Copyright | (c) 2013-2021 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
- Operations
- CreateAssessmentReport
- RegisterOrganizationAdminAccount
- ListNotifications
- BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment
- GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl
- BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessment
- ListTagsForResource
- GetEvidence
- GetServicesInScope
- BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence
- DeregisterOrganizationAdminAccount
- GetAssessmentReportUrl
- UpdateAssessmentControl
- DeleteAssessmentFramework
- UpdateAssessmentFramework
- BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence
- GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolder
- CreateAssessmentFramework
- ListKeywordsForDataSource
- ListAssessmentReports
- ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrity
- DeregisterAccount
- DeleteAssessmentReport
- UpdateSettings
- GetAssessmentFramework
- DeleteAssessment
- GetChangeLogs
- UpdateAssessment
- GetDelegations
- DisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder
- ListAssessments
- CreateAssessment
- GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessment
- RegisterAccount
- GetAssessment
- BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl
- TagResource
- GetEvidenceFolder
- ListAssessmentFrameworks
- CreateControl
- UpdateAssessmentStatus
- GetAccountStatus
- UntagResource
- GetSettings
- GetOrganizationAdminAccount
- DeleteControl
- UpdateControl
- UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatus
- ListControls
- AssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder
- GetControl
- Types
- AWSAccount
- AWSService
- Assessment
- AssessmentControl
- AssessmentControlSet
- AssessmentEvidenceFolder
- AssessmentFramework
- AssessmentFrameworkMetadata
- AssessmentMetadata
- AssessmentMetadataItem
- AssessmentReport
- AssessmentReportEvidenceError
- AssessmentReportMetadata
- AssessmentReportsDestination
- BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError
- BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError
- BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError
- ChangeLog
- Control
- ControlComment
- ControlMappingSource
- ControlMetadata
- ControlSet
- CreateAssessmentFrameworkControl
- CreateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet
- CreateControlMappingSource
- CreateDelegationRequest
- Delegation
- DelegationMetadata
- Evidence
- Framework
- FrameworkMetadata
- ManualEvidence
- Notification
- Resource
- Role
- Scope
- ServiceMetadata
- Settings
- SourceKeyword
- UpdateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet
- createAssessmentReport_description :: Lens' CreateAssessmentReport (Maybe Text)
- createAssessmentReport_name :: Lens' CreateAssessmentReport Text
- createAssessmentReport_assessmentId :: Lens' CreateAssessmentReport Text
- createAssessmentReportResponse_assessmentReport :: Lens' CreateAssessmentReportResponse (Maybe AssessmentReport)
- createAssessmentReportResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAssessmentReportResponse Int
- registerOrganizationAdminAccount_adminAccountId :: Lens' RegisterOrganizationAdminAccount Text
- registerOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_adminAccountId :: Lens' RegisterOrganizationAdminAccountResponse (Maybe Text)
- registerOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_organizationId :: Lens' RegisterOrganizationAdminAccountResponse (Maybe Text)
- registerOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RegisterOrganizationAdminAccountResponse Int
- listNotifications_nextToken :: Lens' ListNotifications (Maybe Text)
- listNotifications_maxResults :: Lens' ListNotifications (Maybe Natural)
- listNotificationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListNotificationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listNotificationsResponse_notifications :: Lens' ListNotificationsResponse (Maybe [Notification])
- listNotificationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListNotificationsResponse Int
- batchCreateDelegationByAssessment_createDelegationRequests :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment (NonEmpty CreateDelegationRequest)
- batchCreateDelegationByAssessment_assessmentId :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment Text
- batchCreateDelegationByAssessmentResponse_delegations :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentResponse (Maybe [Delegation])
- batchCreateDelegationByAssessmentResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentResponse (Maybe [BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError])
- batchCreateDelegationByAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentResponse Int
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl_nextToken :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl (Maybe Text)
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl_maxResults :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl (Maybe Natural)
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl_assessmentId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl Text
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl_controlSetId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl Text
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl_controlId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl Text
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControlResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControlResponse (Maybe Text)
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControlResponse_evidenceFolders :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControlResponse (Maybe [AssessmentEvidenceFolder])
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControlResponse Int
- batchDeleteDelegationByAssessment_delegationIds :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessment (NonEmpty Text)
- batchDeleteDelegationByAssessment_assessmentId :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessment Text
- batchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentResponse (Maybe [BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError])
- batchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentResponse Int
- listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- getEvidence_assessmentId :: Lens' GetEvidence Text
- getEvidence_controlSetId :: Lens' GetEvidence Text
- getEvidence_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' GetEvidence Text
- getEvidence_evidenceId :: Lens' GetEvidence Text
- getEvidenceResponse_evidence :: Lens' GetEvidenceResponse (Maybe Evidence)
- getEvidenceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEvidenceResponse Int
- getServicesInScopeResponse_serviceMetadata :: Lens' GetServicesInScopeResponse (Maybe [ServiceMetadata])
- getServicesInScopeResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetServicesInScopeResponse Int
- batchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence_assessmentId :: Lens' BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence Text
- batchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence Text
- batchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence_evidenceIds :: Lens' BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence [Text]
- batchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse_evidenceIds :: Lens' BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse (Maybe [Text])
- batchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse (Maybe [AssessmentReportEvidenceError])
- batchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse Int
- deregisterOrganizationAdminAccount_adminAccountId :: Lens' DeregisterOrganizationAdminAccount (Maybe Text)
- deregisterOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeregisterOrganizationAdminAccountResponse Int
- getAssessmentReportUrl_assessmentReportId :: Lens' GetAssessmentReportUrl Text
- getAssessmentReportUrl_assessmentId :: Lens' GetAssessmentReportUrl Text
- getAssessmentReportUrlResponse_preSignedUrl :: Lens' GetAssessmentReportUrlResponse (Maybe URL)
- getAssessmentReportUrlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAssessmentReportUrlResponse Int
- updateAssessmentControl_controlStatus :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControl (Maybe ControlStatus)
- updateAssessmentControl_commentBody :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControl (Maybe Text)
- updateAssessmentControl_assessmentId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControl Text
- updateAssessmentControl_controlSetId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControl Text
- updateAssessmentControl_controlId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControl Text
- updateAssessmentControlResponse_control :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlResponse (Maybe AssessmentControl)
- updateAssessmentControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlResponse Int
- deleteAssessmentFramework_frameworkId :: Lens' DeleteAssessmentFramework Text
- deleteAssessmentFrameworkResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAssessmentFrameworkResponse Int
- updateAssessmentFramework_complianceType :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFramework (Maybe Text)
- updateAssessmentFramework_description :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFramework (Maybe Text)
- updateAssessmentFramework_frameworkId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFramework Text
- updateAssessmentFramework_name :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFramework Text
- updateAssessmentFramework_controlSets :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFramework [UpdateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet]
- updateAssessmentFrameworkResponse_framework :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFrameworkResponse (Maybe Framework)
- updateAssessmentFrameworkResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFrameworkResponse Int
- batchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence_assessmentId :: Lens' BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence Text
- batchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence Text
- batchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence_evidenceIds :: Lens' BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence [Text]
- batchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse_evidenceIds :: Lens' BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse (Maybe [Text])
- batchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse (Maybe [AssessmentReportEvidenceError])
- batchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse Int
- getEvidenceByEvidenceFolder_nextToken :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text)
- getEvidenceByEvidenceFolder_maxResults :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolder (Maybe Natural)
- getEvidenceByEvidenceFolder_assessmentId :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolder Text
- getEvidenceByEvidenceFolder_controlSetId :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolder Text
- getEvidenceByEvidenceFolder_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolder Text
- getEvidenceByEvidenceFolderResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolderResponse (Maybe Text)
- getEvidenceByEvidenceFolderResponse_evidence :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolderResponse (Maybe [Evidence])
- getEvidenceByEvidenceFolderResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolderResponse Int
- createAssessmentFramework_complianceType :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFramework (Maybe Text)
- createAssessmentFramework_description :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFramework (Maybe Text)
- createAssessmentFramework_tags :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFramework (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createAssessmentFramework_name :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFramework Text
- createAssessmentFramework_controlSets :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFramework (NonEmpty CreateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet)
- createAssessmentFrameworkResponse_framework :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFrameworkResponse (Maybe Framework)
- createAssessmentFrameworkResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFrameworkResponse Int
- listKeywordsForDataSource_nextToken :: Lens' ListKeywordsForDataSource (Maybe Text)
- listKeywordsForDataSource_maxResults :: Lens' ListKeywordsForDataSource (Maybe Natural)
- listKeywordsForDataSource_source :: Lens' ListKeywordsForDataSource SourceType
- listKeywordsForDataSourceResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListKeywordsForDataSourceResponse (Maybe Text)
- listKeywordsForDataSourceResponse_keywords :: Lens' ListKeywordsForDataSourceResponse (Maybe [Text])
- listKeywordsForDataSourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListKeywordsForDataSourceResponse Int
- listAssessmentReports_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssessmentReports (Maybe Text)
- listAssessmentReports_maxResults :: Lens' ListAssessmentReports (Maybe Natural)
- listAssessmentReportsResponse_assessmentReports :: Lens' ListAssessmentReportsResponse (Maybe [AssessmentReportMetadata])
- listAssessmentReportsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssessmentReportsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listAssessmentReportsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAssessmentReportsResponse Int
- validateAssessmentReportIntegrity_s3RelativePath :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrity Text
- validateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse_signatureValid :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse (Maybe Bool)
- validateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse_validationErrors :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse (Maybe [Text])
- validateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse_signatureDateTime :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse (Maybe Text)
- validateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse_signatureAlgorithm :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse (Maybe Text)
- validateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse_signatureKeyId :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse (Maybe Text)
- validateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse Int
- deregisterAccountResponse_status :: Lens' DeregisterAccountResponse (Maybe AccountStatus)
- deregisterAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeregisterAccountResponse Int
- deleteAssessmentReport_assessmentId :: Lens' DeleteAssessmentReport Text
- deleteAssessmentReport_assessmentReportId :: Lens' DeleteAssessmentReport Text
- deleteAssessmentReportResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAssessmentReportResponse Int
- updateSettings_kmsKey :: Lens' UpdateSettings (Maybe Text)
- updateSettings_defaultAssessmentReportsDestination :: Lens' UpdateSettings (Maybe AssessmentReportsDestination)
- updateSettings_snsTopic :: Lens' UpdateSettings (Maybe Text)
- updateSettings_defaultProcessOwners :: Lens' UpdateSettings (Maybe [Role])
- updateSettingsResponse_settings :: Lens' UpdateSettingsResponse (Maybe Settings)
- updateSettingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateSettingsResponse Int
- getAssessmentFramework_frameworkId :: Lens' GetAssessmentFramework Text
- getAssessmentFrameworkResponse_framework :: Lens' GetAssessmentFrameworkResponse (Maybe Framework)
- getAssessmentFrameworkResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAssessmentFrameworkResponse Int
- deleteAssessment_assessmentId :: Lens' DeleteAssessment Text
- deleteAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAssessmentResponse Int
- getChangeLogs_controlSetId :: Lens' GetChangeLogs (Maybe Text)
- getChangeLogs_nextToken :: Lens' GetChangeLogs (Maybe Text)
- getChangeLogs_controlId :: Lens' GetChangeLogs (Maybe Text)
- getChangeLogs_maxResults :: Lens' GetChangeLogs (Maybe Natural)
- getChangeLogs_assessmentId :: Lens' GetChangeLogs Text
- getChangeLogsResponse_changeLogs :: Lens' GetChangeLogsResponse (Maybe [ChangeLog])
- getChangeLogsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetChangeLogsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getChangeLogsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetChangeLogsResponse Int
- updateAssessment_roles :: Lens' UpdateAssessment (Maybe [Role])
- updateAssessment_assessmentDescription :: Lens' UpdateAssessment (Maybe Text)
- updateAssessment_assessmentReportsDestination :: Lens' UpdateAssessment (Maybe AssessmentReportsDestination)
- updateAssessment_assessmentName :: Lens' UpdateAssessment (Maybe Text)
- updateAssessment_assessmentId :: Lens' UpdateAssessment Text
- updateAssessment_scope :: Lens' UpdateAssessment Scope
- updateAssessmentResponse_assessment :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentResponse (Maybe Assessment)
- updateAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentResponse Int
- getDelegations_nextToken :: Lens' GetDelegations (Maybe Text)
- getDelegations_maxResults :: Lens' GetDelegations (Maybe Natural)
- getDelegationsResponse_delegations :: Lens' GetDelegationsResponse (Maybe [DelegationMetadata])
- getDelegationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetDelegationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- getDelegationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDelegationsResponse Int
- disassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder_assessmentId :: Lens' DisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder Text
- disassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' DisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder Text
- disassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolderResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolderResponse Int
- listAssessments_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssessments (Maybe Text)
- listAssessments_maxResults :: Lens' ListAssessments (Maybe Natural)
- listAssessmentsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssessmentsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listAssessmentsResponse_assessmentMetadata :: Lens' ListAssessmentsResponse (Maybe [AssessmentMetadataItem])
- listAssessmentsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAssessmentsResponse Int
- createAssessment_description :: Lens' CreateAssessment (Maybe Text)
- createAssessment_tags :: Lens' CreateAssessment (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createAssessment_name :: Lens' CreateAssessment Text
- createAssessment_assessmentReportsDestination :: Lens' CreateAssessment AssessmentReportsDestination
- createAssessment_scope :: Lens' CreateAssessment Scope
- createAssessment_roles :: Lens' CreateAssessment [Role]
- createAssessment_frameworkId :: Lens' CreateAssessment Text
- createAssessmentResponse_assessment :: Lens' CreateAssessmentResponse (Maybe Assessment)
- createAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAssessmentResponse Int
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessment_nextToken :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessment (Maybe Text)
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessment_maxResults :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessment (Maybe Natural)
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessment_assessmentId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessment Text
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentResponse (Maybe Text)
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentResponse_evidenceFolders :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentResponse (Maybe [AssessmentEvidenceFolder])
- getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentResponse Int
- registerAccount_kmsKey :: Lens' RegisterAccount (Maybe Text)
- registerAccount_delegatedAdminAccount :: Lens' RegisterAccount (Maybe Text)
- registerAccountResponse_status :: Lens' RegisterAccountResponse (Maybe AccountStatus)
- registerAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RegisterAccountResponse Int
- getAssessment_assessmentId :: Lens' GetAssessment Text
- getAssessmentResponse_userRole :: Lens' GetAssessmentResponse (Maybe Role)
- getAssessmentResponse_assessment :: Lens' GetAssessmentResponse (Maybe Assessment)
- getAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAssessmentResponse Int
- batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl_assessmentId :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl Text
- batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl_controlSetId :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl Text
- batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl_controlId :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl Text
- batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl_manualEvidence :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl (NonEmpty ManualEvidence)
- batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlResponse (Maybe [BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError])
- batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlResponse Int
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text)
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- getEvidenceFolder_assessmentId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFolder Text
- getEvidenceFolder_controlSetId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFolder Text
- getEvidenceFolder_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFolder Text
- getEvidenceFolderResponse_evidenceFolder :: Lens' GetEvidenceFolderResponse (Maybe AssessmentEvidenceFolder)
- getEvidenceFolderResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEvidenceFolderResponse Int
- listAssessmentFrameworks_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssessmentFrameworks (Maybe Text)
- listAssessmentFrameworks_maxResults :: Lens' ListAssessmentFrameworks (Maybe Natural)
- listAssessmentFrameworks_frameworkType :: Lens' ListAssessmentFrameworks FrameworkType
- listAssessmentFrameworksResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssessmentFrameworksResponse (Maybe Text)
- listAssessmentFrameworksResponse_frameworkMetadataList :: Lens' ListAssessmentFrameworksResponse (Maybe [AssessmentFrameworkMetadata])
- listAssessmentFrameworksResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAssessmentFrameworksResponse Int
- createControl_testingInformation :: Lens' CreateControl (Maybe Text)
- createControl_actionPlanInstructions :: Lens' CreateControl (Maybe Text)
- createControl_actionPlanTitle :: Lens' CreateControl (Maybe Text)
- createControl_description :: Lens' CreateControl (Maybe Text)
- createControl_tags :: Lens' CreateControl (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createControl_name :: Lens' CreateControl Text
- createControl_controlMappingSources :: Lens' CreateControl (NonEmpty CreateControlMappingSource)
- createControlResponse_control :: Lens' CreateControlResponse (Maybe Control)
- createControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateControlResponse Int
- updateAssessmentStatus_assessmentId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentStatus Text
- updateAssessmentStatus_status :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentStatus AssessmentStatus
- updateAssessmentStatusResponse_assessment :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentStatusResponse (Maybe Assessment)
- updateAssessmentStatusResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentStatusResponse Int
- getAccountStatusResponse_status :: Lens' GetAccountStatusResponse (Maybe AccountStatus)
- getAccountStatusResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAccountStatusResponse Int
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource (NonEmpty Text)
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- getSettings_attribute :: Lens' GetSettings SettingAttribute
- getSettingsResponse_settings :: Lens' GetSettingsResponse (Maybe Settings)
- getSettingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetSettingsResponse Int
- getOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_adminAccountId :: Lens' GetOrganizationAdminAccountResponse (Maybe Text)
- getOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_organizationId :: Lens' GetOrganizationAdminAccountResponse (Maybe Text)
- getOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetOrganizationAdminAccountResponse Int
- deleteControl_controlId :: Lens' DeleteControl Text
- deleteControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteControlResponse Int
- updateControl_testingInformation :: Lens' UpdateControl (Maybe Text)
- updateControl_actionPlanInstructions :: Lens' UpdateControl (Maybe Text)
- updateControl_actionPlanTitle :: Lens' UpdateControl (Maybe Text)
- updateControl_description :: Lens' UpdateControl (Maybe Text)
- updateControl_controlId :: Lens' UpdateControl Text
- updateControl_name :: Lens' UpdateControl Text
- updateControl_controlMappingSources :: Lens' UpdateControl (NonEmpty ControlMappingSource)
- updateControlResponse_control :: Lens' UpdateControlResponse (Maybe Control)
- updateControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateControlResponse Int
- updateAssessmentControlSetStatus_assessmentId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatus Text
- updateAssessmentControlSetStatus_controlSetId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatus Text
- updateAssessmentControlSetStatus_status :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatus ControlSetStatus
- updateAssessmentControlSetStatus_comment :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatus Text
- updateAssessmentControlSetStatusResponse_controlSet :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatusResponse (Maybe AssessmentControlSet)
- updateAssessmentControlSetStatusResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatusResponse Int
- listControls_nextToken :: Lens' ListControls (Maybe Text)
- listControls_maxResults :: Lens' ListControls (Maybe Natural)
- listControls_controlType :: Lens' ListControls ControlType
- listControlsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListControlsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listControlsResponse_controlMetadataList :: Lens' ListControlsResponse (Maybe [ControlMetadata])
- listControlsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListControlsResponse Int
- associateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder_assessmentId :: Lens' AssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder Text
- associateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' AssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder Text
- associateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolderResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolderResponse Int
- getControl_controlId :: Lens' GetControl Text
- getControlResponse_control :: Lens' GetControlResponse (Maybe Control)
- getControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetControlResponse Int
- aWSAccount_name :: Lens' AWSAccount (Maybe Text)
- aWSAccount_emailAddress :: Lens' AWSAccount (Maybe Text)
- aWSAccount_id :: Lens' AWSAccount (Maybe Text)
- aWSService_serviceName :: Lens' AWSService (Maybe Text)
- assessment_framework :: Lens' Assessment (Maybe AssessmentFramework)
- assessment_arn :: Lens' Assessment (Maybe Text)
- assessment_awsAccount :: Lens' Assessment (Maybe AWSAccount)
- assessment_metadata :: Lens' Assessment (Maybe AssessmentMetadata)
- assessment_tags :: Lens' Assessment (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- assessmentControl_status :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe ControlStatus)
- assessmentControl_evidenceCount :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe Int)
