: Lens' DimensionFilter Text
- insightRule_name :: Lens' InsightRule Text
- insightRule_state :: Lens' InsightRule Text
- insightRule_schema :: Lens' InsightRule Text
- insightRule_definition :: Lens' InsightRule Text
- insightRuleContributor_keys :: Lens' InsightRuleContributor [Text]
- insightRuleContributor_approximateAggregateValue :: Lens' InsightRuleContributor Double
- insightRuleContributor_datapoints :: Lens' InsightRuleContributor [InsightRuleContributorDatapoint]
- insightRuleContributorDatapoint_timestamp :: Lens' InsightRuleContributorDatapoint UTCTime
- insightRuleContributorDatapoint_approximateValue :: Lens' InsightRuleContributorDatapoint Double
- insightRuleMetricDatapoint_maxContributorValue :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double)
- insightRuleMetricDatapoint_sampleCount :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double)
- insightRuleMetricDatapoint_maximum :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double)
- insightRuleMetricDatapoint_average :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double)
- insightRuleMetricDatapoint_minimum :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double)
- insightRuleMetricDatapoint_uniqueContributors :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double)
- insightRuleMetricDatapoint_sum :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double)
- insightRuleMetricDatapoint_timestamp :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint UTCTime
- labelOptions_timezone :: Lens' LabelOptions (Maybe Text)
- messageData_value :: Lens' MessageData (Maybe Text)
- messageData_code :: Lens' MessageData (Maybe Text)
- metric_metricName :: Lens' Metric (Maybe Text)
- metric_namespace :: Lens' Metric (Maybe Text)
- metric_dimensions :: Lens' Metric (Maybe [Dimension])
- metricAlarm_alarmName :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- metricAlarm_stateUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe UTCTime)
- metricAlarm_metrics :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe [MetricDataQuery])
- metricAlarm_treatMissingData :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- metricAlarm_period :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Natural)
- metricAlarm_alarmDescription :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- metricAlarm_evaluationPeriods :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Natural)
- metricAlarm_metricName :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- metricAlarm_namespace :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- metricAlarm_thresholdMetricId :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- metricAlarm_comparisonOperator :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe ComparisonOperator)
- metricAlarm_oKActions :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe [Text])
- metricAlarm_evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- metricAlarm_stateValue :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe StateValue)
- metricAlarm_datapointsToAlarm :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Natural)
- metricAlarm_threshold :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Double)
- metricAlarm_alarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe UTCTime)
- metricAlarm_actionsEnabled :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Bool)
- metricAlarm_insufficientDataActions :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe [Text])
- metricAlarm_stateReason :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- metricAlarm_stateReasonData :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- metricAlarm_dimensions :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe [Dimension])
- metricAlarm_alarmArn :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- metricAlarm_alarmActions :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe [Text])
- metricAlarm_unit :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe StandardUnit)
- metricAlarm_statistic :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Statistic)
- metricAlarm_extendedStatistic :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text)
- metricDataQuery_returnData :: Lens' MetricDataQuery (Maybe Bool)
- metricDataQuery_period :: Lens' MetricDataQuery (Maybe Natural)
- metricDataQuery_accountId :: Lens' MetricDataQuery (Maybe Text)
- metricDataQuery_expression :: Lens' MetricDataQuery (Maybe Text)
- metricDataQuery_label :: Lens' MetricDataQuery (Maybe Text)
- metricDataQuery_metricStat :: Lens' MetricDataQuery (Maybe MetricStat)
- metricDataQuery_id :: Lens' MetricDataQuery Text
- metricDataResult_values :: Lens' MetricDataResult (Maybe [Double])
- metricDataResult_id :: Lens' MetricDataResult (Maybe Text)
- metricDataResult_timestamps :: Lens' MetricDataResult (Maybe [UTCTime])
- metricDataResult_messages :: Lens' MetricDataResult (Maybe [MessageData])
- metricDataResult_label :: Lens' MetricDataResult (Maybe Text)
- metricDataResult_statusCode :: Lens' MetricDataResult (Maybe StatusCode)
- metricDatum_values :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe [Double])
- metricDatum_counts :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe [Double])
- metricDatum_value :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe Double)
- metricDatum_storageResolution :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe Natural)
- metricDatum_dimensions :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe [Dimension])
- metricDatum_unit :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe StandardUnit)
- metricDatum_timestamp :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe UTCTime)
- metricDatum_statisticValues :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe StatisticSet)
- metricDatum_metricName :: Lens' MetricDatum Text
- metricStat_unit :: Lens' MetricStat (Maybe StandardUnit)
- metricStat_metric :: Lens' MetricStat Metric
- metricStat_period :: Lens' MetricStat Natural
- metricStat_stat :: Lens' MetricStat Text
- metricStreamEntry_state :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe Text)
- metricStreamEntry_arn :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe Text)
- metricStreamEntry_firehoseArn :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe Text)
- metricStreamEntry_outputFormat :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe MetricStreamOutputFormat)
- metricStreamEntry_lastUpdateDate :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe UTCTime)
- metricStreamEntry_name :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe Text)
- metricStreamEntry_creationDate :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe UTCTime)
- metricStreamFilter_namespace :: Lens' MetricStreamFilter (Maybe Text)
- partialFailure_failureResource :: Lens' PartialFailure (Maybe Text)
- partialFailure_failureCode :: Lens' PartialFailure (Maybe Text)
- partialFailure_failureDescription :: Lens' PartialFailure (Maybe Text)
- partialFailure_exceptionType :: Lens' PartialFailure (Maybe Text)
- range_startTime :: Lens' Range UTCTime
- range_endTime :: Lens' Range UTCTime
- statisticSet_sampleCount :: Lens' StatisticSet Double
- statisticSet_sum :: Lens' StatisticSet Double
- statisticSet_minimum :: Lens' StatisticSet Double
- statisticSet_maximum :: Lens' StatisticSet Double
- tag_key :: Lens' Tag Text
- tag_value :: Lens' Tag Text
enableAlarmActions_alarmNames :: Lens' EnableAlarmActions [Text] Source #
The names of the alarms.
disableInsightRules_ruleNames :: Lens' DisableInsightRules [Text] Source #
An array of the rule names to disable. If you need to find out the names of your rules, use DescribeInsightRules.
disableInsightRulesResponse_failures :: Lens' DisableInsightRulesResponse (Maybe [PartialFailure]) Source #
An array listing the rules that could not be disabled. You cannot disable built-in rules.
disableInsightRulesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableInsightRulesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putCompositeAlarm_alarmDescription :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The description for the composite alarm.
putCompositeAlarm_oKActions :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to an OK
state from
any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource Name
Valid Values: arn:aws:sns:region:account-id:sns-topic-name
putCompositeAlarm_actionsEnabled :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether actions should be executed during any changes to the
alarm state of the composite alarm. The default is TRUE
putCompositeAlarm_insufficientDataActions :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the
state from any other state. Each action is specified
as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Valid Values: arn:aws:sns:region:account-id:sns-topic-name
putCompositeAlarm_alarmActions :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the ALARM
from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource
Name (ARN).
Valid Values: arn:aws:sns:region:account-id:sns-topic-name
putCompositeAlarm_tags :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of key-value pairs to associate with the composite alarm. You can associate as many as 50 tags with an alarm.
Tags can help you organize and categorize your resources. You can also use them to scope user permissions, by granting a user permission to access or change only resources with certain tag values.
putCompositeAlarm_alarmName :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm Text Source #
The name for the composite alarm. This name must be unique within the Region.
putCompositeAlarm_alarmRule :: Lens' PutCompositeAlarm Text Source #
An expression that specifies which other alarms are to be evaluated to determine this composite alarm's state. For each alarm that you reference, you designate a function that specifies whether that alarm needs to be in ALARM state, OK state, or INSUFFICIENT_DATA state. You can use operators (AND, OR and NOT) to combine multiple functions in a single expression. You can use parenthesis to logically group the functions in your expression.
You can use either alarm names or ARNs to reference the other alarms that are to be evaluated.
Functions can include the following:
ALARM("alarm-name or alarm-ARN")
is TRUE if the named alarm is in ALARM state.OK("alarm-name or alarm-ARN")
is TRUE if the named alarm is in OK state.INSUFFICIENT_DATA("alarm-name or alarm-ARN")
is TRUE if the named alarm is in INSUFFICIENT_DATA state.TRUE
always evaluates to TRUE.FALSE
always evaluates to FALSE.
TRUE and FALSE are useful for testing a complex AlarmRule
and for testing your alarm actions.
Alarm names specified in AlarmRule
can be surrounded with
double-quotes ("), but do not have to be.
