Copyright(c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone







describeChannelMembership_chimeBearer :: Lens' DescribeChannelMembership (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.


createAppInstance_metadata :: Lens' CreateAppInstance (Maybe Text) Source #

The metadata of the AppInstance. Limited to a 1KB string in UTF-8.

createAppInstance_tags :: Lens' CreateAppInstance (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #

Tags assigned to the AppInstanceUser.

createAppInstance_clientRequestToken :: Lens' CreateAppInstance Text Source #

The ClientRequestToken of the AppInstance.

createAppInstanceResponse_appInstanceArn :: Lens' CreateAppInstanceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the AppInstance.



listVoiceConnectors_nextToken :: Lens' ListVoiceConnectors (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listVoiceConnectors_maxResults :: Lens' ListVoiceConnectors (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call.

listVoiceConnectorsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListVoiceConnectorsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.


listRoomMemberships_nextToken :: Lens' ListRoomMemberships (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listRoomMemberships_maxResults :: Lens' ListRoomMemberships (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call.

listRoomMembershipsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListRoomMembershipsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.


getPhoneNumberSettingsResponse_callingNameUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' GetPhoneNumberSettingsResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The updated outbound calling name timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.



listAttendees_nextToken :: Lens' ListAttendees (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listAttendees_maxResults :: Lens' ListAttendees (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call.

listAttendees_meetingId :: Lens' ListAttendees Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.

listAttendeesResponse_attendees :: Lens' ListAttendeesResponse (Maybe [Attendee]) Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK attendee information.

listAttendeesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAttendeesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.




deleteAttendee_meetingId :: Lens' DeleteAttendee Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.

deleteAttendee_attendeeId :: Lens' DeleteAttendee Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK attendee ID.





updateSipMediaApplicationCall_arguments :: Lens' UpdateSipMediaApplicationCall (HashMap Text Text) Source #

Arguments made available to the Lambda function as part of the CALL_UPDATE_REQUESTED event. Can contain 0-20 key-value pairs.


stopMeetingTranscription_meetingId :: Lens' StopMeetingTranscription Text Source #

The unique ID of the meeting for which you stop transcription.


getAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResponse_initiateDeletionTimestamp :: Lens' GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The timestamp representing the time at which the specified items are retained, in Epoch Seconds.



createMeetingWithAttendees_mediaRegion :: Lens' CreateMeetingWithAttendees (Maybe Text) Source #

The Region in which to create the meeting. Default: us-east-1 .

Available values: af-south-1 , ap-northeast-1 , ap-northeast-2 , ap-south-1 , ap-southeast-1 , ap-southeast-2 , ca-central-1 , eu-central-1 , eu-north-1 , eu-south-1 , eu-west-1 , eu-west-2 , eu-west-3 , sa-east-1 , us-east-1 , us-east-2 , us-west-1 , us-west-2 .

createMeetingWithAttendees_clientRequestToken :: Lens' CreateMeetingWithAttendees Text Source #

The unique identifier for the client request. Use a different token for different meetings.

createMeetingWithAttendeesResponse_attendees :: Lens' CreateMeetingWithAttendeesResponse (Maybe [Attendee]) Source #

The attendee information, including attendees IDs and join tokens.

createMeetingWithAttendeesResponse_errors :: Lens' CreateMeetingWithAttendeesResponse (Maybe [CreateAttendeeError]) Source #

If the action fails for one or more of the attendees in the request, a list of the attendees is returned, along with error codes and error messages.


listChannels_privacy :: Lens' ListChannels (Maybe ChannelPrivacy) Source #

The privacy setting. PUBLIC retrieves all the public channels. PRIVATE retrieves private channels. Only an AppInstanceAdmin can retrieve private channels.

listChannels_chimeBearer :: Lens' ListChannels (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

listChannels_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannels (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API calls until all requested channels are returned.

listChannels_maxResults :: Lens' ListChannels (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of channels that you want to return.

listChannelsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token returned from previous API requests until the number of channels is reached.




resetPersonalPINResponse_user :: Lens' ResetPersonalPINResponse (Maybe User) Source #

The user details and new personal meeting PIN.



deleteChannel_chimeBearer :: Lens' DeleteChannel (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

deleteChannel_channelArn :: Lens' DeleteChannel Text Source #

The ARN of the channel being deleted.


updateChannel_chimeBearer :: Lens' UpdateChannel (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

updateChannel_metadata :: Lens' UpdateChannel (Maybe Text) Source #

The metadata for the update request.

updateChannel_name :: Lens' UpdateChannel Text Source #

The name of the channel.

updateChannel_mode :: Lens' UpdateChannel ChannelMode Source #

The mode of the update request.


describeAppInstanceAdminResponse_appInstanceAdmin :: Lens' DescribeAppInstanceAdminResponse (Maybe AppInstanceAdmin) Source #

The ARN and name of the AppInstanceUser, the ARN of the AppInstance, and the created and last-updated timestamps. All timestamps use epoch milliseconds.


createAttendee_meetingId :: Lens' CreateAttendee Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.

createAttendee_externalUserId :: Lens' CreateAttendee Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK external user ID. An idempotency token. Links the attendee to an identity managed by a builder application.

createAttendeeResponse_attendee :: Lens' CreateAttendeeResponse (Maybe Attendee) Source #

The attendee information, including attendee ID and join token.




updateSipRule_disabled :: Lens' UpdateSipRule (Maybe Bool) Source #

The new value specified to indicate whether the rule is disabled.

updateSipRule_targetApplications :: Lens' UpdateSipRule (Maybe (NonEmpty SipRuleTargetApplication)) Source #

The new value of the list of target applications.

updateSipRule_name :: Lens' UpdateSipRule Text Source #

The new name for the specified SIP rule.





updateSipMediaApplication_name :: Lens' UpdateSipMediaApplication (Maybe Text) Source #

The new name for the specified SIP media application.

updateSipMediaApplication_endpoints :: Lens' UpdateSipMediaApplication (Maybe (NonEmpty SipMediaApplicationEndpoint)) Source #

The new set of endpoints for the specified SIP media application.


disassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorResponse_phoneNumberErrors :: Lens' DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorResponse (Maybe [PhoneNumberError]) Source #

If the action fails for one or more of the phone numbers in the request, a list of the phone numbers is returned, along with error codes and error messages.




createAppInstanceUser_metadata :: Lens' CreateAppInstanceUser (Maybe Text) Source #

The request's metadata. Limited to a 1KB string in UTF-8.

createAppInstanceUser_tags :: Lens' CreateAppInstanceUser (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #

Tags assigned to the AppInstanceUser.

createAppInstanceUser_clientRequestToken :: Lens' CreateAppInstanceUser Text Source #

The token assigned to the user requesting an AppInstance.


listAttendeeTags_meetingId :: Lens' ListAttendeeTags Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.

listAttendeeTags_attendeeId :: Lens' ListAttendeeTags Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK attendee ID.


listChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUser_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUser (Maybe Text) Source #

The token returned from previous API requests until the number of channels moderated by the user is reached.

listChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token returned from previous API requests until the number of channels moderated by the user is reached.


redactChannelMessage_chimeBearer :: Lens' RedactChannelMessage (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

redactChannelMessage_channelArn :: Lens' RedactChannelMessage Text Source #

The ARN of the channel containing the messages that you want to redact.

redactChannelMessage_messageId :: Lens' RedactChannelMessage Text Source #

The ID of the message being redacted.

redactChannelMessageResponse_channelArn :: Lens' RedactChannelMessageResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The ARN of the channel containing the messages that you want to redact.


putRetentionSettingsResponse_initiateDeletionTimestamp :: Lens' PutRetentionSettingsResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The timestamp representing the time at which the specified items are permanently deleted, in ISO 8601 format.


listUsers_nextToken :: Lens' ListUsers (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listUsers_userEmail :: Lens' ListUsers (Maybe Text) Source #

Optional. The user email address used to filter results. Maximum 1.

listUsers_maxResults :: Lens' ListUsers (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call. Defaults to 100.

listUsers_accountId :: Lens' ListUsers Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

listUsersResponse_users :: Lens' ListUsersResponse (Maybe [User]) Source #

List of users and user details.

listUsersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListUsersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listUsersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListUsersResponse Int Source #

The response's http status code.



associatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroup_forceAssociate :: Lens' AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroup (Maybe Bool) Source #

If true, associates the provided phone numbers with the provided Amazon Chime Voice Connector Group and removes any previously existing associations. If false, does not associate any phone numbers that have previously existing associations.

associatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupResponse_phoneNumberErrors :: Lens' AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupResponse (Maybe [PhoneNumberError]) Source #