- assessmentControl_response :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe ControlResponse)
- assessmentControl_name :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe Text)
- assessmentControl_id :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe Text)
- assessmentControl_evidenceSources :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe [Text])
- assessmentControl_comments :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe [ControlComment])
- assessmentControl_assessmentReportEvidenceCount :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe Int)
- assessmentControl_description :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe Text)
- assessmentControlSet_status :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe ControlSetStatus)
- assessmentControlSet_controls :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe [AssessmentControl])
- assessmentControlSet_roles :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe [Role])
- assessmentControlSet_manualEvidenceCount :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe Int)
- assessmentControlSet_delegations :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe [Delegation])
- assessmentControlSet_systemEvidenceCount :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe Int)
- assessmentControlSet_id :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe Text)
- assessmentControlSet_description :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe Text)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceByTypeComplianceCheckIssuesCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_controlSetId :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_assessmentReportSelectionCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_totalEvidence :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceByTypeManualCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_date :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe UTCTime)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_name :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceByTypeUserActivityCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_controlId :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceAwsServiceSourceCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_author :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_id :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_dataSource :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_controlName :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceByTypeComplianceCheckCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_assessmentId :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceByTypeConfigurationDataCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int)
- assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceResourcesIncludedCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int)
- assessmentFramework_arn :: Lens' AssessmentFramework (Maybe Text)
- assessmentFramework_controlSets :: Lens' AssessmentFramework (Maybe [AssessmentControlSet])
- assessmentFramework_metadata :: Lens' AssessmentFramework (Maybe FrameworkMetadata)
- assessmentFramework_id :: Lens' AssessmentFramework (Maybe Text)
- assessmentFrameworkMetadata_controlsCount :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Int)
- assessmentFrameworkMetadata_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
- assessmentFrameworkMetadata_arn :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentFrameworkMetadata_createdAt :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
- assessmentFrameworkMetadata_name :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentFrameworkMetadata_complianceType :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentFrameworkMetadata_controlSetsCount :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Int)
- assessmentFrameworkMetadata_id :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentFrameworkMetadata_type :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe FrameworkType)
- assessmentFrameworkMetadata_logo :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentFrameworkMetadata_description :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentMetadata_creationTime :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
- assessmentMetadata_status :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe AssessmentStatus)
- assessmentMetadata_lastUpdated :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
- assessmentMetadata_roles :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe [Role])
- assessmentMetadata_delegations :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe [Delegation])
- assessmentMetadata_name :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentMetadata_assessmentReportsDestination :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe AssessmentReportsDestination)
- assessmentMetadata_scope :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe Scope)
- assessmentMetadata_complianceType :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentMetadata_id :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentMetadata_description :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentMetadataItem_creationTime :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe UTCTime)
- assessmentMetadataItem_status :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe AssessmentStatus)
- assessmentMetadataItem_lastUpdated :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe UTCTime)
- assessmentMetadataItem_roles :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe [Role])
- assessmentMetadataItem_delegations :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe [Delegation])
- assessmentMetadataItem_name :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe Text)
- assessmentMetadataItem_complianceType :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe Text)
- assessmentMetadataItem_id :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReport_creationTime :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe UTCTime)
- assessmentReport_status :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe AssessmentReportStatus)
- assessmentReport_awsAccountId :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReport_name :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReport_author :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReport_id :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReport_assessmentId :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReport_description :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReport_assessmentName :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReportEvidenceError_errorCode :: Lens' AssessmentReportEvidenceError (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReportEvidenceError_errorMessage :: Lens' AssessmentReportEvidenceError (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReportEvidenceError_evidenceId :: Lens' AssessmentReportEvidenceError (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReportMetadata_creationTime :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
- assessmentReportMetadata_status :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe AssessmentReportStatus)
- assessmentReportMetadata_name :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReportMetadata_author :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReportMetadata_id :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReportMetadata_assessmentId :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReportMetadata_description :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReportMetadata_assessmentName :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReportsDestination_destination :: Lens' AssessmentReportsDestination (Maybe Text)
- assessmentReportsDestination_destinationType :: Lens' AssessmentReportsDestination (Maybe AssessmentReportDestinationType)
- batchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError_createDelegationRequest :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError (Maybe CreateDelegationRequest)
- batchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError_errorCode :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError (Maybe Text)
- batchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError (Maybe Text)
- batchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError_delegationId :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError (Maybe Text)
- batchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError_errorCode :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError (Maybe Text)
- batchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError (Maybe Text)
- batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError_errorCode :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError (Maybe Text)
- batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError (Maybe Text)
- batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError_manualEvidence :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError (Maybe ManualEvidence)
- changeLog_objectName :: Lens' ChangeLog (Maybe Text)
- changeLog_createdAt :: Lens' ChangeLog (Maybe UTCTime)
- changeLog_objectType :: Lens' ChangeLog (Maybe ObjectTypeEnum)
- changeLog_createdBy :: Lens' ChangeLog (Maybe Text)
- changeLog_action :: Lens' ChangeLog (Maybe ActionEnum)
- control_lastUpdatedBy :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text)
- control_testingInformation :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text)
- control_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' Control (Maybe UTCTime)
- control_arn :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text)
- control_createdAt :: Lens' Control (Maybe UTCTime)
- control_controlMappingSources :: Lens' Control (Maybe (NonEmpty ControlMappingSource))
- control_createdBy :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text)
- control_actionPlanInstructions :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text)
- control_controlSources :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text)
- control_name :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text)
- control_actionPlanTitle :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text)
- control_id :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text)
- control_type :: Lens' Control (Maybe ControlType)
- control_description :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text)
- control_tags :: Lens' Control (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- controlComment_authorName :: Lens' ControlComment (Maybe Text)
- controlComment_postedDate :: Lens' ControlComment (Maybe UTCTime)
- controlComment_commentBody :: Lens' ControlComment (Maybe Text)
- controlMappingSource_sourceName :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe Text)
- controlMappingSource_sourceType :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceType)
- controlMappingSource_troubleshootingText :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe Text)
- controlMappingSource_sourceId :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe Text)
- controlMappingSource_sourceDescription :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe Text)
- controlMappingSource_sourceFrequency :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceFrequency)
- controlMappingSource_sourceKeyword :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceKeyword)
- controlMappingSource_sourceSetUpOption :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceSetUpOption)
- controlMetadata_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' ControlMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
- controlMetadata_arn :: Lens' ControlMetadata (Maybe Text)
- controlMetadata_createdAt :: Lens' ControlMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
- controlMetadata_controlSources :: Lens' ControlMetadata (Maybe Text)
- controlMetadata_name :: Lens' ControlMetadata (Maybe Text)
- controlMetadata_id :: Lens' ControlMetadata (Maybe Text)
- controlSet_controls :: Lens' ControlSet (Maybe (NonEmpty Control))
- controlSet_name :: Lens' ControlSet (Maybe Text)
- controlSet_id :: Lens' ControlSet (Maybe Text)
- createAssessmentFrameworkControl_id :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFrameworkControl (Maybe Text)
- createAssessmentFrameworkControlSet_controls :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet (Maybe (NonEmpty CreateAssessmentFrameworkControl))
- createAssessmentFrameworkControlSet_name :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet Text
- createControlMappingSource_sourceName :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe Text)
- createControlMappingSource_sourceType :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceType)
- createControlMappingSource_troubleshootingText :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe Text)
- createControlMappingSource_sourceDescription :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe Text)
- createControlMappingSource_sourceFrequency :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceFrequency)
- createControlMappingSource_sourceKeyword :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceKeyword)
- createControlMappingSource_sourceSetUpOption :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceSetUpOption)
- createDelegationRequest_roleType :: Lens' CreateDelegationRequest (Maybe RoleType)
- createDelegationRequest_controlSetId :: Lens' CreateDelegationRequest (Maybe Text)
- createDelegationRequest_comment :: Lens' CreateDelegationRequest (Maybe Text)
- createDelegationRequest_roleArn :: Lens' CreateDelegationRequest (Maybe Text)
- delegation_roleType :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe RoleType)
- delegation_creationTime :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe UTCTime)
- delegation_status :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe DelegationStatus)
- delegation_lastUpdated :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe UTCTime)