The following are some examples of AlarmRule
ALARM(CPUUtilizationTooHigh) AND ALARM(DiskReadOpsTooHigh)
specifies that the composite alarm goes into ALARM state only if both CPUUtilizationTooHigh and DiskReadOpsTooHigh alarms are in ALARM state.ALARM(CPUUtilizationTooHigh) AND NOT ALARM(DeploymentInProgress)
specifies that the alarm goes to ALARM state if CPUUtilizationTooHigh is in ALARM state and DeploymentInProgress is not in ALARM state. This example reduces alarm noise during a known deployment window.(ALARM(CPUUtilizationTooHigh) OR ALARM(DiskReadOpsTooHigh)) AND OK(NetworkOutTooHigh)
goes into ALARM state if CPUUtilizationTooHigh OR DiskReadOpsTooHigh is in ALARM state, and if NetworkOutTooHigh is in OK state. This provides another example of using a composite alarm to prevent noise. This rule ensures that you are not notified with an alarm action on high CPU or disk usage if a known network problem is also occurring.
The AlarmRule
can specify as many as 100 "children" alarms. The
expression can have as many as 500 elements. Elements are
child alarms, TRUE or FALSE statements, and parentheses.
deleteAnomalyDetector_dimensions :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetector (Maybe [Dimension]) Source #
The metric dimensions associated with the anomaly detection model to delete.
deleteAnomalyDetector_namespace :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetector Text Source #
The namespace associated with the anomaly detection model to delete.
deleteAnomalyDetector_metricName :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetector Text Source #
The metric name associated with the anomaly detection model to delete.
deleteAnomalyDetector_stat :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetector Text Source #
The statistic associated with the anomaly detection model to delete.
deleteAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAnomalyDetectorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteInsightRules_ruleNames :: Lens' DeleteInsightRules [Text] Source #
An array of the rule names to delete. If you need to find out the names of your rules, use DescribeInsightRules.
deleteInsightRulesResponse_failures :: Lens' DeleteInsightRulesResponse (Maybe [PartialFailure]) Source #
An array listing the rules that could not be deleted. You cannot delete built-in rules.
deleteInsightRulesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteInsightRulesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getDashboard_dashboardName :: Lens' GetDashboard Text Source #
The name of the dashboard to be described.
getDashboardResponse_dashboardName :: Lens' GetDashboardResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the dashboard.
getDashboardResponse_dashboardBody :: Lens' GetDashboardResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The detailed information about the dashboard, including what widgets are
included and their location on the dashboard. For more information about
the DashboardBody
syntax, see
Dashboard Body Structure and Syntax.
getDashboardResponse_dashboardArn :: Lens' GetDashboardResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dashboard.
getDashboardResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDashboardResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putAnomalyDetector_configuration :: Lens' PutAnomalyDetector (Maybe AnomalyDetectorConfiguration) Source #
The configuration specifies details about how the anomaly detection model is to be trained, including time ranges to exclude when training and updating the model. You can specify as many as 10 time ranges.
The configuration can also include the time zone to use for the metric.
putAnomalyDetector_dimensions :: Lens' PutAnomalyDetector (Maybe [Dimension]) Source #
The metric dimensions to create the anomaly detection model for.
putAnomalyDetector_namespace :: Lens' PutAnomalyDetector Text Source #
The namespace of the metric to create the anomaly detection model for.
putAnomalyDetector_metricName :: Lens' PutAnomalyDetector Text Source #
The name of the metric to create the anomaly detection model for.
putAnomalyDetector_stat :: Lens' PutAnomalyDetector Text Source #
The statistic to use for the metric and the anomaly detection model.
putAnomalyDetectorResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutAnomalyDetectorResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForResource_resourceARN :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
The ARN of the CloudWatch resource that you want to view tags for.
The ARN format of an alarm is
The ARN format of a Contributor Insights rule is
For more information about ARN format, see Resource Types Defined by Amazon CloudWatch in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
The list of tag keys and values associated with the resource you specified.
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getMetricData_maxDatapoints :: Lens' GetMetricData (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum number of data points the request should return before paginating. If you omit this, the default of 100,800 is used.
getMetricData_labelOptions :: Lens' GetMetricData (Maybe LabelOptions) Source #
This structure includes the Timezone
parameter, which you can use to
specify your time zone so that the labels of returned data display the
correct time for your time zone.
getMetricData_nextToken :: Lens' GetMetricData (Maybe Text) Source #
Include this value, if it was returned by the previous GetMetricData
operation, to get the next set of data points.
getMetricData_scanBy :: Lens' GetMetricData (Maybe ScanBy) Source #
The order in which data points should be returned. TimestampDescending
returns the newest data first and paginates when the MaxDatapoints
limit is reached. TimestampAscending
returns the oldest data first and
paginates when the MaxDatapoints
limit is reached.
getMetricData_metricDataQueries :: Lens' GetMetricData [MetricDataQuery] Source #
The metric queries to be returned. A single GetMetricData
call can
include as many as 500 MetricDataQuery
structures. Each of these
structures can specify either a metric to retrieve, or a math expression
to perform on retrieved data.
getMetricData_startTime :: Lens' GetMetricData UTCTime Source #
The time stamp indicating the earliest data to be returned.
The value specified is inclusive; results include data points with the specified time stamp.
CloudWatch rounds the specified time stamp as follows:
- Start time less than 15 days ago - Round down to the nearest whole minute. For example, 12:32:34 is rounded down to 12:32:00.
- Start time between 15 and 63 days ago - Round down to the nearest 5-minute clock interval. For example, 12:32:34 is rounded down to 12:30:00.
- Start time greater than 63 days ago - Round down to the nearest 1-hour clock interval. For example, 12:32:34 is rounded down to 12:00:00.
If you set Period
to 5, 10, or 30, the start time of your request is
rounded down to the nearest time that corresponds to even 5-, 10-, or
30-second divisions of a minute. For example, if you make a query at
(HH:mm:ss) 01:05:23 for the previous 10-second period, the start time of
your request is rounded down and you receive data from 01:05:10 to
01:05:20. If you make a query at 15:07:17 for the previous 5 minutes of
data, using a period of 5 seconds, you receive data timestamped between
15:02:15 and 15:07:15.
For better performance, specify StartTime
and EndTime
values that
align with the value of the metric's Period
and sync up with the
beginning and end of an hour. For example, if the Period
of a metric
is 5 minutes, specifying 12:05 or 12:30 as StartTime
can get a faster
response from CloudWatch than setting 12:07 or 12:29 as the StartTime
getMetricData_endTime :: Lens' GetMetricData UTCTime Source #
The time stamp indicating the latest data to be returned.
The value specified is exclusive; results include data points up to the specified time stamp.
For better performance, specify StartTime
and EndTime
values that
align with the value of the metric's Period
and sync up with the
beginning and end of an hour. For example, if the Period
of a metric
is 5 minutes, specifying 12:05 or 12:30 as EndTime
can get a faster
response from CloudWatch than setting 12:07 or 12:29 as the EndTime
getMetricDataResponse_metricDataResults :: Lens' GetMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MetricDataResult]) Source #
The metrics that are returned, including the metric name, namespace, and dimensions.
getMetricDataResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetMetricDataResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A token that marks the next batch of returned results.
getMetricDataResponse_messages :: Lens' GetMetricDataResponse (Maybe [MessageData]) Source #
Contains a message about this GetMetricData
operation, if the
operation results in such a message. An example of a message that might
be returned is Maximum number of allowed metrics exceeded
. If there is
a message, as much of the operation as possible is still executed.
A message appears here only if it is related to the global
operation. Any message about a specific metric returned
by the operation appears in the MetricDataResult
object returned for
that metric.
getMetricDataResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetMetricDataResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putMetricData_namespace :: Lens' PutMetricData Text Source #
The namespace for the metric data.
To avoid conflicts with Amazon Web Services service namespaces, you
should not specify a namespace that begins with AWS/
putMetricData_metricData :: Lens' PutMetricData [MetricDatum] Source #
The data for the metric. The array can include no more than 20 metrics per call.
listDashboards_dashboardNamePrefix :: Lens' ListDashboards (Maybe Text) Source #
If you specify this parameter, only the dashboards with names starting with the specified string are listed. The maximum length is 255, and valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ".", "-", and "_".
listDashboards_nextToken :: Lens' ListDashboards (Maybe Text) Source #
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
listDashboardsResponse_dashboardEntries :: Lens' ListDashboardsResponse (Maybe [DashboardEntry]) Source #
The list of matching dashboards.
listDashboardsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDashboardsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
listDashboardsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDashboardsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeAlarms_alarmNamePrefix :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe Text) Source #
An alarm name prefix. If you specify this parameter, you receive information about all alarms that have names that start with this prefix.