If the action fails for one or more of the phone numbers in the request, a list of the phone numbers is returned, along with error codes and error messages.




listBots_nextToken :: Lens' ListBots (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listBots_maxResults :: Lens' ListBots (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call. The default is 10.

listBots_accountId :: Lens' ListBots Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

listBotsResponse_bots :: Lens' ListBotsResponse (Maybe [Bot]) Source #

List of bots and bot details.

listBotsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListBotsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listBotsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListBotsResponse Int Source #

The response's http status code.


deleteChannelMembership_chimeBearer :: Lens' DeleteChannelMembership (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

deleteChannelMembership_channelArn :: Lens' DeleteChannelMembership Text Source #

The ARN of the channel from which you want to remove the user.

deleteChannelMembership_memberArn :: Lens' DeleteChannelMembership Text Source #

The ARN of the member that you're removing from the channel.



listChannelMemberships_chimeBearer :: Lens' ListChannelMemberships (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

listChannelMemberships_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelMemberships (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API calls until all requested channel memberships are returned.

listChannelMemberships_type :: Lens' ListChannelMemberships (Maybe ChannelMembershipType) Source #

The membership type of a user, DEFAULT or HIDDEN. Default members are always returned as part of ListChannelMemberships. Hidden members are only returned if the type filter in ListChannelMemberships equals HIDDEN. Otherwise hidden members are not returned.

listChannelMemberships_maxResults :: Lens' ListChannelMemberships (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of channel memberships that you want returned.

listChannelMemberships_channelArn :: Lens' ListChannelMemberships Text Source #

The maximum number of channel memberships that you want returned.

listChannelMembershipsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelMembershipsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API calls until all requested channel memberships are returned.



deleteMeeting_meetingId :: Lens' DeleteMeeting Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.


listMeetings_nextToken :: Lens' ListMeetings (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listMeetings_maxResults :: Lens' ListMeetings (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call.

listMeetingsResponse_meetings :: Lens' ListMeetingsResponse (Maybe [Meeting]) Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting information.

listMeetingsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListMeetingsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.


getAttendee_meetingId :: Lens' GetAttendee Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.

getAttendee_attendeeId :: Lens' GetAttendee Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK attendee ID.

getAttendeeResponse_attendee :: Lens' GetAttendeeResponse (Maybe Attendee) Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK attendee information.


deleteAccount_accountId :: Lens' DeleteAccount Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.


updateAccount_defaultLicense :: Lens' UpdateAccount (Maybe License) Source #

The default license applied when you add users to an Amazon Chime account.

updateAccount_name :: Lens' UpdateAccount (Maybe Text) Source #

The new name for the specified Amazon Chime account.

updateAccount_accountId :: Lens' UpdateAccount Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

updateAccountResponse_account :: Lens' UpdateAccountResponse (Maybe Account) Source #

The updated Amazon Chime account details.


listAccounts_nextToken :: Lens' ListAccounts (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listAccounts_name :: Lens' ListAccounts (Maybe Text) Source #

Amazon Chime account name prefix with which to filter results.

listAccounts_userEmail :: Lens' ListAccounts (Maybe Text) Source #

User email address with which to filter results.

listAccounts_maxResults :: Lens' ListAccounts (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call. Defaults to 100.

listAccountsResponse_accounts :: Lens' ListAccountsResponse (Maybe [Account]) Source #

List of Amazon Chime accounts and account details.

listAccountsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAccountsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.


updateBot_disabled :: Lens' UpdateBot (Maybe Bool) Source #

When true, stops the specified bot from running in your account.

updateBot_accountId :: Lens' UpdateBot Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

updateBotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateBotResponse Int Source #

The response's http status code.


listPhoneNumberOrders_nextToken :: Lens' ListPhoneNumberOrders (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listPhoneNumberOrders_maxResults :: Lens' ListPhoneNumberOrders (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call.

listPhoneNumberOrdersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListPhoneNumberOrdersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.


searchAvailablePhoneNumbers_phoneNumberType :: Lens' SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers (Maybe PhoneNumberType) Source #

The phone number type used to filter results. Required for non-US numbers.

searchAvailablePhoneNumbers_state :: Lens' SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers (Maybe Text) Source #

The state used to filter results. Required only if you provide City. Only applies to the US.

searchAvailablePhoneNumbers_tollFreePrefix :: Lens' SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers (Maybe Text) Source #

The toll-free prefix that you use to filter results. Only applies to the US.

searchAvailablePhoneNumbers_country :: Lens' SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers (Maybe Text) Source #

The country used to filter results. Defaults to the US Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

searchAvailablePhoneNumbers_nextToken :: Lens' SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers (Maybe Text) Source #

The token used to retrieve the next page of results.

searchAvailablePhoneNumbers_city :: Lens' SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers (Maybe Text) Source #

The city used to filter results. Only applies to the US.

searchAvailablePhoneNumbers_areaCode :: Lens' SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers (Maybe Text) Source #

The area code used to filter results. Only applies to the US.

searchAvailablePhoneNumbers_maxResults :: Lens' SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call.

searchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token used to retrieve the next page of search results.


createAppInstanceAdmin_appInstanceAdminArn :: Lens' CreateAppInstanceAdmin Text Source #

The ARN of the administrator of the current AppInstance.


tagMeeting_meetingId :: Lens' TagMeeting Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.

tagMeeting_tags :: Lens' TagMeeting (NonEmpty Tag) Source #

The tag key-value pairs.


listVoiceConnectorGroups_nextToken :: Lens' ListVoiceConnectorGroups (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listVoiceConnectorGroups_maxResults :: Lens' ListVoiceConnectorGroups (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call.

listVoiceConnectorGroupsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListVoiceConnectorGroupsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.


logoutUser_accountId :: Lens' LogoutUser Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.



createMediaCapturePipeline_chimeSdkMeetingConfiguration :: Lens' CreateMediaCapturePipeline (Maybe ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration) Source #

The configuration for a specified media capture pipeline. SourceType must be ChimeSdkMeeting.

createMediaCapturePipeline_clientRequestToken :: Lens' CreateMediaCapturePipeline (Maybe Text) Source #

The token assigned to the client making the pipeline request.

createMediaCapturePipeline_sourceType :: Lens' CreateMediaCapturePipeline MediaPipelineSourceType Source #

Source type from which the media artifacts will be captured. A Chime SDK Meeting is the only supported source.

createMediaCapturePipeline_sourceArn :: Lens' CreateMediaCapturePipeline Text Source #

ARN of the source from which the media artifacts are captured.

createMediaCapturePipeline_sinkType :: Lens' CreateMediaCapturePipeline MediaPipelineSinkType Source #

Destination type to which the media artifacts are saved. You must use an S3 bucket.

createMediaCapturePipelineResponse_mediaCapturePipeline :: Lens' CreateMediaCapturePipelineResponse (Maybe MediaCapturePipeline) Source #

A media capture pipeline object, the ID, source type, source ARN, sink type, and sink ARN of a media capture pipeline object.


createProxySession_numberSelectionBehavior :: Lens' CreateProxySession (Maybe NumberSelectionBehavior) Source #

The preference for proxy phone number reuse, or stickiness, between the same participants across sessions.

createProxySession_geoMatchParams :: Lens' CreateProxySession (Maybe GeoMatchParams) Source #

The country and area code for the proxy phone number.

createProxySession_expiryMinutes :: Lens' CreateProxySession (Maybe Natural) Source #

The number of minutes allowed for the proxy session.

createProxySession_geoMatchLevel :: Lens' CreateProxySession (Maybe GeoMatchLevel) Source #

The preference for matching the country or area code of the proxy phone number with that of the first participant.



putEventsConfiguration_lambdaFunctionArn :: Lens' PutEventsConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #

Lambda function ARN that allows the bot to receive outgoing events.

putEventsConfiguration_outboundEventsHTTPSEndpoint :: Lens' PutEventsConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #

HTTPS endpoint that allows the bot to receive outgoing events.


getChannelMessage_chimeBearer :: Lens' GetChannelMessage (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.


updateRoom_accountId :: Lens' UpdateRoom Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.


deleteRoom_accountId :: Lens' DeleteRoom Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.




listAppInstanceAdmins_nextToken :: Lens' ListAppInstanceAdmins (Maybe Text) Source #

The token returned from previous API requests until the number of administrators is reached.

listAppInstanceAdmins_maxResults :: Lens' ListAppInstanceAdmins (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of administrators that you want to return.

listAppInstanceAdminsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAppInstanceAdminsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token returned from previous API requests until the number of administrators is reached.



updatePhoneNumber_callingName :: Lens' UpdatePhoneNumber (Maybe Text) Source #

The outbound calling name associated with the phone number.