- delegation_controlSetId :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text)
- delegation_createdBy :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text)
- delegation_id :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text)
- delegation_assessmentId :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text)
- delegation_comment :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text)
- delegation_roleArn :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text)
- delegation_assessmentName :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text)
- delegationMetadata_creationTime :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe UTCTime)
- delegationMetadata_status :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe DelegationStatus)
- delegationMetadata_controlSetName :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe Text)
- delegationMetadata_id :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe Text)
- delegationMetadata_assessmentId :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe Text)
- delegationMetadata_roleArn :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe Text)
- delegationMetadata_assessmentName :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe Text)
- evidence_time :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe UTCTime)
- evidence_assessmentReportSelection :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text)
- evidence_evidenceByType :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text)
- evidence_complianceCheck :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text)
- evidence_awsOrganization :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text)
- evidence_awsAccountId :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text)
- evidence_attributes :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- evidence_evidenceAwsAccountId :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text)
- evidence_id :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text)
- evidence_dataSource :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text)
- evidence_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text)
- evidence_iamId :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text)
- evidence_eventName :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text)
- evidence_resourcesIncluded :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe [Resource])
- evidence_eventSource :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text)
- framework_lastUpdatedBy :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text)
- framework_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' Framework (Maybe UTCTime)
- framework_arn :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text)
- framework_createdAt :: Lens' Framework (Maybe UTCTime)
- framework_createdBy :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text)
- framework_controlSets :: Lens' Framework (Maybe (NonEmpty ControlSet))
- framework_controlSources :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text)
- framework_name :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text)
- framework_complianceType :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text)
- framework_id :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text)
- framework_type :: Lens' Framework (Maybe FrameworkType)
- framework_logo :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text)
- framework_description :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text)
- framework_tags :: Lens' Framework (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- frameworkMetadata_name :: Lens' FrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text)
- frameworkMetadata_complianceType :: Lens' FrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text)
- frameworkMetadata_logo :: Lens' FrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text)
- frameworkMetadata_description :: Lens' FrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text)
- manualEvidence_s3ResourcePath :: Lens' ManualEvidence (Maybe Text)
- notification_controlSetName :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text)
- notification_controlSetId :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text)
- notification_eventTime :: Lens' Notification (Maybe UTCTime)
- notification_source :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text)
- notification_id :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text)
- notification_assessmentId :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text)
- notification_description :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text)
- notification_assessmentName :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text)
- resource_arn :: Lens' Resource (Maybe Text)
- resource_value :: Lens' Resource (Maybe Text)
- role_roleType :: Lens' Role (Maybe RoleType)
- role_roleArn :: Lens' Role (Maybe Text)
- scope_awsAccounts :: Lens' Scope (Maybe [AWSAccount])
- scope_awsServices :: Lens' Scope (Maybe [AWSService])
- serviceMetadata_category :: Lens' ServiceMetadata (Maybe Text)
- serviceMetadata_name :: Lens' ServiceMetadata (Maybe Text)
- serviceMetadata_displayName :: Lens' ServiceMetadata (Maybe Text)
- serviceMetadata_description :: Lens' ServiceMetadata (Maybe Text)
- settings_kmsKey :: Lens' Settings (Maybe Text)
- settings_defaultAssessmentReportsDestination :: Lens' Settings (Maybe AssessmentReportsDestination)
- settings_snsTopic :: Lens' Settings (Maybe Text)
- settings_defaultProcessOwners :: Lens' Settings (Maybe [Role])
- settings_isAwsOrgEnabled :: Lens' Settings (Maybe Bool)
- sourceKeyword_keywordInputType :: Lens' SourceKeyword (Maybe KeywordInputType)
- sourceKeyword_keywordValue :: Lens' SourceKeyword (Maybe Text)
- url_link :: Lens' URL (Maybe Text)
- url_hyperlinkName :: Lens' URL (Maybe Text)
- updateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet_controls :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet (Maybe (NonEmpty CreateAssessmentFrameworkControl))
- updateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet_id :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet (Maybe Text)
- updateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet_name :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet Text
createAssessmentReport_description :: Lens' CreateAssessmentReport (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the assessment report.
createAssessmentReport_name :: Lens' CreateAssessmentReport Text Source #
The name of the new assessment report.
createAssessmentReport_assessmentId :: Lens' CreateAssessmentReport Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
createAssessmentReportResponse_assessmentReport :: Lens' CreateAssessmentReportResponse (Maybe AssessmentReport) Source #
The new assessment report returned by the CreateAssessmentReport
createAssessmentReportResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAssessmentReportResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
registerOrganizationAdminAccount_adminAccountId :: Lens' RegisterOrganizationAdminAccount Text Source #
The identifier for the specified delegated administrator account.
registerOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_adminAccountId :: Lens' RegisterOrganizationAdminAccountResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified delegated administrator account.
registerOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_organizationId :: Lens' RegisterOrganizationAdminAccountResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified organization.
registerOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RegisterOrganizationAdminAccountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listNotifications_nextToken :: Lens' ListNotifications (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
listNotifications_maxResults :: Lens' ListNotifications (Maybe Natural) Source #
Represents the maximum number of results per page, or per API request call.
listNotificationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListNotificationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
listNotificationsResponse_notifications :: Lens' ListNotificationsResponse (Maybe [Notification]) Source #
The returned list of notifications.
listNotificationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListNotificationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchCreateDelegationByAssessment_createDelegationRequests :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment (NonEmpty CreateDelegationRequest) Source #
The API request to batch create delegations in Audit Manager.
batchCreateDelegationByAssessment_assessmentId :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
batchCreateDelegationByAssessmentResponse_delegations :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentResponse (Maybe [Delegation]) Source #
The delegations associated with the assessment.
batchCreateDelegationByAssessmentResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentResponse (Maybe [BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError]) Source #
A list of errors returned by the BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment
batchCreateDelegationByAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl_nextToken :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl_maxResults :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl (Maybe Natural) Source #
Represents the maximum number of results per page, or per API request call.
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl_assessmentId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl_controlSetId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified control set.
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl_controlId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified control.
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControlResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControlResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControlResponse_evidenceFolders :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControlResponse (Maybe [AssessmentEvidenceFolder]) Source #
The list of evidence folders returned by the
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentControlResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchDeleteDelegationByAssessment_delegationIds :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessment (NonEmpty Text) Source #
The identifiers for the specified delegations.
batchDeleteDelegationByAssessment_assessmentId :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessment Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
batchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentResponse (Maybe [BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError]) Source #
A list of errors returned by the BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessment
batchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the specified resource.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The list of tags returned by the ListTagsForResource
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getEvidence_assessmentId :: Lens' GetEvidence Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
getEvidence_controlSetId :: Lens' GetEvidence Text Source #
The identifier for the specified control set.
getEvidence_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' GetEvidence Text Source #
The identifier for the folder in which the evidence is stored.
getEvidence_evidenceId :: Lens' GetEvidence Text Source #
The identifier for the evidence.
getEvidenceResponse_evidence :: Lens' GetEvidenceResponse (Maybe Evidence) Source #
The evidence returned by the GetEvidenceResponse
getEvidenceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEvidenceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getServicesInScopeResponse_serviceMetadata :: Lens' GetServicesInScopeResponse (Maybe [ServiceMetadata]) Source #
The metadata associated with the Amazon Web Service.
getServicesInScopeResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetServicesInScopeResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence_assessmentId :: Lens' BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
batchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence Text Source #
The identifier for the folder in which evidence is stored.
batchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence_evidenceIds :: Lens' BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidence [Text] Source #
The list of evidence identifiers.
batchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse_evidenceIds :: Lens' BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The identifier for the evidence.
batchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse (Maybe [AssessmentReportEvidenceError]) Source #
A list of errors returned by the
batchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchDisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deregisterOrganizationAdminAccount_adminAccountId :: Lens' DeregisterOrganizationAdminAccount (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified administrator account.
deregisterOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeregisterOrganizationAdminAccountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getAssessmentReportUrl_assessmentReportId :: Lens' GetAssessmentReportUrl Text Source #
The identifier for the assessment report.
getAssessmentReportUrl_assessmentId :: Lens' GetAssessmentReportUrl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
getAssessmentReportUrlResponse_preSignedUrl :: Lens' GetAssessmentReportUrlResponse (Maybe URL) Source #
Undocumented member.
getAssessmentReportUrlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAssessmentReportUrlResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateAssessmentControl_controlStatus :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControl (Maybe ControlStatus) Source #
The status of the specified control.