If this parameter is specified, you cannot specify AlarmNames
describeAlarms_alarmTypes :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe [AlarmType]) Source #
Use this parameter to specify whether you want the operation to return metric alarms or composite alarms. If you omit this parameter, only metric alarms are returned.
describeAlarms_actionPrefix :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe Text) Source #
Use this parameter to filter the results of the operation to only those alarms that use a certain alarm action. For example, you could specify the ARN of an SNS topic to find all alarms that send notifications to that topic.
describeAlarms_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe Text) Source #
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
describeAlarms_stateValue :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe StateValue) Source #
Specify this parameter to receive information only about alarms that are currently in the state that you specify.
describeAlarms_alarmNames :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The names of the alarms to retrieve information about.
describeAlarms_maxRecords :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of alarm descriptions to retrieve.
describeAlarms_parentsOfAlarmName :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe Text) Source #
If you use this parameter and specify the name of a metric or composite
alarm, the operation returns information about the "parent" alarms of
the alarm you specify. These are the composite alarms that have
parameters that reference the alarm named in
. Information about the alarm that you specify in
is not returned.
If you specify ParentsOfAlarmName
, you cannot specify any other
parameters in the request except for MaxRecords
and NextToken
. If
you do so, you receive a validation error.
Only the Alarm Name and ARN are returned by this operation when you use
this parameter. To get complete information about these alarms, perform
another DescribeAlarms
operation and specify the parent alarm names in
the AlarmNames
describeAlarms_childrenOfAlarmName :: Lens' DescribeAlarms (Maybe Text) Source #
If you use this parameter and specify the name of a composite alarm, the
operation returns information about the "children" alarms of the alarm
you specify. These are the metric alarms and composite alarms referenced
in the AlarmRule
field of the composite alarm that you specify in
. Information about the composite alarm that you
name in ChildrenOfAlarmName
is not returned.
If you specify ChildrenOfAlarmName
, you cannot specify any other
parameters in the request except for MaxRecords
and NextToken
. If
you do so, you receive a validation error.
Only the Alarm Name
, StateValue
(OK/ALARM/INSUFFICIENT_DATA), and StateUpdatedTimestamp
are returned by this operation when you use this parameter. To get
complete information about these alarms, perform another
operation and specify the parent alarm names in the
describeAlarmsResponse_metricAlarms :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsResponse (Maybe [MetricAlarm]) Source #
The information about any metric alarms returned by the operation.
describeAlarmsResponse_compositeAlarms :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsResponse (Maybe [CompositeAlarm]) Source #
The information about any composite alarms returned by the operation.
describeAlarmsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
describeAlarmsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listMetrics_metricName :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the metric to filter against. Only the metrics with names that match exactly will be returned.
listMetrics_namespace :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe Text) Source #
The metric namespace to filter against. Only the namespace that matches exactly will be returned.
listMetrics_nextToken :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe Text) Source #
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
listMetrics_recentlyActive :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe RecentlyActive) Source #
To filter the results to show only metrics that have had data points
published in the past three hours, specify this parameter with a value
of PT3H
. This is the only valid value for this parameter.
The results that are returned are an approximation of the value you specify. There is a low probability that the returned results include metrics with last published data as much as 40 minutes more than the specified time interval.
listMetrics_dimensions :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe [DimensionFilter]) Source #
The dimensions to filter against. Only the dimensions that match exactly will be returned.
listMetricsResponse_metrics :: Lens' ListMetricsResponse (Maybe [Metric]) Source #
The metrics that match your request.
listMetricsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListMetricsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
listMetricsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListMetricsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getInsightRuleReport_maxContributorCount :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport (Maybe Int) Source #
The maximum number of contributors to include in the report. The range is 1 to 100. If you omit this, the default of 10 is used.
getInsightRuleReport_metrics :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Specifies which metrics to use for aggregation of contributor values for the report. You can specify one or more of the following metrics:
-- the number of unique contributors for each data point.MaxContributorValue
-- the value of the top contributor for each data point. The identity of the contributor might change for each data point in the graph.If this rule aggregates by COUNT, the top contributor for each data point is the contributor with the most occurrences in that period. If the rule aggregates by SUM, the top contributor is the contributor with the highest sum in the log field specified by the rule's
, during that period.SampleCount
-- the number of data points matched by the rule.Sum
-- the sum of the values from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.Minimum
-- the minimum value from a single observation during the time period represented by that data point.Maximum
-- the maximum value from a single observation during the time period represented by that data point.Average
-- the average value from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.
getInsightRuleReport_orderBy :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport (Maybe Text) Source #
Determines what statistic to use to rank the contributors. Valid values are SUM and MAXIMUM.
getInsightRuleReport_ruleName :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport Text Source #
The name of the rule that you want to see data from.
getInsightRuleReport_startTime :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport UTCTime Source #
The start time of the data to use in the report. When used in a raw HTTP
Query API, it is formatted as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
. For example,
getInsightRuleReport_endTime :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport UTCTime Source #
The end time of the data to use in the report. When used in a raw HTTP
Query API, it is formatted as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
. For example,
getInsightRuleReport_period :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReport Natural Source #
The period, in seconds, to use for the statistics in the
getInsightRuleReportResponse_keyLabels :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
An array of the strings used as the keys for this rule. The keys are the dimensions used to classify contributors. If the rule contains more than one key, then each unique combination of values for the keys is counted as a unique contributor.
getInsightRuleReportResponse_approximateUniqueCount :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse (Maybe Integer) Source #
An approximate count of the unique contributors found by this rule in this time period.
getInsightRuleReportResponse_aggregationStatistic :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies whether this rule aggregates contributor data by COUNT or SUM.
getInsightRuleReportResponse_aggregateValue :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse (Maybe Double) Source #
The sum of the values from all individual contributors that match the rule.
getInsightRuleReportResponse_contributors :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse (Maybe [InsightRuleContributor]) Source #
An array of the unique contributors found by this rule in this time period. If the rule contains multiple keys, each combination of values for the keys counts as a unique contributor.
getInsightRuleReportResponse_metricDatapoints :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse (Maybe [InsightRuleMetricDatapoint]) Source #
A time series of metric data points that matches the time period in the rule request.
getInsightRuleReportResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetInsightRuleReportResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
startMetricStreams_names :: Lens' StartMetricStreams [Text] Source #
The array of the names of metric streams to start streaming.
This is an "all or nothing" operation. If you do not have permission to access all of the metric streams that you list here, then none of the streams that you list in the operation will start streaming.
startMetricStreamsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StartMetricStreamsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteDashboards_dashboardNames :: Lens' DeleteDashboards [Text] Source #
The dashboards to be deleted. This parameter is required.
deleteDashboardsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteDashboardsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putInsightRule_tags :: Lens' PutInsightRule (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of key-value pairs to associate with the Contributor Insights rule. You can associate as many as 50 tags with a rule.
Tags can help you organize and categorize your resources. You can also use them to scope user permissions, by granting a user permission to access or change only the resources that have certain tag values.
To be able to associate tags with a rule, you must have the
permission in addition to the
If you are using this operation to update an existing Contributor Insights rule, any tags you specify in this parameter are ignored. To change the tags of an existing rule, use TagResource.
putInsightRule_ruleState :: Lens' PutInsightRule (Maybe Text) Source #
The state of the rule. Valid values are ENABLED and DISABLED.
putInsightRule_ruleName :: Lens' PutInsightRule Text Source #
A unique name for the rule.
putInsightRule_ruleDefinition :: Lens' PutInsightRule Text Source #
The definition of the rule, as a JSON object. For details on the valid syntax, see Contributor Insights Rule Syntax.
putInsightRuleResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutInsightRuleResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listMetricStreams_nextToken :: Lens' ListMetricStreams (Maybe Text) Source #
Include this value, if it was returned by the previous call, to get the next set of metric streams.
listMetricStreams_maxResults :: Lens' ListMetricStreams (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in one operation.
listMetricStreamsResponse_entries :: Lens' ListMetricStreamsResponse (Maybe [MetricStreamEntry]) Source #
The array of metric stream information.
listMetricStreamsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListMetricStreamsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that marks the start of the next batch of returned results. You can use this token in a subsequent operation to get the next batch of results.
listMetricStreamsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListMetricStreamsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getMetricWidgetImage_outputFormat :: Lens' GetMetricWidgetImage (Maybe Text) Source #
The format of the resulting image. Only PNG images are supported.