listPhoneNumbers_filterName :: Lens' ListPhoneNumbers (Maybe PhoneNumberAssociationName) Source #

The filter to use to limit the number of results.

listPhoneNumbers_nextToken :: Lens' ListPhoneNumbers (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listPhoneNumbers_maxResults :: Lens' ListPhoneNumbers (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call.

listPhoneNumbersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListPhoneNumbersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.


createChannelModerator_chimeBearer :: Lens' CreateChannelModerator (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.



listAppInstances_nextToken :: Lens' ListAppInstances (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API requests until you reach the maximum number of AppInstances.

listAppInstances_maxResults :: Lens' ListAppInstances (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of AppInstances that you want to return.

listAppInstancesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAppInstancesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API requests until the maximum number of AppInstances is reached.






batchUpdateUser_updateUserRequestItems :: Lens' BatchUpdateUser [UpdateUserRequestItem] Source #

The request containing the user IDs and details to update.

batchUpdateUserResponse_userErrors :: Lens' BatchUpdateUserResponse (Maybe [UserError]) Source #

If the BatchUpdateUser action fails for one or more of the user IDs in the request, a list of the user IDs is returned, along with error codes and error messages.


sendChannelMessage_chimeBearer :: Lens' SendChannelMessage (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

sendChannelMessage_metadata :: Lens' SendChannelMessage (Maybe Text) Source #

The optional metadata for each message.

sendChannelMessage_type :: Lens' SendChannelMessage ChannelMessageType Source #

The type of message, STANDARD or CONTROL.

sendChannelMessage_persistence :: Lens' SendChannelMessage ChannelMessagePersistenceType Source #

Boolean that controls whether the message is persisted on the back end. Required.

sendChannelMessage_clientRequestToken :: Lens' SendChannelMessage Text Source #

The Idempotency token for each client request.


tagAttendee_meetingId :: Lens' TagAttendee Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.

tagAttendee_attendeeId :: Lens' TagAttendee Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK attendee ID.

tagAttendee_tags :: Lens' TagAttendee (NonEmpty Tag) Source #

The tag key-value pairs.


updateVoiceConnector_name :: Lens' UpdateVoiceConnector Text Source #

The name of the Amazon Chime Voice Connector.

updateVoiceConnector_requireEncryption :: Lens' UpdateVoiceConnector Bool Source #

When enabled, requires encryption for the Amazon Chime Voice Connector.



getMediaCapturePipeline_mediaPipelineId :: Lens' GetMediaCapturePipeline Text Source #

The ID of the pipeline that you want to get.



getProxySession_voiceConnectorId :: Lens' GetProxySession Text Source #

The Amazon Chime voice connector ID.




batchUnsuspendUser_userIdList :: Lens' BatchUnsuspendUser [Text] Source #

The request containing the user IDs to unsuspend.

batchUnsuspendUserResponse_userErrors :: Lens' BatchUnsuspendUserResponse (Maybe [UserError]) Source #

If the BatchUnsuspendUser action fails for one or more of the user IDs in the request, a list of the user IDs is returned, along with error codes and error messages.


deleteChannelBan_chimeBearer :: Lens' DeleteChannelBan (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

deleteChannelBan_channelArn :: Lens' DeleteChannelBan Text Source #

The ARN of the channel from which the AppInstanceUser was banned.

deleteChannelBan_memberArn :: Lens' DeleteChannelBan Text Source #

The ARN of the AppInstanceUser that you want to reinstate.


getMeeting_meetingId :: Lens' GetMeeting Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.

getMeetingResponse_meeting :: Lens' GetMeetingResponse (Maybe Meeting) Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting information.



getRetentionSettingsResponse_initiateDeletionTimestamp :: Lens' GetRetentionSettingsResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The timestamp representing the time at which the specified items are permanently deleted, in ISO 8601 format.


getBot_accountId :: Lens' GetBot Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

getBotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetBotResponse Int Source #

The response's http status code.


getUser_accountId :: Lens' GetUser Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

getUserResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetUserResponse Int Source #

The response's http status code.


untagAttendee_meetingId :: Lens' UntagAttendee Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.

untagAttendee_attendeeId :: Lens' UntagAttendee Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK attendee ID.


startMeetingTranscription_meetingId :: Lens' StartMeetingTranscription Text Source #

The unique ID of the meeting being transcribed.

startMeetingTranscription_transcriptionConfiguration :: Lens' StartMeetingTranscription TranscriptionConfiguration Source #

The configuration for the current transcription operation. Must contain EngineTranscribeSettings or EngineTranscribeMedicalSettings.


listChannelBans_chimeBearer :: Lens' ListChannelBans (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

listChannelBans_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelBans (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API calls until all requested bans are returned.

listChannelBans_maxResults :: Lens' ListChannelBans (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of bans that you want returned.

listChannelBansResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelBansResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API calls until all requested bans are returned.


createChannel_mode :: Lens' CreateChannel (Maybe ChannelMode) Source #

The channel mode: UNRESTRICTED or RESTRICTED. Administrators, moderators, and channel members can add themselves and other members to unrestricted channels. Only administrators and moderators can add members to restricted channels.

createChannel_privacy :: Lens' CreateChannel (Maybe ChannelPrivacy) Source #

The channel's privacy level: PUBLIC or PRIVATE. Private channels aren't discoverable by users outside the channel. Public channels are discoverable by anyone in the AppInstance.

createChannel_chimeBearer :: Lens' CreateChannel (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

createChannel_metadata :: Lens' CreateChannel (Maybe Text) Source #

The metadata of the creation request. Limited to 1KB and UTF-8.

createChannel_tags :: Lens' CreateChannel (Maybe (NonEmpty Tag)) Source #

The tags for the creation request.

createChannel_appInstanceArn :: Lens' CreateChannel Text Source #

The ARN of the channel request.

createChannel_name :: Lens' CreateChannel Text Source #

The name of the channel.

createChannel_clientRequestToken :: Lens' CreateChannel Text Source #

The client token for the request. An Idempotency token.


batchSuspendUser_userIdList :: Lens' BatchSuspendUser [Text] Source #

The request containing the user IDs to suspend.

batchSuspendUserResponse_userErrors :: Lens' BatchSuspendUserResponse (Maybe [UserError]) Source #

If the BatchSuspendUser action fails for one or more of the user IDs in the request, a list of the user IDs is returned, along with error codes and error messages.


getAccount_accountId :: Lens' GetAccount Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.


describeChannelModerator_chimeBearer :: Lens' DescribeChannelModerator (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.


associatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnector_forceAssociate :: Lens' AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnector (Maybe Bool) Source #

If true, associates the provided phone numbers with the provided Amazon Chime Voice Connector and removes any previously existing associations. If false, does not associate any phone numbers that have previously existing associations.

associatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorResponse_phoneNumberErrors :: Lens' AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorResponse (Maybe [PhoneNumberError]) Source #

If the action fails for one or more of the phone numbers in the request, a list of the phone numbers is returned, along with error codes and error messages.







createChannelBan_chimeBearer :: Lens' CreateChannelBan (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

createChannelBan_memberArn :: Lens' CreateChannelBan Text Source #

The ARN of the member being banned.

createChannelBanResponse_channelArn :: Lens' CreateChannelBanResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The ARN of the response to the ban request.

createChannelBanResponse_member :: Lens' CreateChannelBanResponse (Maybe Identity) Source #

The ChannelArn and BannedIdentity of the member in the ban response.


listMeetingTags_meetingId :: Lens' ListMeetingTags Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.


listChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUser_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUser (Maybe Text) Source #

The token returned from previous API requests until the number of channel memberships is reached.

listChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API calls until all requested users are returned.



batchUpdatePhoneNumber_updatePhoneNumberRequestItems :: Lens' BatchUpdatePhoneNumber [UpdatePhoneNumberRequestItem] Source #

The request containing the phone number IDs and product types or calling names to update.

batchUpdatePhoneNumberResponse_phoneNumberErrors :: Lens' BatchUpdatePhoneNumberResponse (Maybe [PhoneNumberError]) Source #

If the action fails for one or more of the phone numbers in the request, a list of the phone numbers is returned, along with error codes and error messages.


disassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupResponse_phoneNumberErrors :: Lens' DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupResponse (Maybe [PhoneNumberError]) Source #

If the action fails for one or more of the phone numbers in the request, a list of the phone numbers is returned, along with error codes and error messages.


updateChannelReadMarker_chimeBearer :: Lens' UpdateChannelReadMarker (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.


createSipMediaApplicationCall_fromPhoneNumber :: Lens' CreateSipMediaApplicationCall Text Source #

The phone number that a user calls from. This is a phone number in your Amazon Chime phone number inventory.


batchDeletePhoneNumberResponse_phoneNumberErrors :: Lens' BatchDeletePhoneNumberResponse (Maybe [PhoneNumberError]) Source #

If the action fails for one or more of the phone numbers in the request, a list of the phone numbers is returned, along with error codes and error messages.


listSipMediaApplications_nextToken :: Lens' ListSipMediaApplications (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listSipMediaApplications_maxResults :: Lens' ListSipMediaApplications (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call. Defaults to 100.

listSipMediaApplicationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListSipMediaApplicationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.


createMeeting_mediaRegion :: Lens' CreateMeeting (Maybe Text) Source #

The Region in which to create the meeting. Default: us-east-1.