updateAssessmentControl_commentBody :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The comment body text for the specified control.
updateAssessmentControl_assessmentId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
updateAssessmentControl_controlSetId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified control set.
updateAssessmentControl_controlId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified control.
updateAssessmentControlResponse_control :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlResponse (Maybe AssessmentControl) Source #
The name of the updated control set returned by the
updateAssessmentControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteAssessmentFramework_frameworkId :: Lens' DeleteAssessmentFramework Text Source #
The identifier for the specified framework.
deleteAssessmentFrameworkResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAssessmentFrameworkResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateAssessmentFramework_complianceType :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFramework (Maybe Text) Source #
The compliance type that the new custom framework supports, such as CIS or HIPAA.
updateAssessmentFramework_description :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFramework (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the framework that is to be updated.
updateAssessmentFramework_frameworkId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFramework Text Source #
The identifier for the specified framework.
updateAssessmentFramework_name :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFramework Text Source #
The name of the framework to be updated.
updateAssessmentFramework_controlSets :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFramework [UpdateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet] Source #
The control sets associated with the framework.
updateAssessmentFrameworkResponse_framework :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFrameworkResponse (Maybe Framework) Source #
The name of the specified framework.
updateAssessmentFrameworkResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFrameworkResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence_assessmentId :: Lens' BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence Text Source #
The unique identifier for the specified assessment.
batchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence Text Source #
The identifier for the folder in which the evidence is stored.
batchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence_evidenceIds :: Lens' BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidence [Text] Source #
The list of evidence identifiers.
batchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse_evidenceIds :: Lens' BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The identifier for the evidence.
batchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse (Maybe [AssessmentReportEvidenceError]) Source #
A list of errors returned by the
batchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchAssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getEvidenceByEvidenceFolder_nextToken :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
getEvidenceByEvidenceFolder_maxResults :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolder (Maybe Natural) Source #
Represents the maximum number of results per page, or per API request call.
getEvidenceByEvidenceFolder_assessmentId :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolder Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
getEvidenceByEvidenceFolder_controlSetId :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolder Text Source #
The identifier for the control set.
getEvidenceByEvidenceFolder_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolder Text Source #
The unique identifier for the folder in which the evidence is stored.
getEvidenceByEvidenceFolderResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolderResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
getEvidenceByEvidenceFolderResponse_evidence :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolderResponse (Maybe [Evidence]) Source #
The list of evidence returned by the GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolder
getEvidenceByEvidenceFolderResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEvidenceByEvidenceFolderResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createAssessmentFramework_complianceType :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFramework (Maybe Text) Source #
The compliance type that the new custom framework supports, such as CIS or HIPAA.
createAssessmentFramework_description :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFramework (Maybe Text) Source #
An optional description for the new custom framework.
createAssessmentFramework_tags :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFramework (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags associated with the framework.
createAssessmentFramework_name :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFramework Text Source #
The name of the new custom framework.
createAssessmentFramework_controlSets :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFramework (NonEmpty CreateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet) Source #
The control sets to be associated with the framework.
createAssessmentFrameworkResponse_framework :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFrameworkResponse (Maybe Framework) Source #
The name of the new framework returned by the
createAssessmentFrameworkResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFrameworkResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listKeywordsForDataSource_nextToken :: Lens' ListKeywordsForDataSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
listKeywordsForDataSource_maxResults :: Lens' ListKeywordsForDataSource (Maybe Natural) Source #
Represents the maximum number of results per page, or per API request call.
listKeywordsForDataSource_source :: Lens' ListKeywordsForDataSource SourceType Source #
The control mapping data source to which the keywords apply.
listKeywordsForDataSourceResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListKeywordsForDataSourceResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
listKeywordsForDataSourceResponse_keywords :: Lens' ListKeywordsForDataSourceResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of keywords for the specified event mapping source.
listKeywordsForDataSourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListKeywordsForDataSourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listAssessmentReports_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssessmentReports (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
listAssessmentReports_maxResults :: Lens' ListAssessmentReports (Maybe Natural) Source #
Represents the maximum number of results per page, or per API request call.
listAssessmentReportsResponse_assessmentReports :: Lens' ListAssessmentReportsResponse (Maybe [AssessmentReportMetadata]) Source #
The list of assessment reports returned by the ListAssessmentReports
listAssessmentReportsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssessmentReportsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
listAssessmentReportsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAssessmentReportsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
validateAssessmentReportIntegrity_s3RelativePath :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrity Text Source #
The relative path of the specified Amazon S3 bucket in which the assessment report is stored.
validateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse_signatureValid :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether the signature key is valid.
validateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse_validationErrors :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Represents any errors that occurred when validating the assessment report.
validateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse_signatureDateTime :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The date and time signature that specifies when the assessment report was created.
validateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse_signatureAlgorithm :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The signature algorithm used to code sign the assessment report file.
validateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse_signatureKeyId :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the validation signature key.
validateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ValidateAssessmentReportIntegrityResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deregisterAccountResponse_status :: Lens' DeregisterAccountResponse (Maybe AccountStatus) Source #
The registration status of the account.
deregisterAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeregisterAccountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteAssessmentReport_assessmentId :: Lens' DeleteAssessmentReport Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
deleteAssessmentReport_assessmentReportId :: Lens' DeleteAssessmentReport Text Source #
The unique identifier for the assessment report.
deleteAssessmentReportResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAssessmentReportResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateSettings_kmsKey :: Lens' UpdateSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
The KMS key details.
updateSettings_defaultAssessmentReportsDestination :: Lens' UpdateSettings (Maybe AssessmentReportsDestination) Source #
The default storage destination for assessment reports.
updateSettings_snsTopic :: Lens' UpdateSettings (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic to which Audit Manager sends notifications.
updateSettings_defaultProcessOwners :: Lens' UpdateSettings (Maybe [Role]) Source #
A list of the default audit owners.
updateSettingsResponse_settings :: Lens' UpdateSettingsResponse (Maybe Settings) Source #
The current list of settings.
updateSettingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateSettingsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getAssessmentFramework_frameworkId :: Lens' GetAssessmentFramework Text Source #
The identifier for the specified framework.
getAssessmentFrameworkResponse_framework :: Lens' GetAssessmentFrameworkResponse (Maybe Framework) Source #
The framework returned by the GetAssessmentFramework
getAssessmentFrameworkResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAssessmentFrameworkResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteAssessment_assessmentId :: Lens' DeleteAssessment Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
deleteAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteAssessmentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getChangeLogs_controlSetId :: Lens' GetChangeLogs (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified control set.
getChangeLogs_nextToken :: Lens' GetChangeLogs (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
getChangeLogs_controlId :: Lens' GetChangeLogs (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified control.
getChangeLogs_maxResults :: Lens' GetChangeLogs (Maybe Natural) Source #
Represents the maximum number of results per page, or per API request call.
getChangeLogs_assessmentId :: Lens' GetChangeLogs Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
getChangeLogsResponse_changeLogs :: Lens' GetChangeLogsResponse (Maybe [ChangeLog]) Source #
The list of user activity for the control.
getChangeLogsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetChangeLogsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
getChangeLogsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetChangeLogsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateAssessment_roles :: Lens' UpdateAssessment (Maybe [Role]) Source #
The list of roles for the specified assessment.
updateAssessment_assessmentDescription :: Lens' UpdateAssessment (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the specified assessment.
updateAssessment_assessmentReportsDestination :: Lens' UpdateAssessment (Maybe AssessmentReportsDestination) Source #
The assessment report storage destination for the specified assessment that is being updated.
updateAssessment_assessmentName :: Lens' UpdateAssessment (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the specified assessment to be updated.
updateAssessment_assessmentId :: Lens' UpdateAssessment Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
updateAssessment_scope :: Lens' UpdateAssessment Scope Source #
The scope of the specified assessment.
updateAssessmentResponse_assessment :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentResponse (Maybe Assessment) Source #
The response object (name of the updated assessment) for the
updateAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getDelegations_nextToken :: Lens' GetDelegations (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
getDelegations_maxResults :: Lens' GetDelegations (Maybe Natural) Source #
Represents the maximum number of results per page, or per API request call.
getDelegationsResponse_delegations :: Lens' GetDelegationsResponse (Maybe [DelegationMetadata]) Source #
The list of delegations returned by the GetDelegations
getDelegationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetDelegationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
getDelegationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDelegationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder_assessmentId :: Lens' DisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
disassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' DisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder Text Source #
The identifier for the folder in which evidence is stored.
disassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolderResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolderResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listAssessments_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssessments (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
listAssessments_maxResults :: Lens' ListAssessments (Maybe Natural) Source #
Represents the maximum number of results per page, or per API request call.
listAssessmentsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssessmentsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
listAssessmentsResponse_assessmentMetadata :: Lens' ListAssessmentsResponse (Maybe [AssessmentMetadataItem]) Source #
The metadata associated with the assessment.
listAssessmentsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAssessmentsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createAssessment_description :: Lens' CreateAssessment (Maybe Text) Source #
The optional description of the assessment to be created.
createAssessment_tags :: Lens' CreateAssessment (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags associated with the assessment.
createAssessment_name :: Lens' CreateAssessment Text Source #
The name of the assessment to be created.
createAssessment_assessmentReportsDestination :: Lens' CreateAssessment AssessmentReportsDestination Source #
The assessment report storage destination for the specified assessment that is being created.
createAssessment_scope :: Lens' CreateAssessment Scope Source #
Undocumented member.
createAssessment_roles :: Lens' CreateAssessment [Role] Source #
The list of roles for the specified assessment.
createAssessment_frameworkId :: Lens' CreateAssessment Text Source #
The identifier for the specified framework.
createAssessmentResponse_assessment :: Lens' CreateAssessmentResponse (Maybe Assessment) Source #
Undocumented member.
createAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateAssessmentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessment_nextToken :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessment (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessment_maxResults :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessment (Maybe Natural) Source #
Represents the maximum number of results per page, or per API request call.