The default is png
. If you specify png
, the API returns an HTTP
response with the content-type set to text/xml
. The image data is in
a MetricWidgetImage
field. For example:
<GetMetricWidgetImageResponse xmlns=<URLstring>>
The image/png
setting is intended only for custom HTTP requests. For
most use cases, and all actions using an Amazon Web Services SDK, you
should use png
. If you specify image/png
, the HTTP response has a
content-type set to image/png
, and the body of the response is a PNG
getMetricWidgetImage_metricWidget :: Lens' GetMetricWidgetImage Text Source #
A JSON string that defines the bitmap graph to be retrieved. The string
includes the metrics to include in the graph, statistics, annotations,
title, axis limits, and so on. You can include only one MetricWidget
parameter in each GetMetricWidgetImage
For more information about the syntax of MetricWidget
GetMetricWidgetImage: Metric Widget Structure and Syntax.
If any metric on the graph could not load all the requested data points, an orange triangle with an exclamation point appears next to the graph legend.
getMetricWidgetImageResponse_metricWidgetImage :: Lens' GetMetricWidgetImageResponse (Maybe ByteString) Source #
The image of the graph, in the output format specified. The output is
-- Note: This Lens
automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This Lens
accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
getMetricWidgetImageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetMetricWidgetImageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteMetricStream_name :: Lens' DeleteMetricStream Text Source #
The name of the metric stream to delete.
deleteMetricStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteMetricStreamResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteAlarms_alarmNames :: Lens' DeleteAlarms [Text] Source #
The alarms to be deleted.
putMetricStream_includeFilters :: Lens' PutMetricStream (Maybe [MetricStreamFilter]) Source #
If you specify this parameter, the stream sends only the metrics from the metric namespaces that you specify here.
You cannot include IncludeFilters
and ExcludeFilters
in the same
putMetricStream_excludeFilters :: Lens' PutMetricStream (Maybe [MetricStreamFilter]) Source #
If you specify this parameter, the stream sends metrics from all metric namespaces except for the namespaces that you specify here.
You cannot include ExcludeFilters
and IncludeFilters
in the same
putMetricStream_tags :: Lens' PutMetricStream (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of key-value pairs to associate with the metric stream. You can associate as many as 50 tags with a metric stream.
Tags can help you organize and categorize your resources. You can also use them to scope user permissions by granting a user permission to access or change only resources with certain tag values.
You can use this parameter only when you are creating a new metric stream. If you are using this operation to update an existing metric stream, any tags you specify in this parameter are ignored. To change the tags of an existing metric stream, use TagResource or UntagResource.
putMetricStream_name :: Lens' PutMetricStream Text Source #
If you are creating a new metric stream, this is the name for the new stream. The name must be different than the names of other metric streams in this account and Region.
If you are updating a metric stream, specify the name of that stream here.
Valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, "-" and "_".
putMetricStream_firehoseArn :: Lens' PutMetricStream Text Source #
The ARN of the Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream to use for this metric stream. This Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream must already exist and must be in the same account as the metric stream.
putMetricStream_roleArn :: Lens' PutMetricStream Text Source #
The ARN of an IAM role that this metric stream will use to access Amazon Kinesis Firehose resources. This IAM role must already exist and must be in the same account as the metric stream. This IAM role must include the following permissions:
- firehose:PutRecord
- firehose:PutRecordBatch
putMetricStream_outputFormat :: Lens' PutMetricStream MetricStreamOutputFormat Source #
The output format for the stream. Valid values are json
. For more information about metric stream output
formats, see
Metric streams output formats.
putMetricStreamResponse_arn :: Lens' PutMetricStreamResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the metric stream.
putMetricStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutMetricStreamResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeAlarmHistory_alarmName :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the alarm.
describeAlarmHistory_historyItemType :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe HistoryItemType) Source #
The type of alarm histories to retrieve.
describeAlarmHistory_alarmTypes :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe [AlarmType]) Source #
Use this parameter to specify whether you want the operation to return metric alarms or composite alarms. If you omit this parameter, only metric alarms are returned.
describeAlarmHistory_endDate :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The ending date to retrieve alarm history.
describeAlarmHistory_startDate :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The starting date to retrieve alarm history.
describeAlarmHistory_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe Text) Source #
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
describeAlarmHistory_scanBy :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe ScanBy) Source #
Specified whether to return the newest or oldest alarm history first.
Specify TimestampDescending
to have the newest event history returned
first, and specify TimestampAscending
to have the oldest history
returned first.
describeAlarmHistory_maxRecords :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistory (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of alarm history records to retrieve.
describeAlarmHistoryResponse_alarmHistoryItems :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistoryResponse (Maybe [AlarmHistoryItem]) Source #
The alarm histories, in JSON format.
describeAlarmHistoryResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistoryResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The token that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
describeAlarmHistoryResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAlarmHistoryResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getMetricStatistics_extendedStatistics :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The percentile statistics. Specify values between p0.0 and p100. When
calling GetMetricStatistics
, you must specify either Statistics
, but not both. Percentile statistics are not
available for metrics when any of the metric values are negative
getMetricStatistics_statistics :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics (Maybe (NonEmpty Statistic)) Source #
The metric statistics, other than percentile. For percentile statistics,
use ExtendedStatistics
. When calling GetMetricStatistics
, you must
specify either Statistics
or ExtendedStatistics
, but not both.
getMetricStatistics_dimensions :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics (Maybe [Dimension]) Source #
The dimensions. If the metric contains multiple dimensions, you must include a value for each dimension. CloudWatch treats each unique combination of dimensions as a separate metric. If a specific combination of dimensions was not published, you can't retrieve statistics for it. You must specify the same dimensions that were used when the metrics were created. For an example, see Dimension Combinations in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide. For more information about specifying dimensions, see Publishing Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
getMetricStatistics_unit :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics (Maybe StandardUnit) Source #
The unit for a given metric. If you omit Unit
, all data that was
collected with any unit is returned, along with the corresponding units
that were specified when the data was reported to CloudWatch. If you
specify a unit, the operation returns only data that was collected with
that unit specified. If you specify a unit that does not match the data
collected, the results of the operation are null. CloudWatch does not
perform unit conversions.
getMetricStatistics_namespace :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics Text Source #
The namespace of the metric, with or without spaces.
getMetricStatistics_metricName :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics Text Source #
The name of the metric, with or without spaces.
getMetricStatistics_startTime :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics UTCTime Source #
The time stamp that determines the first data point to return. Start times are evaluated relative to the time that CloudWatch receives the request.
The value specified is inclusive; results include data points with the specified time stamp. In a raw HTTP query, the time stamp must be in ISO 8601 UTC format (for example, 2016-10-03T23:00:00Z).
CloudWatch rounds the specified time stamp as follows:
- Start time less than 15 days ago - Round down to the nearest whole minute. For example, 12:32:34 is rounded down to 12:32:00.
- Start time between 15 and 63 days ago - Round down to the nearest 5-minute clock interval. For example, 12:32:34 is rounded down to 12:30:00.
- Start time greater than 63 days ago - Round down to the nearest 1-hour clock interval. For example, 12:32:34 is rounded down to 12:00:00.
If you set Period
to 5, 10, or 30, the start time of your request is
rounded down to the nearest time that corresponds to even 5-, 10-, or
30-second divisions of a minute. For example, if you make a query at
(HH:mm:ss) 01:05:23 for the previous 10-second period, the start time of
your request is rounded down and you receive data from 01:05:10 to
01:05:20. If you make a query at 15:07:17 for the previous 5 minutes of
data, using a period of 5 seconds, you receive data timestamped between
15:02:15 and 15:07:15.
getMetricStatistics_endTime :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics UTCTime Source #
The time stamp that determines the last data point to return.
The value specified is exclusive; results include data points up to the specified time stamp. In a raw HTTP query, the time stamp must be in ISO 8601 UTC format (for example, 2016-10-10T23:00:00Z).
getMetricStatistics_period :: Lens' GetMetricStatistics Natural Source #
The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points. For metrics
with regular resolution, a period can be as short as one minute (60
seconds) and must be a multiple of 60. For high-resolution metrics that
are collected at intervals of less than one minute, the period can be 1,
5, 10, 30, 60, or any multiple of 60. High-resolution metrics are those
metrics stored by a PutMetricData
call that includes a
of 1 second.
If the StartTime
parameter specifies a time stamp that is greater than
3 hours ago, you must specify the period as follows or no data points in
that time range is returned:
- Start time between 3 hours and 15 days ago - Use a multiple of 60 seconds (1 minute).
- Start time between 15 and 63 days ago - Use a multiple of 300 seconds (5 minutes).