Available values: af-south-1 , ap-northeast-1 , ap-northeast-2 , ap-south-1 , ap-southeast-1 , ap-southeast-2 , ca-central-1 , eu-central-1 , eu-north-1 , eu-south-1 , eu-west-1 , eu-west-2 , eu-west-3 , sa-east-1 , us-east-1 , us-east-2 , us-west-1 , us-west-2 .

createMeeting_notificationsConfiguration :: Lens' CreateMeeting (Maybe MeetingNotificationConfiguration) Source #

The configuration for resource targets to receive notifications when meeting and attendee events occur.

createMeeting_clientRequestToken :: Lens' CreateMeeting Text Source #

The unique identifier for the client request. Use a different token for different meetings.

createMeetingResponse_meeting :: Lens' CreateMeetingResponse (Maybe Meeting) Source #

The meeting information, including the meeting ID and MediaPlacement .



listSipRules_nextToken :: Lens' ListSipRules (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listSipRules_maxResults :: Lens' ListSipRules (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call. Defaults to 100.

listSipRulesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListSipRulesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.


createBot_domain :: Lens' CreateBot (Maybe Text) Source #

The domain of the Amazon Chime Enterprise account.

createBot_accountId :: Lens' CreateBot Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

createBotResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateBotResponse Int Source #

The response's http status code.



createUser_email :: Lens' CreateUser (Maybe Text) Source #

The user's email address.

createUser_accountId :: Lens' CreateUser Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.


batchCreateRoomMembershipResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchCreateRoomMembershipResponse (Maybe [MemberError]) Source #

If the action fails for one or more of the member IDs in the request, a list of the member IDs is returned, along with error codes and error messages.


describeAppInstanceResponse_appInstance :: Lens' DescribeAppInstanceResponse (Maybe AppInstance) Source #

The ARN, metadata, created and last-updated timestamps, and the name of the AppInstance. All timestamps use epoch milliseconds.


createAccount_name :: Lens' CreateAccount Text Source #

The name of the Amazon Chime account.


createChannelMembership_chimeBearer :: Lens' CreateChannelMembership (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

createChannelMembership_channelArn :: Lens' CreateChannelMembership Text Source #

The ARN of the channel to which you're adding users.

createChannelMembership_memberArn :: Lens' CreateChannelMembership Text Source #

The ARN of the member you want to add to the channel.

createChannelMembership_type :: Lens' CreateChannelMembership ChannelMembershipType Source #

The membership type of a user, DEFAULT or HIDDEN. Default members are always returned as part of ListChannelMemberships. Hidden members are only returned if the type filter in ListChannelMemberships equals HIDDEN. Otherwise hidden members are not returned. This is only supported by moderators.





createSipMediaApplication_awsRegion :: Lens' CreateSipMediaApplication Text Source #

The AWS Region assigned to the SIP media application.

createSipMediaApplication_endpoints :: Lens' CreateSipMediaApplication (NonEmpty SipMediaApplicationEndpoint) Source #

List of endpoints (Lambda Amazon Resource Names) specified for the SIP media application. Currently, only one endpoint is supported.


putVoiceConnectorProxy_disabled :: Lens' PutVoiceConnectorProxy (Maybe Bool) Source #

When true, stops proxy sessions from being created on the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.

putVoiceConnectorProxy_fallBackPhoneNumber :: Lens' PutVoiceConnectorProxy (Maybe Text) Source #

The phone number to route calls to after a proxy session expires.

putVoiceConnectorProxy_defaultSessionExpiryMinutes :: Lens' PutVoiceConnectorProxy Int Source #

The default number of minutes allowed for proxy sessions.

putVoiceConnectorProxy_phoneNumberPoolCountries :: Lens' PutVoiceConnectorProxy (NonEmpty Text) Source #

The countries for proxy phone numbers to be selected from.


updateUser_licenseType :: Lens' UpdateUser (Maybe License) Source #

The user license type to update. This must be a supported license type for the Amazon Chime account that the user belongs to.

updateUser_accountId :: Lens' UpdateUser Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.





listAppInstanceUsers_nextToken :: Lens' ListAppInstanceUsers (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API calls until all requested users are returned.

listAppInstanceUsers_maxResults :: Lens' ListAppInstanceUsers (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of requests that you want returned.

listAppInstanceUsersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAppInstanceUsersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API calls until all requested users are returned.



createSipRule_disabled :: Lens' CreateSipRule (Maybe Bool) Source #

Enables or disables a rule. You must disable rules before you can delete them.

createSipRule_name :: Lens' CreateSipRule Text Source #

The name of the SIP rule.

createSipRule_triggerType :: Lens' CreateSipRule SipRuleTriggerType Source #

The type of trigger assigned to the SIP rule in TriggerValue, currently RequestUriHostname or ToPhoneNumber.

createSipRule_triggerValue :: Lens' CreateSipRule Text Source #

If TriggerType is RequestUriHostname, the value can be the outbound host name of an Amazon Chime Voice Connector. If TriggerType is ToPhoneNumber, the value can be a customer-owned phone number in the E164 format. The SipMediaApplication specified in the SipRule is triggered if the request URI in an incoming SIP request matches the RequestUriHostname, or if the To header in the incoming SIP request matches the ToPhoneNumber value.

createSipRule_targetApplications :: Lens' CreateSipRule (NonEmpty SipRuleTargetApplication) Source #

List of SIP media applications with priority and AWS Region. Only one SIP application per AWS Region can be used.

createSipRuleResponse_sipRule :: Lens' CreateSipRuleResponse (Maybe SipRule) Source #

Returns the SIP rule information, including the rule ID, triggers, and target applications.


deleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials_usernames :: Lens' DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials [Text] Source #

The RFC2617 compliant username associated with the SIP credentials, in US-ASCII format.


tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (NonEmpty Tag) Source #

The tag key-value pairs.




untagMeeting_meetingId :: Lens' UntagMeeting Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.


updateVoiceConnectorGroup_name :: Lens' UpdateVoiceConnectorGroup Text Source #

The name of the Amazon Chime Voice Connector group.



deleteChannelModerator_chimeBearer :: Lens' DeleteChannelModerator (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.



describeChannelBan_chimeBearer :: Lens' DescribeChannelBan (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

describeChannelBan_channelArn :: Lens' DescribeChannelBan Text Source #

The ARN of the channel from which the user is banned.

describeChannelBan_memberArn :: Lens' DescribeChannelBan Text Source #

The ARN of the member being banned.


deleteMediaCapturePipeline_mediaPipelineId :: Lens' DeleteMediaCapturePipeline Text Source #

The ID of the media capture pipeline being deleted.


updateProxySession_expiryMinutes :: Lens' UpdateProxySession (Maybe Natural) Source #

The number of minutes allowed for the proxy session.




createMeetingDialOut_fromPhoneNumber :: Lens' CreateMeetingDialOut Text Source #

Phone number used as the caller ID when the remote party receives a call.

createMeetingDialOut_toPhoneNumber :: Lens' CreateMeetingDialOut Text Source #

Phone number called when inviting someone to a meeting.

createMeetingDialOut_joinToken :: Lens' CreateMeetingDialOut Text Source #

Token used by the Amazon Chime SDK attendee. Call the CreateAttendee action to get a join token.



listProxySessions_nextToken :: Lens' ListProxySessions (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listProxySessions_maxResults :: Lens' ListProxySessions (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call.

listProxySessionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListProxySessionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.


listMediaCapturePipelines_nextToken :: Lens' ListMediaCapturePipelines (Maybe Text) Source #

The token used to retrieve the next page of results.

listMediaCapturePipelines_maxResults :: Lens' ListMediaCapturePipelines (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call. Valid Range: 1 - 99.


updatePhoneNumberSettings_callingName :: Lens' UpdatePhoneNumberSettings Text Source #

The default outbound calling name for the account.


inviteUsers_accountId :: Lens' InviteUsers Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

inviteUsers_userEmailList :: Lens' InviteUsers [Text] Source #

The user email addresses to which to send the email invitation.