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessment_assessmentId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessment Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentResponse_nextToken :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentResponse_evidenceFolders :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentResponse (Maybe [AssessmentEvidenceFolder]) Source #
The list of evidence folders returned by the
getEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEvidenceFoldersByAssessmentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
registerAccount_kmsKey :: Lens' RegisterAccount (Maybe Text) Source #
The KMS key details.
registerAccount_delegatedAdminAccount :: Lens' RegisterAccount (Maybe Text) Source #
The delegated administrator account for Audit Manager.
registerAccountResponse_status :: Lens' RegisterAccountResponse (Maybe AccountStatus) Source #
The status of the account registration request.
registerAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' RegisterAccountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getAssessment_assessmentId :: Lens' GetAssessment Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
getAssessmentResponse_userRole :: Lens' GetAssessmentResponse (Maybe Role) Source #
Undocumented member.
getAssessmentResponse_assessment :: Lens' GetAssessmentResponse (Maybe Assessment) Source #
Undocumented member.
getAssessmentResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAssessmentResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl_assessmentId :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl_controlSetId :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified control set.
batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl_controlId :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified control.
batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl_manualEvidence :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl (NonEmpty ManualEvidence) Source #
The list of manual evidence objects.
batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlResponse_errors :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlResponse (Maybe [BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError]) Source #
A list of errors returned by the
batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the specified resource.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text) Source #
The tags to be associated with the resource.
tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getEvidenceFolder_assessmentId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFolder Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
getEvidenceFolder_controlSetId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFolder Text Source #
The identifier for the specified control set.
getEvidenceFolder_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' GetEvidenceFolder Text Source #
The identifier for the folder in which the evidence is stored.
getEvidenceFolderResponse_evidenceFolder :: Lens' GetEvidenceFolderResponse (Maybe AssessmentEvidenceFolder) Source #
The folder in which evidence is stored.
getEvidenceFolderResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetEvidenceFolderResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listAssessmentFrameworks_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssessmentFrameworks (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
listAssessmentFrameworks_maxResults :: Lens' ListAssessmentFrameworks (Maybe Natural) Source #
Represents the maximum number of results per page, or per API request call.
listAssessmentFrameworks_frameworkType :: Lens' ListAssessmentFrameworks FrameworkType Source #
The type of framework, such as standard or custom.
listAssessmentFrameworksResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAssessmentFrameworksResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
listAssessmentFrameworksResponse_frameworkMetadataList :: Lens' ListAssessmentFrameworksResponse (Maybe [AssessmentFrameworkMetadata]) Source #
The list of metadata objects for the specified framework.
listAssessmentFrameworksResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAssessmentFrameworksResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createControl_testingInformation :: Lens' CreateControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The steps to follow to determine if the control has been satisfied.
createControl_actionPlanInstructions :: Lens' CreateControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The recommended actions to carry out if the control is not fulfilled.
createControl_actionPlanTitle :: Lens' CreateControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The title of the action plan for remediating the control.
createControl_description :: Lens' CreateControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the control.
createControl_tags :: Lens' CreateControl (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags associated with the control.
createControl_name :: Lens' CreateControl Text Source #
The name of the control.
createControl_controlMappingSources :: Lens' CreateControl (NonEmpty CreateControlMappingSource) Source #
The data mapping sources for the specified control.
createControlResponse_control :: Lens' CreateControlResponse (Maybe Control) Source #
The new control returned by the CreateControl
createControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateControlResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateAssessmentStatus_assessmentId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentStatus Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
updateAssessmentStatus_status :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentStatus AssessmentStatus Source #
The current status of the specified assessment.
updateAssessmentStatusResponse_assessment :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentStatusResponse (Maybe Assessment) Source #
The name of the updated assessment returned by the
updateAssessmentStatusResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentStatusResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getAccountStatusResponse_status :: Lens' GetAccountStatusResponse (Maybe AccountStatus) Source #
The status of the specified Amazon Web Services account.
getAccountStatusResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetAccountStatusResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the specified resource.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource (NonEmpty Text) Source #
The name or key of the tag.
untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getSettings_attribute :: Lens' GetSettings SettingAttribute Source #
The list of SettingAttribute
enum values.
getSettingsResponse_settings :: Lens' GetSettingsResponse (Maybe Settings) Source #
The settings object that holds all supported Audit Manager settings.
getSettingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetSettingsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_adminAccountId :: Lens' GetOrganizationAdminAccountResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified administrator account.
getOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_organizationId :: Lens' GetOrganizationAdminAccountResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified organization.
getOrganizationAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetOrganizationAdminAccountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteControl_controlId :: Lens' DeleteControl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified control.
deleteControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteControlResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateControl_testingInformation :: Lens' UpdateControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The steps that to follow to determine if the control has been satisfied.
updateControl_actionPlanInstructions :: Lens' UpdateControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The recommended actions to carry out if the control is not fulfilled.
updateControl_actionPlanTitle :: Lens' UpdateControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The title of the action plan for remediating the control.
updateControl_description :: Lens' UpdateControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The optional description of the control.
updateControl_controlId :: Lens' UpdateControl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified control.
updateControl_name :: Lens' UpdateControl Text Source #
The name of the control to be updated.
updateControl_controlMappingSources :: Lens' UpdateControl (NonEmpty ControlMappingSource) Source #
The data mapping sources for the specified control.
updateControlResponse_control :: Lens' UpdateControlResponse (Maybe Control) Source #
The name of the updated control set returned by the UpdateControl
updateControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateControlResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateAssessmentControlSetStatus_assessmentId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatus Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
updateAssessmentControlSetStatus_controlSetId :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatus Text Source #
The identifier for the specified control set.
updateAssessmentControlSetStatus_status :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatus ControlSetStatus Source #
The status of the control set that is being updated.
updateAssessmentControlSetStatus_comment :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatus Text Source #
The comment related to the status update.
updateAssessmentControlSetStatusResponse_controlSet :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatusResponse (Maybe AssessmentControlSet) Source #
The name of the updated control set returned by the
updateAssessmentControlSetStatusResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatusResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listControls_nextToken :: Lens' ListControls (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
listControls_maxResults :: Lens' ListControls (Maybe Natural) Source #
Represents the maximum number of results per page, or per API request call.
listControls_controlType :: Lens' ListControls ControlType Source #
The type of control, such as standard or custom.
listControlsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListControlsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination token used to fetch the next set of results.
listControlsResponse_controlMetadataList :: Lens' ListControlsResponse (Maybe [ControlMetadata]) Source #
The list of control metadata objects returned by the ListControls
listControlsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListControlsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
associateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder_assessmentId :: Lens' AssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder Text Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
associateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' AssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolder Text Source #
The identifier for the folder in which evidence is stored.
associateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolderResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AssociateAssessmentReportEvidenceFolderResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getControl_controlId :: Lens' GetControl Text Source #
The identifier for the specified control.
getControlResponse_control :: Lens' GetControlResponse (Maybe Control) Source #
The name of the control returned by the GetControl
getControlResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetControlResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
aWSAccount_name :: Lens' AWSAccount (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the specified Amazon Web Services account.
aWSAccount_emailAddress :: Lens' AWSAccount (Maybe Text) Source #
The email address associated with the specified Amazon Web Services account.
aWSAccount_id :: Lens' AWSAccount (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified Amazon Web Services account.
aWSService_serviceName :: Lens' AWSService (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon Web Service.
assessment_framework :: Lens' Assessment (Maybe AssessmentFramework) Source #
The framework from which the assessment was created.
assessment_arn :: Lens' Assessment (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the assessment.
assessment_awsAccount :: Lens' Assessment (Maybe AWSAccount) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account associated with the assessment.
assessment_metadata :: Lens' Assessment (Maybe AssessmentMetadata) Source #
The metadata for the specified assessment.
assessment_tags :: Lens' Assessment (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags associated with the assessment.
assessmentControl_status :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe ControlStatus) Source #
The status of the specified control.
assessmentControl_evidenceCount :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of evidence generated for the control.
assessmentControl_response :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe ControlResponse) Source #
The response of the specified control.
assessmentControl_name :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the specified control.
assessmentControl_id :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified control.
assessmentControl_evidenceSources :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of data sources for the specified evidence.
assessmentControl_comments :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe [ControlComment]) Source #
The list of comments attached to the specified control.
assessmentControl_assessmentReportEvidenceCount :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of evidence in the assessment report.
assessmentControl_description :: Lens' AssessmentControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the specified control.