- Start time greater than 63 days ago - Use a multiple of 3600 seconds (1 hour).
getMetricStatisticsResponse_datapoints :: Lens' GetMetricStatisticsResponse (Maybe [Datapoint]) Source #
The data points for the specified metric.
getMetricStatisticsResponse_label :: Lens' GetMetricStatisticsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A label for the specified metric.
getMetricStatisticsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetMetricStatisticsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
describeAlarmsForMetric_period :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric (Maybe Natural) Source #
The period, in seconds, over which the statistic is applied.
describeAlarmsForMetric_dimensions :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric (Maybe [Dimension]) Source #
The dimensions associated with the metric. If the metric has any associated dimensions, you must specify them in order for the call to succeed.
describeAlarmsForMetric_unit :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric (Maybe StandardUnit) Source #
The unit for the metric.
describeAlarmsForMetric_statistic :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric (Maybe Statistic) Source #
The statistic for the metric, other than percentiles. For percentile
statistics, use ExtendedStatistics
describeAlarmsForMetric_extendedStatistic :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric (Maybe Text) Source #
The percentile statistic for the metric. Specify a value between p0.0 and p100.
describeAlarmsForMetric_metricName :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric Text Source #
The name of the metric.
describeAlarmsForMetric_namespace :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetric Text Source #
The namespace of the metric.
describeAlarmsForMetricResponse_metricAlarms :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetricResponse (Maybe [MetricAlarm]) Source #
The information for each alarm with the specified metric.
describeAlarmsForMetricResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAlarmsForMetricResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
enableInsightRules_ruleNames :: Lens' EnableInsightRules [Text] Source #
An array of the rule names to enable. If you need to find out the names of your rules, use DescribeInsightRules.
enableInsightRulesResponse_failures :: Lens' EnableInsightRulesResponse (Maybe [PartialFailure]) Source #
An array listing the rules that could not be enabled. You cannot disable or enable built-in rules.
enableInsightRulesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableInsightRulesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disableAlarmActions_alarmNames :: Lens' DisableAlarmActions [Text] Source #
The names of the alarms.
describeAnomalyDetectors_metricName :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectors (Maybe Text) Source #
Limits the results to only the anomaly detection models that are associated with the specified metric name. If there are multiple metrics with this name in different namespaces that have anomaly detection models, they're all returned.
describeAnomalyDetectors_namespace :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectors (Maybe Text) Source #
Limits the results to only the anomaly detection models that are associated with the specified namespace.
describeAnomalyDetectors_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectors (Maybe Text) Source #
Use the token returned by the previous operation to request the next page of results.
describeAnomalyDetectors_dimensions :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectors (Maybe [Dimension]) Source #
Limits the results to only the anomaly detection models that are associated with the specified metric dimensions. If there are multiple metrics that have these dimensions and have anomaly detection models associated, they're all returned.
describeAnomalyDetectors_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectors (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in one operation. The maximum value that you can specify is 100.
To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned
describeAnomalyDetectorsResponse_anomalyDetectors :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorsResponse (Maybe [AnomalyDetector]) Source #
The list of anomaly detection models returned by the operation.
describeAnomalyDetectorsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A token that you can use in a subsequent operation to retrieve the next set of results.
describeAnomalyDetectorsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeAnomalyDetectorsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putDashboard_dashboardName :: Lens' PutDashboard Text Source #
The name of the dashboard. If a dashboard with this name already exists, this call modifies that dashboard, replacing its current contents. Otherwise, a new dashboard is created. The maximum length is 255, and valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, "-", and "_". This parameter is required.
putDashboard_dashboardBody :: Lens' PutDashboard Text Source #
The detailed information about the dashboard in JSON format, including the widgets to include and their location on the dashboard. This parameter is required.
For more information about the syntax, see Dashboard Body Structure and Syntax.
putDashboardResponse_dashboardValidationMessages :: Lens' PutDashboardResponse (Maybe [DashboardValidationMessage]) Source #
If the input for PutDashboard
was correct and the dashboard was
successfully created or modified, this result is empty.
If this result includes only warning messages, then the input was valid enough for the dashboard to be created or modified, but some elements of the dashboard might not render.
If this result includes error messages, the input was not valid and the operation failed.
putDashboardResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' PutDashboardResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
tagResource_resourceARN :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The ARN of the CloudWatch resource that you're adding tags to.
The ARN format of an alarm is
The ARN format of a Contributor Insights rule is
For more information about ARN format, see Resource Types Defined by Amazon CloudWatch in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource [Tag] Source #
The list of key-value pairs to associate with the alarm.
tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
stopMetricStreams_names :: Lens' StopMetricStreams [Text] Source #
The array of the names of metric streams to stop streaming.
This is an "all or nothing" operation. If you do not have permission to access all of the metric streams that you list here, then none of the streams that you list in the operation will stop streaming.
stopMetricStreamsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' StopMetricStreamsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_resourceARN :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The ARN of the CloudWatch resource that you're removing tags from.
The ARN format of an alarm is
The ARN format of a Contributor Insights rule is
For more information about ARN format, see Resource Types Defined by Amazon CloudWatch in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text] Source #
The list of tag keys to remove from the resource.
untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getMetricStream_name :: Lens' GetMetricStream Text Source #
The name of the metric stream to retrieve information about.
getMetricStreamResponse_includeFilters :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe [MetricStreamFilter]) Source #
If this array of metric namespaces is present, then these namespaces are the only metric namespaces that are streamed by this metric stream.
getMetricStreamResponse_state :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The state of the metric stream. The possible values are running
getMetricStreamResponse_excludeFilters :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe [MetricStreamFilter]) Source #
If this array of metric namespaces is present, then these namespaces are the only metric namespaces that are not streamed by this metric stream. In this case, all other metric namespaces in the account are streamed by this metric stream.
getMetricStreamResponse_arn :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the metric stream.
getMetricStreamResponse_firehoseArn :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream that is used by this metric stream.
getMetricStreamResponse_outputFormat :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe MetricStreamOutputFormat) Source #
getMetricStreamResponse_lastUpdateDate :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date of the most recent update to the metric stream's configuration.
getMetricStreamResponse_name :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the metric stream.
getMetricStreamResponse_creationDate :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date that the metric stream was created.
getMetricStreamResponse_roleArn :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the IAM role that is used by this metric stream.
getMetricStreamResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetMetricStreamResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
putMetricAlarm_metrics :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe [MetricDataQuery]) Source #
An array of MetricDataQuery
structures that enable you to create an
alarm based on the result of a metric math expression. For each
operation, you must specify either MetricName
or a
Each item in the Metrics
array either retrieves a metric or performs a
math expression.
One item in the Metrics
array is the expression that the alarm
watches. You designate this expression by setting ReturnData
to true
for this object in the array. For more information, see
If you use the Metrics
parameter, you cannot include the MetricName
, Period
, Namespace
, Statistic
, or ExtendedStatistic
parameters of PutMetricAlarm
in the same operation. Instead, you
retrieve the metrics you are using in your math expression as part of
the Metrics
putMetricAlarm_treatMissingData :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
Sets how this alarm is to handle missing data points. If
is omitted, the default behavior of missing
used. For more information, see
Configuring How CloudWatch Alarms Treats Missing Data.
Valid Values: breaching | notBreaching | ignore | missing
putMetricAlarm_period :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Natural) Source #
The length, in seconds, used each time the metric specified in
is evaluated. Valid values are 10, 30, and any multiple of
is required for alarms based on static thresholds. If you are
creating an alarm based on a metric math expression, you specify the
period for each metric within the objects in the Metrics
Be sure to specify 10 or 30 only for metrics that are stored by a
call with a StorageResolution
of 1. If you specify a
period of 10 or 30 for a metric that does not have sub-minute
resolution, the alarm still attempts to gather data at the period rate
that you specify. In this case, it does not receive data for the
attempts that do not correspond to a one-minute data resolution, and the
alarm might often lapse into INSUFFICENT_DATA status. Specifying 10 or
30 also sets this alarm as a high-resolution alarm, which has a higher
charge than other alarms. For more information about pricing, see
Amazon CloudWatch Pricing.
An alarm's total current evaluation period can be no longer than one
day, so Period
multiplied by EvaluationPeriods
cannot be more than
86,400 seconds.
putMetricAlarm_alarmDescription :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The description for the alarm.
putMetricAlarm_metricName :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The name for the metric associated with the alarm. For each
operation, you must specify either MetricName
or a
If you are creating an alarm based on a math expression, you cannot
specify this parameter, or any of the Dimensions
, Period
, Statistic
, or ExtendedStatistic
parameters. Instead,
you specify all this information in the Metrics
putMetricAlarm_namespace :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The namespace for the metric associated specified in MetricName
putMetricAlarm_thresholdMetricId :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
If this is an alarm based on an anomaly detection model, make this value
For an example of how to use this parameter, see the __Anomaly Detection Model Alarm__ example on this page.