createRoom_clientRequestToken :: Lens' CreateRoom (Maybe Text) Source #

The idempotency token for the request.

createRoom_accountId :: Lens' CreateRoom Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.


listChannelModerators_chimeBearer :: Lens' ListChannelModerators (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

listChannelModerators_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelModerators (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API calls until all requested moderators are returned.

listChannelModerators_maxResults :: Lens' ListChannelModerators (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of moderators that you want returned.

listChannelModeratorsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelModeratorsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API calls until all requested moderators are returned.



describeChannel_chimeBearer :: Lens' DescribeChannel (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.


createVoiceConnectorGroup_voiceConnectorItems :: Lens' CreateVoiceConnectorGroup (Maybe [VoiceConnectorItem]) Source #

The Amazon Chime Voice Connectors to route inbound calls to.

createVoiceConnectorGroup_name :: Lens' CreateVoiceConnectorGroup Text Source #

The name of the Amazon Chime Voice Connector group.



listRooms_memberId :: Lens' ListRooms (Maybe Text) Source #

The member ID (user ID or bot ID).

listRooms_nextToken :: Lens' ListRooms (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listRooms_maxResults :: Lens' ListRooms (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of results to return in a single call.

listRooms_accountId :: Lens' ListRooms Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

listRoomsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListRoomsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.

listRoomsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListRoomsResponse Int Source #

The response's http status code.


batchCreateAttendee_attendees :: Lens' BatchCreateAttendee [CreateAttendeeRequestItem] Source #

The request containing the attendees to create.

batchCreateAttendeeResponse_attendees :: Lens' BatchCreateAttendeeResponse (Maybe [Attendee]) Source #

The attendee information, including attendees IDs and join tokens.

batchCreateAttendeeResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchCreateAttendeeResponse (Maybe [CreateAttendeeError]) Source #

If the action fails for one or more of the attendees in the request, a list of the attendees is returned, along with error codes and error messages.





deleteChannelMessage_chimeBearer :: Lens' DeleteChannelMessage (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

deleteChannelMessage_messageId :: Lens' DeleteChannelMessage Text Source #

The ID of the message being deleted.


updateChannelMessage_chimeBearer :: Lens' UpdateChannelMessage (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

updateChannelMessage_content :: Lens' UpdateChannelMessage (Maybe Text) Source #

The content of the message being updated.

updateChannelMessage_metadata :: Lens' UpdateChannelMessage (Maybe Text) Source #

The metadata of the message being updated.

updateChannelMessage_messageId :: Lens' UpdateChannelMessage Text Source #

The ID string of the message being updated.



updateAppInstance_metadata :: Lens' UpdateAppInstance (Maybe Text) Source #

The metadata that you want to change.

updateAppInstance_name :: Lens' UpdateAppInstance Text Source #

The name that you want to change.


createVoiceConnector_awsRegion :: Lens' CreateVoiceConnector (Maybe VoiceConnectorAwsRegion) Source #

The AWS Region in which the Amazon Chime Voice Connector is created. Default value: us-east-1 .

createVoiceConnector_name :: Lens' CreateVoiceConnector Text Source #

The name of the Amazon Chime Voice Connector.

createVoiceConnector_requireEncryption :: Lens' CreateVoiceConnector Bool Source #

When enabled, requires encryption for the Amazon Chime Voice Connector.


listChannelMessages_chimeBearer :: Lens' ListChannelMessages (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

listChannelMessages_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelMessages (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API calls until all requested messages are returned.

listChannelMessages_notBefore :: Lens' ListChannelMessages (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The initial or starting time stamp for your requested messages.

listChannelMessages_sortOrder :: Lens' ListChannelMessages (Maybe SortOrder) Source #

The order in which you want messages sorted. Default is Descending, based on time created.

listChannelMessages_maxResults :: Lens' ListChannelMessages (Maybe Natural) Source #

The maximum number of messages that you want returned.

listChannelMessages_notAfter :: Lens' ListChannelMessages (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The final or ending time stamp for your requested messages.

listChannelMessagesResponse_channelArn :: Lens' ListChannelMessagesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The ARN of the channel containing the requested messages.

listChannelMessagesResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListChannelMessagesResponse (Maybe Text) Source #

The token passed by previous API calls until all requested messages are returned.

listChannelMessagesResponse_channelMessages :: Lens' ListChannelMessagesResponse (Maybe [ChannelMessageSummary]) Source #

The information about, and content of, each requested message.



getRoom_accountId :: Lens' GetRoom Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

getRoomResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetRoomResponse Int Source #

The response's http status code.


createRoomMembership_memberId :: Lens' CreateRoomMembership Text Source #

The Amazon Chime member ID (user ID or bot ID).


batchCreateChannelMembership_chimeBearer :: Lens' BatchCreateChannelMembership (Maybe Text) Source #

The AppInstanceUserArn of the user that makes the API call.

batchCreateChannelMembership_type :: Lens' BatchCreateChannelMembership (Maybe ChannelMembershipType) Source #

The membership type of a user, DEFAULT or HIDDEN. Default members are always returned as part of ListChannelMemberships. Hidden members are only returned if the type filter in ListChannelMemberships equals HIDDEN. Otherwise hidden members are not returned. This is only supported by moderators.

batchCreateChannelMembership_channelArn :: Lens' BatchCreateChannelMembership Text Source #

The ARN of the channel to which you're adding users.

batchCreateChannelMembership_memberArns :: Lens' BatchCreateChannelMembership (NonEmpty Text) Source #

The ARNs of the members you want to add to the channel.

batchCreateChannelMembershipResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchCreateChannelMembershipResponse (Maybe [BatchCreateChannelMembershipError]) Source #

If the action fails for one or more of the memberships in the request, a list of the memberships is returned, along with error codes and error messages.



account_signinDelegateGroups :: Lens' Account (Maybe [SigninDelegateGroup]) Source #

The sign-in delegate groups associated with the account.

account_defaultLicense :: Lens' Account (Maybe License) Source #

The default license for the Amazon Chime account.

account_supportedLicenses :: Lens' Account (Maybe [License]) Source #

Supported licenses for the Amazon Chime account.

account_createdTimestamp :: Lens' Account (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The Amazon Chime account creation timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.

account_accountType :: Lens' Account (Maybe AccountType) Source #

The Amazon Chime account type. For more information about different account types, see Managing Your Amazon Chime Accounts in the Amazon Chime Administration Guide.

account_accountId :: Lens' Account Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

account_name :: Lens' Account Text Source #

The Amazon Chime account name.


accountSettings_enableDialOut :: Lens' AccountSettings (Maybe Bool) Source #

Setting that allows meeting participants to choose the __Call me at a phone number__ option. For more information, see Join a Meeting without the Amazon Chime App.

accountSettings_disableRemoteControl :: Lens' AccountSettings (Maybe Bool) Source #

Setting that stops or starts remote control of shared screens during meetings.



appInstance_name :: Lens' AppInstance (Maybe Text) Source #

The name of an AppInstance.

appInstance_metadata :: Lens' AppInstance (Maybe Text) Source #

The metadata of an AppInstance.

appInstance_appInstanceArn :: Lens' AppInstance (Maybe Text) Source #

The ARN of the messaging instance.

appInstance_createdTimestamp :: Lens' AppInstance (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which an AppInstance was created. In epoch milliseconds.

appInstance_lastUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' AppInstance (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time an AppInstance was last updated. In epoch milliseconds.


appInstanceAdmin_appInstanceArn :: Lens' AppInstanceAdmin (Maybe Text) Source #

The ARN of the AppInstance for which the user is an administrator.

appInstanceAdmin_createdTimestamp :: Lens' AppInstanceAdmin (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which an administrator was created.






appInstanceUser_name :: Lens' AppInstanceUser (Maybe Text) Source #

The name of the AppInstanceUser.

appInstanceUser_metadata :: Lens' AppInstanceUser (Maybe Text) Source #

The metadata of the AppInstanceUser.

appInstanceUser_createdTimestamp :: Lens' AppInstanceUser (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the AppInstanceUser was created.

appInstanceUser_lastUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' AppInstanceUser (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the AppInstanceUser was last updated.





attendee_attendeeId :: Lens' Attendee (Maybe Text) Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK attendee ID.

attendee_joinToken :: Lens' Attendee (Maybe Text) Source #

The join token used by the Amazon Chime SDK attendee.

attendee_externalUserId :: Lens' Attendee (Maybe Text) Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK external user ID. An idempotency token. Links the attendee to an identity managed by a builder application.


audioArtifactsConfiguration_muxType :: Lens' AudioArtifactsConfiguration AudioMuxType Source #