assessmentControlSet_status :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe ControlSetStatus) Source #
Specifies the current status of the control set.
assessmentControlSet_controls :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe [AssessmentControl]) Source #
The list of controls contained with the control set.
assessmentControlSet_roles :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe [Role]) Source #
The roles associated with the control set.
assessmentControlSet_manualEvidenceCount :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe Int) Source #
The total number of evidence objects uploaded manually to the control set.
assessmentControlSet_delegations :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe [Delegation]) Source #
The delegations associated with the control set.
assessmentControlSet_systemEvidenceCount :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe Int) Source #
The total number of evidence objects retrieved automatically for the control set.
assessmentControlSet_id :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the control set in the assessment. This is the control set name in a plain string format.
assessmentControlSet_description :: Lens' AssessmentControlSet (Maybe Text) Source #
The description for the control set.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceByTypeComplianceCheckIssuesCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int) Source #
The total number of issues that were reported directly from Security Hub, Config, or both.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_controlSetId :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the control set.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_assessmentReportSelectionCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int) Source #
The total count of evidence included in the assessment report.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_totalEvidence :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int) Source #
The total amount of evidence in the evidence folder.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceByTypeManualCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of evidence that falls under the manual category. This evidence is imported manually.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_date :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date when the first evidence was added to the evidence folder.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_name :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the specified evidence folder.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceByTypeUserActivityCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of evidence that falls under the user activity category. This evidence is collected from CloudTrail logs.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_controlId :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the specified control.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceAwsServiceSourceCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int) Source #
The total number of Amazon Web Services resources assessed to generate the evidence.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_author :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the user who created the evidence folder.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_id :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the folder in which evidence is stored.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_dataSource :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Service from which the evidence was collected.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_controlName :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the control.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceByTypeComplianceCheckCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of evidence that falls under the compliance check category. This evidence is collected from Config or Security Hub.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_assessmentId :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceByTypeConfigurationDataCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of evidence that falls under the configuration data category. This evidence is collected from configuration snapshots of other Amazon Web Services services such as Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, or IAM.
assessmentEvidenceFolder_evidenceResourcesIncludedCount :: Lens' AssessmentEvidenceFolder (Maybe Int) Source #
The amount of evidence included in the evidence folder.
assessmentFramework_arn :: Lens' AssessmentFramework (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the specified framework.
assessmentFramework_controlSets :: Lens' AssessmentFramework (Maybe [AssessmentControlSet]) Source #
The control sets associated with the framework.
assessmentFramework_metadata :: Lens' AssessmentFramework (Maybe FrameworkMetadata) Source #
Undocumented member.
assessmentFramework_id :: Lens' AssessmentFramework (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the framework.
assessmentFrameworkMetadata_controlsCount :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of controls associated with the specified framework.
assessmentFrameworkMetadata_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the framework was most recently updated.
assessmentFrameworkMetadata_arn :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the framework.
assessmentFrameworkMetadata_createdAt :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the framework was created.
assessmentFrameworkMetadata_name :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the specified framework.
assessmentFrameworkMetadata_complianceType :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The compliance type that the new custom framework supports, such as CIS or HIPAA.
assessmentFrameworkMetadata_controlSetsCount :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of control sets associated with the specified framework.
assessmentFrameworkMetadata_id :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identified for the specified framework.
assessmentFrameworkMetadata_type :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe FrameworkType) Source #
The framework type, such as standard or custom.
assessmentFrameworkMetadata_logo :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The logo associated with the framework.
assessmentFrameworkMetadata_description :: Lens' AssessmentFrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the specified framework.
assessmentMetadata_creationTime :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the assessment was created.
assessmentMetadata_status :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe AssessmentStatus) Source #
The overall status of the assessment.
assessmentMetadata_lastUpdated :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of the most recent update.
assessmentMetadata_roles :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe [Role]) Source #
The roles associated with the assessment.
assessmentMetadata_delegations :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe [Delegation]) Source #
The delegations associated with the assessment.
assessmentMetadata_name :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the assessment.
assessmentMetadata_assessmentReportsDestination :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe AssessmentReportsDestination) Source #
The destination in which evidence reports are stored for the specified assessment.
assessmentMetadata_scope :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe Scope) Source #
The wrapper of Amazon Web Services accounts and services in scope for the assessment.
assessmentMetadata_complianceType :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of a compliance standard related to the assessment, such as PCI-DSS.
assessmentMetadata_id :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the assessment.
assessmentMetadata_description :: Lens' AssessmentMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the assessment.
assessmentMetadataItem_creationTime :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the assessment was created.
assessmentMetadataItem_status :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe AssessmentStatus) Source #
The current status of the assessment.
assessmentMetadataItem_lastUpdated :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of the most recent update.
assessmentMetadataItem_roles :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe [Role]) Source #
The roles associated with the assessment.
assessmentMetadataItem_delegations :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe [Delegation]) Source #
The delegations associated with the assessment.
assessmentMetadataItem_name :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the assessment.
assessmentMetadataItem_complianceType :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the compliance standard related to the assessment, such as PCI-DSS.
assessmentMetadataItem_id :: Lens' AssessmentMetadataItem (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the assessment.
assessmentReport_creationTime :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the assessment report was created.
assessmentReport_status :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe AssessmentReportStatus) Source #
The current status of the specified assessment report.
assessmentReport_awsAccountId :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified Amazon Web Services account.
assessmentReport_name :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text) Source #
The name given to the assessment report.
assessmentReport_author :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the user who created the assessment report.
assessmentReport_id :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the specified assessment report.
assessmentReport_assessmentId :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
assessmentReport_description :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the specified assessment report.
assessmentReport_assessmentName :: Lens' AssessmentReport (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the associated assessment.
assessmentReportEvidenceError_errorCode :: Lens' AssessmentReportEvidenceError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error code returned by the AssessmentReportEvidence
assessmentReportEvidenceError_errorMessage :: Lens' AssessmentReportEvidenceError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error message returned by the AssessmentReportEvidence
assessmentReportEvidenceError_evidenceId :: Lens' AssessmentReportEvidenceError (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the evidence.
assessmentReportMetadata_creationTime :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the assessment report was created.
assessmentReportMetadata_status :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe AssessmentReportStatus) Source #
The current status of the assessment report.
assessmentReportMetadata_name :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the assessment report.
assessmentReportMetadata_author :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the user who created the assessment report.
assessmentReportMetadata_id :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the assessment report.
assessmentReportMetadata_assessmentId :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the associated assessment.
assessmentReportMetadata_description :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the specified assessment report.
assessmentReportMetadata_assessmentName :: Lens' AssessmentReportMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the associated assessment.
assessmentReportsDestination_destination :: Lens' AssessmentReportsDestination (Maybe Text) Source #
The destination of the assessment report.
assessmentReportsDestination_destinationType :: Lens' AssessmentReportsDestination (Maybe AssessmentReportDestinationType) Source #
The destination type, such as Amazon S3.
batchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError_createDelegationRequest :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError (Maybe CreateDelegationRequest) Source #
The API request to batch create delegations in Audit Manager.
batchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError_errorCode :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error code returned by the BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment
batchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchCreateDelegationByAssessmentError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error message returned by the BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment
batchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError_delegationId :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified delegation.
batchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError_errorCode :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error code returned by the BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessment
batchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessmentError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error message returned by the BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessment
batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError_errorCode :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error code returned by the BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl
batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error message returned by the
batchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError_manualEvidence :: Lens' BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControlError (Maybe ManualEvidence) Source #
Manual evidence that cannot be collected automatically by Audit Manager.
changeLog_createdAt :: Lens' ChangeLog (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time of creation for the changelog object.
changeLog_objectType :: Lens' ChangeLog (Maybe ObjectTypeEnum) Source #
The changelog object type, such as an assessment, control, or control set.
changeLog_createdBy :: Lens' ChangeLog (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM user or role that performed the action.
changeLog_action :: Lens' ChangeLog (Maybe ActionEnum) Source #
The action performed.
control_lastUpdatedBy :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM user or role that most recently updated the control.
control_testingInformation :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text) Source #
The steps to follow to determine if the control has been satisfied.
control_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' Control (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the control was most recently updated.
control_arn :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the specified control.
control_controlMappingSources :: Lens' Control (Maybe (NonEmpty ControlMappingSource)) Source #
The data mapping sources for the specified control.
control_createdBy :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM user or role that created the control.
control_actionPlanInstructions :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text) Source #
The recommended actions to carry out if the control is not fulfilled.
control_controlSources :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text) Source #
The data source that determines from where Audit Manager collects evidence for the control.
control_actionPlanTitle :: Lens' Control (Maybe Text) Source #
The title of the action plan for remediating the control.
control_type :: Lens' Control (Maybe ControlType) Source #
The type of control, such as custom or standard.
control_tags :: Lens' Control (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags associated with the control.
controlComment_authorName :: Lens' ControlComment (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the user who authored the comment.
controlComment_postedDate :: Lens' ControlComment (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the comment was posted.
controlComment_commentBody :: Lens' ControlComment (Maybe Text) Source #
The body text of a control comment.
controlMappingSource_sourceName :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the specified source.
controlMappingSource_sourceType :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceType) Source #
Specifies one of the five types of data sources for evidence collection.