If your alarm uses this parameter, it cannot have Auto Scaling actions.
putMetricAlarm_oKActions :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to an OK
state from
any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource Name
Valid Values: arn:aws:automate:region:ec2:stop
Valid Values (for use with IAM roles):
putMetricAlarm_evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
Used only for alarms based on percentiles. If you specify ignore
, the
alarm state does not change during periods with too few data points to
be statistically significant. If you specify evaluate
or omit this
parameter, the alarm is always evaluated and possibly changes state no
matter how many data points are available. For more information, see
Percentile-Based CloudWatch Alarms and Low Data Samples.
Valid Values: evaluate | ignore
putMetricAlarm_datapointsToAlarm :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of data points that must be breaching to trigger the alarm. This is used only if you are setting an "M out of N" alarm. In that case, this value is the M. For more information, see Evaluating an Alarm in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
putMetricAlarm_threshold :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Double) Source #
The value against which the specified statistic is compared.
This parameter is required for alarms based on static thresholds, but should not be used for alarms based on anomaly detection models.
putMetricAlarm_actionsEnabled :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether actions should be executed during any changes to the
alarm state. The default is TRUE
putMetricAlarm_insufficientDataActions :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the
state from any other state. Each action is specified
as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Valid Values: arn:aws:automate:region:ec2:stop
Valid Values (for use with IAM roles):
putMetricAlarm_dimensions :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe [Dimension]) Source #
The dimensions for the metric specified in MetricName
putMetricAlarm_alarmActions :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the ALARM
from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource
Name (ARN).
Valid Values: arn:aws:automate:region:ec2:stop
| arn:aws:ssm:region:account-id:opsitem:severity
Valid Values (for use with IAM roles):
putMetricAlarm_unit :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe StandardUnit) Source #
The unit of measure for the statistic. For example, the units for the Amazon EC2 NetworkIn metric are Bytes because NetworkIn tracks the number of bytes that an instance receives on all network interfaces. You can also specify a unit when you create a custom metric. Units help provide conceptual meaning to your data. Metric data points that specify a unit of measure, such as Percent, are aggregated separately.
If you don't specify Unit
, CloudWatch retrieves all unit types that
have been published for the metric and attempts to evaluate the alarm.
Usually, metrics are published with only one unit, so the alarm works as
However, if the metric is published with multiple types of units and you don't specify a unit, the alarm's behavior is not defined and it behaves predictably.
We recommend omitting Unit
so that you don't inadvertently specify an
incorrect unit that is not published for this metric. Doing so causes
the alarm to be stuck in the INSUFFICIENT DATA
putMetricAlarm_statistic :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Statistic) Source #
The statistic for the metric specified in MetricName
, other than
percentile. For percentile statistics, use ExtendedStatistic
. When you
call PutMetricAlarm
and specify a MetricName
, you must specify
either Statistic
or ExtendedStatistic,
but not both.
putMetricAlarm_tags :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of key-value pairs to associate with the alarm. You can associate as many as 50 tags with an alarm.
Tags can help you organize and categorize your resources. You can also use them to scope user permissions by granting a user permission to access or change only resources with certain tag values.
If you are using this operation to update an existing alarm, any tags you specify in this parameter are ignored. To change the tags of an existing alarm, use TagResource or UntagResource.
putMetricAlarm_extendedStatistic :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The percentile statistic for the metric specified in MetricName
Specify a value between p0.0 and p100. When you call PutMetricAlarm
and specify a MetricName
, you must specify either Statistic
but not both.
putMetricAlarm_alarmName :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm Text Source #
The name for the alarm. This name must be unique within the Region.
putMetricAlarm_evaluationPeriods :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm Natural Source #
The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold. If you are setting an alarm that requires that a number of consecutive data points be breaching to trigger the alarm, this value specifies that number. If you are setting an "M out of N" alarm, this value is the N.
An alarm's total current evaluation period can be no longer than one
day, so this number multiplied by Period
cannot be more than 86,400
putMetricAlarm_comparisonOperator :: Lens' PutMetricAlarm ComparisonOperator Source #
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified statistic and threshold. The specified statistic value is used as the first operand.
The values LessThanLowerOrGreaterThanUpperThreshold
, and GreaterThanUpperThreshold
are used only
for alarms based on anomaly detection models.
setAlarmState_stateReasonData :: Lens' SetAlarmState (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state, in JSON format.
For SNS or EC2 alarm actions, this is just informational. But for EC2 Auto Scaling or application Auto Scaling alarm actions, the Auto Scaling policy uses the information in this field to take the correct action.
setAlarmState_alarmName :: Lens' SetAlarmState Text Source #
The name of the alarm.
setAlarmState_stateValue :: Lens' SetAlarmState StateValue Source #
The value of the state.
setAlarmState_stateReason :: Lens' SetAlarmState Text Source #
The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state, in text format.
describeInsightRules_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeInsightRules (Maybe Text) Source #
Include this value, if it was returned by the previous operation, to get the next set of rules.
describeInsightRules_maxResults :: Lens' DescribeInsightRules (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in one operation. If you omit this parameter, the default of 500 is used.
describeInsightRulesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' DescribeInsightRulesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
If this parameter is present, it is a token that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
describeInsightRulesResponse_insightRules :: Lens' DescribeInsightRulesResponse (Maybe [InsightRule]) Source #
The rules returned by the operation.
describeInsightRulesResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeInsightRulesResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
alarmHistoryItem_alarmName :: Lens' AlarmHistoryItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The descriptive name for the alarm.
alarmHistoryItem_historyItemType :: Lens' AlarmHistoryItem (Maybe HistoryItemType) Source #
The type of alarm history item.
alarmHistoryItem_historyData :: Lens' AlarmHistoryItem (Maybe Text) Source #
Data about the alarm, in JSON format.
alarmHistoryItem_alarmType :: Lens' AlarmHistoryItem (Maybe AlarmType) Source #
The type of alarm, either metric alarm or composite alarm.
alarmHistoryItem_historySummary :: Lens' AlarmHistoryItem (Maybe Text) Source #
A summary of the alarm history, in text format.
alarmHistoryItem_timestamp :: Lens' AlarmHistoryItem (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time stamp for the alarm history item.
anomalyDetector_metricName :: Lens' AnomalyDetector (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the metric associated with the anomaly detection model.
anomalyDetector_namespace :: Lens' AnomalyDetector (Maybe Text) Source #
The namespace of the metric associated with the anomaly detection model.
anomalyDetector_stateValue :: Lens' AnomalyDetector (Maybe AnomalyDetectorStateValue) Source #
The current status of the anomaly detector's training. The possible
anomalyDetector_stat :: Lens' AnomalyDetector (Maybe Text) Source #
The statistic associated with the anomaly detection model.
anomalyDetector_configuration :: Lens' AnomalyDetector (Maybe AnomalyDetectorConfiguration) Source #
The configuration specifies details about how the anomaly detection model is to be trained, including time ranges to exclude from use for training the model, and the time zone to use for the metric.
anomalyDetector_dimensions :: Lens' AnomalyDetector (Maybe [Dimension]) Source #
The metric dimensions associated with the anomaly detection model.
anomalyDetectorConfiguration_metricTimezone :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The time zone to use for the metric. This is useful to enable the model to automatically account for daylight savings time changes if the metric is sensitive to such time changes.