The MUX type of the audio artifact configuration object.


batchChannelMemberships_members :: Lens' BatchChannelMemberships (Maybe [Identity]) Source #

The users successfully added to the request.

batchChannelMemberships_channelArn :: Lens' BatchChannelMemberships (Maybe Text) Source #

The ARN of the channel to which you're adding users.

batchChannelMemberships_invitedBy :: Lens' BatchChannelMemberships (Maybe Identity) Source #

The identifier of the member who invited another member.



bot_securityToken :: Lens' Bot (Maybe Text) Source #

The security token used to authenticate Amazon Chime with the outgoing event endpoint.

bot_disabled :: Lens' Bot (Maybe Bool) Source #

When true, the bot is stopped from running in your account.

bot_updatedTimestamp :: Lens' Bot (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The updated bot timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.

bot_userId :: Lens' Bot (Maybe Text) Source #

The unique ID for the bot user.

bot_botId :: Lens' Bot (Maybe Text) Source #

The bot ID.

bot_displayName :: Lens' Bot (Maybe Text) Source #

The bot display name.

bot_botEmail :: Lens' Bot (Maybe Text) Source #

The bot email address.

bot_createdTimestamp :: Lens' Bot (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The bot creation timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.


businessCallingSettings_cdrBucket :: Lens' BusinessCallingSettings (Maybe Text) Source #

The Amazon S3 bucket designated for call detail record storage.


channel_mode :: Lens' Channel (Maybe ChannelMode) Source #

The mode of the channel.

channel_createdBy :: Lens' Channel (Maybe Identity) Source #

The AppInstanceUser who created the channel.

channel_channelArn :: Lens' Channel (Maybe Text) Source #

The ARN of the channel.

channel_privacy :: Lens' Channel (Maybe ChannelPrivacy) Source #

The channel's privacy setting.

channel_lastMessageTimestamp :: Lens' Channel (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which a member sent the last message in the channel.

channel_name :: Lens' Channel (Maybe Text) Source #

The name of the channel.

channel_metadata :: Lens' Channel (Maybe Text) Source #

The channel's metadata.

channel_createdTimestamp :: Lens' Channel (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the AppInstanceUser created the channel.

channel_lastUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' Channel (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which a channel was last updated.


channelBan_createdBy :: Lens' ChannelBan (Maybe Identity) Source #

The AppInstanceUser who created the ban.

channelBan_channelArn :: Lens' ChannelBan (Maybe Text) Source #

The ARN of the channel from which a member is being banned.

channelBan_member :: Lens' ChannelBan (Maybe Identity) Source #

The member being banned from the channel.

channelBan_createdTimestamp :: Lens' ChannelBan (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the ban was created.


channelBanSummary_member :: Lens' ChannelBanSummary (Maybe Identity) Source #

The member being banned from a channel.


channelMembership_type :: Lens' ChannelMembership (Maybe ChannelMembershipType) Source #

The membership type set for the channel member.

channelMembership_invitedBy :: Lens' ChannelMembership (Maybe Identity) Source #

The identifier of the member who invited another member.

channelMembership_createdTimestamp :: Lens' ChannelMembership (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the channel membership was created.

channelMembership_lastUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' ChannelMembership (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which a channel membership was last updated.




channelMessage_redacted :: Lens' ChannelMessage (Maybe Bool) Source #

Hides the content of a message.

channelMessage_createdTimestamp :: Lens' ChannelMessage (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the message was created.

channelMessage_lastUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' ChannelMessage (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which a message was updated.

channelMessage_lastEditedTimestamp :: Lens' ChannelMessage (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which a message was edited.


channelMessageSummary_redacted :: Lens' ChannelMessageSummary (Maybe Bool) Source #

Indicates whether a message was redacted.

channelMessageSummary_createdTimestamp :: Lens' ChannelMessageSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the message summary was created.



channelModerator_createdBy :: Lens' ChannelModerator (Maybe Identity) Source #

The AppInstanceUser who created the moderator.

channelModerator_channelArn :: Lens' ChannelModerator (Maybe Text) Source #

The ARN of the moderator's channel.

channelModerator_createdTimestamp :: Lens' ChannelModerator (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the moderator was created.



channelRetentionSettings_retentionDays :: Lens' ChannelRetentionSettings (Maybe Natural) Source #

The time in days to retain the messages in a channel.


channelSummary_privacy :: Lens' ChannelSummary (Maybe ChannelPrivacy) Source #

The privacy setting of the channel.

channelSummary_lastMessageTimestamp :: Lens' ChannelSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the last message in a channel was sent.

channelSummary_metadata :: Lens' ChannelSummary (Maybe Text) Source #

The metadata of the channel.



contentArtifactsConfiguration_state :: Lens' ContentArtifactsConfiguration ArtifactsState Source #

Indicates whether the content artifact is enabled or disabled.


conversationRetentionSettings_retentionDays :: Lens' ConversationRetentionSettings (Maybe Natural) Source #

The number of days for which to retain conversation messages.


createAttendeeError_externalUserId :: Lens' CreateAttendeeError (Maybe Text) Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK external user ID. An idempotency token. Links the attendee to an identity managed by a builder application.


createAttendeeRequestItem_externalUserId :: Lens' CreateAttendeeRequestItem Text Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK external user ID. An idempotency token. Links the attendee to an identity managed by a builder application.


credential_username :: Lens' Credential (Maybe Text) Source #

The RFC2617 compliant user name associated with the SIP credentials, in US-ASCII format.

credential_password :: Lens' Credential (Maybe Text) Source #

The RFC2617 compliant password associated with the SIP credentials, in US-ASCII format.


dNISEmergencyCallingConfiguration_testPhoneNumber :: Lens' DNISEmergencyCallingConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #

The DNIS phone number to route test emergency calls to, in E.164 format.

dNISEmergencyCallingConfiguration_emergencyPhoneNumber :: Lens' DNISEmergencyCallingConfiguration Text Source #

The DNIS phone number to route emergency calls to, in E.164 format.

dNISEmergencyCallingConfiguration_callingCountry :: Lens' DNISEmergencyCallingConfiguration Text Source #

The country from which emergency calls are allowed, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.


emergencyCallingConfiguration_dnis :: Lens' EmergencyCallingConfiguration (Maybe [DNISEmergencyCallingConfiguration]) Source #

The Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) emergency calling configuration details.


engineTranscribeMedicalSettings_vocabularyName :: Lens' EngineTranscribeMedicalSettings (Maybe Text) Source #

The name of the vocabulary passed to Amazon Transcribe Medical.

engineTranscribeMedicalSettings_region :: Lens' EngineTranscribeMedicalSettings (Maybe TranscribeMedicalRegion) Source #

The AWS Region passed to Amazon Transcribe Medical. If you don't specify a Region, Amazon Chime uses the meeting's Region.


engineTranscribeSettings_vocabularyName :: Lens' EngineTranscribeSettings (Maybe Text) Source #

The name of the vocabulary passed to Amazon Transcribe.

engineTranscribeSettings_vocabularyFilterName :: Lens' EngineTranscribeSettings (Maybe Text) Source #

The name of the vocabulary filter passed to Amazon Transcribe.

engineTranscribeSettings_region :: Lens' EngineTranscribeSettings (Maybe TranscribeRegion) Source #

The AWS Region passed to Amazon Transcribe. If you don't specify a Region, Amazon Chime uses the meeting's Region.

engineTranscribeSettings_languageCode :: Lens' EngineTranscribeSettings TranscribeLanguageCode Source #

The language code specified for the Amazon Transcribe engine.


eventsConfiguration_lambdaFunctionArn :: Lens' EventsConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #

Lambda function ARN that allows a bot to receive outgoing events.

eventsConfiguration_outboundEventsHTTPSEndpoint :: Lens' EventsConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #

HTTPS endpoint that allows a bot to receive outgoing events.



identity_arn :: Lens' Identity (Maybe Text) Source #

The ARN in an Identity.

identity_name :: Lens' Identity (Maybe Text) Source #

The name in an Identity.


invite_status :: Lens' Invite (Maybe InviteStatus) Source #

The status of the invite.

invite_emailStatus :: Lens' Invite (Maybe EmailStatus) Source #

The status of the invite email.

invite_emailAddress :: Lens' Invite (Maybe Text) Source #

The email address to which the invite is sent.


loggingConfiguration_enableSIPLogs :: Lens' LoggingConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #

When true, enables SIP message logs for sending to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.


mediaCapturePipeline_sourceType :: Lens' MediaCapturePipeline (Maybe MediaPipelineSourceType) Source #

Source type from which media artifacts are saved. You must use ChimeMeeting.