controlMappingSource_troubleshootingText :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The instructions for troubleshooting the specified control.
controlMappingSource_sourceId :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the specified source.
controlMappingSource_sourceDescription :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the specified source.
controlMappingSource_sourceFrequency :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceFrequency) Source #
The frequency of evidence collection for the specified control mapping source.
controlMappingSource_sourceKeyword :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceKeyword) Source #
Undocumented member.
controlMappingSource_sourceSetUpOption :: Lens' ControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceSetUpOption) Source #
The setup option for the data source, which reflects if the evidence collection is automated or manual.
controlMetadata_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' ControlMetadata (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the control was most recently updated.
controlMetadata_arn :: Lens' ControlMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the specified control.
controlMetadata_createdAt :: Lens' ControlMetadata (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the control was created.
controlMetadata_controlSources :: Lens' ControlMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The data source that determines from where Audit Manager collects evidence for the control.
controlMetadata_name :: Lens' ControlMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the specified control.
controlMetadata_id :: Lens' ControlMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the specified control.
controlSet_controls :: Lens' ControlSet (Maybe (NonEmpty Control)) Source #
The list of controls within the control set.
controlSet_name :: Lens' ControlSet (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the control set.
controlSet_id :: Lens' ControlSet (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier of the control set in the assessment. This is the control set name in a plain string format.
createAssessmentFrameworkControl_id :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFrameworkControl (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier of the control.
createAssessmentFrameworkControlSet_controls :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet (Maybe (NonEmpty CreateAssessmentFrameworkControl)) Source #
The list of controls within the control set. This does not contain the control set ID.
createAssessmentFrameworkControlSet_name :: Lens' CreateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet Text Source #
The name of the specified control set.
createControlMappingSource_sourceName :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the control mapping data source.
createControlMappingSource_sourceType :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceType) Source #
Specifies one of the five types of data sources for evidence collection.
createControlMappingSource_troubleshootingText :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The instructions for troubleshooting the specified control.
createControlMappingSource_sourceDescription :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the data source that determines from where Audit Manager collects evidence for the control.
createControlMappingSource_sourceFrequency :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceFrequency) Source #
The frequency of evidence collection for the specified control mapping source.
createControlMappingSource_sourceKeyword :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceKeyword) Source #
Undocumented member.
createControlMappingSource_sourceSetUpOption :: Lens' CreateControlMappingSource (Maybe SourceSetUpOption) Source #
The setup option for the data source, which reflects if the evidence collection is automated or manual.
createDelegationRequest_roleType :: Lens' CreateDelegationRequest (Maybe RoleType) Source #
The type of customer persona.
In CreateAssessment
, roleType
can only be PROCESS_OWNER
In UpdateSettings
, roleType
can only be PROCESS_OWNER
In BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment
, roleType
can only be
createDelegationRequest_controlSetId :: Lens' CreateDelegationRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the control set.
createDelegationRequest_comment :: Lens' CreateDelegationRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
A comment related to the delegation request.
createDelegationRequest_roleArn :: Lens' CreateDelegationRequest (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.
delegation_roleType :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe RoleType) Source #
The type of customer persona.
In CreateAssessment
, roleType
can only be PROCESS_OWNER
In UpdateSettings
, roleType
can only be PROCESS_OWNER
In BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment
, roleType
can only be
delegation_creationTime :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the delegation was created.
delegation_status :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe DelegationStatus) Source #
The status of the delegation.
delegation_lastUpdated :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the delegation was last updated.
delegation_controlSetId :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the associated control set.
delegation_createdBy :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM user or role that created the delegation.
delegation_id :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the delegation.
delegation_assessmentId :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the associated assessment.
delegation_comment :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text) Source #
The comment related to the delegation.
delegation_roleArn :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.
delegation_assessmentName :: Lens' Delegation (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the associated assessment.
delegationMetadata_creationTime :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the delegation was created.
delegationMetadata_status :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe DelegationStatus) Source #
The current status of the delgation.
delegationMetadata_controlSetName :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the name of the control set delegated for review.
delegationMetadata_id :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the delegation.
delegationMetadata_assessmentId :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the specified assessment.
delegationMetadata_roleArn :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.
delegationMetadata_assessmentName :: Lens' DelegationMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the associated assessment.
evidence_time :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The timestamp that represents when the evidence was collected.
evidence_assessmentReportSelection :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies whether the evidence is included in the assessment report.
evidence_complianceCheck :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text) Source #
The evaluation status for evidence that falls under the compliance check category. For evidence collected from Security Hub, a Pass or Fail result is shown. For evidence collected from Config, a Compliant or Noncompliant result is shown.
evidence_awsOrganization :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account from which the evidence is collected, and its organization path.
evidence_awsAccountId :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified Amazon Web Services account.
evidence_attributes :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The names and values used by the evidence event, including an attribute
name (such as allowUsersToChangePassword
) and value (such as true
evidence_evidenceAwsAccountId :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified Amazon Web Services account.
evidence_dataSource :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text) Source #
The data source from which the specified evidence was collected.
evidence_evidenceFolderId :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the folder in which the evidence is stored.
evidence_iamId :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the IAM user or role associated with the evidence.
evidence_resourcesIncluded :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe [Resource]) Source #
The list of resources assessed to generate the evidence.
evidence_eventSource :: Lens' Evidence (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Service from which the evidence is collected.
framework_lastUpdatedBy :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM user or role that most recently updated the framework.
framework_lastUpdatedAt :: Lens' Framework (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the framework was most recently updated.
framework_arn :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the specified framework.
framework_createdAt :: Lens' Framework (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Specifies when the framework was created.
framework_createdBy :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM user or role that created the framework.
framework_controlSets :: Lens' Framework (Maybe (NonEmpty ControlSet)) Source #
The control sets associated with the framework.
framework_controlSources :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text) Source #
The sources from which Audit Manager collects evidence for the control.
framework_complianceType :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text) Source #
The compliance type that the new custom framework supports, such as CIS or HIPAA.
framework_id :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the specified framework.
framework_type :: Lens' Framework (Maybe FrameworkType) Source #
The framework type, such as custom or standard.
framework_description :: Lens' Framework (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the specified framework.
framework_tags :: Lens' Framework (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags associated with the framework.
frameworkMetadata_name :: Lens' FrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the framework.
frameworkMetadata_complianceType :: Lens' FrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The compliance standard associated with the framework, such as PCI-DSS or HIPAA.
frameworkMetadata_logo :: Lens' FrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The logo associated with the framework.
frameworkMetadata_description :: Lens' FrameworkMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the framework.
manualEvidence_s3ResourcePath :: Lens' ManualEvidence (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon S3 URL that points to a manual evidence object.
notification_controlSetName :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text) Source #
Specifies the name of the control set that the notification is about.
notification_controlSetId :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified control set.
notification_eventTime :: Lens' Notification (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time when the notification was sent.
notification_source :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text) Source #
The sender of the notification.
notification_id :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the notification.
notification_assessmentId :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text) Source #
The identifier for the specified assessment.
notification_description :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the notification.
notification_assessmentName :: Lens' Notification (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the related assessment.
resource_arn :: Lens' Resource (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the specified resource.
role_roleType :: Lens' Role (Maybe RoleType) Source #
The type of customer persona.
In CreateAssessment
, roleType
can only be PROCESS_OWNER
In UpdateSettings
, roleType
can only be PROCESS_OWNER
In BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment
, roleType
can only be
scope_awsAccounts :: Lens' Scope (Maybe [AWSAccount]) Source #
The Amazon Web Services accounts included in the scope of the assessment.
scope_awsServices :: Lens' Scope (Maybe [AWSService]) Source #
The Amazon Web Services services included in the scope of the assessment.
serviceMetadata_category :: Lens' ServiceMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The category in which the Amazon Web Service belongs, such as compute, storage, database, and so on.
serviceMetadata_name :: Lens' ServiceMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon Web Service.
serviceMetadata_displayName :: Lens' ServiceMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The display name of the Amazon Web Service.
serviceMetadata_description :: Lens' ServiceMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the specified Amazon Web Service.
settings_defaultAssessmentReportsDestination :: Lens' Settings (Maybe AssessmentReportsDestination) Source #
The default storage destination for assessment reports.
settings_snsTopic :: Lens' Settings (Maybe Text) Source #
The designated Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.
settings_defaultProcessOwners :: Lens' Settings (Maybe [Role]) Source #
The designated default audit owners.
settings_isAwsOrgEnabled :: Lens' Settings (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether Organizations is enabled.
sourceKeyword_keywordInputType :: Lens' SourceKeyword (Maybe KeywordInputType) Source #
The method of input for the specified keyword.
sourceKeyword_keywordValue :: Lens' SourceKeyword (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the keyword used to search CloudTrail logs, Config rules, Security Hub checks, and Amazon Web Services API names when mapping a control data source.
url_hyperlinkName :: Lens' URL (Maybe Text) Source #
The name or word used as a hyperlink to the URL.
updateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet_controls :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet (Maybe (NonEmpty CreateAssessmentFrameworkControl)) Source #
The list of controls contained within the control set.
updateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet_id :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique identifier for the control set.
updateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet_name :: Lens' UpdateAssessmentFrameworkControlSet Text Source #
The name of the control set.