To specify a time zone, use the name of the time zone as specified in the standard tz database. For more information, see tz database.
anomalyDetectorConfiguration_excludedTimeRanges :: Lens' AnomalyDetectorConfiguration (Maybe [Range]) Source #
An array of time ranges to exclude from use when the anomaly detection model is trained. Use this to make sure that events that could cause unusual values for the metric, such as deployments, aren't used when CloudWatch creates the model.
compositeAlarm_alarmName :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the alarm.
compositeAlarm_stateUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time stamp of the last update to the alarm state.
compositeAlarm_alarmDescription :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the alarm.
compositeAlarm_alarmRule :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The rule that this alarm uses to evaluate its alarm state.
compositeAlarm_oKActions :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the OK state from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
compositeAlarm_stateValue :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe StateValue) Source #
The state value for the alarm.
compositeAlarm_alarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time stamp of the last update to the alarm configuration.
compositeAlarm_actionsEnabled :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm state.
compositeAlarm_insufficientDataActions :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the INSUFFICIENT_DATA state from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
compositeAlarm_stateReason :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
An explanation for the alarm state, in text format.
compositeAlarm_stateReasonData :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
An explanation for the alarm state, in JSON format.
compositeAlarm_alarmArn :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the alarm.
compositeAlarm_alarmActions :: Lens' CompositeAlarm (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the ALARM state from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
dashboardEntry_size :: Lens' DashboardEntry (Maybe Integer) Source #
The size of the dashboard, in bytes.
dashboardEntry_dashboardName :: Lens' DashboardEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the dashboard.
dashboardEntry_lastModified :: Lens' DashboardEntry (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time stamp of when the dashboard was last modified, either by an API call or through the console. This number is expressed as the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
dashboardEntry_dashboardArn :: Lens' DashboardEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dashboard.
dashboardValidationMessage_dataPath :: Lens' DashboardValidationMessage (Maybe Text) Source #
The data path related to the message.
dashboardValidationMessage_message :: Lens' DashboardValidationMessage (Maybe Text) Source #
A message describing the error or warning.
datapoint_sampleCount :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe Double) Source #
The number of metric values that contributed to the aggregate value of this data point.
datapoint_maximum :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe Double) Source #
The maximum metric value for the data point.
datapoint_average :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe Double) Source #
The average of the metric values that correspond to the data point.
datapoint_minimum :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe Double) Source #
The minimum metric value for the data point.
datapoint_extendedStatistics :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe (HashMap Text Double)) Source #
The percentile statistic for the data point.
datapoint_sum :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe Double) Source #
The sum of the metric values for the data point.
datapoint_unit :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe StandardUnit) Source #
The standard unit for the data point.
datapoint_timestamp :: Lens' Datapoint (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time stamp used for the data point.
dimension_name :: Lens' Dimension Text Source #
The name of the dimension. Dimension names must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace character.
dimension_value :: Lens' Dimension Text Source #
The value of the dimension. Dimension values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace character.
dimensionFilter_value :: Lens' DimensionFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the dimension to be matched.
dimensionFilter_name :: Lens' DimensionFilter Text Source #
The dimension name to be matched.
insightRule_name :: Lens' InsightRule Text Source #
The name of the rule.
insightRule_state :: Lens' InsightRule Text Source #
Indicates whether the rule is enabled or disabled.
insightRule_schema :: Lens' InsightRule Text Source #
For rules that you create, this is always
{"Name": "CloudWatchLogRule", "Version": 1}
. For built-in rules,
this is {"Name": "ServiceLogRule", "Version": 1}
insightRule_definition :: Lens' InsightRule Text Source #
The definition of the rule, as a JSON object. The definition contains the keywords used to define contributors, the value to aggregate on if this rule returns a sum instead of a count, and the filters. For details on the valid syntax, see Contributor Insights Rule Syntax.
insightRuleContributor_keys :: Lens' InsightRuleContributor [Text] Source #
One of the log entry field keywords that is used to define contributors for this rule.
insightRuleContributor_approximateAggregateValue :: Lens' InsightRuleContributor Double Source #
An approximation of the aggregate value that comes from this contributor.
insightRuleContributor_datapoints :: Lens' InsightRuleContributor [InsightRuleContributorDatapoint] Source #
An array of the data points where this contributor is present. Only the data points when this contributor appeared are included in the array.
insightRuleContributorDatapoint_timestamp :: Lens' InsightRuleContributorDatapoint UTCTime Source #
The timestamp of the data point.
insightRuleContributorDatapoint_approximateValue :: Lens' InsightRuleContributorDatapoint Double Source #
The approximate value that this contributor added during this timestamp.
insightRuleMetricDatapoint_maxContributorValue :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double) Source #
The maximum value provided by one contributor during this timestamp. Each timestamp is evaluated separately, so the identity of the max contributor could be different for each timestamp.
This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics
array in your request.
insightRuleMetricDatapoint_sampleCount :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double) Source #
The number of occurrences that matched the rule during this data point.
This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics
array in your request.
insightRuleMetricDatapoint_maximum :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double) Source #
The maximum value from a single occurence from a single contributor during the time period represented by that data point.
This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics
array in your request.
insightRuleMetricDatapoint_average :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double) Source #
The average value from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.
This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics
array in your request.
insightRuleMetricDatapoint_minimum :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double) Source #
The minimum value from a single contributor during the time period represented by that data point.
This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics
array in your request.
insightRuleMetricDatapoint_uniqueContributors :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double) Source #
The number of unique contributors who published data during this timestamp.
This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics
array in your request.
insightRuleMetricDatapoint_sum :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint (Maybe Double) Source #
The sum of the values from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.
This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics
array in your request.
insightRuleMetricDatapoint_timestamp :: Lens' InsightRuleMetricDatapoint UTCTime Source #
The timestamp of the data point.
labelOptions_timezone :: Lens' LabelOptions (Maybe Text) Source #
The time zone to use for metric data return in this operation. The
format is +
or -
followed by four digits. The first two digits
indicate the number of hours ahead or behind of UTC, and the final two
digits are the number of minutes. For example, +0130 indicates a time
zone that is 1 hour and 30 minutes ahead of UTC. The default is +0000.
messageData_value :: Lens' MessageData (Maybe Text) Source #
The message text.
messageData_code :: Lens' MessageData (Maybe Text) Source #
The error code or status code associated with the message.
metric_metricName :: Lens' Metric (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the metric. This is a required field.
metricAlarm_alarmName :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the alarm.
metricAlarm_stateUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time stamp of the last update to the alarm state.
metricAlarm_metrics :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe [MetricDataQuery]) Source #
An array of MetricDataQuery structures, used in an alarm based on a
metric math expression. Each structure either retrieves a metric or
performs a math expression. One item in the Metrics array is the math
expression that the alarm watches. This expression by designated by
having ReturnData
set to true.
metricAlarm_treatMissingData :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
Sets how this alarm is to handle missing data points. If this parameter
is omitted, the default behavior of missing
is used.
metricAlarm_period :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Natural) Source #
The period, in seconds, over which the statistic is applied.
metricAlarm_alarmDescription :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the alarm.
metricAlarm_evaluationPeriods :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
metricAlarm_metricName :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the metric associated with the alarm, if this is an alarm based on a single metric.
metricAlarm_namespace :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The namespace of the metric associated with the alarm.
metricAlarm_thresholdMetricId :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
In an alarm based on an anomaly detection model, this is the ID of the
function used as the threshold for the alarm.
metricAlarm_comparisonOperator :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe ComparisonOperator) Source #
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified statistic and threshold. The specified statistic value is used as the first operand.
metricAlarm_oKActions :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the OK
from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource
Name (ARN).
metricAlarm_evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
Used only for alarms based on percentiles. If ignore
, the alarm state
does not change during periods with too few data points to be
statistically significant. If evaluate
or this parameter is not used,
the alarm is always evaluated and possibly changes state no matter how
many data points are available.
metricAlarm_stateValue :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe StateValue) Source #
The state value for the alarm.
metricAlarm_datapointsToAlarm :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of data points that must be breaching to trigger the alarm.
metricAlarm_threshold :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Double) Source #
The value to compare with the specified statistic.
metricAlarm_alarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time stamp of the last update to the alarm configuration.
metricAlarm_actionsEnabled :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Bool) Source #
Indicates whether actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm state.
metricAlarm_insufficientDataActions :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the
state from any other state. Each action is specified
as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
metricAlarm_stateReason :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
An explanation for the alarm state, in text format.
metricAlarm_stateReasonData :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
An explanation for the alarm state, in JSON format.
metricAlarm_dimensions :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe [Dimension]) Source #
The dimensions for the metric associated with the alarm.
metricAlarm_alarmArn :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the alarm.
metricAlarm_alarmActions :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the ALARM
from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource
Name (ARN).
metricAlarm_unit :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe StandardUnit) Source #
The unit of the metric associated with the alarm.
metricAlarm_statistic :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Statistic) Source #
The statistic for the metric associated with the alarm, other than
percentile. For percentile statistics, use ExtendedStatistic
metricAlarm_extendedStatistic :: Lens' MetricAlarm (Maybe Text) Source #
The percentile statistic for the metric associated with the alarm. Specify a value between p0.0 and p100.
metricDataQuery_returnData :: Lens' MetricDataQuery (Maybe Bool) Source #
When used in GetMetricData
, this option indicates whether to return
the timestamps and raw data values of this metric. If you are performing
this call just to do math expressions and do not also need the raw data
returned, you can specify False
. If you omit this, the default of
is used.