mediaCapturePipeline_sourceArn :: Lens' MediaCapturePipeline (Maybe Text) Source #

ARN of the source from which the media artifacts will be saved.

mediaCapturePipeline_updatedTimestamp :: Lens' MediaCapturePipeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the capture pipeline was updated, in ISO 8601 format.

mediaCapturePipeline_sinkType :: Lens' MediaCapturePipeline (Maybe MediaPipelineSinkType) Source #

Destination type to which the media artifacts are saved. You must use an S3 Bucket.

mediaCapturePipeline_chimeSdkMeetingConfiguration :: Lens' MediaCapturePipeline (Maybe ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration) Source #

The configuration for a specified media capture pipeline. SourceType must be ChimeSdkMeeting.

mediaCapturePipeline_sinkArn :: Lens' MediaCapturePipeline (Maybe Text) Source #

ARN of the destination to which the media artifacts are saved.

mediaCapturePipeline_createdTimestamp :: Lens' MediaCapturePipeline (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the capture pipeline was created, in ISO 8601 format.



meeting_mediaRegion :: Lens' Meeting (Maybe Text) Source #

The Region in which you create the meeting. Available values: af-south-1, ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-north-1, eu-south-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, sa-east-1, us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2.

meeting_mediaPlacement :: Lens' Meeting (Maybe MediaPlacement) Source #

The media placement for the meeting.

meeting_meetingId :: Lens' Meeting (Maybe Text) Source #

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.



member_email :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text) Source #

The member email address.

member_memberId :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text) Source #

The member ID (user ID or bot ID).

member_accountId :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text) Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.




messagingSessionEndpoint_url :: Lens' MessagingSessionEndpoint (Maybe Text) Source #

The endpoint to which you establish a websocket connection.



origination_routes :: Lens' Origination (Maybe [OriginationRoute]) Source #

The call distribution properties defined for your SIP hosts. Valid range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 20. This parameter is not required, but you must specify this parameter or Disabled.

origination_disabled :: Lens' Origination (Maybe Bool) Source #

When origination settings are disabled, inbound calls are not enabled for your Amazon Chime Voice Connector. This parameter is not required, but you must specify this parameter or Routes.


originationRoute_priority :: Lens' OriginationRoute (Maybe Natural) Source #

The priority associated with the host, with 1 being the highest priority. Higher priority hosts are attempted first.

originationRoute_weight :: Lens' OriginationRoute (Maybe Natural) Source #

The weight associated with the host. If hosts are equal in priority, calls are redistributed among them based on their relative weight.

originationRoute_protocol :: Lens' OriginationRoute (Maybe OriginationRouteProtocol) Source #

The protocol to use for the origination route. Encryption-enabled Amazon Chime Voice Connectors use TCP protocol by default.

originationRoute_host :: Lens' OriginationRoute (Maybe Text) Source #

The FQDN or IP address to contact for origination traffic.

originationRoute_port :: Lens' OriginationRoute (Maybe Natural) Source #

The designated origination route port. Defaults to 5060.


participant_phoneNumber :: Lens' Participant (Maybe Text) Source #

The participant's phone number.

participant_proxyPhoneNumber :: Lens' Participant (Maybe Text) Source #

The participant's proxy phone number.


phoneNumber_deletionTimestamp :: Lens' PhoneNumber (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The deleted phone number timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.

phoneNumber_country :: Lens' PhoneNumber (Maybe Text) Source #

The phone number country. Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

phoneNumber_updatedTimestamp :: Lens' PhoneNumber (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The updated phone number timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.

phoneNumber_e164PhoneNumber :: Lens' PhoneNumber (Maybe Text) Source #

The phone number, in E.164 format.

phoneNumber_callingName :: Lens' PhoneNumber (Maybe Text) Source #

The outbound calling name associated with the phone number.

phoneNumber_createdTimestamp :: Lens' PhoneNumber (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The phone number creation timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.


phoneNumberAssociation_value :: Lens' PhoneNumberAssociation (Maybe Text) Source #

Contains the ID for the entity specified in Name.

phoneNumberAssociation_associatedTimestamp :: Lens' PhoneNumberAssociation (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The timestamp of the phone number association, in ISO 8601 format.

phoneNumberAssociation_name :: Lens' PhoneNumberAssociation (Maybe PhoneNumberAssociationName) Source #

Defines the association with an Amazon Chime account ID, user ID, Amazon Chime Voice Connector ID, or Amazon Chime Voice Connector group ID.


phoneNumberCapabilities_outboundMMS :: Lens' PhoneNumberCapabilities (Maybe Bool) Source #

Allows or denies outbound MMS messaging for the specified phone number.

phoneNumberCapabilities_inboundCall :: Lens' PhoneNumberCapabilities (Maybe Bool) Source #

Allows or denies inbound calling for the specified phone number.

phoneNumberCapabilities_inboundSMS :: Lens' PhoneNumberCapabilities (Maybe Bool) Source #

Allows or denies inbound SMS messaging for the specified phone number.

phoneNumberCapabilities_inboundMMS :: Lens' PhoneNumberCapabilities (Maybe Bool) Source #

Allows or denies inbound MMS messaging for the specified phone number.

phoneNumberCapabilities_outboundCall :: Lens' PhoneNumberCapabilities (Maybe Bool) Source #

Allows or denies outbound calling for the specified phone number.

phoneNumberCapabilities_outboundSMS :: Lens' PhoneNumberCapabilities (Maybe Bool) Source #

Allows or denies outbound SMS messaging for the specified phone number.


phoneNumberCountry_countryCode :: Lens' PhoneNumberCountry (Maybe Text) Source #

The phone number country code. Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.


phoneNumberError_phoneNumberId :: Lens' PhoneNumberError (Maybe Text) Source #

The phone number ID for which the action failed.


phoneNumberOrder_orderedPhoneNumbers :: Lens' PhoneNumberOrder (Maybe [OrderedPhoneNumber]) Source #

The ordered phone number details, such as the phone number in E.164 format and the phone number status.

phoneNumberOrder_updatedTimestamp :: Lens' PhoneNumberOrder (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The updated phone number order time stamp, in ISO 8601 format.

phoneNumberOrder_createdTimestamp :: Lens' PhoneNumberOrder (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The phone number order creation time stamp, in ISO 8601 format.


proxy_defaultSessionExpiryMinutes :: Lens' Proxy (Maybe Int) Source #

The default number of minutes allowed for proxy sessions.

proxy_disabled :: Lens' Proxy (Maybe Bool) Source #

When true, stops proxy sessions from being created on the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.

proxy_fallBackPhoneNumber :: Lens' Proxy (Maybe Text) Source #

The phone number to route calls to after a proxy session expires.

proxy_phoneNumberCountries :: Lens' Proxy (Maybe [Text]) Source #

The countries for proxy phone numbers to be selected from.


proxySession_numberSelectionBehavior :: Lens' ProxySession (Maybe NumberSelectionBehavior) Source #

The preference for proxy phone number reuse, or stickiness, between the same participants across sessions.

proxySession_geoMatchParams :: Lens' ProxySession (Maybe GeoMatchParams) Source #

The country and area code for the proxy phone number.

proxySession_expiryMinutes :: Lens' ProxySession (Maybe Natural) Source #

The number of minutes allowed for the proxy session.

proxySession_endedTimestamp :: Lens' ProxySession (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The ended time stamp, in ISO 8601 format.

proxySession_updatedTimestamp :: Lens' ProxySession (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The updated time stamp, in ISO 8601 format.

proxySession_participants :: Lens' ProxySession (Maybe [Participant]) Source #

The proxy session participants.

proxySession_name :: Lens' ProxySession (Maybe Text) Source #

The name of the proxy session.

proxySession_geoMatchLevel :: Lens' ProxySession (Maybe GeoMatchLevel) Source #

The preference for matching the country or area code of the proxy phone number with that of the first participant.

proxySession_voiceConnectorId :: Lens' ProxySession (Maybe Text) Source #

The Amazon Chime voice connector ID.

proxySession_createdTimestamp :: Lens' ProxySession (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The created time stamp, in ISO 8601 format.

proxySession_capabilities :: Lens' ProxySession (Maybe [Capability]) Source #

The proxy session capabilities.



room_updatedTimestamp :: Lens' Room (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The room update timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.

room_createdBy :: Lens' Room (Maybe Text) Source #

The identifier of the room creator.

room_accountId :: Lens' Room (Maybe Text) Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

room_name :: Lens' Room (Maybe Text) Source #

The room name.

room_createdTimestamp :: Lens' Room (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The room creation timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.


roomMembership_updatedTimestamp :: Lens' RoomMembership (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The room membership update timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.

roomMembership_invitedBy :: Lens' RoomMembership (Maybe Text) Source #

The identifier of the user that invited the room member.


roomRetentionSettings_retentionDays :: Lens' RoomRetentionSettings (Maybe Natural) Source #

The number of days for which to retain chat-room messages.


selectedVideoStreams_attendeeIds :: Lens' SelectedVideoStreams (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #

The attendee IDs of the streams selected for a media capture pipeline.

selectedVideoStreams_externalUserIds :: Lens' SelectedVideoStreams (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #

The external user IDs of the streams selected for a media capture pipeline.



sipMediaApplication_updatedTimestamp :: Lens' SipMediaApplication (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The SIP media application updated timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.

sipMediaApplication_name :: Lens' SipMediaApplication (Maybe Text) Source #

The name of the SIP media application.

sipMediaApplication_awsRegion :: Lens' SipMediaApplication (Maybe Text) Source #

The AWS Region in which the SIP media application is created.

sipMediaApplication_endpoints :: Lens' SipMediaApplication (Maybe (NonEmpty SipMediaApplicationEndpoint)) Source #

List of endpoints for SIP media application. Currently, only one endpoint per SIP media application is permitted.

sipMediaApplication_createdTimestamp :: Lens' SipMediaApplication (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The SIP media application creation timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.



sipMediaApplicationEndpoint_lambdaArn :: Lens' SipMediaApplicationEndpoint (Maybe Text) Source #

Valid Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function. The function must be created in the same AWS Region as the SIP media application.



sipRule_disabled :: Lens' SipRule (Maybe Bool) Source #

Indicates whether the SIP rule is enabled or disabled. You must disable a rule before you can delete it.

sipRule_targetApplications :: Lens' SipRule (Maybe (NonEmpty SipRuleTargetApplication)) Source #

Target SIP media application and other details, such as priority and AWS Region, to be specified in the SIP rule. Only one SIP rule per AWS Region can be provided.

sipRule_triggerType :: Lens' SipRule (Maybe SipRuleTriggerType) Source #

The type of trigger assigned to the SIP rule in TriggerValue, currently RequestUriHostname or ToPhoneNumber.

sipRule_updatedTimestamp :: Lens' SipRule (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the SIP rule was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.

sipRule_name :: Lens' SipRule (Maybe Text) Source #

The name of the SIP rule.

sipRule_triggerValue :: Lens' SipRule (Maybe Text) Source #

If TriggerType is RequestUriHostname, then the value can be the outbound host name of the Amazon Chime Voice Connector. If TriggerType is ToPhoneNumber, then the value can be a customer-owned phone number in E164 format. SipRule is triggered when a SIP rule requests host name or ToPhoneNumber matches in the incoming SIP request.

sipRule_createdTimestamp :: Lens' SipRule (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The time at which the SIP rule was created, in ISO 8601 format.


sipRuleTargetApplication_priority :: Lens' SipRuleTargetApplication (Maybe Natural) Source #

Priority of the SIP media application in the target list.


sourceConfiguration_selectedVideoStreams :: Lens' SourceConfiguration (Maybe SelectedVideoStreams) Source #

The selected video streams to capture for a specified media capture pipeline. The number of video streams can't exceed 25.


streamingConfiguration_disabled :: Lens' StreamingConfiguration (Maybe Bool) Source #

When true, media streaming to Amazon Kinesis is turned off.

streamingConfiguration_dataRetentionInHours :: Lens' StreamingConfiguration Natural Source #

The retention period, in hours, for the Amazon Kinesis data.



tag_key :: Lens' Tag Text Source #

The key of the tag.

tag_value :: Lens' Tag Text Source #

The value of the tag.


telephonySettings_sms :: Lens' TelephonySettings Bool Source #

Allows or denies SMS messaging.


termination_defaultPhoneNumber :: Lens' Termination (Maybe Text) Source #

The default caller ID phone number.

termination_disabled :: Lens' Termination (Maybe Bool) Source #

When termination settings are disabled, outbound calls can not be made.

termination_callingRegions :: Lens' Termination (Maybe [Text]) Source #

The countries to which calls are allowed, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. Required.

termination_cpsLimit :: Lens' Termination (Maybe Natural) Source #

The limit on calls per second. Max value based on account service quota. Default value of 1.

termination_cidrAllowedList :: Lens' Termination (Maybe [Text]) Source #

The IP addresses allowed to make calls, in CIDR format. Required.



transcriptionConfiguration_engineTranscribeMedicalSettings :: Lens' TranscriptionConfiguration (Maybe EngineTranscribeMedicalSettings) Source #

The transcription configuration settings passed to Amazon Transcribe Medical.

transcriptionConfiguration_engineTranscribeSettings :: Lens' TranscriptionConfiguration (Maybe EngineTranscribeSettings) Source #

The transcription configuration settings passed to Amazon Transcribe.




user_personalPIN :: Lens' User (Maybe Text) Source #

The user's personal meeting PIN.

user_primaryProvisionedNumber :: Lens' User (Maybe Text) Source #

The primary phone number associated with the user.

user_licenseType :: Lens' User (Maybe License) Source #

The license type for the user.

user_registeredOn :: Lens' User (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

Date and time when the user is registered, in ISO 8601 format.

user_accountId :: Lens' User (Maybe Text) Source #

The Amazon Chime account ID.

user_invitedOn :: Lens' User (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

Date and time when the user is invited to the Amazon Chime account, in ISO 8601 format.

user_displayName :: Lens' User (Maybe Text) Source #

The display name of the user.

user_primaryEmail :: Lens' User (Maybe Text) Source #

The primary email address of the user.


userError_userId :: Lens' UserError (Maybe Text) Source #

The user ID for which the action failed.


userSettings_telephony :: Lens' UserSettings TelephonySettings Source #

The telephony settings associated with the user.


videoArtifactsConfiguration_muxType :: Lens' VideoArtifactsConfiguration (Maybe VideoMuxType) Source #

The MUX type of the video artifact configuration object.

videoArtifactsConfiguration_state :: Lens' VideoArtifactsConfiguration ArtifactsState Source #

Indicates whether the video artifact is enabled or disabled.


voiceConnector_updatedTimestamp :: Lens' VoiceConnector (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The updated Amazon Chime Voice Connector timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.

voiceConnector_outboundHostName :: Lens' VoiceConnector (Maybe Text) Source #

The outbound host name for the Amazon Chime Voice Connector.

voiceConnector_name :: Lens' VoiceConnector (Maybe Text) Source #

The name of the Amazon Chime Voice Connector.

voiceConnector_requireEncryption :: Lens' VoiceConnector (Maybe Bool) Source #

Designates whether encryption is required for the Amazon Chime Voice Connector.

voiceConnector_awsRegion :: Lens' VoiceConnector (Maybe VoiceConnectorAwsRegion) Source #

The AWS Region in which the Amazon Chime Voice Connector is created. Default: us-east-1.

voiceConnector_voiceConnectorId :: Lens' VoiceConnector (Maybe Text) Source #

The Amazon Chime Voice Connector ID.

voiceConnector_voiceConnectorArn :: Lens' VoiceConnector (Maybe Text) Source #

The ARN of the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.

voiceConnector_createdTimestamp :: Lens' VoiceConnector (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The Amazon Chime Voice Connector creation timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.


voiceConnectorGroup_updatedTimestamp :: Lens' VoiceConnectorGroup (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The updated Amazon Chime Voice Connector group time stamp, in ISO 8601 format.

voiceConnectorGroup_voiceConnectorItems :: Lens' VoiceConnectorGroup (Maybe [VoiceConnectorItem]) Source #

The Amazon Chime Voice Connectors to which to route inbound calls.

voiceConnectorGroup_voiceConnectorGroupArn :: Lens' VoiceConnectorGroup (Maybe Text) Source #

The ARN of the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group.

voiceConnectorGroup_name :: Lens' VoiceConnectorGroup (Maybe Text) Source #

The name of the Amazon Chime Voice Connector group.

voiceConnectorGroup_createdTimestamp :: Lens' VoiceConnectorGroup (Maybe UTCTime) Source #

The Amazon Chime Voice Connector group creation time stamp, in ISO 8601 format.


voiceConnectorItem_priority :: Lens' VoiceConnectorItem Natural Source #

The priority associated with the Amazon Chime Voice Connector, with 1 being the highest priority. Higher priority Amazon Chime Voice Connectors are attempted first.


voiceConnectorSettings_cdrBucket :: Lens' VoiceConnectorSettings (Maybe Text) Source #

The Amazon S3 bucket designated for call detail record storage.