When used in PutMetricAlarm
, specify True
for the one expression
result to use as the alarm. For all other metrics and expressions in the
same PutMetricAlarm
operation, specify ReturnData
as False.
metricDataQuery_period :: Lens' MetricDataQuery (Maybe Natural) Source #
The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points. For metrics
with regular resolution, a period can be as short as one minute (60
seconds) and must be a multiple of 60. For high-resolution metrics that
are collected at intervals of less than one minute, the period can be 1,
5, 10, 30, 60, or any multiple of 60. High-resolution metrics are those
metrics stored by a PutMetricData
operation that includes a
StorageResolution of 1 second
metricDataQuery_accountId :: Lens' MetricDataQuery (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the account where the metrics are located, if this is a cross-account alarm.
Use this field only for PutMetricAlarm
operations. It is not used in
metricDataQuery_expression :: Lens' MetricDataQuery (Maybe Text) Source #
The math expression to be performed on the returned data, if this object
is performing a math expression. This expression can use the Id
of the
other metrics to refer to those metrics, and can also use the Id
other expressions to use the result of those expressions. For more
information about metric math expressions, see
Metric Math Syntax and Functions
in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
Within each MetricDataQuery object, you must specify either Expression
or MetricStat
but not both.
metricDataQuery_label :: Lens' MetricDataQuery (Maybe Text) Source #
A human-readable label for this metric or expression. This is especially useful if this is an expression, so that you know what the value represents. If the metric or expression is shown in a CloudWatch dashboard widget, the label is shown. If Label is omitted, CloudWatch generates a default.
You can put dynamic expressions into a label, so that it is more descriptive. For more information, see Using Dynamic Labels.
metricDataQuery_metricStat :: Lens' MetricDataQuery (Maybe MetricStat) Source #
The metric to be returned, along with statistics, period, and units. Use this parameter only if this object is retrieving a metric and not performing a math expression on returned data.
Within one MetricDataQuery object, you must specify either Expression
or MetricStat
but not both.
metricDataQuery_id :: Lens' MetricDataQuery Text Source #
A short name used to tie this object to the results in the response.
This name must be unique within a single call to GetMetricData
. If you
are performing math expressions on this set of data, this name
represents that data and can serve as a variable in the mathematical
expression. The valid characters are letters, numbers, and underscore.
The first character must be a lowercase letter.
metricDataResult_values :: Lens' MetricDataResult (Maybe [Double]) Source #
The data points for the metric corresponding to Timestamps
. The number
of values always matches the number of timestamps and the timestamp for
Values[x] is Timestamps[x].
metricDataResult_id :: Lens' MetricDataResult (Maybe Text) Source #
The short name you specified to represent this metric.
metricDataResult_timestamps :: Lens' MetricDataResult (Maybe [UTCTime]) Source #
The timestamps for the data points, formatted in Unix timestamp format. The number of timestamps always matches the number of values and the value for Timestamps[x] is Values[x].
metricDataResult_messages :: Lens' MetricDataResult (Maybe [MessageData]) Source #
A list of messages with additional information about the data returned.
metricDataResult_label :: Lens' MetricDataResult (Maybe Text) Source #
The human-readable label associated with the data.
metricDataResult_statusCode :: Lens' MetricDataResult (Maybe StatusCode) Source #
The status of the returned data. Complete
indicates that all data
points in the requested time range were returned. PartialData
that an incomplete set of data points were returned. You can use the
value that was returned and repeat your request to get more
data points. NextToken
is not returned if you are performing a math
expression. InternalError
indicates that an error occurred. Retry your
request using NextToken
, if present.
metricDatum_values :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe [Double]) Source #
Array of numbers representing the values for the metric during the
period. Each unique value is listed just once in this array, and the
corresponding number in the Counts
array specifies the number of times
that value occurred during the period. You can include up to 150 unique
values in each PutMetricData
action that specifies a Values
Although the Values
array accepts numbers of type Double
, CloudWatch
rejects values that are either too small or too large. Values must be in
the range of -2^360 to 2^360. In addition, special values (for example,
NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity) are not supported.
metricDatum_counts :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe [Double]) Source #
Array of numbers that is used along with the Values
array. Each number
in the Count
array is the number of times the corresponding value in
the Values
array occurred during the period.
If you omit the Counts
array, the default of 1 is used as the value
for each count. If you include a Counts
array, it must include the
same amount of values as the Values
metricDatum_value :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe Double) Source #
The value for the metric.
Although the parameter accepts numbers of type Double, CloudWatch rejects values that are either too small or too large. Values must be in the range of -2^360 to 2^360. In addition, special values (for example, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity) are not supported.
metricDatum_storageResolution :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe Natural) Source #
Valid values are 1 and 60. Setting this to 1 specifies this metric as a high-resolution metric, so that CloudWatch stores the metric with sub-minute resolution down to one second. Setting this to 60 specifies this metric as a regular-resolution metric, which CloudWatch stores at 1-minute resolution. Currently, high resolution is available only for custom metrics. For more information about high-resolution metrics, see High-Resolution Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
This field is optional, if you do not specify it the default of 60 is used.
metricDatum_dimensions :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe [Dimension]) Source #
The dimensions associated with the metric.
metricDatum_unit :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe StandardUnit) Source #
When you are using a Put
operation, this defines what unit you want to
use when storing the metric.
In a Get
operation, this displays the unit that is used for the
metricDatum_timestamp :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the metric data was received, expressed as the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
metricDatum_statisticValues :: Lens' MetricDatum (Maybe StatisticSet) Source #
The statistical values for the metric.
metricDatum_metricName :: Lens' MetricDatum Text Source #
The name of the metric.
metricStat_unit :: Lens' MetricStat (Maybe StandardUnit) Source #
When you are using a Put
operation, this defines what unit you want to
use when storing the metric.
In a Get
operation, if you omit Unit
then all data that was
collected with any unit is returned, along with the corresponding units
that were specified when the data was reported to CloudWatch. If you
specify a unit, the operation returns only data that was collected with
that unit specified. If you specify a unit that does not match the data
collected, the results of the operation are null. CloudWatch does not
perform unit conversions.
metricStat_metric :: Lens' MetricStat Metric Source #
The metric to return, including the metric name, namespace, and dimensions.
metricStat_period :: Lens' MetricStat Natural Source #
The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points. For metrics
with regular resolution, a period can be as short as one minute (60
seconds) and must be a multiple of 60. For high-resolution metrics that
are collected at intervals of less than one minute, the period can be 1,
5, 10, 30, 60, or any multiple of 60. High-resolution metrics are those
metrics stored by a PutMetricData
call that includes a
of 1 second.
If the StartTime
parameter specifies a time stamp that is greater than
3 hours ago, you must specify the period as follows or no data points in
that time range is returned:
- Start time between 3 hours and 15 days ago - Use a multiple of 60 seconds (1 minute).
- Start time between 15 and 63 days ago - Use a multiple of 300 seconds (5 minutes).
- Start time greater than 63 days ago - Use a multiple of 3600 seconds (1 hour).
metricStat_stat :: Lens' MetricStat Text Source #
The statistic to return. It can include any CloudWatch statistic or extended statistic.
metricStreamEntry_state :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The current state of this stream. Valid values are running
metricStreamEntry_arn :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the metric stream.
metricStreamEntry_firehoseArn :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The ARN of the Kinesis Firehose devlivery stream that is used for this metric stream.
metricStreamEntry_outputFormat :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe MetricStreamOutputFormat) Source #
The output format of this metric stream. Valid values are json
metricStreamEntry_lastUpdateDate :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date that the configuration of this metric stream was most recently updated.
metricStreamEntry_name :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the metric stream.
metricStreamEntry_creationDate :: Lens' MetricStreamEntry (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date that the metric stream was originally created.
metricStreamFilter_namespace :: Lens' MetricStreamFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the metric namespace in the filter.
partialFailure_failureResource :: Lens' PartialFailure (Maybe Text) Source #
The specified rule that could not be deleted.
partialFailure_failureCode :: Lens' PartialFailure (Maybe Text) Source #
The code of the error.
partialFailure_failureDescription :: Lens' PartialFailure (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the error.
partialFailure_exceptionType :: Lens' PartialFailure (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of error.
range_startTime :: Lens' Range UTCTime Source #
The start time of the range to exclude. The format is
. For example, 2019-07-01T23:59:59
range_endTime :: Lens' Range UTCTime Source #
The end time of the range to exclude. The format is
. For example, 2019-07-01T23:59:59
statisticSet_sampleCount :: Lens' StatisticSet Double Source #
The number of samples used for the statistic set.
statisticSet_sum :: Lens' StatisticSet Double Source #
The sum of values for the sample set.
statisticSet_minimum :: Lens' StatisticSet Double Source #
The minimum value of the sample set.
statisticSet_maximum :: Lens' StatisticSet Double Source #
The maximum value of the sample set.